DRAMATIC. VAUDEVILLE. CIRCUS. Copyright, 1906, bj tee Frank Queen Publlibtn( Company (Limited). Fcundod by FRANK QUEEN, 1863, NEW YORK, JUNE 2, 1906. VOLUME LIV.-No. 16. Price, 10 Centi. 406 THE 1ST3W YORK CLIPPER. June 2 J\v$ Clipper's Anecdotes, Personalities anil Comments, COHCIBHIlta STAGE FOLK and Sometimes OTHEHS BT J OSEPHINE GEO. To many there It area a humorous side to ft tragedy. The recent terrible flutter it Ban Francisco (are rise to humorous condi- tion! and happen log* that are beginning to be recalled, now that the passing. of even a short time le beginning to doll tbe horrori of tbe earthquake In the mlnda of tbe suf- ferers. Tbe following were Jnat receWed from Ban Franclico, through ft realdent of the Ill- fated city: There wai ft big studio bnlldlng situated In tbe lower part of tbe town, and In It were quartered many prominent artists and Illus- trators of tbe eoaat A famous artlit there, well known In New York and among tbe members of tbe Lambs, was, like moat others, awakened by tbe falling of plaster and tbe rocking of tbe bnlldlng. Knowing Instantly that the cause WftB an earthquake, be made a rush for bis door, which be was unable to open. He then hurriedly snatcbed np bis eboes and trousers, and, going to tbe window, threw them out, and quickly followed them with a two-story Jump, that resulted In sev- eral cuts and bruises. Joining some artist friends, wboae state or nndresa was similar to his own, be hastily attired bis lega and feet In their usual cover- ings, and, with the others, began their walk toward the upper part of town. In his hurry, and the confusion of the general rush, however, the great urtlat had neglected to adjust his linen (and be waa not the only one on the street tbat morning whose drees was disordered), apperlng In tbe procession with a part of his shirt outside of bis trousers, a 1ft Cblnaman. Further uptown a man spoke to him and said: "Excuse me, Sir, but perhaps you are not aware that your sblrt Is outside." Such slight disarrangement of apparel mattered nothing to the fleeing ones tbat morning, and It struck tbe artist that amid so much trouble and terror this notice of bla hasty toilet was at that time unwarranted, and that there were more Important things at the moment to be considered, so to tbe over-particular person he said : "Ah, Is that so ! Well, will yon pleaae tell me If my hat Is on straight?" and passed on with bis friends, who bad not yet noted bis appearance. i Another artist, a woman, who has achieved fame and dollars on the coast, had her atudto In the afore-mentioned building. Tbe whole aide of her room fell In, and she barely got out alive. Catching up a dress, she then rushed to her desk and wrote on a card : "Am safe — will not return to-day," and pinned the message on her door In the spot tbat ao often had held notices for callers that usually read, "Will return In a few minutes." * Directly after tbe earthquake, as fires were breaking out all over the city, a man rushed Into the drug store of a friend of the writer, and exclaimed : "I want a box of face-powder, quick." "What kind?" asked the clerk, who was about to pack up a few belongings and think- ing It a queer time to be buying face decora- tion. "La Blanche— white," exclaimed the cus- tomer, who returned five minutes later with bis package and said : "Say, my wife wants pink." And be waited for it. Hotel Eugene, on O'Farrell Street, was patronised principally by the profession. When the fire bad come so close to tbat vicinity as to drive guests from It, a wild- eyed young man attempted to re-enter. Some friend sought to restrain htm with the warn- ing tbat If he went back upstairs, he might never be able to return. "But I must »avc my part," be exclaimed desperately, "It Is the Drat that I've got after a year's 'suplng,' and you wouldn't have me lose It now, would you?" And the poor aspirant went back to save tbe "part" with as desperate a solicitude as one might exert to save a life. In a few momenta he returned, but wltbout the object of his anxiety, for In tbe confusion of his room it could not be found. "Never mind," said his friend, trying to comfort blm, "It waa a bad part anyhow." 9 Another theatrical guest of tbe Eugene attested bis devotion to his histrionic career by appearing at the entrance In his pajamas, and In his arms were two large scrap books filled with bla newspaper notices. They were bis most priceless possessions. One of his pro- fessional friends rallied him on the character of bis salvage, adding: "Why on earth didn't you grab your Jewelry and clothes?" "1 can work a few weeks and get more Jewelry," he said, "but I'd have to work a few years to get as many more good notices." 9 E. Axelson, of Spokane, relates the follow- ing account of the reunion of a theatrical family after the catastrophe : About ten years ago the members of tbe Jessie Shirley Co. arranged a certain whistle by which they made known their presence, one to another, wherever they might he. At this time EDfie Bond waa with the company and learned the whistle, which became a sort of general family signal later. Miss Bond, who, with her husband, Will R. Walling, played leads with the Torkvllle Stock Co., of New York, last season, was playing at the San Francisco Alcaaar at the time of the disaster. Walling had a few days previously gone to a roach they owned not far from tbe Golden Gate City, and on hearing tbe ftwful news, hastened to the ter- rible scene. The home where he had left bis wife and child, was destroyed, and the dis- tracted actor began a search of the places where refugees were congregated. He walked desperately a day and a night, block after block, and with parched lips whistled tbe old recognition slgnsl of the Bhlrleys, In hopes of bearing en echo of It from the lips of bla wife. Finally, on reaching Jefferson Square, worn and thirsty, his tired lips scarcely moist enough for a clear whistle, Ma call met an answering one from a group In the Square, and a moment later Efie Bond was In the anna of her husband. In speaking of her experiences whan first going upon the stage to sing In comic open, Margaret McKloney, prominent later In "San Toy," tells how she made her first profes- sional appointment for eleven o'clock one morning to go to a popular New York mana- ger's office to sing for him. Sendlog In ber card, and afterward enter- ing where three or four others were ahead of ber on the waiting list, aha at last made known her wish for en engagement to sing In at least a small part "Well," said the manager, with ao refer- ence to hearing the singing of tbe young woman, ''what's your stage appearance — I'd like you to show me some photographs of yourself, In tights, for Instance. Miss McKlnney, who hsd dose plenty of high class concert work, but had made no stage appearance, was taken. a hit by sur- prise at this demand, bat rallied after ft mo- ment and replied : "No, 1 bave so pictures In tights. But I was not aware that yon Judged voices by tbe slxe and shape of tbe legs. Good morning 1" 9 While on the subject of California, It is not out of place here to speak of the In- tensely dramatic play that Harab Ellis Byan, the novelist sod playwright, la making from ber last and best book, "For the Soul of Raphael," a romance of old California. She bas already dramatised her extremely popular hooks, "Told In the Hills," "The Bondwoman," "Squaw Elolse," and others, work tbat baa been done with the strong touch of one who knows her way. For Mrs. Byan is the widow of a sterling manager, who had always consulted her about his dramatic work, and she studied and learned much through this. While at work on this powerfully written romance for the past two years, Mrs. Byan bas been living alone In the old deserted Mission at San Juan Caplstrano, which she has made tbe locality of her story, which deals principally with the Mexicans and Indlo Mexicans, and those of mixed Spanish blood who dwelt there In tbe romantic days close upon the "nO's." Tbe book Is exquisitely Illustrated with pictures of that romantic corner of the States, made under the supervision of the artist who composed tbe situations. This old Mission wss partially overthrown la 1812, by ft terrific earthquake, and tbe rains are tbe most picturesque on the coast of California. World of Players, Fume Damsxs sailed for Europe on May 19. He has signed a contract with Charles Dillingham, by which be will continue under the direction of that manager for tbe next three years. For tbe first part of next season he will appear In "Sergeant Brae," and In the Spring Mr. Dillingham will present him In a new musical comedy, entitled "Omar." The music Is by Victor Herbert, and the book by Hsrry B. Bmlth and A. N. C. Fowler. Among trope sailing for Europe on May 19 were Ryrle Bellew and Kitty Cheatham Thompson. Tom Lanc-astse, after thirty-four weeks In the middle West, closed at the Lyric Theatre, Cleveland, May 19. He will take a two weeks' vacation at bis home In Newcastle Del., before opening at tbe head of one of the vaudeville companies playing tbe Blake New England circuit. Mbta Ei Mum writes : "1 waa granted an absolute divorce from Wo.. B. Avers, pro- fessionally known as Wm. Sheffield, on Hay 4, at my borne city, Duluth, Minn." Mux. Ytettb Ouilbebt and Edyth Walker aatled May IB, for Europe. NSWB CONCERNING THE AbOBX PBODOC- tions. — Tbe Aborn Summer opera companies will operate tbls year as follows: Tbe Or- Sheum Opera Co., at the Orpbeum Theatre, rooklyn : tbe Albambra Opera Co., at the Al* hambra, in Harlem : the Aborn Opera Co., at tbe Nixon Theatre. Pittsburg; the Aborn Opera Co., at Olympic Park, Newark. Other cities will be announced later. Included In Notes raoM tits Tolsoh Stock Co, sup- porting Lorena Tolson--— This ■ttractlnn closed a very succeaaful season of thirty- nine weeks at Hot Springs, Ark., May 6. The company traveled nearly six, tboussnd mUes, touring Missouri, Arkansas, Indlsn Territory, Mississippi, Kansas Tennessee. Oklahoma Ter- ritory and Louisiana, to splendid business, playing many return dates, including two weeks at Hot Springs, four weeks at Little Bock sod two weeks at Fort Smith. The company was under tbe management of Will F Canton. Virginia Dru Dorothy made her first apearance on any stage at the Capitol Theatre, Little Rock. Ark., Anrll 23, with the Tolson Stock Co. She Is tbe one year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Dorothy. the list of people engaged for the various companies are: Countess Olga von Hatzfeldt, Harold Blake, William Wolf. J. K. Murray, Clara Lane, F. Stanton Heck, Karl Stall. VI- vla Brewster, Ethel Dnfre Houston. Agnes Stone, Campbell Donald, Maurice Hageman, Hubert Wflke, Claude Llgbtner, Martin Chessman, Grace Orr Myers. Annie Myers, Klara Farm, Minnie Jarbeau, Hattle Arnold. Harry Carter, Horace Wright, F. J. McCar- thy, Robert Lett, Naomi Arnold, Joseph W. Smith, Frank Wooley, Bertie Dale, Joseph Nlcol, Carl Barton, Howard Cook, Madeline Cook, Gertrude Rntledge, Ben Lodge and a chorus of over two hundred. Operas to be presented Include : '-Robin Hood." "The Ser- enade," "Dolly Varden," "Tbe Fortune Tell- er," "The Singing Girl," "Wang," as well as thirty standard and grand operas. Dilobb Stock Co. Notes. — On Wednesday evening, May 9, the Dllger Stock Co., which opened Its season at the Grand Opera House, Herkimer, was entertained there by tbe Har- mony Conclave, No. 15, Economy Relief Asso- ciation, through tbe courtesy of General Deputy C. E. Dhuster, at a grand ball and supper. The entire committee attended tbe evening performance, and occupied the boxes, accompanied by their lady friends. In full evening drees. Fred Dllger and Miss LeBlanc led the supper march of- one hundred cou- ples to-the banquet room of tbe Grange Tem- ple, which was beautifully decorated, and as soon as the guests were seated a flash-light was taken of the entire assembly, the Dllger Stock Company having the table of honor. Lf.o C. Bbtast writes : "I have received nearly fifty letters In answer to my 'ad.' for musicians, which proves The Clipper Is In- deed 'Tits Old Reliable.' I bave engaged a specially fine orchestra for our Summer season at Colorado Springs, Col. We have one of the largest and best repertory com- Knlea playing the West, and our Immense slness everywhere proves we are delivering tbe goods." Mb, and Mas. Walteb Wilbub and child. Donna Mabie, closed a successful season with Andrew Downle's "American Girl" Co., mak- ing a trip to Vancouver Islands sod back through Northwest Canada. They are now at their Summer borne Id Pentwater, Mich., for tbe Summer. They will begin rehearsals for next season about Aug. 10, in Chicago, with one of Lincoln J. Carter's attractions. Benj. H. Baowit, orchestra leader, closed a successful twenty weeks' engagement at tbe Star Theatre, Hamilton, Can., April 28, and opened Msy 21. at tbe Brunswick Hotel, Port Artbur, Can,, as orchestra leader there for tbe Summer. The above Is a reproduction of ft letter head of the Barnum Show, In the early 80'a, when the lite J. A. Ballsy was P. T. sternum's partner and right hand man In tbe management of the "Greatest Show on Berth." Notes from the "Bell Boy" Co., James A. Galvln. manager.— While this company was playing McKeesport, Pa., Johnny Galvln and Ned Nelson were entertained by tbe sfeKees- Sort Aerie of Eagles, also by J. B. Galvln, ohnny's uncle, who Is a large cigar dealer, also past worthy nresldent of sleKeesport Aerie of Eagles. They also had the pleasure of visiting the Elks* new temple, which Is one of the finest they have ever seen In all their travels. JsmnaoN Hall and Gebtbcde Maitland go to St. John sud Hsltfsx for a short Sum- mer season, with tbe Gsge Stock Co. Mr. Hall recently closed with the Empire Stock Co.. at Boston. W. F. Kohman baa just closed bis fifth successful reason as stage manager with the Dan'l Suly Co., and has been reengaged In tbe same capacity for next season. He will spend tbe Summer on his farm in tbe Cats- STELLA MAYHEW, Who bas signed with Joe Weber for bis stock company at the Weber Music Hall, has be- come a New York favorite by her clever work In several plays tbat bave been presented In the metropolis during the past few years. Miss Mayhew, who Is a niece of George Ober and Ada Murray, both well known players, Is a comedienne of exceptional ability, and bas been selected by Mr. Weber to take tbe place of Marie Dressier, who closed on Saturday, May 26. As a star Miss Mayhew was the life of "Flo Flo," under the management of Stair & Nicolal, and her work in "Lifting tbe Lid." on the New Amsterdam Theatre roof, last season, opened the eyes of our theatre- goers to her unusual talent. She can sing "coon" songs with great cleverness, and gives to all her musical numbers a distinctive ren- dering. Her success while at the head of "The Show Girl" Is well known. Notes nou the Cabboll Comedy Co. — This attraction closed a season of thirty-eight weeks at the Academy of Music, Cumberland, Md.. May 5, and opened for a Spring and Sum- mer tour at Eeyser, W. Vs.. May 7. Our regu- lar season will open at Cumberland, Md., Aug. 20, and the tour will Include West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, Canada and tbe Northwest, A complete line of Bpeclal scenery will be-carrled. Thursday nlgbt, May 3, at Cumberland, Md, the entire receipts of tbe house were given to the San Francisco suf- ferers. Tbe managers of tbe Academy (the Melllnger Bros.), furnished tbe theatre, or- chestra and attaches, and Manager Carroll furnished tbe company. Next season a num- ber of tbe old company will be retained, In- cluding the popular young leading man, Gor- don Hamilton, Tbe Spring tour of tbe com- 8 any wil extend Into July, making only about aree weeks' lay-off. W. J. Pierce will again look after the box office end of tbe company. Abthub Ashtqn, female Impersonator, and Rose A. Martlne, soubrette, will open with Qlaesford's New York Theatre Co.. for the Summer season, to Introduce their single spe- cialties between tbe acta and also play parts, under tbe management of Andrew Glassford. Season opened May 26. Tnm C. S. Williams Co., proprietors and managers of the farcical comedy success, "The Arrival of Kitty." tbat made such an excellent Impression this season, will again go on tour fully equipped with new scenic and electrical effects, and an entire new edi- tion of printing. The comedy bas been en- tirely rewritten by Norman Lee Swartout, tbe cast has been considerably enlarged and many novel effects will be Introduced. The cast will comprise the names of several well known celebrities, and will surprise the knowing ones. It Is the Intention of these managers to bave two companies, one tour- In? the West end the other tbe East and while they will be called Eastern and West- ern there will be no distinction, only as designated, Both will be equal In every re- spect. The rehearsals will be held at Buf- falo, and the tours of both attractions will open Aug. 1. Fbank Halstead, after a successful sea- son with the Woods Comedy Co., Is at his home, Landlsburg, Pa., for the Summer. Notes from White's High Class Stock Co., L. J. White, manager). — We closed our season at Marinette, Wis., Sunday, May 20, making forty-nine weeks, during which time we bave played several return engagements in the larger cities. The season has proved a very successful one. The company will open In a Summer stock engagement at Mr. White's Summer theatre at Lakeside Park, Marinette wis., June S, and will remain there until Sent. 1. For the next Winter season Mr White Is arranging to use a repertory of roy- alty bills, carrying a special fine of scenery ■nd paper. He wilt add several special vaude- ville features, together with a novelty In street advertising, which will be entirely new. It Is Mr. White's aim to make bla com- pany one of the leading organisations In Its Nora fbom Pvtbu' Pnxxaas Plated —We cjttned our Summer season under eS Tfta at Harysvllle. Kan.. Saturday night \ ' 12, and despite {he fact tbat we opined';* opposition to tbe Sells-Floto Circus, cftSh. business was done, and many were ensues away, as they could not be given standi room. Boster of company: Harry Maiw. i Al. Waxda, 8. A. Warner. Jsck Lock" Geo. Wilson, Ed. F. Summers, H. 8. WsdhU ' A. E. Davis, the Bumleys, riettle. Lulu Jl j Kuby; Root. Itudeslll, Clarence Musseim r Morrla Oldsteln, A. E. McMlchael Clyde V ■' ter. Ed. Tbrom, Henry Beagle, Ersky DarV Will Lockard, J. M. Cox and Harry %*££ with Jack Gllnes as ecout. * muhbcb, L. M. Collinb informs us tbat Chan ■ Hoocker Collins, brother of My« Collin dropped dead at bis home in WhseUna* iv" Va., on May 10. ■* ' Notes fbom this Fbankltn Cohedt Co — We bave been out Just sixty-four weeks wfi>> out a stop, and during that time have irrt with good success. Have now closed doivn for three weeks" vacation, before reopenin- h our new 70ft, round top tent, June 4 with seats — blues and reserves— a new piano and expect a good season. Most members of tba company are spending their vacation at Omaha, and The Clippsb Is always on hand each week, like a letter from borne. Henbt W. Savage will present during the early portion of the coming season Puccini s •Madame Butterfly." Tbe opera will have a separate and distinctive production. The li- bretto bas been furnlebed by John Luiiipr Long and David Belaeco. This collaboration for the first time In many years of Amerj.-in librettists with such a distinguished foreiirn OBSxfRBnuc SB Puccini naturally incites a wide Interest In muftc circles. Mr. Savage has h lected as conductor Walter Bothwell, ot Pari/ Berlin and Bayrenth, who, it will be remoin- bered, was conductor in Mr. Savage's "Parsi- fal" production last season. Joseph F Shee ban, tenor, aaa been engaged for this com- pany. Oscar Jones, manager of Levis' "Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" Co. during the past season, will manage one of Elmer Walters' attractions tbe coming season, opening early lo August. E. E. Oairetson, advance for same company last season, wilt be ahead of Mr. Jones again next season. Notes rsou the Ruble Theatre Co.— We bave opened our eleventh season by extending our operations, and not only Is It one of the strongest stock companies In the West, but we have bought, or are building a complete circuit of theatres In Nevada, to be known 03 the "Nevada Mining Camp circuit," em- bracing Tonopab, Goidaeld, Manhattan, Bull Frog, Ely, Austin and Eureka. There are over 150,000 people in this district, and things theatrical are booming. Other houses wlllw added by next Fall, making a circuit of real opera bouses In a territory hitherto untouched by recognized companies. Each bouse will seat from 600 to 800 people, and bave one gallery, a stare 50x40x25, and ample dressing rooms, well heated and electrically lighted. The Ruble Theatre Co. la now play- ing tbe above territory, and Is meeting with flattering success. Our company numbers fourteen people. Hesse A Ruble, sole owners - C. D. Hesse, manager, and C. S. Ruble, treas- urer. Phil Mahb writes: "I closed my third sea- son with the De Vonde Stock Co., Msy 111, and take out my own company, opening Mar 28, at Rutland, Vt. I have all special plays and printing, and will carry a company of twelve acting people, besides the McGowan Trio, a child act I bave booked my tour through Vermont, New Hampshire and North- ern New York." Vibqib Gltndon, who for several seasons Slaved responsible parts with tbe late Joseph efferson, and who has also been featured with several musical shows, bas signed with Llebler k Co., to star next season In a South- ern production of "Tbe Vsnderbllt Cup." Miss Glyndon received communication from Llebler A Co., while In Canada, where she was spend- ing her time. Theodobe Kbemeb sailed for Europe Tues- day, May 22. He indulges himself annu- ally on these visits abroad, ostensibly to visit bis parents, who reside In Cologne. His plays for the ensuing season Include "'Bertha, the Sewing Machine Girt," "A Woman of Fire," "For Her Dally Bread," "Honor Among Thieves," and several others not yet com- pleted. Upon his return he will have a very busy Fall, as he personally conducts the re- hearsals of all his plays. Dor Kabroll closed her season at New- bury port, Mass., May 19. Fred Parsons and W. A. Laveaux replaced M. 8. Goldalne and J. R. Field. Maudesc De Tere reports that she has closed her engagement with tbe Keeney Stock Co.. after a successful run of thirty-eight weeks. Notes nog the Joseph King Stocs Co. — We opened a Spring and Summer season at the Grand Opera House, Terre Haute, Ind., Monday. Hay 14, in "Wicked London, to be followed by r 'Mldntght In Chinatown," for the last half of the week. Mr. King has engaged a strong companv, the leading members of which are Harry North, Virginia Goodwin, Edwin Walcott, Isabelte Turner, Geo. Hanna, Virginia Jeffries, George Seldon, Maude Mor- ton. Francis H. Sayles and John Lorenz. Walter Shdttlewobth 1b resting at his home at Lansing, Mich., for a few weeks. He has been engaged for tbe Summer as leading man In the stock company at Reeves Park, near Flndlay, O. Freeman Fiske, advance representative of Holden Bros.' "Denver Express" Co. (Ralph J. Ravencroft, manager), Is spend- ing the Summer at his home at Cleveland, 0., after a forty week tour through ths South. He bas been re-engaged for the ad- vance again next season, and the company will open about Aug. 1. Khxbns and Cole and Ediths bTJusbM have signed with the Bays, In "Down the Pike" for next season. Kberns and Cole, who will play In vaudeville until July 22, are booked by the Western Vaudeville Asso- ciation. Edythe Kberns will then Join them and the three will rest for a few weeks Id Wisconsin. Noras f-bom "My Wife's Family" Co., Western, under the management of W. Mc- Gowan. — Our season opened Aug. 10. snd In- cluded a trip to the Pacific coast We plated all tbe large cities, and this attraction has given the greatest satisfaction everywhere. and Is now booked in every city played ih-s season for a return engagement The next season, which will open in Oshbosb, »!&• Aug. 5. The present season will close -Ti!.y 10, making exactly forty-eight weeks, during which time we bave lost but one night Nc« season Mr. McGowan will have two "My Wife's Family" companies playing the Nest, as he controls the Western rights of this pro- duction. The chances are be will also bisve the Western rights for a well known muslcm comedy and a melodrama of established repu- tation. __ Elwin Strong closes with the La Versa Moore Stock Co., to accept an engagement with the Rebecca Warren Stock Co.. at the Park Theatre, Indianapolis, and will orrn there Hay 28, In a special production of «& Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.*' j; Wabd Rett writes: "I close a very *;"*- cessful season May 21, at Butler. Pa., with Marie Cahitl's "Mollle Moonshine" compn"?- In which I have been playing the Earl * Broadlawna. I have written a sketch, a Washington Widow,' for myself, and I na« also completed this season another Tf n(lc " villa sketch, entitled 'His LordshhV M* z five set melodrama, entitled 'In the Silence of the Night*" t . John Kan, who has created many »j miliar roles in Yankee comedy, has Joinrn "The Student King" Co.. which opened ^ Chicago on May 21, In which Harry WW Is to be featured, under the management 01 Henry W. Ssvage. x-si. F€flTOR£i> op 'ms l/PSSKLY SffitP eaaamamarBXaaasDe. louki CBijouFbrmndes) JAinis shecxn do better Ven tie herself hKicol* (Jbhnfindty.) /jrlPftt&blOM FROM. dtspejiPd for dinger Ay retiring white* //tree iiltle C/ifAr, Oxford C*mpbe2l&Joh773on . Chester Afcaytf&NAm . Armtofo *ntt Burke. Wilton Brothers . ^6L6CriONS FJCOM TM 3IIL3 OF LOCAL VAUD€WLL€ WUS6S DUffiNG ffl6 PAST FORT/flCXr. 408 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. June 2. ■MATURE RAILROAD CO., 7* 1HO»0 WAY, NEW YORK CITY , N. Y. com HEDU •FECIAL FOB PUIS, gunBB HE80BT8, Etc. BmIIm Capacity, 9B Tama. Earning «1,S00 In III Dar. , WITH PBOPEB OABE TILL LAST 25 YES. OAGWET LOCOMOTIVE WORKS OSAHD PRIZE ul OOLD MEDAL RECEIVED AT WORLD'S FAIR, 8T. aOPlg. KINGSTON KNITTING CO., 37 Klng.ton St., BOSTON, MASS., V. *. A afannlactnrer, or Silkolene Tights, $2.00 Wonfod Tights, 12.00 Cotton Tights, SL00 EqneitrlaD Shirts urns price 11 tight*. A special dliconnt of 10 8 Br cent, allowed on all goods. Ire di ft trial , that U all we ask. Write for prices on anything La Knit Goods line. Deposit re- quired on all order*. Street Men. Oar IMS Catalogue will be ready for dis- tribution about May 10, and will contain one of the largest lines of reliable, up to date, ready telling, prod table, merchan- dise, particularly adapted to Street lien, Schemers, Mall Order Houses, Canvas- sers, Auctioneers, and Merchants, ever assembled between two covers. Send In yonr permanent address, and we will mall you a copy free of charge. LEVIN BROS., Est. 1886. 14.60 per Gross. 80-82 N. 0th St. Terra Haute, Ind* I FLASH LIKE THE GENUINE Day or night. Solid gold I mounting. Tod can own a I diamond equal In brilliancy I to any genuine stone at one I thirtieth the cost. BARODA I diamonds stand acid test fand expert examination. We gnarantee them. See them first and then pay. Catalogue free. Patent ring measure included for ft two cent stamps. THE BARODA COHPA5JY, Dept. t , 03-71 Wabash A vr. , Chicago, 111 . 8 DRE8BKB THINK. Easy to get at everything with- out disturbing anything. No fatigue In packing and unpack- ing. Llgnt. strong, roomy drawers. Holds as much and costs no more than a good box trunk, Band rivlted; strongest trunk made. In small room serves as chiffonier. C, O. D. with privilege ot ex- amination. Sc. stamp for cata- log. P. A. BTALLMAN, 6ft w. Spring St., Oolamboi, 0. l-ri KST' QUAL-ITV WoWjpklo.thfUiPPER.WnY Not Tor You'. WHI re F.C3R PFl I C1FLS l'. I In MIC A L ENG R AV I NGCO. "amouBTfaMtrfcar RESTAURANT 4T» SIXTH AVB., Beuithandsothsu., NEW YORK CITY. Best of Food, Perfect WUooked.DellclouBly Served. Prices rea tenable. Special Din Ing Room for Ladles SUPERFLUOUS HAIR CURED. Electro- sol.Massage Cream Is made to destroy hair— and • It does. Effects only the hair, not the skin. Nothing compares with It, Com- posed of two corates which are applied bymasaajieafewmomcnts. Thiscauees atrophy of the hair bulb; thus the hair never reappears. Contained In collaps- ible tubes. Price $2; cure guaranteed. Sample large enough for any mild case •A cents. Honey back if unsaUBfaotory. KLKCTBOaOL 00., Dept. «, DETROIT, BOOH. CYLINDER PIANO ORGANS. New and second hind, suit- able for Street Shows, Merry Go 'Round, Shooting Galleries and Skating Rinks. CYLINDER MARKING A SPECIALTY, O. MIMA, ■ First St., New York. RIL-LVI FOR SALE OR RENT. Dealers in all new and up to dale subjects write and obtain my quotation on any film yon desire before purchasing Stereopucona, Moving Pic- tures, Supplies, etc. L. HETZ, 802 E. gd 8L. N. Y. O. SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS. CLARENCE FAQO, 40 Bond street. Mew York cut. r.lnteri to Uarmiin A liatlej and Leading show- men. BIGGEST LAUGHING HIY OF YHE SEASON, "THE POOPERENA" Simplsi, 25 cants. $1.00 ptr 4oi. to Anjnt*, '•The Pooperena yon sent us some days ago caused more fun than anything that has struck this town for years. Everybody wants one." saw. DKLMORK, Mth Street and Battery Place, Iirookiyn, N. Y. A /for Shayinji MENNEN'S BORATED TALCUM jlj TOILET POWDER and insist that your barber use it also. It Is Antl- t anil mii st that you use it also. It Is septic, and will prevent any of the skin diseases often contracted. A positive relief for Sunburn, Cbsilng, and all afflic- tions of the skin. Removes all odor of perspiration. Qet Mermen's — the original. Sold everywheie or mailed for 35 cents. Sample frit. Try irnmm'l FloJrt (Boratod) Talcum. GERHARD MENNEN CO. Newark. N. J. Get thefHabit. Go to CLOTHIERS, UIIOH SQUARE, 14th Street, nfirBn^d way, 279 Broalwiy, neir Clumbers, 47 Oortlult St., nen Qrseawlob. |IS6ta St., oornvfUrd An. IIW YORK CITY. CROSf-p. Sot ot 13 Plctort. ll POST CABDS lie. Uaudepllle and minstrel "Tell It To Me" EZRA KEmUsXL'B 3d BOOK. AIX MEW -JUST OUT. For ule od til train, and news ituda, or by Ball, (Me. id art t, EZ11A KBHDAI.L, 50 ■.««.■» tth At... «. V.rm.w.B. T CONTRACTS LBTTBB BEADS. ENVELOPES, tlCKtll PASSES, CABDS, Etc. Writ, for Bamplw W<*k Pte. Co.. SOS Carbon at. ttleuo. II 1 ROYALTY- PAID ON'- - SONG-POEHS | knd Untie*! Com portions. arrang* and poputAiiw Addran iPlOrfEEK MUSIC »Ua. CO, OncJ 1204 StasbattaalAifr.Caltap. »? BLOOU POISON _F0R MOBE.TttAN TWENTY YEARS we hare mad* tho euro of Blood Poison a sneclally. Mood l^olwn Permanently Cured. You tan be treated at home unucr same Hitamuiy. Oipltat |SOO,00O. We solicit tho moat obatltvite caaes. It yon have ex- hausted the old methods of treatment and sUll have aohes aiiclpalns. Mucus Patches in Mouth,SoroTtiroat,PJ[nple*i, Copper-Colored Spots, ulcers on any part of the body, Uatr or Ejebrowe falling out, write for proofs of cures. 100-f^ge UocOt Free. COOK REMEDY CO.. 1111 Mwalc jiijMjjgfc "'.us*. Notes from La Barre Bros.' Minstrels, now en route through Maine and the Canadian Srovlnces. Roster : Wm. La Barre, Eddie La arre, C. ll. Barrett, II. K. Wenrich, Len Ucnninger, Chas. Gllck, W. Wilkinson, the international Four, the Alvaretta Trio, Billy Graham, Jim West, Parson McGrlff, Bnrt Stoddard, Walter Bchertzlnger, Chas. Ham- mond, Arthur Lorette, Chas. Hill, J. M. Wade, Kenneth Stuart, Pete Schmidt. Walter Hamlin, HarryTaylor, Fred Gsgnon, Geo. Bennett, Geo. Morgeorotb, Charlie Ottls, advance, with Chester White, assistant We opened our season at Gloucester, Mass., April 10. Busi- ness has been at top notch, and the show is pleasing everywhere we play. At Bath, Me., we were banqueted by the Bath Lodge, B. P. O. EL The entire company was entertained, and the Elks stamped It the best social they ever held. The boys surely bad one grand good time. JOB WlIITr.HIAD AND THB GBIEB80N SlB- terh, « trio that Joined hands two months sgo, report success with ttielr new act Mr. Whitehead Is singing some of bte own songs. Feed Bowman, comedian, will close nis sixth week at the Garrlck Theatre, Philadel- phia, with the Anna Eva Fay Co. Una. Lizzie Dorrr and Bcrnabd and Fae closed a successful season of thirty-five weeks with the Geo. M. Noble Co., April 28, and are at their home, Muskegon, Mich., for the Bummer, Bii.lt GaAHAM, eccentric dancer, has signed with La Barre Bros.' Minstrels, for the Summer and Winter season, playing principal end and doing his set In olio. He reports success. Joseph West, of West and Lewis, has signed to manage Edgewood Park, at Shsmo- kln, Pa., for the Shamokln & Edgewood Elec- tric Traction Co. Chad, v. Andbbson has Just closed a suc- cessful engagement of five weeks at the Bon Ton Theatre, Philadelphia, where be has been working In the farce comedies produced by Vice and Viola. Tut Hatch Beds, write: "We closed with the Hoyt company after twenty-five weeks, and have been playing the past twelve weeks for the Western Vaudeville Association. The next ten weeks we play for Wm. Morris, and open a two years' engagement In the early Fall with Harry Bryant Our new act, 'Forty-five Years Ago,' Is a great success." Vice and Viola go to Washington, D. C, for the season. They will play In stock at the Lyceum Theatre, for Chas. B. Taylor, manager of the Alcazar Beau'ii*. Addison and Livingston are now playing a return engagement on the Nash circuit Tbey report that their comedy act la meet- ing with big success. J. E. Livingston, of the team, was made a member of the T. M. A., Superior Lodge, No. 41, Superior, Wis., Sunday, May 13. Bbown, hauis and Bbown will finish a season of thirty-nine weeks at Keith's The- atre. Portland, June 2, when Sammle Brown will retire from the act and Elbert Kenney Brown will take his plsce. E. Eenney Brown possesses a high baritone, and was with "The Girl In the Clouds" last season. It Is stated that the act will be a big novelty the coming season, with fine wardrobe. The season opens at Fall River Sept. 17. Jack Bdllt, comedian and dancer, has closed a very successful season with AI. G. Field's Greater Minstrels. He has signed for next season, making his second season with the company. Commencing Jdnr 4, W. T. Jennings will inaugurate a season of Summer burlesque stock at the Lafayette Theatre, Buffalo, N. Y. Several well known comedians and producers, and a chorus of eighteen girls have been engaged. The policy will be "the best the market affords." Lottie Blackford, after a very successful season of forty-two weeks with the Utopians, will sal) June 6 to spend her vacation with relatives In London, Eng. While abroad Miss Blackford will visit Paris, Berlin and other European cities, returning the first week In August, In time for rehearsals wltb the Utopians. Walter J. Hiasn writes that on June D he will close as tenor sololBt wltb the De Rue Bros.' Ideal Minstrels, and he has Blgned for next season, with forty-eight weeks work ahead, to open June 25. Mr. Fleam adds: "We are drawing near to the close of a very successful season, taking us through seven States." Lea Danovas write: "After a successful tonr through the Middle West, we open on the Geo. Ira Adams circuit for four weeks, after which we will play parks until Sep- tember. Our comedy novelty act Is a success." Nora nou En. and Hazbl Lccab. — We were compelled to cancel eight weeks of good work, owing to the serious Illness of Mrs. Lucas. She has been very 111 for five weeks. We will be ready to take up our bookings again June 3. We have some good park work booked, and look forward to & prosperous season. The Old Reliable was a weekly caller during Mrs. Lucas' sickness, and was read with much interest" Chas. E. Tatlob has signed the following people for the Lyceum Stock Co., Washing- ton, B. C. : Vice and Viola, Pete Curley, Jim Connors, Harry Kohler, Billy Watson, Gladys Sears, Crawford and Gardner, sister act; Jenkins and Barnes, sister act; Del Netra, toe dancer: Violet Duseth, Spanish dancer; Lillian Nulty, Illustrated songs ; Mand Wilson, Laura Crelgbton, Verna Draper, May Sherwood, Millie Bherwood, Ella Altman, Julia Delmar, Nancy Tempest, and Marie Janscn. In addition to the regular stock they will play five high cIbbs vaude- ville acts each week, booking In conjunction with the Bijou Theatre, Philadelphia. Whitxlt and Bell have concluded their fourth season with the "Peck's Bad Boy" Co. They open their Summer park work for M. Boom I Co., May 28, at Hoag Lake Park, Woonsocket, R, I. ■Milt C Hagan, who has had charge of the klnetograph for the past season at the Parlor Theatre, York, Pa., visited friends at New CaBtle. Fa., last week, and left there for Fort Wayne, Ind., where he has charge of the picture machine with one of "Hale's Tours of the World," The Elbctbic Coukdt Four (Kenn, Mc- Kenns, Gath and Merrlch) begin Summer work on May 28, at Wilmington, Del. They are signed to return as special features with "The Curse of Drink" Co. next season. They sail for Australia for a tour under Harry RIckards. Honan and Kearney, on May 10, at To- ledo, closed a season of forty weeka with the Parisian Widows Co,, and on June 3 will go In the stock for the Summer at the Folly Theatre, Chicago. Flossie La Van. on the anme date, closed a season of twenty weeks with the same company, and will go In the atock at Trocadero Theatre, Chicago, for the Summer. Wm. II. Colbt, of the Colby Family, writes from Senbrook, Ter. ; "We are here for the Summer, having c'osed our season at New Orleans last week, at the Orpheum. We have been booked solid for next season by Wm. Morris." Notes raoM the Bijou Theatre cibccit. —This circuit Is growing rapidly. S. B. Baldwin opened In this country last August, and we now have eight weeks, wltb three new houses under construction, to be added to the circuit The Olson Bros., noted banjolsts, who have played all of toe best vaudeville time, are devoting their entire attention to building up one of the strongest circuits of popular priced theatres In the country. Since opening up this territory others have tried to Invade It hut wltb little success so far. Allen Wioiituan, modeler and painter, has booked the entire Summer through the Western Association. I^T-src^^^ =« V^M T""^ i'^-- ■ V } j fi \\p^\ 9f3 Wherever America's so- cial life centers, Murad Cigarettes find most ready acceptance. Dis- criminating critics appre- ciate their full, rich flavor and exquisite mildness. MURAD CIGARETTES stand high in the connois- seur's estimation because of the originality of their blend - a perfect harmo- ny of the rarest Turkish tobacco. The Murad is the best product of years of scientific de- velopment. 10 for 15c S. ANARGYROS, Manufacturer 111 Fifth Ave, New York -:■ fi'lH^H,? MAKE A FORTUNE WITH EDISON COIN-SLOT MACHINES. If you want to accumulate wealth quickly, start a penny arcade and amusement parlor. Edison Coin-Slot Machines fascinate and draw the crowd and the pennies. Run automatically by electricity. Write to us to-day for full information. NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CO., 64 Lakeside Avenue, Orange, N. J. iAKE MONEY EXHIBITING MOTIO N PICTURES Eif-ne*. ad* mM Fws. d J«JI»= •en inro * . -\2t-mi Ik. per hot igK »fai— ■ md B*wj I ballj H ■ ■EDISON MTO. CO* 0r * n ?«-N.J,Nc)WYorta,CM<^.Lor>A >.r time put - to pla] back on the Jackson circuit. In order to play parks Instead of the theatres. They are at their home for six weeks, when they will begin their regular bookings. The Miltons, Mr. ana Mrs. Geo. W., write : "We have just closed a season of forty weeks, which 1ms been a success both artisti- cally and financially, and we have arranged return dates next season In all bouses we played last season. We are laying off for the Summer at Houston, Tex., and having a splendid time." Henry and Graham write: "We have had two weekB at Bradenburgh's and two weeks at the Bon Ton. We opened at Baltimore. Md. May 10, and play Hollywood Park, Balti- more, 28, for two weeks. We have a new act, and It Is a bit," Eduabd Waldmann's debut In vaudeville. In his condensed version of "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," was, we are Informed, so suc- cessful that after his first performance, at the International Theatre, Chicago, be re- ceived an offer from the International vaude- ville circuit to Immediately play their the- atres on the Pacific coast, which Mr. Wald- mann has accepted, for Blxty-elght weeks. He will return to Chicago In time to rehearse for bis open-air performances of Shakespeare Cora Evelyn Is In her fourth week with the Walden Stock, at the Palace Theatre, Boston, engaged as a principal. Jack Stmonds writes : "I close a very successful season of thirty-eight weeks with Dumont'a MInatrels. at Phcenlxvllle, May 20. >ext season I will be with Wbalen & Mar- tell." Mr and Mbs. Raff have opened their Summer season, and are giving their enter- tainments under canvas. Goon weather has been conducive to good business. Besldea the extensive magical and HltiBlon work of Mr. Rapn and Mtb. Rapp'B muBlcal novelties, the company Includes: Harry Gould, comedian, and Geo. Howard, Juggler. TlIB TEAM OP SlIBPARD, IaA PlEBBB AND Jeffrey has dissolved partnership by mu- tual consent. Mb, and Mas. Dick Tract have been com- pelled to cancel all of their time until the latter part of the Summer, owing to Mrs. Tracy b severe Illness. A surgical operation was performed on her May 12, and she is con- valescing slowly, Lew Heabn, comedian, and Sid Fern, of the Fern Comedy Four, have Joined hands The team will be known as Fern and Hearn lhelr now act Is entitled "A Jew Express man and Is being written by one of New York b best writers. Chas. Willabd la In his fourteenth suc- cessful week of an Indefinite engagement at Curley's Music nal!. St. Pmni AiftJ .. JUST RIGHT AFTER DINNER nt„ ipi, nm I It jon can't buy BMf* iry inem 1 , 8 u m your «:*-'«■ hood send ob ten oenta tor a sample packet. Any Jobber will «»pplj •>"► aeepere wltn Chld.t*. FRANK H. FLEER * COMPANY, Inc., Philadelphia, U.8.A., and Toronto, Canada. W»»B«lMla"r"nOLTOII"laftio»«'«.;';S"; -It TOO «I aar. another mta.n "*' f, 1 ' S biV t»la lift fn.oonqn.it „„«.,aO FMHUHOLTOHaCO." g g^Jj^jS^iSSi JtfSE'K'- THE TSnETW YORK! CUPPER: 400 SOME OF THE LEADING FEATURES WITH THE (tingling Bros.' World's Greatest Shows "ST SKATINELLI JUGGLER. 50NRI5 FAIVIII-Y, WO RLD'S 0MJATK8T SCIENTIFIC JP00LER9 , THE DE KOCK TRIO. EIVI THE TWO PPWWV FELLOWS. 3 SISTERS ERNESTO KIBOPBAN DOUUI.K WIBF. ARTISTS . BEDINI FAMILY, WUMPKBP UL EUROPEAN BID K HM. FAMOUS SIGOMOTO JAPANESE TROUPE, FRANK MORRIS, CLOWW AND ROM AM STA WHNH RIDKR, JOHN SLATER CLOWN AHD JIl'LE HIDER. TURNOTJR RINGLINU BROS.' FAVORITE CLOWN. SIGNOR PERI, BALLET MASTER. SEASON ISM TILL 1906 WITH RIN'ILINC BROS.' WORLD'S GREATEST SHOWS. DE MAGOS RING ARTISTS EXTRAORDINARY. Oilie Young * BROTHER World'i OrfMmt HOOP ROLLERS. Webb - Romalo DOC KEALEY STILL WITH IT. THafs All. THE JUGGLING Clark onia ns. Chas. Carlos AND DOCS. ALFRED WEISZ WITH DACOIA FJMIH. Champion Saineraamlt CuKhtr of »l:e World. "BLACK DIAMOND" The Faraona Trotting Oatrlrh. Prat, OSTRICH FARM, Hoi Sitings, Ark, J-A DUO DE VENE NOVEL HAND AND HEAD BALANCING ON A TESTER BOAD. KSTF.T. HOIURR HOBSONS KdllESTRIANS, WITH STOCK, S.».on. 1WW-H-I-4-.1H1, Klngllng.' TIIK1R MILITAKV IIIH1SK AMI I'AII 110,1 3 3 NOVEL COMEDY BAR ACT. HARRY DEMARLO, THE HUMAN SPIDER. A III! KLATIOK IV KU1 II. IIIHII II. JIM KUTili:ith'iiitn, >im. SMITHS Ariiii l< «'«. 44r<*Atf«l TrR|ir/c I'erfni ni.-i -.. rMvOYjf> BERNARD EUMLIBHIST. MKCONI1 NKASON. THE AEKIAl. BARS. _ CHAS. CASETTA WHIHLWI ND I) A NCEK, Brown Bros. [COMEDY. Ml u m I o a I A rtl s -t a . AL WHITE "THE LAMB DID" SINGLING it BROS/ "BA " Performers' "3 .1V1VOTJ1V OfiMEW'J?!! mJML" IS OPEN TO PLAY ANY in the World. JOHN JUDGE, Manager. WANTED, F-OR Uncle George's Show K. and 0, Leader, Acts* (hut can Double and Play lu H.md and what you play, all kinds of Circus Acta; alM> Comedians, Canvas Man. Time of each act. 8 night stands. We board the people. Lowest salary In first letter, We advance do tickets. We open Jnne n In Cleveland, 0. Address DAN .morgan, Ugr., care of Star Theatre, Cleveland, 0. WANTED, DELKS CONCERT CO, Under canvas, Sketch Team, Buck Fat-e Come- iliun and good Novelty Act?*. Musi change for week, fiobd llano, Violin and Cornet Players, write. Mum play good standard music. Mate your Inweti aalarv. Pay jour own. Show opens June 7, Mllford, Ind. Unties uiid thieves nave stamp.. A. DBLKS, 1973 S. Troy St., Chicago, 111. WANTED. MUSICIAN tar N.oKn'B European CItciim. Address w. B. FOB' IKS, Bmilrrmtcr. I'talno I'irt, Toledo, Olilo, Musicians Wanted, m All Hummer and Winter engagement. Address ' HOXftM, Beaumont, Tcias. WJHIED, 1 TOT », All 'Round ComedlaD or Musical Artist. Mint fake Plana or Organ. Slate lowest salary. 1 pay an. other Vaudeville People, write, E. M. BEETLE. Watcrtown, S. Dak. WANTED, COMEDIAN. Must be.- versatile, do Al staging and danclog npeclajt)e>>. Long Reason; cities only, flood ireai- tnent. Make It low. Hike Burke, write. Hjou ian'1 got here, save the two cents. iMtVOEO. I.ESTEKH HKl CITY SHOW, •__ Llgonier, Ind. AT LIBERTY, PIANIST Slvht RMder. TrmupoM, arrange. Sobrlelj und alMlily. Vaudeville or permanent sroc! preferred. ■ . M . PKDRR8KN, 1 Knlsmi7on 8:. W , [.arming, Mich. Wnnnro plavh t>u .khuh:> UBULB, Bv TH K KKST A UTUOHS, '■UK fSSmSoKW LEAuOE,(ilTFr«niia.,l».f r l_ I Q E f=t T V, PUR NEXT SK AS, IV, GEO. T. SERRELS, LEADS AND HKAVIKHi MADELEIN GOODWIN, HEAVIES AND CHARACTERS. One piece preferred. Address 414 13th St., Tolede, Ohio. Two Money Makers To Lfiif to Rmponslble One Night Stand Minn^eri only, "THE FOLKS DP WILLOW CREEK," "OLD FAR1ER H0PKIH8." Beat -hort cast Comedies ever written. Good line of all special paper foreacli. Write in full, naming exact territory wanted. PRANK N. DAVIDSON, 50 Hathaway a v.-., N. F., Cleveland, Ohio. WANTED, \ No. I Mer, Colored Bass Singer That can rake walk and itassdriim in drum corps. Answer by wire. W. fi. DICKEV, Mgr. Terry'w tnele Tom's Cabin Co., Lake Mills, loiva, June 2; Hanlontonn 4, Dougherty s, Dumont ti, Parkers- burg 7, Dike 8. Traer 9. WANTED, FIRST CUSS OPERATOR FOR MOVING PICTURES, With or without machine. Hunt bring rcferenoea. Henson engagement. Hiate lowest palary. A. SI0PR1ED, algr. Hijon Theatre, Decatur, III. COMEDIAN and MAN FOR KEMERAL BUSINESS, SDMMKH STOCK, FRED RELLA, JOPIJN, MO. WAITED. OSEFDL 1ED. PEOPLE, SILENT ACTS, Mun read or rake piano. This shew never clones : 1741 Ji week and nota lay on*. Salary all you are worth. Canvas on lot. Klckera, inshtrs and chronics, do. Tickets, no. Have five sets or song el Iden for sal e, DR. I.KHTKR, North Katt, Krie Co., Pa. IIVTED, Slide Tromirane tor K. and 0, ind single VandV- Tille Acts of all kinds. Those that double in broas preferred. Hall show. l lllii*. P<)S|> TIVELY im rirprfrudri- CMii-*ldi-rrii. Stiiunu-r nil- •iri-NX, JONF.PII T. U(.L>IUM , 4;r. Tn-iiHini St. i Klin Ijiwiu. Titiimmi, Mu-«t. % ? ^ 5 i. • i. *3 a,:,; 1 -/: mm MftV«'j'.'a"l Mm. MAN for Part of RIP riuildiii-i. It. 'imf tl. t.'nr .ilmw. (JimmI trwil- nifin mr)iii'v NMI. Addrt'HH I'AY'S HI I* "VAN WINKI.i: fO., Iturr flak, Mkli., Ma* :il ; Hninson, .Midi., Jiuti* I; Ouliicv, MfWi., -' ; JoitritvlllP, Ml.-li., 4 ; UudH.»n, Mlili., 5. I.WHITESON, | pubuihiii CHICAGO, lit. ATLIBERTY, Al TBAP DBUMER AND BELLS. K. W. HAK Kit. in.'. Indian* Ml., Piwicuiiaww'v, l'» AT LIBERTY-* FIBST cuss co "- Al UIIHjII I I •jL:i(TiiK(!HE>. one jrear, In advance, H ; sis months, »2i three inontbs, It. Foreign pewtaito oitra. Single copies Kill be lent, postpaid, on re- ceipt o( 10 cents. nur Terra* are c;a«h. THB CLIPPER '» Issued oTerr Wednesday morning. The last tour (adTcrtlsluie) pagea UO TO PIUC8S on Saturday at 11 A. M., and tbc otner pages on MONDAY and TUESDAY. The Forma Ctoslntf Prompt!,-, Toea- any, nt 10 o'clock A. M. I'Jeano remit by express, money order, elteck, P. O. order or registered tetter. All cash en- closed with letter la at tbe risk ot Bonder. Address All Commanlcftilolia 4, AsbUnd Block, Chicago, William 1''. llrjsn, manager and correspondent, where adTertlse- meats and subscriptions are received at our regular rates. THE LONDON BUREAU Located at 48 Cranbourne St., London, W. C, John H. Carney, manager and correspondent, where. advertisements and subscriptions are received at our regular rates. Thk Cwrpka caw an ostainbd, wholi- 6A1.H and nti ail, at our agents, Brentano'a news depot, 37 Arenue de ropera, Paris, Prune; M. I.lllenthal, 1'rederkk Strasse 101 (Termtnna Hotel), Berlin, N. W., Uer- roany l Diamond Newa Co., 1)7 Prado, Ha- viinn i Manila Book and Btstlooery Co., 128 llscolla, Manila, P. 1. ; Albert A Son, 107- 130 King St., Sydney, Australia. TUB HEW YORK t tl.Ifl'I'.R publishes only one edition, and that la dated fro m 'Wcte York. . QUERI ES ANSA VEftED. No llcpllCB 1»> Mall or TrtcKrmih. ADDltlCHBKB OR TVHUIlHABOtJTfl NOT (1IVBN. ALL, IH QUEST itV MUCH BHOUM) WBITB TO TIIOSB WHOM THBV 8BBK, IN C*nt OK THB CLla'PHR POBT OVp-ICK. ALIi LBTTBRB TVILL Hi] AOVBtlTIBBO ONB WBBK ONLY. Ir THB 1M>M'B OK ANI TIIBATR1CAL C0MPANI 18 HmiQilT. RBKIiR TO OUtl LIST Of HOUTKB ON ANOTUBII l'A(,L. WB CANNOT SEND R0UTE3 BY MAIL OB TBLBGRAPH. DRAMATIC. A. B. C, Hartford.— We have no knowt- edgc of the present whereabouts of the party. Addreaa h letter In oaf raw, and we will ad- vertlae It in Tub ,(."i.nTKB teller list. I>. Is. J.. Oahknah, CliXHTANT IUsAI>BR, I. X. L. Anxioih, Ambi'ium'n. and , _ „ G. 15. !>.. rbinolx.— See answer to A. B. C, abuvr. ... a. B. J., New York— Wa.i1. our route lint each track. . M. I. It,. Herkimer. — We have no meanB of knowing. , M. C I.., Glena Kail*. — H« was n popular FtHr. Tin: flRHa In which ho belonged In a matter 'of nplultm. Koine would rato him Ural, some second cIuhh. A.SiBixioUM.— Kluvo you have ho pour nil opinlun uf (lie profro-aloii we would ndvltso von not la make any endeavor to enter H. R R. I)., Chicago. — No one has any rlaht to prcapiit a iiopyrlgUleil play without Hie fiuiriem of the owner, and any one Bong ho It liable ti> letcul aetlou. S. P., Boston. — He In nlnyhiK vaurteTlllc. H. B., Brooklyn.— Addreae tlia Librarian of t'oiiKiew, WaHhfMKtoti. I>. I'., tiu'ougu, whom all eopyrltfhts are Rt-aiiled. ('AtM)h. 1i. t'.. KliHimliiKloii.— 'The dealer muut ul- wayH Ketllo on one turn before be (urns au- othbr Wifii O. C. H.. Onlnlh.—B lost everthlntt he put tutu the pot. The fart that ho nilsrftleula«ted 111* hand ban not blue; to do with Ibo raw. '■('ahby." — If -the rule of the "house" wan Ibm the bidder "jpipk out," or If ll wna m dt'iiileil between Ibo player* before HtarlhiK 10 play, then B niul l» were rlRbt- But In Urn Hbneiue of housn rules or a preilouM unclcr- »taiHllnL r A mid V were rWtt II. A.. Wlnoua - If A ami H ware the only plnvera H wlim the pot, If, however, thero an* more than thiwe Iwo illayhiK Ihe earda imifit he rodrali and the |tol plnyrd for In tbo uhiiiit way, i he olher playera (ext-epi A) making an a life to eipial B'a which Ih In, A ■mi not eoutcuil further for the pot, Ho lows nil '.In- money be lm* In 11, and In penalized n Mha mnl to twlee the Rintmiil of his ui-IkIuuI aitle whirl, goea latu the ueit Ml, APAMH, Toledo.— Tha tlffhl. hialwl firtooil rounds. , II. .1., Hotdoii.— Jainea ,f. .left'rlea dafi-ntcd 1'i'ier JftdMOU MaiTB 'J-J, 181»8. at Han Trail- cist'o, In tlin'it rounds. MI»t'KMtA?IKI)i:S, J. S„ Lexington.— 'You .will have to eoni- uiunb-ato with the maua(ietn of the btorea you iiienllon. K. ti. H.. Magtlalena. — Write to the Bureau «pf Vital HiuHntlcn, WaHhlngtou. IJ. C. II. tv. New YiH-k.—lf B pure baaed the nlo al $1.7.i per iluK.rn ttftrv Ihe wagiT w*ih made and without nmnlvHiiee or prearrauifemciit wlitt ihe party from whom he ptirrbaaed It, lie undoubtedly whin. W. II. 1... ArllnKloit.-~lu till reuiilur dUe " . ace la low. dimes tliealx la lilgti anil tbo ace 1 m VUIIMOKT. Bnrllngloii — At the Sti'oup tCiilin ft (Irani, managfli-a. "The Isle of Bplir," May •Jli, had ti kooiI house. Rooked : v My Dlile Ulrl" aad "Aurora of the IIIUh." "The Jale of Spice," la nil prohablllly, was the elotlng aitraethm of thlx Bcneon (the aecoud, season uf tbo boutiv)' ♦-«-«* Oi.oA NuTHBnKoi.0 hailed lor ClieM'oiirR; I'r., May .4, ni ntutr. to furls. She will ap- pear at the YiPiileviltc Thru tie for two weeks, (.'uniiUCDtlng June 7. W.-Alcrii lltir friu of the y*w York Clipper, Room n(i4 ( Anbl^nd Block, Chlviiivo. Changea will occur nt three of the dnwn town hoiiKeH the vntaing week. "The -Won und Hie Mohkc" cornea to the MIlnolH Hun- day, Muy 21: "The ClnRvrbwad" Man" opens an eoffuticmeiic »if three weeks at MeVlckcr'a on the iimm: night, and Wlltlntim and Walker iviii he Bern ut ihe '.rent Western. Rl*er- vfeLv 1'nrk, HanH Bom-I and the Chutes opened their Hcjihon 2(1. Ii.uxojh Tiibathk {Will J. Havla, manfl- fi).- -'"I'lie l.loii and the MoiiKe" la intended aa the Smuttier, attraction at thin houac, "peril n'' Stindny. 27. The cast Ituiludeti: Lil- lian Dlx, Kdwaril ('. See. Ada fory, Florence tleiMld. Kill I U Hliayii.', I'. N. Hnrrett, A. H. lrlpmaii. Kdivfinl W/ierniua. Gertrude Cofblan, (ieortfe 1'nrnonH, Joaeph kflKonr, W, H. Bur- Ion, Flora .In I let Rowley, (J nice Tnorne and Arlhirr Byron. Nnt (.'. (ioodwlii. In "Tho llMlm" nntl "A Blaze of Glory," did well hei-o the tniHt two weeka. rowBitM' Tiikatiik (Harry J. Powcrn, man- iiKerJ.— "The Heir (it the Hoorah" haa played i*> <'i!])ticliy Mlnec Mm opening performance here.- Tim mnifmny la n very capable organ- ism Ion, mnl amone it* meinbern arc: Oiry Oah'H Ptwt, t'liarlHn M. (Sea v. Nora O'Brien, l-'lorence Coventry, Harry lllcb, Maude Beam (Mover, Inline Butter, Wilfred Lucas, C. c. Qulinby, Cooi-bp Barr, Ben S. Hlgglni, Brlns- loy Shinv. Frank Monroe, Hrnest Luinson, Jane Pk*rtM Hiid T. Tamamoto. During tho Siimmei* Bunduy erenlng performances will Ih; uivon. ( oloniai. TiiiMTftB (GcorRc W. Lredercr, inntittger).-— "Forty*BTo Minutes from Broad- way" Ik .Btlll breaking attendance records. in all kinds of weather thla bonne Is crowd- i*d. Fny Temnlcton, Victor Moore. I>onald Brian, Jjiiuch j. Manning and Charles I'rlrice are warm favorites here. When "Forty-live .MhiirlPM from Broadway" closea "The Van- derbllt Cup" will be the attraction. Guano Ot'Kiu IIouhb (Harry Aakln, mail' ngvir). — "The 1'rlnce Chap" continues to good ntteiidiiiiee, "The Alcadyc" follows June 10. Sri m.iiAKKn Tjiuatrh (R. K. Harmever, munagen. — "The Student King" is doing nicely. The cast, the costumes, the scenery and -the chorus give evidence of Mr. Savage's expenditure to make ihU a great attraction. in Ihe cast rati Raymond Hitchcock, Wil- liam ' C. Wteieu, Gustavo Von Hcyffertltz, Ttionms I!, Jscary. .Mine. Boucher, Dlttmar Poppin, Albert Pnllaton. Henry Coote, Percy Pfir^ona. Lnwrence Rea, Mme. I.ina Abar- banell, Fannlo Mclutyre, Betty Ohls, Flavin Arcarc, .leunnc Calduccl, Katharine Cooper, Berlyn Mortimer and Kvn Fnllon. (jAitttiuK TtuiATfii; (Herbert C, Duce, innn- iisori. — The Hoeonil week of the engagement of (Mara Llunmn add Tsoiils Matm. In ".Titlte Hon Bon," begins Monday night, xk. ■ Among the nrloelpHl members are: Alice (iale, Mur- tlu L. Alaop, Slurlel MrArthur, Marv Cecil. Alexandra i'liilllpB, Alf. Helton, Kdward Pierce, Maggie Yielding, Geoi-gc Pauncefori, W. Thornton Himpaon, George Lane and Belle Stoddard. ".Tulle Bon Botf' Is here for aa unlimited ntu. McVirKKn'H Tiiuatrb CGeorgc C. Warren, riiniiiiK''i). — ('otniiienclng Monday evening, 28, "Tho Gingerbread Man ' begins an engage- ment of three wceka here. The ca«t Includes : (ins Weinberg. HtMlc Jtcdway, George H. Pal- mer, Almlrn Forest. Helen Bertram. Lillian I.eon, Boss Know, II. L, Zledcr, W. H. Mack, Homer Llnd. Harriett Burt, Nellie Lynch and Joseph Welsh. The Coward" closed 27 a run of ihree weeks. Ciiicauo Opbiia HoilBE (Lyman B. Glover, manager for Kohl & Castlcf. — "The Three tlraceH" has become, since Its revision, a thoroughly onlerlalulng musical comedy, and the east now Includes : IMna Wallace Hopper, Helena Frederick, Mahel Barrlson, John IShivln. h'rsnk Fsrrlngtoti, Sidney He Grey, Bert Weaton, George Daniurel, CharleK ll. Ruwent, Llllliin Moure, Helen Cllftoh, Hthel Clayton, Adelc .Oswald, Florence Craig, Helen Case and .Tosrnhlhe Sawyer. La sai.i.i: TliRATJtH (M. II. Sfnger, mana- fpH»). — "Tim Umpire" la now nearing Its three iiiudi-edth per rum) mice In Ibis city, u mark yet unknown In ihe hklory of local theatres. The fact Hint "The Umpire" 1ms been on fur kIk montlm doc-, not seem to hHve'any effect mi the attendance, the crowds keen coming, •lune 8 la to he souvenir night. .Tola house will urohHbly close for a few weeks tl^c latter purl of June, mnl when tbe regular seaHim starts, "A Square Deal" will he presented. tillKAT NOttTlllAlIN TllrtATRK (b'redC. EWNWi wanager). — Willluma and Walker, the lead- ing colored players of tho world, will be Ihe offering hero for week of 27. They will ho seen In "Abyssinia. "Brown's in Town" proved a big hit here last week. • "Bedford's Hope" follows June :t. Thk/ her, ' nianiijier) . — "The Little Minister" will Htwctra "Children of Men," Monday evening. 28. Kllxahelli Gondii), tbe latest acquisition In thla company, will make her first appear- huco as Felice. "Graustark" uexL week. Ai.liAMIUtA. TllKATitK i ,l.ii nes ll. It row ii, innnagorl, — "A Crown uf Thorns" will l>e Hie nil i'lictlon week of 2K. Walter Scott, In "Scnjty, King of the Desert Mine." did welt last week. The limine closes Juuc It. Ai'Am.siY . t Wlllhim Itoche. manager I. — The closing of this Ihealro for the Hummer Iimh been deferred one week In order to wel- i.— one of the best, bills of the knmm was preaen ted here fmt week. Nat Haines was the hcadllner. Other feat- ures, were: Sherman and De Forest, Lra Itimnilii, Julia Ring and company, Arile llnil. Don nntl Thompson. Henderson and Bowman Niuunl Kthatdo. Charlotte Havens crofl. Ceslallett and Hull, Fny and Uila Our- bvelte.'the Black Vaughners. Clovnf Conkey. .(•ox mid Summers, Mirthful Trio, anil the kliiodroiiH<. , Cm.i'MiU's TiiKATitK (Weber Bros., nmnn- gfi'H).-— Anne Suiherland'H Slock Co. will pre- dent "Tlieima" for week heulnning 27. For week of June :i, "Resurrection." ClllTKWIO.N TllKATKK 1 Jubti It. Hogaii, man- agiTK-Al, W. Martin's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" Co. will he the uttering here week beginning 27. Lust week, "When the World Sleeps. Phis theatre closed June 2. F11U.Y TitKATitK i.niun A. Fennessy. man- Igerl, — The Umpire Burlenqnera will he the hill here for one week romnienelng with tbe Hmiduv ninllnee, 27. A piny. In Iwo nets, entitled "Cnsey and the Green Bod Club," Is the vehlil" wtiich will disclose n eoterle of vtviicloiiH girts uud ii corp« uf clever come- ^7J7usr~W"iTTm Cu.ir.iW-lL--3««.vMJ*ft^a)0ipauy. The Slar Khiiw Glrla whs Inst week'a attrac- tion. Tkucadeho iiieaibe (I, M, .WclogarteD, manager).— Htirry llnatlngfl' Black Crook- Jr. Burlesquera are billed here week of 27. This is said to Im> a rrlsn entertainment, In which Mile. Devere, Hastings add Sheldon, and the La Bella Troupe of acrobats offer tbelr spe- cialties. The Ron Tons closed a week of good business Saturday, 2(i. Tbc Trocadero Stock Co. will start Its annual Summer en- gagement here Julie :i. Bi-'HON's Tin: a 'mi: (Sid. J. Kuson, mana- ger!. — Plenty of burleHipie, farce comedy und vaudeville Is the announcement for the com- itig week. The Toreiidor Biirlesquers, a comely chorus uud numerous comedians, will be seen. ".Miss Dodo's Reception" and "The Spanish Bull Fight" arc the burlesque num- bers, add tho Foley Bros., who were formerly with George Primrose : Irwin and Bu Watt, the Ama'tOB. Harry Harvey, Dirk Brown, and (he new series of living pictures are listed for the olio. Business Is good at this Iheatre. Lokdox Dimb Mi;mbum (William J. Swee- ney, manager). — The following arc booked In the curio hall for week of 28 : Ne Na Moosa, Indian Trlncess; the VnldttrnB, Illusionists; Nelson, tbe armless painter; Mile. Brown, mind reader, and Paige, the clay modeler. In the theatre: Jennie McCoy, Irene Blair, Ciara Hill, and Hull's moving pictures. Claiik SrnKET Museum (Louis M. Hedges, manager). — Chauncey Moreland, who tips , the scales nt ;ir,o pounds, will lead the list of -attractions including; Hugh McCorkick, ventriloquist ; Dolllc Watson, sword dancel". Irene McKeever, and Bean and Dukln. In the theatre will be: Winner and Fields. Pearl Lavine, Dan Keating, tbc Parkers, and Prof. Lafayette. Whitk city (Paul D. Hnwse, general man- nger). — In the face of uupropltlous weather. White City lift;' demonstrated that it has a place In the affect Ions of tbe people. Since the opeplng, which whs the coldest day uf the month, the .ticket sellers were swamped. The dally attendance haa been greater than any like number of consecutive days of last year, even In the most torrid part of the Summer. The park Is rilled with new at- tractions. Amusements new to Chicago have been Installed, Jewell's manlklos, a new marionette show, la attracting' a great deal of attention. Big Otto and Ills trained anl- imilrj furnish tbe 'circus element that waa last year lacking at. the park. The. Chicago Fire inul Midget City are Iwo shows that ore ihe premier attraction* of this p luce. San Kocct park (Leonard Wolf, mana- ger) — Thla amusement park opened Satur- day. -MS. Much money has been spent In pro- viding new features, preserving the lawns, flower beds, shade trees and tbc electric fountain. Amoiig the- new features arc u acetilc railway, with n two mile ride; roller master, with a mile of dips nnd turns'. Mld- wuy colonade, dance pavilion, circle swing, alligator farm, laughing gallery. Illusion the- aire and midget land. The vaudeville Die- utre has been completely remodeled, and the best ' acts available will be produced. ,1'u<> bookings for the tlrst week, aa made by Kohl &. Castle, are: Rose and Kills. Ham Hplngold nnd company, Mualcul Goolmans, Itocco voc- co, Charles I^degar, and Kcveral other acts. Itivi-usmi: PAng (William M. Johnson, mannger). — Of the several Summer ntmiFe- ruent pt'rks opening tbe season In Chicago 2U, Rivcrvlew Is the largest In area. It also Iihn undergone many costly Improvements. This was formerly known as Shapshootcrs' Park, and, although It has been conducted aa Jin amusement park for two yenrfi, It has never before entered the Held of Summer en- tertainments 'upon it scale so pretentious as this year. Located In a most desirable part of the city, nnd having nn area of fifty acres It possesses, -with this year's shows, and other Improvement*, nil that seems necessary' for Micceful Hummer entertainments. The Igor- role vllltigc, Rollln's Wild Animal Show, fhe ostrich farm, Hie crocodile ranch, the Ger- man Hippodrome, the electric theatre and other attractions will be offered. Kyrl's Band will he heard here for two weeks. Thk Ciiuthm. — The gates of this park opened Saturday, 211, offering surprises at every (urn. Francesco Pozzl'a Band of forty musicians begins the season with a t'oncert, and will be heard dally henceforth. Enlarged, re- en forced, beautified and made almust a new world of amusement, the big West side park opens the season with a bright outlook. Be- sides all the devices of last seusuu, this park offers as means of pleasure an "Arabian Dreamland." Temple Plra. the spectacles. Dawn of the Xew World, the Prince of India and the Wandering Jew. A giant autotualon which draws portraits, the elec- tric theatre, motion pictures, Ihe velvet coaster, the mystic rill, ligure eight toboggan, aerostats and flying swings are rivals for popular favor. An-KitMATit. — Madeline Le Boenf and Rhea Clemens were Ci.iri'Kit Bureau callerH Thurs- day. These two voting ladles arc members of "Foriy-flve . Minutes ' from Broadway," which Is enjoying such a. prosperous run at the Colonial II. ll. Wbltller, muimger l'or'AI. W.' Martlu's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" Co., called here Thursday. He informs me that business with the above company has been exceedingly good ...... .Manager Kobold, of Mm Winnipeg. Canada, was In town all the week. Ho left (his city Friday. 25 William A. Lang next season will operate ihe Majestic Theatre, Krle, Pa. Ills house* will open June 1 T. L. Bradford, secre- tary of the. Dallas Arms Co,, nnd also In- terested In the Interstate circuit, was in tnwn May 22-2U Robert Carter and com- pany will play Keith's, Cleveland, week of 28. After Hint they will play the Ktisteru vaudeville theatres. ...... .The Lu Mnolnes called 211. They are booked solid until September Leonard Brln In now treas- urer or Ibe Colonial Theatre, this cltv, and Ralph T. Kettering, Is assistant treasurer. The Actors* Church Alliance held a meeting Friday afternoon, 25, at the Masonic Temple. Kdwurd B. Hass was the guest of honor ■. Fny, Coley and Fay were cullers Saiuriluy. 2d. They play logeraoll Park. De« Moines, la., week of 28. Mr. Coley will spend his vacation this year at bis home In Raleigh. N. V Kherns and t.olc plaved the Olympic Theatre, this d(y, week of May 14.. They hsve algned with the Buys, in - "Down the Pike,"' for next season (in Thursdn y. May 24, a baseball game was nlayed at the American league, ('rounds, Ire t ween the nutnugera of Chicago and the vaudeville actors wlm happened to Iki hi town on that date. The contest was » great success financially, and Hie reeelpis of tin name were turned over to u> committee wlm will send the proceeds to San Frauds.-.) for the relief of the members of the profcHKloii who are there now In destitute elrciim- stances. The managers' nine consisted uf Kdivard C. I layman. Jake Slernnd, Frana Buck. Chris, ll. Bi-Own, C. T. Rnrtnon, Adolph Meyers. William A. Lung, Walter Keefe and John Nash. Manager Harry J. Armstrong waa III and could not appear. The actors nine was: Dick Gardner, \iclor Moore, Clias. Prince, Boh Carter. James J. Morton. Arm- Klrong nnd Campbell. Harry Splngold and lUilre Burdell. Charles li. Kllnatrlck um- pired pari of the game. The ornelal umpire was James J. Morton. Nine Innings were played, and the score was fifteen to fourteen, In favor of the actors. Among the ladles present were: Mrs. Victor Moore, (Vila Bloom. Nellie Rellly. Sadie Jacobs. Auna For- ces. Anna Scherer, Cora Bench Turner, Allle Newell, Mrs. Splngold. Josephine Saw- yer. Madeline Le Boenf, Rhea Clemens, Mrs. doolman. nnd eereral others. Manuger John Nash, of Detroit, who wax called here to participate In the game, proved one of the strongest players nil the managers' ulne. ns did also Messrs. Brown, llayu.au. Stcrnad and Buck. Walter Keefe, who nt ono time was a professional player, scorcdi aereral runs. . . . Recent eriaawmenht njrnje ^ 'lirojrgh, Ben- rti'tt'n Drhnmllc Kirnahfie. niuiiiii' tiie 'fol- lowing ' Hettle Bernard t base. Brlau Darlev, D V, .Muvdouk, Julia Gray und Geo. 1. Cua- Heden, wlth^ Broadwey Theatre Block Co.. Mm St. Loula; A. W. Fordyre. with Johuson. Combs & Button: Cleo. A. .Wood and 'Jack Dbblvan. with "The Little Outcast" Co. ; Kthel Jordan, with "A Royal Blftve" Co.: Bessie Dean, FrllzAdama, Ada Zell, with the Helssmen Stock Co., Atlanta. Gn. P Mr. and Mrs. (leo. Olml, with the-Suburban Stock Co, Kt Louts. Mo.: Frank De.Veraort, with the Helwcca Warren Hummer Stock Co., Ittdlan- apollB, Ind. : Mr. and Mrs. Frank De Vernon, with "As Told In the Httls" Co., for next Reason: Alice LovpIhco, R. F.'Bartlctt. Beit Herbert, with the Howard Theatre Stock : Trlxle Lewis, with "An Aristocratic Tramp" Co.: Raymond Whltlakcr, with the Long Beach Hlock Co.. Los Angeles, Cal. : B. E. O'Connor, with tbc Livingston Stock Co.. Peoria, III.: Bertie Hnrtram, with Ihe Marks Bros.' Stock Co.: Allen Kelly, Will Burnett nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Adams, stock. Cedar Baplds, la.; r.ilie Beit, with the Baker Stock Co., Rocheater, N. Y. : Fred- erick Bernard, with the Broadhtirst & Currle'a "The Coward" Co. : Gus Mortimer, Mabel Florence '.and Julia Stuart. In stock, ngden, Utah ; Kdlth Forrest. Sarah Cameron, Mrs. Thomaa J.'Keoflgh, Kdlth De ValniABeda, W. If. Reynolds, Oeo. A. Beane and Mark J. Kllison, with "Brown's In Town'" Co The official band of the St. I-ouls World's Fair, headed by William Well, will ojpen the rropi.htr Col iscu ir ' Garden this evening, and naugurate tbe fourth seaaon of Summer music. NOTICB TO COHBK8PONDEt\TS. Onr theatrical concvpondciits arc hereby notified that the credential* now held bu them expired on June l. They arcrcqttefltid to return them to this office at. once, for renewal for iSQ6-iW. •«-»+ MASSACHUSETTS. Bottlon. — with two new productions offered ut tbe local theatres, and the opening of the season at Woodland and Norumbegn Parks, the week' promises to be an Interest- ing one theatrically. "Young Fornald," with Henry Miller and Margaret Anglta, will have Its premier at the 'MuJeflilc on Monday, 28, and "The Man from Now," In which Harry Bulger Is starred, will be seen for the first time at the Tromont on Decoration Diiv. "Buster Brown," at the (,lobe, 1b the only other change, of " bill noted in current theat- ricals, aside from the nisioniary stock, vaude- ville and burlesque shifts. Ben <; rent's Woodland Players will lie seen at Brookllne on Monday add Tuesday. Ma.tk«tiv: (A. L. Wilbur, manager).— Conv iiicnclng May 28, and for one week, Henry Miller nnd Margaret Auglln will lie seen In tbe iir.it production on any sluge. of "Young Frriutld,' a comedy, by Rveiyu Greeoieaf Sutherland and Beulah Dlx. The company in support Includes: Mrs. Thomas Wblffen. Bertram Harrison, Arthur R. Lawrence, Jack Standing and Ruth Wilding. During the past fortnight. Margaret Angllo, In *'Zlra," pleased large and enthusiastic audiences. "The Tour- ists" will come June 4, for what, it Is hoped, will be a Summer run. Tkemont (John B. Schoeffel, manager). — "The Man from Now," a musical novelty, from tbe pen of John Kcndrlck Bangs and Vincent P. Bryan, with mu&lc by Manuel Klein, will have Its premier Wednesday after- noon. May UO. Hnrry Bulger is the star, and the compnnv will Include: Helen Hule, Fran- c-la Demerest, Battle Arnold. Walter Law- rence. Chus. Meyers, Geo. O'Donncll, Lucy Tonga and John Keefe. H. W. Savage makes tbc production, which Is scheduled for uu all Summer run. "The Stolen Story" had three weeks of good business, closing May litf. Colonial (Cbas. Frohman, Bich & Harris, miinageiH).— Grace George, In "lTie Marriage of William Ashe," ended a successful two ivt'cks' engagement 'J(J, and also closed the regular season of this house. After a week of darkness the house will reopen June 4, for a Summer season, with Richard- Carle, in "The Mayor of Tuklo." Gr.o»E (Stair & Wilbur, managers). —The closlug attraction of the season here is "Buster Brown," which will lie given nine times this week. The Marvelous Fays had three weeks of good business, ending May - r U. Emciiu: (Boston Amusement Co., 'mana- gers). —"Mrs. Dane's Defense' 1 will engage the stork forces this week, with John Craig and Kalbcrlne Grey leading. "Too Much Johnson" convulsed the large audiences Inst week. "The Private Secretary" -next. Casti.k SyrjAiiK (Boston Stage Society, managers!. — "The .lilt." by the. stock, this week, closing the regular season of Ihe house. "fhrlstoi>|]pr ,lr" was a pleasing bill Inst week. A Summer season of" opera will he Inaiigurnled June 4, with "The Mikado" as Hie opening bill. J. K. Murray, Clara Lane:, Josephine Bnrtlett. Hntlle Belle Ladd and Geo. Shields arc some of the principals on- guced. Bowi-oin Sih-aui-: Park (Floyd C Thompson general manhUer).— Thla new resori at Up! fere Beach will open for the season May ;,u Among the many concessions ure : Flgutinx ibe Flames, Fatal Wedding, Love's Journey Hell Gate, the chutes, open air circus, musi' cal railway, Japanese village, Wild West show, children's theatre, etc. NouuMJuniA Park (Carle Alberto, mans- g«r).— SeaaOn at this park opens |bj jti with the following bill In the rustic theatre" The Jackson Family, Musical Simpson. Cooper uud Robinson. Reed's terriers und the ton* graph. Two pcrformancca will be given dallv. .No'ci:s. — Sunday concert bill at the /W. duln Square: Myles McCarthy and compativ Retlford and Wlncheatei*. Newell nnd .Vlbiii Chaa. H. Duncan, Sid Baxter, Handy .'iw' man and Larry O'Connor, Mrs. Leslie l-'vans und company, Loti Mbrgun. Dynes and Dyne* and tbe Raaorka T. F. Thomas bas in! nod the stock burlesque company i,t. the »*!ace .'.'.•.< -The rustic theatre at l-exiogtou Pftrk will open for tbe season June IS The Fadette Woman's Orchestra will begin their annual Summer engagement at Keith's. June 4 Chaa. "Sandy" Chapman bss been engaged to 1 sing at Wonderland Park during the Summer Boolon lodge nf Blks will dedicate, on Memorial Day. hi Mi Hope Cemetery,- n monument In honor or Charles A. S. Vivian, founder of the I'lks In this country, and also a memorial In honor of John II. Dec, a past exalted ruler of Ron- ton lodge.. .... .The Barnum A Bnlley Khon la due In this city week of June IS. I N H' l| ■■' ■'" liniTcll.-— The Academy of Mush- (Rich- aid F. Murphv,' manager) closed a very aw- ceasfiit season May 20. Last week's bill, "Lovers* Lane," gave- the beat of eftllefec tlon, and Augustus 1'hllllps deserved special mention for excellent work In the leading role. W. L. West, Ben F. Wilson, James Montgomery. Victor De Lacy, Sumner Gunl, Jessie McAllister. Bijou Washburn. Sadli* Radclllfe, Julia Varney and Reeky ltlford all did fetl Hathaway's (John I. Shannon, resident manager), — The Hathaway Stock Co., Bsr- wald and Lefflngwcll, managers, offered "Cnio- hertHird '(11" last week. The play was vi- celleutly i-ostumed and singed. A. St. Clare Bvers and Marie Falls; In the loading roles, deserved the' applause they received. Jack Cbagnon, H S. Aniflerson. Nnl LeOincwell. Wm. H. Barwuld, Roland Gordon, Kleannr Windom, Marcella I'"orreste, Marjorle Fletcher und Dickie Delaro all won new laurels. This week. "The Ticket of- Leave Mhu," wlib A. St. Clare Kvers in leading role. Lakgvu-w Pauk has undergone its usual brightening, and opened with a band con- cert 27. Among the many outdoor plrss- urea, the Ingeraoll Co.' has- erected a ?lani roller coaster. -Harry KHtredge will direr t the orchesti-a In the dance iiavlllon. The theatre, under direction of J. .1. Klynii, ojictis June 25. C.vnobkb Lakk Park -opened with baud concerts 2d, and the rest of the outdour amnsementa here open the current week. The thealre opens with stock opera, in be known as the Oariobee Lake Opera Co., July 2, and will cbangelts bill weekly. Willow Dam. Park will be inangn rated by Ibe owners, the Bowers Brothers, and a roll- nway will be the leading feature. wBli occa- sionally an outdoor attraction of merit. Notes. — Billy Nelson, formerly manager of the People's Theatre, writes that Pawnee Bill's Wild West Is enjoying hip hnslne**., aud that tbe'followlug Lowell people are member-. of the company: The Ininans, Hairy anil Btlti: Joe Manley, Tommy Jones, Fred HBllJ and Billy Nelaon .lame* Montgomery will star next season in "The Ped dler.' Sltrliijr field.— At the Court Souare (P. 0. (i It more, manager) the second weeks offering of the Hunter-Bradford Stock i ». was '^Christopher Jr." which took well will, audiences or good proportions. As Dora. Julia Booth had a role which fitted her to h nicety. Henry Kolker played his rote In a forceful manner. May Forbes, as -l\ell e, waa pleasing, and Herbert Cortbell. as Hut austere parent.'was ail that could be deslreif. Tho others of tbe company were well cast. "Alabama" this week. Pqm'k (J. C. C'riddle, resident manager). . — Poll'a Own Stock Co. opened lis Sununer engagement Muy 21. with "A Bachelors lt»- mlince," to a crowded house. May nierK- well* at once Jumped Into favor as the sini|»w country malrfen. and she was most conviiic- lift. Ruth A. Blake was Impressive as lleleii Le Grand. Harry Burkhnrdr. gave a «"? I(1(l presentation of David Holmes, and ■HIIHhh Mr Key did an excellent bit of character work. "Why Smith Left Home" -May 28, for the NoTWfv— The first advertising ear of Bar- num ft Bailey's Circus i-eacheii this city -"• and soon windows Hbowed the announcement Ihnt the "big show" would visit, ns June -- at Hampden Park Col. Cumm ns wllrt West brigade. 21, filled all the bill board* and available apace with poster*, calling «■ leotlon to the fact the show would be win ny June U In spite of the large an- dlences which were in attendance at ins Music Festival, there Is a deficit to be mad« up by those vvho guaranteed the rnnceris. ....Howard K. Regal, at, one 'lime the dra- matic editor of T/tr, Surlmiflrtd «f/"'W/ ( ''*: hna been promoted to tbe local edllnrshU '' [ the name paper .Daisy Gary, of Brtia* has returned to her home after a season vvu the isdles orchestra of "The Beauty and IW Bcust" Co Snrali Bernhardt wll ■£ pear, under canvas. In a location yel '" ™ chosen. June 8. George Whitney In loosing after this engagement. ' "New Bedford.—At Hathnway'a IJ. M- Hathaway, manager) Hathaway S J .'* :'t produced "'rW Cowboy arid the Lady w™ of May 81, to excellent business. » m Jenus" 28 nnd week. M .v NBW Bwwian (Win. B. Cross, "niiusger i. —Mildred Holland. 20, 2tt. had nod paw neas. Claire Stock Co. 28 and week. Ravoy (W. fl. Shine.- manager).— «■; Shine, representing -Archie Shepard. W " ting on a good moving picture show IB ■"'■ house, to good business. tea bla __ .and quietly worrying Julia Welbe.. girl. Mr. O'tjonncll and wife are no-v cnJ"J Ihg if trip to Nova S cot In. Lynn — At. the Auditorium (Hurry KiLo* manager), notwlllmtnndlng the warm n"!A or, the Httendanco continued go™ '," closing day la June 10. ' Bill week nr WW 28: Mr. and Mra. Gene Hughes, t oru i-.i«> the Zlngarl Trlu. Mazuii and Mazette. "^ bcri's do^e, Black and Jones, Howard nn" North, nnd tbe moving pictures. . . N'tTRR.— Leonora Robertson. WW* «■" of "The Liberty Belles" Co., «n*et, k Ba 5 t» at Nnhaut. Maaa., la now *»* "5 parenla for the Summer. It M*J5S Mke was in tho San Francisco earthqua«. nnd great fear waa expressed by I» p ^T h /t nt ihat time ahe ftibt la-'^"^* /;„ 'jT,in if " Kataea. aasodated with the AuditonuBi, « iibv.-, iw kudu uiiBiuer*B. .„hae. Notk.— Jos, O'Connelt, the popular ona« i lender of Hathaway's Theatre. siirnrh-M i many friends by going to Newport, ii. ••■ JUNF2. /TJrfcfaJ. asrapfW- -Y0EK GlflKPEK. •411 visiting la Chicago and other Westetn cities. Worcfrter.- At the Franklin Squire (J. K Burke, resident manager) , week of May ■>8 will be the farewell week of the Malcolm Williams Stock Co, They will prodnce "Miss Hoobi." "MlM"fcohgWtow. who Is to; be with the Franklin* Square Stock Co.. which Is to oaei .Tune 4. Mil be seen In the cast. Last week Mr. Williams aud 1)1h company played •Camllle." as; produced br Mme. Bernhardt, to excellent pWonage. The work of F)or« eoce Reed, In tbe title role, and Unit of 'Regan rHwghstoU; as -Duval,' showed, marked ohiiity' Air; William* did not appear, but bis • work In dlrecrlog made: the production a complete sifccess. Week of- 'June 4 the Franklin Suunre Stock Co. will open with ■The Christian." Tt>u'H (Chas. W. Fonda, resident matin- ser i .—Week " of May 28,' llm three days, Daniel Ryan, In "A Roy Lover." Last three days. "The Fntal Wedding." Week .of June 4 "Haralet-'-'ond ^Jim.'tbe Penman." Last week the company produced "We Are King," to good 'advantage. ' >"' ■ PahK Thkatjie (Atf. T. Wilton, manager). —Week of May liS the Carlton-Moore Players will prodtice "A Break for Liberty." Last week the company ployed' "Tbe Road to 'Frisco," to good pHtronsge. ■WrtiTP. CitV \(V. H. Bfeelow, manager).— Week of -8 nearly all the attractions* will he in full running order. John .1. McMahon, the h[gh diver; the Four La Pearls, and the Wolf BrOtlierR ore ttook.ed.for special attrac- tions. A fireworks d Up I ay on Decoration Day. i.aKB (Wor. Consol. St. Ry. Co., niano- -ers).— Week of .28, one -of J. W. Gorman's companies. In the rustic tlieatre. Notes. — An animal. demonstration of pop- ularity took place at the FrnnkUn, evening of 20, wtiieii -v.-us the last performance In which Clnvton l#gge would make his appear- um with the. ; .Malcolin Williams Co. He was not on'.v .greeted wltn volumes of applnuKe, but wosApresebted with .a bulldog, a gold watch and a score of floral tributes. It Is rumored tbot Mr. I 24. presenting a Vn Dlavolo, ,r "Er- inlule,'' "The Mikado" and "The Chimes of Normandy," Bei.*hco (J. H. Blackwood, manager).— "An; You n MnsohV"' ns presented by tbo "Rip Van lowed by "Glorlana" 21 aud week. Winkle" follows. MOWHtca'A Burbank (Oliver Morosco, ninuager). — Tbe stbek cinnpauv closed Its successful two weeks' engagement of "Tbe Lily nnd tbe Prince," 20. "At Pluey Ridge," by the stock, 21 and week, with "Mlzpab" 2< nnd week. Ghakd Opkra IIuuhb (Clarence Drown, manager).— "A Race for Llfe,",by the Ulrlch Stock Co., drew well week ending SO. "East Lynne" 21 and week, "Lured from Home" 'M nnd week. OaPHniiM (Marttn Beck, general manager). — Features 21 and week : Argenantl Trio, Foster and Poster tbe Great 1'Yancellan, IMlKBbeth Murray, Carson and VVIllurd, (Cath- erine Dab I, Bailey and Austin, and motion pictures. . . . U.NiQtiH (Hentz & Zulee, proprietors). — Features 21 and week : Espe. Bimbo und Espc, Allela O'Dette, Bossley and Bostellp, Jim Dia- mond, Dniiiue Players, preseatlug "A Friend of the Family," ond Unlnue-n-Bcope. • FiSjRiiKR'a (A. E. Fischer, manager).— Features 21 nud week: Godfroy Brothers, motion pictures, and Fischer's All Btar t:omedy Co.. In "Are We Khrlnern?" HotcBkikb (T. Jeff White, manager). — A double bill HI and week, consisting of "Tbe Mikado" and "CuTslleria Ktinli-atw." Knlb and DIM, In "L n. r.," 28 and week. - CtNKoniurii ek, the Handow MidgpN, uiovlng picture*. and tbe sjock company, presenting "The Bunko Man'n Harvest." Emfirr (BWv Banks, resident manager). —Features ill and week : The Mascrop Bis- ters, Laura Bank*, Leed| and Le Mar, Paul Philadelphia — With tbe end of tbe cur- rent week all «>( the duwn town, bouses, with Hie exception of tbe Chestnut and Keith's, wlU close for tbe season. "Rosalie" will be continued Indefinitely at tbe Chestnut, while Keith's will continue its policy of keeping open all Summer. Rlngllug Bros." Circus, whkh made Its local debut on May 21, was a revelation to local circus goers. The big tent, with Its 14,000 capacity, was crowded at every nlgbt performance, while tbe dfter- noon shows attracted crowds of big propor- tions. Lybic (Messrs. Hhubert, managers). — "The Tourlsto, which bad Its premier 21, has inude u big hit, the press befog unanimous lu declaring the production a success from every standpoint. Richard liolden has a comedy, role 'which enables blm to display his -fun- making nullities to good 'advantage, while. Julia Sanderson gives a winsome and dnlnlv performance -In a part that ilrs her abilities. 'Wm. T. Hodges -makes good lu a straight part, white George A. Sciiltler, Wm. Friuute nnd HstPllfl Wentworib also have excellent roles. Last *week bis crowds were lu attend- ance. The engagement ends June l', which also marks the closing of the regular season. On June 7 tbe house wlll : reopen for one per- formance by 'North Bernhardt* . Chrhtnut (Nixon «t Zimmerman, mana- gers). — "Rosalie" enters on Its sixth week 2S. During the week CoraTracey will appear lu the title role, replacing Claire Maentz. Garrick (Nixon & Zimmerman, mauagers). —Anna Eva Fay ended a profitable four weeks' engagement 2U, on which date tbe bouse closed for the season. Park (F.-O. Nlxon-Nlrdllnger, manager), — ■ "Checkers" begins the fourth week of Its ruu 28. and will probably be continued for next week. Last week the attendance was good, the acting of Hants Robert, In the leading role, evoking much applause, (iiiANi) Ofrka HotiNK (0. A. Wegefartb, manager). — "Arizona, 1 ' which drew big houses week of 21, ended the regular season nt this honse, which has been a most proil table one. During the Summer the bouse will be en- tirely redecorated. . , Oiuaiid (Miller & Kaufman, managers). — Jane Dore, In "A- Mad 34m, gives the piny Its first local view 2H and' week. Last week "Moutona" drew good sl7.cd houses. On June 4 the comedy, "Matilda," will be put on for the rlrsL time, bv a cast includlog: Bertha Crelgbton, Kdwlu Mlddteton, Nellie Caliu- ban, Arthur Mnltland, William Carr and Kleanor Calnes, National (J. M. Kelly, manager). — The reason euded 211, Willi a fairly good week's business done by "lu a Womau's Power." I'koi'lk'm (F. 0. Nlxon-Nlrdllnger, mana- ger).— The concluding attraction of tbe turn- son, week of 28, is Stetson's "Uncle Tom's Cubln." "Deserted ut the Altar" did pro- fitably week of 21. Blaney^h iM, H. Nchlesslnger, manager). — Nell Burgess, lu "The Couutv Fair," bad good pntionage week ending 2U, which also marked tbe ending of tbe season at this hoitse. Hart's (John W. Hnrt, manager). — "Jim, the Penman," week of U.S, following n week of good returns done by "Wife for wlfa." "Camllle" next. I'ViiiKfAiiuii'.s (Miller Sl Kaufman, mana- gers). — Bertha Crelghtou will bead the stock week or 28, In "Camllle," which will lie tbe closing attraction of the season. Miss Crelgb- ton wa*i for several seasons leading itnly -of tbe Olrfird stock, nnd will be tendered a pub- lic reception on the stage after the mntmce June 2. Kugeule Blair was seen to good ad- vantage last week, lu "Hupho," which drew L'ood Hizeil bouses. Kritii's (II, T, Jordan, manager).— Wil- liam Courllelgli heads a strong bill week of May lift. Others are: Nina Morris and com- pativ, In "A Friend's Advice:" Walter 'C. Kelfy, ICdward Reynard, the Three Dumondn, tbe Four LukeuH, Irving Jones, Lillian Bbaw, Mile. Chester, Susie Fisher, tbe Tannkan, Heury and [''rancls, Salmon and Chester, Hills und WllHon, und the klnetograph. t'ANisti (Ellas. Koenlg & Lederer, niQiin- £ PrH j. — Dnrkfst Boutb, with Its aggregation of coon xhuuters. Is bere 2B and week. The Dainty Duchess Co. bad plenty of patronage lOFt week. Bi.ioti (Oeo. W. Blfe, roannger). — Yankee Doodle Ulrls 28. TJie Broadway (lalety Olrls bd(l no cause to complain of the patronage Inst week. Htar Burlesque Co. next. LTOBtm (John O. Jermon, manager). — Tbe French Folly Unrlesquers week of 28, Tbe efforts of tbe Night Owls were rewarded with nice business last week. Tkgcaiikihi (Fred Wlllsou, manager).— The New York Belles 23. The Bohemlnn Burlex(]uers furnished plenty of amusement to .the natrons, .who turned out In goodly numbers Inst week. . I Willow Onovn Park (F. H. Lincoln, man- ager). — Walter Damroscb and his New York Hrmpbosv Urcbeslra began tbe Reason 2t), with a° Immense crowd In attendance. Tbe amusement features, which are many, In- elude; The Scenic Baliwar, Mirror - Mice, Coal Mine, Olde TaUt Trip 1 the;Alpi, Fer- ris Wheel, Flying Machine, and two merry- go- rounds. WooDitDB Park.— The season began ,20, with Wlwelock'a United States ludlnn Band as the musical attraction. Other features are ; Hale's Tours of tbe World and tbo tem- ple or mirth. Wiiitk City, formerly Chestnut Hill Park, also formally opened 2(1. Several new amuxe- mc&t halls nave been built la addition to a large terminal station. Notes.— Morris S. Scbleoslnger, who hart been Charles P.. Blaney'a representative lu Ibis city for the past three year a, will trans- fer the fli'-d of bis activities to New York next season, where he will uaBume an execu- tive pusltlou on Mr. Iltnuey's staff, as an as- sistant to blB general manager The Chamlnade L'luh, a local musical organiza- tion, will be heard In "Tbe Mocking Girl," at the Broad Street Theatre on May 28, 2!) Mulshing touches are being. put to the CJef- man theatre, at Franklin Street and Olrard Avenue, which will open Its season early In September. »» ' ■■!■■■■ Lancaster. —At (tu- Family Theatre (I'M. Mozart, manager) "The 'Runaway uil-weekly change* of bill. Ptifipi.ii's Bath i Nci Kksoiit will opeu :tt) for the season. The umuoger. Cupt. John B. Peoples, ivin the roof garden' until the present year, In addition to the bnthlug there are numerous park attractions. Mr, Peoples also coudurta an nmusetneiit arcade la this city, which !* liberally patroulzed. — ' ■ » . Altoona.— At the UMhler (I. c. Mlahler, manngpr) "Our New Minister" bad a lurgc andlpnec May 24. Miles Bros.' moving pfi 1 - tares, .-'M), closing Ibe bouse for th<* season. At 1 Lakkmont Park the sea^uut opens :t0. The theatre attractions ,are not announced ypt. May 25 wus newspaper day at tbe park. All newspaper representatives from Altuoui and Hull Ida ysburg, lucludlug Tiik Clippkr and other dramatic papers, were Invited. Special cars were funilsbed the party, and a general tour of tbe purk wus taken, under the pscort of Oeneral Manager-Crane and Su- perlnteodent Shannou. A one luncbeon was served in Ihp Casino,' after which dancing was an-eojovable feature of the occasion. Notk. — Manoger I. C. Mlshler and Mrs, Mlsbler start for Mt. Clemens 28. a— ' ■■■ " ■ Wllllaiuaport.— At tbe Vallamont Park Pavilion (Lyman A. Pray, manager) tbe Vallamont Slock Co. open» the season with "Men and Women," May IHt-SO. "Confusion" 31 -June 2, "Sweet Clover" 4-B, "At Cozy t'ornprs" 7-0. The company is mude up of the following players : KdWIn Bailey, Charles Stevens, Van Dyke Brooke, Aug. (llasmeyer, C. H. Jennlnss, Arthur Morris, Arniund An- thony, Itoltert 'Pule. Albert Lani, director ; Ixtrralnc hrnux, .l|ille Morton, Margaret; Ler, Sara Lewhi and (irnc** Irftckwottd. Nm«L — Pawnee Bill drew Immense (crowds 2J Rlngllug Bros.' circiiK .tune 2. — i ■ m ' '-■' . HiirriHiinrK. --At Pnxtang Park (Fellt M. Havls, manager) the season will open May 30, with the All Star Vaudeville Com- pany. This resort has been greatly enlarged and Improved, and now has a lake and other big featuroa. . +•* MICHIGAN. Stock Co.. In "The Baaker'sT)anghter," 27- 30. aed "Nobody's Claim," 31-June 2. Grand opeju. House (Churchill & ttavK managcra). — VauderUle attractions week uf May 27 : Armstrong and Verue, Det»re aud irevsre, James W. Haltoway, Jcnntags and Renfrew. Kdw\ LmnMl and Arthur Rlgby. IUmona (Lou IMi'tnater, tuutisyei-).--At< iractlousfor week of BTL Fxuosllltju Fmir, thn Great l-a Hgos, Ocorgla O'ltatney, T)uu Sbcrmnn and Mnbcl De Forest, and Fred Wyckoff ami company. Uodfrov'k I'AVit.tiiN (Chas. Godfroy. innn- ugcr). — Week of 27 : Idtura Buckley, Slgunr l,t (imzlo, Klmore- and Ray, Miiboney Bros., Miller and GrovcH, nnd tilishu Robinsuu. i n ..-■■ ■, — Bay city, -At the Washington (W. J. Daunt, raanngen "IIooIIkbu'b Troubles" hntl n fair house May 20. Frisco lire picture had n small audience. 2:1. Tills house closes the regulnr neasou 3U, with Blanche wnMi as the attraction. Hum! (j. 1), Plhnure, uionageri. — The fol- lowing bill was presented wck of 21 : Tlic Four AudiTsons, Potts and Potts, Carl Ray- mond, Cecil K'ul.v, Charles Suche, anil the bloKrnpb. Bi slock company, which irici.nl.-i : .May Buckley, OIItc Oliver, .1. It. 'tJltmouf, [jiiuhIos Fairbanks (ioeffrey <". st. 'in, Georitc Biinlfaco, ottvr Wyndhnm. Frtnlcrtck I'anMlm', Kniherlne Held «ud Julia Blnnc. * ■ > TAlioitGRAKU (K. F. MrCniirt.- manager I. — movliiK pictures uf ibo Shu Fraticwo catas- truphu iHst. week clonwl (he *ea*m of Ihh liouso, 20, . r Hmpikr (3. L'. Clifford, inaungeri, — Thf stock coiupnuy from FiairbefM -Tlieiitre t .Snn Francisco, hi'H:iu u ten .weeks .eusuitenifnt 2t>. and with Iwojmrlrsiiufs, one nu Inpflt [Kir" Iltlcs, drew itiMjil Iiouwh. , Ktltle Frauclt " n hip hlCIn lln- comic role. Baby Lu Unfile Cr*rk.— At.*tae Pest (U. R. Smith, manager i "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" did not appear May 21. viola Allen pleased. a> )>Ik liou»t'.22. . Miirtlo's "Uncle Two did well H'A. "Tin' Tenderfoot." pleased 24. Blanche Walsh 2S. Henrietta CrMMMI -*11. Buoi> (W. S. Bimet-hVld, manager).— -Busi- ness coutlnut-H good. Bill for week of 31 : •Htraznl and Ilnial. cilffonl Wilklns, IleiKert B. Chesley nud company, Frank ilurrlngtuu, Mursbsil and Irwin, sua cllefoscope pictures. Jttfkaoii.— At the Athenaeum (H. ,L i'or- ter, resident manngcr) Viola Allen, lu "The Tooftt of tbe Town," Muy 23, played lo H. It, 0. "Tbe. Tenderfoot" 2n, Blanche Watab 20, Henrietta Crosmau. 21), and Floreui-B i>e Vuks Co. ;;i-.iniif 2. ♦ «» CANADA. Montreal.— His Majesty's (H. (). Brooks, tunuugcrl wuh dark week of May 21, ami will close Its season with !■:. 9. Wlllard, In repertory, ltt-31. Ai'Aiiniy nt- Mnair (Waller GraaycB, mali- nger). — Roselle Knott, In "When Knighthood Was In Flower," hntl fair pntroiurgc 21-2(1. Blchards & PrlugleV (leurgla Mlusircls will clone this house for the season 2K and week. ■. RoVAi, (H. C iOgi'iion, manager). -vi'he PnrlRlaii Belles plnved a HiicceMSfiiT week 21- 20. The London Gaiety Girls 2H aud week. l<*nANCAiM (F. VV. Le ('lair, mnuager).— "Fighting Palo," with Sun Francisco pic- tures, enjuyed n good week 21<2(l. "The lloty City'.' 28 and week. ."A Mad [" next, National Fham'aih (G. Huuvn>aii, mean- giip). -i—The permnueiit French stock com- pany, In "lln Moldat de L'Emulre," bad fair huslDesH 21-2(1, "Rollan i# Mautllt" 28 and week. IUvBiiHiDE Park (Al. !■:. Bend, inunuger). —The park opeued 20. to big hushiesH, with tbe k fotlowlng hill: Millet's ICleuhnuta, John- ston, Davenport and Lorclla, the Four Lou- dons, the Lawrence Trio, nnd moving pic- tures. Besides Hie vnuduvllle theatre, rrv park has'tlie (lalventim Flood, the live fox chase, the roller coaster, the circle swing, 1 and other smaller sttrnctlonH. / Note. — Hohuier Park opens 28, and Do- minion Park June 2. made Reno, white itcrforiuliu' on the Itomuu rlnai Monday ulght. met with n severe full, but luckily rucn|'' i ii HcrtiiiH Inlury. 'I*h» ring gave wnv uutl the little oue fell ilium her head. cmutih (A, 11. J'elton, umiiuKert.- -TIim sttK'k company presented "ftiiBtil Klrkc," he- fore good houses, hmt week. "A right for Honor" 27 and week. "Midnight lu Cliluu- tuwn" follows. Chtktai. (G. I. Adams, manager!.- -Willi the closing uf ttie u))lnwu bouse, IteUer hnsl- ui'ss rules nt lln- Curtis Street, vaudeville houses. Bill hisi week : Gllherl. Siirouy aud roinpiinv. Kenuinii, Adam aud HugcrA. Mason nnd Alnsoii, Tommy Hayes, Colby mid Klug- niiin. himI pictures. NnvKi.rv (Henry Litbelskl, rnnuHger). — Crowded Iioiimpb were the rule lout week. The bill: MIhh Welch, Chns. Hoey. Fricdliindcr Bros., Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Young, Williams nud Thompson, Vcoletle aud Prof. Old and pint urea. . Notkm. — After n anmn of tlilat-y-ronr weeks tli<* lli-onilwny, will close June 10, with Nat C. Guodwlti. In 'The Genius." Man- hattan Bench will opeu May 2(1, The tmitt- uacau-nt stales that It has secured the Aujtn*- i in Dniv Comedy Co., of \Yw York, comiNt- lug of sixty petiple, for the seuKoti Thus. Mohr, nsslstnut trnnstirer uf Hu i Broad- way, has been made d'ensurer for Rlttcb's. Local talent jireWMecl "A llut'lielor's Roiunnce," nt ihc Wontau's Club. '-Ti Tickets fur Ktttcti's lire hctlitr sold from ibe Tabor Grnud box otUce, except fur Beruhajdl. 'lln* iciiin uf llucv mill llollniiil sepu- ruled here, nUil ('bus. Hney U In llluttraivd ■..in-:- al the Novelly. UMt tlNMIN. Detroit.— At Light Gnord Armory Mme. Sarah Bernhardt appears May 28. . Dktkoit Oprua- Hoitnb. — Viola Allen, In "The Toast of the Town," 25. 20, did well, Tkmpi.r (J. IL Moore, manager). — Week of 28: Virginia Karle, Grace Cameron, Ray L. Hoyce, Tony Wilson, Helalsc and AmoroH Slstera, Zazelland Vernon Co., Cook und Madliou, John and Bertha Gteason and Fred Houlihan, Juggling Mnthleus, nnd the klnnlo- grapb. Lvceum (E. D, Stair, manager). — Vaughn Gluser and compauy hud a successful week 21-20. Week of 28, same company, lu "Miss Hobbs;" Wimtnry (I!. D. Stole, manager). — Jnraes Kyrle McCurdv, tu "The Old Clothes Man," 21-20. Week of 27, "When the World Steeps," Crystal (J- ■!■ Nash, manager).— Fair at- tendance. Bill week of 28 : - Buckeye Trio, Raymond Clark, Al. Lewis, Orgerltn, Two Musical James, Anson and Cblrkert, und the klnodrome. I>;u:i.Ttuc Park. — This amusement place opens 20, with vaudeville nud scenic effects. — ■ » i.ihihIiik. — At Balrd's Opera House (Fred ,1. Williams, manager) "Under Two FlagH," local, was ]iresenied May -'2, to u big house. John P. Goring, In the part of Bertie Cecil, made ntt unusually good Impression. Mine. Mantelil, In "11 Trttvutore," pleased a fair liouso 25. Henrietta Crosmau 20. Bijou (U. J. Robson, manager). — Week of 21, packed houses, with Budd Bros., Mu- Klcai Jumes, Kohler aud Victoria, Margaret Shannon, et at. Wavkiu.y. Thkatiik.— Continuous vaude- ville cominencen May 'M>, oftvruoon nnd even- ing. John Houinhon'h Ciiiciih guve two per- formances 24, to Immense crowds. Kvery- body was pleaded. PJotk. — T, .1. llohson, monatfer of the Bijou Theatre, has made arrnngemeutn for the ere<:- llon of a handsome new Iheotre nt tbe ear- ner of Mlchlgnn und Capital Avenues, , drnw fair to good iitiendunce, but nut what- the stmidnrd of tin* bill would warrant. MAbel Mt'Kluiiv wns the lop liner, nnd scori-d n pnuioiinccd bit. Orion Oi'KitA IIihjkr. — Tim fag end of lbs smisoii held up reuiurttuiuv will 20-^0. "A Crown of Thorns" hold tlm Hinge. Fur week cf 27, Mummer John, It. I'len-t* offers van Told in Ibe Hills," followed week of June 3, by "Tbe old Clothes Mnu." S'tMti (Fi'iiuk It. Trot oiinu, mannger).. • Mnv Howard pill lu Ifial week to I'air lu grind iillendtHlcc. Lnvnh'c mid' Grunt were the hit of till etcollcnr olio. The Sine Show GlrlH Co., wblrli oittmed tbn kciihuu ut lids hoiiHC, will return for week of i!7. Cbvhtai,, — CunilmiGil succphh favora ibis popular thorn re. Manager F. B. Winter Iiuh put up the following bill for week of fiSN : I'eie linker, Gllllbitn and Furry, Hacbol Acton, Hdgur Taylor nnd company, ward 'ii-ln, LuIh Guviumi nud '1 he. L'rystnlgraph. tjijANi*. — Fnilitwlng people, week uf L'S: ICnrrera, the Giirimtlns, fluitiiltoii unit WMev, and tlui Xjnureilfi. Mnnuger Wiiltor \V. Gregg reportH'n -hlalily HiitlHfnctory neauon. . WuNi»:ni,AN0 I'i'homriK Wlmlljig, iniiiinger). — Opunlng week was up lu expwiutloui In every, respect. Thnusniidtt flocked to ,t1m park, nnd rippenrcd to npprcrliile tbe special urlH, which Included: Mile. Lu BlnnVlie, slide for life : ilendetsoii. nml (he Abeuriit. Nmikh. — Jiik. A. IHgier iimioutieeN ,lln» . i'lusn of tin! Aliiuiiilirn May 27. /(Istenslvo niti'iiiiiuiis will he uiiiili' durlug the dnrlc wcckH. nnd tbe bonne, will be entirely re- decunitod Curler, llu< iMysiei-lotm, nud Ablgnll I'rlce offered u myst Hying programme ut Hie FulMt. lust week, und drew well tilled housea John l.lnd. high diver, who opened ut Womlcrlnud, ID, Hiiffcri'd n pnlti- ftil accident: on Gut opening night. In milk- ing liin illvf he fulled to rpkn the wnfer projisrly and suffcriHi 11 compound frncturo of one of bin lower limits. ,,, Unci ilnihlh-i Ik ■jmlfl li;i udlliig Gie plVOH work at SVotider- luiid, nud l.s HiicccHHful, iih liquid. I,n CrflMnc- At the BlJon (Al, HcbubVrg, msiuigei') tlm following Hcorert well week uf Mny 21 : Hwor mid WPHlhrook, Vardamnn. John iMinn-Wlllieimn l-'ranels mid company, Juki* ii'TudIc, and moving pictures. Bill week of -H ; Di'linoic unit Dilire). Ibe Wnllons, Ml- dnllluu Trio, ni'd ,lnrk OTiiolc. Ml'. O'Tooh* In iiuw In his Ntxtli week nt this house, nud 1 lie popularity of bin lllimtruied Mongu is still Incri'iiHliig. r 1 in 11 rial c. At the tin In iic. (Wm. Ar- tiiund, m[imigur)'peoiile for Mnv 21 and week : Uelln iViilxou, lln* Flnliers, Win. Armouii, tlm Great (I'tdi-lilm-, find Luwrcnre und HuulJicru, l,»\%c hoiiscN nl each perform unce, »■ » I IMMv HALL, VVIiohq (ilcluru appears on the- front pnge of I Ills Issue, is n yuiiuu uuin of conolda-iilm' M- perlencii In show UhIiichn. He In the HOI) of I'l-of, Fritd nnd Miidnmo Mucnrt, and learned prnciti'jilty cveryibliig lu circus ItualnesH — rldlliK, 1 iimhllnu. letiplng, training ouliunls, jiiKirllng und wire wtilkluif— jitHt much tliltigtt n h were considered Uy "old timers" im ueci'H- nicy lor a person lit know lu older lo travel with ativ hIiow. A few years ago be tiik Moumk" was success- fully presented lu London, May 22, nt the Diike of York's Theatre, with ftdmund Breese t Richard Bennett and Margaret Illlngton. wrpfll" >.,! f .,■<« 1 1 ill . Ml' M 412 *PHHE^ KierW^ ^OJ^ CJMPI^fc ^UNE 2. ... I , 1ST L.t.ll. St., CBICAOO, 11,1.. AMERICA'S .'■~tnmr- ■■-■ GREATEST Endorsed hy Press »nd Public. r ■ 6;oooxefereDocn from ail pan*, <>r t hi? world. Tli. Onlygckool Kiidoranrt lit Chicago. SCHOOL ,«. " (DpUjcliitr In every detall).- Back. Jig, Skin, Nowl C«ko Walk, Elocution, Singing tod Rag Tltno SonRfl, VAOdovllJe Acts, Sketches,' Dramatic Art. ENGAOEMKNTB SECURED. HO FAILURES. PROP. P. J. HIDUE, Mlas PrSnoer Lee and otters. Circulars Ftto. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. I endorse PROF. HIDOB aa the only Actor aw Professional Danolns Teacher In Chicago. . ' FREO. J. wl LDM AN, Theatrical AfenU ' Bmallsmd Leading Parti Coached. . IgTLafatllpSt.. ncarM adlao n, Chicago, 11). Steel (Mar Mow. Uiloi Eliialor T«4.«0rUrH8l, STAGE SCREWS SI.25 ftrdn. S2.00 pirlez. prompt BMjrmem • HHllieC. CNICMO. £ WEIL. 77-ai mmm $t. (lit. Iprl ng inr! Broom.), Haw Y«* The atrical Supp lies, TUMI, Wlgi, 11 CiTl * & Grease Paints, 'ALOOTja No. a. 8(11 ft Slim Trtalngs, Spangla, . I B CATALOGUE Mo. 6 . Sail Jetilr, of Etrary DawrfpUei, .. I B CATALOGUE Mo. B . ■■HP FOB CATALOOCH TO-DAT. Wt M«d (oodi C. 0. D., iub|tcl io IniBMttf. M Wjgjfl I dipoiH OT til ortiri. Randolph and Onion Street* CHIC AG CIRCU8 CANVASES. ■LACK TENT* llnr Sp.clallr. ■IDH inOW r«l»TI»l!«. WANTBDaPO^ iibi m ci., N'lnih successful season. Never cloning. Woman for Lead ». Oitu who om sliigllliintraied Hang* preferred. Juvenile -Woman,' parts and special- ilea. Long Reason. Luw out sure money. Plea* antouBancrrioiit, ■ ' '' RIO HAJl I , IIKN.i KIW )N, Oelweln, .0. Toe House with the Goods and Lowest Prices. Our lWJtl ftTRUETMEN'S CATAlJJi.l (■;. Ih HOW read* (or distribution. Villa for It today. You .miiivi afford lo ijc 'with- out aoopy. Mulled free. LEVIN BROS,, titf. IBM, MaaN. SIXTH STREET, TOTRJC HAUTE, 1NO. UOff. per Ipli. ^WANTC^O, S Able bodied, Al.rellaiilo Ciiu'vah sum, lo (alee charge orient. Addions CHAM. K- HAItltlj*, Uareoim Comedy Co., Ellsworth, Maine, Way 01 lo June -J; Oldtnttn, Maine, June 4 to 11. MOVING PICTURE PRINTING. HENNKOAN ft CO., Clnoian'.tl WANTED QUICK, THE BIS FILLBOBE COUHTY FAIR ' TO BE HELD AT PRESTON, NINN., , . . heft, m :J7. as, iooo... WANTS CROANIZBD OAJiBIVAli CO. Also FAIR (IROVMI ATTRACTIONS. ._ 1HANK J. >BA0H. Bcc. TENTS FOR SALE- Pities, ope *m Ton, won i: Mid Ono 100ft. Top _ "with a Middle Pieces, one soft. Ton, wirii 2 Middlf Pieces. |iuth ToutH tliorougiily rupalred. Can bo delivered at KviiiisviiU;, .in (I., Mav 10. Alflo havt* for aulo good tioft. KiiitCaV, now at aiivaoimU. SUN BROS., No. 839 Sumn.lt St., Toledo, Ohio, LADT BAG PUNCHERS. ■ I waul a goott odu to Join mo lu refloM physical oulturc pkctcll. Htato parlloulara. AdflreaB ^: B. 1L TO1.80 N. H SoelH'l l St., I'rov lJolioe, H. 1. U. UUINUUbUl. lie *. 20th 8t^ N. Y. Too op-to date THEATRICAL WIO MA K Kit. Btnil .lamp for n.» Prli*. T.I*. tn.t on* WIGS Waited, Vaudeville People, Teairs and Singe Acta; also people for Midway free acta and c»neo«- fllonn- Aft4l0t>H MANAdKlt (IRANH AVE- PARK. Cor. flrund and Murtmai^ Avck, St. Iol . . Ilaovlllr. III. • ' B«""» SS S* 1WK.THPW. DOM'T -^a# ^r# •>%. IIRLAr. TRY bd. r. aiiaus .1 CO., tsi w. mm m., Now.Yorlt. BED. WHITE. TENTS. SCHNEIDER TENT CO, XO TBAIIK' lUPEBlMl'l:. DETROIT - . MIOM J. I.. UKILEV, Mgr. BLTJE. BLACK. WANTED, CIRCUS ACTS (ABRIAL EXCBPTKD), ; CLOWNS, COWBOYS, AN ADJUSTER, EXPERT BOOK KEEPER, LADY AND CENT TO BREAK MENACE HOR8E8. AdilrM. WAtTBR L. MAII*;,', Y oaclIKSlTtA, OKLAHOMA CIXV, PBUA.-.- WANTED, FULL CO UFA NY First ChlH. Itcp. l'eoplc who do Spccjaitlea, eeml photon, programs and fell particulars In flrat letter. Htiitc lowcat aulary. Piano Leader, Agent and Specially Team, write. Long Kcaeon, good treatment. AddresH OWEN IIAIITLEIT. Htuttgart. Arhanaaa. 2d StlCCESSFUL SEASON. MR. JA8. A. OALVIN PRESENTS JehnnyegeElla Oalvln THE HILARIOUS MUSICAL COMEDY A ESESL.L. BOY Supported by ao excellent Company : JOHNNY GALVlNtrt Paler the Bell Boy, 1XLA GALVIN as Kitty Doogan, tCOl NELSON and JA8. A. GRADY aa Doogan and Coogau, HJss IKENEDKKWasthe Dashing widow. Jas. HARRIS aa the Talkative Book Agent, ACOER «nd HANI.EV, the Dancing Boys. Some more of our bunch: Geo. Sumn.trn t May Morris. Geo. Gordon, Hennle Glb»on, Cnas. Haliet, Lou Norman, Bert Saubcr, Edlthe Browne, Morris Brant, Gertrude Viola, Irene Morris, Mag- gie Summers, John Minor, and a chorus of pretty girls. Park Mgrs., write at once. Address, next 10 duya. JAS. A, f.ALVIN, Mgr. A Bell Boy Co., Gtb Ave., MoKccspori, Pa., care of J. B. Oalvln. J U L ELTINGE FEATURED I PALACE - LONDON A 0.H.HARRAS, Personal Mgr. N M.8. BBNTHAM. L.CHALIF, (MEMBER MET. OPERA BALLKTOOMP'Y),' Is open for engagements as Ballet Master and Producer of Dances Tor Musical Comedies, Comic Operas and BurleBtiues. Permanent address, 1618 CLINTON HALL, Clinton St., N. Y. Attention, Performers. SOIETHIHU M and 0BIUI1ML. A Comedy Sketoh, In two ads, displaying two typical Southern negro diameters, and a buttle between game cooks, with an exciting finish. The cock tight Is arranged so It will be perinlHsahlo no any stage, and Isperfcnty immune In every respeut. . w. c. mhekkk, Gen. Del., New York. AT OBKRT Y, FOR SIX WEEKS' ENGAGEMENT OR I.KSI-, J. FRED HOLLUWAY, Characters. Hoavios. van Dyko A Eaton Oo Hea'om 1BT40S os Addr»SH PT. PLEASANT, W. TA. WANTED, Sister Tc'ntu. Heavy Man and Leading Juve- ntle Mun, Mini and Wife. for General Bus. Preference given thuau who double brass. MuujIcIhui* for ii. iimi (i. t'Uilr Annie, wire. Sthto lowest halary. Long season. No time for iiHeless correspondence. Address CAI»T. PRICK. Care Prlce'H l^lunllng L'uluce, Water Queen, June 1, Ureenaborough Pa.; June 2, Point Marion. 1*«. ; June 4. Mortrantown. Wear Vq, WANTED IMMEDIATELY, MUSICIANS TO ACT AH ATTENDANTS. Work light. Board excellent. Salary t-'-'" per mouth sud malnte- nsnec. Married people without cnuombranco preferred. Ponltlou opeu for ahoetnakur who Ih a musician. Address JOiJrlPll CHL, Bandmaster K. S. C.A., Rome, N. Y. FUTURES. future Uuab. or Wife Photos ror Palmists, PatrB, Parks, etc., $'2.oo per Loot); f\.'x> perfioo, postpaid. Saraplesi loc. '■ ..*. t AiliNKT PHOTOS, for Helling or Adv. pur> poses, I'jo.oo per 1,000; $a.r.u per loo, copied from your photo. Samples, 10c. CARBON A STUDIO, OtflM N. Broad SL, Plllla., Pa. Professionals i Kertlss drives the slowest horso ever: one day with Bouie furulture In, he met a neighbor, who, noticing the furniture, hollered, hello, X or tins, are you movlug 1 Eertlss, giving a glauoe tlrat at the toiegrapb poles, then at the horae.-repllod, well, hardly: (and the drinks were on the "other fel- low"). Well, Hlng "LEARY'S IMiKY-WH'" at 'em, ami get 'urn moving. PqhIa! for "protons." copy. CHAS. H. OOI.ES. Hlddletown, Conn. WANTED QUICK, Silent Act, 8. sad D. Comedian, 8. and D. Son.rette, . Sketch Team. state all. All rauet work In aots. Salarr poBl- lively sure. VERNE SIIARP8TEEN UEO. CO.. ' ' ' Marcellns, Mloh. Culbane, Chaee & Weston's , BOOK1NU KXCIIANHB, 130M8I0 BROADWAY, NEW TORE. Sliowe hooked right from practical experience. Have tlm exclusive hooking of over 200 thcatrea In the heat ono night stand* In the U. S. and Can. PLAYS TO LET ON ROYALTY. BXFJSIUHNOED AT lilBBRTV. Ono night, Rep. or Burlesque. & A. WATSON. Bos 1M. Centreport. L. I.. N. Y. BARITONE. Young Man would like to join Quartette; all around Comedian. Hebrew Comedian and Coon Shoutcr preferred. Addre ns COMEDIAN , care of CLIITE R. FOR SALE— 200ft. ot 9(1. Side Wall, 2 Tenia, 12x14; 8 Baker Burner Lamps, complete; Bet of sconi ry, all good a« now. AildresH JOUN UCDiMJ'ii.i.M'i Fourlli St., Mouroc, Mlob. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Messrs. JOHN DANIELL, SONS & SONS have been informed that several persons are visiting Costumers snd Managers, with mmpiw of satins and representing that it' is Danisll's Satin, We wish to, say, as a matter of protection, that we employ no agents. -• DanieU's Satin can only be bought at our store. Daniell's Satin is made expressly for us in snob large quantities and in so many shades (over lOO), that no other firm would guarantee any manufacturer a large enough order to warrant them in putting it on their looms We are willing to have any satin microscopically examined in comparison with ours, having full faith that no other can compare with it. Other satins at our price will not give the wear or satisfaction that the Daniell Satin will. Don't experiment with inferior satins, it is costly. We wish to call your attention to our Dress Trim- mings, Tights, Gloves, Millinery, Face Paints, Powders, and Make-up Boxes. Special attention given theatrical orders. Mail orders filled day received. ,.'*..:■: Broadway, 8th and 9th Sts., N. Y. One Minute from Astor Place Subway Station. BALLAD SINGERS! Two Merltorlua Ballads that will make good. t free: A Combination ot Story and Melody, "Where the Golden Rod Is Waving, Mollie Dear." By CHAS. BAKU and JOH ANN SCHMIU. Latest sud Most Popular Rustle Ballad. Sung and whistled everywhere, "Whon You Aru Old and army." By RIOIIAHD C. DILLMORB. The prettiest and sweetest home ballad on the market. Will always live. FRBKt To Professionals enclosing late Professions! Programme. Cards and Amateur Minstrel Programmes out recognized. PREICf Orchestrations for the asking. BROS.. Erics Paa* WANTED, FOR J. D. GHUNUrS GREATER UNCLE TOM'S CMJIN CO., Trombone sud Cornet to double Stage or Scroud Violin, MAN POR TOM to double Brass. Also want a good BOSS CANVAS MAN that known how to handle a Tom Shuw. Will ADVANCK TIOKKT lo people I know. Address J.D.CHUNN, Box :m, CarroiiKm, Mn. WANTED, REPERTOIRE CO.'S CENTRAL PARK. DIXON, II. I.. ... ol'lAtMi ATTRACTION. WERT END PARK, ..... CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS. OPEN JUNE IO. WANT PIANIST FOR DIXON. Addr.aa J. KERSELL, CJjsuiialgn, III. WANTED, Specialties and Burlesque People For SUMMER STOCK, Immediately, lit STAR THEATRE, TORONTO, 0AM. Addreu JOH1V GRIEVES. There's a Home in Old Kentucky. A NEW SONO OP PATHOS. Dedicated to The Kentucky Home Coming. Profeseloniti copies and orchestrations sent on receipt of program and 10 eeeitu poatugts KASTON s?UB. «>., 4*70 Gaston Ave., 81. Louis, Mo. THE CRESCENT COMEDY CO., WANTS, for Summer and Regular Season, U8EFUL REPERTOIRE PEOPLE, COMEDIAN That can Sing and Oaquo. Alao Ooncral BuelncaB People. Must have flrst claaa wardrobe, hoih modern and square out. Hummer neauonoriem June 18. Kettulur neason, Autt. 27. Slate age, tielghl weight, and foa;etit aalarj. Addreaa B. A. DEKOMAN, Portland, Ind. ■ ' .TO BURLEBQUt MANAOERS. The Kit ik of jKolcotxio A TWO ACT COMEDY. By BILLY ALLEN. A Ulg lilt from Coast to Coast, with Miss New York Jr. Oo. Uave • new one for next season with tot; ot l.ood Corned;, and all action away from the Ordinary llnrlosuuc. With all 'Round comedian, slid (lood Women for the principal pans. Address BILLY ALLBN, JIB North St., Riverside, Nuncio, t"d. P. 8.-A»> the managers regarding Hie KLSO OP KOKOMO. Wo had the goods and got thetton y. WANTED, FOR ROSABELE LESLIE CO. n'iSEilv'V tWUSEKSS with speclalUea. HEAVY MAN. MAN for JOVENlbKS; and I.I0HT ?mrK!?o«ffiSK rt S?,S?SP KSSiS »Pecl»ltli!B. SKETCH TEAM that, can nl»y parts. •«J»!i™«, l J paotoe and full particulars rlrst loiter. Soa.on opnns July so, . . . ■ . A ddreaa SIM ALLEN. Mgr., Unit. 3115. l«Oa Broadway. »■ Y. .ivd o p xs iw inirOf .^?SXSJf" AT . 0, i' , ' "A1HMOTH PAVILION THEATRE. MONDAY, JUNE ♦. »«•• W VT??UK } K 1 "p , . a " h r o " lure AoM ' "" Aot "o *"" for thlM. " ' Lewrltam. send address. J. LARK1N, Proprlelor. glI) FE rn. Hole Manager. WANTED, RELIABLE PROFESSIONALS °">" n » ™« "W> " , » n "». ""■•"»,°,", rl K! JUNE 2. THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER: 413 TABLE OF COSTKKT9, Anecdote., Etc .08 8„U. »«•■ m,l i ■ V U£ i?J *gja&£ssr" 410 410 ....411 . ... 422 . ... 423 .... 413 4.n, in 414, 41S .... 41B ....418 . 41(1 . 410 Vaudeville ■»«tt» In toe Profession Cnder the Tents • Miscellaneous. -■•. THEATRICAL COBBESPONDBNCR, Vermont...-.--.-, * .*••* M-sBnchusem.. cnllfornla Pennsylvania Michigan c-nadn Colorado...... Wisconsin*. .,..•••• DIMrlct of Columbia New Hampshire New York Stale. . - »w Jersey Maine Ohio Utah-...; njuMemit. ■••••, Mlisoiirl Washington • ■ ■ • Iowa Oregon.. * Maryland Tennessee '. Kentocky • Indiana..... West Virginia Alabama ; Virginia Kansas...... Bhode Island LATEST BY TEL EGRAPH. SAN FRANCISCO TELEGRAM. PROM OUB OWN CORRESPONDENT. The Orpheum opens at the Chutes Sunday, to B. B. The High School Glrln filled tho Lyceum twice yesterday The Gen- try Brothers' Show opened a week's engage- meat on the circus lot to two big audiences. Cincinnati, May ft).— Theatricals under canvas opened at the Pavilion Theatre last night, where the Home Block Co. put on "Under the Mori's raw." Two outdoor openings ran Into a Sabbath storm, while Ludlow Lagoon. In Kentucky, escaped Crowds were large everywhere. . ..At Coney Island and Chester Park vaudeville ruled. . . . .At the Zoo, Conway's Ithaca Itnnd gave concerts. Inn iHvn.r.r, May 20.— In spite of the Run- 41S day closing law promulgated for 27. Fon- 418 tnlne Perry Park and Blvervlew opened Sun- day to the largest crowd this season. . 410 . 410 .411 . 411 . 411 . 411 . 411 . 411 ■ is ! 28 . 422 . 422 . 423 . 423 . 415 . 415 . 415 . 415 . 41R . 41(1 . 419 . 410 . 410 . 410 . 410 . 410 . 410 . 410 a '» MINNESOTA. Minneapolis.-— At the Metropolitan Opera House- (I;. N. Scott, manager) moving pic- tures, showing In detail the effects of sui It la poaalhle to aaake a, list Of taudrvllle buoklnit*- To inxurr lit* arrlton la thla department the nnme or tbe theatre or park, »■ well as the «•!■ > or lawn, MUST a*-<-ompnn> each honking* seat «•>. Acker A Collins, Columbus, O., 28-Jjme 2. Adler, Flo, Fontaine Terry I'nrk, l/inls-Hle. Ky., 28 June 2. Adella, i.s, Amlltorlnm, Parkersbnrg, W. Vs., 28- ' June 3. Adelyn, Rljoti, Canton, 0., 28-Jnne 2; BIJon, Pique, 4-0. .-»-•■ Adams A Mack, Olympic, So. Bend, Ind., 28- J*une 3. Adams & Inwards, BIJou. Racine, Wh., 28-June 2. Addls6rt A l,1vinc*toii, O. H., Crnokstoa, N. D., 28-Jnne 2; 0. II., flrand Porks, 4-0. Aberns, The. Wonderland, Indianapolis, 28-Jnne 2. Allnf. Mile., Kmnire, Den .Moines, Is., 38-June 2; Family, Davenport, * "■ Allisons (8). Albanilira. N. Y. C, 28-JiOie 3.- Alvln A Kenney, Cryatal Park, Sedalla, Mo., 28< June 2. Alva, Alice, Mora Park, Youngntown, 0., 28- June 2. Allen, Ruth. & Co.. Proctor's, Newark, N. J„ 28- .in 2. 0., May ST, with the following bill: Elizabeth w i t n new sp«claltlea Saturday, May 20, for Murray. Bailey, Austin and company, Cath- the Summer. trine Dabl, Carson and Wlllard, Valerie Sells- Floto CiRCOfl, afternoon and even- Periere, Eva Mudge, Mosher, Houghton and \ ng May ?r>, was not able to accommodate MoBtier, Clifford and Burke, and motion pic- the crowds who endeavored to witness tha performances. Mosl '"notbs,— As chairman of the aub-commlttee nV theatres, etc., William H. Leahy has pre- rented his report to the Joint committee on linlltllng laws. The report recommended a number of minor changes In the laws that j-nvern the erection of such structures. In i ue past theatres have been permitted of such construction that the roofs have been Mipported by the exterior walls. The Mn- Jp.stlc Theatre was constructed In this man- iier and the earthquake wrecked It, the walls falling outward and letting the roof down through the luilldlnc In. hiture thla will not he permitted. Tbe buildings will have Hieel frames, and the roofs and all parts or the enBentlal frsmework will be Interlocked with the sieel structure. The exterior walls, nf brick or such other material as may be selected, will have no functions In tbe future St. Pawl. — At the Metropolitan Opera Houne (L. N. Scott, manager) Alberta Galla- tin, In "Cousin Kate," came to fair business May 20-23. San Francisco earthquake and lire pictures bad fair to good business 24-20. Nat C. Goodwin comes 28-30, presenting "The Genius" and "In a Blaze of Glory." The Ferris Stock Co., In "The Great Itnby," 31- June 2, and this will conclude the reason. There will be no stock at this theatre this Summer, the Grand having the George Pnw- cett Stock Co. Grand (Theo. L, Hays, manager).— Vir- ginia Drew Trescott, In "When. Knighthood Was In Flower." supported by John J. Far- rell, bad good business and pleased week of May 20. For week of 27, "My Wife's Family." Scanning with week of June 17, and contlnn- Allen, Leon A Bertie. Grand, Hamilton, June 2; Orphenm, Sprlngtleld, 4-0. Alburlua A Millar, Varieties. Oldham. Bng.. June 40j Tlv., Barrow, lltrt; Sonlbport. 18-23. Altlo A Armour, Altro Park, Albany, N. V., 28- June 2. Alpha Trln. Tractor'* 23.1 St.. 38-Jnne 3. _ Amoros Sinters, Temple, Detroit, 28-.Inne 2. American Newsboys' Quanelte, Tbllllpa', Rica. tnnml, Ind., 28 June 2; Itamona I'ark, flranJ H.Mihl-1, Midi.. 4-0. Amnnn ft Hartley, Belfast. Ire., 28-June 3; Dublin, 4-0; Liverpool, Kng., 11-10; Rraufonl, An.lprw'n. Alfred, Olentongy Park, Columbus, O., 28-June 2. . , „ An.lerBon A RcynoMs, Bllnn, Frankfort, Ind., 28- Jtine 2: Oranil, Mlcbigaii City. ■* <■. AnsonA Chlkeri. Cryatal, Deirolt, 28-June 2. Aptlnle'K Rea» A Dob*. Carnlfal, Rnyonne, N. J., 28-June 0. . _ Anel. Lillian, Moore'a, Portland. Me., 28-June 2. Armln'ta A Bur"(e, Dorney Park. Allentown, Pa., W-Jnne 2. __ _* - Armamlo Rroa., BIJou, Dlilulb, Minn., 28-June 2. Armond, flrsce, Crynlal, Rock Islanil, HI., 2H- June 2 ; Concordia, Peru, Ind., 4-0. ArmslronK A Vern, O. 0, H., Grnml Rapids, Mlcb., 28-June 2. Arnot A Otinn. Coney Island. N. Y., 28June 9. Asra, Lyric. Richmond, Va., 2BJ«ne 2. Afhlon A Karle. Crystal. Kokomo. Ind., 2BJune 2. Aiintln. Claude. DnlqiH 1 , Kau Claire. Wis., 28- June 2; L'olque, Mlnneanolla. Minn. Aiitouette. Josle. Heuderson' - " Atboii. ll aobt. A Co., Bijou, Dululb, Minn., 28- AustlnN. Tnsalna;, Meyer's Lake, Canton, O.. 28- June 2 : Avon Park. YnuncHtown, 4-0. Atntlnn, Creat, Spring llrove Park, Hprlnfflehl, M.>., 28-June 2: I.akesltle Park. Akron, 4-0. Rarrv. Knlle. Keith's, Ronton. 28-June 2. Rallpy. Austin A Co., Chutes, San Fran., Cal.. 28- liarne«i ft I-erlnn. Prlncesa, Rallaril, Wash., 28* June 2 ; (lrniid. Tamma. 4-11. Hni Ivy A Pkkett, HhadyHlde Pnrk, Ralto., 28- June 0. _ Rurry A Wolford. Olympic, Clilcafto, 28Jnne 2. Hull A RaMpgati Forwt Pnrk. Little Bock. Ark., Hanks, 1 Charley. Idea, Oslikwli, Wis., 28-June 2. llarty, Mr. it Mrs. Jimmy. VU-lorla. N. X. 0., 28- Byron A Lanrilon. Casino. Norfolk, Va., 28-Jnae 2. Rynic, Francis, Moore's, Portlaiul.Mp., 38-JuaaS. Carlln A Otto. Ornbeatn, Rkln.. 28-June 3. Cssari A De Verne, Dayton, 0., Jane 4-0. CiMids t2Ut, Ken's. Kscanaha. Mich.. 38-Jnne 3. Cat«- Family, Bijou. Oreeu Bay, Wis.. 81-June 2; Crystnl, Mllwuiikee, 4-0. Cartrr A Jones. Hl>iu, Norfolk. Va., 28-June 2. Carus. Krama, Keith's. N. Y. C, 38-Jnne 2. Carroll ft Clarke. Orpheum, Wehh City, Mo., 3N- Jnne 2. Cameron ft Toledo. Island I'ark, Kastnn, Pa., 28- June 2: Tiimbllng Dam, Brlilteton. N. J., 4-0. csmrron, Orace, Temple, Detroit, 28-Jnne 2; G. O. II.. Plltshurg, 4». rnnmhell ft Johnson. Proctor's 2fld St., N. Y, Oh 28 June 2. Ciinrlce, l.vnn A Fay, Orpheum, Ln* Angrlcs, Cal., June 4-0. Camille Trln, I'rtKtor's 23d St., N. Y. 0., 28 June 2; Victoria, N. Y. C, 4-0. Carl Bros., Orpheum, Boise, Ids., 38-Jnne 10. Cnrlmells (:il, Proctor's, Newark, N. J., 2A> June 2. Carlo*, Chss., Orrln Hrm., Mexico. 28-Jnne 0. Carson A Wlllard.- Chines, «nn Fran., Cal., 2H- June 2. • Carter A Walers Co., Keith's, Clevelnnd, 28- June 2. Carrtdl'A RHcr, Alcaanr. Denrpr, Col., 28-Jnne 0. Carlisle's Aulmnls, Hpndprson'n, Oonpy lslnnd, N. Y.. '28-June 2. Carrollton A llndar*, Family, Rkln.. 28-Jnne 2. Case, Charlie, Kcllh'a, N. V. C. 28-June 3. Caruiihelis, Tbe, Family Tark, Raelne, Wis., 38- June 2. Calvin. Jns., Lyric. Poestello, Ida., 2R-Jnne3i Crystal, Denver, Onl., 4-0. Carleton. Al., Howard. Rosion, 28-June 2. Cherry A Bates, Woodlnwn Park, Lnlrnhe, Pa.. 28-Jnne 2; flutter. 4-R. Chnrles, Cnrl. Home, llntrblnsnn, Kan., 28-Jime 2; Vlnewood Park, Topeka, 4-lt. Chsdwlck Trio. Island I'nrk, Kastnn, Pa., 28- June 3. Chester Mile., Kcllh's, I'blln., 28 June 2. Clifton. Kili.-I, ft (V)., Keith's. RoNlnn, 28-June 2. Clark'a IKi^rs A I'onles, Avon I'nrk, YounR*sl»wn, «)., 28-June 2. Clay Bisters, Acme, Norfolk, Va., 28-June 2. Clayton, Jenkins A Jasper, Chester Park, Cincin- nati, 28-June 2. Clifford A Burke, Chutes, flan Fran., Cal., 28- June 2: Orpheum. Iar Aniretca, 4-0. Clsiidlun A Scnrlei, Fmplrc, De* Moines, la., 28- June 2. » _ Clnrk ft Diincnn, Nlnlowa Pnrk. Peru, HI., 28- Jutie 2; Sims Sonet i'ark, Clilcntto. 4-0. Clarke A Temple, HIJon. Superior, Wis,, 28 Juno us, Minn., *•*• „ , Coney Island, N. Y-, other iban to Jwap ^_0 ».eliTJM^JgilJ t tfW |n for t f ie Slimmer aeasoo, Ibe George few- Ro J £ %*tM. p B rk. Canton, o.. 28-Jnne 2. . the buildings whatever of a rchit ectura 1 at- cett Co j n repertory. m BirnSa (3i* Bijou. Hay City, M ch., 28-June 2; iractlveoeas may be sought. The other re- v flTAU ' (J J7 v / n no0i manager) ,—Sa.i Kalamnioo, 4-». norlB BUbmltteo bv sub-committees or toe f ra nclsco earthquake pictures. In conlun-- Barnes & Rdwlus, Tcrre nante, Ind., 28 -June 0. committee on building laws showed that very (] wUh 8am nevere'H Big Show, had big Rates. LoaJf W., I'arlor, Kverett.Wosh.. 28-Jnne 2, !.iiKln changes will be made In the existing b , IH | neBH we# ^ of May 20. This engagement Bartletis. Mnalrai, Park, Danville, Conn., 28- *-Juim cod«V. ..John Morrlsey, resident manager of the Orpheum, accompanied by his wife, has gone East on an extended vacatkta. Dii ring bis absence hla position will 1» Oiled hy Phil Hnstlngs, the popular press repre- l*e of tbe bouse. iientatlve FROM OTHER POINTS. cold, Rainy Weather Interferes with Oat Door Amssements. PHi^ipBLPiiii. May 20. — RaiDJ weather spoiled fhe attendance at the parks, resblt- luic lu big crowds at the theatres that are nT ill open "Bosalle" began Its sixth week wllh a crowded house at the Chestnut. . . . . . "Checkers," In Its fourth and last week, hod n line house at the park "The Tourists, in Its final week at the Lyric, drew well.. .. Keith's bad capacity at night and a well Hlled house at the matinee Bertha Crelgh- lon. in "Camille," merited favor nt Fore- pangh's The French Folly Burlesquem, nt the Lyceum I Yankee Doodle Girls, at the Itljoii ; Now York Belles, at the Tracndero, nod "Darkest South," at the Casino, had profllable'patronage. H08TON, May 2ft.— Henry Miller and Mar- garet Anglln presented "Young Fernnld for tbe flrBt time on any stage, nt Hi.- Majestic i o n jnrge houae "Duster Brown" opened prosperously the Una! week of the season, at the Globe Stock company bills drawing well were : "Mrs. Dane's Defence," at the Umpire: "The Jilt," at the Castle Square, and, "Big Hearted Jim/' at the Bowdoln Hntinre Burlesque houses did well, and vaudeville at Keith's and the Howard Herved closed tbe season for this house, which will remain closed until about the middle of Au- gust. The season has been a very satisfac- tory one. Oqfhrl'm ng«treet. mnna- g er ),_Tho John L. Sullivan Co., week of 21, had fair business. Bijou (Joe Maltland. manager).— Bill for week of 2$; Gnto, Jnp Juggler ; Edith Donby and company, Robert Alhou and company, Armando Bron., the Merrelt Sisters, Morey Load, Jus. McClellan. Hnd pIciureM. ■ ■ Alhol, Mass., ■ . Barretts (it). Moore's, Portland, Me., 28-June 2. Bnyea, Norn, Mujeallc, Chlcagn. SH-June ' Ilernere Sisters, Cheater I'nrk. Cincinnati, 2; Cedar Pt., Sandiwky. 4-0. Benton, Klwood A Mantle, Lakeside Park, Day- ton, 0., 28-June 2. . .. . Roienioe ft Co.. Lnke Michigan Park, Muskegon, Mich.. 28-June 2. Bell A Rlelinrda, Fairyland, Pateraon, N. J., JR- Beyer, Ben. Proctor's. Troy. N. Y., 28-June 2. He-Anos, The, Keith's, Boslon, 28-Jtme 2. Bertiiin A Brockway. Proctor's 08lh Ht.. N. T. 0., 28-June 3; Proelor's Xild St.. N. Y. 0., 4-0. Bennett. Laura A Co.. Poll's, New Haven, Conn., nedmiln , *ArabB 18), Kellh's, N. Y. 0., 28-June 3. Meniere, Valerie, A Co., Chutea, San Fran., Oal., 28-June 2. , Bcrger BroH., Athletic Park. New Orleans. La.. 2M-.Titne tl Forest Pnrk. Llllle Rock, Ark.. 40. pcrrjic's Circus, Proctor's 58lh HI., N. Y. C, 28- Jnne 2. Berlin!, Fairyland, Peterson, N. J.. 28-June 2. Birch, John. Forest Park, Ht. Louis, 28-Jnne 2. Bison City Trio. Umpire. Ht. Ixiuls, 2H-Juna 2. Hiram, Bomm, B-rr-r, Sohmer Park, Montreal, Can,, 28-June 2. . Bijou Comedy Four, Bayonne. N. J.,. 28-Ju3e 2 Savoy (R. H. Hadneld, manager) la doing Black Hussars. Orpbeiim, fairly well wllh moving pictures. m h *? h I n ' j«,",« ' Audiiori Notbb.— Adelaide TbnrBton will Bpend the Bl " k ,.« j0DM » Aumu>rl Al- Notrh. — Adelaide Thurston will spend Summer In Duluth, wllh her mother Laura Frankenlleld closed her season In the West, and will be at home with her mot her, In Dululb, for the Summer. kin.', 28-J Auditorium, Lynn, Mass., 2B< Kan., 28 I I I TRXAS. Ft. Worth. — At While City (Jake vauaev lie at ivenn s anu uiw no*»u»ni™ §r|, worm. — ac wniie uiiy i^iiao „'';.;;■/,-„""„'«■.,„. D tn nn.ifoms N in draw many The Tremont will be dark fiwflrl7 , manager) the opening of the White Iientolr^reaory Troupe, Hippodrome, N. imt(l Wednesday afternoon, when "Tbe Man KoBft Tben t re g -The Beggar Student" Comic mgTgt Empire, Des Moines, la., 28-, from Now" will have premier. ^_ M 0ppra Co ., May 20, resulted Jn a packed gg^ iinrVy.T^C^nisngy Park. Col Kawhas Crar, May 20.— The sudden cold wenlhor hod a good effect on the theatre openings. "Buster Brown," nt the Grand, bad two big houses Tbe Woodward Stock Co. -opened a Summer engagement at the Au- ditorium, presenting "The Cavalier.' HVa Lang, Geo. Farren nnd all the old rnvorlies received ovations, before packed houses. .... "Dora Thorne" drew well at tbe Glllls, and the New Century Girls nleased at tho Century In spite of the weather, n record 'breaking; crowd turned out for tho opening at Fnlrmount Pnrk. All the eon- ceMons did well, and In the theatre tbe Inv perlul Musical Co. presented" "King MM ...J. At Forest Pork big crowds heard the Itoyal Hungarian Hussar Band. . . . . . In Hop- kips' Theatre Louise Brehany wbb the head- liner. . . .'. .Big Sunday crowds were on hand of < ■ olum h b " "H. Electric Park, to enjoy Ellery'a Band. .... r"8 a >. . while o s la .he tierman Village, Verden, Perry and ^jfJUSL Wilbur scored a hit. CiuoAao, May 2ft. — Rlvervlew, Bans SoiirI aqd Chutes opened Saturday, despite cold weRtber, to big crowds "The Lion dm the Mouse," at the Illinois; "The Glnger- hread Map." at McVIcker's, and Williams aud Walker, at the Great jNorthern, were Sun- day openings. Current attractions are: "Tbe Prlnc* Chan," nt the Grand; "The Heir to the Hoorab," at Powers'; "The Student King, ai tbe Studebaker ; "Forty-flve Minutes from Broadwav," at tbe Colonial ; "The Three Graces," at tbe Chlcngo Opera Houae ; * Julie Bonbon." at the Gnrrlck : "Tbe Um- pire." at the La Salle; "The Little Minister, at the Bush Temple ; "A Crown of Tbomo, at tha Aihaxnbra; "Uncle Tom's Cabin," at ihe Criterion; "Tbelma," nt the Columbus: ■The Old Clothes Man. 1 ' at Ihe BIJoti ; Ad- ler's Vlddlsh Company, at the Academy: vaudeville. at the Majestic and Olympic, and hnrlpfifjiie at tbe Folly, Trocadero and Kusons'. While city |r doing big business. WtHHiNDTos. May 2ft. — Luna Park, tbe new, resort, under tbe direction of Frederick IngertolL; and management of George E. Gill. houBc. "The Mikado" was offered as the opening Mil. A nightly cbnnge of progrumme Is ■announced. The outdoor attractions are drawing wejl. St^kparo (Frank De Beoue, manager).— "A Skule for Hkandul" wns Ihe title of the coined v Imrlctln offered by Bob Hewlelie, to open the big Mil week of 21. The olio In- cluded : Mills nnd Fox. Fannie Woods, Jack McFndden, Pearl Gllmore, Tbelma Klngoley, Fny Dclmnr, Will and lata Maultby. Lulu He Mar, Bob and May llcwlette, Little Dot and Lulu Lnwton. H oslneHB Is bo oming. Houston. — At Turner Hall Billy Wil- liams' benefit, outlined May 25, assumed maaimolh proportions. K. of P.'s, Knights of ColumbiiH nnd Bwi puwhed things with a (Hide men, like Cnpt. Law- jfl Hotel ; Tim Cronnn and others hustled wllh their old time activity. Hiohlanu Park Thgatrb (Harry Van De Mark, business manager). — The season will opeu 27, with tho Hollingsworth Twins Co. Instead of "The Beggar Student" Opera Co., as first Intended. "The Matinee Girl' June 3. — »' San Antonio.— At Electric Pork (Sid H. Wels. manager) "The Beggar Prince" Opera Co. finished a most successful engagement. This company made many friends, and will be gladly welcomed back. Albert Taylor stock Co. returned, In repertory, May 20. Mr Taylor eeems to be a big favorite, and played, 20. to tbe largest crowd that baa ever assembled In the park. June _. Blnmphlu A Helir, Empire, Atchison, ltlosrtom, ' Nat, National, Kansas City, Mo., 28- Bortdnls, The. Hippodrome. N. Y. 0., 28-June 2. Bowery Newsboys' Quartette, Paetor'a, N. Y. C, 28-June- 2. „ _ , . Bowery Com«ly Four. BendcrHon's, Coney Island, N. Y.. 28-June 2. m _ m " Y. C, ..June 3. Bott'ef. Ilnrry, A' Co., Olenlsngy Park, Coltimhua, O., 28-June 2; Farm, Toledo, 40. Booth, Hope, A Co., Victoria, N. Y. (.', 28- Bowman"' Frank, Majesllc, Chicago, 28-June 2. BoRdon, Albert R.. Chicago. 28-Jmte 2. Boylan, Arthur ft Mildred, 1'sslor's, N. Y. O., 28*June 2: Keith's, Phlla., 4-11. Brehiner, Carl. Pastor's, N. Y. ()., 28-Jnne 2. Itrrnnt A Hnvllle, Proolor's, Troy, N. Y., 28-June June 2. Clnrk. Billy. Rnmnnn Pork, Ornnd Rapids, Mich., 28-Jnne 2. Colinnldo Four, lllh Ward. Wilmington, Del., 28- June 2; Cniifou. O., 4-0. Conplflger ft Crawford, A. A 8., Boston. 2B June 2. Conger A Odin. Palace, ScbenectBily, N, Y„ 28- .1 2. Connelly, F.minn, BIJon, WheellnR. W. Vn„ 28- Juno 2. Corhett. Jns. J„ A Co., Colonial, N. Y. 0., 28- June 2. Collins A La Belle. Cook'a I'nrk. KvansTllle, Ind., 2s-Jiine 2; (Vdiir Pnlnl. Haiidusky, C, 4-0. Conrny, John A Mamie, I'ark, Alhol, Mass., 28- June 2. Corrlann A Hayes. Rljnn, Wheeling, W. Vs., 28- June 2, Coyne, Hrnce, Family, Mnrrjnette, Mlcb., 28-June 2; Uen'H. KmciiiuiIis, 4-0. cm, Kay. 11. A B« N. Y. C. 28-June 2. Cit'iril.'lali, Win., Kellli's. I'lillu., 28-June 2. Cole A CIcmctiK, Bijou, Mnrliielic.WR, 2HJune2. C**iU* A Miss Ifothert, Kmplre Tour, Ifing., 28- Jntie ::o. Conk A Mndlson. Temple, flelrolt. 2H-Jnne 2. Cotiloii A llastfnirs, Hnnlou's I'olnt, 'loronlo. Can.. 28-Juiip 2. Colonial Sepletle, Ye, Proctor's H8th 8t„ N. Y. C 2«-Jiine2; Woolworlli's.l.iincnsler, l'i„ fli. Cowley. Jns. II., Idea. Manitowoc, Wis,, 28- June 2. CrcsHj A Dayuc, I'motor's 2:id St., N. Y. 0., 28- June 2. C-rcc. Jessica, Howard, Boston, 28-Jnne 3. Crawford ft IIcIitiiiihi, Hendersofi's, CnnSf IslBtirt, N. V.. L'fl-Jutie 2. Crlspl. Ida A O., Poll's. New llnven, Conn., 28- June 2, Oiirtls, Ned, BIJon, Wheeling, W. Va., 2H-June 3; Aiidltorlimi, Parkcrsliurg, W. Vs., 4-0. Onllen. Jaa. II., Moss ft Mlnll Tour, KtiK., 28- June 30. Davis A Walker, Proctor's Gib Ave., N. Y. 0.. 28-Jnne 2. Dflnovim. I**, Onyety, 8t. I^iuls, 28-June 2; Crys- tal, At. Joseph, Mo., 4-0. Dnveiinort, l.t'ini. urjind, Hartford City, Ind., 28-June 2; Ornnd, Peru, 4-0. Hawaii, Buck, I'usior's. N. Y. 0., 28-June 2. Howell. Aiirle. Orpliciim, Bkln,, 2R-Jnne 2; Al- hamlirn, N. Y. C 4-0. "Dalsyland," • Proctor's M St., N, Y. C„ 28- June 2. DnlUw ft Itolisoii/ Olynipli;, (Thlcniro. 28-June 2. Uiihl. KnlheriiiiS Cluiles, Hsu Fran., Cut, 28- June 2, De Varo A Curl Is, Stisie Cliy O. II., Bedford. In. I.. 2H .linn. 2. Dell A Fondii, Bijou, Marinette, Wis,, June 4-0. Hcnti-n. Dave, HIJ.ni. Mnrlnclte, Wis., 28-June 2; BIJon. Calumcl, Midi.. 4-0. De Will, Burns A Torrance. ICinp., JobBniiesluiru, S. A., 28-Juno 2; Tlvoll, Ca|N» Town, 4-July 14, Dnvenu, Hutierl, tl. O. IL, Pltlsluirir, 28-Juna 2; Cascade i'ark, Newcastle, Pn.. 4-0. Dervln, Jan. T'„ BIJou, Calumet, Mich., 28-Juno 2; Hen's, Kmnnslin, Mich.. 4-0. Derenda A (Ircen, M.ms ft Moll Tour, ling., 2H- J tin*' 80. De Onto A McDonald, Hlnr. Muni-le, ind., 28- June 2. De Mtilhs. Tlie, Idlewond Park, Rlclitnond, Vu., 28 J mis 2. De ArmoH, Iforrle ft Madge, Lagoon, Ludlow, Ky., 28 June 2. Drnne, Sydney, A Co., Majestic, Chicago, 28-June 3. 0. H , Cedar BapldB, In., Hamilton, Con., 28- Bronks, Jennne, June 2. Brady A Hamilton, BIJou, Bracilard,' Julia, Lyric Park, Bo. McAilmer, I. T., Brndforda, Ihe, Young's, Atlantic Oily, N. J., 28- June 2 j Park. Batonne. 4-0, Browulng, Flora, Athletic Park, Buffalo, 28-June 2. llruati, Helmn, Alhambra, N. Y. C. 28-June 2. Brltions, The, Wlnlergurlen, Berlin, Oer., 28-31 { Kryntal I'alast, l^lpslg, June 1-10. Braliam, Harry, Proelor's, Newark, N. J„ 28- Brown. Harris A Brown, Moore'a, Portland, He., Brockmin, Mack A Belmont. Keith's, N. Y, 0„ 28 June 2. Bristol's Ponies, Peyton's. Bkln., 28-Jnne 2. bObSt Trln. Pottsvllle, Pa., 28-Jnne 0. Browne, Toon, Whistling, Hhea's, Buffalo, 28 June «■ » Kmnire Clrevlt Enlarges. The Kmplre Circuit last week acquired the Dewey, tbe Gotham aud tbe Circle Theatres, opened In a blare of glory last night, and net. withstanding a heavy downpour of rain, the crowd .was large and enthusiastic In Us praise Odette Tyler's stock presented ''The Adventures of Lady Ursula," at the Be- itiHco. to a- full bouse Tbe Guy Stand- ing Stock, at the Columbia, presented "Still Waters Hun Deep," before a large audience. Rose Melville, In "Sis Hopkins," opened ihe last week of the season at tha Academy, »i The National STOCK Co., In repertory, opened at Mineral Wells, Tex., for a two weeks' engagement at tbe Summer Theatre, commenclDg Monday, May 21, in the follow- ing pin vh : "An Arizona Bomance," "A Moun- tain Waif," "Woman Against Woman," "Man of Destiny," "Wages of Sin, 1 ' "My Uncle from Japan," and "Tracy, the Outlaw." Vaudeville specialties were also Introduced. Following Is the roster: Townseml- Irwin, J. W. Grlflln, Roy Norwood, Kd. Williams, Allen WeBherr. Gnlt Durham, Mae Chester, lOiennor urlfun, Ituth Gale, Norman WUltta and i. Roooey. Bn»wo, Harry A Dolores, Family, La Fayette, Iml., 28-June 2; Robinson Park, Ft. Wsyne, Brook's, Harvey. Park, Wind Oap, Pa., 28-June 2. Brown A Wllinot, Island Park, BlceUlor, Mluu., 28-June 2. - ■ . Brown. Jack. A Lillian Wrlgbt, Kenoaba Park, Danbury, Conn.. 28-June 2; Lake Nlpmuc, Vi- hrldge, Mats., 4-0. Buckley, Laura, aodfroy's, Orand Rapids, Mich., 28-June 2. m • Burke. Dan, A Co., Colonial. N. Y. 0.. 28-Joae 2. Bitdworlb A Weill. Lyric Park. Joplln. Mo., 28- June 2: Ornheum, Webb City. 4-0. Bush A Gordon, " June 2. Burke A Urllne, Crystal, Logansporl, Jane 2; Crystal, Frankfort, 4-9. Bnrton A Bnrlon. Onturr, Knosaa City. Mo, June 2: Standard, St. Loola. 3-9. Buckley. Franklin A., Krbe's, North Beach, N. Y„ 2 H- J line 2. Base, Wm., Family, Pateraon, N. J„ 28-Jant 3. Huiloa A Rankin, Forest Park, St. Louis, 28- Jnne 0. Bnrkea, JuR-gUog, Hippodrome. Han Fnn,, Col., 28-June 2; Acme, Hnerumenlo, 4-0. Buckeye Trio, Cryatal, Detroit, 28-Jnne 2; Olym- pic. So. Bend. 4-0. Brers A Herman, Park, Canton, o., 28 -Jnoa 2. Poll's, New Haven, Oono,,' 28- Ind., 28- 28- netmar A Dexter, Orpheum, Daveaport, Is June 0. Bcvere A Devcre, 0. 0. H., Ornnd Rnplds, Midi., 2RJunc 2. Re Faye Sisters, Casino. Norfolk. Vs., 28-Juno 2, De.Imo, nanlsn's I'l., Toronto, 28-Jnne 2. Pel innt t:ii, Wnolworth, Lancaster, I'a., 28- .i i ii" 2. ftf Tjairn. The. Main St.. Peoria, III., 28-June 2; KprliiRbhmk Casino, Houlli Bend. Ind., 4-0, Delnore A Darrell, llljnii, l.a Crosse, Wis., 28- .Inne 2. Be Iteneo A l.u Hue. San Smicl Park, Wllkes- Biirre, Pa., 28-June 2. Delmorc Sisters. Kellh's, N. Y. 0.. 2fi-Junn 2. Del -A -Phone, Lyric, Ht. Joseph, Mo„ 28-June 3; People's. I*enveu worth, Knii., 4-0. Mxtin A Fields, Spring Brook Casino, So, Bend, Ind., 27-Jttne 2; Robinson Park, Ft. Wayne, 4-0. nilla A Templet on. Crystal, HI. Joseph, Mo„ 21* June 2; Karl, Pueblo, Col.. 40. PIkIr. Serenndern, Henderson's, Coney Island, N. Y . 28-June 2. Dlerlcki iiros., FnrcNt Park, Ht. IaiiiIs, 27June 81 Wonderland Park. Wl.hlln. Kan.. :t>0. "Dlda," Athletic Park. Iluffnlo. 28-June 2. DlKinoiid A Hmlth, flnwortl, Boston, 28-June 2; Krlln'a, N. Y. jL 4-0. IHamoria A May, Flsrher's, I/ii Angeles, Cat., 28- Jnne 0. Don. Fmina, Kmp., Burnley, Kna., 28-June 2; Warrington, 4-0; Pal., Bradford, ll-lu; Pal., Halifax. I8-2X BTHkrny, Will, Lake Casino, Canton, O., 28-June 2; Rocky Hprlngtt, )■:. Liverpool, 40. Downey A Pa K e. Wheeling, W. Va., 28-Jnne 2. Dorat-b A Rniaell, Ktectrlc Park, M^oatgotnery, Ala., 28 June 2; BIJou, Nnsbvllle. Teuu., 10. Dotihy, Kdllb, A Co.. BIJou, Dtiluth, Mluu,, 28- June 2. Tenn., 4-0, Dorle, Kdlth, Lakesltle CshIoo, Akron, 0„ 2B> June 2. Dolierty Hlaters, Hbea's, Toronto, 2B-June 2. Hunbars, Casting, Luna Park, Coney Island, N. V., 28-June 0. Dumonds, \#*. Keith's, Phlla., 28-Juoe 2. Dunont, -Mary, A Co.. Olympic, Cbleago. 28-June 2. Duncan, Chas. II., I'aalor'a, N. Y, C.. 38-Juue t. Dnranda. Lwt. Hendrrson's, Coney Island, N. V., 28-June 2. Dunbar* Coils, Olrnlingy Park, Columbus, 0„ 28-June 2. Rarly A Laic, Lyric Park, Mnskogee, I. T., 28- June 2. - Carle, ■ Virginia. Temple, Deirolt, 28 -.Tune 2. Kckel A Warner. Kmplre, I'lllsfleld, Miss.. 28- June 2: Olenhaven I'ark, Ituliesier. N. Y., 4-0, RekhaR A (lurdon, Hhea's, Toronio, Can,, 28-Juue 2. Kdioond A Mealy. Hoiighlon, Midi,, 38Jnnq 2; HIJcii. Calumet, 4-0. Kilrty, Arthur. Fdyslan flrove, Tucsna. Arl>., 38- JllDP 9. RVlna, Mil*,, Keith's, Boston, 28-Jnne 2. Kdson, Harry, A "Doc," Lakeside Caaluo, Akron, O., 28-Jnne 2. tm ' Elrrora A Ray. Ondfroy'a. Orand Rapids, 28- Jnne 3. _ • F.lltn Musical Font 1 , Proctor's 3,1*1 St.. N. Y. C, 28-Jnne 3. Kit luge, Julian, Palace, I/tndon, Rug.. 28-June .10. Klmo. I'cle & Allle, Kmplre, Snrlngneld, III,, 28- Jime 2; Crystal, Ht. Joseph, Mo., 4-0. Fllsworilis (4), Ilotil I'nrk, Peru, hid,. 28 J nne 2. nun, Snm, Moss A Stoll Tour, Kng., 38 June rtil. Mllls-Nowlsn Trio, Victoria. N. Y. C, 38-Jnne 2. Kl Oroaln, Slgnui-, Codfroy's, Ornnd Rtplds, Mich., 28 -J lino 2. Kmery, Winifred. Phlla.. 28-Jnne 2. Fnii-erors of Mnsle t4>. IngersoII Park, DM Moines, Is., 38-Jnne 2; Forest Park, HI. LoiiU, 4 0. Kmplre City Qnartelte, Victoria, N. Y. C„ 28- June 2. Kni|ilre Comedy Four, Moss A Stoll Tour, Rng., 28- June .10. Rrnle A Hooeaer, Ren'n, Rscnnaba, Mich., 28- June 2 ; Crystal, Milwaukee, Wis., 40. H»ter brooks, The, Revere lleucli, Boston, :"■<■ June 3. Rvuns, May, Henderson's, Coney Island, N. Y., 28-J line 2. Kvons Nlaler*(.'l), Coliseum. Clorelnnd, 28-Jnne 2. Kvins Trio, I'nainr's, N. V. C., 28-June 2. Lvers, Geo. W., Park, Pueblo, Col., 28-June 0. Kftns, Harry, Keith's, N, V. f„ 28-June 2 ; Hen- *lersoti's. Coney Islanil, N. Y., 4-0, , Cx'»oslllon Four. Knmmin, Orand Kflphls, Midi., 38 -June 3. Farley, James A Bonnie. Wills' Park, Atlanta. On., 38-June 31 Montgomery, Ala., 40. Fnlarilo, Family. Butte, Mom., 28-June 2; Spo- kane. Wash., 4-n. Fnrrel I Taylor Trio, Colonial, N. Y. 0., 28-Jnne 2. Ferris Wiley Trio, BIJou, Bullle Creek, Mich,, 88- Jnne 3; BIJou. Lan-tlng. 4-0. IVrgusnn A llceson, Athletic I'ark, New Orleans, l.n., 28-June 0. Ferguson a Mack, F.mp.. Olasgow, S.i>t., 3h- June 2: Paragon, I/indon, Kng,, 4-H; Kmp., HlrmlnRham, Hid. Frrguson \- I'sssmore, Cnslno Park, Kalamoiisi, Midi., June 4-0. 1-Yrry, Snns Bwicl Park. Chlcngo, 38 June 2 ; Wonderland, W'U-hlln, Knn„ 4-0. Perrrnis, Kellh's, ClevHnml, 28-Jnne 2; KellhS, I'blln., 4-0. F^iiielle. Ilnrry, Fairyland, Psterson. N. ,L, 28- June 2. Fhdd.. mid BniiHnn, Colon, Rakcraflelil, (V>l., 28- Jline'J; Los Angeles, ill, Flnlsy A Burke. Kclib's, Clevclnnd. SH-Juue 2, Fisher, Mr. A Mrs. Forking Kellli's. N. V. (J., June 4-0. FlrtU, Bnruey. l.ngoou, Ludlow, Ky., 28-.Itine 2. Flutter. Music, KcIiI.'h. Phlla., 2H-Jiu>« 2. Fields, Will IL, Spring • drove I'nrk, Kprlnglleld, <».. 28 June 2; Fnlrvlew I'nrk, nnyton, 4 0, Fields. W. <)., Kellh's, Ihxfon, 28-June 2. Fisher A Johnson, Itobliimiu's Pnrk, Ft. Wsyne, llid., 28 June 2. Flriclicr. chin*, leounrd, A Co., I'roclor's OHili St., N. V. C-, SB-June. J. Florence, Leo. Mntilmt inn, Norfolk. Vs., 28-.Iune 2. [Torn. Mildred. Wouderlund, WlelilUi, Kau., 2H- June 2; BIJihi, lhibiii|iu>, la., in. Flynti, Karl, umpire, Frct>j>ort, III.. 28 June 3. Flemi'ii A- Miller. I'nrk, LeiivenworUi, Klin,, 28- Jtine 2, Flood nros., A Co., Kellh's, N. Y. C„ SR-Jime 2. l-'orreata, Mti-ii-.il, Weal Knd Park, New Urlcnnt, 28-June 2. Ford Hlslers A Rrolhers, Kclth'a, Boston, 2R- Jnne 2. Fav A lUul.cs. Hliihiia Pnrk, Salt Luke, IL, 28- Jnne 0. Flint 1 llonl I'.r..*.., Ail. Idle Park, RitlTnlo, 28- J one 2. Fnsler, K«L, A Hog. Alhnnilira, N.Y. C, 28-Juiio 2. Fnslo A Hnre. Forest Park, SI. Louis, 28-June 2, l-'iev.ill, rnilerlc. LiigiHiu, l.utltow, Ky,, 28-June 2. Frnr.er I'-.iiH'd.v Four, Umpire. Ih-s Alolnes, In,, 28 June 2. Frank, Marvelous A Hob, Orpheinn, Los Angeles, i. 'ill,, 28-June 11. Fn^lerkkri Family, Fimlnlne Ferry Pnrk, LaabH Villa, Ky., SM-Jiiiin 2. Frlcae Bros,, Midlue, III., 2s.ini... 2; HIJoii, l.u (IrotMC, Wis., 4-11. l-'rlgiiiicn, TrUle, VU'lorU, N. Y. 0., 28-Jnnn 2, l<'rerlh'H, Lancaiister, Pa., 2H- Jn.ie 2, rinllowny, Jns. W., 0. O. IL, Urnud Ituplds, mil-|i., 38-June 2. Onrson, Mnrlou, lliiiisinn I'nrk, Ornml Itiiplds, Mich., June 4-11. (hit-In A I'liitt, Fairyland, I'ulerson, N. J., 28- June 2. Oarlelle Bros., YontiR's Pier, Allsnllc Oily, N. J., 28.lune 2, ... fTJuylnrd, Itounle.'BIJoii, BtH'ntur, HI., 28-Jnnn 3. lliiylur A lirurr, Ciinilvnl, lliinnuii-, N. J., 28- Jiilie 2; Alliuille tlnrdeii. N. V. II., 4-0. tn-iHcr A Walters, Wenona lleioh, nay City, Mich., June Of, (lllleii, Tom, Hprlng Haven Pnrk, Bncliratcr, N, V., 28-Jiiue 3, (illl, Nat, Ciinilvnl. I'lnliiOrld, N. J., 28-JllllC 2; Hprlng I. nke 1'urk, Tivni.m. hi. OlllluKwiilcr. Ulnnde, A Co., Keith's, N. Y. ft, 28-June 2. Ollroy. Ilnyiics A Moiituomery, Hlppislriiine. Sun Fran., Cal., 28-June 2. omen. FdHuni A lintel, (smk's Pnrk, Kvansvllle, Ind,, 38-Jimic 2. (lleiiroy, Jniiies Itlchrnoud. Shea's, Toronto, Can., 28-June 2. (HcoHuiiH, The, ft Houlihan, Tomple, Dcimlt, 28-Juno 2. "hiiwhi of Death," White City, Syracuse, N, Y„ 28-Jnne 0, nii-iiroy Bros,, Bijou, phlla., 38-June 0. trjFNlRl, si. ■ '&' lliitlloli, Mr. itllolt, Mr. A Mrs., Crystal, SI. Joseph, Mo., 28-June 2; BIJou, Lincoln. Neb., 4-0. (lolden tllly Quurlet, Holimer I'nrk, Muiilretil, Can., 28-Juno 2. (lordon Bros,, Pnslor's, N. Y. C, 28 .Inn e 2. (Into, BIJou, Dillutli, Mini)., 2N-,luiii> 2. Iloldln, ihrraiv. Victoria. N. Y. I!., 2il June 2. Urenniln A Fiilnra, Chesier Pnrk, Cliuinnutl, 21* June 2. Oreeu A Wenlhcro, Wesimltisler, Prnvldencs, K. I., 28-Jiiue 2. Gray, Corn, Auditorium, Lynn, Mass 28-.Tnun 2, Gray, Kd., Keith's. Boslon, 28>Juue 2. Uns'it Bros,, llljioi, Superior, Wis,, 2N-June 2. Gross, Win,, Family, Ituclne. Wis., 28-.lum- 2. Greeiiiviiy. Hy., ciymptc, Clik-sgo. 2R.luiie 2. Grnnl, Kidney, Colmilnl, N, V. C. 2HJnn» 2. Hull, Vrtink, F.nsi LlrerpfHd, 0., 28-June 2; Fnrai, Toledo. 4-0. llnniinoii.I A Forrester, Lnkcvlew Park, Danville, 111., 28-Jtme 2. Haley A Ilnrtr, Coney Inland, 4»nclnnnll, .28- June 2; Lakeside Pnrk, Dnytnn, 4-1), Harrises, iMnclitg (41, Lakeside I'nrk, Akron, 0., 2N-.lune 2. Iltiwtlinrne A Burl, Kellli's. Cleveland, 28June 2, lliitbawav A Helgel, Fontaine Ferry Park, Louis- i'l!.-. Ky.. 2h fiiue 2. Iluywsrd, Conroy A lloyward, Knnt Bad 1'srk, Memphis, Tenn., 28-Juiie 2; Forest I'nrk, Hi. Louis, in. Ifarcoiirl. Frank, F.uson's, ChlcaKn. 28-June 3. Ilawley, Wm, F., A Co., II. A H.. N. Y. 0„ 28- June 2. Harris, Beauregard A Co., Alntneda I'ark, Rulirr, ' I'a., 28-June 2. Ilnrly, Charley, Crystal, Frankfort, Ind.. 28* June 2; Crystul. Klkhnrt. 4-0. Hnwkliis, Lew. Fotilalne Ferry Pnrk, UhiIhvJMi-, Ky.,'28Jime 2. Ilarl, Willie A Kdlih, Kellh's. N, Y. 0„ SH- June 2. Hnwk-llowk Trio. Itljon, I'lipm, 0„ 28-June 2: Van Wert. 4-1*. Hayes A Johnson, H. A S., N, Y. C, 28-June 2, llsyman A Frankllo, Alhambra, Brlgbion, Kng., June 4-0; Kmp., Clnphsot, ll-Hl; Star, Her- inondsey, 18-2:i. nnveman'a Animals. Ingersnll I'nrk, Dca Moines, la.. 28-June 2. Hamilton A Wiley, Orand, Milwaukee, Wli., 28- Jntifl 2; International, Chicago, 4-0, Hearn, Clnrk, Frnnklln, Cryslnl. Denver, Col., 28-June 2: Crystal, Pueblo 4-n. Henry, F-itgene. Park, Kenosha, Wis., 28-June 2. llengler Hfslers, Proctor's, Newark, N. J., 2H- Junn 2. Beriberi Bros.. BIJou. Wheeling. W. Vs., 2H-.Tnne 2. Hi-umnns, Marvelous. Htnr, Toronto, Can,, 2H* June 2. H.rls-rt's Dogs, Audllorlum, Lynn, Mass,, 28- June 2, Herald H'tuare Quortelte, Idlewlld Park, Rich- mood. Vs., 28-Juue 2; Pota-a da Leon Park, Atlanta, (la., 4-0. 414 THENEW YORK CLIPPER. ■June 2. Herrmann. Ureal, Poll"*, tVorceater, Mim„ 2H- Jiiw 2. Ilcuuey & Orahsm, Hollywood I'nrk, Hallo,, 28- Herbert A 1 Hotter*, Winona Hendl. "«t City, Mien.. Jmic ;1«. Henry ft'FraiicIs, Keith's, Pbllt.. 28 Jmw 2. Helm ciillflrtu, Wore Park, Youufstawn, U., 28- Juno 2. Htoitian, Capl. Sidney, Ai Fresco Park, P«ua, III.. 2flJunc if. Hilton, Fred. Wonderland, Milwaukee. 38J-June 2, Hittn ft Wilson. Keith's, Phlla., 28-Juue 2. Hlhbert ft Warren, Klectrlc I'urii, Kii><*i" City, Mo., 28-Juue 2: Kinpirr. Dps Mollies, la., 4-0. HIUjctk (3V, lrwln, Oosdcs. Ind., 28- June 2\ Crystal, ftlwond, 4-tt. HUkbrjmd ft VlTtnti, Pocslello, 10*., 28Jnoe 2. Hlllruan. Geo., Bijou, " Jane 2, Kalnmatuo, Mick., 28- 28-JUUB Holnuin. Harry. Family. Hcraiiloo, 1 2 , l'auill\, I'lilcrnOtt. 4-0. Hnlmra ft Waldoit, Bijou, Canton. <)., 28-Juilf 2. Howison, ChWler park. Cincinnati. 28-Jime 2. Hi*?' i l.«i'. Alliflitibrn, N. V. C, 28-Jtme 2. Holt. Air., Mosb Tom-, Kng,. 28-Juno CO. Howard & North, Auditorium, Lyun, Mask., 28* June 2. Howard Brns.. F.oiplro Tour, Kng., 28 June SO. 1 lodges ft Lauuchtuere, Cleveland, ilK-Junc 2. Ibimn, Kflrtto, lrwln, GoabeD, ind., 28-June 2; _ <'rjBt«l. Klwowl, 4-1). Juno 2; Wool worth'*. Lancaster. Pi.. 4-6, Huinmn Bros., Paln'n, Now Orleans, La,, 28-June Msfilnlcya, The, Maunion'a Park, St. ImiU, £8 ,2: Ohielnunll, 4-P. _ June 2. Hughes, Mr. ft Mrs. Nick, Family, 1-atersun, N. Maxttraltb Duo, Atod Park, Youuga lo vru, O., 26 X, 28-Jnin»2. Juno 2. Hiiutrean, Crystal Park, Hi. Joieph, Mo., 28-June Mucart's Uokh ft Monkeys, Poll'*, New Haven, Conn., 28-June 2. Nhrrrun & Marrow. A. ft H.. llostoii, its-June 2. Mantel!'* Marionettes, (Jraml, Hamilton, O., 28* JHtMt 2. Mnrlyne. Kddy, Circus, Bloom liiglon, III., 28* Juuo 2. U acw ft Vox. Casino, Plilla., 28-Juiie 2; Family, Putersou, N. J., ID. Madcaps (IE), Howard, Boabuo, 28-Jmie 2. Malumby. flan, Howard, Bon ton, 28-June 2. Marco Twins, Fdnlaloe Ferry Park. liOUUvllle, K.v.. 28-June 2; Forest Park, hi. l«uln, lb Mniir.v, Catharine. Chester Park, Cincinnati, 28- June 2. Mnnello-Miiriilts Troupe, Hlpi-odrouic, N. Y, 0., 2.S-Jnm- 2. Miili'iney Brm., tiodfroy'x, Oratid lUjildt, lllcl., 2HJiiiic 2. M«PHiu'» Society Bellev. Oatlno, Norfolk, Va., 28- Juno 2. Miiunlug Trio, (Jo'xul Park. Kp.lnlla. Mo., 28- .lltnp 2; Olyni[ili;. Cbicugv. 4-U. . Mhmmh a Marnn. Karl, PnettW, Cul., 28'Jaoe 2; CriMlRl, Trinidad, 4-9. Marriott TwIhm, . Wnhlmaiiii'it, Newark, N. J., 'JH-JmiP 2: (iotbam, N. Y. 0.. ■»■». Mnddtrn-, Tbr, ManUattau, Norfolk, Va., 28- Juno 2. Maxtello ft Vanaillorr. Columbue, (>., 20-Juue 2. Marline, Harry ft Mabel, Lyric, .St. JoMph, Mo., 28-June 2. Hughea, irt'iif. AudllurluDi. Jii Park, Camden, N. J., 4-0. Rio BroK. (3). Uleiihaven Park. Rocbeeler, N. Y., 28-June 2; Atblellc Park. Buffalo, 4-9. Hlebarda, (treat. Family, Kerautou. Pa., 28-June 2: Muti.t Park, Kaslon. 4-9. Rlanos (4). HlpUoilronte. N. Y. <:.. 2H..Tiuie 2. KoKsow Midgets, Irjgeraoll Park. Do* Moines, la., 28-June 2. Rogers, John P.. Alauiedn Park, Butler, Ph.. 28- Jmie 2: Pittsburg. 4-9. Rons Hialerw. Oipheum, (.IdllleotlK*, (>.. 28-JUlie 2. Hoflatre ft Duretlo. Majealle, nhlcagrj, 2* June 2. Rosalrea, The. Ingeraoll Park, Dew Molnea, la., 28-Juue 2; Sam goncl Park, Chicago, 4-0. Rosa ft Lewis. Pal., Hartlepool. Kng., 28-June 2; Pal., Blackburn. 4-8; Pal.. Uallfai. 11-18; Kmp.. Burnley. 18-23. Rosal, Natallna, Hippodrome, X. Y. C. 28-Juue 2. Iloyce, Ray L., Temple, Detroit, 28-June 2. - Rogers ft Lnvlne, Ktar, Atlanta. On.. 28-June 0. Rogers, Will H-, Palace, London, Bng., 28-June Royal Musical Five, Houdorson's, Coney Muni, N. Y.. 2S,June 2. Romano" (.".), Henderson's, Coney Island, N. Y., 28-Juue 2. Robfniou. KIlMlia, Codfroy's, Urnnd llaplda, Mich., 28-June 2. Roebefort ft May, Lagoon Island, Atbauy, N. V., 28-Juue 2. HobltJHOn. Helene, A. ft S., Ikwtcit. 28-Juuc 2. Romeo, Pletro, Coney Island, Cincinnati, 28-June Russell, Lillian, Colonial. N. Y. C. 28-Juue 2. Russella, Musical, Airdotne, Okla., 27-JuDe 2 ; Btjou, Hhawnec, 4-0. Ryan ft Rk'bBeld, Victoria, N. Y. C, 28-June !• Sanderson A Bowman, Temple, Ft. Wayne, ind., 28-June 2. i ■ Hnnders, Dean ft Sandei-f, Audllorluin, Van Wert, i 'ftoftne,' \Vls., '28-June 2. " Hurllngtod, Wit., Wall. Jimmy, Majestic, Chicago, 28-June 2. Ward ft tirmit. Acme, Norfolk. Va.. 28:June _ Waguer. May, Umpire. Hj»rlngiicld. III., 28JutioO. M'altona, The. BIJoti, L '" Waiyne ft Doane. O. n., June 2: Milwaukee. 4-0. Walsh. Chaa. ft Jennie, Crystal, Frankfort, Ind., 38-Jum 0. Will ion berga (2), Sobuier Park, Montreal, , 28-June '£. Welch, Jamen &. Cello, Majestic, Chicago, June 2. Weiia Bros, ft Smith. White City. Bprlngfleld, III.. 28- June 2: CskItki Perk. Kalaunasoo, Mich., 4-». Weever ft Lambert, Rou'a Pavilion, Cincinnati, 28-June 0. West ft Fowler. Family, Marquette, Mlcu., 28- Jnne 2. Weston. Willie. Proctor'e 58tb St., N. Y. C„ 28- Juno 2. Well*. Lew. Howard, Boston, 28-June 2. Whipple. Waldo, Bant -Lake Pork, Palmer, MaBa., :in-Jnnc 2. Wharton ft Le Hoy, Bioplre, Atchison, Kan., 28- June 2. Whlteley ft Bell. Hoag Lake Park, Woonsocket, R. I.. 28-Juue 2. White, Btuart ft Co.. Majestic. Otilcago,2B-June 2. Wills ft Hassaii, Moore'a, Portland. Me., 26- Jubo 2. Wilson Trio. H. ft 8.. N. Y. C, 28-June 2; S (opsins', Louisville, Ky.. 4-9. keit, Mattle, Moss ft Stoll Tour, Kng., 28- Jnno 30. Williamson. Hank ft Lottie, Bijou, Wheeling, W. Va.. 28-June 2. Whirl tman. Allen, Wonderland, Wichita, Kan.. June 4-0. Williams ft Stevens, Bijou, Marinette, Wis., 28- June 2. Wilson, Tuny, ft HcIoJso, Temple, Detroit, 28- Juoe 2. Winter, Winona, Proctor's 23d St., N. Y. C, 28- Juue 2. Wordetto. BaleJIc, Shea's, Toronto, Can., 28- June 2. Worrall, I. Reuison, ft Co., Poll's, Hartford, Conu., 28-Jime 2: Worceater, 4-9. Wolf ft Zadella, Falrrlcw Park, Dayton, 0., June 3-0. nir. H. .1-7 ; J«m.H Hczner. .ecy. (luifnn ' 28- Ua»le»» County Knlr, s. 25-S8- u- ,,,"■ J '' ... '/'**■ „ r '' e L." up .' eamberlma-conlitj ShV"J' 4-8; II. K. Chho, bmj. Qrianvllii V.„ foiinty l'Blr. J r . 31-A.fl: WflTl ,;,,, kc Mjyr Highland. Mh.1I.oi, County fclST* »: J. N. Stokes. ,ecy. Jollct Will iv..' ." K.lr 8 11-14: Tho^V. Kel o, mVv j™ ', ;' Hock iRlnud County Kntr. h u-ij- ,'"' Whltealdca. wit. KonkHk'ep. Klinkl... Coiinly Kolp, 8. ln-14 : Un Kuiill ,c . "i ' ' wanee. Henry County Kalr. A. L'7:ii ■ |i V' i'"?«S," e % „*-°°*vtlle. Knox count', "'„ , A. 28-31 ; W. P. Jone«, secy. I,e Ituy «,. , ' County Fair. A. 21-24; fe. DIlrt.ii;. I.lbertyvllle. Lake County Fair', rHp liV Hon*, secy, ilncomb, McDouough Coun V tlnsvlllc. Clark County Kalr, 8. 18.22 : tv ,! Bunneld, jeyj. Marfon, Wlln,n.,on cSi'n; V"Si S .'. ll-l*:„Geo- C. Campbell, »„ J y Nabb, Putnam County Kolr. 8 "5-..R- \ ,,' Wilson, aecy Monllcelb, Piatt Co^nly l ; „ & wni&ioV cv.un'.'y fsn r/fw ris pliyshoro, JackHon County Fair ' CliarJea L, Hitter, - Woodward'a Trained iieuls, Hippodrome, N. Y, Om 28-June 2: Ombeum, Lima, 40. 28-June 2 mtell. tireat. Bui-klen'a, Elkhart, Ind., 28-June World ft I N, Y. 0-. 28-June 2; June 0. Searcy, Ueo.. Katloiial, Kantian City, Mo., 28 June 0. Selhlnl ft Orovlnl. Rircrslde Park, Montreal, ('an., 28-June 2; Pastor's, N. Y. C. 40. Seldoms. The, Shea's, Buffalo. 28-June 2. Hbrldoii. Wallace, Acme, Norfolk. Va... 28-June 2 Shannona. The. BIJoti. Norfolk, Va., 28-June 2. Mllla * ■•ewl*. jlljou, Oahkosb. Win., SO, Apple- Shertnati ft De Forcat, Ramona Park. Grand Sri 2; Crystal. Detroit, Midi., 4-i). 8antoro ft Marlow, Lakeside Park, Dayton, U., ■ 28-June 2; Orpheum, Mansfield. 4-0. Sundor. Paul. Olympic, Chicago. 28-June 2. .Salmon ft Cheater. Keltb'a, Phlla., 28-June 2; Keith's. N. Y. C, 40. banfurd ft Darlington, Stone. Bedford, Ind., 28- June 2. Savage, Clem, Kuiplre. St. Paul, 28-June 2. Saunders, Florence, Avon Park, Youngs town. O., 28 June 2. Babel, Josephine. Coliseum, London, Kng., 28- June HO. Scott, Carrie M., Flood's Bay, Curtis Bay, Md., 28-Juue 2. Seymour ft Duprce. Tlvoll, 8ydoey, K, S. W., June J-July 81. Seymour ft Hill, Klectrlc Park, Balto,, 28-June 2. Sears, Rumona Park. Grand Rspbls, Mich., 28- gajafl ft Vernon Co., Temple, eDtrult. 28-June 2, PerryCbnnty B5£~«T ffi& ; fflSit aecy. Princeton, Bureau Countv Fair s ' 5" t'barles I.. Trimble, secy. Iloblnsou, t'rni-' ford County Fair, 8. 17-21 ; w. A vj'SS boc.v. SondB-lcb, De Knlb Couutv Fair si 1-1; C. L. Stlnson. secy. Saybrook. iltLca, County Fair. A. 7-11); Frant Woo ,■? US :l^«n Klngaion, Dotuiidon, Winnipeg, Can., Shawueetown, Ual'latla CotiQLy *I-ulr i% \ BC< i-' WmJWP* wlschenrt, aecyT Slie'lbivUie' BUelby. County F f 1r, ». 4-8; (ioorge a i ,,: A. 28-31 ; J. N. Ufliphnni, wry. Ijilmn,, t'hntnpalgn County I'alr, H. -1-7; w. \\ \,\ " ley, mcw. Wnrreu, Jo Davfeai Cy.miy ffi A. 14-17: It. C "■"■■ - — - ■' 28- June Wood, Francis, Keltli'i Keith's. Boston. 4-0. Wolff Bros., White City, Worcester, Mass., 28- Juno 2 ; Glen Hitch Park, Rochester, N. Y„ 4-9. Wycherly, Margaret, Hbeu's, Buffalo, 28-Juue 2. Wyckoff, Fred, ft Co., Ramona Park, Grand llaplda, Mich., 28-June 2; Riverside Park, Saginaw, 4-9. Yackley ft Bunnell, 0. 1L, Water Lowa, N. Y., 28- June " Yeager ft Yeager, Palace. Uodon, Kng., 28-June gerjr. VVooaatock, McHcnry "otiutv iffi Young. Tot. Grand, Ilautlltoii. O.. 28-June 2. £] ? UfigPli; :W^W" •JMSy 111 * ' YTPtte, Lagoon, Ludlow, Ky., 28-June 2. EiSHK 1 i , "' W ' l '- V lou, Ill-Juno 2, Green Bay 4-tl, Military Octette, itlcbmoud, Va., 28 June 2. Mitchfll, Abhic. ft Co., Albaiabra, N. Y. C. 28- Juue 2, Miller. Blliabelh. liilernatlunal, Niagara Falls, B V., 28-June " Zcuo, JorIrti ft Zcno, Flllls Circuit, Capo Town, 8. A,. 28-July 14. Zenoi, Great. Wagner. Moltne, 111.. 28-Juuc 2. Zlmntcrmau, Willy. Ingcrsoll Park. Des Moines, la., 28-June 2; Dominion, Winnipeg. Cun., 4-0. Zimmerman, Al. & Pearl, Gem. Superior, Wis., 28-June 0. Zlnell ft Boulclle, Olentangy Park, ColumbUB, 0., 28-June 2. Rapids, Mlcb., 28-June 2; G. O. II. , Plttaburg, 2i K ka A King. Park, Canton, O., 28-June 2; Park, 4-ii Y. C, keuncd'y"'ft Wllkeua. Atlantic City, N. J-, 28- Milton, Mr. ft Mra. Geo. W.. Houatou, Tex.. 28 Juno 0. KheniM ft Cole, Dominion, Winnipeg. OaD„ 28- June 2; Spring Brook Park, So. Bead, lod., 4-9. Ktrulfo, Vincent, Forest Park, Little Rock, Ark.. 28-Juuc 2. __. „_ ' King. Mr. ft Mrs. Snm, Stnnton Park, Steuiwu- Tllle. O.. 28-June 2. _ _ Mtafuku Troupe, Casino, Norfolk, Va.. 28-Juuo 2. Kimball ft Dpnovan, Henderton's, Coney Island, N. Y„ 28-Jarte 2. KHitiey Si Hollbt, Poll'a, New Haven, Ooun,, 28- .luiio 2. Miui.Hiii-.il I JgUM, Colonial. N. \. C 28-June 2. Klelu ft Klein. Keith's, Cleveland, 28 Juuo I. Klelsl, Musical, Majestic, Chicago, 28rV_ V ... ., ,- !'....«... ■V.l. a Ken- UNI)IANA.--AnH(>la. Steuben Cuu'utv Ftiir, IV , 4 ' 7 : 9 rvlilri « «»nte. secy, Biilnbrhb-c, lMtuam County Fnlr, ,ly. 24-27; Fred Cm. dOB. accy. BwttTliltj wnrrlck I'ountv Knlr A. 27-S. 1: J. K KlcuOt-dson. aeey. liiKWcn' Bouton County Fair, 8. 10-14; W. H. Hlmi> kln« accy. Bourbon, Marshnll County I'niV Mil H. w. Parka, secy. Bremen. Mir' shall County Fair, O. 8-6; L. 0. Dlttv naer cbrlsuey, Spencer County Fair, A. 14-1"- J, P, Chrtsney, secy. Conner»vlilc. Kitvetie (ounty Fair, S. 4-7: Bans Sparka, secy, t.'orydon, Ilnrrltion County Fair, A. 27 :n If. R, Wright, neoy, Covington, Fountuln COUHly l-alr. S. 18 21; Ros« Do Huveii, tmcy. CraW- fordsvllle, MontKomory County Fair, A. 2K- 'V : (: * )) : SJ,ccl0 - secy, Crown Point. Lake County Fair, 8. 4-7 : Fred Wheeler, mci-v : In- "tttur. Adums County Fair. A. 28-:tl ■ C II Irnposalblc for tbo reason ibnt. with few exceptions, tho various assoclutlons linvo only within the past few weeks decided upon their respective dateu, while several StatcH bnve only completed tbo tutu within twoweekH. TliPdnshltiK of dates, »ecy. Fort Wim. Allen Countv Fnir. S. ik 29; l)r. Wm. Mycra, *wy. Fruukforl, Clin- ton County Fair, A. 14-17: Clina. K, I'eiiv, secy. Franklin, Jolmsou Countv Fair, A. 27- .11 : u. A. Duncan, accy. Hnrrlsbm-tr. Wnine County Fair, Ty. 24-27: 'J*. S, Wnlker, » %,!« "8S&Uf cSuft'Snk. gf|a^ &HP»'IS£ t luiinaalble lo moke a Hat of tills kind {."i.JSiJF XE&S'&iJV' ,.}\T. m . gi "','' Juno 2. K oilier ft Marlon, Thayer's Park, AtnsterdHiu, N. Y,. 28-Juuo 2. „ . _ Kolil. Una ft Marlon, Grand, Tacomn, Waul)., 28- Jtuio 2. , _ Killer. Harry J., Lyceum, Boston. 2H„ 28-Juno 2. (vurllK ft Uuasc, Heuderaou s, Coney Islaud, N. \„ 28-Juue 2. Touring Austria, Juno 1-20. Moslier, Houghton ft, Mosher, Ohules, ban Frau., Cal., 2H-June 2. Morris, Mini, ft Co.. Keith's. Phils,, 28-June 2. Mmiltoii ft Jneksou, Bijou, Norfolk. Va., 28-June 2. Moore, Toiu, Henderson's, Ounoy luluud, N. Y., 28- Juuc 2. Montrose, l^tulse. Punter's, N. Y. C, 28-Juue 2, Musketeers (11, Folly, Clilcako, 28 Juuo 2. Spautdlug. Alhumlini. N. Y. C, Spook Mlitslrels. 4!olonlal. N. .... kind complete, but ibis Hfit Ih us nearly correct as It la possible to tnuke It, and the fnlru we it Tour, Irene, Lake Nlpiuuc. Uxbridge. Mass., Murpliy ft MeGre, Monuiueiitnl, Balto., Md.. 28' ■-H-.iniio 2; Hrooksldo Park. Athol, 4-0. June 2. ii Clitir ft West, Hailden's. Balto., 28-Juue 2. Murphy ft Pulun-r, Ktuuiford, Conu., 28-Juue 2. Liinrencu ft Harrington, Slica'x, ButTalo, 28-June Murray, Ulliabeth, Chutes, Sau Fran., Cal., 28< 2: (i. O. 11., Plttaburg. 4-1). Juno 2. Lambert ft Plenu. Hauoter Park. Merldeii, Conn., Muilge, Kva, dim tea. Sun Fntu j,|ll|,,t-|t .• I IV...'. II....M.1 J ^.n, .■.■■-■--... ........-, 28-Jnuo 2; lMnehurat Park, Worcester, Mass., l.n Mfth Kdward. G. O. H., Grand Kapida, Mich.. 28 Juno 2; Main St., Peoria, III., 4-0. i.u Rose**. The, Heiuleisiin's, Coney Islaiifl, N. Y,, 28-June 2. La Mount ft 1'iuileiie, A, ft S„ Boston, 28-Juue 2; Syracuse, N. Y., •!-». I.Hiidis 2 Stone. Umpire, Hca Molnea, la., 28- l.Hveen A Croaa, (Joloufal, N. V. C. 28-Juue 2 _ . Cal., 28-June 2. Mullen ft Condi I. Shea's, Buffalo, 28-June 2; Ra- mona Park, Grand Raplilf. Mlcb., 4-U, Ncvarnw (V). 8ubmer Park, Montreal, Can., 28- Juuc 2. Newuiau. Harry. People's 1'urk. Kiccislor Sprlugs, Mo., 28-Juuo 2. Nevarro, Miss.. Hbcu'x, ButYalu, 28-Jutio 2. Newton, Murguerlle, Majeatle, Clilenuo. 28-Juut^2. Newell ft Nlbto, Pantor'a. N. Y. C, 28-Juuc 2. Niblo ft Itellly. Keith's, N. Y. C, 28-Juuu 2. Nice, Kmllr, MujctUlc, Chlcsiio. 28-Juue " Sprague ft Mack, Vaudette. Chicago, 28-Juuo 2; record liere will be found nacfiil to many Wallace Park. Pnducah, Ky., 4-1'. classics of aliowmcn ivbo bnvo not vet ar- Stelnert ft Thomas. Boyd Park, Peru. Ind., 28- ranged tbclr routes for tlie coining B naamas June 2; Family. K. St. Louis. III., M -""' ■*-" t««u. ....— t. Stevens ft Marshall, Keith's, Cleveland, 28-June 2. Stanley ft Wilson. BIJou, lOvansvllle, Ind., 28- June 2; Olympic. Chicago, 4-P. Stanford, Billy. Muncle, liul., 28-Juno 2. Ktevarls. Musical i.t), Henderson's, Coney la- laud, N. Y.j Juhe in. Stanton, Herla-rr u , Poll's, New Haven, Conn., 28-June 2: Boston, -IP. Stanley, Vera, Umpire, St. Paul, 28-June 2. Stenner ft Ahpcl. Irwin, Goshen. Ind., 28-Juue 2; Crystal, F.lwood, 4-1). StnlEuisu. Ctias., Mppniio Park, Williamson, Pa.. 28-June P. Slnnint ft La Vanlo, Jefferson Park, Puuxsataw- ney. Pa.. 28-June 2. Stark. Toble, Crystal .Park, SedalU. Mo., 27-Juuo. don, see Utintlnpton County Kalr, 8. lO-jfll a: I.. Heck, secy. Kendallvllle, Noblo County Fair, 8. 24-28; J. 8. Conlogur, secy. Kliicmnn, luuntnln County Knlr„ ti. 24-28; A. II. Llud- loy. secy. l,ufHyctto, Tlupecanuc Cviuiir Fair, 8. " ■ 8TATB FAIRS. ALABAMA.— Monliromery, 0. 28-27 : J C Adnins, secy. CANADA.— Toronto, A. 278. 10: J. O. on net, COLORADO,— Pueblo, 8, 10-14 ; B. B. Diivis, tjccy, GEORGIA.— Atlanta, 0. D21 : Frank Wed- Muncle, "Dolawaro'coiinly Fair, ~A7 1.1- 7 if:" i 'l .v./' nc 1 * 1 aiMva Cottuty Milton Maxwell, secy. Logutispoti, PjaN County Fair. A. 7-10; J. T. Tomlluaon. scry. Marion, Grnnt County Fair, 8. 4-8: L F- Repse, accy. Mlddleiown, Henry Comity Knlr, Jr. Ul-A. :»; F, A. W'lsebsil. scry. Monlpeller. Ulaukford County Kalr, 8. 2,"<2»: C. I.. Mmltli, aeey. Mount Vuruon, Posey County Fair, A. 14-17; J. M. Harlem, sery. 8. Clay pool, secy. New Caatlc, Henry County ILXINOIK.— Sprlngfleld, 8. 28-0. C ; W. C. Knlr, A. 7-10: W. L. Ulsk, Mqt, New 11m- l,n Dcllva, Faulastle, Vlnevcood Park, Tupeka, N'orlon ft Nlcholsuu, Proctor's 58lb SI'., N. Y. 0., Kau.. 28-Juuo — I.u Roses, Le«. Chester Park, Glucluiml I, Juuo 2. i.u nolle '1'iiu, idoru Park, Yuuiigstnwn, O., 28- Juuc 2. • , l.uliuer. 1*11111. Ulympti', Chicago. 28-Juuo 2. l.uugdoii, Hanllr, Park, Terre Haute. ImL, 28- Leonard! Kddte. Victoria, N. Y. «., 28-Juuc 2. Leonunl. Gila, Proctor's, Albany. N. V., 28-Juno 2; Proctor's, Newurk. N. J., 4-tl. Lee. Flulmitli ft Bessie, Mnnsflold, O., 28-June 2; Lima, IP. l.e Hoy ft l.o Vauloii. Rlretslde Park, Montreal, 28-Jnpo 2. 28-Juno ». Orgarltn, L'ryslal, Ih-lnilt, 28-Jtnm 2, o'Hay, Ida. Proctor's Dth Ave, N. Y. 0., 28- Jilne 2. O'ftnmey, ticorglu, Ramona, Grand Itaplda, Mlcb., 28-June 2. Oiirl, Adelo Purvis, BIJou, Winnipeg, Can., 28- Juno 2. o'Neiii, Tims. II., OBwego, N. Y„ 28-.1 uue 0. ' Taylor, Paslor r a. N. Y. C, 28-Juuc 2. 18: F. L, Wlrlek, Bocy. n KAX8A8.— Hutchinson Spousler, sec; GrletlH ft 'IV. Ashton ft Wallace, June 2. O'Toolo, Jack, BIJou, La Oroaaf, Wis., 28 Juuo 2. nlly, Paterson, N. J., 28- Lee Tung Poo. Poll's, Poll's, Worcester, Mass., Owen. HmTuuiii ft On., Proctor's, olh Are., N. Y. 28 June 2; Victoria, N. Y. C. 4-P. be Roy, Marie. Fairyland. PatcrnuH, N. J.. 28- Le Dent! Great, Orulicuiii. Mltmea polls. 'JHJuue'J; Sine's, Kokomn. Ind., l-P. Lo Clair. John. Pastor's. X. Y. C. 28-Jgiie 2, Lconnnl & Louie, star. Cripple Creek. Onl., 28- .] uue 2; Cal. Spgs., 40. Le Page's. Great, Weuoiiu Bench. Bay City, Mich., l.eonlurdt.Al., Oak Grove Park, Waverly, N. Y., 28-Juuc 2. ,Le Roy. AL. lni|K'rtiil, Coney Island, Bklu., 2K- Lwiwsoiw (Si, Hippodrome, N. Y. C ; . 28 Jmie 2. I.e\tiie ft Leonard, Olenlangy Para, Coluutbus. 0.. 28-June 2. , , Leslie. Geo. W.. Griuid, Plipta, G., 28-Juuo 2. l.ennoii. Bert.. Cat-lno. Norfolk. Va.. US-June 2. Leonard ft Phillips. Thayer's park, Amsterdam, ■N. Y., 28-June I, , . „ „ f.e Roy. Florenw. Manballan, Norfolk. Va„ 28* Lo Hoy ft Clayton. Majestic, Ctileago. 2t* June 2. Lewis, Al.. Crystal. Detroit, Mlcb., 28-Juue 2; Hit. hi. Clinton. 0.. I P. Loekctte. MaHle, Poll's. New Haven. Couu.. 28- Luvltts. The, Pastor's. N. Y. C. 28-June 2. Long. Morey, HI lou. laiiluth. Minn., 28-Jimc B. , Lukotia 14). Keith's, Phlla., 28-June 2; helthV, Boston. 4-U. . .„ , _. , Luce ft Luce. Orpheum. Sea tile, Wash., 28 June 2: Grand. Kveretl, -i-P. Lyneli. Pick, Majestic. Cblcagn. BR June 2. Lynns, The, Crystal, Liuraji-isn-1. Ind., 28-Jime 2. Lvdelt Misters * Hiitterworth. Kniph-e. lies WHW U.i 28-Juue 2. Guvs. The. Point Grallot Park. Dunkirk, N. Y., 28 -June 2. Pnllcrtioii*, Roiinillin.', I'miplre, .lohaiiuesburg. S. A., 28-Juue RQ | Tlvoll, Ca|Ht Town, July 1-2S. Parry, Frnuk L-, Riupli-e, lies Molnea, la., 28- Juno ".'. Parlali, I'lillllpa. Rlchiuond, ImL. 28-Juue 2. Puntaor Trio, Fairyland, Patenton, N. J., 28- PhuIh, The, Grand, Toledo, O., 28-Juuc 2, I'aullnettl ft Ph.uo, Wintei'Riirte[V, Berlin, tier., June -KM. Pally IIivk., Kellh's, Clovvlaad. 28-Juue 2. Pekln KoiiHYcs, Temtde, Detroit, 28-June 2. ri'i'is-r Twins. Lagoon. Ludlow. K.v.. June 4-0. Point. Fred ft Annie, Main St., lVorls, HI., 28- Hjffl ngbrook Park, So. Hen, I, ImL. .0, Perry, Frnnk 1,., Umpire, Bea Molnea, la., 28- Junu 2. Strickland ft Dukesbury, Hanlan' ronlo. Can., 28-June 2. St. John ft Le Fovrc, Keith's. Boutiiu, 28Juno 2; G. 0. Hi, Syracuse. N. Y.. 4-8. St. Julian, M.. Star. Donors, Pa., 28-Juue 2; Star. Moiicsaen, 4-P. Sully. Lew. Proctor's. Newark. N. J., 28-Juue 2. Sully ft Phelps, Family, Council Bluffa, la., 28- June 2. Sullivan, .Lie .1., ft Co., Cniiiuc, MIlilieupollH, Minn.. 2K-Jmie2: Ilijou. Dulntli. -1-0. Surasal ft Unaell. Bl>>u. Lansing. Mich.. 28 -June 2, Summers ft Winters, Danville, 111.. 28-June 2. Swor ft Wcslbrook, unique, Kau Claire, Wis., 2B- hpadt, Jneh, Bmndywine, Wilmington. Del,, 28- U CBR|J9i£& Juno 2. Sylvan ft O'Neil. H. ft S.. N. V. 0„ 28-June 2. Tanakas. The, Keith's. Plilla.. 28-June 2. Tinnier ft (filbert, Woudlyn Park. Catudeu, N. J., 28-Jmte 2; Ceioron Park, Jamestown, N. Y„ Qt WShff^' . „ n»W, Mndlaon County Fair, A. 21-24: L. IMJIA.NA.— Indianapolis, 8. 10-14; Chaa. Wade Wilson, secy. Newtown. Fmmiiiln WW! pg. secy. County Fair. A. 2-4: C. C. Pnlln. socy. Ouk- I0WA.— De 8 Moines, A. 24-31 ; J. rj. Blinp- lund Clly. t'owy County VhIt, A, 21-24; A. B0, ,':,K l : , . y '.».™,« *'■ Vnnilnveor, yct-y. OhrooU. Ripley Coliuly IOWA INTliRSTATIfl.— Slour City, 8. 10- lW A. 7-10 : T. K, WlllSon. secy. 1'orlli Jity County Fair, 8. 2-8 : Jnmes F. Ufaww 8. 17-1 A. La ids, 8. 1U-J4; 8. J, Weber, ma MINM08OTA.— Mlnneapnllb,'8, 3-8: B. W. Ititudull, accy. ' M1880URI.— ScduIIu, S. 2U-0. 0; J, It. LP. Tssmatllnn Troupe, Havana. Ql Teal, Raymond, tiodfroy'a PhtIIIuii, Grand Rap- ids, Mich.. 28- J line 2. Tvxiirkaua ft Wnlby, Havana, Cuba. 28-June 0. Trnp Troupe, Keith's. Boston, 28-June 2. Thomas. Georgia, Star. Atlauta. Ua„ 28-June P. Thomas ft Payne. Henderson's, Coney island, N. Y.. 28-Juue 2. Thornc. Mr. ft Mrs. Harry, White City, Binglism- tou. N. Y., 28-Juue 2. Tliurstoti. Grent, Shanghai, China, Juno 1 -30; Cab cults, India. July 1-111. Thurber, I^ona. Moore's, Portland, Mc. 28-June B, Til ley. Vests, Alliambra, N. Y. 0., 28-Juue 2. Tinis'll ft Klimenl, Sprlngbrook Park, South Bond, liul.. 28-June " Phillips ft Farlnrdeau, Colo. Spga., Col., 28-June Toys, Musical, Hnnlau'e PL, Toronto, Can., 28 _ . Victor. 4». PiiTiiin Midgets, Olympic. Chicago, 28-June 2. Plerrls. The, Majestic. Clilcago, 28-Juuc 2. Pierce ft tj,i|>, Audluwiutu, Lynn, Masa., June 4-0. Pluck ft Luck, Act-dome. St. Louis, 28 , Tune &. Post ft, llussell. G. o. H. . Plttaburg, 28-June 2. Polk KullliiM h Ctiniien Slaters. Bijou, Birming- ham. Ala., 2KJtmc 2: Wells' Park, Roanoke, Va.. 4ti. PnWers ft Ttieobabl, lrwln. Goahen, Ind., 28 J una 2 ; Cryatal. MwiM, 4», Prellc'a Doga, Keith's. Booton. 28-Jime 2. Protwt, Olympic. Chlcagit, 28-Juue 2. Pwiveatuitca (11). Shea's. Toronto, SB-June 2. tjiilgK. Mneke.v A Mckernon, Athletic Park. Buf- falo. BH-June 2; Fairyland, Pateraon, K, Jmm _ Tulsa. MauKHeld, O., 28.lune 2: Lima. 4-0. Tycc ft Jcrioon, Colonli**, N. Y. C, Ss-Juuv 2. Vslilmv. Beaate, Troupe (0), Luna Park, Wash- ington, 1>. C. 28-Juiin 2. Van Hunk, llerdic. Kinpliv. St. Paul. 28-June 2. Vat-daman, L'nwne. Kau Cisiiv. Wis., 28 June 2; Uiilnue, Miuneapolla, Minn., 4-P. Van Gofre ft Cotrely, Wallace Park, Paducah, Ky.. 28-June 2. Van, Billy, Celeron Park, Jamestown, N. Y., 28- Juno 2. Valnfa, Harry F... Novelty, Oakland, Cal., Jmie 4 0. .( Vedder. Debbie, Umpire, SI. Paul. 28-Juue 2. Verona. Vere, KcHli's, Provhleiiec. 28-Juno MHjr, Pl'lncetou, tiiliaon County Fair. John M, McGlnnla, aeey. Hot-beat er. Fiilnm County Fair, S. 5-8: r, II. Corneltii«. sny. Rnckpori. Spencer County Fitlr. A. 2l-2.'<; C M. l'arlrltbio. aecy. Htishvlllc, Kusb BWHity Full-. A. 20-31 : .1. D. M«p;ee, aeey. Snlciu, Wtmblngton County Fair, 8. 4-7: W. C. Sny- der, secy. Sbelbyville, Hhelby t'oniily I''"!''. MONTANA.— Helena, O. 1-7; John W H - <•&'. •'• M. 1-Jlllott. secy. Torre Haute. ^SUSPfi vl «° t'w»>t.v Fair, A. 27-8. 1: Cbik. II. Daf- .\LUItA8lvA. — Lincoln, A. 31-S. 7 ; W. EL Hn. uecy. Valpumlso, Porter County Fair, R, u «i»5,"H> 11-14: C. 8. Pelrce. eecy. Vlucetiiirs. Kni« -NI-.W J bHBlSY.— Trenton, 8.- 24-28: ift. R. <"nnnty Fnir. S. 17-22: James M. Uonse. secy. BI)l x l'{K" lin :„ Rw y- Wurren. HuuttnRtou County Fair, A. 81*83i NBW YORK.— Syracuse, S. 10-1C ; 8. C L - * rulley, aecy. KANSAS. — Antlumv. Aitlhoiiy Akwrio- tlou J-nlr. A. 7-JO: Ij. 0. JettntJigH. Mr/. I 1 '" loir. Mitchell Comity AgrkuUiii-arAwioeliiiloii Fair. 8. 24-20: .f. K. Tlcp, nctry. Riirliii«t"t'. Coffey County AgrlcultiirHl Fnir, H, 18 2l I H, I). WcMver. secy. Uitrdcu, Fiuslern Cowb-y County Fair. 8. 211-1*8; J. M. Ilcuderwm. socy, Btu'lliiRHini!. Onn Couuly Full*. S. if* 21: M. Cnrnavennx. secy. Belleville. Ilejiidj- He county Agricultural Fair. S. 11-14 : w, \\ Wells, amy, Odnrvaln, I IN wing Park and As-wclntlon Fair, 8. Ilia; W, M. JntW. secy. Clay Center, Clity County Fair, s. * 7: Wnlter I'nckcy. Be^-y. 4,'oncordlii. CWM nty lonlr, 8. 23-28 : F. W.. Uitiiglici;I.J ; ShHvcr, accy. NORTH C AUOLI NA.-Malelffli, O. 15-20' Joa. K. I'omie, ngr. ' NKW 11 AM r8IIIIUS.— Concord, 8. 1M4 : Clias. II. Hoyl, accy. ' OHIO.— ColumbitH, 8. fi-7 ; T. L. CiUvert, HQimi CAROLINA— Columbia, 8a%» 80UTH DAKOTA—Huron, B L 10-10 | bfy- ard K. Beach, secy. TKNNJJSiiEK-XajhTllle, O. 8-13. \VA8iriNUTON.— North Yakima, 8. 17-22 w._A..ftrahHnn. secy. Wl.'tt'l' OtWntuli nrL .. vuiMiiy I'll I r, n. ^.1-^6 ; l ( . ". u»"b"J v- ' Oanro? nil - !V A ' — Whcc,lu B- »■ 10-14; Mev. Coffcyvllle, ColToyvllle Kalr. A. 7-1 »l {^'nvMtv 804 -^!. . •„ Fv. Kennedy, scVv. chiinuto. CferouM Wlf, c V vSi Alfc'J ,lter, "" u Cl ' 0BHe ' s - 24 - 2 °J IW- mnm Gmnwood County Fair. A. C. S. VRM Auken^aecy. 14-17; C. H. Wehcr, seev. Kredonla. Kr*' don In Acjrlfitllurnl Asao'clatlon KJUTj 28-June - MHriTllue. HlniHslrouie. N. V- C 28-June 2. Uanola Fainlty, Trovlno'B Clrcua, Mexico, 2H- Msilofy Bron..'Brook-l A Holllday, Olympic, Chi- jjbso, 26-JtUie 2, Itsdford ft Valentine, BarraifOrd Tour, Kng., 28 June 80. liny, Titos. W., Family, Palerion. N. ,L. 28-Jntie2. Bawls ft Von Kaufmau, Hotrard, Botrtnn, 28 June 2; i:mpiie, PltibHeld, M«bb., 4-u. . Washer Bros., While City, Chicago. 28-June 0. Wultona, The. BIJou, La Ciwwe, Wl«„ 28-Juue Calrtuo. lOtoi Clnlte, 4-P. Waldui-r A MenileB, Paxtaug Park, - Pa., 28 Juuo i- r (1 Ifliu- e ip di.«« i «<"«« ■ uMiny rtssocmtiou pair, a. L'»-.u hi. »'■ ""• ,.;,, t'o'lea TcLSJnS SW^-W* « *%*■*' * fe y> Oltawn. HVaiWUl County Agricult md .Ncc ? boot nfn. ■ r iJ V w^' ! ?; 1: . % °' Sw PWr. H. -1-8; Cnrey M. Porter, oerj; S\?k "P 'iritJh s ai«iM VI,t C,)m i {y ,,Hlr ' ««*i1«Mia. Jeleraon County Knlr. 8. j-V S^tSmSftLi }&$! Cffi TKffi °- A- Patterson, 8ccy, Pro!?., Min.ni («.m <7 llarrlsburg, U^F'^tlffiHnitt McLean county T'alr, 8, 4-7 ; John S. I'opple opple, Agricultural auu" Mechanical L''alr. A. -*■«»*» — ■ ■■■ ' — *'"■' -■—-*——■■—■ — *-— V i 415 w H Bradbury, aecy. Riley, Rlla; County County Agricultural and Horticultural Fair, County Fair, 5-7: Geo. A. Moore, Key. Lodl, .,=..-..... c.i. »,ii.a, -w i a 3f ; JEIbeiit Tolman. secy. Owejo, Tioga Lodl Union Fair, 11-14 ; A. U. Hindi, iccj. County Asrlonltmnl Etorlotr Fair, 8. 11-17: JlidUon, Dane County Fair. ls-lll; il. w. L ,\V. Kingman; aeey. I'ultnvra, Palmyra 'J'erwllllaer, aery. Alanltotvoc, -Manitowoc Union Agricultural Society Fair. S. 27-'}» ; County; Fair,, llf-lj; Caaa. (). Uactar,' «ecy. John It, Walton, aery. PMln Van.'Yfltea StartOeW. 'MarHflMd Fair, 11-14;, Geo. II. rSl?'Kev Stockton,- -Rooks Count* Fair, B. lSsn-i 'a_Ii."WilHamii,Mcy ii , Smith Ceo- feV^bnlth County Fair, A. 21-24; M. A. nimond, U St- John, Stafford County iviiiv-A. 22-24; -P. O. Gray. secy. Seneca. Nemaha County Fair. A. 29-31 : V. B. Fisher. w>fv Sterling, Rice County Agricultural ntii) Ylvo Stock Fair, A. 1-3 ; F. L Goodson, «»V7 Ullca, Utlco Agricultural Association Fair'. A: aO-S. l; R. C. Webster Jr., secy. Wakefield, Wakeileld Agricultural Society Fair O. Ml KuRene Elkfns, secy. Wlnfleld, rmwlev Coiinty Agricultural and Live Stock Fair 0-12 I W. 3. Wilson, secy. MASSACHUSETTS.— Amesbury, Ainenbury onil" Salisbury Fair, H, 23-27 : Edward W. f-Mree secy. Amherst, Hnmpsbfre Fair, 18 ; N J Reed, secy. Athol, Worcester Nortb- weit' Fair, ft* 4 J -Albert Rllawarlh, secy; Barnstable. Barnstable County Fair, A. 28- Srt* M N. Harris, secy. Boston, MasHncbu- ■VttS Horticultural Fair. 8. H, fl, O. 10, 11; Wm P. Rich. secy. Bar re, Worcester County West Fair, S. 27. 28; Matthew Walker, secy, uinnrtford, Union anil Horticultural Fair. 12, it- K W. Boise, secy. Brldgewater, riy- moiitb County- ■•'air, 12, 13, J. Herbert Leon- ord HKft- Chdrlemont. Deertleld Valley Fair, l'l 14l 8. . W. llnwkes, secy. Oummfogton, Hillside- Kalr, SIS* 1 2(1; C. F. Burr. aecy. Clln- lon Worcester East Fair, 12-14; Warren Ooiidnle. secy. Frsmlnghnm, Middlesex South Fair 18, 1ft; O. O. Davis, secy. Grcenlleld, Franklin County Fair, 10, 20; Ban .1. Field ■ secv. Great Harrington, Ilousqtonlc Fair, 2d. -27; Fred J. Fuller, secy. Hlnghani, Hingliam and Horticultural Fair, 23, 2(1 ; William II. Thomas, secy. Lowell. Middlesex, North, Fall 1 , 8. 13-3: Andrew Dlddell, Beiry. Multifield. Murshileld Horticultural Fair, A. «"-24t I. H. Hatch, Hi-ev. Mlddleneld, High- land Fair, M.'3, Bj J. T. Bryan, secy. Nan- tucket, Nantucket Fair, A, 22, 23: J. F. Miir- rillv, secy. Northampton, Hampshire. Frank- In and Hampden Fair. O. 3, 4; C. A. Mont- gomery, secy. North Adams, Hoosack Valley Fair, S. 21, 22; Gilbert Maxwell, secy. Ox- ford, Oxford Fair, 8. (I, 7 ; J. R Darling, iwy. Palmer, Eastern Hampden Fair, O. .'., : L. K, Chandler, secy. South From Ingham, Middlesex., South. Fnir, S. 18, II) : O. o. Davis, May. | Spencer, Spencer Furraers' nml Me- chanics Association Fair. S. 20, 21: Geo. il. Hauler, secv. South Weymouth, Weymouth Agricultural and .Industrial Fair, A. 81*8. 2: T L. Tlrrell. secy. Sturhrldge, Worcester, Month, Fair, 8. 18, 14: C. \. Corey. iMjr. Wonrestur. Worcester County Fair, S. 3-0 ; Mrs. M- -M. ! Inst lugs, sci-v. West Tl-tuiry, Mortlm's Vineyard J^ilr, H. 18, 10: F. A. \mV, aecr. 1 Uxbrldgo, Blackstone Valley Fair, A. C'8-30; Dr. M; It. Sbafpp, secy. NKW VORK". — Afton. Afion Driving I'ark and Agricultural Assot-latloti I''alr, H. 23-28: ]. W. Hnely, M>cy. Albion, Orlenus t'ountv A([iliullurnl HorlQly.Knlr. S. 2023; Wm. Il, Kriiiik. secy. Altamont, Albany County Agrl- i-ultiirnl Society uud KxpoattlOfl Fair, A. 23- fil'l Arlliiif K..lloothbv, secy. 'Aiigellca, Alle- genv County Agricultural Society Fair, S. 4 7; K' I. Weaver, ink Bullston Spa, Hain- toga County Agricultural Fair. A. 2M-31 : Ntehnliifi V. WiLheck, secy. Hutavlit. (iencHce COiinly Agricultural Society Fair, S. 10-22 : AllH>ri K, Hniwii. secy. ItRth, Stfuticu t'uunty ^Uriiiiltural Society Fair, S. 23--J8; Clins. A. sinitis, utrjr. HlngliumloD. Bingbitmion In- dustrial Fxponltlou Fair, H. 23-28 : "Henry S. Alnrlln, aaeV. Hoonvllle, Boouvtlle Associa- tion Fair, S. 4-7; Henry J. Vol I mar, secy, p-rucknort, Monroe County Agricultural Ho- cletv Fair, H. 20-20 ; Fred II. Hbafer, aecy. J -i noictlfli], KriKikllelilMiHllsim County Agrl- mltural Society Fair, S. 24-27; N. A. Crumb, HKy. ■ Cairo, Ureene County Agricultural So- ciety. Fair, A. *21-23 ;' Frnnk D. Cole, secy. ■ 'iiinl.rlitge, (VinlhrUlge Valley Agrlcitltural Society Fnlr. H. 3-7 : Rllot B. Norton, aecy. <'anandalgiiD, Ontario County Agricultural Society Fair, S. 20-22 1 Milton A. sniliii. Necy. Canton, Hi. Lawrencn r.timiv Agrtcul- tural Society Fiflr. S, 11-14; .Inmes R John- son, secy. Cane Vincent, Cape Vincent Agri- cultural Society, A. 28-31 ; Frank DeWQfff- <* couOuefl tp his bed for several duvs The UnrQiim A Bailey Show' Is hooked here fur Juna in. . ■ ' §■■■■ i..- — ■ New ITuvrwj.— At Pnlha (8. '/>. Poll, pro- prierorl, weekor. May W: Latim Brnnrtt nud company. Klney mid Mollis. Mntlle Sock ette, iMacari'M iuonki>ys. Hush nnd tlnnlun, nud Ida t'rlspl nud compiiny. Savin Bock Pauk iDiu-cy Jk Speck, innna- gersK--Week uf js, VlivilA's trnlue*! aqolMa. +++ NOTICE TO « lHlHT>Po\l»RV'lS. SpiiogR, Rlchtlcld HprlntS Agricultural Sn- flety Fnlr, fi, l-:t; l». A. Cluimberllii, secv. Hlverlieod, SulTolk County Agricultural So- ciety Fair, S. 18-21 : Harry Lpp. secy. Borne, Oneida County Agricultural Society Fatr.-K 1*4-28: J. B. CrlHhtnan, secy. Snndy Creek, fisndy Creek, Richland. Orwell nnd Boylstoii Agricultural Socloty. Fair, A. .'1-2-1; II Lmil-, VallHce, secy. Kchenevus. Schenevns Vnlley AgrlcultursI Society Fair, A. 13-17 ; W, A, rfer. secy, Schoharie, Scbohorle t.'ounty Agrl cultural Society Fair, 8. 18-20; HL U Auchatupnugh, secy. Troiipsburg, Southern Btenban Agricultural Socl«ty Fair, 8. 4-7: ('has. K. Marlatt, secy. Trumnnsburg. Union Agi-lculLiiral and Ilortlcultuml Society Fair, S. 4-7 : Guy O. Ulninuu, secy. Walton, Dela- ware Valley Agricultural Society Fair, S. 4 ■ SUMMER PARKS. ADniTlONAI.. 1'or other MriM ser> Ct.ippnt dated May 3, WOtL AMSTKUDAM. N. Y.— Thayer's Concert I'ark, William 'Plinyer, mgr. L ATLANTA, Go— Pouce de Lena, Park, Jflke Wells, mgr. BKLLKVILLi:, N. J.— Hillside Park. BHIDGCTON, N. J.— Tumollug Dam l4lke, M. Rudy Heller, mgr. CAI'i; MAY, N, J.— Sewell's Point Pavilion, M- Hudy Heller, mgr. P. 8. McNee. secy. Warrensburg, Wnrren COI.HMHPS, O.— - -Schnefer's Oardeu, Frank County I ''air, S. 11-14: Fred J. Hayes, secy, Warsaw, Wyoming County Agricultural So- ciety Fair. S. 17-10; Wiillnm H. Webster, secy. Wiitklns. 'Schuyler County Agricultural So- clely Fair, A. 28-31 ; Arthur N. Goltry, secy. Waterloo, Seneca County Agricultural Society Fair, S. 2G-27 ; Kdward Nugent, secy. Water- town, Jefferson County Agricultural Society Fair, 8. 4-7 ; W. R. Skeels, secy. Wellsvllle, Wflllsvlllo Association Fnlr, A. 21-24; b\ D, Rice. secy. West port, Bssex t'ounly Agricul- tural Society Fair. 8. 4"* * " «^"-- Schnefer, mgr. CHICAtiO. III.— The Chutes. , CITY OF MRXJCA, Mex.— Luna Park, J. D. Dletrlck, mgr. DeiNVKR.' Col.— -Elllch's Garden, Mary Kiiii-ii-Loii*. mgr. KUHKKA SPRINGS, Ark. — Bummer Audi- torium nnd Park, M. A. Weslow. mgr. FINDLAY, O.— Reeves Park. HAINI-.HPOHT, N. J.— Itaucocas Park, M. Rudy "Heller, mgr. . HILTON, N. J.— Olympic Park. West Sand Lake, Rensselaer .County MOBILK. Ala.— Monroe Park, M. MarDer- inott, mgr. NKW YORK CITY-— Lion Palace Roof Oar- den : New Amsterdam Root Garden, Klnw Sc Krlangcr, mgrs. ; New York Roof Garden, Joseph Hart, mgr. : Para- dise Gardens, Oscar Hnrouicrsteln, mgr. POTT8TOWN, Pn.— Ringing Rock Park, \U A. H. Walker. Agrlciiltiiral and Horticultural Society Fair, A. 2A-31 : Oacnr J. Lewis, secv. While Plains, Society of Agriculture and Horticulture Fair, S. 17-22: l-;a wit rd K. Long,- secy. 'Whltney'i Point, Broome County Agricultural Society Fair, A. 28-31 : Fred I:. Allen, secy, OHIO.— Akron, Summit County Fnlr. 0. 2 Q: 0. J. Swlnehart. secy. Athens, Athmi4 t.'ounty Fnlr. A. 14-10 : II. 11. tinning, secy. Beren, West Cuyahoga County Fair, S. ll-Dt; 0. It. Stone, secy. Bellefontalne. ),ognu .RK'HMOND. Va.— Reservoir Park. County Fair, A. 21-24; John P. Aiken, secy. 'SALISIIURY. N. C.— Fulton Heights Park ImkIv Heller, mgr, QPPIUvi', Can. — Montgomery Pork, J. A. Kvercll, mgr. Itlun<;iiester, Clinton County Fair, A. 21-24; B. K, Chauey, secy. Boston (Owensvllle P. O.V, Clermont Cpflnty Fuir, A. , 28-31 : A, S. Johnson, Recy. Bowling Green, Wood County Fair, 8. MM» ; R. 8. Sweet, secy. Bucyrns, Crawford County Fnlr, O. 0-12: D. W. Ilurr, secy. Burton, Geauga County I'nlr. s. 11-14: W. s. Ford, secy. Cadi;;, Harrison Count? Fnlr, O. 2-4 ; R ft. Klrby, secv. «'aunl Dover, Tuscarawas County' Fair, 0. 18-21 ;. J, 8.- KiiniH. secy. -Canton, Stark Couoiy Fnlr, H. 23-28; J. II. Lehman, secy, CunOeld, Mil- honing County Fair. S. 23-27; B. I*. MbucIh*h- ter, sec.%. Cnrrollton, Carroll County Fair, 0* 0-12; C. A. Tope, .secy. Cellna, Mercer County Fuir, A. 21-24; 8. J, Vlnlng, sei-y. Chagrin Falls, Hast Cuyahoga County Fuir. 8. 4-7: F. P. Gates, secy. Coshocton, Co- shocton t'ounly Fnlr, O. 0-12: Robert Boyd, spcy, Dayton, Montgomery County Fair, S. 3-7; W. J. Ferguson, Recy. -Koton, Preble County Fair, 8, 10-14; L. F. Reynolds, secy. Klyrlu, Lorain County Fair, 8. 18-21 : An- thony Neldlng, secy. Flndlay, Hancock County Fnlr, 8. 10-22; Wm. Demland, >ecy. Fremont, Sandusky ''County Fair, 0. 2-0: A. W. t>vermeyer, , secy. Georgetown, Brown Tbei- Cuslno, 10. L. March, mgr. ST. MH'IS, Mo.— Mnnnlon Park. ST. TlIOMAHi Cnu.— Pinafore Park. 8PIHNGF1KLD. III.— Webster Park tie. L. w: Mars, mar. TAMAOUA, Pa. Manila Grove, M. Rudy Heller, mgr. TOI.KDO, .0.— Ilellavua Park. 13. F. Chrlsto, mgr. TRRN'T'ON, N. J.— Spring Lake Pnrk, Amer- ican Amusement Co.; mars. VAILSBURG, N. J.— Electric Park, (!. A. Diinlap, mgr. WHIRLING, W. Va.— WbeellDg Park, Geo. A. McLaughlin, mgr. WILMINGTON, Del.— Hheelpot Park, Jomea 10. Henry, mgr. WOnCF.STFH. Mass.— White City Park. _ ; — 4^«> CONNECTICUT. iiriiiuciMtrt — At Smith's (C. Snulih. manugci), "The Politician," by It. M, Hpcrry, of this city, presented for the benellt of the stuge hnnifs, closed this thsatre May 21,. for this season. Pom'n (M. ft, Mitchell, mannger).-— "When -" Stock . Tfttt e Mlu- A ■ Graham secv Usbou Colnmbiana M "T 20, with the usual Summer amusemeotH, *:_ w .r a ," nn il .,'.«. Vi H "., 11, ,. L "" ,mD . ,a .™ sreenlerhuse. roller constsr. rnvnl ram. Jlenaghan, Warren County Fnlr, s, 18-21 ; Geo.W. Uatir, Recy. Lima, .Allen Pmiiny Fair, H. 11-ln; C, A.- Graham, secy. Lisbon, Columbian! County Fair, S. 11-13: K. F. Moore, secy London, Madison County Fair, A. 28-31 ; II. ft. Pancake, secy. Manslleld, Richland County Fnlr, S. 21.-28; W. H. Glfford, secy. Marietta, Washington County Fnlr, S, 4-7: Ed. Flanders, secy. Marlon, " Fair, H. 20-28 ; James Murysvllle. Union County F t Brodrlck*. secy. Mct'onnellsville. Morgan Count v Fnlr, 8. 23-27 1 George II. Black, secy. Medina, 'Medina County Fair, S. 4-0; O. O. Van Deusen, secy. Mount Gllcad, Mar- row County Fair, O. 2-3 ; G. J. Smith, secy. Mount JoV, Scioto County Fair,' A. 28-31: Rtiy- _ opened at (IiIh Hummer resort In ubout ten days. The foruiul opening of the Islaud took ulnce steeplechuse, roller coaster, royal gorge, dnnclng, etc. ■ - - Notkh. — Joseph J. Raymond, formerly with I lie Point of PIdch, Bostou, ' was semcted, week of 21, by George c. TIIjmh, as bin t hh per- Mr. Ray in Marlon Coiinlv t,onnl repr.-stuitutlve hi this city. sir. Ray a' Kminti tinev uiond litis hail inii.lt experience fn the amuse- Fa'lr S T.-14 • \V' "^n' <«»evlng line, nnd will Introduce vailde- inelt'svlile Merit ni vll,t * M,1S J5SisA!Sft Jflb i^ 17: i'- L, Sampson, secy. Ottawa, Putnam, ■O, 2-0; A. P. Handles, secy. Pnuldlng, Paul- ding County Fair. A. 28-31 ; W. R; Jnckson, secy. Pomeroy, Slclgs County Fair, S. 12- 14; C. II. Church, secy, l'roctorvlllc, Law- rence County Fair. H. 12-14; W. W. Reekard, secy. Ravanna, Portage County Fnlr, 8. 11- 21 ; Lafayette Smith, secy. Saint Clnirs- rllle. Belmont County Fair. A. 28-30; J. II, Taylor, secy. Sandusky, Erie County Fnlr, H. 11-M; T. II. SSerbe, necy. -SarahHvllle, Noble County Fnlr, 8. 12-14; Homer- John- son, secv. Sidney. Shelby County Fair, J, . Morgan E. Ink. secy. County Fair, W. I. Tenney, secy. Wapulco- neta, Auglaize County Fair, S. 2ri-28 ; A. F Island, and one of the largest concesslnulstH of George i\ Tllyou. formally njiened His de- Fnlr, S. 11-13; C. F. Crooks, secy. Wash lag ton, Guernsey County Fair, S. 23-28; J. F. Peraonel nf tne, Poll Stock Co. : ftur faefl/Wrttl ronrspondetif* are bfrfhy normal that the wfitmtlnl* now Ttehl l)f /'mm rfpiml nn ./Mttc J, Thru urn tequratftl to rrliim tlinii tn thin office, at one*, far rtnaral for iiWtWfM7. MINSODIll. .Many friends of Flonmce Hamilton, of thin city, go tn Hartford once a week to see her lu repertory, ut the Hartford opern House, where she In tilling a Summer en- gagement.' w. h. Josselyn and wife, of K ii nans City.'— At the WIIHs Wood (Woodward \ Hurgesn Ainiiscment Co., mstin- g«n*> 'The Lion ami the Mouso," last week, did splendid, business, and deservedly so, for hoth the compHUy utid the play certainly scored heavily. . Uertrmlti Cogluu, Arthur Byron. Jnxcuh Ktlgnur and 'George PitrsonH Nil «ilii excellent work. Nnr C. Goedwru, In "Tlie GRnhis** nnd "When We Where Twenty- oite." 7-s). closes the seasoh ivt this luniBe. ■ Grand Opkha Houmw (lludiou it Juduh, mnnngers). — The house, wnx dark last week. This week, "Buster Brown" closes the sonnou of. the bouse. GlLMH , OPRllA HoilHR (E. S. Ilrlghflm, mnnnger). — liist. week. "A Thoroughbred Trsmp" drew well. This week, ''Dora irbornc" closes the house. sensou. .AnDiTORti'M (Wnmlward& llurgesK Amuse- ment Co., managers).— Last week, the Wood- ward Stock Co. gave .nad iH*rfnrniRnccs of "The Galley Slave" end "The Belle of Rich- mond. " Thin week, I tie stock coin pony from Omaha comes down nnd slnrN a Hummer' en- gagement, opening with "Tim Cnvuller.*' Pr.vrruv i,l. .1. Barrett, mnniifter).~Lnst week, the Cherry Hlossoms gave *"l'he Maiden nnd the Mule,*' to good business. This week, the New Ceotnry Olrln close the hnusa. Pi.ki'-l'ii.' Pahk (Saw Uelijnmlii, lunna- gerl. — Kansas City's Coney Island opened lis season -May 20, with crowds In attendance. Ellory's Band, with Slguor Ferulln as the conductor, wus the principal outside ntlrnc- tlon. and the Five Flying Moors did their trnpeze net on the lawn. An added feature Gils year Is Alligator Joe's alligator farm. Hale's tours nud scenes of the world are still dolug -their phenomenal business, and nil the .other concession* opened with n nourish. In the German > Hinge the acts wore: The Itntterwnrth Sinters and Lydell, In songs nnd dnuces; Claudius nnd Hcnrlet, bnnjulsts ; Meinm nnd Mnyiutril, nobRs add dances, and May Mnlvnne. "The Dlxm GIN," In songs. This week's hill : Verderi. Perrv nml Wither, I«wls nud Le cinlr, Nettle Fields, and tbo Connolly Slstors. Forr?t I'.uii; (Lloyd Brown. mniiagerL— Kyrl's Bohemian Hand wns Die outside at- traction Inst week, and pro veil envlleut. Vol- lecltn and her nnlmals were eshlhltetl on tbo Inwn. In Hopklos' Theatre the features of the vaudeville was Lillian chick nnd her dnsh arouud the loop, Tim Salvaga!*, sp Faiiimoiint Park (Ben Rosenthal, mana- ger). — This tsipulnr amusemnut place opens 27. The titlrnctloiis this season will he: Hunters' seenlc • railway, the mystic cave, circle swing, Ra£Vn Jumping hnrNcs, Blue- hoard cast Id, fun factory, Ferris wheel, elec- tric mlnlqturn railway and a. pew hAth bench. Miner's military 'band of forty plows will bo the attraction on the Ihwn, ami In tho the- atre the Imperial Muslcnl Comedy Co., under the mnnftaenient of Fred Kennedy, will pro- dries "Klug Zero" as the Inaugural attrac- tion, » WASHINGTON. IOWA. Den Moines— At Foster's Oners, House (Wm. Foster, manager) Tim Murpny pre- sented his new play. EBwUa Ruajt." to. n large and well pleased atidleftce way H>- AlutK'he Wnlsh, la "Tha Woman in the Case." plnved n return engageineni Hi, showing to n well illled house. Nat C.'tloortwln, in "Tb« Genlua," closes the season nt this house June 4. Iowan* Park OV. R. Gourley. nianagen. —'llie Royal opera Co.. In "Said fasha." opened n Summer engagement week Of May 2tl„ drawing big crowds. "The Mnseot" Is the attraction for week of 27. Emi'irh (M. .1. Karger. inannaer). — Big business cuntlnues. In spite of the warm wenthar.. Rill week of 28: Lydell Waters nnd llutferworlh, Ted E. Box, Mile, A I hi**, Pituik L. Perry, Clandlun nnd Scarlet. Lsn- dis, nnd. Stone, and Cruzcr Cmneily Four. sInurrhou. Park (Kreii luichauau. munti- ■ert. — This pnrk opens week of 27. with Willy Zimmerman, Hohrow Stldgrismid Have- innn s wild nnlmnlH. Nona.— W. It. tlmirley, manager of lowauu Park, gives the fallowing rosier uf the Roypl Opera Co., playing st his imrk: W. IL Oonr- ley* < id n unaa r; Cbns Ilnvkeiwelinilir, seer*' tary. ttuil treasurer.; Dan Vmmg. comedy dud singe mnniiger ; Horn De Fllllppl. Hoprano' Herbert Carter, tenor: Alfred Cahll!, hn?l lone; John II. MeRwoonoy, coftnrdy ; Allan K. Foster, Roht. Illlivlork, baritone: lUilulIa Vodng, snuhreite; Evn Berth (Mrs. lum Yoiuig), ehnencters; ('lareiico Rogerson, uut- sical director, nml ti chorus of. elnvcu girls nml six men. iiy. seller In the wagon of the Buffalo Rill Show, received aluminum soiiveuirs from Ihe ahow- mau, made'lu Slllan The cerate nf Theodula Cehollus, (he acrobat, who died ut his home In this city recently, showed un ap- prulsal of some s-i.mm real nud persoanl property. His widow (Mile, /.ur'ihi In nd- ulnistrutrlx of the estate Edward Hub- bard, of Oils city, chief llthngrnplier with the No. 1 car or the Rsrmtm A Bailey Hhcw. arrived In this city 211, wilh the ear, the handriomest of Ihenggregnllon. It Is In Phnrge of Lester Slurrny, of St. Louis. Tha attaches ij>nii> m li.la ■ o i.' nmni/i. an«v (Vn.i in>. 0" eionoi ate aumsr to i lie lotsi press. ..... ■ i ■ . i, u leadHLHn'rJy tialp^lBST^^riK lami sice Weir LauRdon, Moraaret Hagen. William J.'. Can- lair, s. i_H--ii._u. v., Williams, secy. _w«t ncU , rt | fretI , sldwcll, Jessie Pilngle, Kvetett Prdnr llniiltls. —At Greeno's Opera House IVylil-H, Collier, business innnitger) the Cbns It. Phlpps Co., Muv 21-27,* nivneil lo fair buNlnesM. Tim Murphy, 28. tMHffl the rep ulnr season. A Summer seusnii nf vaudeville opens 2ti, with these people. ; The Two Rack ells, Delphlno and 1>clmorii, Duchess Gerr rude Dudley, Fuller, Rose nml eoinpuuv, Mons. Iteitiichnmp, Dill uud Wnrd, anil tin* klniKlrtiine. I'hu'i.h'h (Vic Hugo, managerl, — The Peo- ple's Summer Stork uiieued 21, lu good busi- ness, with the following peoule In the euni- pany : Chits. Inskcen, Mine Harvey Hurhour, Mildred Moltiui, llelmi Treadwell. Golds Zone, 0. L. Howard. Will Burnett, Harry 1'. Ailninn nud Allen Kelly. Nim:n.~ The Furci'imgh-Hclls llrns.' Cir- cus Is utlled for June 2r>. Contriiciiug Aucnr Fred Miirgnn wnn here 21, and wus followed 22, by ail opposition force of eight men, In charge of "Kid" Sinclair t*. A. Hart miitiH sierenntlcon slides and morhig pic- tures were shown at 112 First Avenue, 18, HI Aerie Nn. 1411. F. fl. Eagles, held Hh ilii mini uiemnilitl hervU-cs 13, In honoi 1 of deceiiNed inenihi'l'S I'lironlu La Bean nud son. Drew, Joined the Chas. It. Pblppi Co. here 21 The Ceilur lluplds EnRh's defeated Hie Anilinnsil I'ligles nt baseball hei-e 211— Score 11 to 1 Malinger G. K. Mm ton In In Phlcnge, iHioklng vaudeville nllraV- IhMis ump buying fiirnltiU'e for the new niiiUHemeiit park, ihe Alamo, whicli Is ei- pecled to opi'ii June II. , , , n }^.. ■■■ ■ li.-i.liiik, — At the (!nsltui (hooves A Dodge, malingers) the Myrkle-IIiirihT Stock Co. opi'iin n four weeks' eiiRiiginieni hi rep- ertory May 2m, NoTi.'t.- .tnli ii lliihlnson's United Shows exhibit here Juno H..,.,,0llle Manlo, who has been spending n short vnrntlnii nt her home here, him rejolneil Coin Urns.' Circus for the soshuii, na principal foiirhorse churl.it driver. " »■» «(«auoiv. Mart rordT^At* Pa mons' (11. C* Parsons, Zanesvllle, Munklngum County Fair, 8. 18^ Ml; R. J, White, secv. WASHINGTON.—Fiverett, Snohomish Coun- pronrtetor-nnil manager) the second week of ty Agricultural Association. A. 20-S. l; Dan *he Hunter-Bradford Plflyera. presenting Currle. secy. Seattle, County Fair, H. 3-8: I The Adventu.es or Udi Ursu a." was Howell W. Peel, ores. Spokane, Interstate highly successful, the attendance be n« large. Fair, S. 24-0 D: Robert II. Cosgroye. aecy. ol »1 the rendition thoroughly artistic. Julia Walla Walla. County Fair Association, O. Wnn won marked applause and deserved It, l-(l : A. C. Van De Water, aecy, and nil the lending roles were In rnpnble WISCONSIN.— Amherst,' Portage County hands. "The Cowboy nnd (he Lady" May 28 Fair. S. 11-14; A. J. Smith, secy. Apple'. ton Fair. 18-21 : Jos. Koffend Jr.. necy. Bara- boi>. Sauk County Fnlr. 23-28 ;.S. A. Pelton, aecy. Beaver Dam, Dodge County Fair, 24 28 ~ Conn I , . Boscobel end week, - Manager Pnrsoas has been In New. York the past week, booking for next season. Munrom. Opkra Hnnatfl (II. IL Jennings, -The engngement of the Florence C. W. Harvey, secy. Berlin, Green Pake manager).— The engagement of the Florence il y Fair. A. 28-31 : G. H. Mclntyre, secy. Hamilton Co. rlosed.abrnptly 10. The hoitse .-—jobel Fair, O. 3-r»; L. B. Rukn, secy. ClijJl- has been closed- the entire week of 21. The ton. Calumet County Fair. A. 20-31 ; Gregory Jewish Pali. Mme. Beglnn Prater, and opera DorBchel. neey. Chippewa Falls, Northsra company, In "The Vice King," 2«. Wisconsin State Fnlr. R 17-21 Ml. B. Clark. Pwh'h iMll-ftDH, roanaRer).-— The ttocy. Darlington. Lafayette Comity Fnlr, A. Inst week of vaudeville was given 21-26, and eu-m : Geo. ; word, secy. Dodgevllle. lown tli*» hill was nn Interest ng one. The stock County Fair. S, 4-7 : Ben Thomas, secy. Elk- aeason Is Hin-JgUimted 28, by the Poll Slock horn. "Walworth County Fair, 18-21; n. ■ C. Co.. headed by Margnrei I'll t and Cnrnpbeij Norrls. secy. Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac Slratton. supported by the fol owing: J. Hall Kdlfr, A. 4-7: J. W. Watsoh. secy. Ilorltin- Owen.. Merlon Strock. J. n. Uhllirtun, James Vltlo, Outagamie C'duUly Fair. 12-H ; A. Milady. Geo, Rarwnrd, John B. Moran. Wll- L. Murphy. 5&. Jefferson. Jefferson Coiitlty Rrtm Kerhy. Arthur Kvlley Jamen Kcrby, Fair. O. 2-r. ; O. F. Raesaler. secv. Kllbonrti Little llanel, Illta Russell, (lay Rhea, Helen Kllhoitrn Ffllr, 1-4; Geo. H. Campbell, " aecy. La (.'rouse, Inter-Stnte Fair. S. 24-21* Beck, Adoh Sherman, and Grace Berwefd, under the personal direction of C. J. \V, Roe, C. H. Van' AUken, secy. Lancaatar, giant The opening production Is "At Plney-Rldge," Seattle, — At the Omud Opera House (Itns- sell & Drew, managers) the Son Francisco Opern Co. (formerly Tlvoll Oparn Co.) open in "linn I nil'" May 20 and week, under the management of Russell A Drew, who have leased tho theatre for tuu Sumuor. Uame company, lu "The. Strollers," 27 and week. Srattlh (Juhn Con, mnnngerl.T-P'dlard'H Juveulle Opern Co., In report or v, 13 and wi*ek, always hlg favorites here, rciicuted their for- mer successes, Dhe Prloglc Co. 20 and week, In repertory. Mack Swain Co., In repertory, 27 and week, Tm nn AvBNiin (Kusnell ft Drew, uana- gers).— The Aylesworlh Co., In "The Hidden Crime," 13 and week, proved very popular. The San Francisco enrtnrjiiuke Is reproduced In this drama. "Driven trout Hoine/' 20 snd week., "(.'aught lu the Wuh" 27 nnd week. Star (E. J. DoneRon, mnnager). — New people week of 21: Bert Lnvey. the Lock- woods, Geo. Lsvemler, Nnldu nud enmpnny, Jessie Dole, Pets Dunsworlh nud moving pic- tures. OM-nnrtM (E. >'• Donellan, mnnager). — New people week of 21: l,ee and llouner, Long snd Mitchell, the linens, Dot Raymond, Tom Ripley, Trncey MeDermott, and moving pic- tures, PANTAOKir (Alex, Pnntnees, tnannger), — New iieople week of 21: Italph Cuinmiiigs ami company, Tliren'Mlllnrds, Palomn Slriters, Two Weavers, Mickey Feeley, Leo While, nno Han Francisco disaster pictures. NriiANH r several Ih'iicIIIs for the Sun Francisco suf- fuivrs, shicn M. A iiiiiMlcnl Hluck cntupnily wlll he oigiinl/eil h.v Alnnugor llelllg for the t>u i- pose of nceubyliig the IlitSblre during tbu •iininier. The ilrsl productluu will be ""i'bs Rounders," June .1. P.Mi'ini: i mu [..ii w. Hnatunu. manager I cloned Its seinKui Aluy 20, with two uorfvrtu- iiiiii'h nf ■■r.ici Lynue" by the Mack Swain Co., to guoil hoiirtci. Thi! sums couipiiuy did gfioiPhUslnefH week of L'l, with "Tito World," »liiKi.n (Hon, L. Bnkor, managor). — The Bflkor 'I'll. 'ii lie Pn, hud tivu packed hoiisen 20, III witness "The Little Minister," whlnh Was Ihe idTet'lim nf the secoilil week, The loniLiiiiiv plnyoil i " packod houses week of LVlii' I'rlnfe Karl." anil hna nlready earund a HluiulliiK' whK'h coaipah'H fnvumbly with Ihe exeidlelit stuck rolupmilcH Heiiu ut this theatre during past seasons. "Iluiiila Aituhh tho. Sea" 27 nud week, and "Tho Rterunl city" .lane :1, Lvnio (Knntlng& Flood, managers), — Tbu Lyric Slock Co., presenting "Mr. Baker's Fillherdll-lliw," week of May 21. Staii i.iiim.'H II. Errlcksnn, mauager).— The Slur Stock Co., presenting "Tho Twins' Chrlsleuliig," week ut It Giiand (JuiilCs II. Mrrlcksoii. mniuigerP-- Bnlietulnu Comedy Four, Mllllo Brothers, Sum Rowley, Marco Brothers, Francesco Montrcsso, Harold I toff, snd (liniidlscope. Pantai.km (Jnliu II. JohnHOii, mnniiger).-— Four Uenrges, Billy I'oiirtrlglii, Trncey and Carter, Teclian Tnvern Ouni'tettu, Mickey Fceicy, Arihur Elwell, ntnl hlngrnph. Fiiitx'h Nhw Tiikatiui (TliomBs Konney, niunngerP- Mfin N. Vernon, llurney Mulnlly, Mai In Dlllard, Itut.y Knili, Wilson uud Lei vesier, Pn Bulsstle, Ituoney and Forrester, Evnllue Allen, Allle Dcluuir, Vlnn Mascot, Jny IJurrlnatnt), Jessie Stewart, Rowi Stnl- hird, the While Vogt, Frances Klniur, und Allen snil Wllmnn. MAIIVLAND, niiltli.jore. m the I.yrlc (Elimhnrd III- rleh, in an end. The Thnilii Theatiii Yiddish (.'o, will occupy Ihe house i'nr three perforiniinri'R 20, 30, IIoi.i.ipav Srnnr/r (Geo. W. Illfe, nuiufi- geri.— Kraest, llegati will pui In the Until week of the house senium, wi.u ''lliifns Rns< tils," beglntitiiR 28, "KsciipHl friiin Sing huip" bad a fair wMR closing 211. HiiANHr's it'. E. Hianey, uuinaaor). — After a very satlsfnciory year this house also will close Us doors with the current week, when "Itt a Worn'm's Power" will lie seen. Jane Dare made a pleasing Impression last week. In "A Mad Love," G.uKTV (W. L. Jhillauf, manager) .—The Dnlfily Dtieliens Co. opens 2*. following lbs Golden Crook Co., wlilch closed n week of moderate business 21). June 4, the Runaway Girls. Er.iiCTRin Pahk opens Mny 28, under the management of F, P, Schanrierger, who has nrrntiRcd Willi the n. P. Keith Ixiokin^ agen-y fur the presentation of their attrac- tions during Hie Htimmer. The bill for tt|e Initial week Is headed by Tuny Claude, nnd Ihi'ludes: Kline, Oil Bros, nnd Nlennliioh, Seymour ami' mil, Green sud Werner, Ray ■mend nnd Cnverly ami Chrislle Willis. The frro open Hlr features nre WOullJiig's stnlllom (did dogs, and Itonee'n high wire act. A Hiii-dni matinee will he given Decorallon Day, wilh Pnlu'a drewnrRs at night. NoTil— Surah Hernhnrdt will ho seen at Alumigh's illnliert E. Irwin, manager)), at a special matinee, Juno f>, presenting ona act each of "Hnmlet," ••CiitnlHc,'' 'Flou Frou" and "L'Alglon." 416 THE ffltESW YGEK CLIPPER. June 2. JEROME H. REMICK & COMPANY as wbst aeth s-r., r*. Y , 87 OUARK »-r., OHIOAOO. IO WITHKRELL »T., DETROIT THE GREATEST OF ALL BALLADS BIROS* SM There Are Ballads, and Thort More Ballads, But There Is But ONE Ballad To-day That Is a Big Hit in Every City, Town and Village In. the Cousitry. If You Sing Ballads, This Song Is the One. The Most Beautiful Slides Ever Made for a Story Ballad. J . . ...... _ .. ■ iKro-VESzwir SITMiaiiB ALICE, WHERE ART THOU GOING? _ There Are Summer Songs and Then Summer Songs, But This Song Is the "Pick" of Them All, Because It Is a Novelty MARCH Song, and Entirely Different from All Other Summer Songs. Most Summer longa Are WALTZ Songs. This One Is a March Song. Remember When You Write to Mention the Summer March Song. <*B WEST 20th ST.. N. "V. 87 CI-AWK ST., OHIOAOO. WITHCRBLL ST, DETROIT. JEROME H. REMICK & COMPANY • * ■ TKNKKHSEK. Memphla. — At Hopkins* hunt Bad. Park (A, I). Morrison, malinger) llie uttendanfce wns very largo tho entire week of. May 21. Tlit* offerings In the pavilion Included : Lizzie i;vniiH. as-dated by Hurry Mills; 8|a- tela Macnrty, John lllrch, Marco Twins, and the ktnodrome. Fairyland I'auk (J nines L. Okas, mana- ger). — A fair attendance prevailed week of ■ 20. "Dnvld Oarrlck" wns presented by the tonergnn-Himw Co., with good aueceai. Mr, lw Hawkins. Freder- icks Family, Flu. Adlcr, Hathaway nnd Kulpel, nnd the klnodrame. Hr.'KiMiiiAM (Whftllen Bros., manage**). — Rellly & Wood's Co. was, booked week of 2(1, but canceled, and tbe uouse closed tbo Hsayofi 10. llniiin n.iv I'auk opened 20, with a new and up-to-date skut|ttg rink, with J. h. Orlb- I'lc fin guucrnl manager,' and iiv. Dnldwln as lloor inaiiiigcr. Other attractions at tbe park ure the Melr Family of d Ivors, a mammoth merry-go- 'round - and moving pictures of a flan light. Notk. — Mayor Bnrtb 1ms closed tho lid ' tight and strong as regards Sunday perform - uncos. He has Instructed the chief of police , to see that all saloons, tbcatrcu, professional 'baseball, billiard hulls, skating rluks and bowling alleys arc cloned mi Sundays.' com- luenclnir May 27. This 1b a bard blow for tho purku. ■ ' ' U i> ~- IMH AH h . ~ ' HOKUM FlitTBS for suit- or Trail.'. A High grade, low pitch, silver trimmed rlutc, good 'as new. Will trade for high pltdi Utile, Moral QMo, for high pltoh; "C" piccolo; alHo tiavo H. F. Meyer pic colo. Ad , C. M. R -, 3H4M Cook Ave. , Bt._Lon lw.M o, WANTED, AulmalH tuttabh for wagon Hliow, Dogs. Monks. -Must be well trained. Want Ad- vance Man (sober and reliable); money saro; and Hoss Canvas Man: will hay snvthlng sultahle for wagon show. Letters lo Qvv. Ltilgl, Talladega. A's. cotsTur CLOU, Halt mi hour out, com- mutation r-.w, open to receive male guests. Exci'iicnt table. Teonis, croquette, and ball field. Bowling alley, btlllurds, etc. Terms, two In room, $10 a week; single room from flOtoflft. Apply Mr. _____0K____ _________________y_j__l_____j Ht., fjliy. WAvrno, PHOPI.B. 2 or 3 Comic Turns, Hmall Wagon hiiuw. AmateurH will do. . ritor. HAKRY smith, im.i/,, r«. MOVING fHTIRK SUPPLY and KKNTAT. Films, Uuchlnca, Stareoptlc6UH, Cameras, Lenpes, Song Kildes, new anil second hand, bought, sold, atchanged. Bargains, studio for mm and slide making, coloring. Sroclal Flng and Flio Films, expert repairing, free advice, long years' expe, rlence, prompt dealings, Bbcrbard Hobuelder- oerman-Am. Ci ne A Fllm _Jo., lon K.Ulib st..M.Y.c . llaODOKRH. Heralds, and all MtadR of itnmll * W HtUtT. I'llKNN K1KJW I'HIMKKV, .InliiiiiniiiiiFK, Penna*']' : i ' AGENTS —legitimate subailtttto for Slot Ma- chlnta; patented; sellnut klght fortl. Good ter- ritory open. Particulars OISItA CO,, Anderpon.lnd. iiMiiiiiuiiHiiin. Al the Fark .Theatre (Dlckaou & Tulbott, managers) the Itebecca . Wtrroti Stock Co. appeared In "Quo Vadls," week of May 21, 'to good buslneBB. Tbe Kan F'rnnclsco curtluiunko pictures were held over ,fui- amitbei- week. "Dr. JekylJ and Mr. Hyde" week of. 2B. ICmi'Ium i i 'Intl.. ^Immorinnn, manager)-*^' Ml^tt New. York Jr. Co. closed the season at this house week of 21. Itlg buslu«Bs ruled. "The Girl In HUm" wns a snoolal feature. WriNPui(i,.\N't>, — This out dour amusement resoi-t opened to n crush ID, and bualness held up well dtd'lug the nnst weok. "I)aro j. evil" Dash, Hose and Kills, Fred Hamilton. and u troupe of Igoroltcs weru tbe features of the o|>enlQg week. ' FAiimANK. — Hpoiii'er Kelly week of 28, and Fiilrbnnk's Orcbesdii. Notkh.— Sclbel UroH.' Dug and Pony Shows 'u.d a big week's ' business 21-20. Although the feliOH' was new to Indianapolis, It made a favorable impre^lson-flml will aiwnysbe wel- . I'ome. . . .'Forcpa ugh -Sella Bios.* Circus June 11 The White City opens May 26. with air ship and loop the loop as tin- feature at- tracllou»; 4 ■ » VIRUINIA. JOK.'N THBATUICAL UOUHI£,'MWdHl, 4t St., near H'way. JooPs *pee.Uisare: chile C'6n (Janie, I.m;., _ie.; Spuggeltl, 16c; Pig's Knuckles and ■ Saiirkraut, m.} Welsh lUreblts, 25c. Hosd reasonable and beftt redlatiraMit ION. Y. town, o tirades of the dnest beers. Always crowded with coding show folk and newspaper men. Look for tlio ■Kl cctr h: ___0_i_________j___ from H'way M____ St. ' WANTUD, for best, biggest Medicine' (JonT- l'iuiy ou.tbo road, twosketcb teams, mau and wife, singers and dancers, tint cIssh comedian, nuist bo hot afterpiece workorj good plntio pinvor, «UrM reader and fakir; C. J. Newell, write; sIstertcauiH, all first claimed, people, write. SobcrHad tellable. Opening under brand now tents, made cxpreMiy for me by rum mm u. 8. tout taakera of (Jblcago. under sole direction o( W. F. I>lver, vice prca. of Co, Prof. E. Leon, ManslleW, Ohio. P. a.-; Prefer people dotibllug brass. .' . " ' THEATRICAL HOTELS nnd B OARDING HOUSES. PAJ-ACB HOTEL. 101 N. Clark St., Ohloato. SoroMtn, 13 per week; with private bath, |T. mrk&li B»th, too. II. B. HL'fiPHREY, Prop. TRAPALGAR, 116-11? K.H, N.T..DJ. Keltb'l, Acad, of Haslo, Dewey. Rooms Wc,, ISc. $1, 11.80 day ; $160 to $8 week. w. i>. u amnio ah, Prop. Wahaeti A Madison, CHICAGO, 0. 0. Vaughsn, Prop. Strictly American Plan: $8-15 single: 17-12 doable. VaudevlUo patronage invited. HOTRLST. DENIS, lUtl-138 West Market St. Indianapolis, 1ml. Coavenlont to all theatres. Best Ltltlo Hotel in Indianapolis. Actors' Baicfl. CLiBENDON HOTEL. gSffi w HIGLKY A JENNINGS, Props, lean and .can Plan Topi. IV. Clark Ht., cor. Ontario, Chicago iRatus, 50, 76 and II per day. t'Z to In per week. _BH OHABlftlMLYfJOul- PDKWtllBMD-tOflMl. 311 rrora f-' w*?ek up. Kor gentlemen only. ""Bfttlw aud Hot Wafer, at JOEL'S, M W. 4)st St., near limadway. opnoslio AmHterdam Theatre REASONABLE RBSTAURANT_!N (JONNKOTION The Oarrlok Hot*l 10T-I09 H. Thirteenth St., Philadelphia. K P|aa. Rooms 11 per day u n. special . rates to the profession, within walking; distance of all principal theatres. A. J, PREfHOPKR, Manager. HIDE SHOW MKlf-KorMule, the big S-eycd Muilaga»ka vatapooka, with- BUO Painting, only *'i.'i. it la the best ivat or plaiform atinictloii ever kmnvii. Lint Free. WE NELSON, 8 Van Norden hi., No. Cambridge, Mais. YOUR I'll ■ H HU FOR A l'K%M, 500 Photos for SEl. Don't let your friends -forget you. Send us your photograph, autograph and a 15 bill and wo will Bend you BOO beautifully engraved Cardri, suitable for ' mnlllug (or visiting). Rach card contains a splendfd llko- iicss of yourself, exact fac-slmlle of algnnturo and whatever print lac you wish. Juib-tbe thing Cor profesalouai people. X>mltr«ubo- graph If desired.- ■ ' TlIE AfJTO-rHOTO CARD COMPANY. 420 Mutual Life Bldg., I'blla., Pa. ■UMll) COHPOHBG AMD AAHANGKD for any Uutrnment or number of Instramentt. aongs, words and musto, iketehes, oto. send stamp. OH AS. L. LEWIS, 4W Richmond St., Cincinnati, 0. HOW TO START IN SHOW BUS1*BSb. 'opyrlghtedj.adlireront hooks, ioc. ah kindsaet. ORPHETIS SCHOOL, 837 N. 1'Jtti St., Pblla..>Ra. ■HOW TO BBCOMS ACONTORTIONI8T. Front and Baok Bending, each trick niusiratwl Mr** . Morp het'B Sohon^sa? N. lilth St., Phlfa,, pa Ol,OOS.- nil! llamcr, 373 llcimont AveJ Hnledon. N. J., near.Rntflcsoa. theatrical Cldg maker. Ordera promptly ftllett- ' \Mt free.- WAWTRD, B. F. SINOING AND TALK'NO COMEVHAN for Specialties and Strong Oomedy-Jn Acts, Mention If you play ptauo or not in musical Lady Bruce,- write. Roozfrsi" Nu. "■*- oEo, Slaters. Herbert -Hert -Leuiiou, Jack Mason'.} Society Belles, Byron and Luugdou, and thu KltafukuTroitpc. h. J. Le Kniieher, who has hecn Mr. Wells' irKhl-haudmau for .several seasons, will pre- side over the hox ofllce nnd keep on oye'on the 'running of the house generally: '. • Bijou (Al>h. Smith, manager). — In addi- tion to the regular stock company, people hooked for week of ?8 : Mouttou and Jack- sou,, Carter and Jont's. Alice Drew. Maggie Maxwell, aud the Shanaoua. Oualnasa la good. • • Acmb rWHk*f«aq A Mantle, managers).— New people. for wcefc-of -1)1* : Wallace' wheldon. Ward and Grant. Claudius Randolph, and CJm nnd Mvler. . Busluesa is good.- ■ . . M.tNtiAi-rAN.tCrlnnlnn Rroa.. nianagerBi-— I'l'iipk' week-of *2H: Mjnnlu I'ntteraon, May 'lVtuuan, -lack Stockton, tlio MaddernB. Klor- »iii'-'Le Hoy nnd Leo Florence; Business Is good. - ■ ■ AvniTomiiw (J. M. Barton, manager).— No change for week of 28. 1'eoplc- for week of L'l hold over. Wheeling.— At ;the Court ULM. Fraui!- liclm, manager), week of May . 21 waa.dark. Moving pictures of Sou Francisco earthqunko and Are 20. 30. IlLiuu (II. W. Uogara, manager). — I'eoplo for week of 28 : Herlhen Brou., Corrlgan and HaycH. Ned Curtia, ' Hank and Lottie Wil- lUtmson, Emma Connelly aud moving pic- tures. Wiibrmno Park {Geo. A. McLaughlin, mnnagei). — This beautiful place will tlirow open Its doors to tho public SO, with all klnda of amuaetnentB. The vaudeville por- formiinco will not be opened until Inter. Manager McLaughlin must bo congrntulntud ItpM houkiug Sarnh Bernhartlt, in "Cnmlllc." for June 1, ut the Cnalnn In the pkrk. it Is tho first time that Sarah Bernhardt ever niuvrd in our city. The sals will be very large. ci-iney Isi.anh Pahk (II. W. Itogers, mnn- tgpr 'i . — Conterno's , Band, at . this popular nrutiBcmcnt place for week of 21, pave irood satisfaction, to crowded houses, and will be here for week of SB. - - NurnK. — Bnrmiui ft Bailey's Circus ap- peared 'Jl, to the eauaelty at every, perform- ance, ami gam one. of the best shows that over, appeared iu oiir.eltv. « 4H ALABABCA. ' Sdmn. — At Ulkdalo Park iO«org« T. R#es.' rrianagcr) Helen Mar Butler and her Mllltery Band openod an ougXRvnient. week of Slfly -13, and each concert wan very largely Mtehdrd. Bnyhes* mnvlnnpleturca, with Il- lustrated BongS, lvrck (if 'JO. ' ,■ i • ■-: ' ' i — i <•» NuiiMA.v ElArKirrr luis started n fund to erect a memorial to Mile. Rhea, who died In 1fl01». tn .MnnitruorenW. Ft, Many members of the profession' navr ntrcndv nnhscrlhed, nud It la hoped enough will follow to moke the project a success. > F1NI8H TOUR AtlM.v teartog a beautiful paper tidy while singing, dancing or talking. Sample tidy and instructions, 'J'>c. Complete iif teen minute act. Six new desigus. instructions, full £ai t miliars, etc., *1.0U. Rig noveHy. HAMIY-L. IHCU, 1701 N. Wu«dnti).-k si . Phlladolphla, Pa. M OW BQOKIHO __jjgj AMD FAIRS. VIOLIN 1*1- \Y Kit wanted quick, read or fake. One show dally, week stands, med. co.. In t * nt, atop at liotcls, long engagement. Host liauk ref. No dope or inm/.o llcnds. Preference given man who can dosoinespeclalrleaand work In ac|a. State age. experience and salary In ilrsl. Or. It, L. Hudsnii, Polo, III. Weok of June 4. Oreg»n, ill WANTB», i;y s.J. Unnnctt'fl Old'Uomcstead Malo ((Uartette, (toud first Tenor, that plays piano. Long season In concert field, ifuartetio lmoked iiv tins best lyceiimimreatis. S. J. fiKNNGTT, U1T South Payetio St., SaglnswiWest Side, Mioh. "KHilN STBRROPTICON,*' tor song 111ns- trators, lecturers; full size, »]j.60; send for cut. BEGIN STEK. MFQ. CO.. gg K I nibs 11 81. .Elgin. III. WANTBD • Views and Films Index 114-116 East 28lh STREET, NKW YORK CITY, . And yon will receive, every week, one of their nw»t Interesting * numbera. . D POPULAR H Cover Handsomely Illustrated. flOo. Bor ltxt or $7 tor 1,000. 8 dlirorcut book I Samples llto. A. LONDON PUII. CO.. Tin Willow »t.. I'lillnilelpliln. f WANTED TO BUY, A BO or «0 foul Ton. wltb Middle Piece* Scatu, Llghtu. Hopes, 1'oIeH, all coiuplele Stutp condition and lowest tp price. *"* would double with somo one'' that has aucli un outilt Addrcau J. LA-VAUX. , nr> .Main St., Toledo. Otif". PERFORMERS AWD MUSICIANS l-'or twaaty weelra, for oaavaa nho.w. K .vonr frlcndB won't furnish you with tlokota do not an uato. Stale lowoBt tlnitletter. Tell all- Tbla l» no medicluo bIiow.. Uftj on car, and a flue one. H.-W.WALKBR. Room 42, Rn ator llotol , Kvanrivllle, Inn - WANTED, ALL 'ROUND MED. PERFORMERS, Udtea and Ooiila. Live ou the lot. Salary m money. Write imlcl. No Tletots. OLABk * K IBSlNUKR, Truciimtta, Foreat Co.. Pa, WANTED, A 600D PIANO PLAYER. STEADY POHltton, wagca and lioard. At onoe. Addrew MRS. C. MAV, Uolland Uonao, Silver L««o. Wlillo rialna, K. T. ^^_— WANTED, ALL 'ROUND MED. PERFORMERS TliBt change for wee* and K»to Organ. Mna«l" ! eolmr and rcllahlo and tip In acta. „ ,. IIILLV KUNO, Ilermon, St, Law. Co., ^• >• June 2. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER; 417 JEROME H. REjVljCK 8c CO., «S VW. 26TH, IM. V., 87 Olark •*., CHICAOO, _ 10 Wltherell St., DETROIT. Two Great Songs hr WIIXIAM5 and VAN ALSTYNE. THE NOVEL SONG THAT HAS TAKEN THE COUNTRY BY STORM, m WH Y DON'T YOU TRY ? The Greatest of all Novelty Songs— Beautiful Colored Slides Posed on the Board Walk at Atlantic City— The Host Hovel and flttraetlvo Slides Ever Hade. PHTFYlTWWli 1 ^h^A ■«» JLiil Jfc JLJa ^1 JL 1 JLJ be Original and Up-to-Date, Sing This Song . 45 W. 28th St., New York. 87ClarkSt,,Chicago. 1 Wltherell St., Delroil. JEROME H.RSMICZ A C0MFA1T?. A Cowboy Love Song, Entirely Different from All Other Songs on the Market. If You Want to PASTOR'S 14th St., 3d Ave. CONTINUOUS SO AND 30 CTB. LOUISE MONTROSE ind HER AUTO GIRLS Arthur and Mildred Hoyian la "Jack and (Jill." Newell k Nlblo. TheLovltts. Ofletta k Taylor. Joiin LcClatr. Chas, li. Duncan. Kvaoa Tiio. Rower* QuarteL Carl Urehmer. Buck Daweon. The Vitagraph. BIJ< Mallnee Saturday 2. ■ ■ aoth A U B'way. Evening 8.16. Dart a Beiaaoo present, lor tno 3d jaar in B. I. nAniltLU MUSIC MASTER. Inaniijof '40 by DAVID BKLaSOO. THEATRE. Et.I. Mat.Bat.ua. DAVID BELASOO proaenu "TBX QIBL or THE OOLDES WEST." 1 Cattle (stovauSL Of Hllfc Ola.. VanC-Tllle Ta.atr.a, M. MBYEBFHLD JR.. I'HKS.: SAttTIN BECK, OBNPlItAL MANAQ8B. Ill Application, for Tim. Must be AddrMMa to C. B. DKAY, Ucioklnr Manatar, : Ualntlo Tbeatra Building;, Chicago, III. Mife's S Mymffi Trainoa wild rare animals, novelties of every do- " tlon for onrlo iiaUji and Theatre. Address • J. a. ANDERSON, Manager, u above. loriptioi IDE DEWEY E. 14lh si. LAUIE8' MAT. TODAY. Tne Honaway fllrli. Biirlcm|iif and Vaudeville. B. raaili SI. MAT. TO-DAY. Bowery Botequers, Uurieufiuc A Vaudeville THE SIDONIAS, RcHting at. their Summer Home, BERWICK, Kings Co., Mova ttrolla. BERTRAM MILLAR, II W. ISttl ST., NEW YORE. HARRY HOLMAN IN VAUDEVILLE. SONUS. PARODIES AND STORIES. $ Lions. NOW BOOKING PARKS AND FAIRS. Permanent address, am ]■;. itim ST., N. V. THE SAGES, ll-Vl'DOTI ST 8, PAUL ALLEN 8A0E. Mjr. Back home after Ave years of success In Europe. Juggler, aa.l»l«d by MMK. NELLO . ALICE AI/VA ROVELTY MUSICAL ARTISTE, "THE 11ADY WITH THE OLARIONBT." IiWEIt MTIOML ARTISTEN LODGE- NEETIUS HELD EACH THURSDAY EVE- NINS AFTER PERFORMANCES II TEBB40E BAB0E1, lew York, OHth St., near Third At*. ALL PEnKORMF.IW INVITKP Gill Brown Address ;>04 Ashland block, Chicago. CLARK and GILMORE MIKER'B 8TU AVE. THEATRE. N. Y. BENNIE GLAMAN SOMEWHAT DIHEIIENT. THE SHREWSBURYS (MARCIE and LILLIE). ORVILLE AND FRANK Have returned to (MIIUAUI), II.L.,fr HINNI- PEC, MAN,, this week, and MRS. UKVII.1.K l« with them. THE BUMPERS, RatrlK'BVtl'taB A Uymnn ECCENTRIC PANTOMIMIC COMEDY. LAtlill INU ACT. AND STILL WORKING. His Honor the Mayor HARRY THOMSON, IN VAUDEVILLE. H SONS SLIDES, SUM) FOR LIST. ALSO OTHER BARtiAINS. HISTiiH BROWN, abon. 740ft., 140.40 l»-( rmvl. I, -Im.u1.7HWI, SH.m> The Ntrlke, about IHIft., 948.70 Either aont for examination on receipt of (6. Knur R«eU of Film, about 000ft. each, ftart.OO each Heat for examination on receipt of 15. out- Nells Polyavoufl, with Blaetrle Bar* ner and Rheostat, with take-op com- plwte, 930. For exumlnattou on receipt of *6. BBND FOR MAY BARGAIN I-1SW. l.ATICHT NKTH OK HON (A Si, II. KIM. Alice, Where Art Thou Going. J it*, a Little Rocking Chair and Van. Clood Old V. 8* A* ' Where the Mwaunoe River Winds 1U H livery Way. All beautifully colored; only $6.00 per set, with music. Alto, mil set* at fil.OO per aet and up. HAR8TN & CO., 138 East 1411) SI, Tel. 3812 Gramerc,. NEW YORK, N. Y. NEVER CLOSED. w*~ WANTED, A Lady Pianist TQ SING ILLUSTRATED SONGS. OF i moo AND HTRONO VOICE. A LADY OK OOOD APPKARANCK. Hlato age. semi photo. State particulars. Addr«*aa LEBANON DREAMLAND, Xiebanon, Pa, ARTISTS, Take Notice. ALL CONTRACTS SI6NED BY ME TO DATE FOR THIS SEASON AND NEXT WILL STAND GOOD. For partieulara and further eontraeta apply to KEITH'S UOOKIBTU OKKilE, Mt . Jamea Bldg., New York, or to wain oft1.ee. Nnw Haven, Conn. AdiUreva all commonlcatloiia to H. "I.. POLL MED. PERFORMERS Wanted that can cliangu often, to utrcugtlien our compaulex. Preference Hlven those that play Organ. Good and useful people only need apply. Organ Players That can workou Btage, State salary, when you can Join and all you do. All companies woik under tops, NATUBK'8 KKMKD V CO., I'hlln., Pa. SOEIVERY AND AtbTHKATKIOAliOOUDU. Hccncry palul«d cheaply and quickly. Amateura Bi]p]>llcd. 0HA8. K. MILLS, 437 W. 41st St., Xcw York Olty. At Liberty, Leader (Violin), Trom tone, B. and 0. Kxperlcuccd In all hranchca. Can Furai.ili Op chestra. J4IIKS HURRAY, aSSft W. 3d St., Cnacy Inland, N. Y. J. H. L.AIIMIZ, HELIADLF: ADVANCE AUKS? fur l_'nn»«« or other Hummer Show,, At I.lherty. Ail- dress No. 1000 N. Slilli St., I'lilludelphla, I'a. Tetlco Notice. Edward Renton, having rcHlgned ah mnnnscr of our Trnnt Theatre, Montgomery Moses has been appointed munugtr. FOR AIL BOOKINGS AT THE TRENT THEATRE AddtWH ■• ■ 8. K. IIODCDON, Kollh's lluoklaa Oiler. Kl. .luiiios llulldlas, N. Y, V.IIJ. THE TRENTON THEATRE BUILDING CO., TRENTON, «r. J. HUE5LQD Alan Heavy Woman. All Hiiininer engagement. Must Join hntiiedlaiely. Stale agi 1 , hutirht it mi welghL. Addresa C. f). HULLIVAN, Manager "Dora Thornc" Co., Empire Theatre, LfVbtOa. Malne^ _ -^_ ■ _ , HEW VAUDEVILLE THEATRE. BELLEVUE PARK, IOI.KIIO OHIO. OPBK8 HimUAV, JUNK ». u AV'iKi), K.'iiui'ii Aib, for Lady and Child rrn Aiidlatici's, onenlUK dato Hlul later. M>TK rhl. I, a lor. Houae, |i!uvlni/ :l a dar: I hIidwh ou Htiinlnv. Wrtto or wire i. W. MliCOK- MtUK, I'rop.j K. t'. ClirlHto, M«r. Theatre. AT LIBERTY, STRONG OFFICE WORKER. ReglHiered M. 1). In Illinois, Michigan, WIhuousIii, WyumltiK, Colorado, California. Positively no truiiy.iT or iiln.ttir. PrrccntUKe only. W. C. KLI-;U8, (ii-u, Del., UlilcaKo, III. WANTED, FOR 7 MAN for UOKNKI' and VIOLIN. OIlKsr gooil peopli; that double llrarm. For bale, -j-vif:. Hide Wull and Maniac. Addreaa i. M. BUS BY, Willow Sprliiiw^o^ CONTORTIOirioT w AN'i'ED AT onck, to Jul n Novelty Oh Oroteniiuo Act. Either front or hack hender. Must bo aldo todoaplttK. State hulghi, weight and ajre. sea- mill's work or longer to right person. CAN USE A OOOD AMATEUR. AddrcHfl KDW. ORW), No. r:i l-t'urUoni Ave., Chicago, 111. Clarionet, B. and 0. Baritone to Double Htaftc. Other Mustelans. write. OHKSTKHHKNTKIl, l,on|ivlew,Ti'laa. YOUNG MAN, 20 (BLIND). • BRILLIANT PIANIST, VODALIMT A.Nll KN'fBltTAINKK, dealre* Cliiroxe- nieut; Now York or vlelnlly. MiKlerato salary. Address UDV IIIINTKK, cm i' of I rn Speoecr'a Lyceum, l:i W. -»\\i 81., New York. WANTED, Leading and Heavy Man, WOMAN 1011 rllAIIACrUIIS, I'lANO I'LAYKII. SDMMKK HAI.AUY. TOM II. WALNII, Mult., HBNKOA FAI.LH, N. Y. WANTED QUICK UHAKAOTKIt MAN Willi IDectulllcs, (IKN. BUN. MAN, JIJVKSII.K WOMAN earaliln of playloir some snllhlTtles I'lANIBT (lualo) why eun douhle. Hinte all thst letter. 1 |)uy all. I'roitrainuiea and photos, if ijoastole. Useful Itep. I'eo ale, write. 0. T. JAOKUON, Falrliaok, Iowa. Composed, Arranged. Call or wrlto. A. K I1CTS1IA It. tvi K. HHh m.. N. Y. AT LIBERTY AFTER JUNE 2, DOUBLE BASS ANDTUJIA. Exp»ricuceK,aiH r orl, ^" ,1 ' FOR SALE- RemfngtoTi tit). Y TYI'KWH.TKHH.gtKHlcondl. tlon: L'alagraph %*, Vn.-r ji:,, mrngtou tin. KdlRon Universal KluetoHcope %W. C. 0, H.. Kohjccl to cxamlnftlkm. WIN- ('HELL, 207 Baldwin Ave., Jfrnef Cl% ff. i. WANTED, MUSICIAN, For Band and OrclieHtra. MiiHt join on wire. Will buy Bahv Piano. i. li. KWAKFORD, vackHou liroN.' HIiuwh, Ulllsbotp, Bridge, N, li. B. F. KEITH'S THEATRES AND VAUDEVILLE B00KIN8 CIRCUIT. KpIHi'm Thentre Kelth'a itiiini Theatre.. Keith'* Thenlre Keith's Thcutro Kelth'a New Theatre.... Kelth'a Prospect Theatre Keith's Theatre Kelth'a New Thentre. Keith's New Theatre. Kelth'H New Theatre^... Kelth'x Royal Prlnceaa Thentre. Ixnitiou, Kng. Keith & Pi-ut'toT'H Union Ho. Theatre. N. Y. City Keith A Proctor's 2:tdHt. Theatru. ,N. Y. City Keith & Proctor** nth Ave. 'rhenti-e..N. Y. City Keith A IToetorVMth Hi. Theatre. . N. V. City Keith A Proctor's l-_»r»tli Ht. 'nieiilre.N.Y. City , N.J. . .HoAlon. Miihs. HurttiMi, Mush. . .Providence, It. I. . . .Pawtucket. It. 1. ..Philadelphia. I'll. Cleveland, it. Coliimhua, t). ..... Portland, Me. .Manchester, N. II. . . ItOWflll Mn» IDJou Thrnlie Allimtia. I'a. Kermin'H Miirylstid Tlieatro. .llitltliuure, Md. Khcn'a Theatre. IhilTnh), N T. Keith A Proctor's Theatre. .Jerfley City, K. I 1 *, Proctor's Theatre Newark, N, 'J. V. K, Proctor's Theatre Troy, N. Y. r K Proclor's Thertre Allwny, N.'Y. Hurry Davis' (irnuilUpora House PIttHburK.Pn ChiiHe'ri Tlieulre WHshltiKlon, 1>. C. (jraml Opera House .Hyracuse, N. Y. Ilendcrsou's Music Hull.. Coney Islinnl AIho tlookliiig for UO I'arka and Hrnalitirr Hvaorla, l*crformera vrlll toeaellt flirmarlvea i.y krpplua; IIiIn ottlcv Inlornit'd «f tiii-ir riintc mid open lime. Hheii's Thentre Cook Opera House... Temple Thentre. H. /,. Poll's Tb-.lt re . . H. /,. Pulls Theatre. . H. /. Poll's Them re. . H. /. PoII'h Theatro. . S, /,. Poll's Thentre. . s. '/.. roll's Theatre. . H. /.. Poll'a Theatre. . . n /. Poll's Theatre.. Havoy Theatre , ""it ion In I Theatre Empire Thenlre I'lmplre Theutre. Valentine Thenlre.. . . Trent Theatre The Hninil... . Toronto, Can. . . . UtH-lifMl ei , N V. Detroit, Mich. . . .Worcester, ItaMH, . .Springfield, Mass. . . .llnrtford, Colin. . New Haven, Conn. , .llrldgcport, Conn. . . Waterlniry, Conn, . .Wllkesllitrre. Pa. . ..Hcranlon, Pn, . . Kill! Itivt'i, Mhn.i. . . . Linvrenee, Miirin. . . . .Patcranii, N. .1, . . . . Ilohokcu, N. .1. 'IVil.uh., it. . . . .Trenton, N. .1. .Wheeling. W. \"» B. F. KEITH'S BOOKING OFFICES,. St. James Building, looklnc IVIaartaajcsr, Room. »»3 to 8M It. Jam.. Balldlna;, NKVY VOIIK OITY. W/ JX. I>J t m O. FOR LAKE BRADY STOCK CO.. CHESTER BISHOP, Director, USEFUL STOCK PEOPLE With specialties. Heavy Man, Juvenile Man, Leading Woman, I'laulit and othen. Thu<« with Hnnnlat Uc4 preferred. Twobllla per week. NoHundaya, Hlato all and Iovmihi. HeaMitj ope,.s about June 7. Address D. 0. IIAHTMAN, Manager Uko Hrsdy Resort, Kent, Ohio. If the .limn Ik II IJHRK— theliinuls ArfiTliDreCApiilogleHtii LK NAIKr. Ofieru (.JaKNfN). LE MAIRE and LE MAIRE, HHllltl.H I ■IDIKIll I:\TIHIIIIIMV1I1V tl.l. tlllvVl'S OH in K I 17 I II NT., N. V' FOR RENT, FILMS, MACHINES, And SONG SLIDES, WITU Oil WITHOUT OPKIIATOIIH. I'lllt KN TUB I.OM KIT. HARSTIM «c CO., 138 Cast 14th St.. Tal. 3812 Sramaroy. NEW YORK, N. Y. ALWAYS OPEN. AT LIBERTY AFTEB IDRE 1. EDGAR L. POMEBOY PIANIST. Hlght Reader. Traiispuser, Fakir. Let me hear from you, Jake.. UKNKRAL DKLIVKRV, Pluiiitx, Art/.. Will purchase ONK-HALK INTKICKMT iu a coin pauy beaded by h well known Lady HUr, This will (tear the Htrlctest invostlgnLion from those who wish to more titan double their money ln- ychUm! dtirlutr next soasott. In order to settiu my hnabaud'H estate- 1 mmLsell at ouoe. Only Ihuso who have thn money and wish to do huslne.H* address L. O. MHITI1, (ieueral Delivery, New York City. WMIKll-l'HIIlimr; MKUUIVK COS., A No. 1 Lecturers, Doctors, people In all lines who cau change for a week. Pianists must rend and fake. All must be good oTcMHers and deliver the guilds. Write full parlloulara, with lowcU nalar.v. Wn pay expenses. No time to wa«te. Incompe- tenta, erlnnlCM, hooxcr* and ohuserH, keep awav. PRILL! PINK MKD. CO., Cm den City, Kan. OOOD CORIT PLAYER Kott vnoiiT noon, wantbo: JAI'K IIOtT'HAN. WIIITK. AllDIIKHn OULHAME, CHASE ft WESTON, 1370 Broadway, Saw Yark. WANTED, FEOHE 18 ALL HIES, llBAHATIO and VAUUBVILLK. Must do Al HnoclalEIca, and change for week. Alio PIANO PLAYER to douhle small parts. Join on wire, Address I. tt^KKNNBY. Park Hapjds, Mlnn._ •>Afm r»te d Q u I o K , Several ,11 'round L'lrotta Performer., Mush lau< fur Hand. Los, sure salary, 1/iUK seii.ou. Join (ill win. V. T, HUM'S MHOW, Olendalc, Mass. Oalolum Gas and t ,« ioving Picture Outfit Th. Latiit Victory^ of SoImm. Make Bl| H on • jt latsrUlnlng lha Public. freitsrtyou.fiirnMhlnfleompisteoutflH with ittupls and eipllelt fnitructlon*. The Field la Lor go, comprlatof tha regulnr theatre anoioctiire circuit, alto locn] flehlii In Miiirrfii>», Putilln Hnhools, l.otlpri »n.1 i)i'iicr»l ]'iilil|D liithBrinit. NotlilnasflordH better opportunities for src.%.,. Our Outfit Comarlsts tha o. P. co.'a medal. PUM OALOIUM CAB OUTFIT, th* cranteat oandla powar,tha aafaat and moat ooonomlonl aaa-mohlnB outflt sverlnventad. w^abtitlaa. Slinopllcoj, NOflu Pictin aUdlm, Film, tnmi S M % SSSS eatertalooienti, Absolutsly the latest flimiini] vlewi en thn market, Including ■II subjecta for the public's flDjorment. ■'Mil anttrtalnmant aupoly oataloaua aal ■ PICIAL OrPKIt fully nplalnseYorythlog. • mVM PUJECTflQ CO., 2»0>tibin SI., Dot. 207, Caltltf, SONG iUHHI 60N0" HITS * Ht- ' BOIBIIEK, ZIB C.,hlB|t ( n8t. 1 CMca|0 WILL ROSSITER'S 90 o S.r 8 l00 lAtoii size ium in m BOOKS Waotwl, Aledieiiie Performers IN AM, LIN'BK; lltitse that fake nruan priifrrii-'l. Wrlto or wire lilt. II. w. OLIPTON, llino, III. VOCALISTS WANTKD, Vaudevlllo Musical Comnanlvs. Ooaohlogs anil Oily Appearanues arranged. Call KORRKHTKR. 1UT llroadwi.y. For Sale, Edison P. M. Slero., 3-8 Inch Reels of I'll 111, 'J.ooori. Heroan, (las (lauae, W> fllldcs, Oik M.klMI onlltt; lira lot. I lllltliorvlui Ilea, Troupe of I Doves. I'llOl'. IIAHIIY HMIfll, (irata, ra ! 418 TI?^ Hf^TW YPBI^ CLIPP-Eff. f^tai, SEW YORK CITY. Keltic* Theatre* fE, F. Itogers, resident manager). — Claude ullJIngwnter and com- pany. In "A Htrentiotis Proposal," headed too UMinl good till] May 28, ami tht* offering wuh favorably mMfnL Kmma t'ni-im wins- herself Into the lienris of i hi* audience imracdliiiely, and retired wltli laurels. Tlu' Fdghl Bed- ouln Anilis did some grenl aerolmtle and UiniblJug. work, and aroused the audience l*i greni excitement. Charlie Uw, always welcome,' talked lh his 'dry winner, and the .laughs came thick nud fitnt. Brock- miiu, Mack nnd Belmont kept matters per- turhed In "The Count of Mother'* Account." nnd were wuccpHSfitl. Flood Bron, nnd com- pany did some clever acrohailc work, mingled Willi good comedy. Tlie I lei more Sisters or- mm nil excellent v Vans i-nngbt the spirit of' the forte ty lender, Mr*. Heritage, nnd gsta* n refreshing iierforninnre of the nerenl- oily youthful matron, Alice Knowluud wns ies|)ouslhle for Hie niajo'r portion of the com- edy, through her fxcelieiit drawing of tlie rather narrow-minded niatdr>n Indy who, hurt "once been cngngc-1. Iiul on Ihe eve of mniri- monv her liance cominltted Hiilelde." tirnce ('nhl)l was licauilfiil to nee. and was the cold, ea leu bit I tig Ptiirlcin to Iter ilnal exit.. I'dwlu Ki-fttnlr wnn :i hinnly Nm>l. John Morrla, iim lite hnlr-llp Jester MtlH«el while, gnve 11 line perforinnitce of mi exceedingly dlnW-tilt cluir- ueler. Frederick Wuh-hn sPOinwl III ui enao In the cluiracler of tlie Judge, til first, hut later gave n well mmided perforuuinci-. The three neln were very tinndamne, nnd the er- feets were well -hnndleit. 'j'he rant : N'm-I Heritage. Ifdwlu Hrandi ; Judge Clifford, Frederick Wntsmi ;■ John WllkltiM. \V. f'lllllim rfnmlltoli: JuH]ier .Muat>lre OHy Onarlelle nre nL'iiln welcome In r-omedy anil mitftt: llonice tioldln N In his t-ec-imi mid IuhI week, In IiIh ex|ieri necrn- iiNim-y, nnd .Mr. nnd Mra. .llinmle Itnrry, Kddle Leonard and c«m|mn.v, the 'I'hree .Mlt- chella. Hie KIIIk-NowIIii Trio, and Ihe vita- graph. round mil n 1*1 II of niirnctivi* merit. A<*n demy m At iim I c (flllmore & Toinp- IdtiN. iiiiiimm'i's ■".--!:. II. Solliern, Julia Mar- lowe and ramjinuy iH'gnn, May i!M, a four weeki" engagement la Shako-oieamin reper- tory. The ntK-nlug hilt Monduy nlglit wus "Itomeo nnd lullet." In which tlie two Kliirs renealed their lonner geml work hi the rile rolea, nnd tlie vnrloua iiicintwrH of their mm- tiany gnve ihem adeiiaaie minport. Tbe cast : Renins, Frnnk Itefcher : Paris, Kdson It. Miles; niiuilet. Malcolm Hradley : Montague, V. .1. Kelly : ltninco, K. II. Hotiieru • Mor- rutlo, l-'rederlck Lewla: Hen vol to. T. 1.. Cole- mini ; Tybnlt, l-'red Km ; Friar haurence, M'llllam Harris; llnlilinsnr, John, Taylor: HitntpNOu. Thomas Ihivls; (iregory. Frederick Kaufman: Peter. Howlnnd Ihn-k!itoiie; Abrn- lmm, Almna 1*. Peltier; An A|tolliecar,v, Mal- -■iiiui Rradley : An (>h1ett will also uppenl to a large contingent of vaudeville I nitrous, who have wlinr(u*ed hit entertiilniini II tie playlet, entitled "A Tlilef in (be Night.' 1 Tbesa two feature numbers will not, bow- rver. oversliutlow nor prevent th« enjoyment of the excellent arts of Dan Burke and Ids School (ilrlK, the Kltahiuira Japanese Troupe •if Jugglers, the KntKik.-Minstrela, Tyte and .Icrinon. the Fiirrelf-Taylor Trio. Ln \eeu and Cross. Sidney (Irani, and the vltngraidi. \r«* Vnrlc Tbenlre iKlmv * Krlanger. managers). — "Ills Honor. I lie Mayor." n mu> Hteal coiuedv. received lis ilrst New York offering on \Mtiv W*. A 'review of the per- f.irmiince will appear In our next week's . ..'urtreiHh Street TtMrtklVr (J- Wesley Kosem-uewi. matingeri. — Theodore lirury's ci-niiil (Ipern Co., mi nrgiinlxiilloii composed of iM'irrin*-* save its llrsl New York iMM'fonu- miee evening of Mny "•«. A review of the production will appear In our columns next J.>'rlc Thenlrr iSimi ft. & I.ee Rhubert. inim.'igersi. - Henry K. HUey. la "The Man iei the I'oi." hegaii on eugngemeul here on J. til y US, before tin nndlence lli»t greatly <••'- joved the piny and the work of tbe fllnr. -Mr. IHxeV- iierformnuce is now smonllier and /mmler than ever, and lie made almost every line ■•■•mil for a laugh. Ilia support Is ex- <.>li.'in, and the performance Is well worth fteeltir. riiNiuh (Sam s. .t l>e stniberi, tnana- jr.-rru.- •"lh.' Social Whirl" entered Its eighth jA'trk Mny 2$. Procter'* Fifth Avenne 'theatre ,h\ P. .Proctor, manager). TIiIh Is the Inst week of the aeaaon here, tin; houao closing for thc. Huminer for the flraf. time since Mr. Proctor asuumed Its manngement. '"ITie Fatal Wed- ding" Is the current week's bill, opening •May 'J8, before a good sir-eil matlneif audience. Olive Mac Vint played Jessie, "The Little Mother," on the afternoon of the opening day, and made a derided hit: She enlisted sympathy for the chnrncter, nnd acted In* a most commendable manner. She. and Kvelyn (.'lark will alternate In the character during the week. Particularly good work was done i\v Louise Randolph os Mabel, the young wife. Robert CiimmingM. l/.Mttn Jewel, Herald Hrlnlli, A. II. Van Hum) and George Howe-1 nil scored heavily, Others In tbe company: Master Urn, Wright, Remfa l#a Lestlna, Wal- lace lOrsklne aud Woller \t. Creeue. In the vnndevllle nre: lleji ll^yer. comedy bicyclist and unlcycllHt ; Davis mul Wnlker r colored performers: Idn 0'l>ny, In Imnjo playing, songs nnd stories, and the- tn-xUm piciiires. Inirlag the Siiinnier monihs ihe exterior of this house will be changed, the present, en- trance ou Hroiidwsy being roflde Into a store, und the regular Lbeaire .entrance, lielni; cluingeit lo Tweaty-elghlh Hlreet. The In- terior will he eitenslvoly renovated. The I'isi Stindny roiieert of the senson will be held June ii. Proetor'H Plfty-i-lKhth street Tlie- •tr*( If, V. Proctor, mnnngiT). — This week, which Is the Inst of Ihe nreseitt Reason nt this house, a big bill Ik offered, nud It greatly pleased on .May 2H. The house will close for I be Summer ut the end of the week. Walter Jones und .Mahel lllte, who have n 'lever act, mude as big u lilt as they did ut Proctor's Twenty-third Street Theatre. Charles: Inward Fletcher KM company tiresented his big scenic ] i rod net Ion, "A Breeze from the West," und the in- 1, which Is uit excellent, one, was received with great favor. Others who Mined well were: Ye Colonial Septette, Smith and Campbell, Herxar's Circus, Norton nnd Nichol- son, the Majestic Trio, Ilerllna and Itroek- way. and Willie Weston. Tbe motion pic- tures continue, Sew York Hippodrome (Thompson tt Dundy, inn lingers j.-— The Dual week of thla season here opened Moudny, May L'S, wiili u large niMlleiif-e In utteiidiince. The manuge- inem reporl tliat Ihe senson Just ending has been nil even more prosperous one than Inst season. "The Court of the Uoldcn Conn in Ins," which closes "The Society Circus." und nil •Ihe other big features ore lieing presented for (lie llnnl week, Tliv circus special acts are: The l-'lve l.eciisstois, Mnrcellne, Nnlaiina Knssl, the Hoes I ids, Four Itlauos. Mnneilo- Muraltz Troupe, the dying .Meteors, and the Honhalr-Ori'k'ory Tnmpe. Atliuiiie (.nriteu | W, Kramer's Sons, nwma«ersj. — Treloar and Kdun Tempest. Kosillle, eomedleiitie: Harper and ]>esnioud, mloreil cuniedy duo: ibe Floods, linlanclng ladder; Raymond, gymnast: Ruby (Ion ton. In Illustrated songs; moving pictures, ond Ibe hnily Orchestra are the nttrncilons for this week. Pastor's Tlienlre (Tony Pastor, innnn- ?;erj. — For Decorailon Hay week, ronuneuc* ni; Mny -N, ii kuimI hill Is offered. Louise Montrose nud lier Auto (llrls pive jm exceed* Ingly pretty miislt-nl olferlng. Arthur anil Mildred Itoyliiii iikhIu won Well merited ap- plause in -Jock mid Jill," the da I my little roiiM'dlniui. Newell nnd Nlblo. prime favorites hero offered tlielr saxophone, violin and xylo- phone ili'l. Tile hovllts went splendidly In their nci-oliutle comedy (urn. orlettn and Tnylor got lols of hiugbs out of "hooking for Miss Curium'." John Is* Clair Juggled well, iim usual, nnd scored, Charles II. Ihiiicau won out In his character comedy singing act, The F.vtitis Trio deservedly wnu iippliiuse III n nest offering. The Itowerv Quartette, "the four slngtnu kids," held Ihe uttenllou llirongb- »ut. Tin 1 Oortloii Rrolhers nlensed 1 wil Ji Ihelr soni^s nnd dunces, Carl Hrehnier got lots of comedy out of his musical lurn. Ruck Hiivysiiii was Hiircessful , as "the, Cowboy," ami pleased all. Tlie vllngrnpli was an ex- cellent closing iimnher. Miner's Kiulilli A Venue Tbent re (Kil- win 0. Miner, uuiuiiKer).— ■ For this, the lust week of Hie season, Mr. Miner presents .Mi- ner's Amerlcuns, » eumpuny which was seen here earlier III tbe senson. The house closes June 2, lo reopen the latter onrt of August. 11 1 iut's Bowery Them re (F.dwlu U. Miner, manager 1.— The Bohemian Rnrlesouers ureseut "A lluhemluii Ueauty,!' Will ii. Ward, King und Tremont, All, lluuter nod All, and Ida Noctital nud Orpbeum Trio. Chaa. Uuth- Inger mid Jnmes Russell, of the house staff, bcuciiLed Mny -U. The house closes June 3, Timlin Tiienlre (Sidllvnn ft Woods, man- ager), — "At Cripple Creek" Is (his week's bill. The cast Includes: Mllllceiit F.vnns. us Maggie MfhUO! Uoyd A. Sublne, J. Wilson Owyer. Collin Vnrrey, Jesse Hnle, H, Scott lhitllcy, JiiiIkoii l.unthlll, Maude Mcolt. Hillsy Vurrey and Nithle Nnaw. I-:. J. Curpenier Is manager; A. (j, Italnhrldge, representiitlve. Next week, "In a Woman's Power." Iloher's Miisruin (John II. Andersou, maiiageri. — t'hlef White Cloud and his in.upe oi' North American Indians nre the fen; nre atirncthm here this week. Othera'are: Murlhii "AViigcnfnhrer, Prof. Newman aud Prof. Killer. In Hie theatre the following nets are seen: Harriett ami Ocorge Shade, Fanny F.veret! und Frank Rogers. Detvey I'lieutre (Sulllvuti & Kraua. man- agers). — (lark's Runaway lllrla Co. Is the attraction here this week. "The Sultan's PI- leniina" stnris the show In good shape. In tke olio Hie following- appear: Susie Ciif.J- wln. Ilert Wiggins, Jlerg Sisters, Rowery Newshoya* Qminclte. Tlie house will ejJMrt June 2, .Mutinger Kraus lias signed con- tracts whereby lids house will play the :il- tracllons of tlie Umpire circuit for the next leu years. Aiiiericun liteutre (J. M. Ward, ninn- ngeri. — Ktlwnrd ITnrrlgan and Annie Yea- mans, In "Did huvenuer," furnish the ill- Irncllon here this week. The cast remains Hie same ns wheu they appeared Inst week at a downtown house. London Theatre (James II. Ciutln, mnu- agerl.J— Tlie Hroiuiwnv tJnleiv Rlrls nre pre- senting "Cllttorlug Olorlu," with lsila Rig- ger In the leading role, and John Weber principal comedian. The olio lucludes: The Phillips Sisters, .Inek Marshall, the Pan Me I,a Trio, John Writer nnd company, Murlo and A Ida. in excellent work on the triple bnrs: Crowley and Foley, and the moving pictures. The house closes June % Wolliiek's iMih. Theo. Moss, manager). — "The Kiubtirrnssiuent of lllehes" com- menced Its ihird week May S, llrondtrny Thentrt* (A. W. Dingwall, mnnagen. — Klsle Jnnls, In "The Vnuuerblll imp." started her twentieth und last week May '2H. Princes-*! Thcntrr (Henry Miller, innn- ogeri. — Heitry Woodruff itegnn hla fourleenth week Muv -'8. in "Hrowu of Harvard." Hijon ilieoire en, R. Hire, manager). — Hnvld Wnrtlr-id started his thirty-ninth and Inst week May l!8. In "The Music Muster." Ralph Kelhtnl made IiIh llrsl s|ipearunce on that date as Reverly Crttger. tirnnd i»iieni House (John II. Springer, nin linger I, -- "The Chtusman" opened Its sec- ond and last week Mny JN. Mu Jest le I hen t re (Sam S. A T.ee Slin- hert, nmnacers).— l>e Wolf llopper. In "lltin- pyland," sturteil his fourth nnd Inst -week May •-!«. i \ I ; inn tie Then (re (Charles I'rohuian, manager). — Mn title Adams, In "Peler Pun." ln-giin her thirtieth week and last fortnight May 28. .for Welter's ihmle Hut! (Jnsenb M, W'eher, nmunger).-— "Twiddle Twaddle" com- menced Us iwctitv-sceond week Muv 'J8, on which date Ntellit Mnyhew made her Ilrst nppearauce as a ifienther of the compnnv. The one hundred and fiftieth performance was cnmmemnrfiled '27i by a dinner In the enfe gftar the performance. Proctor's Twenty-lhird Street The- ntre tt. F. Pxoctor, manager).— Cressy and Ihiyne ure on thla ureek's mllf with their 'latest and fuunleat aketcb, "Town Hall To- night," which was is heartily laughed at us ever on May 28. Ned Wayburn's big ■aeenle -art, " Nb lay 1 atoll," Is another big feat- ure of Hie bill. It presents Dorothy Jar- don, assisted hy eight girls, In three separate settings, the first of which, entitled "Mex- ico," brings the girts on lu a "nroirle schooner." while Miss ,1 union la singing The other flcencn are "In Hid Japan") and "Unlsyland." All are prettily arranged, and the. net In Hi entirety was very pleasing, and was heartily applauded. Winona Win- ter, a winsome and clever entertulner,. offered an act that was diversified and entertaining. HIih snag several son as most pleasingly, gave n good fmltutlon of Jessie rnutlioul, and fin- ished ihe net In whirlwind style by a line bit of ventrlloqitlni work, she was forced to make a number of l-ows. Lewis Simon. finiee (iardner nnd compnnv, In the well liked offering, "The New Conchmnn," were aa completely satisfactory an of yore, und Qiilnkin and Mark did some most agreeable .work, ss was shown hy their reception. Tbe Alpha Trio scored a success In their hoop act, which served to introduce Kugene Adams, In some elever Jmop Juggling. Others were: The Sharp Brothers, In their capital danclni,' specially; KHte Comedy Four, and Camllle Trio, hi n clever comedy bar net. The mo- tion pictureH continue, lleJiisro Thenlre (David llelasco, man- ager i. —Blanche Untes commenced her twenty- ninth week May ^K, In -The Girl of the (iohlen West." I.ycruin Tlu'iitre (Daniel Frobraan, mannger). — "The I, Ion and the Mouse" began lt« twenty-elghili week May 28. Hurieiu.— Ai the Har!em Opera House (Alex. -rJchl'ensteln. iminager) William .1. Kelley nnd hiw worthy stock company are presenting "Ihivld tJarrlrk" this week, sup- plemeuting II with the balcony scene from "Romeo and Juliet." On May 28 the work of ,\|r. Kelley nnd Dorothy Donnelly greatly pleased the good sized audience present, and they fully deserved the favors shown them. The current Is tlie last week of the season ot this house. Wrsv Bsfp TflKAittR (Ceo. A. Blumenlhnl, ninnagerl. — The regular season of the house closes nt the end of this week. The Russell Hi-others are the attraction -this week, and on Mny US tlielr offering, "The (treat. Jewel Mystery," entertained a big house. Begin- ning June 4, (Iporge Oher, the well known und clever nclnr, will begin a season In slock, offering -, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" as the opening hill. MktktiPoi.ih (Henry Rosenberg, manager). — "Kscapcd I'rom Sing Slug" Is this week's bill. Albert Lundo, hi Ihe lending role, evi- dently gave satlsfnetlon to a Inrge nndlence 28. und his engagement should prove a proninhle one. ("in Saturday nlglii. June 'j, Henry Rosenlierg will cense to manage ihln house. Hui-tlg & Sen mon will take posm'ssion under a ten years' lease, opening the roof gurden, June in, with a Ilrst class bill. Tlie policy of Ihe house will remain Ihe snme dur- ing next season. • Star tlVm. T. Keogh, manager). — "The "County Fair" Is the current luTering. with Nell Rnrgess In tils fnmous role. A good sized nndlence jo'cnily en|oved the play on Hut opening night. The house will close after this engagement. PBOCTOR'h OSR IlflNIlRKP AN11 TtVP.NTV- I'lKTir SrmxT TiiK.vriii! (F. l\ Proctor, man- ager). — "A Young Wife" Is Ibis **veek'H hill, with Misses Morgan, Seotl nnd Deshon, and Messrs. McAllister. Norton. Hill. Franklin nnd Dowe prominent In Hie cast. Tbe vnnde- vllle presents Violet Dnle,- hnrklns nud I'm lei-Mon, John he-'Cinlre und motion pictures. Amiammia (Percy Williams, manager).^ Rill for week of 2R Includes: Vesta Tllley, Wilfred Clurke. asslsttsl by Theo. Curew unit coniniuiy. Ahble Mitchell nnd her Ten .leasee Students. Fight Allison Troupe, Village Choir. Haey mul I.ee, rosier nnd his dog, "Mike;" Selmii Rrntx, S|mi Hiding and vlragrnph. Iliitru: & Sr.A.Mos'M Mrsii- IlAi.t, (Ben has secured the lease of tbe Manhattan Bench Theatre for the Summer. The opening is act for Decoration Day. with Black Pattl Troubadours. Pain gives land and water nreworka on the lawns Wednesday night, HO, and tbe three Saturday nights to, follow. Duns and his hand and the big Pnln spectacle of'flre, "Vesuvius," open June. 2.1. DEW YORK CITY JOTTINfiS. Tub Manhattan Biucii Thbatbb, under the management of Kdward K. Rice, will in- 8AN FRANCISCO NOTES. At.. die BelflBco Theatre,. New York Tnm day afternoon. May 22, officers and men r -Ihe-U. 8. battleships lying | U e ,. " gave ■ benefit which" netted JuSS Sfft San Francisco sufferers. The oerioVLr, ttds very meritorious. The aW^dSKS with bunting, and It was a gala nrra-ft » * An overture by the orchestra of tlie ««* which prtTTlded good mtifrte, opened \L nt' gramme. F. If. Moscrove, of the Kento?w gave a slack wire einlbttlon that SoTES ougurate a brief Spring seaacn with the apblaiiM. The. boxlmr bout L Ln ' Htack Pattl. Troubadours, on Decoration Day, weights, between C. Kitxenbenrer ,fr , , 1 t " matinee and night. 'ITie engagement la limit- Maine, und A. B. Moore, ot the PennVvk-™ * ed to five evening performances, closing with f ot three three-minute rounds was ev.-ni • ft coucert Sunday evening, June ». Paln'a An original Bong.'Keep on the Tar™ ' T llrewnrks will be displayed DecoraUon Dny, Meut. Cotton, and sung by Thomas V,.i. '■' also, on Saturday nlglit. June s. man, oiler on the Pennsylvania, allowed ii,« ABNOt-o Dai.y -gave n professional matinee " t a win promotion n man must lenrn \\,\ , May ^a, at the Lyric Theatre, of "Arms nnd -,hoot nil over the ocean." The dub l«'L the Man" nud "How He Med lo Her Hub- | D g of Midshipman h. R. Andermii «? iT hand." Missouri, and sleight of hand by F.nWn w Bbtuiiton BHAnefil to the treasurer. Louis Hnrllg, drew out a crowd Hint parked thin house to the doors Sunday, 27, when the regular bill was presented, with Ihe addition of u host of volunteers, who prolonged Ihn show until after mldnlgiii. Cotiiam i Sullivan & Kraus, managers). — The Hnwery Rurlesnuevs hegnn a return engagement, 28. to n house ernwded lo Ihe door, and received u big recepllou. Tbe show Is full of life und action, mid pleuty of good comedy Is Introduced. Next week Moonlight Maids. Brooklyn. — At the Shuhert (hew Parker, iiiaungert llnvld Itelusco presenls Mrs. I^slle Curler, In iwo of bis latest successes week of Mny 2**, "Adren" being nresented the enrlv part of 1 lie week, and "Zazn" the lost half. This Is the closing week of tbe house. Oui'iiKUM (Percy U. Williams, manager). — The Inst week of the vaudeville season, week of 28, preseuts : Kddle Foy, the Faya, De- light rbirsrh, the Fuurteen Black Hussars, Riirnold's dogs nnd cuts, Carlln and Otto, Auric Isigweli, Couture nud Gillette, and the vltagrnph. Stab (Archie If. Kills, manaRer). — "The Devil's Punghier" is presented by Scrlbner'8 Itnr MernhiK (Jlorh's this week, ,Fou,v (Bennet Wllcon, rannager), — It was intended to t-tnse tbe season here 2(5, but owing to the Illness of Cbnuncey Olcott's mother, Mr. Olrott was compelled to cancel his engagement after Wednesday night, 2ii, nnd the season here closed on that night. Pavton'h (S. S. Allen, manager).— "Over the Hills to the Poor House," this week, from the pen of R M. Knowles. one of the authors of "The Heir to the Wnllubout." "The I-ost Paradise" drew big houses week ending 2U. Next. "The Dictator." Oayety (Jimes Clark, manager). — Fred Irwin's lilp Show this week. "The Onlv Pebble On the Bench" und "Wives of the Sultnn" are the burlesques. The olio: Etna Bohin. \V. S. Ilnrvey nnd company, Devlne nnd Williams, the Sisters He Fuye, nnd Carl- ton nud Terry. The High Rollers had a big week; ending 20, LvciH"M (Louis Phillips, manager). — "The Rowery After Dark," with Ihe full strength of the house company, is this week's offering. A good week ending 211, with "Fast Lynue," LtSA Maul — "The Mountain Torrent." Frederic Thompson's latest device, will open May ;i(), Otherwise the park Is eomnlele for the season. The lynching of nn outlaw has been added as the climax of "The Great Train Robbery." In 1he free circus are; The (IniUlschinlllK. acrobatic comedians; Wolff's leaning bounds, Ratlin's troupe of monkeys, niKrCouwny's drove ttf trained lunles. Mundy's animal show Includes; Unity's bears, Mme. Louise's lions, and Mme. Morelll's leopards. luiRAMt-A.m — "Creailou" nnd "Tbe Kudof the World" are now lu tine ruunlug order. Another novelty- In "Pharaoh's Daughter." Heronutou Day Is to be celebrated wiili sneelnltv features on Ihe Hippodrome track. Work Is progressing rapidly on the "San Francisco Spcrtncjp, the new big show. Rostock's Aximai, Arkna Ik more popular Hut u ever, nnd Li one nf tbe greatest ntirni'- ilons on the Island. Many tmvelllrs have been ndtled. llKNPEttRON'S, CONRV INLAND. — Hill Week of Mny 2R: Kurt Is and Rus-te, .losle Anto- it ell e. Klmhnll nnd Honnvan, ('rnwfnrd and llPlixtunn, Zauovns. Tom Moore. Ln Rows, Thomas nnd PAyne, Durnnd Trio, May Rvnns, Ciirllhle's animals. Royal MuWcnl Five. Dlsle Seremii|ern and l'lve Roinnnos AT Manhattan Bi:ai;h. — Kdward R Rice tv-ihlnl Street Then t re, will retire to privnto have commenced cither life nt the close of Miss Adams' season there. erecting on tlielr " Tin: Akkiai. (iAnm:xs, over tbe New Am* slerdaui Theatre, have lieen redecorated throughout since last season, nnd many Im- provements have been made. They will open June -I, with Hen. M. Cohan, In "Tlie Onver- nor's Sou." I •Urns La Pamh will design the memorial window to Men. U. II, (Hlbert, which Is to be placed In the ltloomlngdale Reformed Church. Thkatrt-'s c'lohrp aiik : The Knickerbocker, Maiilinttnu, Miul**ou. (inrrlck, New Anister- dnni. (hirden, Dalv's. MadlHon Square, P'lelds', Herald Hmuire. Criterion, Liberty, Murray Hill. Third Avenue, Ynrkvtlle, Irving Place and Circle. DEATHS IN TUB PHOFRNSION. wlll stale ... man nt the Kmnlre Theatre since Its opening r,,r the better, the'optimlsm nnd fortitude or nlglit, and prevbuw to Hint was at the Twen- ihe people being amazing, for the majority **"' either .clearing, planning or former sltea. The eiminip- ments ln. Habiiv Carlos Dibtz, of the well known vaudeville team, Deets and Don, died in IjM Angeles, CnL. on Mnv 4, from consumi)- tlon. lie was born nt llnltlmore, Md., in 18li:i. and made his tlrst Htnge appeavance at Ford'H Theatre, lii.lils native city. During bin career be had adpeared with the follow- ing nitrnctlnns; Lyilln Thoinjiaou, "Two Old Cronies," "Aunt Bridget's Baby." three vears Willi tbe KlinhflU- Opera Company, and Moore A Biirgens' MlnntreU. He had made a torn* In F.nghiud. opening In Ismdoii, and for tbe last ten years appeared with bis wife. Lulu Don. tn vaudeville, under the llrm name of -- l>eets and Don. The team uppeured lu all Mil. Clio». herry and Huldn Halvers, drlff Ihe leading theatres of Kuglnnd und Amprh-n. Bros., Km lly Bcnner, and the eameragrnph. Both Mr, Dleiz anil his wife were about -lo Stau (J. B. 'riinranson, munagor).— Bn«- atart Tor New \ork CHy -wlien'lie wuh tnken ness was satisfactory 21-2(1. Tbe bill In- Hick, and nfler n four days* Illness passed eluded : Jennie Del mar. Frankford, I-nurl BM Canton.— At the Grand (F. B. PowelWfc manuger) moving pictures of San Pronclocn Hre, May ill, ih-ew two good bouses. The bouse will probably play a few more show* this season,' - «^4 . GEORGIA, Atlanta.— At the Casino (Jake Well". mnnnKer)-,- Ponce De Leon Park, aotwlih- sinndlng the very cool weather, Ihouaand" were nt the opening; of Ponce De Leon Park. Mtiy 21. The Casino received liberal Mb roaoge the entire week. The bill Included: Kitty Trnitev, Phll-Stratt. Dorsch and Bit"; He was hurled at Bosedale Cemetery, lxi» Angelen, under the auspices of the Ulka and Ihigles of which orders lie was a mem- ber. Ills wire survives hlni. John J. .iKXMiNnn, better kuown ns "Stub" Jennings, fur forly years n while tent per- former, died at his home In Harrlsbnrg.Pu., May 'iM, after an Illness lhat lusted nearly n year, and stnrtcd during hl» u. !■'. C. Hollow-ay's Big Mrh- h: i sb .Co. : Dr. F. C. Holloway. proprietor; J. 11. Hart, ninnagcr: ]■;. flay Klllott. stage uiimuger and charge of performers. We have pluveoto successful business nil season In opera honses. but will opeu under canvas about June 12, carrying a top 80x40. The hand consists of twelve people, under dlrec- I Ion of C\ Shaw. Company consists of thirty- live people, with band and orchestra. N'OTtia t'liuii Dii. Li;.sTKH'ri CO.-rJust fin- ished my seventeenth week without a lay-off. Business has been fair. \V« carry eight peo- ple and canicragraph. Open uoder canvas May -til,, with the following people: The Macks, Blllle Coburn, Harry Harper. Dlllle nud ,JiOtMe De Mllle, myself tuid family, and a few addition*. . Frank Mills left the advance of the Paw- nee Dill Show, at Koine. N. \'„ to jolu the Walty Sisters Show, to take Ihc sung book?. Phksckllk, hypnotist, and lOdnu A. May Magooa have returned to their home ut Bar- ton, Vt., where they will aptrnd the Summer. I.arke ahi> Adams arc with Talbot's Fight- ing the Flames Co., indefinitely. Manager' Jakh Kosenthai,, who recently closed a most prosperous season at the Bijou Theatre, Dubuque, la., hak a picture show out. playing the smaller cities of that State, mid fit meeting with great success. The San Francisco earthquake and lire picture* are featured with his show. Harney Rosenthal la the traveling mnuuger of this .show. A liouciit performance, for the San Francisco sufferers w«n given reccnlly at ilic BIJou Theatre, by Manager Itosentbal, aud a neat sum was realized, which was Immediately sent to the coast city. Mli.i;. Bkaciiakd, novelty globe performer, nnil his assistant, "opened week of June -I, wltli II., W. Wright's Carnival Co,, at Kvnus- vllle, hid., and met with Instantaneous suc- eew. Under m Ccm$, ClliH> IIl'Nni.nu Rut writes: "1 have Jtist returned -lo New York, huvlug been in San Francisco during the earthquake there. 1 have signed with Happy Dick Turner's Silver Piute Show, with which I was connected two seasons ago. The ahow Is composed of the following people: Happy Dick Turner, pro- prietor: J. A. I>a Ceutra, manager: Sadie Turner, souhretie : Daisy Turner, contortion- ist ami dancer: Porter und Puinicr. singers and duncers; Chns. Mclnel, Dutch comedian und piuno player: ha Ceutm and I.a Hue, mimical act : Pearl Hubbert, Edith Turner, Wm O. Huulrea, Chief Dunning Elk, Indian ulhlele, jnui l». B. Cote, properties. Uappy Dick Is touring the principal Summer resorts this season. Everything la -brand new, ln- iluillug the big top. Dick Turner celebrated his nfty-slxth blrlhduy May 18. and the boys jind girls did nut forget him hi the way of presents. After the show we all participated lu a clam bake, when soaga aud toasts rrigued Hverybody Is "happy und Old Re- l.Lliti.B reaches us every week." NuTJM J'nou tub Uiikat Waunhk Show. — We opened our season under canvas .May IP, and the llrst performance went without a liltch. The show this yonr is larger aud we carry more people thiin last season. Will piny -the larger towim and ellles In Wisconsin mid Illinois. We curry twenty people, a troupe of dogs and two Shetland ixiiiles. Wo have ii ilni' outllt, and will do everything In our power to make this one of the best little shows on I ho rood, .Know Al. l<\ WjiKKr.Kn'H New Monet. Shows, — fine wciuiier, big buslucsa and every deiiarlraent running us smoothly as clock work. Is the plensiug report for the three opening weeks of the Hesson with the ^ew Model, All stands In Massachusetts proved big winners, and New Hsinpshlre opened up big. At Orange and Wluchendon largo crowds were turned away. At. the night performances at the latter place Prof. I'crrino was severely Injured by the large lioness. Spitfire, but he missed only one per- loriiiaiice. Our \ ring performance I« the Kirongi'8i ever carried by- the New Model, and the Annex, under the niMiKKciacut of Prof. n III T. Miller, always sends them out pleased. BiislpuKs In KIb department has been big. We carry a baud or fourteen men.- featuring a select musical programme. Assistant Mana- ger Adam Gillespie linn lieeu III for the past week, but expects to Ik> In harness ugalu In s few days. Kd. H. Bell, superintendent of privileges, has Just added u, new wngou for bis outfit. A. 0. oncurr, busiDOss manager of I-'inn & Cik's New United Shows, writes: "We opened our aeusou ut Huoslck halls, May in. 1j. and packed them to the ring hank both nights. Col. Finn la an Ulk. and his- fellow members turned out In a body to give hlin a *ood Bend-off. We are si Hi doing; n tdg business. We are carry lug lift/ iiconre, all told. Col. Thou. I* Klun Is sole owner und manager; A. C. Orctttt, business manHger: Chns. Coons, leader of hand and orchestra ; Oeo. 10. Picker- ing, general agent : Edwin P. Went worth, charge of second wagon : Mr. Gordon, in charge side show; .terry Ncwnjnn, manager concert ; Dill Jtreuuch, busn <.>u»vus mam with eight aHalatant»: John Smith, boss hostler, Mill len nssiKtsnts; Skip Mathews, lu ehnrge of cook house, with four utisWiants. AM are well, and Ihc hoys get Tiie Oi.n Hi:maulb every week:" UN*, f, IiotuiH. formerly of lti^bbR uud Ptrnell. writes that lie is In M way connect- eduilh Bngmm Billot Powell, but lias jollied hands with RID Clemcnls. and the learn will lie known as Hubbs and Clciniiro, doing a black face act In the concert. sIho clowning In the big ahow with Rlngling BroB. Al. G. and Mazir BKLKonn arc In their alxth week with the Frank A. Itobblnn Circus, the feature in the concert. Notes fhom Paull liaos.' Show. — We ura In our uftn week unuer canvas. The weather has been very had, and business was only fair. Rosier renmlus thu same, with one exception. Master Jiituei hyne joined ut IVeiv CoblIc, to slug llludtruled songs. Notks mux WAHiinniN* A D'Ai.MA'a Tii.MXKn Animal shows.— The executive aialf has been chanced since the opening, ftnorge Crauirrc has taken charge of the ad- vance forces with a cdrps of seven assistants. Business Is al the top notch, While st Ml. \prnon. X. Y„ tlie crowd was so large that when I be window was opened far tho even- ing's nnle the wagon was loosened from its anchorage flnd "overt timed an Its side, much lo the dUcomrorl of Treasurer Brownlee and his nsslBiant. Jack Fellow, who was on the inside of the wngou export tilatlng with ihe eager crowd. The ramp wan exploded and net ftre to quite a bunch of greenbacks, and now Mnnnger Waahliurn is negotiating with the Treasury Department in un effort to get them redeemed. In the excitement the silver III scrambled for bv the mischievous hoys. Jack Fellow was scut to the hospital suffering from numerous painful burns and bruises, hue It Is hoped that u few weeks will find him on deck ngalu. Treasurer Brownlee Ih nursing mnny bruises, but is still able to gather In the golden dollars and says he hopes they will continue lb ronie In the same number nil aeasou. D. t}, Msrkell Is working on a new elephant act. which he says will eclipse anything ever attempted In this country, and will he able to put It before the public In four week* mure, 'Hie pig and goose circus la proving quite a kucccbs. and affords no end of nmusemeni for the children. The Livingston Family of acrobats were vlslt- or* while playing South Xorwalk. Every- thing Is moving along with clock tike pre- cision, aud all look forward to « very pros- perous season through New Knglaud. Tub DrNBM.N TnutiPE. well known 'cyclists la Loudon and Kurope. are meeting with incut success at Ihe Forepattgh & Hells Bros.' Shows. ItosrL'h or advertising enr No. 1, of the flrent MIs-KIolo bliows. Consolidated: Ralph Itoot, i-ar iiirttugo]' ; II. M. Mason, boss bill poster: II. Iie.irl, assistant boss hill poster; II. Johnson, charge of lithographs: II. Slji- ler, nssistnnt lithographer: Kid Molir, charge of banners ; C. Berg. K. Itlppon, J. Morton, & Hopper, A. Turrell. C. Guy, T. Rolg, H. Hurst, Slim Tlustev. .1. McDonald, II. Mtan- ford and J.- Morehead, bill posters ; E. Jones, progn:mmcr; C. While, porter. NOTKH VKOM TUB CAJIl'DELL BllftS.' SHOWR. —K very thing is progressing very nicely, aad si or l' oiir opening, nt Falrbury, Neb., April L't>. we have hud good business and splendid weather, with only one rainy day -and one or two windy ones. We are offering a splen- did performance Ibis season. Chief among the features are : The Florence Troupe of Acrobats, the Nichols Family, wire expertH : Mlzuno Troupe of .laps, the Four (iruceful Grohs, Cecil Lownnde, A. HI. Davenport and many others. Tin: Sunsatioxat, Boisbs, In their cast- ing act, report auccess with the Great Wal- lace Show. A.NGKi.r. F. AnMlttAJ/li Is with the Harris Nickel Tlale Show, In the capacity ot hand leader. Art Adair Is en tvv tc with the Great Wal- lace Shows. I Uaudcville and minstrel. II. II. Kttllimi, the London representative o: Keith's enierprlses. sails for Europe June 1. Mr. FntlsT Is well known and well liked bolh here and ohioiid, and he carries with him our best wishes. Tuu BHKHriT TO J'Mil* Mb'l.LL.v, the sou g writer, will be held ut the Novelty Theatre, Drooklyu, N. V., ou Sunday evening, June it, He Is in great need, und all his friends are requested to he ou hand. I-'hank Buvkulv, of Jtcvci'Iy nutl Danvers, writes: "We have been In America from Ansiralia Hve years. America Is a very kind and Indulgent country. I would like to say a word lor the Sullivan. & ConBldlnc circuit. We are In our ninth month, and liavc been I real mi right royally by the man- agers of the various theutres (without one excepiton), and by the press and the public. The Western agentu arc alt that can be desired, conscientious and attentive. Cbas. U't-av, ut headquarters, looks after you finely, so does Archie Levy, at San Francisco. We me now about lo be placed under Chris O. Browu, ot Chicago, and If what (be perform- ers tell us about him is true, then we can look 'forward lo a still further good time. We have bought a beautiful home ou l-uke Wash- ington, Seattle, which proves wbut we think of America. We are playing Helena ibis week, uud Untie next week. Vt'l«h wo could get Thk Old Ukmablk by wireless telegraphy each week, It would not he any too quick. Tub Qpakha Cli*y Quaiitbttb, Harry Xr* nest, manager. cIokci! a two years' engage- ment st Ht. Louis, May «, with Al. G. Field's Minstrels, and are now playing tho Keith circuit. John Heaty Is the comedian of tho quartette. Madu>: Davtkll bus closed twenty-two suc- cessful weeks In the l<\indly theatres through tbo middle West, and ha* returned. Bust to open at parks lo the New Kngland States. FUBU'K C. SCIIANOBIIUKII, bUBlnesS IUUIU1- ger of the Maryland Theatre, hss leaned Klertrlc I'ark trout iMessra. C'raln &, Heishey, who reccutly purchased It under the mortgage on the Park Company, and will convert It Into a high cIuhs amusement resort, where the very best atlrautlons, such as lmve made the reputation of Luna i'ark aud Dreamland, at Coney Island, will be presenied, und where the very best people will be catered to. The lease is fur ten vears. and Mr. Hchanberger propose* to build up Die park from year to year until It will rival the great resorts of the other loading cities. Kpuik U'Buikn, of O'Jtiien uud West, who have been playing an extended engagement at Fischer** Theatre. Los Angeles, L'af., was removed to the Sisters' liospltul. of that city, to be operated upon for appendicitis, .\i.n..i [--ROM IllLLV KUUHANU'H Fa ill) US Minhtiii'.i.s. — We closed a vrrywueeessful sea- son at the Imiicrlsl Theatre, St. Louis, Mo., May 18, ufler a season of ovey forty weeks, during which time It bus covered thirty- eight Slates. Have been through n yellow fever epidemic In the South and the coal Kl rlke In I'enasylvanln, but lost only two. dates on account of Iwlug lied up lu a yel- low fever quarantine ramp. Next season ibis attracttou will tour Die I'aclfk const, playing all the larger cities In the West, aud no ex- pense is being spared lo make it the largest and graudest attraction of Its kind. 1'rof. James s. Lacy'a Challenge Cornet Band will still be with us, ns this band Is the best col- ored, mluntrel baud in America. Geo. L. bat- ton, who has been In advance the past season, will direct and uisnuge Ihe tour, and we look forward to the beat season In our career. Tub Ouo. ii. Adams Amerlcnn Puotomlme and Vaudeville Co., under the mnnugement of A. h, Snvllte. has been booked solid by Harry A. I In mi . over the Maun circuit of parks. May Muorb Vvpuk?. writes from Birming- ham, under dale' of Mny 'J: "I leave for South Africa June I. for a three months' engagement, accompanied by my mother. This will be my second visit iberp- I re- turn In time to play a Christmas engagement In Belfast, Ire., a priiiL-lna) Dutch diameter part, especially written for me to appear as a star. The pantomime will he 'Mother Goose,* and my part Urelchen. I hope to visit America next Summer for a holiday." HoLHBH Aim WAUMHI were called to their home In Toledo, O., bv the sudden death of Mrs. Holmes 1 fnther, Jamen .Vary, who died Tuesday morning. May 1G, from heart fullure, ago! sixty-three. Iuierioeut oceured Thurs- day, nt Calvary Cemetery, Toledo. UKobuu Walmci:, formerly or the Brook- lyn Comedy Trio, has Joined hands with Amelia Ogrieu, souhretie. The team will he known as Wallace aud Dgden, und will pre> ttcut their now act; "Tim Uuu Actor." lUnnr A. Buown writes: "1 have added Miss Do Lores to my net. Mla» De Loret will sing for my cartoon work. The act: la belug booked by (he Western Vaudeville As- sociation. We pisv the Keith Summer time, opening In Pittsburg June $&." Thr (incAT AtmtiXH. ifliuboiirlue nplnnera and Jugglers, have Just closed a successful season of forty weeks with Hyde's Blue fllh- Boh Girls Co. The net, they write, Iras met with big success, nnd tliev are booked up solid In Summer parks through Ohio and Pennsylvania. NnTfca fhom Hoiin'm Vavhiivili.k Kst««- taikkhh.— We open Woodlake Paw, at Hher- inan. Tex., with n strong aggregation- of s|ie*'lnh v people, among whom are : Preston and 11(11 on, Chaa. Ih llosn, 1'atd Serpas, the Bond SIsterH. Melville Normnu. and the latest lllustraletl songs and picture Dims. Time Is booked to Sept. -13, all park dales, Wo open the park season at Shermatii aud if present weather coudlilons com lime n large attend- ance Ih expected. Do.vat IniMM and his acrobatic dog, Jim, arrived recently from Knglnnd, where he has played Ihe principal circuits. He opeued at Sohiner Park, Montreal, May W, ana was re-engaged. Cai.dm t;i.r. ASP Wkntwokth, "The Fashion Platea," in n refined singing, talking and dancing nor, report big success, They write: "We were at tho New Pawtuckct Theatre week of Mny 21, and -our art was the hit of the hill. Fred Caldwell's trick clog dancing Is a -hit. We have not lost a week since .Ian. 1, aud nre hooked solid until Aug H, when we Join one of the Western Wheel burlesque shows, where we will Introduce a novel: y Ih trick c'.og dancing." Tun TmiEt: Mapcavh closed their season al Cook's. Itucliestcr, N. V. They did not pluy Detroit, Hoaton, Lawrence and Pastor's, as was announced, owing to the Illness of one of the members. They will rest during the Summer months at tthrepshcad nay. Then they wlli resume their' work, opening nt Hyde & Bebman's, with tho Keith, Proc- tor and Poll circuit to follow. THU iM.I.t'TIl AMLNKMKNT CO. llSS been Incorporated, and has begun the erection of a park at O&tka Beach, on Minnesota Point, between Dilluth aud Superior. The BucKm; Titiu report success with their trick house act last week al the Phoenix Theatre, Columbus, •(}., nnd have been engaged for a return date. They go to the Auditorium. McKee's Hocks, Pn.. Tor a week, nnd have Chnrlerol. Hast lirndy and other good work lo follow. Will AkmhtuoS'O, or Armalrong nud Holly, writes - "After playing two weeks at the Orpheuni Theatre, I^os Augclea (meeting with great imh). we returned to San Fran- cisco, to open May Wi nt the Chutes, the (Irs 1 ihenlre to open since the earthquake. We were the llrst learn to pluy in Kan Francl*co that were in the earthquake, playing at the Orpheutn. Mrs. Armstrong has fully recov- ered trom the terrible shock, aud wu aro tpendlng a week at Catalina Island." Atiuii;rrA Hkiian lias ju«t closed with the Morrell'K Merry Makers Co. lu Maine, and has returned to lloston, ufler a very success- ful season. Tin; La Hallo Twi.v Kihikiis aie resting this week at their home In this city. They opeu at Alleutown, Pn.. lluv 2H t and have iiark dates to follow. They will he fen lured In a new uuislcul comedy next season, open- ing Sept. I. J. C. .Mattiiewk, representing the Great Lafayeite Show, was a Cliiti:ii caller Mon-, day, May -I. Mr. Matthews states that the past season was the best. ftnHUtiallv ami ar> tlstlcally. ever enjoyed by Mr. Lafavette. VlIIOIMA. MlKS., NOTKS.— 'lilt' BlJilU The- utre linn closed down here for ihc Hummer season, and Mr. Hkcrbcck. Ihe manager, has opened vaudeville In a tent on Main Streel, nnd Is sbowhig to good business. People permanently engaged with show -nre: Frank Thompson, operator; Grace Thompson, illus- trated eongs ; Mlsa Bessie, plsno ; Pearl Skerbeek. treasurer: .toe Slterbock, manager. Mr. Skerbeek will open other vaudeville shows under canvas next week, one here ami another at Tlvelelh, Ihe week following, mak- ing three shows lu all. The mining towns nre on the boom order Ibis Spring. Hhowa booked al Fay's Opera Mouse: Slav 1".!. "SI Hawkins" Co.: May 48. "Ked Domino'' C«., nnd (J. Lotu Slivers New York Minstrels the Hist week In .lime Tin: Ci.iri'hit comes regu- larly. ■ ■ Thb Dayton Sistkiih were not lu San Pranclsco during the earthquake, hut were filling lime In the Northwest over Paniugos' circuit. 'I'm: GitKAT Lafaybttb woa tils suit for damages against the L. K and If, K. It. Tlie trial was lfroiight before the United States Circuit Court at Indians polls. JVHflH Haht/.ai., after closing u pleasant engagement of forty weeks ut the Metro- politan Theatre, THinpa. Kla., Is taking a two weeks' vacation, aud sight seeing lu Havana. Cuba. llAitiiAcn and llAtmia wiiie that (hey have sl«ned with J. .1. Klynn. to appear ou his New Kugland circuit of ourks until Aug. ^7. After they pluy Pastor h, New Vork, rhay lmve ti return liouklng at the llownrd, Itost'di. Canpkii a.s'u Clams write: "We opened nt the- New Pawtiickef Theatre, Paw tucket, II. I.. May '.'1 . c. C W. M. McLlilan was awarded USfi dumnges May 'Jl*. in Loudou. Dug., against Charles Hannun. for uliel. The case arhse from Unrmnn'x conientlon that McLrllmi had plagiarlted his olay of "1*he CoMchmao with the Yellow liuce Ih furor of "mm Kleachna." '"SiidBB AcMS" was presenied In Intallncd form on ihe i^ngllsh stage. May '.".'. by Cyril Maude, at the Wnldorf i'henire, London, Mr. Maude pla>ing Jnmew Merne'fi |urt, "LKANon WRMKHI AMt MAIniK CAIili 1'»s»K sailed for Kurope May M. Mr. and Mrs. !■!. M. Holland sailed ■Jii. and Klsle Jaills and her mother will -nil June A, returning "n. W. Hampton Doi i.itr.iiTY nvrlved fruiu I-hi- ro|ir Mar -~: on a short vacation. Ada krhan and Mr. and Mrs. l\ c. Whlt- uey sailed Miy Stt, for Kurope. Wiinc CIty, i.'leveland, o., was destroyed by Hie May '.'.'•. with a loss CHtlmatcd at about floiMKHl. ItAituv CnttsoN I'laukk will in- Interested ih two new product luila utKt reason. Unr Is a iitelwl in inn. "West of the Missouri," which he bought outright two years ago, aud ihe Slher is a we comedy of Ihe "Jones" -order, oth plays will be produced In Ihe West. MAiuiARirr PALM OWKM has signed for next season with Harry Corson Clarice. This will be Miss Owen's tlfth season a» leading Utdy wllh-Mr. Clarke. NflTtiS I'int.M TUB ClIAH. K. ClIAMPLIN Co. — On May Ml we closed our season of thlrty- lilnc consecutive weeks, nnd tu say It was the most pleasant season we ever had would bo pulling It mlldlv. We had twenty-six people and every one deeply regretted our closing. Mnny little gifts were exchanged and there was hardly a dry eye as tho, last shake of the hand and purling kiss was given, in this compnuy we had ten women nnnslxioeu men. Karly la the season the men formed an ahtl- swearing club. In which every man who was heard l» ulter un oHth or even use the word "damn," wua lined ten cents for each offence, A decretory was apitolnird, nnd st the end of each week ho collected all lines sud sent tlie week's iccclpis to the Actors' l-'und. Tho ladles funned an nuthknocklng dub, aud for every little kuock that was heard by any of the ladies nealust one another It was re- borted tu their secretary and Iho saino lines Imposed. The result was everything was huruionloiis, better performances were given, and In all theatres where we plaved every- one united lu aaylog thnt we bad tho Uuest company of ludles nnd geutlemen of any Dial had plnycd th'ir ihenlre. We cannot say too inurli lu prnlw of every member of this com- pany for t'bey nil worked herd fin- Its suc- cess, und In return rhey received the best of treatment. We bad au excellent baseball tesii In the <-oinpiiuy. We played several gauies lu the dlfTercnt cille* and lost hut one game. Next seuson Mr. Chninlilln will hare two eomnsnlos. Kastern and Western. His Ntitpber 'J company will lie- Just as strong as Ihe Number 1. IlHrry McKee will be at the head of his Number t, and James Kell liter will he the manager. The reason of his put- ting out another show Ih flint there has been such a demand fur his Bhow he could nut nccoinmodate nil munagers who wanted his attraction. This season he has broken twelve hoiiNo. records for week'a business, and played KltOM TUB TORONTO, CAN.. T. M. A.--litO last regular meeting ni the lodge was a nota- ble one In roanv respects, We had for visitors V: W; Statr and Xirs, M. t:nllen, honorary number* of Ihe lodge. Mr. Cullen Journeyed all the way from N'cwark to he present nt Ihe annual haneilt nf the lodge, 'and also to attend the meeting. As a souvenir of her visit she presented Die lodge with a large framed portrait of herself; Sister Clrgg, also an honorary member, presented the lodge with a beautiful silver mounted gavel, mane of black onk, nnd engraved with The flags of the ten nations, the lodge monogram and Iho embleniH nf the profession. As a piece of wood curving It Is simply a marvol, nud will make a fitting emblem to grace (he marble pedeaial. presented bjr*ltro. D. Hreene, vim president of Ihe grand lodge. The occasion mbs made inemoriihlc bv Ihe presentation of a x"1d monogram locket io lira. II. Raymond, who founded Ihe order In Canada, twelily- one win- ago. lie has had ihe pleasure of taking purlin Ihe growth of the lodge, from Ihe time he gathered together some fifteen of ihe eligible men of the elly, to the present lime, wllh n membership of one hundred and to ubenonieuui returns everywhere. Tub rosier of the Huiifr-Hrndfonl Players Co,, playing a Hummer engagement al Par- sons' Theatre, Hurt ford. Conn., Is as follows . Ornie Culdara. Walter Hitchcock. .Mhn West- ley, Clarence Hiiiidyshlc, Johu lindlur, Itohl. Oner. T. M. Hunter, John Daly Murphy. Iiiirke Clarke. Arthur Ilovt. Julia Dean, Allila Corlelyoti, Kvh Vincent, Minion Lorue, I-'ruil- ces (jftHM. Mliii'li.' Ritrrell, !>>elvn YVlcilllllg, i:ugenla I'iagg, Hewn Seyiwli, Trunk Blxhy, Tiiomas P. lirahnni. singe director. Htl,eY Ci[AfttHKRLi.v; a well known iiutor of comedy, long connected with the stage forces of the Proctor stock organisation, will leave the metropolis after a long sojourn, and Join tlie well known spick compnny at the Duvld- hou Theatre, Milwaukee. Tuesday next. In Mr. Chiunherlln'a career he has played many iirtliK. In the Kail It Ih Ii Ih Intention lo star In his own dramailzaiion of "A Pair of Hprc- laeles." entitled "Hrother Jo's Hpcclacles. ' Xotks rnu»i Hsniuel McCiitchcun'a "Liicle Toiu'h Cabin" Co.— Htm o|wticd at Raat hlver- pol. (I. April 2(1, to capaiity. Thla In un- . dotthieuly the llncst wagon "Dmie Tom" show on the road. We. carry one hiindrnt head of hornps, ponle», donkeys and dogs, and the finest parade ever wen with any slmw of this kind. "Mr. Itoetoy*" ihe great high diving dog. Is being feiiiured as h fren uitlsldc attraction. Prof. McJ-'nll. the owner of "Mr, Dooley," having ,for maiiv years been n hendllner In vandevllle wlui his troupe of dogs, Is the Rprehil feature utfinctlou of our big vaudeville concert. We carry two uni- formed hands. No. 1 Is under the direction ■>r Prof. T. L Fah I, and bund No. '1 la tinder tlie direct Ion of proL John Mrtre. We also carry n solo orchestra of nine pieces, under Hie direction of Prof. MIL. McMInn, late musical director of Haverly's Minstrels. Thr cast Ih Mining, nud the pluy Is siigtuoirteil by special scenic effects, built by Mycrx & Co. twenty six, and a cash surplus of over $N,imn. The lodge bus not had a suspension In llvo years. Itro. Vale, who |ma been of great service In ihe lodge in. framing their benefit by-lawn, was atsu Ihe recipient of a gold locket, The presentation was made by Drauil Secretary Newman, In his tiiual hsppy mnn- ner. The recent bene Hi. was the most sue Eful In the history of the lodge, whim* t being nhred to the credit of Hie ron- ent fund, and the hoya nre now tooklhg forward to the holdlug of our iiunusl "mil- lug" t'Mft was also voted to our brothers In Sun Francisco. "Hay Nmv Yoiik " one of ihe season'* sue- M.ises, will close ii.h season nt Kllxabeth. X. J., on May >10, and open Its aecond yesr curly in August. Judglog from repuris throughout tho country the inimedv was a meeeas from every point of view. The man- agement will endeavor to max* -the produc- tion stronger I ban ihe previous season. TllH Wklmnuton IIuotHi:kh have slgued as u vnudovllle feainre with the Klitch Stork Co.. for next season. J. II. Kohler lias Klgueil for Juveniles nnd heuvle*. ICarl .McDonald has also signed for lite regular season, "TtiK tfoi'AW Man" enili'd Its second seamm at the flrntid O|iom House May 111. and will reopen in Ashnr.v Park Hepl. it. I.lehler A Co. will send out two companies next season. Mr. Pavcrshaui will lend one, nnd another sliii- Ihe other. Fit ask Williams anu Aollla 1'uli.ma.v Imvc signed with Culhaue. Chase & Weston'ri LightM of iloiham L'n. Thu show opens about Juiy 'IK In New York. UfeoMU Ala; presuntud bis piii'i'iilai Mr. nnd Mrs. John Ade, wllh a beautiful house > in Ketiilaud, I ml., oti Die occasion of their llfty-llflh WHhlliig aiinlvemary, May 20. Umt. N,m:\]| Ib;usiiAi{|n- will lie seen III Ihe urrw Theatre, New York. In three per- formances In June, us follows, so It Is an- nounced : '('limine. " matlueo of Wctluctidnv, Hi, aud evening of I'.', lit. In "Hamlet" (sec- ond licit. "Froti Frou" (third act), "L'Alg- loh" (second net ), and "Lu Morclcra" (fourth sett. (•nniN'Kit ami Walton have lusi closed n very smecdsful Ki-itHun with 'i light lleis." ami will open June 17 m Haglnuw Mich,, at the parks. CuiuLir P t'AMcinif.L Ims Just rloscit a stalling tour with "The Two Sisters" Co.. nud Is HiiWiliig (he season Willi the "De- serted ut His Altar'* Co,. In lending business. Miina Faski'tt will sing ihe leading roles hi "IlabL'tte," "Thu Two Hoses," "lilrolh* Olrotln." "Hoceitcclu" nnd "Fatanlly.ii," wllh Ihe Win. o. Stewart Opera Co., in Ihu'besier, tlii- Hiiiniiicr. "HlliiWN AT HBUHITOh." It Dolllloil fliri'C, will he presenied hero next MHin by James K, Hacked. Ouia Nkthkusolk niiiiouuces Dial she will nppcin' In Paris la June, al ihu Vaudeville Tliealre. "IIki-ky Kiiaiii'" is (o he translated for presentation In (iormatiy, Lyndon Mitchell having ntTHtigcd for Ii. .Von:s i'hoh Ring & Cunli;v*s "Hvoiii'h ttclcngc' I'm. .This Is our llfiei'lltli week, and nothing lint siicci>hs has been our mens- ore since we opened under csuvas. We have played nothing hoi Texas llito*. ami will no doubl hIk.v lu tlitM Klitic until hue hi the year. The complete ii«t<>r la: lllco and- Con lev. owners : Joa. .1, Conlcy, itiiiiiugcr ; W. II -luce, general ngi'iit ; W, K. Iluvls. cMiitractur ; Jesse highly. prngraiiiiiiiokm cmiivhs man. with ten tisslsinills: Percy Wesllntrell. biinui-r u.nti. Frank Leouurd, who hss the prlvilegci.. Is doing his Irb-k piano act lu the couccri, nud Is our puradn mnrslmll, Xotks i jjo.m M vri n'>. Srm-K Co, - - Wo otiened our Summer season ill Plnufore Park, Si iiioiuns, urn.. Tin list), iv. May --1. mid In spile of the thri'sieiilng weritlier. our imilliit-c was exccpllotiiill.i bilge, nud lu the evening all records were bmken. At 7-ttM r. m. Hi- niiiplilihcHlrc wits crowded, mid huiulr'-i! . were turned away. The coiiipuliy was well received. Mini I'veryihlng looks bright for .i nice Summer's Inisiiiess. We get Tin; in, ^ Kkmam.k regularly. Tho f;host walks and everylKKfy is uappy. Coii- iMifl It, Iitirrls. wllh three men, lias charge HANNAH. of the advance, and Is doing good work. Manauku Al. II. WiioiMi has engaged Marin I'avev. ihe Western stock star, to do the lead In his nt'w production. "Tho Dnuthlcf frotn the West," which npons In New York at ilia ■Academy of Music, July 30, for a run. Dttuniiv PimiiiiisK writes that she bus cluspd ii very nleHsunt seven weeks' ongnge. inetit with ihe Tolson Stock l.'o., playing juve- niles and liigeuties, also singing llhtsiruted songs, sud will Join a Summer slock for the season. NOTKS VltiiM iHiliKN'H "ItlP VAW W|KKL«" t!o.We closed Hie U'luu-r aeason at Iteeds- hurg. Wis., May -'J, after thirty weeks' on- gsgement under the aiiccrasfnl munHgemeiit of (icorge Mlitiinore. The iieojile ralurn ill- re.etly to Waupaca, Wis., wnern C. A. Ware and liny Ogdeu. wllh a new lop, all wagons r»e»«im. — Al F.Iks' New Then ire (". U. Il'ilehklss, mnnugeri tbo sensou r la wNl Mon dtiy. May SI, with "Hinder (Irowit." I'lLKCnilr I'ARK of Wind Madison Street, near Western .Avenue. John C. Fisiii:ii anuouuecs that he will present Mrs. Lnugtry In (bin country uext Mm vllle) to It A'. Moorehead. who will irhisn II during the auiniiier months, soil devote his (line lu his Summer tliealre at Klcitrlc Park. Himni: IMI.AKD, Prorlilrnrr.-'-Al Ihe Providence Upera House (Felix It. Wrudeiselia lifer, maiisgcn "Tho Isle of litng," a home mad': musical comedy, by Ken Cook and Alfred ChanVe, will be given under the auspices of Ihe First LlghL itifaulry. May ii8-.'lO. Ju; itij's IChurlcs Ijovciiherg, iniiuiigeri. — "Tin* Filial Card" received a eredllalilc pru- ducllon at Hie hands of Ihe A thee Slock )'•• , SI-SH, It whs followed. W ami week, by "ir I Were King." "Day Puiisintis" m-xt. Kvi-iin: fHpllH A N'lilhstiMtii. maiiNgersi. — "Ihtsler llrown" received fitvornhle notices week of -!. Muster ft Jrt . who apiu-areij lu the title role. Is a Providence boy. The stock company season opens *„'g. wllh "Wuhmil Agslnst Woman." "Kits! Lrnne" next week, Wkhtmimhtkk (Deo. II. Kaicbeller, iiuiu- •■eri.—The New lity Kports Ul-i'ti. The French IteAiillcs VnudevUle nud Kilru'va- gnnzu Co. (live a viiudsvlllo performunce ::s nnd week, wltb u lamedi on the onenlin.' night for Harry Parkin, Frank J. Hlvclli and Charles M. Cloujih. 420= THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. June 2, FOR S WOODWARD'S SEA-LIONS AND SEALS ACT COMPLETE, 7 SEA-LIONS, 2 SEALS, PROPERTIES, ETC. for Selling, _&etlx-ixx@ from Profession. For Disposal at End of Present Engagement with Messrs. Thompson & Dandy. 27 Weeks' Contract Waiting Fulfillment in England. For particulars address CAPT. WOODWARD, Hippodrome, or H. B. IWARIWELLI, I44Q Broadway, N. Y. City. EDISON KINETOSCOPES, $75. AND A I.I. THE I.ATVHT AND HOST IM- PROVED MOTION PK'TI'II K MACIIINKH. FILMS • Film 4cts. — Up * +1BWSBIGIS.* WANTED, en i m Now playing nix week*' engagement Id Chicago; small Troupe of Ponies snd tMfa or other Animal Acta, HIiiBinK and Talking Clowns. Must loin on rerclpt of wire. Ariilrcf.* IIAIIRV LA'TMOMA, son, rig Dearborn Ht„ Chicago, Wanted at Once. sifurty work Hie rear 'rnunil Call or sddrers I,. B. WALKER, Walker's Museum, Z llowdnln Hi) . Iln.lnn. Mas.. DIRHOLVIIIO STF.HK11PTII ON AND MO- TION PICTIIIIE MACHINE, SH.1 EDI SON EXHIBITION KlNKTfiaCOPK, ONLY $90 1NKW1 MOTION I'll TlltE MAC 1IINE KLECTHIC . S4» SON RIVAL LIMIT, Ml MODEL. B OXV-LITHE GAR HIT- KIT, »»9.»0— — IIRIIIIIT WHITE LIIII1T, BU I ■■■-LOT OP 10 INCH REEI.H (BACH, AOr.li.~- -M ,'KTYLKNK JET AND IIBNERATOR. »7..'.<— — R1.BCTIUO LAMP AND RHEOSTAT, as/jr, — fl.\T-HYD. 4KT, 1.1.7.'— M. P. ADJUSTABLE LEGS. St— KIBE MAIiAZlNE FILM BOX, IS.MI REX • kTKItKOPTir ON (EI.KC- THICj, (111.110— CUMIENSKRH, Hi INCH EACH. »1 ; BY MAIL. J1.1S— NEW SONG NI.IDEH, PER »KT, 1.1 AMI MANY OTHER I1AR0AINH— ---EDISON KXIII- HI I'lON K I V KTIUI 1IPK. Sin [[«:■; l.'INF.OflRAN!, *»: WITH FIRE MAGA. 7.INEN, S(( ■ PMITBttAI. KINKTOSOOPE, Ut 1111 RDIMON EXHIIIlTIO.i KIN- I -'.Tost 'OPE A- NF.AV , (7 1. Also .Slides. HTK "PASSION PUT," A5SS-S8E INCLUDING A MET OP SLIDE* AND POSTERN. 0>nHIK\-KTT/.sl.YIMOV* FIGHT OKAN1I EIRE RUN KDIHON'S BULL FIGHT— — FAUST AND MARnUKHITK— LIFE OF AM. SOLDIER .SILVER WliUMS'G IMPOSSIBLE JII1H1F.1 SIIBIMUIANITK, ETC.. ETC. AT LOW PRICES. WANTED, FOR STETSON'S UNCLE TOM'S CABIN, Under Canvas, ORCHESTRA LEADER that doubles Brass. Tromiiore Tor Band and Orchestra. Woman Tor Ophelia wiiti child for Eva. Address a* per ro me, GRANT LVCE, Mgr. BUY THE BEST MOVING PICTURE MACHINE |4ND 8AVE MONEY. THE ALUEI1IGAN PROJEGTOGHAPH FIHF.PRUOP FILM PKOTFCTOH. The only machine that will Dot ni iker, even after years of M tig. from carriage; loud dinger with, banjo or guitar. Preference given one that can also do other specialties, such an tnaglc, veatrllociulsm, etc. Long engagement and lop money to the right people. Mention lowest Halary; pay your own hotel. Positively no ticket* to strangera. Address Dr. C. If. <«\HAU, 1T2S Champa Street. Denver. Colo. N OT I C BE. CHORUS GIRLS. Chorus (Drift furnished to Reliable Manager* of Musical Comedy, Bnrlefxine, Dramatic and Vatide* will' Companies. P. J. RIDGE, 1ST La .-i.i i e st„ near Madison. Chicago, III. WANTED! WANTED! FOR TIIK Dora Woodruff Show PKOP-B IN ALL MSKN, GENERAL RDS. WOMAN, TUBA TO DOUBLE STRING HA88. Peo- ple doubling bras** given preference. Cun 'use good Feature Acts for UHh acason and next. Salary low, a* It Id sure. J.I). KILOORE, Mgr., 'are of tfaal Knd Park, Champaign, 111. SEND FOR OATALOOUK OP MACHINES. Latest Film Lists and Supplies. PICTURE MACHINES, HTHREOPTI- CON8, OXV-LITHE GAB Ol'FITS, CON- IIESSERS, CONDENSER PROTECTORS, REELS, LIMES, GELATINE, CARBONS, KT», ETC. eIFILMSmd Motion Picture Machines BEST PaiCES PAID FOB FIHE GOODS. iiiiuci&rsT * WANTED, VAUDEVILLE ACTS ALSO STOCK PEOPLE. RUMME-It AI3A80N Kb PASO, TBX., and AhUUItgi'MIMJlii:, N. MUX. Address iRAWKonn a rich. Core of Alt-dome, Kl Paso. Tex. K I. U I II A, N. Y. Wanted at all times, Drat cmsM/Vmidevllle Per former*, sk Men Teama; Sister Ada and single Women preferred. Open year 'round, six wiguts Hurt two tnarneesa week. Address F. W, MrCONNKLL. Proti. and Met.. Elmlra. N. V. WANTED. SEVERALYOUNG GIRLS. J. KAI.RTA. Ill .'i.n rtl send ptioio 'anil i TH E PLIPI'RH. _ VAUDEVILLE PIANIST, Al, ni8KNtlAIIF.il. SEVEKAI. V KAILS NEW MIRK THEATRES. W. N., I'.ro .rf IIAl'VT, 107 SUMMIT STREET. BROOKLYN. N. Y. IHadaren Family Orchestra AT LIBERTY. Five nieces. Travel or locate. Address ORCUKSTRA, Ml K. Mpplncotl 81., Plilladelphla. I'.i. t. KOIS_l~CS8. ■ II. PLICKKRLRSS. The Machine that la RnUrely New. NO IN- PAINURMKNT on any other machine. We will protect yon from any salts by a written guarantee. CH A6. E. DRE88LER A CO., 1 45 E m u KM St., Sw Yo rk City. WANTED, PIANO PLAYERS THAT (AX KINO. ILLUSTRATED SONUS; ALSO MOVING PICTURE OPERATORS With and without machines, l.on* engage- ment ; no tmvellng. Mnte your xalarr- Address M«lt. Hl'All TIIKATRK CIIU'IIT, MonefiBen, 1'a. HOIXAND BTJILDIXG, 1440 Broadway, Corner 40th St. TalaphoBtM. 933-934-9S9 Bryant. table Audr«_, \Villn»orrli. CHICAGO OFFICE, 167 DEARBORN STREET. Special Attention Will Be fllven to Summer Parks an.-* Fairs. BOOKING EXCLUSIVELY THE FOLLOWING LEADING VAUDEVILLE HOUSEK t P. O. Williams' Colonial. P. O. Williams' Orphean., P. O. Williams' Alhaxnbra, P. G. Williams' Novelty. P. G. Williams' Gotham, P.O. Williams* Bergeai Bear h, II. Myers' Doric, Tankers, II. Myers', Atlantic City, Henrj Myens* Dorte, Ham mantel n't Victoria, Ilammentelna Roof Garden, ftlieedy's, Fall River, Hbeed y '■, Nevrport, Hatliaway*a,lfew Bedford, Hat— away**, Lowell, Hatha way's, Brockton, Bijou. Llnroln, Neb. uijoii, uocoin. iibvi Btannlona 1 Park, St. Lonls, Cedar Point, Sandusky, Cheater Park, Cincinnati, Camden, If. J. r»atie's Auditorium, Lynn, Keeney'i, Brooklyn, Electric Park, Toledo, O. Morrison'*, Rock— way, ;Electrlc Park, DalmllBU*a, Rockaway. ^ Detroit, Mich. International, Chicago, < Forest Park, Hippodrome. Cleveland. Little Rock, Ark. t ook's Park, Evansvllle, I Electric Park. Manhattan Beach, Cleveland, O Denver, Colo, iGennett't, Richmond, ind. \. B.— It la Important that artists send their open time to both the New York and Chicago Offices, Wllmer & Vincent's. Dtlra Wllmer* Vincent's, S Wllmer *VIn«n?..* dln8 ' - ^Allentowa, Weber _ Rnsh, ssss «. m.^ BlnghamtOB, Weber _ Rnsh, Schenectady, H. H, Lamkln'a, Toledo, H. H. Larrikin's, Dayton. I. C. Mlahler, Altooaa, Pa, I. C. Mlahler, Johnstown, Pa, W nol worth Roof Gardea, Lancaster, Pa*. Brtttaata-on-the-Bay Ottawa, Can. Grand Opera House, Derator, III, NewSavoy,Hamllion,Can. PIANO PLAYER Toopen atoncc. Worktheyear'round. Must lie able to read at night and transpose and lie e.t* perlenced In vaudeville. S ate lowest Hummer wal ary Addr etiH ui'SBUN, Sprlng llel d, O. " ~ AT LIBfeHTY. FOR A) STOCK OR REP., ALICE LAWRENCE JONES, LKAhS OR SECOND HUS. K. A . STOLLE, ClUtUCTKRa AND URN. BUS. Roth Al and reliable. Joint oniv. «KN. 1>BL.. Fflrmlugton, N. H. PJakXXaL. FERDON WANTS MEDICINE PERFORMERS, Hke toll Teams, Black-face Comedians, Female Im- personators.. Shows big eiilc* only. Addreaa PAUL J. FRRUON, Scheneciady, N. T. . P. 8.— Stato loffCBt salary mid iiiikI Join at once. W^anted, TWO Al DRAMATIC OR FEATURE SPECIALTY ARTISTS to Rtreogthcii Show*. Hunt double Hariri. BlfmeKr Rep. Ill N. W, Hrva now ?j prriplc. J. (IRIESE, Pari: Rapids, Mlnn^ SUMMER OPERA CO. HAH IMMEDIATE OPEN TIME. (Western Penn.aud Ohio lime piefered.) t.arfte Repertoire. Twentv People. ¥ lie Cos- iiimes. AddresH Mnnnger, 2A8 W. :«t n St.. N. Y. WANTED TO BUY 500 TO 1,000 600D SECOND HAND (ll'ERA CHAIRS for Rrenmlind l'ark, Wril i I Alee, chftmberftliurR, Peoua. Adil rew M . II. IVEI.su, ChBinbewlii irir , P». Canvas The»tr» FOR SALE OH ON PEHC K.VTAUK. Scan too. aiho sort. It. T., iao; on. wall. NESIIIT SCOVILLE. Ml. Clemens Mini. At Liberty. I'llll THE HI'.IIMKIl Can Honblo Clarlouel In Band. Addresn P. M. SILVERMAN, a WhraKin St.. Prorld.noe. R. I. WANTED, KOH DE LARD'S AIEBICAN IIRSTBELS Strong i VrM urc Aci for Olio: also Cornet, it. and o. jamks in; i.ami, Flmlra, N. V. WANTED, COMEDIAN WIki can Ring and dunce. Musi be up In acts. Other versatile in-rfoTmerswrl e. AMOS K. OAKK, Mgr. Kgyp'lHii Item. Co.. Klkiiart. Ind. WANTED, PARTNER, LADY OR 6ENT. Onod Acrobat, that can work on iK>ards;ouc who caielnganddancr preferred. Address COM K 1)1 AN, re of Steven*. RuT Willow Ave., Hoboken. S.J. - Repertoire People, ALL LINKS, WITH SPECIALTIES. Aldrein OHAH. P. 1I1I.MO RE IH.IM, Ne« VorK Vfsmed. Eipirienced Mellclnt rerferatrs WANTED, lor 6AINS BROS.' WASON SNOWS, KOIl SH.E, VIM WISE WALKERS' APPAB.WLS For 9 or rt people. Cheap. Made iv Yho Wjrrk. Add. "CARI.08A." en roiilc Kobhlna* Clrens. who fan put on aols mid make i hem go, Musical ArtH, Cu medians. and Sketgb Ttjaiii^utii' ijindons, write). Addrc^im.UIbTONArrnlUK.Uatieila.O. ("firionn, Darltone, Tuba and Alto: loin wire. Bowensvllle, «»., JnneliRablna'i: wiiminir. loa a. OALKB UROS., 1'erraaucnt add. London, 0, FILMS FOR SALE. San Francisco Disaster Films Now Ready. 8 and 9 cents per foot. Address. NATIONAL AML'SKMKNT CO., ■■SBS.CalvertSl., Ualtimore, Mil. FOR 8A.LE OR RENT. I'.-;'-- footCorablnailon DiDing.lSleeiierorltuggage end. t.nnd condldnn. i~o or J.mi month rent. Address OAR, CI.IPPKU IWIIce, 47 W. 28th St., NwYork Oltj. NOTICE TO MANAGERS. THE PICTUHBSQUB ONLAW TRIO Will leave the V. S. JnnsD to full] II their European Re-enKOffeineutii. SPECIAL NOTICE. The ONItAW TRIO will reappear in the United States Jon. 'Jd, }WI, under Hie sole management of MR. H. H. FEIBER, Who wm the tint to iw»k thi« specialty in the States. All applications for open time and letters to ' H. H. FEIBER, St. James BldgM Broadway, H. Y. At Liberty, LEADIM LADY T0010 BIOTIOIAIi 4CTBESS. First class company only; rciable managers, Addre8B IMISS KATHERINE RITTEH. Chicago, III., general Delivery. EEMERiir TusIfllsT IfOHAN, One doing Specialties preferred. All Summer's work at Park, state all, Must loin on wire. MATT ICK STOCK CO., St. Thomas, Ont. WANTED. PARTNER WITH CAPITAL. Newpiay, cleftsnt prlutlng; small cast: man with booklnps given preference. FOR SALK, complete nmdnctlon; scenery (crated), bill trunk, jprop. b txea, nneelal printing; nine weeki booked. Three Ji inrtred dollars buyn. No time to dloker. Address if. T. ti. p P. o. Box ;c«. North Baltimore, Ohio. Wanted Quick, At Once, Good Piano Player. Sight reader, and good Song and Dance Black Knee comedian, mum be able to put on acts and make them go. flood sketch Team, write. Oood show, money Hire every week, live in hotels, show under tenl. want ladtertand gentlemen. No hooze. Tick- et* to people I know. Address ■tlsVi SKSRAB, Sumner, Bremer Co.. Iowa. SHOWS ARE GETTING BUSY Have i'jsoj, 4J.\Ro, 20XW Tent>; — xoo, 25x40 and other lliack Teola; 1,975 Folding Chairs, Foldlug Organs, Crank Pianos, Spring Motor piano, one Electric Piano, 12 Twiateri 1 Wire Legs Mahogany Top Luiwii Oonnter Stools. SEND FOR FREE BARGAIN BOOKLET. R. H. ARMHRUSTER, wprlngileld. Illinois. A BLACK FACE COMEDIAN. Other Useful Medicine Performers, write. I it are wnrtli. No ticket-. Write all in teller. all yoit'are worth. Notlckcln. Write ail km ' tet. MODERN REMEDY COMPANY, Elyrla, Ohio. WANTED. FOR THE J. L TEMPEST D1AIATIC CO., Specially People to plav parta, A No. 1 Song and Dance Comedian, t.ou. ibis. Woman with slntlag and usnclngspertaltlM. Address J. L. TEMPEST, week May 28. Berkeley Sprlnars, West Va.: week June A, Harpers Ferry, West Va. CHARLES WOLF. SHOW PAINTZNGa m CONOVER STREET. BROOKLYN, N. Y. Entrance on King street. IMrtTIOl? : PARODIES. 1 LONG MONO- |a\sV I IWBi lAMsUK. AND OAI1S AND LIVELY PATTER. Duly 10c. while thev last. GEM COMEDY CO., Providence, R. L tA/ , << F V^^^vwsrwVVvJ FILMS FOR RENT. CHICAGO FILM EXCHANGE, 133 S. CLIHK ST., CMICAOO, ILL, !j^@ffi^nWNMmBMaVRan$TO^0 THE SUMMER WALTZ SONG OF 1906, FREE 1 ProfcRslonal copies to Performers Inclosing programme. ..n„ < ?^ B » ,, p„JS, W ,! ,B , A P ^ ;^",'i <> . Ma,1 ,*•"" ,or "» SO" 1 -" "«JOId New England Home." .™-«.i S ,h ! L » k ».",' - Orpl'»" Boy'ii Lament," "Dear Old 'Frisco nj Mie 8ea," "Ine H™„ S.iX 6l V^ S r ^ W "J!' " " ?«'rj»"'»l." "Chruirnas Evening Hong." "Miss Alice, the While » 0, » WEJf JSfiSttK •'TnlneRyenof «l«e." "Down Where the Androscoggin Ftow*" "I'll 1. S. Uft/ WM ln,' ''Syllasklns." "Wnere the Kieulng star Is shlnlngT" "1 Love You, S?r[Siw^i'>t/J , ., M ?^", n ? ff nr ?i "" ' Wa " » Millionaire," "Througli tlie Panama canal," 'Cause I Was lllack," " Hkeleis," " 'Npalh the willow Tree." mmi MM PUB. CO., 5S Rst 28th St, Kl York. BEST REPERTOIRE IISlCK* PEOPLE Rehearsals suit Scncnectidy, N. Y., July ~ . FOR BEST BEPEBT01BI STOCK CO., 8EA80I '06-7. CHESTER DeVONDE, Schenectady, S. V. H. B. PIERCE! Musical Director, Pianist, Composer Ar- ranger. A, F.ofJtl. No. 3*0. Invite offars for next season. Firm clans wardrobe poser or "The Masqueraders," "The Castle of TwlilgnL *— H. R. PIEIICK, [ Ingenne Leadlna Woman, Dramatic - 1 "- brettes, Light Comedy. (No apec laities.) Experienced and reliable In eveiy way. Com* "'A Daughter of Uncle Sam," tie. A* Bijou Theatre," ~ • Rockford, 111. CASCADE PARK THEATRE, BERLIN, N. H, POPB1.ATION 20,000. THE HETH AMD BIBBER AMUSEMENT CO., ALBERT THEATRE. BERLIN, HH. E0CRSTR10 COMEDY ACT. NA/»lt or «i, Ci ookftr. ALL AGENTS. VAUDEVILLE THEATRE FOR SALE In N.Y. State June % rrr THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 421 Ii 916.00 Per Thousand. gEHD FOB AH ASSOBTMEHT IO l=»© G "BOOTIE" Post Card Purse NEW, NOVEL, Suitable for any place or locality. Id Tan or White; mortlie blank for name; can be sent through tlie niallforlc-ora letter enclosed 2c. stamp. Comic or local views. Postcard on sole of "BOOT/IE." $9.00 per gross. Send for a sample dozen, 83c. POSTPAID. JULIETTE PURSE POST CARD The latest winner; comic or local views on one side, blank for any name, also place tor an Initial, tlie Reverse aide a postal card. VERY NEAT, R1GUT CP TO DATE. 818.00 PER GROSS. Send To-Day for a KENT POSTPAID, tl.SO. TEE SODVENIB PILLOW TOP CO., 322 Broadway, Hew York. 6 COMPANIES 6 ABOUT AUG. 1. EBOPLE I3jT ALL TJtNlBS. Men.- tor JubIi, Dotcli Couiedlanl. Hast do strong speclalltes. Heavies, Reading Ladles. boubrettes, Character Women, Mauagera and Agents. Men imiat double liraas. Slate all orst le terluimeillatelr. •■■•'■ " ■' ■ HAHKS ori.at Bedini •8-f. And Mis Aorobatlo •Jinn,' iflT arrived from London. Opened at Sohraer Parle, Montreal, May 20, and re-engaged after - .MANAGERS WANTING THIS VOVEI.T1, Address SlBS W. 3sth ST., >>vv York. I GUESS BO — HELP YOURSELF, BOBBY CAYLOR K>tb limps and dlssotvor, and 1,000 feet of Film, $110.00. U SHANK SCHOOLS, Box 737 South, Bend, Ind. ...... from all kinds of Tom People, for Beach k S:IiuIIz'r V. T. C. Co. Houte: way 24, Traer. Iowa; 26, Rein hick; 20, Orundy Center. Or address U. N. KCHCLTV., Ackley, Iowa. CARS FOR LEASE, 8ALB OB 6T0BAOE . . Repairs and Alterations Had.. HEW JERSEY CAR WORKS, Passaic, N. J, CANES AND WHIPS. Immense assortment of Canes, Knives, Plash Ooods, Jewelry, Jap Parasols, Umbrellas. Fancy Whips, etc. CLEVELAND CANE CO,, f 1 .'-!'""" foam Cleveland. Ohio. AflUSKlKnT Sua KV«,KH1UBV, Btff proflts; Dealer, and Agrafe, write for whois- aala ealalof ol tie latest foaalea, Boreltles and Pocket Tricks, csi verbal 8Cppltoo.,iola Mil. •».. Ohlcato, m. btahltahsd <«M Hall for Rent For Rehearsals. Fine Piano. 0O88Wrcit,Uir«, 350 Flrat A»s., New York. BM *-*. m^ VIII It IOIIPAV , . %a** V^ awV Best Indep^udtui time, tu. r. AUAMs t CU, u; W. mil hi , New tort. PATHE Fill ONE QUALITY. ONE PRICE. —12 CE NTS PER FOOT— IS. BROWN'S BI LUCK 3.1 I'KKT, * 1 0.114. OOMEDY. I'JIl KEI-lt. - OOMI :ov. 17-. I KK1'. IBt.OO. REALITY. F .111 ntar. *-.n.-M. OOMEDY. — —— — — . — WRlTt: FOR DKSdliPTlVK UATALOtUH Pathe Cinematograph Co., 42 EAST 23rd STREET, 35 RANDOLPH STREET, t NEW YORK. CHICAflO. j 1VA1VTBD, fOZ- RiO© ^Conley's SCOUT'S REVENGE CO. IjThSurceHrirul Week, Wmler Camas, Playing l and :t Day SIsiiUh (no iiwlliifcs;. llisl inn-ipninioiUitiuii and treatment of any car show on the road. Wo novcr i-loae. i'X people hero mat have worked To i,a.froin 1 lo 7 vcara). 3 ACTOIIK uh (Iciteral Bus. whi. Dniihh 1 liraas, Tlui-o doing specialties given ptWercncc. 1 WOMAN for (lomiral Hits, who ran tin AI Baiit'liig .siimnnliy . II. nmi O., (lupd Hlldo uud ciai tonettc. To wilier Artists that double wo will iwy totter salaries tliaii any show of tills t'liar- ftclcr. Tlokets advanced west of Ctitcago.'-Kagllmo Johnson, ', llnirlwiu. Idaho, :.: l.lO-i' Wallar.i< limiillug bund preferred. 1, I'wr . Wliittf.inorc, la. Wanted, for Mystic Shriners, ONE NIGHT, JUNE 15, FIUST CLASS VAUDEVILLE ACTS It. D. MtlllliAN, Ml Wll.on At.,, l'l„. .Innil, (>. BENNETT-MOULTON ' CO., Summer and Regular Season, Kepcrioirv Paaplaln ail Hues, luolinllng Spi^-lalty Tram wtiti play parta Women with good single npecialiy ami souk* pariH, I'nijieriy ttnu, puns and sporlallv.awl Carpr-uler anda good Rep. Agent, heme lowest salary, cncloHlng pniirmuiiiiox urid iihofos. Conaldcrsileni-ea p illte negative. W. A. PAI.TKLI.O, W Court St., tJuHc No. |.», Hostou, Mass. WANE FOR, SUMMER STOCK, L tailing Man with UH., and iJiAiiislIt: Peo lie in i II llnui, or tMinploiu HmauMn Ntuck Co. Cau't ho loigiKsl. Cull iiartlculars tlrslletter. H/KKV, J. T. NUntE, Mir. WONDERLAND PARK. WICHITA. KAN. wanted, foii all Bummer, FINEST PABK in South. ItflATISli, IIATUINO, riHIIING, IIUNTINU. IT'M Ol* T(l Villi. Mm Weights Park, dam, "T?"' opera Principals, iMiicIng r mi uh lilrl.-, Ura- Playlnir Col. V,. IIamllUli'< THE DANCING VIOLINIST i;,!,'i!»| .%«>*, lltKiklng for Smnnii-r ami m-xlsi'SSiiii, Aililr-.M o: .VKKI- tilh HTItF.KT, N. V. OlTV. J. HENRY EOWLEY, TftMlri ' al Mum - m "• il " ew T,rk y v a-v * «v v« mm m | AUo UlmMtt B | Jou Tu Mtre , p,t»rsott, N, }, 422 THE NEW YORK CBrpPMR. June 2. ▲II ^onifi 3i«t Rfich n Not Later Than Monday. Mond»r. DRAMATIC. Adams, Mantle (Charles Frobman, mgr.)~N. T. City 28 June ». Angliri, ^larimrei (Hour; Miller, mgr.)— Boston, Ma? 1., 2S June 9, "At Told Id tbe Hills" iWci. F. alaao, rcgr.) — .. Milwaukee, Wis., 27-Jiwe 2, HI. Paul. Mlou., S-H... "Al Cripple Creek," R. J, Cnrr-enter's— N. Y. City 28-Jnne 2. Blanche Bates (Datl.1 BHn»™, ngr.)— N. X. City 28. In-leflnlte. Bernhardt,, Mme. Haroh (Win. P. Connor, aigr.) — l»Ht*hi|r«, Pn., . June 2. Baltimore, Ml. .'., I'hlinclrlpliln 7. Sprlngflcl-1, Ma-., ft Burgess, Nell (David Tower-, mgr.)— N. Y. City 28-Jtroe 2. -i i ttfrown. Kirk (J. T. Maejulley, mgr.) — Hallfai, N. «.. 28- J line It, B reckon rl.lgc Slock (Edwin Barrle, nj|T.)— loin. Kan.. 2H-Jnne 2. ' • Brown-Baker Slock— Milwaukee, Wis., 28, Iridefl- plte. ,., feyron Stack— Hpntaiie; Wash., 28-Aug. 18. ^Brown of -Hnrvnnr (Henry Milter, mar.)— N. T. .City -S«. Indefinite. VRrtlfoprHjIlftiw." Lincoln J. Carter's— Chicago, III,. June :i». "Banker's Child" (Harry Shannon, niifr.l — Folk- ion, H. Dak., -In. Asbtoti HI, Aberdeen June 4, Bryant 0, Lake Pri-slnn 7; OlObam 8, Hownnl I*. Curlrr. Un. I.p«lle (David Belattco, mgr, i — Hrooklrn, X, V,. 2R-.Iunc 2. -Holvoke, Mam., June ii. Crnxman, Henrlella (Maurice- CampMl. mgr.( — Buttle Crw-k, Mich., :tl. lAlataotOO June I. Cornell Stork (W. B. Cnrarll, tngrj— Bnllpr, I'd . 28 June 2.- ,' CrntlocNi>vllle*(.(*lini«, H. Neillle, uifr.)— Curutier IbiiM. Md., 28-Juue P. ConnorN Hinrk (W, G. Connor*, mgr.)— St. John, N. B., 2ft- J line 2. Claire. Arthur 14.,. Stock— New Bedford, Mans., L'S Jin P 2. * ' "Checkers" (Cornel Ins Gardner, wgr.) — Phlla-lel* titiln, Pfl., 28, llulemilte. "Clansman" ((tea, ,H. Bminan, mgr.)— N. y. Clly 28-.!iu*e 2. "Crown of Thtinw" (Plill Hunt, mgr.)— CU Ira go, III.. 27-Jiiiie 2. "Convict's Hnii|jhier" (l-'dwird R. Salter, mgr.) — Nashville, 'IVnn., 28-Jiine 2. "Cniivle.ru Daughter". (W. T. Borer, mgr.) — Lewlston. Me., IIO, Walerillle ni, AugQati June I. Bangor 2. Bumfarrt Fattln 4. Wiey, Henry K. iW, N. Lawrence, mgr.)— N. Y. City 28, liHleunlte. Dure, Jane (Edward R. Baiter, mgr.)— Philadel- phia. Pa.. 28-Jiine 2, Montreal, Can., AM. De Vowt, Florence i.I. B. Hotnour. mgr.) — Ja^k-* ■ -(ill. MICK.. .'Il-.liine ii. Dilger Mock ' (Frrd Dllger, mgr.)— Bennington, .V T 1.,-28-Jime 2. "Duru: Thorne." Rowland A ClHTnrd's — Kansas City, Mo.. nJm a. "Dora Thorne." C. R. Hnlllvnii— Both, Me., SO, , Rockliml St, Waterrllle June 1. Augusta 2. "Kriraneil from Sing Slag" (Marlln J. Uliou, mgr.)— N. Y. City 28-Jnne 2.meaaou emR Penberg Htor-k ((leu. M. 1-Vttuerg, mgr.) — Newark, N- .1.. SB-June 2. I.'lM-berN 'I'beatre Stock IR. ( U. Weleb, uigr.)— Dcufer, Colo , 27-Jnly 2S. Fleming, Mnmle Hf.i H-: Oiacey. , mgr.)— Atlantic City, N. J.. 28-June 2. Fnltou Btock (Fuiton Broa., tngra.) — Lincoln, Nebr.,' 26. Inileflnlte- ■Tgoiorr (ilrl" (Chas. r. Blaney Amuse. Co., merM— PlU"burg, I'm-, 28-Jwoe 2, BitfTalo, N. J?.. 4-9. n "righting Fate" |W». Ryno, mgr.) — Toronto, Can., &8-Jiine 2. Ooodwlu.i N. C~Ht. Panl. Minn., 2&H0, Mlnne- tlollB lil-Jtilie 2. Pea MnlneH, la., 4, Kan<, l^wlalon ill, Rocklaml June t'l'^BAth 2; ••(Inveritfir'* Son" (IVthan ft llnrrla, atgrs.) — At- lantic City. N. J., untune 2. ■THvl Pataj" tDe Canlopn ft Rbuclei, nigra.) — N. Y. Clly 28, lnrierU>lU>. , Hun) Slack. IM. A. Hani, mgr.)— Tra Terse City, /Mich.. 88-Jnne 2., F.llt Ugpiila 4-ft. Hernlil Sonar* fitoek (Ritter ft Kannbawe, mgra.) —West field, i'a., 28-June 2. Oaleton 4-0. Hu»ter;ilradrora Ptoyera — Hartford, Conn., 28- JuTy-U. i ■ . HiVnter-Bradfonl Stock— Sprlngfl«d, Maes., 28, In- . definite. Henderson Stock- (W. J. A R. R. Hemlernon, mgra.)— Karl? Ille. la., 28-June 2, Oetweln 4-0. Mammon, Maud MBrnyham A l/ipetat, mgra. ) — ,i Blctimond. Vt., Jitne 4-0, Hlnealturg 7-fl. llai-rfpi-l'Brklnami .Stock (Root. H. Harrin, mgr.)— Dnlln*. Tei.. 28-Jnne U. . Iilckman-Bliai«p.r iKvnuk W. JenkH, mgr.)— Rock- . ford. III.. June 4-it. ...... Harvey, Prank J. (Ggo, A. Btilllvan, lam. mgr,)— RondiHit. N. V., 28-Jnne 2. Stamford 4-1). Holderi Broa. Blocle-Urantl RauUU, Mich., 28, In- deflnlle. "Heir In Hit' Hnornh'' (The Klrke La Bbetle Co., mgra.) — Clili'iiK'i, HI.. 28, tiKleflulte. .■'Holy Clly.*' nSwaaj iJajjAfl (Kdward Tay- ', lor, mgr. I— Montreal. Can.. 38-J(ine 2. "Irlah I'liwnhTokera," Mark ft Siieara'— St. John, .-N. a. Jnne 4-0 "In a Woinnn'a Power" (K. 0. Andrcwa, bus. inur. ■ — Baltimore, Mil., 28-Jnne 3. Klintt, Iloaelle. (Svmf. fShlnman ft Co., mgra.) — 8lierl>moke. Can., : ! .n. Berlin. N H., 81, I^wla- ton; Mr., Juiw I. Hi. -John. N. H.. T-l». Kclley. W. J., Ktock— N. Y. City 88, ludeflulle. KcvHinno Draniallo (Man Arnold, mgr.)— Kenue- Inuik. Me.. HI- June 2, tt'atervllle 4-11. Keimeiiy PlnyerH (Ben Lewla, mgr.) — Cornwall, Cnn.. 28- J mie 2. King Slock |J'iHe|ih King, uigr.)— Terre Haute, Ind., 28, liulelltille. l^irii'Knn 2, Toronto. Can., 4-H. Maim. UhiR mid Clara Llnman (rthnheri Bros., i.!Ki'» i I'lih-iitoL HI., 28, Imldliillc. Murphy. Tliuoiby (T. K. Sannrtera. mgr.)— Daren- iiort. la., :iu. Melville. Itiwe (.1. 11. Stirling, uigr.l—Wa^hliiR- . Ion. I). ('„ 2H-Jinie 2, Plltnlmeg. Pa., 4-tl. tea- aou ■■■nil", Mtrklellanter Stock, Kualern (W. II, Harder, iilgr.t--Kenkuh, In., 'J8-.lniic art. Mvrkle-Hnrder Slock. Weaiem (Ktigene J. Hall, mgr.l— Port Huron, Midi,, 28-Jnly I. M.vrble Harder Slock, Soiitlieni (t.ntlioore A l.elgb, iBgrn, i — Qiiltn-v. 111.. 28-Jiuie:i. Mnrka Slock (Tom Mnrki. mgr.l— Isliiieiulog, Mich.. 28-Jlllie 2, Hancock 4-ft. MIK-liell'K All Slor Stock (It. Frauk Mllcbell, iligr.) — WooiiHocket, It. 1., 28-Jnne 2. Moure. I.ii Vernn, Stm-k (Kwter lliilchlua, mgr.) — Hrouk, 1ml.. 28-Jtme 2. Mallei- Slock (Plill Mailer, uigr.)— lliitluml, VI., 28-.liine 2. nellowa Pnlla 4-tt. McCnlliun Stock lW. H. McCiilliilu, mgr.)— Port- luml. Me., 28- Indefinite. Miwre SlOk'k—ltnclieNlei-, X. Y., 28. hideDnlle. "Mntlldu"— Phllnileliililii. I'a., June 4-0. "My Wife** Family" (W. XlcOowau. mgr.)— SI. Paul, Minn., IT-Jiiwi 2, Mlnnea|MillB ll-B. Nelll sit.i-k (.limits Nell), mgr. )— Hocliester. N. Y„ 8K. ludeiliilie. New Kuglaiid Players (Braytiain ft l,a|>olnt, mgrs.) — Turner** Fiillw. Mima., 28-Jnne 2, Catnlirldai', N. Y.. Ha, Nve. Tirtil Pranklln— Clarkuvllle, Tei., 28-June 2. *ll«>r, lleiM'ur- - N, V. City June 4-H. O'Xelt, Nanci> (McKee Rankin, mgr.)— Portland, i Mc, ML ill. "Old Clutliea Man," Howlnnd ft CHtTonra (Daia Seymour, mir.i— Clilcaru, 111., 28-June 9. Pulge, MnU'i (llemy F. WIHard, uigr.)-^Jick- i-on villi-,. I-'Id.. 28, ln.lclli.ltc-. lvrnelil-Hp|nwnc *C. D. Peruclil, mgr.) — Knox- vllle, Tenu.. 28. Indefinite. I'hlppK, Chia. 11. (Wni. Morrh, mgr.)— BurliiiK- nrn, In., -28, Imleflttlte. Prlngle. Julunile — Portland, Ore., 27 June it. "Prince Chap" (W. N'. Lnwrence, mgr. )— Chlca|o, 111.. 27-Jiuio I). .RiiaHell Broa. (I). Frank Dodge Ob* mitra.)— N. v, city sa-jum* a. Heiiirrnw's Jolly Pnltifliidera (J, N Betitfniff, mgr.l— N'alchcr.. Mini,, 2S-Jnne 2, Blirevepuri , I.U., !Mil. Jtnble Theatre (O. D, Ueaae, ugr.)— Tonupah, Ncv . 28-June 24. ''Royal Blaic/' Nurth, Gordon ft fieaueti't (Pred Miller, mgr-)— Kankakee, III., 80, Morrla 31, Jollet June V "Royal Hln»o. Eaat, Gordon ft Bennett's (Col, C, W. RoberU, nagr. )— Berlla, Can., SO, Gait Bl; bMHaf Jnoe 1, 2, Rtdgeton 4, Chatham 0, Ingarwll 0, Pari* 7. Stratford 8, Slmcoa ft. "Rip < Van Winkle," Southern, W. A. Btler'a— Wbeniherford. Okla.. Jnne 2, Poaa 4. Rrkk '>. ArrarlMo. Tex., ll. rtiannlng 7, Delhart 8. "Rip Van Winkle," Western, W. A, Kller'a— Rockfonl, Wish., .11. Fairfield June 2. Hsrrl- i nod, Ida., r., Wallace 7. Southwell. MarJorle (Don J. Dorrla, mgr.l— Hlgb- : land MIIN, N. Y„ Jnne 1. Monroe 2, Florida 4, siiffern 8, Wnsblngtonvllie 0, Gardiner 7, New Palts 8, niasco ll. Blandlnn. Ony, Stock— W'ashlnglon, D. C, 28, In- deUnlle. Southern, aiaimcer (Roland A. Oahom, mgr.) — WlnaiMl-Sjilejii. It. C 28-June 8. Gnldoboro 4-0, New Rem 7-». flwalu ■ Theatre (Mack Rwaln, mgr.) — Seattle, Waab.. 27, Indefinite. "Struggle for Hold" (A. J. Wnwla, mgr.) — Scbur- ler, Nebr., 4, Humphrey* ft, Madison >'., Norfolk "Smut's Herenge" (Joseph J. Couley, mgr.) — Vernon, Tex.. 28, 2ft, Qnenab nil. 31. CbUdretm ' June I.' 2. .Memnlil" 4, clarendon- ft, it, Amsrllln 7-fl. Trescott, Virginia Drew (Jusetdt Sblpman, mgr.) ~-Mltine»|KillK. Minn., 27-June 2. Tyler, Oileiie. Slock K'larenceT. Hoykin, mgr.) — . Wellington. Ii. C, 28, Indefinite. Tucker, Klhel, Slock (Mack Rroa., mgra.)— Salt ■Lake Clly. P.. 28. IndeUnlle. Tntlhv Claire. <\Y. w, l^polut, bna. mgr.) — Maawna. N. V.. 28 June 2. Tempest Dramatic (J. I.. Tempest, mgr.) — Berke- ley Sprlngn. W. Vn., 2K-Jime 2, Harper'a Ferry 4-1*. "Trm'y, the Outlaw" — Newark, N. J., 28-June 2. "l-tah" (I- A. Karle. mgr.l— Bangor, Me., :tu. Cnimleii 84. Rockland June 1. Relfaat 2. Cas- . title 4, Old Town 0, Slachlos 7, Fastport 8, Ca- la I- ft. "Uncle Tom'a CnMii," Al. W. Martin's* (Rd. ft. Martin, mgr.)— Chicago. III., 27-June 2, seawi.ii etido. "Unrle Tmii'e Cabin." Htetsmi's, Kawlem (Grant Lire. mgr. | — Philadelphia. Pn.. 28-June 2; (treat Neck, N. Y., 4, Port Wasbluglou ft; Ray Hhle 0. "Uncle Tom'a Cabin." Terry's— Lake Worth, la., .F 1 1..*- 2. ] I ii n Ion loo 4, Dougherty ft, Dumont (I, PnrkersbnrgT, Dike 6, Traertl. "Uncle Tom a Cabin/ ' Beecber'a— Ludec, Alia, Can., 30. "Htirlp Tom's Cabin," Beach ft Schulli's— Clarion, . la.. SO. Van Dyke A Katon (F. Mack, mgr.)— Aurora, III., 28-June 2. Vate, Louise. Block (Trarera Vale, mgr.)~flyra- i-iise, N. Y„ 28, Indefinite. Wulsh. Blanche iWoeenbnls ft Kemper, mgr*.) — Ray City. Mich., :li). Wnrflel.l. Pnvhl (David Belasco, mgr.)— N. Y. Clly 28-June 2. Wlllar.l, a H. (Choa. A. Moore, mgr.)— Montreal, •Cm., 2831. Warren. Rebecca, Slock — Indianapolis, Ind., 28, Indefinite. . William** nml Walker (M. H. Raymond, mgr.)— Chicago, 111., 27-June 2. Wlnnlnger Dm. 1 Own (Frank Wlnnlager; mgr.) —Menominee, Mich., 28-Jtme 3, Oconto, win,, '4-B. Warner Ctunedy (Ben R. Warner, mgr.)— McOre- Kor. la., 2b. Imlcfliilte. Wuoilwaril 8lock (Woodward ft Burgess, mgra.)— Sioux Cltr. la.. 28. Indefinite. Wnllack Tlieatrv (Dublnnky Bros., mgra.)— Rock Island. III.. 28. Indefinite. "When the World Sleeps" (Mlttentbal Broa.' Amuae Co., ingrs.) — Detroit, Mich., 27-Juce 2. MllftlCAL. Aborn Opera (Ullton % Sargent Aborn, mgra.) — Hilton, S. J.. 28. imletlnlte. Butler. Helen May, aud her Band (J. L. Spahn, nilir .j — tlalieatoD, Tex.. 28-Sept. 12. Blnrk Paitl Troubailr.nr^ (Voelckek ft Nolan, rnyrO—Matilinthia Beach, N. Y„ 30-Jnn« 2. "Beggar PrliKv" 0|»ru (Harry Lea Velle, mgr.) — Dnurtlle. 111-. 28-Jnne 2. "Beggnr Prince" Opera (P. A. Wade, mgr.) — Fort Wnrtb. Tex.. 27 -June 3, Galveston 4-1U. Oarie. Rlcbanl- (Chas.. Marks, gen. mgr.)— Pitt*- mtw. Pa.. 28-June 2, Bo*«ton. Mass., 4. Indefinite. Cbnintwrlalu mid hi* Bund — BtngliBmton H | N. V., ■ 28. IndeUnlle. Cnnsdlan Jnhllee Singers (W. T. Cary, mgr.) — Norrls. Minn., .11, Hancock June 1, Belllnuhuto 2, :i, Nastuiit 4, Madison ft, Dawaon 0. Clark- field 7. Morton 8. Pranklln 9, indefinite. Drury. Tbeo*lare, Orand Opera— N. T. Clly 28- Jone 2. Ducc and his Band (Frederick Phlnney, mgr.) — .Rochester, N. Y„ HO, Geneva, mat-, and An- . barn 31, Rome, mat., and Otlca June 1, Uod- trcal, Can., 3-16. Flaber'd Opera (John C. Fisher, mgr.)— Balti- more. Md.. 28, Indefinite, Flecher'a Military Baud (Chas. M. Fischer, mgr.) —New Orleaiu, La.. 28, indefinite. Flsber'M Orcbeatru — Kalamazoo, Mlcb., 30, 81, HIllHilule June 1. Kalamaioo 2. ■•Oltigerbi-carl Man" (Rrnden ft Peters, mgra.)— Clilcago. III.. 28-June 10. ... "Gay New York" (W. B. Moore, mgr.)— RIIm- belh, N. J., 30. Herald Square 0|#ra (Frank T. Klnttlng, ugr.) —Hamilton, O., :I0-Juiie 2, Wheeling, W. Va., 4, Indefinite. J ic , De W< ly 2B-Jnue 2. Hdituii, KriH'Hl (Gen. H. Harris, mgr,) — Baltimore, Md., 28-Jnne 2. "Ills Honor the Mayor"— N. Y. Clly 2ft, indell- nlte. Iltnls and his Band— Chicago. III.. 28-June 2. luiMTliil Opera (flarrlson ft Turner, mgra.) — Aa- nury-Park, N. J.. June 4, Indefinite, JniiiH, Klale (Llelder ft Co.. mgra.)— N. Y. Olty 28-June 2. Juvenile Dnstonlau Opera (W. B. Sherman, mgr.) — RevWstoke. B. C. 30.31, Kamloopa Jnne 1,2. Kilties Band (T. I*. J. Power, mgr.)— Syracuse, N. Y.. 30-June ft, Krle. Pa., 8. LHierAira Rami— Waahlugtou, D.O., 28. Indefinite. May, Kdna (Churlea Prohmau. mgr.) — Loudon, ling., 28. ludeUnlte. Munlelll, Mine.. Kuglish Orand Opera (Henry Plncue. mgr. )— Turoulo, Can.. 28-Jiuic 2. Munhiiltnu .Oisra — Klnilm. N. Y.. 28-.1uue 2. "Man from Now" (Henry W. Savage, mgr.) — BoMtou. Mose.. 30, ludetlulte. Rotnl Artillery llinid IJonepU De Vllo, mgr.) — Baltimore. Md., as, iniletliille. "Rosalie" t Nixon ft RltntUenunn, mgra.)— Plilll- delpblu. Pa.. 28. ludetlulte. Stewart Opera— Hiwhesler. N. Y., 28-June 2. San KrflitciRcii 0<»era (Itussell & Drew, nigra.)— Seattle, Wash., 28-.luue 2. "Soelnl Whirl" (Slittbert Bros., nigra.) — N. Y. i itv 28, ludefltiite. 4 "Siiiitent KIuk" (Henry W. Rnrage, mgr.)— Chi- rngu. HI- 28. tudellniie. Templet on, Fay (Klnw ft Krlnnger, nigra.) — Chicago, III.. 28. Indeflnlte. __, "Three Graces" il.yuum R. fllover, mgr.) — Chi- cago, UI-. 2S, Indefinite. "Tourist a" (Sliubert Bnw.. nigra.) — Philadelphia, Pn.. 28-.lt.Hie 2. Boston. Mass.. 4, IndeUnlle. ■Tinpire" im. ll. Singer, mgr.) — Chicago, 111., 28, liulefiiihe. WIIIh Musical (John R. Wllla, mgr.)— Vlckshurg, \ll«, 27-Jnne ll. \VelM>r'i*. .loiin C Mllltarr Rand— Detroit 28- June 2. New tiimllc. Pa„ 3, Pittsburg 4 0, Bl HI r.SWl F AM) VAl'UrVlLI.K. Americans (Kilwlti 1>. Miner, mgr.)— N. Y. liltg 88-Juiie 2. Avenue Girls (Geo. Hale, ugr.)— Cleveland. O., 28-June 2. Black Crook Jr. (Harry Hasting!*, mgr.)— Chicago, III., 27 J line 2. Bowery RnrleHipier* (Joe Unrtlg, ugr.) — N. Y. ('Ily 28-Jnne 2. Rotieiiiluii* (Baruey (Hrird. mgr.)— N. Y. City 28- Juiie 2. BroadwnV Olrls (James H. Curtln, mgr.) — N. Y. t'lty 28-June 2. Clly Sport* (Phil Sheridan, mar.) — Boston, Maaa., 28-Jnne 2. Derere'a. Sum. Own (Gus Llenlng, mgr.)— Mln- Heupolla, Minn,. 27-Juue 2. Daintr Duchess (Rush ft Weber, mgra.)— Balll- nioie. Mil., 28-JntiP 2. Empire Riirlesnners (.1. Peunessy, mgr.) — Chicago, 111., 27-June 2. Gov -Moiiilim Glories (Sam A. Scrlhner. mgr.)— Brooklyn. N. Y., 28-Jnne 2. Gulden ('rook (Jacoiw ft. Jermoo, mgrs.) — Pitta. Imrg. I'a.. 28-June 2, Hleb Itollen* (A. II. Woodhull, mgr.)— Providence, ft'. I.. B8-Jnne2. .. Howard. May, Kxtraragania (George P. Learned, miir.i— sit. Paul, Mian., 27-June 2. High School Girls (Alfreil Mayo, mgr.)— Wash- melon. D. C, 28-June 2. Horn's Vandetllle (W. N. Horn, mgr.)— Bhermon, ■Tex., US-June 2. Paris 4-B. Irs in- Bin Show < Fred Irwin, mgr.)— Brooklyn, N. Y.. CSJune 2. Imperlala (Jesse Barna, mgr.)— Pittsburg, Pa., 18-Jone 2. Ideali (Sim Wllllaraa, mgr.)— Duloth, Minn., 27- J tire 2. . Jolly Grata Widows (Gas W. Hogao, mgr.) — Chicago. HI., 87-Jnne 3. ' Lyceum Theatre Stock Burlesque (Chas. R. Tay- lor, mgr.)— Waihlngtoo. D. C„ 28, iDdeflnlte. Moonllijit Maids iDovlrt Krona, mgr.)— Newark. £ iZ 2B-Jun*> 2. New Century tllrla (Chas.- W. Danlela, ngr.)— Kaniss City, Mo., 27:Jnne 2. New !.ondon Gnlety Olrla (Cliff W. Grant, mgr.) —Montreal, Cnn,, 28-June 2. Orientals (W. B. Watson, mgr.)— Jersey City, N. J.. 28-Jnne 2. Parisian Belles (John Grieves, mgr.)— Toronto, Can., 28-Jnne 2. Runaway Girl* (ivter S. Clark, mgr.)— Balti- more. Md.. 4-1. Star Show Olrls (W. Fennwy, mgr.)— Milwau- kee. Wis.. 27-Jime 2. Utopians (W. V. Jennings, mgr.)— Boffalo, N. Y., til la— 2. ■ „ Yankee Doodle Olrls (Louis Harris, mgr.)— Pblls- •lelpbln, Pa., 28-June 2. MINSTRELS. Donnelly's, Tommy (Jack W. Stokes, mgr.)— Miller* Fall*. Ma**., June 2, Fltchburg 4-H. Dumoiit'H — PIiiaburK. Pa.. June 4-10. HI Henry's— Kalamasoo. Mlcb., 30. Benton Harbor 81, season ends. New York (0. L. Silver, mgr.)— Uk* NebagamoD, Wla.. 30. Clonitet, Minn., June 1. Two Har- bors 2, F.veleih 4. Blwahik ft, Virginia H, Grand Rapids 7. HemklJI 8. Pierce ft Harrlaon Bros.' iGeo. W. Pierce, mgr.) — Ufa yet re, Ala., 30. Richards ft Prlngle's (Rusco A Holism), mgra.)— Montreal, Can.. 28-Jnne 2. TRNT Ntlinvt. Bornum ft Ralley'n— Rochesier. N. Y., 30, Syra- cuse 31, Pllcn June 1. Glovemvllte 2. Kiiigninu 4. Albany ft. Troy (i. Rntlaml, Vt., 7, Bnrllng- lon 8, Monipeller II. Buffalo RIII'h Wild West. Col. Wm. F. Cody (Fred B. Huirhlnxoii, mgr.) — Vienna, Austria, 28- Jnne 14. Carnpl*ll Bros.— NVllgli. Nebr.. 30, Plainrlew 31, Boneslerl, S. Dnk„ Jnne 1, Norfolk, Nebr., 2, PiOTICB TO CORRESPONDENTS. lady 30. Coboen 31. Pltlsueld. Ma**s., June I. WestAehl 2. •Mprlngoehl 4, Ware 5, Worcester 0, Flfckburg 7. Clark's, \i. L.— Llrlngston, Tenn., 30, Cellna June I. Cole Bros.'— Con neant, 0„ 31, Dunkirk, N. Y„ June 1. Pareiiaitth ft Sells BroH. 1 — Youngslown, O., .10, PalusTille 31. Kljrla June I, Tltfln 2. Finn's, Tbos. L— Ludlow. Vt.. .31, Ea-t Wallluit- fur.l June t, Mlddlelown Springs 2, Poottney 4, Groiilville. N. Y., ft. Oay*a— Nashville, la., 30. Baldwin 31. Monmouth June 1, Center Junction 2. Wyoming 4, oxford ft, Toronto 0. (.ondnii 7, Wheatland 8. Gain* Bros.'— BowersvUle, O., June 1, Sablna 2, Wilmington 3. Hargreavc'x— Lock Haven, Pa„ 30, Jersey Shore 31, York June 1. Jones (j; A: Jotteo, mgr.)— McDonald, Pa., 30, Ti>- ruiiui, <»., June I. Lucky Bill's— Hloomlugton. Nebr.. 30. Franklin 31. Rlrerton June 1, Red tnouil 2, Bluehltl 4, Bladen -'•. t^iiiiphell 0. Uplaud 7, Hlldretb 8, Wilcox 0. Lowery Bros.' — Hugerstown, Md., 30. Mel bum's— Bancroft, Nebr., 30, Peuder 31, Rm- emou June l , Waterburr 2. Ringling Bros.'— Reading. Pa.. 30, Harrlaburg 31, Suubnry June 1. Willlamaiwrt 2, Du Bola 4, Rldgwsy ft, olean, N. Y., 0, Bradford, Pa., 7, Warren 8. Krle I). Robinson's. John — Angolo, Ind., 30, Kendallvllle 31. Klkbart June' l. Jollet, III., 2, Peoria 4, Keokuk, la., 8. Robhlns'. Frank A. — South Pramlngbam, Mass., 80, Mllfonl III, Dedbam June I, Qulocy 2, Ply- month 4, Mtddieboro ft. Snn Bros.'— Kllxa bet blown, ind., June 1, Madi- son 2. WinblHirn ft De Alma's— Merlden, Conn., 30, 31. MISCFIM.ANEOI'S. Rostock's Animal Arena (Frank r.'Roslock, mgr.) — Coney Island. X. Y.. 28, Indefinite. Reader Kntertnlnmeut (Gen. T. Clarke, mgr.) — Glaxsboro. N. J., 30-June 2. <'rulk<. when Sanili RerDbnrdt nppearj* In I he seennd act of "I/Algloo:" «ec- oud net of "Hamlet," aud the third act of "Frou Frou." Lant week, "The Cowboy aud the l.ailv" llDd exvelleut bitalnetta. acadkmy itv ttUKrC (J. W. Lyons, maua- ger>. — This week the season of this Iiuum fi.wi's, with Rase Melville, lu "Sis Hopkins." Lust week, "Tracy, the uutinw," packed Ibe lioiine. Lvi'RUM (Kugene Kernan. manager). — This week, the High Scnhnl tHrls. Last week, the Bnltluiore Benotles scored a great SUCCORS. Ua9rrtTT*ft Huns.' Clttriis this week on tlie rlrcns lot. , Li na Park (denrge K. GUI, manager). — This iii.igniilci-ut ivwoi'i opens with Its tiumer- oiih Hitrncilous. The vondevllle features are furnlNhed-hv LllierntPH Hum! and the Bessie Yalilnrc Troupe of Sis English Olrla, hli-v- .llnls. . The o|ie»lng wna wllnessed try good Ihrongs of jteoiilc. who itppreclated fully (ho suipfiultiiH venture. t : iiv.n v en ash Lakk Paik ( Herbert Clfiude. innnngcr). — This favorite resort opens iliN wei'K, wllli ulghlly concerts by a scrllnn of the V. S. Marlue Band. I lUMftinftB Bi:ac!I. u bay side resort, opens i'T, with Haley's Haud as nu attrac- tion. «a» NRW llAMPSIIinK. ^Iniichr "iter. — Thi* Opera House (R Vt. Hfirrlogtuu, oinuager) Is closed fur Ibe sea- sou. - . ■> ■ ■ Park Thkathk (John stiles, nianager). — Tile, stock compline presettted "Hold Fields of Nevada" May 21-23, tilld "The Belle of lUcbmoud" 24-20. For wrek of 28, "A Oullly Coosclence," from lh« pen of a local man. II. L. Cate. Notes.— The Cummins Wild Wesl Rbow Is looked fur June t.'t The A I. P. Wheeler sIioivh are now lourlug litis Slate, lo big business , ... ..James P. Conner returned to bis home lien* M:iy 24. coming direct from Michigan, where he ended b successful win- ter season with n stock company. .... .Kd. Kellev and'Al. P. Hrnlth. better known as the Partello Rros.. nnd both Manchester boy*, •re villi Ciinimlos' Wild West Hbows. . ! — ■«.» CiiARt.r.H Rtrvknron, who for several sea- sons has been leading; man for Mrs, Carter, resigned the position May 28. Our theatrical 0Qrru90*&nt$ are heriby notified that the credential* ttoto held by them expired on June J. TJkep are requested to itturu them to thin office at once, for nqpPsw 'for ttOC-lWJ, 8 i» NKW YORK STATE. BntYalfi. — At tbe Star (P. C. Cornell, man- ager) the stock company, week of May 28, In "Mistress Kail." "Impmdence" proved - winning and capably presented play. Ltckum f J. Lougnlln, manager).— The Ly- ceum Players. In "Bast Lybne," tbla week. .Mrs. Leslie Carter did nicely". CoNVgNTiox Ham. III. L. Meecb. custo- dian).— Creator** appears 27. Boiler skating Is tbe principal amusement of tbe Summer nertf. miira's. — Booking* for week of 28: Mar- garei Wycberly, In "In Self Defense ; World's Comedy Four. Three Seldoma, Me- lon! Troupe. - Midler and Corelli. Lawrence nnd IlnrrlnRton. Tom Brown, Mlea Nevaro nnd JacolM' dogs. II. F. Outcanlt and a splen- did bill crowded the house last week. ■ ■ ■ Lafavrttk (M. Bfiffg, manager).— Tlie Uto- pians. 28 week, Incliiding: cnnnlng, Marlon and IVarl, I^tllc Blackford Jiud ,L- W. Jess, to lie succeeded by the osuol Summer stock production. Charmlon and Ibe Tiger Miles did nicely. Acaiifmy 1 1*. C. Cornell, nianager).— *' A Little Outcast' tbls week. "The Factory tHrl" wee* of June 4, closing tbe. Reason. -The Coventor's Pnrdon" drew fairly good- nixed bouses. ' Likn'h Alrar.UM. — Probasco, Sbaw and Shaw. Uessie Nitron, Kathleen Potter, mov- ing -picture*, and "Aga'' form tbe current of- ferings. Athlftic Park (R. H. MacBroom, mana- f:er). — Vaudeville appearances 28 and week ncltide : Flora Browning. "DHda," Qtiigg, Mockey nnd Xlckerson, Lllllau and Shorty Hewitt, nud Fontl Bonl Brothers. Among ibe many out-door attractions DiuaV- Band, Immn the bumps, figure eight, circle- swing. ye olde mill, merry -govround. temple of mirth and North Pale received favorable attention and jMirronage. . NnTi>. — Hj inum tt Bailey Circus 28, 29.. . . The conspiracy case, many times postponed, nf tbe old Court Street Theatre va. Kmplre Clrewlf Co.. Is expected to be reocbed In Supreme Court tbls week. Many out of town \ managers have been subpoenaed. Rorheatcr. — At the Lyceum (M. R Wolff, mriuager) the Summer season begins with the Stewart Opera Co., In "Itorothy,"' May 28. Natiosai, (Mai Htirtlg, manager).— -I**ot lis secoDd week, that of 21, the >elll Slock Save a most excellent Interpretation of "A iflchelor's Komance," to good bualnefts, de- r*uke ibe extremely warm weather. James Nellland Kdvthe Chopman strengthened the good impressions they made the previous week. The entire cast gave excellent support, tbe result being a very even performance. 'Tbe Amazon*" 28 aud week. Bakek ( J. II. Moore, manager). — The Tlvoll Musical Comedy Co. presented, week of 21,-. "The Sultan of Bagdad." to good re- turns.- Jack Henderson and George Ebner, In comedy roles, scored heavily. Daisy fJre>ne, prima donna, has been compelled to ' retire on- account of throat trouble, and her place Is being succeasfully tilled by Georgia Campbell, who Joined 211. "The Belle of New York 28 and week. Cook Oprb*. llni'SE (J. H. Moore, mana- ger). — Tbe Hummer engagement of the Moore Stock Co. (extremely popular locally) begun 21, with "The (ilrl \Vlth the Oreen Eyes," in a packed house. I£IUe licit, the new lead- lug is.lv of the. organ Ixatlon, immediate!* made good. Bert Lytell, as usual, made a big lilt. Business throughout tbe week was good. "By Jtlgbt of Sword" 28 and week. Coiiinthian (Henry C. Jacobs, manager). —•■The present season of this bouse was erased week of 21, when ' the Trocndero Burleequers held full sway. Business was excellent. The Grahams, the Wilsons, and Mackle and Wal- ter, in tbe olio, were well liked. Tbe boose reopens lote In August. us r.in in Bfach Park (James Clancy, omuBement director).— After a thorough overhauling, this popular resort begins toe season .10, with Ijurs and his band, for a very limited engagement. Beginning June 4, and for the weelt following, on tbe lawn there will appear; .Miller's elephants, -the Jncfcfton Fnmily, the Sawardas, cWnnlla nnd Kddy, and Ceorge and Arlington. Many new features have boeu added lo the park, and the outlook for a successful senson Is bright. HUPI Havkn Park IB. E. Wilson- mana- ger). — This beautiful hoy retreat Inaugu- rates Its iiiiii; season May 28. Everything here bas been redecorated, and a new light- ing plant bas been Installed. At the open air theatre, beginning week of 28, "Moll's Orchestra (local), ibe Three Rio Bros., Tom Hlllen, Short and Shorty, and Chas. II. Law- lor and daughters. Thos. M. Kershaw Is musical director here this season. Hea Rrerxr 'Pa hk (B. E. Wilson, mana- ger). — No acts billed liere until about June 10. although the season opens May 110, with Genesee Valley Band (local). Notks.— Tbe Casino Theatres, both at On- tario Beach Park and Sea Breeze Park do not begin their senton* until the middle of June Hagenbeok's Shows played to two ft. R. o. tents May 17 The Baroum & Bailey Shows will he here for two perform- aurt»H 30. WQRST eASE'Q F ECZEMA veiuusCure by Cutlcura. "My son, who is now twenty-two vhm of age. when he was fourinohths old, L«. gan to have eczema on his face, spreading quite rapidiy'umilfhe was "nearly covered We had all the doctors around us, and some from larger places, btft no one helped liim a particle. The eczema was some- thing terrible*, arid the doctors said it was the worst case they ever saw. At timej his whole body and face were covered all but his feet. J. had to bandage his limb* and arms ; his scalp was just dreadful. \ friend teased me to try Cuticura, and I began to use alt three of the- Cuiicuri Remedies. He was tietter in two mouths, and in six months he was well. Mrs. R L. Risley, Piermont, N. H.^ Oc t. 24, 1905." Ibe 'first time. MajT&S. Mr'and Mrs. Ratn Thorne, Imilv and- De Vere, the Great Her bert, Thlboult Bros., Dan Regan, and the Magic Kettle appear 28-Jnne 2. CAKIKO I'aok. (J..P. R Clark, manoKeri —Bill week of May 28: Uurav-Most jJi Hardman, Baby Owen and company ' Cor- donnie, Llhble and Trayer. and Reff Bros CnsiMixa" Wild Wkht 28. Troy.— At Proctor's (William H. Graham resident manager) hill week of May i'« : u Pr f Leslie and Roliert Dal ley, Bryant suil si vllle Jane Courthope and company, Fleauur Henry, Taylor Holmes. Kenyou and Lie Gnrmu. Pongo and Leu. Dave Genaro and Kay Bailey. This will be the last week <_! vaudeville for tbe--seasoa. June 4 Proctur'i Plftli Avenue Dramatic Co. will oueu, In rep- ertory, for the Summer. Lranm tBums OEIlam. manager). — Miss Crawford and company, in "Mistress .Nell," plaved to capacity bouses all lust week, and Ibe same hill will continue week of 28, Babnl'u & Bailky's Show June 0. *X~» NEW JERSEY. Newark. — The Sotbero-Marlowe Com- pany played a two doys* engagement at the Newark Theatre (l*e Ottolengul, manager), May 25, 2(1. "Borneo and Juliet," "Men-bout of Venice" and "Taming of the Shrew" were clevrrly rendered, and well appreciated by good audiences. The 'theatre Is uow closed. - PaormR's (K. V. Proctor, manager). — Bill ibis week: - Ned Waybtirn's "DaisylauuV Hengler Sisters. Ijoulse Beaton and t-ompsn*;. Watson, Edwards ahd Hutchlngs i-omuout, In "A Vaudeville Surprise ;" Jsw Sully, Harryt Brabam, Three CartmelU, and Kates bros. In -last week's bill Horace Wright, who made bis debut Monday, '2], was re- ceived with great enthusiasm. He is a New- ark boy who bas a high tenor voice, and ap- pears to advantage as on Italian fruit vender, tie la at present under tbe- management of Herbert E. Eblera. n local newspaper man. , Columbia til, J. Jacobs, manager). — The second and last week of the Fenberg Stock Co. finds business moving at a fairly good pare. The specialists tbls week Include: Marie McNeil. Fred Duprez. tbe Barnard*, and Madeline Buckley. This bouse closi") for the season June 2. Bi anet'k 1 J. H. Buckeo, manager).— "Tracy, the Outlaw." with Joe Tottea feat- ured, 1st the- last attraction for ibe season here, which ends June 2. Manager Rin-keu will receive a benefit June 4. when u big vaudeville bill will he given. "A Man or Myilery" closed here May 2(1, to moderate business. Waldsiann's IW. -8. Clark, manager).— The present Is also tbe closing week at this hotlsc. with the Moonlight Maids on tbe boards. 'John F." Burke is featured. "Wise Mike" and "A Night at Newport" are tbe two burlesques. The .Bowery Burlesquets did fairly well 21-26. . Notks — Th? three Summer parks near Newark — Olympic, Electric and Hillside — opened for the season Saturday, May 20. Tbe Olympic has the Aborn Opera Co., In 'The Mascot," This company was very success- ful last season, and bas. again been engaged for the entire season. Electric Park opeos with vaudeville, as before, and Hillside be- gins with an equine .show. - The various games, shows and apparatus for all kinds of entertainment are again running In all the parks Past Exalted Ruler C. A. Wenlsch, of Newark I,odge of Elks, was presented last week*' with nn emblem of office by his fellow members Work bas been started on- tbe new dub bouse. rimlra — At the Lyceum IM. Relsi man- ager) moving pictures depicting the scenes niter the California earthquake, attracted a fair-sized audience May 24. "Busier Brown" ployed n retnro engagement 20. Hialto IE. W. iMrConnell, manager) — The following people continue to please* Uorlle Woods. Towuer Hlsiers. Leslie and Sn- voy. James Ii. Prondlove. Hlaltoscope' and Il- lustrated songs. Business Is good. ROHir-K's Tm:.vniK (Henry Taylor, mano- ger).-— The Father Malheur Minstrels (local) played 10 capacity business all last week. the event marking I he opening of Hie Olen Then 1 re for ihe Summer season. Tbe Groto Moral) -will give an entertainment all tbls week, after which the regular Beu.-on will be opened with the Manhattan Opera Co., under the direction of Manager Taylor Cr.tiRiiKiR I'auk (Enoch Little, manager) — This popular Summer resort will he form- ally opened io the public Decoradon Dav a uu 111 her of uew features having been added to Hi? list of popular eotertultimeuts far the louilug seosnu. li-tlen.— At Ihe Majestic (Wlltoer & Vin- cent. moDagers) the Frawley Slock Co opened the pa si week. In repertory, nnd drew big house. It will remain over. Vtica Park (Ar-rara A Ifcmonue. mnaa< gers).— ftaibR Orchestra, dancing and -.on- cert Snnoavs, DRwni ' Mi"*ic Hau. (David Barry, nana- gc.—ihls week: Tllmnn and Davis, Mae Plane. Sadie Branagau, Be-wie Newman Hlancbnrd Sisters. Luhi" LVene, and d"lUe Aurtliers. • •SEFteS P- ■*Ml* formerly manager of ihe Majestic for ShuTiert Bros.. Is at pr«. ent acting u uislueas manager of the Pilu- cesa Thratre. New Vork Xlarv Vau Biire who ban been at naly'a Theatre, New Vork in "( onslii Ijon se." will join the T. Daniel fiStt»*!** ( °- ,llls *■»■*■. «* leadlDg lady Madge Corcoran who has pinyed flu* lei dl rig role, lenves for Sprlngileld. Bm, to Join Tu other stock company. — ia ■ Bln-ghamtoii — White City (Wm Ken- dall, manager) will be op en lo W public for Trenton — At the Taylor Opera House (Montgomery Moses, manager) the advaure sale for "Our New Minister, May 20, pointed to capacity business. Notrs.— Mrne. Sarah Bernhardt will pro- duce "Catnille" June 4, In Masonic Hall Sprlug Lake Park opens 28, with vaudeville. Frank Wlnkfer, the young Treutou musician, who Is rapldlv gaining local dis- tinction, has been selected aa the director of tbe Casino at Sprint*; Lake Pack this Suai- mer. Last Fall Mr. Winkler wan made lead- er of the Taylor Opera Honae orchestra, and for flu- Brat tjme in years, selections l»v that orchestra have been encored by the audlem-es. Manager Moses, of- that- house, was so well pleased with his conducting that he has re- engaged him fur next season. Mr. Winkler ploys several Instruments In addition In lue violin, nod plays tbem oil well. a Pnte-r-Min — At the Family (John J. Hu* bertus, manager) business last week was good. Bill Tor week of May 28: Mr, and Mrs. Nick Hughes. Ruth Ciarnold. Aston ond Wallace. "Riefrled." Tbos. V. Bay. Wil- liam Buse and Ihe cinematograph. r'AIHYLAXD THBATRR i Melville & Schlllt- lielser. managers). — Tills resort o|iened '**, lo large returns. The following comprise Ihe opeulog oh): Pantzer Trio, Gavin and Piatt, Bell aud Richards, Marie Ia* Roy, ■* Namee aud Bertlnl. NitTfi.— The Lyceum cloaed Its regular sea* sou 10. a Jeraey Cltr*— The RiimwII Brothers hid medium hmloess at the Academy week t-uu- lug May 26. The house closed the tegmn seasiin on that dote, The Innocent Hoiai o(Tere*l r very Riibstanttal bill at the Bon Ton. to fair results. ,„. Bon Ton ■• "tt«rt RdTfrtUcd In tun ll.t, *a • •«*l«r« |»UMIf iddrfM'd malt %a JMtfir eftffk'tcUer, and » WtUtaa order for the letter, aliened with the fall aajma oud aiMrca* and the line of haalneaa followed by the leader, ■iriit alio be enclosed. Flease MeHtton the date for naaa- fter) of the CUPPER In whlea the lattara Mat for were BdvcrtlaeA, LAD I US' LIST. Ellfirortb ftrkkaoa, Knutv Rrjrer.- K. ■ A. ■ - JiHemwi .J«ii Kvuns, Lluffv* : ■^■•i- Chfercft Hilnwftils. l*r > l'rancin chwttr r#r«ry, DMr- Artgdl, May , Ae I'M Ixonettu D'lty. MurKolHlnc lHxej, Mniire l>ean, Muble Kvaiw, Bessie Dc Omdi 'and Slieldou Kmns, May Klilua, Helen KtauH. May Krerett, : -llatb Kvatut, l*'lor- ., ■ euco (2c.) 1'inernoB Flor.P I'ltaktrsh, Anna Furtuua ueeelU l-Vti-ayili. Battle Freeman. Flor. Frederick Helen Fowler, Ait."FrfilPric Hyde, Nettle. llanMHi, Marie ball, Kthel Howard, Ktit Holme-), tleacor Hlte, Mnbel lfammoiiil Minf, Hrj;npri"ei. Ola HayuM Hfstrk'p Eiamlltt'n. U. HaKtings Jeenet Liu I'tpj-. - Frieda V. D. KuDtlniton. Marffneritt* Hulls. Violet Bale, Helen Hall, JoKopulne Hooper, Nettle Hsndr, Violet iriltou. Mursle HoiiDHtrood. Alk-e Hathaway Alnin Irlaii, Dell . JolllM. AIUtIlI JonlaJi, Nellie Julian. Iialley JnnFen, Marie .Innea. Ada jHine»m Ormelo Kelly. Mnry Kemper. Dolly Knrr, M.iry Klnc.-Mrtt, H. Keiiiijiloi) Ailelii Kellopg. J/iltlc Kirk. Janetta Keane, Dorla KemiKly. Graee l.nelfer. :.oi:i-p l^wla, : Georgia Varlne, Mrs, Fraok 1.^ Moyite, i ■ Christine f^e, Mamie 1-nTour Beatrice I.nlelta. l.eoti. Klsle T i.f Clair, Loulae Lyle. Nonet le l.iivul Mlait Mile i.iinexka. Jeoe I.oimrJon Rlaniii Lambert, M.unle I.junette Towel' U Blanc Slsterx La Vail, IMil LanrreiKe Marli Laugley. • - Lowl« W. r.i'arn. Lottie i..nn.:i-:.-i. 1. 11,! l.ee. Stella l^alle. ).:- : LaMarr Mlaa B. i.awro'it'.-. Mrs. Win. Mackenzie, May Mlttoii. Amelia Maraball. Made] In '■■■■i '■!'], i,t- Cum Mereer. Either Mltobelh Miss .MurrlKOii. Mite Muywood Adelyu Mortimer i.lllni Maye; Helene Muccolt, Vlnna Mnttin Clara A Mule, Under Moore. Floreoei .Martin Blanche Mil j, Fannie MrAlplne Jennie Madcap. F.mma MIUk. Fmellne Miller Klliabetli Mitrrav, Mrs. W Marttti. t'nl-3 Meek. Annie Miller, BeaKfc '■'■■ ".-;■■-, M. Mitchell. l.'.lUe Milton. Lola Monroe, Reulah Murray Sln.HW M tinning Twin Slaters Monitor Jeaneit MelTiiK Jean .Mar.Hhull Annett Memeyer. Ktliahetb Neville. -Keflltn Nawn, Margaret Klna, — Nk?kerwm. Klltabeth Ogea a, Prince** L"Hart Mra.Jas 't.-erton, Be- ale Paul. Mrt dire I hiker, Renn Fulton. Uracc Pope, Hitllle L'Jiickney, I'lUlbroak, Alice Pepper Twins Uloliar-lH, MayS. Itoblns'jn, Maml ftyan, Carolyn ItmidRll, Floreno RadclllT Mr4:NII Iteld, Mr*. Jack Ray. Mrtf.Jonnlc fioj, Klbvrla Revere Slatern Sbrewanerry. Marg. k l.llllc Straw. Nina S"im*r», IMItbO e'barpIeHx Curab (inthcrlnitd. .... Mtiaette Mcirt-r, Lillian Snrratt, Vnleaka Stctie. Br- Hi Slerens, Pearl Mterllii't. Luclle Koyder, Cap. i^tune. Marlon St. Cltir. Clara >«vtllo, Mr». F. storey, Tena ■Si-lrk. i:iMf Steward. Hatlle Snow, MIsh u. Shannon. May fltone, Amelia Shaw, Gladys Tipton. Bertha Tark, Mm. i~ S. Tyton, Lena Taylor, Belle Trow bridge. Helen IJ."fy. Mm. It. D Van (t:ini|> Itoiia Vi; Injure Mildred Venion, Helen Vpronn. Vera VoUm-Im, Viola Ward. I.ll't.m Wbltrord AnneB Wyckotr. Mra. Freil Walters, Adelald V'lieaton. I .tin West. Ktbel Weaeton. Ura. liddle Williams. Dolty Wugrnfulirer, Mhn* B. Whipple, Bayone WIlmeT. Winnie WcbNter, Margie \\nt;<. Lulu Wynn. BexHle Wanlorf Kvelyn Wright. Kdlth Wlnrott JennyA Webiter. Reatrlec Wenlou Flureuce Watson, • Mm; Cliaa. 1». Webster Blancb v.'i'iiifjL.-. Alice Walker. Mai VuunK, 5Irt«. lidwin Voung. Hi I ma VotmB, Lena fttnne. Ml"- /. Zollo. Mile. Avery, Dan Anderson, Fred An gelt, Joe A I Tin, Mlihael ..-■- i'i i , ' Fred Alien, Ulyeyea AruDitrciig' Limn A Ike. K. W. Aiiama, Fred H Allen, Jolin ArniatronrCIyde Aiciine.il, Abe Alela,- Two Archer tt Cartel Arniatrong Mux Aahton k. Karle Andrews K. C. Alureon Ygnat-Io A heme, George Uowmaii. Fred Barry & Woolford Brown, Ben H. Bailey. J. Barrett, Dan Boer l lint, Tlce Biirgei>» F. Daly BtajMi Alb, !•;. Benulugtun Billy BiFera. Mr. Baaren Ki-ed V. Ilarryjnn. Emllo Buker. C^us. Burrere & Jules Uercer. Ben Ruck, Wn. H. Il:-i;.'lM. M. lln.ei.us, P, R. Wxley, F^lgar (-EVIMJMKVM LIST. Back, sw. i;i Brandt, Al. G. Bertac. CiltTt- ; Beliivml. Harry Barlow .v Nlebun Barlow & Kaue Hell. Pete Brown, Tom IiHriiKr-1 Phil J. Bradford Harry Burke, J. W & • ' NHIeta llrowei-, Walt.S HrookK. Frol Bowera. Krettk. Buckley. H. Cnilg. C. B. Carroll & linker Clarke A Forette Clayton. Fred Conner*. A. J. Clwrry & Batea Carew & Hayea Clnro, ILlUicao Crww. Pmf.M.O Clifton, II. H. Clark, Geo. B. CarltWK 9t ' Huinlltoii Caanri >vDeVerne CiH'nan. Ben C-nie Fjmlly Carew It Hayea Carbt", Mr. Cvwper, Jlmnde Cunning, Ctiaa.fl riaiiiHi-. R. F. BarU-lt. Uarry nianklnahtp, Horace Breton, Ted Urllfcmhi. Mr. A Ura. Barlow, Ram Butt. Alfred Brooks k De Laoe Raker, Joe Bartlnfiton, Kidney Spxaent, tlaude rjaot, Tern l.ilHUHIlMII (l.iN.Jl WH'IHl 1 , Will Carlo-. Clian. iDaniuiun, Carl llarrnn?.ai. Kmll l^rentnnv Rethiiy. Ilerlart Clanahan R.N.M Bnrkliardl, O.'-J. Burgesa F. Daly Burke.' Walt. T. Borrowa. Boyd Blaue, Joe balll* JtFlckett Burke, John llurkc, Chan. H. Aowlett, Geo. Bernnan, Henry BlMolfl, 0. Bramwell, Win. Bell, P«te Bnali, Phil Blselow. Chaa. Baker, Geo. w Bums, Maur. J tiiok, Conlar. F. D. Colby Family Carlo, King Cnrrfttdj, Jas. F Cnakli-v, M. B. ClirUty, Dr. B. Clausen, Wn. Culligan, J. T. Calllcotte. Clyde B. CUITbrd. Nit F. Coi-cla. Aurdlo Cuimfngham WC t;Hr(H'nter. H. L. CufTle Pref.T.L. Cbriatle. Janie* Cbaae, HartddR. Clarke. Ueo. Conser'a Dojra Crowden, H. W. Corpeoler. • J. Fred ('IHIorda, The (onlan. Ji'lin L. t^rennier, Tom Cnllen. W. P. Ohinnwn, K. W. Crowley. J. F. Gtl»e. Henry ' t'miiclipr. W. V. L'arr, Wm. Cornoli. V. B. Cummin.;*, - . ; F. & Kitty '..'•.;■; I l; ii ; & llayfts CsMtid & DeVefn Curew & flajpb ClllTuni Billy K. Clm-e Tommle Carl, -U. A. thai Harold rxmiieliiie JackL D-Mwi(liue. J. W DanleU ChaH.W DeaisMrl c. M. Dome, W. M. Dolil, SlMirty Dutibant. J. Doagherty Alt. De Itoelie. Sir. Djver. J. Mark DlirTy, J. J. Dixon, Henry r. De Bruin. Cleu DuFreaue, Ham Darldenfi. Fred Difkworlli. Kwy Tieliio, I'lilly De Becker. Harold De Vrle*. Henry De Iltwe. Mr. I tore. John De Lavya, The Dsnnel, l-'nmkT lleraro A Curt la Davey APbllllim 1'un.i-t. Jaa. It. Derouile Cheater Duniiel Frank K Delarove, Will Dill. Max Dorriey Joseph Dutton, Wm. Dixie Kerenadra Dimt. t.A. De L.iiH^i (Mag. Boone, A I tea Dumoiid, J. Dldd Dtio De Velde, Bort Drurida, Al Dearer, Fred L. Darling. Fred DeVonde Che»tr Dllliiifin Cliaa.K IHekeit. Kmury Doiy, C. w*. • urury. John Dniiogliiie. J.W. De Renin & Lad ne Donoboe, J. L. Ultlnve, Julian (■jwrsiin, lilllj Klkliicitrti. Will II. Karle. flritliam Frtwln. D. rUlkttte. Kil. T. K»ertt, Geo. W. Krprett. H. G. Etius, Arthut Fh«W. J.-'Boeer Hlrk. Stttni B, Fuller. 11. F Free* HarryW. ramdixwe, A.L Fern, B. Forrester W. (1 I'. ij t'b). Adonis rrankrord Jos. 1 If men & Miller Freeman, FredD Fiftcber, G. U. I'itigerald, J. Fiacher. A. J. riatt, D. W. Flood, Frank A nam i. Fenell, Fred T. Feely. Micky Fleming W.Carl Kabel. Albert Francla Cheatei Fem.t. Joe Feru, HiM-m Flttaerald JaaH Funtera, Felli. Fowlers, Great Florida, Geo. A. Grimes. Artbui GarBelil dias.O. tiorman ft Leonard Grant. Cliff W. Candy. Clark U Gilbert, G. titirln, Karl Grelrier. Arth. (JalTln. Jan. A Guy Hti.H'k Co. Gardner. Dare Greer, James Grant, Cliff W. Usllaifber, Cbai Gordon. Cliff- Canyard, F. W. araiwni. Walt.J Go'irlev, Wm. tirabam, JolinU Green, J. Hdw. Gray. Louis Griese. J. Gllnaeetty Tony Grelner, Arthur Given, AL Greene, (J. M. Uit-Hon. A. W. Ure:iHoii. Wllber i -iirclon. LoufR U Graces, Three Grant. Bldttey Golden, Geo. F. Glboey, Wm. Gulunesn, ChH- (ilcnnoti, John I. Gardiner. Will H Gardner's MPO) GOrdou, MMM Gilllliinrl n. D. Grant. WultcrA Garden A; Kummeni Golden, MackF. t;a fc Ttout, 'Hie Glider Chaa. W Goodwin. Ben tinllliuorc- Arth Gourlay, Wiu. Grodslatky. I sun- Grahaui. W. Hart. Billy Hallen A Fuller Kabiia. J. Holiday. Geo.V IUII. Barton G. Karen, Frauk 1 Klekey, Thos. Hammond, J.H Hendrls. Kills Kamlltuti & Wiley Hon*.-: Henry Hathaway. H. Howafll. M. 0. Halls, Frank L Iltttcb Bros, lluskel. I.'.!-e>- Howartl. Chas. Hull Albert A. Holmes. WtllisT Holmea, F. M Hennluga J. -Ir Herbert. K. M. Henley. J. T. ■ Herliert. Freil T Howard. Paul ■licit, Dan Hanford Cbas.n Ilrani. W. S. Hnrrloiaii. Mose Hurder, W. 11. Hamllui'i Wiley llnudlnl, Harry Ilcft.ni, Tom Hanson. Harry Maawn. Kd. J- Halla. Frank L- llsnson Frank D Holmes, Framdv lloffer, Geo. F. Hnlght & Dean Hnyrteii A- Hayes Ifprljert. Bert Hackney, Clem Hutciiltia, - ■ i Prof. G. D. Kertiert. Bert Hyde. Robt. D- Herbert, Frank llidloa, Cbss i'. Helton, diss. Hangc-oua CM. Hnrt. Billy Herbert. H- Harrington Lew HauiuHfixl. Blllle llaller. S. C. Hlckey, Will H Hasttug*. Ben Kearn, Jnea HerTner NelwnA Hall, IC'jeene J Hilton. Wm. Hsllowell. W.K llop|>er, John Huni|>Ure.vB. Tnomis Henderson. A.C. Huntley Geo. A Hamilton. Totlt llara?. Harry M Hane. Harry K. Hathaway. Frank Hurley Frank J Herk', I. H. t Harts, Mualco) Howard & i Hard-* Honan John F. Howard, Sam Hull, D. R- Hvlt. Geo. H. Hedge. J. Hamilton Ollle I wry. B- Irons, Mr. Irons. W. B. Jacobs Chaa. M. JiKka. Dr. R.M. Johnson Lmanul Jenuer. R. ' Jones. Bennle Jclmson, F. R. Jolmxon. - B. & Liutc Johnson. Carrull Jny. Ollle Jones. ■<*«». Jaekwiri. Geo-M". Judge. Chaa. Julian. Kdwan! JoliiMoif. R. n Jar* is, Bert Ksttmatrolh, P. H. Knill. M. J. KImhall, Hernun Keller. R. O. Kelly, Andy Kennev. Chas. list a. Krneet ll(-blti»on, K. -I'ljaa*. Ol«l ItVtuTfMll. K t '.-«V Prank lloMason -«- • ./ Urant fudcan. A.c. Kimball, Julius Keni>e*ly A . Krans Kelleber, M.J. King. Phil Kulia-Bros.. LI Kenned v, Geo.l. UVIley, Dan A. King. Will Kepler. Gene Keotb, Tooa. J. Kennedy Harry J Kelly. Chan. J. Keere. Mat Kopllu. Albert Kan. Kriir-tt Koltr, C. W. Keanedy, Jsa. Keoton & Lorralni Keller; Geo. Karmout, Chaa. Keltons. Mus. Keebtj Trio Kenny, Geo. X. Kuan- Bros..' 'A Knowlea J. Ha: KIbk, Joacjih Keime-ly Tony Kemble, Georye Klbbk-. Wm. K raise, Wm. Logoe, Jamea ;>-.'.■]-, Oscsr I.ifbert, Hum La Sell, 0. A. Leonard. J. H. Lcjple. John Ijons (Jugxter'i La Mar. Benaon Luna, AL II. I* Iteane Hsrry fjord, Chas. I.titvllt. J. La Crok, Paul l.n-n. Rltcllle Leonard, l"' 1 lio Leeelt, AL Lay, Kd (Drum. Lafayette Lyrlc4 Ijiape. Fred l4onso h Elliott Lemuels. John 1-eReniK Family lang. Frank F. Lowande. Oacar l.iKtei. Alfred l=w Millar, C. C. C McNully. Gus Morton, Joe Murray, Way- ton & Drew Moore, J. J. M )r--. i,' LOU M.1SOU, Geo. Myrkle Clifford Nye, Thoa. P. Nerarroa. — Newhnld, ' Chaa. Nealsiiil. W. D NcImhi. TlKW. II Nye Slack Co., Harry O'Brlcit. Wm. Uwm, J. Kdwln 0|h;I. Harry tii»el. Henry OMver.Dtls Proctor; Lnnls Pr.rla. Otto Ptirher, Fred loiter. H. B. I'llbrara Am.Co- Perrlus. hVtward J. Probst: Mr. Pond. i.. B. ' Payne, Geo. I'rydrs, The Probst. J. A. 1'arklnnon RobT PMTtACt, H. Phllllptne Med. Co. Powell. Mr. k Mrs, J. Pun-la, Get*. B. Pfderaon. Prof. o. M. Panllae. J. It. P«N>le, lloy Pfelfer. C. G. Panl, E. I- Jackson. I. w. Powers A Johnson, Johnson. Cttsa. Jonta, Harrey Jordan. Hurt Jnrk. Jnhn Jntlge, TrNhl Jager Ferttliiaud King. Will Kenny, Chas. K Kelly A lielwr Tbe*jlMld Perry, John H, Piatt, Oeo. L. Pnrker. Bnrt Plsley. O. W. , Patton * Perry MVOlff, Mnrrr Tiinony. John ■Ten .ev.C . Thoniton, Jaraea Tyce A Jermon Tate, Gos Thompson A VI(kK-.| Thomas, W. M. tarner, Geo.- H. ITrgaoaSsl. Geo. Toledo A Cameron Toys. Musical Taylor, Chaa. ThD, Harry Thurher Phil H. Trewr, Edwin Taylor, M, L\ I'ravle, Frunkll Taylor, Clian. Turner. Frank J. Thomas. L. J. Tompkins, Wm, Thompson, M. Taylor tliaa. )■',. TownoetHl. C. A Uhger, Mas l.'nxer. Max Vernon, — Victor. Carl Vsrney Mr. Vlr Vanatta, Victor Verbeek. H. A. Via. Stock Co. VsItoio. Peter Van Bros. WelMQ Troupe, Max Wood. Francis Whipple. Waldo B. Whitcumb Engl' Warren, G. 11. Wateitury. G. N. J"-. ■rajasrlMv. KM Waller*. Krfwlt, Whilesttne. Nat We-t. I Royer Wright. ij~> Wintern. Jos. J. Wlllard. fhlijr Wllaon, James Wei la, J ike Wolf, Jack Weston, a lot White. Dr. Edward Wernts, Dr.E.8 Ward, Tom Welter, J* A. WlBCbentef EL. Wlsa, J. 0. Weaver. Geo. K White, Frank TI Wllxon, Jack Williams, T. H. Wormell. W. H. Wllaon. Geo. X. WlUcsi. M. D. Woodward, - -Harry Wells. Mir. Williams Wot. Walton, 'Art. F„ Warrm A Brock nay Whitfield Jotior WhMgdoodle 4 Wadtlell P AMae Wren, l,en- Our thfdtriccl cotrapoHdfitU hn hcrtby notified that the crrSeitinlM now held hft -fflcm tj-pirol on Viae '/. fhty arc requested to return thctntolhii office at writf, fur re*eiMl for JiKW-Jltr?. "J OHIO. «ooe to St. Lr the Tinvld Hartford Htock Co., week wt-%% "ITie Fatal Card." glren hy this tompanv, drew large crowda- laat week. CnblBKUlt (M. K. Trostler, maoBger). — "A Milk White r'las ' oiiens the Hummer seatioti l.ere week of 26. A new stock -company baa been formed for tbla theatrc'i Bummer ttea- ion. i;it-Lin Avbmib (iKaanHH (Max Kielken- heti?r. maiH^eri. — The aeason here opens. '28, with a week of Creatore, followed by several weeks each of atock comic opera aud urork pliy*. HTAii tDreir & Campbell, uianagertt). — The Aysone IHrls w^ek of 28. ItuperlHl Bur- lesdun-x bid good bolisea week of 'It, \aha Pakx iM. Klwood Haulahury, niaoa- a«r).— K very thing at Luna Is rapidly rouad- inor Irilo sbabe. and raid- tin muicr crowdi are already flocking here. (Jeneral Manager In- geraoll la here for a few diys. getting tnlngs atarted tinder the new management. Kavnffl < H. A. Innifi*. manager).— Hill week of 2H : Hlerena and -Mdrsthnll, Patty llroa., Ferreroa. Ilnwlhnrne and Hurt. Ilndgea and lytmnchmere, Quaker s'ity Pour. Carter nnd Waters 'company, and Klnley and Ildrke. Capacity houses mntlntte. Note*'. — While city caught tire afternoon cf -ti, And >vjg almost cattcely ^oaaumed. _ *y. rlnnntl born apectarle. Is to have Its prrutlne Id Cbattanoogi In June. Over alx hundred people are lo be engager!. Six uountrlfa.cou- trlbute tun congresa of natlooa., Among those recrttlfd are: Mile. Lerla and Helen*} Gerard, of r'ranre ; Hose Wentwortb. (be lloyal Opera Ballet from tbe Umpire, Lum- don : the 'nourldlBg Oofflons. from Bcotlatld : Vandcrbullt and his troupe of clowns And Jester*, the Flying HanvanU, from •Atls- tralla : Abdallab Btn Hamadl and bl*. whirl log ■ Deiv]»in't, from Arabia; (he Imperial Troupe of German acrobats, and I ho Broth- ers Hteck. from fiermnny : i.olo and Ckdo's Italian Band. Hie Pekln /ouave.i. the Tag- girt Family, and the Gaitlldg Gun Squad. of the Find Iteglment, O. N. G., under Capt. Phil. Gannrt. ■ SSooliwicai, GtRDKN (Walter C, Uiapcr. aecrntary). — UarrtNkf'a Ithaca Band opened May ast, ftdlowlng the very successful- en- gagement of Vessella'si Banda Hoaa. Chuhtbr J'ap.k (I. U. Martin, manager). —The Cheater Park Opera Co. will Inaugu- rate the aeaaon of opera In the Hummer the- atre June 1(1. Mtanwblle the home of vaude- ville U open, and tbe newcoraera May 27 will Include : Clayton. Jeuklm nnd Jaaber, the Bergera Slslera, Catherine Maury. l.os La llosaa, and Howlson. (irenada and Fe- dora corjtloue for several more daya. Rital- neas waa very good last week. Ludlow Lauoon (J. J. Weaver, manager). — This Kentucky "iteatity spot" opena 'JT. The succesafiil flight of t lie- "Kagle, Horace H. Wlld'a alrrJdp. a'week ago. was a aort of curtain raiser. Director of Amusements Wil- liam Clark anuonnces these performera tbe M rat week In the Ruatlc Theatre: Harry and Madge De Arams, Barney Plrat. -Ytelte, Weaver and Lambert, end Vrevoll. tho Mya- lerlrj'i*). These new concesalona have been added : The circle awing, the house of mirth and "the tangle." Fair Japan has been en- larged, and a .ntinilwr of tJalshn girls add to us uttractlveneas. A Pullman Juurlat car and electric tbcatre arc other added uovel- tlei, and new pleasure craft will be found on the lake. L'ONMN iHbA.Sf) 'L. 'P. Andi'rsoo. niftiiHKpri. — Syrian Tempi", Nobles of tbe Mystic Xhrhir. pry tbe lid -off *jh. and ueit flrierboon (be season will be fairly on. Itoy Knabenahue. Ihn navigator of -tho air, under tbe direction of Charles J. Htrobe), of Toledo, will: take the Arrow far Into the ambient. At tbe vaude- ville (beat re. on. Luke Como, tbe Toaalug AnKtiBs. i'lptnr Romeo, llalp.v and Marly. Burt K. Melburo, and Sanders, Dean antl Haudera will be seen end betil-d. Columbia theatre (-M. fi. Ahdetson, umu- ageri. — The season closed So. after a week of fair biisliii-fch. Tbe aeasou at this Iioubc has been most proiilable. Pkoplk'h (Hubert Heuck, mausger). — Tbe season came to h melting close 20, when the Cituipbcll-I>revr aggregation, the Aveuue Girls, said farewell. Tut; ObEUN.-^-Tecln Vlgna's pupils gave a recital 21. and Mra. It. II. Hawlliiga, Sublhe Well, Katherlne TaM> Craven, Helen Slon-ls, Alma PatlerKon, Corlriue sti'vena, Stanley Hao{,'hmnii. Monica Butkamp, Gertrude John- son and Mrs. G. A. Surlogmcler were the tiHrtk-rpants In an iffair that was given a arge musical 0. K. walnut Btrbbt Tiihthk ( |L C. Ander- koq: manager).— The St. Xnvler Alumni A«- Koclatlon gave a dramatic entettalnment. 24, for tbe beaeflt of tbe Jesuit College In Cali- fornia, shattered by tbe recent earth njiinlfe. "Mr. Valeolloe's Christmas" and scenes from "Tbe Rivals" were glveo. Simon A. Batduv John P. Murphy, Dr. Thomas, B. Hart, Henry Healy. Henry A, Baroburn. William A. Byrne, William B. Afbter and William T. Ifluns were In (he casta. About $700 wih realized. Huhmeb Chat.—C. Viola Hopkins, a Cin- cinnati girl, ind graduate of tlie College of Music, who Joined "It Happened in Nord- liintl" during L«w Fields' engageuieiil berp, goes with -lfeni-y W. Niragenext aeison us one of his coprnno prima: donnas. Hhe Is (he duugbter of A. M. Hopkins, tbe newspaper man, and has made ratild strides In tier cboien profession Coney Inland Las a new up-town office — uoroetbing nnw In ibe Hummer- amusement line FJtaKerr, who came here with the Yorke and Adams com* pany. became (he bride of Charlea W. Mutt- nell, bead stage carpenter of the Metropolitan opera Co. They were married by Itev. Itobert Ugllvlc Klrkwood. of the First Walnut Hills I'resbv. tartan Church. Both Join "Feast and Fury, the spectacle put oul by Henry 91. Zieglerand bis associates In (ho Cldrlnnatns Spectacle Company Louis Foster, treas- urer of tbe Great MoiKbem Tbealre, at Coluni- bna. 0.. Is home for the Summer, and w|U be found at bis old post— tbe Coney Islam! ticket offlr*. . . ..The ClnclnnalLAd. Writers* Club Is to bftrve an outing at Cheater Park May :il Scok smsir la Kill chief or Ken. Publicity 1 *! Mtalt at Coney Island.,. ... I; C. Kchmldt is ihe press representative at Chester Park this year, and a good one William. I. KomVs Military Band Is coming to the musical front, and will be heard tills season at the '/ao i I/atonla and Hurnet -Woods Anna belle Bu oily Thomas baa PROUD OF OUR RESULTS. jWlfarCiileasing over ;i thtaiSand tuatoinersHJvo^y week, charging them about half ihe price other tailors are asking for high, clas«,;M|loring. Selection of Bfty styles of imported cheviots and blue and gray serges. Suit, to order, $2i"i. Coat Slid Trousers, $21. Must be satisfactory to you or they remain here. Can we send samples and our illustrated booklet, " Klogauce at Moderate Cost " V ARI%IHEim, • BROADWAY and M.Vlll StTUKKI, \K.\V YORK. Work was iielng mailed for Ihe o|ienlug on Ihe following day. when Ih some unartoiin; able way lire broke out In one of the hultd lugs. Four or live- of (he workmen wen> •rerhtualy Utirhvd. President lloyte lutaii'tll- alelv kpl a large furtv of workmru lo work clearing away the debris, its It la tbe In- lentlon to- rebtitld at. unce Fredrrdk lrigeiKotl flaletl lasl week that his "Mexl dome" opena In Mexico City July I. This Is Mr. Ing'.-iMill's own project, and he expect" hlir returita. It will be similar to his Ltmt Park Here. tuition. At lite (lj-and Opera House fat c. Barlifr, manageri Dodiatader's MlDatndn. \.hv '21. did tfuod btiBtfifcta. as did Hlclmrd Carle, liti. Viola Allen had advance sasur- ance of large patrdbage for *JS, cloitltig tliu most aiurt'SHftif season In (he history of Hie house. I'AiiK 1'iiKAi'iu, . i L. It Cool, manager), • TWt beautiful tlieatrp was Jusi compleled 1» lime for (be opening 27. The houso Is ruir sldered by good Judges to be one of the finest In the. country, and has a yeadlng rapacity of 1.S0K, wHh.atige and et|iil|inieni .«■ fltic as I'oiild be secured. The open! bg hill cou- sistcd of the Broomstick Witches. Xlska ami Kink', tieyers and Hei-rmaiiu, Will Dockray. ntnl Ihe llfeugrapli. llijoi; Tuna rut: (Thomas & Polls, inarm- P:era>. — vatiduvllle, moving plclurca and II- nst nt led .to figs corjllutie lo draw aoml crowds The- house .was recpnlly Imprnvetl by Ihe .iddUlon ol foiillog opera clialra. NoTtsa. — The Bnrnum 1 Bailey Shows had big crowds -'."- The CAiiton-Akroit St. It > han es|vntirii *;,(i,nno upon it* Meyers Lake icon, iddklhg It unc of iln- niosi nt- irncllve Htinlrnet' resot-ls In ihe Middle lYgal, ....L. B. CM!, manager of die Meyer Luke Park, will aaiuuie the uinnagumenl or Mic nsw Keith vaudeville bouse, now building, in Altiioua. Po. colnmbna.- At the Ulfll Koiitberit Tlic «f it* (O. M. llpffrier, manager) "The Olrl wltli tbe Ureen Kyes" was preaenled by ilio VhukIiu tllHwpf Stock Co. during Iln second week, tibd pleused fairly good 'homes. Week of Mav 'M, "A Lady of guallly." OLKNtANUY PAIlK I W. W. lTusser, llllltl flier). — The bill. for week of L'l pitived to he a wlntittr, playing to good houses the pntlrp week. It conalata of: Harvev and Duipiiii, I'lorettco SauDdrra, Clark's doits mid ponies, Ihe Burkes, I'ost and Itiisaell. »lskiiaiu( King. Bill for week of JH : liiinbar'a gmtta, Xliinil and Butttelle, Alfred Andcriou, Harry Hotter and company, Levlne aftd Leonaril. Zimui Keif. Hlg. IloaaH's Naval Iteserve Hand will ilttlflC Notk. — Indlaitnla I'mk opened. L'il. Us HP'aaon, In a blaic of glory. Manager c. I-:. M Ilea offered ah an open air attraction George and Harrington, fiddle Ulchter, for- merly Ihe advertising manager of Ihe High Btreet Theatre, nnd Dick St, John are the advertising .managers for the. park. Atli-Hc- tlon for week uf JH, lbr>Thi-t!e Flying Zm-I- lars. Toledo— At the Valentine (OHi Ktttw, matiagir) "Tbe Student King." Muy lit, whsh hlg succesa. Lvcklm (Fraok Burt, manager).— Tim stock company piuducPd "Kratistntk," In sitt- Infylng results. 30 and week. "For Fnlr \'lr- gltila *i7 and week. Hunan (Aim- Mbaplro, mnuuger). — Kava HydtW* LunitO'i Belles, -<) nild week, drew good patronage. ARi'APK 111. II. Lamkln. mauagpr).— The Uvlngstuue Stock Co. o|ieiied 2(1, with "Thpl- ma." and the members are making oiiinv friends by (heir fine work. "Du Harry" 27 and week. Caninu (Otto Kllvest miinnaer),— Mitckuys Luroppun Circus 27 and week. .Votk.— Carl U a gen heck's Greater Hliows appear bare ill). -'■■' n t ■ Akron.— At Lakeside Casino (Hari-v A. ILiwu, manager) Alke Alva anrt tbe Tusslug Austlna were feafurea of a kuihI hill week of May 21. Fur week of 2N : Josuphltic UHNsuiau and [ilckaolnnles, Harry Kdson and dog, "Dor-t"*. Inaea and Ityan, the Four Manclng Harrises, Kdlth Doyle, and tho Arnwelii pic- tures, Colonial (Uly S. Hill, inanagen.— Hock- slader's Minstrels bad two lilg bouses 2d. Howe's pictures 27, "Tlie Clansman" 28. Nutkn. — The staff of lakeside t'asltio: Harry A. llawn, manager: Ouy Cnlleiie, treasurer; M. It. Himinoiiii-ef, advarilslng niKnager; Ivmi Brown, stage manager^ and Walter Araweln, 1 picture demotistriilor Haruuin & Unlley Circus drew two big crowds IM. : Nn ml ti«k>. — At the (Jiand Onera House (Hingler & Hmllli, inantigersi "The Mayor of loklo" was the closing allracllon of ihe season at this house, ^lay 24. Owner .lobu A. iflmmrieh; will couvei-t Ihe Ifieuhv Into a ground floor housp this Summrr. '■KIM II I'ni.s-r Pl.HAHUNK liKMdltT (tJl'O. A, Bufckliog, manager).— The Summer HPasiip opens June :t, wlih (ha followlua: vuiirievllle hill : Collins and LivpIIp, Thin and Mae Uor don, itcrHTic Slaters, Palmer and Julsuit, and Ulgnur Betlone. a — — — Vnniigniui n — At Ihe Idora Park Casino Theatre (K. Stanley, manager) (he season opens May 27. with Alice Alva, (hi! l-ti Bella Trio, the Famous Helm Children, Krotore, and Millard Brothers. Avon Park (Jos. W. Wess, manager).— Thla resort opem 27. with Clink's troupe of performing dogs and ponies. Florence Haun- dera, (he Maxamhh Tiuo, lh^ Jupiter liros,, and Melaotie-Lanole Trio. KONEPAUUIt ft HBIJ.H BltOK.' ClllCUH 'M. 4 i i t'lAH. Mali Lake (It* — At baltitlr lleach U. K. l«angffird, manager) Harah Bernhardt, hi "i.'amHIe," did goial bustiieNs Mar 21. fiuAM* til. J. KiddPll. uauagen.— "Knolis o* 'innimasee" did good lutsluess 2li-'-':i. Ijvkio (Wm. (itilney. nidnugcr>.— The Cali- fornia (*lrls did good business week or If). tlni'HKILM (P. K. MacLcitii, illrctoi i ■ The Orplieuin Slock Co. opened for (lie Hum. mer aeaaon In "Tbe iiitl I Left Behind Me," to good btraineas, cabiwq I'ArtK (Wm, Oulney, manager). -- This rcanri. formerly Utubna Pork, opened May l?:i. for the Summer aeaaon. wllh /inn'-t MiTry 'I'ravcsty (?o.. In "Teeiy Weejty," to good liusiness. ■ -^»» Harrv S. IIickaKph, bualnoMi manager fur "Arizona," sailed for Hngluud May -.iiN.r|l.-t |-«rt,li„«.in ■' Hl.i.jKlin-1-H-hlil..l.M .KtriM ' U \ •bTta. ,i:. NX'.tinluM'fcinfri I..' OUnkfl Rill Kf-y.«!C'« ShCljp.a.t-. II-,:,!.,. .I'I " -inj!: .n"r,!ri! h.lH.1 1 . Ilnhl^r rnwbw. .>•" N»w«'m«lryhiibfMl..W ('».[,( IHIHiiuinl.'"' "' '»■]■! M*J»t C1H....I.H1 (-■I-: IViiis-n. ..W " I'tHlUUrnmrttn .VI '--iMli. M" Mtl'l«iltnS«iMlti. t 4.«i '• BrHl'*.I.W» r.i..l,y-[-.IM,ljHlM ,1 Bynnda. HI St'W ^Ull fimrtit* .-.'1 HC, v. - - lUau 'l.'Vl ]!|,..T.. 1 1. . ml,. * hull-... • .-« fHtmn frill 1.1.15. Awn 11 *.';,v.lln(i.f„l,. I '.'- "— ptWl " Mf « Kit ' t«thr.I-UllHt/«M. I J ana h.'ntl, nrw„, l/lt I A1f* IM.pH* . |Uii»ltil«| rataloyiw. full uf valuthl* lofoiOTitlw ■tlhn»l »l|..lMri(* .i.J r.t-lli>rl,'a. niailrn 1 1 .inl" 'Hjifil.) fHANCIbnANNEKMANr,nOlBro«rtway. Naw York _ lAf.}t*d.*lti iHlk* M-rWii. '.'..... IW,„I ,|«4l»M '•'--<•. t" f*) I'i Attn {•* tlomni^—i'j Art" ■■ llttotifxvi', finlunmHI, BASEBALL AMERICAN LEAGUE. AM. LEAGUE PARK, Wlih wahiii.vijtov K,, (ii, :m, TO. Willi PHILAD ELPHIA. M M) HI. .Iuii. I, J NATIONAL LEAGUE. POLO GROUNDS, wm, min.iiai, .!„„,. i, n, ), (,, RACING. WE8TCBESTEB BACIN6 ASSIf. BEUMONT PARK '111 '41-.>1>IIK ». I. I, R, R, 3illi Si, ferty. 424 THE STEW YOEK CLIPPER; JtWE 2. aCak -minute car line connection with NKW DKCATl.tR. SHEFFIELD nnwlng populntlon. 2n.oon. I.wated he- tween Tl SCI'MKIA, only two miles distant, and FLORENCK. only four miles. Big manufacturing Indoatrles, with Rood payroll. Bill all three, places, and draw nicely . A Bin manufacturing centre. Holds fourth ploci of any city la Sonlh of tonnage export Monthly payroll now bolf million. Only tht. ntre Iwween Birmingham and Atlanta. Draw- ing population, 3t',.nu0. OXFORD onlj throe miles. Quick electric car connections! ALL of the above cities are LIVE ONES. Have excellent electric oar system*, giving special service show night*. Railroad connections convenient. Are In Al financial ahape and prospect* for business coming season better than for many years past. Want to play only first olass attractions. KLAW tfc EBXAKCrBB. Representatives, Mew York City. I LOOKS GOOD? THOS. P. L1TTLEJOHN, Manager, Decatur, Ala. A FEW OF THE LEADING FEATURES \A/|f ^s] TW 4 PAW & SELLS BROS/ UNIT ED SHOW H*j A TC I I'M «*\T A * © VM - 'M'lii Tim iiirw iiuv of m ATS Urn OTA S WM.E.(BUD)60„MAN Kill ESTIII AN DIKE! TOR. PAI0B5 JAPAHESE TBOOPE. OSCAR LOWaNDE, H'orM'a Champion Konifrrtaull Hltlr>r MOR. L OWANDB FAMILY TALLY 110 ACT. 5 DUNEDIN TROUPE 5 World's Pamons AttUllc 'Cyclists. THE FLYIN6 LA VANS NETTIE CARROLL, oama or the wire, 'i'he Lilt I*- Fellow On (lie III,). Ladder, Joseph La Fleur, Novelty, Whirlwind. Acrol-alli- Heiisailoii. The 3 De Boliens, FllKVt II Af'RUDATN, At Liberty Dee. I. NKW CIlMKIIY ACT. MMSH I.N IINK. FRED ZOBEDIE, The lui'omtiaralile lliind llalanrcr, with Ills •11.11 sl.llll! FOR I.IF1-;. Jfllin-L.WI'ASTtR anil IIA.WARII-MiukI Comedy creator. High Hcliool llouestrlettiie. INVADIIKVILI.K NKXT WINTKII. Ask I.IIUIH PINrl].-. Willi MIIRBIS. FRED ECENER, Up_to Dnt« Ol-OWN BARTO i and RALDON The Brealesl ol All Movelty Equilibrists. GEOR«E and PAULINE KIM) Eccentric Comady Sketch aid Drum Soles. TneGORNELLAFAMILY America's Famous Acrobats, BECKEY DANIELS, Kn|[land's Ur.af.et Kqaestrlenn., E. GAERTNER, Gentleman Juggler. f«d WEIiCOME and 4 PAW P«n Kill UMBHIKT. GYHNANT. In a Net*- and Novel Art. wmTHE JEUNETS »arie A( HOUAIN, Head and Hand Balnnrera. WM. TESSIER, UK AL) BU.AMHII, TRAPRZK AND « IKK. BAKER, DEVOE and HAHJHER, A TRIO OF At HOII ATI! LAUGH LOOSES KHS. Wi. LARUE, Ft'UnTV IV AVD OUT. Willi OR WITIIOVT. THE 3 C0RELLIS, COMEDY ACT. THE CLIFTON SISTERS Singers and Character Dancers. ALEXANDER HOLKOW'SKY'S GREAT RIM4X TROUPE, S1M.KICS, MUSICIANS AND WIRI.DW1ND DAM KHS, ISV1TK8 OFFKHN FOR JEST NKABOJi. , SOD LETTER HEADS SIZE, 8*xll; PRINTED COMPLETE, TOO ETHER WITH HALF TONE PLATE From Photo You Furnish, All For $3.25. Original and Special Designs to order. Send for samples. Bemember we make Half Tone Plates, Bias, 3x3 Inches, for 75c, KNOXVILLE EN8RAVIN9 GO., 315 HAY ST., KNOXVILLK, TENS. THE CRACK SHOT PISTOL, GYPSY QUEEN TALKING FORTUNE TELLER, GET MARRIED MACHINE. kii NEW, ALL WINNERS, AND READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. SLOT MACHINES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. F. 8. ZIMMERMAN, 5 E. 14th St., N. Y. PROCTOR'S ENTERPRISES. F. F. PROCTOR, Sols Proprlitor and Mimoar. 7 BEAUTIFUL THEATRES 7 Utrvulrd to Henut-d En tertMluiuem. rruriur'n Sib Av«, Theatre, Prootor'a leHd 81. Theatre, Prootor'a oXtu St. Tbratre, 1'rurtur'a lltfitii St. Theatre, Prorlor'a Newark Theatre, Praelort Albany Tbt-atre, Proctor'., Trey The- atre, -i PROCTOR'S STOCK CO. Best Fiats »d Best Vao.nlll., IHSTRUCTIONS TO ARTISTS BOOKED: »»5 plot of acta; complete "prop" Hit; correct light Plot; If you opea or eloM la om; EXACT time of acta, aad of "dote Id;" bill- Kiirope'c Mont Nenmilonal Ari-oliailn Nnveltv- Hnw Baoklnc fbr Nnxfl Heaaon. Hole H>-nrft«»intlve. AL. HI!T1IKRL.\NU. H«. .la me» Uldg, New Vork«^H|-. NOT ICE. TTTE 4 PAW BASEBALL CLUB CHALLENGES ANY" CIRCUS TEAM (PERFORMERS) IN THE WORLD. , Adilrt>an II, ft. LAMK1N, Mf|r.. in per ttouir. will THE AI^I>EiVNr«S joe AUSTRALIAN COMEDY DOUBLE HORIZONTAL BAR PERFORMERS, * .IN I HK1K URIGINAL Air. "FUN IN A GYMNASIUM" Klnt Claii Aula lor THKATKKS, PAKKS auil PAIRS. (il'KS T1MK JUNK Sa, Adtlraaa' ■ ■ REVERE 1I0IIHB, VHIOAUO, ILL. SUMMER STOCK, LAFAYETTE THEATEE, -"S^. VATDKVILM-: At'T«*. l*HUI>r< 1.1(S WD i HUHl M GIRLS. Sr-a...ii Openi. .Inn* 4 . llaheanaU -tart tluv 1*. Ailnreaai W. V. JBN NINON. Manaaer lloplaHn, WV-k 4l,Nitii -Tl.t-ii.iK, TtiTrtulo, (hii ii tin: nfiti i lint I.nlaj * lie l iifalrr, HnfTulu, N.% GORTON'S MINSTRELS WANTED, for Coming Season, TO OPEN JULY 9, HAKI'I l>» E HIM. Kit to Doubt. Troillbo.lr III Mr,.l. TAVO OIHID HTHONO BVSI- ftRHH I'llHNET.s, mf. EI I'llllMI M iiikI ONE HASH PI.AVEII. Pl.ainl r Voiln.i*a lUlnatBrla, No. add E. nil, St., >. A . t il y. "REALLY I THINK YOU'RE AWFUL NICE" Tlielit'si leamor (hiiiith-i wutizi-vi'r writti'ti. wi> wahip tlmeiuiil money tellloft taa vtIw ban Ming It uud what Ii hati doiir wlicti 4«'. In riDimpi will lirlnir you prof. ropT hiuI oroh. ii yon are In the bii-i- hr** > IHta't in i (T<1 iliinti if" l>t fur 4c. SOUTHERN MUSIC CO., Memphis, Term, SONG-POEMS AND MUSIC IMUL.IHIIKU OS IIOVAI.TV. Wp wrlie Muolr Xa your tvardrt. Intrixliice i no pular I rx. SemllnMSS. I'i tpr I, v 11 III Sl< I'l'll. tO.. Mi Mr iiii, No. (V9 Dearborn HI., (hlraffo. Soutorett< Kltll'l tlltllilVAl, DRHIUNH, |d«.UU aad ttd.SU. Bend fur hand colnrrtl itlatra ami in?ai«iirenient t;ard, atatlng nolor preferred. WOI.KK. KiiHUIMl . LEW BLOOM and JANE COOPER \ Z Funniest Sketch in Vaudeville. ....Vvm^'p.. I HAVERLY'S MASTODON INSTRELS WANT MINSTREL TALENT OF ALL KINDS FOR MEAHOH OF 1000-7. « CoBiedfaDa for Print-ipal and Inolde Buds, Inter locator, VocbIIsib, Comedy Musical Act, Novelty Arts, Union Carpenter, Klectrhian, ikiog Hook Man, Leader and Mns*lcians for Band and Orviiemn. Prefer- enne niven Performers douiiling HaiaV State lowew salary and full particular* Drat totter. We do not pay lioard. Show openu early in Auitiin. AddreM all commnnlcaUona to FRBD 1>. FOWI.ER, Ugr. Haverly'ft Hlnstreta, rare of w. E. NttiievtiieN Attractions, Room- 3 and 3, 1432 Broadway, New York City. Personal Interviews from . to -I only. Moving Picture Paper SAN FRANCISCO FILMS. DONALDSON LITHO. CO., NEWPORT, K,. Just Full of Ideas A SMALL BIMMf IN I'll,: Bin HOUSE REMICK'8, 40 W. 28th St. ED. ROSE writes ACTS LOOK FOR RELIABLE PEOPLE. Parodlra, 4 Abaola). K.ork- ■aaaa oa ah. traiy laieai laiia. Automatic Electric Machines. What our Customers invariably say: "The ROOVEBB' AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC MACHINE 1b the best on the market." Send for circular. HOOVERS BROS., 100 Sehermer- horn, St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Medicine Men Do yon want toliantlfa a modem, up lo date f. Addre t* r. C. MRLROSK, ColiimtuiH, Ohio. 8IX MONTHS' ENBAQEMENT PiiyiiiK every nitrtit, at union pru e-. Can UMrHolo Cornet, Trap Drum.", It-flat tin**, K-tlat llaM, Pari' tone, Knii-tmi-m In ihe army for ibree yeara. uoort chance for promotion for good mi ml elan?, Only ROher, reliable, unmarried men need apply. CR8ARK T0KH1 Kl.l.O. Hand mmier, 2Bth Inlaulry, Kon Sjiq IIouhIoh, Texa PEPPER, Box 33, WlUlamwporl, Vk. OPF.MVf. BILL, '•DOWN BY TllE HEA." ACTS and CHORUS GIRLS I yarn all Hindi of acH far weelta J i:nr 4, 11, ML TH FATRK ROYAL, Montreal. Cao always me gooil ChoniH r.lrh. Wire nr write quick. Thnne who wrote Iwrore. wrlle araln. CI.IPP W. OHANT, Theatr. Royal, Montreal, Caa. Paoific Coast Amusement Co., SULLIVAN and CONSIDINE, Ownlnc ami operaUnn ao Klrat Claaa vanclcrllle Theatres tisl, S'ortti vre.t anil Weat. ^ijsrr /a. T'kT'T^Tr* aTa> " "" UraM . HaW class acts op all kiniis 801 f Mgg>| mSSSU 0NKEN,» wI'SnT^VoV^CHAS.WRAV. 2W Anwricati llinc Build. Seattle, Wash.; CHRIS. 0. HROWN, eis. Clark Mr., Chk-ftgo: AR0J1IK l-EVT, til Rddy St., Ban Vranclsro, d\, • » • FILMS. FILMS. FILMS. ££Pai !£!5aSL9S JflS ° r " !•" M " v m« Plonre service, with Macnine and Operator (or wlin S2J g plclliroai»al., fa 3LO June 2. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 425 cum a mo, it com ra rr. cuss i run, it ram rn rr. EDISON Films and Projecting Kinetoscopes Eikllltloi H«M Hiitosco,., $ 1 1 5.00. Uilwul VoUl Kliitsucpi, $75.00. .RE TBI BBCOOniEED ITiilDAHIII TUROUGHOIJT THB WORLD. OUR LATEST HEAUUXER, LIFE 0FJLC0WB0Y DCAI COWBOY8 AND INDIANS nril ifCHL BRONCHOS - STAGE COACH litflL k STIRRING WESTERN DRAMA IN MOTION PICTURES. SYNOPSIS OF SCENES: The ' _. "Big Horn" Saloon — Meeting between Hero and Villain— Entrance of English Tour- ists—Initiating the Tenderfeet — Collection for Salvation Army Lassie— Arrival at the Ranch —Cowboy Sporta, Trick Riding, Throwing Lariat, Wrestling— Departure of Stage Coach from Ranch — Attack by Indians — Running Fight (3 scenes) — Capture Stage Coach and Ab- duction of Girl — Indiana Escaping and Covering Trail — Arrival Wounded Stage Driver at Ranch— Cowboya In Pursuit — The Fight — Thrilling Rescue of Girl from Madly Galloping Hone — Reunion Hero and Heroine— Death of Villain. So, 0*39, Code VAVASSBUR. Length, 1,000ft. Clan A. (150.00 OUR LATE8T COMEDY HIT,' THE TERRIBLE KIDS SEND FOB ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR No. 283. He. 0345, Cod. VULT.VOK. Length, 600ft. Clai. A. 190.00. SAN FRANCISCO DISASTER THIRTEEN SELECTED SUBJECTS, Intensely Interesting-Photographically Perfect. NOTICE: Xhb> E>r>i»o:v FILMS At. aclv.r.ally admitted to fae aap«rlor t. .11 other., thui verifying ear predic- tion of three weeki ago. We have been compelled to work oar plant overtime PAKORUA, H.OB BILL ADD BUINS OF aULLIONilEE BESOEHOES - - A. 75ft. PAROBAaU BDIN8, ABI8T00RATIC APARTSENT3 A. 100ft. PAHOBAIA, CITY HALL, VAH NESS ATE. AMD COLLEGE OF ST. IGNATIUS - A. 80ft. 7EBTICA1 PAHOBAIA CITY HALL AMD SCERODNDLNGS - - - - A 80ft. EAHTHQDAKE RUIKS, HEW IAJBBTI0 THEATRE ABU CITY HALL • • A. 55ft. EXPLODED GAS TANKS, D. S. HINT, EMPOBI PM AND 8FBB0ILE8' BDILDDrO A. 130ft. BIRD'S EYE VIEW FROM HOPKINS ABT INSTITUTE • - ■ • -A. MB. BODIS OF CHTHATOWH 2 A. 105B. ABIT PACK TRAD? BRDHHNQ S0PPUB8 - - ■ -^ - - A. 105ft. BUINS BULLETLN BUILDING, CALIFORNIA THEATRE AND EVENDfGIPOST A. 65ft PANORAMA NOTORIOUS "BABBARY COAST" A 185ft. DYNAMITING 80018 AND RESCUING SOLDIER CAUGHT IN FALLING WALLS A. 175ft PAHOBAIA RUSSIAN AND HOB HILL FROM AH AUTOMOBILE . - - A. 140ft Send for Latest Cataloit. and Illustrated Circular.. EDISON MANUFACTURING CO., MAIN OFFICE and FACTORY, ORAROB, >. i. ChleaaYO OtUce, 304 WabaMh Avenue. New York Office, 81 Union Sqnnre, Cable Addreaa Zymotic, New Tort OFFICE POM UNITED KINGDOM: 25 CLERKENWELL BOAD, LONDON, E. G. ENGLAND. RPII.IHO »0PWT9 ■ THE KINETOOBAPH CO.. • - 41 E. 21it St., New lork. O Mm i tl W ngm 10 . peter BACIOALDPI, 1107 rillmore St., San Frand.co, Cal. HAVE YOUR MUSIC PUBLISHED ON ROYALTY Send u a good poem, s, good melody or a complete work. We bars no favorite writers, All have equal chance. All letters answered promptly. __ PIOFtlCKR MTJ8IC PUBLiISHISO COMPAHY, HOP Manhattan Bldg., CHICAGO. Netle* -bo tVlers. of Opera Housos Through Mass. and aRortn., AND FIRST CI, ASS PARKS. 1 hare the great original San Francisco Disaster Films. Also earn SonglllDsralor and Moving Picture Machine. Address JOSEPH DTtEWTEB, HT Conn St., Sc wart, K.J. Beautiful Cities of Gold A TOUCHING STORY IN SONG. PRICE Mo. PER COPY. SPECIAL PRICE TO MUSIC DEALERS. CIIAHLKH B. JMUOHK, OEUTEKVI LLE, SO. DAK., ROOTE HI. FUNK & OllSrf^S MeYlCKBB'g THBATUB, Chicago, 111. Tolepjon*— Central. 004. Smd for CataUtna |%| ■ If (A For Stock Coapules, for Repertoire Coipaaiet, for Aaatean. MM II flB Wg ^^V LARGEST ASSORTMENT IK THE WORLD. Books for homo amnpe- r^ m MB W JtA ment, Negro Plays, Paper, Scenery, kin. Jarley's Wax Works. Cat*- & kH H MB loguo Freel Free) Freel ■ — ■ ■ ^P B AJoTPBlI. FRBWCH, It W. »»d It., Maw York. I V q»A PADL TAU8IQ ' S BZ0BU6B OFFICE, I A TU 104 East 14th St., New York, German Savings Baa III rimilDr Building. Telephone, 20W Gramercy. Cable ad III KUasUr.fi dress, Slaceslg. All printed matter and tar. free. UNITED STATES . AND FORE IG N And make yon a fortune. Ifyon have a PLAY, SKETCH. PHOTO, ACT, SONG or BOOK that Is worth anything, yon aboard copyright It. Don't take chances when jou can secure MMQ Iceiat small cost. Sendfor oor SrtUrU. OfTCX 10 ISVINIOKS before apptjing, for a patent. S *w'" MP J— . wWWWOOI. em paients sent fRtf. We advise If patenta- ble or not. FRE£. W« Incorporate, STOCK COMPANIES, Small fee*. Consult as. WORMtllE A VAN MATER, Cpl.nal. Cop>rl«»t ( F.tr.1 C tat. WASHr*TOH,D.C. PHILADELPHIA Reached best by the New Jersey Central READING SYSTEM Tsurj itibt norn aid oi thi bocs Fwel Tim e Bock Balls** liUapajb Plahag Service HOI* DOES YOUR CANDY PRIVILEGE PAT? THE FAMOUS CRACKER JACK Packed so It cannot become nnulable, and oar fi and 10c. package candles will greatly laoreaae Its value. Inform ma worn yon bold at concession and we will tend samples and prices, E UEGKHEIE BB08. & B0K8TEDI, 348 80. PEOIU A ST., CHICAGO. ISOUVEHIRS vv FREEI SEI S H ELLS, SHELL NOVELTIES. SHELL HAT PINS. BEAOS. BE10 GOODS, WIRE ARTISTS' SUPPLIES. TOOLS AND M1TERULS. LARGEST ASSORTMENT. LOWEST PRICES. WE ME HEADQUARTERS, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS. ] 4,M ' 7 Chicago I Tl Bl MOft Dsirbotn SI. I MAGICIANS GET A FEW "HEW OSK«." YOST A COMPANY, Ml Filbert St., (Established 1870), Pblladelpbla. 4a- Sew Enlarged Catalogue (or Stamp. Spangles, .1.00 Fer Pound. Cotton Tlgbts, pair. $1.00 Worsted Tights, pair. 2.00 Plaited Silk Tlgbts, pair 2.M Seat Silk Tight*, 9 loob cotton tops, pair 8.00 Cair, Tblgb and Hip Paddings. Gold and Sliver Trimmings. TDK BOSTO.. KEG.U1A CO., 387 Washington 8t . Boeton, Maaa.* UNIFORMS UU, mUTABV, HI'STIEL OUTFITS CAInTVtL COS., USHERS And AU Otbera tol hr UTAIM. Utiim nil wuic. Special Ittntlia Gives the Proftisln Western Uniform Go. ' 314 8. CUM BT. CHICAOjO Do You WAHT MILITARY GOODS ? BARD TTHIFOBHH, ABHY or NAVY SUITS. TESTS, OOK8 and EQUIPMENT OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. Prom Government Auction. Ho matter what yoa want In tbat line 1 cad ■apply It New or second band, send for OataUoglM. B. B. ABRAHAH8, XU South St., PbUadolpbla, Pa. Learned by any man or boy at borne; small oosL Stud to-day 30. stamp for particulate and proof. 0. A.8mltn, Box C, 3040 KnoxvlDe Arc. .Peoria. ID. Flue tragical Apparatas, ILLUSIONS, TRICES, Etc. Orand End ot cantor., fall. Illustrated. BOOK CATA- LOGUE, at, (re. by duu. Catalogue of ParlortrlOl. frat MABTISKA A CO., Mfrm., ulslxlbAre.,1. T. MANUSCRIPT PLAYS iS3l44 LA.SALl.ES' it 23 9 9P Brief Experience of the Skidctoo Brothers In Society, The Latest Biograph Comedy Hit. "THEY CALL ON. THE ASTORBILT SISTERS." "23" is the up-to-date title of one of the most amusing comedy productions In the Biograph list. Everyone who has laughed at the predicaments of the fmnoui "Hallroom Boys" will appreciate this film, particularly the part which shows their experience with a racing automobile. THE OLYMPIAN GAMES. Our London oflice secured (he exclusive rights to make moving pictures of the recent athletic contests in Athens, won by the American team, mid the film is the very finest thing we have ever been privileged to offer. The magnificence of the stadium, the enormous crowd, and the picturesquenesa of the games, must be seen to be appreciated. Length 787 feet. THE LOST LEG OF MUTTON. Positively a screamer from start to finish. More excitement crowded Into this film than in any chase film ever mode. Length 256 feet. SAN FRANCISCO. Taking only the most interesting sections of the various scenes made liy our operators in San Francisco, we recommend the following: No. 316S, 16b feet— Reproduction of San Francisco in Flames, tinted red. No. 3171, 140 feet — Panoramic view of FUmore and Turk Streets, and refugees hurrying to the Ferry down Market Street; destroying ruins of St. Patrick's Church. No. 3172, 287 feet— Conglomeration of ruins Ellis Street, City Hall, feeding refugees of all classes, feeding Chinamen at the Presidio, Panorama of Market Street and the Hibernian Bank. No. 3173, 373 feet— Panorama of ruins on Market Street, Panorama of ruins In residential section, Panorama of Nob Hill, Fainnount Hotel, Hyde and Sutter Street*. AMERICAN MUTOSCOPE & BIOGRAPH CO., 1 1 East 1 4th St., New York City. PACIFIC COAST BRANCH, KLKINS. OPTICAL CO., Chlra^r-, - - - MM WKHT PICO 8THKET, Loa Angelea, Cal. • Spvelal ■elllaa; Ag«nl«, Centra l Va udeville Association. VAUDEVIuTfcFsir ALL KINDS. No aet too good for tbM circuit. Some Ra!arte3 arted are too hljrti. State towcit In flrtn letter. Three (8) Stiowa a day. Houses open a 1 Hummer. Kxclu-l ve Irookl iik for tlio rolluwinir theatres, now booking for Summer and next Heaxon : Grand, Hamilton; Orphium, Hprlnsflold , Orpiiium, Hanifleld ; Orptilura, Porbtmoutli ; Orphium, Lima ; Orpulum. Nuwark ; Orpnlum, Marlon, 0.; Orpnlnia, Ohllii- cottie ; Orphium, Plqua; urpltlum, Zanei+vllle ; Phillip**, Richmond ; Htar.MuncIo; IJIJou, Wheeling j Auditorium, Parkersburgh ; Bummer 1'ark, IlunUnfftou, AHhinml, K v., Mnynviiie, Ky., Van Wort, 0., and alt. Vernon, 0. Can furnish all Muds of attracUoni for Theatres, Hummor Parki, Street Palm, Carnivals and State Pairs. Will t>o pleased to bear from managers desiring Vaudeville acta. Addreai OUS SUlf. Itooiit MO, Dnshnell Annex, SprUajflaM, O. THE GAGNOUX A feature with the MISS NEW YORK JB. CO., Imvo closod a very auo- ceeaful season of forty weeka. Tlrne open lor next Beaaon. AIM AOT THAT MAKES THEM TALK, BRINDAMOUR oitKiiNAL JAIL isitKAKKH. A Ul(r Henn*tlon. A Genuine Novelty. A Bag Oflliio Winner Kvorrwhere. Address WILLIAM UOKIUS. 1440 Hroadway, New York. Mmingj-'nu-ii! »f URN j.dliKKSK. Z-'M Mann. Avo., Boston, Mass, FOB THE VAUDEVILLE SIDE SHOW OF THE H.8EIBE0K 8BE1TEB SIOVI, HICH CLASS VAUDEVILLE ACTS OF ALL KINDS, Or any new or novel act suitable for s high elaas vaudeville ahow, turer t > atnounco acta, singing Hiatcr teaiti, single lady act*; In fact, *Mo hIiijw acta (fiKiti ((Hiking ioiidb: ladr as lee- , ildo show acta of all kinds, good first elaas violin player tol- ad orchexlra and doulilu cornet In brHHH, sIhu u( her good muslclsni. Pfeaie mate age and lowest salary In tint letter. Address Ilngenbeck Greater Shows, Bay City, Michigan, L'lin 111 nnn, atinif in iidi Mil"! iiiuniLiaUl. rtVmtV B. L. BOWMAN, Mgr. Vaudeville Hide Show ^tVANTCD AT ONCE, For Each Week Until Sept., III. Song Singer with Thilr Own Slides and Qood Voices; Tsnor given thi Prtfirtnot. Also All Kinds of Vaudeville Acts, Jugglirs, Miglclint. Single, DoubU Singing, Dancing Acll, Sultnlile for refined audience. One show dally. The right people ran remain several weeks, This la a now Summer Theatre on Lake Shore of Lake Ontario; beautiful and cool. Salary must he right, as (bey are wire every week. Hard booKcrs need not apply. Have space for any goad novelty on a percentage basis. Slot Machine* or any tegltlmalo amuseiiiont. Three hundred llioiiManil people to do buslneas with. Addrcsa RD l. UKOOKKR, Nsnaur, Sannyalde •nntmtr (iardeni, 1!10 Kdwairil Ht., rnronto, Can. •SJLimJDJBS SAN FRANCISCO DISASTER. Lecture on San Prancleco Fire and Karthuuake, with slides from negatives made by our own photog- rapher, then on the Pacific Cobhu The Lecture presents Hie facts connected with this disaster la a style that Is unsurpassed, snd His slides are worthy or the high reputation which our house lis* achieved, and will Nteadfaiitly maintain. Price. 'JO colored, 10 plain, with lecture, il». Send deposit with order. Circulars descriptive or set, and containing list of addltloual slides mailed on applica- tion. Ifeware of cheap slides. W. B. MOORE, Mgr. Stercoptlcon and Film Exchange, 104 Franklin Bt,, Cblcago. 426 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. June 2 FRED FISCHER'S NOVELTY COON-SGHG "HIT" IF THE MAN Published as Song, Violin solo, Cello solo, Cornet op Trombone solo for BAND or ORCHESTRA Also arranged as Two-step for oroh. HE MOON If the Mania the Moon were a Coon. « ■ ■ 'f*rY ■ mm . ■ , , >_ ^^ I*-/. fif '/fr feE* ►* »■. 4 ill ''J' -• \X - . L ' 1/ li'^'^^ ^f tt t BSsI NEW YORKERS CAN CALL OK THI AUTHOR FRED FISCHER 61 W. 28th St. I. Y. City A COON" They'll all be glad to see you AT OUR PROF. OFFICES ORAM OPERA HOUSE BLOB. CHICAGO WHEN YOU BtV H EJ y La PLEASE ENCLOSB RECENT PROGRAM and address all mall to WILL ROSSITER 225 Wuhlnjton Street • CHICAGO KKICUTL. WHCtl "IT> IT'S ALL TO THE CANDY 99 THB BIQQ^fST IVIOJVBY MAKEH FOR PARK MANAGERS AND CONCESSION MEN Hundreds of hustlers made hundreds of dollars last season from oar wonderful ma- chine, but the Held was not one-teeth covered. Wake up and get In line — it's the biggest bit of all — a money coiner from the first minute. It's tbe EMPIRE CANDY FLOSS MACHINE. It turns a pound of sugar Into 80 nickel bags of candy In 8 minutes, while thi crowd looks on, and they shell out their nickels as fait as you can aack the candy. Many EMPILiK machines are taking In from 160 to *12S dally. A dead sure proposition for Tarks, Resorts, Summer Gardens, Circuses, Kace Tracks, Carnivals, Street Comers, Show Windows or wherever there are crowds of people- Operated by band or power, needed. Anyone can run It No gas or electricity required. No candy maker The EMPIRE makes a better candy, and makes It more rapidly than any machine you ever saw. It Is of perfect mechanical construction, very simple, will not get oat of order, but Is Johnny on the spot at all times. We guarantee the construction, and yon can depend on BO bags In 8 minutes — and It's nearly ALL profit. Tbe EMPIRE CANDY FLOSS MACHINE! Is fully covered by patents. We will pro- tect all purchasers and prosecute all Infringers. Don't be fooled by cheap Imitations. SEND TO-DAY FOR PARTICULARS and get In line with tbe winner, ■ball be used Bold outright, without restriction* u to where It PRlCBSt HAND POWER MACHINE!, with Gas Attachment $150.00 HAND OR POWER MACHINE!, with Gai Attachment and equipped with Elec- tric Motor and Attachment*, complete 200.00 Gasoline Qens- 12.00 This machine icy be operated by band or by electric motor, rator for either of the above machine* 'XVE>RAdISs Cash with order. If desired, either machine will be shipped C. 0. D., with privilege of examination, on receipt of $25.00 WRITE FOR CATALOGUE AND FULL INFORMATION. EMPIRE CANDY FLOSS MACHINE CO, FISHER BLDC, CHICAGO, ILL. Winslow's Skates ■■•T SO fc-EAKR ;ago, - ■■ — TO-DAY. Are Used Exclusive- ly by the Beet Rinks. We have the Largest and Beet Equipped Work* In the World for Making 1 C BO AND| ROLLER SKATES YOU CAN MAKE MONEY BY RUNNING A ROLLER SKATING RINK. Th, Innubl popularity of lloU.i Skat I Dg hai opened a larg.I Held tbaa ,T,i brfur. tor thli popular amu.em.nt. SEND K)B CATALOQtja Jfa, Tkh Cot llluitutu HUM'S LATEST MODEL WOMEN'S RINK SKATE, WITH "WEB" JTEEl MfltcnoMco fciu _-_- — "nnna and RoHopSkattsJ™" HULLS. MUSIC PRINTING LOW PR I 1MBR1W LOOKING FOR AN ENGAGEMENT? WE CAN HELP YOU. your portrait this ana, and sty\a SI.OC > Can b, used For ' LETTERHEADS HERALDS and NEWSPAPERS Wft also rtiaka a fin sr .rad» of . Wont for balhzr class oTpnnrirrJ QATCHii-'M^NiNQ f=>M I LADELPH I A, FA. FUlVlto^nMnOtlCwrNMCOtmi J ji^^ M^Wfl^^ mm JUST OUT, 124 PA8E ILLUSTRATED HABIC OATALOQUK, MO.; SUP. OATAL,, W. ROM mo. OdJiS. E. Af enl for Matlltma. 10O. w. D. LSEOT. loa Court 8t. Bomon. Uu. i j W fc VAN FLEET, np-k 47 WEST 2Sta STREET, HEW YORK. NEGRESCOU HAIR CO., 162 State St., Chicago, Sth FLOOR. ^ to JSS? Onr specialty Is value for your money at one ball the price others ask for the same goods. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. On receipt of $1.00 deposit we will send goods C. 0. D., subject to ex amlnatlon. Remember tbe Name and 1 the Place. CATALOG FREE. NEGRESCOU HAIR CO., 168 State St., Chicago, Sth Floor. TAYLOR TRUNKS. C. A. TAYLOR TRUNK WORKS, 99 E. Randolph St., CHICAGO; 181 W. A6th Bt, NEW YORK. Write tor New Catalogue. Theatrical Trunks YYV a so 32 34 si as 40 *"* 11.00 11.90 19.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 10.00 Guaranteed 5 Yoara. H 28 SO 32 84 36 88 40 T.»» 7.75 H.HS 8.7» O.SB 0.79 10.U5 SO 32 34 8« 38 40 ».SO 6.00 0.50 7.00 7.S0 8.00 8.0U Wi-ll. for e.laloga.. ESTABLISHED 4T HIS. Steel Clad M. S. CASEY, 44 1 6th Ave.,near 27th St., N.Y. Leatharoid Trunks. THEY'LL LITE L0R6EB THAR YOU.^ LEATHEROID MFG. CO., Bond for New Theatrical Catalogue. 583 B'WAT. if. T., near Spring St. 'PATTERSON.' g | :::::::::::::: U oa-h g>g.| SSJi.;!?::::::::":::: « <»«>»*• Ijlsl.... "ATLAS.' IBONCLAS. (9.00 8.60 10.00 10.60 11.00 152 Colombia Atom, PHILADELPHIA, PA CENTRAL TRUNKS. MUSIC GDIiirUSERS POINTERS i^^ii.?! 1?'??™"^^^!^*?^ fio.v 1CU8I0 CO., 11» SJoitmora St., olnolnutt, 0. mn RMFESSIONAL TRUNKS DO YOU KNOW TOM He BAI. PROFESSIONAL TRUNK U FIBER iu»! tested and are serviceable. 1 Price each lOo 20,000 same aa above, brand new, pries eaoh JSOc 5,000 HARDWOOD FOLDING CHAIRS made of aeasoued hardwood, with the beat malleable Iron flttlora; simple lo constractlon. Strong, durable and comfortable. Will not warp; are far anperlor t < any other make; brand new. Price, In dosen lots 96.00 SPECIAL PRICK ON XABGE QUANTITIES I fOOO UNIFORMS Kabkl, 01.6O Mas Serge, fi.00 Write for onr Special 'W0-paga Catalogue No. J 878. It contains a com- plate Hat of all kinds of Electrical Supplies, general amusement material snob aa yon are constantly purchasing. We have for sale Fire Hose, all kinds of Fire-fighting Apparatus, Electrical Supplies, Flags. Bunting. Furniture, Household Goods, Commissary Supplies, Plumbing afsterlal. Machinery, and la Tract everything "under tbe ana." We sue constantly buying material at Sheriffs' and Receivers' Bales. CHICAGO HOUSE WRECKING CO., 30th ft Iron Streets, CHICAGO PEERLESS COIN OPERATED GOLD MEDAL & HIGHESTAWARDS BUFFALO 1901. ST.bOUIS 1 3 OIPORIL AND 1305, H Cj - ROTH & ENGELHARDT THE tMNIO FIREPR00FING1C0. av *mar vnmr OF NEW YORK, Operates In conjunct Ion 'with THE MAX FIREPROOFIIMG CO., OF CHICAGO. THE ADVANTAGE TO OUR PATRONS IS EVIDENT. THE PIANOVA COMPANY MANUFACTURERS OF SELF PLAYING- PIANOS WITH OB WITHOUT BLOT ATTACHMENTS. WRITE FOB CATALOGUE! AND PBICB LIST. 117125 CYPRESS Am, NEW YORK CITY. THE * BRAND OF POP CORN IS STILL THE FAVORITE. Our 6 cent packages of CIrcuB Pop Cora, bricks, neapolltans, cocoanat com crisps, long ban, pop com KIbbcs, orlspette and candy pacaageB are quick sellers. Yon take no cbancea wltn oar goods jobber Balloons, Rubber Balls, Robber Goods, For Carnival Sales. Cane Rack Canes. Knife Rack Knives, 9 No. 2717— Gum took— 70o per down, We have tbelargeet assortment of Knife Board Knives weit of tbe Mississippi river. Our prices are absolute rock bottom. Wa alto carry a foil line of Strcetmcn'e goods, Carnival Novelties andfroodf for Fairs. We*re oneof theoldeit Btreetmen's supply house In the United State* We a live thousand* of eailsfled customers. We ean satisfy yon and vent your business. JVC 8T7B8TI TJTTlsa unless you *sy so. Orderi shipped the same Jay ai received. Large Cat* oguc Free. COK, YONQB aa go., }«A and st- Oharim Bu ST. .touia .an. THE MTJBRAY GO, CBRGUS CANVA8E8, roles and Stakes, SEATS, nan. Eta. iuoxTmaTB^n>isHowFAiirTTj[as,nu>>n AND BASHERS TOR STREET FAIRS. AgtBMtOT HDD'S PATENT 0IBCDS L1QBTI. ■ HI. WaaUngwn St, 0EI0AO0, ILL. SHOW TENTS For Clrcnetfl, Wild West Bbowt, Black Tents, Candy Tope, Flag*, Efdd 4 Baker Light*, etc. lend tor 16 page price list of second hand Teats. BAKER a LOCITWO0D MFQ. CO,, 7tb and Wyandotte, ansa* City, Mo. 55a£T?=£^ I MAHLER BROS 8th Are. and 81st Street, Few York. LEADING THEATRICAL UNDERWEAR HOUSE OF ABE RICA. OTGIAin OUTHTTEiS TO TUB PsOFISSIO.l I8W ill DUMB ASSOKTffiffTS II ALL ID! DEPAIIIMT8. Cloaks, Salts, Waists, Millinery. Gloves aid Muslin Uiderwei,. OL. A la- — I Originators of oar riaou I avert aJlltlfi UAllf. Vamp eboee for 8t*g«aAdHrea« WIBVVJ WVMIa wear. BittmateA fr3wy flr- Qoaauty orderi. Oomplete Stock*. Op to dm __. Lowan Cash Prices Car Daalraftla Fostwasi. a bom tbe very beat un. are black ataJLWM. *jt**» Oar COLD cream, erprenty prepared fortaa atrical Profession, guaranteed to be absolutely MM never become rancid In any climate. Pat up la |t Soraw Top Tin Cans at 45c. \ bait pound at BSe. SAMPLE* OF CREAM laVaTT FU1, AU mall orders most be accompanied by mousy order. If one sent 0. 0. 1). oar Hew Tateat rt eal CatasloeraM seat tYee atpoa reqaest. DEPILATORY POWDER The treatment of superfluous hair 1* soms thing that require* the great** t nicety and care. X. BAZIN'8 DEPILATOItX POWDER 1* the remit of much study of tbe cause of and problem of destroying the** growth* with* out injur; to the aurroandlng skin or leaving a scar or the slightest deform- ation. X. BAZIN'8 DEPILATORY POWDER U absolutely safe and de- stroy* the hair without pain, a simple, dainty way of effecting a cure. Send to Department "C' r for our little pamphlet on the subject, "FOB BEAUTY'S BAED." HALL A HICKEL, Proprietor* and Manufacturers of 80ZODONT, 21S Washington Street, New York. For sale at atll drat class drag; atorea or lent by mall la aealr d paolcagfca tor BOo. .tygj* *? >«,.»..! DOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOPLE HUD SHOWMEN 1 War rjsndle rock, goods when yon tan handle good. Ust will sell MM Electric Belt, from II pal doi. up. lane Tarl etr to ulect from. BiKtrie Jin J 76c. doi.; Blectrle ImoSs, 87(4e. Am. Mire Boap, $2.10 freM: Kim Medi- cal Batteries Brad 70c. for Sample N o. 1 i B. B , ti p. pre m 1 3. Latest out Oo. third caeh remind. Trill order will conTlnce. Urgeit Mwiufictann ot list- trlcBetaaod Appliances la U.8.A. BitsblKhed 1878. Lecture and pries list tree. TEE EUIOTBIOAL AFFLUHOB 00., BttrHaatOi, Us. WM. J. MADDEN . 14-16 DeabroaaeB St.. Wew York. STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO EUROPE SffJUi ALL LINES ., «>r lowcit rstea and ItaU imrt Ionian to IHHD * WHJTCOMB CO., nlop Sqn.ro Weat.HeTT York. lien Send l mine ill at (;i j for copy. SOUURERT MUSIC PUB. CO., Auditorium Bldg., 0BI0AUO. JUGGLERS SUPPUES--Sa^SSa! KELY MANUFACTURER OF SHOW CANVASSES ■ EC IN T e Large Stock 60ft. and Under SBajapF New and second Hand, write TUB CHAHLE« P. MEDER TEST AID AWBTiro CO., son to the T. w. Noble Oo., Teat Dtps, Detroit Bat ana stll. Oo., Detroit, Mich. I Silkoltne Tlulits, 93.00' Woraled TlabU, fla.OOl L'ntlon TIbIiU, •l.OO; Hllk*ri{rhts, from *'«1.0S apt Shirt* to match, all aame price as tlghta; Pump* HD> centsi; Ualt- era, 91.00: Elastic Sopporiera, •l.OO; Cloth Htipitortrrs. ItO cents; H.nil for cDtaloeua and aamples of tlRhts Tree. ^Positively a de- posit required. HnllBfactlon Ruaran- teed »r money rcf uuded. HriCKK BltOH,, Lln.^m IlldK., 1 Union fi(|Darc, N.Y. lOper ci. pjct. dlHCoantonall tlgtiteandalilrta. I DO YOU USE ACETYLENE? IP BO WE WANT TO BBWD YOU A SAMPLE BURNER. We snow we have the best borner ever made for use In a Btereostlcon or HoYln Picture Maclilne; also for Lighting Theatres, Medicine Camps and Ulrcusei. Address Room IB, Enclosing 10c, for Sample. WH M. CBAWE OOMPAKYs 1131*33 Broadwaj, Her York. TBal GREAT E7f QLIBK V AL'DE V1LLE P APEB, TIE 401 Stara-ia.*!., London, * BW "m COBBB8TONDBNT ADD IV, IDA OABUL 3--1CB, M If. IAUM Sl3lO., wben idnrtlsenienti will B ncelToi Copies oa Sis FILMS FOR RENT THE 1NTEB-0CEAN FILM EXCHANGE, OLD HlTEIUOOEAN BIDOr, Dearborn and Madison HI*., Chicago. Money Getters Peanut, Popcorn and Com- bination Machine*. Great variety on easy terms. Catalog free, KIMGEftY MFG. GO. 108 E. Pearl St., Clncfnna.ll M.8TRAB8MAH ATTORNEY, 853 Broadway, New Kork City. Dazian's Theatrical Emporium NOW AT 142-144 W. 44th ST. (Near Broadway), NEW YORK. THEATRICAL COSTUMES AND SUPPLIES, EVERY ilEftUISITE ITOB THE gTAOE. »CWD run CATALOOUB. WIGS WILLIAM HEFNER WIG CO., LBADIBO WIO HAKEIM. Largest awes In America. Wigs made to order, rail line el paints, eowden sad celd oresm. Bend for catalogue "0," to either place. 134 ffE8I Mtti St., s. Y.joucajo Opera Uooit Block, Oalcsfs. 428 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. June 2. ■ ■■.•-•■I ,'• M '• ",'; ■ .iL'l-; ■ ; m r - ■■ " fljf I &y. 1 ;;;.'•:, j uiw Hips:. , S. LUBIN uiFEMiifi^^ FITTED WITH OH WITHOUT FIREPROOF MAGAZINES x Our 1906 "MARVEL" EXPOSITION MODEL Is acknowledged to be the most perfect MOVING PICTURE MACHINE. Our Improve- ments are of such great importance that nobody will buy any other make of Moving Picture Machines after having seen our IBOe EXPOSITION MODEL. THE HIGHEST Gil AUK AND JIOHT COMPLETE OUTFIT. nun This outfit Complete, INCLUDING TOP AND BOTTOM TAKE-UP DEVICE, ELECTRIC LAMP, FIREPROOF ADJUSTABLE RHEOSTAT for direct or alternating current, ALSO CALCIUM LIGHT LAMP, FIREPROOF FILM BOXES far TgjSf BoiionTltewlitder $20 EXTRA EVEBY FOE BOABAHTEED 0BI6IHAL. OUB FILMS AHD HO OTHEBS ABE SHOWN AT EEITB'S TBEATEES. PANORAMA OF SAN FRANCISCO IN FIRE AND SMOKE REFUGEES ON MARKET STREET ARRIVAL OF REFUGEES AT OAKLAND THE FIRST TROLLEY CAR AFTER THE EARTHQUAKE WATERFRONT REFUGEES LEAVING SAN FRANCISCO THE DOOMED CITY Showing Falling House* and Darning Ilontfl. REFUGEES AT THE GOLDEN GATE PARK Soldiers Feeding the Starving People. PANORAMA8 OF NOB HILL, CHINATOWN, 8T. FRANCI8 HOTEL Showing the Terrible Havoc Wrought by Eartbqnaho and Fir*. PANORAMAS OF MARKET STREET, THE CITY HALL, TAKEN FROM THE ROOF OF THE U. 8. MINT THE MI88ION This Section hat been Entirely Destroyed. REFUGEES IN JEFFER80N SQUARE -Tf«»«« 5 h, SHOT FOR LOOTING AND 16 OTHERS. ALSO 100 SLIDES NOW READY. XTIXrAfftS 11 CENTS PER FOOT. I All Our Films Class A. Price, II Cants Per Foot. Our Beautifully Illustrated Catalogues Free of Charge. VITAGRAP 12 Gents Per Foot. THE NEW VITACRAPH ROMANCE, LOVE versus TITLE Or, An Up-to-Date Elopement. IS A PRONOUNCED Big Hit at the Colonjal Theatre, New York, last Week. • It tolls the alory of an American Girl's Love Affairs. She elopes with, tbe man of her choice. Groat otiuo 117 tier father and tho French Count. Sensational marriage In a ■pcedy automobllo. Ceremony performed while Traveling 00 .Miles an Hour. UNIQUE! ORIGINAL! SENSATIONAL I Pbotography, Action aid Plot Batter than Ever. :i>o;ragt:ti» - ■ Tao Feet. 1 ,500 FEET OF HOT STUFF. AIL QENUINE. NEW! JUST ARRIVED FROM 'FRISCO! No. 1.00H.— Sensational Dynamiting of Aulnt, ami Tearing Down im- saeaae walls ef Skyscrapers, ljy Steel Hopes Attached to Donkey Engines. A TerrlfWi and Awe-Ininlrlng Bight. Heady for Immediate Delivery. Ab- solutely Genuine, Clear, Sharp and Distinct. Length, VOO Feet. READY NEXT WEEK. THE PROSPECTORS. A STIIIRINO PICTURE Of TUB HOLD PIHLDS. Write Iter tlmil.n. THE VITACRAPH COMPANY OF AMERICA, I 10 NASSAU 8T., NEW YORK. TKI.KPHOSK, U704 JOHN. CABLE ADDIIKSS, "VITAGKAIMI," SELLING! AGENTS: KI.EIIVK OPTICAL CO.. CIIAUI.KH t'llll AN THADIVU CO., Ltd.. 5» State Ht., Chicago, III., 48 llupert St., Ijonilon, Bng. FILMS FOR RENT CHICAGO HEADQUARTERS FOR PICTURE MACHINES 51 Barton 81., OniOSBO. FILMS FOR RENT IF YOU WANT COOD FILM THAT 18 IN CON- DITION TO USE AFTER YOU CET IT LET US SEND IT TO YOU. INI* RIM 1011.0. •S K. Cl.rk St., CHICAGO, IIX. MOVING PICTURE lALTaHES I-: AND -t- FILMS. WK HA.TTFACTUILB STEREOPTICONS, MAGIC LANTERNS, ELECTRIC AND LIME LIGHT BURNERS And Other Accessories, WE ARK OKHBRAI, HKI.I.IVG AGEST8 FOB The Power Cameragraph Edison Kinetoscope BIOGHAPH Fir^IVlS VITAGRAPH FIIVMS PATHB> FII^MS All Filing at 12 Cents Per Foot Except Edison Clan A, Which Are 15 Cents. LATEST SUBJECTS ALWAYS IN STOCK. Kleine Lenses for Picture Machines Cover the Whole Range of Practical Projection. 52 STATE ST. iopposnt MASONIC TCHPU CHICAGO. ILL. lew Twk tllnn, U7-m W..1M ST. j _^ MTU0BR FIB- DRAMATIC. VAUDEVILLE. CIRCUS. Copyright, 1O0B, bj the Fririi QiMn PabHrtlnc Coopanj (Limited). » — "T -FoundaJ Iby I i FRANK QUEEN, 1853. NEW YORK, JUNE 9, 1906. VOLUME LIV.-No. 16 Prloa, 10 Conn. 430 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. June 9 W155 (lipp^ r '5 Motes, Personalities aid Comments, CONCKBNXNO STIGE FOLK and Sometimes 0THE1S BT JOBEH1INEGR0. scorn and "practice" oa them. One of these met MacArthur at the depot of a town, early one day during the peat season, md strongly hinted that the boy* were ready to rehearse. "Bat rehearsal la not called until six- thirty," remonatrated the popular director, "and I've not jet lunched. 1 ' "Well," entreated the local leader, "can't I hate the keya and go to the trunk and get the scores V Ol'H LONDON LETTER* FBOM OCE OWH COBIBaSFOMDENT. prorlDclal rights for this country have been acquired by William Greet. Charles Kleln'i successful PjfT- '^£? Jfelt- and the Mouse," will be played at the puke of York's, commencing next MMM company consisting of American and Bngm The "chestnut-bell" has oa several occa- sions been rung on the writer of this column. The ringers of this bell, which la equivalent to a "call-down," are those critical readers who object to hear a repetition of an anec- dote. One of Miss Clipper's duties is to Inter- view members of the theatrical profession for the purpose of obtaining personal ex- periences, preferably of an amusing charac- ter, to print for the edification of their con- freres. Many of thcie stories come through the malls from Interested and interesting Thesplam, who usually receive printed credit for nil contributions found to be available. The writer, though a wide reader, un- fortunately baa not been able to read or hear all the funny stories that go the rounds, consequently during her Interviews It bap- peos that some of those stories are given for this column as original and personal ex- periences. in all the beat publication!, from tune to time, may be found, la columns purposing to be exclusive end original, anecdotes that have been either printed or related pre- viously, which proves that no matter bow aged a story may be, there are always many who have never heard It. For Instance, a elory "on" a ntxeapaper man was told to me several months ago. Almost the same came to me through an actor, who heard It at tbe Players' Club a few dsys ago. In tbe latter case It was related of an actor, whose name for reasons la here omitted, for, while The Clipieu alms In this column to amuse conserva- tively with laughable experiences, It never seeks to ridicule or hold up to view tbe per- sonal weaknesses of those about whom a story may be told, without the sanction of that person. The actor referred 'o Is not a great fa- vorite with his MssrJatfsj, For, while be Is a good player, til* personality la not all that would tend to make a man popu'ar. He borrows, falling to remember his Irati he seldom does his shore of the sett.lug when the boya are thirsty, be "rnoebs" his fellow players without mercy, aid In many other -ways la disagreeable. Not long ago be was approaching a g-onp of actors, who stood near the popular we *ner of Broadway and Fortieth Street, when ore of them who saw him, exclaimed: "Here comes the 'knocker' — and; by the way, he told me he wasn't able to pay me a liver he's been owing for a year, and he, Just home from a good aeason." "If some ono would Just give blm a word of tha sort and tell blm bow tl = boya re- gard him, he might get on to himself," said a comedian now playing on Broadway. "Why don't you give him a piece of your mind, Harry, we'll atand by you." "All right, I will," and as the unpopular actor attached himself to the group, bis creditor proceeded to unburden himself of his opinion conceralng him, ending with "nobody likes you, for, besides not sticking to the truth In yoor statements, and bor* rowing with no Intention of paying back, your head la so big that you're unbearable." "Well," drawled the much abused one, after quietly listening to the* long list of in- dictments, and looking lmperturbably about him, "well, outside of wbnt you've stated, I'm all right, don't you think?" 9 Judge Horton, of Detroit, a reader of Thi Currr.n for many years, sends a clipping of which he was reminded by the recent death of the venerable actress, Fanny Her* ring. Twenty-four years ago the clever actrcaa was moved to write the following acrostic upoa the death of Frank Queen, the founder of the paper oa which she always depended for reliable theatrical Information : TO OTJit LATE FRIEND. WRITTEN FOB TUB KBW VCRK CLIFPBR. 'Weep, children of Tbespla, weep I Another's answered to the call. Ended 1 A simple word, but at last 'twill come to oil. Much be had done for us— ah, yea 1— for many a year. Oa that cold face we look, and pause to drop a tear. tnto his gallant bark a staunch commander he has ever stood: Round the world It gocB from clime to clime, so true and good, but Never again lis old commander upon Its deck will tread; Our good old frleud, Tub CLirrsa'a captain, now Is dead. Upon us oil a kindly word bestowed, and Just ; stick In his thoughts — In time of need to help the Oral. i.lvlug In death, the name of Queen a monu- ment will be Over our happy land and far across the sea. So lay him gently down— the sands of life arc run : Step softly, speak low, his earthly duty's done. Fannt He rhino. Brooklyn, Oet 22, 1882. B. B. Meredith, whose facile pen la ever buay In the interests of "The Missouri Girl," tells of an experience Claude MacArthur, the musical director, had with a local orchestra leader In one of tbe towns their company visited. It is well known among traveling com- panies that theec local musicians are often avidly onxloue for the show company to arrive so that they may get the musical 48 tt.nb.ini. Street, «tan «a ictiwaW In the comMnj l«: Leicester Square, Leila* Bldmeth, J. W. McDonald, Henrietta Louden, W. C. Cowet. Helen Ron!, Elene Forter, Walter il- Mat 10 Icd Frank Burbtck, William Doatanct, Itar- „ . . . ji_.u. riret llllMrton, lilcbard Bennett, Gilbert Hare, Three new plan bam been prodnwd In thta fJHf., g^urray. Harri Harwood, Nanette cltj alnce mj Uat letter, aid all three bad comateck,' Marratrlte Bt John, Edmund III, mm* being .ranted b, lUelrflw. SB* $%£$& S't &**£ *gg wttiSSt ** Mil** *-! the local company spent the whole after- night the former at tbe Comedy and the lat- season of four weeks at the Imperial, ana ^ will be seen In "Boy O'Carrotl." Subsequently ■—— ^^^^^^^^—» ^— ■— ^— — ^^^^^^^^^^^^B^g ^BS^^B Mr HarTer w m take a well-earned rest, prior to the commencing of a length/ Autumn tour of the provinces, la which a feature will be an elaborate revival of "The Corslcan Broth- ers." This week, at Brighton, Huntley Wright will conclude bis provincial tour with The Mountain Climber* and "The Little Father of the Wilderness." He will next be seen in London In a new play, under Mr. Frohman a management , _ . Sylvanus Danacey and Leveaox have se- cured from Mr. Frohman tbe provincial rights, with the exception of those of a few of the principal towna reserved for Arthur Dour- chler, of "The Fascinating Mr. Vanderveldt," and wilt shortly send out a company on tour Madame de Navarro (Mary Anderson) will ehortly visit Ler home in Louisville, Ken- tucky, which abe has not visited since her re- tirement from the stage. . "The Geisha" Is being hehearsed at Daly h, and the musical play will In all probability be revived at that house some time next month. An adaptation of Sardon's "Lea Wer Velllenaes" will be the Fall production at Daly's. The current success. "The Little Mlchua," msy be sent to America at the end of the Summer. Marshall Moore, who up to a few weeks ajro acted as producer at the Coliseum, Is negotiating for a West End house, the lease of which be expects to obtain in a few days. Should he be successful, be proposes to pre- sent there early In the Autumn what is de- scribed ai an entirely original comedy, with music Mr. Moore has also the rights to a fairy comedy mixed "Tbe CttlzenB of Goth- am and a powerful drama, called "The Be- publlcans." . „ A. H. Canby Is in London arranging for the production in this city of "Prince Chap." Jessie Hlllwsrd and her company are pliy- lag In "The School for Husbands, ' at tbe Camden Theatre, this week. Walter Slaughter, the composer of many popular songs, and the musical director of the Coliseum, saw a hawker offering his composi- tions for sale on the street one day this week. The composer went through the hawker s stock, selected all his own songs, tore tbem to pieces, and threw the fragments into the street. He listened a moment to the hawker s abuse in a language, be says, he could not un- derstand, and proceeded on his way. Inter- viewed afterwards. Mr. Slaughter said: I have contemplated action of thla kind for APOLLO, eome t i mei ana - i t Bccmed tbe only way to The famous Scottish athlete, and pioneer of JIu Jltsu wrestling In England, will arrive In bring the matter seriously before the public America about June 0, with two great novelty acts. The English press describe Apollo as 1 waa belnn robbed of hundreds of pounds the Napoleon of athletes. by these music pirates and I did not see why I ahould not rot somebody else. I ask every I ask the man ^^^^^^^»'^^^^^— ' —* ^ "^ MM * ^^^—s ^^g composer to combine with me. >n "practicing." At the regular rehearsal, ter at the Savoy. On Tuesday ."The Lonely ^^^SSS^SVmI have donef'S however, the music was "butchered," but ^i' 1 , 1 ,??* 1 ^^^^ that way It ma; be possible to break up the Mar4..TPri» "&^±ff*SB Piracy from which airEugllsh composers enf- MacArthur could not help that, so passed oa Wednesday afternoon, with Lewis Waller It by, even buying a drink tor the leader after tbe performance, 'Good bye, and much obliged I" he genially exclaimed as he shook the hand of the butch er-mualclan, who quickly replied: "Much obliged I lien I It's on the other aide — we're obliged to you. You're the first leader that ever let us play." 9 The saving sense of humor that brightens even a trifle tbe gloom surrounding Ban Francisco at present, breaks out la spots all over the city. A wreck of a Steloway grand piano, with other half burned rubbish, was behig carted through the streets to one of the great dumping grounds. Soma wag, whose wit had not been worried out of him, had placarded the once magnificent Instrument with tbe declaration : "This piano haa been played upon by many distinguished artists. — the last one was a fireman." One of the street kitchens tears the legend : "The whole Dim family eats here." A tent on a burned out corner bears the inscription: "Everybody works but father," and under this some one has added: "Father's working now — the soldiers got him." ♦ Arthur Dexter, of a company called ' Nolan & Dextcr's Indians," tends from California one of hie experiences while with the Red- man Stock Company. At one town where they played an engagement, the members de- cided on an outing by way of a picnic. After walking three miles over a dusty road, they nrrlved at the picnic grounds, Bltnated In close proximity to a farm house. During the afternoon the commissary de- partment ran abort, and to replenish it Dexter and Hazel Welsh volunteered to storm the farm house for additional provender In tbe shape of bread, After getting by a anarl- lng yellow dog and a couple of angry mother hens, who thought the strangers might have wicked Intentions toward their young broods, they reached tbe bouse and made known their wants. The good housewife brought out Ore small loaves about the sire of large biscuits. "Hut If you have bread," said Dexter, "we would prefer It." "Oh," smiled the woman, "that's bread. Sir— I know the loaves are small, but you'll find that tbe weight la all there. local and H, B. Irving In the prominent parts. To- Jlrscy i er." iarver in "ftov O'Car- The romantic ballet, "CoppeUe," was given Vw7Bti&y^^irmSS, «t the Empire last Monday, and acbWd in Monday. "TEe Whirlwind" will have its the greatest success Mile, genee U 1 seen at London fnptam and on the same night, at her Best in this ballet, ta which abe made her the Waldorf, "Shore Acres" will be played for debut as a premiere danseuae at the Opera the first time in thla country. There la much House, Munich, some years 1 ago. oil "ter™ in "The Una and the Mouse," An Edinburgh paper, The >8#tq** of which la due at the Duke of York's on Tues- thla week, ^■^l^^- ] ^^-^.^ day of next week. from Chicago,' proved himself an excellent ra- Marc Klaw is la town and Is arranging for conteur. Bis songa and P&rodJn WJlg the production In this city of Souaa's new genuine humor, ■* .» agates «f jgjjjlfA opera, "The Free Lnnce," which, I believe, which he recited, created much amusement, has won great favor In America. Early next Among American performers who have Billy McCiala puts on a new act at !■■-■ lnghan oaJaae Jo. He SSkmtSSi a condensed musical comedy, and oredi.tV. great future for It Mr. tfcClaln has ' a -Vt had conalderable trcable with other ant 7 on the same bills stealing his music IMbS There was a great time at the chrUtM.tr» of Mr. and Mrs. John Mack's dauJhttr l.f Sunday. Among those present were- Hirr n „ and Ashley, Mrs. Calrgwln, Louie Ch kWu Kemrlck and Devere. Kelly and Aaato iilJJf: and Darla, Btlne and Evans, and. of V. n™ Barney Ferguson. The little one rcV, i\,A many pretty and costly gifts. «■!■■ H. Costa, known on the stage as '-th* man with revolving head," has been exarir*. at a meeting of the German Medical ^ , ' lit of Prague. He turned his head 'round nVte? ally as far as the shoulder, and then ti>-kt.U It further with his bands 'till he IcwkeJ con pletely backwards, with his chin above th*. line of the spine. ue The following have been booked for Am this country. Mr. La Molne waa one of the original Rackett Brothers. of Directors He SfSgftf w&teSB E 3 Weatern Vaudeville Maaagera' Ablation has arranged a tour tor these performers that ncss for many years and Is an example of what energy and attention to business can accomplish. Beginning In a subordinate posi will keep them engaged continually until next season. tlon be bns risen, step by step, until nowhe B pr iDg Is the time set for the production, Is the hood of thla great tented show. Fred ^ gfl aw aIao ann ounces the London produc B. Hutchinson, who, besides being a director tIon o( Hartley Manner's new foar act com of the Bnrnum * Bailey Show. Is manager of ^j. .. Tlrt Marriage of Reason," the lore Buffalo Bill's Wild West. Is also well known g J£- ot a Chicago girl and an English noble- for his long connection with the sawdust ring. Chns. K. Hutchinson, who has been selected to fill the vacancy on the Board of Directors caused by the death of Mr. Bailey, la treas urer of the "Greatest Show on Earth." Ills r.nme Is also well known from his connection with this show. 4-*-* Ms, Alio Mas. a K. Fobrester and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Adams tailed for Europe on Thursday, May 81. man. It will be produced In New fork In the Fall. Forbes Robertson opens In New York next October, under Klaw * Erlanger'a man- agement He will be seen In repertory ("Mice achieved succeas over here there are none who wears better than Will H. Fox. He made hla first appearance In London In 1800, and is recognised as a top liner to-day, as his billing shows. He will shortly visit Amerlcs, and remain until his return dates on the Moss 4 Stoll tour commence. Monnle Emerald (Mrs. Fox) witl also try her fortunes in vaude- ville. She comes of an old theatrical family, and Men," etc), and oIbo probably In Bernard haa played all the best halls in this country, Shaw's "Caesar and Cleopatra." and should be very successful In the States. Frank Curson has decided to send "The Lit- She Is clever and very pretty, tie Stranger" to America, where It will be Ferguson and Mack opened at the Man- B reduced under the direction of James K. cheater Hippodrome last Monday, and report [ackett. The comedy closes to-tight a very meeting with much euceese. Next week tttj successful engagement at the Criterion, The play the Empire, Newest Ue-on-Tyne. Norfolk. — Ocean "View Casino (Otto Wells, local manager) opened its regular Summer Beasxn Monday, May 28, with vaudeville. Al- though the weather has been rather cool for seashore attractions, business has been ver; satisfactory. People booked for week of June 4 : Therese ttenz, Vaterbury Bros. andTenny. Meers Brothers, Le Roy and Woodford, end Chadwlck Trio. Buod (Abb Smith, manager). — New people week of 4 : Josle Dowlr, Arthur and Coombs, Mary Carr, and Charles La Pine. Business is good Acmb (Wllkerson A Mamie, managers).—; Teople for week of 4 : May Kirk, Clay and Lester, Wallace Sheldon. Ed. Johnson. n..rd and Grant, and Sadie Burgess. Business is good. . Avditoridm (J. M. Barton, managon.— Teople week of 4; Johnson and Sulllvno, Trixle Adams, Three Rents, Fairbanks Sis- ters, Three Carltons, nnd Maile Brown. MiNHATTAH (Crlunian Bros., mansgers).-— BUI for week of 4: May Penman, Jack Stock- ton, Florence Le Roy, Minnie Patterson, *na the Madderas. Business is good. "Struck ic Rich" will be produced by Leo Florence. Nora.— Charles Rents will assume the (sat* agement of the Windsor Casino, at Ocean City, Md., June 18. a n i OKLAHOMA, Oklahoma City. —At the Bijou Air DaBM (Carleton k Lacaure, managers) business io- week of Msy 28 opened well, with Jack Bej ton, Floretta Trlnce, Brandom and Harvej, the Musical Hussells. and Bljousxapb. Obxuah Gibdem (Slnopoulo A Marre. man agers).— Week of 27, ,T La Mascot te •?' "The Bohemian Girt.'' presented by * ne I J^ lumbta Opera Co.. drew S. R. 0. S» dJ *J night. The management of the Ga ™$ D ,/in cently completel a scenic railway, and *•" have the cars in operation June l. &&. F63WE6& 0FTH6CP€gJ£lY SHOW eoRiearomM BrpRICfflfi$$ T <&m 'Gamper!} hiftinQ Ihe bulls eye The tfndofThe'tfbrld-znoT'listicknd realistic, ^presentation flv/isscT>2i,ino r The Ni&dara 3rotliera in a lively bout on Ineloft-y wire. A scene at 'The Dreamland '£mer^e ncyJlospifal . The Moeki&noke Dancers performing' Ineirrveifof spectacle- 4J2 THE NE¥ YORK CLIPPER. June o. QyiakerkicQ (Puffed) 55S 1 LtfVJ &H&I&' II s^^iJ Conrii'M, HOB, fcj The Ainericm Cereal Co- You cannot resist the temptation to eat Quaker Rice once you taste it — nor is there any reason why you should resist, because Quaker Rice agrees perfectly with even the weakest stomach. {Puffed) is distinctly different from any other cereal you have ever tasted. It is made by a wonderful, patented process that puffs or inflates each rice kernel many times its usual size, and gives to it a delicacy of flavor and a dainty crispness that you never dreamed rice could possess. Quaker Rice is thoroughly cooked and ready to serve with milk, cream or sugar, just as it comes from the package. Ask for it at your hotel or boarding house. Quaker Rice Candy and Quaker Rice Brittle and other delightful confections can be easily made at home by following the directions on the package. Quaker Rice is so easily digested and thoroughly good that you can let your children eat it in unlimited quantity without the slightest hesitation — and the children like it any way you serve it. Quaker Rice is sold by grocers everywhere at 10 cents tlie package. vlade by the Manufacturers of Quaker Oats. Address, Chicago, U. S. A. JtJNli .. THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. 433 tne past v we< Hearted Jin HBidow of 1 .RKI'fH'K criette Wo nuil Sumnw noTlCB T O COItRKg POUPBWTI. .'oar ihcatrhal corrapor.fcntM Off hcrtby- notified that the CrcdenUtt* noio Held by them txpirrd en Junt J. 7hty on rcquct Ird to rfiurrt Iftem <0 (Ml Qjflofl Cl OHM, /of renewaifor ift*-JW7. — ! • ■» HASSACHt'SfiTTi. r> ■ ' ■ ■- gotten, — Summer mimical attractions now hold full «w*7- "The Tourlita" opena at the Majeatlc, Richard Carle, Id "The Mayor of Tofclo," 1b at the Colonial; Harry Bulger Continues Id "Tbe Man f foin Now," at the Tremoot, and tbe opera mama begins with "The Mikado," at the Castle Square. The dramatic stock bills are: "The Private Sec- retary*" *t the Empire, and "Down by the 8ca " at the Bowdoln Square. Wonderland and Notuuibega Parka opened on Memorial Dar, and the other outdoor resorts will be 'n 'operation June Hi. The Globe, Howard nnd Columbia closed last Saturday night. Hnrab Bernhardt will give two performances at the Boa ton 9. Majestic (A. L. Wilbur, manager). — The new musical comedy, "Tbe Tourists," will hive Its first local hearing 'Monday evening, 4, then beginning an Indefinite engagement. The company Includes : Richard Golden, Julia Sanderson, ' wm. Pruette, Wm. Hodge, Geo. A Schiller, Cstelle VVentworth, Phil A. Ityley, Kdna Chase and Howard Chambers. "Young Kernald," a comedy, by two local authors, was successfully- presented here last week by Henry Miller and Margaret Anglin. Colonial (Cnas. Frohm&n, Rich k Harris, managers). — After a week of darkness, this house reopens 4, for the Hummel, with Rich- ard Carle. In "The Mayor of Toklo." Km ma Janvier. Adele Rowland and Ada Mitchell are prominent ■ fc „__ _ . ■ Tbbmokt (Jno. B. Schoeffel. manager).— "Tie Mnn from Now," with Harry Bulger, 111 Us first presentation at tbls house on Memorial Day, and was favorably received by Ill's* audiences. The piece Is a revised edi- tion of "Tomorrow-land," which was produced a" at Fall. The company: Walter Lawrence, in Keefe, Geo. O'Donnell; ChaB. Meyers, Helen Hale, Frances Demerest, Hattte Ar- tfpjd and Lucy Toturc. The production will remain all Summer. -_ v. Castle Souabb (Boston Stage Society, manager). — The regular dramatic season iU cree, DlaaMind and Smith, Al. Carle- ton. Kempton and Murdock. Dan Malumrby, RMrla and V'on Kaufman, McDade and Wei- cAWfa. n'nd Prof. Frederick Fav Davis, trje'-welt known actress, and Gerald Law- ren,rc. -an English actor, were married In this oily May 31 Br. Karl Muck, of the ' Hoyal Opera. In Berlin, will conduct the Boston Symphony Ort-ueitra for 1904-07. Worpnter.— At the Worcester Theatre en 11 ..... . ludlauola Park will have the Millard llrow, for the outdoor attract Inn w*ek of 4 .lames lie Wolfe, press ugeut i»( Hie Hagxu- bach Show, was here May :il. and sinned ' to do the aulo- . Walter tiosaenx, of the LK> lluc Brothers Minstrels, la here on a visit to his parents. Toledo.— At the Farm Ttit*atre(.1oo I'eart- stlne, manager) the Columbia Stock Cu,.ii|i tor. CuL'STtut Paiik (I. M. Martin, manager). — The Bootblack Quartette, Herr.Maona. Mile. Dulr, the Hatch Brothers, and Eddie tilii.n are at the Vaudeville Theatre '.i-9. Thc.Sum- mer season of opera commeuces 10. During iicared In "G rails tark," Slay ^7 and week, and had good altendaiice. Vaudeville will be nut ou Juno 'A and week with the following bill : Frank Hall, Pont and llussHI. Coatw «itu- j (lower and company, Xlnuell nnd Bontcltc, Kates Bros., and Harry Bolter and company. Arcadk ill. II. I*anikln, manager). -— "Sapho," hs produced last week by tlao 1.1 v- ingwton Stork Co.. well Unserved- the gaurl IMtronagc it received. "Uii Barry" a and Casino Tiieatilk (Olio Kllves, nrauugcrt. —The Mackle Show had well deserved |n»i- ruuage last week. Han Castello and family were a feature In Ihe big tetil, and tin* *\w Khow. In tin* limitlH of nit-linnt Louis, was an added feature that pleased many. CnysTAi-ltieo. W. Lawrlr*. tiiunattef '■— -TUw theatre, which opens .Iniicrl. U a new one for tun public of Toledo. Geo. Law lie In the «»«• Hfler, and Thoiufl* KltJ i" musical director. The bill follows: Staplctou autl Clmnev. thu Lowell. -At the Hathaway (John I. Shan- non, resident manager) tbe Hathaway Stock Co., Barwald ft Lernngwell, managers, offered "Tbe Ticket of Leave Man," to good business, last week. A. St. Clair Hvers and Marie Falls, In the leading roles, were applauded for clever work. Jack Chagnon. an Hawksbaw, deserved mention, as did Elizabeth Bruce, ss Sam Wllloughby. and Ernest Anderson, as Malt- by. Nat Lefflngwell, W. H. Barwald, Sumner Nichols, £a Redding and Dickie Dclaro won new laurels. The vitagraph pictures are a standard and pleasing feature each week. "Kathleen Mavonrneen week of June 4, ' Mention'. — The parks were successfully opened May 30, being filled to oversowing. Col. Cummlngs r Wlld West will enter- tain 11, at the circus grounds.. ."Paint- ings of the Battles of tne Civil War" are on \ lew a t the Armory H. I . Savage ga ve two concerts of camerugrapb pictures at the Temple Theatre. May 'Mi, to good business. Bella Larlgnc and .tunes Lane were the so- loists, and William A. Gtlmore. musical direc- tor. The Arcade (Geo. W, Carey, man- ager) bud a successful opening Deuorattoii Day. at Canoble Lake Park Tbe 1.owell bunds will consolidate and give a free concert In Cltv Park % under the auspices of Lowell Musicians' Association, direction of Roscoe McDantels The moving pictures of the San Francisco disaster will be a feature of the Canoble Lake Park entertainment during the current week The ladles' orchestra of tbe Hathaway Theatre (Flora fltrong Coggawell, director) continues to win friends. Springfield. — At the Court Square (D. O. Gllmore, manager) the Hunter-Bradford Stock presented "Alabama" In a satisfactory manner. Frances Gaunt was excellent, and Henry Kolker, Wallace Eddlng, Julia Booth and Samuel Heed were also capital. "What Happened to Jones" week of June 4. Poli'h (J. C. Crlddlc, realdent manager). — Large audiences witnessed the Poll Stock Co., In "Why Smith Left Home," last week. Wil- liam McKey and Ruth Blake were the star applause winners. Blary Mtockwell, L. M. Boyle and Carroll Daly were also very good. "TenneVsee's Partner" 4-0. Notks. — Col. Cummins' Wild West will spread Its canvas on Hampden Park, Juno 4, and Bariumi & Ballev 1(1 JSprlngQeld Seople read with pride tbe success which ulfa Sanderson, a local young lady, is scor- ing In "The Tourists." • i Kew Bedford.— At tbe New Bedford, the Clair Stock Co, closed tho season here, to fair business, Hathaway's (J. M- Hathaway, tuaouKer). — Summer stock company presented "Blue Jeans," to good business, last week. "The Little Minister" week of June 4. Savo* (W. H. Sblne, manager). — Suepard's moving plciuresdrew good business last week. Ssn Francisco pictures week of 4. Notes.— -W. Frank Barry, of Archie Sbep- ard's force, will manage the Opera House at Wooosocket, B. 1. next season .Prof. O'Connel,- of Huthaway's Theatre, baa re- turned from bis honeymoon spent In Xova Scotia, and has resumed his duties as leader of the orchestra Gustavo Gauss, of tbe J. Frank Burko Stock Co., was In town for a few days last week. ■ ' -■ Full River.— At Ibe Savoy (Al. Hayncs, manager) the Huntington Stock Co. was seen last week, to rlne advantage, drawing good houses, in "The Senator." Mr. Von Mltzell. In the title role, whs excellent. The entire company gave splendid support. Week of June 4. "Doctor BUI." / Siikkdt'h (C. E. Cook, manager).— The 3. Frank Burke Stock Co. gave '!Tbe Pace that Kills" very ably last week, to good business. Week of 4. "The Shadow Behind the Throne." Vti-KUi.oDKON in. h. Bufflnton, manager). —Bill week of 4 : Pat and May Touhcy, Wal- ter Clifton. Flora Klppllng, Geo. F. Hayes, and Nlckelscope. Business in good- ■ ■■ ■ Lynn, — The Auditorium (Harry Katzett, manuger) will close its season June V, after a most successful year, and Manager Katzes and his corps of assistants will then take a rest. Tbe final hill, week of 4, Includes : The Empire City Quartette, Hush and Gor- don, Gardner and Stoddard, Mitt Wood, the McConnell Sisters, Pierce and Opp, Laura Bennett and cutnpauy, and the vltaoraph. N'oiKfl. — Manager Sbcafe, of the Belay The- atre, Nahant, will open tils season June 17. Manager Doyle Is making arrangements for the opening of Gorman's Summer theatre, at Salem Willows, early this mont h. Tamaton. — Frank A. Bobbins' Circus If* well billed for June T. Strong bills' were pre- sented at tbe several parks Memorial Day. sad business was very large. 'Massey ft Krinmner, who are at their home here for the Summer, were eagaged for Sahtnttla Park, and pleased immense audiences. Lawrence. — At tbe Colonial (A, lluynee, manager) "Tbe Lost Paradise" played U> good business, with an exceptionally good cast, last week. "The Cowboy and the Lady" June 4 and week. «■» 1 — Maggie Clixb la confined to her residence. In Red Bank, N. J., with two fractured ribs and other Injuries, which resulted from a collision between her runabout and an auto- mobile on Thursday night. May .11 . She was out driving when tbe accident happened. An automobile, driven by William Hallenback, approached, and teorrning unmanageable, crashed Into Hiss Clint's carriage, throwing her to tbe ground. (he Memorial Day services at Sprlug Grove nil amusements were closed down. The day's Valpas. Will Carlton Maker, the Guys, ami tlio crowds were large. The Fernando May Dwo klnodroniu. was substituted last week for l,ex I, a Hoses, Notk.— Carl Hugunheck's CI ran* gave Iwo tbe wire wizards, who canceled, on account performances hero May UU, to Kplendtd bust- or the death ot one of their number. The neas. Bcrgere Sifters made u hit In Dutch comedy Katlieryn Maury was an example of bruised pluck. She was In the Louisville and Nash- ville wreck, and received painful Injuries and a slightly marred face. Still alie went on with her turn, and was well received. Clavton and Jennings, with their mule. "Jas- Ler,*" were clever in "The Darktown Circus." They were also In the smashup. J5puj.ooiCAL Gakokn (Walter C. Draper, secretary). — Patrick Conway's Ilhaea Baud will continue dally couccrts until 'Jtf. Tho United Singing Societies will give their an- nual outing :!. Last week's crowds weru large and enthusiastic. Cokcv Island i !.. T. Anderson, manager). — George L. Bumbsiigh, the French iiemnaiil. comes U, following Roy Knubeusliue, who made several aerial nights with the Arrow last week. In (he little theatre under the trees, on Lake Como, Edwin ('amp, Modoc and Modoc, Cartmcll and Heed, and Muiilu and Van will t>e tbe bill. Lust week business was good, and tbe iil'w Princess and Island Uiteen carried tliuusaudx up and down the river. William Scheicr, Pletro Ilomeo, Austlu Brothers, Burt K. slelburn, and Haley and Hurty provided the vuudeville, under the di- rection of the new nniusement manager, F " ■..-^ Walnut Stmmst Thkatiik (M. C. Ander- son, manager). — Jacob P. Adler comes 4-u, to present "The Stranger." He will be support- ed by Sarah Adler and bis New York com- pany. ' Bi'JiMKtt Chat.— Charles L. Doran, of Tha rimiH-sittr ataff, baa succeeded !■:. C. StinnMt as i in* press agent of Oiester I'nrk. He is well tltted to keep thlngH moving Kate Havlln. Payne, toe handsome and clever daughter of John II. Havlln, has been grant- ed a divorce from Iteiiben A. Payne, ami re- stored to her maiden nBme .The gradu- rnntoii,--.M the Park Theatre (L. It. Cool, manager) week of June- :i. Ihe Mil *v»i- prises : The Columbia Omn'ily KauTi Melnui tr- 1,B Nolo Trio. Florence Hatiuders. MasuillU Duo. anil the Llfeogmpli. a'a parity houses, BLioi; (ThomiiH k I'otts, nmnngersi. - Vaudeville, moving pictures and DUmniteu sunga week of 4, AHRtiiciN iMcwnr uUWswK i Frank Cwa> ter. nanager).— Tin* tsitana Troupe, late »r llarmim & Bailey's Circus, drew good crowds luatweek, anil will hold over for U anil week. * MarittBelil. Al Meiiiiirlal Opera lloice SeveugHll and ruoipany. Iiypnnlhta. wwk of May IS. had good liimlneaa. This IKHHI '8 now clOKCil for the neiiM'U. UtiruM si (Gus Sim * i>. pie who attend will he costumed In tbe be- coming garments of Japan Gilbert Kly, stage director of the Forepaugh Stock Co.. Is combining pleasure and business at Port- laud, .Me .The Ohio 'Music Teachers' Association meets here la annuel convention June 20-21!. Great programmes arc being ar- ranged by A. J. Gantvourt, of the College of Music Cincinnati Is honeycombed with electric theatres, and Norwod now claims one — a tented affair.. ....J. Murray Allison la coming to Cincinnati for the Sbubcrls, to ur-e If an arrangement can be made with tho Fall Festival Association for the presenta- tion of "The Blue Moon," a spectacular opera. It Is possible tbe New Yorkers wltl later take on a Japanese operatic spectacle. "Yo- seial Sun," which Pant Jones, author of "Marco Polo," wrote, and which the Full Festival people wanted thu Shubcrts to stage. It. It. Heynolds bus been In New York ii week, talking over the big yluu. Under the i>eraouiil direction of 10. T. JCIglcr. the spectacle. "Feast and Furies," has taken the road. Harold Uushea Is general luanu- per : YV. T. Sneehuu, for years with Joseph Murphy's ■ company, general atage director, and Albert Hale, ballet master. Field Bros. nnd C. F, Harvey prepared tho aceuery. Cleveland.— At the Opera Bouse (H, II. Kline, manager) the II. C. Herz Stock Co. begins Its Summer season week of June -I. "The Dictator" being tbe Initial offcrlug. "The Hermits of Spain," tbe music and book of which was written almost entirely by the Hermit Club, of Cleveland, was given last week, to capacity, The book, music and act- ing showed that there Is much talent In this popular organlzxtlon of auialeurs. Hers ntork Co. week of 11. Colonial (Drew k Campbell, manager*). — Mme Hemhardt's two perfo nuances, May 'M, to capacity houses, closed the house (or the season. Ltceum (Geo. 31. Todd, .manager). — The David Haiifard Stock Co. will give ''Jerusa- lem, the Holy CHy." week of June 4. "Dora Thorpe," last week, drew large ami enthusi- astic audiences. Euclid Avkm.k Ga whins (Max Fnetkeu- beuer, manager). — The William Farnum Co. gives "logomur" hh lis opening number, week of 1. ('restore drew good crowds In spite of the cold weather last week. CoLiaei'M (M. F. Troatler. manager), — "A Temperance Town" Is the second week's uttering by the stock compauy week of 4. "A Milk White Plug" drew fairly good crowds, considering tbe weather, last week. Kbith'h (H. A- Daniels, manager). — Bill week of 4: Margaret Wrcherly. Flying Rath- buns, McrVaters and Tyson, Cook ana Madi- son, Johnnr Jones, Four Avolos, and Lillian Ashley. Big houses continue. Stab (Drew k Campbell, managers). — ■ A Hummer season of moving pictures and auto- matic baseball will be Inaugurated here week nf I, The Avenue Girls had good recelptn last week. „•_'-. purely local, hot had been carefully (rallied Ly Manager K. K. Itosiwlek. of tho Hlnitirri Tlieatre, The Flrsi light Infantry was spon- sor fur the eutciiiiliuucut. A handsome lov- ing cup was presented lo Mr. Boatwlck. In naanfikm of his services. The authors of "Vim Isle of Blng" luleud to have It.prixluced pru/essloiially. . riuuiiBitT (Ii. F. Host wick, maiiagm),— Sirs. Leslie rurtcv, In "Haiea, plays a post- season engagement 4-0. KbitiCk (ChaH. LevajaMffL manager).— "IfTiWew King." played by Iltii Aluea Slock Co., wrus ouc of thu best erforta the raroitsny has *ver made. "Guy Purlslsns" 4-1), ■"vVljnn We Were Twenty-one" 11-10. . Hup irk (Spitz ft NnlhunHou, mauHgers. )— Tho'Kmpire Theatre Summer Stock Co, played ■'Woman Agalust Womuo" laat week, *«nd huslnoHs was autlsfactory- "I^ast Lynno" 4* U, "The Belle of ltlchinuud" 11-10. WLHTMlNHlBH I Geo. H. llutcheller, Ultllill- «er). — The French Brtiuly Vumlevlllo ami Spiirlalty Co. etitertHlncd good houses last week. i Wouiasurbef.— At the WooiiKockel Opera House (Josh K. Ugdeu. manager) Nuncu O'Nell will Is* »L*«U hero, In "Caiilllle," Juiiu &, ShepnrdV pictures enjoyed two large houses DeconiLton Day. lioAii Lakk Thkatiik iW B, Nye, ihiiiki- ger).— The bill Tor week of 4 Includes: Tho Viucttea. Terry uiul Klnivr. uurle Brackmun, i.'or.'iallu. unci Kddle, and moving umnroa. Tho utienlng week. May 28-Jnne 2, was tlm largest In tin 1 seven years the park bus been open. The music for Ihe ilsm-v Lull la furn- ished this seusou by McUnclly's Signing Or- chestra, of Mllford, Mhhs. Hub (Jas. w. CunklliL manager).— Miss Rohu and company v/IH furiilsh (lis entcr- lulnmetit week of 4, The bill last week drew well. • i » MAHVLANII. Ill ox Ing I Baltimore.— At the l.yric r ltnrn.hn ni Ul- lich, manager) "The Sliver Hltnier" nppns the third and fluul week of Fisher's Ojjeru t;o.. June 4. rSicelleiil business rewarded] tho production of "Snn Toy" last week. UAini IW. 1.. Biillsiif. raaiiiigi'ri.— i/lurk a Runaway Glrl» begin u week's slay 4. The Dainty Duchess Co. did well, (dosing 2. 'the Buwery llurtc- Kltlon of MiKgu earttinter.atahe CrysiHl.. Bert t.'umiuii, of this city, will arrlyn hunia mooii, huvinw llulslieil IiIm Hraa«Mi with Marin WnliiwriKht'» coni|iaiiy...-Clarimce Slephcus, of "Kgyptu" Co.. lin« nnived home. , *«» ■■■■ — IOWA. .' lien Mnlnea.- Al lowana Pink (W, n , (iouiiey. ninnnger) the lloyal Duent Co. Is lirerfntlBI "Tbe Mascot," lo large crowd*, week nf May 27. "The Two Vagabonds" June Ht. hiuBiiHoi.L Paiik (Fred llucluniun. ma lin- ger I. — Thin nark opened week of May 37, and all excellent vtiudi'vllli! bill Is being ur- rered daily, ii* Inrge crowds. Willy /.Iniuiei-- iniui llaviniiiu'H wild animals, Ihe lluuftuw Mldcehi. Ihe lloMiilroi, Ihe Four Kmperow of MiiiuV. utiil moving |Hchires are Ilia attrae- tlone for I lie present work. I'aplnta. Lftnlaa Brehiinv. Ailnlr and Ibihn, I'owell unit com- jinn)', nnd l-taveuiuii'a nnluiuls (hmcouU weeki are Hie bill for ,lntie 9, I'Imimiik IM. J. Kurgdr. mniiagerl,— IJoM mIkinI erowils rti-e.etiJnyhiH (he bill of n'eek May '2H. consisting of : Kniwo- Comiulv Kour, Frank I„ Pcrrv, Laiulh* aud Stono, ClatidUm and Seaiiel, Hvdell Sisters and Hiittnrwoiili, Tml l*i. Box.'MHa lilne, nml imitlon pbrtutcB. Cuming June 4: Nellie Fields. Wm. Gross, tlllhert arid Warren, Mr. and Mrs. Cut Stewart. Francis Swirl* unit company, Bv* Tlmiclier. ami Varduii. Ferry and Wllbef. l-'oMTKli'M Oi'KtiA Hui:ni: I Win. KoHtef. iuhti- aguri.—Nst tioodwlii, In "The Genius, close* the season June 4, .„ „ Nutkm.— To 1 hot's "Kindling Mm Flitinra* showed lo xoud crowds Muy ".!8, W Wallace's Hhow comes June 4 .Gentry Bros.' 1'otty Slmw i:ouies H, It Blitflliig Bros, have their advance |inpnr up, hut. no dfii" Is us yet given. ■■ ... a - Cedar Haul da,— At Greene's Opera Ho'nw (Will S. Collier, luminous nmiiiigeri the reg- ular wuNun closed Mav '-'H, when iim Mui;- phv. In "Klin* ItilgK." was seen by a M ples^'d audience. May ifii-Jiuu* 2 Will urn .Moriia iiteseiltcd the New York All Star Vaildi'viflii Co.; tin mentioned liial wek. I'K'iim.k's i Vie. lingo, malinger i. - -The stock prmentii ".I'te llhMioirir and "Collegn Chums ;:-P NoTilM.-Adveiilslug car. No. 1. of the Wal- lace Shows. In charge or CIiiih. Cbolthl. with eighteen men, billed Die cliy Mav W. for III" show's iiiiiii'Mrnucc here June Ll. ... ■•"Ill S, Collier Htteiulcd tlio mi mm I meet lug nf ill" Inwa Kittle Itlll Puller*' AMsoellltloli. «I Hooiie, Mav IH. when Ulnae oftlcera were rhu-tcd : William Moore, Ifen Mollies. pri"d(|cn1 ; t Huh. T. Kiii.ti iNTenpiri; flw prndtMil : \; ry. I'eylotl, Ceiitcrvllh 1 . I reaailier. mill Al. Iliisuy Marahaltlown, secretary. The next hhuua! meeting will in- ft Iluiilngtoii, May BO, 1DH7 llav Hwun will be the trriHurec hi Alniini I'ark. mid Vie Hugo, numiigcr of the vaiKlevlIle llienlrc there, iintlotlll-ed ci oiicrt June II Lottie Miinru urrlverl ,V). having closed villi Ulngllng Bros.' Auoex. Hiir mother, Hose Muiiro, Is Ireusmer nt tho 1 pkyv Tiieatre hern The Cedar Ruiddfl KHglvM* luMtutll team won defeated at Ann* ittoHit .1G— aeerp. » to «'• Win. G. Iwftun, of thin city, wlm left the stage Keren ycara ago, took tin* IwifllBg mule port 111 "Mflrbl" Heart," st. the Ccople's. :W, for tlm benefit of Mercv HftH|ilt«l. Hi* wan on the rmol right yearn, the IiimL three a member ot (lift MiKce K.uikiii Co. »> > f 1'erry Jubilee I iiml. I'harleri .\*. Fall-child, treasurer of the KlUn Terry Jubilee iVlnhratlon-l'uiid. 'rmmrls thnt iicnrlc II.MJO Irnu been recelvM In thin country. The t-attwU**. .IwhIiIc* .Meaara. Cboate and FelrbHiiks and Edward tluinllton Bell. InelHdna Mrs; C. I'imiit l, aiDgla col- umn. ■ Advert laem en ta set with border, 10 per cent, eiira, SUBSCRIPTION. One year, In advance, 14,-elx monthi, 12 ; three paontbi, |l. Foreign, pottage extra. Ol.R CHICAGO LETTER, FJIOH OUR OW.N CORRKSPONDKNT. AV«-«i t-rn Bui-ran of Ilic %>w Vurlt Clipper, Houm MM, .vmtlnntt r* Tin* WPPk of Jim e t will sep'no changes, the down town theatren, Attraction* now holding the boards aft* are: *'The MndeflM Kin*'", RjVBRvmw Park (William M. Johnson, manager). — This park baa taken a leap Into popularity. The arrival of warm weather has given the attendance Q start wblcb prom- ise* great success for t be Summer. IbtereKt seema to centre on the Igor rote Village. NOTICE TO CORRElPONDBNTfl. King?,'" or the Ktttdebaker: "The Heir to the Hoornb," nt rowers' ; "The Lion and the Mouse," at The Illinois; "The Ttiree Orores." ot the Chicago Opera House ; "The Prince ('Imp," at the flraod Opera House; "The Olngerpread Mao." »t ■ McVlcker'a : "Julie Bun Bod," nt the Garrlrk : "The Umpire, 1 ' til the I,d Nolle, and "Forty-five Ml mi ten from Broadway," nt the Colonial. White CH v. River view nod Sana flonrl and the Chutes ure receiving a liberal portion of tbe out* door patronage. Vaudeville cnatlnues nop- ulnr at the Majestic and Olympic, and bur- lesqur pleuaed nt the Folly, Trocodero and Eu son's, Illinois Thbatbh (Will J. Davla, inane- «. iupprr, seems to centre on tue jgorrore -Tinan Black, Chlcaaja, which Ik thronged all the time. Another I sPe'no change* at point of Interest la tlie Jungle. whirl,, for it single admission, Includes Hnliin'« Wild Ani- mal Arenn, the ostrich farm, and the alli- gator ranch. What Is'Haimed aa'the largest circle Mwlng In the world will be In operation after June 3. Kyrl'a Rnod ban made a hit. Hans Sorci Park (Leonard Wolf, mono o. Jun e 9, AWFUL PSORIASIS 35 YEARS. F"H£!f,iK!* l:""" '■ ■*■«»*». ah Blaedfnsj-4 nrr.l l.j Intl.,,.,, "I was afflicted with psoriasis f or J..:... five years. It was in patches all over „■ body, I used te. w k« pi B^lSsa, I six boxes of Ointment and two IntiluT . .. Resolvent. In thirty days 1 w ™™k£ alno, Park. People's and Forepaugh's put up V cured, and I think permatienilv iii it Our theatrical correspondent* art hereby notified that fht creden-UaU now held . by them expired ot* June 1. They are reaweelMl to return then io thi% office at once, \ w«k. 'in ° .daftloa To emlly forming » circle, leaving irTthe ™, ire the three burlesque LMtmi : 'flie t rB a spot about the site of a silver dollar Bijou and Trocadero. •'Matilda," oi sound flesh. Irt a short time the ellwt i rce. comedy, far I, N. Morrln, ban ItH circle would form a heavy drv a«u . &%Ss9asruLm & ran. 2s* siivc ^ w?^^ & w^s^! ttioate copies will be ient, poatpald, on re- ger). — There haa loen a aneeeaalnn of larn;n found novel ( «i«, „f ii) r»ni* nndlenrf* here aloce "Tb« Lion and the to this resort caipi « iv cnaut. Mouse" opened Hundfty night. May 27, Oert- (StOTM.— ! rude C'oghlan, In the leading female role, " t pi S re nunc is offered. Beginning with the Mnu- ay' matinee, 3, tiieblTl will lie: Clark 'and Duncan, In a comedy sketch; La Star and La '/.nr, In a munlral skit; Bona I res, In a novelty wire act; Charlie Harris, monologlat,*-ana Anna Moore. Nuini.it. Hlgnor Oreste Vesaella and hla haul Aroma have Iwen received with jjeat acclnlm. Everywhere In tbe park are feature* and entertainments new main open a«er ,1,1s ^T'.n.ddfuo'a To "•"y *«™tag i circle, leaving in.C *™ .KHtb'H. are the thri'e tnirleflqn* hoiiFtp, : 'flie * r0 s spot about the si,.e of a silver dollar f .VCPIIIIl HIJC" "' lrl 'Vn\£iaAaYt\ "\ln»ll.,n " fit efltlri.) H.ali ,n t. ulm.. ,J ■ - ■. - a d*w farce ■ "'chmtm'ijt f, , mermaD. maniger). — "Rosalie" Is taw In allydropott. To remove the entire scale Its tlnnl wepk. nnd liy .lnne l» will have bei*li by bathing or using oil to soften tlw performed llflr-»lx Draw,. On June 5. Hie j] esn would be p< ' them the onr Terms are Ca.b, THB CLIPPER Is lasued erirj Wedneaday mornliig. Tie last four (adrertlaiDf) pages (10 TO PBB8S en Baturdaj at 11 i. M.. »"» the otter pages on UONDAI and TUESDAY. jrha Form. Cloalas I'r ompllr, Tnea- many; Diamond News Co., »7 Prado, Ha- Tina; Manila Book and Stationery Co., 128 Kscolta, Manila, P.J.I Albert * Bon, 187- i;m King St., Sydney, Aualralla. crowds. Ia>nhon Dimb Musrl'm (Wra.. J. Bweency, mnnnger). — The following will be the curio hall ntiractinns - for week of 4: Bheerlu, strong man ; Madame 'Wheton, second sight: Uyrne's trained dogs. Albert Herman tattooed man, nnd tlie Norseland glunt. In the the- ■» ntre will be seen: Pauline I,elgb, I-nconds, - unlike nnythlng seen on the stage of this city Beatrice Rmnsev, Oeorge Hhennau, nnd the " n °, n . v J ,t0 8*V 1 th f ■SfiSk "fflft; bv , '• before. "The Alcndye," June i!4, for three Midway dancers. «; Morris, llei-tha CrelHhtoii will have the Clahk Htkkkt Mi;srum (Louis M. Hedges, l « dln 1 » 1 ' ,, '* , ; Y 11 ." 1 ' V*". rt . MlP ![ - *i*jr ,r ' aDt Wt" moiiagar),— Onlor«l musicians and singers 94! 'J" aeted; hy _KdwJn ^Mlddletm. _Xellle will hold n jubilee In the curio hall nevt week. Oilier features will Include: Whiting and Whiting, female magicians; Chatim-ey Moreland, the heaviest man ou earth, and I'liil HutiIk. tmek und wing dancer. In Ilia theatre: l*earl Ollmore. Slack nnd linker, niin and Coin, lionise Adnms, and HUH's moving pictures. AiTKRMATif. — The Western Theatrical Ex- change, under the direction of Fred Barnes nnd Ttobert Kulgorn, have secured n suite of offices In Chicago Opera House Building. Thin concern practically controls all the fair business of the West. Hevernl Kuropepn nov- elty acts have been hooked by Messrs. Barnes & IWilgora for their pnrks nnd fairs. When tin' regular senson opens the above concern will probubly operate several vaudeville thea- tres from here to 'California, John A. would crack and bleed. I suffered Intense itching, worse nt nighls after peltinp warm in bed, or blood warm by exercise when it would be almost unbearable' W. M. Clndester, Hutchinson. Kan Anril 20, 1005." ' ' K. Harmeyer, Ko ven -It 11 11 kin* Slange rotulc opera, "The Student King," Is ireetlng the sneress .predicted for It when the piece was produced two weeks ago, Tii dletices have been large nud highly en nstlc. There Is every Indication that rhn Callahan. Arthur Mnltlnnd, Klenimr Caiues and William Curr. The cast Is well known to loail playgoerH, all of them having Iteen ciiii- ' necteu nt one time with either the Porepnitgh of Olraril Avenue stocks. At tlie matinee, «, .Miss Crelglilon will appear In "Cnrollle." June Dore, In "A Mod I^>ve," created n fnvornhle Impression, and drew good sized houses Inst week. manuger). — "The Olngerhrend Man" has tnbllshed Itself In favor, and Is entertaining big audleuces, Tbe sei-ond week of tbe en- ?Bgrnaat begins Hundiiy, 3. "Tbe Clnnsmnn" nllnwslN. Chicaoo OPRSA Hoiihk ([,yiiuin It. Glover, nmnnger .for Kohl & Castle). — "The Three Ornces" will enter upon Its ninth week Mon- THE NKW VORK CLII»PBB pnUllshea day, 4. Since this pretty musical comedy -'-_-..-» b - m I,,... I....... Mwvll^an nn.l f,"jln,i IV.IIniia TIji.l...i|. only one i-.ll.loii, and that ts dated giom New York. QUERI ES ANSW ERED. ■ No Heplloa by Mail o r Telenrapn. AUIiHKSHES OR WIIKItKAIIOL'TH HOT OtTBN. AlX IN QUKBT OK, SUCH BMOULU WHITE TO VHOal WHOM MET HRHK, IN CARB OS* THK CI.IPPKR POM OkpicK. AW- liKTTiaa wn.I. PM AUVRHTISKl) ONI' WHHK 0NI.T. Ir Till BOUT! OF AN* THRATRirAt. COMPANT IS BOUGHT, RtF-lOR TO OUR LMt OJf ItOUTHH ON ANOTHER 1'AHK. Wu OANNOT 8BND lOliTH BV UIIL'OR TBLRaHAPH. DRAMATIC D. D., kflBHliig.— We hare an knowledge of the present mfJ-MtoutN of t|ie party. Ail dress n letter In our care and we will adver- tise It lu Tub CUtf>l letter list. "A. B. CY' New York, I. II. H.. Walnut ifprlngH, (I. W. ('West WO-, 0. V. V., Hi) Holo, und "Anxious." — Hoe answer to II. I>., nlsive. W. .M., Srlieiiectndy.— Send stamp fur «up "l.li i|« lied Book," whit* gives the addresses of the purilea. H. P., Boston.— -1. He U In vaudeville nt rresetil. ..'. Wc do not know wlnu bis inten- Ions are fur the coming seasoii. T. J. H., Bayer.—AMvi'rllfW.-ymir wants In Th» CiiiPPHft. xMl ejtB reach the -Hosioclt Shows nt Pteamlntid, t.'nuey Island. Tbe ifiluiulv HIiowh, ut hmiti Pork, Coney Islaud. P.. Met.'., Phlltidelpblii.— , beta on (lie reatilt of gumes go with the umpire's decision. W, tl.. Dover,— Utile 5«, Sec. 1^, covent tthe point. CARDS. "A. B. C," Head lii g.— The enrds muse he properly shuQIcd ami .on f Iwfnre each deal. 8. P.— 11. wlus with low. The points couut hi tills order of precedence: High, low, jark uud game, Mis(i;i.tAM;iii;\ II. K. Ii., Kansas City,— lu all regular dice A}ii.ni'H the tt Is high and tlie Dfii Is low, < aw-» 1 — I LOUISIANA. has been rewritten and Kilim Wallace Hopper and Helena P'rederlcks added to the cast, the Interest has constantly lucreased. I.A s.uxh Tiikathh (SI. II. Hluger, mana- Ser), — Tills house will .celebrate an event aturdny evening. P. which will be. without precedeut In tin- history of Chicago theatres. On thai date "The Umpire" marks Its three huudmlfh consecutive performance at Ibis playhouse, Tills theulre closes for Ike Sum- mer hi ubniil two weeks, OliRAT XmtTlIfSUN THEATRB (Pre,! ('. Kherts, manager). — Williams nnd waljcer he- flu their second week Sunday, .1. "Bedforil'n lope" 10, for one week. ifn.11 Tv:mi'1,k (ICllKnhetb Hchnber, v mnun- geri. — The Mnyers Btfin Co, nn Monday nlgbt. -t, will preaent ,W. S. llllbert's "Wed- ding March." This will in- the limt bill of the senxmi. mnl will run for twweeks. Tbe ploy has been lucalla-ed by James W. Castle. singe director, nnd William Thomas, musical ilirector. at this thputre. Last week, "Tbe Little Miniate!'" played to good business, ami was well presenled'hy ihls company. MA.TtJHT! will nsHiiuii' nine distinct chn meters. The Three Ms- hi in- ttlstet'N will be seen III their work on the wire. The hill also Includeit: Clayton White nnd Marie Stnnrr, who were a- big hit here last wis>k; Welch, Mealy nud Hlonl- mse, Oeorge Austin Moore. I^xiroaltlon Ftnir, Melville and t'ouwny, Don nud Tbomuaon, .leiiulngs unci H'-iifirw, Master Hlnlur,' l)nvc mnl Parry Martin, Clever Conkey, and rtio Vnnghners. oivMi-ir tiii:athk (Abe Jacobs, uinnagur for Kohl & Cnstle). — The Kaufman Troupe of bicycle acrobats will head the bill week of 4 The prngrnmme also includes: Nora Hayes, hlrxle Rvatis and Hurry Mills. Stan- lev nnd Wilson, Musical Klelnf, Mndelltie Wluihmp nnd company, Ollllliuu nnd Perry, llros. Devon. Pets Baker, Manning Trio, Coyne Hi-ok., Mr. nnd Mri. Jack, Hilly l^ai-th- rpinke. Sisters Coleni.iu, and the klnnOronie. Coi.tinniiN Tiinatrh [Weber Bros., maun- gcrsl.— -'■Hesnrreellon"' will Is 1 tbe offering of the st<.<;k cotupuny for the week of :;. Tlie clmractT of Mnslova will be jilnyed by Anim Niitht'i'laiul. Jessie Mosley, John T. Nlchul- si.u. Alice Marvel, Elmu Cornell, Alimwortli Arnold uml 'Willis Hall will be secti in this play. Lust week "Tiiehuu." Week of in, "Mad Cat Zlcky." Poli.v TiiHA'itiK (John B. Pcnnessey, man- ager). — The Innocent Belles will Is 1 the offer- ing here for one week, cuinmeuclng Suiulay.vt. The company Includes: Boger Inrhoff, Su- annue t.'orlune, John A. West, Hugh ruim. Pay O'Dnll, Hesale Taylor. Nellie Stnplnton, nnd others, An olio of specialties will be offered. Last week the 1'hnplre BurleHqiiers was the bill. TinH'Ai)]-:in> Thkatiir (I. M. Welngarten, inniitigcr). — Ileglnnlng Sunday arternoou, :t, jhe Tmcitllero Stock Co. returns for a Sum- mer run. Nut Plelds will lie chief fuu maker. and Nut R. Jerome, J. W. Sherry, Howard Morris, May Curtis. Ploasle Levnn and Nellie Kenton. On the vaudeville list ure: Nelh, ilii' Juggler: itowland Traverse, mnglcinn: •Mnv t^irtls. soAibrette; 3. W. Sherry, monolo- Cnostdlnc. president of the International Theatrical Co.. nrrlvnd In town May ai.... liugene Cllne left for New York City after- noon of 2. He will stay In New York about a week. .... .Arthur It. Bockett, of Hackett and Buzard, Informs me that he has refused all offers fur vaudeville work for thlR Sum- mer, as be litis accepted u. position with Carl Bnuge's Concert Band nt tbe Btnmnrk Gnr- denw. Chlcngo. as saxophone aololst d^t ' ,1 Boylan, I.oura Ordwny. McNamee. A Pred. ,lnr?ls will close with Sidney Corlemn. the Burkes. Leonard Kane, and th Sldaey I '.'ii 11 and company Sunday, .'I. He will t'cminie his vaudeville work with union Tudor 'I, nnd will play Sninuipr parks until Aug. in Tlie Aliearus were C1.11-- i'Ki: rltireau callers Tliuiwtlii.v, May 1)1. They open at Wouderluud Park, Milwaukee, June 111, nnd are booked until September. Ilatlui- way and Slegel Inform me thut they bfive just closed a most Hiicceaxrul tour over the Keith circuit. They arrived here from New York City Wednesday, on their way to Uuils- vllle, wliere Ihey will open nt Hopkins' Purk. The Western 'Vaudeville Managers' Associa- tion hnve I moked llicm solid until Deeetnher. .William Rock aad Alma Yonlln_wlll enter vaudeville in the near futur iiihi vaudeville dnte will be played hl ", Mr. II ' Majestic Theatre, this city. Mr. Hock will Offer n new miniature musical cotnedv from the pen of Ben S. Jerome Negotiations me now pcudlng between the management of the Chicago Opera House and John C. I'laher for nn ejoborata revival of "The Silver Slip- per.". . . . Prank Plxley. author of "The Prime of Pllnen," "King Dodo" utuL "Tlie IliirgoniiiK- ter," passed III rough this city thin week, after 11 six months' trip to Jnpnu. While absent 'Mr, Plxley wrote another musical comedy, and from tin* appearance of frequent visits to the chlcngo Opera House, It gave rise to the rumor ilint the uigvnagcinent may produce the new piny In the Kail After the run of "The Three (.races" at the Chicago Opera limine Manager (Dover announces the a\y B'nnijHf of Nellie Htewart, the Australian ernhnrdt, who will be Introduced to Chi- cago nudienecn by Oeorge Musgrove, the Lon- don and Australian manager. Pollowlnu; 11, ni siimigenicnt un all star cost revival of "The I. uud of Nad" Is probable, after which the Dull Open Co, will revive "The Circus Olrl.*' "The country DIM" nnd "The |tun- uway CJIrl " Joseph Howard und M11 ICuicrson will return to vnudertlle June 11. ..The AI. W, Mnrtlu "Uncle Toui's Cabin" Co. closed Ha senson of forty-four weeks at ill- 1 criterion Tbentre, Chicago, June '2. The past season has been the most prosper- ous In the show's history. I>'or next senium the most, stupendous production of thin old but ever popular drama will be given. The tout* la already booked solid In ail the lurge cities, and the Martlu Show will l»' tbe only "Uncle Tom's Cublu" Co. that will play ex- clusively the city time. Special attention wilt be given to tlie Hcenlc nnd mechanical elTcrts. Au entirely now set of scenery will lie lined, and with a competent company of actors uud nctresaes, niigmt:iitei! by a large male nud fe- male chorus and a fine concert bund, Mana- ger AL W. Martin looks forward to a nenaon of ruiitimi.'ii prosperity. is one Of the coziest pbrks hi Pittsburg TliU week < atils Philadelphia Hand will apjeir all week, and a good vaudeville bill NuTB— The twenty-seventh annual benetlt by the Pittsburg I.udge, No. 1, of Klks w be given at the Oayety Theatre, Juu ,4 * and a iarue advance sale of tickers ImW ported. They will present a minstrel show. m I,nneaa«er. — The Fulton Opera HmvM (Chkn. a. yccker, manager) will mw ," Viola Alien June n, Pamilv (Bd. . -Mirtsart, manager) h dark week of 4. peudiog negotiations for a rental for the Slimmer seiiaou. Boot' OAimEN (Clias. M. Howell, HIM- % r h—F. wnat attractions include: 11 w H-eierfck and Tekla r'arm. Brludnmun,- handcuff expert; Daisy Harcourl. A D, can. Mirtls nnd Hiibae. with their dogs -Ma. jpHtk- Trio, niid mavtajr nlchires RucKT »prinoh Park Thbatbb.— The oDen- lug, QrntjMd for May 28,-wna -defer reii .1.1111 Jl». on ncronut of hod weather. The llrst nudieiiee was slim, but ou Ho, when the iu*k wan formally opened, everything was t-roird MT lis over lU.OW wer/0.1 the grounds many of whom reuaalucd for the erenin? 1 be Mitchell Stock Co.. which remain J ?.?r it p%3tt*W** ' ,1>lnk D<,,uIno "'■ KoTKh.-oiimore Day, 4. will l>e rehbraled with a inrge parade. In which l 1km I twemy- live hands will take purl. ft« | m , oli or u tll , In.i^l!rf ffi'JE? 1 'T, 9""™ lu Hip parade. and used I u the united i-onceri at its rh.-o- . . . . . . J. ito.ver West, of the musical team of Jjjygf Vm WaUn ' l8 ^siting bis father It! ■ 1-. riiNiot.. a, inland Purk Casino (I). E, Mpgulue, umiiugen |grn crowds wit next lbs eiiierfiiinMenis nt HiIh uopntar Hitmuwr apDM As 11 rule two iterFormaBeea ur.- given n. ".v '.-"■; kt ! • ■'■■vtMiimn. ""'/■ m,t on Memorial Day two addltloual The Vimkee Doodle Ulrlu ilhl line busliiess Inst ^"ormatices were given. It Is u mmuioii oeciirrence to Hell un Bta» seat, with hun- dreds of people standlug. The current Mil liM-udeK: The TEXAS. Hnnnton. — Turner llnll was crowded lMttsliupji.— At the Nixon (TTioa. P. Kirk Jr., manager) "The clnnsniau" pluv* .limit 4-h. Uat week "The Mayor of TMrMr 5 lilnyed to mmmI business. Week of IS will he Hie llrst or the opems to he glveu hv Ihe Mxon flperii Co., when "Itoliln lle lluta and llm., J.i'jiiv and Liipe/. Llvlnevtou nad Anderson, ns well na .Mr aud .Mrs. Waterbim will lu> the holdovers. Tlie klnodrumo will present flew slides. Cirv Park. — Pain's uingulllcent firework display pleased nlftlitly to tbopsnnds of peo- ple last week. Notiin. — Manager Ponrton's New Theatre, mi Bit roiuie Street. Is being rnphlly built, ami will no doubt be ready for uu curly Septeui- Iter openliiR Tlie Tulane nnd Cn'speHt O'lieatres are being; handsomely frescoed and sialulcd by Ibe well known scenic art 1st. !■: m lie Nlppei'l Itnuiiir Iftis It Hint New Orleaus Is to uoou have another Summer Park, the White city. Local capltul Is he- l'hiaon. mini 11 - ger). — Manager Kimou has Inatnlled a com- pany of huiTemiuers for the Snuuner. The Fusou Stock Co. will offer, for the coming week, I lie Oriental f mil nay, called "The Harem of HITend." as tbe curtain raiser, ami "lioiul Old Summer Time" hk Hie closing bur- li'ttii. Until Kvprctt Is among Ibe recent ad- ditions to tbe coinpuuy. nud the vaudeville ni 11 vers luetude the followliig: UroiVn aud llsrcourt. Whitehead and the Orlersou Sis- ters. Orvllle nud Prank, Toby and Lloyd. Business Ir gnud. Winn; Crrv (1*0111 D. Howse, general man- ager,.— The luness Hand cIuspoT 2, and the liandu ltosfia, with Kugeiilo Horrentlao, nn conduclor. took up the musical work It. for the coming two weeks. Tlie great fire show Ih breaking Ur lust year's record. The Mid- gel City, the dog and monkey circus. Jewetta Manikins, Qlg otto, with his trained wild animals : the vaudeville theatre, under the control of Kohl & Castle ; the lufnnt Incu- bators, aud the realistic panorama of tbe Chi- cago tire hnve been visited by many thousands during the nasi two weeks. Venice, a trip to Mnra. Hate's tour, Keller's blue room, tbe Nlghl of Irish Wit ami Humor, proved l Nuflsfnctory Hint It inny be repeated again, with the. same object. IMum.AM* Park Thkatiik (Harry Vnn De Murk, business. ' nmnnger). — The senson opened at this place 1.7. with the - IlolMugsworlh Twins Co., In repertory, to crowded iiouses. "Tlie Matinee (Mil" follows June :t und week. Note. — Billy Wllllums Is convalescing, aad Is utile to move slowly about, nltboitgh still In grent pnlu. He appreciates highly the generous I rent men t accorded him here, aud the willingness of everyone In extending him a belplug baud. , *> l Hoys nnd Olrla . Hbnrman uud Oe p n r- Lawrenri. and llnrrlnglon. PnlfrevBiid ' !\u u ? &&. t U \ Ux « ' ,oll, '«. W|llle Ifnrr, Fred Bny Ihilton, Curr and . W|ll and compativ, Jordan, Vm. teiilvenion. — The opening of F.lertrlc Park, May 27, was a great success. Davo Weis, the urn linger, has every reason to feel proud of Ids handsome place of nmuaeraenr. All of the »t I ructions ou the grouuds arc not complete nn yet, but will be In two ur three weeks. Tbe openiug attraction at the theatre was the Mnilnee Hlrl Opera Co., In vaudeville, luctiidlug: T)otr Pnncn. Kddle Holland, the Crescent City Quartette, Sadlo Olll. wniliiai II. summers, tbe Two MIltohR, the Fonseea Troupe of Mexican Acrobats, -Sevmour's trained dogs, and Sail Pranclsco cni-thnunkc, by the electroscope. Han \.it«i,iiu. At KlerlHf Pork (Sid II. Weis, manager) ihe Allien Taylor Stock Co., May L'7-June 2, t-ontluued 10 draw hirgo. crowds. The company goes, to Houston for School Hoys nud IJIrla, Hur rest, Lit Boeder, _ and Kdllli Allen nnd _ Im Helle, Mile. Latum and tlie clneiniitogrnoh" m Bl.1011 (It. M. thlllek A Co.. maaugersl — Hose Melville. In "Sis Hopkins." "-if i , t week "The Factory (ilrl" did well. "The Drummer Hoy of Sblloh," by | w „l ta\mi, ■Tub Ar.viH closed Its doors 2, and will reopen early lu August. "Buster BtOwV closed Ihe lumae, after a very prolltaliln three, weeks' engagcuipnt, Scnulon. Paul Dickey, Link nnd charter*. N ler Jhmnworth unit Snu Francisco disaster pictures. ORi'ilptiM (T. J. Conahllne. manager).— New people 2H ami week: Four JnggHog MorluuH. Jnmes P. f#e nnd company, Harco Bros., (Jen. Vnehinn. Cato KTelth, Trarey Ur- Deniiolt and moving pleluim Pastaurr' (Alex. Pontages, manager). — New people 28 and week: Techno Tavern Uuiirlelte, Four (Iporam, Clinton Sisters, ttewge Trump. Timothy and Dobuegnu, Leu White, and moving pictures. NritANii (Mose Ooidsinlth manager).— -New people .28 and Week: The Havmonds, Carrie Arkelln, nnd Mario Hoblugon. RAIBTI (Fred- Ritchie, manager).— New people 28 and week: Lottie Darvelle. Hot Lewis, and Mav Chester. THAMA (Mose Ooldflmlth, manager).— New people 28 and week: Florence Lewis, Kate Wilson, oud Josephine Sheldon. hmiHis & Row's Cmoiis June 4-0. ftOTKH.--.TBhu Cort bos returned from Nee* York City.... . ,ft J. HnneHaU. i In- po| ' manager of thfl Orpheinn, hi this city, 'ha-* I UK , iIatktv closed 2, am) will reoneii In S, w,,,,Ml1 l1lfl mnnngemeiit of the Star August. L. J. MpCiillangli. the iiiuuairer lhl ' " lm ahnwltig the Sun Fraiiclsei. dlsnsler palled for Kurope last Katurdnv, ami will re- ffl" H t"I''" ffot" Paiitngea' Tbentre Mnv ?*■ tlira tbe latter pun of August', t'heae were the first moving pictures of Ibe Luna Puik.— John" C."'\VebeV'B nrlue tana *»<'kert clly with Blanche MebalTey as soloist Tb B n- tMt "eateS lug Arabs nppeur lu the open ulr w " fl found 2ft\ Kkknvwimio. — Dumonl a Mlnslrelq ihi« fr ™ n """ *'*" rertaine l Ir tInV <]Dl "' H Pll,ln,Ielulllffl »antl ".. Ing pic shown lu Seattle, nud tbelr no little excitement. 'Die dun -.. Inn vacant lot. aevernl blocki frotn the theatre. Several arrests have bcea mode lit connection -with the robbery. So :tiikbs.— On Hiimlay, .1. Mayer's Band and local anlnlais appeared. Monday. 4 Ihe thf wSfe *^ Mlustrels entertain for CAMtouN.— Sunday N'lrella's Bond, tbe Lone Star Qimrtette. nud Whistler K Kb. . Si»ok«n*._The new Columbia Tlieatre. a iiQo.noo opera limwe, oppped niispb ■imi-'iy May l, to nb audience which crowded every coriier. Mayor Daggett spoke briefly before the rurtnln wns rutig up, The Byron Doiigbi" iliicmW— MitiidavTru 'lV"..r"if u'. 1 ^' . l '."- °1>''««I Am hollw. anil ar, roall.iilBS l "1 ™.ii\.i. "I 1 .."' .' b Lh.1l> ■ Uaedlad iljlern «•«■!(«• pniai.ni.nl. Tile first play local vocalists, aud' a '0 weeks - entaiemetll. .... • ffyra srns "An American Cltlaen. ■la" 11 fciad'iDe venture, wltn'umtllua Joun Canuuu, louiidry,' catocouitu, Jounatown flood, and all tue r?«sk or it, andteeu ritiiraa liere for tie meat will lie put ou Monday, ,. Ibe arell known promoter, as nauasar. ibe coister. bale does > lana.opce builneu. week followln|. ■ Dne.u Cm opeuedlWritlon »>,. .ns i, . £KJ"^SB?Jf t . , !t'*H&. w H? ,! . vaudeville entertlla- "lajr, 4. tcontlon Bay, ana It ■ leaflni capaciri'orjiiw'peopier'it l« • THE NEW YORK (DLIPPEK. ,435 It eaally, quickly and ftaormighlj removes all trace of grease-paint, burnt cork or any other make-up, without the aid of cold cream or without the allghteat injury to the most delicate compleiion, leaving the akin feeling cool, clean and comfortable. Nit SALE BY DRUGGISTS AND OtOCEIS • WILL Wife WALTKE & COMPANY "WASH-UP" MADE EA^Y Iirelty hotinc-, the color scheme being old rose, vory and gold. The directors have snrta notlilnjj to add »lt the Intest Improvements, antl Die liirhtluff. ventilation and heating are of the in test paltorn, Ineludliur the rheoRi.it for dlmnilnc light h to moonlight shades. The PoiiKlas 4.0. Iiu-lndcx: Byron OoiiBlaH, Francis Yale, Charles .Wynjrate, Ueorge C. Robinson, Ddould Meek, . Bern hnrdt. Nelmeyer. \V. .T. iMoufgotnery,' Henry McBnc. Viihh, Henrietta. Brown, . Leah Wlnalow, Knlc Darling, ullve Skinner and Bertha Cordrny. Jim — John Tort, manager of the .North Wentera' TJifta-trk'Hl Apodal Ion. Is. expected to decide whether Ida people will take up in option mi the Auditorium Theatre, whirl, nils been secured at Mini, nun. Mr. Cmt Ik hurry- ing arrafijtenienfs'to wcure it house here for the Orpbeuni circuity which will open In S,s> km. i*. ill.- hint week in August. If the rsko- rlatloii aeciii'es the Aurlltorluni It will nlose the. present put ranee and open n new one on h vtu'uiii hit adjoining tho building. Tho capacity, of (lie Auditorium la l.BHO people. It is nt present la?lng used liy the Jessie Hhli- leyi Stock Cii. Tneonia. — At the Tacomn Theatre (Chas. II. Herald, manager) David Proctor and tEllttbitl. Valeiitltip. In "A Mesange from Mui-n." May 1'fl, ill), pleased. Mack Swain, .'to, 111, In "Kathleen. Mavourneen." Cora King Siviihi wan leading lady. Pollard's »'i.».. ltv"A Riirmwny Olrl," "The Oslcly (Mrl" and "An American -'Millionaire" .hint) i, 2. Ura.ni>. il>. It. Worley, manager)- — Week liefllnnlng Mny 28: Jlert Levy, Jessie Dale, t'ieorge Lavender. Clifford and Orth. NhIhiIk timt company, Frank Itowan, In Illustrated wings, and (jrandlKcope. Star (If. M. Owens, mummer). — Week he- Sltmlng L'S. the Allen Shirk Co., In "The tows war." Charles Klnc and A. Dule, In the lending roles, "Kid" 11 raffs tr took the purl of (bo bin ciui 1 . ♦ » » ■ DISTRICT Or COLUMBIA. v\ flrtlilNKtou. --At (he Columbia (Luckelt A. Kliinrtlnjr. niitnngerKi. HiIh week. Ihe Huv Standing Comedy Stock t*o., In "The Llnrs. ' with John Mason specially engaged. Iwist week, I lii> slock presented "Stilt Witters Hun iM'ti," lo excellent business. Iiki.ahcii (L. Stoddard Taylor, manager). - 'nils wuuk. Hit- Odette Tyler Htock Co., In "Christopher Jr," with the exception of Juno 5. when Rime. Heriihardt .appears. Last week. "The AdvenlurcH of i»nly Ursula" mot with great eiii-cess, the stock appearing to great advantage. Ai.'adkuy oi' Music (.1. W. Lyons, mana- ger).— -This week,, Kin cut lfogan, In "Iltifun Kiimuih." i.iini wepk, ftose Afelvllle, In "Sla Hopklna." packed the house. M \.i !■:;:. i-ic (iru.J. Lit Motte. uiauagor). — Tii i H limine opened for one night laal week (June 1). ror the Thalia Yiddish Co., to a crowded' house, Lu.-i-;i:if (ICugenc KermtD manager). — This week murks Hie opening of tlie Hummer sca- miii ni Mi I h hoiino by the. Lyceum Htock Bur- in."lii" Co. LuHt week the II licit School Olrla clotwil i lip regular rieahon of tno hou^e, to ex- cellent tiualneriK. Li .n.v 1'auk (lleorge !■;. i;iii. managci'). — Thla mngnlilcent. reaort opened May -K, In Creat aliape. Thonaunfla of iieojile vlalted It and admired II. Liberal!'* Bund und the Bcrrle Vnldnn troupe of hIx girl IdcycllHta luniii. in'.i (he free outdoor entertainment, be- i !'!•■ a full compllmcDt of Hhoot the cbutca, ncenlc railway, trip to llockanay, circle Kwlng, temple of myntery. danclnR' pnvlllon and A' score of other tittrncttona. rhllllplnl's Band and u high diver are the free vaudeville featurex. Chevy Cmask Lakb (Herbert Claude, man- ager).— A Hocilon of Hie 0, H. Slnrlno Band fiirnlKhor, nightly concertH. tlKNTRV Biiothkrh' Show bad capacity Tin sill cbs. — i » »» OREGON. r-.i -Diimi. At thci'Helllg f Calvin Bfttllg, manager) "A Message from Mara" did good iniHitif mh May \il'2i. The theatre is now dark; , i -m I'll; r Tjuiatrh (MIIIod .YV. Seamaii, manugeri la dark. llAKMi TiiKVTHt: (<*cu. h. Baker, uiaiiugcr). —-Tho linker Tbwtra Co. had two ciipm-lty houaea 27. lo ivltueaa "llanda Aci'drh tho Hen." The eomimny did extiemely large luiHlneHH week of 20. In. "The fdltlc Jllnlnter. 1 ' "Tho I'Ucrnul city" will bo put. on June l< Lyric TiiKAwt; (Kcntlng Ac Flood, mann- sen*).~Tlie Lvrh: Htock Co. la prcuentlnit r 'A Southern (JIi-I'm I/ovg" week of May 28. Star Tjihatiii; (Jiiinpa II. Krrlckaon, niuii- accr),— Tho Star Stock Cb. Ik prcaeatlng "Too.Miiny Friends" week of 28. «ram» Thbatiih (Jaaica II. l-JrrlckHon, mnnnpei*). — The hill week of 28 : The Broth- ers Li.il/., ill' 1 Creat. Ctpmeiiso Brothers, lha RiDadvav Trio, Tom Rt|iloy, ftentfrow and Jansen, llnrolrl IlolT, nrntidlHCope. I'antaukis' TiiKArnt: t4ohn II. Johnson, munngeri^-The bill week of 28 : The Topaj- Tiirvy Trio, Wm. C. Doivlan and entupaTly, Holmes and Holmes; .lonea and Sterling, .len- netle Monitor. Arthur Mlwell. moving pic- tures of the Han Francisco oArthtiunke and fire, by the Uutoseorw and Bloprrnph Co., of New York. FniTZ'H Nkw TtiKATiiK (Thomua Booney, manager). — Week of 28: Bvallne Allen, Allle Delmar. Vina Mascot, Jay Harrington. Jessie Stewart. Mae N. Vrrnon. Barney Mtilnlly, Marie liiltanl. Baby Ituili, Wtlson and Lelces- lor. La Holsette, Itooney and Forrester, the, White Yogi, Frances KliUer, .lones and Un- veil*. Jessie (iaiitler, Olssdla Walden. Halk'h Si;knic To Lit ok this World (Fred Kill/,, manager) contlmieK to do good buHl- Mn, . »i» KBNTUCKV. LnoUviHr-. — Af Fontaine KWW Park (Wm, Relrhmnu. managert the bill for week of May 27 r.'iia ouc of iiuuuiial excetlence. nnd every jiutubcr on the programme waa greeted with hearty applauw. The Hltond- nace a'na targe thrqirghout the week. l''or week of June 3: Wflllaiu Kdek. Alma Voulin nnd Fight Lotus Olrfc, Wilson Bros.. Martini and Max Mlllan. Wayne Wlnstow, .Fredo attd Dare, nnd the klnodrome. F.rlanger nnd nln linnd will lis the outside nttrncllon: Pndticnh,- At IB* Cnslno (Wm, Malon", Tiinrtiiifcr> vaiulevllle tun hren (he offering, with good Inialness for I lie week. The pro- gramme Includes : Van ( Jofre nnd tTotrely, ijik'3 Hnnlngtoii, and the t'lorcllos. Clipper Post Office, lat order to avoid mlatnkea and to Inaure the prompt delivery of the letters advertised In thin Hat, an aflTclopv plainly addrcaaed mint he Bent for moli letter, anil a vtrltteta order for (be letter, aliened with the fnll name nnd nddrens nnd the Una of banlneaa followed by tho tmder, aaaat ulao be encloacd. Plcaae uentlon th« data (or a*n- ber) of tli* (MiTiiil In whloh tha letters aaat for were ndvartiaad. Used and endoried by iht leading tnemhert of every branch of the ptofenlon. We want eveiy member of the profession in the United States, to teat the merits of Lava Sosp. Send ua your atme and address, and we will send you ABSOLUTELY F1UU A SAMPLE CAKE OF LAVA SOAP. SAINT* LOUIS. U. S. A. ■ i iM j ■ i i i i ii ae LADIES' LIST. AnitcrKin, Kiln Arnold, genu AiittitirH. Kilty Amels. Mile. Aiidmna. AiincK If. AilamH. r'riru Ailells, la AllHtltl, AlllKC llclmont. Mm. Harry nnimlelle JeMlv lioluuo, Mnry Ita.ley Mn.A,(l Ulnlsilfll Julia Konrue, Hazel Browne, Diirulliy K Hi mill-Hi. Dorlrtil BitietraUi Kate linker, Ollre Bnrrett, UnUyit llntley. Fmnkli- Ui'liount, Mura ltencli, Uoltllc llnlv, 4 VI iii HciiNlniM K'Hlh Pikker, Olive rtniclsy, Mlus KnlCoiir. t t Mi" B- PIk[io|i. Mho ItviinbiKs. Kill I 'i Urlltht Hartlialt llnire. Dor/MSy Hiiinclle, l.oulw Pates, JiMciililnr A. Blftiae, Lily Uimirnril, .Mm. llitrr; Brows, I'm --in.- \i lieiuielt sut.'is •tenner. K* Bell, A lieu Purlcll, A a mi ItPIIHOli, Mil I'll- Onrwjn. Jean ( inUii' Mnelfl'A- '■ :.: ■ -ii-iiM'ls. Minnie Cnnte, Mm. U Oroft, Mabel OhllderH, Urice Ciirtln fhmw Cbnnnifiii, Piullno G. Ciuwfonl, Lillian M. Corter. Annie Cote, I'Miii- Coi* telle Marlon Carter. Mlllan Cole, Dnllinl Cluylon. Ollle Crawford, Lillian M- Ciiny. Vniitiiwl I'liiMilimbiiRi. Zelln unnr. F.tta I'li-uMn. Babe Ciiv. Mh'. E. A. ciirrnni. Mm. Psonar, Bsbe Cov. Kiltie Ci-f.rt, Itubel C. Culver. Dotlte Clink llwher, UlntlyK Carter, AltlRo Clifton, I'esrl hlKtou, Mailelln De UrrsiiHil, .tlitlct IV Vernl. Ilosu lirlrr.v KletQ Du4lley. DsdHta c;. Iiimn, Mit.v Derrerl. Itnse Dale, Marlon He M.vrt* Lillian DellwoiKl, AlcxHiidrlfl IhiiioKiin. Nelllo Milliiit-r SIMerK Karl. Dorothy Kveretle Nellie Fmcrele, Utile Colsoin. Fliin'tic rililliU, Mamie I'itkiisor rvoiiMe fmiKt, r»tiirt Forrest, Almrrn Felnmr. llinw t-'reefniin. l^jltle I'Hlr'niiiki Alti-e ClMiii, Mrs. J. Freilerlcks, t'Hiillne Ford. M.itK'i Florlne, .Mile. UturlnD, Mile. 'i ; i ■■ ■■■ i. Manil (tllletle. Klmn ttoklle, Nun (Iraiit, Mm. S. rireitory. Hell Oray. Alice Uonlon, Ailti D, (toner. Marie tin ii'. I'ltyitir Cltberl. ii ■-"■:<■ Clnrdiier. tJrnre tllPSKnii, Violet ii' Mi- Malwl HllVllMllll. A ii kH I Hi' Hunter, {.ealle Hull. Vlolii Uuyt. (ira-.f* Hmili'ii Vlraliiln llownnl siHii'i IJnyos Mnrmwrt llopkliiM, K i mi i Hutliawny Aim Hull. Artie 1IiiiiiIh|,hi IaiiiIm It ii 1 1 m wny. Ksnrj IIiiiikliH, Kuiiiiii lllllllOII. 'l'l'MI.1 HsrlOHC Ht-filri- UmiKloii. I.Hiini Hull. Ml uH'L- Jurtlau, Jnide liMirn-. Viola .tilllK'Il. I.'IICIII- JemilnjtH li>iiiile Kellon ijIiiiIvm Mniii'ilr. I.milsr K'nk-. :-".ii:ni Klefer, lila UIiir, Mice K.-.ni, Aihliitile I .en i n I/ottlo r. Lewis, Ida Lee. Burluiree I-- Itoy. Dalsy Txird, Mrs. (Jen. Linptry, Nellie l,u Vole, Mile. trOWell, Hl.llirll-' l.uwlor. N Mile UebL Am .i i.nMnv. Helen GOIf, Alice Lewis, Clars l.ii it v. Kilnii Brun. Antoinette LrHley, Boiinatl HnylOM. Maltel Hltrml UmiIw ifeODrn. Mnt,L< Millar. Jenide MeConiietl Ulsters MeAilam. Winnie flUi Montrort. Miss Mnivlevllli', Mrs. U O Mar I In* . Willit'lmtna MiK'Kur Stuelell Miteliell. Oorul. Merldetli UMta Murtlneltt. Ignstla Mitchell. Ch:irlottP Mills, Ma ml Martlnot. Hadle Miller Kittle A. Melville, Mn.v Metietlt Mcluiil Meredlib Mnnle Montruss, IxjuHe MouttcDineiy. Kiinii-i MfCitW', Jane Mni'i'iii, I>ui)se Mitchell, Mm. M... u-t', Alni'lc MnKny, I "in M. GBNTMSMICN'9 LIST M'ir.'Hii. Klttv Muleolm. Nelile Mmnrlfilr. Kdltti May. Funiile Mmtola, A.leliil.l M<-Kh.v, Ma M. Norton. Mins Bllllc Nellsoo, May XiiNiH. Jllllll Newell, Lillian Xlcholrt Anitrllii Nimrli. Ilnlnv Newel Mat Buret Nil ram, Deafib Neiiiiinii, lli-w-.il> O Mrlen. KHlle (•liver, i.vi'hn Picksnlo, /"in I'elliaiii, Una 1'iiiiiier, Clara I'roctor, Urseii (Vlnlie, Mela rhiinii". Martlia J. I'owell, A I in a I'niill, Als«lae I'lirker, l-'lum gulnlsii. Jofle Ulilgi! Mm. A.T Knusell Itnln Itimney, absus tttlisle. Mu'liro lEliodci. Ailali . iiminl. Vlolu ItttHS. Opiil Hens. '!(■.*:■' nayinnnd, Uaratwnts ItulH'ili. Maude Hiidcline. I'rarl Bobbins, Mrs. Clint nebSTH liertrud i ■■ ■■.-.«. livrtle Klehsnl llsttlo Itlulta. Mile. Iteynolds, Until Itarnsey. May Hteel, Lillian >:n nil ir. M'i. -1. tell Victoria Stilly. Mrs. J. J bounder*. Klorencn Kwan. Olive Hummei'H, SylvU biierwooil Miller Smart, M^nrlon Hlmon, siciia Saimderx. Florence Stiller ■' in' .mi Soiuuiervllle, Alliell.L Stevens, Kittle Stutsmnn. "Irs. tleo. Hlltair tiraeeO Sharp, Boaslo ttsfpi Jcwla stern, Cecil Tsylor. KrniM Tliompsoii. Amy Taylor.: Nellie Tinner. Datay Tlioiuprt,)!), Motin Taylor. Pora Vmii Dyne loU Vvmwt. I.oln VeiTMH. Vera Vere, vivisn Vnnc. Hlhel Woodwnril. Dol lie V,. Wynne. Beanie Weston. Kmin i Wllhsr Dolly B. Wynne, Monn Wllsoo, Viola Wll-on Delle Whipple twota Wilde. LarlHe WiilHtoii. Iletiltiti Wheeler. /«lnia Wilier, Dolly ». Wclitl. Miiltle Wiiclibiirii. HOH Waller, Nellie Whoatoii, liOir Webster Eentrtc (fair, May Vuuug, Irene VdiiiiR. Jeanettc Aherns. Tlie Heatty MnrtlnO Ohnmplln filiaaK AinlrcAVS, AIM. Burns. Harry (Jlilpinnn, K. W. AItihiisI. Tom Bell, Pete Coleman, Mr. All. Muly liliiek, Arthur Curson, Jiih. H. /.ylmer. lV»»o. (leorge Cenio & Penrlviil Itojlan, Peter 1'iirnnm, Aiiilrewa AFIehl Biirron, m. Cllflon. H. H- Adorn". (»«a Sntker. Bonera CMITord. HeorKe AUiIhi. John Hlssett. Tom Coo|-?r &, All, Abner Hnber lie... (Col. ltohln*oo Atifn & Drlmatti llrowo. Marry Currnii A AmIUoii & Karlu Botttiwr. IM. D 1'nnium Ale, Abner llarlow Minstrel rjnrltnn. Ham Ainowa (l.C. Ja. Drlalol, W. M. Cnrlinil, J. U AruiHlronit Mort Hurke .1. k May Coinior. W..F. Amolil & Bniklaisl Cel.rf- rjlsylnu. Mur- Uflnlner Bowman. Km my ft Ui. A bin. Mm ■ Baker. Clins. M. Clmrcb How. K. ArnoM Or, M.O- liurke. John V. Cnrtmell. ,lohu Ailiiiu-i HnntneH-' Hnrite>'n. The Cn-ml. Bllllo Alien, Al llrosbnu*. Cttbiired, HOSa, Arnold. Selb A. Jackaon Uurwey. J"erry Allilui, — Bnrljottr. L. Colin. Huj,b L. Ikuiii, Hjutt linker. Myron Cswrnly. Jas-l'. KilltK. Knrl lleillul, .leltan Colllna ft Hrvnii linker, (feo. D. Hurt none. Tlias. fVittlen, KiiKfiM* HMiky, L. Ii. Until*. Kf. Citvanuiwli Billy Iii.nMilniTH. The Bujiliee. l*o Carey. CIiiim. Byrne, We*l * Byrne, Jit*. A. Cumplieil k Kenyon iteiuictt. Muale. Johnson Bniwulngs The Itinlow A Kane Crawfor-l lister Itfll. Pete IlrnilyA Hil«mer Cooler. Hum lltwjka Bros. Hell. lid. If. Cut-Male, I. D. billion. Wold Barker A; UHrlter CoMern, Clarem! Bell & Henry Bennett. Fred foiielly. Ilosu Biirtea. I'.tllle Ciiterly. Frank Cbsater, llert't. Binik.oii. liny I'ralff. Hlcby U*. (Mainly. J-tWea Breeji. Diivlrl J. fiotlea Wi-rtmiH t Ihelle. — Uiirreft l';it*.v r.,iiiu>. Dan Clsinsn ivmi. Of Bell. Ctnia. T. Clark ft Duncan Crane. Nst Billing. Horry Conklyn. W. E. Clayton, Fred Dootli, Oar. K, OOffin ft Ttove. .tohnny notrman. Freil Bnncrori Dnnlaj. Willie Hurry. Hen. Carroll. Will M IhmoTiin, J. V. HriKT. De Mil- I'umni Bnsi, li'iiMivnii. .Ins. Umr A Price Csrr, (im, II. Iinrlaes. fhl Itretnii, Ted i nrl-M. J. J. iHunti, Frank V. Blnck. Peery 'Cnrtfs, 0. O. 'He no«e. Pet. Verrere, Ctiaa, Cortei lieraando DcmpiKr, C. F. Diuican. Chna.II Duvls Frank l. Ihnklii. Jriines Day. A. W. Dnvlsou lien VI Diiwaoii Hall, J Drake, heimnnl He Petit, (.eo\i DotlMon, Clint Uuuini, Clevc Hriacoll Miiimc DC'bnss, OffOMB i 'inh, Oeorif iKinodliiic, J. W. Intltoii, Win. Uanswsrt Harry J. rieiiiielly, IiH.n Dslley, Bnbt. L. Heauun, Chaa.F. De Haven, Cart. Hill, Mas Hale,' E A. Hllorlh. 0- W. De Omni Henry lliirllnif. I'ror. live, Boy lllXI-ll. .IrtH. Devcnrtnrl, (mnce c Hi l ii. i. Bert Hiirnn, Herbert Dold, Frank A. IHiiiHtiltton, Prof. C. A, DeuiH*, L. T. Hmersiiii, Wi B. Kijencr Frits L, Fly, 4. Frjnk I Mnioiiaon W.J. Fbiioru &■ ■ ■ Bnrtk't RHott, Jack KMrttsn AUHiidy KlilrldRo, Pre** Furle, i.iriiliiiui Kflwaetls, Cliasl' Kllnwortli, B. I'urls l*iv, MM K,|\v;ii-iK Muab Finmett I McNeil FmvlrfH, Ureal lipids. Hobby I'arrell. Clllt Floyd, 1/1. B. I-Vnnel, Neil Kaiire. Jnhs I'ullofi, Arthur Fold tow- *i Sisters fuf, FrtuivlN li'eniHiiOct Harr I'atiOhvr Joa. II. Fuller, Horry Frye, Cluyton Fink, Fred iniiM, vicior rvsacnd-'ii. *WHl I'Iiiii, 'Hhh. J. rinii. l-i'u Vox (V Hinmueri* Puulkuer 11. H. I'raiik. Chtm. I, l'rlt-ilrlcli (iustv. I'tiiil, Kilmund Fern. Hurry H. nam Perkins Freer. Juhiafle Forrester. Sld- tiettcr DocB.K. HleHHOii 1'lofOlt ilomlwhi, Ben CullHR'jer. Ed ward uirmil. Ueo. i.n','11. H. T. i.i-ili'. in. Jiick Clbler. Ctias. (.onion, (leorfio Cruet. AL (MMOJI AChudott lioldle, Doctor tltyiHlou Wultei Graham, Ferd. V, .kiJiiiMPti (liirvill JohnaoQ Trb im. in.- limn. .Imi.l, Wallle .Irlllll-Ul, I ~ I lllk m"n. II. L. Khiff. J. If. HMWOtt, Wra. Kellelier. M. J. I't-lluui. Lee J. Kelly, M. J. tvcoifh. v/BL M< (.Mualcbnil Kelloiis. Mns. Unlll. M. J. Kearney. Pat KUl[i. O. C. KtlliK, Billy Kohler. prof, i) Khmnel). Harry Kerr, A. Biilpli imh». Knieat Keniiedy A lt'ioney Klnif. Will ftnlets, J. Kaiifni:iu I'niiill) Ktlley. Arthur Klccmlcliejt, B. K renter, CJias. Kelly, ii":-. J. Kett, .luck W. Kennedy St ItOiney Kettner KdKarll KfSMi — - i\een, Julian telly, Joe K. Kilts. Knieat me, Jiiliii K. Mini, Hen. Lester. Hilly IsHtflk-, Woi. lewla, Andy Lamp, Jiick l-vViird, Wm. l-ateii'a < ' ii , ''.I reiice. Bon lee. Hurry W. I.illonu F. I .lei I.III'IIK, Sit 11 1 l.e«ii. Walter l.yiiinu. Hen. IX, I'uul mot T.'to moud A: Pdlelte l.lniUxli, U. 51. IsjftUM, How. F. liu Mm, Benson LelKlttm. Bert l.iieknye. Dick I.utvlcr T Frank UtilH ''liet. J. I.ulgl Trouiie - LltbEoii. IJco. Lewui. Ifclviir Leyburue, A I. I.eitOr, J. P. I^puer Bom. Lambert, K. A. (•inward Bttia, Lee Tiiiir Foo i.n.jiiii Wriifbt f.owunde. Oii.ii Centra A La Kin Leonard AFulloi l.millll'l. J. II. i.ntie, Arthur Liifnyrlte. L. Luililoo, Jim Latah tirnnt 1> Dent, — ls.'wia, Andy I"". Hiii i) W. Llewellyn. . ... A Mlerer, A. M fw awa llrrbt .M.iiKnirl". Ma |or it. U. Meiowii, t'lia*. Mars. Jxiw Mslironqs J. M. Miller, C. C. O. Mnwntt, Ben Mt-Avuy, Ban Mellnotte*. The MeUnitli, Clua. Mitchell Al/ive MltcticII Frank Mitchell. B. F. Mantrll'M ■ - Marionette Mllloii, M ult V. Melielti, Chun. Ml. lie II AMIahoii Minim, Wnllstv Mtrllee U (loHLns McVlltv, KotKi. MelVln. Jna. B. Monte-Myrv Mr. Mario. B. MerrytlrM. lk>n MiiniliUK. t: W. Mack, Mr. & Mrs. ivl, Mel v In, John Mutavitt i.wi-inl alnntn, Jamra. tin, K. Miimoii, i; Mam. lion W. Muntnurucrr, Fmuk McNIsli, Frank Morrelt, Frank KlalheWM A - llurris Mliinsiil. A r\ .Mel illi. ,1nh. B. Mrlvlii Hi,.-... | Majestic Trb Mt-Uube. Jan. D. Millard, Frank MKldleloii UeuW Mirny. t-iinuii'i j. Miinnlng, l.i.itili-. Miatre. Friisk I. .M. '.i l.'iin, JollU Nolan, Dave ;\.-.i i r,i i. ■ u, .. Nil... i. Johnny NcwhLkII, Murrls Nh.ni, A. Y. Newman John A tiaklry, Frank . (HI Item i OlrlilKe, A. O'Connor, i iiiim ; drill, Frank urlh, lew 4Ml.ni. Nin'jiiiiii Opiwulielioer Jas *l.in;iii, John li.lt, i ii,. Hi Cha 1 1 . • (human, T. Jtw Ontruii'ler Khui. Powers, Howard 1'rleit, F. 0. Paulo, — PruTeaiile, a. 'artv l ii i-.iiii PlirlS, I. rime I Powell. F. F. Peterson, [■Hi n-ll i :> ITelle, Obis. J'.-il'-r, II. B. lioveeule ("Cji: Puller. II. W. Piilmcr ft Ti in-/ Paul, V. Phelpa, i'.r; \, l'lirrjuette. Wm. ' Pierce & Onp Puck,. Barry Potters. J'jlm T Price, Harry M. Pearson, Tony Price j.fc Mabel Peyser. Ilrury Parker, oJs. H.' Porler Wm. Jr. Perry A Haudall Leonard k Fulton LsmaKo Bros. Lonituml. Itli'li, i.uiiriiritci. -Jack LaucuNter Jack l.ii Vint I In ivy laMothe, Wm. Larrhec. A- C. Morris APnrker Morrow. Jss. A. Myrkle Itiinler Co. My Dixie (lirl C«. MllK'ce, J«ck K. MlHman. Mr. Monditello. AL MarKsi. Herman SIcCormfieK, ,Lum|on MeKeevsr, C. K,Svln»i,H,' Mul.hettf, Paul Htltrotl>. Wlllard Mi'M'ii, (i. J. Hemon, CIihm, >' Moivmcn, Clinw. Kofer, HalTf B. Muskelt. Tom Huwuiihh. Bob .MucAnnllkn Joe t>|«rry k Bay MueKlnnnn J.lt.'Hnon. M. L, ffartwell liiiKfe.', Harry K-rlveafer Harry Runtsoa BrnestlMnrrlaavy JsaF. msnrd AHlone llsmfff. WM. ISIJera. Hniiv S.hi'luill.k, Krwl Hat ton. H. iMrlnotC Hindi it-'iewurt ft Haltt 'MeKeever, W. Hledmali. Mnitslll'.ii Trio lUnla.i-1 Murrls. Cawm Filter. Henry Mt.irllt. ItlllvT.'tJnlly. I^W Ponem Rroa. I'i'jmt, lleory I'lll'li'. KlUHlP "rliiKle, Anli. C. Meters P. A sjet Vi-r: . . JollU 11. ijuliilini. Bin guliilriu Priw. UnlKK A Mack llcni. Ale>. iteed.A A. P. Reebrfgrt AMay Kbllo, — rapsn Hurry H. Klley, W. F. Ill ley. Wm. Itolh. C. Itefyea, CIibh.F>. Itdral Miis.Flvo Ni'viimnil WinH ItelfT. 'leorse itiuijyii. (iea. v Kceves I'M A I CI a l In! in H.lille,', Allton K Mil" Duo. Itueca. Three lloaarfs. The KuberUos l'.i.liiniii. Ham M str.nil.i Fred D. C-chrock ft Sice Mu.-iii B. A. HHckland Pmr.i S-'.i nii.-.i. A, tl N. Kinw, I-. ^IlllltlH.'!-. l'Tllll Swestmsn Wll.l Swift, Kmrt >benn»n. Mr. fulllvsn John I, Standard Am.O Hulllvaii, Willie Hhieve, Frnalt Hrloll,. A. Ht Miidard Atn.Cn Hihhi. ti. it. fpllsman, J. 1 reriywlck T.:il. H|*encar. Frank f-iint, Ktlwln V lone, Brnest Nhrncrr. Walter ttlielley*. it. it. HI. Ilelmo. Jim >'tnlT«r'l A Hlniif StofMonl, Frank Mory, Ariimr •II.- r. i lli IikhIs, Four Teet. Ueo. M. Taylor. Mr. Tl>omp, i X. Watts, M. II. Wnir.. ... C. II. WpImx, Amtreus Wnlcutt, Hen Wnlue. Fred William* Jaa, A Wither, Cbireii.' Wnndaon Hlalprs Warner. A. Whelini A Senrlca Worlds Com. 1 Winters, Hid Wpllfel, .Iniues Winters, Percy Wltll-iin*. .1 inner. Whelsn. Chrla World's tv.m.t. Willi Juke Millie. Jniuos Wlilte.B It. L. Villi-.. n, Joe Willis, AIUmi 0. Wilson. Alex. Waters, Tom WmIhI,. Hl.-lmnl West, Da Fnreat Weever, Kdwlu WIImoii, Jiick WtiUter, Ben Willful,*-. Heo.F, Weiss ft weiMs Wallace, Hen. Voikaey, J.C.K. Yuma, — Yuht, llnrrr It, Zlakii A KliiR Lnn AiiRrfea — At the. Mason Opera House (II. C. Wyatt, immune; 1 ) a Hummer season tif biirlesuue will open at Ibis house iveek of June 4, ivitii iiat-rr .fiitin-M' Ti'iivfNfv Ktnrs, p resc til I us; "Flddle-liee-lire." IHitiAHi.ii (John II. Blnckwuotl. maiiniror). — '•itlorls.na,'* by (lie atocR eiitiitmiiy, drow well, week etidliiK Mny ^7. Tho Uclsscu Slock Co. prcaenlcd "Itfii Vnil Winkle." 28 nnd week. lo good IiiihIui'hs, to bo followed by "Jnur." itfllltlHCO'H ItllRUANK (OllVir Mo|'i)mcii, limn- ager). — "At I'liiey Hldgo," uh pt'caenTert by Ihe *( nek, played tu auud biisluess weck'eiul- Injf 'JH. A revival of "MlKpnli," one of. last iieiiHou's jtreateat successea, I* prcarnled hi Ihe Htock couiDHliy 'J7 rtlid week. Underlined, "The Chi I Left Hehlnd Me." i.ija.mi uiriiA Hni mm (ClnreucA Drotvii, miniiiKer). — "ffJunt Lynm'." hy ihe' IJIrlch Stock Co., playrd to uood bustnsas week <>ml lug J7, "Lured, fi'tiui Home" la Ihe offcrtna of the atnek eomimny UH. "Loxt In r Blf City" underlined. (UtFHKUt (MfiL'tth Heck, venernl lunnsjrer). — Kontnrts l j s mid week: Fret) Camo'M mhi- 'i.in Cntnedy Co., In "Miimiulntr Birds;" Keno. Walsh una Melrose, Marvelous Frank and Little Bob, Caprice, Lynn and Fay, Foator und Fouler, the creni Kranccllaa, Argeiiantl Trio and new motion olctiires. IJNIQUI) (Kent/ A /.aliee, iimprletors).— P'rutiiros "S und week: den. DelmnH, Alicia O'Dette, (tin and Juc lltiydcn, Cliurlottn Hill, I'lilijiiu-o-Hcope, and Unique l'lnyora, lu "Mex- Novki.ty (Sum Tjoveilch, clnult muria- Ken. — For one night .only, May fid, Kllbert Vlddlsh ouci-n Co., presenllnir "The Jewish Kenn." "The Queou In Amerlea," "Broken Hearts*' sod ,r /Hrbeve Uiicher." -Nimv si.mi (J. K. wHhi.ii, tnnnneer). — Bur- lesnue nod vaudeville "R and week. FlHCiien'H (A. 10 Fischer, niuiinaer). — Fenttirea 2H und week : Morey arid Murey, latest moltan pictures, und Flacher'M All Star Comedy Co., prosentlojr "I'oeuliantaM." llo'iiiiMhn (T. ,|.ir White. itiHtm«eri - 'I'lie fiireueil anpearanco of tbeOlyoi|>la Diarru Co. and Loittn Kendall. In the double hill, iiresenllnR "The Mikado" nnd "Cavalkrln lliislleuna," drew well week ending 27. The Hod liklroi In n u« ii mi i i'k Ita Hii m hut hi'iihhii, tieKiiiiiiiiir uk. with it piPsenlHtlon of "1. O. i: . ' by Kolh and Dill. Cinkouiiaimi (J. A. Browne, inunasei').— FeattircK -h and week: ICvn, Johiinle Wood, Luknin. Heasle Chaddock, Lamar, mullun idc- luri'h nnd .loluinlo Wood, presenting in blRS, Hie J'liii'.i- ." , , Kajt'iiiH (Billy Jluaks, resident manager). — Features 28 and week : Barry. Lmira llauks. Madame Wanda and trained dogs, Me- Hendry Broihe'rn the fHiraiony Four, Hie clnonKruiib, ami FJmptre Htork t/ompuny, la "A Ifuauand's l>lnloiniiry." N'uhh -i;ii"n lieacti Yaw slna* at Mfismi Opera llotise June 1, asslHled by Blcardsi llulfc, jiiiui ht, 1/m Anfteles"!* the home of MIhm Yaw, and a UewalMiya' lioiiie- hero- la called Lurk Klleti Homo. . . . .Tho f*co Cooper Dramatic Kuhtml bus lieen meraiHl Into Hie Burlaink Druinutle .School, him!, with Li*o CnfijnT uh inliulpiil, will Open for (ho Knll sea- son iiiiiint Kept, 1, In Miirosco'* Ibirhatik The- atre lliilldlng. .... ."f'ygtnslluu ami (JnlafcH" will he tuenptilei| Mny 'Ji>, itt Kliellt'luh House, under direction or William Wsjldrmar Uealh- role. .... .Toe Abbott-Bryant Opera Co. prif* seated "Fm DIuvolo." "Chime* of Noimiin dy," "Mikado" und "ttrllmlnle" 2-ia« Miirtlti tit'hmnii. of Ihu Orplieiim Circuit Co., for iDuity years s manaRor In this city, and now In charge of the Orphemn Intervals at Kansas City. Is In Los Angelea, and mention a lioat of old friends., . , , .The Ifevla The- atre, formerly under munaKemeut of J. ,1. Cluxton, Is now known uk the New Hiar The- aire, with J. K. WIIhod ua tniinager. Cut Your Laundry Rills in Half ,, MTHOMN M Wntcrprotiftd Linen Collars ami Ctiffs will t.lo it fur you. Absolutely impcrviouH LopurHjiii ulioii or tuomtiire of any kind. If soiled, clean in it m!;ititc with it damp rug or HDoiiKe. ' Jiistiisstylis.il, petrtect filttnojniid well hi iwl c ita other linen t'nllnrs ttntl enfTit. r Not celluloid, rubber nor puper e-ftintply Uttctl treated by a secret proccBB. At collar shopn or of us. Collurn .. 25 cents. CulTafiO cento, S0N6 "•■JMHV SONO" HITS V>etM,ton»ltiopl>s. Will, • II 11 A 111. .lull), t, II, ?. H. inui.™ivvvn...i.ii.«, ii. i J , I*. RACING. WEBT0HE8TEB BACINfl A8BB. BELMONT PARK ,'i a v lik-.n'riic ii, BEOOKLYN 10CKEY CLUB. O R A V J3J S13>K:r> •II'PJK 7-:-ii', L. I. R. B„ 311b 81. PeTfT. _/} m\im;. Oakland — At the Mucdonouab (Chas. P, tnck Co., In HBir May 37. rrh week lit Hall, manaaer) the Klleford Ht...k "Hello, Bill. ' drew well week end The KllrMrd Co. Iwfffiii Ita fom '■'Hm New South" 28. . LlinitTT (II. rf. filshi .. oo'h Htoek Co pleased lama audiences In "Tho Man from Meilco" week emlinir 27. Hlshop'S Co.. In "llenrts of Tenneasee," ^'8-Juno '.). "How Baxter Hutted In" next. Ipoha i'AHK •i'jiKJTiu; (Will L. Oreenbiiiiin, mafliiirer), — Tlln Mora Opera Co,. Iq "TbO Mi- kado, drew excellent limine* week mnllru Mny 27. "The f.'hlmes of Normnndy" Is I ha bill lin-ttl future notice. Bum- (IM. Unman. niunfl«r>.— Keaturea 1 June 4 and week: Kelly and vloletle, Hawson nnd Whit Held, Gillette Slaters, the Bothwell Ilroarti Hells. pteseallDft the burleatlue couik- ojieia. Mikado On the Half-Shell ]' inorlns pictures. NuvKiiTT (Tony Lubelskl, iunim«er), — At- tractions 4 and week : Tbe Two r'ngllsh Itosr- biida. V. it. MsPhersnu, Jas. Caiishsn. Hall and Lorraine and tbe project oScojpe. NoTas.—Tbe Iloysl Hawollstt Band, In con- cert, Mny l!U nntf week, nfternooiia nt the Clreek Tlientre. Berkeley ;_:_ eveiiltijts «r I'led- f'ortiaiiMi. ,\f the Jeffcriton (Cahn it Ui'unt. innnuaeis) "Dmilel O'Conuell." hy In- eal (a b-iit, May VH, fur duirlly. Nnnco O'Neil. lift. HI, esmc 'o exeelleiit reliims. noNelln Knott did well linn- •£. I'h.* ,Mii 'uiiniii Slock hop, miinngcri, — HUli Co. ojmiin for the Hummer neaami -I, preNcnl- Ing "Tho Hand of the Family" 4-H. I'OHTl.AMi LL V- Moijre, tiinniiKor).— Bill week of 4: Ctiarloihi 1'iirry und coinpiitiy. Canm und HeiVri, i;the| ciirton mid awa- Kitty, i:«l liniy, flHlto and Lnffntly, and He, Rdna. . . Norru.— The Cummins Wild West June 18, The Capo Theatre opnns III, tlem The- nlraJN. aetl Hlverloti 1'nrk IK The slock at (he Hem Thetitre will !>« Mended by .Lino Kenaark and Hubert t'onuesn, suit pract bully (he NHiue comjuuiy as Inst aonsnti Rosier ifi |he MrCufliiin Slot* r.n. : Hartley McCut- hlni, Almit I'owell. Klllol lleiler. l/-allc Slnjf- linrii, Miss (falTney, Mlnulo BadcllfTe. Mary Maun, Walter Hurion, Joseiib (iolden. Ivor M. l/owrle, Ueo. Fisher and ('. Blou churd, i 4*4 vfcllMOIfT, inoiit Sprlnini Park Tlie Kmpire Theatre, dnmajted by the earthquake, will not mum" busloeaa. linritiiKion.— -At- I Im Htmiiff (Cahn A (irnnt, manaKera) "The Baal Widow Brown" June '£. _ Dasnum k UAiua* Cibcuh June S. m ^ _ i :<.!'? ! i^Emrmmr ttobk clipper; JUNE I). lt:L -\± • CEO. MELIES "STAR" FILMS • A DESPERATE CRIME LENGTH, I ,O0O FEET. PRICE, 8120. WRITE FOR COMPLETE DESCRIPTION. A GOOD SENSATIONAL SUBJECT. WILL KEEP ANY AUDIENCE BOUND IN INTENSE EMOTION. 12 CENTS "'STAR" FILM8 ARE WITHOUT A RIVAL. * 0A8TON BELIES, 201 last 38th Si, New York. % KLEINE OPTICAL CO., 52 State St., Chicago. & OUM A miS, 16 OEMS KB ft. Ol&BS B PIMM, IS 0CHT8 KB FT. EDISON Films and Projecting Kinetoscopes EiiIIHIm Moill KlBilosMps, $115.00. Ualwrul MM KIlltNUIl, S7S.00. 1 ABB TBB BECOOIHIED STANDARD! IIIIUIU01IOLT TUB VOIIA REAL LIFE OF A COWBOYS AND INDIANS nril BRONCHOS - STAGE COACH IILHL A STIRRING WESTERN DRAMA IN MOTION PICTURES. SYNOFSrs OF SCEBTIS: The "V\g Horn" Snloon— Meeting between Hero Hut Villain— ICntrnnoe of EngllflU Taiir* ltitn — Initiating the TeniterfetM — Collection tor HaWutlon Army iJifiale — Arrival at the FtaUcg — Cowboy Sport*. Trlrk -Kldlng, Throwing l^nrlat, . Wren. Una; — Departure of Stage Ooi«» from Hnnnii — Attack by judlnnK — lUmning right (3 scpdm)— Capture btng^ Ooocti end Ab- duction of Girl — Indiana Maraplng and 4'overlDK Troll — Arrival Wounded Rtaire Driver .it HUicu — Cowboys In Pursuit— The Klgtat — TurlllTng Heacne of Girl from Madly galloping ilorrit — Doualon . Hero and BerolDe-*nDeatli of villain. , . No, imnif, fJod« VAVAHRBIIR. i.obrih, ..iiuon. CIbii A. e)IB0.O0 OUR LATEST COMEDY HIT, THE TERRIBLE KIDS SEND FOR lUAJHTJlATEP DFHCniPTIYB CIIICUI.AH No. 283. ' NO. OatB, I'u.li/ VAM.TAUF,. I.anglh, DOOfl. Olu. A. (OO.OO, SAN FRANCISCO DISASTER; y THIRTEEN SELECTED SUBJECTS, ff Intensely Interesting -Pbotographicaliy Perfect. IffOTIOB: ,j An? universally a. I milt ml to b*> Nupniior Co all olhttrs, thus verifying our orlcltial S redaction. V/g \%wv« linen ram polled lo work our- plant overtime to •apply Clio mi n ml, but Riim aiitnn to *U\\\ any anil a 1.1 orders' tlie *am« Ouy as rei lalTOtl. A!4*j<. ■olartloa of* nldeoti maV'tia Joined togethftr. Kvnrr lllm Is provided with "ai 3DD1SON ANMUW lOIKNT, plainly uiieiorall klndn, vrrlte for partlcuurn ami lilt of Film Haaial. V. J. how Aim, h I'Kl.llA.M PAUKWAV. FW [iirlhcr |i»rlli-iilari»ii]ilj In GEORGE RIO, «»«.„ 31 W. 42(1 St., N. Y. City. Hepreieollng HUDSON P. BOflE COMPANY. : STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO EUROPE < Ll V3. Jpiil, fer IiwmI rain end fnlI' P ,tllnl,n lo BAVMOND 4. WlHTOOoIB CO., WUnl»»go,,i»,r»1V«.»,,»»Hr York. B»»dH««nl»l«mp taw TriT.lml onclMi.edOolilo. J. EE1\TRT EOWXEY ThjaWtiT f»atatw, 140 ff. l\ im M ■ - m w *" ***"*» Al» Uintgrr Bijou Iteatrt. PAtereoq, N. 1. AUTOMiTIC ELEC. MACHIETES, THE ROOVERS BROS. New Automatic Electric Machine is a Winner. Write for clrfliilor. ROOVEns BROS., looflchermerhorD Bt , Brnoklyp, N. V. BAND LEADERS. Bona-flde flliow BadiI Iit>aderti, mtutlon thin paper bdiI nend 10ii. fur "TUT: BOOflllR SM1>E» for full lifim), s I'liinir.'fii ludlana InUTtnez^o, tiy B. A. VanderCook, with, i-'nnnv HtHincHs for Troniboaen. N'cv.'fKi Nuisii-*t- ■i- , iiiiiii«"i: UfHi, Price to all Others, 40c. net, postpaid, FRANK nOLTON A (JO., 107 E. MftdlHOti Si„ Chicago. ■ WANTED QUICK, REPERTOIRE PEOPLE WITH HPKClAf/riEN. Umler caiivua. Iloard U hotel. Piano Plnycr. lj, A. MAHON, Klectrlc T li oatre. Waterloo, In, 1906-PARK S0HG--I906 MY OA NTY PROFKS8II1NA1. COI'IRS NOW lil-;.i nv.- W, I. MiUOlilT CO., Hfta S. H awyor Ay... Cliirwg o, II I , HIGH GLASS MAGICAL APPARATUS At moderate prloee. large stock, Immeuae variety. . IlluHlriited UataloKiie Free. Now Maui- DioUi Oatatoifiiu JUBtlHmied, 2dn, Just out. Hat of aew bookH on Magic mid new* lint of bari{attiH In trlcka A. lUH'KRBKKU. nil OlitarloHt., (;JiI(-h«o. GOWNS ^Sr BIIOHTJLV TJ8FD. AIho STREET UOWNS. V7e hate on hand n, large uHaortoieutuf sllabtlv/ worn K vtjiiliiK (lo wiib, Dinner, Reception and Tea Oowuh. VhenerolieH are perfect in every reaueet, and are especlall j aultalile for wear Id lllHH UI.ASS DKA MATIC PRODOOTIONS. We have a full line of Seal Skin Ooato and Kurnof all kinds. MRS. 11. STARR, 307 South State St., CHIOAUO FUTURES. PiitnreniiHh.or Wife Photos for PalmlHta, Fairs, Parks, etc., 12.00 [>cr l.iwo; $i.a r . per noo, pusi-iiaid. Hauiutca, IOC. - ■ . CAOINKT PiuiTMS, for sKiinif or adv. uiir- [iosi-h, %w.m iter 1,000; jy., r t per 100, copied from your pliuio. Hutoplua, 10c, 0A RIHJNAHT0IHO, .Ta^N. Broad St., Plilla.,l'a. MUTOSCOPES FOR HAI.K, t havetvfeuty Wood CabliietMuioRcopes. just the tiling lor Carnival Hen, foraaieal$2beauri. Guar- anteed In firm ulauB condition, (lot your pictures aud ohangoa direct from the Mutoncope tkimpnuy, onick action ut aocoauarvir you want the bunch, Address t'MUTOBCOPXIH " Haw iJaa Bld g., B. 14 thsW^sTewTth, CONTRACTS J.KTTE11 HKADH, KNYRLOl'ICS, TICKBT8, FAH3KS, OAHDS, KN-. Wrlle lor Snm|ile». Wobb Pig. Co., »5« D,inrboi n St., I'li U-ngo. Ill, ZAMBEZI GEM (Irout Discovery, Exports can not oro St., ciitruLto Ciood Violinist AT MBKRTY for tha Hammer. Member t*yn |' loiiy UrfhORlra. AUdrew to VIOLINIST, Hociu .'i0, Inptiranue fildir., Now llaven. Conn. BOSTON FILM EXCHANGE. Second -Hand Fllnw, Sour- Slide* and Machines Bought, Sold and Kschangej. out Washington St.. itooiQ42, Boston. Mam., opp, Adams Houho. LAOY HARPIST and Lady Violinist Wanted, Slimmer and next Rpaaon. State Jowost salary; photos and paTllonlars. ■It. "FAUST" OOMl'AXV, Descronto, Out., Can. WIGS (i. SlUNDHUDM, 118 \Y. Sliril St.. N. V. Tbo unto- diitf 'JIIKATItlCAL Will MAKKH. Spnil maaip r«r »l'W l'rll'*> I.lMI just out JUST QUJ, 124 PAGE ILLUSTRATED MAGIC .'ATAttrnlW. Hli-.i SUP. OATAI.., Tic Nrnli- (rci*. Only N. K, Agpnt fiir Alahntmn. 10c. JY. D. r.EtoV, 103 Coorl Bt, lloston, Ma,»s. ONE QUALITY, ONE PRICE. .12 CE NTS PER FOOT- OUR LATEST NOVELTIES: Mrs. Brown is walking through the streets and reading her paper. She is so much interested In the news, that she does not see a crowd of children, who play her tricks and throw her down in the mud. With difficulty she manages to es- cape, only to run against a gentleman whose cane pierces her eye. Arriving at the park, she selects a seat on one of the many benches, and starts to darn ner husband's socks. She is so occupied in this work, that she does not see a trades- man who is sleeping on that same bench and whose balloons get punctured through Mrs. Brown's sharp needle. When he discovers his ruin, he attacks the poor lady, who is very much astonished at his sudden hostility. She continues walking, but unfortunately, street cleaners left the entrance to the sewer open, and Mrs. Brown falls through it. The workmen, who don't know what has happened, close the trap door, and Mrs. Brown la left in the dark. She wanders around, and collapsing from fatigue and fright, is awakened by rats, who are plentiful in these parts'. Finally she comes to an opening, and in spite of the water torrents she manages to come to the level of the street, and by catching the leg of a man, she attracts his atten< tton. The engine arrives, and with rope and ladder, Mrs. Brown is brought back to the surface and carried home to her husband in a frightful condition. WRITE FOR DBSCHIPT1VR tlATALOOllR. Pathe Cinematograph Co., 42 EAST 23rd STREET, 36 RANDOLPH STREET, HEW YORK. CHICAGO. FILMS FOR RENT THE INTER-OCEAN FILM EXCHANGE, OU IWTER-OCEAN BIJDO., Dearborn and Nadlaon St.., Clilrago. Dazian's Theatrical Emporium NOW AT 142-144 W. 44th ST. (Near Broadway), NEW YORK. THEATRICAL COSTUMES AND SUPPLIES, KYKltY 11KUUIH1TK PO R THE STAOB. SEND FOR CATAMtOVE. CORNER'S ORANGEADE TUB blsgost money maker Id the illluk line Hut you o.»o liunillc. Over ».•».(» prolll lo every iuiiiu l UrMeloue, refre.xliiiiK, limltliful, puro. Confcrum lo Pure lood Inws or all Stoles. Tlio heat and iimm popular dilnk lor purku, ralm, ejroUH. or an; pluro where people have a thlr»l. ll l> so good llial Ihe eale or one gli™ inean» never.! inure lo Hie same early, llh makea Jo gallons or the licit drink jnn ever MHIeil. Sample gallon 10c II..W per lb, prepaid. Write lor prlcea In larger «u«ntltlcs. THE CORNER CO., Dept. A, 179 Normal Ave., Buffalo, N. V. SHOES ESSAStSSl. WREST ASD KVENINO. EXCLUSIVE STYLES AND WORKlfANsaiP UUARAUTKED. Snort Vamp, anrl glmg* L».U alwaya on baud. Hall orders tilled. Kit guaranteed. WILLIAM BEKNBTBIN, Tel. cm Madison Square. u» sixth Aye., near Jl.t St., N. I. AXL COLOREl) SUPPERS MADK TO ORDER IN M HOURS. FUNK & CO, Wi s & Tou P ee Makers *■ . W"" •** ^* W^ATH PAINT and POWDER lloVICUEIl'S TIIBATItB, Chlonso, III, PAINT and POWDER Telephone— Central, 00.. Bend (or Catalogua. have your mm nmmm m royalty Honil una (rood noon], a truoil moimiv nr « nnmnimo « >. ..-.. ■ ■ , » .>n,.T,n PlIINKKH MUSIC l>UIILIS»I!Vo ' UUeltera tmswered nroruptly. " . CUMPAWY, aoi> inanlmtl.M Bldg., CHICAOO. PLAYS For Stock Companies, for Repertoire Companies, lor Aaateurs. UARQIST ASSORTMENT IN THE WORLD. Hoot, tor bone •BM.e- Sn* Srireo!'pree? er ' ^'""" 7 • """ J " r " ,J "* W " '""• C "*' SAMUKL PBEDCII, IT IT, and St., W.W Y.rK. LADIES' TAILOR AND FURRIER. FIT GUARANTEED. PRICES MODERATE. FURS REPAIRED AND STORED, IV, MII.I.ER, M.ar Cook'. Place, 3*1 E. nil. SI.. Hew York. ' eoisfi TO EUROPE To apply for lowest rates At PAUL TAUSId'S EKCHAHQE OrTIOE, lot East ]4tb St., Nn w Tork, German SaTlDfa Eton Uulidinn. Telepbono. aot-u Gramerof. Gable *<» tircBH,ai»ne8l(r. All printed matter and Inf. trw. MUSIC C8HP05EII3' railTEISM^^^^Sstts^ '" «t.l..ll.ul.lU III IIILIIU tJlfioN 110810 00., 71, Sycamore St., OtaolnnMl, e. vUtiiBLisBid $WTiJR^"»"^ S* Jg ?! wr^&»SwkSSBifflPg O.uioj and mi. Etlw. Van w,o», OinctnnaU.O. JtTNEfc THE NEW YORK CLIPPER.' 437 uiMt b» Him" Vanderllle Route List oor iuatnllan letter MUcritaaeotu. . ......... ... Vsudcrlllc ami Minstrel Ne« Tori CUT...... Deitbi In ttbe Profession. .. . World at Plum (ruder tne Tenia.. . TABLE OF COJITEJIIS.. . _ 1 — ■ Fabe. alls, CJIpver'i Anecdotes, F.tc ISO Anollo^llntdi. .30 UM sTSlatr, Fred B. Hulchlnaon and Una.. K° HoteHnwa— Sketcli 4W OurLowloo Utter 430, .38 tim i,a anrltt* 430 le.lurw of tbe Weekly Sl]ow— maturations. . 431 Tew JoolHo road ...;........ 433 Qoerlea ansnrrt. .. 404 35 CMcUO Ijfter 434 cupper Poit Offlce 435 Ob tje. Boajl..^..... 438.449 .'.'.."43V. 438 438 438 439. 440 442 442, 443 443 Under the Tenia 443 Joe Weber'. New Programme 437 Percy 0. miUa&ro In Boston 437 TBBATBIOAL COBKB8PONDKKCK. Virginia • 430 Oklahoma '430 Maaaacnnaetts 433 OblO 433 B&xk Inland s 433 Maryland. 433 Indiana 433 Intra 433 LoDialana 434 Tetaa 434 PeDsarleaala 434 Waanlngton 434 District of Oolnmbl. 485 nrenon 485 Krattickj 435 ClllxoraTs. 405 Milne 435 Vermont... 435 Ktw York Slat. 1 440 Tenneacee 440 Minnesota.. 440 Cdnnectleat 440 Uiiada 419,440 Colorado. 449 Mlaconrl... I 438 West Vlrllnla Wisconsin NSW Jersey ... SIKalna Ksnsaa 480 lilipois. ....■■■ ..:... .:.:. 44a LATEST BY TEL EOBAPH. OUR SAN KRANCIHCO TELECHAM. <44Jan Francisco.-— At the Orpbeum, which Is located at tbe Chutes, the bill for week of Jura' 3 Includes : Hclplo Argencentl Trio, Fos- ter, wad Foster, tbe l'mncellas, Elizabeth Murray, Bailey and Austin Co., Kalberlnc Until, Canton and Wiiiard, Valerie Bergere and company, for the first time lo a sfclf, entitled r The Bowery Caxoille," and the new mitt too pictures. {Voted. — The Orpbeum management will be uirUI'ilHiiftl by next September on the Mouth bide of Ellis Street, between Fillmore and yttfloer. The uptown Orpbeum will occupy s lot mi) by 137 feet on Kills Street, and Its cost, cicluslvo of furnishings and stage At- i log*, will be $75,000. There will be plenty urTilts, and special attention will be paid to the ventilation. Tbe new house will seat in the neigh bo rtaood of 1,899 people. The stage wilt be 31 feet deep, and fitted with all the eff pot. for which the old playhouse was noted, The uptown Orpbeum will he occupied by Kept, in next, and here the vaudeville per- formances will take place 'till the greatei' Orpbeum building Is completed, probably about September, 11)07 J. J. Uottloh, formerly manager of the Columbia Theatre, In thin city, returned from his Eastern trip Way 23, and reports everything satisfactorily 'arranged with bis principals — tbe managers In New York City. — ■ a — — "— — — FROM OTHER POINTS. 438 439 430 gamtpiite Route Pit -JUL" ""'.J! »"" , « "» •■ a.arly ass. ;■"••'»■/««■ P»Ml»Ie«o make. Hat •« T"«"i«le oonltlaw.. K laaa.r ia- a.Hloe ,la ta.1. departuaeat tie name 5f.t" e *»••■»"* •»1»»*. •» wall aa the Acker A Collins. Davton, O.. 4-9. Adair A Dabn. luienoll Park. Dea Moines. !«.. . 4-fl; Forest Park, Kau*as City. Mo.. 1MB. Adelyu. BIJou. Plqua, O., 4-8; Beachwood Park. MajBTllle. Kj., 11-1(1. Adams a Mick, Olympic. 80. Bend, Iud.. 4-9. Adeiu. La. Lakeside Park, Akron, 0., 40. Audlun 4t Livingston, Orpbenai. .St. Fan), 4-n. Aheni A Baiter. Wonderland. Wichita. Kin.. 4-l>. Alllwa. Lyndale, Olentasgy Park, Q>lumboB, O., Althei Twins. Riverside Park. Montreal. Can. ,4-9. Alvln Broa., Young's Pier. Atlantic City, N. J., 4-9; ttaMraitorV Atlantic City, 11-18. Alva, Alice. Lake Hliwatha, Mt, Vemon, O., 4-U: Falrvlew Park, Dayton. 10-18. Allen, Leon A Bertie, Orpbeum, Springfield. O., Almond. Top A Kdltb, Pastor's. N, Y, C.. 4J>. aim * Millar, Varieties, Oldham. Ena., 4-0: Tifo.Il. Barrow. 11-16; Soutbport. 18-23; Hud- dersfleld, 23 30; Hippodrome, LoodoD, July 2- Aog. 13. Aldo A Armour, Oak Grove Park, Waverly, N. Y , AHeni Ruth A Co., Proctor's 23d Street, N. t. C, 4 ». All« A Dalton. O. 0. H., Pittahurs, 49; Temple, Detroit, 11-18. Albefte A La Braot, Bijou, Bwkfotd, 111., 4-1); Viudctte, Chlcaao. 1 1 Hi. Aline, Mile., Family, Davenport, la,. 4-0. Alylti A Keaney. People'i, Park, EirtUlor Spriuss, Mo., 3-0; Alrdomc. Topeka. Kan., 101«. Amerlciu Trumpeter. (4). Family, Oloverartllc. . N. V., 4-0; Oten Haven Park, BoclKSter, 11-10. America., ^ew8bOJ^(• Quartette, O. H., Van Wert. .0., 7-0; Trocadero. Chlcaso, 11-1«. Autanti A Hartley. Dublin, Ire., 4<»; Uvemc-jl, Raa., Hid; Bradlord, 18-23; Blrmlnglum 25- Amoros SIsterH. Mliea's, BufTalo. 4-9. '' Aniltpaon A Raynolds. Grand. Michigan City, Ipd.. 4-0; Urutul, Peru, 11-10. Apdile's AuiuiaiM, Carnival, Bayonoe, N. J., 4 0: Potuvllle, Pa., 11-10. Arlington Oomedy lour, Park. Bayonne, N. J., 4:0. The Snmnif-r Season Opens A nsuleiona- 1 y nt Vnrliiiiri Polntl. tipri/Lat Dispatches to The New Yonic Clippeji. riwiLADiapiii.,, June :>. — "Matilda" had Its Initial performance, to a good sized limine, at tlie'Clrard Avenue Theatre. "Rosalie," In Its M-veuth «nd iiiini week, at the Chestnut, bad a Hoe house The bill at Keltb'a attract- ed 1 big crowds afternoon and night. .... .The Haltltnore Beauties, at tbe Trocadero; tbe •stock burlesque company, at the Bijou, and the Henry Hui'lesquere, at the Lyceum, all Bad bouses of one proportion* Dani- roach's Orchestra is drawing Immense crowds at Willow Urove Park Woodslde Park nud White City are also attracting blgcrowdV i.i.win.v June 5. — Musical attractions pre- iluinlnuted in Inst nifibt's openings, unci gocd avprage business ruled "Tlie Tourists" upL'UuU at the Mujeutlc. and lllchard Carle, lu "The Mayor of Toklo." started at the I'o-lunlal .... flurry Bulger continued at the Tremont, in "The 'Stan from Stow." "Tfic Mikado" wks presented by tbe opera company at the Castle Square Stock oIUh ^wore : "Tbe Private Secretary," at the Umpire, und "Duwn by tbe Sea," at tbe Bow- do in Square Vaudeville at Keith's, and ■PTuck' burlesque at tne Palace and Lyceum, attracted good crowds Wonderland and Vorurobega l'ark* enjoyed big business on Sunday. (Jhicauo, June D. — Warm weather Sunday. at. White City, Klvcrvlew, Sans Soucl and Clmttis, drew crowds There are no clmngas down town this week The cur- mi bills Include : "The Lion and theMoiine." at. the Illinois ; "The Student King." at tbe Stuaobaker: "The Heir to the Hoorab." at Power** ; "The Prince Chap," ab tbe Orand ; "'l.be -Three Oraces," at the Chicago Opera IJouae; "Korty-flve Minutes from Broadway," at The Colonial; "Julie Bonbon," at the Usr- iitk; Williams and Walker, at tbe Great Northern; "The Gingerbread Man," at Mc- V likcr 1 ; "The Umpire," at the La Salle : "I lie Wedding March," at the Bush, and '•Resurrection" at the Columbus Vaude- ville,, at the Majestic and Olympic, and «ioik burlebuue at the Folly, Trocadero and lvj- Botrs. .'CiFfcixNATi, June S. — Great crowds at- tebded all tbe outing sports Sunday. Con- way ■ itbuca Band gave concerts at tbe Zoo. ......Vaudeville uttracted at Cheater Park, Ludlow Lagoon aud Coney Island. •feu tb villi,, June 5.— Fontaine Ferry Park waf crowded ail day Sunday, notwlthatand- ing'tne Sunday law was In force, Tbe vaude- ville attraction was largely patronized. .,;,. +«* Jut* Wrhrr'i New Prtiarraitimr. Joe' Weber offered a handsome programme Friday, June 1, which will be continued negt yeation, and of Which we have Juat received a copy. .It la a beautlfi.1 example of the printers and designer'.* art, and Is sure to please the audiences. It Is clean, neat, artistic, well arranged and interesting ip 'every sense of the word, a notable feature btlng the presentation of the full cast on the ceptre page, wblch will do away, to a great extent, with the nutaance of turning pages during the performance. 4*» ■Percy «-. WlllUm* In BoatOM. •Percy O. Williams announced, June '£, that he 1 haVI lecured poseesalon of tbe Empire Tbe- «t|rf, Boston, snd will present nla blgb claus vlu.de> I lie there. It waa formerly the Bos- tdn Music Hall. It la also rumored that hf'ba'd secured a house In Newark, and tbat Oscar, Hum in em to In bad obtained control of «v theatre In I'lilladelphla. ■,.!■-- .» »■» B U- F. Ketchuu. wbo for the paat three BHiona baa been playing leads with AngelPa Comedians (Northern), has Joined tbo Lewis Stock Co., under canvas, for tbe Summer. He has' n engaged with Mr. Angell for mt ws- ArmtlU. Grace. Park. Pern, lnd., 4-9; Family, Sioux City, la., 11- hi. Arthur A OcKimes, BIJou. Norfolk. Va,. 4-t>. Asra, A. W.. Ponce De Leon Cattloo, Atlanta, Ga., 4-0. Ashley, LUiisit, Keith's. Clevetind, 4 1>. AuatlnB, ToKr*lng. Avon Park. Young.towu. O., 8-9, Austin, Claude. Unique. Mlnneapotl*. Minn.. 4-0; Bijou. Dulatb, 11-16. Auullim. Grout. Lakeside Park, Ainu, »>., 4 II ; Pour Mile Creek, Erie, Pa.. 11-18. Avolim. Miulcal (O, Keith'.., Cleveland. Ml. Hanln, P'our. Victoria. S. Y. U.. 4-0. Bailey A Austin. Chutes; Ht.11 Fran., Cal,, 4 1< Hni ley A Pickett, Holltvood Park, Baltlmure, 4-9. Barlo k l.nfTerty. Moure's. Portland. Me., 4t>. Baker. Will Carlton, Crystal, Toledo. 4-tl. Barry. Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy, Young's Tier. Atlantic City, N. J.. 4-9. Bartcb, Dellfilit. Albainbra, N. V. 0.< 4-0- Barnes A htockwell. PaHtor'N, N. V C. 4-tl. Hririmlilrt DdgM A Cuts. Albainurs, N. V. G.. If. Barnes. Paul, I'roctor's Wd St.. N. Y. C. <■». Barrett. Geo:. beum. St. Paal. it) Bnmt-H A T.i'tIiih, Grand, Tsi-ooiu, Wssh., 4-9; Parlor, Kveretl, 11-11). Burnet a i;«l»'liih, Terre Haute, lud., 4<9; Lyric, Joplin. Mo., 10-lfl. Bates. Ix>ule W„ Novelty, Oakland, Cat., 4-9. llnjnlcr I.h Velle Trlii, Koiest Park. KaiirtaH City, Mo., 3-9. BHTlleltK. Musical. Atbol. Mass., 4 9; Ho ag Lake, WoonHovket, it. I., 11-10. HiiirifYK CI). Kiilauirizixi. Mich., 40; Battle Cieek, 11-16. Burrows. Ji f t.k- A Willie. Temitle. Detroit, Midi., 4-9. Bailey. Ondieuiu, SI. Pan), 4-9. Ball A Sargent. Forest Park.. Utile Rock, Ark., 4-9. * Barlows, Breakaway, Klvsnlde Park. Montreal, C«n. P 4-0. Bujes, Nora, Olyniplc, Cblcago, 4-9. Baker, Pete. Olympic. Chicago, 4-9. Bedim A Arthur, Temple Detroit. Hlcb.. 4-V. R«rry A Berry, Han Soucl. CbtcaKu, 10-16. . Be'Auos, The, Htreet By. Park, Dhanwklii, Pa., 4-t*. HeKort, May, Keith's, N. Y. C, 49. ikTtlmi A Bnx-kivar. Proctor's TMl ntreet, N. Y. <: . 4-9. Beecher & May. Kleln'a Park. Westport, Hd.. 4-9. Berry A Mottcuk, Ouvernator's, Atlantic City, N. J.. 4-9. ter, Be.. !ri, Blcbiutiud, lnd., 4-9. BIJou Comedy Four.' Carnival. Bayonne, N. J., 4-9. Bijou Circus, Carnlvsl, E. Oranae, X. J., 4-9. Blmni, Ilinon., B-r-r-r, Blittanla Park. Ottawa, nia* Can., 4-9. 0CK.0111 k. I . Proctor's. Newark. N. J., 4-9. itt.'.i.ni. Arthur A Mildred, Keith's, 1'blla., 4-V; 0. O. II., Pittsburg, 11*16. Bowers, Walters A Crocker, Ileuderwm'a, Couey Island, N. Y., 4-9. Bolter. Harry, A Oo„ Farm, Toledo, O., 3-9 ; YoiiiiK«to-Ai.. 1I-1G. Bootliluck Qimrtctte Oriitloal, Cbestei- Park, Cin- cinnati, lit; Fsriu, Toledo, O., 10-10. Bryant A Siwllle, Wovdlawn, Ashland, Pa., 11- 16. Brady &. Hamilton, BIJou. Daveuport, lu., - ■!•-. Brlnkleya, The, Rye Beaelt, Rye, S. Y.. 4-9. RriHtf«?nif. 'Hi.'. Pw-k. Bayonne, N. J., 4-0; B. A ».. V. X. O., 11-M). Brlttons. The, Crystal Palace. I^loilg, tier., 4- 15; MOSCOW. Rum.. US- July 111. Hwtjst Trio, IMttHvllie. Pa., 4-0. Itietttiuy. L-ouUe, Iitgersoll Pitrk, ties Moines, la., a-o. Brooks, Jeanne. Chester Park. Chu-luiiutl, lU-IO. Brown A Wlltnot, Auditorium, Brandou, Can., 4-0. Brati. Selnii. Victoria, N. Y. c. 4-9. Bruwnldg, Mr, A Mrs., oteeplecbawe Pier, At- lantic City. N. J.. 4-9, Bmwn A UcloTcc, Roblnaon Park. Ft. Wayne, lnd.. 49. Brown, Jack. A Lillian Wright. Lake Mninitc, Uxbrldse, Mass,, 4-9; Brookslde Park, Athol, 11-16. BiiKch Kiitnlly. Aenlome, Topcka, Kan., 4-9; Crys- IhI Park Heditlla Mo., 11-19. Rtirkes, Jasgllnir. Acme. Sacranieato, Cal:, 4-9. Burkes. Tbt, Keith's, Phlla.. 4 -P. Burton's Uoge, Riverside Park, Montreal, Can , 4-0. Bnch Bros., Guvernator'a, Atlantic City, N. J., 4-1). BBBklrk A Rk-b, Nnnley's Casino, North Beach, N. Y., 4-9; Erh's Casino, .North Bcacb, 11-16. Huckeye Trio. Dlymplc, Bo. Beud, lad., 4-9; International. Chicago, 11- hi. Burton A Rankla. Forest Park Mt. Uiuls, 4-10. Ilurton & Burton. HtunJard, Bt. l/juh. ;to. Bi.eki.er. Apollo. Number $, t.'er . 4-311 ; Ambai- sadeur, Buekurest R».u., Julv 1-111. Burke & L'rllne. CrjHtal. Frankfort. lnd., 1-9. IMilw.irtti t Wiiit-, orphenm, Wthh city, Mo., 8- 9: Lyric, Muikogee, I. T M 10-16. Carl Brm., Crj'tieum. Boise, Ida... 4-0. Cim;i. Edwin. Coney Inland, Cintlnnatl, 4-9. Cisad & Dc Vrrae, Dayton, 0., 4-10. Curtraell A Reed, Coney Iitland, ClnclnnNtl, 4-9. Carlos. 011-4. , Orrln Bros.*,. Meilco.. 4- to. Cite Farallr. Cryital. Milwaukee, 4-0. Carroll A Clark.?, Lyric Park, Muskogee, 1. T., 4-0. Cilvlo, j»s.. Denver, Col., 4-9. Cameron, Grace. 0. O. H-, Pittibari- 4-9] Ketth'i. N. Y. C-. 11-10. Cameron A Toledo, Tumbling Dim Park, Bridge- too. N. J., 4-9. Carr A Jordan. O. O. H., Plttatmrg. 4-9. Carr A Und, OleoUngy Park. Colamtma. 0>„ H-9, Ciprlce, Lynn A Fay, Orrcbenn, Los Angeles, Cat., a-t». Carlllo. Leo, Young's Pier, Atlantic City, N. J., 4-9, LimlUe Trio, Victoria. N. Y. C, 4-9. Caldwell 4 Wenlwrortb, ■ ralsce, Boaloo, II 10. - Carr. Mar;. Bijou. Norfolk, Va.. *■«. Urou A Herbert, Uoora'a, Portland, Me., i '>. Carton A Millard. Cbutea. Sin Fran., Cat. II'. UrdoWDke Sinter*. Street By. Park, Bbuuiokiu, Pa., 4-».- Carroll. Mabel, Empire, 8t. Paul, 4-9. Case. Chairlle. Keith's, Phlla,, 49; tl. O. 11., rittsbui-f. li-is. Ckrlctou. At.. Keith's, Phlla.. 4 9; Kelt!.',, N. Y. ,4J„ 1I1U- ■ Chluqullla, Prlucess. H. A 8., N. Y. C,. 4-«." Cherry A Sates, Luni Park. Jobostown, Pa., 4-9, Cheater. Mile.. Keith's, N. Y. C, 4-9. Cbailwkk Trio. Casino, Norfolk, Vs., 4-0; Besei- ▼olr Park. Richmond, ll-io: . Chandler. Anna. Paator's. N, X. C. 4-9. Charles. Ctrl. Vinewood Park, Topeka, Kan., 3-h; Alrdoine, Kinperla. 11-16. Clilhturx. Oraec nod Dog, Pa.tor'a. N. I. 0., 111(1. Cliexley, Herbert H„ A Co., Bllou, Bay City. Clarke, tjllte, Atlantic Uardeo, N. Y. C, 4-9. Clay A Lester. Acme, Norfolk, Va., 4 u. Clifton, r.tiicl. A Co., Moon's. Portland. Me.. 4-n. CillTord A Burke, Orpbeum, Los Angeles, Cat, 4- Clarke, Marie. Lagoou, I.udlow. Ky.. 4-9. Clark. Duncan, 8an Wouct Park, Chicato. S-9; Park. Michigan City, lnd., 10-16. Clark A Temple . Winnipeg, Man.. 4-9. Conataullne Hltiters. Victoria. N. Y. C 4-0. Cocrtlelfb. Win., A Co., Majestic, Chicago, 49. Uoahlao. Rone, A Co,. Keltl/s. Phlla., 4-9. Colutnbla four, Canton, 0...49; XonogsluwD, 11- 16. Corbley. tan., ¥., Washington Park, Bayonue, 8. J.. 11.16. Coleman dlstern. Olyinulc, Chh-HKO, 4 9. t'oates, Sunflower. A Co., Farm, Toledo, 4-9. Coyne Bros.. Olympic. Chicago, 49- Corwey, Ferry, Colonial, N. Y. C, 4-9. Colllos A Hart, Victoria, N. Y. C 4-9. Con key. Clever, Majestic. Chicago, 4-9. Culn's Do|rs. Ram on h. (Irauit Rapiils. Mlcti., ;ih, Cook A Mullwoii, Keltb'a, Clevelsnd. 4-9. Cooke A Hiss Rotbcrt, Moss at Utoll Tour, Ent- lantl, 4 July :t'i. Conlon JL HH.Uugs, Uratlot Park. Dunkirk, N. Y.. 1-0. Couture A Ulllette, Albaubra, N. Y. . 4-9. Collins A La Belle. Cedar Point. Sandusky. 0.. :.,». Colonlsl Sentette, Ye. Woolivorlh, l>aucaster, P»., 4-9; Proctor's. Troy, N. Y-, 1119, Coyne, Urace, ERcanaha. Mich., 4-6. QtmfVto. Fred. Pastor's. N. Y. C, 4-9. Cree; Jeuilca. Keltb'a. Pblla., Il-U. Craven, The, Uenderson'e, Coney Island, N. Y.. 4-9. Crawford A Manning. Pastor's, N. Y. C-. 4-0. Curtis, Net!. Auditorium. Parkcrsburg, W. Va., 4-9 ; Orpbeum, Mansfield, O.. 11-10. Ciiriirolnir* A Ttiornlon, Woodlawn Park, Lairabe. Pa.,T-». Cunnlnghim A Smith. Ivland Park, Brliigelon, N, J., 4 9; Pastor'a, N. Y. C. 11-10. Cullen, Jis. M.. Moks A Mtolt Tour, EualaDd. Darts. R Richard. Hherbrooke,' Can., 4-9. rtirniudy. I'alncc. Bosloii. 4-9. ' Dair, Mile.. Chester Park, Cincinnati. 4-9. iMvenpoit. Una. Oruiid, Peru. Iud., 4 9; Oraud, lluntlngtoti, Il-ID. Davis. Liuru, fcHiellpot Park, V/lluilugtou, Del., 4-9. pHgwell. Aurle. Alhatolira. N. Y, 0„ 49. • Mil. K .. ili nine. Chutes, Hmii Fiau., Oal., 4-9. Hell A Fonda, BIJou. Murluetle. Wis., 4-U. De Wilt, Hums, A Torrance, Tlrull, Cine Totvn, V, A., I -.Inly 14. Dvveau, Hubert. Olcntaugy Park. Columbus, u., i-B; Cascade Park, New Oastle. Pa.. 11-16, Dervnda A Oreeii. Mobh A Stoll Tour, Kni. He Vau Broa., U)yin|ilc. ChlttiKu. 4-9. lis- Haven Sextette, Ycjuu.'b l'ler. Atlantic City, tV J.. 4-0. '..»(■ Mnv.-h ft Parker, Pi-octur's, Newark. N. J., 4-9. Llelmar. Orpbeum. Dsventiort. la., -1-10. DcltifrclH A Ullssando, Riverside Park, Moutrenl, Can., i-!>. Xh iMtu, Mile-. White Clly, Chicago. 1-9. Lh-ery A 1 rands. Young's Pier, Allsutlc Clly, N. J„ 4 9. Dervlit, Jat. T., Ben'n, Ktcauntxi. Mich.. 4-9. l>nleii, Diive. RIJou, Calumet, Mich., *9; BIJou, MsKtuL-ttc, 11 Hi. lie. Luceys. Two Duiiciog. spring Brook Caslitn, Mo. Beud, lnd.. 4 9; Rotiln.on Park. 1't. Wayne, 11 -in. Do Bilker's Dogs, Paterson, N. J., 4-9. LH' Foretts. The. Crystal, Ht. Joseirh, (Mo, 4-9. He 'Mtltha, The, Fsjjsj Dc Leon Ouslno, Atlanta, tin.. Ill Uel-M-l*liuiic. Pco|ile*a Park, Leavenworth, Kali., til: Crystal Park. Bedalla, Ho., 11-16. UlerlikM iW., Wnnderlnnl Park. Wichita, Km., ;i-9. Dlnle Hereunder*, Heuder-on'a, Couey Islaad, N. Y.. 4 9. niton a Fields. Rofriiiftou Park. Ft. Wayne, lnd., 4-9; Park, Muskegon, Mich., 11-ltl. I)l*rtiou-i»; Novelty, gtocktou. 11-16. Kugleton, Nan, & Co., Atlantic City, N. J., 4-U; Balto, Mil.. 11-10. Urnle A Honeger. Crvslal, Milwaukee. 1-9. iiv«im, Harry, Ilendersoti's, Cbucy Islaud. N. Y., 4-0. Kvaos. Llixle, 4. Co., Olyniplu, Cklcaiio. 4-0. liTsna. C, lA-rtlk- * Co., (jSuveroatora, Atliutlc Clly, N. J-, 4-0. Mveya, lieu. W,. Park. Pueblo, Col.. 1 Hi. Uvnus Hitters, Idora Park, Youugstowri, o„ 4-9. lCvans. Ucnry, Hendersoa's, Coney Island. N. Y-, 4>9. UveretU. The, 'iuverua tor's, Atlantic Clly, N. J., 4-9. KipOaJltton Four. Majestic. Cliicago. 49- Fanlss (2). Dreuuland. Couey Island, N Y., 4-9, Kartell* Orcheatra. Keith's. Boston, 4-9. Farley, James A Bonnie, Hontguioery, Ala., 4 u ; Blrnilogbam, U-16. Kayi, Tbe. White City. Chicago. 4-9. Falsnli., Upokanv, Wash.. 4-9; Htar, Beattle, 11- Jnly T. Fartmni. Bud, Trio. Fair View Park. Dsytou, 0.. 4-9; Like tilde Park. Akron, 11 -10. FajH. The. Alhiunura, M, Y. C. 4-9. Ferieros. Keith's. I'hlla., 4-0 ; Kvlth'a. N, Y. C 11-10. Kerjuwo A Pattuiore, Caalno Park, Kslaaaxuu, Slk-li.. 3-9. Keririis'io A Mack, Palace, Aberdeen, Wr.it.. 4-9; Lyric, Liverpool, Kng., 11-16; Ktnptre, nir- nilfiutiaru. Id-'Ht. FeruBtide-Muj Trio, Cm.'n Pirk, I>-t^»ille, lad., 4-9; Alamo Park, Cedar Rapkls, la„ II- Itt. Fergttaon A Beetou, Athletic Park. New Orleans, 4-9; Forest Park, Little Rock, Ark.. 11-19. Perry. M'ouderland Park. Wichita. Kan., 40. Ferrla-Wlley Trio. BIJou. Laming, Mich.. 4-9. Fields and llnnnon, Los Angeles, Cal.. 4-9; Haa niego, 11-16. Fisher, Mr. A Mrs. Perkins. Keltb'a, N. Y. C, 4- 9; Keith's. Boston, 11-10. PleUa. Nettle. Rmplre, Dei Holnea, la., 4-9, Flatters. Tbe. Bllou, Dulntb. Ulnn., 4-9. Fields, W. C Keith's, Phlla., 4-0. Finlay A Burke, Temple. Detroit. Mich., 4-9. Fields, Will H-, Falrvlew l'ark. Dailou, 0-, 3-0; Lakeside Casiuo. Akron. 10-10. Flenen A Hitler, Park, HutcbtOkon, Kan., 4-9: lark, Liop-jrli, PI- 10. k'lMk-r A JolniM.ii, HuckMn'*. Klkliarl. Iud., 4-9. FleiTi'ttr Hhtera CI), Raimoa, Urand Raulds, -MK'b., nil, Ftoi.-l Hro... Kcitli'a, Boston. 4-9. Fast*. Mlldn-J. BIJuu Park. Dubuuue. la., 4-9; Itun-molt Park, lies Moines. 11-10. Vlyan, Knrl, Electric Park, Kansas Clly, Mo., 4- Flolv k Duna. Pastor's, N. \. C. 4-9. Fond Buu 1. Broa., Cascade Park, New Castle, Pa., 4 9. Ford SI « tern A hnttberv, Keith's, N. Y, C. 49. Fox A Hughes, Utakna Park, Halt Like City, U., ■ 4 9. Kotitlurlle, Mysterious. Creen's 0. II.. Cedar Kttp- hls. la. :il>; Uaiiuhiu'a Park. St. I^ouls, 10-16. lo-tt-r X Foster, Chutes, Baa Fran,, Cat-, 4-9, rasa A Iiarc. Fontaine Ferry Pari. LouUvlHe, Ky., 3ft; Esst Bud Park, Memphis, Tenu., 1'rlrae Bn«.. BIJon. U Crowe. Wli.. 4-9. rro»to & Harvey, Km;iln-. Alchisou, Kan., 4-9; ConMtv. Okla. city. Okla.. 1110, Frank, M.irTelous k Bob. Orpbeuiu. Los Angvl--j. Cal.. 4-R; ClintM. Han Fran.. 11 -an. Froslnl. F. O., Forest Park, Kansaa City, Kan.. IP; Ingcrvoll Park. Det Motttes. la., 10-16. KtauccllaH. the, Chutes, Ban Fran.. Cal.. 4-9. KreiKh. l.illlau. (Jymimse, Montreal, Can.. 4-9. tlanlner A Hadderu. Casino. Toledo, U.. ni>. Uardner A Stoddard. Auditorium. Lynn. Uass., 4-S; Wsulwortli. Lancaster, Pa.. 11-10. Cats* A Nelson, Blverslde Park. Moutreal, Can.. 4-U. Uurdiier A Revere, (Irntul, Marlou. Iud., 4-9; Olympic, Chlcagn. 11-16. ('••smati. Jownhlnc, Spring Un»ve Park, fliirluy- SE o.. 4-9. <1nyl«r, Boliby. A Co.. H. A S.. N. Y. C 4 9. Oaraon, Marlon, llainoiia, nrstsl Ilapkla, Midi.. .1-9. (Jarnrllas. The. BIJou, La Cmsac.. Wle., 4-9. tlnndy. Clark (1.. Spring On-ve Cislno, boring- aelit. U.. 4-9: Ukevlew Park. Dayton. 11-1(1. tiaridle Hro».. Young's, Atlantic Clly, N, J., 40; Pantor's. V. Y. C. 11-16. UnylorU, Boiiulc, Fontaine Ferry Park, I^oola- vllle. Ky.. 1 1 - 10. Hap A Fraaer, Oak Orova Park, Waverly, N. Y„ Hoylor' A CrarT, Attnutlc tlardcn, N. Y. C, 4-0. l.tivln A Plntt. Spring Lake Park, Trenton. N. J.. 4-9; Street Ry. Park, Hhamokln, Pa.. II 111. Mar. & IVallers. U'onona BeacN, Bay Cllv, M|i'h., 4ii; Itlrersldo Park, Hailnaw. ll-til. tiertrude. Ulna., eJo.ift.er Park, Montreal, Can., ML N.'iiki-i. A Bnlley. CuluulU. N. Y. t).. 4-9. Ulltuore k Cnrnill, Crystnl. Detmlt, Mlcb., 4-9; aWptw 11. II. Alle.siidrla, 1ml., 11-10. Oil.. Nsl, Uprlng Lake Park. Treuton. N. J., 4*0. t'illleji, Tou. Atlilellc Park. RufTulii. 4-9. Ollhngwjter. Claude. A Co., Temple. Detroit, MIcTi., 4 11 Clllen: 1; iiiic, Chester Park, Cincinnati. 4-0. Ulbsoii. 01 ih. ft Knlhorlne, Crystsl, Ht. Jontpn, Mi.-.. -1-ia. tlllror. Hnynes A Mnutiroinery. Aiiiue, Dacrauiento, Cal., -I-U; Novelty. Utocklou. 11-10. Ollllhun A I'errv, Olympic. Chicago, 4-9. (•itanu Troupe, UHMtri fianlen. Canton. 0.. 49. Ole.nroy line.. BIJon. I'hlla., 4-9. OlftiiKtiii, John A Berths, A Fretl llsullban, Hhen'a, OtuYalo, 4-9. "(ilWte of Deslli, White City. Syracuse, N. Y., 4-9: Proctor's. Allstny. 1116. Clenroy Bros.. BIJou, rtilis., 4-9. Cottloh. Mr. ft Mrs.. Hijtui, LIikwIii. Neb.. 4 9; Crrstul. Deliver. II in. Cordon A Chanou, IliiNCM. X. V Hi. Uuldjui A Huglies, Atlaiillc Harden, N. I, C., Oreetie A Werner. Victoria. V. Y. C. 4 9. Oreen Hni™., lllJiHi. Winnipeg. On., 4-9. UrotH, *Vtn„ Umpire, lies Moines, la., 4-9; O, U., , 'iii.t,... lit., Jubanrion A King. Orpbenai. St. .'aid. 4 f>. Jupiter Hnw . trtenisngj l'ark. Coluinhtis. l».. lift, Kallnnvntkl Bros.. Atlantic Carden. .N. Y. 0.. 4-9. Kate* Bros., Farm. Toledo, 0.. a-9; Ulcntaiigy Park. Coluuibiia. 11-10. Kane, Leonard. Keith's. Pklla., 49. Kariuts, Feratrl's. Brlglituti Bcacb, N. Y., 3' Jul* SI. ' Ksurtnan Trouiic, Olympic, Chkaio. 4 U. Kaiitodil A Tour. A. A »., Boston. 4-0. Kalacratus, White Clly. Chicago. 4-0. Kader, Ab Hul. Prooior's, Newark. N. J.. 4-9. Keuna. Chains, Oriikum, SprlnifleM, 0., 4-9. Keno. Wsluli ft Stelrose. Orpheuoa, Lou Angeles, Cal.. 4-U. KentOU A Lowslno. t'ryittil. St. Juoet.li.Alo., 1-9. Kelly. Waller C, Keltli*-, ,\\ Y. C, 4ft7 Kelly, Hum k Ida. Crystal. Wabasb, lnd., 4-9. Kmywi k ttf 1.8M1111. Royal. Montrral, Can,, 4 tl. Kennedy 1 * IVllkein., Altaiitlc City. N. J.. 4..1. Kherna £ Cole. Spring Brook Park. Sa Bend, lnd.. 10- Itt. King. Mr. A Mrs. Hum. Htautun Park, Steuben- vlYle. 0., 4-0. Klpllngs iS), Sheedy's, r'all Ithrr, Mass., 4-0. Klngxley A LewlN. RoHi'Vllle, III., 7 u. Kltsbanta .lsp*>. Victoria. N. Y. 0-, 4-0. Kternan, .Is- A.. Sura's. ButTalu, 4-9. Kli'ln A Clifton. Poll'-. New Hsoen, Conn., 4 9, Klein. Ott Brirs. ft Nicholson. ItPnriorson's, Coufy 1-laud. N. V.. 4-11. Klein A Klein. Oodiruy 'h, llraiid Rspllts, Mlrb., 4-9; Caslai. Park, KalsmHaoo, 11 10. Klelst, Mu*lcal. Olympic. Ctib-aio, 19. Kunure A Chaplain,' Sirs"**. Kokorao, lull., 4 9; Or phcuin. t'uliiRibux. Il-lll. Kojipe A K.i,.,n\ Sii-cpliHliHw Pier, Atlaulic tlltv, N. J., 4D Kuhlcr A (Mitriuu. Thuyvr'a Park. Amsterdam. N. Y.. 4 9. tinditrl'* Dugs. Iloiidemm'*, Coney IhIhimI, N. Y„ 4-9. KnrtU k Biisne. Wimlwcrth, LuitCKsler, Pa-. 4 9, t.;i Tour. Irene. H rook Hilt' Purk, Athol, Mas*., 4-n: HlHcplechaMe Pier. Atlantic Clly, N. J., 11 HI. La Clair ft Went, llollywood Purk, Baltimore. 4-9; Park Wind Hap, Pa., Il-lfl. U I'liie. t'liiih-,. RHiHi, Norfolk. Va.. 411. I.;iwn-n.i' ft UiirrlMUluii. ii. O. II., 1'lttslvurjt- 4-0, :,« Mate Bros. CD. Henderson's. Cnury Island, N. Y.. 4-U: Proernr's. Newsi-k, N. J., Hill. I.niky-Rolf* (Jiitnlvtle, Prorlur's !t..d St., N. Y. C, 4-U. Uwler. Mlchsel, I lib IVanl, Wliiulii,i..it, Del., II 1(1, l.siubert A Pierce, Plnrliurst Park, Wnrcwter. Mass.. 4-f*. I.Hwrcm-o. I'cle, Hutilliern Pi-.vk. PIHaliurg. Ill; UJIuton. Il-lil. 4'ra>. R*\, Miwre's. Portlsml. Me., 4-9. Oratlt. S|ilm".v. AIHH.nl.r-, N. V P.. 4-9. UUfjb The. Cryntal. Toledo. (I.. 1-9, Hall, Frank, Farm. Toledo, ()., 4-9; Oleulangy Park. Columbus, 11-16. Harcourt, Krank. Kuxon's, CHil'sgo, 4-9. Harris, t'has,, Hniis KiiiinI, t^lik-sgo, 4-9. Kaaly, CUs-., t:rjHtst, Klkhart. Iud.. 4-lt. Harti- Willie A F^tltli,, 1;. I). IL, I'lttsburg, 40; trtrntang) Purk, Colmiitnin. *).. 11-16. lluymaii At FrHiiklln. Allitimlns, llrlrlitoii. i:n.-., 4- U; Koinlre (Clsptninil, London, 11-10; Hlsr i.lleruiondsey). London. IK-S3 1 Empire (IhIIiiv- ; 'Mb). l.oadoii. Stl-JIO: Diicliex-. Loudoii. July S-7. Iliiyii. Kd. i'., Lnkenlde l'ark, Akron, 0., 4 ; Four Mile Park. Kris, 11-14, llarrlM-HPiiuregarde A' Co.. Oakwood Park, 'Pllts- bbrg. Pa., 4-9. Ilurrey. l-:;«ii', Urand, X. Y. C. 49. Hnt'.iiiioii A Wiley, MIJuu, Kewaiiee, 111.. 4-9; Or.ind. Hllmuukee. Wis., i I hi. Hairy A IturiT, LskeitMe Park, Dayton, 0., 11-9) ■Inoiils. (JoliimlKis, 11-10. HiijKKnl. I'onnij' ft HaywaM, Forest Park, Ht, -IrflUls. 8#1 Fvrrst Park, Kmita. Clly, 11-1*1. Ilarcourl. Dnlur, Wuolwoitli. Lsnsistcr, Pa., 4-9: Mectrli- Park. HsIHiuore. 11-16. HsM'kriuwk Trio, 0, IL, Delpboi, O. 6; Vsn Vert. T-9; Cliff Hide Csslno, Ashlsud. Ky.. II 10. Hureiusn'ii Auluinls, liigeraoll Park, Ilea Mulucs, Ia„ :- » llcliis. Laurelling Billy, 1'aalsiig Park, Hsrrlnbiirn, ' Pa'.. 4-0, IlcftiellFH. Tin', Alcsiar, Drover, 0ol„ 4-rJeut. 1. Hettlow. Mnrlc. Uryatal. Detroit, 4-9. Ilerlwrl & Itosem. Weiiunu Park, lla.v City, Midi., 1 49: Klter* Ide Park. Ksglusw. 11-10. Beam, Clark A Frunklln, Crystal, PaeMu, Col., 4 0. Herald Kiiusre Quartette, Ponee De Leon Park, Atlantu. Us.. 4-9; Kloctrlc Park, Montgomery, Ala., ll-io. Berwood. Creat, , Forest Hill Park. Manchester, Va., 4-MI. Henry ft Frauvll, Keith's, N. V. ('.. 4-0. Ileuuians, MHrveliHis {'■'<. LafsyetU", Buffalo, 4 0. lUljnisn. Ceo.. Hljou. Lmihlng. Ml.-li.. 4 11. Hills A Vfllson, Uemlerioii'i. Coney IhlHml, N. Y , 4-0. lltniiiiui, Capt. HldaWy, Al Fresco Park, Psus, III., "■■yew . 'abatd,, 11 11. Hlubluiids en, bagonii. Ludlow. Ky.. 4-9. HlT.ebr.10d A Vivian, Salt Palace, Malt Lake, I.'., 4-10. III!) A Hill. II. A M.. N. Y. C, 4 9. iliif.iTt A Wsrreu. Kniidre, Di>s Moines, |a„ III Family, D.irciipori. 11-10. Illlllsrd, lUiht. A Co., HIm-h's BurTslu. 4-0. H.tllninl A Vp:doii, Omtrrny's, ('rami Kaplda, Mlcb.. It-O. Hoimaii, Ilarrj. PslerHiai, N. J„ 4-U; Psatir'a, N. Y. 0.. 11-1*1. Ilolditworllis, The. Pastor's, X. Y. v.. 4-9. ll.-u. a Thles. Cstfroy's. Oruiid Ilaphls. Midi., -9. H.ilt, AIL. Mom! A Stoll Tuur. Fjiglund. Hdlmen linn.. Pain's. Meniplilv. Tenu.. 4-0; Pain's. Cincinnati. 11-10. Ilxs-iinl Hros.. Pslaco, Hull. Kmi.. 4-9; r.inplre, r«eds. 11-10; ffmplnt. New Caitls. IHSII; Km- nlre. Hhlehls, S.'.-.TO ; Ktnptre, IMIuburgh, Hod., lulyM. Huidnsirt. Park, Ft. Wayne, lis)., U -141. I.st liia. .Mile., it. *.i, H.. Pittsburg, ML I n Ilea, Wniiilerful. Like Park, Wort-enter, Ma**., 4-U. l.ll ToSCa. I'lill.. O. 1( Vli'lnrlii. <^n.. *l». I.a Belle, Win.. II. (I. II.. Pltlnburg, 4-9, l.anilaprl, Monde, Proctor's. Newark. S. J.. 4-U. I.sssnrd Rros., Illverahls I'nit, Miuitresl, Can.. 4-1). I.11 Mount ft I'luili-tii-, SyrueuM*, N. Y.. 1-n; Crystnl, Marlon, lnd.. II 14. I.i (letlc, llapnyliiiHl Park. Wlnulppg, iJaii., IB. I.a Zui A I.-I Z,ir. Hniin S-nii'l. Clilcmin. 4-9, Laurel A Hoiitheni. Bi>n. Imlntli, Minn., 1 0. i.iirujcitc l.yrtc roar, lUiollt.n. O.. I"; l.tiim, Il-lil. I.uwhtr, CIihh. II Athii'lic I'srk, Huffalo, 4-9. Lit Tell BroH.. l'.H|e, l)uveii|mrt, la., 4 11; Peo- ple's. l*nvein*or1li. Kan.. 1H-HI. 1. .1. 11:11 1 A l.»ulc, Colo. Hprlittr*. I'oL. 4 It. Lemmnl. Uitx. Proelnr's, N«jw»rk. N. J.. 4-!l; I'riM-tur'M tS-Mb St.. N. Y. I*., 11 id. ' Lc.'ii»HiniH t-'i. Proctor's 'j:iil Htrui>t, N. Y. '' . 4 0. Leousrit A Plillllps, Tlmyer'a Park, Amsterdam, N. Y.. 4 -HI. Lit, FltiliilHli A llessle. 1.1ms. II., 4 9; Pli|ua. ll-HL Lo Dent, (in hi. Spies II. IL. Kokmim, lnd., 4-» ; liiiwiintt O. IL. LoR*tis|sirt , 1 1 hi Isvwte, '.leorgi', Spring Hrovo Park. H|>rltiKMd, O,, IH. Le Miilre A I.i' Halre, I'slsiv. BohIihi, 1-9. i..-mih,i.ii i.nitini 1'iuk. Dmiklrk, N. Y . 4 11; Htsr, Toronto. Can,, II In. I.e (toy A W«.i|fm.i. Cusl Norfolk, Vs., 4 9. Uslle. tint. W Lyric Ch-Hnml. II -HI. i.i'oi>nt.i. tltic, Proctni'.. Newurk. N. .1., 14). i.i' Buy. I'1'.fu-in-c, .M11uiNiti1.il. \oi Ma, Vs., ID, Lewis, At.. BIJou. Ciiolmi, O., 19. Leslie A Dudley. Kdtli'n. Boxlou, 4 9. I.W. lletire. Proetor's Slid St., K. Y, «., 40. le lliiir, l.yrlc Park. Joplin, Ho., :MI; Orplimnn, Wel.t. Clly, Ml 111. Lindsay's Muukeyo. While Clly CbleaiM, 4-9. I .iiii^. Miiii-v. Itlbitl, li.ilnlli. >l lull.. 4-tl. l.iiki'ii- (4). Kelfli'M, KiisIihi, 4 11; Keith's, N. T. C. 1 1 111. Line K Lara, Cruiul, Hnmlt, Wain..! 4)4. I.neter, Mr. ft Mrs. Freii.. Miiunn: Lsks Park, imi-i.ik'-. m--.., Ill; Mi.-ikiMi. I'nrk, Athol, ii- m. ! Lul.y. IMiia. ('..loijl.il. N- Y. C, II). L.vsler ft Cooke, iirnlieuiii. (•tlunitMis, lnd., 4-9, M.,m.ii.|. 4 it. siscNiciioi. J. II., 1'arkilnle llluk, Torunlo, (7sn., 4-11. .Miniello-Murnlts Troupe, OIihiImI, N- Y. C, 4-9. Martynu. Kdily. Koulety L'lreas, HprliigOHd, 111., 49; Jiii-kaunville. 1110, Mar. Tiiiu. Bijou. Airdrome. Okla. City, Okla., 1- U; Bijou. Sliawuisi. ILK). .Mrinulii Fiiislly, Touring Mm leu. Msynnrd, Lllllati, Heirlernoji'-, (*uuey IsIsikI, N, .Marco fnw. I'orest Park. St. I^uls, Mo., LO, Mum.i, ft Mnmui. Cryatal, Trinidad. Oil., tdl. .Murtluetlle A Hylveslor, ForMl Purk. I.ltlle lt.uk. Ark.. 4-0; Lagmjii Park, Mayovllle, Ky., It-Hl, Isralnill ft Lm-ralne, Hummm, Drmul Baplilr Mill!., 11 II. FJoltnes,' Taylor, Proclor's, •Newark. "N." J„ 4-0, Howard. tJrrst, While Clly. Chicago. 4-9. rlutJoi-Q, Kitty. Oymuase, Montreal. Can.. 4-9. Uttsron A Ilfltlui, Onlrsl Park, Alleutuwu, Pa., 4-0. Bylahdsf.'n, Lagoon, Ludlow, Ky,. 4-9; I'llaiuwr's Park, No. Adams, Maas,, 11-16. Hjfle, Mr. A Mrs. lloiHs, Orirbluui. HprlugfloM, Impe'rlil Japanese Ousnla, Altltoff( tlutibruck, ftor., 4-;to. Itiiiess ft Ityan. Lsnuvu. I.udlow, Ky., *J-9; Lake- MdftraeV. Dayhm. IX. 11-10. Train, Jack. Urand. Marlon. lnd., 4-9. Jjitufd ft Rl'iliards, A. A H., Uonton, 4-9. Jaines A 1-ii'lH. Hleefilts'Iisse Pier, Atlsstlc City, W/'J.". 4-9. tmtik, -Chss. M-, Pt. CrHiint. N. Y.. DO; Cbar- lotte, in in. Jacoln Iiug*, Kdth's. Bustou, 4-tl. ■T.rrrtt A La Bus*. Orpheum. Rt. Paul. 4-0. Jaifk. Mr. A Mrs.. Olymnlc. Chleago. 10. .iiicuU A Siir.iHi,. Lualsvllle, Ky.. 4-9. Jertvue. Kliurr. Pastor's. N. Y, C 4-9. Jeinelte, Lillian. AtlsnUc Osfden, N, Y. C , 4-9. Jentiitigs A ttenfrew, Miijsstlc 'Chli-sgo, 4 9. Jeanri- A Kllimorlh, Palace. B"«ton, 4-0; Whalan .Park. Fliclihtirg, Mass., 11-10, Johnsoa A Hulllvan, Auditorium. .Voifolk. Va,, t it. Johusoti * Wells, (is fiudevere, Budapest, Hun., . 4-Jnly 13. Jrtbnattne. Ralph, C«dotilal. N. Y. C, 4-ft. Jobttatcaw, Musical, Tower, Blackpool, Fug., 4-SO; Alhaoitirs. London. Julv 2-7. Jollqf. Johnny. Keith'-. Cleveland. 4-9. Jolsou, AL, Crystal, Detroit, Mlcb., 4-0. Joneft A Itsyniijiid, Crystal Park, Heilalls, Mo., 4-9. Jnnes. Irving, il. 0. K., Pittstiura, 4-0. Jones A Mile. Colonial. N. Y. C , 4 9. Jenes A Button, Spring Like Park, Ttenlot, N. J„ 4-9. Msunliig Trtu. Olyinplu. Chk'igo, -l-l'. Martin A Van. Coney Island, Cincinnati. 4-H. Marriott Twins, (lo ilium. N. Y. C. 1-U. Martin, Hiiro ft PcreN. Mrijc-tt.', t;iili-agn, Ml. Maaso, Kd., ft Nellie, Pfis.-lur'a, Altsany, X. T., 4-9. Mudderus. The, Miiuballss. Sn-f.lk. Va.. I II. Murloii ft Lici.ii>', Plnelmrst Park, Wiirivster, Mass., 4 II. f Murk A ItiiBMl. Lrrli'. Joplin, .Mm.. Ill; nrnbeani, Writb City, Hl-ltL McCi.ll Trtu, ICIii'trli' Purk, Kuiieas Clly, llo., 0- 0; I : n 1 1 . 1 r l- . Dcs M.ilue-. In.. 11-10. Mi-Csrvcr-Bitmlioo Trio. Chicago, -LIO. Me Waters A Tynuii Va.. Kellli\ ('lovslaud, 4-9; 0. O. if Pttlsliun, 11-10. McCIellali, .fun,, Dlbfii. Diiluih, Mluu.. 111. McN'Miiec, K el Mi's. Plilla.. 1-11. .McKI11iK.11 ft need. Olyiuplc. H|Mlriltfleld, 111., 4* 0; Price's O. H„ MolsTly. Mo-. ll-HL McCreu A I'isdc, IleiHlersiui'a, tinier Island. N. Y„ 40. .M.l>,i-li. John A Alia*. Crynfal. lictioit. Mlcb., 4di. McCumm A Urant, Lakittlile Purk. Akruu, O., 10; Four Mile Park. Kilo, P«„ 11-10, Merrltt, Ituyuioud, Vinowsxl Park, Topeka, Kan., 111. Mdi'iy Trln, Hfrie'u, Kokniilu, IinL, I tl ; Ori'tmim, (*.l1lill)bUN, lllil. Melville ft Oniway. Majestic, ('Itli-ago. 4-U. Ati'xIcKtt TmirlM Qiiarlelle, Itaumns, tiraiid IIsp< id-. Ml.lt.. till. Meinour Lu Nole Trio, Meyer's Lube, Canton, 0,, .'III; Hock HnrlugN Purk. K. Liverpool, 10-lr). Mexlas A Mwaiss, Crystal, htttrult. Mlrh-. 4-tl. MetruimlHsn (Iraiid Oners Trio, Ueu>lerwii)'s, Coney lulu nd, ,V. Y., 1-9. Mlllmsn Trln, Huluner Park. Muiltreil, Can . 4-tl; Hrlttaula Oii-IIieHay. Ottiiws, It Hi Meers Bros.. Cai|n», Norfolk, V* . 411. InMs 'Ml the Buy, Ottawa. 11-1*1, Mll&lll Trio. 'Keith's, N. V C, III. Mil Ion A BuliiM-. Doiulnluu I'nrk, Montreal, Cue.. 1-0: Al-Ttv Park. Alluiiy. N. Y-, ll-l'l. Miller. Carrie Belle, BIJou. Ai^l.-tmi. Wis.. 0-9: Hljou, lirci'ii Bay, IU-12 ; BIJou. Mirluett* 1.1- HI. Mlgiion, Helciie. Orribeum, Ht. Paul. 4-9. Mlrnti- Pour. Pastor's, N. Y. C„ 4-0. Mlti.'.ell ft Brritviilng. MoN.nlc, I ronton, 0„ 4 ft ; Orphlum, Chi 1 1 loot he, 11-10, Mllitiell, Abble, Victoria, IS'. Y. C. 4-9. Millard Bros. (Bill A Bo), Iitdlsuola I'arkb, <;>• lutllhus. (I.. 4-10. Mlllsn. Martini A Msi, Fuulalue Ferry Park, l/..|Ur|llr.. Ky,, I |t. Mill* A Lewis. Creed inr. Wis.. , Auitluj IJaJestlc, Cblcago, i-9 ( J 438 ii LL THE NEW YbEK CLIPPER. June 9. Moon, Ed.. Qraad. Michigan City. In J., 4-9. Morton ft Diamond, Proctor's. Newark, N. S„ 4 9. Moore, KeUey. Spring Gro*e Park, BprlngDeld, O... 4-9. Montnmi*'* Cockatoo Clrcos, Young's, Atlantic City. N. J„ 4-1A. Motoglrl. r.n. Touring Austria, 4 34). Morse, Bon, Hpriiiv JJiae Tirk, Trenton, M. J., 4-ft. , - • ' Morris, Clara, Orphniin, St. Paul, 4-fl. Morelln prial • Milir Park. Montreal, Can., 4». Moorfe, Tom. H A 8 .. K. V. 0., 4-J>. Monte Mrro Troupe, ftiiTernitcir'*, Atlantic City, N.J.. 4-1fc ' -■ ■ • « Modoc * MortnC, Coney lain rid, Clnelnnall, 4». Mnrphy. TtiomrHcii) * Murphy. Carnival. Bayonne, N, J.. 4-0; While City, Blnghamton, N. Y., 11* 10. Nn-kpteer* fit), Family, flcrantoa. Pa., 4-fl. Millar. NU H;jnn, D il.:i Ji, Winn., 4 W. Mnrrnr. fMoTtnn ft Drew. I,ngnnii Park. Albany, N. V.. .4-9 j Pastor's, N. Y. C. 1110. Mnrruy. KIlMhelh, Chute*, Han J'rnii., Oat., 4-ft. .1-9; Oleron Park. Jamestown, N. Y., ll-Hl, JJasrnith Duo. Park, fjantoo, O.. 4-l». Keff A Miller. Proctor's. Albany, S. Y., 4*. SelhOr"*, Tlie, Umpire, St. I'ail. 4-0. Neman. Harry ,A imome, Topeka, Kan., 4-fl; Air- dome. Huichiiison. 11-lfl. Ke?ln« it Arnold, Htecplerhnw Pier, Allnntlc City, N. J.. 4-fl. Mulo * Riley, Keith's, Boston, 4-fl; Kellb'i, PhllD., Hid. Nlbrrf A Bonleaiiu Pastor 1 *, N. Y. O., 40. Nobren*. The, Dornluirrii Park. Montreal, Can., 4-fl. North, llolibv, .Mn-pi. O. II., l.os Acgeles, Cat. 4-10. Norrlns. The. Lima Park, Washington, D, C, 4-fl. O'Brien A Haiel. Ptwinr's. Albany. N. Y., 4-». O'Neill, Thou. H., Pi. Orattot Park, Dunkirk, N. Y., 4-9. Ordviiy, Laura. Kehli'a. Pblta., 4-0. Otto Bros., Well* Clrcilll, 4-Jiily 21. O'Tnole, Jack. BIJon. Ln Crow*, Win,. 4-0. *ir.av\ The, Mneiilou's I'urL, HI. loola. 10-10. Paplnta. Inrenoll Park. D*s Moines, la., .1-0. I'orKh. Clrphlnm., Kprln«a»ld. O., 4-0. Parry, Cbnrloita, 4 Or, Moore's, Portland, Ue., A., 4?liV; T7voll.*&iJ»eT«wn, Jnljr't-2R. Patty Bw. (1. 0. II.. Pittsburg, 4-0. Pnlfiey 4 fluiawl. (I. U. II., Pittsburg. 4-9. Pnullneltl * Flquu. Wlulertarlen, Berlin, Get.. 4- Pero' A Wilson, Oak Huuimlt Park, EnimUle. In J., 3-fi. Peptier Twin*,. Logoori. Ludlow, Ky., 3-9, | Pelot. Fred A 4mm Hprln^brook Park. So. BeM, lml., 4-fl; Kusori's. fThli-nBu, 11-10. ivwiti!, OniPllle, Four Mile Creek Park, Krle. P«,. 10-17. PUIIIIfw ft Firionleaii. Vlrlor, Oil.. 4-0. I'lillllplue Blind, I .una Pork, WaHblDXlon, f 0., 4-fl. Pierre ft Cop, Auditorium. Lynn, Maw., 4-fl. Poirew (:t». Street Fnlr. Ormmm. 4-9; Liu* roln Pnrk. Olereland, 11-10. . Polk. Colllna. A Curowii fllMiew, Wella Park, Ho- annke. Va., A't: WelU I'nrk, LyncldHira;. 11-10. Powell ft Co.. lugerooll Park, Dea Uoloes, la.. Pout ft Hinnril. Karin, Toledo. O., 4»: Teiaplc, Tletroll, 11-ld. . .« , , rope. 4. C O. II., KIkUart, lml.. 4-0; Part, Mlctdonn City, ll-Ml. ' 1'onera & T.ifoliald, Crystal. El wood, Inil., 4 9. ProiMt, Chiitea, San Fran.. Cil.. 1110. Price, Harry M., New Hsveri, Cooo.. 4-». Ouecn ft Ilow. Cryatal, Milwaukee. Wla.. 4-fl. Qunker City ijuirtrtie, Hbea'a. Buffalo, 4-ff. Qulcier. Murkey A Nlrkeraoa. Fairyland Park, Piierwiu N. J.. 4-0j Klecirlc Park. Newark, 11-10. Ra? ft Taylor, Mlddletown, N. Y., 4-fl; Bmton, 11-10. Knyniond A Cnverly, Aluamtira, N. Y. 0., 4-0. - Ban*. Mr. A Mm.. Cowan. Ind., 4-fl. Bnnf. Clati'le, Nlnewa Park, I'eni. Hu 4-0. Bantu* A Bank*. Palace, Blackpool, Kti(.. 4 9; Bntnlre. Islington, 1 1 iu : UiicUeati, Balbau, 18- 2»: Palace. Blackburn. 2B-1W. Wmmmu mt. Cbnrlolie. Celeron Park, Jaiuentown, X Y.. 4-9i Shea'*, BntTalo. 11-10. Hauler ft itoWler. H. A M., N. Y. C. 4-0. Raiironl A Vnlentliw, Bnrrasfonl Tour, Km., 4- July li. • ' " . . , Buy. Pml, * Co.. n. 0. H'.. PlttttburK. Mfc Ratblmnti. Klyliu. Keltli'd. Olrfelainl, 4-0. Hani" ft Vo« Kan'mau, Foiplre, PltleBeld, llo»a., 4-9. . . ■ - ■ ' Refill. MuMlcal. Iiljuu. No Crowe. Wb)., 4-fl. RedMl A llmlley, Oklaboinn. Okln.. 4-fl. Beervi, Klorence. Olentaiiny Park. Coliiiabw, O., 39. Keiu. ft Atora. Indwlrlal, Mullne, 111., 4-9; Myatlc. Cbkafo. 1110. * m m _, Rclil SIMt-rk, Ildidemim'n, Coney Iataod, H. Y., 4-9, Rciib. Thprcae. Caaltio, Norfolk, Vn., 4-9, Reno. Will A May, A. ft a., Boatoii, 4-0. Bekliiw. Re»-kle», Cr"yatal. Ht. Joaepb, Mo., 4-6. Held Hatm Henderwo'K, Coney Inland, N. Y., 4-9. Rejnard. Kd. V.._ Kfltb'a, N. Y. C, 4-B; Ocean hew C4Klno. Nurfidk. Va., IMC Rent i (31, Audi tori MR Norfolk. Va.. 4 0. Reiia A Paiilaer, UeiHleram'H. Coney laland, N. Y., 4-0. RelHy. Johnny. Pavilion. Keyrmrl, N. J., 4-9. Rlif rmnllv, Ouvtruator'H, Atlantic City, N. J., 4-fl. ftlcbard*. Falnrlew Park, Daylou, 0., 4-9; Idora Pnrk, Yottnjndown. 1116. Rlre A ITwoat Victoria, N. Y. C, 40. Rllter A Kuvier, Hendewon'tt, Couey Ixland, N. Y., Rirhii'rdiuiu, l.aveiHler, lltahoa, Ogdeu, U., 4-fl; Yomik'K. Salt I-ake Clry. 11 10. • Rio DroH. 431, Alhlptk- I'ark, IliirTulo, 4-9; N«- irlr Pnrk, Baltimore, IM'l Rlrii. Jack ft Bertba, Wnwllyu Park, Cauidrn. S. J.. 4-11. RL-UnnU. Oxeat, Inland , Park, F-ohIoii, Pa., 4-fl; Central Park, Allentown. 11-10. kaaaw 'WW* Foreal Park, .St. l.oula, 4-10. Him* Hlflertt. O. H.. DclpboH, »., 4-9; Orplinita, Portrimnutli. 11-19. Koyoe. Knv I... .ilicn'H, IliirTulo, 4 9. itotiwii. manmmi RU«i. Bay city, Midi., 4-0 ; Forest Park, SedulL-i, Mo., 11-10. PolN-rt. Cberk 'ft llnniu, UnTertintor'H, Allnntlc City. K. J,, 4-fl. Kmra l»l. Colonial, N. Y. 0.1 4-0. ' * Waaiilll ft IKirello. Temple. Itetrolt, Mich., 4-0. Hn^-iln*. Tlio. Nbiih MM I'nrk. Chlcajpt. X-fl ; Fo-itiilne Ferry Pork, I.oul»Tllle, ll-ni. KutM ft U'WIh, HUcktinrn. Ktig.. 4-U; Palace, ir urn v. t i-Ki; Fnplrc, Bnitnlcy, i> 'J ' ; Tltoll. (IrlHiiliy. 2S-*M. Kofrvrs ft Lnvliie, star. Atlatiln, On., 4-10. Ittigerx, J. P.. J'ltrsbiTK. 4-IU. Ittaent. Will II.. I'otare. IrfMHl«m, Kug.. 4-10. Knwe. May C O. (I. II.. Slierhrooke, Can.. 4-0. Hock, Win., FoiilMlnc Kerry I'nik, l^iilarllte, Ky., 4-fl. HobliiHnu, Hlnewrit. rtrnuri, Pent. Ind., 49. Roger*, Nfaj li.. Cryatal. SI. Jiiaenli. Mo.. 4-9. llnnwll A Held. Slnr. Mllwiiakw. IIOj Folly. Chi- cago, 10-111. RimwilN, MiwliEil. Ill>»n. Shnwanee, Okla., 4-0; Ml- Hour Pari:. l'lit«bnrg. 10-Itl. ' Knnloro A Mario, orntirimi, MnunQeld, 0„ 4-D; CIHTalde Park, IN.rlKivouth, 11-10. Htf«g guarieile, Hontliern ("ark. I'ltlRlmri, 4-10. Saoua. Cheater Park, Cincinnati, 4-fl, Mta, «l «., Alctiuir H'Ruv Paris, Fr,, lO-Jiil? 20, ^iiniiori, Ih'xn A Sniiiltrs, Orptieiitii, Lima, II., 4-fl. Jiamell, Utval. CryxlHl. Detroll. Midi., 4-D; Hm in:". AtChlKOII. Vl)] .. 10-HI, Hawlelle, M.iv, Orplienni. St, Paul, 4-fl. KamnelH, 'Die. Oridieaiu. St. Paul. 441. BntriKin A Hleiter. Keith's. N. Y. C. 4-0; 0, O. II.. Pltlabiirg. 11-10. fiplH. JuHPidilne. tV»lh*eum, I.iMtdoti, Rug,, 4Jtily 31. Baoiulera, KJoren(H>. Park. Canton, <),, 4-9. rJr-bi'pp't tXih*» ft Ponleii. Cunlnu. Tolwlo, «.. H-9; r.LkcHkk' Pork, Daylun, lT-k.!. Bcbtrhart, Anwii, Cryatal, Detrotl, Mlrli., 4-d. f^i >rta. Frniu'la ft Ob* Kmplre. Ik>K Molncn, la., Mk Bi-l^i.. Argpoceiill Trio. Clmtes, Han Fran,. Hal., 4-0, Beynwiir ft Dnpree, Tlwll. Sydney, N. S. W., 4- July n. Hean-y, Ceo., Natluual. Kan-o" Clly, Mo., 4-10. r)rar«. Itmimnn I'nrk, Qraml Rnnldo, Mlrb., 4-10. Wwliloit. Wallace. Anne. Norfolk. Va.. 4-1. twlblul ft Orotliil, llwtot'a. N. Y, C. 4-fl. Breker. Wllkea A RaMus, t.agiHin. I.ndlor, Ky., 4 0. "S«>«.ti*» tlreaiti. Tlie." H. ft S.. X. Y, C. 4-9. Helliltit. l.ulla. Victoria. N. Y. OS 4-fl. ebnrriK-k*. 'Hte. I.yrlc I'ark. So, McAlllalvr. 1. T., 44*. ' , Biimuan ft Ue Foient, II. 0. B., Pttlobbrg. 4 0. fcUminoiii (41, :h\ v.-riilur'a, AlllUlk' CIIJ, N. J., 4 0. Bfcno A Warm. Keltb'a, Boatoo, 4-9. Sbort ft Bborty. Athletic Park. Buffalo, 4-9 abertnan ft Fuller, Sprlog Urove Park, Spring- 'Held. 0...4-0. \ Hlmma. Willarrt, ft Co.. Keith'*. Pblla., 4-9. Hlaia, Reonlde, Nurelty, BakerabVld. Cat., 11-10. Simon A Gardner. Proi-tor'a. Newark, N. J., 4-0. Slater. Mooter, Moleallc, Ckieago. 4-fl; Bbilrl ft Kexancr, Kelll|-a, N. Y. OL 4-9: Xellb'a, PI, Hi.. 11-10. Smith ft CampMI, Prorfor'a Ml SI., N. Y. C, 4 ft. Smllh, Chrfa., A Two JtihamiDa, Keltb'a, N. Y. C„ 4-fl. * ftmllb ft Baker, Alaroeda Pnrk, Butler, Pa.. 49, Smith. Peter J., Main St.. Peoria, 111., 4-10. Sayder A Buckley, Ketth'a, N. Y. C, 4-ft. SnWll Broa. A Mack, New York, N. Y. C, 4-9. 4-fl, , SpraRne A Mack. Willare Park, Padncab, Ky., H] rieniieit. Rleliawnd. Ind.. II-1U. Starr Slater*, nnremnlor**. Allnntlc City, S. J., 40. Welticrf A Tlmruaa, Ormey Nluml, Clnclaiiall, 4- u. Lake park. Dayioti, 11-10. Sln[>k>toti ft Chaiiey, Society Clnna, Plntia, O., 49; Uralli, 11-10. I SiewiirtH, .Miwlrai, Hendemon'a, Coney laland, N. Y-, 4-10. Slttarl, Arfhur. ft Keeley Slalem, Oak Park, Rtonxrllle. Ind., 4-fl. Kllnaon A Merlun. Pruclor'N 2.11 St. N. Y. «'.. 4-0. Stanley ft WIImmi, Olympic, Cblcago. 4-0; Keltb'H, < ^ierelanl, 1-10. Stark, Toble. Penole'a. F.tcrialor Spga., Mo., 4-0. Slepner A Abpel, CnMAt, Rlwood, Ind., 4-B; Rfirter. Mr'abat>h. 11-10. Stanley A f^onard. Keltb'a, Boatnn, 4-fl. St u l « ma » A tJraforilw. Mppono Park, Jersey Shore, Pa., 4-0. Stnrant A U Vardo, Lnkemont Park, Altoona, Pa.. 4-B. ^—™ Ktrfckland A Dnkeelury. I.nfayette. Buffalo, 4-B. Hterena, IMwIji, Temple. Detroit. Mich., 4-B. Stockton, Jni-k. Manbaltan, Norfolk, Va., 4-B. Stewart, Mr. A Mrt. Cal, Kmplre, Den Molnea. i*:, 4-9. Stanton, Hertierl it., Bamiod, 4-9. St. John ft I* Ferre. Kelth'a, Syracaae, N. Y., 4-9; Aiofl Park, Youngatowii, 0.. 11-10. St. Jiiliun. M„ Htar. Monexaeii. Pa., 4-0. Siilllfnn, .it*. J., ft in., Bljun. Dulutb, Minn., 4-fl; Rlhiu, Whiitliicg. Cam.. 11-10. Swift ft' WPMbrook. dnliine, Ulnneapolla, MIoei., 4-fl: BIJori. Dnlntli, 11-10. KynxmilH, Jack, Klectrlc Park, Arlington, MJ,, • 1110. Taa Jl Iflms, Keltli'a. Plilla., 4-0. Tanuer ft (llllierl. Celemn Park. Jamratowo. N. Y., 4-fl. Tanaka", The, Keith'*, N. Y, C„ 4-fl. Tfi'niohlmi Troupe. Iluvaiia. Ontin, 4-141. Taylor Twin Stolen., TItoII. Haiana, Cnba, 4-B. TeturkuiiFi A Wolhy, Raronn. Cuba, 4-9. Tennla Trio. Kiimlre. Oklabomo. Okla.. 4-18. Thatcher, Kvi. Kmplre, Dea Molnea, la., 4-0. ThomiAou Slalem, Blliin, Frankfort. Ind., 4-0. Tbur-iou, ftrfji, Sbanicbnl. China, 4-ao ; Calcutta, Imlla. July 1-H1. TlioniOH. OeoTKla, Star. Atlanta, fla.. 4-10. . riiomn* ft Payne. Atlantic Oardeo. N. Y, 0., 4-0. Tllley, Veata. Colonial. N. Y. C.. 4-B. nam MnHicnl. Star, Toronto, Can.. 4-9. TomkliiK. Willluin, Mo)eatlc. Chleago. 11-18. Topa ft Topwy. Athletic Park. Buffalo. 441. Talao. J.inia, <)., 40; Plipia, 11-10. Tyler A JnmcN, White City. Chicago, 4-B. Vardon. Perry A Wllber, Kmplre, De» Molnea, lav, 4-i». Van flnfre ft Cotrely, Wallace Park, Paducab, Ky., 4». Vanlnmuu. Unique, Mlnnenpol!*, MlnD., 4-0; Bikiii. Dnhith. 11-10. Valofa, Harry F... Korelty, Oakland. Cal., 4-B. VaujrtiiierM, The. ■ Majeatlc, Chicago. 4-fl. ValndonR. The, noward, Boaion, 11-10. Vanlen, Perry ft Wllber, Kmplre, Des Molnea, la„ 4;0. . .. ■ ... YWaaa, The, Cryatal. Toletlo, 0.. 4-0. VMlinnrtt, Tim, Rl»ernide Park, Montreal, Can., 4-0. , Verona. Vere, Keith'*, N. Y. 0., 4-fl. Mrt.11 ft Rngel Keltb'a, Phlla., 4-0; 0. O. H.. ■ Plltalmrg. 11-10. Vnhfa. May. ft Co.. Proctor**. Albany. N. Y., 4-9. Ward. Orniit.- Acme. Norfolk. Va., 4-fl. .Wn terhiiry Broa. A Teuny. Casluo. Norfolk. Vn., 4-0. i>>.. Way burn's Ilalu-Denr*. Proctor'a, Albaay, N. Y., 4-0. Wayne A Dnatie, Milwaukee. WK. 4-10.' Washer Broa.. While ntT. Chlfaio, 4-8. WaltMiH, The, Unlqiie, Kan Claire. Wla., 4-9; Unlilu-. MlnneHtiollii, Minn.. 11-in. Wdhlnini). Kdwanl, ft Co,, WoHblngton, SpoklDF, WohIi., 4-1); Star. Seattle, 11-10. Waldorf A Meiulei, Oukfotd Park, Oreotuburg, Pnv. 4-9. ' Warner. May. Kbiplre, Ritriiigflehl. Ill;, 4-fl. ValMi, Frank, Idea; Oabkonb. Wla., 4-B. Weatoii Slater*, Pantor'x. N. Y. C 4-9. 1 WelKli. Cbna. ft Jennie, Cryatal. Frankfort, lad.. 4-9. ' - " - '" ...,'' Welch. Jamen ft Oella, Hayniorket, Chicago. 4-B. Well* BroN. 1 A Smllh, Coalno Pork, Kalamaioo, Mich., 4-fl. Went A Fowler, Ben'*. Kacanala, Mich., 4-0. Weatoii, Willie. Prwlnr's. Alliaiiy. N. Y., 4-9. Weaf, llolanil. ft Co.. N. Y. C. 4-9. Weever ft l.amberi, Hob'h Pavilion, Cincinnati, 4-HI. Weatnu. A). H , ft Co.. II. ft S.. N. Y. C, 4-9. Webb, Harry l... Pamlly, Slonx fit v. la., 4-0. Welah.' Hen. Temple. Delrolt, Mich.. 4-8. While, Stuart, ft Co., MnJeMtlc, Chicago, 4-9. Whitman suiter* (.1). I'rocfor'a 2Sd St., N. Y. Wbniley ft Whnlley, Oymoaae, Moutreol, Can., 4-0, Wtilteley ft Bell, Brooktthle Pnrk. Atbol, Mam., 4-M. Will* ft Hautan, Kelili'a, N. Y, 0.. 4-fl ; Klectrlc Park. BnltO,; 11-10. ' ' '• Wlglnmin. Allen. Woniterland. Wichita, Kan., 4-fl. WIckotT. Bhhy Inua, ft Co., Hlnwatba Park, Mt. Ve.-iihii. 41.. 4-9. Wllke*. ' Mnttle, Mnaa A Stoll Tour, Fog., 4- Jnty SI. Wllwn. Waller C. Crystal, St. Joaepb, Mo., 4-8. Wlknii Trio, Hopkins' Park. Iwalerllle. Ky., 4-9. Wllann ft HetolHc, Snen'a. Btiffalo. 4-9. Wln*low. Wynne, VMttMaW Ferry Park, TxMila- tllle. Kr.. 4-0. Wllnmih'-U Xule Trio. Park. Canlon. 0.. 4-0. William* A Sieves, Calntnet. Mich.. 4-9. Winter. Winona. Hlnni'H, BiirTalo. 4-fl; tl. O. H., Plltslinrg, 11-10. Wlllr.ro A IhiKhea, fludrroy'*, dm ml Rnplda, Ml.-li., 40. Wolf A /adellu, Fnlrvlew Park, Dayton. O.. 4-0. WurW* Comedy Vanr, Keith'*. Phlla., 4-fl; Keith's. N. Y. C, 1 110. World ft KlilgHtuii, itniv.un.-i Park, Orand llnpld*. Mich.. 4-10. Wood. Pruiii'1*. Keltb'a, Ht h ton, 40. Vari'l Slone. f^iriilvnT, Rayonne, N. I„ 4-0. Worrell, I., Dementi, ft Co.. Boston. 4-9. Wolf Itnw., Olen llaren, Rocbeater, N. Y.. 4-9. Woodford ft MHrlboro, Irwin, ilosbeu. Ind., 4-fl; CrvHUil. Htn-imd. 11-lfl. - VrwawanN, V, P.. Kilge-wmal Pnrk, Sliauokln, Pa., 40. i Woodwaril'a Seals, Vlrlorlo, X. Y. C, 4-fl. Wyfthtiff. Fred, ft Co.. Ktreralile Park. SoRlnnw, MU'li., 49: WliKiiui Pork. Hoy my, 11-lfl. Wycberly. Margaret, Keith'*, aeveland. 4-9. Yeagcrft Ycnter. Paluct\ hniuloti. Mug., 4-Jnly .11. Youlan, Alum, ft Co,. Fniitnllie Ferry Pnrk, I.oul*- vllle, Kr. 4-fl. Kanorna. t:ycllng. Kellh'i>. K. Y. C. 11-10. Kenn, Jordan A Teim, nill* Clrcn*. Cape Town, S. A., -t-.l'ilv 14. /.Immennoii, Al. ft Pearl, Umpire, SprlngSeld, III., y.lniTiiertuan. Willy. Ingerwll Park, De* Molnea, la.. 4 0: Ihunlaloii, Whtnl|>eg. Can., 11-10. Zlxkn ft King. Park. K. Liverpool. O., 49; Park, Tole TUB HOAD. Wbyle Dramatic (Cbaa. P. Vfbyte, agr.)— Fort Scott. Kan.. 3-10. Wills Mmlcal (John B. Wllla, mgr.)— Mobile, Ala., 11-Jnly 1. Wnstfburn ft D'Alma"*--Ne* l*ndon. Conn., 11, 12, Wenierly, R. I.. 13. 14. Young. Edwin, Stw-k— ICoHrlcb, Own., 9-14. «»» . For LmuIvp J.rHn- ilxle-1 Hon 19 nte page 1.10. OliR LONDON M'.'ITKH. ■atlafactory. They propose, however, to oa- dertake further teats In §1i months time to nee If constant use deteriorates. toe are re- alatlDg oropertle*. . ".. ' * ! Mr.- Plnero. the sulbor, is taking a Iodk reat.-and will not start on another play until the Autumn. FROM OL'k OWN I'llBWrftWaYlfT Clipper Bureau, i- 48 l/'ranbosrae Street, Leicester Bq«vr«, l.nnilon, W. C. May 20. Two American «iifrp*ses, "The Lion and flie Mouse" ind "Hhore At-rea," were done for the find time ht l^mdon thin week, and while the local critics Annul, as umial, much fault with both productions, still the play- gfKTH ore sailnned that the plaja arc well worth a view, and are -flocking lo th* box office* of the Duke of York's and the Waldorf. the n ft en da nee at the former house being eHpeclolly large. An Interesting stniemeht was made nt the animal meeting nt Strat ford-on- Avon of the trustees of Shakespen re/a birthplace and of Ann Itathawny'H cottage of the number of pnylng visitors to llieae Aromatic shrine* during Inst yenrv Those to the house totnled thirty-four thousand, and those ti> .Sbotterley eighteen thousand. Of these tosetberten thotifinnd were Americans. In all a* many ,is seventy different nationalities were repre- sented. On Thursday last "Cannes la Spain." which Tins been played nt the Royalty for some time, wsk transferred to Terry'H. The original «i]«i, Inrludlpg Harry Fragson and May de Mnusa, Is to be fouod with the piece In its new home, and an additional engagement Is that of E. Iragnnll. Martin Harvey. lost Saturday night, had a warm return to r.ouii'ii, wheu lie opened nt the Imperial, lu "Boy iTCarrell." a new ro- manllc drnmn, by B. M. Dlx nnd E. O. Suth- erland. The story of the piece, which is In four acts. In »r the stirring period when the ('avsllers and Roundheads were contending for ibe mastery. The Puritan Major Ynr- rlnglnu Is forluuate enougti to lay hands on the cavalier lieutenant, wiiose name Is Brian i >Vf rri«y, "The Coach- man with the Yellow l.nre. l.n Supiileiuentiil 1, 1st ■ Herelved Too l.ntc fnr (Ina-lllcatloii. Butler, Helen May, mid her Rand. Hv. 1 4 Helen May Uniir;. director).— Port Smith Ark.. :t-tl, MuskoKiv, hid. Ten. 10 HI. Plark's line and I'nny Slidw (Tlios. Olnrk, m|T.) — Ka*t l.heriiwl. O.. 4-HI. (Jlnliivan Uramatk- (F. It. Olniilvnn, «igr.)— Hot- kilts, 11.. 4-n. Detdiler l MO, Ilargreave's Clrcii*— Herkimer, N. Y.. T. Boon- T))le ft. fun Jingi* 9, Watertuwit n. I.b Ittn* Hro*.' Mlu*trels— Frederlcion, N. &., 4-H. Parker. C. YV.. Amusement (To. (Cramer 41 Tyler, tPinO-^liuiellmiClty. Kau.. 11-10. Hubtihio. frank A. — tlardner. Maw . 11. Atbdl IV. Sotaern. K, II.. and Julia Marlowe (Cbarlea Froh- uau, nujr.J— M. Y. City 4 23. During the pro- i-ceiHngs Mr. llnnnun withdrew his charge that Mr. Mi'LclInu bad wilfully stolen ihe Ideas of bis play from "The Coachman." and changed his charge to that of infringement only. A matinee of "Cantata Swift," with Beer- holitn Tree lu ibe unuie part, and Mrs. Tree Mrs. Cecil Italelgl, lattice Knlrfax nudHvbl.' I'urllsic nlsn hi Ibe cnsl, wns given nt Ills Majesty's last Tuesdny. in aid of the Itoyal Free MoHtiltnl. Tlie tunllnee wns under roy- al and (Usilngtilslted patronage. "Ills House in Order," under the title of "La 4'asu In Online," lius just been produced nt the Theatre Mnnzonl, m Milan, where It achieved a brilliant Hiircem alike with the critics nnd the public. Tom B. Unvls lias arranged with Lewis Waller that bU hNij- at the Lyric, shall con- tinue until July 14, and the continued popu- Itirlly of "Hrlgmller tleranl" leaves Utile- 'doubt litnt no change of bill will be required nt Mini luiiise unlil the dale In (pies! Ion. Next WednestlBV nfternonn Arthur llottr- cbler, In cnuj unci inn with Chnrles Prohman, will produce nt the (JnrrlcW a ruallc comedy. In funr ncln. cnltlletl 'The Tlilnl Time of Asking," In it Mi. 8nnii»nn lu to piny Hie I mrt of a village HnmpRou, a rharacier, alike hi ninnuer and denieutuir, i-oiii|)letely removcl from thntof "The Kas4 > lnatlug Mr. Vander- veldt." The Utile piece Ik adapted from ii short story bearing the same title, and the scene Is laid In n Liiiiijuiilre- hamlet. Itejnne-'s sensou at tbe Hnyalty will com- mence Lite in June, and her repertory will Include Hardoii'K "Ijl Piste." which wns pro- duced In Paris durlug the early part of the year. A new play by Pierre Itertnu, aullmr of "Znxa," will :i sit lie done during the sen- son. "The Ceisbn" rehearsals are progressing fuvor&bly at Dalr's. I nm glren to under- stand that May tie Sonsa will he the new U claim when the piece Is rerired at iluu hoitae. FuJI-Ko, the Japanese actress, will pro- duce In j.onnVn ibis season a one ut-t piav. entitled "The l^ove of n lielsha," and pre- Kentlttg the doctrine of Nlrvauua In u popu- lar form. Tbe theatres nod mtndc hall committee of the London County council report that tests aa to the lire resisting qualities of sueclilly treated Bceaerj kave beeu made, and fouod I ur nuniuju, - - " _ Horry Crocker, formerly state manager of the Lyceum, and late of tbe Olympla, Liver- pool, bos been appointed stage manager <>T the Coliseum. A new edition of "The Heviie was Introduced at tbe latter bonne. la«t Mon- day, several new numbers andfretdi business* Mog Introdnred. At lb* all o'clock MT Ijaurs Bradneld la playlog the part of Com- iwre, three shows a day lielng too much for the iMtpular comedian. Tom K Murray. At the same show Oodwynne Rarle ploys Bfllle Burke's pari, Cnmmere. A now hntlft at the Athamhra Is due in IV course of n month. In H a revision is mode to the strictly classical style of danc- ing. A uovehy. still without a name, has been written and arranged by Charlp* Wll- mu, from n scenario, by Mrs. Hay-RltCBle> t the music being the work of Francois Thome. The production will Introduce two new danc- ers, Maria Bordln. premiere ballerina of Iji Seals, Milan, ond Knrica Varasl. the pre- miere baiWIna of Ihe Opera Honse. YIenna, the second of whom l» said lo have secured o siiccpss in lite ballet of "Copella," la New York. • ■ Aleinndm I>agmar. Ihe nopaiinr come- dienne. Is now on the Moss A Htoll tour, and occupving the headline position on the bills. Hhe opens In I^ihdon at the Tlvoll on Angnst Hank Holiday, and It Is nnlte IIMMlihl that slie will visit New York during tbe mmlng Winter.- • ■ It The Kbmtlgs colled at the office one day this week. Tliey ore here on a short visit, after which they go to Denmark to visit relatives. They have given two or three private performances for the lienent of some of the leading managers nnd agents In this city. On Monday Maskelyne ond Devant pro- duced at St. tieorge's Hall a new ond original farce, with magical effects, enlilled "Dr. Hur- ley's Experiment.* 1 A special Harrv Muder tualtiiee won given at the TIM! on Wednesday. Ills present engagement at that house closes to-night, and ninny of Ills admirers requested the manage- ment tn Induce Mr. lender to reproduce some of his former most sncceRSfnl snug sketehe*. He sang "Toliermnrir." Introducing "Rocked hi the Cradle nf the I>eep." "Slop Your Tlcklln'. Jock." "The Softest of tbe Family." "She's My Daisy." "I'm Foil" tbe Noo." "Ma Scotch Bluebell, 1 ' etc. Hum Sorln ond Ida Oladstnne. after n long stay on the Moss k Stoll tour, sailed for the Stales early In the week, on ihe i.'urrraula. The Harmony- Four, Inst back from their abort tour lit America, are gulng bigger than ever, and are now billed as "The Famous llnriuouy Four." After a week at Ihe T#ondon Sboredltcb. the Islington Rniplre. and the Brighton Em- pire, Frohel and Huge go to Paris for the month of July, with Leipzig. Berlin nnd Dus- seldorf to follow, a month being spent nt each place. Collins and Hawlev did go to South Afrlcft nfter all. I received n letter from tbe for- mer, mailed at Marseilles. Quite a merry party come over on the Mlnnetouko, which arrived flt Tilbury Docks the middle nf the week. Adgle, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph filnse. Miss Olose, Hal Oodfrey nnd Mr. Jones participated In the* concert, nnd T am told that the show was a very tine one. Angle's lions amused the passengers, especially n smnll cub. which was taben by the well known trainer for a dally promeondc on Ihe deck. Willie Pnnt7er. of the Pantzer Brothers, will shortly make his appearauce In a new net. said to be entirely new and original. Tlie hilling matter will read Willie Pantzer nnd Company. ■ ..... Heeley and Meely appear it the Marseilles until Monday, then tbev go to the Casino des 1,11ns. Bordeaux, for ten days. They re- turn to Kugland on June 18, opening at the T'nlace. (ilasgow. with their capital offering, "Two Lucky Tramps." Tbe following write-up appears In a Brigh- ton paper, and tlie writer must have dug up n dictionary: "A ridiculously comical ebulli- tion of negro humor drafted on In the appa- rently Irresponsible person of a crisped hair nigger, .called Harry Brown — who's by way of being a celebrity In his way, as be com- poiies bis own songs. Their cracked brained sentiments nnd the weird antics of their con- coctor would hnve knocked the proverhlnl stole off his perch. As be said, 'You're gut to lie balmy nowadays to get ne -money." " ■ The balance sheet of the Oxford will be rend to the shareholders on Monday. A ten per cenl. dividend will lie declared, which to- gether with the bonus of three shillings, will hrlog It up to IWrteen tier cent. Apart from this six thousand pounds will lie added tn the reserve fund, bringing It up to forty thousand pounds. - Tills brenks nil nnanclnl records so for aa the Oxford Is concerned, and Is a tri- bute to the able manner In which the directors have conducted its affairs, besidea being n feather In the cap of Albert lilliner. under whose management the prosperity of the Ox- ford 1ms increased bv leaps and bounds. The Umpire Comedy Four bottom the hill at the filasgnw (.'otheiim this week, and re- port meeting with great success, notwith- standing thnt they have played Hlnsgow three times since January. Next week they move into Ihe Hippodrome, same town. The week of June 4 lite Orand, Hnnley, will he played. Conn nnd Conrad are sailing for the Stales on Sept. 7. where they will carry out con- tracts for twenty-live weeks' bonking, after which they return to England to go over Ihe Moss ft Stoll lour again. Toledo- nnd Price, the well known contor- tionists, hnd ■ grenl opening at the lltlace* this week, and have made such a good 'Im- pression on their first nppearunce In this country that Ihey hnve already concluded ar- ningenients for live months' hooking of cou- ilnentnl time. Manager Butt hns given them a very line plaiv on the Mil. nail Ihey are .meeting with the success deserving of Ibe place. , - >• Mnnnger Ben Tlcber has released Frederick Ireland from bis contract to mnnnge and produce spectacular. nuiBlcel aud sensational shows at tin' Apoiln Theatre, Vienna, during ibe next three years. A difference of opinion regarding the first production csiised Mr. Ireland lo nsk for his release. Ike Itose has lieen'ln town for Ihe post ten days. .Mrs. Hose (Snlmret) "the money get- ter of the contlueni." Is -.villi her luiNonnd, nnd both are taking n well earned rest. Iko spends most of his time giving Infortunium to Urns'* contemplating a trip to the eotitl- neui. And be enn give valuable Information. What lie does not know about the roni Incut Is not worth kunwlng. Her Majesty's Theatre on Saturday night saw tbe revival of "The Orchid." The cho- rusea, ai usual, were excellent, ana tbe piece met with an enthusiastic reception. There was a great Attendance on, Saturday night- at the Theatre Boyal. where "Besieged In Port Arthur" entered upon lis last five nights. The war dramn went mooorbty, tbe destructions of the ironclads and tbe final storming of tbe fortress, exciting especial en- thusiasm. On Saturday next Bland Holt will produce Hall t'aln's "The Prodigal Son." Every part of tbe Criterion Theatre was deusely crowded when ihe rurtnln rose uu ••The Fatal Wedding" ou Saturday evening. and the scene In watch Jessie (little Md*'- Posuer) was temporarily arrested by the good-hearted policeman for tbe alleged theft of money from the adventuress, was fol- lowed Willi tbe closest sympathy. Me-yaell k Otino -have staged "Tbe Fatal Wedding richly, and the children's 'Scenes, witb the songs nnd marches, hove been well rehearsed. 'roe main feature of interest, at tbe Tivolf Theatre ou Suturday night was the appear- ance of a trio of American comedy people, Marguerite Keller, -Homer B. Masoa and Henry Trarers- They presented a sketch entitled "Hooked by < .rook," In which a pbll- nntbroplc burglar, breaking in on a fefe-a- fefr between a young bachelor nnd his sweet- heart, urges matrimony upon tlie -young couple at tbe point of a revolver and then leaves them with his blessing nnd bnlf a dollar, which he got from the man next door. The sketch Is clever and original, and produced an excellent Impression. ■ Alice Ray- mond, the lady cornet player, contributed an eujoyable. turu In association with Jobn Kur- kamp.' Larola provided an amusing variety of acrobatic and balancing fears The Dancing Gilberts. Slode Murray, Fred Bluett Ihe Three Lees, Tambo nnd Tnmbo, Bochforr and Hart, Fanny Powers, Baby Watson nod Hose Cohani also contributed to ihe. success of the entertainment. The. Eight. Kngtinh Primroses nnd the Two Bells finished ilieir Sydney season with ttlckards -ou Friday, and left for Perth, where they do n season nf three and n bnlf weeks, and then return to KnglouiJ. In Melbourne tbe audiences have' been con- sistently large and appreciative, the attrac- tion lielng "Uoroiiiy Vernon," produced by J. C Williamson's Co., headedl by TIttel Brune. - . . - . The last nights i-i f "La Filie de Tambour Major." it the Princess Theatre, are now on- nouncsd,' and only n few more performance'* of that bright and tuneful piece' remala be- fore \Vro. 'Anderson's "Australian" Comic Opera Co. leaves Melbourne tn nil touring en- gagements hooked some time ago. At the Theatre Koyai "Toe Midnight Mall" continues to draw large audiences, who evince the llerllcst Interest In tbe exciting episodes of the melodrama, and tlie piece should retain Its hold upon the public for quite as long as Its season lasted In Sydney. Those excellent r drawing- room eotertalner* Leslie Harris and Madame Yeamans-Tltus. modi* her last appearance at tbe Athe- iitpum Hall on Saturday evening, where their clever nnd humorous sketches have amused large audiences for the last fortnight. At the Opera House, matinee on Saturday afternoon, the Bndluin Olrls. a team of danr- ers with tbe-lateat novelty stage effect*, made their first, Melbourne appearauce with Mr Rlcknrd's corapaoy. the other members of which, Including Mortlneltl and Orossi, Nsda Morel, and the Hlles-stnrordale Quintette, will also contribute fresh specialties during the coming week. The Lar.nru*. a clever -troupe of. acrobats. Join V. M, Clark's company at "tbe (laletv Theatre, and -another Iteoi'iu the change o'f tbe programme on Satunlav night wasa 'new lilogiaph tllra. entitled "Tlie Hen that Laid the Golden Eggs.-t" MM--' a i a... MISSOURI. • '» Oil! AUSTRALIAN I.RTTF.K. FROM OUR OWN' COimr.Rl'ONliENT. Sv tNi:v, April rtfl. The principal event in theatrical circles on Saturdny night wns Alfred Hill's new opera, "A Moorish Mnld," which was pro- duced for the first Hue In Australia at. tbe Palace Theatre. Although tlie standard of ibis opera Is uot up lo the cantata "Illne- moa," or ihe operas "Tapu" and : Lady Dolly," which were conducted it the very Etfue, theatre by Mr. Hill some vears ago, hi 111, from a popular staudpulnt. It Is n grent success, and received ibe hall-mark of public approval. Tlie principals who contributed to the success of ibe production were: Ro Sinn Buckmann, as Lit Zira ; Alay Ueatty, as Marie: May Oarstaur. as Meoa : Edward Laurl. as Gastro, acd Cbaa. McNaiigbion, as Uldeon Uoy. KaaasMn City.— At the Willis Wood. Nat C, (ioodwlu, ,lnne 7-it, will close tbe season of tbe house CIiuxd Oprra rfot;sn 4Hudson & Judab. managers). —Last week "Buster Brown" came to big business. Master Glovanl, aa Buster, scored a hit. This closed the season of the house. Gili.ii Oprka Holst. (R S. Brlgbam, inan- nger); — Laat week "Dora Thome- played to food busiuesa Tbe company remained over or Sunday, June 3, and the house then closed. - • Cumi (J. J. Barrett, manager).— Mat week the New Century Olrls hnd good busi- ness, and closed the house. AroiTOftii;>r. — Last week fbe .Woodward Stock Co. started n Summer engagement, presenting "The Cavalier" as tbe first offer- ing. Eva Long. On. Farren, Will Davis, Harry Lorn* aud John Davles, all old favor- ites, received warm welcomes, and the new people were: Albert Morrison. Mav Hill, Hose Curry, Isodore Martlu, Marie 'Hudon. John Todd, Frank Meters, Chss. Scholleld nnd X. Jackson. All Rcored a bit, Tbl* week. "In the Palace of tbe King." "The Little Minister" next. Ki,KCTxrc Park ( Snm Benjamin, mana- ger). — Ellery's Band Is still drawing big crowds In the Uermau village this week'R hill Includes: Maud Rockwell, the McCoy Trio. Margaret McBrlde, and the Hawes Sis- ters. ..... Forest Hark (IMoyd Brown, maanger). — Last week, the Boyal Hungarian Tlussar Band opened a limited engagement, and was well received. l n Hopkins' Theatre the bill this week includes : Tlie Rossow Midgets. Hie Baader-La Velle Trio. I* Mnrtyne and Nell- son, nnd Anna Franklin. wmmanei Park (Ben nosenthal, mnofl- ger). — Tliia lieautlful natural nark opened to a record breaking crowd Snndav, May 21. and nil were thoroughly delighted with the many changes Manager Rosenthal has made. Hlner's Military Band, forty sirong. scored a big hit In the natural arajililtnentre. In Ibe theatre the Imperial t'lunrtlv Co. gave "King Zero," to delighted audiences. The rninprinr numbered seven clever comedians, with a chorus or thirty. There ore mnny new conces- sions this season. SI. Joseph — At the Lyceum Theatre (C. H, I'hllley, manager) the Lyceum Stock Co. Is doing good business. -The Middleman" was the bill week ending .Tune 2. crystal'' Tiikatbr ( Fi N Cosmon. maui- ger). — Business cnnlintteR good. For tbe oiieulug week of Crystal Pork. June a, .the bill Is: The De Forests. Wm. Q, ttoger^, Clias and Kntherlne iilbsoti. Itecklesn Rw- Inw, Waller r. Wllaon, Kenton and f^wnlne, and I'osmon's moving pictures. Note. — Work on the New Crystal, corner Fifth nnd. Charles Streets. Is being pushed. Wbeu completed II will have a seating cs- lioclly of l.fiOD. This house will Is- opened Sept. 16, 4 i » , WEST VIKfilMA. Wlieeitng-— At the Court Tliealre fK B. Fram-lielm, nmoegerl rnoTlog plclttres of Ibe San Frnuelsco earthquake and lire. Mav 2R :t<>, had fair biiRlness. Tbls theatre bas closed its doors for the senson. ni.ini; ill. w. Hogers, manager). — The house Is closed for the season. \\n.F.\.is<, p.uik 4'vsino (Qeo. A. Ue- I.Qughlln. mnnnrer).— Sarah Bernhardt, la "Comille." June 1, bad good business. Coney 1hi,ano iH. W. -Rogers, manager I. — Otvlng to some trouble 4'onterno'a Band dosed Moy 27. On account of this closing, the people at Ibe BIJou Theatre filled tbe en- gagement, and owlug to the cool weather, business was light. .... .The Herald Square Opera Co., In repertory, week of June 4. ♦■»» 4do.ii arrived In London, May 2«. ,i June 9. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 439 notice TO CORRESPONDENTS. Our i»«lrl«J eorrapmienU an hereby m Htd «*«».**• wnlMltoh nolo htU t>u ,»,„ wpiml «» /«»« '• Thtu art hatfnM to niiim' faeaa to «>U o/flco at nut, lor tincirl f" tm-ntn- in WISCONSIN. Mil vino kep. — Tha ''Brown-Baker Stock i-it' vhli'li oiiL-ncd tin Indefinite run at the Iiiililnon May '-'«• »«», t»PtUf«l It" town. Ai evcrr performance It wis neceaaary to ,i. m< ,ve the orcneatra, and put In extra .bairn l,cr« numbers were turned away at Ktverai rerfornmnces. Menars Brown and HHkcr are certainly to be congfatulalcil. .°;ri.ii»lnrk" wna the opening; olterlnif, and ihr roniLwny Inrluded all of the eld favor- ir«— laEta Iwrkln, Albert Brown. Uie l-ikrr Rllev rtinroberluln. Colin Campbell, :. c laaid I'a'rry, Grace Mao Utnllkln, Illanctis rfoiler and Kdlth Kvelyn. Also May Ixralse Alaen wbo wom recalled aa ode of the most Imiilir members of the old Salliibnry Stock Co anil who scored one of the biggest hits lli the hlatory of stock productions In thin ,iiv In Hie role of I'anny La Grande. In sipbo." "What Happened to Jones" Juno BucnC— "As Told In tne llllla," last week, lareil ciceptlonallr well, all things tonccj-ne'l. Mannuer John R. Mecca offcra "When K-nlibt- hood Va« \" Flower" 3-0, 'The Old L'lolaca Stab IF.' B. Tro'ttman. manager).— Tne Ktsr Sbow Olrla. last week, drew well filled hoii'ts. The Folly Blirlesouers ill). Sun- day, in, has been set ssldc »b a grand ama- Iciir r*rformance. .... (BYKMI. IK. B. Winter, manager).— Bual- nen continues elcellent. I'conlo week of 4 : Fuller, nose and company. Raymond real, Karl and Wilson. Queen and Ross.snd Lewis Uiuinan. The Crystalgrspli continues. IVuNbBBlAHti. — Season to date has not heen ub to eipectatlonH..on account of weath- er wnditlons. However, nevcraj big days hare been In evidence. Manager Tboa. \\hal Ine feels assured of a good acason. Follow- ing for week of -1 : Dare Devil Dasb. Benton and Beaton. Belle Hordnh. and S adie Heir. Can cinlrt.— At the Unique (Wm. Ar- mnnd. manager), bill (or May 27 and week: Swor and Westbrook. Delia Watson. Claude Austin Wm. ArmaOd, Vsrdona and Dur,n, and Francis Co. gave au excellent perform- ance and Immense biislbea*. -■ ■Now.— William J: Oilman, contracting agent for tie Campbell Bros. Shows. waB here IT, making arrangements for the at- tractions, whic h wljl ellilhlt here June 10. La Croane At the BIJou (AI. Scnilberg. manager!, bill for week at June 4 : PIMM Bros, liarnellas, the Musical Reeds, and Jack O'TooIe. . **-* CANADA. Montreal At Ills Majesty s (H. Q. Brooks, manager) E. S. Wlllard drew crowded houses May 2H-31. House is now closed. AcabEAll ok Misic (Walter Creates m«n- agcrl.— Richards 4 lTIngle's Mlnaelrela bad fair allendance. und closed Wis bouse tor the season, last week. - - . Royal (H. C. Egerton. manager).— (,ood houses greeted the London Gaiety Olrla last week. The Bowery (Jirlo June 4-9. Kbakcaib >wm>? ' ',77 "The lloty City" came to_bt£ attendance. A Mad love" 4-6, "For His Brotntr-a Crime" National Khancais (C. Gaurreau. mana- f en.— The permanent French stock company, h "Rultan U Maudlt," drew (air attendance. Sonne, "lUajc (Lavlgne & Lajole, mana- gers).— Fair attendance for opening week. The bill laat week Included: Three Nevarros. Wallenberg*. Kenny aud Delgarmo. tlio ilolden City Qulnte. :, and Blmm, Bomm, ■Vtawm PAuk (Al. K. Read, ntanager).— Cool weather affected the attendance doting the past week. The bill: The Sldonlas, M Rov and r,e Vau'lon, Miller's elephants, and SefbltLl and (irovlnl. iio'iimc.v Pa»S (II. A. Dorsey, manager. —This park opened 2, with Duss and Ills Band, the Nohrens, and the Wliard Brotbera. tlvllKAsH (J. Bedard. manager). — tills vaudevUle theatre had fair attendance during: the past week, with French burlesque, Rao Corrle, and Wha lley and WUalley. Wlniilneir.— \t Hie Dominion (D. Doug- las, maaager). the bill (or week of May -18: The Three Armstrongs. Arthur Iteming, Leo lin J rbapnr.au. Kerue and Cole. Jno. W. World nod Mlndell Kingston, Haldu Veaton, and kliioriromo. J.. SlUpu ;(N'ash Si Burrows, proprietors).— lowing for week or 28 : Addlsou aud Liv- ingstone. Ceo. A. Clark. .Bobby. Mack, 'Jlielmu De Verne. Allen Doone, and Hdna Kccley nod raoclon pictures. ...... s«. cat bar I uea At the Grand Opera House (Cna». II'. Wilson, manager) 'The noyul Slave" had a lair house May 28. Ibo theatre had a successful season, and Is now i-lnsed for Ihe Summer. _ Cuuk BnoTilans' Circus June 4^ — — . Hli$ceHaneott$> *~ ' ,m r ' ' '■ ROSTBB OK TUB PAWMBB BlI.L HBMClXI f.'o. : v'c qneood ia I'lttHtmrg, .indor canvas. Max 'I- jyusicpsa Inia been good, and nil QKmben or the comiiany lire od Joying, gui-d UmIIo. Dr. <\ Hill, proprlelor; Hapny Jairk Samprselle, muoiiger and siliBlilff and tliar- nVier comed ia d ; Harry Ht. (;ormalne. lec- turer ; 5fr. nntl Mrs. L)e tJibouulne. comply anrt miMiial ulcetch : I.aui-e IT© vin> and Arnold, Mr. and Mrs Browning, Mulrene and Thomas, JameH and Daviri, Bd. Mora, Koppe and Koppe, and vltagrHpli. tvuvBRN'ATOit'a i Sidney Kern, manager). — This Uouae reopens for c * j ■_- Summer 4, under the same management ns In tbe past. Tho it'll: (iurdner and Golden, MIrlo and com- p.iuy. the Bvoretls, Two Musical Monarch*. Berrv and Muttesk. Mrs. C l^eslle Uvans and company, the Great, l.yiich. Ben Krankl'u und Toudlcs, the Three Jnchsons, Kennedy and v/viiU'i, Buch Bros^ Starr Sisters, BIcj Kaully, Rohertcheck and Raum, Four Bhaa- ttons, and Motile Myro Troupe- a ■ - ■ — Camden.— Wood Lynne Park (11. D. Le fit n, manager), this ptctty resort made its IflOd \>. Stair, manager). — The Vaughn (Baser Co., In "Miss Hobbs." Nest week the same company. In "When We Were Tweniy-on*." , , > . . . Whitkkv (Ii. D. Stair, manager). — "Whea the World Sleeps" played to good business. Tbe tivldeu Co.. In \xobodys Claim." 4- n - Avb-SiiK (Camplwll fc Drew, managers). — The Tiger Miles played to fair business. I'lio Avenue Girls 4f* r'Hi'STAi, (J. J- Nasb. manager). — A fair Mil Bared to fend business, week of 4 : Al. Jolson, -iohu Hint Alice McDowell, I'aiad and De Verne. Mexlas and Mexfris. Marie C'eclov, Ansuii Sclilriiurt, and Lbe.klnodrnme. ■ • ■ — ■- ■ — Bay Cltj.- At the Washington (W. J. Daunt, manager) Mine. Mantelll. Mav -'7. rancelcd- Blanche Walah, In "The Woman In the Case." tilled the house to trje doors. iirul closed tlie regular ueasnu of tbla tbentrf. Bi.iou 1J. D. Pllmore, , uianager). — Week of May 28. large audlenceM were pleased hv tbe Budd Bros., the Three Barneys, James Dunn, Margaret .Shannon, Charles Roche and the blograph. Wksona BbACH CASINO (L. W. Richards, lanuHRer) opens for the Summer season Juue 3. with the following: Kred Wyekoff and i-ompany, (ielger and Walters. Herbert and Rogers, ihe ■ Murvelous Pages, Ktta Kyvle Deiicb and Ihe kiueloscope. ■ ' " Grand Unplds. — At the Ramona Theatre f Lew Delamatcr. manager) tttractlona for week of June 3 are : Coin's dogs. Kleurette Sisters. Marlon (.arson, Marshall and to- raloe. Meximn Tourists Quintet, nnd Mullen and Correlll. tiODraov's (Chas. tiodfroy. manager). — Week of. :i ; Holland and Vernon, Hope and Thelx, Klein and Klein, Andy Bice, and Wll- lard and Hughes. Carl Uauesbacbl's Snow comes 8. Battle Creek — At the Post Theatre IB. R Smltb, manager) lime. Mantelll and com- pany sbuk "II Troratore" tn a highly please*! audlenrp May Hi Blanche Walsh, la "Thn Wonuin In tbe Case." pleased a good house 28. Henrietta Crosman was the closing at- traction at this house. 31. . Bun" MV. S. Biitterlield. manager).— rA Kattsfactory bill for. week of 28 Included: June James. Clifford WllUns, George Hill- man. Tempest and Sunshine, Fred Harden, Wl lev- Ferris and company, and the cllneto- scope. k* in mason. — Al (he Academy of Mimic fB. A. Bush, manager. HI HenryH Minstrels played to good houses May 20. Henrietta Crnsman closed tbe season at tnla theatre June 1 . BiJpu (W. H. Butterfleld, manaoerl. — Buslnesa continues good. Bill for week of 4 ; Vara and company, Casey and Cranr. Figaro, juggler . Jennie Colborn, the Five Andrews, I/)uls Boomlires, andflurney Clsler. HAORNuecK's flnoHT conoea f). — -i » ' ■■ JlanlBt «•*.-' -At the Bamsdell (R. K. Itanu- delU manager) thp theatrical season closed May 51, with "What Women Will Do." The house will remain dark until tbe latter part of August or the first of September. Nam.— There will be no vaudeville at. tbe park Ibis Summer, the pavilion having been changed Into a dance hall. ; ««» KANSAS. Wichita. — At the Crawford OL u. Mart- Mag, manager) "A New York Ulrl" drew fair business May US. Bi.foi: Am-noMC ((*. E. Oleson, manager), — People for week-af June 4: Anern and Batter, De Von. Sinters, Nat Blossom, Kasle Davis and Bljougraph. Womikp.lanu Tack Thlatrk (J. T. Nuttle, matiHgorl.— The bill for week of 4 : Dcdrlck Bros., Welts and Hells, Ferry, Whlteman, t'. S. (Jovernment Indian Band nnd moving pictures. Wallace Shows packed the tent May at). UaudtoilleandmiHatrtl 'j. Golbman informs us thai be lost only three of his dugs while at tin* Orpheunt, Man Frnnclaco, during the cartbiiuake. Tug Hhaih/uuhs (colored) are hooked to appear al Utirtlg A Seamon's, K. Y. City, week of June 11. Mas. Alice McCann, profession ally known as Alice Sinclair, writes: "1 am anxious! to hear of my hii-tUatui, who vras with theJack- 9on High t.'lusa YaudQvllle Show, and wan In Han Krauciscu, or near then, wbeu the earth- quake occurred last April. Ills name Is Archie P, McCann, and ho Is a black faccmonologtst end hone soloist." Kot'KviLiJA, Co.VN„ Nonw. — Our Trolley Week celebration closed Saturday, May 2tt, and was a big success In every, way for tbe Uockvlllc Business Men's Association. Tliou- uuiirtrj of people vli-Med bore for the first tiini*. and were well entertained. Band concerts were given every night, free trolley rides, finest electric Illuminations ever seen In this vicinity, a good midway, and free vaudeville every afternoon and nlghr* made It a, gala week in every respect. Frank A. aTsWhlar t'li'cuH did good business on Frldny, and gave the beat of satlafuctldii. Mr. Robhtns kindly gave the use of bis Banda Itosjsa for a ppeclnl coiicert In the na>k> nod -t wai by all means one of tbe best concerts ever given In Rock- vllle. We received a big bunch of letters In answer to our advertisement In Tut, O.it- ri:n, from which we selected a excellent bill. The free vaudeville .ads were all first class. Mllo- Mabel's animals made a big. bit; Humes and Lrusin, comedy knock- about act, wenLgreat; Klein, and Klelp, ec- centric trick and novelty clowns, wero favor- Itea ; Sully nnd Boyire, acrobatic barrel Jump- ing act, was excellent, and Major. Murphy, cumin juggler on tbe wire, bad a good act. Album-us and Millar, according to a card dated May IS. were tbeu enjoying tbe beauties of Monte Carlo scenery, McC'auver Bamboo Trio, which closed May 2ft with Orrlit Bros.' Circus, will play it tew park dates. Maiiil Lb Blanch*: (formerly known as Cleodri). who does "a slide for life" banging by the teeth, ■ fell Monday night, May 28. while performing at Indianapolis, lnd.. und Injured her spine. She 'is in the at. Vincent Hospital In that city. .... CLARA HtiNTOOS, of the Iluntoons, mourns the loss of her father, who died April 20, In Chicago. .. .. - - . ... Tub Wouv Baos. just played a success- ful week at the Park Theatre. Biiyonne, N. J. Week of May 28 they played White City. A CQAiBtNATioN of yaudoville performers has been organized, and la known aa the Comedy Club. The club Includes among its members many well known vaudeville per- formers. Will M. CresBy Is tlie president. Frank .WIutman, tho dancing violinist, who has been a member of tbe Actors' Fund fur the, past len years, became a life member of the Fund last week. Howard W. Duha.nd, of the Five Durandu, writes: "My. mother, Mrs. M. E. Dtirand, died at Columbus, 0., May 16, and was burled in my family plot at Cheshire, Conn. She had lieen. a public speaker for many years, and wsh well known among women's. socfcLlex, having traveled extensively. Sha was aeventv- nlue years of age." Al. iroKTBLLB akd Kmmett were obliged to cancel tb(i(r Summer work, owing to Mm Kmmett having to undergo an operatloo this week. MuttRAT, CUIto.v and Bit is w report hav- ing closed a very successful season with (lie Moonlight. Maids Co., and will play Pastor's week of June 11. they- w(ll sail for England iu September, tor a run of thirty weeks. Job K. KrXLY and Virginia kbubv are la U«|lr third week, as burlesijue producers at the Lyceum Theatre, Boston, and report giving the best of satisfaction. Mr.- Kelly Is handling comedy roles. Marlon Blake handles all the big numbers. The following people are there week of June 4: Kelly and Kclaey, (Jardnt'lr, West and Bunahlnc, Harry I.a, Marr, Bob Van Osteu, draco Celeste, Frank Cohan, Bohannon and Corry, Harry Kolilcr, i'earl Kcld, Im u la . Powers, TI|llp Cobou, Marion Blake, Marshal ani. umw, it- it- nunwiu, •.tcurcut llasklna, John Monroe. t)eo, Huntley, Don Alexander and Willis tiermon, wltb C. W. Vreoland. agent. Dknnb Sullivan, clog dancer. Is danger- ously 111 w'th typhoid nncumonla In a pri- vate hospital !n Topeka. Kan., and would like some of his frlendi who are In Topeka to call on him. J. C. MuariiY rinsed bts season with Dr. A, C. Jones* Modern Concert Co., touring Tennessee. IIu reports a.prospDrous nemon. BtmTON and 'Rankin were recnntly given a verdict before JuatrJca CronlD, "P St. Louis, in tbelr suit against tbe Interstate Annua- tneni. Co., for two weeks' salary. The cbbo was appealed. Maryland I. Tthqn Is resting at her parents' (Frank b. Tletnan) country home, Arlington, Ud.. after a successful season. Her sister, Mrs. J. (1, .Vrmon's (Lillian Tyson) Bon Ton Family Theatre, PhllHdel- phla. will reopen tbe taller part of August, arter extensive alterations. A gallery will be added during the Summer months, Mrs- Jer- muii Is fast recorerloff.her health, aflnr a severe attack of typhoid pneumonia, ami In- tends (a upend tho Summer mohths at At- lantic City, N. J. VisniNiA Txao.v has roturned to New lQtk. where she will remain until her seasons opens with tbe (.olden Crook Co., of which she la leading woman. J. MONTQOMBRT CnANB. tlio English coster alhjrer. writes that he has a new lot of Kngilsh songs, and Is meeting with great suc- cess. Ho will close a successful season In two weeks, and wljl have a full booking for next season, for which ho Is planning na act with six F.ngiish gaiety girls, Introducing tbo latest London novelty songs and dnnces. Ho will bo here In August, -. . , Davb DsnoBN, muBlcarcomedian. is playing a return engagement over tho BIJoti circuit, having played tha circuit last March. Worcester, Mass. i La Claje and Wbat closed their regular season's bookings at the Howard, Boston, week of Mny 14, and bavo lost one wenk out of forty weeks. They opened their, park sea- son May -8, at Baltimore, and arc hooked for six weeks, after which they will go to their Hummer homo at. Sea. Isle, City, N. J... for July and August. They open tkelr regular season about tho middle of Heptetnbtr. . . . <}ray anii Gdafiam. "The. -Musical Bollboy and the Military Maid," write, that thoy just rccajved the smalleat saxophone In the world. They now hare the largest and also the smallesc saxophone ever manufactured. Maiuon Blakk writes: "I have closed a successful anfiaja wltp Harry C. Bryant's Bur- lesque C"„ where I was doing churactor rolea In the lirst part and burlesQue, and bavo signed with Mr.Balcheier ut the Lyceum The- atre. Boston, to put on all musical numbers for the. rest of tne Hummer season. I start rehearsing with the Ucnlz-Saatley Co., for the Irish biddy, In u>t part, and the old maid in tbo burlesque wltb my big numbers in both lirst part und burlesque" Tub CitKRfiv SiHTBfts write: "Wo nave just closed a fifteen weeks' engagement over tbe Western and International circuit, Ow- ing to Kffle Cherry not having been very strong slnat sbe bad the typhoid feyor we will not work through tbe Hummer, but will spend the mott of our tlmo with our slater In the wuntry." IIahiiis i.vii Pk Lani> write: "We have bad h very plcssant engagement with the Olf- ford Haerlng Co. Mr. Harris Is making n bit with Ills illustrated songs. We get Tub Olh KniADi k every week." John N. Clkooora Ih recovering from tJie effects of a full be had while doing his trapeze act, caused by one. otf his coIUqk wires, breaking. He writes that he Is well taken care of by Manager Barton, Charles Hontz and Guy JobnKon, and would ho pleased to hear from friends, care or Barton » The- atre, Norfolk, Vs. ■ Bchwahtk anii Nicolay will not be on tbe road this Hummer, us they opened May 21, with 'eratlons, and will open .with (Jie Chase- Listei' Co. st SedaIJa, Mo. The company re- mains the same ss last seaaon, wltb two exceptions, and. will play twelve .weeks In upon air theatres In Hedalln, Hprlngtleld and .Joplln, Mo. ; rittaburg, Chanttto and lolu, Kan., appearing for two weeks | la; tni.1i city. Wilkon asu Davih are tlie special' feature act In ihe concert wltb tbo Campbell Bros.' Sb'iws. Das J. HAnaiNOTON, ventrlloriulst, writes that be bas met wltb bis usual success the last three weeks nt tbe Richmond 'theatre, North Adams,. Mass. ; the Auditorium. Lynn, Mass., and last, week at Moore's Theatre, Portland, Ms., Which makes thirty-live con- secutive weeks he has pluyed. aOalv ano, O'Bmikn Inform us- that they finished their regular season on May - Ubliwi!. who opened on tbe Crystal clreitlt. May 7, at Marlon, lnd.. report meeting with success In present- ing their "Automobile filrls" act. thb Cahl.Bbos,, after playing forty auc- ressful weeks on the Pacific coast, will re- turn Kast. opening In Idaho, wltb Colorado time to follow, 111 Hknky'h MlpHTRELH closed ou May ,11, at Benton Harbor, Mich., forty-two weeks of tbe most succcasful season known Id the hls- Ibry of that company, losing. only one night during the season, and that was crossing the lake from Ludlngtoa, Mich., to Manitowoc, Martine ano Mabtinb (Harry and Mabet), who opened on May 20, at Leavenworth, Kan,, a ten weeks' engagement, on the J. K. Jackson circuit, report meeting gratifying Kucress. Week of 27 they were at tbe Lyric Theatre, St. Jonepb, Mo. 'CVclinu Zanouah. knockabout coffledy 'cyclists, cloied Salurday, May 10, with the Dot Karroll Co.,, Dntablng a successful sea- con of forty weeks, Week of 20 they- nisjfd tho Olobe iobU Majestic Theatres, tfoaton, Mass., and opened on tbo KaitH drcult W- They have signed for next seasun with Abe Leavltt'a Renti-Snntley Burlcwiue ' Co., for A term of forty- two weeks. Jack and Rurtha Rich, after playing at central 1'nrk, Allentuwn, will open for eight weeks on the Keith circuit, starting June ;•&. at Boston. They report their comedy sing- ing and dancing skit a big luccesa. Thb Brro Bibtrrh have signed for prom- inent rolea la musical comedy, with Hurtlgoc neamon for next sensuu. Hauiy , Dur»h, bag piincltcr, baa Joined ^itcve rinn, formerly of nurke and Finn. Their Initial performance took plsce at Troea- dero Theatre, Port George, where they were the laughing hiicccsh. On Hunday, May 'J7. thoy ulayrcl Curtln and Bull's benefit nt Lon- don Theatre, !•> trenieniioiiB success. Thoy Javc plenty of park time, and a good sHow or next aoasnn to follow. Wu.UA.mh' lOKAI, KXTBAVAUANBACO. MOTES. — This Is tlie forty-fourth conseciitlvo week that we havo heen out, and Wn havo played from coast to coast. We opened In the . Academy of Music, Pittsburg, July lmi last, cluslng at the Uewey Theatre, Minneapolis, May. lit). Business has been phenomenal, and we bavn played to ;S. It. ft, on sevorsl ouca- sIuuh. \\ a bave nut tnudo one change In our ihow since thn i — pntus the same. aliuw sluce thn opening date, tho cast rc- ?alus the same. No slrkQess of any kind, he "gliosl" bas been walking regularly. They have nicknamed Him WHuania "tho randy manager," who will be intnrosted tn Novecal attraction* next season. Ha will nut out. those abows stronger than over. The (ol- IowIok people have been rn Ida khlly, nnd Humioer* and Winters ure playing thn Amnions circuit through Indiana, and report success. Tiiju. TititKH Kuruft*, after their week at Hpokunti, Wash., uro coming Hast. Thoy bavn been playing return dates on tbe clruulta of tbe ntclflc coast for three years, also In- cluding. Mexico and C'ontral America. They warn la the Halt Francisco earthquake. Mahtcii William Zihulbh writes: "I placed an 'ud.' In your paper May tl, and got work with the, tf. ll. & K. C. iMIUMtrols. Wo arn playing In Cuiuden, N, J., and I am making good with tuy halou and gnu juggling act. 1 am ongaged with tbe 'Ifoy from tlie west' Co, for next soasoii." Tm; TiioMi'Ho.N HiaTKRH report success wltb tlinlr act. Thoy recently completed a tour of tin! Kohl A Castie housns, add will play tbe purks ibis Hummer for tho Western VuudGvillo AHSficlatloR.' HAituv Jacudm. agent for Lauiont's Opera Co., writes: "Cbas. i'\ iloffinan, well known In circus/ vurlety and mlnatrol circles, who bus been 111 ut ihn bumo of bis aged mother since Nov. \t, with kidney Irouble. la In a serious condition, wkli little hopes of his recovery. Any act of kindness will reach him, ut Asblund, Vu„ tint Hid." (Una ban returns to America next sea- son. In a new dancing act, supimrtHd by four Ueisbu girls. Dan A. AnuKkson anp lluar IIkvnoliih re- purr meeting willi success In Ibclr comedy slugiug und talking act. They are In tbok' fifteenth week for the Western Vaudeville Matuigei'H' Assoclatloit, aud liavo tlvo mora wi-fiks to follow, ufter wblclitbny Join Kllroy A Brltton'a "Cowboy (Jli-I" Co., to play two responsible parts, opening Aug, l.'J. KnN.Ny.uy and Wilkhnh, formerly known oa the Dancing Meteors, will hereafter be knnwu as the (Holm ■Trotters. Tub La Nau.k Twin Mihteiih opened at Dreamland, Coney Island/ N. Y„ Muy 20.. Will II. I'rtj.ijH opened bis park sesHOn at Hprlng Orovo Park, anrlngileld, <>., May WH, where bo presented his original act, "The llowcry Pawnbroker." lie Is booked solid for thn Hummoi*. IlKLki-v Mauion Hiiith, "ye olde fashioned girl," has heen compelled to cancel hor part* nersbip and all dates on account of poor health. Hbe liaa-been quietly resting tlie past three weeks at Chicago, under the care of a doctor, She- will shortly return to her Phila- delphia bunte, whero she will take a rest, and mav not return to vaudeville before next Hep temper, Notes raou Lew IKfCKnvrADER'H Min< ntiikls. — We closed mir season at Akron, 0-, buturday night, May '2H, and Mr. Dockstader Is resting al W<-st nadao. lnd., preparatory Ut thn work of "creating a new era fn min- strelsy," which lie will present for coming 1 tour, opening early In July. Our season ex- tended through forty-four weeks, and "Tbo Rest anil Largest In tbe World" was taken from coast to coast, an* scored tbe most suc- cessful sesHon In tbo career of tbo "timperor of Mlnstrolsy," Mr, Dockstader promises an entirely new show for next season, and « novelty for his Individual use, which will simply erase from memory his past lnnova- lions. ' Tun Masquanos, Victor and Laura, aerial 'cyclists and tight wire performers, report big success wltb tbelr net. They opon on tbo Harold Cox fairs Aug. fl. and later will Join tbe Ltndscy stuck Co., aa one of tb« va«dc THE irarW" YOBK CLIPP^Ifc "3ruNE"9. SIS IN MY TRIM (AMD COMB ALONG II I)." Word* by HARRY u, KKnn. Word! »* H.U1BT li. KKRR. Ttoli 1« Without Any Km Ft loo the Orealeit Kovelt? Kong of the Se »«m, Iii>Id| Eitrat Kmon clioro. Y'eriea If w»»tea. "When Daddy Sings the l-lt-tl© Ones to Sle< ■ , ■ A H.uutlfol Ballad will. a"»rl<-ctr Chociu, line thai Strike. Home and Will Win Y,.ur Audience ot Ome. Alu.rcby ■ HENRY P.-.-TOOKt, Maslc hv HKKHY P. VOOEJ.. Wort. 1I1RRI ft&Ra. "DON'T SAY GOOD-BYE," SWEET EliNORE. ^tvW I *; Y. AT WBKBT V for next Reason. Rep. il. Bloa- .MrJennlnHB, lead" atld liearien. Laat three Bea- cons with JereMcAiiilife. flood wardrobe. Have scrips and can direr t. Responsible Uanagora only. AdffHJ»MBerJ*POiPg^»Miti»flt.,I^WlatonJfo. WANTED, versa tut* Med, Hatcfch Team thai ran make good.' One mnat play orttan or pluno, 1« manager*; live on lot; state all; lowest salary. \o time to dicker. Booze flghrers, t»av«! Rialhpn. AWW"8 MODKBK MRU. CO., ■" r • Forearaan, Newton €0., Indiana. MEUKISF ranPORMBll WANTBD. Ali Irian or Dutch Comedian, or a Magician pra- retred. Can use Rood Banjo Singer. Don't write if yon boose or rhase. Money jure. State your lowest salary. Join hy wire. DR. J. SPIEGEL, abaron. Pa., June 4-l,:i, .WANT ORGANIZED REP. CO.; work under line tranva« theatre. w etik stands, must have »ix lood Jills: plenty of sppclaiyca. Summer •.alar.e.H, but yon get It. Med. ahow. Write all nulck. J)B. M. F. CHAMBERLAIN, (Irand Jwland. Neb. .SVANTED-For Urook'n Vaudeville ojreu.l. BPEOIAI.TV ACl'8 OF ALL KINDS. House* al Hammond, lad.; Kaat Chicago, III.; Whiting, Ind.; drown Point, lnd.; Piil'iu«n, III. Addles*, to liar veyWrobka, Mirr., (.rand Theatre, Hammond, lud. AT iiBBRTY- Sketch Team. Change lor wee*. Uoth work In Acta; wife does Slngien. I do Hood Comedy In' Acts. 'We have Hu Dive Dog. Address. LE ROV A HA7.EI,TON, den. WEJF, Morgantown, W. Va. WAHTIBDVVerflatile Performers, change for •week. Singing and Donning flkctchTeam, k Plenty of DonWes *n<1 Singles. Piano Player, Irish and Dutch Comedian*. Explain all. - State if you play organ. Iteed's Western Novelty Co., Aurora, la. W A M'K D-opt-ra or Heji. Company for Mon- treal and tinelfse ,filty, - Vic* verna everytwo weeks, or Montreal alone. July una Aitgnst. No theatre opnoaWon- -M, L. HELOHER, 3 Andre wa SB., Rochester, $.-Y. , •' Title- features. Their Summer time Is booked ub- solid through the 1 Pennsylvania Summer park circuit, ofrbllaclelpnlb. They loforni m that they are doing llit* neatest and most sen- sational alack nna tight wire net before the public. Continuing, tbey nay: "Our rlnde-i ubiojrcls {of Which we Are to*' originator*) i( iiieetlng with Huccenii wherever we nwe It. Wo have in preparation tWo new ideas of blcy- cfea, ■ which we will 'produce (on the Alack *Jre) with toeTdndaey Stock Co." ' Adribtta Redan has Jmt cloned a aur esieful season with nforrell'a Merry Makeri Co., through Maine and Canada, sod has re- turned to Philadelphia, where she will map. the Bummer. She bna good work; booked for next season. ■ ">- ■ *'".'' * ' : - i DFACH * BOWMttrV MlN STRIPS NotRS.— We have. our show almo«t booked nolld for next season. The management has signed some of 'the neat talent obtainable, 90-aa-tb put' up one of the liest minstrel shown on the road,, Our band will he much larger than iflai seatmn, -and nil newly uniformed. ' jMal'UK'K J. BUHNtl ANDMD. J. M0KIU9, who recently closed tnlrty-nve weeks with the raiislan Bellea linrlcnqtie Co.,' playing (he Umpire circuit, have a new three *rt written liy Frank Kennedy, which tbey will pradne* nl'.tli*. Ktitamer parks. -Cha'b. IT. i'Su-KB, formerly of Falke and Serjion, musical coniodlan, who for the past. two yeara has been in the hotel bualneas flt Webster, -Mass., has decided In return' to vaudeville next season.' ' Snvdibr ani> BtJOKtnr write: "We will flti- Ish our fourteenth seasrin nt Keltha, New York, and rest the entire Summer at our cot- tage at Rockaway, N. Y., where .we will pre- pare for nn entirely now net- for next sen- aon. and wilt dUenrd our old 'Biata Wants a Drink* net. The new act will be nlong new lines In comedy and music. Our season starts ,Sept. .'!, and wo are booked tip till following June,*' - ■ - DATA and Pkrcib M?AUTrw Inform us that their new net, ; "Harvert- Tlmo," 1* meeting with fliicceas :>ver the Kohl & Cnatle circuit. They opened it the Olympic, Chicago, with utie Mojeattc to follow. ■■ St. Db Vilbis, who closed with the Barlow & Wllflon's MlnHirels, at Byhnlln, Masa., May '24, left, nl onee for Naahvltle, Tenu., to Join Cal .Tohnson'A Minstrels, to be featured with t\H Udder and comedy wire acts. fluo. 'VI.- lltiftsfv. Tsntrllofmiat, took the Reef 'Bros.' place at Casino 1'ark, Blnnhnui-' ton, N.l'., week of May 28.. : Dbi.mar anp Dk.xtkh, nfter a separation of -twelve week*, have again doubled, and will work for the Great Paul for the Summer. They opened at Schenectady, IS- V.. Muy £8. ■ Un.iA Allen, of Allen and Bright, writes tluit lie has Juat cloned a season : of forty WejkSWlth tlie Iftfi NeW York 'Jr. Co. Ill* earned v, "The King of Kokomq," waa a big success. ' He will upend part of the Summer ot bis home eh Riverside, Munclo. lnd. Wat.tkk J. «lo.snt:\7, "the Original Alabama. Wlirnrd," closed a sticcesaful season with De Rue Bros. & (inrton's MtnstrelH, and haa Nlgbcd for next ae*son with Kurton'a Min- strel*, to work on end and also In the big song and) dance. ' .■ . . Ama.nn a m» IlAr.Ti.KT write from Olaagpw. Kcot. : "Wt- wish to Inform our friends of the splendid micceis we have had through- out Knglnnd, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, over the Mosa .1 (Moll tour. They- Are lining our net na n special feature on thin tour, and we have received the best of treatment, We enjoy the good old Cmfpkii every week." Wbht and Fowlrr' close a very succes*fiii teh weeks' engaupment on the Dauforth, I'nmpbsll, JoncM mil O'Brien circuit June Hi. Iiooked by the Weatern Vnndevllle Managers Association. ■ awH NAHMYTH, who recently played a euecewsful three weeks' engngeoieni at the New Pnwtuoket Theatre. Pawtucket, R. I., has Joined hand* with Lillian Belmont, lo do Mr original sketch, "The Maid and the Ser- vant."' Tbey open the Summer season of parks- lo four weeks, and are. booked with a wheel huow for next 'tteaMu. NOTRH mi>M MONTMOURNCY PAJ.L8 rABK, Quebec, Can. — Thli Is iho second woek of this park. Sunday, May 37* the Wlsnrit Bros., comedy bar art, opened for ten days. There were lrt.000 people at the park, Open- ing hill Monday. Mny 28, included : Mlir 0. Bnrlow arid Harriet Nicholson, in "A BuaU tiM* Proposition :" ram itroa., comedy triple bar act; Dick Legelte, "The Rising (feneration." snd seven other net*/ all of which made good. It was 'one of ibe bent hUls ever ut (pJ» Place. Tlie rpnnagemcnt Intend to keep vsmievltle as n feature r* the park. It la n little cold, hut the public do not seem to mind II. ■Tun Todm AniKnirA QtuNTEttE. ted by Mattic lloorum, closed. a twenty-two week*' engagement at Joe Weber's Music Hall, New dork City,. June 2. ' THOft. h. FIN V H BIG t M1EII SHOWS. Wanieii (julck. MiiAiclana in all lines, Performers who donnle brasa, oood contortionist, Aerial Acta, etc., people who do two or more acts, state lowcat' 10 join on wire. No amateurs wabied. Wobcr BoHnOfinva« Wau and another Bill . Poster. Addrwi Hooaick Falls. N.Y., or ront* In CLIPPER. Route: Caldwell, N. Y., Jnne T; Luaerne, N. y., Juno 8; Northvllle, N. Y.,JunelQ, WASTED-fim. Husincaa Man and Woman with specialties. Oood FlanUit. Double Stage one or two blila, State lowest. We pay ex- penses. So fares to strangers.- Can use' one Talented Amateur. Address WELLS STOCE CO.. Manchester, Ohio. DIXIE: IN OLD ViaOIlDTA reorganlxlng. Wanted, Band snd Orchestra Men, strong Cor- neia, Trom'ior.es, Baritone, Tut*, Clarinets. Piccolo, Flute. Altos, Trap Drummer, Baas rtnifnmer. ft Violin Leader ; must arrange ; #10, thoso double B. and 0.; others, (fl; double stage, Hunt Wilkes. O.K. when ready. Reevea, write. Open -July '2, under Pavilion. No fares, sent. Kicker*, knockers, gamblers, mashers, ■ save starnpft. Rave live uood months. Write at once. DIXIE IN OLD VIROINIA, Morrison Rhow ; Print, Detroit, Mich. , ?* WANTED, People, 2 or a comic turns. Small wagon show. Amateurs will do. For Sale, P.. M. Stern, ,3-8 Inch reela, dim about S.OOOft.; screen, gas g»KB, S4 slides, gas making outfit, all complete.nt tias. High Diving Dog, Trotlpe Dnvei. PROF. HARRY SMITH. OrstZ, Pa. ■ WANTED, BEPER'IXURE PEOPLE. Man for Heavies and nen. Hot*., character Woman' and Souhrette, Piano to double brass. Band People who double stage or orchestra given preference. Other useful people. Write. Show never closes. Musi loin on receiptor wire. Add. Dc Bart Rep. Co., Winchester, 111., fl-7; Beard»town, III., 8-fi. DR. X, W. 1VTTTMAN. Huntington,, ffld.. TfANTs a. AD. HoRbreite who c»u change and work la arts ; B- F. Sketch Team and man with M. P. machine and films ; also, Physician, registered in Indiana. All flrflf fetter; openatonoe. P. S.— Engenla Wood, please write again. FOR RENT, FILMS, MACHINES, And SONG SLIDES, WITH OR WITHOUT OPERATORS. PRICKS TUB LOWEST. HARSTN * CO., 138 East I4lh St., Tel. 3312 Cramerc*. NEW YORK, N. Y. ALWAYS OP8W. . FILMS 90,000 VERT TO HE.VT. 40,000 FKET.Itl. ON REELS OP ABOUT I.OOO PEET, $.10.00 UP. EDISON EXHIBITION MODEL With Camerngrarh Fire Proof Mags- ilnei a ilcI Take up, complete t(H). - OTHER BARGAINS AT «OWm( anth M- New Tork ftty. WANTED that can dance, ohange often and do strong comedy la sots. Can use good mimical roam. Other useful performers write. State salary, when you can join and all you d». If yon ploy organ, mention It. HATl'BB'8 REMEDY CO., Phlla., Pa. DE BLAKER'S Lilipiitian Dog Circus, . IO DOOS. Have a Few Weska Opan iHer Jut 9. 100 BIRCH BT.. r.l.r.on, Kl. J." WANTED, Partner With $500, To take half interest in a Farce ComedyTlar. nan bean irltd and proved a big nucness, Hooked solid. AddrcR!* FAROE CUM KD\, .are of CLIPPER, E. INVITES OFFERS. Eccentric Comedian, ('liaracters. hpii in. «ii. sid. AiMrw «« of RKBKCOA war»rn STOCK 00. INDIANAPOLIS, LND. . Hatonk«e M. Co. Wants At Nan; Experience- and sobriety csaontlal. flood Salary torlghtpirty. Fred Klorette, ans. Address A ltLIE PALMRIt, Parliam, Malpo, 'WANTRD -m LOUD 8IRGSBB. GBITAB PLAYEBS. Y\>t l>O0 JtAY'f* MED. SHOW. All SummiT'w-work Fj mt. A ddress jjjOO RAY , Kftlamar.o p , *(leh._ SCENIC ARTIST AT L1DRRTY, Owlpg to disappointment. FRANK C. AMBOS, No. liirtV union at.-, Ailentowh, Pa. «ONEK[T; I.AUY. DOUBLK IIA9S •AND TUBA I'WIB*. AV, BOOM SOS, NEW YORK" WANTED, FINGER PICKER BANJO PLAYER MUST BE HOOD BECK and WIND DANCER, and kino- (Black Face). Send programs and photo* i>oth will he returned. SMALL person given pre- ference. FRED LA YOUND, CieTeland.O. Care of Cleveland yacht Club. WANTED, Al Versatile Comedian OR IRISH SKETCH 1'EAM, For Medirlne .Show. Mtist he Medicine people ; $20 single and transportation. Mnst lie able to change for two weeks. Unless yon can deliver thp goods don't write. CHA8. P. CRAM, M. P., Canton, 8. Dak. - m n m ins MAN WITH PICTURE MACI1ISK snd Film*, alio Ml* SIC AL act. Both todoubie atage. State loweHt Hummer ttstary (payown) and full particulars. WU. C. WILD, Newport, Pa. Other Repertoire Teople, write. HAIRLESS HORSE. A fully developed Cyr. old lftOOlb horse, foaled with absolutely no hair. A freak for any side ahow or menagerie. Would like a proposition from a clrcux or Wild Wcat- Address EDWARD R. HOCIATE, Manager, 24S6 South nth Street, Omaha, Neb. WANTED, TOM PEOPLE, ALL LINES, White and Colored, to strengthen Co. Cents roust Double Brass or Concert. Musician* Doubling Orchestra or Stage. Good treatment; sureaalary. BKRTQILLMOR, Fremont. O., per add. : Pnyne,0.,June •; Eugenon. Ind.,8. Strong WANTED, Outdoor attraction (other t nan Balloon, High Dive or Wirt Act), for Tuiiraday, June 21. State all first letter; mention If Hpeclal printing. ARTHUR C. YOINO, Xgr. Edgemout Realty Co., OB Market SL, • Hnrrlabitrg, P*. WANTED, For BROWNLEE&REEDSSHOWS Musicians, Circus and Vaudeville Performers Doing two or more acts. Can use SmallTrnupe Doga. Aluo \Vorking Men. AQdreaB VKRONA, PA m WAXTE1>, ACTS For HYATT PARK, Columbia, S. C, Also • ■ OCEAN GITT, H. I. Hlflter Acta nod (tlrl Arlfl. CHA3.H. HRKI'XHaIITII. 11UO Cbmrnilt St.. 1'lillailelphla, r«. WANTED, FOB Ginnivan Dramatic Co., Piano Plaver, sight Reader. One that double Bra3H preierred. Week of Jnne 4, BotklnR, O ; week of June n, Deshler, 0. P. R, UIVMVAS. WANTED, MED. PEOPLE. Al Sketrh Team: Al B. F. Comedian, to pnt on ai:u: alaoNnveity Perrormera towork onlotwitli I Hind. Yon tniifd Ivo sober or von won't last here. Ch&H.BQ*e)y, write. L, D. CARPENTKR, Ertlnboro, Fa. P. B.— RegardHtofrlenda. "WANTED, BAND LEADER with gma repertoire of mniiic, for ' Eisenbarth-HenrlersoB floating Theatre. WANTED. tIRAMATfC PRORI.E; OENTS MI7ST DOFm.K BKASS. Adilrem Cli.rlf Mown, w. v». At Liberty. MLLK. khpanunoua (the Dancer), and JIM Ilt'MK (the Oreat Female Impersonator), In their grearsketcti, "A Bit of Nont«en8e." Pretty Honga, lively dancea; heal or press notlcea. Pur- manent. adilren^ JH grand River Ave.. Detroit, FOR SALE CHEAP, Universal Moving Picture Machine, With Stereopttoan complete. AlaoM Slides with Lecture (alt colored; of San FranelHco before and after the earthquake and tire. Address JIARRY JlNOBLANUII, MahauoyCRy, Pa. AT UBERTY FOR NEXT SEASON, CLEVER TOE DANCER Can play Ingenue Rolen. Handsome costume*. AddreRS .- LULU AIAIN, Oen. Itel., p. P.. Newark, N. J. WANTED, I08ICIAR ATTQIDARTS llrass, Reed and Drums. Oi hera write. Commence $2.% a month, all found, state age and height.' Wire or write MUSICAL DIRliCTOIl, ' ' State Hospital. Morris Plains N. J. FOR SUMMER STOCK, I'EOrLK IN ALL LINKS, runl.i (man), will, moving plclnre toaclilQe. StAUIowem. ' F. P., c.ri. of CUPPER. WANTED AT ONCE, SOU 13 RETT E To Sing and Work In Act", change for one week Address 0. L. HtlUllKH. Perrvsnntl*. Px. Musicians Wanted for Band In Skating Rink, Cllve particulars and lowest aalarv, Mnsijolnon wire. Long aea&on." " J.R.ADAMS, aB2& w. 2d St., Coney Island, N. Y. A FEW OF THE LEADING FEATURES WITH THE 4 PAW & SELLS BROS.' UNITED SHOW THE 4 PAW BASE BALL CLUB CHALLENGES Any Mam on earlb (New YoiS Gluts prelerredi. HcGrav, take notlca. AJJ.H. O. I.AWKTW, Mgp. 5 DUNEDIN TROUPE 5 World's ranoru Artistic 'Cyclisls. PEARL FOREPAUGH, FRED WELCOME OSCAR LOWANDE, World'i Champion Somersault Rider. MOR. LOYVAXDrJ FAMILY TALLY HO ACT. MATSUMOTA'S FAMOUS IAPAHESE TBOOPE. The Llti 1*- Fellow On the_Hlgh Ladder. Joi KoTelly, ■ iiiiur rruun «.,!« nir iiign iu Joseph La Fleur lovelty, Whirlwind, Acrobailc Senaai 9 SensaiioiJ. The 3 De Boliens, FRENCH ACROBATS, At Liberty Dec. I. NEW COMEDY ACT. FINISH IN ONE. WM. TESSIER, HEAD BALANCING, TRAPEZE AND WIRX. BMRJEVOEandMilKR, A TRIO OF ACROBATIC LAUGH LOOSENERS. BILL HARDDIG, TIE ineBLIIB BUI. THE 3 CORELLIS, COISDT rElTUBEB. ALEXANDER" WOLROWSKY'S BiBiian Singers and Dancers. THE CLIFTON SISTERS Singers and Character Dancers. TNECORNELLAFAMILY America'! Fanons Acrobals. NETTIE CARROLL, QTJEEN OF THE WIRE. THE FLYING LA VANS THE WORLD'S MOST HARVELOl'S AERIAL GYMNASTS. ALL UNDER THE DIRECTION OP WM.E. (BUD) GORMAN EQUESTRIAN DIRECTOR. FRED ZOBEDIE, SLIDE FOR LIFE. -lohn-LAM'ASTEK and HAitf AKD-Maud Com^aj Creator. . High School Equestriente. IN VAUDEVILLE NEXT WINTER. A»lc LOtIB PIXCCB, vlth MORRIS. wmTHE JEUNETS ^re ACROBATS, Head and Hand Batancrrt. FRED ECENER, rUHHIEST CLOWS 01 BABTB. BARTO and RALDON The Breatatt ol AllSovelly BrmlllbrlslE. DOLLAR TROUPE, EBMPE'S SBE&TB8T aCBOIAIS. GEORGE and PAULHE KIDD Eccentric Comedy Sketch aid Drum Solos, LEW NICKOLS, A BEAL CLOWI. i \ he! COOKS, BUTCHERS, And generally Useful CookhoiiHe People. Would nice to near from Win. Than. Address «BO. AnLiNOTOK, care of Baranm A Bailey, 2f. vr . ruth St,, New York. DOH'T FAIL TO HEARWNEW SUMMER WALTZ SONG, On a Warm Summer Night FRBB-ProreulonX C«|ilei to Performer, enrlo.lng Prognmi. .h« S?.^ .5™S! Y .7,*' l SJi',!^ le «l5.°' 'i" 1 *'" "A«»W ""li « Rolllnj Rre," "Down Id Porlo Rico l.r tSJESfcSZffiS&PEi £KSS i?' 881 *■«•" "0»'» • B » [ "-'' 1 ■ S*5? ■«• voice Like Sin p!..™ ?'. Li B .?S v "n B ? by ."'l " ,er - V IJke ! *><■« "'"•" "1 O»nnol forget Tod," "Morf So%; 'Sf^C^:.Th?i 1 .°5 K". 1.15;" " "tove'tsiorjr," •'I'.iher'i. Return Ho V/' "i'm Will- ing lor Ion. Dear," "The Love Rose," "lather Won't HsTeYoil A-Hanalntr 'Round Here " "Pre.lrtenl SaMfgt," "I Love Voo. Willie Due." "Kvevell, Dear s«eiae.Tl" ""ike « til? ""Sleep, baM" m I Adore 1 !'' «e.r Airoln," "»hen Ihe De" I. on tlie IJi?""!IollJ, 'lie MELVILLE MUSIC PUB. CO., 86 West 28th 8t., New York. NTED, FOR THE w KLARK-URBAiV CO. For Hummer nt.»il Itt-gular Srpaori. No T* lr£ra nts. , Adtlr est Al.o specialty 1'EOrr >: that Play Pan* KLAItK-tHiBAti CO.. Burkipnn, Halaa. WHY DO YOU NOT GONE BACK TO ME, LOVE ? NICKEL SLOT MACHINES for Sale. CHoop . All In lood romlltion. Jl.00 plaj, ,inj» eaib; Jaek-I'ot. audK.nu play, »» laili. ' . . I. BIALOSKY, ^lu Lake- gtit-er. t'levelaml, o AT I.IUKII1 V, Al VIOLI NI8T, For SUMMER SEASON. Hotel iirererred. Ad" drea , TIOUB1ST, CLirPrin, N Y. CltT. AT UBERTY, For This Summer And Next Season, WIH.ARD BAYI.BV, Lead,; ARO OORIIUX, Charaeient. 3 seaaona with one Co. Addrea. 101'J AL1.RN ST , Ilea Molnea, la._ PERFOHMKRS Who can eJiange. Uood lond hi re*- 1 performerK w!n» « play Insiruinenn. Salary, *is and R. R- farf • DR.F, ft. Howard, urieaial Ihjftor, L»niing,Mifl»' Jtf$¥9r THE NEW- YORE GEIPPER: 441 ESQUE SHOWS p Apply to TOM MINER, EVERY DAY BETWEEN 10 A. M. and 2. P. M„ Miner's 8th Ave. Theatre, New York. PLAYING 40 WEEK8 ON THE BIG EMPIRE CIRCUIT. ■ I!«,BIJ Deposit, IV. Yo, On line Brie Railroad, population, 3,000 : .'.,coo Id •orronndliig country to draw. Had no Tent Show in 5 years. Lot and license easy. Particulars, wrlw crjHRAN, cars Loorols Honae. HOT, FOR SlIIKR stock, mm vouiie, handsome, capable, LIBHT COMEDY HE M. - If specialties, mention. Long wasoo. Money sure. Wire or write. MANAGER II KISMAN STOCK CO., Macon, Qa. MIDWAY ATTRACTIONS Wanted at CRANBERRY LAKE. N. J. Also privileges for Kile. The largest Excursion Resort In Hew Jersey. Address SgO. A. WILLIAMS. Newton, N. J. SINGERS AND ACTORS, HERE 13 WHAT YOU WANT. THE LATEST SONG. JUST OUT. TUB 1(0" Send for Professional Copies. -- .. J, W. SELLERS, flolden Lake. Ark. WANTED TO JOIN ON WIRE. Miist' use Brush, must have Teat Show experience. Keaaonabte salary. Pay your own hotel. HILL POSTER and ASST. BOSS CANVAS MAN. This Show runs year 'round. Honey absolutely sure. Must make good and be strictly sober- Harry Be duces Mac, of Ball A tone wire. Tickets if 1 know you. WILLIAM TOI), Bellflelri, Va., June 7,8. K " WANTED QUICK, Dougherty - Campbell •TOOK OO.. For Samiiur and Next Baaaoa, SINGING and DANCING SOTJBRETTE, OEN. BUS. PKUPLK who do Specialties. CORNET to Double siage, naif otner Musicians. All Mends, write. Address EAU CI.AIH, Wis. VAUDEVILLE PEOPLE, Especially Animal Acts. Send open lime and lowest terns In June, July and An Bust, if in this vlclnltj. Oan vlve one wee fn my Mom ig picture Tent. Can give two week la Jul; and August, . C. B. LINDAI.L, Bar Harbor, Maine. WANTED, FOR The Belle of Japan, Season or 40 Week., Opening In August, JUVENILE LEADING MAN tone Who Sings Preferred). MAM Tor ENGLISH Cooknej HE AV Y LADYPIAMST.DonbleSmaJl Part. S1IGLE I0VELTT IAP1II8B ACT. SEASON OPENS EARLY IH VI in ST. State salary and all partlrulars in nrst. letter. Send photos, etc., wlili h win be rcturard. Address G. HARRIS- ELM* Alexandria, IntJ. IB I II WANTS A SCENIC ARTIST, SI6N PAINTER. also a STAGE DIRECTOR Woo understands bow to produce a proper Street Scene tn a Fire and Flame Spectacle. Address WALTER I.. MAIM, (fnlncy Bote), itoBton, Mass. Jim Jordan and Chan. Thomas, please wire your address lo W. W. Power. FEET LONG, IN PERFECT CONDITION. Wire, don't wrlle ir you want it. SeeN.Y. papers, WM. BARTEL8, ICO Greenwich 81., K. V. REP.PEOPLE.UNDER CaNVAS. Character Woman, with child preferred ; Leading Man; Uonhrette (specialties); Leader »• •;.**. THOMPSON, „ „ ' HEAVIES' and 6HARACTER8. »o Saeamltlw, Hel«ftntift,»lii,Age82. llolKale.O. AX LIBERTY, REECE KEIMYON Jt YEV1IEH AM) HEAVIES. Wardrobe and ability. Responsible Mara., address Manhattan iiutbl, Syracuse, n. r. Arranged, composed. Call or write? A . K. RETBUAR, 41 2 K, llilfl St. , N. Jr. AT LIBERTY, ALiEN SISTERS. iaiij Pianist, Soubrette, singing Specialty for Itep. or penuaneiit Sloclc. Good wardrobe on """ML Cin join on wire. .AH Jg BIMf F.BH, jg IrrUg g, xtwurk. jj. J . MM. (V DOUBLE DUTCH 1 "U* l» dancer. and ha?e some original ldean. nDTCII, ran* of CLIPPER. WASTED, Traun.ormat.iou, fl pieces: Tropical. Foliage Bordera. Winter Drop, Palace Ar.*h, wood Drop. S pot c ash. FOWL KR, 1 43 W.OSd , N. Y. SAXOPHONE WANTED. SECOM1 HAND. Address LEO, ST, KI.MO, il W. -jstli Street, N. If. COLORED MUSICIANS WANTED. auorneta, a Tr.jiiii.oiie.-, l Alto. Prof. I.l'aTORI) DAVIS (CurunilnV witil Wrsii, ijuiu.-y House, Dofltou, Mass. June a lo 11. EXPERIENCED AGENT AT LIBERTY. One nig-ir , Ren. or Burlesque C. A. WATSON, Box 134, Centreport. L. L, N. V. At Liberty, the HARRISES, S. and 0., Sketch TRAM, single* and Itonlilef. Change for wick. Read or fake piano. Ticket*, or ilon ■ t write. Addren* (1KN. UK I,., Un Hols, Pa. Wanted, to Enlarge Slow, Circus and Vaude* villa Pei former". Lot, anro salary. No Itoozera. Anawer, TRDKANT.Mlch., or route cacti week. BRUT SILVER (-IHCl'rf. Waited, for LO WEBT BROS.' SHOW Taikios and Sinning Clown: mutt do turn iu concert. ai«o Uou i-ie Trap-.., Mnu and wife. Biaie full pit rtl<'iii ftrnln nrr.tieiter. Ail rtreHs asperro.He. Addreas CLAKAHT. CLAIR, llolgate, Ohio, •w If T E D Trap "Drummer. Join op wire. AL. F.^HBKI.KnoiRCfS. per route AT LIBERTY. Juveniles. Sonbrettes Addreas LUCI LLE WILDE, ll olgate, Ohio, ttiviB, imiAL mm, MYRKLE -HARDER ATTRACTIONS Op»r» In July the Boa-t in th« Businaa, COMEDIANS 80UBRETTE8 LEADINC WOMEN LEADING MEN CHARACTER MEN CARPENTER8 AND PEOPLE IN ALL IIRAKt IIKS OF THE UI SIMi-.s. ALSO BI« VAUDEVILLE FEATURES. AtfD WILL BIIV- II II LEASE Address PLAYS. W. H. Harder, E. J. Hall, Port Huron, Hlrh. i Holland B»rb). OAN USK (IOOI) STACK ftlRKUTOR KOR TWO OR THREE VVKEKB. DID SDNE SLIDES. St. Ml FOK LIST, ALSO OTHER BABGAWS, Edition Train Tlolib. ry, 740ft., tMAHU BUHTER BROWN. 7-iOfl., M-.4U. The Htrike, -HOft,, •S4.0U. Battle uf the Yala Mlvcr, (100ft,, 930.00. One Sellg Pol j iriipc, with Klet irlc Bar* ner and Rheoatat. with take-up com' plete. $;n. For examination on receipt of 16. BRNO FOR JUNE BARGAIN LISTS. LATEST SETS OF SOVO SLIDES. Alice, Where Art Than tiding, .luit a Little RoehlBBt Chair and Yoa. OoedOldU.H.A. Where the Saanea River Wind* H« Silvery Way. All beautifully colored; only $0.00 per ae., with music. Alio, 100 aela at frLOO per set and up. KARSTN & CO., 138 East 141. St. Tel. 38 1 2 Granercy. NEW YORK, N. Y. NEVER CLOSED. Wanted, Fare* Com«dv People IN ALL LINEN. WHO I RING AND I WHO CAN 1 DANCE f in ST Alio HELIABLB CHORUM CIIRI.N WITH VOICES. REI1KARSAL9 START JUNK 15. Open July I. Heed photorraplis and fell ail first letter. No tlckcls advanced. Addreas all roin-' IJIillilcnlloils 10 aM COCRTST., Mt-iniilils, Totta. PACK and NOUN, Hanaaers, "PAPA'S BOV." FRANK K. LO\» CO. Want* Three Plays, with Paper* also Rep People In All Llneat Vaudeville Aeta that work In one. Heasou opens A tie. l. People must be Al. for Sanson Ih LONG und mouey MURE. Tbls In mil! of the wife onek. FRANK K.r/>NIH«.V,400Ha»tiul , liAv.,NvT. I r LIBERTY, FOR rVEXT SF.AHON, GEO. T. SEREILS, LEADN AND IIBAVIEN, MABELEIN GOODWIN, $16.00 Per Thousand SEND FOR All ASSOfiTKNT $l.eo Pes THE "BOOTIE" Post Card Purse NEW, NOVEL, ATTRACTIVE. Suitable for inyplAoe 6r locality. U> Tan or White; morilnp himik for name; dan lie xent through the mall fur in. or a leiter endowed Scutamil. Oomlc or local views. Po»iearil «m sole or "SOOTtK.'f fo.oo per grot)*. Heml for a -.ample dor.eti. H»c. POSTPAID. JULIETTE PURSE POST CARD The Iftiesl winner; eoutlo or local views on one side, blank for any name, also ylacc for ao Itiltlal. Clio reversv sio<: * postal f ard. VERT NEAT, RIGHT UP TO DATE, $18.00 PER GROSS. Send To-Day for a Sample Dozen. SKVriMIRTPllIl, •l.llll, THE SOPEHIB PILLOW TOP CO., 322 Broadway, Hew York. HOLLAND BUILDING, 1440 Broadway. Corner 40th St. r.l.phoB.i, ur.3-iini-u.vi Brrant. l.bl. Aodr.M, Wlllmorrla. CHICAGO OFFICE, 107 BB&RBORN S1BEET. Special Aiientlon Will Ba (liven to rluinnior Park.and Fair*. BOOKING KXCLVSIVBLV THE Kll.l.lHVIMJ LEADINO VAIIDKVILLK HIIUSKHi P. O. Wl I Ham.' Colonial, { llamm.rX.il>>. Victoria, P.a/Wllllam.'Orph.nm, |Hamm.r.l.la'. »»af^ P.O.,Willl.m.Alh.ml.ra, |gh..ily'a, Kail Illr.r, ' P.WWIlllaui.' Xov.ltr, Nb««dy'a, Newport, ^«^llHa»a ;0 ..h.», g^W^^rd, P. P. William.' | Haulaway*.! Brockton, Beraen Beach, Bijou, Lincoln, Web. H, Mven' Dor lr, Ycakert, i Manntone* Park, Si. liituli, H.Mvara*, Atlantic City, Cedar Point. H.ndu.ka-, Hiury Wyen 1 ftork, Camden, V. .i , !naiie'iAiKnioriam,ayan, Kteiwy'i, Brooklyn, jBleolrlo Park, Toledo, V. Murrlson'e, Rochaway, Klei-irli- Park, Delnellaa's, Rookaway. Detroit, Hlrh. InCernntlDnal, t hlmgo, Forett Park, Hippodrome. Cleveland. ! Little Rock, Ark, Cook's Park, Rvanevllle, ! Electric Park, Ma;aUiattan Beaeh, Cleveland, tt. " Denver, Colo. Oennett'a, Richmond, lad. Bijou Theatre, Belolt, Wla. West Hide Park, West Side Then ire. llliincle, Ind. Janeevllle, Wis. lAlhletlr Park. Olympla Park, Newark, O. | New Orleans, l*a. IV. B,— It la Important that artlata send their open iline to both the New York and Ghleago OOlces. Wllmar *k Vincent's, Vtu», Wlliner 2 Vincent's, Readtna, Wllmar *> Vincent's, Alleniowa, Weber At Hush, Blnftmm.oa, Weber dfltuali, Hiheneitady, II, II, Lamkln*s, Toledo, Cedar Point, Menduikj , II. 11. Lamkln*S, DaytoD, {Cheater Park, Cincinnati, I. C. Mlshler, Altoona, Pa 1, C. Mlshler, Johnstown, Pa. Wool worth Roof Harden, Lancaster, Pa. Brlt(aala*on-tlia*Bay- Oltawa, Can. CIrand Opera House, , ■ Decatur III. N*wBavov,Hainllton,e:'an. flreea f s Opera llonae. Cedar Rapids, In. OodtV«y*s TIhmii re, Ura ml Rapids, Mich. WELSH I ESTES ^^'' L.BEAA/ J. — fed bied Ian. — COMEDY SKETCH IK ONE. .Fo.l finished 34 ...oka !■■ the Kaal. Working title week. Hiive Julia 11 and in Open. Slock mtnateri, write. Iloll, pla>- i ,-spr.n.llilr part*. Uo anywliera. No Jump too far. ' Aildre.. 3 IUHHOl (1IIH i-I.A t E, HOMTOV, MAWN. NEW MONO JIIHT 1-ltOM THE IMIKhH. WILL YOU TAKE A RIDE IN MY AUTOMOBILE? PIlOKESnlONAL (,'IIPIE.H PRRK. fl'lllillaliril bTI , W. BUlOHTMOItn, 1N14 Tiiney »l„ Philadelphia, P.. The $500 Are Still With Us! Why? Because SKIDOO! 23 FOR YOU, Is toe only i»Rl'JlNAI*anrI mom tiemcmloua lilt of the hhuuiu, Profowlnnal Oituge mnl Into-i progriiiiinii'. ,/ . FAVHN/.A Pltl). CO.,2MW*-«ltt(lKl„New Yorl£. TIE TWO IHUAnS THE TALK OF IEV TOOK OUIO I M.E. Nibbe «&Marie Bordouex. Tire' Original Man with Hie lirooin. I'luyed fifloen Houses In New York flllv fills Hi-ncnn. TONY PASTOR'S THK8. WEEK. Time 3.14 and B.U6. WANTED QUIOK, FOP» The Cutter »StocK Company, A Hail H. A II. Hep. Cotnrdian ami Htiiiiirbltt% HiHtor Team capable of playlnK reHnoanliili' parts aVailer (pmuu), iniint tie a night reai|i>r anil ali|i< to iruimpfjxe; fiiitn wl n M. I'. ruiu-Miic*, til ma •fl rilidfri. Hend photoHand program-i. Oilier twdfu! people write. Tell all llrxt luluir. I'av owu Beliearwairt coniiueuce Jnite 18. Keanon onetm at Torraplu I'ark, Parkursiiurg, W. Va., JuneVi, <'■*. i- iKiokerl for 4-'i wrekM. Marry (larrltY and (,'arlliMi Hl«ierr>. write. •. WAI.LA0K U. OUrrf.Il, PKIIMANBNT, CIII|,LICOTMF. II, "HEBREW COMEDY EyTft^OHDINARY." -sstf LE WIAIRE and LE MAIRE, OPEN Pon BDHLBHilllE. Par. anil.. 1* E. I IT, N. V. CITY. DON 9 wiUTr*. to MH uiiluKi yon want the Hrlffiiii-r anl Beat of Orltfliul rViUKt*. atimologime, rikr:ti;ln'**, (,'oiutilli'n ami Urania* written to order. (Inly HlKniwt lAMfte nr'woik for rrofixxlonni m -third street The- Timlin Theatre i Sullivan & Woods, utre (F- F. Proctor, manager).— Henry Lee. managers). — "'In a Woman's Power," wllh Keith's Tbeatre (K. K. Roger*, resident H * WpUn ■*#-»#* offering his act, "Ur**t Trite H. James an Fiddicstrlnfi*. ">"<* Louise daagrr). — A large audience welcomed i lie Mm, Paat and Present/'; *nrt oa June 4 the; Wpley ah Kavonita, la ibU wwlt'i attrar- II Monday. June 4, and continually ex- Impersonations ram glyeb absorbed attention [ Hon, The supporting company la rant .a ' krtlatle work follnwa: Ktigena Kins-lev, John 0. Hewitt MM lil It pleased dellflit. The Four Ford* offered'th... clever dancing act. which won* rounds of ap- riU'usc. They ate all clever and light on their pot, ami worn wltu cxactneaa aa a quar- tette. Ed. V. Beynard again presented bin cmUBltitf ventrlloqulal act. and scored a big bit by 111* '.'tcellcut handling of the many Battel, Walter C. Kelly entertained wltfi Ins monologue, "Tbc Virginia judge," which Isju full of laugh* us a nm Ik of mint. The Mclaol Trio aids >nd played tu great ap- plause, aud the audience win loth to let them the Hitdletir M Wis loudly applauded. The 1*1 ve Irfeussons, , Heorge flcrnardo. Kdwln (Mix; (lie Hhrimp, In their great riding not. which wan for many ' weeks n most atlracilvc number at the New York HtpitodrnoiF). made r, big- hit. Their unique and effective fpnts on horseltack kept the audience on edge, and won them rounds of applause. Hmllh aha Campbell talked themselves into the good graces of ull, and never wpnt 1 ■ - : t ■- 1- . while the Whitman sn- Icrs and Willie Itobluson, In "Plantation „ Pastimes." brought forth an act that was un- Hhyder aod Buckley drew many laughs usually good, and conspicuous for Jta neat hi their absurd musical act. Mile. Cheater add her atatue dog made a profound Irnpres- b&u,, aud won plenty of applause. Wllla and WMH, were excellent In their wpilllbrlsile act, and held down their position Id good ftfyn. Mmlrl and Ressner again ilrew ap- nlattse for their ncrobaltc offering, aud tW ttlc dog, aa usual, wan tbc centre of admlrn- nes*. They proved exceedingly capable en- ter! alners. 'rite musical act presented by the ('has. Carney Kavonna's Butler, Una Car- ney: Inspector Barnes, W. P. Kltta: Karl Klngley, ll. Miller: Bruno, tillan Holmes; Vias. June Mat bins: (irnndnia Mosely, Marlon Holmutbe; 8a rah Malone, l*anny Hnlllday. The t\ou*r. closes June ». Kred Iiarvey wilt again be Imuinpstt mmiuKir next season. ParndlHe Hoof Garden fOacar llam- meniteln, manager). — The ninth Su iodic r aenaon .here, utop tbc Victoria and Belasco Theatres, was Inaugurated un Moirflay night. June 4. with an audience that tilled the spu- " mis plnce, anil the splendid vaudeville lilll In good voice, and responded to several cur- tain calls. . Btah (Archie KM*, manager).^-Tbe Bowery Biirfti-qiiers are this- week a attraction* and the two attractive veblclett In which the man- ,„■„ ... .. , y ^, „„., .,,,,.- „, w; - 1 ■ ,. H H hers of the compitny are given ample oppor- died on 8fttutday night, June 2, tit her bom, tunlty to display their tnlenta, received hearty U(»r» . Wp«r One Hundred and Klrat s : r - DEATHS IN THE IMtnhs^Ki.v. Mra. Charlrn Walrol. .Mra. laabella Nlcklnaoa Walrot. the wm kpown actress atul wife of Charles Walo Li..sky-ll*Klcedere. French model, and Flo Rub- sell, comedienne. I'aitom's (S. S. Allen, manager). — In re- sponse lo many request*. Mr. I**ayton and hta «hff and Churlen Melton Walcot, wliu was FEZ liouse cumpativ this week present the "Pearl a memlwt of the company, were married Mm ../ UdVnl* With " "li'^-'i" <- '*f * .i. .-•r,' :■ l't.\ i-. t ,' I t r »# » 1. j. MBa.AH.nn*. l u .l.._mi_-_.Bi 2. V waa the youngest daughter of Jphn. Nlckin* aon, a well known comeiflao, and while sbe a two act composition, which opened on May U8. for the nrai lime In tills city. The book la .by C. K. Campbell and II. M. Hklnner, and ibe inuafc by Julian Kdwards arid Alfred I-*. Aarons. • Tne piece waa urlelnolly culled "The I'lnb Utisaara." and under that tlilo received Its Hret productlou at the cillcago Opera Hcume, Chlt-agu. III., on Oct. 16 last. It ban nil tbo ear-marks of n lantlng Hucreas, Inaamitcb as there nre provided numerona tunrf ni mualcx! numbera. aome brtgbt Ilnea. plenty of good specially Inieriralationa, and *■* clever list of principals, lo say nothing of a (pod looking and well drilled chorus, well equipped la the, matter of vocal abilities. The plot Ik conspicuous by Ilk rtbaence, but It Is not neccusury to have u mnuecied story her lirat VAiulevllle appearance June 4. Hhe appeared In Merrltb Owyer'a obc act play, entitled "The OlrL" Which proved a very quid sketch, unenlivened by action. It tells of How Winifred, BIng. an athletic girl, finally discovers that Hie man of her heart, who has taught her all she knows about, outdoor sports, really loves her friend. Muriel Fair- fax, a typical aoclety girl. Mltm Allen was capable, and altbougb she bad few opportunl- tleei. she made the most of them. Hhe wa» aided bv Miss Hart. Others on the bill were: Millie llerlina sod Florence Hmckway. and Paul Barnes. The mot ton plct ures continue. -tmerlrnn Theatre i.\. M. Ward, man- ager). — The llmt metropolitan production of the four uct melodrama, "The (.old Klelda of Nevada," by Kobcrt Crooke* Jr., occurred .lime 4, Its premiere Inking place at ibe I.yrl- Theatre, ifoboken, N. I. May 30. The Htnt-y : Jim Hedllcld. it young miner, loves Ktlie) Travem, who lias h friend. Oalsy Bloa- aotn, n Western iflrl. Mthel's father wants her lo marry l.a'tnner Wright, an unscrupu- loiia cur, who** former mlatress, Bealrlce Mardule, also loves Jim. Hwifiwlng, an In- dian, Is the principal defender of ibe gmsl element In the play, and continually foils rite achement. Jim eventually strikes gold, Itecomea rich, marries titliel. uari the op- given In lite Victoria Tnealre. when all the f<-rilures of the evening hill will b" presented. The roof garden litis been f.-ntlrely renovated, and, ns the patrons here well know. Is glass Inclosed, and fully protected. The first of Mr. JJammerstcln's Kiiropeaa performers, cti- gHped for thf* Summer, made her AmertcHti debut on Monday. Her name Is Mile. Irew howevrr tmV Colonial Theatre (Percy Q Williams, feeds a piece of meat which he holds between rowed ibem for a i^nefit, la 18(10, when she manager).— Thp patrons of this beautiful his teeth. Beys performing pig* give a presented "The Marble Heart* Tie" In thb rnae, becaiiae tin- songs and special ties crowd up»m Ihe het'ls or one another J'WJhK for,L, S! a,e HCtot \° }™* [r ,* m } JS£* thick and faat, and arc all of bitch line calibre 1 hat (he Interest never lags for a mo- ment. In rearranging their entertain- ment tb>: right vein of cleverness was bupplly Hli'UcT, for It Is ufadcrstood that at lu ' Ishment. There are plenty of thrilling altuatloaH mill heroic speeches, and every- works with a will. Tbe play made 1 'announced, but Manager Williams de- and others. The Nlgarn Brothers perform d. In view .of the extensive alterations on the wire. The new spcclm-le, "Ska r-ran- and Improvements contemplated tn the the- ft k first performance, under the former title. It was not well thought of. The mayor, wi.u, In 1 til' case happens to Ire tbe .chief executive of Kaukakee, wiia played by Cla- rence Harvey, who Is not familiar to New a thost favorable Impression on the Hrst njgbt H tn, that he reoulred the entire Summer to audience, and there Is Utile doubt of Its New York tbeatrogoerK. but who proved cuuhI Lj oLii- beat et»raedians before tbe find nlgbt's performance wns fairly welt, under way. Mr. Harvey Is a comedian who has Ihe right Idea of fi.iL-n.iikJirg. for lie geta reaulta by t been an- nounced, but Manager Williams decided. In view of the extensive alteratluna and Improve- ments contemplated In the theatre,- thtit lie re- quired t In? entire Summer to complete his Slims. Vesla Tllley was heartily welcomed on londav and at the ehd of ber act she was Morris whk sulUclently villainous aa Latimer, given several rousing cheers. The bill this week 1° the regular, perform um-c. Including buck and Beatrice Thome, as Beatrice Mnrdnte, (t | v . |) s is: Waller Jones and Miibrl Illte. in dancing contests and cake walka, with prlzei waa on (ible assistant. Burt. Cartitn got a ati „ r |glnal comerfv wkelch ; italph Job n hi one. for tbc winners. lot of. fun out of Sammy Cohen, a Hebrew t hc intrepid blcvcllst : Kerry Corwey, tbe nm- Mostik'K's Am.mai. Akkna presents tfall '" sical clown : Henaro and Bailev In w>nga and Inrd^grpu^of performing lions aa t feature, dances ; Chas. A- Mason, Lew Kelly ana corn- future. Tbe Interest Is sustained, and wllh one or Iwo slight revisions and with greater care on the part of soma, of the actors, the piece will go wllh a swing.. LoUls J. Cody was most prominent by his good work .1- Swlftwlng, and won great applause. Jack Morrissey was conscientious aa Jim. AVtn. Isco." la lo open In a few daya. Tine Manhattan Mt.iiii TiiKArns Eeaaon, tinder the direction of Kdward K, Rice, opened on Decoration Day, afternoon. Thfl opening attraction was the Black Pattl Trim ludours, headed by Block 1'attl and John IliH'ker. Tbc Hmk I'uttl engagement nas HmMed to five, evening performaures, with matinees on iKvoratfon Day. .Saturday and Sunday. Many ipeclal features Were; added tenderfoot: Frank Kirk did good work la the I hankies* purl or "Frisco -luck: lluth Me- ( aiiley was pleasing as Kthel. and Beatrice 1- Webster was a hard working llltle woman as i>alay. Tbe other memhcrH were equally ciiinnotcnt. and the .-tax 1 ' management hud evidently worked hard for effects. Tbc cast: Jim Itedltcld. Jack Morrlsey ; Lu timer Wright. William Morris; tiammy Cohen, Burl Carton : Swlftwlng. Louis J. Cody; 'Frisco .lack. Frank Kirk; Harry lingers, Chester Hamilton: Bnfdwla Truvcra. H. ll. Brennan : t'-il Younger. Harry Barleu: Judge tllbann. Clark Mt-tiraw; I-Hbcl Travcrs. Uuth- McCnuley : Beatrice Mardale. Beatrice Thome; Daisy Mussom, Beatrice U Webster. Kxw-itUve staff: Beatrice Thome Company. proprietors: S|>auier II. Cone, general mana- ger: B. I'luea, laisluess manager : J. \V. Ma- creudy. stage director; Max Smith, stage car- penter: Jo. K|*ercs. property man; Hun I tirant, eleetrlcluu. This attraction closes tbc house fur the season. It will reopen laic In July. Ac r in I Hardens . — Bill week of June 4: Krle«ei's Animals, Hehrv Kvnas. tbe ('-livers. Lillian Maynurd. Crawford and Manning. Rohr and Pkntzer. Dixie Herenad- ers. Held Slaters, Itltter aud Foster. Metro imlltan Urand Opera Trio, McCrea and Poole, Klein. Ott Bros, and Nicholson, Three Bros. l.u Maze, and Hills and Wilson. Notk. — The (eatlmonlal benefit to James B. Mullen, nlj;bt of ■•■ was most successful, and oetted a neat sum for the recipient. Many noted people In the prdfeslon volun- teered their services. Among (hose who ap- peared were : The Weston Sisters, Joe Me- Nrttiy. Manning und Cooper. Three Hones, Will TomklDs, Cbas. McAvoy, Foar Sheas, Joe Maxwell. J. F. Kellly. Harry Breen, Nick Wright. Tbe iieiformancQ waa under Ihe dlerctlon of Win, Josh Daly, from the Wo, Morris office. * tleo nt Pygmalion and (Jolatea," with Mr. ami nm Charles Walcot lu tbc title iwris Among mnny other starH with whom they performed were Dion Boueicault and Agnes ItDbei'taon. Adelaide Nellson. Agnrs Bthel, .lanauarhek. Clara Morris. Barrvaul Ivan, L'harlea Kechter, .Lucille , Western, ( hariofte Thompaon. Billy Florance, John R. Owena. John Brougliam, Lmmi Wal- ler, Frank Chanfrnu. K. f. Davenoori. Ismlse Pomeroy and Ada CavendlHb. "o'hpn they left the Walnut Street Thealre Ihey went to McVlcker's Theatre. Chi- csno pn Feb. 28. IHTU. Mr. Meat was Mr Lucius In a heoejit uerformance of "The Rivals," tendered to Mrs. John Drew. Sirs. JValcot being Lydla Languish. This was Mrs. Drews lirst appearance as Una, Malapron and Mrs. Baroey Willlama reappeared In honor of the beneficiary. I. the popular timekeeper of Dreamland, Coney Island, who managed the llltle elevated theulre was crowded, and every- body apnea red to like tbe new songs and lines manoger). — Maude Adams began her thirty- provided, which augurs well for the dtt-Suw- Hrst und lust week June 4. meg success of the production. Mr. Cohan's Andrew Mack Co. last seasoa, ha« returned "i "The Benefit of the Doubt ;" Mrs. Craleen- lo his old stand «t Ihe enlrance of Dream- Bffi 'J? '**? Courtship of l«onle:" Mrs. land. Blekerdyke. In "The late Mr. Coatelln:" ^ Ladv Itlncslend. In "The Princess and the In Butterfly; 1 * Mrs. Trefer, In "Trelawnpy or gj the Wells;" Clarissa Orandln, In "Americans niuslc Is ull good, and bis lyrics nre 11 1 so 'Xeellenl. The music of one number. "Push \\. Black ; Mrs. Vuyne. I^»ls Tabur: Marjorlo ,*,(,. Aiouk lu My Push Carl," Is almost Idea \ H HIP. 1-,11'H 1. It'll ' Sll llltlttll SVIintlllSllUII. I'.. 1I....I ...III. M .. 1 '.,!., .,.-. ^-..w... ■• l',,i- 1 , ■ .',■.. Mill Vsyne, latra Licit; Solomon Kyphonstclu, *£. I' Van Itnn^selaiT ; Captalu Ituilolplt /.llsky, John H I'ratl; Dnuber BrtiKli. Hal Pettrson ; Lieut. KchDlpii. C^iiherlne Tanner; It. I«a Carte, lleurl Krench *. Josef, L. K llotsford; Kutrlaka, Bluuche lllng. Acndcm> of Aluslu (lillnturc & Tuiuii- klns , managers).- -K, 11. Huthern and Julia Marlowe began. June 4, the second week of the'r cttgageui'nt, with "Much Ado About Nuthlng as tbo hill. Mr. Sot hern repeated hbt former vm-cess as Iteuedlck, Httd the Itea- IrtcH of Miss Marluwe was as pleaalug its ever. The oilier members of Uiv company lent good aid to (he slars. 'I lie cast In fall: Don llidro. ■■'rcderlrk Is T o grp ; Don John, Frank Keldier : Claudlo. Kwl Krle ; Bene- dick, K II. S'lltinii: l,i-onHio. William llar- n«: A&toitlo. Thomas 1,. Davis; Bultlisiar, l,dHon It. Miles; Ctmrade, AlniBH If, Pettier: Bornclilo. J«hn Tavlur : Messeuser. P. J. Kelly: Frlac I-Yancls, T. L. t!oleman ; IV»g- berry, li'uvluiid Ilticksloue :. Verges. Malcolm Bradley: A Kextnn. Kdstm II. Miles; Oat- cake. Wlbupi* Dame: Sescole. l''rtslerlck Kauf- man: A Hoy, l.tomihy Sadller; 'Hem. Allen llarrlmitrui : Beiitrlco, Julia Marlowe: Mtir- garei, Mlllli-oiit >lcLaughlln : Ursula, ICIcaitor SanforiL Stall week, •Taming of Ihe Shrew" mid "'the Merchant of Ventre." Fnttrleentti Street Theatre (J. Wesley llnsencpiest. iaimnger>. — The Theodore Drnry <{i«tul Opera Co. begun 11 week's eiigsgement here May "JK, in "vVlda," and, In spite of Hip heavy ruin, was greeted by a good slxetl iMiuse, wltb'b was nut slow la showing Ha appreciation of ihe gmtd points In Iho or- gnnUitlou. i»f which there were iiiiinv. Mr. Driiry appearetl as Amonasro, and nrter the tlrst iierviMisnesK bad passed, gave an excel- lent ai-eounllitg. l-'slelle Clongb pleased {trendy hi iho |Hla role, and Henerleve Mui- ey gnyo 11 thoroughly earnest presentation of Amnerls. .lames Worsbum whs vxcellenl hs ItHdames. »ad won miiclt Hpplnuse. Tbo cast: Aids, Kstelle ( 'lough : Amnerls, (jene- rleve Mollpy; Hadsmes. Jamea Wurshata ; ■Itiinriliis. Iltrhunl Bnmks ; King, t'citrge W. Tavlor; High Priestess. Margaret ItHtidall : Messenger. Frederick Slieliluti : itrleiitsl Danc- er, Ite Forreste : Aimmasro. Theodore Drttry. Tnesdny, It*. "I'tiriiien" was presented lo a.hne audieiiie, stid Ibe success of .Xlonday Ileal ,wtiu Mr, < ohan's song, "r'orly-nvu Min- utes from Broadway," bill ll Is uuue the less interesting ou that account. In the sceoud net Ihe funny complications of tbo "Id play are retained to n great extent, as well as can lie remembered, and tin' luuglts followed one mother fast, as ibe rarcjcarsltuailoua were rapidly developed. Mr. Cohan mug several of bis Kuiigs with the big succuks lhat usually attends Ms own peculiar vucal efforts, and his dancing, which In many ways defies Imi- tation, whs applauded energetically- Ivtbcl Levy, lu several sliinutng gowns, lia'd her op|H>rtuully wbou she saug. and she availed herself uC h. while Jerry ,1. and Helen 1'. Cohiiu played their funny scenes of houeyiiKHin storms wllli capltul results. Julius T.mum. lu a Cenuau dialect, was iiiosr. commendable, and lu several of bis, fatuous Imitations in Hie song. "A Itegular William UIHette." which whs encored warmly. Truly Simiiuck. louklug charming, sang with fine effect, and William Keugh. John Conroy. Jack Wclisli-r anil i.'hnrlea 1. Nicholson gave good aid. T1i» cast: Benjamin Curl is. J. J. Cnliaii: Hon. TIiim>. Wbecluck, Wllllntn Keogb : Dickey Bicksoii. Julius Tinmen : Mnrtln Mrtioveru. John Conroy: Bill Kwlfl. Jack Wel»s|er-. Webster, l-'nmk McNisli: JoIhisuh. Clt>veliilinatlc 'cyclists, and Were duly rewarded for their good 'efforts. 'Hip lloldsworlbs. bsujolsls, Ktngers nnd dttneers. were well received, and made an uunuestlotipd hit. XHrfcr and Bor- deaux have always Is-eu welcome here, and Ilnrlem. — The Harlem Opera House dosed Sulurduv. June 'J. thus ending tbe en- gagement pf the W. J. Kelley Stock t'o. After tbe jter for ma nee Mr. Kelley was presented wllli a loving cup, and Ihe entire atugc was covered with flowers. Wt;sT Km ■ I lieorge A. It lament hit I, uiaua- geri. — A Suinuier sds-k. wllh (ieorge t)ls>r im the star. o|smed I, with "l>r. Jekyll and Mr. Ily-lc" .is Ihe bill. The supporllug company, hendetl by Adcliue IMinlti|). Is capable, and H.vsiiiv KKj.i.Kt has been engaged by Chaa. I'tolunan for one of the Important roles In "The Little Cherub," 'which Is to bo produced at Ihe Crllerlou Theatre £arly In August. Harry Si-inv/.n, press scent for the Ros- tock Show, at Coney Island, Is again In har- ness, after a six weeks' Illness. Tiiquas L. KprJmt, treasurer o( the Princess Theatre, will spend a few weeks at bla mother's home, In Suit I«ke cltv. Utah. Maiik A. Lkusi'hkk left the !■'. V. Proctor litislnestt staff on Jitue It, and will brunch out jis 11 manager oa his own account. He baa found favor with a large audience. Popular tpuded. A mtiKlrul progrnmine wns presented been located at Proctor's Fifth Avenue Thea- " v »B , ot * 'ast engagement was in nuntrl at Ire (he past season. Aonlellusaell, In r 'Brother Jac«|iies,'' rhlcli r.suan the AL'Kl-ictiH of thd Actors* Church Aillnuce a reception was held ou May :t|, In Si, TJiomus* church, which was largely, ut- at Home:" l*ady Hetherlngtou. in "John In gerlleld ;" Mrs. Bepchluor. In "The Manoeuvre^ or Jane;" |*dy Bakar. la 'The Ambassa- dor ;" i ItucbHl Jordan. In "The fnterruplert Jloneymisui :" Huumili Plllcnuer. In "Lady Huntsworttrs KxperimPUl ;'■ Harriet de Caa- Iro, In TPlie Love Jfatrh:" Dowager fou'n- less of IxM-kneven. In "Mdv Margaret:" Chi dorl. In "Thp Darling of the (Jods." and Ma- dame Montage, In ''Brother Jacques." Mrs. ■* "vas. in "*■ .-. Jac«ati.-. inened at the (^rrlck Theatre, New York Clly. Dee. 5. 1004. prevail with nmilnccs dally week, "lllp Van Wlnkh prices under (he direction of Irene Ackerman. Amuug those lu sj>etik and entertain were: Chas. T. Catlln. Ilev. K. M. Sllrcs. imipb Bav- lon llaii4rulli. He v. Joseph Silverman, Mm'o. Clara de Illgnud, Mr. AbeK-romble, May Lyni'h, Alma Morrisnn. Harrl6tte Kr waa.rtiipllcai.-d. TM cltanicters of I'arnnu. Mr. MMh>> com««riy work was IhoruugblV a|>- ZJuJmT'SlJ! Don J were well preelaletl. The Wndmi Skiers, hi s,,ng,,lance P»»»t«ble neck W poi nunpsn.v gavn splrlled |H>rri>rmaiires. "Alda" was rp|s>aled ;'.". June 1 and matinee J. "'Carmen" wis repealed tituilnce ;:u, Jl and nlghl of. June % Savay Thealre (Frank McKee, mana- ger I.-— "The t.lrl Patsy" started Us second week June. 4. Lyric Theatre (Sam S. A Lee Shubert. rosnagersL- Ileurv K. Plxey. In "The Mnu on (he. Bis" begun his neeoDd week June 4. i'imIii" .~"Tiie Social Whirl" commeaced lis ninth week June 4. Adele Itltchle's part mi played by Kllaaheth Brlce In ihe first „ net Msy :i». Miss Bltcblo fainted, but mi gngempiit June 4. Next week euli' to appeal lu iho ovcoud uct. masler'a Daughter." Next will Is? the bill. HuaTiii & StAjnix's Music Hiu, (Hen Hurtlg, manager). — Business has Ikjcii snlls- factor during the warm weather, and there are no Indications of the house rloalug at present. Tills week an excellent bill ts offered. Including the folluwlne: jieoiile : Owen , , , l iV!;,t„V*'i Hoffman and company, itulund ware ami " eioniiany. Al. II. Wfsi »n and company, pre- senlhtc a comedy sketch: Uennlrr nnd tiouc- dler. Tom .Moore. II III and Hill. Princess Chinnullhi, and tbe new scenic church nov- ellv, "The Sexton's Bream." lhtiH-ron'H oxk Ht:.MiRraiAM»TwKNTV-Kirrii Stbkut Tiikatiik 1 F. F. I'rnctur. manager). --"The First Violin" wa« Ihe offering 4 and drew am of ihe usual Monday crowds, widen packed tbe bouse from lop to bottom.' de- spite the warm weather, ttnil Hip uiHllelice was amply rewarded, as one of the best per- formances of I he season was glren. 1'ititl McAllister :iltd Beatrice Morgan divided hon- ors In ihn leading iidps. and wcrp supnurted by l!ti l M'M. I.owf. (ieorge A. laissey. *ollllaiu Vorlou, Bnbert Jenntncs. and Misses Mr- Vane*: Jewell, Deshon and Siott. Tbe VHitde- vllle offers; Alpha Trio, Ida O'lmv and new motion pictures. Next week. "The Prlrutc Sectetnry." Amiamhha (Pen-y (i. Williams, ranuuger). — A well selected bill, with tbe Fays as prom- inent features, crowded Ibis house for the last week of vaudeville this season on Mon- neentur. — At ihe ilay. II. "Itoblu Hood" will Inaugumip a msnuger) the rPKiilur .... season of light am with a change of bill After remodeling nnd en 'urging the eeatfng weekly This week's bill : Couture and nil- rspnclly nnd stage, the next sen son will optrj letle. Aurie Dagwell. Delight Darscb aud Aug 'JO. her Broomstick Witches. Itnymnnd and Cav- li[iK\'ii..vNn 1'abk Thkatre (J. F. filveu erly, Ihe Black Hussjirs and the rays. manager)— Bill Mav -J7 and week: Fdwurd lioTHAM (Sullivan it Kraus. managers).— R Pt m. Ivtullv Iteiin. ifrorge Kale. Auliue Reno The Miami's')! Maids Is the closing aitrnct on Qwm Newark, Iluth Austin, educated does Tor this season, ami 11 well 1Il«l house was „ n d tbr, moving plcturea. Clara Allison Is in evidence, j n ii nil Indications point lu a the pianist. " »xbs.— Manager Jake rtotjcnthkl, of the liubuque, la., whs here Slay 30, Mrs. UoBKiir Boeson, whose stage name was Klleo Bere. died on May :w, In ihe I tench HoHpilii I. New \ork City. •« the re- ault of a surgical oporailon jter/ormed about II week previous. She had been Id poor health f«r about two years, and had not up- Mrs. Kde- Jt'idge Thomas \\. ^PUt-nan, "ridylli Be! iS^aS^irn 1',? g \rw Y«?rk U fltv r &% UVShC £Ft.£3k ^ » slitS^l'ik SS )Skl£* ny'wl.U ne? Hull?- lap 1 ok m USA k hri \?a™\ "aflS r*W ,hefl,r « ,11 Hambiirg. playlnB liotb Kerd\^ lQ ««W m.ftJS thereafter g^ymc Daly's, Madison Suuare, FIelda._ Herald Sfpiarc, Criterion, blhcrty. Murray illll. Four- leenlh Street, Proctor's Flflh Avenue, Proc- lor's Fltly-elfiiitli Street. Third Avenue. York- vllle. trvltiiff I 'In re. CIn-Ie. Miner's Klgblb Avi'iiup. Miner's Itowery. t)er;ev and I^oodon. Mkjiriirk of 'The Vanderbllt Cup" Co. called on Klsle .Tinls ut her hotel, .funo 4, and Henry V. Donnelly, acting as tpokeanmii, nre&ented her wllh a loviug cup or silver. Phe cup Is ll Inches high, weighs ,'17 minces. Is lu the form of a champagne glass, and Is engraved wllh an Inscription that reads : "To KlsleJanls, in rnnitucDioratloii of .» pipautDt i-niupanlnnshlp. fmm the memlters of 'The Vauderbllt Cup' Co., June 4, 1'Miu," ILLINOIS. . thereafter playfug an engagement In Berlin. Krnest Posssri. Jim (iertuuu actor, took her with him on bis ItusslHn tour, during which she played nu- merous leading roles. ICIlen B'urg rauic to tbr Cnited Mtatew wllh Possart, and n>- maincd at Amberg's Thentre, Xew York, for two seasons, is leading woman of the stiwk company. Her American debut was made at Amberg's In 1881), In "To*. ('rent Unknown." Her popularity ns a (ierman MfciW ai wuk very great. In February. 180". ahe made her Initial apiteurame as an Bngllsh speaking actress, as Ivitte Armltage. In "Incog," Iloherr l-.doson being the Ilnrrv Wlnterv. Her second] Liijrllah role wus In a corned v curtain raiser to "-Incog." In November. 1802.slieund Itobert Meson were mnrrlcd, lu Boston, while Mr. hdi'Mjn was. leading man of the old Museum Stock Co. Mlaa Burg Is well remembered for won cinhUKlastlr rerullt, Annie ChMiutlcr Brooklyn — Only two hoiiBea In tbe Bare some Inlersilag lultaliuus, snd her Western District of Ihls hermign are open slitulitE was cujoyetl. Others were: Flu low now. Al tbe Orphenm tpeny ti. Williams, and Dunn. Ilarues hiUI Ktockwell. Fred Cos- toun;igen the oridieum Owni Co., under Ihe grove and Klmer Jeronte'B lerrlers. The vita- direction of Milton ,and Sargent Aborn. RUa [ i;f.-Mili closed the bill. Belnsco Theatre (David Belasco, man- ageri,— lllnncbe Ihites. in "The OUT of the (•olden Weal." started her thirtieth week .iii-.ic 4. Hubert Hlllturd reflrrd fn^m tbe cant May .11, mull uext scanou, hl« part being ;ii- v.'i! by Thuuinii J. Mctintite. tirnnil Opera House l.fobn II. Springer, mannjrert. — "Buster Bnmu" began an en- Tbo Pi»t- uppntHl. on Jtme 4, a four weeks' engagement of Hummer opera. Among the people enctiifted are: Humid Blake, Campbell Donald. Agnes Stone. Mefo Carson. F. S. Heck. Ktirl Stall. \V. II. May, Maurice Itageman and n fine cburus. "ttohlti IIismJ" whs selected aa tin 1 c|s*ulng piece, itlKl was heard bv i». Is rye nudlcticc 4. Mr. Itlnke. ns Itoblu Hood : -Mr. Donnld. ns Guy of Ulaburne; Mlas Stone, aa imute Burden. «t»l Miss Carson, as Anna- belle, were well received. Miss Stone waa TZ. iA R ,„ fH „i ''"work as the Ingenue in "What Happened J2£? . L, %J gll1 .V!' ? J,mw «bd In ^'Children of the Hbetto." ««i ^ iin» H? Ma y. JB - H p '', l««t appearance with her husband was - In the role of Hope. In 'Soldlem of Fortune." at the Savoy Theatre. New York Clly. hi )P»'J. The ftmeral services were held at Iho .Stephen Merritt undcrlaklng establishment. NlnpteeDtli Street and Kighlli Avenue, on June 'J. The rerun Ins were cremated un SHiLL^n, a duncer, formerlv with the Collnl Troupe, and lately with the Salvaged troupe of dancers, whu found dead In his loom al L'74 Indiana Street, tlhlragn, III., on Hi' fcE3"i **^I \" , '"■'• v 8I - ■"■*•* death was accidental, escaping ^ jy^MM- y*. «jtfrtt^ Jl rPBHfd In/ g«s in his mom having asphyxiated hltn. II" was Win in Vienna. Austria, und was twrniy- nluc years of age. '"koruk I'AtiB. formerlv a well known clown, celebrated In b'« day as "Sawdtnt t;eorge." tiled In BnchfHter. N". V.. June I. 1 heir lil|tpodrome tent show. The tour will be for elcht weeks, four In central Illinois ttnd four In funilll towns around Dubuque, openhiE Jftae 11. 'Hie programme will ho alauit .six big acts, with three ahowa daily, at popular prices The back wall of the Madison Opera House "n't Tu'se^lariB*.'' wis &$2*&£P£***1* lu - »""t« lned - M* ■Cftl lihn to ;.«« uuil ibmrt: " Si*M »** »*W" »' hta populif'.'- blmtn do»n durla B a »,«•« Mori nWnt o? £.0% B^J*SS l, '»««' £5 Intellorl. inrt Ike Man uiitl ■■■mi ,, '".,."i ". ■" """" ''"' "" ' ; , " ; "" °"" ■«»"J- He .il«I n j>nan>f."' Vhlladetphla, Pa. anxious to see him. ? ■ :s JUNE 9 th±3 Sftsw TrBfek^bt-if 443 ■ j. ,«.< iir.d Lj JIJKLVII.I.K II, RAYMOND Ihl one or nil Big Mtltlral Cull, ill*. Nrxt 8»iail c*. N'ov.liy Danrer, And CoHlwly 1 pnltn Hon.. IVnnt.-.ii AllunlfK In Oiw. A few warkaouen In Jun. anil Jul).. Thank" to Jlaiiagi". fji uttvi.mnl Kami lan'k la win- fi leurl.. A*titi*.A , . . 807 ■ K. iafctH ttT.. or All i »Qod 4%g«»n*>.a». fijjra Whrei-kr, r-haroelar woman and rnKr II Mans, dip* at Oakland. CM., mi {fit "0 aged Iblttyelgbt wit 8lie went J. t hi 'slaee "W » ctlld ' " nd w " wllh fflnf! """niigsllM" »• "hen still »mt iBrongh the mining ronotty. Slie *a».ln San VEarVo at th« tlbf ill llif eartlinuak*. and tba esposnrfa »b* waa auMMttd lo at that ilea liiflrelbg from the stricken civ resnltrd in bar dfath" Interment was In Mountain Vi.w Cemetery, Oakland. RirUABO WllJ>, nn actor, died la bed on niipirine ulltht. May -20, In a furnished room "e™ Tblrd Street, New York City. Deatb was aaid to have been due to alco- Jamks Vkrnox. nn actor, wboae home was In New' York City, died at the Homeopatlilr Hospital. Pittsburg, Pa., on May 30, Ironi pneumonia. ^' ^ f i f . ; r ■ gcrli it f lifers. Mia. Jbsxjb S»katn-a«, wife of Willis P. Sweat nam. th»- -well known black face com- edian, died on May 31, at the Hotel hoile- clafre New York 'City, from hear! failure. Mr* Sweatnaul vu never on- tbe siage. but iibe rvn-" verv, popular with members of the urofesslon, aud'woa active lu.the Professlouol Woinnn's league. Slie wan flfty-four yenrs old. and was horn lu Wllilamsport, Va.. i diugbier of Judge Appolls Woodward. She was married to Mr. Swearuaui on -lime 1, 18u;i. They had no children. Birou ranUMMr was married to Wil- liam !.. Abingdon, an Kngllsh actor, tit Cal- vary Baptist -Church, New York Oily, on Tuendoy afternoou, May -1». Amelia Bingham nod Ionise Calloway Brnnder were the ma- trons of honor/ Charles Rlcbman wan the best man. De Wolf Hopper, Wilton Lackaye, Vlorent .Serrano, Augustus Barrett and Krnest Uwford were ushers. • A nr.uuKANuivM was banded dowu by toe Supreme Court on May 20, deciding that the Tflliiable pointings purchased by the late Ju- feph Jefferson, belonged to tbe widow's shore of the estate and, therefore, sbe won entitled to the proceeds of tbe recent auction aale of them Id New York. Tbe pictures brought about attOOiMO. ■ Fat Davis, rbe-aotress, was married May 23. to Herald- Lawrence, >au English, actor. formerly iu the company of tbe late Sir Henry Irving. Tbe ceremony was performed quietly at No. dl Colombia Road, Dorchester, jWoh, Mas*. ■ liOtMH A. EittLts, maoa^er of "Utab" Co., laovyrenc-e & Karle, owners, writes : "We vpt npd our ' Siimnier aeaton > of oa» night staads oii tbe t'nlin It (Irflnt circuit most EixreHsfnlly at l.lvermore I-*b11b, ■ Me., 'May IT, presenting Lem B. Parker's welt known Mormon, play, 'Utali,' with an exceptlnti- c 11 y atroag cast, headed by William Law- renee, late of Den man Tboropson's' "Old HomPHfeod" Co. We have the bent of New KaglHQd lime, carry n lavish display of ape- ilal printing, and a company that is necond to none for dramatic ability. Judging from ibe enthusiastic reception acconted Ma' by 5ood sized BudteDces.' Our cast confllsta'of: oe Caldwell, William - Lawrence , Daniel Strong, Spencer Cliartera ; .lohn Farntini. Horat.-e V. Noble; Frank Karntim, Ira K. Karle; Bishop Uannon, Fred W. . Coulter; Abner Brown, M. H tlrotto; Joseph I'eter- Bon, Frank English ; David Moore, Cbas. Marria: Faith Karnuu, Tesale Loralae; Ma Caldwell, Rene D'Arcy; Grace Caldwell, Pear. Ford. E. C. Andrews Is press repre- sentative. ■" . - •: Ernri. FottTF-K and her slaters have join. J JMcPbec'H "H. ■ T. IV Co., dolog Ophelia, Topsy aud. Dva. td In time to open lip again In-Atigust. ■InwiiM, Kkixy writes: ''1 hnve closed my seBson of forty-four weeks, and nor at home. J.ncm-llle, Teun.. preparing for tbe season of lWtl-1007. The past season was u record breaker through the Southern cities. 1 hnve two scenic artists, at work preparing pro- duct Ions for my repertory of next sensou. Tbe entire repertory at plays will he new to the South, Including tbe play 'The Blood of Ibe Father,' which 1 recently purchased. Twenty jwople will be carried, also a car load of Mcenery nnd effects. Seuson op^us July IS, in Kentucky." XiiTKS AND nbSTKH OP CHUNN'R OrKATKR "Unci.i: Tom's Cuir Co. — Our business has been good since the o[>etilng, April- 28, We haven't turned them nway, but tbe sfcnw U doing a nice business aud giving tbe best of satisfaction. Krerythlng Is bright and new. We travel In our own private car. the Accommodations being Hrst class. Kverylwdy Is well and everything looks good for a pros- perous sedsou. uur new water proof. canvas Is Jim [iini.it the real thing. This Is not Ibe largest "flnrle Tom" show ou the road, but we are pleasing the people. The following people are with the compuuy : J. D- Clitinh. sole owner, aud proprietor; V. C. Westlsnii. business mnunger; f^ou BrookH. stage mana- ger; Robert Norberg, band leuder, with twelve men; Prof, tins Kellmer, lender of orrhesira. with elgbt solnlstsc Mrs. V. ('. Westlond. Mrs. Ma rip Brooks, tbe Russell Children, Net- tle Moberlv, J. Moberlv. II. II. Marl. F. S. Putiann. Dm Jerkea, W. .!. Stone, Ceo. K. Robinson, Jutnes Westlwnd, H. Herron, A. Horsfall. Joe Carter, A. M. Pierce, It. lew Park. Augusta, Ua., playing principal pomedt wltb the Peruchl-QypzeneX'o." , ElTTh Stronu Ib being Teatureil with tae 'rnw. II. Nr.mVK'K bus lieen re-eDgagwl for the part r»f Sam Ornnt, In 'The Nlnetv and Nine" Co..' for next sensiou. S. H. Akw>i.u writes; "| closed n season of twenty-eight weeks in Hamilton. Out.. Inst week, and lenve fnr my home In Detroit. Mich., where I will begin booking and pre- paring scenery for my new play. 'Wlll-o'-the- YVlsp,' n musical fnrce comedy of the day, which will use thirty-five peoplt*. Virgin uln I^e i'olletler will play the title rule, and wlill* the paper Is not vet out of the printer's hands, It will be' the best olttnluoble. In twen'y-one styles. I expect only to book the large*,- one night end week Rtands." NOTR8 FROM GORDON * BenSrtT'S "IloVAI,- SiaAVE" ("North*.— We* closed in Sprlnglleld, III. Reginald Knorr nnd Kleanore Bella left to join Wood it Thompson's "Struggle for Hold" Co., Miss Hells to do the Ingenue, and Mr. Knorr the heavy. Miss Jlellu% iix.ther. May Treat Rella. has been with "Struggle for flour Co., for tbe past sixteen weeks, doing the Biddy, nnd bus received great praise Itotli from her mnnugers and the public. Mr. Knorr is one of the- four ueople who opened and rlosed with 'Tie Slave' 1 niramj this season, having been with the couipuny forty- three weeks, ind twelve weeks' season pre- vious with "The Holy Cily.'* c. A. Ct^iikk has signed as representative with the De Pew-Rurdette Co., opening In Ju ly. . The West a nd Sunt ■ west will he toured. The company will unrulier eighteen people. A repertory of ploys new la flint ter- ritory will he produced with elaborate scenery for each. The season will he forty weeks, thirteen weeks are a trendy booked. Among Hie Tatidevllle feutnre.s nlrendy secured ore:' Tbe Pepper Twins nod Minnie Ihi Prep, hurk and wing dancer. Jack tiAMttim.i., tuistness mnnuger for R J. Carpenter's "A Little OutunsC^ Inst sea- son. Is spending Hie Summer m his home lu .Minneapolis Minn., ami hits signed with Mr. Carpenter for the same position for next season, when tbe show ifoes lo tbe Const. Joskimi C. Mc-Ookv will fill a Hummer en- gngeineiit'wlth-tbe Uo m t &* Snow Stock Co., at Falrjland Park. Memphrs, Tenn. HutRY 1'i.Tisn, for the pasr three seasons fidvertlslng agent at Cycle Park. Dallas, lex., has closed bis engagement there, aud has .signed with the North Bros.' Comedians, as advance agent. Mr. Kiting siatea that this is thp strongest^ popular priced attrac- tion lie hits ever bundled. Walter Scott Obf,hii:h closed his season's eiiKtgeunent with tbe Mamie Fleming Co, at Atlantic City, on May Sf, and has taken an engagement In Chicago for tbe- Mummer. Thos. II. Oaklf.v lias Just Dnlslied a sen- son of elgbty-three weeks as- leading man with Slater's Comedians, aud Is resting at bis home at Niagara Falls, for the .Summer. Martin Rowers, comedian and vocalist, closed u -toffy we weeks* engagement with .las T. .McAfpln's "Hons Hnrison" Co.. ou May ua, at Bfalr, Neb. .He reports that tbe show has been to the const and back, and business has been good, fie will rest at his home lu Chicago ail Sitniruer, with bis folks. MoRoan-Pepplr Ok Notes.— One of the best routes thfliS possibly could be secured by o repertory company hus been booked bv iir for next season, which opens Aug. 1. near Chicago, and goes South over tbe Chuoiber- llu, Crawford, Oreenwall and Klaw & I'r- langei' circuits its fnr as Charleston and New Orleans, returning North in the Spring, clos- ing the season Saturday. June l. ut Bny City, Mi.'li. Thia will be ibe second season, the past one being very successful, due -to tbe presentation ?f welt known plavs carefully staged under the direction of Douglas* Morgan and Lou Harrington. A nntnber of well known surcessea have been mem red. for next season. for-Whlch special ncenery Ik now- hero* painted. The company will aiimner rwenty people, including 1-. Bertlnl Sweet's lady or* chfstrn, also n ntimher of well known vaude- ville acts. . -- - . J. 1 H. (Lihsioe. proprietor of ibe Oorside Slock Co., Is spending Hie Summer wltb- bis wife (Kiumtt Warren l lu New York, ut their city residence. '■ , Iteiiecca Warren, Stock, nt ludlantrpolls. play- lug the title role In "Dr. JekytT uud Air. Hyde." i ■ (ii.a IlitMPHitKY has signed with J. C.-Wll- llamsou. lo go lo Austntllu t» play leads in •'The VlrglnJHD." "The Snitaw Alan," nnd other plays Mr. Williamson secured during bU recent visit here. Mlss> Humphrey left Mny -o'. for Sun. Francisco, and will sail for Assfralfn from that elty. Cohav £ Harris have engaged Willis p. Ssrpatnnm for Hie part of Raton Ham. lu "lleorge Washington Jr.." for n«xl season. Lio\ki. ItAimv :.|i>rti, bus anuounied his In- tention of leuvlng the stnge. nnd will s|hmuI next Winter In lfiris, studying art. ' Llt.t.tAN Br.AiivEi.T has heen engaged bv Jue Weber for his coinpany for next season, and will appenr iu llslit: opera, which will form Hie first section of the bill nt i lie Music Hall next year. "Kraxk S. Da Vinson's "The Folks up Willow Crank" Co. closed a successful sen- sen of forty weeks at Albion, Ind.. Mny "".l. Maiiuger Davidson will spend the Hummer at cievelnnd, o., opening the next (our near that elly Aug, 1,i. Nenr printing and scenic equipment Is now being prepared, and the well known attraction will go out Iu better form than ever, we are Informed, Fi.oitBNcu Havih will nguln star lo "The Player Maid" during the eurjy part of next season. Her new piny, now being written by a well known author, will be placed In re- hearsal during the- holiday*. Frank T. Klntx- lag will direct both lours. NOTKS I-'IHIM IlK-N'TF HOW'S JofJ.V I*ATI1* FiNMRH. — We have Jimt i-loserl one of tha most success fill engagement s ever played hi s papular price rompuny, at Suburban Park, Vlilwbtirg, .Miss. On Saturday night we gave n Macau performance for the V. <■- T., fh* entire house belDg aold to thetn. Managers Moles and Kcntfrow had the casino ileco- rated In the colors of the order, and the per- formence wan witnessed by over A tnoiisaod people. All voted it the best company ever seen nt popular prices. J. I-;. Males, mana- ger of the park, make** things pteasatit for nil companies playing his pork. C'iias. I". l'riKi.i. has signed for his third reason wllh Nat M. Wills' Co. Ai.f. c. pRAir-r. bos been re-engaged fnr next senson with Billy II. Van's Co. Ah. .idium his i-lnsed wllli Ibe J. I.. Tempest Stock, as musical director, aud. Is laying off In Hoylestowii. I'D., prior to taking Hie position of pianist at Zeber's Park, I.atis- dale. Pa. Joe TiiAVKft opened with thn Uoge Hlork Co. at St. John. N. B.. May XX Tor a ten iveeks' tour, of Ihe-tnarltlme provinces. Ivthki. Bahrtmork will spend her Hummer rncatlnu at a cottage In Maine, and will nor go to Loudon ns previously nnnouncpil. Brrn Pi.yhiton Is at tba Orange. Silver Lake, Mass., Tor the Summer. lie will not be> seen lu "The Due]" next season. Ri tii St. Ui'mh will appear la London la her Fast lndiun dance*, under tbe mana|- anBt-of H rar g. B , liar.:—— -^ —- . Ki.esa IIahuis, who Inst sei)«nn cleverly port roved the role of Mrs. Tiger, lu "Running for Ornce," has lieen engaged hy M.. It. Bay mond for the nilp of Baroness, In snpporr of Knute Krlckson, lu "The Semlnar> a lllrl." Miss Harris will also be beard la two feature numbers, supported by n latge chorus. aftkk i.nNii nrootiation'.' Manager itn dolnh Aniiison has succeeded In proeurlng the famous orchestra from l.n Scnln, Milan, to nemmnany LeoncavulUi during bis tour In thn I.nlred States and Canada next Fall, when only the works of that popular com- poser will be performed with a company of dMIuguhhed vocnllsts, now being choseu lu Italy. Ckablkh M. Thau, has lieen re-engaged by Harry Doe! Parker for next season, to go In advance of the Kastern "Under Houtherii Skies" company. I- nmk M. Chapinon lias also lieen re-engaged ns acilng manager for the same company, which opens Its season nt Halifax. N. s., Aug. la. Mr. Parker hns Also r«-eitgng»r K. J. Buckley as huslne>- one of Harry Doel Parker's several mod product Ions nexr sensoo, nnenlag Sept. 17. ■ Abk LRavitt tins lieeu given tlie verdict In his salt for divorce against Charloiic l#vy i Lottie Kllloff). The ense was tried In the Supreme Court, before .lust Ice Ihigro and n Jury. Mr. I.euvin will now :i-k font divorce, "The Dfw a.m> tiic Yahi»." a song, by Alnrle Born, has Iwen accepled by diaries L'roli m:i n. nnd will In- toing I n London bv F.llflllne Terrlss.' enrge M. Coliau. Lrt.if fii.ASER has .signed con true is wltb the BolJis- Merrill Co. for tbe dramatic rights ■I "The House of u Thousand Candles." W. 1L tjn.sv and Manom rxiRIi hove ac- quired the rights to "It Mnppened lu Nord- lund." HciNU.ru Conimxd bus eugaged Itlln New- man, u Collfomlu soprano, for tbe Metropol- itan Opera Co. • May Inwix will appear at tbe Bijou Thea- tre, New York, next season, In a new plaj, by f.eorge V. ilobart. , J. Mov Bennett, late of tbe ttraud Open Houae Stock Co., of New Orleans, La., has signed for tbe Summer with tbe Lester Lou- ergan nnd. Mortimer Snow Stock Co., nt Mem- phis, Tenn. ' Char. Fanninu. tbe Australian comedian, hns arrived la America wltb his wife, Ueor- gln IV Voe, and child. < Lii.ijan Dave.n tins signed for slock this Summer nt Ibe Theatre Praneals. Montrenl, i 'fin., nnd for UPit season with Cbas. K. Riiiney's "Across the l'Eclth." to again ploy ".Madge."'.. I- Tub Thkathical NAtiONArJ BAkk wllf/open lu ctiirjuo: in .lane, with a paid up capital of $l.(KlO t (ined. nt Pltcalru, Pa., April H», under canvas, for fen days, and incked tbe tent eocb night, 'Hie company Is beaded by*Irone •leiivons. under the management of Thos. Jen- vohm. We curry twenty-six people iu oil.' Following Is the executive staff; Thos. Jea- 1MR, manager; Al. ('. Wllsou, stagi- director ; Job Jeavnns. advance rppresentiitlve; Jbm. Rossnrl. treasurer: Bob Jenkins, master of properties : (Frldny) Wllmout, boss canvas nm; Harry Sylvns, hostler, and Jock Stan- ley, electrician. The roster of the company !■■: Irene Jeavnna, Helen Be Ven*. Little Irene, Dolly Many. Florence Hterling, Thos. ■leuvnns. At. t". Wilson, Louts Anror, Clutl- den K. James. Dick Barry, Thus. Duucnn ond Fred Runhnell. Our repertory nnoihers twenty up-to-date comedy dramas. Including ■lu old Vermont." "The World Against 11 In.' "Land o' Cotton." "hlghlliuuKe Jtolihery." etc. Our speclnlllcs are iutrodiieed between the nets iiynick anil Dolly Hurry, (iladtleii K, .lumes, Al. ('. Wilson onil Stanley's moving pictures. Business hns lieen line since the openlug nlglit, nnd we have not lost n night, notwithstanding storms nnd cold wi-ather. Aha iti:iu\ Is very 111 at her home, 1A4 Wesi Ninety-third Street. New York City. niid It Is feared that' she Is ntilTerlilg from nn- nlher attack of appendicitis, sin* was lo have sailed for Baglund, but her trip was nbainloued for a tlme.,nt lensl. f.'itARLF.s From man has engaged Marie Tempest and Fills Jeffreys to stnr Jointly In America. , AiiTtii'it W. I'tKEito hos selected Margaret llllngtou to piny the leading purl lu Uie pro- duction In New York of "Ills Home In Ord«r." - - ■ The Corinne Rrs'Kt.P. Rtotk On, opens Its second sr-iMoti nt Lakewnod Park. Otirhnui. N. C May 91. The- company was very pnpit< lor there lant Summer, nnd Is always :wel- corned by the Durhomlles, W\i, Stami*iri> closed o twenty-eight weeks' pngagtuieiii with Hie Irene Mvers Co.. at New- port. It. L, and Is wllh the Henley Slock Co. (under rsnviiMt. for the Summer, pluylitg comedr nnd doing his dancing specialties. He Non:s rnoM Br«T Imson'h I'io Co. — Wc opened our leailng ieu-»m Mny *t;t. to tutu- nwny ImslneHs, lu spite of imd weuther, and look forward ti» n big senton. The show made a decided hli. and one of the feulures If Prof. Fred Heincr'* inmiv bund and orchestra. Roster : Hurt Inisnn, sole proprietor and man- ager : Hoy V,. HogRii, ndvntire: ,1. II. Ouvng, second mnn; Howard Fuse, stage manager nnd alienor: Mrs. Burt Imson. treasurer: Prof. Fred Itehner. musical director ; Harry St. chtlr. master of irnusnortatlnn. Thrcom- pnny Indiidesi these people — Umt imson. H. I,. t!*ae. Krtgnr Dnrreli. Harry St. Clnir. R. K. Ilogan. the Zellns, Winona Addlngton, Irene Imson. Maliel Appier, Fred llelmer. Mrs. Fred Belmer. F.i*le Helmer. Olive llel- mer, Sarah llelmer, the eight-year-old wonder child trntnhonlsl. Chus, llueksford: Herbert Tlinypr, Frank lk»emer, uiaster of canvas; John Heuueli. Mn. and Mas. Ai.varkk tNellv Lyons lUnly). who recently closed h season of thirty wwks with the Crudoc-N'eville Co.. nre now* nt tbelr home. I'eiin Van, N. Y., for the Hummer. They hnve signed with the Clorn Turner Co., for npxi season. ■PnTEtlW" PERRI.KSH I'l AVERS NOTES.— We npenrd our pavilion season Siiiunlny. Mny 1'J, nt Mnrystllle, Kitu. Sells- Kioto's CittW was In opposition, hut tlesplle that fact the sale of Hi-Vets had to Is* sloped nt 7..10, ond stRu'Hng room was nt n premium, since that time capucliy. business has been lite rule, ntid the universal opinion Is Hint It Is the best nnd strongest nttrncthtn yet offered. Maxwell & Warnn. owners nnd managers, have intro- duced an Innovation In pavilion attractions, mid their success Is wholly deserved. J. Co Mir F.mtoNi'N rinsed with theCnidoc- Nevllle Co.. nt Jackson. Mich.. Mny 10. nnd was re-enguged ns i-oiiiedbni hy Manager Cra- ll.l- for lieit sen "irl:. Fiavk iIaiikett, "the uprilde down plnti- 1st." now wltb tlie Markhnm's "Ole uinon Jr." Cor plnylng tlu*- Northern eountrv, Writes: "Business hns been good. I nm nmk lug gillie it hit with my hlnn.i specliiliy, play- ing 1 1u> piano In nine ililTereiit jsislllons. W.< lire (.-inrvjan nine people, l-l»ir 'new sTenerv bus mi iiWfi. We start Houlh June L The roster: Al. ft. Mnrkbtiui. proprietor uud intlli- ager . Mayiue-Mi-clure, itsenr Newltt. Ilunlia Hughes, Will Davis, the Martins, Harry Weill*, and Prank unrreo. specialties and liiii-lcj'l dlreetor. lieu. Audorson is Id nd van. ■* We act the iii.i. Hemadlr "'every week, and It is very welcome." HarhvM. Pbicb; (lennan comedlnn. closes his season with Melville b. Raymond's "Hun- ter Brown" Co. June !i, at New Haven The- atre. New Haven, Conn. Chas. llAHTsototi writes: "I closet) with 'Down Vermont Way" May 1-', sud have recently f been negotiating for the production of 'At Vnlley Forge' next sea-wo. 1 will riuy It entirely over tbe Dixie circuit, nnd have engaged Kiln iivaiw for leads." Kiu.kn Montforti and Chic and Hnrvey closed with the Lyceum Comedv Co. in Oonverneur, N. V, Mny kffi, nnd hnve Joined tlie Mh'iroe Illllninti Stock Co. for tbe Huat- mer. |f -. ■- • N'OTKM KROll TltK C, W. PaDRKR AJIUHE- MF.NT Co.— TIiIh show will this senson l>e under the mnnagemept of Itoy hi. Cramer and H. H. Tyler, and everything bas been re- modeled and repainted. It Is conceded to be the moat beautiful show (VI. Parker hno aver sent on the road. We hnve four free acts, and fourteen pay shows, and It requires twenty cars to haul tbe show. The senson opened Mny 'J-i. nt Kllsworih. Kan. II. K. Merkel is In his old position as prerin repre- sentative nnd manager or "The Al|w." Harry Shields Is general promoter, and Dick A. Fulton thirty duy agent. ItOMTKii of Story's t'AXVAt* 1*iirATntt: F. S. l .Sloi-y, (iropi'leloi- and uionngers ; A. While, luisliicss nm miger :Wm. A. Muck, stnge man- ager ; Hen Pftttenmn. ranster of props: Kd. iloll. Ihism cnuviiM man: Ony Hull, boss i-bau- (tellers : the Whiles, imvell vm'i : t'ol. Ouvel- leih, high wire wulker, aud n blind of tweuty pli'ies. UiiMlness Hoc. Cf,|l>lT.tt a regular visitor. Win. A, Mick -U uteetlng with Due siicceioHn bis new speclnllleH. ' Ho.stkk up BcitK's Din Hnow, under can* van: C. K Heyerle, owner: I*t«I It. I'llibcr. inaimger : Harry Welch. Fred- ft, Knv. Clmrles I'rokop. J. W. Ili'Htli. Homer Jenkins, Lou W. Hitlibard. c. L. .Incksoii. A. K. .Itdinson, II. Itiitnmnge, A. K. Mhepberd. Herb (Iregg, J. W. llurllnu, Harry MrVetm. Hurry Uonu, Win. Iliirrett, w. II. Burns, J, M. fhiiit-un, Frank Ihiyer, "Lumond." Totn Wnildell, Arthur .Ion- (Ireini, W. M. l.'ji-. Joe Ktihu Jewell Spurgeon, cIibh. ciauson. John Kngllsh. a. I,. i,i Mnr, l.tiilier Itohlnsoii, Vernon Skinner. Mrs. c. F. Iteyerle, Leouu Fairfax, Jennie Treshnm, j'dim Slend. Mm. Cliupln, Miss Chanlti, Hurry I'hutiln. I'lori'iire I'orrltine nnd Mrs, John Kngllsb. ItwuRTR fr'im the HellA-Plolo Slmws an- noiliire a very nice IniHiness, i-nnslderlng Ihr i .Ml weolher ilihutgliout the Northwest. They show in Denver June 1H and IU. ItoiT. A. Dk LtsbR writes from l>*ilrvlew, Midi., an follows : "My wife, kimwim* RHmV ilorwdad. Mhg very III; nlid tin- deaiji of •air child, compelleil inc in close the ( -n u miy known as De I. Isle's Overland Circus, at Mon- ii"', Mich. 1 linvf lakeu Mrs. De Lisle lo our tUuniner In i lu i- nt Fulrvlew. near Detroit." \'in:s nioxi Homiki u Hros.' Oor.pKV Masiot Uaii.way Hitnws. now traveling In Hh own special iiulace rullway coacheH.-- Itrnter of bund: Prof. Hurry Heldley. baud llUlster; I J co. Hinall, solo coNiet ; Cm! Cumii- '.•II, i; r Hi cornet: M 11. Heldley. i-larlllei ■ J. O. Tlgitor, slide trtinihone: J. f{. rruckcr, I'HrltMue ; Jny Woods. nlt» : A. L. Mulder, tuba : Frnak Crockett, imps. Performers: 'Niugerty llros,, Prof. A. J. Miller's t ruined MtiiK JotiiRi, nn emplove of Cntnnilnfi* Wll.1 West Show, which was en *osi*> from Ftitavln. N, Y., lo Renaci Fulls, whllrt' pass- ing through Cnmndslaiin on the morning of May V.'t, was thrown from the train In the Northern Central Dallrnnd yards, and wbs so *-erloimly Injured ibat he wns taken tn lite \iemnnnt llosnltnl, where It was found that be bad sustained a broken arm. n con ciisslon of the hrnln and a scalp wound. Notrs i U.VM CUAXRI'S. SKW .MfMIHI. KltOW. —We mo Just returning frouj our Winter trip South. IlusluesR has been great down there wllh this show. Will tti Ish the sea son In Mlchlgiin. inir roster remnms Ihe some. Keniurky was our best State, This show will be enlarged next season nt Hng- mnw, lo twice Its present site. C. H. Camiv. of i.rs-nl Nn. 4, closed with car No. 1 of the Haruuni A Dnlley Show ftl lltislon, Mny L'N, to accept n more tiicrfltlve |u>hltlon with ii new iiunis<>mc)ii enlerprlie m he opeiietl shortly ot Atlantic City. S. J. llAiitv I.. M-NsiiN. hlnrk r»r*i> comedlnit, writes: "I am mpetlUK with big mii-rem. as Is also Hurt Howe, raus chnrarier-tmi»ersi-ni- olor Willi Ifartreiven' lllg. H. It. Mhows Ituxiness Is good, Hiiiwlihsiandltig Inclement weather. The Oi.n IlKt.UHt.K reaches im nil every week." HnsTRit or advertising cal-Vd. |. Frank a, Itoliblus' Circus: W. M. tloodwlii.. enr man ager: Vernon Smith, boss bill poster: J. t: Slsler. boss lltnvgrapber : Chas. Iiiaaj Hirrev Johnson. Chas, Mlltlrum. Dr. McCnnn ami Jmltl Splcer. bill posters. Pncle Hill Hood win Is conk. X.lTKM FROM Al.. F, WHRFI.RR'S NBW Moin:i, Snow Asnux.— Sluiv our upsnlna, ■M'OI S8. this dfpiirtinent. und«r lanuagemeot •if Will I'. Miller, lis x hern dolog an excelleht business. We liuve i>Ue |»f (be sirongesi H |de shtiws ever carried by a wngtm sbow; Fol- lowing, Is the roster: Mndniu ts ' Nora, lire imri'ii it nd hitui.'iu Iioin.i : S|inuld|e. tralued dog : Clio, snake chnrmec fenriirlng her IDft. I«ia conslrlci.ir; the (in-at I'errliin. lion urlj Mly Hleu. second slglu;. net; Will T, Miller, iiiiiglc \ctiirlhspilsm and Pum-h nml Jmiv. i»nr cut, Hou i three niotathx oldk .irrivel Mtv 2-L atrnpyiug. o cage wllh n Jamh and a dag. NllTgN FHO.M IIUFFALo BlI.I.'S Wll.l* WFHV. -After nine weeks In itnlv. RnhTolo Hill's Wild Wesi entered -Austria, ot Trieste, where iltree days' record ninklng business aB|n done. The nine weeks In Italy was' simply "Im- mense," and a inuhfiii reporrnf thesiii'cess tttuinclally nud otherwise, would hnrdlr be Iwlleved. yet It Is anre to say Mint It will he bnid for uuy other show In lfMMl to duplicate iu-nloe nuocesHlve wenks the business dune by Col. Cody's Rough Riders. The Italian season was ilnlshed with u uintlnee at Udlne, nbd it looked ns If the entire popuUtloo of the Nnrtbea«itern corner of Italy nod conte to see ■logs. Prof. Ontman, «|ue»tr(iiii director: (lev. will close Aug. 1, to lake the management of Daiigherty, pnntomlihe clown: chas cross, nil's "A Pair of ('nun try Kids" singing and talking clowu; Om, Duiiglieny, Jny No. 1 Co., which o|M-ns the miiklleof August, near CliIcaKit. Kittt Kkrwin OntFKiTit .and ltohy Oer* tnnle Orilllili hnve Just returned to New York, having been severe sufferers In the San Francisco earthquake. ICriY PffiM jolnefl the Henley Slock Co.. at cotiiieniit, ft, Mav in. for general' business and io do his singing nnd talking -qvciHitv MARtt: flu. mi-:)!, -vlio Is resting ni her home, ciiattnnooga, Tenn., ifier closing on May in i very successful season ns leading woman wllh the crudoc- Neville Co. hns been rr-en- gatred bv Manager Cradoc for nexl senson. Harhv F. Winhmas, manager for Joe W. Spear's "The Irlsb Pawnbrokers" Co.. writes i l»nt after n most prosperous season of forty- four weeks, tbe abow will close at St. John. tyw Brunswick, June tl. and often fig i lu nhrjut the iniihlh* of August. Mr. Wlusinun will spend the Summer ut Atlantic city ind As bury Hark, N. J., until his seisuu opens. TBI IWir» DBAMATtr Co. Will close 111 seosou June 'Si, and opens again early la tbe iicmhtiilc clown : jjattle Ulchnrd, riving rlugs and concert, and Howard Honhetir's group of trained dogs, ponies nnd goals. Working people: Lou Hogardus, ' muster of canvas Assistant*-— Charles Coiilirup. Herbert Hrld|e and .Mmk Porter. John (ling, train Ikiss: Pet Olng, assistant ; C. W. cnles. car iu- siiector : Arlliur Chase, »lw». \V. Jules,-, nil^y ( 'rusetiberry uud Charles (.'imrch. VV. ■ N- Wltliutnrsh. stipcritiiendent of stock : William Hands. ■ porter;* Ike Davis, groom; CftOrlns Thompson, cook; assUti-d bv Isitu Burnei : Iltjwtud A Iionliciir, geuenit mpiiflger : J. It. Honhcnr, tri-nsiirer; A. il. RnniiPttr, advahie ndJiiMiei- : Penrl rtuutieiir, oRlce iNNistint : Vern Stevens, bill poster ami progrHmmer. Husiness hns been phenouienally good from tbe day wp left tbe Winter niinrters. . Paw. Pfjhino writes: "Ihtve rsceuily pur- chased n sit months old Hon, which I hnre placed -iu eihlMtlon wltb the Al. F. Wb^ei^r. Hhow.ju I'onjiiui'i i'.-n with u dug aiid Utah, nil Hi one cHfe." ai.ma Aikev his Jr-lDll the Miber Stock Co. fot iead-i. us. ft a had iiu every totjM and ei-erv fnot of convns, nad.coiitd easily accommodate IH.'KM, nurd yet »e were unable to nnd rotun for t be crowns. Al dinner Colonel C-sly rtdjaM the ls*ys to iiiienlk>fi nod said : "I know Jon will ngiee wltb me when I suy tint It will is* hard for us to pin front liuly. The wild West has traveled mil given performnucei-lii more countries than ouy other orgaiilsWiiiMi, Iml It. I'l-umlrierj for Italy lo etfeed nil foreign coiiutries In the warmth of her welcuine to ih nnd the vslue of lier pnlronnge. We itlll hare uthers in henr from, as we go to six more countries before we return to our own beloved home, but they will have to yet a lively move on' lo beat Italy." Kvery man In Hie Wild Wool snloyed to the fullest extent the tour of Italy, and honestly regretted the necessity far quitting tba coun- try. Dnr season began eoriy nud will clbse late, as, we do not expect to llnlih Ritrppe be- fore November next. Col. Cody Is In tni" best of health and spirits, nini IiIh shooting from hoenehnck is as good tills senson as ever In bis life. Kvery member tif.the orgunl7atlon Is In tin** fettle, nnd the best of humor prevails Infill il'rei'ili.m. All will be gin d i» get tionie next Full, hut you i-ouldn't get a mail to ipilr now, and miss I his mmihoii'm (ravels, eips- rleuee nnd Hlghts. The colonel hns been made lbs object of. lunch personnl al tent Inn from dUilugiilsheit jienpi,' of ur living In Italy. Tbe king prcseuiiMl film with n handsome gold cigarette ruse hertrlng ihe roynl nsoioginui tiixl cresi In ovrr :iim illaiaun Ik '('lie link- of (Jennn (liucle of Hie king) govs It lot n linndNiime chroiiaineter watch With the ducal ciest nnd ftionogrflni III dlmnduds aud ritldes. Many oihsr handsome and valuable souvenirs hnvfl ricen presented, anil the colonel will have it mimi heiiiilifui dlspiuy when be returns to Ihe Slotes. NVikm fiiom FIN.-CM Cjbith,— -This. Is. wir fourth week iml, mid we bnv** hnd ifo-.o weather and good ItuslncNs. Itccornilon l»ov we liirund them nway nt lioi h performnnceN. Wi- 1 1 o v ij a Itnild of fourteen pieces, lieiwli'd hy Cnns. Coons, nud Mr old friend. Mr. Ilftker. Wi* receive Ikts t'liji Kki.iaiii.k every week, and l be ghnsl iiIho entiles ilhiilltd every Humbly ami presents everyone wllh un en- velope. We hnve a troupe .if n |k d.i-pj, which MP Kroni fnvnrlirs: tweiity-nve liorses, sli (ionics, nnd three donkeys. Kverylaidr Is well, mill «e look forwurtl to u prositerous Hi'llSoii. thn- riiMler Is ns follows: Thoa I." Flint, (owner and fiuinnser : Al. (irciilt. IiiihI- iiess Imitiiiin-r ; HrlTntli>r N'ewinitn, cniu-eri nm linger j bonis Movliin. one srui Hcrolinl : Mr, Miirmy. coiuectlnb : Ackernmn mid Wei- sir, Itntid imlnncers npd inprMb- performers; Iltih Hordoii, mtii II Ih r 1st ; Mr. Newman. <-|o*mi ; Marie tpqrp, Irarpew mid rings ■ Karl ouil his irlck in-.vcle net. It. Hordon, side nhow mnunger, iisslsled by Mnrte (Jonlon. Him.t Kiv Kaiii, m-wi rh> Juggler, has re- Joined ■ he ntirtiiun k llnlley Show, after a tour of fourteen weeks oil tile Kellh elretill Ho In Itonkeii solid until Feb, II m-t opeii- liig Dee. :; nt Keiih's. Hosinn. ' Iltmm FROM HoilBTV I iln [■H. — Dii Moli- dny. May i!K, SHininrl'M Hoclriy CIrens nniMieil nt Sprlngllehl, O., fur the Itenelli of the K. of P. Lodge. Nnlwlthslnnding Hie hielenieiit weather, people were turned awn v. titer v* tiling Is new, from the rnsrene la the dress- ing top. We parry a lOfifl. rouml ion, with two Mtft middle pieces. The roster of ths show Is as follows: Coiiki-Tm laiff Clrciw, ibe Hiittirlf Fnmlly. triple trnpew nnd ■ llornnii IndderH: Wooley and Piers, nerlnl triple burs : Hen and Uwls. novelty ladders • Hlin-lali- nnd Cnrllale. double wire walkers ; Itjirtouc t-nbtortloiilHl : Hnmuyon, ciuuil swing ; Manuel Itonifiti rings ; Wr Islii nnd Cooper, harrel Jumpers and novelty bur: Stapleioii olid chaney, lint spinners, runt Juggling and hoop rolling: Cfliironn nhd Alhln, nnnClers; Unr [Oh. single imps: Cnrrlgnn nnd llttyes, sting- Ing nnd dltiu'lng comcdliitiH ; N'oxou Sisters, slngprs nnd dancers, and Kli-by nnd Hntilih, KniK'linhaiil clowns; Prof, Then. Stunt, bond- mis't-r, nnd the following musicians : Paul Llebnn, F.nrl Inmn, Arthur Andersun, ('ban. Monroe. J. If. Morgan. Anlonle llpsnee, 1C TV. Nehrf, Mlltc Ouln-e. K. C. ICggeh ClJfforrl ^sf- lerfli>o, nnd ,1. M. Dro«-ti. c. i:. Cinnoahas clirtrge of Hie Midi' show, ond nrrlas u 40xiiift. top wllli an SUft uotiBle deck S front. tV Softlet; Clnns will show In lliti, . this week, tut tbe benetlt of tba r. 0. l. A. M. r.od|«. BP^'.' '"'■■■ 444 ! hi ill bit Ml'tef' 4"iki-: ; ;,:- if ill* "v..i; \m. im \m: THE. NEW YOEK CLIPPER. .. * JtJKE 9, Pawnee Bill's Wild West and Great Far East Go. WANTS For the Brighton Beach Engagement, HIGH CLASS AND NOVEL ACTS OF ALL KINDS. Troupe of atrangc foreign people, riding acts and rldera of all nation*. aeniatlonal exploit*. * mechanical feature for a free exhibition, soineihlnB on the order of the limit or Auto-Bolide; can use nvfl or iJx more Arabian tumbler*, a troupe or Jspuiie«e performers, b troupe' of lOex-U. 8. cavalry- neo who are thoroughly experienced In the monkey drill, a well drilled troupe of zouave*, a Galling gun drill, or any well drilled military organize! loo, ft fife and drum corps, one more lady bucking noMe rider, trick .anno experu, and any new or novel performunee"inultaolB for anouldoor attraction. For the Museum we want a number of rurioaliien and novel performances, Albinos, spotted people, long haired tadlea, a fat woman, young and good uwklng, must have very elegant wardrobe: a good colored band using some lady musicians. . . ' The above attractions are wanted for a long Reason, including the BRHJHton BEACH PARK engagement, which will be the most pleasant eMirajrcaieiu ever offered to performers. Tbc Living camp will be the most perfect ever constructed, trie bathing and other seaside Bports offering all the inducements of a sea snore vacation. Address Or ma per route PA wnke biil. Room 14 v. V. Theatre Building. New York, N. V. LethlsUsae of CLIPPER. ' SPECIALLY ENGAGED BY Meesrs. Thomp.or. A K*%*n*iy FOR SIX WEEKS, AT LUNA PARK, Oon«y leland, MARVELOUS PASCATEL, THK BKAI BRUHIMKL UYMNAST, FrcneiitlnB his llnlelied ■•ml -SrtlHtlir Atrial A ct, abpuurt Inn In difficult tjinnwtlu feats. July anil late r open, 300 Easl inn hi., N. v. City. ANNOUNCEMENT TO PARK MANAGERS. THE BIJOU MINSTRELS, A REFINED ATTRACTION CATERING TO LADIES AND CHILDREN' BAVOKNK, K. J„ HOSPITAL CARNIVAL, Big UK, Two Week., Mac a. and Jane 4. Have week .11 MK II Open. Wetk JUKE IK, Wilmington, Delaware. Week JUNE 39, Potl.rllle, Pa. HOMC OPEN TIJ1K IK JfI.T, GRAND FIRST* PART. YVERKH, the Ureal .Tuggler. WOOD M eTOV'K, Novelty Musical Ail, WARD BROS., Dinger, and Wooden Khoe Dancer.. THE HI JOT COMEDY POUR, singing Comedy AM. For time addre.. J. w. 3iKl.NO V, 114 Wnl ia»Ui St., N.w York. EDISON KINETOSCOPES, $75. AND ALL Tilt LATP.8T AND MOST 1.3|- I'KO VKB MOTION P1CTDRB MKIllTfKN. FILMS 3 CTS F P o E 0T . $27 FOR IS 4 CTg £. $35 FOR IS FILM AT 6c. TO Set.. PER FOOT. IV- CLUDINC MANY FINE FEATURE FILMS. B. F. KEITH'S THEATRES AND VAUDEVILLE I00KIH8 CIRCUIT. Keith's Theitre Boston, Masft. KeJtb'H BIJou Tbeatrc Ktjit.i'H Theatre. Keith's Theatre Keith's New Theatre Kelt tin Prospect Theatre. Keith's Theatre Keith's New Theatre Keith's New Theatre. Keith's New Theatre. Boston, 31as». Providence, R. I. . Pawtucket, ii. I. Philadelphia. Pa. .... Cleveland, O. . . . .Columbus, O. Portland, Me. . Manchester, N. H. Lowell Mass. PftTHEP„WLAY.nKc LUBIH PASSION PIUY. K l^'JK .ooo Slides fiffT eet and Posters VllV * OAUMONT PASSION PLAY * LATEST AND OSRATISTFdll PHOTO- GRAPHIC 9.1 AI.ITY. STAUE SETT1NU, RKALIHN OF CHARACTERS AND AR- TISTIC EFFECT. IT ID A REVELA- TION (NEW ONLY) i.lln FEET, »!I»T. HABBACH'S BABflAIIS: • T» BDISOW SCOPE, (SO. VNIVER8AL K1NETO- — »115 EDISCN EXHIBITION K INET08COPE, »!5 «I00 SELIli POLY- SCOPE, JHIV-— - DIHSOLVINCI STEREOFTICON AMI OFrlORA'Ml. 175— -STEREOPTICON AND MOVINU FICTIJRK MACHINE, Ma ---»!« HUN RIVAL LIUIIT, 110— ilia BnlliHT WHITE LIUIIT. tlS.?n— ACETYLKNE JST AND (JENEItATOIt, tT.M ELF.I TI1IC SONO STEREOPTICDN. SHI..-.0 SDSO STKBE OPTICUS, ACETYLENE, .23.50— HEW SONO SLIDES |PER MET 10), S5--M. P.. AUJDHT AKLE LIMN, }7.5iJ— EI.KCTHK LAMP AND RHEOSTAT, JN.-.O -CARBONS, '; AM) .'.112. PER 100. w.v. SKHPEVHBE AND POSES SLIDES (RICH COLORI9.U , K Al II, SOe. Of ♦<>*>%e»%S>l%rtr%,( Shea's Theatre Sbea'a Theatre Cook Opera House... Temple Theatre. S. X. Poll's Theatre.. H. Z. Poll's Theatre.. S. /.. Poll's Theatre. . S. •/,. Polls Theatre.. S. '/.. Poll's Theatre.. S. '/.. Poll's Theatre. . H. ?.. Poll's Theatre.. . H. 'I. Poll's Theatre. . Savoy Theatre Colonial Theatre Empire Theatre Peterson, N DD .i Empire Theatre. Uoboken, ,\' |' "Valentine Theatre t, Toledo' li Treot Theatre Trenton, n' i" The Grand Wheel log, w. V«' Henderson's Music Hall Coney Island ......Toronto, tan. .. .Rochester, N. y .....Detroit, Jllch! . . .Worcester, Mas,. .... Hartford, Conn, ''n , !S.' , " en ' Ko ""' ..Bridgeport, Conn. ..WIIkes-Barre, r2 ...Scranton, p», ..Fall River, M», s .Lawrence, Mass. Ihelr route and open time. B. F. KEITH'S BOOKING! OFFICES, St. James Building, ». K. HOOOOON, Booking M.nagor, *Vi to SitS St. James Ilull.llng, NEW YORK CITY. WANTED, A LECTURER To Travel with th» L-argeo-l: '4rilmatod Advertlelng Outfit In th .-'orld. A Man who can atlract and hold the ndenllon of n atreet crowd. Hf Hat b« or good mddre.ii ami aobar. Idberal calury a ml HHtw I to th« right man. .Ipply .. . *. ., — r ,-., «..._.. «__»_ «__.. York; r ml once to H. 8. A., Room 100, Ollaey llouir, New York All Artists tinder contract wttb DERDE BROS. IbHAIi MINSTRELS report for relicarsalfl June 18, 10 A.. U.. M BARBER PARK. BELLOWS FALLS, VT. Flcaia HOknowledge call hv letter to Dc Rue Bron., Wiadsor. Vt, until June f; '.Per that He! I owe .'alK Vt. FOR SALE.— lfi Red 811k Bats, 16 White Np.\,- marhet Parade Coaw, 5 Black Silk Il»t«, 5 Red Newmarket Parade Coats. 4 Red Sailn SlnRer Coc- tumea (court Htrle), 1 White Hfittn Interlocuter Costume, » Maroon BwhIIoivIhiI Uoau, 6 Pstr Lodi; Blnck Satin Pauts, Ureen Satin Vcnta, 1 First Pixri Setting, Including 1 Solid Blue Satin Drop, \6rU; SYellow Satin Leg Drops. IftXM. 17x26, UxSS. Tlieiabove property Is Id flret olaaa condition. 0o<- tuuieBall made i>y Ci*rl K.BinpniaQn,Coluint)U8, 0. Reason for Helling— aliow ei|ulpped entirely nev tlirouRhout. Address AS PER ABOVE. FERN LAKE PARK and SUMMER THEATRE MOllKltN IN EVERY PARTICULAR. THE ONLY PLACE OF SUMMER AMUSEMENT IN THE CITY. CAR LINE TO MAIN ENTRANCE. Wanted, BEPEBTOIHE, COHEDY, OFBBA AID DBMATIO C0IPAIIE8. Two In Four Week Stand. Must l>e First Class to get the money here. HAFER and LOVE, ManAgen, Fort Scott, Km. CHARACTER ACTOR, Man for Juveniles, Light Comedy, etc. Kfllif-urattli, .luly Ktfteeiitli, JKWBLIj KELLKY llniaior., Kuoxvlllf. Te«n. 150 LAKTEIU' SLIDES OF THE SM FRMISCO DISASTER, 50 SLIDES OF THE ERUPTION OF HIT. VESUVIUS, (vo Httdes each or Ireland, Hair, Homo, Switzerland, Franco, faiiffiuiHl, Germanv, America, Ele. Lecture Sets on any Ruujeot made to order. MHklug alldusfor lLI.UHVRATED soiSGS m;Hpeetallv. ^pointer (ouaernor Latitern Slides: By gcltlug your slldeB dlreut from tliu makeryou mive itiedealertt'eoiU' nilaalou of aooul 40por cent. Prison: Plain. 9DU.J Finely Colored, 36«..eauli. UBO. J. (iOLDTlHMU'K, siatv W. UTth SI,, Naw York. II GOOD MUSICAL FARCE COMEDY, Good paper. Uoiuplere route hookcri. Hair or wliolr Inlerext for mile, reaBouaide. Addretm I'urt- of Klftw o> Kiliniger'r* Nrw Atiiitxnlant Thfiiitre. r¥««v York City* Culhane, Chace & Weston's MinstrQls, NINTH season, Mau \\\\ Vf. ;imii &.. New York. FOR SALE, Black Top, 15x60, ".villi pules; slao Isrut' tinunor. " M. II. KVSIvELT. licisoiilliai,, Ne» Yurk city. A well broke, gooit sUAPtu IHItKB.vilK IIORaR Ailrlress JKItRr MollRAlll, lam and Oberokre sir.. Ml. I.out*. Mo. At Liberty for Orchestra Competent and Reliable CLARI0NKT or r'LVTK. Addre^nT. H. Htl.liKi:. l!> WurtliAve .Hudson, N.Y. WAMTISD, EIGHTEEN GIRLS, for VMtdeviiie Aut; give age, height, weight; send tihoto; urate If you sing or dance; color of hair. tKAN V. IM Urci'kBnrldgo St.. Ft. Wayne, lnd. WANTED, SINGIN6 MD DANCING MED. C0MKDIAN. 110 and all: $3 extra If you play organ, other GOOD People who <:an change for week, write. Money tare. L- H. pvr. 'rrvy, Ohio, WANTED, DRAMATIC PEOPLE EMU SPECIALTY PEOPLE pSffUM. «|eli.i t '«* %| |» 4 AT I I'M : -HK1'," 'J "ONI) MllirTKKS." '* mbxvm vj^»iTiarjm.m imia ? wbkk stanhs attiiaotions. sni-ipii i; weeks, opeuliigJulyj. ReticarBalsJuuo 11. State all first letlor. Adnreas' (i.lSi'AHl) BROS., s Vlt ACUME, «. I . POP CORN BRADSHAW CO., HIGHEST 0RADE SB0WK. By the pack, ton or oarloiA- Also 5 and 10c, pic.iflei. 13 Part Place. New Torlt. WIGS WILLIAM HEPNER WIG CO., bKADIffG WIH HAKERB. i , Largest ntook In Amerlua. Wigs made to order. Foil line of palnta, powders and cold cream, Send for eatslogue "0," to either place. 1H WEST Seta St., IS. Y. ;lu hlcago Opera House Blook. Chlcaf. SONG -POEMS A ND MUSIC PUBLISHED ON ItOY ll.T \ . write Htisk- to> your words. Introduce ami POPIH.AH. MUSIC Pt7B. CO.. Stalta 014. Wo ° l 09''p«artMir'ri « t„ < lilcngo. ACTORS SOCIETY OF AMERICA Kembois or the soeicij are ruiuettcd io make sure mat ihelr comut addresses are on "It;. l» Pttolos. Send In II. ». baprcsB 8tutw. w, p. 8TONE, Seorctarr, 111 West y the Original Sle llaasan Ben All, and uow .-.laying limited engage- ment of 'a weeks with Mr. Paul Rue/,, Director of Oiympia Theatre, Pari*, France, original native ran* lie. Singing, Dancing, remarkable acrobatic Tumbling, rontortlontata, eIV, f I N N IO AIM' p-n i NO. THE KnaiHO TIMEN, lt.c. Iie.lor, K. Y., May JIUl "But. the lilt of the evening fell to Tom allien, premier Irish MouoloKlat. Mr. flllleu made his audience laugh wtien the.v were ahallng and Rill verlng Willi Hie cold that nuceaallated overcoat* ami wraps." YES, I KNOW ROCHESTER IS A SMALL PUCE, SO IS YQHKERS, AOT OP MIBCRIT. "JAMES and DAVIS* ■«■ Prodaclng their Screaming Farce, "TBI 0AB1E8IE HCBO." The hoy. who lauffl. ana err wt.ll. II." evuculenee .er.ain*. STKEFLKCIIASF. PIEK, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., WEEK JUNK 4. LOOK IIS AVER, IV EHTI1VG, U DVK RKATOIt H IIAMWITH PAVILION THEATRE, MONDAY, JUNE ♦, 10O0. WANTED, all kinds of Feature Acts. No Aot too large for thlB house. Lew Hcarn. send addrc.u. II. ). LAIIKIN, Proprietor. 9I1> FEUS; Hole Manager. AL F. WHEELEE'S NEW MODEL SHOWS. wanted, Performera with two or nor* tunu. One more itrong B-ilit Coras tnd Sober Worldngmoii. Addrati For Bonto. WANTED Al (VIOLINIST) DIRECTOR AND PIANIST. Must he a gentleman and capable of playing high clam musical specialties and arrange otbcni. 1 tot) Weeks cllv stand*, under canvas. Make I Mow. Pay own. Write or wire all onlck. CAN USB Al HlNOmOand DANUII.U COMEDIAN. DR.QKO. LESTER'S Bid CITY 8II0< LIOONIEB, IND. THE DANCING VIOLINIST (wftf^an) " G HE ATE 8TI MUSICAL-SURPRISE IN YAUDEVU.L.B." At. Mtterty next reason for vaudeville or company. Add. «0 West 48th Street, N. Y. Cliy. WAWTPli DI-I TATDf F DDAFPOHfAVIaf Q making one night Manila, to carry our Hue of vt an 1 LU, ULulaBlib rnUI LOOlVnaiiD. advertising novelties, which are Hnlii.ioj>riig- KHifl, slur.- healers, Hnniware Men, flenerat MerchnnillHe Dealers, etc. Outfli conMiMftof an aksort- wem ordeBlgno, pur iinlti rouvenlcni Mlmpe torurry. f&oqprr day can e»«liy he made Itf giving the bnalnesa a few hours of your time each day. jiUTLKll MFO. CO., Cincinnati, O. fELTINGE ■**" FEATURED I PALACE ■ LONDON A o. H. HARRAS, Personal ligr. N IW. 8. BkN THAM. Wa.tttt, (or "A lEBSBieEB BOY" CO., OPENING AUG. 1, ACTORS AND MUSICIANS. flood Woman for Heavy, Juvenile Woman, Al Heavy Man, Juvenile, Light Comedian; ChatH'iter Old Man. All actor* must douhlo brass. Musician** of all klndfl. State all partlrularn; send late photo if poHBlble. Addretu GEO. P. SWEET, Slorin I.nU*, Iowa . WANTED, F-OFJt Now playing six weeks 1 engagement in Olilcsgo; small Troune of Ponies and Dogs or oilier Animal Acta, Singing and Talking Clown*, ifinttloiuon receipt or wire. Addreas HARRY i.atiioua, frOS. 58 Dearlioni St.. Chicago. TRICKS Central Vaudeville Association. VAUDEVILLE ACTS OF ALL KINDS. No act too good for tills Circuit. Some aalarlea asked sre loo high. Stale loweat Id first letler\ Three (3) Siiowaa day. ROum open ail Hummer. Kieinsive houklugror the following iheatren, ijjjw booking for Summer and next season: Grand, Haul Hon; Orplilura. SprlugOeld; Urphlam, Manatleld ; Orphlum, Portmnouth; Orphiiim, Lima; Urphtum. Newark; orpfiluui, Marlon, 0.; Orphiuna, Chilli cottie ; Orphlum, Plqua; Orpliium, Zanesviiie ; Phillips, Hltrlimond ; Bur.Uunule; DIJou, Wheeling ; Auditorium, Parker* burgh ; Summer i'ark, Huntington, AhIii&uiI, Ky„ MRyovlllo.Ky., Van. Weri.o,, and Mt, Vernoo, O. Can furnish all kinds of attraction, for Theatres, summer Parkl, Street Kalro, carnival* and State Fairs. Will he pleated to hear from managers desiring Vaudeville acta. Addreaa GI'M BUM, Room mi, Baalinell Annex, Hprlngflt-lii, «. All Ihe l.atf.t mid Bm*t. TOST A COMPANY, Ml Filbert St.. (EitabUshed 1BT0.) Pnlladelpala. New, Enlarged Ulnitrated Catalogue. ilD, COLORED MEN 1 ill All linen. Singer* and Itancero, lien for End*, ijuarletle. Musi lie llrat clnaa. State Jimt what you do, uo more. Full iiarilrnli.cflrJrai Ictn-r. Low- est Halary. Kummer'ti work, Idg park. Par own (•oard. Also wan* Ohlong Tent, ooxito pimn pole top, first clanr4 condition, cheap; aino four lenitlH Circus seats. Address quick, wire or mall, J. K. 000UR1CH, No. 1431 feroadway, care of v, H. Lithograph Co., New York, N. Y. W A W T £ D, FULL ACTING COMPANY FOR STOCK. 19MM Willi BpflCtalttes, ciukk. 0. L. BREI.AND, Manager Hv.ng»tiin Park, Jackaon, MIbh. ' . . WANTED, fl FEW U3EF0L PEOPLE FOR SUMMER. Can furnish First Class Repertoire Co- for Park or Summer iimum. Would like u> huy complete T*-nt Outat, Address ■ ¥. HDTCHINS. R-oachdale, Jnd. AT LIBERTY, LEW H. GORTON, CHAIlACTKKCOMKIMANl .:.'. . EMOCENE MAXWELL Ueavlcs, Cl)uraciurn r lieneral BiihIocbm. No. JJ08 ]ht Ave , Weil , Uci- Ur Ku plds, luwfl. COMEDIAN, Wllh Speclaltlos; CHARACTER WOMAN, and PICTURE MAN Who His 600. Electric O11HII, ' ' Ian 8ecttr« long engagemitiil wlt.h (Janipliell'i Me Clri'iill stork Uo. Atldrein FRANK (I. allUBU., Week of June 4, Clairllcld, Pa. AT UBERTY, MISS EFFIE HARDIN. Operatic Sop., late of KsterhrookTrlo. for lllgb Claaii Singing or Musical Act, Mp«. Comedy or Opera. Also III. songs'. Addrens Care of Brady House, Utnaconlng, Mo. WANTED AT ONCE, IOE BAILS BIB VAODEVIUE SHOWS UNDER CANVAM, GOOD AGENT, PERFORMERS, IHISICIilNS, B. 2 0. JOE UAH,, (Irolou, M»m. WANTED- Unit plar (lull For M n pi Wort, LOUD B1I5- • IKIIS aotl COMBDIANS. Mum pla; miliar or Banjo. Team or .loele. Oiil. good people, write, rati) VLANKNER, M. ))., III). »., Juliet, III. EMPIBE THEATRE, ASIITABU1.A HARBOR, OHIO. Wanted at once, Stead; Stage Manager, Tor Sea- son. Wire or write a t once. ___ M RS. N . II. FOLBY, PROF. PERRINO KINO Of AM, I.ION TIlAlNUnfl, WIUi Al. V. WlKtltr'i Miw Moon Uhowa. Paoifio Coast Amusement Co., SULLIVAN and CONSIDINE, Owning and operatlllR M Flrat Olaaa Vaudeville Thealraa Kanl, Norllivrral. uod Wear. n* A » m t u .r> at all nines, i'ihst ci.ahh auto iif am, kinds W >V^V JL JiVl-»» thai ran didlver tin* gooila. SOLE BOOKIMn A0KNT8: BERNSTEIN * IINKBN, Fundi} " OKAS. WRJIY. suaAtuerlran IHiik lliillil. Healtlr, IVaah.: ARCIIIKI.FVV.IU Kdily SI., Ban Francd.ro, Hat. I HOI IIU. UrillCT HIT' JCVfVlir., , Fumllv Tlirnlri', lardh St., New TTotk Cltjl 1.: cintls. u. BROWN, « n. Clark St.. iiik.goj WANTED AT ALL TIME8, VAUDEVILLE ACTS — — AND— — BURLESQUE WOMEN. UIIAB, H. WAbDUON, Palac* Tlioat, ., Bo.ton, 91.11, TUB .. GET MARRIED" MACHINE HAH FrtllYKU A VVIJVNKIt. IIIIIIKIl Ml W. IJIMrRIIIATR IIKI.l VK1IV. , Ulderawlth or wHlioutrltiuHtoi-k. Kobhou i'. wei-kx. All wek ataiidK. will huy Trained TIQl Stock, MeuaK« liornej*, Trained Dug*, etc. Also Hurt. UoumlToii with inliMIr*. _^_____ J- W. GOHMAN, Wt DoytslOfi HI., itoaton, SAN FRANCISCO DISASTER. Original Slides, •& In net, partly colored, with hfciure, M.W. Viuir money hank If uo) Jum as rood %i any set made. Beware of high prln- sildea when rheiip are JiihI as good If not better, FOKK AMI HKRPK1VTI XK 8L.IBKS. j Artistically colored and blocked out, w els. per slide. Over iiwmibjcetH tonelect fmtn. A crackerJai^B lot of lllniH for «ale,prlc,eH from three to nix i'uuih per foot. A lot or f nature lu this tut, send for llsl «. they are free. 0. I*. UtJM. A CO, »bk, ftitliHi., ciil«ago,Ml. PEOPLE IN ALL LINES, IMMEDIATELY, f„'. r BRENON STOCK COMPANY, At Ami. r.iHi I 'mrli i nilitu, l*a*ruKaulM«oi.-aii«-B«iB«f., Mt*i, rJALAItIKH fllfAKANTKKI. HV HTRKKf HV. 00. MiiBt.ciieahie to Join on wire. STATE A1.I, tlrHt letter. Send phuujH.' No time for leiiglhj cor it*. loWFKKH'KNCAOKMK.NT. Addrcw ™ T } CIIANDIHHHK.Vin. M - «<• «,..-. «rr»nf on, ni-- ,,' spot) tit AT MUli UTV AV'l'Kfi ^\.s%iu 1', THE RIVAjt%jumf PRI.IX and MAY. All Around Slum Performi'm. All good, relluMr iierlot went, writs. AddiUc.a FELIX Bl VAII II, li;a Hiirvrv Alretl. WLnltlnktui. i lilliilelpnla, F I. !*? •~r- SING "MY MOTHER'S SONGS'"' THE ORBIT BOMB SONO. SUdM How Heady, 15.30 Per Sel. Bend immediately 'or copy. HCIII1IIKRT Ul'HK.' PUD. CO., Auditorium llldg.. CIIICAllta, MAlVAGBRSj» Lei aa furcl.li A BAUD, ORCHESTRA or PIANIST tor your company. Good poilllon. for g.ljd. mualcUni. UHAHPTllN'a HOSICIANB HORKAI,', A DmrtKiru Hi., vuicagu, III. I AT LlDBltTI roil NKXT SMAROIV, A OOOU I.IVF. ACT. TOM. LOTTA ^BKffal frMaWi«?ISWBrBBrBi»M«ll?1riy^ IIVI.AND, Hie Vooftgtlft Bawn Manipulator lu Hie World, Home Aifdrej»7aT*,raSTOS|rth»m 8, lluivnnl II, Madison 11. Pipestone, Mltiu., 12, tlarwljabtt, H. I)Hk.. Ill, Marvtiall, Minn,. 14. Carter,, Jim. Leslie (Durld BelRacn, mgM — Pmtl- dcrice. R. !., 4-0, Worvealer, Mas*., 8, Holy- oke 0. " UrtMHiuii. Henrietta (Maurice CampM!, ingr.*— Denver, With, 4-U. Cradoc-.Nprllle (Clms. H. Neville, ingr.)— Cum- iKTlnnil. Mal Cninn 1I-1H. llllliiniii, May. KliM I'luyi-rti — Hart Ton), Conn,, 4- .ruly 14. Ik.iui.t iw.-.ir-ii ! Kt.H'k— S|irliiHlk-lil, MafH., 4, In- deOnltF. Ilmlfunl tfl'N-k frjHiilr-1 Harlfwtl, mgr. ) —Clef e- lanit. 0.. 4. imlHIiilif. Hen Klguk (U. C. Hen, int;r.)— Clcvvlaml, O., 4, ImleUtiltr. Ilolileii Ih-ua.' Xtin-k— lletroil, Midi.. 4, Itiilpflnlli', >l(illlii|£HWorlli Twlna (1-l'w (IIpmwii. mgr.)— San ■ Atitnrlu. Ti'X.. :t-0. Barrey. Krunk J. (lira. A. KulllTan, Iiuh. uigr.) — CMtikllf. N. Y-, 4-ii, "HHr li. Hie lliK.nih" (Tin- Klrke l,H Suello 0*, mgra.) — ciili-nieu, 111., 4. Itiilrlliilte. . ''lrlali I'awiilirokei-H," Muck ft K|wira' — SI, Jc-tui, N. p.. 4-0. 'MM riul- "ln h tYmniin'K Power" (B. 0. AnJrcwa. Iiub. iiibt.)— N. 1, Clly 4-ft. Jeanuitt Bl± Stuck (TIkm. Jcuvona. mgr.) — liliiyUlll. S. S., 12, AmlieiH i;i..l)NJir«>- 14IH- KIimt JCiiheily K«.— SmH«i. O- 4* KfflMoH Driuiiiilli: l,Mn& Armilil. mgr.)— WhIit- ' -Tllle. M#., 40, .. . Unu'cnu-Snuw Stw.'k— Mrmiihla, Trnii., -I. lurtefl- nllp. ■l.lvintst.iu M-.fk--Tnlntn O., Ml. Lrujlira'ComeitJ' (K. II. HrKvuy. mgr.) — OWtown, Mc. II), Npft-nurl II III, I'UtNHi'lrt.J l-M. "Mom uml Hie Mihim'." Kaaleni I Henry B. Hnrrl*. • mgr.l— N,i.Y.. Clly 4. ladeJliilte. . t , "Llttii uml (lie Moiim'." Wealeni iHeiiry B. Ha rein. HiKf*, I— CI|ICH|iu, 111,. 4, Indefinite, * "IJifl*. Oulemtr' HlHiikK a MacVltly, nigra, ) — ii TorfMlU»...Oiui., 4-t). Monti-rul U-ltt. Maim. I.inih. mill I'liini I.iujijhii IHlinbert Brrw,, niL-rfc. f .-rhj.iiU", >■■-- 4-0. 1 MrltlHfi Utihe,.^,, -Jl, : HMrliiV{ uigiv!— riHUitirg. I'a.; 4'H, -'■, v,,:i eiiils. VMli filial ffaTh n«r.)— 0l*l Town. »le., I jfi'-tiTaii it BSWrl «, CMlat>i o, rort ralrteia 11, llotilton 12, Wnodatock, X. 11., IS, 14, lit. Juan 15-Hi. "Uncle Toui:» Cabin," Slptwn'n, l!«tern (Uraet bH iRgr.> — Bay Hl*fc. W. /.,■'«.,, "Unde tWm CaHn." 'Ccrry'ti — pnUBott, la., 6, rtrk/i>hii:s 7, Dike Fl, Truer 0. Van Dyko k Katov {f. Mack, mgr.)— Davenport, la., .i-::o. Vale, Xotilap. Block (Travera Vale, mgr.)— Syra enie. N. v.. I. Inriprlnlle. Wnrreti, Aet^Li, (Stock— Inillanirwlla, InJ,, 4, U oXlnlle. H'lnnlnier BroB.' Own (Frank Wlnnlnger. mgr.) — Ot-orito, WIm., 4-U, Knranaba. Mlt-h., 10-17. Warner Ojtnetly (Ben It. Warner, ttigr.)— Mc- (Jiejtur. bu 4, ItHleflnlle. ■ . WMartN Htixk (WoodwHrd A Burger.", ngra.)— Hii'iii cttv. In.. -1. InilPltnte. U'allncp TlK*Mtre (Dnliln^ky Broa., mgrw. ) — Rock Hand. 111.. 4. JmlelDltE. . "When Wntaen l^)?e" (Shlti fc Nallianmn Amuae. Co.. mgrn.t— WnWMorl, N. B., 4, KiTilerlcton I, Cliataam rt. Syd : ie.v. . >". 8., 'J II, Ulace Bay IS N.-rili Hydney l;i. Antlgonlsh 14, Tlclou IS. .TogdliiK Mini' 111. "Weary Wlllk* Walker" (Hpll* A Natlianaoo Aouae. Ok,, mgM. i— Newport, Me.. 4. Dexter r.. Duter 0, liullforil 7. (Ireenville 8., Karutort (lie tt.Mlln It. Mlllltiueket 12. fttl r-alrffeln ft, Carllwv 14. Uraml Falls. N. B., IS, WoodiitoL-k l "- ! -Li/ ■VMCjUn Ahifrn D|Nern (MUlnn & Sargent Atwro, ajgrH. ) — Hilton. X. J.. 4, Irttlettiille, . t "Alcattk*" I J. K. Hickett. mgr.)— Chicago. 111., 24-/uly 14. i, Butler, llelrn May. alii! her Maml (J, I,. Rpabn. mgr.) — Oatventon. Tec 4-Sent. 12. "Bespar rrlm-e" Opera (1'. A. Wade, mgr.) — tliUtHlrtQ, Tex.. 4-IH. Carle, Rlctlaril (Cliaa. Marks, gen. mcr.)— Bwtnn, Mim., 4, liKlerliille. Cobap, Ce... M. {Ham II. Harria, mgr.)— N. Y. City 4, Iriiledulle. CaMlnu 0|»wa (Uravea A Adile. tngra.) — Chalta- iioogu. Ten n.. :(-». BlrmlngbHtn. Ala.. 10-10. ClmmlH>rlalti and Ills Band— Bingham ton, N. Y.. 4, InileAnlte. a Canatlltii Jubilee Slngerc (W. T. Carey, mgr.) — DitiKOR. Minn.. 0. ClarkBclil 7, Morton 8, Franklin 0. IndcdJilte. UoflTay'x Itbara Bnml — Clnrlnnatl. O.'. 4-IH. Diimm and kla Bawl (Frederick Pbfnnry, rogr.)— Montreal. (Jan., 4-].'.. Rngrtaj, N. Y.. 10 22. KlKber'H Open (Joliii C. F I slier, mgr.)— Bald- mure. M.I.. 4. Ittdentilte. ■ KlaHier's Military Bud (Cha«. M. Kluber. mgr.) — New Orleana, l.n.. 4, lndeflulli>. "(Jltigerbrend Mnn" (Rraden A rplera, mgrit.) — Chicago. III.. 4-10. HMM SUDi 1)|a*ra— Himokljii. S. Y.. 4-:;n. Royal Ojaji'B— D<'i MoIiipk. la., it fndelliilfe. Rural Art Mere Baiid (JoMPfib f>e VII©, mgr.) — uatim-.rr. Mil.. 4-Kent. 111. "Kiwalle" i Mxim A Zimmerman, nigra.) — Phlla- ilri|ihla. I>n., -I, Imteditllp. Hi«>vari Opera— llovhewier. N*. Y-. 4, liidetliille. sii.fpi- iind hi. Ilrooklrn Marine BanV— Brlxblon Jjajaek X, V., £ Meilllle. , '. "Sfielal VVhlrl" (Kluiliert lltw., ingra.)— K Y. city 4. hiifrrlnife. . a ;s ltd fail Klmr" liretiry W. Savage, mgr.)-- C*hl- viipi, III.. 4, EiMlPtlnltc. Tciu|>1pIiim. Fay (Kluvr A Kilaligt'r, tnjrra.) — Clil- caKu, IB.. I, ludetlnlte. . "Toitrlata" (Kliuhert Bros., ragr».) — Btwton, Mat*., 4. IndoBnlte. "Three tirairea" (Lyman B. Olorer, mgr.) — Chi- catfo, Ml.. I. iiidennllc "Umpire" (M. II. Hlnger. mgr.)— Chicago. 111.. 4. Indefinite, wiiu. Mhxlcni (Juhtt ». WIIIm. mgr.)— vickbburg. Ml"-.. 4-.L Weler'a. John ('.. Military Band— PllUlmrg, l'a., 4-lfl. m m.i-:!4(ii n AND VAi;t»i-;vji,i.i:. Baltimore Beaiitlca (Sol Myers, mgr.) — Plillndrl- !■:!,:. Pa.. 4-0. Bfiwcry llnrlpiuiiipm (Joe Hurllg, mgr.) — Brook- lyn. 31. Y.. -t-H, Balllimtie, Md.. 11-10. Ilonra VaiKk'vllle |W. H. Horn, mgr.)— I'arla, Thi Poilal Telignah-'Cible Ctniany (incorparaUd^ trtntmiti inrj dtllrsri thlt niiiiqa lubjiet tolht le-.ii itii Mndlthsni *rlntiit on li< ti«c< of Ihli blink Lynn Haas May^21 -.- : - - -' ■ CWE Harrifl 31>et.31 St WI MM ,211306 *Son»where 4 at tlie.tym'AuditoriuB-Tlitaijrc^was-iiver sensational success [lit ; applauseUaSideafcrfirig'^aUo you have the 'song suoce93 ; of yourcarecr^*jhe v Vuth"andlnotliiiig out the truth congraixLlat ions '. J.AldrichjLibbey ♦ Me.. «, Danfortli 7, Hayne«vlll* 8, Wytoplt iMlt. 0V- - ■■• -;- --■ ~ --■ —.- Parker, C. w. . AtBueiemPDt (Cramer A Tylfr. tn^r». »— CiCi-it Bend. Kan.. 4-0. Paln'M ■*I.HMt Dty K of 1'onpelt"— Clm-lurifltl. 0.. I I-1KI. P«weri«. Mr. and KM tfi .1. Power*, mgr.) — Brtsiol. Va., 4-0, I'ocahmitHH 11-lH. Ku.viiKHid, II. S. (Jack Weal, tngr.l — \Vmikcnria. W'N. t-O, KliPlairgMli 7-IO, MHOItoniK- II I It. SeieugalH (Walter C. Mrn-k. mgr.)— Marlon, i>.. 4-0. Cppei- KunduMky 11-10. Koiillirrn ttlgajiaajuiii (II. P. SIuir|>e. aaja*.!— Tully. N. Y.. 7. Uryden 8. (Irotim 0. MuravlH II. I'lihw Sprlngn I2.Klbi1dge Kt. BHklwlaaviI)c ll. PTOTICE TO COICRSSPONDENTS. Our theatrical corregpondenta art hereby nottflrd that the credential now held by then cxpltxd tin fwn l. They are requested to rtittim thr.M tu this office at once, for renewal for Hm-lDff7. «■» KEW YORK STATB. AT MODERATE COST. A trial is the most convincing proof that the materials and workmanship are high class, at about half the price other tailors usually charge. Order your garments, and if you have any cause to think otherwise they remain here. Special lot of the new blue serges in sclf-siripea and overplaids, also thirty styles of fine imported cheviots. Suits to order, $25. Coat and trousers, $21. May we send samples and our illustrated booklet, "Ele- gance at Moderate Cost," to your address ? BROADWAY & NINTH ST., NEW YORK. MyriM*' Harder, Htm-k. Wjgli. ugtul K'enfcl . iMnrk* Man tT»m Mark*, mgr.)- „. Southern (I.allinore A Keitkhk. la.', I -32. in Marka. mgr.) — Hancock. Mich., 4-D. Caltmiet 11-Ht. MatUi-p Stock iW. U. MatUee. mgr.)— St. Tlm-maa. '»nl., 4, liulptlillle. Miilier Slti-'k (I'hll Maher. mgr.)— Bellow* Falls. VI.. 4-H. Wlillehall. S, Y.. Il-Ul. McCnllimi Biwk IW. B. MiOiUiim, mgr.)— rorl- laiul. Me.. 4. 'Imlennlte, Mitchell StiH-k— lJincaMler. Pa,. 4, ItideHulle. Miikiv SliH-k ItmhesiiM-, N. Y.. 4. llidi'UtiltC. "Mallkaa"- Ph)la*>lr4la tl ra.. 4-n. "My .Wife's. l-'ituiHx," Wcsli-rn (W. McCiiWHn, ■ ■ mgr.i— Mlnneniadih. Mian.. I* •*Uf Frltinl lliwnii" iW. J. HolmPH. mgr.)— Lake PtaeW, s. )*., u-i». Nrlll Sloek (.laiiiea Nelll, mgr.)— Rochester, N. Y.. 4, Indemilte. Neiv ICiighiinl I'lHjcia (llniyliam A l.apolat, aagH.1 — CiiuilirlilKP, N. Y„ 4t>. Keewvllle 11-13. Uv\ lei 1 4-IH. (llier. (iiiirui'- N. V. City I. Imlennlte. "Illil CluHiOH Man,* 1 Itowlnml A Clirrortl'a (Dave Sevnmur., natr.W Chlenun. 111.. U-», Milwaukee. Wis,, IJtltl, W««m— Ma.ll- aim. Sel'i-., 0, Norfolk 7. •'Scout*!* Rpcenae" iRtcp & fSmley. nigra. * — Aninrlllii. 'IV\.. tl. 7. Can.nm City 8. Ilerefunl IVUro. S. Mc\., II. PorluleM IS. RiihwHI i:!. 14. Ilngri'imiil C>. Arfcsln Id. Tyler. thti>llt>. Htnft tCtnreme T. Bnyklil. ingr. I WaahliiRton. i» ('.. -I, Indpllidii-. . ghtakatv RIM, Hurt ijllnrll Broa.. mKiHj—Snlt Lake City. U.. 4, indentilti'. ' *~~ TeRit (i;in»=. K. Tay- lor, mgr.i— Waaiiingion. U. C, 4, Indennltc. Rnuaway tHrtu (Peter fc>. Clark, mgr.)— Baltl- ■aiirp. Mil., 4-0. . . , , Snlllvuti. John I,. IFnink Hall, mgr.l— Virginia, Mlllli.. 4. R, t.!oh|iiet «, Wnablnirtl. Wla., 7. . Vnnn'a VatnlPTllle [Wm. II. Va»o, mgr, l— Rye Beach, 1 V., 4-0,. Satin Rqek, Conn., 11-1U- ■OIIITatMlA DmiKWttV— Pltthlajix l'a... 4-ilt. nnanflly'a, Tommy (Jat'k W. Slokes, mgr.) — I'ltrhtmrg. Mu-k., 4-n, Ilutlaud, Vt., H-lti. Hasknesa k Koi'n (Roy li. Kox. ingr.) — Doe Run. Mo.. 4-n. Hereiilanenm 7-0, Feaina I1-1U, 8te. ilenetlrve 14- HI. New York (it. I* Silver, mgt.)— Virginia, Mtnu., (1, lirui'l Ra(dda 7. BlnddR 8. ly^AT HHOWH. Bamtitn & Ballpy'n — Trey. N. Y.. K, Rutland, Vt., 7. Bitrllugtwv H. Moulueller. D. Hidynke. Mhn>.. l.l, Witlertairy. Ctain., 1*J, Bihlgeiiort US, New Haven 14. Hartford l.l, SprliigueM, 'In-. III. . BtnTalo Bill*., WIM Weal, Col. Wm. F. Cody (Fretl B.' Hlltchliiaon. mgr.) — Vienna. Austria. 4-14 Bonbcur Bi>m>.'— Idtienil, Kiui,, «, Mnide 0. Buck- HH 11. (ireetialiurg 1'J. Harilainl 111. C«n|.v;i Broa.'— lliirtlngloii. Nehr., 5. Wake- Hell tl, !,:• Mara, la.. 7. l.uVerne, Minn., s, Wnrtliluglun 1). Imi^' :i, CiiiiuuIuh' Wild West— Woreeater, Haati., tl, Fitch* hurc 7. Kly'a. Ceo. S. — AIvi. Iiul. Ter., tt. I'umdl :> l"i:i-l iiiiK'i A Sella Hn»>.'— Kenton, O., 4. Ft nit • lay 5, aaUiaMtjr H. Adrlnn. Mh-h.. 7. Oddwnier H. linshen. hid., tl. liullaiiaimllK II. Markm IS. Pern I::. Lufnyrtte 14, Kankakee, HI.. 15. stmlnr IH. Flan'*, T. J Caldwell. N. Y., 7, tuteruu 8. Xnrthvllle ltt. OnlIiDLii' liros.' — Huron, S. Dak., (I, Lako Preston 7. Miltltatai 8, Canloii 1), .Scotland 11. tJay'a— Toronto. la., tl, lowden 7, Wheatland 8. Calamiw II. HiiKctilaH-k'h, Carl -Alma. Mich., tl, Greenrllle 7. lirnitd |tH[ild- v. KaluniaUNi 0. l.rtcky BIlr^.tMmplK'll. Nelir., 0. Unlsitd 7. Hll- ilreth K, WlUm It. Lmvery Hnw. — KHitala. Pa.. 0, l.ltlti 11, Man* helm IS. Pine U-smjp 13, Treiwmt 11. Metleiu'h- -Pontii, Nel>r.. 4. JerTeiMin, S. Dak.. r>. Wfdrtrld, la.. H, Akron 7, Hawarden 8. Hml- -.i', S. Bale., li. Kmnx Onler. la., 11. Hull 12. liiwii i;i. l,c-tt>r II, rmvliHwuit l.'t, Vulley Sitrlnga, M. Iiik, lit, Ma.'kay'H, Anilrvw— Akmo. (I.. 4-0. NnrrlK A Howe's— Seattle. Wat.li.. 4-U. . raivia?e BtlPa WM WM— (Mwego, N. Y., 4, WnterlQirn 5, Itome 11. I.lltle. Pnlla 7, Aiu-lrr- ■ in 'u ft. Troy li. PoiighkeeiiKle It. Brighton Beach 14, Ittdehntle. RIiirIiuu Hnn>. '— « Heuii. N'. Y.. d. Bradford. Pa,, 7. Warren S, Krle l». AKhlalnda. (>.. II. Oil City. l'a.. ! J. Sharon i:t. New Ca*tle 14, War- i-c '. i't . IB, MaiHtleld lit. It-iliiiiMHi'n. John — ilatcftmrg, III., II. Burlington, la., tt, Fori Madison 7. Keokuk 8. Falrnehl 0, Cpiilertllle II. |HMH'< Frank A. — New Bedfortl, Mass., II. Law- rence 7. Attle.l-iro S. Wori-ester l», Bllrpr'a (Rett Sllrer, nurr.)— Altona, Mich., 0, Morley 7, Howard City 8, (Viral 0. Sun BroK.'— Pendleton, Ind.. 8. T«l. Wm.— BelBeW. Va., 70. Waxhtniiii ft Op Alva'n — New Britain. Conn., 4, .1, Wlllluiaiitli: tl, 7, Norwich 8. n, titxt Loudon in, It Wnllaiv'a. M. K.— IMtutnwa, la., d. MiiM-atlne. 7, lha-k 1-1: in I. 111.. K Daveniairl, la., 0. WheeleFa. Al. r*.— Free)a>rt, Mf.. », Brunawlcll 11, Bon'iloliihaia 11!. tlanltner f.\. nisii;i.i,A>i:tn *.. BiMtm'k'K Animal Arena (Frank C Boatock, mgr.) —Conor iKlaml. N. V.. 4. Indefliiltd. Barton llnw.' lllwlun Shon- (Matt Barton, mgr.) —Seliciie daily. N. ¥., 4-Juljr 4. Criilkaliank— Fort Keni. Me.. 7-0. ('...i I,.- i'Mim-m tii-tcv itriv. S. V.. 4-0. HlekiTlllp II hi. th-»n*la tumi Mt..iitiT- (tl. l,'i si.f. mgr.) — ihlaiink. Win., il. Huxoti T, Besucmcr 8, Wake- Iklil *■ lla^ea'. Mor'.aft Pictures graita A. Moore, mgt.l —Otta«'». nai., 4-H. Vnungslown, N. Y,. 11 in, glarU'a »i Korglve IlerV* Is the uffeilos 4 noil week. 'Jlie alock reodered "Ifiaat l-vum" In a moat acceptable. niHiiner, and. drew (airly well lnwc week. , Two ■a?i-foriDam , e!t are given dally. Ijyman Howe's moving pictures are Sunday fPKtiircs. Cosvkstidn Hai.i, (II. L, Meet-h, citstn- 'llan.. — Creatore'a Band did well May S7, ul- tiHingli Creator? was too HI to apjiear. Siiha'k. — The list week of June 4 includes : IlnheiT lillllnnl uml ioaipany. Id "As a Mnn Nowk;" Ray Itoyce. J, A. Klernnu, Wluonn Winters, Qunker City Quartolte. John hdiI Ber- tlm (Jleaatm. Tony Wllaon and Auioraa Sla- lera. Maraun't wyrherly niado it profound Impression laat week. A.'Mit:.Mv IP. c. Cornell, manager).— "The Faetory tilrl" 4 anil week, after wlitcli (he theulie closes for i lie sea sun. "A Little Out- oimI" did fairly well. [Mi-Mum; (C. M. Bagg. mHaagpi). — The lafByette Stock Hiii-lestjiie Oft. holcla forth fmm now on in the Dog Daya. Included In ll rtre-: Rea trice llni'lowe, Three HI mans, Strickland and DukeHhurv. J. (.'. Hart, (Tltas. Barrett, Wm. Williams, Hrtna Aleene, Janet Jjiuiuiit. letter lloa-ard und it rliorus. Tin; Utopians nod fimip amaleurs did nicely Inst werk. Linn's Muskum. — t.'urrenlaiine'irnnceKHre: Mtirlha and Hoey, Muy \cllson, I-IIIUui Dmig- las. I'robaaro, and Chna. Wilton. A heailly show tif nil uiillonu la nn added feature In curio hall. Atiii.khc I'a uk (R. If. Mni'llroom, inn lin- ger). — Notwithstanding cold weiilhnr, the itinny aitrai'tlims here Ijave hevil getting Iheir nun of alieiiiion, and Hie various rvocea- j-lona nrc meeting wlHi fnvur. 'Pbe Nelson FHrimiii A.crobttl'K Rive exbllilllonai In Troul of (he grnud Himid. In Ihe iheativ. week of 4, are : Rio Bros., Short and Shorty. Chas. ft. Lttwler and daughter, Tops and Topsy, nud Tom (.IHen. * N'orutf. — Hsinuin & Knlley'x tlmia did a tiulistaiillal Hfteruooii Inialncss, nnd turned t.inni Kwity nigh la. -May. -H. :n. The eKlillil- llou met Hit einectatlnns,. ...W. .1. (Vllnaru, orhrlnnlor i»r tni* "valet ayslpm" alore Here, la fretiitehtly seen In a winning vnuderllle aketeh. and la it Shea Inioklng for week of June *J7>, In Ihe sketch. "A ltotnuure of Kll- htrtiey." Dr. Frederlch ('. Prless. well known In Hie profession, died ^Et>, after nn opera t Ion Margaret. M. Hrennnn, raolher of ( 'liaiiiuTv Olirott, died at her home here *i8. l*>kel mitt Warder, t.eo.' A. Hardtnaii, Oal- Inghcr mid Reyaulds, tbe Li wood Co., and Wolff Hrna. Si:a Hr.KKY.y I'akk t Rerl L. WIIkou, ruuni- ger). — r'llly-fuurlli Iteglmcnt Band (local ) .1 ,11;' 8, M1NKKHOTA. Allinny, — At llarmauint Bleeckcr Hall ( II. It. Jncotis, mamtger) Summer slot-k was he- gun with considerable aucecss May llH and week. MellKinrne McDowell and his com- pany o:ipei>red In "(Hsmonda." anil gave h lirllllHiH presonlutlon, to large inidiein-pa. Melbourne McDowell. asslstHl by I, inn.* Nel- son Hall, will prevent. June 4 and week, "Jdt Toacu." at iKipiilar prices. I'iniciini's ( Howard Orabam, realdent uiati* nger). — Bill wi*ek of 4: May Vokes and cotu- tuiny. Neff and Miller, O'Brien and liivcl, Willie Weston, Melville Kills, Kil. and Netlle Masse, Hettlnn and Rrockway, aad Ned Way- bui'ti's "llaln-Denra." Al-tko. I'AiiK. the MitiTsor to Dreamland. between Albany unit Troy, had a successful aliening Ifevorallou Day. Between ^r.,000 and :n»,onii people vlalted the park that day. several ■*(■ inc largK atlractlnns were not <|0lte ready, but Manager Max Rosen Is hastening every realuri* lo speedv completion. Tbe l.orjdoller Band nnd.Weedon'a Hon art, at. the theatre, are ihe rhlef attraction*!. A change of progrnninic every woek at the the- aire Is promised. Mhineniaolla. — At tbe Metropolitan Opera House (L. N. Scud, malinger). Swrdish Urn mafic Chili May 'J1-'A0. Nat C. Cnodwln, In "The tjenlua." precedeil by "Id a Blaze of Clory," ,'il-Jnne '2, had large bouses. Week beginning June 3. and during the Summer, the Ferris tilix-k Co., their Hrxt presentallnn being "The (Jreat lluby." "An American Cltlzeri" 10-10. Bwot; Ol'CRA Hot. st; (T. 1* Hays, mann- get*). — "When Knighthood Was la Flower' 1 nid Well laat week. "My Wlfe'a Family" 3-». "As Told In the Hills" lo-lti. I.vckum (I. C. Bpeers. manager).— Ralph Stunrt Stock, Co. laat week, la "Confusion ," drew fair housea. "A Stranger in u Strange Land" Juue a-1), "Monte CrTsto" 10-16. U.mquk (John Klliott, manager). — Bill for 4 and week: Yardman, Dunn Francis and company, Swor and West brook, the Cutnp- bella, .Claude Austin, illustrated boiibs and motion pleturcs. Fair bualaeaa. St. PbqI. — At tbe Metropolitan Onen Hottae 1 1,. N. .Scott, manager) Nat C. Good- win played to very large audiences May lift.- Ml, and plenaed liiiinenselv. Florence Sioui nod the Ferris Stock Co., In "The (treat Ruby," had very good husineaa Ill-June ., concluding the season at inls house. QUsii tThen. I* Hays, manager).— "My hi.ecTitti- Park, Klnderbook Lake. Albany's W|fc*« Family*' plaved to very good bust Summer rescrl. opened for Its seventh sea- ness last week "As Told In the Tltlls" .'I-'* 1 . una on l>i*nratlon Day. with complete Hiie cess. CnrllandMIHIary Rand gives conrerta dally and Sundays. The rustle theatre opens with big vaudeville features 11. Jamentorrn — At Ihe Celoron Theatre M. J. Waters, manager i Ihe opening bill, May '-'8. Included : Duryea and Alortlmer. in "Tbe Impnsler:" the Three Mareenoa, McCrea nud Poole. Johnny Johns. Cburlotle tieorge, and Labelle. Hxceltcut bill and business was fair. Nirt-KS.- — J. .1. Waters, (lie new manager of the Park Theatre. Is local manager or the Samuels' Opera House. *. .The Itoval Vienna Band hut been engaged lo give concerts Uinnighoiit the season Rlngllng Bnia.* drew anjieara In Warren, June Ttw Celoron Theatre lina lieen painted aud rc- noi'iiied ibrougbont for this season I,y- tran Howe's moving pictures bud S. B. 0., at the Armory, _S. -At Ibe Lyceum (M. IX Wolff, ilrwarl Oiiera Co. hnd a most C tic*.— At the Majestic (Wllmer & Vin- cent, managers) Frawley Stock Co. la draw- ing big and will remain over another week. DKWkv Mush* ||a i.i, (David Barry, mana- ger).— This week: Ed. and. Merrill Russell, May Wilson, Mike Scotl, May Plane, Kitty Anthers. Kane Sisters, Hellea Ryan and Mamie Cnrtere. Utica Park (Scram & Donohoc, mann- gent). — Dancing ami ramni*, HUHaTR Pauk (P. A. Bnker, manager).— Dancing and bund concerts. Tlie dancing Karnuu June 1. drew n large Bailkx's Cittcus drew big Rut/heaU-r, hiuniiget')' l hi: _.. Hiisp|rl(iits iiitcnliu' May -8. Ivginalnga Sum- mer seuson uf light opera, at tioptilnr prices. Tlii- Itmise was .lammed to the doors, anil nnv iitni ■.—.-" =-—-"ii ■— ■-- Ititslocas was big Uiroitghout the week. "Com- pa ^ A ° T n K \uJSJSS Ham C <1 1 thy" was given a praiseworthy presenlallon. aJSS jnrtL ? 1 The. excellent cast did com mends Lie work. ai Kdm iVsM'i, tbe prima ilonna (a local i'i- vlrlte): l.iiina Watson. Bessie Knlrhalrn. Wm. (J. Stewarl, Kdgar Temple and Ueorge W. Leslie made most emphatic hits. The chorus Is large and most admirably drilled. Tiki much praise cannot he. given the directing of Sell! Klmonaon. June 4 and week, "The Chlniea of Normandy." , N-VTinsAi. (Max I in i' tip. manager).— The Nrlll StiH*k Co. gave a partlriilarly line pro- tltit'tlou last week, [ititilug nn 'The Ama xoos." to large returns. Triii*..— At Proctor's (William H. tlrabnm. resident manageri the vaudeville snjsou closed June ^. and week of 4 Mr. -Prnetnr'R Fifth Avenue Dramatic Co. will open In 'Lady Windermere's Kan." 1-TCBUM (Burns (Hllam, manager). — The stork company played to big house* last . week, In "MlKtresa Nell,** second week. BUI rcdythe Chapman rt,r 4 RQa **«--■ "The New Magdalen." ■ !)■■■ jIUHI Nelll. Marlbel Seymour. James Nelll and Ueo. Hloomt|tiesl did merllorlous work, and are do- serving of great i»ralse. "If 1 Were King" 44). C'.MtK oi'hha IlorNK (J. 11. Moore, mana- ger). — The Mcwre Stock t?o. Imd, de«erredly big hmlsert Inst week, putting on "By Right , of Sword," In line Ml vie. Bertram LyHell, | n • n fhe then re pavilion the progrnnitue Urn - r . week Included: The Marvelous Howards Mem plus.— At Hopkins' (A. B, Morrison, manager Knat Knd l'arl; rowtls attended. Ihe lend. Ki-nreit heavily. Kfrlo Hext, At- tlutr Ittil ledge and Otis V. Forbes gave excel* lent Htippoi'i. "I>ura Thoruo" I ■.', IIakkr .J. II. Moore, manager). — The Tt vnll Muslml Comedy Co.. last week, scored hwivlly. In "The Belle of Now York." Lrlith Mlllward. In the title role.- was a picture, unit she played the nat-l well. Colt Albert- son, ilto npw tenor, his tlrst appenrani-o with ibis t*ittu|iany. Rudolph Kuck closing Mar **ll, made n most excellent. Iinpression. Allan ltatnaal and Jack Henderson aa usual, mado Ivtg nils. "Tlie Telephone tllrl" 4-9. Ontario lUnrn Park (Jus. Clancy, amuse- tm-iit illreclnri.- -The furtunl opening here iiccurs June 4. .Ii.k.n IIavhn t'AiiK tit. I-.. Wilson, ntniin- Sir).— This .i.oiuit ifoi Hw n r l opened to throngs ftT -S, and seems n» popular as of old. At (lie i»pcu air tht'ittre Juue 3 aud .week, are; The nouse will he dark week of It). (2MC** Fawcett's comiHiny .will begin a sea>>on of several weeks' ditrctlon-on 17, not i-onclnrlin^ until aomi> time In August, when the house will be closed for decornilag. Orphhu}t (Charles Frerck, maiiHger).— Business was good laat week. New peopli* week .if -I: Bailee, Johnnson and King, Helen MIgnon. tieorge Barrett. Jnrrelt ami l.a nnse, Clara Norrls, May Sawtelle. the Samuels. Addison and Livingstone. Those who continue are: Henrlette Roberts, Mar Crawford. Dot Hederlck, Kmma Moson, Sad'e Manning. Xherestt Kemp, Flo I'attersou, nod Lou Doutbilt. Hjipirb (A. Welnhohu-r. manager). — Busl nesB was rery gisid laat week. New pgapff lor week of 4: Mahci C'arroll and the r>« sons. Tin vey. Kohl. Eld ridge, the FishiTa. Morey i p i»lntlon of "Tb. t'nwbny Hurt Ihe Lndj; "A. Wp Wi-rc Twpnty-nn,.." in pvpi-v w,y tMllsfactory last week. !««■» June 4-H. -„,... l-«.I.l-» (L. B. Kllliy. mnnagpr). — I ™' ■ Slock Co., «-hlrh Is an eiceptlonnlly gowl "f. E«ve an Intelligent Interpretation ol » T'lney Itldje." ilnrlnn Ihe pust «t»" i-ell„nl bualnera. "The Charily Ball, ■ w ,'i" Maraarvl Pitt and Campbell Htratton In me leaila. 4-n. &A«MtM & Haiixt'a CIICUS IB. Foot Ov.nn Ilau (IV. H. Ellnworth, m«n njeri.— linrah Berubntilt. in -t-aBl"", "• Buior -IU. - Early and Long Season. THE BEST PEOPLE IN THE BUKMiUUE BUSINESS! SO CHORUS OIRUS, GOOD SINGERS ANQ DANCERS. All Wardralie FurnUlu-.l. Highest Salnrle.. Afaa < itatKDI \\s SlNTICfl ASTS, hk i . i » n ir.ASli euiri ttsitll* li: vi>l ;lt v. Empire Circuit Office, Knickerbocker Theatre Bldg,, Mew fork. THEATRICAL HOTELS 1 «nd BOARDING HOUSES. PALAOB HOTEL 101 V. Cl.rl St., CUIcafo. •uoieu, IS per MB wltn prints bam, »J. {5iEaS«{,too. IT. B. HUMPUKET, Profit THAKALCJAH, 11S-I1! K.ll, K.T.,Ot. Keltl'l, xctA. or Hollo, Dewey. Rooms Mo., IKS., $1, »UO i»Vi tlM to 18 TOt W.D.HA-HKlOAJl.Prop. WANTED dUICK, for JAl'K PEI.l.on'Sauil D. M. ROCKWELL'S Undent Mcdli-lnr Show, Hot Song and Dance Comedian. Cbauire fur ivcev. Otber useful inrdk-tiie people. Joe Hrjiiin, write. Fellows. V llofkwcll MfiI. t:o.,Liirav,i;liirk Oi... Jlo. WANTED, for III.- LOUIS liOKTV lilt! TKNT SHOW. Opeie* Alb/. -Ja. rllnl-ll:, OlrN, Lnilvr.nitiir- ilmiNi-. Slack Wire mid Trapeze Act.; also li 1', or II. Send Dilates; will return. I.mv .jt'in v . ■'II CLINTON AVE.. N. RmliMtr, X V. OHHli I Wabash * Madison, CHICAGO, 0. 0. Vaugliac, Prop. Strictly hum American plan. $9-15 slnfjte; Ir-ii . double. YandeTHiepatromge invited. "~HOTKL ST. DENIS, VM-V.tis West Market St. Indianapolis, Jnd. Convenient to all tliemri'H. jjest LltUe Hotel 111 Indianapolis*. Actors' Raien. American Plan B10I.KY A .IRNNlWlS, ITon*. S Clark St., for. Ontario, Chicago. Hates. 60, 76 an d $1 gg 'lay. j ' i ro gfl ptr week . "SoTiisAV. Mat HI., N. Y — First Uttw Board mid ttooinn. Professiomal people. itccoiiiiiiQd;.U;d. Kate-- *7.r>oto $15 per week. Beautiful roirround- iuffs Near Central Park. All conveniences. Au d r e^ WARREN. (Telephone , i»ifli R Riverside, . The Oarrlok Hotel 107-109 8. Thirteenth si ., Philadelphia. ■ plan- Rooms Ji per day up. Special rates to the profession. Within walking distance or all principa l theatres. A. J. FRElliUb'EK, Manager. 1«W5 , BTABT 1» SHOW BVSIBTESS. (CoDTricritcd),^dl[rereDii)otJkr*,ioc. All klmJaact. uOBPifj^ajCHWJ^bo: s\ l-jth^t^^i^ra.. "ffoWTO BBCOME At ONTOItTIONIST. Front and Back Bending, eaUi trick Illustrated U 5f. Morphet^ Soft ool, 83, N. liith St., P hl la., P a CLOGS.— Bill IlQDJor. 373 Belmont Ave. Hpledan, N. J ■ near Peterson, tlieotrleal Clog, maker. Orders promptly Wled- List free. COUNTRY CMfD, Half an hour nut, cnin- mutation KM. Open io receive wale guest:-. Excellent table. Tennis, (.■ roquet re, and ball Held. BjivUng alley, billiards, et«. TurniH, two iu room. fioaweek; single room from *io to %u. Apply M r.BANCK Kit, Koom 70', f.and T East tvloiin. send pliuto and full descrlpllou of neif. No ulijeullou (ii widow Willi in i eiiiunilirMiie. \a«Hid street eo_rnedlriiis, wrire. o. il. Kearii.Waili—iowt^W.Va. WANTED- By all Old Rsialtllalieil Uale (juar- letle. Seeuud Bass lliat ran plat Plauo. I/Mig mm> wu In lliucoitrert Held, ouaw'etle booked hy Hie H'-r l.yr.eum finreana. Audrey atonre, J. 0. MOBY, »aJ Irving Ave., Syracuse, N. V. WANTRD-flood It. F. MaD. Husr- >>e red Hot ael worker. Show under ouivas. Hat uiid afeep on loC Swell ouUt. Best arcr-tiil))odalloiiiit)reiteH,Plaiio Player wlio can read And fake. M. 0., write. Silent or Nov eltv ivrroriiiers.Cnruettiai. Viol) u and other Mil sleians. Alt io join i|iii<-k. TicVelsr If I kuovr yon No ilci too good. Can place a lady or gent III. Song Hiugerif you are good. Work under eauvas. Slop ut hotels. W. J. MANSPIKI.U. Cak Hill. Ohio. TUEATKB. Kf. H. MaLSat. at 3. •b\ vii) hklamuo prewata "tuk uiki. or THE UOLOKN W KHT." BEL1SC0 BLANCHE BATES in a ; K. Alain Street. Norfolk, Va. WANTED, for (ircer ASlar Shown. Ilnrltono Player. Boas (lauvaa Mao, Seat ami Light Man. Hi- Hostler, a Conlnter Agent. Lithographer and Billposter, ItaiiDer Man and Cook. Addretts all letters MGIi. Kl». QlMll.lN, Downers (.rove, 111. WANTED Q,UICIC,Clanouet,TroinlKmetiiid Trap Ilriiiiitner, tor White Cllv Orchestra. Long eiigagemeiit. UTJOlMP .week; 7 nlghls, 1 mntliiee. Wire CHAM. f)Altl»KBR. 224 North Royal Ave., pori Worth. Tex ■■ No tickets unless I know yon. PUR KALE— Al a bargain, 70 I'liicsl Colored 1-aiilern Slides or the "Creation:" also a \ stlxe Poriruli Lense. Ail. I'. 0. Box W7. MarliKim. N. T WANTED, Tor IIEO. M. IIUNPY'S Kloating Theatre, Musi dans (prefer those with Snidebakrr instruments), Comedians win. can Coinede, Rami leader Io net as steward. Musi have Southwell liimilcdiagau, write); Soutiretle i-nimidpnf nmii- aglng illuhig room. Several shrewd stale room Jleteetlri's riuiihllinr hrass. I.usig rainy season Hoiilli. Tlekelx? Yes. Clarloneis not wanted, H lam TUB Heed Sccilou. Adil.Shuwneetown, 111. P. S.— Can use g ood CYnh-li t-onieiliiin. ■ MIIH MaNllll WlKE.ailN. BUS. Pre* fer oue who plavs piano or duea specialties, Slekdy work, week standa. Pay J'Otir own. Stale all and lowest rtainry. JOHN Q. RAK. Belgrade. Netr THE LAYING HkONS. The only noveliy tmll gains In iweuly years. It Is a big laligli and a iremeotlotls w'lnosr. Doll Rafek Men, wrtie. nere.'g ihd tieveistamusemeatdevlre. If you ure ufter big mnnev sod a real novelty, write milck. BFHR BROS. HAM flilena_flL, MHwaiikfe. WK WANTED, Al td. LertDftr and i Dice W.,i k- r, to work on percentage. Musi he good niolie>- geiter; we bring the people and +sp-ei )ou to sell the goods. Can iisi>h. sod 0. Comedian, oue who aloes Dutch preferred. Ed. Hart and Charlie t'arr wtlie. Yau Bureu A St. Pierre, Itumas, UkJa. , Acts Wanted. SINIJ.K AN1I DOUHI.K IIOKCKK.T HALL AITS. 11-t.rt.f HCIH lliat ean elialute OI'K.V TIUF AKrKK JUNK lu. ALL LKTTEKS ANSWKKKIl. Add. FRANK CUSTER, Mgr., AMK1I1C A.V CONCERT t.AIIUKX, Mftyvr. t\»l.e, i'anton, olilo. MDSICIAKS ADD PERF0RHER8 WASTED For BENO A AlVOBI'S Combined Shows, Cornel. Bttrltonr and Slide Trombone Bayers, nlxo a Uootl Contortionist wlio can no Home nlher net or play linti'H. All must tie sober ami reliable. MiLiiiioeineui iioyslionrtUiKliriiiielxirlittioit. l.'mu .ensoo. SHOW OI'KNS JUSK l'>. Atldreaa KH. 51. RKMl, Kinikitkxe, HI WANTED QUICK, FOR 1 I'eople In Alt Lines. S|inelnltles urn) Ihiubh Itiiiid given pref. HIM* Imvesl. Mu-i iunk< good. IniHuuiteti-iicy closed llrsl relieursal. AtMltW K. A. H.iiTtugloli, .Mt. Ciirmel. III. WANTED, Mil GENERAL BUSINESS MAN, To Manage singe. To u competeiil, —lu f iiuni » pcrnianeni engagement Is asaured, Si, 1,. KIN.HKY. Napoleon, Ohio. I'. S.— Repertoire People, send permanent ml drew. BLACK TENT TIME. Have following used mm new Dlack Tents Iu stork: itxfis, ii!x:tO, 1BX41, 20x4U, liixtw, inxoa, 18xii4. tSXftl, SUM, Jl -\'W, ■jrxdU, 40.VSU, tii-,. fraiik and Spring .Motor Pianos, folding Organs. Mega- S hones, l-jinalioraiir lop, wire teg Lunch Cmmler tools, I.iknj huldTiiK Olinlrs. SemlNir Kri'e Sample Book let. It. II- Armltrtister. H|irlt)glluld. Illinois. FOR SAX.E OR TO LET. Park Ave. Opera House, Mecbanicville, N. Y. The owner, having changed his bustnes<', will sell or let the atmve house, doliip; u line liuslnes.i. fur a termof years, and mi reasouahle terms, hwsesslou at otiee.' Address ( . It . SIII,Kli:i<. Sf ri -iiiinlevllle, N. Y WANTED QUICK. NOVELTY MAN That enii rlirttigeror one week, in her nsefir peo- ple, write. Also oKOAN PLAYER. Teni abow. Or II. O. MCLVEY, New alilfurd. Wlonetiago tto.. Ill, Wiflted, AH 'Round Comedian, Soubrelte, Med. peupie that can elmnge far week. Long Nemum sliow never closes. Muslfakeorgan Drunks' So. BILLV KLlKf). Northwestern, (melda to., N. Y For Sale-Magic an J Picture Show, Fealuring Frisco ni.ii.lcr. Al for henem., or opera tlott'e. Complete sIkiw only Sat; worm *h's». circular for StHmi'. tleO.A. Itlee.J llllilltrwootl .%..AllblirU.S.V. jsjn Round Tup Cauva., with 3 mldille piece? oue ait I. fiat Cat. Addrw BIN HK0B.. xu Btiinniit St., ioielo, Ohio. K. Oil 1 1 Ml. MAT. TDIIAV. Mumiliiilil Slaitk WANTED, CHORUS MEN THAT PLAY BRASS. Apalyln iier-oii ur by letter io BUSTED BROWN AMUSEMENT CO., Kiilekerhocker Theatre iimuilny, Mhw Yor k. DWARF JOE DAVIE S, AT UltERTY APTIIIt SKIT.Ii). lllMKDIAN. MRP- TURKIC ulitl I'AIITH. Address, null) &e|il. la. "A Trip in the Moon," Lima I'nrk, Coiie> bdaud. N. Y. The Only Ot Hlark Claaa Vao.levllle Tk.alr.a, H. MBVKKIKl.l) JU . PIIIS8. ; MARTIN BKL'K. flKNKHAL MANAI1KH. Ill Appllcu Ui:ii» for Tim. Must be AMrtMM to C. E. TIIUY, Uooblnc Uiuam, MalNllr Tf.ntre Ilnlltlln«. " 1 " Ut r's J 'x- Museum at all time, i.mso i'houihiks, -1MHL _ Trained and rHre autmals, uoveltles or over, do- ■crlptlon for uurlo UalH and Theatre. AddreM 1. O. AM UKKHON, Manager, aa au o»«. THE SID ONI AS, !■;.'■■ ,i .- at t li.-, i Summer Home, BERWICK, Kl»fi Co., Nova Miolla. BERTRAM MILLAR, 47 W. !flth BT„ NKW VOKK. HARRY HOLMAN IN VACDHVII.I.K. »OKs TII L .SHUCK KV STOCK l.'O.Jt'Hi' Hill, (I. SCENERY FOR SALE Have 4u Drops timf one loud of nil k Unit of Dal siuir I hnl I wlMh lo dispose or. Alhn tfood ntnill- lloii. Tell » mil yon v. ju,-, nud ir I have It you enii gel same al « Imrgiilu. Address ' u. P. IMTSKK, l-ioSliortsi,, lliirriHl'inv, Pa. JUST OUT. "I'LL BE WITH YOU IN THL SWEET BTE AM BTE/' A Sohg Hint Will IM rul'ever. Hneriul |ii1ce )., iill Music Deiiterw. ClKllltdK (!. tlKilTKIi, l'jf*l lliiinpioii, ruin). WANTED AT ONCE, CIIAHACTER WOMAN ANO NAN WITH SPE- CIALTY, MAN TO DOUBLE TIIOM ■ BONE OK ALTO IN BAND. fltlter people, write. Volt Itlilal ili.tible lin,.'. ...i. ..,-,. i>'\\ i, tn 1. 1 n. ii « yra , ,,.,.. k, ,. NATURAL CfJKlOSIT Y Kill UU.NK1' I.HI.ANU, t.llllN'1'ltV 1MIIIH (in lirilKII IIKIIIItTN, MlMMUT|:|i I'ATAIIUNUN INDIAN i.lANimS. nltli . Iill.l in her arnlK. Sliitnl. reven feat bill. I'erfecily iiininoillli'il ami |,re.erveil for all lime. Ilnuilred. .if rear* old. Si'tnl for .le..i*rl|illve,:lrei|,iir. p'tolo noil price. • ll. w. imlwkii. ualaalM. s. V. FILMS I- 1 Hi- Ii-'nI maker*! ;mv «.ulv >••).( here. vht. : Cult.-, Ilt.^hipb. Vil,i-i:i|.h mill Mellen. We ■ire dulv nntliiil'i/eil jiLimts in l'lilliidelpliln Tor llu- nhovc Tower's t'lHiieiiiKi-npIt, with |i.-rfect Tnkeup lievleennd nllliilN'AI, Klreprimr Mugii/lue-.. Is the ilinchlni- of uiiichllies. ntnl we ure the ilgenis here. 1 906--AT LIBERTY- 1 907 Htmng Tuba flayer Tor IIiumI, mid III eve r Tru line Df I'erformllig l*t*gs. -■nl.lr.-H. WAIT HILLS, Slo. :i)-JN- Hrnjtd SI., Treuloli, N. .1, FOHDA. S.T., CA81B0 IU8IC HALL Mug" LiuJi's nud Slater Temim Wanted at nil time*: l*o lo four weeks. JOHN T. tJRlFH|THJProp.»lld Mgr. WANTED, iii a First Glass UndersTAader and llntlil Balancer nud Ring rVni'ker, a Plral I'bm* y .inner, or will nork In a bill act; Atlilrop* TIINV IIIKIII. KH. care of KRW VHRK (ll.ll'l-HH, Canvas Theatre i nil mi: mi o.v rKUiiiM.11.1:. Heal, 7U.' Alio ;.uff. It. T,. 160; an. Wail. Aildrein Na'SBlT BtUMLLfi, ri UIBUll Are,, 1HU0II, hlcli. Wanted, Piano and Trap Drums . Salary $12 jot week mill hoard. HeaNoii stJirls June t, emlti rtept. 16. Nullme fnrei-irretlptiDdeiiri'. . Must he A N».l ineu. up in "titnd'iril -uiir. Wira al onte. iJHK f. KMBIKKU W^ilillngliio. M, ('.. WANTED, LADY rALHiSTS Korn iiltfifson. All Miitiiiiicr'-wiiu.HiHr t,'- \i.tiiip and nirriii'ilve mid know lie w io gpiihi- ii'mMf?. Writ f or wlrei|illek. JiirnesWlhoii, sn, 14:)] Mmsd way, cure if. s l,"hmfrnphids of older iimii.'v uiid lUmm we offer nt tmrKiiln iirh'e.H, for quick rein.nnl. W> ineiith.ii a few t.'m'ilm - harkiilus. bill be- fore do-Jug -o «e wun i In siiy : "\Ve never iid- I'Hs,' for ■■tr.-.-t linn which w«> never had. If run Wanted, To Engage Rep. People for 3 Nigtil HlHiids. lfyotirMi'liii4kegoii4|dun'l UMr, Htah- irrnu dusimdulliea. Nn hoozers nui|teij. otieu Ori. 1,'lXi. AjJress 0. Ni HARRIS. AUJlty , NcL-r.vL ., vct.f.i. 1,11 c.ir.l ,,(„. Hi.,, n » •- •>.-.. «. If Villi sec mi llrtlcle nilvel'tlxcl by ,1.. IVP bnee It, iilnl II I* exuellv n« l'e|iii'Henled. I'ltntt. lit 7,-. pet' fie.l : I'lllcKell Tlllef. Idffi rbllil, - *'.»., Ill ry r,.nrlHlil|i. liblinllH 1111,1 i'iiw- Leva, llrenin iff Hie llncelriiek l-'leml. .lea-el lloble-rj. ricMcrler. |.llv Hnvera, Train lloli- le-rv. Ml I He. 'I'lic Waif, snip tbul Bun, lllller ill IhWWMA Seven AucH, b'lre null Kllllnri, fie, ele. All lieHilllnel-e. A line Bert of l''lllll. Ille.llt 1,111111 fl'i'l. In- ,'lll.llllK Heel. ftUMIII, tc.lls«iii*M |-ni«r«nl Jlmlel 1tm0, riroiiil-iiii-w cud n.lm.lele. Willi 1 Ileal.- I.IKHI fe« ol film, Inl- JI3I.1IO - I )_ ' -. ?.'«;;| jj KilMnir-i KiMMrbJ Medcl lllllil, new null c,.lll|,l.-le. Willi n IUi-1. I.I leel of I'llm, for jl.Mi.ini. , , w rimer's I'liliiel-umnpll. nnuiiMi- Willi MP8II- ,111,.-, :iii,l UK iv. Willi u Heel, I.UIIU feet of l-'llin. Tor IITIUW Kdlauu'a 'IW Kill Hill l.m Model, eoluplele and Ilk.- neiv. Willi I .mm (eel ut Mini aud -Jri Slblfa. IHHI.ini. ■ ■ !-■-■**(■ ■-. HnUll'a AcelJ-lelle llllllll, «-llll l,ntll|l, new, $11. .Ml. Snlll! I lliiMlrnl.il--. mid I.c-iiiici-k. Iiwe'a ulie r..c ami « spion.ilii ri,.re«aioiiai mfrnu.il- ,.' uiiliii -iw., lank -.ynt.ni Acrijrleiiu ll.lllll. colfi|il'-le;Blnl lie new. fur fllt.fil). lirlit-XelHim l-'lglii, iieiv.on o llc.-l,,*:..).!!!). a r.-w Cub-inui i.iiM Umpi.lcit. aj <;t.r,o caelr. Sleet Hi- Lninpi, W.IKI Meli; pAlnlliie, lOe. |.ei'.lli,-et,.nll colora: CrtlionM.HuM, rcinant, et<- ; Couilwueri,- the Bern laabovted. iix mr $n.no: Cov»r .am. hwf>TMM| nny fm-iiH; Hhi-fwlutB, any voltane; 'rolencope Leo3 -for nnr inaehliic, Scieeiin, Ullile CuaM null iti-ueral Suiipllei,. I-ai«on'i llnern Kf "I'Alialli'Al.," In mo- tion |ilctntv«, nal.i3M.fn. Tlley ire lie now. We iilTei- llli'lll Inr alMl.lHl, on two llMlll'Jl Heels, wllli ,-ntn nml prlntlim timllei'. rlwniib'fl Huolludll. will, llllH-ll Comleiiirr, ,<„iii|il tut rlft'illib'H rt-.,r,-nsluiiHl Hleiv,i|illi',»ll, tin licit ■limb-. (3MW, ■ACMMUM Wl> III. US WANTUU I'ri.iblcl Tliey Arc llie.lt. LEWIS M. SWAAB &. CO., :i:in Hiiruso tVh, " l'IIH,AIll-:i.l>IIIA, I'A. Bi atl Just mr tho pre<4s. Tbti IhIkJiUShi ana HA H '"'si vriruh-vlllMni.ti-rlMleiri!i'pilLunat IIVIVaNV I'ltltK. MoiiolOirui'H.iikelc.fii'a, PariMlles, Knd diiKH, tinms Fire (laggllig, ele. I'ltlUK, tide, hints Nos. 0, li, 7, N. A I .'::., A li> J is.oltHror lijatij aftirstns. hUb hanks, Vi li I'llie St.. Provlileiiee. ft, |, WAN TPD V H H SNYDER BROS. & HALL'S WILD WEST, MiHlelaiis.dornel, luti'llim.', Ilohlde lit Mills. Illher Mudeiaiis, write. A»o wunl I'errnrf tiers in till (inert or Circus null Wihl Wed IhihIuchs. Addrfsa IIAMLKIl, tllilo. Miisiclmi- iidilri'HH .1 K. H.lTKSllV. Mi.ni! Lemler. 1 III'Lir ■ IIIM'Ml ,0a I1VKICVIIOUY. flillUpJl.llIill I a trc-iiiM. wilh> for whoie- ■bfj cahllogr"! Hie lalcnl l'IU/1's, N'ovelllfrt Hinl Vurttrl Tricks, IINIVKRIAI, KIPI'LY i:tl , \T1 Lit HiillnHI , l-'lllr-rtgo. IMiltillslicd lswi._ -r^ A nil C? ron" lease, balk V/\tVv7 UK STORAaE . . . i ItFtutlr* and Alt'-mllou* Made. NEW JERSEY CAR fORKS, Passaic, H. J. <:'A.m:h a Nil Willi's. Iilliuense u'- ' t THE SUNNY SIDE OF THE STREET Sung, Whistled and Played Everywhere. THE GRAND OLD U. S. A. (Great Patriotic Song). YORK MUSIC PUBLISHING HOUSE, 1433 Broadway, N. Y. City. June 9. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 449 THEAMEB1GAN PRQJECTQGRAPH Fl BEPBOOP FILM PROTECTOR, T n e only xmcUne that will act fli ;ker, even after years or win*- I, PtOIIKLRSS. ' II. FLICKEHLESH, The MactLne ttat Is Entirely Not. NO IS- FRIMJEMKOT on any other machine. We will prot«ct 70a tram any lalta by a wrlttea guarantee. CHA8. E. DRE88LER & CO., 145 Eaat SM St.. »«w York Cl«y. "UNION" Malleable Steel (Ma Sow. U1I01 Elititw It440itirtolt STAGE SCREWS 11.25 pir lot $2.00 pir lot YniUpi BttlpBUQl llaMilCo., eiieigo. ITSAMONEYMAKER every time, bat 700 will never know It if 70a never try It. Catalog tells all. K1HGERY MFG. GO. 108 E. Pearl St., Cincinnati LHllkollne Tlghta, 84. JO; Wonted I Tight ■. S^.tiO; Cotton Tight*. ISI.TIO; Stlk Tight-, from 93i.eS apt I Shirt • to match, all aam« price I si tight.; Pomps 95 ceata; Gait- I era, $1.00; Elastic Supporter*, I 91.00; Cloth Supporters, 35 cents; [ Send for catalogue and samplea 1 of tlglita fr«e. Voaltlvely a de- posit required. Satisfaction guarail- teedor money refunded. SPIOER BROS., Lincoln Bldg., 1 Union Square, N.V. 10 per c:, prof, dlacounton ail tights and shirta. tb; ■'.«!*- Bend tormjbeaattfallylllnitTateil book aspltiilnf matbod, alio pleMru. ic.n.1 of pHTi,*Aon.ft£treiiei*b<>l>i*ebefom* efficient ihroo.fi m- traJnlui — m»U*d FREE. Addrua Henry C Ickac School ot Ac ll og, IK KkaWI Bait. Cttlcsji The Hcjss with the Goods and Lowest Prices. Oar 1MW STREETMEN'S CATALOGUE Ib how ready for distribution. Wiite for it today. You cannot afford to be with- out » copy. Hailed free. LEYIK BROS , Est 18*8. 30-32 N.BIXTB STREET, 30O. tier IOO. TKRRE HAUTE, INK [UNIFORMS BANK, mUTAir, HINSTKEL OBTFITf CUIUVAL COS., tISQEKS And AU Other. Sal be UltlK. lalta OH tult* Special Motion CIvcd (be Prituiloi Western Uniform 60. * 21 4 e. CLARK ST. CHICAOO Ooron WANT HILITARY GOODS? BAJP EN1 FORMS, ABUT 01 NAT! S OTT8 . TDI8, SUNS ul EIJUIPUEKT OF EVERT DESOElmos. rrom Ooreniment Auction. So matter wSat /on wont In that line I cut ■ - 1 - It. Haw or second band. Bend for B.B. ABRAHAMS, a South St., Philadelphia, Fa. Flia Uaglcal Appartas, ILLUSIONS. TBJOKJ, lie. Grand End of Oaatorr. tolly Oloitrated. BOOHCATA- tOOOE, ao., treo OT stall. OatAlogno ol Parlor tricks Ma MARWNIA A CO.. aaeaV, «J SLzth Am, B. T. BLOOD POISON ,F0R WCRE.THAN TWENTY YEARS we bare nude trie euro of Blood Poison a specialty. Blood Poison Permanently Cured. You can bo treated at bono nuoer same guaranty. Capital! MO.OOO. Wo solicit tbo most obstinate cases. If yon have ei- hiuated the old methods of treatment and still bate aches and pains, Mucus Patches In Moum .Bore Throat, Pimples, Copper-Colored Spota, Ulcers on any part of the body, Hair or Eyebrows falling out, write for proofs of eixes. loo-pago Book Free. COOK REMEDY CO., 11 11 MiMnloT«mplt f Chlcigo t III., U.S.A. un rrto STATES . AND rOREICN And make you a fortune. If yon have a PLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO, ACT, SONG or BOOK that la worth anvthinir, yon abottld copyriarht It. Don't take cbanceawhea jou can aecare oar s**rr- Ice* at niual! com. Setidfor our SPICW. OIFER TO I WtMlMS before applying, for a patent) it will fay you. HWHOOK on patenU sent M£L We advise If patenta- ble or not, TRT.E> We Incorporate STOCK COMPANIES. Small fees. Consult ub. WORMEUC & VAN MATER, Cnl—.ls CaarrWM 1 PaitatCe-lw, wammtqn;d.c PHILADELPHIA Reached best by the New Jersey Central klADlVG SYSTEM nun inn awn an Of the noes astTlmr BcKbBilUa Sopcrb Dlgtarg gfTTtea POPULAR HITS. Corer Handsomely Illustrated. We. per loo or $7 per l.ooo. 8 different books. Samples 100. A. LONDON PUB. 00., 719 Willow St., Philadelphia, Pa. THE HTTRBAY 00., CIFtfCUS CANVA8E8, Po le, and e tale s, agAT S.rla ra. Etc ■LAOi nmioi show FADrrnraa. nom AID BAATIIBS FOB STREET PAiBB. Ateata (or HDD'S PATXNT C1KOTS LISHTB .111, WamUanoa ja. CHICAOO, ILL SHOW TENTS For Clreoaes, Will Weal Boon, Black Tents, Cudr Tops, Flags, Kldd * Baiter Llfhts, etc. 8.B. (or IS oass price list of second hand Teats. BAKSb * LOCKWOOD MFO. CO., Tth Mi Wyaadotta, gaaaas CttT. Mo. United Stair. Teat and Awning Oo^ Randolph and Union Streets, CH1CAQ0, III. CIRCU8 CANVASES. ■LACK TBKTS Onr Bpeelaltr. HUE .BOW PAMBTUIOa. J C.GOSSCO. M. R 4 KELY MANUFACTURER OF SHOW CANVASSES J Last. Sleet HO. and trader Blaw sad Second Hand. Writ. TUI CHAHLIS P. SIEDEH tot aid tvmmi co.. SaoeeeBcra lotlil.w. Hobls Oc- Tent Deft, Detroit Bag and mi. Oo„ Detroit, anon. Mrs. L. Scheuer, Evening Gown a specialty. Befut Dinner, Garden and Reception Oowu at rxoderate prtcei. In the Gentlemen*! Department we carry Full Drees and Tuxedo Rnlta, inverneM Capei. Prince Alberta In Ooati and Veata. flpriBg 8uta and Overcoats, Ealn Ooata, etc. Remember our Store*, 924-eM South St., Phila- delphia, Pa. Onr Branch Store for LadiM' Qooda only at 818 W. MnUbenr 81, Bald more, McL SIX M0NTH8' ENGAGEMENT Plavlng every night, at union prices. Can oae Solo Oornet,Trap DrumH, BflatBaae, E-flatUss8, Bari- tone. Enlistment in the army for three yean. Good chance for promotion for good mtialclatw. Only lobcr, reliable, unmarried men need apply. (JR9AHE TOKSIBI.LO. Bandmaster, 2eth lafaatry, Fort Bam llonaton, Texas, Get the Habit. Go] to Quit CLOTHIERS, UNION SQDABE, 14th Street, near Breaelway. 279 Brulnr, near Chambers, 47 Cortlinat St., neu Oreeawlch. 12Stb St., corner TUrd in. IEW YORK CITaT. Nothing gives that de- licious feeling of absolute cleanliness to the mouth like S0Z0D0NT Liquid, Powder or Paste HAS NO ODOR, LKAVKS NO ODOR. A perfectly harmless cream that re- moves absolutely all bodily odors. Does not close the poTes or soil the clothing. Endorsed by women of so- cial prominence as being IN DISPENSABLE TO THE TOILET For fifteen years Pirsplrodof has been on the market and not one unfavorable comment has been received. We guarantee entire satisfaction or your money back. Ask jour druggist for Paratplrodor ■ If he does not carry It, send 25 cents for full size Jar postpaid, or In order that you may Judge its merit we will mall KRKE SAMPLE with Inter- esting booklet on your request Write to-day. BROOKS-OORDOrf CO., 7T3 Gram-rcy Building, NEW YOH K . CROSs^- FAMOUS ■ THE WORLD OVER THEATRICAL PRINTING & ENGRAVING Stationery, Tickets, Contracts, Cards, etc Book of Cuts. 20c Siaee Money 15c Trick Cards 5c Bet of 12 Pictorial POST CARDS 16c. RED. WHITE. TENTS. SCHNEIDER TENT CO, .0 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. DETROIT . . MIOM J. I.. KELLKY, Bfgr. BLUE. BL ACK. Spangles, JLOO Per Pound. Worsted fights, pair. 2.00 Plaited Bilk Tights, pair 2.60 Beet Silk Tigli:s,r BM lucb cotton tops.1 B,w Calf. Thigh and Hip Paddings. Gold and Silver Trimmings. Send Deposit with order. THE BOSTON HE t. ALIA CO., 387 Washington St., Beaton, Haas. Learned by any man or boy at home; small cost Bend to-day so. stamp for particulars and proof. O.A.Smith. Box 0. 20*0 KnoxviUe Ate-.Peorta. DL ROYALTY PAID ON SONG-POEHS rtoXEta ■rjnc Pin. CO, GncJ ■t Mi.Ulta. BHs.. CSkai^, Bl. M . BTRA88MAN ATTORNEY, 853 Broadway, New York City. CANADA. Ottawa, — At Britannia on I he- TU7 (J. B. Hutchison, manager) the bill last week was cood and drear crowded houses, with Patch- log Tiro*.. McCarthy and Spencer, E. T, Ca- rnally. Rurtin's dogs and moving pictures. Bill week of June 4 : Plmm-Ilomm-B-r-r-r, Krancllle and Lewis, Pan teeing llros., and moving pictures. Note. — The Canadian Tneatre Managers' Association opened Its first annual conven- tion In the Russell Theatre. May 28, and con- tinued 20, 30. The delegates in attendance were: A. J. Small, Toronto: C. A. Pyne, Woodstock; J. W. Cowan. Toronto: F. R. Brlsco, Chatham ; S. Soloman. Toronto ; C. II. Wilson, St. Catharines: F. X. Korman, Suebec; J. D. Metcalfe, Halifax, N. S.; A. O. ktlnner. St. John. N. I) ; W. A. Rdwards, Montreal: A. Brandentverger, Stratford: I. Shupe. Gait ; R, H. BraoTbura, Peterborough ; T. J. Naylor. Desennto; 0. B. Shepherd. To- ronto; S. E. Carman. Belleville; F. I. Ritchie, Rrockville: A. R. Louden, Hamilton; V. C. Johnson, Brentford ; D. A. Mclntyre. St, Thomas: Q. L. Hlgglns, Ouolph ; Frank Ford, Berlin ; J. B. Linton, London ; Peter Corman, Ottawa : John Powell, Barrle ; A. B. Thomp- son, Orlllla ; D. B. Bmnalgao, Kingston. The convention elected officers and also saw the minister of customs regarding custom charges. Hon. Mr. Pnterson. minister of customs, prom- ised that the changes suggested would be given careful consideration. The following officers were chosen : President. A. J. Small, Toronto: Brat ties president, W. A. Edwards, Montreal ; second vice president, D. P. Bran!- Kan, Kingston ; secretary, J. E, Turton, Lon- don: treasurer, J. W. Cowan, Toronto; ex- ecutive, C. A. Pyne, Woodstock ; R. II. Brad- buro. Peterboro; F. II. Brlsco, Chatham; C. II. Wilson, St. Catharines; P. Gorman Ot- tawa: A R. Loudon, Hamilton. A dinner waa held In the SuBiell House on May 20. and was a most enjoyable affair. At tbe close of tbe convention, as a alight token of esteem, Peter Oorman, manager of tbe Russell, was agreeably surprised wten tbe members or tbe association presented him with a handsome gold headed silk umbrella. It was decided to hold the next convention In New York, June 17, 1007. —■■ -■■s St. John— At the Opera House (A. O. Skinner, manager) the Kfrk Brown Stock Co. closed a two weeks' engagement May 26, 1th a good performance of ,T Dangers of a Great City," to good business. During the ™ pany's engagement big business ruled. 24 (Victoria Dav) tbe company gave performances, to 8, R, O. The Connors E City," to good business. During the com 'On two Stock Co. opened a week's engagement 28, present- ing "Lost Id the World.' 7 Eva Scott, Nick Judels, J, J. O'Donoell, tbe Murraya, moving Slctures, and Madame Flower, "tbe bronze Iclba," furnished specialties. Madame Flower was specially engaged for tbla engagement, and deserves mention. Repertory for reat of tbe week Included : 'Tie Little Heiress" and "The Country Girl." "The Irlsb Pawnbrok- ers" 4-0, "When Knighthood Waa in Flower" 7-0. "Sweet Clover" 11-14. York (It. I. Armstrong, manager). — The Gage Stock Co. closed Its engagement May 20, wltb a performance of "Charley's Aunt. ' The engagement waa terminated ten daya earlier than originally Intended. "The Con vlct's Daughter" June 7-0, "Fablo Itomanl" 14-16. Notes. — Ed. Birnstead Jr. Is business man- ager with the Connor Stock Co., and, as usual, Is hustling Kirk Brown received word while here of the death of his grand- mother, at McKeesport, Pa. London. — At the Grand (J. B. Turton, manager) tbe Chicago Btock Co. closed a week's engagement May 26. One ot the last bookings of the season waa "A Royal Slave," June 1, 2. Notes. — Manager Turton left for Ottawa, to attend tbe convention of Canadian theatri- cal managers A moving picture machine may occupy tbe Grand during June Sam i-oughrey, of tbe Grand staff. Joined tbe E. S. Wlllard Co. here, as stage carpenter, for the rest of the season .das. Bfner, of Ben- nett's Vaudeville Theatre, Joined "The Holy City" Co. here, aa stage carpenter Man- ager C. W. Bennett Is In Montreal.... .Owner Harvey, of Bennett's, baa about closed the sale of his theatre to tbe Bennett Theatrical Enterprise Co E. C. Home, of New York, a builder of playhouses, was In London last week, going over tbe plans for the remodeling of Bennett's Into a ground floor house. He was also shown plans for the houses to be built In Ottawa and Montreal No shows will be put 00 at Sprlagbank Park tbla Bum- mer. Toronto. — At tbe Grand Opera PJouae (A. J. Small, manager) week of May 28 Madame afantelll English Grand Opera Co. drew packed houses, and closed a successful season for tbe house. Majestic tA. J, Small, manager). — '-Fighting Fate" drew well. "A Little Out- casf* June 4-0. Sum's (J. Shea, manager). — A good card and packed houses last week closed a very succcBsful season for the house. Stab (K. W. Stnlr, manager). — Parisian Belles and San Francisco earthquake pictures played to packed houses laat week. Btsr Theatre Stock Co. 4-0. ■ i » COLORADO. Denver. — At the Broadway (Mrs. E. V. McCourt, manager) Henrietta Crosmau, In "Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary," la the bill June 4 and week. Nat C. Goodwin, In "The Genlua," follows. Eutcii'b Gardens (Mai? Elltch-Long, pro- prietor). — Tbe lira: week's business was large, tbe stock company giving an excellent pre- sentation of "Cousin Kate." "The Other Girl" 8-S. Walter Clark Bellows la directing tbe productions, with Harry Btubbs as stage manager, and Frederick Paulding as director. Bmpibb (J. B. Clifford, manager). — Good business, and tbe audiences were pleased with the stock company In tbe two burlesques. "Tbe Sultana Favorite" and "Tonopab," laat week. Kate Coyle Is a favorite. In vaude- ville Rlcardo, "the Master of the Wheel," was a feature. Cubtis (A. R. Felt on, manager). — Busi- ness was better last week, "The Price of Honor" drawing good bouses. "Midnight In Chinatown" week of S. Novelty (Henry Lubeiskl, manager). — Last week tbe Summer season began at this bouse, wltb almost record houses. The bill : RIalto Quartette, Christy and Smith, Jennie Van Tour, McDonald Trio, George Jones, Bland and Ebr, and pictures. Crystal ( 0. I. Adams, manager ) . — Tbe feature of last week's excellent bill was tbe Great Alblnl. Good business ruled. Others on tbe bill were : Seaman, Adams and Rog- ers. Nellie Macgulre, Entile Chevrlel and pic- tures. Notes. — Manhattan Beach opened May 20, with every Indication of a record season. On tbe evening of June tbe theatre will open wltb the Augustta Daly Musical Co., under the direction of J. C. Duff, In "A Country Girl." On the night of 1, at the It road- way, the members of Mrs. Margaret Fealy's school of acting gave an excellent perform- ance, before a large house. A, W. Plnero's "The Magistrate, wsa cleverly given. A ploylet, "The Porch Climber," written by II. k Rogers, a member of The Denver Republi- can staff, was one of the anappleat shits on society seen on a Denver stage In many a day Two large audiences saw Mm*, Bernhardt, at FJItcbs, May 24. « i s SUM! M. FuLTo.f, of Leonard and Fulton, writes: "Mr mother died suddenly May 11, I was called home by telegraph, but she bad passed away before I arrived," HALL'S Vegetable Sicilian Hair Ren ewer renews the hair, makes new again, restores to freshness, gives new life. Stops falling hair. Keeps the scalp clean and healthy. Makes the hair soft and smooth. * Sold for 60 years For the whlakeissn.it moueUehe we make a Dve known ultDOKLHGIIAM'S DIB. It colors In- it* fitly 4. rich brown or • soft black. It. P. HALL at CO.. Nashua. N.B. That Horlick's Malted Milk Is the beat snllk-rood for the baby Is proved by thousands of heal thy Infants eveirwhers. It ts purs, rich milk, so modified and en- riched with tbe extract of selected malttd ■rains as to be easily digested hy the weakest stomach. Ready at a moment'a notice by almply stirring In water. No additional milk or cooking Is required. Very sustaining for nursing mothers. A healthful, Invisorating food drink for everybody, from Infancy to old age. A glassful taken hot before retiring induces restful sleep. A .ample, vest pocket lunch case, alio booklet, giving valuable recipes, sent free, If mentioned. At all druggists. ASK FOR HCRLICKB; others sue Imitations. Horllck'. Mailed Milk Co. Racine Wig., U. S. A. London, Montreal, Kngiind, JUST RIGHT AFTER DINNER Trw Th Am 1 Ir Tn:l CSQ & WEIL. 77-81 WOOSTER ST. (Brt. Spri ng ind Broomi), N»w T«rt The atrical Supp lies, Tights, Wigs, a Greasi Palais, l a CATALOOPB Mot « . Gold a Silver Trlnnlggs, Spugln, I n CATALOGUE No. ft Stagi Jewelry ol Ear) OascripHca, I n CATALOOTJB No. B . •BND FOB CATALOQUH TO-DAI. Wt moi) good. C. 0. D., tubjtct ta IniMctteo bit raquln ■ »po»lt»» tllordm. HOW DOES TOTJB CMDY PRIVILEGE PAY? THE FAMOUS CRACKER JACK Packed so it cannot become unsalable, aid our 6 and 10o. package candies will greatly Increase Its value. Inform aa where you hold a eeneaasloa aad we will •end samples and prices. BUEfllEEIaf BBOB . ft B OUTEDI, 848 SO. PEOBIA ST. , OHICAOO. Fl L.LVB S FOR SALE OR RENT. Dealers in all new and up to date subjects write and obtain my quotation on any film yon desire before purchasing Stereoptlcons, Moving Pic- tures, Supplies, etc. L. HETZ, 302 E. 23d St., N. T. 0. f • "Tell It To Me S. KINDALl'S 3d AIX HEW. JUST OUT. For ski, on all trim, and dowb itanaa, or by Ball, 95c. Addrow EZRA KKKDAL.L, SO South Tth At.., Ht. V.rnon, BJ, Y. MOVING PICTURE PRINTING. Or THE BRIEF EXPERIENCE OF THE SKIDDOO BROS. IN SOCIETY. HENNEGAN & CO., CinoinaalL SNAKES, •8.00 UP. PYTHONS. Choice lot Pythons, all sizes. Good feeders and handlers. Also Pine or Turtle Head Snakes. Lowest prices. J. HOPE, 35 N. 9th St., Phlla., Pa. Stereoscopic Views, I 5 Pictures to tin Set; Per Set, $ 1 .50 All Interesting, clean, and original. Also 11» dlf- tercnl SAN FRANCISCO FIKE and EARTHQUAKE STKREOS., OUR OWN ORIGINAL NEGATIVES. For Machines used in Arcades. Parke, etc. Send lor llBt . RALPB J. OOLSEN, 13 and W Wabasb. Are., Chicago LENGTH tlt> FEET. THE END OF TNE AUTO TRIP. SAN FRANCISCO. Taking only the most interesting sections of the various scenes made by our operators in San Francisco, we recommend the following: No. 3168, 16o feet — Reproduction of San Francisco in Flames, tinted red. No. 3171, 140 feet — Panoramic view of Filmore and Turk Streets, and refugees hurrying to the Ferry down Market Street; destroying ruins of St Patrick's Church. No. 3172. 287 feet— Conglomeration of ruins Ellis Street, City Hall, feeding refugees of all classes, feeding Chinamen at the Presidio, Panorama of Market Street and the Hibernian Bank. No. 3173, 373 feet — Panorama of ruins on Market Street, Panorama of ruins in residential section, Panorama of Nob Hill, Fairmount Hotel, Hyde and Sutter Streets. AMERICAN MUTOSGOPE & BIOGRAPH CO., 1 1 East 1 4th St ., New Y ork City. PACIFIC COAST BRANCH, KLEINE OPTICAL CO., Chicago, - - - ae»3 west Pico street, Los Angeles, CaL - • Special Selling Agents. I A^TTbTw ATE HALF-TONE S1KA1 E PROCESS CO. , . PARK ROW BUILDING. N.Y. A_| Octa. SQUARE INCH' " ' cuts 8j .PEERLESS COIN OPERATED GD L DM E DAL &HIGHESX AWARDS ■• BUFFALaVaCKST^QDlsTaHPORTL-ANDiaOS, ; fit> RDM & ENGELHARD! St. NY. DO YOU USE ACETYLENE? IF SO WE WAJfT TO SEND TOTJ A SAMPLE: BURrVER. We know we have the best burner ever made for use In a Stereoptlcon or atovln Picture Kaohlne; also for Lighting Theatres, Medicine Campa and circuses. Address Boom IS, Enclosing lOe. for Sample. WK. BL CRANE COMPANY, 1131-33 Broadway, New York. Moving Picture Paper SAN FRANClicO FILMS. DONALDSON LITHO. CO., HEWPOBT, KY. SEND US YOUR MANUSCRIPT OF SONG POEMS, ORIGINAL MELODIES, Or GOMPLETE WORKS, And If they have say merit we Have the facilities to make them go. All letters answered promptly. PIONEER MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., Room .Ot, Haah.tt.n Blrlg., CHICAGO, ILL. WI6S TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, ETC. Aid Ih. Utnt ind Most Popular Styl«i In Lidlci Hilr Drtulng. , A. M. Ill CH & CO., HBN. Hlnth StrMt ■ ■ ... Philadelphia tio.ooo.ooiS-sai-. -^ tlPii\ND Instruments savjsai warslradidla for"liULTuN"instrumuiU l «blchex- eslBklloUi«ra. It jouwmnt tfce beat, buj a"llOLTON H —If yea will bave ui.< t!. ir nuike. w« bavs it (or TOO atMBA BvsrjtblrE lor bands. lurcaUIagaodwai- sjaln list Cra« on rwj u m I. ■mAMIt M0LTOM fc CO.. QtUf »ai SUBSTITUTES MAY BE OFFERED YOU TO INCREASE DEALERS' PROFITS INSIST ON HAVING THE GENUINE MUSICAL, NOVELTIES. Send for2«.pa(te hIih. catalog, stair.p for reply. Twenty jcars' ejcpcrlenco, K. B, bTKKRT, inventor and Maker, a* Urook St., Uarifurd.Coim . . Or SINO LK MUSICAL ACT --Wniited. Long eeason. IAS. HAY, Cutnberlaud, Aid. CUSHION BUTTON UOSE 1 ' CUPPORTER June 9. THE TiFETW YORK CLIPPER. 451 PICTURES IN Start an Amu9ement Parlor and Penny Arcade and reap a fortune, Edison Coin-Slot Machines draw the crowd and accumulate wealth for you. Automatically run by electricity at small expense. Write to-day for full information to NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CO., 64 LAKESIDE AVE., - - ORANGE. M. J. MAHLER BROS. 511 and 519 SIXTH AVE. LEADING THEATR ICAL UNDERWEAR HOUSE OF AMERICA. SPECIALTY OUTFIT™ 10 TIB PROFESSION. SEW 110 HUUD 1SS0ETIE5T8 All OCR DEP 11IH3TS. Cloaks, Soits, Waists, Millinery. Gloves aid Maslii Uiderwear. j Shoe Dipt. W "IT? IT'S ALL TO THE CANDY TUB BIOGBST :vrorci5Y MAKER ■» FOR PARK MANAGERS AND CONCESSION MEN Hundred* of hustler* made hundred*, of dollar* Lilt teason from our wondsrfat ma- chine, hut tba field waa not one-tenth cowered. Wake up and get la line — It'a tha blfgait hit or all — a money coiner from the flrat minute. It'a tha EMPIRE CANDY FLOSS MACHINE. It lama a pound of ancar Into 80 nickel bags of candt In ft ml nut at, while tbi crowd looks on, and they ahell out their nlckeli ai faat m you can sack the candy. Ifaay ESiriltE machlnea are takls* In from ISO to 1125 dally, A dead sure propoalUoa for Parka, ftoeorta, Bummer Garden*. Circuses, Kac* Tracks, Carnival*, Street Cornart, SHOW Windows or wharerer then an crowd* of people- I Operated by band or power. needed. Anyone can run It No *u or electricity required No candy maker Oiiglnatora of oar >p8boeatorBtaf«aiid8tn«l EiOmawi freel; gtreo on -jooka. Up to Date stjkr lonfit C«*T* Prices for Desirable Footwear, Quantity ordara. Complete Stock*. Up SPECIAL MAKE-UP BOXES e from the very best fin, are black enameled. Brpe I look, Our cold CREAM, expressly prepared for the) Th* atrlcal ProfessioD, guaranteed to be absolutely m aai never become rancid In any climate. Pnt op u paoad Screw Top Tin Cans at «c.t half ponnd at a»e. SAMPLES OF CllEAM 8BBJT FRII. All mall orders moat he accompanied by mcaey oroau, Roie aent 0. 0. D. Oaur Haw Tbea trloal Cataiofva temt Ora* -apoa raoweat. The EMPIRE makes a better candy, and makes It mora rapidly than any machine you ever aaw. It 1* of perfect mechanical construction, very simple, will not get out of order, but is Johnny on tbe apot at all times. W* guarantee (ha construction, anal you can depend on 80 bag* In 8 minute*— and it* nearly AUL PROFIT. The EMPIRE CANDY FLOBS MACHINE 1* fully covered by patents. We will pro- tect all purchasers and prosecute all Infringers. Don't bo fooled by cheep Imitation*. SEND TO-DAY FOR PARTICULARS and get In Una with tha winner. Bold outright, without restriction* u to where II ■ball be uied pricksj HAND POWER MACHINE, with Oil Attachment 118000 HAND OR POWER MACHINE, with Gal Attachment tod equipped with Elec- tric Motor and Attachment*, compute 200 04 Toti machine h-.-r be operated by band or bj electric motor. Oaiolln* Gtne- rator for althar of tlu abore maciinea M.M TBRMSi Caah with order. It desired, either machine will be afclppta C. 0. D., with prlelliie of examlaatloa, on receipt of 826.00 WRITE FOB CATALOOTJE AND CULL. 1NFOBMATION. EMPIRE CANDY FLOSS MACHINE CO. FI8HER BLDC, CHICAGO, ILL. ^EtfCIRIC SICKS AND ILLUMINATIONS jmmui KUEGUGHT nw rom UIS IMWrW AM 13) W.saa JI, Mzwvoac YELLOW FLAME Are Lamps FOB SPECIAL ILL01UATI0". WPORTERg OF THE Yellow Flame Carbons, Which Rive, to them their high, Lnninona efficiency and characteristic color effect. SEND FOR PRICES. LAMPS IN OPERATION" AT WEBER'S HVSIO HALL, H. T. NEW HOHTAUK iHE ATM, BBOOKLTH, &c, MINIATURE RAILROAD CO., 74 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Winslows Skates MOT 80 TEARS -AGO, DEBT TO-DAY. Are TJeed Eicloslre- ijhr the Beit Rlokm We hire the Larieat and Beat Equipped Work, la the World lor Maklni ICE} 1AHD| juro YOU CAN MAKE MONEY BY RUNNING A ROLLER SKATIMO RINK The Increeelng popalarlly of Ballea Skating hai opened a larger field thuaa area befor. tor thli popular uaul.m,It. BUND FOB CATALOQD1. affr, ™8 •*• llluelrxtii jWIRSLOW'S Cnn.llaflaftaw f9 BBS LATEST HODEI. osaanwiiiTti -•■■ *a* W0HEN . 8 RIN , , Skill Ml|. Dl., J Bk*> SKATE, WIT. | Worcester, Meae. BE Br ..ijucrgf* tTEEl Maker, ot Ice { ""**■**■■' H niL8 and Roller BUtea "* — ** *> s%& t3=^ if^ — '■'ysy^Hi r***' |1£METHER- T "£ oiiK!?" *■ SLND FOR.- ."CATALOGUE;; 106 FRANKll-N/ST^cHttAQmL^ NEGRESCQU HAIR CO., 162 State St., Chicago, Ith FLOOR. Our specially It ralao (or yoor money at ono ball tha price otbers ask for the tame goods. Perfect latlsfaoUon guaranteed or your money back. On receipt of $1.00 deposit we will lead goods 0. 0. 0., subject to ex- amination. taember the Name audi the Place. CATALOG FREE. HAIR CO., 1«« State St., Chicago, 8th Floor. D=e&u?nS WefVcrklclheCllPPERtWHVNofTonYoL' vvri :e for .price:? Oli iMICAL' ENGRAVING CO. MUSIC PRINTING low prices XOTToll'tlliERMAN- . CAM. ramona^Katncar RE8TAURAHT 4T»bixthavb:., Bot.28tli and 29th Bte., NEW YORK CITY. Dc3t of Food, Perfect- ly Oooked.DollcloaHly Berred. Prices rca aon&ble. Special Din lpgRoom tor Lad lea CYLINDER PHI 0R6HMS. New and second hand.Hult- ablo for Street SHowa, Merry Go 'Round, Shooting Galleries and Skating Rinks. CYLINDER MARKING A SPECIALTY, a. BUNA, First St, New York. MANUSCRIPP-FgAYS £23 !44 LA'SALtE 5ft" attenuoaCDOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMEN n£Sm.imS& iietSS, STtttdo.. pair* Boap. •2-» 1 jro»j «» "S* cal Batterlea. Sena 7Bc. for Baniple No. U B.B eip. fgJSiJSSiStmS third caah reeralrea. Trial order will conrlnce. LaimatlJanafactoreraet IDee ?alra. Boap, ,2.10 Kroea: t mn„ eap. prepaid. Latatont On imralreJ. Trial order win conTlnce. I.amet ManaCacnireraof Mm trtcBeioaancTApiSiahcealnn.aA. Batabllahad 1878. UoWre and price UK Cm. 1HB ELEOTEICAL AFFLUUOE CO., BulllStOS, Kia. SAW ■-CAPSULES- M I Bf OATARRH of tha BLADDER. Relieves all jDischargesf 134 HOUR! thiiukh. C. A. TA YLOll TIIIJS K WORKS, an E. llandolph HI., OIIIOAQO; 131 W. Hath tit., HEW TOR*. Write for New catalogue. "PATTEBSOH, KNOWN BTBBTWBDBaa. "ATLAS." 27 I 20 x 17 50 I 21 x 18. 18 i 22 X IB. 51 i It I 20. 10 z 24 I 21 . 15.75 6.00 8.25 8.90 7.60 PBOFB8BI0NAL CASH WITH ORDKll. IBOtUJLAD. 12 I 20 X 22 19 fj I 21 X 28... Mr!2l 24... Ullll 25 10.1 40 I 24 I 25 11 H For Partirnlsr* and lllnrtratloa*, Rtqueat Cmt*lo|ua. niB BELBEB TRDNK AND DAQ CO., 1M CPlomtlla A-Tmaa, fHILAPBLPHlA^ FA CENTRAL TRUNKS. 26ln-.l7.B0 I SSIn., »0.W: «0lo„ 10.50: SOIlL, 810.50 : lonilld Photography. Unique sitnatlona. GOOD ALL THE WAY THROUCH. Haggtlig - - 720 >t. SPKOIALI A trip through Colorado from Sallda to Grand Junction on tho Denver A Rio Grando, passing through llio lllack Canyon around the fnmout Hairpin Curve and bj tho Government Irriga- tion Camp. Tho scenery la grandly magnificent, showing towering ollrra, roaring torrents, tunnola, bridges and many wonderful and Inspiring vistas of picturesque loveliness. SOLD IN aOO. 400. 800 AND 800 FEET UNOTHg. THE VITA8RAPH COMPANY OF AMERICA, IIS NASSAU ST., NEW YORK. TELEPHONIC, U7IH JOHrl._ KLEINS OPTICAL CO., »» Stat. St., Chlc«K», 111., CAULK AODRKSH, "VlTAflHaPH." SEIXINO AGEHTBi CtlAHI.Hg URBAN TRADING CO., Ltd., 48 Rupert St., London, Bng. FILMS FOR RENT CHICAGO HEADQUARTERS FOR PICTURE MACHINES EISE1I II, II Datrtera St., CSIcaOQ. FILMS RENT IF YOU WANT GOOD FILM THAT IS IN CON- DITION TO USB AFTER YOU GET IT LET U8 SEND IT TO YOU. NATIONAL FILM (tENTINE GO. *> ■. Cla.k wu, onioAao, ill,. MOVING FILMS. Wit MAJICFACTTJBJB STEREOPTIGONS, MAGIC LANTERNS, ELECTRIC AND LIME LIGHT BURNERS And Other Accessories. W« sUUI OKIBRAI. Mr.L,LlNQ AGK.VT8 FOB The Power Gameragraph Edison Kinetoseope BIOGrI»lAl»H l^IXVJVrjS VITAGRAPH 1^ILV3VX» PATH« IMXVBWtS BDISOX l^IIyMS All Films at 12 Cents Per Foot Except Edison Claw A, WMeh Are 15 Centa LATEST SUBJECTS ALWAYS IN STOCK. Kleins Lenses for Picture Machines Cover the Whole Range of Practical Projection. 52 STATE ST. N Opposrrt MjsonigTwpU CHICAGO* ILL. lew Twk AMresi, 127-129 W. 321 ST. 0ATUMB1 flEE. DRAMATIC. VAUDEVILLE. CIRCUS. Copyrljlt, 1906, by the Funk Qu(en PuMMilif Companj (Limited) Founded by FRANK QUEEN, 1853. NEW YORK, JUNE 16, 1906. VOLUME LIV.-No, 17. Prloe, 1 Centi. 454 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. June if; Mi5J CIipper'5 Anecdotes, Personalities and Cornells, CONCERTINO ST16E FOLK and Sometimes OTHERS BT J QBBPHINB GEO. Three tales of phenomenal speed were picked up at the Gait Home, Louisville, by a manager who returned to the metropolis last week. The first Is told concerning the testimony of a darkey bootblack, at a trial where he was the chief witness to a shooting affray. Two fiery tempered Southern "Colonels" disagreed so far as to threaten the lives of each other— In fact, they bad sworn to "shoot on sight. ■■ One of them cot a chance at bis man while the latter stood In a hotel office, getting his boots blacked. At the subsequent trial the Judge, daring the examination, said to the darkey : "There were two shots, following In quick succession. Did yon heard themf" "Well, Judge," drawled the darkey, "I done heard de fust shot, bat I didn't see It. Hah back wut to It" "But did you not hear the second also, which took place an instant later?" persisted the Judge. "No,. Suh 1" declared the darkey. "You couldn't have missed hearing It, you must hare been close by," said the Judge. "No, I wuzu't," firmly said the witness. "Well," said the Judge, "where were yeu?" "Jes 'baout dat time," drawled the darkey, "I wua a-passln' de L. and N. station." His rate of speed may be determined by the fact that the L. and N. depot Is one mile from the hotel. * A darkey, who bad been caught one nlgbt breaking that commandment relative to coveting his neighbor's possessions by way of chickens, was being hotly pursued down the road by the owner of the rooit. A pistol shot hastened bis already rapid run. He was going at a frightful pace, when a Jack rabbit sprang Into the road Juat in front of him and set the pace for a quarter of a mite or so, keeping a short distance In front of the chicken thief. As the Jack rabbit Is known to be the fleetest thing afoot, the exclamation of the flying darkey waB laughable In the ex- treme : "Git out o' de way I" breathlessly cried be, "stop a-hladerln' some one dat con runt" It bad been understood by a finning party of four or five "teaderfeet" that one of tbem should each day go Into the woods, gunning In Quest of fresh meat. It came the turn of one who was more familiar with the rod than he was with the rifle. "I never shot anything In my life," de- murred he. "Let some one else go— I couldn't aboot an elephant at a five foot range." "But you've got to take your turn at bring- ing meat into the camp," aatd one of the others, at whlcb declaration the man re- luctantly departed Into the depths of the wood, leaving hla friends at the banks of the stream. Half an hour passed, then a cracking of twigs and a rushing through bushes was heard, followed by the shouts of the tyro hunter, who was to bring the meat Into camp. He finally came Into sight, closely followed by a bear. "Here we cornel Here'a your fresh meat I" he yelled. "Durn our rattlln' bones! Head us off I" t "It does not follow that following a maxim Is always the right thing to do," declared Ernest Lamson the other day, In Chicago, as he returned bareheaded to his hotel. A few hours previously he had invested In the latest Btyle of straw hot, for the Chicago air was warm, and light hats seemed a necos- elty. He was walking down Michigan Avenue with a friend, when a gust of wind from off the lake snatched It from bis bead, and it went whirling down the street. "Why don't you run for It?" exclaimed bis friend, seeing that the actor made no attempt to regain his head covering. "Haven't you beard that old advice, never to run for your hat?" be asked. "Someone will always get It and bring it to you." On this occasion several small boys start- ed for the hat, Illustrating Lamson's faith in the adage. "Didn't I tell you right?" exclaimed Lam- son. An Instant later another lively breeae sprang up and, unfortunately for the actor, carried bli hat Into a pile of burning rubbish. "Not always," said hli friend dryly. 9 Wblle Dan Hudson, the comedian, was playing through Texas, Inst season, the com- pany played an engagement at a Btnall county seat, not far from Dallas. White the actor was strolling through the office of the little hotel of the place, tbe elderly, be- whlakered landlord of tbe house, sold : "We're a-havln' a lot of dandy troops down through this section lately. There was a fine show in Dallas las' week. I can't recollect the name, but the newspapers say they had to tear down part of the opery house to git the sceneries In." Hudson knew what the play was, but wish- ing to hear what tbe old man would say further, did not prompt his memory. "Bay, Susie," Bald the old fellow, turning to his wife, who stood near, "say, what's the name o' that there show up Dallas way las* week?" "I think they called It 'Uncle Josh,' " aald the old lady. "No, 'twuin't him," declared the landlord. "Perhaps you mean 'Ben Hur,' " then aug- gested nudson. "That's him!" exclaimed the old man. "That's the feller, an' 'cordln' to tbe papers be muBt be the greatest actor man a-gola'." Josephine Babel, the popular vaudeville headllner, related an Incident that occurred when she was once attending a melodramatic performaece In a London theatre. The pretty singer was much amused at the audible remarks of a sailor who waa la the audience, seated not far from her. He seemed not to like the performance of an actresa in the play, and expressed himself to that effect from time to time. Finally, Id a scene where ahe waa struck In the face by the stage villain, tbe sailor showed hla satisfaction In a loud exclama- tion : "Hit 'er agin I" he loudly called, "she can't act ; bit 'er agta 1" 9 "Americana play 'ere only one night," ■neered a London music ball sloger to Josephine Babel, as abe itepped for the first INDIANA. Indianapolis. — At the Park Theatre (Dickson ft Tnlbott, managers) the Rebecca Warren Btock Co. put on "The Charity Ball" June 4-6, to good business. Miles Bros.* Tltagraph pictures of the Ban Francisco dis- aster wsa a special feature. "East Lynne" 7-«. Fairbikk. — Grace Van Studdlford and tbe Falrbank orchestra drew Immense crowds week of 4. WoiTOBBiAND. — Dare Devil Dash, tbe A herns, sod others drew big crowds dally week of 4. Wiiitr Citt. — This resort was well pa- tronized week of 4. An air ship was a feature. Fohbpaw-Sells Bbos,' Circus Is doe 11. ETaBsvlUc.— Cook's Park (Harry Law- recce, manager) bus been crowded almost every evening, and each attraction seems to be doing good business. BUI week of June 3 Included : Fernanda and May, Edith Wll- South BcndL—At the Casino <& J. Welsh, manager) tbe following appeared week of June 8 : Lucy snd Lncler, the Aldeana, the Delacy'B, McFarland and Murray, snd Sing- er's monkeys. Big business prevaile. Rinouno Bbos/ Cibcdb 27. 1 1 » DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Washington.— At the Colombia (Lackett ft Standing, managers) this week, "The Idlers." by the Standing Stock Co. Last week, "The Liars," with John Mason special- ly enraged, bad excellent business. Bklabco (L. Stoddard Tsylor. manager). — Tbe house closed 9, for the season. Last week, the Odette Trier Stock Co.. with R. D. McLean, presented "Ingomar," to large bouses. Mine. Bernhardt, 0, gave a farewell performance. The bouse was packed at high prices. _ . Academy or Music (J. W. Lyons, mana- ter).— Tbe bouse Is closed. Last week, irneat Hogan, In "Rufos Rastas," bad large houses. MAJjHATT*jr (Crlnnlan Bros., manager-, Btocktoa, Barry and Penman. Minnie Patt*: b^r^ftJd? 8 ' «■««»■. VSSk ♦*» TEXAS, liietlll! i V r ^HEwtlssas! ^^^^^^^^S/tS^&m^W^^&^'lKt^aSBkW^^BBi ' "t ' ; ;^Vf '- i - . r if . Ft. Worllr- At White City (Jake 8m • manager) the "Beggar Prlnc/6p£ ffiKS tlnnes an Indefinite engagement In the nit* Rose Theatre, the opening. Jone 3, being u, , packed bouse. Tbe outside attractions c . tlnue to draw well. c ' Lues Earn (Lee Fleming, manager! n„» Carlos Hall's vauderllle attractions, aid nV log pictures depleting the Ban Francis i disaster, constituted the bill week opening Buslneis was good. *^ k K Lajei Como (F. L. Utlev, manager).— Mnr lng pictures in tbe pavilion, and the usi< I outdoor attractions, continue to draw well ' Standabd (Frank De Beque, manager) '-- "Purloined Osculations" Is tbe title of Ins curtain raiser, week opening 4. CopelandnM Copeland, whose annual appearance Is aitv.i.i looked forward to by the patrons of n.'jj bouse, opened, and were given a rouslnc *-e ceptloo. The others: Mills and Fox, Viv Delmar, Fannie Woods, Will and Etta Mann- by, Pearl Ollmore, Minnie Wardell, Lulu He Marr, G. L. Burrill. Lulu Lawton and Frank Gibbons. Business Is booming. Cbown (Geo. B. Holland, manager). — This house, under new management, had an rim. Slclous opening 4. The people: Billy Prlf- oldie May, Maud Grayson, Elliott Sister*' Thelma Holmes, Lamont Bros., Alice St' Clair, and Lloyd Lamond. Bus iness Is heavy! Galveston. — At Electric Park (Dave Wels, manager) tbe "Matinee Girl" Opera Co., In refined vaudeville, closed a week's engagement June 2, to fairly good attendant "The Beggar Prince" Opera Co. opened a two weeks' engagement 3, to a large audi- ence. All of the other attractions are dofne a large business. ♦*-» CANADA. ALEXANDER WOLKOWSKY'S FAMOUS TROUPE OF RUSSIAN* DANCERS, SINGERS AND MUSICIANS Are In their second season as a feature of tbe Forepaugh and Sells* Circus, ne will have a troupe of ten people to play the vaude- ville houaee the coming Winter, a number of which will be new to this country. Their wardrobe la especially magnificent. time toward tbe entrance of tbe hall at whlcb she was to make her appearance. "Don't be too sure 1" laughed the little comedienne, as sbe passed the man In the wings a few minutes later, after leaving the stage amid roars of approval from ber au- ditors. No dates open for Miss Babel until after 1000 shows bow the "halls" across the water regard ber work. Another from B. E. Meredith: A farmer from tbe vicinity of Salem, 0., approached tbe box office window of the tbeatre Id that town, and Inquired the price of tickets. "Doiiar-and-a-half," said the man at the window, ready, of course, to oiler tbe highest priced seata first "Tew darned high," exclaimed the man, turning away. "You can get seata up italri for fifty cents," the ticket seller hastened to say. "I kin, kin I," beamed the farmer, turning back. "An* what's goto' on up there?" Meredith further relates how Fred Ray* mond wrote a certain house manager for time and terns. Tbe answer received stated that the price was $10 per eight for the hall. "How many will the ball Beat?" telegraphed Raymond. "All that will come," was the wired reply. 4-*-* MAINE. llsms, Arthur Howl son, Great Marty une. Gloss Brothers and the hloodrome. Oak BuiiMir I'auk was opened 3, and at each of two performances standing room was In demand. Tbe bill included: Tbe Swor Bros., Ben Turpln, Lena Davenport, Arthur Stewart, Kelley Slaters, Pero and Wilson, Willard Newell and company, and the kino- drome. Noras. — The Wright Exposition Co., week of June S The local Klks, No. 116, have ecgaged the Clnclnnatus Amusement Co. to give a week— June 18-23 — called "The Elks Week of Good Cheer." The proceeds are to go to tbe building fund of tbe Elks' beautiful uew borne. Lyceum (Eugene Eernan, manager). — The Lyceum Stock Burlesque Co. Last week, the place was welt filled, and the stock caught on. Luna Pa.bk (Geo, E. Gill, manager). — This great resort, now In Its BM week, has evidently caught tbe fancy of the Washing- ton public, thousands of people visiting Its many attractions dally. This week, Pfilllp- ptnl'B Band holds over, and KnabenBheu s air ship Is the hippodrome attraction. Chbvt Chase La sb (Herbert Claude, manager). — The Marine Band nightly con- certs attract large crowds. «*» VIRGINIA. La Fayette, — At tbe Family Tbeatre (RoEbrugb A Maurice, managers) exception- ally good business rules. The bill week of June 4 Included: Lenore and St. Claire, Frank Bowman, Two Macks, Laura McDow- ell (Illustrated songs) and the bioscope. Week of 11 : Armstrong and Verne, Ed. Moon, and Dwerr and Dwerr. Fobepai'ou-Selis Ciactis is billed here for June 14. Norn. — At Purdue University It has been Denounced by President W. L. Stone that George Ade, the noted alumnus of the univer- sity, has contributed to tbe memorial gym- nasium fund the sum of $2,500, which com- Bleted the 975,000 necessary to Insure tbe [ginning of work on tbe proposed building. Norfolk.— At the Ocean View Casino ( Otto Wells, local manager) business for week of June 4 was exceptionally good. Vaudeville for week of 1L Buoo (Abb Smith, manager). — In addition to regular stock, people booked for week of 11 are: June Betes, Jutes Bros.. Mazle Mack, Charles Warde, and Leslie and Clay. Busi- ness is good. Acub (Wllkerson A Manzle, managers). — New people week of 11 : Randolph and May- field. Margaret Maxwell, Ward and Grant, Wallace Sheldon, and Crane, Long and Crane. Business is good. Audixobiuh (J. M. Barton, manager). — People week of 11 : Johnson and Rents, Irene Sullivan, Greaft and Legrano% Cledorla, and Haines Sisters. Business Is good. Portland.— At the Jefferson (Cabn & Grant, managers) tbe Hartley McCullum Summer Stock Co. opened Its season at this house June 4. for an extended engagement, appearing before large and delighted audi- ences In a merltcrloua presentation of "The Ilend of the Family." The company raaue a very pleasing Impression, and Mr. McCullum (who 1b a native of this city) was heartily welcomed, receiving floral tokens in abund- ance. For 11 ana week the company will present "Esmeralda." Pobtlakd (J. K. Moore, manager). — Ex- cellent business 4 and week. Bill week of 11 : Charles Ludlan, the Three Seldoms, Jane Courthope and company, Charles Howard, Susie Fisher, Daly and Reno, and Malvene and Thomas. ._ Notes. — The contractors are working like beavers, and in tbe course of a few weeks tbe new Keith Theatre, In process of construc- tion, will begin to take on form. The plan Is -to have It completed In time for Manager Moore's Winter season of vaudeville The Cape Theatre opens 18, and the Gem Theatre and Rlverton Park open 18 Col. Cummins' Wild West comes 18. s X » VIRGINIA HARNBD First saw tbe light of day In Boston. Pre- vious to going on the stage she lived abroad for many years, lu England and on the con- tinent. Her early theatrical experiences were with road companies, ber first engage- ment having been with a company playing Hobson k Crane's old success, "Our Boarding House." In tbe Spring of 1887 Bhe waa lead- ing lady with George Clarke, of the Daly company, when he toured New England for a few weckB, In "Tbe CorBlcan Brothers" and "False Bbam-e." Then, for two years, she acted through the South and West. Her flrat New York engagement was In Sedley Brown's "A Long Lane," at the Fourteenth Street Tbeatre. Daniel Prohroan saw her act, and engaged her as K. II. Sothern's leading lady. Her Drst character with Mr. Sotbern was Clara Dexter, In "The Malster of Woodbir- row." Miss Harried, In private life, la Mrs. E. II. Sotbern, the wife of tbe popular actor. < 1 1 POPULAR EXCURSION TO ATLANTIC CITY. St. John. — At the Opera House (A. 0. Skinner, manager) the Connors Btock Co. closed a week of fair business June 2. pre- senting "The Country Girl," 1, 2. Murphy and Hack, In "The Irish Pawnbrokers." opened a three days* engagement 4, to good business. Murphy and Mack, Frank P. Cn- bill and Stella Gale deserve mention. Roselle Knott, In "When Knighthood Wsa In Flower," 7-9; ''Sweet Clover" 11-14, "Utah" 16, 17, Father Matthew Association (local), In mu- sical comedy, 18-20; "Weary Willie Walker" 21-23. York (B, J. Armstrong, manager).— "Fablo Romanl" 7-9, "The Convict's laugh- ter" 14-16. Both of these companies are un- der the management of Ed. R. Baiter. Nona. — J. J. O'Donnell, of the Connors Stock Co., Is a native of this city B. M. Banter, representing "When Knighthood Waa In Flower. 1 ' was in town 2-4 Miss B. G- Balrd arrived 6, on a visit to her parents. Toronto. — At the Majestic (A. J. Small, manager) week of June 4 "A Little Outcast" drew good business. 'Frisco pictures 11-16. Shea's (J. Shea, manager), — The Tress Club's annual Theatre Night. In Liberty Hall, presented a focr act comedy, by R. C. Car- tonj, with R 8. Plgott In the leading role, 8, 9. 8tab (F. J. Slnlr, manager). — Week of 4, the Star Stock Co. put up good performances and drew packed houses. Hanlan's Point (C. W. MacMshon, man- ager). — The vaudeville end at this centre of amusement is drawing big audiences at each performance. Notes.— The weather Is favoring Ben Greet and his spleadJd English company, In Shakespeare, and Immense audiences are In attendance Munro Park may not open this Summer. ■ s ■ — Winnipeg At the Dominion Theatre iD. Douglas, manager) business Is good. Bill or week of June 4 : The Four Alvlnos, E. Frank Hawley and company, Willie Zimmer- man. Warren and Brockway, Trozini, Downle snd Willard, and the klnodrome. Thla house closed on 9. for repairs. Buoo (Nash & Burrows, proprietors). — Big crowds as usual. Following for week of 4: Clark and Temple, Geo. Clark, Root. Ai- ken and Rita Dawn, Llllle Rosle Doblr, Frank Mlllin and De Long Twin Sisters, Greea Bros., snd moving pictures. and CJiirr/Xiliy) tfiidilyn -M»>>s7air) Solo7HonSyj>Jionsiein . T.Cbesttr/ieldfyel&le. GpT.R.ZlTsTcy- J J&e discomfort* of Aix victims . Impressions /rem "/fie ffonoj'TTie Mayor* &} Ihe NewYcrh Theatre. TAe members ofJhemcnKeyjuryinMocks eorner> prove good critics and their approval or disapproval o/A» ajj£ AbieHikhel2*f>erTennexeeshtder>ls ^usT returned J^om Carope. L The & Cbnsfmfine filters in clever antics . (rrttn a,ndV?erne7* '£anea intheJungler Brazil \ndteme *sn»tanT. Tht GmSk Trio's comic ertrte Opening of Ha.mmertfein'odyasTobats,- 456 THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. June la BUY THE BEIT MOVINO PICTURE MACHINE LAND SAVE MONEY. THE AMERICAN PnQJECTOGRAPH FIBRPROOF FILM PHOTKCTOR. The only machine ihat will not M ;ker, even after years orusmg. I. ROI8KI-KSH. II. FMCKKIILKNM. The Machine that In Entirely New. NO IN- FRINGEMENT on any other machine. We will protect jou from any salts by a written guarantee. CHA8. E. DRE88LER & CO., Ur> EmI r tl)0 WIsHiUHlpill HVIT. DlIT prll'CH are almoin te ronk bolloiii. Wo hIho carry n full line (if Strcetmen'H ()cmhI% Carnival Novell Ics mid goods for Fairs. We are one of tlio olilohl Hlreelmou's supply houses In tlie United Stales. Wo have thousands of nutlmlod ciihIoiiiith. We curt mitlHfv you ami want your lniBlnetw. NO MUllHTITIfTINO union*, veil say fii). OriU>rri shipped ilio same day m received, largo Cata- logue Free. COE.YONGE (ScCO., 7llmnil B1. Chwrlfi St., 8T.LOUM. MO, ■TALLMAN'r) DRB.BBEH TRUNK. Easy to get at everything wlth- l out disturbing -.nythlng. No ' fatiguo In packingand unpack- ing Light, strong, roomy drawers. Holds as much, ana comw do more than a good box trunk. Hand riveted; itrongoflt trunk made. In small room servos an ohlLTonler- 0. 0. D. with privilege of ex- amination. 2c Htamj) for cata- log. F.A. STALLalAN, WW. Spring St., Columbus, 0. FLASH LIKE THE GENUINE Pay or night. Solid gold I mounting. Yon can own a I diamond equal In brlillanoy 1 to any genuine stone at one I thlriiotii tho cost, uakoiia I diamonds stand aold test B andoxpert examination. We guarantee them, ."* See them first and then pay. atalogu© free. Patont ring meaaure included ror A two oont stamps. THE 11 Alton* CO., I3-T1 Wabash Ave., Chicago, lit. Dapt. 4, 03-', Spangles, U.M Per found. Cotton Tights, pair $i.o» Wonted Tlghta, pair. 2.00 Plaited Hiik Tlglils, pair 3.50 Beat Silk Tights,! aoft inoh ootton tops,, •*••*• ■•"» Calf. Thigh and Illp Paddlnga. Cold and silver Trimmings, Send UenoBlt with order. THE IIOSTON RKOAL.IA CO.. 887 Washington St., Ponton. Mi.hh. CYLINDER PIANO ORGANS. Now Hna second rtttml, suit atile for street Slums, Werry Uo Mtotttid, Hliootltiff UnllorlcH and SknllliK lUliks. CYLINDER MARKING A SPECIALTY, (1. BUNA, ft Flrat fttMNowYorj. Flu Magical Apparatus, ILLUSIONS. TRIOKB, Eto. Grand Bnd ox Oeotory, rally Iiiutnted. book Oata- luuuk, »o., rra hi man. Ofttalogae of Parlor trlcitn In MAKTINKA A CO., Utn., i MANUSCRIPT PLAYS, MIS \44 LA SALLE ST. lH. ROYALTY PAID ON SONG-POEHS lend Mu.lo.l e!orai,i.ltloi,.. w. I.rroug».nil|, Inalde, (12.00. LILbo Trunin, 42l,l28Mxl2. Inalde, 115.00 ahlDDed on receipt of $3.00, bal., C. O. D., except over 800 tntlea, then remit whole amount II IKINH A CO., CltNlIUI, TIHINK KAcTOBY. KaL 1804, B.W.cor. 7th and Arch Bta.,PblU Leathersid Trunks. LIGHTER THAN STEEL. 50 TIMES STRONGER THAN WOOD. LEATHEROID MFC. CO., 038 B'WAY, If. T., sear Bprlngt It. Bend for New Thcutrlcal Catalogue. Mm jajjjsi • fi Br2*C*lP a.|flergs5 liliralf lUi ' . r jaHi.iH i nsA. f .m. r . i ft ■ ' -'^.M U" VIII 1 WeWbtkloiUt'CLIPPER-.Wiiv^OT Toll You' WHITE FOR PRI CES' Cht'.lvllCAL ENGRAViISG CO. ^moUB^oatrican RESTaURANT «»HIXT1I AVK., Bouasthandzgihata. NEW YORK OITY. Xleatof Food, Pcrfeot- Si OoofccdJielloloUBlj orved. Prices rea sonnlfle. SpoclalDIa ing Room for Ladles After Shaving MENNENS1 BORATED TALCUM TOILET POWDER anil insist that your barber use it also. It Is Anti- septic, and will prevent any of the skin diseases often contracted. A positive relief for Sunburn, Charing, and all afflic- tions of the skin, Removes all odor of perspiration. Get IVlennen'a— the original. Sold cverywhete or mailed Tor as cents. Sample frtt. Try .VfriHrVit PloM (Borated) Talcum. OERHARD MENNBN CO. [Newark. N. J. W ASHIWOTO y. Seattle.— At the Grand Opera Hoase (RuBsell A Drew, managers) tbe San Fran- cisco Opera Co., In "The Strollers," won a complete success, and had capacity BOMB, Same company. In "The Wedding Day," June 3 and weelc ; ''The Nightingale** 11-10. Seattle (John Cort, manager).— David Proctor, In "A Message from Mars," tested the capacity of the house for five perform- ances. Tbe Mack Swain Co., In **The Belle of Richmond," 8-9. Same company, in rep- ertory, 10-16. _ . _ Thibd Avindb (Ruisell A Drew, mana- gers).— The AyUsworth Co., In "Caoght In the web," bad a successful engagement, dem- onstrating its increasing popularity. 3 and week, >tbe Aylesworlb Co., in "Slaves of the Orient;" 10 and week, "Midnight In China- town." Stab (B. J. Donellan, manager).— New ■at- tractions week of 4: West and Benton, Mills and Marlon, Margaret Severance, Kelsey Sis- ters, Aun Hamilton Co., Peter Dunewortb, and moving pictures. Oupiieuh (T. J. Consldine, mnnager). — New attractions 4 and week : Pbroso, Ilapolll, the Fletchers, Geneva Ardell, Berger Sisters, Tracey McDermott, and moving pictures. Pantaoe8' (Alex. Pontages, manager). — New attractions week of 4 : Frank Hall and bis trained kangaroo, HolmeB and Holmes, Mickey Keeley, Thomas and Mack, Topsy Tcrvy Trio, Arthur Biwell, and moving pic- tures, Strand (Mose Goldsmith, manager). — New attractions week of 4 : Grace Bennett, Dottle Mitchell, Marie Hudson, and Grace Ashmore. Gaiety (Fred Ritchie, manager). — New at- tractions week of 4 : Millard Sisters, Anna Raymond, Jessie Bell, and Mildred Austin. Thalia (Mose Goldsmith, manager). — New attractions 4 and week : Edna Larrell, Kittle Wallace, and Eva Sheldon. » i Tacoma. — At the Tacoma Theatre (Chas. II. Herald, mannger) the Prlngle Stock Co. appeared June 3-v, with Lansing Rowan as leading woman. Grand (D. B. Worley, manager). — Bill week of 4: Yuma, Billy Link and Wlllette Charters, Kohl and Kohl, Herb. Mitchell, Paul Dickey, Prank Rowan. In illustrated songs, and Grandlscope, Business la fair. Stab (H. M, Owchb, manager). — Matinee nnd night 3. tho Allen Stock Co., presenting "Tbe Stowaway." Week beginning 4, "Kid- napped." Forrest Seobury, Ethel Roberts and Charles King, la leading roles, scored well. Unusually Urge business during last week. Crystal (W. J. Timmons, manager). — Week beginning 4 : Tecnau Tavern Quartette, Bert (Jolt, Gardner and Gardner, Tom Ro- selte, motion pictures and Illustrated songs, by lit Rose. «■» COLORADO. Denver.— At the Broadway (B. F. Mc- Court, manager), after an absence of several years, Henrietta Crosman did good business last week, In "Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary." This bouse will close for the Summer week of 11, wltb Nat C. Goodwin, In "Tbe Oenlus." Ei.itch'a Gabdbns (Mary Blltcb-Long, pro- prietor). — Warmer weather has made bigger business at this popular resort All conces- sions are doing well, especially Hale's tours, "The Other Girl," with May Buckley and Ed- ward Mackey in the leading roles, did big buHlness lost week. Week of i0, "Old Heldel- ANiiATTAK Beach (W. B. Hall, mnna- -The Auguatln Daly Opera Co. arrived lew York 6, and wfil open In "A Coun- try Girl" 0. The outdoor attractions are doing big business. Curtis (A. R. Pel ton, manager). — "Mid- night In Chinatown" was the attraction last week, and drew trood houses. Week ot 10, "The Two Orphans." BuriftB (J. £. Clifford, manager). — The stock company put on two excellent bur- lesques last week, and did good business, Vaudeville features were: Martley, Harry W. Wright, and Kate Coyle and ponleB, Nuvbltx (Henry Lubelskl, manager). — The bill last week Included: Price, Collins and company, Frank Dougherty and company, La Touch, the Gladstone Children, Manhattan Quartette, Jerry Hopper, and pictures. Crystal (I. R. Adams, manager). — The bill last week Included : Annie Abbott, Gilbert Sarony and company, Dllla and Temple ton, Patsy Doyle, James Calvin, and pictures. Both the Novelty and Crystal are doing good business. Note. — George licKenna, scenic artist for tbe Orpheum, Is putting the scenery of this house In condition for next season. Pueblo. — The Grand Opera House has been dark for coma time. Laks Minnbqua. — Tin? rnrnl drama, "Down Ii-ast Folks," Bcored well. On Decoration Day some few outdoor attractions were offered la connection with tho two performances, unit I- uec and night, at the theatre, Business thus far has been fair. Earl's Theatre (G. M Morris, manager). — This vaudeville house Is doing the lending business In town BUI week of June 4 : Bea- iiio n, Adams nnd Roger, Nellie Magulre, Mr. and Mrs. Arthnr Young, tbe Great Alblnl, in- troducing exhibitions In telepathy and hyp- notism, and "The Hindoo Mystery," moving pictures and Illustrated songs by O, Walch. a ■» Geohgia Gabdkbr and Joseph Maddbbn re- turned to New York City June 12, to take up their Summer work In the East. Since Mr, Madder i) rejoined Miss Gardner, at Indianapo- lis, April 23, they have been filling Western bookings, which ended at the Casino, Toledo, 0., June 0. While in that city Miss Gardner was tbe guest of her brother, Happy Jack Gardner, fa bis new home, recently purchased by blm, and located on Huron Street. Toledo and Price, who sailed May for London, arrived safe, and both aro well, They ore billed finely, and are down next to closing tho show at the Palace. -Their Btay at the Palaco Is four weeks. O Hana San writes from Toklo, Japan, under date of May 5 : "I will present next season a new act called 'Scenes from Japan,' as a big feature for the American vaudeville stage. In addition to myself I shall have four Geisha gorls In the dances of tho Mlyako Odorl (Cherry Blossom dancers), now being given In Kioto, Kimonos, properties, music, musical instruments, scenery, etc., being exactly as used there. I shall also show, electrically, the whole of tbe important and beautiful scenery of Japan." Mrs. Maby Pollard, mother of James B. Pollard, died at Chicago, III., May 23, of [(Hunt's disease, nnd was burled at Mount Olivet Cemetery, May 2D. jSfSjSSj^jS SnT-^.^ ■f.; ■ ^wKaaaai L=, Mt B|? - :j.T , J[ — ETfet- IBs [*N*i'li]tM $Hi? FUAKC1H X. IIRNNBSSY. Irish Union Piper, scotch Highland Piper and VlollulHi (MiiBlclun). Permanent address. Military Hall, lftt llowerr, New Yoik, or your Agent. P. S.— Tliu Irish Union Pipes la a rare Instru- ment and avaluaklc business attraction. wmwy ...v^. five trirn'; gfjieiets RE ALLY ■■ DELIGHTFUL JUST RIGHT AFTER DINNER hood send us ten cents for a sample packet. Any jobber will anpnly stora- keepera with Chiclets. * w ^ FRANK H. FLEER * COMPANY. Inc., Philadelphia, D.S.A., and Toronto, Canada. THE IMPROVED ton .Garter WORN ALL OVER THE WORLD REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES OFFERED YOU '-VqTho Name la me l» I CUSHION BUTTON CLASP Lie. Flrtl.H. I,,- Noi.r Slip., T..M Bar Unfaatioa 6unpl< pair, 811k We., Cutton 240. Milled on receipt of pilot. p""" ' CE0 ' FS0ST C0 -' M>kn< WURRJHTED Butin, M.H..U.S.H. ALWAYS EASY HEELS OP NEW RUBBER. What Is It that you asplro to in life ? Health Is tho first consideration. Rubber heels procure more health to the square Inoh than any- thing In evidence. That's a faat I — my teacher told me so, and ho told nio to teaoh it to my friends. I dislike to admit that rubber heels are a benefit, but I have tc Come down to baslneM and be honest with yourself, — rubber on your heels Is tbe correct thing. Be Buro and secure O'Salllvan's : they aro tho only heels of Now Rubber, Remember the name whenorderlng— don't oost yon anymore. Any dealer or the makers, O'SULimN RUBBER CO.. • Lowell, Mass, THE FASTENED WITH A BULL-DOB GRIP WASHBURNE X FASTENERS Men incur by lh*m. not t.t tlitm. lUrhi-lur Hullo-, • >* Sent PettfaM, UMt, but Netrr M 00. flsWajBW J** Solil crrryntirrr. Isaerlcan Km Coropjny. Drpl ft, Watsrhwr. C" n - S7pr/?i >^- ^ -SAMPLES JO c M. STRA88MAN A'iTOKNBY, 803 Ilroiawa,, New Yortr CltJ. jmrajlft THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 457 GoodBye Mister Greenback The Luteal Novelty Song by Ihe Composer of "ANY RAflSV "80ISS0RH TO OltIND," Mo. Already s pronounced BWtiftHt. Don't hi? ihe U-»l lo Herogutee tin I'sca-piionsl Merit. MY DUSKY ROSE The Greatest Song "Hit" Ever Written, bvthe Composer of "BY THE WATERMELON VINE-L-INDY LOU.' 1 The Uhurm wa-< Never Kjn-ellod Iter "uarieite U»s GIRL OF MINE The Ballad of Ballad?. By the Composers of "HKV I MLHTKK JGsnUA," the Oreat Rat><> goug "flit." PROFESSIONAL SINGERS i Send UptoDate Programs for Coplea and Orcheat rations of these Song* aod others. NO CARDS, please. ORCHESTRA LKA.DKKH i send loo. fovNoiiK unheal vat lona, which Include 'Cello und I 'J aim fan*. XZVTAiyTBR JACOBS IG7 Tromont St., BOSTON, MASS. -THE.- MORGAN-PEPPLE OOMPANV A TXT T & LEADING MAN, CHARACTER COMEDIAN, WITH 8PBCIAL.TIBS. HAN WITH PICTURE MACHINE, TO RUN STAGE. CHARACTER WOMAN with CHILD, fror PARTS and SPECIALTIES. Season opens Aug, 1, near Chlt'ago. (iocs South over Crawford, Qreenwall aod K. a E. circuits. Addl'ftSH, 1IH0 SplHer Bldg., Toledo. Ohio, I gllkolln* Tights, «y.uo ; Wonted Tights, •S.Oui Cotton Tights, •l.OOt 811k Tlghta, from |'4.\».*i up; HhlrU to match, all unit pri. -• ai tights; Ponpi 96 c*nti[ Gait- en, 91.O0; Kluatlc Supporters, $1.00] C loth Supporter., 515 cents; Ntmd for catalogue and i»mpl« of tiglite free, Toalllvely a de- pot.it required. Satisfaction guaran- teed or money refunded, BP1UERBR09., ho Wood i line Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; New York Otllee, Lincoln Bidg., 1 Union Bg. NEW OPERA HOUSE, MoCOOK, NEB. Modern Stage, seats 1,000. Good ehow (own. Now booking next season. A. L. B1XLBR, Manager. MABEL PAIGE COMPANY WANTS GOOD LOOKING Heavy Man OTHEHS UEIEH4L BUSIIEB8. Good wardrobe rmsentlal. Addraaa HENRY F. WILUHO, Jicktonvllli, Fit. I Want (lood Cornet and Slide Trombone to double Stage or Orchestra Mum be good. Can uae a few more Actors that can double Band. Address WALTER J. MrlUNALD. Mgr. Bcecher A Stanley'* Big Show, Wiwtiena.Kau., June is, near St. Joe and Kaunas City. HIGH CLASS MAGICAL APPARATUS At moderate prices. Large itock, immeun« Tariety. Illustrated Cataloguo Free. New Mam- motb Oataloguo Just Issued, 20c. Juxt out, Hat of new books on Magic and new Hat or bargalnn la trlcfca A. ROTERBBRO, ne Ontario Ht., ChUiaao. *Ti ! Write at. one* heat terms for Attractive ■'Bslloou Ascension July 4. mmm\A sr. ry. & nwn »., ... aWHANTOM, MIH8. gowns T zzir SLIGHTLY USED. Also STREET uOWNS. We haye on hand a large assortment of hII«ihit worn Evening Gowns, Dinner, Reception and Tea OownB. These robes are perfect I" every respect, and are especially suitable for wear lit Hid 11 CLASH DRA- MATIC I'uolHH-TioNH. We have a full line of Seal skin Coats and Purs or all kinds, .. MRS. II. STARR, 387 South State Bt.,0H10AOO FUTURES. Vuture Hunk or Wife Photos for Palmists, Fairs, Parks, etc., t^.ou per i,ooo; $1.35 per wo, postpaid, tiSilijLti'H, IOC. CABIN*:.' i*ii otoh, for selling or adv. pur poses, $20.00 per i.ooo; 12M per 100, copied from vuur jjhoto. Samplea, Hie. UAwON. A STUDIO, 3312 N. Broad St., Pulls., Pa MUTOSGOPES ' ". FOR SALS. 1 nave twenty Wood Cabinet Mutoacopea. ]nst the thing for Carnival Men, for sale at la* each. Guar- ROMtd In Brat class condition. Get your pictures and changes direct from the Mutoscope Company, yulck action la uecesaary If you want the bunch, Address *'MUV , OSCOPB8 l " Hawklm Bldg., K. 14ll> St., New York MINSTREL PEOPLE all branches; those doubling brass, preference. Salary low, but fmre. State Just what you can do; don't misrepresent. LA BARRE BROS 1 . Minstrels, s priiiKtiin, N. S., June 16; Amherst. N. fl., June lti; Cwlottctown, P. E. I., June 20 and 21. WANTEOr PERFORMERS FOR MEDICINE CO. Those that play string music or brass preferred. Salary low but sure. Tell all lu find letter. PflUW. 0. MARSHALL. ■ ■■ ; 673 Superior Street, Clev eland, Ohio. PIANIST AT LIBERTY ■ KUAD OK LOCATE. JOIN ON WIRE. I I- lIKHltlArt MOWrOOHERV, M gawll »«.. Hom.rvlll., M»i.. DWARF JOE DAVIE8, AT 1.1IIKH1' Y APTBR HK1T. 16, OOUEUIAN, LCCTDBER and PARTS. AddHH, unUI Sept. 10. "A TRIP TO THE UOUN," Lima Firk, Cone/ Island, s. Y. To tlilnk up new itulT— liesldei unnecesaarr. Oet "Bl'DUET.NO.IU. loopanea of reaur-to-aot. Iiaug-up comedy material. •1 !• I H V ■• I" V. 1404 THIRD AVENUE, NEW YORK. mm BURLESQUES TO ORDER Lola or uuNneaa- Jiiflt enough plot. JAUUSIIIAUISr mall, ate. Addrcta K7.IIA K HI 1IM.L 10 ■oath 7th Av... alt. V.nioj, II. Y, MOVING PICTURE PRINTING. HENNEGAN & CO,, OinolniuilL Stereoscopic Yiews. 1 5 Pictures to the Set; Pat Set, $ 1 .50 All Interesting, clean, end original. Also 17» dif- ferent HAN r'RANCIBCO FIRE and EARTHQUAKE STKHKOB.,' PUR OWN ORItllNAL NEUATIVK.t. For Madilnea used In Arcadta. Parks, eto. 8eDd tot lilt. , RALPH J. GOLHErl, ,' n and 74 Wabaalt Are.. Chicago. TOMISKJ'S OPERA HOUSE, Guernsey, Wyoming, 18 NOW BOOKING FOB 1906-1907. I want, lo hear from A No. 1 ATTRACTIONS. The house Is new and modern in every way. (JUFRN SKY Is only live rntlen from the FAMOUS SUN- RISK MINK, the largest Iron mine lo the United States. Address TONY TOMI8KA, Prop, and Mar., tluernaej, Wyoming*. _ HERE'S THE iONO YOU WANT TO PUT" aNO SING, AND 8INQ, AND SINO. "IFYQULOVEME, TELLMESO." IT WILL DELIOBT TOD. SGe. T. MIBLli, Olaaiow, Tesin. Mrs. L. Scheuer, Kveulug Oowna a specialty. Elegant Dinner, Garden and Keceptlou Oowtu at moderat* prlOM. In tlie Qentlemen'a Department we carry Fou Dress and Tuxedo Suite, Inverness capes. Prince Alberts In Coats end Veals, Spring Suits and Overcoats, Rain Coats, etc. Remember our Stores, 9H-9K South St., Phila- delphia, Pa. Our Branch Store for Ladies' Goods only at bit? W. Mutloerry St„ Baltimore, Md. CONTRACTS I UTTER HEADS. ENVELOPES, TICKETS, PASSES, L'AKDK, Etc. Write tot Hamples. Webb I'tg. Co., H.18 Dearborn St.. Cflltago. '" Musicians Wanted, 1st f'laes Cornet and lim hi, -, June ih; Montevideo, Mluti., m; Mllhank,^ J J)aJi^a) ! J^en_^rubo^JVb'^ BLACK TENT TiiVIB. Have following used and new Mack Tents In HlOCk: m&X, I'JXM, H'Hil, -JUXW, 21X06, luxl-fl, Hx.VI, 1VXM, 25X40, 'JIXUO, -i-lXW, 40XHO, also Cruti k and sprint Motor Pianos, Folding tRfam Mena- phoneH, l'imahoKany top, wire leg Lunch Counter Htooln.l.ooo Folding Uhalrs. Send for Krce lim-gulii Booklet, it. H. Armbriister, Sprlugfleld, Illinois. t'niM.I » lll-l'l It. THE CONNORS STOCK CO. WANTS FOR RR41UI.AK SRASON IIOOII RKI'KKTOIRK I'ftll'I.K IN ALL LINKS. TkOJM uutt| spr* vialtlcM preferred. A good long eiiKugi'iiteui for good Beoiilo. siaie lowest Huiury and full naiticuiuis m llir.1 letter. AddresH W. C.CONNORM, Jtuiegl, HI iB, Kaat)Hirr. Maine; v"., WI/JJ, Calais, Maine; :\ ■*», 80, Machias, Mulue; July 1, a, I, Winter llarlmr, Maiuc Vaudeville Theatre for Sale. THE NEW FAMILY THEATRE. SIOUX CITY, IOWA, Is fur null' hi ii imrimiii, Wesson for celling, Iuivp oilier business to aiteiid In. Nl'SMuk lUMHilJ. >ff. \)\.vui iiiiLlM new and and reudy loopun. llavelonif leiiHe. lleul reUMiinutih*. 0|m>ii cvi-ry nikhi In ttieyear. .lust closed 44 weeks of pbenoiueniil Ihih|iii»hn. Litcated Hi the lipurt of tin'riiv. I'lipulu Hon, 5o,ooo. Will siauui tlie bIonsI > invaMlgaUcdt. uuly Hiohi' mntnlMK liiixlui'riH Hint huvV Dm rrady ash need apply. If yon an- looklug Tor it void niliie. Oils Is the opportunity of a lifetime. Addles J. K. JAUKHON, Mgr. New 1-aiully Tlieuiri', Hlonx tllly, Iowa. — SAVE YOURSELF FROM DEATH °ffv"«K£ v Boy a HOI'R FIRK KSOAPK; It can he carried lu a trunk, and can be utmohsil luitiinilv in vour room. M KKKT. PltlCF,, |8. lined by the I'rori-Hslon lliroughoul iho Uulteil Hlates. Addruss tjif. PKRPKCr n,Mt.l\ WIVIMIW (JI'AUti, No. w>7 Flatlmu Hulldiiig, New Vi.rk. tilt Villi n'ANT TIIK 1'iiWKUFI'l. K>HHMi\\i. MHI.OUItAAIA OUTSIDE TEE GATES OF PARADISE? Similar In lousiructloii tuTerts of the Diiibi-vliieH. lu acting jit'oiile. Hani ilcem Hue of pictoiiai lirlntlDK. FortemiHuddreM IIKNKY KtiLMAK, Clay 1'nntin'er, mi.' Uroadwitf, Mill* r.od 7, N. V. OPEN TIME. If $1 THEATRE. LEIPSIC, OHIO. Newly rMDOdtlMl and nlurolilied. Stating cayiclty, 750, Stigt 33x66. Steam heat. No* booUag tlrat clam attraolloDa. Opea aim ul Bout. 1. Writ obi. E. E. OBIPE, aauger. WANTED, VAUDEVILLE ACTS AT ALL TIMES. Hlal,' «»w«Ht salary. HHuawia. holllf ni'Uiith','. WILL. A. PKTI i:HMII.OTTW, IH. V. SIEGMAN & WEIL 71-81 WOOSTER ST. (Bat. Iprlng and Broom.), N.w Turk CANES AND WHIPS. Knlvts, Flasli Immense .assortment of Canes, «.....*.., ........ Ooods, Jewelry, Jau Parasols, Umbrellas, Fancy Whips, etc. CLBVKLANll CANK cs» Olevelanil, Ohio, Whips, etc. Catalogue free, WAI.TED.MED. PERPOMER, Sleep under canvas, eat al hotel. Must read or fake organ. Btateall. OTTO V. LLOYD, lona. Murray Co,, Minn. Ureal Dlncovery. Experts can notdeiectlt from gen- Liiiti wki>i wfcin tilne diamond. Costs but one tenth, lu brilliancy aod eiit It has no equal. Betting solid nold. Write for Illustrated catalogue. ROWE A UP., Uept. 0- S6B Dearborn 81.. Chicago. ZAMBEZI GEM WANTED- Mt/BlOAl* ACT. , - r-, . - - — . __■ 2 Men, Lady and (Jentleman. or Ladlett, that play Novelty lnstrii- menin and Brans. 10 weekV engagettient. Also Punch and Judy Man. State lowest, salary. JACOB BARNET, Phalon Park. St. Paul. Mlop. Ladies' Wardrobist. HllgHlT Wont OOWNS for the Stage .nil ;BLrcet. KaubUaaed lt». Mr.. A. l'KCK, 317 Blua lalaDd Ave., Ohlcago. III. M Lllwily, HARP SOLOIST and ACCOMPANIST For Concert or Orchestra. Travel or locate In or near New York. LORF7TTA A. DE LONE. 466 w. a.th Street, New York City. MTIVMTV YOUNG MAM, conies down lllBABUi shoot on hlcjcle and Uopa the Loop, then dives Into tauk of water 00 feet below. Address C. EDWARD, care of KANDEL, •23J3 Hccond Avenue, New York City. WANT SINGING ANO TALKING CLOWNS, ACROIIATB, HORIZONTAL IIAR MKN. Olltera write. Also Boss canvas Mao, who cbd liandle ■eata. UQNHKUli HI10S.. Olar Center. Kao, BOSTON FILM EXCHANGE. Second Hand Films, Hong Hlldei and Machines Bought, Hold and Exchanged. 604 Washington St., Koom4'*\ Bon to p. Mass., opp. Adams House. WIGS ... HIIINDUEUl, 118 W. 2tltli Ht., N. T. The up-lo- dale T1IKAT1IICAI. Will MAKER. Html at.mp (or new I'rlcs 1, 1st Just out. . U'ANTBU KOH JOYCE'SOLDTIME COUNTRY CIRCUS, A few mure Versatlb' Perforincrri ami exunrleucfd men In all depart iiteniH. nietiM Falls, N. v., In; Warreusbtirg, ih. Muiulsoilo— Wrlie nieniilck-ljtliipe. iiavii. vol) Hi:n.\ Tiir. 1 1. 1 1 II? Ih'Nll'r, mr.MII I'l'lt SAItllM.llh. LATEST SHADES, FINEST FINISH, HEAVY QUALITT, YARN DYED. The Ih'hi s:iih, niii.iii for wear and ayiieaninett. Alrto a full lllii- of lower prlcuil HATINM III all Hliadi's. SPECIAL ENGRAVED OC Cfj WINDOW CARDS OO.OU I'er 1,1100 l*rlufi.d uu 1-(ily MUNl Imiiril. Nl/.t' lull iri.h.i.. MOVAI. IMllN'llrVt. Ml., lift l)#»rliorii Kl., malwagn. UU THE GREAT PAUL FERDON. Hack to the West for mc, I WANT MBIHi'lNK PKllVOUMKKM, IluslnesH Iiuh Inhb roiten. Write ine. PAUL FKKDON, Elgin, III. AT L I II K itT V , owing to closing of stuck Uu, ALLAN KELLY, CIIAHAt TKIIS (III llrN. BUS. NELLIE GRANVILLE, CIIAIIAOTKItH. Addresa I'cople'n Tlieatre, Oedar Kaidds, Iowa WANTED QUICK, BAND LEADER, Tiro Clarionets, Trombone, two Cornet*, and Actors thai double Hand; also strong outside attracilou. THOU. K.WlKPKMANS, l.er oy, Kan toon. Round Top Can van, with :i middle pieces; one ottff. Flat Car. Address BUN iiikib., 3.18 Hnmmlt Ht,, Toledo. Ohio. For Sale-Magic and Picture Show, Featuring Frisco Disaster. Al for heneOts or opera house. romplet* buow onl; 815; worm I1M>. Circular fur ■ tamp. Ceo. A. R(ce,4 Coder rood at., Auburn, N.Y SCENERY Silko, the Perfect Trunk Kind. 11AN 1 KI.H StKMI HTUDIUH, I llll .■* (ill, WANTED, Good REPERTOIRE PEOPLE I'lANlHT and AdlCKT, Htate salary rmil full (tar* tlculars llrsl inter. AddrcHH J. F. AHNOI.D, 5lt. Sterling, IIUiioIh. WANTED, FOR Stetson's lacle Tom's Cabin UNDBIt OANVAH, Woman for Ophelia, Willi fihlhf for Kva; Tit ha aod Tioinbotje for If. und 0., Orehentri* Lender. llempHtead, l/mg IhIhjhI, Jiiiu* 14j Olea Cove HI. ton Clld IS. (IHAh'T LUt'l-^klgr. Acrobats, Attention WANTRP, FIKHT OLAHH TOF MOUNTKIt Hint ran do liaeks, fnrwardM, twisters ami doubles with one of tin' bent troiii-ei In Ariiei'Ku. Weight not over I'JOth. Address W. F. M„ HiUlHt'isirf.f.'oiifi. YOUNG MAN, 21, Would like position wltli travelinit company for coining nmn m Carpenter or AwNtant L'nr- peoter. Willing lo Join union. Hi. ■unull bin, TIIOMAHifUINrV.llrti. l)i:l., Llveriu'*rs falls, Ah: . FOR SALE-EDISON UNIVERSAL MACHINE, At |Hf. lolnch reel with tvooft. uf llllus, ut (ID. Bllde* at 10c, ir,". Address I w. II. LANOf:, 031 Division St., Toledo, Ohio. 458 THE l^-EVT YORK CLIPPER. June 16. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER OUR LONDON I.KTTER. II I THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING CO. (LUnlUd, hmm albert j. bobie, SDlTORlAb Ann Fchinksh Maniqbb. MO* OUR OWN (.OBbEaPONDINT. SATURDAY, .JUNE IK. 1006. R AT E 8 I Advertisements — 12.80 per Incb, lloila col. una. AdrerHecaerita aet with border, 10 per cput. extra. at use HIP I III*. One yiar. In adraoct, U: ill montbi. 12; three monlbe, fl. Foreign postnsre extra. Stasia coplci will be lent, postpaid, on re- ceipt of 10 cents. Oar Tersaa are cash. THE CLIPPER la lamed o?erj Wedaeada* morning. Toe Hat (our (adtertlslni) paee, 00 TO rRESS on Katurda; >t 11 A. »., and the other page! on MONDAY and TDEADAI. The Kama ClnalaK rrnmrllr. Tees- dny, at 10 o'clock A. M. Please remit by express, moncj order, check, P. O. order or registered letter. All rash en* closed with Idler Is at the rlik of sender. ▲ddreaa Alt Coaiitioalcallone to HIE MKW YORK CMPPBR. 47 Weal :»th Btreel, New York. K'Olilcrcd t'oMc Addrrai, "AnrHoalTY." THE WESTERN BUREAU of The Cutter Ir located nt Room 504, Ashland Block, Chkago, William K. Bryan, manager and correspondent, where advertise- ments nnd subbcdpUons are received at our regular rates. THE LONDON BUREAU Located at 48 Cranbourne St., Ixmdon, TV. C, John B. ('unify, manager end correspondent, where advertisements aod lubscrlptlotu are received at aajj regular rnles. The Clipper can as obtainio, whole. bali asp retail, al mir agcnis. Rrentano's news depot, .17 Avenue do I'Opera, Tarls, France; M. Llllcnthal, Frederick atraase 101 0>rnlDi» Hotel), Bcrllu, N. W„ Cer- many; Diamond Newi Co.. 1*7 I'm do. Hi- ts di ; Manila Book and Stationery Co., 128 Kscolta, Manila, P. 1.; Albert A Bon, 13T- llMI King St, Sydney, Australia. THIS NIC W YORK CLIPPHR anbllabeB only one edition, and that la dated from New York. qUEBl ES AKBW EBK1). Wo llepllea by Mall o r Tele* rap*. AODBKHSES OR WHsnUABOOTR NOT OIVII.V. ALI, IN gOKHT HP Mill SHOULD writr TO TrimfR tVIMIM TIIRT HKRK, IN CAR* OF 'J . JEJ CL1PP15K Post Office. All lettirs ffru, BR APU,l:riM,i> ONB WBEK ONLT, Iw TBD route or ant thkatbicai, comfant ir NOUUIIT, REFKH. TO OUR LIKT. OF RoUTEB ON ANOTHER TAUE. Wl CANNOT BIND RODTlB BI HAIL OB TlLEORAni. nUAMATlC. It. K„ Kurekn Spring*.— We hive no knowl- edge ut 1 1.!' present whereabouts uf the uarly. Ad(tiT5H a letter In uiir tire nud we will ad- Tertlric It In The Ci.ipfsb letter Hut. B-.N Co., New York, if. A. it , Scrsnton, Reaueb. Anxiovh, I 1 , it . Ban Claire. 8. F, A., Bridgeport, H. It.. Denver, J. C. Elf-don. and V. H. 11.. Washington.— See answer to ft. S., above. II. It., Cairo. — Chan. Lee, the veteran *howman. died In C.inion. 1'r., Jan. N, 1D0.'i. from snoplexy. after a long Hint***, aged sixty years. Mv. Lee's eiperlenee In the F-tiotv business cm-prod h period of more than thirty yearn. In ISTH he traveled with the Barnum & Ridley Clrmn. Hnd later with the Aduni KnrrpHiiir.il Show and nlher wet| known crgmilAMllonsiif |1m! day. He Iben appciwefl tinder llii' ntimn nT I* Cm-da, the mBtflclnn. In ISRt lit? ptnlMrkod In lite circus buslue^s, with Sain A. Scrllmer us a imrtnor. and three XiWM liter Mr. I.ee Mlarled his own ultow, which hr called Urbb, l#fA) ilrwH Lmirtcm Show. In IKK8 Ike nrKiinl/.HlInn Wlntcrwt In Canton. I'a.. B dwr e Mr. I piircli«««l prnnrrtv and tnadp liln linrnp until Hip time or his death. Mr. Lee married Mlw Khraro Unpors In 1RH-'. and she Htirrlve-H him. R S. V.. PhlladelidilH.— Wp have no record of any of the plays ynu mention having been performed during the past year. It. !-'.. niuuliH. — You will Imvc lo make ap- pltculloo in the city authorllles. I). W., rarlstiTHIe.— Address l>o Stcvrus. lMndlMin Stjnaro Station, New York City Pout OfllrtP. ,1. B.. Sew York.— "The KlorUla Huchanl- nient" was presi>ntcd Oct. 1.!. iHPli. al Hoy I'm Theatre. KewTark city. Marie .laiihen played Hip IfMdlnt- fftnale nde. MlKB F. IX, Knknmn. — Wati-h our roulo llsl p«rh week, or address parly In care al tblF nfllce. and wp will miter Use Hie letter In The UmpMI h'tler IW. if. A. S„ I ; rand Itaplds.— Addrpsa Henry W. SarHRp. 144 Weal Thirty ninth Street, Ne* York City. K. li.. Soil til Manchester. — 1. Addrecri Vrank U«wp. I^mdon 'llientre, New York illv. I'. Fnim ¥15 per wwk up. .1. P. S., Ilarlfnrd. — Blind Tom la nllve and appeared nl Percy V'tlllama' theatrea Tew ypiir* ago. Wp do not believe he Is pliylng at BfSRMt, 4 'AH OH. H. W. V., Prorldence. — Pnlew there wir r flipulatlnn cPiicernlnB "no hpadra" t*ie hel is a tie. «i. V. S.. Biiltalo. — The "rteece" always count a as n mt'ld. and In (wo handed pinocle no iwo rOpMh 'an Im* mHde by a player St the Mine rime II II . I^B'iislPr. The meld counts .V.U. dlv'ried Ihu-: CO Intmps. m kiDgs, dO r.ir -I! v -*» rli 'Ml 'lis!. '.'O ^pndl'S «nU ^" CllllW. .MiHl iindrrlnke to she ii decision la Ihr mailer. .1. It., hma i:ity.— A ilia*;* not lose. X. I.. K.. flilcagti. - In all man where Iwo cMinolanls throw nfT n He. twin coulpxtiula iiKd lie (iresenl ait the throw off. unlrns they Htcree otherwise. JL K H.. Hoxbiirv.- Wm. Howes made the fnllnwlni' record. Kett. TX IS7*. at London. Kng, : 127 mllea 1.21(1 ytrda in twenty four hunt-it. «-*-*» li mat i.h- «r i;iii'ii"i to traveling afcean In itif m ■■'= ii> . "■!, i.'M i if St. Marys. IV. lo know 'i. t a Tifi.THilon will I*- held al that city A tie it is, and they expect lo score a big interna, Clipper ilnrcna, 4B CranBonrnc Street, Leicester >>imiro. London, W. C. Junb 2. An event In the local theatrical world of no nhuH interest oci-urrpd on \Vednr«day night, when "TIip Xewcnmea,'" h dramatic version of Thackeray'a novel, waa produced al If Ih Majraty'a. hy Mr. Tree, nnd company. Many thought that the well known actor- uiunagi.>r would not be a atitxegH in the part of Colonel Ncwcome, but Mr, Tree pleaanntly -nr|:ri-fd hi* admirers by giving A really wonderful performance. The miecena of the production la due largely to H* player*. The length of tho engagement Is not known at (he iir.'ji.cui. "I.h TrelHiPiuc Lime." the Chinese musical |:Ih.v. fur which an English hhoip has to he found. Ih in rebearaHl at the Prince of Walea, and will I* done at Hint house for the first lime Ip Hhoiit a fortnight. Huntley Wright, hy ]icinil>.-lepn out of the cast of "The Belle of Sfayfalr," now having a prosperous KPRKon at the Vaudeville, for some days, be- cause of a severe cold. MKs May U herself oner more. In the ttrsl net of Hie piece a new Helling lias been provided Tor one of Miss Mm's songM, and a new Br*nB haa also been written In for the young lady In the second art. Arrangements lire under way for the ap- pcaninco uf Marie Tempest, at h West Knd theatre, before the rJuae of the current kch- aML, In it revival of Ihe comedy, "The Mur- liajp* of Kitty." The Sliiilirrts have acquired from Wlllliun Creel and Lena Ashwoll the American and Cnnndlan right a In "TIip Shulamlle," now hplriK jdaypfl ol Ihe Savoy. The nrraugo- iiicit furtimr allpiilnlpa that Mian Aahweli shail herself appear, under Hie Shiihert man- ngemeiit. In Hie pari of J>pborah Krlllel. thnmgluMit the United Stoics. Willi this view »ihe will sail for America toward tliu end of September, tint prior to her departure lihe will visli tjotnu of the provincial towns with the piece. A professional matinee of "The Whirl- wind. In which Mrs. Patrick Campbell Is iiplicarlnu al the Criterion, will be given one day next week. Mrs. CHiiipbcll'a season at that home is for eight weeks, nnd will con- clude on July 14. Preparations arc In order for Ihe production of ".Macleans of Balrneas." which Ih (dated to succeed "The Whirlwind" slmrtly. Al Ihe cim| of August "A Modern Magda- len," a play by lladrion Chambers, and which was done In Ni-w York aome tliiee Years ago, wiili H»nr.v K. IHxey and Amelia Bingham In Hie lending roles, will lip seen hi ihe Lyric. CuiiKinnce Collier will be aeen In the part played by Miss Bingham in the Slates. "Captain Brassbmiud'n Conversion" Is meet- ing with such favor Ht Hie Court thai Ihe play has iroen prolonged a further four weeks at that house. KUtfl 'Perry still continues In Hip part or Ijidy Cicely Waynflele. Miss Taffy emphatically denies Ibat she is booked tu appear in vaudeville In America. An effort Is being made In Paris by the iLembera of the Theatre Uc l/Olnvre and icein hers of l he Omnia tic Authors* Socteiy. lo oblHln the sanction of the Municipal Council for the naming or one of the streets of the city after the ueceiiaed Norwegian dramatist, llenrlk lliscu. A motion has been drawn up fur slgnuiures. Tho fiftieth. irPrfonuanre of "The Fascinat- ing Mrs. VHndervpldt." nt the tiarrlck, is dnvn for June H. "His ilmise In Order," at Ibe St. .IrfiniV. la Hip same big drawing card, nnd "The Lion nnd Ihe Mouse,", al the Duke of York's, and "llafflea." al the Comedy, iir<; idnylng lo capacity. "Shore Acres" la not h big success nt thB Waldorf. The process of localisation haa not been a rikkI lafaf for ihe famous Herne play. The UHturea of lira Cnrnivall and Cain* Cud Usher men are entirely different. The Wngllsh pliiyers an* very enthusiastic over tho Kllen Terry jubllpe matinee to lake plaie nt l>mry Lane on .lune 12- The King nnd !»neeii liuve Hlgnltled tlieli intention of belnc piTsenl, and it Is most tmpitsslble to prticuiT a sent at Hid jiresent moment. Kven large premiums do not bring any to light. The MMivenir programme Is tu be uf h per- manent character, and inkes tho f»nn of a hook, which could be Unludetl in any library, as the, tiunuilttpp feel that this unusual Be> cn>1i>n should harp some lasting nn-ord. It will he under the art editorship of W. Nichol- son, who will dotdgn the cover. There will be it number of reproductions from pictures nnd sketches of the well known characters hi "Lady Macbeth." l>v John Sargent, It. A. ; "Olivia/' be Kdvard Abbey, II. A. ; "Bea- Irlce." I.j ilernnrd l'nrtrldgn: "Nauce Old- Held." by .Innies Pryde ; "The Much Ado Alwut Nothing" ttnnce. by llyaui ' Shaw : "l«ndy 'IVajtlc," I iv William Ornen : ".Mnmll- ilus." hy W. Nicholson, and ihe title pan and I In headings of tap various Hems will la* designed by Waller Crane. Also I here. will lie a hlngraphlctd sketch, so as to give, lit spinieiice. ihe many purls Miss Terry haa played, by Austin Bi-ereton. Latit Monday, In the Hiuisp of Coninmns, the new Mil to amend the. law relullng lo musical copyrlshl. Introduced by 'P. P. O'Con- nor. .M. P.. whs roml for the Hrst time. The oiipratlve clauses of the hill are as follows: "Kvery person who sells. exjMises, offers, or has iu nls possession for sale any pirated music, shall (unless he proves that he acted Innocently I, t>e guilty of an offense punish- able mi sumumry tiinvlcilon. In manner pro- vided hy Hie Ian* in Torre in that part of the British islands where Ihe offence Is com- mltied. and shall lie liable to Imprisonment, wllh or without hard mlmr. for « term not rui'tdJuf one urn mil. nr lit a tine not e\- cerdlng live pounds, nnd on a sei-ond or sub- sequent conviction, to Imprisonment, with or wlthoul hard tabor, for n term mil exceeding two nionllix, or to a tine liol exceeding ten pounds. Any constable mn.v lake into custody wlthoul wnrrnnt, any person who sells, ex- poses, offers, or has in his laissesslon for sale, any pirated -music Any constable authorized hy an order of a court of summary Jurisdic- tion nuide under Secilnn 1. of the Musical iSumuKirv Proceedings! Copyright Ad, 1002, (a seize plralcd copies of any musical work, iu. iy, hctwcpu the hours of six of Hie clock In Hip in. n nl tit: Hnd nine of ihe clock In the evrnlng. enter any luuise or plnre mimed In aneti nrder. ami. If tesnwiR. uie force for making such enlrv. whellicr by breaking open il'.'i - or olherwlse." The Tlcoll. l^*rd». will be closptl on .Tune ID, for nix weeks, to ndtntt of extensive :il- leratiooB beltift made. Manager BarrAsfonl ha* « tiked performers liooked for thai, house for the period Hie house will he closed' to postpone their datea until After Aug. 6. Mrs. Jerry Hart Hnd Jerry Hart Jr. sailed for the States last Saturday on tho Ptalla- delpbla. Whether the trip la one of bind- neaa or pleHsnrc I am not tpdle aiirt. Slnte Kltlogp mide bis appeHrance at the Palace, u fortnight ago a new female Imper- sonator has made his appearance In the lorn) held. He calls hlmaclf Lerln>\ and Is play- ing. the Middlesex this week, lie Ib aaid En have been signed by the Pavilion manage- ment for a ma. It la Htitled that a syndicate of Itrltlsh nnd American showmen, and others, bHa ar- ranged for an International fair and carni- val, to be held at Olympis, In this city, at Christmas. There Is to he an old I.ngllsh fair, a continental carnival, an American park fair, and a pantomime. 1 am Informed that the laoln Brothers, formerly connected with Ihe 1'clies Bergcre, Paris, and other anuiaemeiii places In thai city, hitve Jiiht acijiilred the Nouvenu clnjiie, and Intend cnoveriins it into a theatre 1 agHln lieuL- from Mooncy and Holbein. This lime under date of Cnpc Town. South Africa. May t) : •"Have received Clu'pkrs nunctiially, for which 1 extend many thanks. They have prorcd n boon. Indeed, to us In far away South Africa. Wc are entering on our hat three weeks next week, and then all aboard for London. Unfortunately for us ibe McNailgliton Brothers and wives, Alice Lloyd and fieorglmt Preston, leave two weeks ahead of us, and we will mlas their company very much. They have proved themselves .suen ttrnnd people that It would be almost lmpussi- dc to find their equals. Claire and Kdgar Itiiinalnc, Douglas and Ford, Meier and Mora, and Mountford and Wulsh arc the new bunch next week, and they take the nliices of the McNuughtons, Alice Lloyd, Miss Preston, laroihcra Home, May Bvuns and Strolling Players. This leaves only Pleree and Mnlace, and ourselves remaining* from Ibe present company. The wholo trip has been a decidedly pleasant one, aod ('ape Town is simply glori- ous. Here wc are, almost at t lie beginning of Winter, wearing white shirt waists. The at- mosphere Is grand and so Is the view. The ai'dlence ditto. In fact, I cannot speak tr*o highly of everything. I know (he .vldl will be something to look bark on and remember. We arc simply delighted with everything. tjoutli African audiences mo Indeed warm- hearted nud appreciative, and they positively cuuld not treat ua belter. We open at Ibe Pain re, London, on July 33L"* The following notice has been sent to every performer holding contracts with the Coli- seum: "I hereby give you notice thai on ilav 1. an order was made by the Chancery di- vision iii' the High court of Justice, appoint- ing me receiver of the assets of the Loudon Cullst'tiin. Limited, nud manager of the busi- ness of the company, on liehnlf of the first mortgage debenture stiK-kholders of the cm:- Iktny, and as siicb receiver and munager I have to Inform you that the result of such nplH.lntmcnl Is to discharge you from (be services of ihe company, and that it Is not my intention, us such receiver and manager, to employ you under any existing contract made » or on behalf of the company with you." The notice Is signed "For London Coli- seum, [.linked, Oswald Stull, Recelrcr and Manager." The show at the Palace is pleasing to the many Americans In town, as It'contfllus four acta from the States, and all four am real live hits, and right from the bat, too. Ethel Negretll, comedienne, start-- the hull a-rolllug. She Is followed hy Frank Lynn, billed as a comedian, and Nina Gordon, mimic. The former, T believe, made a favor- able Inmresslon in New York a abort tltnc ago. and the Tatter's commendable perform- ance I have uoinniented upon before. Alice lliisson, another comedienne, sings "In the Shade of the «jid Apple Tree," and another ralcny song, to the satisfaction uf nil pres- ent. He limcia's ICIophants are a very smart lot, and please Hie audiences Immensely. Their cricket playing Is most original and smuijlDg. The Gems, three men and two women, offer an entertainment similar to that done by the Follies and the Dandles, and Ibey are fully entitled to the applause Ibey - receive, Hubert Mlchaclls, a vocalic. iohkck a good Impression with two songs. Kose Stall], who has- been dublied by a local rrltlr. "Ihe Bernhardt of the Halls,' appears at '.' H this week', and is guing stronger. If Mich H tiling is possible, than ahc did the opening week. Mlw. Stahl's one art comedy, "The CbontM L,n!v." has mnde such a lilt in this town that It will be talked tiboiit. fur a long lime lo come. 1 understand tbnt Miss Stahl Is very much In love wilh "dear old Ijoudou." She has every rea- son to lav Kit Inge, In his feminine . characterization, la best appreciated Bt I hn end of his act, when those in front know Ibat he Is u man. The management's hill- ing him as a sort nf myater.v is a mistake In n w,iy. ns It takes away from the ad. At tho finish of ihe Met. when Kltlnge lakes off his wig, there Is great excitement. Three out of rive arc of ihe opinion that he is a woman. The performance Is truly an ar- tlslle one of the Hrst order. "The Daughter uf the Mountain," n iiantoinlme In three scenes. Intnuluclng Itosorlo Guerrero and her company, proved lo be a hit too long Ihe opening nfght of Ihe week. I undersland the olTerlnc lias been shortened considerably since Monday. The first scene opens ln«Jhe hrlgand's lnlr. lo which Ik hniuzlit a prisoner. Margulla i Mile. Guerrernl sympathizes with the enptured youth ; this gradually rlpoim Into love, and the scenH concludes with his escape and a promise lo assist the sympi- ihctlc Margulla. The nest scene lakes place at nlgrht. It shows MHrgr.lia resisting the lemplntlon of the hrlpuid chief, and finally her ronjojlng of hlui into :i deep slumber by drugged wine. He unddeulr WHkes to (iitrl that he haa been betrayed. Tic attempts to kill her: she shows tight, mid slabs him lo Ihe liearl. juat aa her lover arrives at (lie hend of n dclnchiuent of S|»anlsli soldiers. The cuniorllonlslM, Toledo and Price, are repenting nt every performance the suc- cess made on their opening a week ago Monday. A»-is of this kind generally hare s ban) road to travel, but T. Hnd P. tire there with the goods, and are treated accord- ingly. Lea Troinbettii. "Crnndes Originali- ties.'" are established favorites at (he Palace. The act lv great, and has been reviewed In this letter several limes. The 10-r>2 act on Ihe bill is Will Itogers. Ihe cowlsiy lassolst. and Ihe genial American Is the cause of more apniaiise and laughter than has lieen heard In l bo Palace In many moons. And I might add that Itngcr>- Is as popular off ihe rtage as he Is on. The bioscope pictures are: "Rehearsing Hie Tudor I'Hgennt ior Hie Royal Naval and Military Tournament." "Ar- rival nnd Reception of the Prince and Princess or WhIch at the Hiilldhall, May 17:" "The Olympic Games." "l-.ruptlon of Mount Vesuvius." Humorous Phases of Funny Faces," and "Italian Cavalry Manieuvres." Off for South Afrb-a to-day are: Malcolm Scott. Julian Mack. Roma and Komanl, May Moore Ouprcz and Llbby Arnold Wondell. Those due lourrlve: The McNaiighl«ns, Alice Lloyd. Brothers llorre and May Kraft*. Joe Peterniun put on u new sketch, enti- tled "The King of the Sahara." nt the Ox- ford, on Monday, and It met with a great re- rcplkm. Mr. Peterman's latest Is fur ahead of anything he has ever done before, nnd Its lasting power is hound to be long ami protit- able. Harry Well nam has some catchy num- bers In ihe new piece. As slated list .week. Mnskelyne nnd Ttpvnnt hnve mtdiil two clever and attractive nnrrl- ties in llieli* show nt Si. George's Hall. In Ihe Hrst. entitled "l>r. Hardy's Kxprrlinenl." n doctor, who has luvenlcd n rohitory liint-o thai works 'ml her more uulekly ihnn light- ning, accidentally decapitates a patient nn whom be was operating for n stiff neck, and his own servant's consternation ran be 1m- aglnpd when the headless oorly rtnrta scotir- (ogthe houa* for Ha missing member, whale the head kdrIds Id the room and continues to Mlk. The second novelty la "The rrohlem uf "ningences." which Is presented by Lwvld Dcvnat. It Is said that Alexander once naked ihe sage If he could get out of the tub when both cuds were closed With marked parthment. without breaking the l»tter. "IH- ttgenea thought he could, and Mr. Pevant shows that It cuii be done Mr Pevant also Introduces "The Homing Hells," a very magical peal which llnd* their way from hla hnmls, without apparent Impulse, to tho ends of four siispeoded ribbons, and, banging there, enswer hla every bidding. Cole nnd Johnson are leaving to-day for New York, on the ^BBbtfa. H Since Hie close of their successful engagement at ihe Palace they fcavc been doing a lot of private work for Ashton's floyal Agency. BIJou Rnssell had ttf undergo an opr*rsilon recentlv, ax Fltzcoy House. Pltxruy Bquara, The ooerallon wan successful, nnd Miss Rus- sell Is now on ihe road to recovery. She expects to resume work on June 18. On Saturday last perpetual Injunctions were granted in respect of those performers engaged at ihe Ttvnli. Manchester, and barred within a radius of twenty miles. The offend- ing i>erformers variously contemplated ai»- jieurances at ihe Ardwlck Umpire, the Man- chester Hippodrome, and the Regent Theatre, Sa I ford. Imro Fox has proved so popular with the audiences nt the WIntergardcn, Berlin, that his engagement at that place has been pro- longed until July 10. Ihe comic conjurer returns to London on Aug. t). Brought up In u London court yesterday v-as a libel net Ion brought by tins Klcn. the comedian, against the London Music Halls Company and Charles Hector, the manager of Collins' Musk rfall. The plaintiff alleged that In order to "have It out with him" be- cause he had won an notion against them, the arance at Ibe Oxford. .Matthews and Har- ris Hre due Mond:iy week at the Palace. Vesta Victoria, just returned from her suc- cessful trip lo New York, makes her appear- ance at (lie Tivoli on Monday, nnd will alng two new songs. The latest quotations of music hall shares are as follows: Alhambra, one ami half: Canterbury- oue ; Empire, fifteen shillings ptild. one and a ipiarter : London Parlllun, urd. four: Ditto, prcf. four and Ihree-giiar- lers ; lajudon Coliseum, one-quarter : Metro- politan, seven-eights: Moss Kuiplre, four and Hve-elghts ; Ditto pref., four; Oxford, sir and seven-elghtbs : Palate, nine: Tlvoll, sir and one-eighth: Varieties Consolidated The- atres, foiirtpen shilling; aud six pence. Stiley's Transformation Co. Is nt Ihe Hip- pudrome, and the wonderful performs iiue given by that compuuy haa been greatly Im- proved since Ihe last Hippodrome engage- ment. New singe settings, new coKliimcrs and ni-xv music make the twi practically a new una. A local paper. In reviewing their performance, Hays: "St a ley's Trtiusfflrraatloti mi has been Keen before In Loudon, and Hie lltthtitlng chance front a cooper's workshop, with uarmontiHiK tub thumpers In working attire, to a fashionable modern drawing room graced hy a tmiple of musical gentle- men In faultless evening dress, and a lady •lancer, la one of I hose things 'that no fellow can understand.' as I,ord fiundrenry wmild Ray, Just us ipilek Is the change back from Ibe salon to the workshop. The mimical se- lections are decidedly good. Al Hie same house Cimnierattl. MePhco and Hill, nnd Mor- ton nnd Klllolt are to lie seen. There la onh- one Cinqiievalll, Hnd his artistic performHrni.' Is always Judged accordingly. A very fin- ished bar performance Is done by MePbee and lllll. The act goes great with Ihe Hlp- jHHlmnic audiences, nnd rb tines tho paper IPiirlng of Morion and Klllolt, who. as Is known, vary I heir inunlpulHilon af paper slill with a rendition of 'Alice, Where Art Thou?'" Harry Von THzer has recentlv arrived In London from Now York, and lias brought wilh liitu a hum-h nf new snugs. Pilar Morln has just closed her sea sun with Ihe "Leah Kleschnn" Co.. and Is now In much demand for private enlertainmenls. The ex- ceedingly clever pnnlomliutst Is doing a most original and uove] show. Go-Wun-Gu Mohawk, the American Indian actress, who has been siarrfng tn I Ids coun- try for the past fpw years. In her oau play, "Wep-Tun-No Mull." had a narrow escape from a dangerous Injury In Birmingham last week, during it is-rfominnce uf the play. The Indian actress, In dismounting from Buck- skin, one of her jsinies, got one foot caught In the stirrup, and was dragged around the singe for some seconds, before she was re- leased from her predicament. She was qulle hailly bruised, and is Just hIhiuI able to walk. C. W. Charles, manager of the company. Is laid up with a sprained nnkle. but hopes (o bp able lo resume his role of Colonel Skllton In a couple of weeks. The season has been a very profitable one for Miss Mohawk, who writes me that she will remain, In England for another year. II. A. Myers called yesterday. He landed In tendon Thursday noon, In n few days the continent will be Tlsiled by Mr. Myers. after which he returns (o this city to remain Tor some days. Mr. Sbea, the agent, Is also In town. Mrs. XcPbce, wife of Mr. MH'her. of Me- • Phee and Hill, sails for America tt dav on the "New York." A cable was received from New York on Thursday that her moiber was very sick. M-Phee and lllll are due lo re- lurn tn the Stales In another fortnight. Reglnn Baker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John linker, celebrated her sixteenth blrlh- day recently. The young lidv wits verv forliinnle In the matter of gifts. Her mother gave her n gold loekei. atudded with dia- monds: her fa liter, a diamond rlna : Hi viiuiii mid Franklin, a toilet set. nnd Norton nud Itu<:sell. a okNEPB of renl Irish linen hnnderker- ehlefs. There vns n blrlhday party to which many of the Amerbnns now In town were In- vited. Baker and Lynn and Miss Baker are tearing this country to dav week. Their art. "The Klectrlr -Boy." met with gratifying suc- cess on the aVIogb & Stoll tour. ULCE RS IN E.YES. Awful fMaehftrg* Prom Eyes and »,... Grstefal Mother fttrongly R,«cont> irtendH Ciitltuu. •'I used the Cuticura Remedies eieht years ago for my little boy who had ulcers in the eyes, which resulted from vaccina- tioo. His face and nose were in a Kid state also. Al one time wc thouglil hq would lose his sight forever, and at that time he was in the hospital (or seven or eight months and: under specialists. The discharges from the eyes and nose were had and would Live left scars, I feel sun-, ii.iit it not been for the free use ol the, Cuticura Remedies. But through it H )l we used t lie Cuticura, Soap, Ointment and Resolvent, and lots of it, and I feel grate- ful lor the benefit he received from them. The Cuticura Resolvent seemed lo send the trouble out, the Ointment healcri it outwardly, and the Soap cleamed and healed both. He is entirely cured now, but since then I have nougat the Cuticur.-i Resolvent to cleanse and purify the blood. and the Soap I cannot speak' loo highlv of as a cleansing and medicinal beautiher, Mrs. Agnes Wright, Chestnut St., Ilwiu, Pa., Oct. 16, 1905." Murctis Mayer Is said to Is* verv scriouilv III at the Adelphl Hotel. In this city, a ■ » OUR CHICAGO l.IiTTCIL THOU OCR OWN CORBESPOSOEST. Western Bnrean of the Nevr York Clipper. Room 6ft4, Ash land Block,' CMengo. The warm weather of the past week In- terfered seriously with the business at Ihe regular theatres, but the Summer Gardens and parks were crowded. Attractions for the week of June 11 are: "The Student King." at Ihe StudeOHkcr: "Forty-live Min- utes 'from Broadway," at the Colonial: "The Three t. races," at the Chicago Opera. House: "Tht Prince Chap." at the Grand Opera lluiise; "The Heir to the Borah." at Powers': "The Gingerbread Man." Ht Me- Vjckcr's ; "Brown of Harvard." at Ihe liar- rick; "The Llou and the Mouse." al Ihe Illi- nois : burlesque nt the Folly, Trociidpni and Eicon's and high vaudeville programmes al the Majestic nnd Olymntc. White City. lltvervlew. San Soiu-I and the Chutes have every prospect for a very prosperous sc;imiq. IluM'in '1i,i;.mt,k (Wilt J. Davis, mana- ger). — "The laon and the Mouse" is draw- ing large audiences. The company h thoroughly competent and Includes : Gertrude Coghlan, Arthur Bymn, Florence Gerald, l.ii Han Dix, Forward See. Ada Curry. I^dlth Shsyne. P. S. Barrett. A. S. Llpnum, Kdward Sherman, Heorge Parsons. Joseph Kllgmir, W. Ii. Burton and I- tora Juliet Bowley. I'owtns' THKartit: 1 Harry J. rowers, man- ager). — "The Heir to the Huorab" begins iu last fortnight here Sunday. 10. Nora o'ttrien. Jane Peyton, Louise Hulter. Florence Coven- try, Wilfred Lucas. Krnest I^tmsun, Harry lUch, T. Tammamoto. liuy Bates Pos|, and Brinsley Shaw, all come In fur 1 good sbars of favor. Colonial TitKATm-; (George \V. Lederer. manager). — "Forty-live Minutes from ".road- way" ronllnues !• draw crowded houses Fay Templeton and Victor Moore, with ih" aid of capable fun makers, continue to hold public attention. Ckam» OruKtY Hol'kk C-lai'iv Asklo, man- ager). — Success has marked the past three, weeks of the engagement of Cyril Scott, In "The Prince Chap." Sunday, J4, "The Al- cavde." for three weeks. S-ruDJiliAKBR Theatbk (1.1. K. Harmerer. mauager). — ; Thc Ih* Knvpn-Hinklu-Slang" o|«ra, "The Student King," la-gins tbe rourili week of lis Chlcflfcs stHy Monrlar evpnlng. 11. The comrmny Is glv'ng an excellent ac- count of Itself, aud Itayinoud Hitchcock and Una Abarbanctt and prime favorites. Gakhick Thkatrb i Herbert C- Puce, man- ager). —"Brown or Harvard." with Harry Woodruff and the New York rast, romes tm Simdav. lo. for an unlimited engagemen r - ".lulfe Bon Bon," wilh Louis Mimn and Clara Lipnmu. enjoyed a successful nin of tiffe weeks hprc, closing P. MeViCKDU's Thkatrb (George C. Warren, nnutager). — "The Gingerbread Alan" has an- other week to run here, when It will filve way to "The Clansman." Despite weather conditions, "The tilngerhreHd Man" has been drawiug good Hissed audiences, and Ihe people who have seen the piece have festilied lo Ihelr enjoyment bv demanding the repetition of the most of the musical nunbers. "Did Barneses." "Moon. Monti. Moon." "Queen "I My Drcims," aud "Nursery Rhymes" have been mnrked for s)>oclal enthusiasm. <■"■* Welnburg plays King Bimn. 'The Clans- man" will iw here for three weeks. Citic.Uio OVBM HorsB (Lyman B. Glorei. manager for Kohl & Cast Ic i.— "The Three Gi-aies" will remain anollier week- Sine; the Introduction or the second Hit ton aud Ibe addition of Kdnn Wallace Hopper and Helena Frederick, this piece hss pained hi In Ip rest. All Hie popular features have heen relit iaed. and new song and dance scenes havs ls>en added. Beglnnlg Mouday. June 1*. Nellie Stewart, of Australia, and her own company, will present "Sweet Nell.' rain Kestor's comedy drams. La S.yu.i: Thkatiii. fMurt II. Singer, man aaeri. — "The I.?npire." with three huodnd and four performances to lis credit nl ibi- plavbouse. ibe record for n single tun tu Chicago, will close lis season wllh Hie per- formance SundHy. 10. 'Iliia house will i^ open (he fatter part or August, with a new play, by Adams. Hough and Howard. Giikat North ebb Thkatrk IFretlC. Lbrrl-. manager) —Williams and Walker begin ihe third week or their Ptigagement at this thea- tre, Similar. 10. "Abvsslnln" has nrored a good Httracllon. "Bedford's Hope" mm* Bush 1'kjii-lkTiii'atio; r KIlzHbelh Selioher. uinnngerl.— The I'lavers' Slock t'o.. fur Hi* 4 closing week of Its aessnn. prorlnced M Taf Wedding March." Stage Director .lames v, Castle deserves much credit for the mauner Jn ,\vhleh he has staged the productions pre- sented by this eoimwiny. Ma.ik.stic: Thjutbe (C. H Fhaper. m»tu ger for Kohl Jt Castle).— A galaxy of siarj is Hnnminced for week of 11. Those bllleji are: Kmma Cains. Olive May and John A'- baiish, Kv« Mudse. Marvelous Honarcl-. PHlty Bros.. McKay and Fredericks. WIHIaro Tomklns. Whitehead and Grierson sisters. Charles Ledegar, Kemp and Pearl. Reno "i" Axom. irunzalus Bms.. Mr. and Mrs. .lack. Blue, .leans Quartet te. and the klnodrome. f>i.vupic Thkatrb (Alie JaenltR. mtoag^r for Kohl ft fMsHe.l— Joseph llnwaid. R>"- slmi composer, and Ida Bmerson. w HI pro- vide the top line attraction for week nf ■': oihers listed are: I«w Hiwklns, Zaxelle a no Vernon, l^es Hrunn Opera Trio. t;«rdnn* "» n Revere, Imtio. Conn aod Corlnne. FHck L?"" 1 ,'- Ilendrlx nnd Prescoft. King Kolllns. Phli- brook nnd Uevnolds. Kiln Hnrdner. Jnnie> nnd Cello. Welch, ibe PlerrlF. Slsiers l larfc- smi. nnd the klimdroiue. coi.rsiucs TtlKATiii: (Welter Bros., mana; gerai. — The prpsentallon nf "Mmlrnp » Ir*- T Snudiiy. 10. will mark the premier of tbi- play on' any American stage. Lust bpik "Resurrection," plnypd hy Anne Suth^H'!' 1 and her stock cnmpanv, did well. For it """ week. "The Stranger from Nowhere-. EcsoN'a Theatre (Sid J. Euson, mso»* Juste W>. THE NJflW YOEK CLIP-PER. ,459 COMIC SONG HITS. AUTOMOBILE BREAKDOWN BETTER FOR TWO GARDEN OF EDEN MARY WAS STENOGRAPHER PROF. COPIES FREE. W.J. BALDWIN JR., Publisher, l». O. BOX 5ia, NEW YORK. K ,. r , — Vaudeville and burlesque will be pre- "ruted week uf 1(1. "A Trip Around the World" aud "Angelo -Marble' are tbe two Bklit;. A new series uf llvlug pictures will also lie offered. The vuudevllle beudllner Is Hutu Everett. Others are : The Pe|ots, com- edv Jugglers; De Vau Bios., acrobats ; Todd oo"d LXidd, musical sketch team, and West and Wililkias. Foixt Thbatke {torn B. numji mm ogeri. — Burleaquc will be tbe offering week of 10. The stock coinpuuy bere Is uuder tbe direction uf Jue Oppenbelmer. Murray J. Simon* will be seen as Ibe leading come- dian. Harvey Parker and Fred Beel, wrest- lers, will meet all comers tu the mat. Tkocadkho Thkatiib (I. M. Weiugarten, fjunager). — Mile. De Long (the original Girl ii Blue) will return to this bouse, after an abseuee of iwo years, as uii extra attraction villi the Trocndero Stock Co. Hue In un ec- centric dauuer who Iiuh bad uiativ Imitators. iu tlie olio nre: Malcolm uud Shevett, Nat S. Jerome, Newsboys.* Quartette, Mary New- man and varioiiH other entertainers. Kay Odell In also In the company. Battling Nel- son will appear for ween of 10. Whits * i rv 4 Paul U. Howse. general man- ager). — Nc;v ;uid interesting attractions are tnuouJiced for week of 11. The change of entertainment plnnned for tbe patrona oftbls place next week will Include some novel acts of which Tompsou's troupe of trained ele- phana will be a feature. Cameron, In hl9 slide for life, executed un a tight wire at a dizzy height, will furnish a sensation for those who crave excitement. Jewell's Mani- llas aud Big Otio'd Wild Animal Show are nmorttf the foremost features of White City, aud arc pack<>d at every show. ItiVEKViEW Paiik (William M. Johnson, manager). — The management of ttlvervlew makes tbe siatemeut that tbe crowds of tbe last iu davs have been greater Ibau they were wben the park wait iu the height of lis siicresa Ion season. From tbis It may be inferred that all the ta!k about the tre- uieiidoiislv big crowds In attendance at ibis resurt is not wlthutit foundatluu. Iu f:tct. Hirer view has Jumped into popularity wiib woe butiud, deniuustratlug that tbe mami^e- ment made uu mistake in providing high class, up-to-date features under Ibe shady trees which are In abundance. Krrl's l.uid remains another week. The greatest of all features, however. Is auuouu-*ed for Saturday, IU. when a new aud gorgeous urewurks spec- tacle Is to he given for The llrst lime as the night lr feature. Tbe production Is to be based ou the recent San Francises earth- quake, and Is to he known ah "The Fall of the iioldeu Gate." 'Chi'ti.s. — A itulque and Interesting Renan- tlou. original with the Chutes, fs afforded- uy the beautiful FJlter Mcrumld. who made her llrst appearance ufler tbe cuueert Saturday, !>. Prior to Ibe appearance of Miss tiller merry makers may enjoy tbe uilrtb provoking devices of motion, including the toboggan, water chutes, myotic rill, veiVet coaster uud cotmlless other rouli'lvuni-es. Sash Soi:t'i Park (Leonard Wolf, mann- geri.— This park has been visited during tbe lirst fortnight of Its eighth season by the biggest crowds Iu i lie history uf me n-sun. Tbe management Is desirous uf pleasing Its patrons In every way. aud Is uddlng new features constantly. Now It is au Igorrot,e village with a score of savages tattooed uud clouted, aud all possessed of nppeiltes for dog meat. Kohl & Castle present au eu- tlreiy new bill for week of 11. Including: Harry aud Ilnlvers, Belle Cordon, Hnllen and Haves Murray K. 11111. aud Morris Sil- ver, UMBOS) Dime VtiumKm iWm. J. Sweeney, inauager). — The following are tbe curio nail attract loot* for week of 11: Sheerlu, stroug man ; Mute. Wheeton. second sight ; Uyhue's Trained dogs, and the Norselnnd glnut. Iu Ibe theatre will be seen : Ptuiline Leigh, Laeoudu. Beatrice Hutnsey, George Sbenuuu, aud the Midway daueers. Clahk Strrkt Mi-kbuh (Louis M. Hedges, manager). — A line bill of vuudevllle Is an- nounced for week of lt>. As usual, the curio hall features will be tbe best available. AtTRitUArH.— Juke Sternud was a Clii-- vkh Bureuit caller Friday. He Informs me that Edward 0. Dayman, his partner, will hood begin booking for tbe regular season. Welch, Ueuly and Montrose, one of the feature nets at tbe Majestic Theatre, this city, lust week, scored ti big lilt Powers and Theobald have Just concluded a hucccss- ful tour uf the principal vaudeville theatres of the Kant and West. They have worked continuously for one b uud red and thlrly-slx weeks. TIr-.v buve Ik.-u euguged by (ius Hill lor uext seusou. uud will he seea Iu one uf his new comedies which upeusi iu New York City In Aiu'UHl James W. Thompson was a caller WeduesdHy. Ills dauglilers. Ibe Sisters McConuell, are meeting with gnmt success everywhere tliey a|>(>enr - uLlv sign with that coinbitintloii uext season. t.'illili-ii: nnd Perry were beadlloers at the Olympic Theatre, week of A. They have lieeii booked for thirty-five weeks by the Western u:u usgent Jolin ('olllns. of tbe Western Vaudeville Managers' Association, who has been HI for the past twu weeks, returned to his desk Tuesday. '. thuruughly recovered from a severe cold be contracted about a month ago ....Charles Wllshlu, of Hie Willhim Morris forces, returned tu tills city the early part uf this week, aflsr a slay uf oue week at Cedar llnplds. la., where he bad a show for a week at Green's Opera House. .. ..Celta Bloom. Sadie Jacobs. Nellie llellly and Anna Fergus wen 1 cullers Friday Upton SInclalr*s much discussed story Of l'ncklnatown. "The Jungle." will be staced Iff (leorgo If. Hreunau. inauager of "Tbe Clansman." The dramatization will Ite made by Mr. Slm-toir. In collaboration wlih Mm- *ur.-t Moyn. and will be produced Iu this city Home e ..ii >■ In AugiiKt. ■♦-■*■»■■ Tliompaon £ Dandy Leave the lllp- liudruni**. Fredrrlc Thompson and Klraer S. Dundy, whu built the New York Hippodrome, mid who hive' mnunged that tremcuduus enter- prise wlih remarkable success since It wan opened, linve resigned as Hie eel lye ln>ads of the corporation In control. Antioiincemetit of their withdrawn) wns made last week at Hie nflli-p of John W. OntoH, Mr. Thompson, when nsked concerning hln resignation. Mid: "Mr. Dundy and I are re- tiring because of other enterprises. We can- not spend from twelve to fourteen hours at the lilppndrome and si 111 look after other thhiRs. Wo Htlll retain ffr>no.iHio Iu stock iu tlie Hippodrome Company."' NOTICB TO COHKESPONDtiNTS. Our thtatrieal corrapo»denfj are hereby notl/lea that the credentiuti now held by them esytrtd on June 1. They are rfauejfed to return them, to this office at once, lor renewal for 1906-1907. ■♦«» «•» leattam ami IH:nfhfw have played six weeks for the Western Vaiulevllle MBDHgers' Association, and are Iwoked for six weeks lu their parks. Their urlglual comedy songs ate a feature on every bill played. I'KWMMAMA, Philadelphia..— Outur Hnmaiersteln was In town last week, aud announced tbat lie Intended erecting twu new plnvlionses iu the city of brotherly love. As nodu us hh pres ence became known he was vUlted by sev- eral real estate brokers wlio bad sites to offer, and the greater part of two days was devoted to looklug at the vurloua locutions. Mr. llamnierateiu says one house will be de- voted to grand opera, and the other to vuude- vllle attractions similar to the Victoria, In New York. Of Ibe various altes looked uver, tbe oue at Xlutb and Chestnut Streets Is belug Hci-iously considered for the vaudeville house. It Is u lot 110ft. square, lu the reur vt rnws of stores that arc being erected. AH* tbe necessary paperr. were sigued list week by Nixon & Zlniuiermau uud the Broad Street Bealty, for the Edwin Forrest The- atre, to be built on the reur portion of the LlpplDcott mansion lot, at Broad and Walnut Streets. The lease Is for ten vears, ut an annual rental of $45,000. The plans by Arcbitects Marshall & Fox. of Chicago, and Amos W. Barnes, of tbis city, will be com- pleted shortly, aud work started on July 1. It Is expected to have the theatre readv for occupancy early In January, with II. II. Irving. In "Mnurlcetti-." as the opening ut- tractlon. The playhouse will occupy a front - age of II."". feet on Sansom Street, with a depth of 17. r » feet. The seating capacitv will be :i l r,0O, making it the Inrgest In Hie city with Hie exception of tbe Acadimy of Music. The stiiK*- will be of sulllcleut size to provide for a»v massive product ion lirouglu here. Tbe building will be of llreproof cuustriictlon, with cantilever galleries, llien-by pruviditig fur an unobstructed view of the stage, On the side of the theatre will be au luclliied plane similar to tbe oue At the Nixon, In L'iltstiurg. Tlie piayboiixe Is expected to cost about I'Jrid.iHHi. hYittr (Messrs. Sbuhert. uinnagers). — The farewell perfonnnuce of Xuruh Bernhardt, on .hi!..- T. drew n $4,U(H> Iioase. The star appeared lu nets from three of the phijs that she produced during Iter previous visit here. During the Summer mouths the house will lie in the bands of decorators, who will compute the work origlually planned, but which, was not completed at the lime the liuuse* oseucd at the lieglnulug of the sea- sou. Tbe entire lower part of the theatre will be 'ornamented will) nu Italian marble wainscoting, and nu additional siulrcusi- will Ih> bultt leading lu the Huo^lng rouui, which will also be considerably enlarged. CiiKSTNi:r iMxuii & Ziumicrman, tuniia- gers). — "Itosalle" concluded Its seventh week on .1 1 = n ■■ I),- with fifty-six performances to Its credit. Tbe at tendance Insl week was flue, an overflow house belug present 5, which uinrked the tlftleth perforniuuce. Ilaiidsutne silver enrd plates were dlHlrlbuted to the ladles, Patronage during the past seasuu has been Hue, the books showing a healthy sum ou -tbe right aide of the ledger. fliiiAito (Miller & Knuruiun. muungers). — - The Beasou nt Ibis house euded lu n blu/e of glui-y 11. the concliidlug week being de- Voted to tiie uew farce comedy, ".Mallldn." which drew crowded houses Hie entire week. The uewspapers voled the comedy au lu- stunt success, the uctlng of tidwurd Middle- tun In the leading rule railing- rortli jirulse- worthv conuueut., Kftlle Callnhflu, Iterthu Crelghton nud Arthur Mitltland had con- genial roles, Haht'h (John W. Unrt. manager). — "Ca- mllle," which drew guod sized bouses ending 11. wns ihc coiicimlliig week of the seusou at this house. Un II the house will open for a beuel't for St- Mary's Hospital, iu which a number of vaudeville performers hove vol- unteered their services. Kkitii'b (II. T. Jurdaa. manager). — The bill week of 11 Is hesdeil by Hubert Mill- iard, In "As a Man Sows." Other feu I tires nre: Itny I* ltoyce, the Quaker City Four, Mllunl Trio, Sluutuii aud Modeun, Jacobs' dogs, Stuulev uud I>eouurd, Siulrl nud Kess> tier. Diamond and Smith, Mblo and Hiley. Jessie Cree, Alpha Trio, Flood Brothers, nud the kliielugruph. IIIJdm ((!. AV. Itlfe, manager). — The stock burlcsuue i-ompuny. which drew big lust week, Is continued 1 1-1(1. New fentures for this week nni McDevitt aud Kelly, and Vurlae uud Quleuue. LYL'Kim i.I. opened his cottage at Point Pleu^uut, N. J.. Where he will spend the Knui- laer Pury Kniltb. one uf )llller A Kauf- man's popular attache?, will take a steam- boat rldr to New Orleans this Summer.... Thuiuus F. Hopklus. Uiuuugel- of the lllmi' Museum, was nitii -rled on .luue S, to Alius, Bradeubiirgh, daughter of (he lute C. A. Bradeubiirgh, manuger uf the Dime Museum lur » number of years.. ..The roMrs County ruuftructluu Co. bAs l . ■ ii uwurded n cuii- tru'et for ii $1MMHH) uluyhouse tu be erected at Newtou Aveuue. Waluut aud Mt. Veruuu Streets. Camden, N. J„ Tor tbe M. W. Taylor Amusement Co. The theatre will have two galleries, In addition to the orchestra, and will be built uf concrete bluck*. Plttnuurir. — At tlie Nlxou (Thos. F. Kirk Jr.. munager) "The Cluasman" began its second week Juue 11. I.hm week tt plH.ved to good busluess, consldorlug the war in wt'U'juT. On Moruliy. 18, the season of Sum- mer ojiern will begin, with "Hobln Hood." lor two weeks. *lbe comfuiuy Is complete. uud tlioroughlv adaquate.lu every detail, and tbe patrons will be given good etitertulnmeul. Cham* ilLarrv Dnvls. mnnugerlr — This week's bill lucludes: Kdwln Stevens and com- pany. .Kuur Dam lin- Korda. .McWatters. Ty- tion and cumpany. Chnrlle Case. Arthur nnd Mildred Hoylan aud compnuy. Mile. Kdun, Henry and Francis. Tossing Austins. Winouu Winter. Vamantoto Bros.. Browu ami Ne. varro, Solomon uud Chester. Viola aud Kugel, uud the cinema tograpb. Manager Davis Is going to Inaugurate n stuck company, uud rehearsals have been called for Juue IS. They will prcseat short plays, which will be given during the heated term, In connection with the continuous vauderllle performances. Several members of tbe old stock will appear. Bijou (B. M. Oullck & Co.. iniimigerg).— I.o.;i[ talent nre presenting "Tbe Druiunicr Hoy of Sliiiub" this week, for the henellt of Post 3. H. A. 11. Several of the military organizations are taJtlug parr. Last week "Sis llopkhm" utuyed to satisfnetory busi- ness, uud tbe piece bus nul tost anv nf Its IK»|iularlly iu Pittsburg. The bouse closes after the C. A. It. heucflt. Lux a. — Weber Prlxe Band and Blanche MebutTey. soloist, luude such n decided bit last week that the iiiaungeineot has retained thetu for another week, Business Is good. Diu:am City. — Sunday, a sacred coiu-crr by the Cosmopolitan Baud, aud during the week another glgunlic two-ring hippodrome circus, Iluslncss bus, been very good. Kr.N.NYWoiin.— luimonl's Minstrels will give the eutertuluuieut all week. Sunday. NlrcHa's Fourteenth Regiment Band gave a concert. Sni'TtoiiiN. — Sunday. Hum's Big Bsud uud vocalists. Bill week of 11 : Cherry uud Balvs.- Cllff nud Farrell, tbe Pryors, Smith and Baker, uud the uiotlou pictures. Oakwouu. — Suuduy afternoon aud ewu-, Ing, big free minstrel concerts, and He Veaux uud .»■ Veuux, In n clever luiisicul act,. Soi 'iiiuh.s. — Sunday ufieruuon and even- log. Boeereto nud his Band and vocalists. All Week. Ihe Itlit I'm;- Au.erluaii Minstrels, a til the motion pictures. LnneaMter. — At tbe Hoof Harden (('has. M. Howell, manager! current attractions In- clude: Lewis MctWd and company, lu "Her Last itehenrsnl :" Jue Murrls, Martin -unl Uldgwny, Uevlln-Kllwood nud cvuipnuy, Jo* seidilne Dnvls. Jue Hoyer West aud Ida Vnu Slelen, and movluj' pictures. ItocKY Si>in\nH Pakk Tiikatrr. — On May 211 V. M, Mitchell opeued with His own Block compun.v. "Pluk' Dotal noes" was given ot (lie first performance which ended the engagc- in. 'ill, though tlie cuiuuuiiy reiualued and pre* si-nti'il "Wanted, a Wife," us a benefit for themselves. ». The ltllou Minstrels, headed by the llljou Comedy Four, will be Ibe at- traction 11-1(1. Manager firlltlth will en- deavor to keep the theatre going wllb a series of good shows. PlM.TOS Ol'KKA Houhk (CliBS. A. Yecker, mauageri. — Vlolu Alien appeared to good business ."). Sensuu Is cIusahJ here, Fa si n. Y 'liicATiih: i I'M. MuzuM, mapager). — 'I'i;i..' rentlug of this bouse for a Summer en fMgt'iiietii seems tu have fallen through, and t remulus dark. KD-m.— J. Hoyer West, npnearlng at Ihe Boof fiarden. Is u native of tills city, uud Is renewing acquaintances during his engage* nieut here. Erie. — At Wuldnmeer (Tboa. Mnlonev, manager) .(tine -l uud week, the bill Included: l-.d. uud Holla While, (>eu. Ilussey, Youngs nud Brooks. Frnuk Burl, Kruser Trln, wlih Kilties Baud U-S, all lo very lurge attend- ance. Point Mit.k CiiKKK (H. T. Foster, uninii- geri. — Vaudeville opeim 10 and week, with Ikl. Hayes, the (trcut Austins. Cole uud Cule- iiiusi. Camllle Peisonl, McCuue und (Irani, kiuetogmph and moving pictures. ItiNtiLiNo Bboh.' i.'iniTs, ii, mude a very clegnut street parade, und wnu favored with very lurge ntlemlance. WUHnniMiiort.— At Vallum mt Park Pa- vilion fLvuimi A. Pray, manager) "Sweet Clover," June 1-1), drew and pleased packed houses. "At Coxy Corners" 7-0, "The (.'limb- ers" ll-lll, "The Ciiwboy'aud Ihe Iduly" 11- HI. "Miss HoblM" 1H-2II. Notkh. — Bluglhig Bros,' Circus gave one of tbe finest parades nnd performanceH ever wit- nessed lu Hils city, drawing liuiueiiHe crowds S. . . .The Lycunnlug Opera Hunse will reopen . for Juue '_'.'( only, lu accummodnte Mra. Leslie Carter, In "S&iaui." ' ■ — Altoumi. — Al Liik.'iiiutjt Park 1'healre (it. (.*. Ilurtlcy. muuagcEl the Alloouu Comic Cuii- cert Cu. (lurnlj opened Ihe H--asuli Juue 4 aud week, with large attendance. The the- atre Is uow entirely under tbe control of tbe Alluouu Amusement Cu. Notk. — The new Pastime Theatre, at 1508 lOleveuth Aveuue, owned by Silverman Bros., a life moving picture theulre. opened U. lu addition to moving pictures, Illustrated sougs will he a feature. The resort is a coxy oue, with handsomely decorated arched lobby, brilliantly lighted, ami Hie theatre walls and ceilings nre finished lu plaster panels, und decorated In hnml pnluteit landscapes, ,. — — » .—. M . ■ Hmtuii.- -At Island Park Caalnc (D. K, Se Oulne, inanogprt biinlneRs last week was verv large. cuuslderlnK Hie extremely Hloruiy weather that was experienced during Ihe latter part of the week. The current bill liichides: Chnrles N. Ilnlght nitd Lntiro riean, Laiiils-rt and Pierre. Hip/. McCimker, yulgg aud Mack, und Huston aud Dallas. •»*•» WK8T VIBUIMA. AViieelinu;. — Wbeuling Park ffienrgc A. McLniighllu, genera) munugerj. will open Ibe Cu nl no with vaudevlllf In about two weeks, and will hnve oil kinds of amusemcuis und outdoor attractions for (he people, Conkv ltti.AMi 111. W. Ifogers. muiiagcri. — The Herald Square Uperu Co. opened the Hummer rea*iuu uf opera, and the utn-iid- aace was m eood Ihe manapenieat tin- de- cided tu continue the policy for two weeks more. . w ._ M-.W YUHK STATK. Ilofralo.- At (he Star (P. ('.Cornell, mniiuger- "liorutliy Veruuii.of lludduu Hull," week of June II. with Jessie Bonatelle In the role of Doroihv. "The Frisk v Mrs. John- son." Inst week, met with cucourugeineut. l.Yt'tt'M (J. Liiiit-lilin, inanugi-ri. — "An Americnu tb-ni letiiim" week of II. "Henrta uf (luld." us given by the stock, did nicely. Shea's.— Hill for 11 nud week: Claude (HlHugwnlcr and cuiupuu>*. Ward aud Cur- iHU, Ben Welsh, Charlotte Havctisrroft, Find lev uud Burke. Hosalre aud Doreto, nud Ibe Klght Alllaubs. Hay L. Kuvre was last week's wlnoer. I.akayi:ttk (Clina. M, llagg, manager). — The stock company. Including WHlhuiitt and Aleeue, Wltsuu nud Proctor, aud Strickland and 1' iki--i-ij-.ii- v. In doing a good Stuumer busluesM. Ai.-aukai v (P. C. Cornell, mauageri. — A bene lit tu A. ti. Whuuier. formerly of Buf- falo, wus Ihe seusou's cluslng event, 10. Atiii.ktic PaSK. — Manager Mnrlllooiu hi« provided for tbla week Hie followlug bill lu the theatre: (lallaghcr uud HHd, Wolff Bro»-. Young uud Brjo'cs, Ibe I^ivltts and Jue A. llardniuu. 'Che Athletic Park llttud furnishes outdoor entertaluineut. and the divers attrac- tions are now reaplug n goudly reward. Kruest C. Parker, formerly wish Spencer und Aboin, Is stage manager, Linn's Tiihatju; ami Mv he um.— -barker nnd Hnrker. Fugeula Wo«h1; Finale WAtsou. Al. Norton, uiuvlug pictures aud tbe beauty show form the current onVrtugs. — — ■• ' '■-■ Itnelicatnr. — M the Lyceum i.M. E. Wolff, niBiinget) the Stttwarl Om-ra Co., week ot Juue 1. Iu "Culuics uf Numutudy," greatly tttrciiglhcucd the impression It mude on Ihe opening; week. Business la excellent. K.litit ViiKsei nud Leuna Wnlsoit were Well citHt. "Bubctte" 11-1U. National (Mai Hurtlg, ninnngcr). — The Nelii Sloek Co.. In "If 1 Were Klug." week of 4, made the biggest lilt so far of Its pres- ent engagement. Product Ion was pnilnc- worthy In every respect. Jniues Nrlll, Shcl- duii l-ewls, Mi'tiroc Snllshiiry, l-.dith Chap- man Nclll aud Liiini Brothers deserve pnr- th-ular mention. "The District Attorney" 11-Ki. Bakkr fJ. II. Moore, manager).— -Tliu Tlvoll Hurt-ill Comedy Co., lu "flir Tele- phone Oil," hud fair utleuduuce njeek ot -I. The slinw was I'ullv up to this company's first class staudurd. Kdlib Mlllward uud Jnck Henderson scored heavily. For 11 nud week (the cloning of the Tlvoll ueasouj "!'•! Capltan." .Cook uhi:i:a HoubK I J. U. Moure, mauir- ger). — The Moore Stock Co., hi "Dora Tbiirne." did niei'llorluus wurk week of 1. to very large returns. Bertram L.Vtell uud Kflle Hext, hi Hie leads, scored benvlly. Henry Sbuuier deserves great praise fur an excel- lent ehttrncter hit. "There aud Hack" 11-10. O XTAii io Bkaci I Pa iik ( .In mes ( 'laOcy, niuiiMi-tiu'iit director I. — The formal uptfrifeg •nf this popular resort occittred 4, au lui- hicimlj tb foil k- hicludlug leading city olllclals, belug In attendance. Miller's elephants imiilu n big hit. u« ulsti did the Jackson Family. The iinlarlo lienchoscojie bus Wen added, as u |H-riiiau(>iit fvuture. For 11 and week, at Hie open air theatre: Hulph Johnson, the lA>wea. Walter aud Mluuu ; tjuermuu'* dogs, and Taglue. (;i.b\ Havkv Pa»k (II. i:. Wllsou, nuuin- geri. — As iisital this pretty spot In crowded. Show wi'iji of 4, ut the open air theHire, whs oue of the best. Bill 11 anil week,: N'clson- Fut.ii a in Troiqie, Amerlcuu Triimpu'lers, aud Frank Hurl. Ska Bkkk/m Iwhk ill ti. Wilson, mana- ger). — No uvw lu-ts announced. The warm weather of past week drives fresh air fleckers here In thousutidH. Xotkh.- At the conclusion of Its engage- ment, 10. tbe Tlvoll Musical Coined v Co. leaves fur Asbury Park, N.J., wbeiie It opens for an engugetncul At Maker Theatre, June Iti. tlie John C. Fisher Opera Co, lieglus a prelluiliiary season of two weeks, jiresi-ut* lng,"FJorodoru," VThe Silver Nlbtper". and "Sun Toy." At Ihe cotn-Juslun of Its enwtge- iiiCnl Here It goes to Alliiutlc City for u run. James CI, nu .v aiiuouuces fur week of Aug. lit*, nt Ontario Hunch Park, u genuine Munll (Iras festival, the llrst ever given lu this vicinity. ■ I lien At the Majestic (Wlhiu-r & Vlu- C'ui munagers) the Frawley Stock Cu. tilled the house hist week, with "Maduue Hans Oeiic," nud will remulii over this week. 1»:wky Music ii.u.i, (DuvldEBurry, lunn- agoo. — This week : Kobcrts nud Meh'use, I'il- wurd und Mnurrell Hussell, Agnea Walsh, Margaret Went, May Wilson. Ham Auroon, J'lynn and McKay, .Marie Collugs, Wllllaias und lmngherty, and James Klngslty, Dtica Paiik (Hcratn & Dnuoluie, maun- gers).— Dancing und conoerls, Kuth'a Orchen- tra. Summit Park (P. A. linker, mnnager). — Dinicliig ami Sunday roucer tu, Ityan's Or- chestra. Vaudevlllo perfonuuueefl will begin July 1. (HtfitRiiM. — The Dramallc Club, lu a mlu- Blre) show, 11. Nutks, — Henry C. MorHiiter, recently with "The Olrl Pnisy," julus the Frawltiy Stwk Co, this week Oeorge II PHmroSf has completed tin- reorgiiulxitllon of his minstrel coiilfinuy, aud will spend n brief vucallou ut the Tbonsaiid Islands, prior lo npueurlug ut Munhuttuii Iteuch I'nsluu, New -York. — i 1,0. ■ — — AIUhu)'. - At HnruiauuH Bleecker Hall 1 11 H. Jacubs, manager) Melbourne MacDow ell ami bis company itre having a fair de- gree of success with llivlr Hummer season uf stuck. "Lu Tohcii." ployed nil lust week, wns produced lu a moat complete uiunuer. For U 14. "Besuirecllon" will I* put ou. Mrs. lA-slle Carter will appear In "V-nxn," in, 10. Phoctuh'h (Ilowurd (Irahum. resldeut imtu- ngerj.-—A particularly strong ruuduvllle bill brotlglil tltic lnmliiesH last Week. Bill week uf 111 The Dlolie of Death, Bloeksuui nnd Burns. Nellie lleiiuiuont ami company. Irene Li-i' aud her kliht llm*y nud Lei*. White nud Siitifiiril, I.'im-> Hluidii und lira** Onrduer. Notk. — Burmiiu & Bailey's Circus made Its annual visit Tuesday, .", and, notwithstanding the mlu, luid go'sl biHlness, Joiiii'Miowu. — At Celeron Park Tlieatro (J. J. Waters. inn-iii;-vr) en-elleul vaudevlllo was nrefs-uled week of Juue 4. The bill In- cluded : The Filiint Farallv, Hill and Siivnluy. Churlolle lluvenscroft. KHtellu Wordelfe und cotiijmny, lu "Hotieyuiooa Iu tho Catsbllls," »nd Herbetlt muglclau. Ntri-ks. - IHilftHng Brothers' Circus ap- peared lu Bradford T. und Warren 8 ihilh-r Hkatlng will start nt the Celeron Audi- torium 'non Tho Kllllus baud gave u concert in Warieu I). . . . . . Mlueltl Brotbrrs* Slock I'o.. uuder cubvus. uupour In Curry li- lt) Cole Brotheri' Circus wus Iu Dun* J;Jrk 1 The Ethel Dcsmwud Slock Co. I' playing tot Irvlnednlo Park Thculte, at Warren, to fair buelueis. — iHiiKiiainitiu. At White City (William Ketiditll. mauuger) business bis been phe- uomcnnl slucu Its opening, .May ;i(>. Leupold WiigtiiT, president of the ciuupaity, Is wear- ing n smile that wou't come off, Illlzabetb Fslelle, Mr. nud Mrs. Leslie. Chits. DtiDcHU, and ibe Sully Finully appeared .luue 4-n. mil week of It : Mile. IV Lurn. Klllot t and Neff . McNumee, the Marvelous Hood aud William* Duo. Casino Pamk ii. P. H. Clark, manuger i.- - HnU'i's Orchc-.tm drew large crowds -l-P, Hilly Jobnsuu and the Creole Utiles nupcar 11-10. lit mini. At Itorlek's I Hen Park ( Iknrr Tsylur, lunuager) the Mauhutlun Opera t'u. opeued Its season at this popular Summer re- sort last week, presenting "Paul Joiie*" tu aitilleuccs which taxed the capacity uf Ibe pltivhouse. "Claude Duval" is the offering this week. niAi.it) (F. W. McCnnuell. atanugeri- - The blfl here Includes : The .lobusona. May Nellson, Sadie Brund. I-Mua Hose, (lettrnde King, the lllnltoscope, uud Illustrated aongi. licsuile Ibe wurut weather, bnslueaa cuutluues good. I-:i.iiuiihik Pahk t Knock Little, ninuigrrl. — 'I'bls pupitlar resort Is belug well patruu- tzed. due principally to the many excellent utiractlous. Truy.— At Prou'tor's ( William 11. (JnbnnT resident uuinnger> Ptuclor's Fifth Avenue Stock Ci>'.ii|iuuy began Its Hummer engage- niem, lii "Lady Wludermere's Fun." last week, nnd played to good houses. Week of II. "The New Wife." Lycbiim (Ituriiri Hllluiu. manager). — The htiK'k coiuitiliiy drew guod houses all irnt week. In "Tin* Wiv .Magdiilru." "Ijiodnu As- sur:uu*e" week of II, eu-i-pl 13, wheu Mrt. Leslie Curler will appear lu "/.u/.u." NtffflV- Huruuui \ Itnl lev drew trciueuduii-i audlvuit-s II. and Pawnee IHU 1>. » .» PortUiiil. At tbellclllg (Citlvlu llelllg, lnnuagcrl the Hoyitl Hnwalutit ltuud will be Heard June 7-1'. June Hi the Kendall Musi- cal Cu. win open Ihe Htimiiuir scintuu, present- ing "The Bounders." l.AKkk (lieu. I,, linker, luimageri.- -The linker Theatre Co. broke nil rneords '■'>. ou which dale "The Kleriuil City" was preienl ■ ed. - The uiidlruirs both nfii-i-imuii uud ereu iug, fur exceeded the capacity. The business of the company week nf Muy 1!7 Win big. ■'Iliuids Aetuss the Sen" wns the attractlou. "Wben We Were Twenly-uue" will fullow "The Klernal Cliy." Lvnu' (KeutliiK & Flood, inn tiitgets). — Tim Lyric Slack Co., preseuilliic "A CoUVlei'* Wife," 4». Staii t James 11. Frrb-ksuii, manager).— Tbe Slur Stock Cu., presenting "A Pleasant Bay," 4*0. llHAMi (.lantea II. Kirlekson, tuannger). — Armstrouk und Uullv, Muldu and company, Ooorge ■ coma ll, Fllsworth nud Hurt, the Merger Sisters, Humid Huff, uud llrandl- llalph Cniuiuhigi: nud comiHiny, Hunt's dog and monkey circus, McCloud uud Melville, Cellu Hoiisoii, Fletcher aud Nolan, Jvau Wil- son, und blogrupli, Ft:iT7.*K (Tliunius Itismey. nm linger i,— -K va- line Allen, Allle Helmur. Jay IlurrliiRluii, Jmnlli Stewart. Mae N. Vernon. Barney Mill- alley, Marie Blllitrd. Ilnby Ittith, Wilson nnd Iridi-esler, lot Kolsette, Itoaney and Forrester, l>'raiu'cs l-:iitu.-r. Jiuich aud Buvelle, Jessie (iuutler, (lessela Wuldeu, Virginia Veruuu, nnd the t in al /I'lvliln. Tin. ijakh (S. It. l-'rlodliiader, uiiilingeri wll! open for the Summer June II. Vast Im- provements hnve lieeii Hindi- since lust sen- sou. M>o total luvesluieul now icucblng KHhi.ihmi, Mii anger I'l-b-diuuder assertu that Ihe Avenue, which oirresiwiids to the Trull at the Lewis aud Clark Fair, aud the Pike nt (be si. Lmih Fair, will compare favorably wllh ellhir of these attractions, und that tbe park us a wlmlit Is iinaiiriHiNaed. llti.K'H Hi'KNti- Tucit in- tiik \Vuin.!> I Fred Frit/, iiianuger) cunliuues to du gissi bubl- neKi. <» » MINHOUtf. KMiiaaa rilr.-AL the Willis Wood (Woodward & Burgess A noise men i Co., umu ngrrs) Nut ( '. Hoodwlli, lit "Tbe (jejilus'' aud "When We Were Twelity-olie," Jnui: 7 -II, bud good ImulueSH. This closes th« aeuaun al the house, Aumroitliiu (Wuudwitrd & Hurgess Auiiisl- tiieiil Co., iiianagers).- -IdUl week the Wood- ward HI ock Co. gave ii very line |Htrfiiruiauru ftt "In the Palace of tbe King." 10 va (Jing, Mr. Mnrrison uml Mr. Farruu uluo did M- . client work. This week, "The Little Mln- Isler," und next week, "Sowing UM Wind" HtKCTSK Paiik 1 Hum Benjtiinln, luaiingcr), • — 1-illery'H lira ml. wllh Conductor Furelo lit charge, rnnllmii'H to dlscoursi- Um- uiusie to lorgn crowds. (Jn the Inwti. "JteckicHs Hussell.'' In Ms thrilling bicycle act, was ihe nut dour tillrHclInu III. In ibe Herman Villugo tbe vaudeville bill was mndi- tip of: Minnie llockwell, tbe Mrt'iiil Tito, Margaret iMcltrlde. ami the llunse Sisters. This week : C-uicliio nud Lawrence, Jnrvlrt uud Tadur, uud Hunks und Newton. FuiiKMr Pahk (Lluyd Brown, muntigert.-— Buyill Hiiugurliiti baud cuiilluui'S. titi Ibe .Inwii. Mlh'. De SUretiuiH' animals were u fren ullrai'tioii. This week the Nelson r'umlly- J ii I lopklinC Theatre, lu-jl week, Ibe arts Mi: l-:iii«'l Wtiilt-shlcH, Tessls Murshitll, .Vlartytue and Nellson. Ibe Hnuiler Lu Velte Trio nud Anna Franklyii. This week : Steely. DUy uud Cue, Agnes Mubr. Haywurd, Couruy ai.J Huy- wurd, Al. Lawrence, uud Adair and Dahn. l-'AinnoC'Cr I'aiik (Hen Itoseuthul. mana- ger). — IHiht'h Third Itegluieiit Itnud cun- tliiueH. (hi Sunday, thet'olcmea Bros. made. u tine liiiHootL nsceusluii. l-'ulruioiitit The ntre. lust week, had "tluli-l Whlrllglf" us tho comedy. The atlPiitlnnce Simdiiy was ••■■.M- muled al :bVH>h. CMi'l-KttisuH. Manager A. Judah, of Ihe (ltuud. H ecu lilpd filed by his Wife, leave ' >i New Vork, Sandny, 10 Manager LoiiIh Shouse, of C'ouveutluu Hull, la In .Sew York city, — . — ■i ■ ' Hi. Joseph. Al the Lyceum Theatre II'. UL Phllley, tuuiiageri with Unice llcywntd plnylug the buds, business Is Is-ler limn ever before The LvcWlBl Stork Co. will nneii IU« new Hummer theatre Juue IO, to be known as tlie Air Douiv, fit. Teutu nnd l-'rederlck Avcmn'a. CiivHT-u. Pakk (Krwl Casninn. mnuniferi. -This popu'ar place nf mim seme lit tlirtlcd Ha iu nwny ihe "pi-nlnit nltrlii. with l-uslar.ii Uu nil week. For week or IU: ifli-wu md HlbHiii. William il. Buken, IMe and Allio Klmo. J. II. Jnekpua. Frank Clayton, Kus«ell. O'Neill uud ltmiell. aud Cusoiau'S bauVIuk pictures. 460i U.4- ^EHDE mEW: ^OKK CLIPPER; *TUNE 16. THE SKNBATION b»r TWO OONTINKNTI HAS BUF 13 (My Lucky Number) MORE DIVES TO MAKE IN ENGLAND, WALES ANO FRANCE BEFORE RETURNING TO AMERICA IN JULY, WITH THE TWO BIGGEST AND BEST 'CTCLE ACTS THE WORLD HAS EVER KNOWN. ONE ACT ENTIRELY NEW ft^ft "S.™»ia I TMB OTHER ACT ALWAYS N«Wft«a5*.»! Stage. <;n«riun,fil i< iuki Arll.t.. Agenti, Manager, and everybody alee talk. Tlili.n (»nan l.» I „r Immianil. Tho ONE CHEAT ACT they've all Ijeen talking aeoot for «.v»,a gnS jM will con- — cheaply imitated by Pirates. elni-e-l'v,-, act a pad 'lock on iny 1 tronk and an arm«d an*ti\ oa I tlnae to do wforierin man. BLxarerand hettpr than ever before. THE ONLY ACT IN THE WORLD day and nlaht. I Trt-tlAV WITHOUT A SiNOLKI LIVING iniTATtin.. ,.JP. .. ... "" IrOOPs, LEAFS, even cheaply duty day and _ alter thnn ever before, nighlT" "'.""*' "7"! -.-.•■: »T.T -.r-;-.— ;- -■; -•- , - . , | fjjjQjfc W ITHOlT A SINGLE LIVING IMITATOR,. 4 . IT HAS WKttBBEH. SAHI BT THE JbOTHB JRB8S OF ETOOPE: , T»lU«rT, TIA.OB OAPS, DIPS AMI Dim AW SEEH TO FADE INTO TAMISEBS WHEN OOmPARED WITH THIS QtJIET, ONaBBDHLNG GENTbEHAN'S MABVEI.0TJS FEAT." ' ( - Seven Dion th. hooked on Continent. American time limited. All coranannlenllpriecnre N. If. CLIPPER, London, or It. Y, t LIPPEB, ». y, ciiy TRY OUR NEW SUMMER WALTZ BONO. FREE. FrofeHSlunBi Copies to Performers Including Prop-ranm. HOW rf.ady- "r"nri'TTi>ii, Nancy frown/' "You'll Always. Kemomber tbc Irlftli," "The coon 1ft a Society Leader," "When thm Nigtlngato Slags, '' "Wlif-ntlm flowers Are Blooming,'' "My Irlpli Sweetheart," "tonmnn," "Neatlog the iSanset,'' "Non't Let I ho Landlord In," "will Wc Kuow EacIi other Thera?" "the Oiplinn Child," ''Wlieo ttie LcavcH Are Ureen Attain," "L-SB on Me;" "My Jspnnose- Beils," "fhn Kiilio nf Your Volco la Willi M«8lltl." "The Eatne-st Admirer," "Just. t lie warns Old Story- Repeated," ♦'tiou't Tnru MotuiT Aw*r." "Down Where tho Surf KoIIb In," "A flhliieae Legend, 1 ' "The lroquoli Theatre Fire," "Spirit Bride," ■ "Oh, Take He Hack Ag»lii." "In the Merry Uayi of Jum." .-.*.,.. jBTOFj HUSK! FVIt. (II.. 5.1 IVi-sl iStli St.. V«w Vnrk. W A. m T © 3EI , WHO CAN PLAY PARTS. State Snlnry.Full tPortlculara First t-Ottor. Aitdreuii . LIHCMH I. OiaTEB, Criterion Tbeatrn, Chicago, III. ■AMP TWO CHH.DBEW, BOY ANP OIBL, AOEP EXjEVXW AMD WIWE. AU REVOIR, BUT NOT GOOD BYE, The Great CAiCEDO, KINO O *•"" T MK Wl *=* |E,"' Will bhII tor England, next Saturday, %:\o A. m ., hy "Ha, St. Paul," hut will return for next bcbood: I take IhU (ipiKtriiii.il v loihunk. from the iiiKtorti of mv Ikhtc, Mow.ru. TliompHori it. Dnndy, [or the pre- -IcMKjaied enuaKemcut, from March at, loofi, to May 10, .WW, i am pleased to ulsle that thin enfcsjteinont whh no) only Iodic. '>u( tfi« mom comfort oliU-i ever had. I nlno I hunk nianaffrH Klngribtiry una TeinplP, f.ir pfullrtihir MntlnciM lo me. Wishing yoit all happlucHaand nmsperliv.'ind bidding (rood Uffirto in frlenilB, 1 remain, Yours truly, JUAN A. C'AlpKt'Q. AddroHB, -■ . i ahl-. "H 41. ATI A I." 8v dnar. 8iif cUI rorlp ran ,b« »•■ at CLIPPER «frfr.u. I ■ ,>■ i J u ~ FEATURED I PALACE - LONDON A 0, H. HAPRAS, Personal Mgr. N M. 8. BBNTHAM. Just Full of Ideas A SMALL ROOM IK THE BIO MOVIE RE MICK '8, 45 W. 98th St. K wrltaa ACTS LOOK FOR fUaiABLE PEOPLE. Pamdlea, 4 Abiolnls Knock* oqta on tht* very Ihtttnl tilts. Paoifio Coast Amusement Co., SULLIVAN and CONSIWNE, > owning Had bpenuing so riret oiiuh Vnaaevlllo TbontteB Kim, Nortliwent and West. ■^•m-r >a. 1^/^*(-ar]».-Fr». nt nil Uluca, FIRST CLASS ACTS OF ALL KINDS VV /\i\ IJVJLf, tlintunn deliver Iheaoodn. SOLE B00KIN0 AOENTS: BKRNSTK1N * ONKKN, Fnuillr Thcntre, 12itti St., Nonr Torlt Cltt; iiiiah. WKAY. a» Amoilctn Unnk llulld. Seattle, VCanli.; OUKlS. 0. HIK)W,N,tn H.cmtk Sl„ Ctilogo; a iu;iiii; i kvv. ill i-Muv St., San Francisco, Cal. •P H <-.«, OPKNINO AtlO. ». FOR My 1HHBE JiKiHT HIHli CO., YOUNG, CLEVER PEOPLE IN ALL LINES. Tboso with specialty (prctt:.rrcr|. Write in fidl.'rflatlBg.sgo. hole til, wt'lBhT.totnploxlnn, o.xperlcnce, pec.t»lt.Y. rolori'ncis, h^wcsl, sure rotary for forty WMfa, ipayfnfte^ppDBci), encloa- ■ — lyfnr ~* line of bHritnePs.spff tnc photograph umt pruKrainmes. Will msko no ropiy u> Uiohu n'»t cotnpivmi with abnve reqiieata. Only sfiber, talented. neittlvdrcn!«ed people will iHsthere. Three piajH exclusively, lso matinees. rdpeopl. ... Fit A N It S. DAVIDSON, BO Halhaway Ave., .v K., Cleveland, Ohio. PRIVILEGES AND ATTRACTIONS WANTED f OR LAKK RESORT, GYPSY CAMP. GLASS Itl.OWHllS. I'L'IVt.Il aad JUDY. ILMISTltVTKl) NON«S MOVINO PICTURES, PRU-RIS WUKF.L, nllCHR Y Kt>. UOii,Ml, I'KA 1M',I> ANIMALS, ACtVATLC. SPOUTS, and .11 other altraotlrai, MM lor Like Resort. Bar ovorjthln, tlrttlolter; perccutare plan. lOmllctrtOiji pt.Fanl indMlmicar^llH, Kallioatlaiidfttror'tCarH everyhour. FAKBS ■ina aSwUTSo I.MFBOFEU TOT .WA^'TKI). , itidrcss*. V, WOLFF, Mgr.,.830nlepartsr.. St. Paul, Ulnp. WANTRP, FOR Frank A. Bobbins' Shows Concert rwple, a Tronpe el" Porloroilas loninys MS Ooqchen Bancon. Apply a. Per ltnnt«, FHANK A. ROBBIKS, Oen'l Manager, WASTED, VACDEVILLW ACTS, NOVKLTIES, YOVNO I.AiMl.S. BIO ACT AMD ILL. BONOS, IKtft l!,.j!, ana later,, for HOchntllravlllr. sciinvlorv'ille, and Fort Edward circuit. ■ . Address LtloNAKU pbiluips, tfrona rails, M. Y. WANTED Al Versatile ComediaQ OR IBIBH SKETCH TEAM, For Medicine Show. Must ho Medicine people ; tzOBlngle and traLuportatlon. MuHt be able to change for two weeks. Unles»'you can deliver the gooda don't write. CHAS; D. CRAM. M. !»., Canton, S. Dak 1906-PARK S0NG-I906 PROFESSIONAL t:ol'IKS NOW I1F.ADV. W. I. iiEHMtrr c«„ S»» 8. Sawyer Ave,, [hlr.gr.. Ill, FOR ss^vr^ii>, VAUDEVILLE SKETCH For Pour People, Two Male and Two Female; Parts: SoubretEe, Leading Man, Juvenile fTenor, and Ghnractcr Woman, completo set of eceueiy. fiketuh a Novelty. - Keason for Helling Jiolug Into othor biiafneHS. Addresa V> D<> ' Phqne, 6671 R. River. M2W, gad St . N. Y. WANTED AT ONCE, 61LH0UR 4 Li TOOB STOCK CO., Under canvsa, Leadlag Lady, Snail Sanbrolte. leatr ■» and Comedian. ... Others write. Csn use man with Picture Machine and r'tiniK Address. SUITE a, No. 235 Hudson St., uumuo, N. Y. once niiirvTcd- h song of mine to a singer (un ar ,le said, "that sonu in a good one," but "I am tied up to oilier publiaherH" and gal In hh Hue), can not uso It, Just now. It any of you tre not like the hull (log, "tied to somntiody^ cellar doot." tteiid for a 'proresB' copr of Lear; 'h Alleyway, and try It once. CHAS. H- COI.BS. Hlddletoff n, Conn WANTED, for BEACH &, SCHULTZ'S ¥T. T. O. MAN F-Oll «COTE.» IIOIIBLB. ST. CLAIK; MAK FOB UAilKS. DOUIILF. i)F,ACON PERRV. OTHER TOM I'EOI'tE, WRITE. ABDRKSfJ H. H. SCHtLiTZ, ACKLET, IA. Medicine Men ! have some very choice territory and can place (food Money Getters, tarnish printing and sell yon goods at manufacturing price: you fo take all "front money." F. a. DILLINOUAM, Manufac- turer of Plant Juice Remedies, ssi-ButT. nth St., Cincinnati, O. ■TOR S Iowa State Medicine License. Expires Jane 16, •oj. Price Pro. Rate. F. A. DILLINGHAM, Pare of Monroe Hotel. Cincinnati, 0. KXPHRIBNCED, AGENT AT LIBERTY. Ono night,' Rep. or Burlesque. C. A. WATBOK. Box 1M. Oentrtaort, L. I, M. r. a-IBERTV, ' '. ROBISON, Cornet, B. and 0. or sd Ho. JOE w. ROBISON, Itw W, Second St., Hemphla, Tenn. _^^ SNAKES. Choice lot of pythons, Bulls and Pine Snakes at the lowest, prices. Hroke to handle. J. HOPE, Na.-aft N. ftih Hi., Plilladciphla, Ps. AT LIBERTY, LILLIAN BOSWELL, IHARACTBRS. enaxtolre. Pet St., SaSt HEW Y0BK, K. J. CIL A FEW OF THE LEADING FEATURES WITH THE 4 PAW & SELLS BIS.' UNITED SHOW s ? iiM:E?o:E«T.«!&.:rerT r s THE 4 PAW BASE BALL CLUB CHALLENGES Any team on earth (Hew York Oltnts preferred). ■cOraw, take r.olics. .'• Add. H. O. LABeTKrW. Mgr. PEARL FOREPAUGH, FRED WELCOME OSCAR LOWANDE, World'a Champion Somersault Rider. MflR. LOWANDfi FAMILY TALLY HO AOT. MATSUMOTA'S rilOOB lAPABESETBOUPC. Tin. Little Fellow Un the >n«l> Larlder. Joseph La Fleur, ivelty, Whirlwind, Acrotistlc Seosai Novelty, Sensation. The 3 De Boliens, FRENCH ACROBATS, At Liberty Dee. 1. NEW COMEDY ACT. FINISH IN ONE. WM. TESSIER, HEAD BALANCING. TRAPEZE AND WIRE. BAKER, DEVOE and HAHBR, A TRIO OF ACROBATIC LAUQH LOOBtCVRRH. BILL HARDDIG, THE IB0ULI10 BDI. THE 3 GORELLIS, CQIEDf FEATDBD5. ALEXJUtDER WOLKOWSKl'S Bnsslan SlngoiB and Dancers, THE CLIFTON SISTERS Singers and Character Dancers. 5 DUNEDIN TROUPE 5 World's Famous Artistic 'Cyr.llBls. NETTIE CARROLL, QUEEN OF THE WIRE. THE FLYING LA VANS THE WORLD'S MOST MARVELOUS AERIAL OYMrVASTS, , ALL I VIII It THE DIRECTION OF WILE. (BUD) GORMAN KlltlHNTll IA V DIRECTOR. FRED ZOBEDIE, SLIDE FOR r.in.. John-LANCASTBR and HAYWARD-Haod Comedj Creator. lllnh school Eqiieatrlenne. IN VAUDEVILLE NEXT tVINTER. A»k LQ1II8 Pim.'HH, trill, HORHIS. wm THE JEUNETS marie ACROBATS, .'■-'■ Head and Hand Balancers. FRED ECEIMER, rDMIEST OLOWI 01 EABTH. BARTO and RALDON Tho Greatest nt ill Hovnlly EqiillltiriMn. DOLLAR TROUPE, BDBOFE'S (H1EATE8T ACBOBATS. GEORGE and PAULINE KIDD Eccentric Comedy Sketch and Drum Solos, LEW IMICKOLS, A HEAL OLOVI. THE CORNELLA FAMILY Aneilca's Finoni itrobali. ENCORE PERSUADERS. "THE WEATHER IVIAIM" A Comical Portrayal of that llln.trloaa bat not aluari Popular Oantlanian. By F, K. iijiiiol "WANDERING SINNERS COME" A Rollglom Compoaltlon of merit. »> M. J. WOOD. "A WABASH CANNON BALL" A Railroad march Bona;, by WM. KINDT. Far a two-cent atamn and late programme, wo wilt send yon vrotv.alonal eaploa. NO t Alios. PIONEER MUSIC PUBLISHINB CO., 202 MAHHATTAW B10G. CHICAGO, III AT UIBKRTY POI OS-07 (OW1NU TO tlllSREPnESENTATION), N. ALVAREZ. I NELLY LYONS HEALY, Charaolcra, Oh.ractcr Beavlea and llcapouJIbH I qUamctera, HeavleB, Eooentrlo'Comedr. RollnWe Boalneaa. (Can furnlah Tllurtrated Sonu MaDagoni only aildrcaB Outfit; Un-to-Dnte sildra). j BOX (aw, I'enn Yen, N. V. (WILL SELL 'SCRIPT OF "CAPT. JACK SHEPPARD."| . WANTED. TO JOIJ* AT ONCB, GOOD COLORED CLARIONETTE PLAYER Suitable for Band and Orchestra. Al>t> Comedians tltat Douhlo Alto la Bantl. address RICHARDS & PRINQLE'S MINSTRELS, ___^^^^__^^^^^__^___^^_^^ COBURO, Ontario, Canada. CLAUDE AND CLARA LEWIS, JUVENILE LEADS AND HEAVIES. I LEADING WOMAN. INVITE OFFERS FROM RESPONSIBLE MORS. WARDROBE, ABILITY, AFPEARtSNCB, ETC. S03 SO. ANDERSON ST., ST/WOOD, INDIANA. -THE ALDEANS COMEDY BAR ACT. oi»:e:w timk, •xTTij.'sr s FIRST CLASS COMEDY ACT FOR BURLESqiiE OR THEATRES. Addrea< REVERE HOUSE, N. Clark St., CHICAGO, ILL. Jo« Do You Want the Gold Fields of Nevada? &f Ja£2S iBRKSI T ,f ei i5'? "V* ot JnM 4 - Opinion of N. Y. daliiea: "PlcntJ ol action, comedy, heart intoreat and llullli." only nine actlnir neoole In the cat. For term! addrela Broadway, anite Wt-7, N, Y, Oily- *nJ&VtlOltHX*& I" *• ca«L For tcrma addrela HEnnv rlKLPlAR. flay Producer. H0 3 B mm pi, teik i mm on ^w 78 * Ii'l',',i , « e „ n ..',' > ^h^^^°,J ^ . c '" ,,le l°. wllel, P»Sjndty,IIayl3.wltll HI0H CLASS VAUDEVILLE. TbH la the aneat ISeatre In any park in America, Ana arm pti, He yery Dwt In vaudeville. JUNE 16. THE NE¥ YOEK OI/lPFER.' 461 TABLB OF CONTENTS. - '" ■ — Pom. uiu Clipper*! Anecdotes, Etc 454 9SmS^B£S Mm - ntik IS vlrclnl* Berned — Sketch .. 454 vSBjT ^TIn.M.n Who Slue, to Beat UK ,.. * TKl,000. Ground will he broken at once, and the house ready for occupancy by March 1. JAM. Boston, June 12. — Business was fair at navisernent places last night New bills ware: "II Trovntore," at tbe Castle Square; "A Midsummer Night's Dream," at the Km- plre,: "in tbe Shadow of tbe Callows." at tbe iSowi-.'i'n Square, and tbe usual changes at the' vaudeville and burlesque houses...... Continued bills were ; "The Tourists," at the Majestic; "The Man from Now," at tbe Tre- moat, and "The Mayor of Toklo." at the Colonial The out door resorts thrived Sunday. Cincinnati, June 12.— Bryant's Minstrels occupied the stage at Coney Island's Bijou Tbentre, and tremendous crowds attended "all opening)* Tbe Ludlow Lagoon's double bill proved a great attraction Chester Parks olio was good At the Zoo, Con- Hiy's Ithaca Band began Its last week's en- lenient. .. .Pain's "Latit Days of Pompeii" rpw a big crowd at Norwood Monday night. Kansas City, June 12. — The Woodward Stock Co. opened Its closing week 10. with a One performance of "Tbe Little Minister," to large and appreciative audiences AH' the pnrks enjoyed big; Sunday business. ......At Electric Park, cillery's Band start- ed 6a its third week In the German vlllag?. Coarlne and Lawrence were the headline i-i. ..,'.. .At Forest Park, the Royal Hungarian llapd opened tbe last week of tbelr eagagn input ; Uif NeUon Family, on the lawn, were we||. received In Hopkins' Theatre, A). Lawrence scored n tilt Falrmount Para, With Hlner'a Military Band and a ballorm listen at on. was filled to overflowing ; In tbe • bentre., "The Ballet Danceia" was performed ■>}■ .t lie atock company. I.ouirviixh, June 12.— Fontaine Ferry Pa- vilion was crowded to overflowing nt Sun- day's opening "Feast and Furies," at Jockey Club Park, attracted a big crowd. ......The Robinson Amusement Co. drew (arge crowds to the street fair. 4i» INDIANA. jjjjjgje Route List Thl» list Is made tip as mearlr »«- aavAtc ma It la possible to Make m list of vsuditt IMr booUIn e». To insure i»- ■rrtloo In this decartmrHt tho ■»*■*> of toe thootre or pork* oa well a» toe city o» town, MOST oeeoilooOT each booklair ami urn. to be < Aiulerson,-- At the Crystal Theatre (W. W.-tMclCwen, manager), week ending June 0; Howard Ooatln, In clay modeling; Berrlan and Maekln, Bertha Coburn, In Illustrated songs.- Cayior and Jefferson deserve Bpeclal mention for tbelr clever turns. N-vrufi— h. Kay nichmond, illusionist, nrter closing a successful season In Southern cltlert, haR returned to Anderson to arrange libt nlTairs for the coming season, Mr. Rich- mond bas' the "Dida" Illusion, and has made a sticces!) The Ammoos circuit has been Increased by tbe addition of a theatre at To- ledo, O The Anderson Boys' Band, under the direction of Prof. II. G. lVeelev, Is making a tour of Western cities. Abbott a Wcavpr. White City. CW.-ago, 11-111. Ackpr A CnlllD<>. Toledo, O.. li-to. Adlrr. Pio, Forest Park. St. r,oui\ 11-111; San< Soucl Park, Chtcago, 18-2-1. Adair A Dnbn. Porest Park, Kansas City, Uo., 11> lo. Adelln, l.u, Orpblum, Lima, O., 11-10. AaUst, I-elpzlr. Ger., 1!- 1(( It); Establish Yanle, Moscow, Rus., :P-July .11. .,- dl , u Frankfort— At the Bllnn (lAngebroke ft HuiTord, managers) the bill week of June Ujim-ludeH: Williams and M lllloms and Mayer, Cordon •iwnu, uuromy llae, Helen Cohen, and the HllnnoAcope. 'Crtistai. (Chns. Welsh, manager).— Bill week of H: Asbton and Karle. Williams and .Meltmrne, Lewis and flnrr, ('ban. and Jennie Vtnlsh, John Miller and the klnodrome. Good houses Tor week of 4. 6 i# •Anna Wii.kkr has been engaged for the role of Dorothy, la "The wizard of Oa," for nexl season. Brlndainour. Young's. Atlantic City. N. J., 11-10. Hronn ft Nevarro, CI. 0. II., Plttshtirg, 1 l-lu. Braill ft Braall, Keitb'a, Cleveland, 11-10, Bristol's Ponies, liendernon's. Coney Island, N. Y., 11-10. Braatz, Heima, Victoria, N. Y. C, 11-10. Brooks, Jeanne, Chester Park, Cincinnati, 11-10. Brooka, Harvey, Honatoga Park, Pottstowo, I'u., 11-10. Brooks. Jeanne, Chester Park, Cincinnati, 11-10. Browning. Flora, Alameda Park, Butler, Pa,, 11- 16, Brown, Jack. A Lillian Wrlabt, Rrookslde Park, Atuol. Mass.. 11*10; Woodlaad Park. Ashland, Pa., 18-23. Busch Family, Crystal Park, ftedalla. Mo., 11-10; People's, Kxeelsior SngN.. 18-23. Burkes, Juggling, Novelty, Stockton, Cal., 11-10; Novelty, Fresno. 18-23. Buck Bros., Pastor's, N. Y. C, 11-16, Buckley, Franklin A., Troeadero, Ft. George, N. Y„ ii-io. Buiiwoo'i A Wells, Lyric Park, Muscogee, I. T., 11-10; Lyric Park. Ho. McAllsler. 18-23. Burke ft llrllne, Cryalal, Klkhart, Ind.. 11-16; Crystal, Goahen, 16-2.1. Bnrke, AL, Bayvlew Casino, Canarsle, N, Y., 11- Bnrkner, Great, Apollo, Nnrnberg, Ger, 11-30; Ambaasadeur, Bnchateat, Hun., Jnly i-no. Barton ft Rankin, Forest Park, St. Levis, U-16. Bncken Trio, laternatlooaJ, Cblcago. 11-10; Park, Hannibal, Mo.. 18-23. Busklrk ft Biefa, F.rb'a, Norm Beach, N. Y. 0., 11-10. Byrons, Fire Musical, Bamona, Grind Baplita, Mich., 11-M. Byron ft Langdoo. Park Casino, Canton, O.. ll- ld; Temple, Detroit, 18-23. Carlos, Chas.. Orrln Bros.', Metlco, 11-28. ComiI ft De Verse, Dayton. O., 11-10. Cim-i. From a, Majeatlc, Chicago, U-16. Carl, Charles, Air Dome, Kmnoria. Kan., Hill. Carroll, Jnlinny. He«der«on>, Coney Inland, N. Y., 11-10. ■ Carleton. T*nna, Famllj, Paterson, N. J., U-lfl- Canlownle snm.., Paxtang Part, HsrrUburg, Pa., 11*10. Casicilai A Ball, While City. Chit-nap. U-16. Cameron ft Flanagan. Cryotal. Milwaukee, Wis., 11-10; Robloson Park, Ft, Wayne, Ind., 18-23. Catneroo, Grace, Kellh'rt, X. Y. C . 11-10; Keith's, Boston, 18-23. Campbells. Tbe. BIJou. Diitntb. Minn., 11-10. Campbell ft Johnson, Proctor's 2.1d St., N. Y. C. "•■*• Caprice, Lynn ft Fay, Chines. Sau Fran., Cal., II- 10. Camllle Trio, Victoria. N. Y. C, U-16. Cailie Sinters. Oileon, Payton, O.. U-16. Caron ft Fornum, Syracuse, N. Y», 11*10; Cleve- land. 18-23. Canllng. Marie. Dewey, Utlca, N. Y.. 11-10. Campbells. The. Diilutb, Minn.. 11-10; Bljna, Winnipeg. Can., 18-23. Carroll ft Clarke. Lyric Park, Ft. Smith, Ark., 18-23. Cnrroll Bros., Atlantle Garden. X. Y, C, 11-10. Cow. Charlie. 0. O. H,. I'ltlslmrg, 11*10; Temple, •Detroit, 18-23. Carlc-mtv A., Keith's, N. Y. C, 11-10; KeltU's, Boston, 18-23. „ Chameroys, The. Drentnltiml, Coney Islonrt. -V Y., 11-10. Cherry ft Balen, Southern Park, Pittsburg, 11-10. Chpstey, Herliert It., ft Co., BIJou, Bay Oily, Ml.-!.. U-16. ChrtstT, Wavne C. Idle Hour Park. Pllls-biint, Kan.. 17-23. Cbllders, Grace, Pastor's, N. Y. C. 11-10; Pork, Allrntown, Pa., 18-113. Chodwlck Trio. RcHevnir Park, Richmond, Vn., 11-10; Klectric Park, Montgomery, Ala.. 18-23. Clmtlinm aiater-i, llappyland, Brandon, Can., 11- 16. Clntnige ft Mack, Empire. Dei Moines, la.. 11-10. Clermonlos, The. Grand, Bern, Nev.. 18-23. Clark, Marie, Lagoon, Ludlow. Ky.. 11-10. Clifford ft Ortb, Hlnr. Seattle, Wash., 11-10; Ta- coma, 18*23. cinrkHon Sisters. Olympic, Chicago, 1 1-10. Clayion. Frrnk. Crystal Park, St. Joseph, Mo., 10-16. _. Clayton. Una, ft Co., Mnjesttc. flhlmgo, 18-23. Clarke ft Duncan, ■ (Irnml Mlclilgaii Chy, Ind., 11-10; Gennelt, (liclm.nni!. 18-23. Clemtoru. Auilitorlnni. Norfolk, Va., 1116. Clark'rt Dogs & Pontes, Kellli'M, Ulrvelautl, 11-16, Clark A Duncan, Park, Michigan City. Ind., U-16. Corhly ft Hurke, Keith's. Bosion, 111-23. Cook ft Hall; A. ft S., BoMton, 11-10. Cook ft Sievpmi. Chester Park. Cincinnati, 11-10. Columbian Four, Yonilgstown, O., 11-10; Co- lumbus, 1S-23. m Connelly, Hil«U, Bon Ton, Syracuse. N. Y., 11-10. ivirhtey, Jus. !•'., Wnsblnurlon I'nrk, Bnyonne, N. Cmiroy, John ft Mamie, Cascade Park, Newcnstle, Pa., 11-10. Cnogan nnil Bancroft, Atlantic Garden, n. Y. t ., 11 -16, nowley, Jns. II., Grnnd, Peru, 1ml. , U-lfl; Hunt- Ingion. 18-23. Collins ft Harl. Victoria. N. Y. C. 11-lfl. Coin's Dog's, Temple, Detroit, J 1-10. Cooke ft Miss Rolberl, Km|ilre Tour, Fug., II- Coles, Josephine, Gndfm.v'tt, Grond Baplds.'Allch., Colonial' Septette, Ye, Soliioer Park, Montreal. 11-10. Cnurllioi-e, Jane, ft Co., Moore's, Portland, Me., 11-10. Cobee, Helen. Hiltm. Fronkfort, Ind., 1MB. Crawford ft Duff, Kiupirv, Dea Moines, la., 11-10. Cree, Jesaica, Keith's. Phlla.. 11-10. Cralne, l*nt ft Cralne, Acme, Norfolk. Vs., II-IO. Curtis. Ned, Orpheum, Mannfleltl, 0- II -10; Or- pheum, Lima, 18-2!l. CiiuiinliigH ft Tboroton, Oakford Park, Greens- burg, Pa., 11-10. Cunningham ft Smith, Pastor's. N. Y. C. 11-10. Cnllcn. Jan. II.. Mois ft Stoll Tour, Kig., II- July 31. Doytelle, Madge, A. ft S„ Boston, 18-23. Davis. Mark A Laura, Hollywood Park, Ballo., 11-10. Dandy Dixie IIIiislrtK New York Roof, N. Y. C„ U-lfl. Danovas, i.es, Crystal, St. Jose[di, Mo.. 18-23, Davenport. Lena. Hiiiitlngtou, Ind., 11-10. DitHhingtoii, Albert, ClHTsI'le i.'atilno, Ashland, Ky.. 11-10. Dnly ft Iteno, Moore's, Portlaml, Me., 11-10. De Witt, Burns ft Torrance, Tlvoll, Caps Town, R A., U-July 14. Deveau. Hubert, Woodiawn Park, Latrotov Pa„ 11-10. Dermda ft Green, Moss ft Stoll Tour, Bag., II- July (I. Deely ft Auatln, Fairyland, Pateraon, N. .1.. 11-10. Derrln, Jos, T„ Bijou, Maniuctte, Mlcb.. 1110. De Monde ft Dlnnmote, Alrclome, Wichita. Kun., 1010; Airdome, Okla. City, Okla.. 18-23. De Surena. Lubu. CbCHter Park, CtDclnuall, U-16. De lli'iivw A La Due, Allien Park, Albany, N. Y., 11-10; Dominion Park, Montreal, 18-23. Delmore ft Darrell, Olenlaugy Pork, Columbus, O, 11-23. De Loro. Mile.. Ban Soucl Park, Wllkcs-Darre, Pa., 11-10; Altro Park, 18-23. De Kate itroi.. Oleiltaiittr Pnrk. Columbus, <)., 11-10. ■ • D.-i a t'liunr. Crystal Park, Sedalla, Ma, 11-10; People's, L'x.-t-hl'ir Sngs., 18-23. Dertleu, Pave, Ben's, liscuuaba, Mlcb,, 11-10. De Laceys, Dancing, Roblnoon Park. Ft. Wayne, i;, l., 11-10. De Oneos ft McDonald, Glenlaugy Park, Culiimbuti, 0., 17-23. Dee, Rot. Syracuse, N. Y.. 11-10. De Mutli-., The, Klectric Park, Montgomery, Ala., U-16. "Dlila." Steeplechase Park, Cmiey Island, N. Y„ U-lfl. Dl xon ft Fields, Grand . Marlon, Ind ., 11-111; Park, MuHkegon, Mich.. IS-!!.'!. Dlerlckx Bros.. Ssna Soucl park. Chicago, 18-23. Diamond ft Smith, Keith's, Phlla., 11 10; G. 0. II., PlttKburg. 18-23. Don, Emma, Pal., Urmlford. F.ng., U-16; Pal., Halifax. 18-23; W. llurtleponl, 23-30; Til., Down*. T. Nelson. Novelty, San Fran., Cal., II- IO: Grand, Socramento, 18.23. Ikonlreltft Trnnpe, Kilrylaml, Pateraon, N. J.. II- 10. Dorsch' ft RuhrcII, Ocean View Ca'slno, Norfolk. Va., U-ltl; Heservolr Park, ItlHimond. 18-23. Doyle ft Granger. Buson's. Chicago, U-16, Donerty Sisters, Kellh's. Cleveland, U-10. Drlscol ft McKenna, Hobmer Park, Montreal, 11- 10. Dberowi. The, A. ft S„ BOHlon, 11-10. Duryea ft .Mortimer. Newark, N. J.. U-16. Duffs. Tbe, BIJou. Dlllllth. Minn.. I! Ml. Durall, Kmmei, Olentingy Pnrk, Columbia, 0., 11 -10. Durand Trio. Young'*. Atlantic City. N. J.. U-16. P,arl Sisters, Cryalal. Detroit. Mich., 11-16. Karly ft Late, Lyric, So. McAlhter, 1 1-16 ; Foreit Psrk. Little Bock, Ark.. 18-23. Kckel ft Warner, Wnhlrmere Park, Erie, Pn., 11- 10. Edna, Mile.. G. 0. II.. Pittsburg. U-lfl. Edgertons, The. N. Y. Hoof, N. Y. C. 1 MO. Edwards' Boys ft Girls, Temple. Detroit. U-16. Edwards ft Manrelle, Dewey. Ctlca, N. Y., Il*lil. l->hly, Arthur, Elsylao, Grove, Tncmn, Arlx., II* 23. E-lgertons, The, New York Roof. N. Y. 0.. U-16. Kstus, ICd., K'-ltir-.. Boston, U-10. Elmo, l'eta ft Allle, Crystal Park, St. Joseph, Uo.. ,11-10. F.ttlnge. Jullnn. Palace. 1/tndon, Kog., Il-July 31. Elmo, Pete ft Allle, Crystal, St. Jm-eph, Mo., II- 16; Crystal, Trlnlilad, 'V>1., lfl-23. Ellon. Ham, Mnas ft Hlnll Tour, Kng., U-July .11. Ellsworths., Four, Athletic Park, Koknroo, Ind., 10-111. Emmetl ft Kane, Hollywood Park. Hallo., U-16, Fmperoi-s or Music (4), Forest Park, St. leOitls, U-10; Majestic, Chicago, 18-23. Empire Comedy Four, Moss ft Stoll Tour, F.ng., U-July 31, F.ngleton, Nan, ft Co., Ballo,, Hrt., 11-15. F.vans, Harry. Keith's, Boston, IS-Kl. Kvera, Geo. W., Park, Pueblo. Col., 11-23. Evans, .Mrs. L. C. ft Co., GHvernalnr'H, Allnnltn City, N. J., U-10. Eieretts. The, Gu verba tor's. Atlantic flly, N. J., U-10. Parley, James ft Bonnie, Ksat Lake Park, ltlr- rolnibam. Ala., 11-16; Ucean View, Norfolk, Va., 18-28. Fmlette Grcbestra. Keith's, Bostim. 11-16. Fays. Tbe. Victoria, M. Y. C, 11-10. Farnutn. Bud, Trio, Lake Side Park, Akron, 0., U-10. Farrell, Cliff, Southern Park, Ptttaburg, U-16. Falanlo. Star, Seattle, Wash.. 11-28. Fern. Sydney, Guvernator's, Atlantic City, N. J., Ilia. Femnmle May Dm, Alamo Park. Cedar Baplds. la., ii-ifl. Fcrrl- wilev Trio, Bijou. Bay City. Mlcb., U-10; Granil, .Milwaukee. Wis.. 18-23. Fergii-on ft Dupree, Ores-vnt Gnrdeo, Revere Reach, Mass.. 11-23. Ferrenw. Keith's. N. Y. e. 11-10. l-'erffiiMM. ft Mart, Lyric, Llvrrpool, Efig., U-16; Blrnilnxbam. 18-23. Frrgu-44.il ft Bee«ons Forest Pork, Llitle Rock, Ark, U-lfl. FerffiKaTi ft PaKsmope, Wetmna Beach, Bay City, Mich.. 17-23. Fields ami Hanson, San Dleuo, Cal,, U-10. Fields. Will H.. Lake Side, Akron. 0-, 11-16; Four Mile Creek. Krle, Pn.. 18-23. Fisher. Mr. ft. Mr*. Perkins. Keith's. N. Y. G U-lfl; Kelih's. Phlla.. 18-23. Flsire ft McDonntigli, Yonng's, Atlantic CMy. N, J.. U-lfl. Fisher. Susie. U<-n-.-V, Porlland, Me.. U-16, l-'lnlay * Burke, Sliea's, Buffalo, 11-10. Fields, W. C. Proctor's 23it St.. N. Y. O., 11-16, Fink's cirni-. I.ngoon, letullow. Ky.. 11-16. 1 lynn A Mnckey. In-wev. 1'tlcn. N. Y.. 1 1-16. Flora. Mildred. Ingertoll Park. Des Moltiex, In., U-16; Olympic. Chicago. IN-23. Flynn. Earl, Electric Park, Knnsas r.'Hy, M«... U-Irt. Fleelonii ft Miller. Pnrk. Eniporln. Kan., 1 1-16. I 1.T-..I 1 < r .. . -. , Kellb's, Plillu.. U-lfl. i'lintl Hutl lin.- , Oakforil Park, ilreensbnrg, I'.t , II. 16, Ford Slaters ft Brothers, «. O. II.. PlttsUtrt,'. II- IO. Fox', Delia, Proctor's, Newark, N. J., 11-10. Fn\ ft WnM, Kenu.vwood, I'ltlt-biirg, U-16. 1'ontlnetle, MysterlnuM. Mnnnlou'M Park, SI. Louis, U-ltl; Athletic Park. New Orleans, lfi-23. Foster A Foster, Clnties, Hon I'mn., Pal.. II-IO. Fowler. Bertie, Keith's. Cleveland, I Mil. Fredo A Dure, East End Park, Mcmplirs, Tenit., II til. Franklin ft Toadies. GilTenui tor's, Allsiillc t'Hy, N. J., 11-16. PreeKe Bros.. Unique. Khu Claire, Wl-s., 11-10; t'ulque, Minneapolis. Mlnu., 16-23. Frrslerlck, tlrenl, Henderson'-*, Coney Island. N. Y.. U-16. Frosto ft Harvey, Empire, Oklahoma, ottn., II- io; Frank. Mnrvelous ft Bob. t'liutes, Snu Finn.. I'nl., 11-23. Framcecelios, Tbe, Chutes. San Frnn., t'ul.. 11-10. Francis ft liny. New, Pawliu-kei, K. L, 1H-S3. Frevoll, Crystal. Toledo. 1 1 Ml. Froslnl, F. U.. Iniiersnll Pnrk. Des Moines, la., , U-ltl; liiihiuiuc Purl, Unlmuuc. 1823. Fries Slster-t, Llmlciiwnl-I purk, Ifatulllon, (I., 10-1 fl. Gardner. Happy Jack, Kamoga, Grnnd Rnplds, •■I.I. Ml'!. Gordoer ft Revere, Olympic. lUea a M, I Mil. Ganlner ft Snnldnnt, Woolwonh's, Lmicnster, Pa., 11:16, Gardner, Ellxi. Olympic. Chlcngn, 1 1 -1*1. Gardner ft Revere, oi.vni|d4<. Chlcugo. U-10. iJiin-ly. Clark, Falrvlew Park. Piiyl-ui, Ik. II-UL (inssmnn. Josephine, l-'olrvli-w Park. Dayton, it., I Mil. Gnllaicbor A Hlltl. Athletic I'nrk, Bitffaln, II ML Unrtelle Ili-oH,, Pastor*-*, N. V. *'■., III*. Gnvlord, ltmtDb'. Fontalae Ferry Pnrk. 1-oulsGlle, Ky.. II-IO; Eust I'.ikI Pnrk, Memiihls. Teutt., 18-23. Gnffer ft Frn»er..Oak Grove, Wiiverly, N. V.. It* 16; Klmlrt-. N. Y.. 18 23. Gavin ft Plait. SI. Ilr Park. Sbiui»klti, Ph.. II- IO. Ganlner ft Colder, Guteriinlui's, Atlantic Clly, N. J.. II-UL Gelger ft Wallers. Itlrershle Pnrk. Sugllisw, Mich., U-16; Keltb'H, N. Y. C. IH-23. GlIllDKwnler, Claude, ft >'.,.. 8hea's, RutTolo, II- IO. Gllkey, Ethel, Athletic Park. New Orleans, M., Glratd. Marie, Lyceum, Ogilen, II.. 1110; Ronton, Salt Lake, 18-23. Glt*on ft lillisoii, tlryritil Pnrk, Hi. .luHepb, Mo., 10-10. Glllllinn ft Perry, West IClid Pnrk, New Grleuua, La., lS-X't. (lllniv, lluyues ft Montgomery, Novelty, SliM-klnu, Ciii., II Mi; Novelly, Frestio, 18-23. Gllrny ft Carrol). LIpp's. Alexiiudrlu, Ind., 11-10; Grand, Huatluglou, 18-23. Glllen, Tom, Walib-mere Park, Krle. Pa., 11-16. GUI, .Nat, Fnlrylnud Park, Passaic. N. J., 11-16. Gleason, John ft Bertbi. ft Freil Houlihan. Keith's. Cleveland, 11-10. "Globe of Ueiilli," Prorlur's, Albany, N. Y., II- IO; Keith's. N. Y. C. 18-23. Gllusei-eltlN, The, Temple. Deirott, II-IO. Golden ft Hughes, Steeplechase, Atlantic City. N. Oollioh. Mr. * Mrs.. Cryalal. Denver. Col., II* 16 ; Crystal, Trinidad, 18-23. Goniales Bros., Majestic, Chicago, U-10. Goforth ft Doyle, Electric Purk, Newark, N. J., 11*10. Gordon. Belle, Sins Soucl Pork, Cblcaan, ll-ltl. Ooldln. Horaee, Keith's, Boston, 11-10. Gordon ft Chacon, Pnrk, Ulngbamlon, N. Y., II- 10. ' Gordon, Don ft Mae, Mkesldc Casino, Akron, (».. 11-10; Four Mile Creek Park, Erie, Pn„ 18- 23. Golden ft Hughes, Steeplechase Pier, Altsnlle City, N. J.. 11-10; Efeetrlc Park, Alleutowti, Cordon, Kldrld, Bllnn, Frankfort, Ind., 11-10. Grind Opera Trio, Henilerwiu's, Coney IhInihI, N. y„ ii-io. Greene ft Werner, Victoria, N. Y. C, 11-10. GrllUn Slrttera, (lodfroy's, Groud llaplds, Mich., - II-IO. Grtvn Bros., Family, Unite, MooL, 18 23. Groris, win., (t, II., r:iliilon, In.. I MO; Lake- view Park, Terre ILuitc Ind.. 18-23, Graft ft Li'grniiil, Auditorium, Norfolk. Va., II- Gnnrt'y, Clark, Falrvlew Pork, Dayton, O,. 1110. Iliiminond, Mr. ft Mrs. Chan, D„ Kansas City, Mo.. 1123. Hallen ft liuys. Sans Soucl, Chicago, 11-10. Harvey ft De Vora, WashliiRt-ui, S|xikoue, Wash., 11-10- Star, Sentlle, 18-23. Harcourt, Frank. I'^rysinl, Delrolt, 11-10. Ilalnek SUters, Autlltnrliini, Norfolk, Vu., 11-lfl. Hammond ft Forres ter. Dreamland, Decolor, HI., II-IR; White City, HpringOeld. IH-23. Halliaway's Indtuu Tihleuiu, Steeiiiechose Pier, Atlantic City, N. J., 11-lfl. llarvvard. Conrny ft I lay ward. For en Park, bun- aaa Cltr. Mo., I MO; Ingersoll Park, Dea Upbies, !«.. 1H-23. .art, Willie ft Edlili 0.. n-16; Farm. Tdledo, I) _ Hawk-Hawk Trk>, Llndenwiild Pnrk, lliiralltnn, G., 11-16. Haley ft Hnrty. Star, Donol-n, Pit., tl-IG; Slur, Monessou. 18-28. Hays, Ed. C, Four Mile Creek, Erie. Pa„ I I Hi. I aw kins, Lew. Olympic ChleaK... Il-lll. Hart, Willie A- Edith, Oleiitniigy Pnrk, Coliimhus, 0.. U-lfl. Harvey. Elsie, Orond. N. Y. C. II 111. Hasty. Charles Irwin, Goshen, Ind., 11-10; Crys- tal, Klwoftil. 1H-2.3. HnrbHck ft Harris, Sbeedy'n. Fall River, Mumx., U-in: Pnrk, Hkowh'-jfiiit, Me,, 18-26. Hnrtlman, J. A., Alhlelle Park, Buffalo, 11-10. Hnyman ft Franklin. Kmp., Claidium, Kng., I MO; Star, BermoudHley, 18-23; Kmp., IsIIukIoii, Ste 30; Ducltess, Peltinm, July 2-1. Himliloii ft Wiley, Grond, Milwaukee, Wis., II- 10; BIJou, La Crosae, 18-23. H-irper. Ix-nmon.l ft Burns. Keith's, Uonrou. U-16, Harrison, Minnie. Fonnliln Pnrk, (treat Hirrliu,- ton, Mass., hi-;. Hoy*.-. Ed, 0„ .lamestowa, N. V., IT*9L Hirrlxon, Lw F., Wnverly Park, Laming, Midi., 18 23. naroniri, D.-iNr, Eleclrlc Park, BallJinore, 11-11), Hall, Frnnk, Glenlaniy Park, tridtnnlsis, 0., II- 16; Avon Park, YrMingslr-wn, 1N-2S. Harris. B.-auregnn1e A Vn„ Wrw-dlawi, Park, La- trnbe, I'u.. U-lfl. Htvlow, Marie, tvdllns Gnrden, ColnmlK-ti, O., -11-10, IleloUe A A morns Staler*. Kellb's. Boston, U-16. llellman. Ores). Hlvershle Purk. Mnnlreol, ll-hl. Henry, Klioore, Y'oiing's, Atlsmle City, N. J.. II- IO. Herbert ft Rogers, Riverside Pnrk, Hiiglnnw, Mlcb., ll-ltl; nnmona Purk. Grind HapblN, IH-23. BcdrlK ft Prewroll. Olympic, flilcsgu, II in, Heywnod, GreM, Forest Hlil. Muncliesler, Vu„ II- io. Herald Siiuore Ounrletle, Rlnclrlc Pnrk, Mont* Koinery, Ala., U-16; Mminlulu Pnrk, Konintkc, Vs., 18-23. HeliiM. Rllly. Lakemoat park, Allonno, I'n., 11-10. Herl-ert ft Vance, Crystal Park, Slont Clly, la., U-10, Henry, Yomig ft Onnlln, Shelltrot Pnrk, VTImlug- ton, Del.. U-16. Itcwlcttes. Tlic. Alcaiar, Denver, Col., 11-23. Henry ft Francis. G. O. IL, Pittsburg. 11-10. Hill, Murry K., San Soucl Park, Chlcaf-o, U-10. Illnman. Capt. Sidney, Al Fresco Park, Paua, III., 11-23. Hilton, FreO, Happyland, Winnipeg, Can., U-16. Hlnes ft Remington, Keith's, Boston, 11-10. Illllehran ft Vlvlnn, Salt Palace, Salt Like, II., 11-23. Billiard. Robert, ft IN).. Kellb's, Pblla.. II -U HllUi'M ft Warren. Family. IlnviMipurt, la, ti- nt; Pnrk. Uaiuilbsl. Mo.. 18-231. tollman, (leu., Hljmi. Itnv City, Mlcb.. 11-10, Hlllyers (HI, darter's. Wnbasb, luil.. 11-16; Crystal. Toleslo. 18*23. Holmnn, Harry. PnMnr'M. N. Y. C,, IMG, llnldrtwnrths. The. Ljke Nlnninc, Ftl-rMtte, Mass,, ll-ltl; D-trtiey P.-irk. AlVtiiuwu. Pit., IB 23. Hornn. ICddlc. HnrterV. IVnhnsli, liid., 1 1 l -.i ; Crvstni. tmm, i».. is-23. Hoev ft Lee. Proctor's. Albany. N. V.. 11-16. Holt. Air., Moss Tniir. Eng.. Il-July 31. Howard Hnw,. Frnplrs* Tniar, Knit., Il-July 27. Il.twnnl. Chis., .Moore'-., ('(.rtlaml, Me.. 1 1-1 it. ibnv-irih, Mnrvelono, Malesilc. ■ l - ill. Hownrd ft i. I rulers. CoMlns* Gnnlen, t^liimbin, O.. 11-10. Hcslges ft Lnniictinierc, Fnlrylnud, Pnir-r*-nn, N, .1., Il-Hl. Holmnn Rro, Ailami. iUs-., 14-tt, linhofT, Conn ft Cirlntie, Glymplc, t^tilcngn. 1 I HI. Imperial ,lupiiiie--e Uiinrds, circus tkaVlf Alftu.iT, UHM hrin'b. tier.. 1 I :tu. InneriH ft Ityim, Luke-slitc I'nrk, Psyttm, O.. II- IU; Cnslun I'm., Kaliimar,i>n, Midi.. IB Bit, Irwin. John H'„ Mhsoii'ii, Chicago. I I HI. Jntiit-s ft Imvls. Mill Wnnl, Wtlniln-rtiio, Del., II 111. Jhiiu-m A- lll.lior.l-. A. ft »., It,.- , il m. i -. . . . i ■ * ■ ihigM, Kellb's. PhllM.. tl Ml. .laolm, Clms. ,M,, Chiulollc, N. V.. 11 lit. ,!in-ks»n, .1. IL, •"!■ ■■ -.i.il Park, HI. .lotepli, Mn.. 1016. .lai-kNiinsj (31. GnvcriHilin's. Allmifli' CIli, N. I., 1116. ■Inch. Mr. ft Mrs., Mnjestlc. t1>l.'Hgn, 11-16. .Incolrs ft sni-.lel. Ivvm.svlM.-, In. I., II lit; In- dlNnopolln. IS 23, .1 timing-' At Iteiiirrcu'. HI.U111, LniMiiut, Mich., II- 16; -Grnnd, Mnrhm, hid., IH-23. .lenurt' ft Ellstmrib, Wlmleii Purl:, I'llt-lihuri'. MllHS., 11-111. .1. .1.1. 'in.. Iltti-c.v. NorumlH.jfii I'm-k, lu.-i.ni, 11 in. .Ifilm-Min ft WclU, etV Lake, tiitilim, IM-KI, Kniie, Lisuinril. bt-iib'-<, N. V. P., I I tit. k .iifiiNii ShliTs, iluvemnKii'.i, Atlnuli. 1 Clly. M, J., II 16. En! WW*. A Attn, Tlvoll, Hiivnun, fillut, II. 16; Piiluilii'i Purl;. Hiiviiuu, in ■.':;, Kni-in.'- I'liniiHiilme i\i.. Pluiiei, Ssu Fran,, Cal., It lit. Karutitr.. Hrlghloii Itench. N. Y., 11-23. Kidcy. Mr. ft Mrs. Alfred. Olympic. Chicago, is- Kemp A Pcnrl, Miileslle. CIiIciik-i, 11-16. Ki'iiii. W'slsh ft Mcliniu', .MuJimIU- l.'liieuijo, 18*23. Kenton. Horntliy. Mlwk I'srm, WliNlli.iiHl.tirj,', Vt., KratfltW (3), CucIini. LyncblnirK, Vn., 11-16; Gh- mIiiu. Giviiii View, 1S-2.'I. Kelsay A Moore. En I rv lew Pnrk. I)nyi.«i.t>„ 1 1 Ml Kelly. Walter C, Keltli's. Iloslon, Hit), Kennedy & Wllkius, Steel Pier, Atlutillc lllty. N, KelJiir Hnis., Orpliemii, Si. I'mtl, Minn., 11-16, Klienis ft Cole. Spring llrouli Park. Ho. Hem), luil., 11 111: Siu.s Hood Park, (itilcagti. 1823. King. Mr. ft Mm. Hum, Stanton Purk, Steuben- vllle, 0., 11-10. Klngsley. .Iiiiiich. Dewey. Htleu, N. Y„ Il-lll. Klllles HiiiiiI, Av.ui Purl.. Y:i. Lit lli-lle Trhi, Erl.'H, Nt., lleudi., X. Y. ('.. ll-ltl. Liiiiniiiut A Pfintetle. Crynlul, Mnrlmi, linl., II III; Crvstni, Aiu1ers.ui, 18-^3. l.n Ulae Hnis.. Proctnr's, X-enurli, S. .r„ II HI; Prnch.i''M, Allmny, S. V., IN- 23, l.n Moyne Mlslfi-n, LnkCNtih- CihIiki. Aknui. »!., II HI. l.n Tell llrttH., I'rople'H, Leiii'i'iiivnrtli, Km II,. II* Hi; t.'iisino, si. .Joseph. Mn., is-.':;. I.niigd'iii. Ihinlle, Grnml, Mnrkm, lud., ll-ltl; Grand. MWMd), IH-23. Lewis. Georitln. II'iiim.iiii. HrniMl ltfi|ild-i, Mti-ii. . II 16. IjK-nard. tins, Proclnr'-i rj-'.tli HI., S*. Y, (V, Il- lll; Priicliir'i- .Mil SI.. N. V. P., 18 23. leee. rilxlnurli ft JbM-ilc, Phpm, lll, leegnre, I iMi-'i, I i.t; I.uillow, Ky.. U-lfl, Leslie ft any. Illjmi, Norfolk, Vn.. Il-Hl. Li-Kile. Gen. W., Lyric Clevrliuitl, It., 11-lH; Temple, Huff n In, 18-211. I^otilinnll, Al.. Hlnr. Tornnlo. re'H, P.irltiinil, .\lr., ll-HI. Mnrtlcre, Liiiiru, Lyceum, .Mugniu Pulli, N. V., II 111. .Marline Hroiher*, Eini.lre, 1,-niiloii. KtaV, ll-'IO. Martin'-, Harry ft .\fi.ltli-, EKi-eUlui- Sjige., AJu. ( Marb. ft Abb., Hinornator's, Atlantic City, N. J,, U-10, ' 462 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. June 1r. Made, John & Carrie. Criuul, Unuiillon, (i„ it- ' l«: I'hlJllpV, Richmond, luil.. 18-1.':). Mack A- DtifKl. Uriilidioi Plirk, Wehb Cllj, Mo., ll-UI. Macks UK Mnierva Park, Peru, III.. IJ-1U. Maclt. Mask, Uljim. Norfolk. Vi., U-ltl. MacXkboi, 6. 11.. MnRiiiKjrimcr I'nrk, Quebec, (Jan., ..-lit. Ma Jostle Musical Four, luiceraoll Park, U« Moines, la., 11 1U. Maucy. John, A. * B.. BoaUiu, 11-141. Marcels, The. Nnminbegn Park, RohLdr, 11-16. Martini * MaxMllllan, Fontaine . ferry Park, Loiilsrllle. K.V., 11 -HI. MsrUncltle k Sylvester. Lagoon, Mnj nrljlc. Ky.. 11- HI; Cheater I'ark, Cincinnati, UMW. Marco Twlna, IiikoisdII Park, Den Moines, Ii., 18- VA. Murine. M.tiij ( Jacksonville. III., ll-lu. Mar, Ii:u. lltjou. Shawnee. IT.. 1 i hi. Malwlo Family, Frecauo Circa*. Mexico. 11-23. May & Albaugb, Majestic. Chicago, J 1-lU. Marriott Twin*, lunian'n. Coney It-land, N. T., 11* 10. MhJ>. It.. PHUburg, 11-10; Temple. Detndi. I8-'J11. McDonald. Kdtile. Olc-uiawry Park, Columbus, "., 1 7 m Mi •Niiinar. Keith -, N. V. «'.. Ill"; White CHy, BliiKliMiuioti. N. V., I* SI, Mi(-]ellNn, .Ins.. Ill>ju. Dnliilli, Minn.. 1JH1. McKay & Frederick*. Majeatli;. Chicago, IMS. McKltmon & Reed. Price's, Mobrrly. Mo., 11-1(1; l':ui) r ]v, T':U-n|->n. !»., 1 S-'J.J. ,M<'(J*irvcr, Hniuhoo Trio, dik-ago, U 1't; Grand it'i|>iiis. Mh'))., ism M.-Call Trio, Umpire, Ihw Molnc. 1h.. 11.-10. M.r.Mllb'ii, Hull v ft !Slio., iin, Milton A Knlner. AITro I'nrk. Alhany. N. X., li- lt;; Walt--- CUT, HlnifUJimli'ii. IS-'J.'!. Mlllunl liroM.. Cryaial. Detroit. M.lpln-haxi- Pier. AtlfliHic! City. N. J,. 11-10; MporeV Portlamt, MO., 1R- 2H. MUIn ft MorrU. Ketth'ti, Phlla.. t8-2;l. MUJer, J on n, Cryatal. Marlon. Iml.. 11-10. Monte Myro Troupe'. OwfCVMHorn, AtlHtitlc City, Xi J, 11 111. Moiartf. The. Oinuha. Ne<>., 11-10. M on in ;ut*' * i.'ni-Ul'Hi ChtTiiK, Yoiina'a Pier, At- lniiiTt- city. x. j., n -s:i. Miitodrl. La. Tmirlluj Auatrla, Il-:i0; Oi'pheuui, entlv. Chlmgo. 11-10, Mullen ft Co roll I. Celeron Park, Jamestown, X. J., 11-10. NeHBWi, Hunter ft Net*en, HlToralde Park, Mou- 1n>al, 11-10. vH'nian. Uarry, .\lnknue, llulcliluson, Kan., 11- 10;' Air*louie. ICmiHirla. is-y;;. NchoU Si Xlblo, Klei-trlc I'ark, Albany, N. Y„ 11- 10. XI bin ft Ullry. K.utli'fi, Phlla., Mill; U. 0. II., I'ltlMliurx. 1* J". Nb. Kltth', Pfl Wiku rg. Pa.. 11-10. X-tflJi. ITohbr. Mason. I,ih- Alice)**, Cal.. 1123. „ lilt): OtUTaMe I'nrk. Oakhiiiil. Ky., \»'£l. I'ahtali'I. Marvelnu*, l.ima Pnrk. Cottoy IslaKit. N, Y.. II hi. Pallr Bixirt., Majcslh', Cblenan. 11-10. l'ailliiietil A Pinuo. WlnlergMrlvu. Rc-rltn. tier., ii-:'.o. Pnlfi-cy ft Htx-llrr. Tnuple. Betroll. 1 1 - 1 II. Prrxoui. CnoilUe. Four .Mile Creek. Krlc. Pa.. II- 10; Morn Park. Yountratowil. D.. 1H-23. l'elol. Fre.1 ft "Annie, Knxon's. Chicago, 11-1K; Wlille CHy. Uhle«K«. 'W-*L Philhrooka ft Iteyiiolda. olyuiplv, Cliieaxv, 11-10. "Icree ft Roalyn, P— ' lllle, Ky.. 11-10. Plenw ft uiip. Humiiier Park, Allen town, Pa., 11- 10: Pork. Kaaton. 18-33. I'Iwk. Tl*. Olynnile. Uik-ngu. 1110. 1'lchlHiiI SNi^i-k, Sulimi'v IMi-V Miiniivul. II 10. PulrliTh (Hi, Mm-otii I'ark. Clerrlanil, II 10. Polk Cull Ids ft Cariweu KMnr*. Well* I'ark. Ijio'Ii- iHiru, Va.. II-1U: (K-ean View, Nol-Mk. -18-lta. I'okI ft Kussell. Temple. Detroit. 1110. Poua. I. l\. Park. MlculwClty. U"l- 11-10. Prmiiptioi, XlrimlHH ft Prampum. Family, Paler- -oil. X. J„ ll III, Pi-ovi-anle* Hit. Xew York Uiwf. X. T. C. IMO. I'rolo.1. Olmtei, Man Finn., Cal.. II-2JI. OuakiT Cite lour. Keith's, PUIIa.. IMO. QtrijlK. Mm-key ft Mi'linUwi. Kleelrlc Park. New- ark. N -I.. U-10: F.lectrk Park, Albany, N. Y.. is-yri. ThiiiM'na ft l.ymnti. Bl>iu. Marinette, Wlti., ll-ltt. Itauf. Clmiile. While city, Chlcacn, 11-10. Ituutlelil ft MH.rHchl, Aeine. Norfolk. Va.. ll-ltt. Raxttis ft PhiiKn. Knit*.. IMIiiRtoii. Knit.. 11-111; DuehcM. Italham. IS-iSI; Pal., Blaekbniint, 85- ;to. Way. Thoc. W.. Fnmlly, PaliTwni. X. J., 1 1 - 1 44. RHvciihi-i-uri. Cbarhilte. NbraV, lluffaln, 11-10; TcnuOe. Detroit, IH-'J:t. liar. Dorolhy. nihtn. Franklort. Iml.. 11-10. Hailfonl A ^*nl**nUm*. lhirrasronl Tour. Kug., II- Jnly ■■ Cape Town. S. A., to Autf. »J. llriio. Will ft May. Caimm'*. Pawtucket. B. I., I MM l Full Hlwr, Mai-*.. IS i'l. Iti-io* ft Annia. Majwllc. Clileajti*. 11 10: OlywplP, 1'lili'nui'. IV'33, Rfllly. Ji4innlr. Drrift'ii Uracil. N. Y.. 10-83. linir.. . ,v f/hHtowfj Itonioiia, timud ItHpldM, .\lk-l i. 1 1 tit. Kenler ft Camllrr, Ileinli'r^oiiV, Coney lhlntnl. N. Y.. 11-10. Iteronnl. I0I. F., itmM Ylew Caalnu, Norfolk, Va.. II HI. Mlfwlhl Casino. lUeliuioiiO, 18UU. TtlciiKlo. t.HCiani. I.odlow, Kv.. 1 I Hi I* I it A Preu'hi, VlHorla, X. Y. C. Il-Hl. Ill.liardv. Central I'ark. Alleiilown. |»n.. II-IO; Oaring lake I'nrk. Tn-ntini. S. ,1.. lh B:i, Rice Family, Ctirennitor'!', Atlantic Clly. X. J., 11-10. {I. -ii. Jiu-k A Mrrlha. Spring Luke Park. Ttctilnn, X. J.. II lit. Jlii).- A Surm-iml. Ki-IIIi'n Ch>r«>lan>l. II -Jit. ill- ltr»v. en. Kkvtrii- Pink, Albany, X. Y., II- Hi: IkMf Lake. W«oii*itL-ket. \l. I- IH>33. HlHianlson. l.aTemlar. ft Co.. Yoiiiir'h. Halt Lake CKy, P.. 11-10: Cental. Dtn«V Col., 18-33, Hhmow Ml'iwN. Foiwt Park, SI- Louts. 1 1 10. ltooM.MI, Miirvellfios. liiicrnnlloiial, Chkagi', 1 1- ttl : T.eavi'11 worlh, Kmi. W-S3. |I(mm patera, Orpliltun. I'orletnoulli. 0., II 10. ltoaciv. Win. C. Prjvial Pnrk, St. Joappli, Mil. in 111. HtM-hinly. KtitflNi Norelly. Slm-klnn. Cal., ll-t«: Hub Fran., JO-'Ja. Rotalre ft DerelD. Slieu'-, Iluffalp. U-10. RosaUec, lie, Fontaine Ferry park, Uularllla, Ky.. 11-111; Fast Bint Park, .Meniphla, Trail., HUB, Ibibln. Fairyland. I'alerxoh. X. J., 11-10. Knaa ft Lewla. limplro Tour. Kmc„ 1IH0; Varl«< tk-N. I^kiila. lift.. July 2-28. tUarhe. Cbaa,. Rljoa. Bay City. Mid).. 11-10. BuuliiMon, F.llNb-i. Cryatal. Detmll, Mich., 11-10. RvRi-ra. Join P., I'ltialiurg. 11-10. RoKCfw, Will U.. I'tlacc. Ixjndoti. Knv.. 11-JalySl. lloyee. Hay, KettliV. Pklla.. 11-10. ltuode, .MurteiouM. White Clly Park, Bltulhauiton, X. Y„ 1110. Materia & Melroao. Dewey. Cllca. X. V.. U-10. IiiiMNcli ft Held, Folly. CtileaiA), ll-ltt. ■- : niix-eli-. Muaical; iille llour Park, PUtahurg, Kan., 11-10. llin-f^ll. Deary. I'lka. X. Y.. 11-10. Kuhm>I1. O'Neill ft rtuaactl, Cryatal, Ht. Joaepli, Mo.. II 10. Ilraii ft Hii-liOeld. Norumocga Park, Buatou. II 10. Saiiinro ft Marlowe, o I Mile Park. Anbland, Ky., II -III; ilrpbeum. Portxiuouth. 0.. 18-23. Solo. 0. K. . Alcazar D'Kle.- Par la, Fr.. Itt-Juty W. SawarOan ' ii, Ilemlerwn'a, t.Vnioy lalaud.'tN. V., ll-ltt. Sanirtl. Creal. Kmplre. Alchlaoti. Kan., U-10; Bljoii, Lincoln. Neh., U-2». Sm Van ft McKrlcii, Cbealcr Park, Clnclliuatl, ll-ltt. Savoy guarlctle, Suulbern Park. Plttnburg, 11-10. Suwtelle, Marie. Orplieuui, St. Paul. Mlou., 11-10. Matiuoit ft. Cheater. O. 0. H., Plttaburg. U-10; Ki'lllih. CkTelanil. 18-23. SaoiO, JoM'phlnu, ColUeno, Eaiuoou, Bog., 11 -July .11 Snlenw. New York Roof. K. Y. C, 11-10. SantueN. The, Crpbeuni. Ht. Paul, Minn,. 11-10. SfiiM, rjL-rip M.. Floor k Park, Curtla Bay, Mil.. 1MB, S'licpjt'a Doga A Ponlca, C*lar Point, Handusky, U.. 10-10: Lakealile Park. Daytou. 18-23. Siltlrliort. Annon. Cryatal, Detroit, ll-ltt, Selplo Arycutucti Trio, Chutea, San Fran., Cal., ll-ltt. Seymour ft Dupre, Tlvoll, Syduey, N. S. W,, II- July 31. Seynmur. KaLLi-yu, Itiveralilc Mansion, Phlla., II- 16. Naanrr, l»«».. National, KanaaB Clly, .Mo., 11*33. Sehloni*.. The. Moore'a. Portlttml, We., U-10; Keltli'a. Pbilil.. 18-22. Selhlql. I.nllii, Vlchirla. X. Y. C„ 11-10. Heara,'Huniniia Pftrk, Urand Raplda, Mich., 11-2.1. simnii'iii ft Slravi, Codrroy'a, Uraiid Raulda, Mich., 11-10. MhleWa A (Jail, Hleeplecbaae, Atlantic City, X. J.. 11-10. Slierlilan ft Forest, Young'a, Hall Lake, L*„ 11- I'}: Cryatal, Deurer, Col., 18-23. ShMiiuuiiN it), Uiiveruator'H, Atlantic City, N. 4., ll-ltt. Hborf A Shorty, Watdcinere Park, Brie, Ph., ll- ltt. Sherman ft De Foreat. Proctor'a Ulkl Street, X. Y. C, 11-10. Shaw, Mlliiin. Proelor'a 2Tkl St.. X. V. C, 11-ltt. Sbmv. Allen. Fontaine Ferry Park, LouUfllle, Ky., U-10. Sliertuun ft Fuller, Falrrlcw Park, Dayton, U., 1MB. Sbni-pHc*. The, Young's, AtlHiirJu City, N. J., ll- ltt. SIiiirj*, Wlllanl. Kellh'a. X. Y. C 11 10 . "KIIuh," Pna-Uir'a 2-hl SI., N. Y. C 11-IH. Simon ft (Inrdiier. PnehH/a, Albany, X. Y., 11-10. Slm>, Reouble, Xo*elty, 3akeraheld, Cal.. U-10; Lou AugClea, IMS. .Slouit. Blanch, Lake View, Birmingham, Ala., U-10. Kmlrl A Keaaner, Kellh'a, Phlta., 11 10; G. u. II.. PlltHhum- IS-3H. Smith ft Campbell. Proclov'a, Newark, N. J., II- 10. Smith ft Baker. Knuthern Park. Plttaburg. II 10. Smith, Peter J., Main St.. Peoria. 111., II W. Sinlfh. I^fla, Urpheuia. St. Paul, Minn., U-10. Snyder ft Biu-kley, Woolworth'n, I.auca.ster. Pa., 18 2:1. Salomon A Chester. C. U, H.. Pltlahurg, ll-ltt. Snphomorea iOi. ft Frenlimcu, Proctor'a KM St., X. V. C. 11-ltt, Kpruguu & MiiL-k. Maniilvn'a Park. St. l/oula, 10- Itt; Cook't, Park. Kvaiiavlllo, Intl.. 17-23. Wekb. lieu. Hhea'a, Buffalo,' 1110. IVTilte, .ILunrt, ft, Co., IngcwoH Park, Des >biiu^, la.. I1-1U. WliKeliead ft ttrleraon. Ma>>sth-. Cblragn. 11-ltt- Wlnlloy ft Whnlh-y. UymiiaM-. Montreal. Can., 11- 10. Whlople. Wablo. Cm>eeiit ftarileil, Berere Bench., Mnaa., IMO. Whltn'a Haiiforrt. PTwtUr'a. Albany. X. Y.. 11-10. Wlittrnnib. Uauk A l^iltle. Lagoon. Ludlow, Clu- eltmatl. 11-10. ' Willi ft Ilaaaan, Kleelrlc Park, llnlto.. IMO. Wilson, May. Dewey. Utlca, N. Y.. IMtl. Wlkoti. t;rnce, Dowllng. I*iranapo«, Ind., 11-10; Slpr. Knkf.nin. 18-2:1. Wlkliiniaii. Allan. While City, Chh-HKi*, 18-2:1. -Wllllanii ft Pultniuu, Sea Breeto. Pavilion. Irondc- unoft. X. Y.. Hl.2:t. Wllkea. .Maltle, Mcwa ft Skill Tour, Bug., 11- Jllly 31. WMlia ft l,owl». I'timlly. Paleraon. N. J.. IMO. Williams ft Mayer. Illliio, Friinkforl. Intt.. IMO. Wlllluma A Dnnglierty. Dewey. Utlca, X.Y.. IMO. lVllllanii ft Sterena, BIJou, ilarnuette, Mtch., II- 10. WlllloiiH ft Molburnx, Crystal. Frankfort, I nil., IMA, Whiter. WIiiihih, <(. u. IL, Pltl«bnrg. II JO. Wlllaril ft HiigbeK, Uodtroy'a, llraiiil Rapida, MFch... IMO. Wnrdeile. Kg telle, ft Co,, Lakealde Canine Akron, O., U-10. WorkFn Comedy Four. KcltVa. N. Y. C, U-10; Keith's, Boston, 18-23. Wmlwlrd. V. P., Renwlck Park, Ithaca, N. Y., 11-10. World ft KingnUni. llamoua Park. Craml Raphh, Mich., IMO: Weiwma Park, Ray Clly, IB ±J. Wood, ' Fraticla, Lincoln Park, Worceater, .Maaa., 11- 18, Wood ft Cray. (lymtMae. Montreal. U-10. WiimHord ft MnrliKii-11. Cryntal. Blwood. Ind., 11- 10; Harter. Wabatili, IR-Kl. Wolff llroH., AtbtRtlc C.irk. Buffalo. 11-10. Wynkon", Frinl, ft Co., Wenona Park, Bar City, Midi., IMO: Lake Park, Muskegon, 18-23. Yalta Duo, PaatorV, N. Y. C. 11-10. . Yftrmainoto Bros., C. 0. H.. Plttaburg. 11-10. Yeiiier A Yeager, Palace, London, Kug., U-July Yorke Comedy Four, Hcudernoo'a, Coney Inland, X. Y.. 11-10. Young, Tot, BIJou, Canton, O., 11-10; Orphlum, Maiiafleld, 18-23. Youtigs ft Brooka, Alhlelle Park, Buffalo, N. Y., 11-10. YvoUe. Kmplre. Des SMaaj, la.. IMO. Zannrnf, Cycling. KelthV. X. Y. C. 11-10; Brooks'. No. Beach, X. Y. C, 18-^1. * /axel Vernon Co.. Olympic. Chicago, 11-10. Zciin, .Torduri ft Zcno, Fillca Clrcua, Cape Town, S. A„ U-July 14. Xlinineriimii. Al. ft Pearl, F.mplrc, .Moimioulli. III., 11-10; Walbuift I'nrk. I'mliiuili. Ky.. 18-23. Z.«ka ft King. Park. Toleilo. 0.. 11-10. 7lnj.-uii'll;i. Camlvnl. LdiiImtDIp. Ky.. 11-10. »>ra; Mile,, Atlantic Garden. N. Y. C, 11-10- Koubouiakl". Lyric. Muakogee. I. T.. U-Itt; Ly- rle-, Ft. Smith. Ark., 18-2-1. ON TUG UOAU. Ml FICi: TO <;OHRKHPtlNDI3NT8. Siipitli-iii-nliil blat — llt-ifjvei! Too Lnle (or MiiHBtrlerition. Couuora Slock (W. C. Coiiuora, mgr.)— Ba»(|>ort, Me., 21-2::. Cooke Comedy— lllckisvllle. X. Y., U-10. Uuotln^- tun 18-2.1. DonnellyV, Tommy Cluck W. Stokes, nigr.) — Brunawh-k. Me., 18-23. Hunt's Shows — South BpNIUut, M«k».. 14, Co- pake. N. Y.. in, Ancram 10, Pine PlaLna 18, Mllterton IP. Lucky MU'a— Pram Xebr.. 18, Woial Hirer 111, Sheltuii -0, HlllHiii 21, Kearney 22. 23. .New nrJaail Plajvn tBrayham ft Lapolut, nigra.) —Carl huge. X. Y., 18-2H. Parker, C. W., Aiiiuwinenl Co, (Cramer ft Tyler, nigra.) — Junction City. Kan., IMO, Marysvllle IK-23. "Village Grocer" fHrayliHiii ft La|xiliit, nigm.) — Brldiwrt. Vt., 18, Crownpolnt. N. Y.. 10. Eliza- Itothtowu 20, Keeserllln *J1, Wlnoot^ki, Vt., 22, Saeluurue 23. Slelger. .Inline. Proctor'a. Newark, X. J., 11-ltt. Siclnrri. ft Thuuiui. Lake Park. DaytuH. 0., 11- 10: Colllux' Ganlcu. Colnuiboa. 18-23. Stiipleton ft Chancy. Lorain. 6.. 11-10. StiintiHi. Hugliea A Co.. KcHICh. Phlla., 11-10. Stanley A WIImoii. Kellh'a. Ckwelaud. U-, U-10; U. U. 11 , Pittsburg. 18-23. Si. Joint ft Ij} Fcvre. Iihtia Pnrk, Yuuiigstown, O.. 11-ltt. St. Julian, Mm Spring Lake Park, 'Trenton, N. J., L1-1U. Strlckluml ft liitkeubnry, Hantoua Point, To- ronto. Ciiii.. 11-10. Stanford. Hilly, Park. Fredonla, X. Y., ll-ltt. Stockton, .tuck. MauliutUii. Norfolk. V«., ll-io. Stanley ^ Aileen, Idea. Fojid du Lnc. Wis., U10. Stanley ft Uimnrd. Kelth'n. Phlla.. U-Itt. S(ev«'iis, Kittle. Luua Park, Joliuatown, Pa., ll- ltt. SU'icmk. Bdu-lii. G. U. IL, Pittsburg. 11 10. Stanton. Herbert It., Iiiuihii'h, Coney Island, N. Y., 18-2:1. Stepnci- ft Ahjiel. Barter. Wabasli. Ind., IMO. Slewaru. Musical, HcuOart>oil'a. Coney Island, N. V„ IMO. Sluinmuo ft Cratrford, Nhipuu Park. Jersey Shore, Pa.. 11-23. St, Jukti A Li- Furrr. Aron Park. Youugslowu, 0.. II- Hi; Buck Spring*. I-:. LlTfrpoul. 18-1KL Snlllvnii, Joe J., ft Co., BIJou. Winnipeg, Can., IMO. KiiuiuairH ft Winters, Gvdtroy'b, Uraud Hsplds. Mich.. 11-10. Swlckan!. Mr. ft Mrs., Fnlrylsud, pHtenon, N. J., I till. Swor ft Wealbr-Hik, lltjou, Dttlulb, .Ulan., U-10. Swim & Baubard, Keltli'a, X. Y. C, 11-10. S.nnomlN, Juck*. Kleciilc Park. Arlington, Md., ll-ltt: Park, liaaton. Ph.. 18-211. Sylvan ft O'Neal, Caalno. Ilyc Beach, N. Y., U- 10. Tauu, Hilly. Crystal. Marlou, Ind., u-10; Ciys- lal. Anderson, 18-23. Teiuph'ton, Clarice, Idora Pack, YouugaUmu, I'a-, ll-ltt. Tennis Trio. Bmtilre. OUuhoinu, Okli., U-10; Kmplre. Atchison, Kan.. IIMB, Tboriw. Mr. A .Mrs. I^arry, Ftlclihurg, Hum., 18- Thonuisun ft Serbia. BHrllioIoiny. Charlotte, N. Y., II 10. I'hoinas. George. Star, Atlanlu, Ua., 11-23, Thurston. Croat. Shanghai, China, 11-30; Cal- cutta, India. July t-31. Timieii ft Kllmeiit, Weaxl'^. Peoria. HI., 11-10; Miijedlli-. Fhlcagii. 18-2.1. Toys. Mu*lciil, Suiiuyaklp Park. Toronto, Cau.. ll-ltt: I.nke«|i1e I'ark. Akron. O., 18-23. Tops ft TopM.r, Waldetnere Park, Brie. I'a.. 11-10. Topsy 'Curry *i*i-lfj, PatilaKcs', Tacouia, Wash,, 1 1 -Itt. TwaUlB* William. Majestic. Chicago, 11-10. Trnkalfk ft Tekla. KellltS. N. Y. C.. 11-10. Travis, llelle. Atlantle Ganlen, X. Y. U.. IMO. Treloar. Mlcn-ond I'ark. Ulclimoml. V H „ IMO. Tulsa. Pkptii. IL, I Mil: Mayarllle. Ky., 18-23. Van Col n» ft Coltely. Wallace Park, P.-olmali; Kr.. IMO. VardH lll>.n. Duliilh, Mtun., 11-10; Bijou. SniaTtor. Wis., 18 22. Valailous, Tln\ HmriM'tl, Ho*ton, ll-UI; CrwfcOlit ilaWM, Rerpiiv Mhks., 18-23. Yaluioro ft llurlou, Alltinllc Cariteu, X. V,C„ ll- ltt. A'dhuars, The. daM.ataeIK Minn., 1110; lllloii. Dulutli. IB-S3. Waldorf A Sleiulea. Luna Park. Johiialuwu, Pa., , ll-UI. Wayne A- Hosec. Mlhraiikii 1 , ll-ltt. Waul ft Grunt. Art*. Norfolk, Y«.. ll-ltt. Wnldummi, Kdwnrd, ft Vn., Stnr, Scullle. Wash.. It -HI. WiiImoi. Sam, Sohnier Park. Mom real, Can., U-10, WiiMi. Amies. Dewey. Illlm. X. Y.. 11-10. WiMlaa, WtlBev PrwUor's. Newark. X. J., U-10. WhIkIi Cha:i. ft Jpnule. tlrystal. l-'raiikfort, Ind.. 11-23. Wi'iiiuorili A \ will. I IniileiMOi's. t!onp,r Inluinl, X. V. l'.. 11-10; Bhvlrlc Park, Newark, >*. J., 18-33, Wi'Mi, Jnuii'rt ft Cella. Olympic. Chlcngo, U-10. Wesi. MarunnM. llaarn*. l-llen. X. Y.. 11-ltt. Wi-lU, Low. Willie City Clikago. ll-ltt. Wean*. Al. n., a- r».. i'asioc*s x. y. c.. u-in. Weaver ft LaiiiN-n. HWa Parlllon. Cincinnati, 1 1-2.1. Wells Hms ft Snillh. Womlerlaiid I'ark, I>anVlllc. III. In in. White, DJ B. ft Holla. Alaoutla Paik, Butler, Pa., u-10. I.OHSIAVA. %mm Urii-miH. a; Athletic Purk lAth- Idle Park Amusement Co., leasees i good busi- ness whs dune w«ok of June 4, ivltli the many aide shows abtl novelties. The vaudeville bill offer cd. included : F.dUle and "Lotto .Mngluley, Clayton, Jcttklns und '.luaper, Casey atitl M Clair, and Ferguson and Hccson. All won much applause, while the movlue scenes and Prof- Armantl Veaxle's Concert Bund storeil linivlh. The Arabian diving horse* continue giving free cub tuitions, of their wonderful act. Bill for week of 11 Includes: John Dulnu and Ida Lcnhttrr, Con toy and Klein, Clnytou, .leuklns and Jasper (second week), mid another net. W'kst Bxii (Tom Wlnstou. niauagcr). — TliottHHiids visit this hike resort nightly, to enjoy the lake breeze, as well as 1o listen to Prof CbOH. Flslier.'s Concert Baud, and lo enjoy the titnge perforrunncr. The hold overs for week of 3 were: Mr. tiud Mrs. Wnterous, mul T.luslrom und Anderson, whtlu Ihc new cuuiors wiH-o ; Coiiut. Dc Butz and Brother, nod Laajeg aud Lom, The latter team, In their spectacular nuisloal atid singing tn f , were capllal, and worked over lime «t cnelt per form Once u iin wiring recalls. The kino- drome shmved « uulnbef of new slides which pleased. BUI for week of lit Includes; The Frederick Family. In Vine, und r^onard, while Uipez mid Lopez, and Count Dc But/ unci Brother Will hold over, for ihe mound week. Notks.— Mmid Daniels, the clover Utile oetress-DQUUttger, will assume, the manage- racnt of the big Caalnu. Ht Alhletle Pork, lonituenelug 24, und has* gone to .New York to select, n flrnt cIuhs coniutmy for the re- inuliidcr of the season. Nothing but the best la promised by the popular ludv, aud success aran ntanred Tm llolllqgsworth Twins Co. passed through the. cltv week of 3, n route lo Teius. The coiDpHliy Is a very Inrge one. mid Manager Clrason reports hie business all along Ihe Hue. . . . ..The akullog rink craze has struck the Crescent City, and severn.) Inrge rinks are now linowliig. Several professional inters air giving exhlhlttiins nt their skill ut the varum* rinks Prof. Litwreuce .1. Pico and his wife lutve returned lo Hie city in apend ti vacation with Mr. Pirn's rctlltaw Mnnager Chua. II. Four- ton ami his sou. Carl, late of l lie (irand Stock Co.. have left for New York. Manager l-'our- lun's new playhouse Is being rapidly pushed lo complelion for tut early opening. »■ » \HUIt KHU V. Omalin — N:it C. (ioodwln, in "The Conltis," drew a very large audience June ;">, hi the Boyd. Norm— The Novelly Theutrp closed In, for the Summer. H. will reopen Sepl, 2.... The new upon glr tlietitn-. t'rysiul Park, .1. LI. .luckson. maniiger. is- itolug fair husliiCHs. i Selja-Kloto Circus did good biislneKs « Krug Park und Luke Nnmiiuna nre omwing good crowds since the 1ml wpullier set In Kohlusnn's C'lrrus comes 17. ■ ■— a Uiu-olii. - At the Oliver (1-\.C. Zehruug, ruanager) Ihe Fulton Slock Co., now playing Ihe Kummrr seaaon at I his Ihealre. is doing n lilg hualnesa nightly. They gave wav, June C,, lo Nut C, (Jondwln. lie presented "The Cenlua," to a piicked house, In spile or the hen I. I.taiC IH. M. Miller. manHgeri.— Hill week of ■(: Fred Karcher. .lohu ■!, Wilde, the (.Jotl- lobs, Lylllon Leigh ton and cympanv, and Lyr it-scope. Business Is excellent. BiJOt-. a new vaudeville theatre, will open week of 11, under the management of L. M, fJonnnn. Auiiitohum.— Moving plcturen of the San Frnnclm-o i>nriln|unke and lire drew fnlr pnt- roiuige 4-0. lttinixsoK'a finri-s Is laioked tor 10. Our theatrical oorrfHpondcnts art hereby notified that the oicdcdllofo iioto hetd> bg them expired on June 1. They tuc tcauciteil to return litem to tit to office at once, for renewal 1 for 199^-1907. »■» . CALIVC-ttNLV. I.um Anarelea At Mason U|icra House ill. C. WyaLl, nntnagerj the Summer acimon of biirleaiiue wns stnxewifiilly lriaugiinit»ii .luun 4. will) ii prcsentatiuu of "Uddlc-Dee- Dee." hv the Harry Jamea Travesty titara. "Holty 1'olLy*' Ih In preparation for 11 aud week. ftKLAXCO (John IL Blackwood, managar). — "flip Vim Winkle." as preacnted by the nlock company, played to capacity at every performance weak ending il. "Jane ' 4 UDd week, with Juliet Crosby In the leading role. Underlined. "Soldiers of Fortune." - MOROHi-'o'M Bciiuank Theatre (Oliver Mo- Iosco, mannger). — "Mlzpiih," ii revival of taut senson's great aucceds. drew well week ending 2. "The Cirl I Left Behind Me," by the stock coDipany, ;; and week. "A Con- tented Woman" underlined. (iitAMi) Opkiia Moi.'hb (Clarence Drown, maiiager),— "Lured from Home," by the til- rleh Stock Co,, drew well week ending '.'. The stock compuiiy present "Lost In a Big CHy" '.I and week. Underlined, "Queen, of the Convicts." Oni'HEUM (Martin Ileek, genera I manager). — Features 4 and week : Moalirr Brothers, Clifford and Burke, Burt und Bertha tjrant, Keno. Walsh und Melrose, Marvelous l;'rflnb and Little Bob, Caprice, Lynn and Fay, mo- tion pictures, and Kurnv'a Comedy Co. C.mqck (llentz & Zaliec, managers). — Feu til res 4 und week': Marie [Ulaton, cnV'i- lalner: Alicia t.)'l>!tie, llluairatcd songs: Dollliie Cole, supported by Robert Warwick and company. In "The Denouncement :" the Rainbow Ti'lu. singers und dancers: Master Paul, 'cycle ucl : Unique Players, presenting "Muldoon's Picnic." and I'ulqup o-scope. NoVEi.Tv (Sam Love rich, circuit mnnager). — This house is still closed. Xuw Star (J. K. Wuson. manager). — Features 4 and week: Burlesque sketch, "The Skirts' that Puss in the Night:" Royal Sis- ters, serpentine dancers ; Happy Zarrow, min- strel man. FiauHBit's (A. H. Fls4-hcr. manager). — Features 4 and week: .1. S. Moore. bRnjolst und alnglng comedian: motion pictures, and Flsclicr'a Alt Slar Comedy Co., lu "Fftds and Fancies." IIotciikins (T. Jeff. White, manager). — "I. O. U.." as prcseutcd by Kolb and Dill, drew well week ending -, tmd Is presented a second week. "The Beauty Shop" 11 and week. CiXh'otittArit (.1. A. Browne, manager). — Feat urea 4 and week: "Adams aud tlvelync, sketch; Little Mvh. child actress: .Madeline. Howe, character singing : Bessie Cliaddock, illustrated songs: .lonnule Woods, comedian; motion pictures, and Clneograph Slock Co., In farce. EMPitii: (Hilly Banks, resident manager i. — Features 4 and week: Fields and Hanson, ill Inal relay and coined v Inslruraetilallsts ; Kqulllo, equilibrist ; Marie Laurens, soloist: LHura Banks. Illustrated song: Dclmns. gymnast ; Empire. Stock Co.. in "McObulH on the Back of the Sign," aud the clueiuato- graph. Notes. — Manager Harry C. Wyutt. ot ihn Mason Opera House. Is to be congratulated upon the cupublc company he has secured for twelve weeks of ehterlalnuient. Under ihe direction of <.!eu. K. Lask (lute of the Tlvoll, Sau Francisco), singe manager, and Harry James, musical director. Ihe following appear to good advantage, und are aided by a good clionis : Kd. Calfaglier. Bubby Noi'lb, Fred M, Cad.v. Charles X). Ulce. James T. Kelly, Uosemary Closx. LUIIc Kutherland and Ceo. .1. Clifton lOugeule Tlials Ijjwton is to sever her connection with Ihe Bclasco forces as leading lady, and Amelia CJardner is lo return |fl Los Angeles In hImjiU: three weeks to replace her. Mlsw flaidner, it will lio rem cm tier ed, tilled dial cnuarllv during the first season of the Belli sco Theatre Marie 11 own will iignlu Join tin- Bebtscu Co., nftcr an absence of several months Virginia Brlssac. of- the Belnsco Co., Is lo go wllli Florence Itoberls, and her place Is lo be Oiled by Grace Hall Will ft. Wall lag, of Sun Francisco, Is to be now leading man at I he Bclasco, and Is lo make bis Hrst ap- pearance 11, In "Soldiers of Fortune." Crawford, Flo. Palierson, Henrleitu Robert m Ktnmu Mason and- Sadie Manning . ' ISMPIU (A- Wolnhoher, mnnageri.-.- lii W i tm wns HIT lo good week of 4. 'lliere uin ha the same iH'npfc holding over week of ii except \'edde,r and Slaulev. AilMOftY ItuiLiiiNu.— This large mid emu niOdlo.ii* building was llie. meeting nliu-,. "i lb*; hlcDUliil MPMslun of the federftihn i.r women's clubs -, JL and week of 4, ;U ni n,,. attendance wna large, und from all u,ir\-- i,r the' 1,'oltnd suites, 'i'ln- cltv in id icVir M ,| to entertain lt« fnlr gitaets, and a most en- joyable und profitable time wna hnd. » — n.iiitiii. — At the Mclropolilau CW IT Longsirect, manager) Militant's Mlusinu played June H, H>. lujor (Joe Maltlnnd. manager i. — Itaaiili! for week of 11: John Diiff and Wllhi'lmi Frances Co,. Varduman. t.'laude Austin, Hirnr and Wcstbrook, the Campbells, Morey Lone Jas, McClellun. and the moving ptctnrcs Havox (»," week nuding .". Hlshop'tf Co. of 1'Inyei-H, in "Are You a Muson".'" 4-10; "llovy Biixter Butted In." fol- lows. loots.* 1'AiiK (Will L. Creenbaiim. ninna- gerl. -The Idorn Opera Co.. lu "The Chimes of Norinnndy," did tine business. Same bill 10. "The .Mascot" 11 und week. I'liuiMoNT snnscs I'auk. — The Itoval Ha- wallan Band concluded a very successful en- gagement week ending -!, Bkli. {V.ii. lloraan. maunger). — Ken I urea 11 aud week: Bothwell Brown ami company, Dunliar mid Whltelield. CillelLo Slstei-K. Paul Sluuhopc aud moving pictures. Business Is S. R. (K NoVRi.'iy (Tony Lubelski, mnnageri.— At- tractions II mid wwsk: T. Nelson Downs, ihe MpragnelluM, V. II. McChersorl. Ilarrv K. Anlois. O'llouke Burn'.'ll Trio and the iiru- Jcclosi'opc.' BuslncHs is henvv MI.WMSO'I'A. Mliiuennolla.— At tbeMelropolilnn 0]>era House (L. N, Scott, iiianageri the Dick Fenls Slock Co. played, lo iery largo houses week of June ::. In "The t. J real Hnby." For week be- giuhhig 10. Ihe saint! eompuny will present "An Amrrlcau citizen,'' and ihe follow log week "Ihirolh.v Vernon, of tl addon Hall." Buui Onsnx Ifm.-si: CP. L. Huvs. niana- r»r». - For week beginning :t. "Mv Wife's Family, " and 10 :iud week. "As Told In Ihe Hills.' Tills house closes for the Summer li. Business has been verv fair. LvcL'iM 1 1. t\ Speci-s. manager).— "A Klrnngcr In u Klrange Land" had fnlr houses .t nnd week. ".Monte Crista" 10 and week, "i hi'istophor Jr 17 nnd week. MoMir.lit.AMi.— Special features for week of J : Ixiveiipori. In his high wire exhibition. Notks ftiiim Tita Abciikb & 1*orhi;sti:ii Niodiui'it axn Combpv Co.— We are ploying lower prortnees of Canada. This mates mir seventh year without closing, aatt are slill meeting with buicess. si. I'iml..— 'j'li-j Meii-upolltitti Opera Hou«i' IIm X. Scoll. miuiuaeri wns dark week of June .:. excepl (but tlie Kulchls of Cnluuibiis, a Im-al orgaid/ntli.H, will give "The Chimes of Normandy" k. u. ti„. pilndpnls us well us Hi,, .-horns, me local people, and include the Lest tulenl In the illy. The churns Is ox- erpllomilly Nirutig. The Iioiim- has uo full Her dntes until the opening of the regular sea- son tu August. OiiANn iThou. L. Hays, mannger).— "As lold In the mils" hail fair to good business week of :;. "Mv Wife's Family" will pay n return engagement of inntluee nnd night: performance to. The house will he dnrk the rest of tlir week of it). 'Hie Oeoige Kawrel t Stock Co. opens 17. for n setisou of aefoful weeks. The oi»eulng piece will lie "irrtends." Orvuri'M (ChnrliM Frerek, nmnager). ■ litislnrss wns good week of 4. For week of 11 new people : The Samuels, Slstere CrnUim. Addison and Livlugstone, Clara Norrls. Miirle S.nvlclie. Wood and Burns. K*?ller Bros., nnd Lena Smith. Those holding over : llolnne Mlgaon, Theresa Kemp, Lou Doutbltt, May l.oiilavlllc. — At Fontaine Ferry I'ar'j ( U'm, Itetclimiiti. mnnageri nn excellent vnude. vlllt* programme attracted large «iullcm-*>s week of judc 4. New people week of ID ■ Martini and Max Mllltau, Tierce aud Koshn (lie Itoaalra*. Allen Shaw, Bonnie Unylord and the kinodrome. Notes. — The committee on liome coming tins engaged a number of attractions For home coming week, to be held al Jockey Club Park. 11-1U. under the title of "K«bhLi and Furies." A complete list follows: Fiv. lug Banvnrds, Mile. Levis, Helen Gcruril J'ekin Zouaves, Bouiullm* tionlnua. Ck-li's Brooklyn Alnrluc Band, Abdullah Ben Ha- niadl's Acfobala. Sclneck Bros.' Imperhil Troupe of Acrnbtits. Royal Operatic Ballet, Lolo, Monti, Van Clcve, St. Aruo und Cmu- mar, Taggorl Family, Vnnderbllt, Monolns Family, T-Idltb Raymond ,Thc Robinson Amusement Co. will give a street fair 1|-H;. ...... Capt. Thomas Scott Baldwin Im In Ilia clly. preparing to give a series of duilv tllghts with bis new alrublp during home coming week, It-Hi As no attraction for HiUurdiiy half holiday, ii, the Dought* I'nrk hninasiement will hold auloinnblle races. Several professional drivers are scheilnled in nice, nmong whoin'itrc: Rarne'v Cldtleld, Will Mulr, l'aul Kaiser, Jerry Kills aud C. A. Coey. ii- ' «-- ■■ ' I'oiliicnii. — Al the Casino I Wro, Ma lone, manager) Ihe pulronnge hus been very good an far, and tbe atlractions meei with wp. proval. Bill week of June 4 Includes: Col- lins and Iax Belle. Mile. Colrelly, Antonio Vou C-ofre, and Woods and Woodt>. • »« > IOWA. Ttem Muliic*. — Foster's Opera House fWm, Foster, manager) closed a most suc- cessful season June 4. Nut C. ijoodwin. In "The iieiiltis,'* being the last nttrnelkin. Iowaxa (W. It. (Jourlcy, maunger).— "The Two Vagabonds" proved an excellent draw- ing card, week of 1. "Olivette." week of II. 1ni;kksou. I'auk (Fred. Ilucliaiiun. niiinn- »r). — I'aplnla, ilnveiiiau's wild unlunil , isocond week). l*6well, Adair und Innvu. Louise Breliauy. and the kinodrome pteawd large orowils last week. Bill Hits week: (.'Inytou AVlilfe dud Marie Stuart mid i-oni- iwny. Majestic Musical Four. Marco Twins, dlldred Flora, and Avon Comedy Four. liMi'Mu: l.M. J. Kurger. niiinugcri.— Large alzed audiences lusl week enjoyed lllblipri and Warren, Win. Cross. Mr, and Mrs, f'ni Stewart, Nettie Fields, Friiiiccs Kwarl/. aud cnnipnny, Fvn Thatcher, Vcrdon, Terry nnd Weber. Ulid Ihe mot Ion pictures. Hill fur week of 11: Crawford tiud I. HI IT, Adnms and Muck, Claniugc and Mack. .McCnll Trio, and Yvelle. W.M,i,.M!i;"s Snow nilrBcied two packed tenia 4. giving most excellent sHlisfaciiiui. GliXTttY. IttlOS.' HlHi AMI Pli.NY SHOW, N, t>. Nori;.-- .Mux Leo Corrlgan, the hoy Im persoiinlor of Mr, }Au nslleln'* "Mr. Jekylland Mr. Hyde." 1ms Joined litiuds wllli Ila/,ci Slune, and Ihe leant will be known hcreaflcr us Lanills and Stone, under which name, tticy iippcnred iU the Empire lust week. TRNNUSSE1L Memiilkla.— Al llo;iklns' lia*t Kud Turk . SofiMtut Park (Lnvlgne & Lajole. niann- pcra).-- taring Ibe week of :i good buslurs- wns done with Ye Colonial Heplolfe Mllhuii'i Trio. Morello Brothers, Chick and MUl Otr- trode. . -♦*-«. pMVB Swa.v writes: "Wc opened a( t|[ll- side I'ark. Belleville. N, J., for ten »«*»-. wllli a change of bill each week, thru ire K° on the roud," nlnyl&g fairs and lioreo shows- ,Wo are booked up until Dec. 21, JUjJJfyjlG. THE ., M AN , ^V JUST FINIS] ■^HE. ,NEV TP3RK; CIjIPPEP. i63 tALE 80DBHBTM, BIflH 80PRAH0 VOICE, PBEIICR TOE DANCEB, ACIIOIIATIC, l mrj im Veljel Dro|ia, Kit. ti li »1 DUpUy, Mak« .Pour (nmpl.l- Chung-', of I.h.lpmn!,. Coalniuru. Kv-njllilno lo nink. PcrAfl .'lale*..,..^^**?* J! 1 ™" i'."?."5"" e " .I".?«'' r ^'"J^V" V 1 "' '." 8«'ratato»,l»n. Herivrial 111-- niun tliat pul.l COHT0BTI0H DAN0EI1 (EHOOBE), BBAP8BY OAICE, ASSISTED BT GBA8. I. SUA?. lu make I'fifir < Art. A Situ 'iMouliu Premier Dancing; Acl thai imut lit- meii lo lie appie- i,l , rr lUtV, KITlfAlnM A CO. presented n matt Benutifol, Elaborate nnil Artistic Art. He closed tliV»l"o\v7or*'iiiV, wiilcH nl.»ni> U my UMJIIIWIIII. ami must say proved n Se.iun.linn. Olhvr mn nng-i , witnllus hii net for refilled lady audience, this In It. Get It at any j>rl « .-, It's tlu- good*. DAN F. MrC'OV. JUNE as AND NEXT SEASON OPEN. AH agent i or ear* of lTBLLKa fc GLADDING, lllfl Chestnut St., Phlla. AdrirHa ftanar* 11, Central Pork, Allantown, Pa.: Juno l->, ..Sjik- I.»n« Park, Trestoii, IV. J. A Net? Ticket Selling Device, A .revolutionary device In ticket selling, .-■lied "The Cberfcogram," warranted to slop tampering with the returns from the sale of ticiteiM In -rliee t re boi offices and places where out-of-door amusements ore pre- sented, was i»ul into operation for the tlrst time In this country at the Polo (ironnds 'Tuesday- June & It Droved a great success. ' The Cherkogrum In lo the theatre or purk box office what the. cash. register In to the grocery store. It Is a mechanical barrier aealnst dishonesty. It accurately count* tickets as fast an Bold, counts them-.up when tnev are turned In at the door or gate, and reenters both sale and deposit In the mana- ger's otoce, whether he he a hundred feet away or miles away from the ticket seller rod ticket receiver. At the box office end, the tickets, which ore made of leather-board or some composition, jirp placed In ti perpendicular lube at either aide of thp machine proper. These tithes are itaea locked and the ticket seller has .no ac- cess to the tickets. A brass window device In front, of him Is so rauRtnicled'tbat he can take the money and make change, hut he can* nnt pass a ticket oiii. After he has made the necessary change, he drawn a lever, and the machine shoots u ticket out on the window ledge In front of the purchaser. The. opera- tion Is somewhat similar tn-a slot machine ...rowing out gum. The moment the ticket h delivered to the- purchaser. It Is not -only registered im a sale In the machine, bat also In the, manager's office. .. . The box ui. the door where the Inker of tickets receives them has a dlnl which regis- ter* whenever a ticket Is deposited. An ad- ditional electrical register Is set. up In. .the office of the manager, which Informs him ex- ocilv when the ticket purchased has bra dropped In the box. Collusion between the ticket seller and the -Jlrket taker, .or between cither of these and n patron, Is Impossible. There can he no holding out or passing buck of money or' Hekeia, and a manager sluing in bis office can tell when a ticket Is sold nntl worn It In passed Into the receiving box with- out leaving his chair. . The.Cheekogrnm Is an I-.ngllsb invention. When Jn London last year A. L. Krlnhger, of Klnw & F.rlnnger. saw It In operation, anil recognized Its Brent value. to American the- ntres and Summer resorts. On his return he formed U company composed of Ills own llrm. Andrew Freedom u and many other the- utrlcal and financial men, for its ninnufnc- iii re and exploitation. The machine was put in charge of ft man who. benldes being a me- ihnnicnT engineer, has bad years -of experi- ence in tho various box offices. ; aud If was completely remodeled lo come up "to Amer- ican rcoi'ilremcuts, and lit claimed to fur excel, both In simplicity mid utility, tjie orlg- innl Hngllsli Invention. All who snw the machine In operation at the Polo tii-minds »u Tncsdnv ngreed that It is a wonderful device, and that It will revolutionize the bystem of selling and raking tickets In the- atres and parks throughout the country, nud remi)t In the saving of n large amout of money to managers annually. -— — « i » ■ — ■. ' i.ihrur y for the (f'reeii Hoom Clult. Several mouths ago the. fireru Room, nub, Ihe membership of which Includes the leading managers, actors, dramatists, librettists nud composers of America,,- took up the subject of rounding n great reference library of 'dra- matic literature In n new club house that Is soon to be erected as the permanent home of this organization. It was decided to devote ample quarters In the new borne of the club to litis- library, and to make -It In Itself. II possible. Hit- greatest Institution of Us Kind In thh 'country. If not of the world. This Idea, which originated in a Sunday afternoon discussion In the reading room of the club, received the enlhuslUHtlc endorsement of such members as A. L. • Krlanger. Marc Klaw. Al. Ilavman. Antonio Pastor, Joseph Brooks, Wil- liam Harris, Prank L. 1'erley. Marcus It. Mayer, .Dp Wolf Hopper. Melville It. Ray- mond, Franklin lllen. "Joseph It. Urlsmer, Milton Nobles. Herherl Hall Wlnslow. tleorge Mroadhurst,. Chorles H. Kvaon, W. H. Lraue, William A. Brady, llollls R. (,'ooley, .Tobu I. Me.Nuily, Meyer W. Livingston, and others of equal prominence. , A committee on plan and scope was forme" to lonslder detnlls and determine the prob- able expense of establishing this library nnil r-nrrvlng out the project on the scale sug- Kantetl In Inrormnl disnisulons. 'Hils cntn- inhtee recommended that the library should include a copy of every book obtainable prim- ed In this country, relating directly lo Ihe history of the drawn lit America nud Amer- ican players, reviews of plays, essays nud nil commentaries on plays und ihe work of nctors. and books, publications und papers of like ehnraeter published in Knglnnd, l>er- manv und France; also all copies of plays nutninahle. printed In lSngllsli, French or German nnd other foreign languages. It was nlao suggested that. a plate and photographic department be established In the library to contain plnles nnil phottigrapltB of every eon* celvnble kind that would In any way aid ihe producer nnd actor lu the development of hcenes nnd characters. In addition to this, it. was suggested that copies of nil contemporaneous articles print' td In newspapers nnd other publications re- ferring to nctors, plays and the slaae, and criticisms of all new plays ahottld be enre- t'uily preserved and tiled In the Rame man- ner I tint inn t tor of a similar kind 1h pre- nerveu In the offices of the great, dally jour- «alR. The committee reported that at least #.'10,(100 would b« required at the. start ito give this feature of the club the wide scope und effectiveness denlrod. and suggested that the amount be raised by subscriptions modi by iui>n)bers of the club and by public per- lorniances of extraordinary merit, to be pre- h"titf-ti under the dlrectlou of the club. At a meeting held last Sunday afternoon It was decided to follow (he suggestion of the library committee, nnd committees were Appointed to obtain subscriptions nnd for Tic. purpose- of arranging for a series of six public performaticea lo beglu In this, city Hundov nlgbt, July 22, These entertainments will undoubtedly preseut the Inrgeet bill of volunteers, with but very few exceptions, that has ever been seen. Following the per- formance of July 22. live performances will be presenled In "nearby Hummer resorts, like Atlantic Cltv nnil Anbury Pork. Frank Itlsn. the well known corporation law- yer, was elected chairman of a general c»m- ii'lltee. with Frnnk Russell ns secretary. An entertainment committee, consisting of llol- lls F,. t'oolev. tleorRc Beban, Hinrles Dick- f«n, John Irf*IRor, Ned Wnyburn. William Mor- ris. IauIs 1'Inciis, Kdwaru (*. White und Ray- mond Hitchcock was appointed tonrrnngethe bill lo he presented, rttlter coaimlUees were nppolnti'd on ln>oklug. publicity, flnnnce. ad- •VL-r tlslag, printing, transportation, orchestra. jirogramine, scenery and irntisfer. These committees are bended by Sam II. Harris, Wilbur M. Hates, Herbert Hall Wlnslow. 0. Hi Hutler, J. p. Barton. Abe Thulheimre, Al- bert Krntts. tfoolTrey Weller, Frank Hodge and Wellington Walton. The. purpose of founding this centre of stnRe iufoi-tiiai'ini mi so fcreat a scale imme- diately attracted the attvniion and stipport of every one who heard of It, and during the past week the eutertalnmeut committee bos received offers lo appear from a large nuo)b n r of players, Including: Kluie Jadls, the Fays, Charles J, Ross and Maori Fentiin, F.dna Aug, Fred Walton and compnuy, John T. Kelly, Ldlth Ethel, Gus DIM. Joseph Cawthuin, Al. Hart, James J. Morton, JnmeB J. Cor- bett, Lafayette, Andrew Mack, De Wolf ■Hop* |H>r nnd Ilaymond Hitchcock. Flsle J.inh, now en- route for Knglnnd, will soil for home on July 38. . Mho will arrive in New York on L*4 or 25, and that 'evening ehe will appear at the. club entertainment, wherever It may he presented, leaving for Chicago the next ■morning, where "The Vunderbllt Cup" will open Its season the following Monday. The enterfnlntbent committee will send out formal requestf* to players to appear at these entertainments, and there Is no doubt that- nil will respond* ns all recognize tbP value of this library to tbe entire theatrical "■""Winn. ' ■-. ast tlve seasons be lias heeu with "A Wise Woman" <'o., "Naughty Anthony" and with "SpotlesB Town" out to tbe cbast and back." OiA.8. F. Hoffman writes that his illness Is Height's disease, and t bat It has affected hU spine, resulting In partial paralysis, and necessitating Ihe use of a cuue lu walking. lie will undergo n surgical operation shortly," -and- stales thai the physicians entertain hones ,of Its success. NOna FROM CltANDALI.'S CuMKDUMH. — We are packing ibe houses .through the Adl- roudacks. The show carries twenty-tlve peo- ple, with Prof. i>o. Wilson's solo band and orchestra. At Cnrthajje, N. Y.. May '^8, Will Bauni, Joe and Wm. Levitt joined the F. O. K., Adirondack Aerie. The band turuetl out nfler midnight and gave the city a great sur- prise. Notes noM Darcv & Speck's Attrac- tions. — -Tlie newly acquired .summer iimnse- ment enterprise, "The White City," at New Haven. Conn., opened Saturday, May 20, when over len thousand people were In at- lenduuee, nnd every feature was an emphatic success. Their new one hundred and flfry thou- sand dollar Luna 1'ark nt Hartford. Conn., will open about June 1. In the meantime re- pairs and Improvements nl I lie Standard The- atre. Philadelphia, l'n., are lu full swing, and will be completed lu ample time for next season, which will begin about the middle of August. Notes khom the Lyceum Stock Co. — This company was organized In New York City In January, nnd hna been playing to good busi- ness through New York and New Jersey. The compnuy Is under the personal direction of Arthur L.. Kelly, nud our repertory confrists of the following plays: "In the (lolden West," "One Honest ftearr," "A Rose of Ulllarney," "Down In Delaware." "Jesse James," "A Hero In Homespun" and "Trncey, the Outlaw." Kdna Clvmer, leading woman, and Ilex Leslie Klugdon. lending man, who nrc -favorites In Hie territory we havn played, are well sup- ported by a capable company. SWEF.LV, Hllll'MAN & C'O. N'OTRS. — Alb&rta Oallatln cloned a long and prosperous sesaou In "Cousin Kate," at Racine, Wis., Monday, June 4. She opened under the management of Hweely. Shlpmaa & Co., at Wilmington, Del., Hunt. 18, mnklng Ihe transcontinental tour. Next year she will. he seen In one of the recent New York successes, under the Btttne management. Virginia Drew Trescott, who has been pint-log In "When Knighthood Was In Flower," under the management of Jos. Shlpiuan, closes her season June I), nt Milwaukee. Miss Trescott's plans are not definitely decided upon for the following Reason, nl though she expects to continue under the management of 'Mr, Bhlpmnn. Tlie plav. "Alice Sft-by- the- Fire." recently pur- chased Iiy Sweely, Hblpmao & Co.. from Chan. Frohman, will be one of the nrtlsllc olTerEtigs for next season. Walter C. Jordan, of Messrs. Sanger & Jordan, is lu Loudon at present, uegotiutlcg with Ellen Terry, with tlie view lo Miss Terry making her farewell tour In this, her moat recent Kugllsh success. . Itoselle Knot t has had such a prosperous senson since her aliening, on Aug. 2S last. In "When Knighthood Was la Flower." which was scheduled lo close June HO, Ihitt It has been decided to ex- tfuil her season lo Aug. It, during which time she will tuur the Maritime province*. Wiius IJebl t & Co. wend out n No. '2 com- pnuy, In "The .VaUilerbllt Cup." the slellar role will he pljyed by Virgin ta (Jlyndon, who rfor years appeared as n child actress In sup- port of the late Joseph Jefferson. Cms, K. CttAMri.tN has bought from Harry R. McKee hla four net play. ■' rite I'ale Face Squaw." nnd .will have paper .made for toe play, and give ll it tine production. .Mr. Cbnmpllu 1ms eaaaajnl Mr. JUeKee to .write anoibei- play with Mr. Mcftvoy to look after his building nnd general contracting at Troy, N. Y. Mr. McKroy and Mr. Sltinley will join bauds again for next season, as the llame of boyhood friendship has been rekindled. Knuagementn by the SftTZ k Nathanson Co., for "Wearv Willie Walker :" K. K. Perry, Leo J. Doherty, Fred Whitehouse, Hurt Spears, Charles Uallagher, Kd. h. Giles, Kvllth Randall, Marlon Allen, Beatrice Allen, Mnls'l llerliert. Viola .McDonald, May Coouihs, Louise ITobhs, May Italia, Marlon Warner, Al|een Hopper and Autm Phillips, For the Umpire Theatre Summer Stock Co., at Provi- dence, ll. L: Hallett Thompson, Udwln Curtis, David Walters, rIOdward Nauo«ry, lOruest F. Roblson, (■larence Chase, WHIard Dyer, (ieorgle Pitt, Kilty Cameroa, Maude Atkin- son. Florpocc Sunderland, Margaret .Lewis and Kathrvu Purnell. .".When Women I*ove" and "Wearv Willie Walker." two of Splu 4 Nataanson's Summer nltractlons, opened their season week of -May '21, In Maine, and have been doing excellent business, we ore In- formed. • «. .. . TjKna Asiiwki.i., the popular young English actress, has beta engaged by the Slntbert Brothers to bring her entire company to America next season for a tour in "The Shulamlte," which she 1b now presenting suc- cessfully In I/ondou. The company will ar- rive here In October, nad will play a New York Cltv engagement before going ra tour. It. P. Pesnev, manager of ihe Cumin cir- cuit, writes from Boulder, Col., as follows; "We nre now building, and will have ready to open Sept. 1, 11(00, one of the llnest opera houses In Colorado. It will lie ground floor, nnd modern In every sense of the word. The octunl seating capacity will lie n trifle over 800, Boulder Is thirty miles from Denver ou the Union Pacific and Colorado nnd South- ern Railways, has it population of lil.fJQu. and Is u good show town. Here Is located the State University, wilb 1,200 students. We also hnve eight other houses otrour circuit, and while they will not give as much money os liniilder, yet they are good for the average attraction. The bast purt of the year Is from Sept. Ifi io Mnrch 15, as the sugar fnc- lories, employing hundreds of men, are work- ing dny and night then." Jno. V. Roobkr, bBRso, formerly of tba team of I'nlbot nnd Rogers, litis signed for next season with Ibe "Utile Jnck Horner" Co., under the management of Melville II. Raymond, Tun Kowin.Rabbib Stock Co- which baa heretofore been known as the Itre.ckenrldgo Stuck (,'o., opened tlie Summer season nt Flertrlc I'lalznnee, loin, Kan., on Moy 27, to the full seating cjipuclty of the theatre. Tbe entire Summer will be mil. In on tint Bell circuit of nlrdomea In MlsKouri nnd Kansas. Manager Edwin Barrio, Oscar Orahoin nnd Lnurence F. Perkins were Initiated inlo Ihe B P. O. K. Lodge, ut Toln. May i!5. Hazei, FointEST writes : "I ntn taking a rest, but expect lo be buck on the road not later than Sept. 1. 11)0)41. I have sold out ay late business, and will return to the road again. Titti Ci.iimt.h reaches me every Fri- day, and is read eagerly." Jean Wilson - writes from Portland. Ore.: "We were In the Suu Francisco earthquake, and arrived home the Monday after. I con- sider myself lucky, although 1 did lose every- thing. Friends would like lo know of my brothers, nnd will say they were all out of the city nt the time. Jack K. Jeppmes writes of tbe loss of his father,. J. It. Jeffern. who died May 22, ut Ms home la Cedar Falls, lo. Jock has can- celed all Summer engagements, and will re- nin I u nt home for a couple of monthA to assist his mother lu business Mailers.. lit, -Ann: Upwards, churncler woman, with Fred Raymond's "Missouri flirt" Co. Inst sen- sun, has signed wltb tbe Sloddnrd Stock Co., which opened nt. Wnverly Park, Ionising, Mich Mny :iu. . XOTKH lltOM K, MORTIMErl MlTCIIKIJ.'S ATTluiTfONH. — The Mitchell's Stork Co. cpeucd at Rocky Springs Park Theatre, I slxiy-iwo by forty-two, which will enable us lo stage any large scenic production dnrlni* our slay there. The members of the com- pany are : p. Mortimer Mitchell, mannjrer nnd proprietor,; Nortunn Norrls, business mana- ger ; Charles C. Harris, stage director ; Sid- ney Mason, lending man; Harry Hpanlrramu, henries: (icnrge A. Lawrence, comedlnn; Frnuklln Whltmer, Juvenile; Howard Knccht, general business; Charles J. Harris, charac- ters; Marlon Shcrrwoud. lends; Marie Van, heavies; Fanuv Davis, Juvenile; Klhvl iltnn- rick, Koubrctle ; Zula. Kllsworth. characters. Although, we have had only one week's uw- formance. we nre glad to say that tbe ln.it two ufsht's lu the week lias convinced us that we will do n good busluess, as several rneni- liers of the comp'aay seems lo have pleased nil those who saw our opening bills. This park engagement u ipilte a chHuge for 'Mr. Mlichcll. having been with Ills road company for rblrty-lwo weeks this sen win, where ha very often had to do without Tlta Ol.t> Rk- j.iaulu until iho-nod of the week, which Is often nu lo convenience. lie Is glad, bow- ever, tbnt while at Lancaster ho Is able to have. one delivered to him every Wednesday afternoon, lie Is nlflo pleased with thn two members of the company which be secured through their ad. lu Tiih Ci.iersu. D. A. IIeii.man, agent Rentfrow's Jolly Pathfinders, writes: '■«> closed one of the most successful engagement* ever played by u repertory compauy at Suburban Park, Yleks- hnrg, Miss, The company has always heeu n great favorite there, and this season was the largest lu the history of the Hit. We open for two weeks, June ;i. lu Slircvemirt, La„ which Is always big -for the P» I blinders." Mieiuct, Moktov's dmniatlzed version of 'lluickerav's "The Newconivrs," produced on May 21), at His Mnjesiy's Theatre, Ixuidon, Kog., under ihe title of "Colonel Nnwcomc." whs well received. Iteerholrm Tree appeared lu the leading role, Lkwih Stock, Co. Notkh. — Notwithstand- ing uuravornhlc, weather conditions, Ibis ut- Irucllon. which opened ut Draflou, Neb., May i?, liiis been doing >i due IhisIuch* aud giving the Ik-si of satisfaction. 'I'he following is the complete rosier: W. F. Lewis, proprietor nnd manager; Chns. C. Johnson, advance repre- sentative; Cluis. . n. Haiuinoud, leading uiuu and singe dheeior; Albert Von Toska, inusl- cul director; Harry Chortle, M. F. Ketchntn, (ins Rnpler, II. W. Wlnlersteln Ivn I^wls, Jeiisnjee Itapler, Lillian Montrose und Utile Ulodys. Lehi.ir I.isi.k sailed' June ll for nu extensive tour ou the couiliieul, chnimronetl by her mother. They will remain abroad until April* ll»07. N'OTEH PIIOM TII« H0t,I.INOHW(UlT1I TWINU r\i. — After a most successful season in the Kustum Boiiiheru States we mude an eleven 'hundred mile Jump lo open the dramatic -sea- son at tbo Highland Park Theatre, Honshui, Tex., Mny ST. We are aoOkotl over the en- tire Lone Star clrunlt, Idcludlng iwoiwerkft each at IfofiKton, Spu Auionlo, Fort Worlli and OnlveHiun, and Khreveport, l^u. We ore nil well and prosperous, on the evening of Mny US we presented C v.. Biirkbardl with an elegiiut gnlil watch us a birthday present ami 'ii token of our appreciation of his aer- vIccm during his, two years' connection wilb this ■cumpftny'. The twins, tfre add- ing fresh laurels to their already exlcu* alve wreath at every stand. The rostor of the company Is.ub follows: Tbe jIoUIdrs- worlb Twins (Myrtle and Munde), Alice Ar- delln, May Lsrtlguc, Baby Lillian Lurtlgue. .Muurlcu F-. llrlerre. fleo, Clark, Vernun Wal- lace, tieo. Shumnker, . i„ 0, WllUtr, Al. Verges, musical dlrecior; C. K. Rurkliardt, business maungi'r, and Lew Oleusoh, general manager. Caki, R iik iim anu Dixie HALroitb, who re- cently Hosed a season of tlilrty -seven weeks with the Knthryn Purnclt Co., under the mnnagemeot of W. D. l-'ltzgerald, have signed with the same nltrnctlou for next iwanon. NttTK» KUOM Feun 1- ferred from Ihe Basiiibln Theatre, Syrncnse, to the National 'Ureal re, llocJieslcr, fur thu rest of the Hummer sea sun. The sen son In Syracuse, we are Informed, has ls>eu the most fmreesKfiil slock engngeiDeiit In tuahy years, snd tbe eiigilgetuenl In Kocbesler of tlll-i orguiilzallon proinlncK to lie a prosperous Olle. A tililiiher of Rochester favorites are In tho rosier of ibe company. Wn.uuu Mack Id plnyliig with tbe High- land Park Slock Co., at York, l'n , for tho nnjaamr Kit, W. I'nift writes: "I have lnnsed tbo title and bookings of Mitchell's All Star J'lnyers, and will open my hcngnti Aug. II. nt CjMsktll, N- V., In a repertory of plnys that will be carefully selected. A car load of special scenery and n novelty line of printing will be one of the many features of the hIiow. Home of the favorite players of hist hciikoii will be seen with tin- compnuy. and I look forward lo it prosperous sensou." Wii.i, Jay Pirrtins, having released all rights to peiors' peerless Players. Is mim- ni*rlnc with friends In 1 1 vdro, Oklnhoiiiu. hut will Join the Lorke.s in August, io rim the stngc nnd iiln.v I be part of I Link Kmvyei , In Will Locked own niece, "A Kansas Hiin- flowsr." Peters' i'l-crles* Players, tinder the ownership and management of Maxwell & Wnrdn, are touring Kansas, under ennvas, for the third season. LAnaivuR AMt l.<:i: report big success over Ihe V. C. Alley circuit uf porks. They have Jii.tt closed a five weeks' Aiigsgenient tinder the ahnve nutnflgcmoiii, in "Cluderelln," anil open June 11, In Nashville, hi ihe produc- tion of "Jack and Jill." Mr. Lnrrlvee plays Hie part of Jnck, nnd his wife, Barbara J.."-, plays the port of tlie giant's wife. H.w.i ah, T»:.S;. Notk.-- Cycle Park Thenlre. Chas. It. MrAdnms, insnuger, opened 'wllh Ihe Hurrls Parkinson Htock Co., wblcli Is playing an extensive ehgageuienl, prodtu-lhu n grertl niuriv flrsl i-Umi plays, nt popular prices, in. itii and fill cenls. Tlie patronage nt this popular resorl Is line. At Tin; HHSflriT in Luckv Jim Hurken, of Illnnev's Theatre, Newark, N. J.. Mrs. Vir- ginia Taylor and cumpnny appeared In her comedy success, "A Jealous Wife," including Dan i'miiklvti, as ibe hiisbnnd: La Hue Tsy lor, as Ihe parlor maid; Dave Cohen, and also J. Harold Tnylfir, ns the Irishman. The niece Is from the |»>n or Mr*. Taylor, ami lias heeii phired In vaudeville, where, we un- informed, It ma n decided siiece-ra. Mr--. Taylor, in the Jenloun wife, was fxcelleiii. The soiilirelte, La Hue 'l'n liar, wns iiluo suc- ceistul lu her spoi'lnliles. 46* 'Mm msffi ishew work clipper. June 16. it Looks ; 18wfl[;i '.-A if the cdgis of your coat crinkl<' ancj Uic fronts break. Oars are guaranteed to stand any climate, no natter how, light /the material. 'Special saje.of fifty styleH of Ijatiste, nun's cloth- and serges, light, medium, and (.'ark colors. Coat and Tronaers to measure, $21. • V ■■.♦-,.' , '4" Samples of these cheerfully given or mailed, with our illustrated booklet, "Elf gane'e atModerate Cost," to any address. ■ '■■■": '.'■ Y : Mt BROADWAY & NINTH ST. NEW YORK., Notes pbow tite Lycuvu Ntuck Co.— Since our opening In -New Jersey,- • sixteen weeks Hko, business lias iwrti exceptionally good.' wb liavi- fonrinore weeks in Northern New York before- irolbg into permanent aluck lo Canada. Our Juntcr lb- comparatively tin: xame. Kdua Clyiner Is leading wornim, uud Urr Lesley KiDgdi.ni, leudlug man, supported hy the -following capable cotnpniiy : Arthur L. Kelby, lteece Kenyan. JosPph Wolcolt, J. Hoy Spanglcr, Harry Leslie, Chan. Peflraall, Hni T4w Our feature vnudevlJle avts are Chic Harvey, boop. roller, and -Mile. Rbeo, feiualt Jyggler. . , *•"**; "'.■■' ■Lkfi .1. Kullak writes: "I am Eastern i"ou t ractlug a sari t for the ' JJew York Adver- tising und Display Co., for- the Summer.- I have sold' my comedy drama, 'How Tlearts Are Won,* to Manager -8. PVaryera, who will put 'It out- witb new scenery, etc., la .the popular price houses, I sin writing -n cdinedy sketch (or Win. burrows and company, en- titled 'Outside the Gates,* -which will b* pro- OUMd on- the-Kelth circuit next Benson." ' ii'.Tjia 'AndMMt on Mime. .Suffolk, . Vjl, and the Assembly Theatre, at Harrisonburg, Vji . , have been' 1 leased for a term of yearn by E. Q., Criterln, of 'Washington, T>. C. Mr. Craefin. ViIko has tbe opera House at Havre, do-Grace, Md. ■ ■ ■ •.•■■<■:•-. • ■ 'Notes kuom the AaLtNctTOH-- Stock -Co. r — This company 'will be a • new factor ■ in the "repertory . field, end wilt make a strong : bid .for lis. share of patronage. -The company will have nearly, nil royalty. playv-witli' hpcctul sceucry fur eactt bill. Specialties out of tbe usual run will ho Introduced, Htid a uumbcr of novel -feature never before at- tempted by n popular priced Hliowr,' will be udded. The foil owl iig bar* signed: Ellnore Weaeott, leading -My lUiirlclshUuflli, leads ; W. . W. Sbuttlewortb. bea-vlea ; Wo? in - Ly ter, character heavies; Frank Adorns, oa»raetern ; WUmoUi Rhodes, ■ character* : -Harlan- G. Payne electrician : D/allie Turver. musical tlirectreus. The real or. tbe company will -be selected with the usual care and Judgment, and Messrs.' Feluher nnd Feppur- look forward to n season of uuhoundud prosperity. *"We re* :e. vnudeT UJepatronflgoliivmKlr' HOTEI< ST. hkiflH, laa-uia West Market St. Indlanapblls, Ind. Convenient, to all tbeatrc«. Best Mgg Hotel In infUanapolia. Actors' Rateg. rmam-wim i S2s& • " . iMfflra n nan HlOLRY A JENNINGS, Props. 'If. VlMrlrHt.. oor.' Ontario, Ctttcaaro. L R ates, ao, TjTMidW'pgr iiy; ■ %% io_$u J«r*«ck. The Oarrlok Motol 10T-16D 8. Thirtftentli K-t., FltHsdelpUl*. F, Plan, iwonia H per day up. - : Special rat«tlo "" WltbUi Tvaikirig illatance of •all, A, 3. i-'HKllIOJ'Eit, tfMiager. the profftSalon. principal theatres. MOW tO STABTIN HIHWHUSISHKH. SOnyriKhtedt.ttdlflcrcDt hooks, ioc. All klnddact. usSBWB school, m n. mi. St., phiu., ra. ierger,- Ituc^ell J. Grose. tleleti' i>..May,^ Auno HqaiuudP, Matlelvii Hbone, _ jds, Baby Flor- ence ii nd Bub)' >t*uclllc. Tjib roster of the "Utai" Co. Ik an follows: Lawrence & Lhirle, inauugcrs ; Louie A.-Earle, acting manager; 15. C. Andrews. busluesK rep- r«ricuiatlv» : Chas. Msrtlu, properties; :F. W. Coulter, mnster mechanic ; William Lawrence, Spencen Olmrtcrd, Horace V. Nubl«, Ifa K. Enrle. Fred W. Coulter, M. H. Grotto. Frank ICuglUh, Cbas. Miirtlu. 'L'resln Lorotne, Bebu D'Arcy and Perle Korde. The company Is louring Maine and the proi'lnccs fpr-.tno Suru- ,'mer, and reporic guoit huuinesa all along the line. They will go down as far n* Sidney, X S.. with E. C- Andrews at-tbo tiller, seven days lu advance. Mr: Andrews, says ho is getttng better acquainted with the paste nucki't even day. and thinks by another sum- mer be will bo aMe to put up anything from u'fcbree sb«et down: ■ * ■;-' AValtkk ^coir Okksibk closed tile season's eiieugcuient with the Mantle Fleming Co» 'In Atlantic City, on May 26, and will play an eugugemeul In Chicago for tbe Summer. NOTKH WMI PETBBB' rESBLESH \ PLAVCUK. —We are st}ll coutluulng to break alt records lu tin: history of pavilion «tiiertaJnoiehtg In Lvansus, and Managers Maxwell & Wards are "'Ve'elplenta of praise waxy where for tbo rrfreucih of the entertnlnwent ■■furulshad. Thpilast, days-efiMay -brought- oopactty*bgal.- ntMH In Sallna and Herlugton, and up-to.dsto nuf a ~ losing ulgbt hii* been experienced. "'I'lic.bfBt evccsuKji!' It; tlm nen, wllh Mostcx B")H-rt as a special feature, atid-ln! Is meeting with succeMS-everywbcr*; Tilrj 04HB 'AcmroBnjM; Clear Lake, !»., .o|jeu» June 18. with II awl home -Stock: Co., which will .phiy u lwi» freeu 1 «uga*'emeul. The Onkf AnditC'iiiiin Is under 1 be manage- niL-tit of -tiny H. AliiKWortb. for.tbe; Buiuiuor, and lb booked solid for the .entire scaano. Tiilw houai" seatti l,'JOi>, and bos' beeu'-re- Tuod^led tmd ceritleil throiifrbout, ■. . »' ■ ■ ,TiiE • Ens a Maiu.ii; London Stock i Co, rill vi-tl lo large btitilseas at Falrmount Park. Theatre, Woodstock, 'Cau,. weols of .lane -3. 'The company was good; and. Lbs audtoaco .'wan well pleused. . • , ■ NOTES' PMOM IHB KjIUPfOK KOMFDY KO. — We 'closed a Reason of -forty-seven -weeks ut I.n Junta, Colo. The. season opened In* Victor, Colo., July 111 last, and' there wa» but one 'change lu tit*' •'Uiupauy for lbe-"eiitlrt v 8oaeow. '.Ihe next seauon will upen at Crlpi>Ie- Creel, .Jply 8. Toe' Summer will lie spout lu tin* tnouBtnlu .towns ,of Colorado- then nver the old. route 't"hrough , t'trtli, l4nbo. Wyoming, Kansas niul'NebrnfiKn.. Manager Kemptori hp« rirrMlCBd with I>nrcy I Wolforrt -for •"Maura Kueuiy," for »n .opening piny,- Many of la«t 'wHMiirs ciiu»iiaiij have. leen. ro-ouguged -fpr next season, * HOW TO IIBCO.HK A I ONTOMTIOflHTr. Front and Back UeMlng,.eAGb trick lUbauated »8o,. Wwr phet'jg rjcboo), 8*7 N.. 12th St., Phtla., Pa CIP.rVH Ml Kit IA.NS WAR'fKD ftW( : 'K. Uaraouo - Tubs, Trombone, Alto, Cornet, Clarionet, Strong Players and ,(iood Leader. Sight readers. Wire ull. Liberal, Kan'., June 8: Mead, Kau. t y: Bgcklln 11, ^Ireeurtburs H', llavlland l.V BON'- HF.I.'B'.H GOLDEN' ftlASCOI HAILROAU.b'UUWS. Those who Wrote , wrltft, again, and Rive tlite for reply. Rementbor we are away out West; ■Finest oijuipmu ui aoda ccu mmodait o nB on the, road. . "» *BLO!TV BTftlUEOpTiCON,'' tor song iUns- trators, lerturers; full Rise, 112.5b; send for out. BbOINafEH.AlF(*.(.-0.,g^KlmtiallBt,,F,lglo,m. DUDUKKH, Horalda Bttirj.' PRClBg I Jolinnonbai-g;, Foitna. and alikinda of small HOW PIUNTKHV, 'ORU'S TtlKATKICAL HOU8B, -jrw Went' 41. St., near B'wuV. Joel'H fpcclals are: Chile Con Usrne, 15u. t itfc-.; Hpcguetti, I6i:.; rig'H Knuckles and Saurkraut, Ab.: Webtlt Barebiti, 251:. Most rcaHonable and beat ramuiflt lu N. Y. loirn^ s fjnawj of tbe ttncrit beers. 'Always crowded with ending sb&wfoWt a'oil- newspaper mon. IxiOk for tlic [ Elec tric 8lifn;'''J0EI.'S.'ITron i B'w«yand41 -8t. TBHtfOlV'r/otild JoluTProf. tjuart., Comedy ,'Koor »r iiilu-treir*,liing,Hfcanon. Fl no range, read, rake- Toll all. Tenor, care if J. V. 'Murray, Troy, N. Y.*" Get ike Habit. Go to C44* CLOTHIERS, UNION SQUABE, l*lh Htifict, num BronlH.j*, • (' fit 9roidway, near Ohirabers, . .. 47 OnfOtDdl 81, near Grwnwlotu IJStli St,, comer fbM Atb. HEW YORK CITY. ... KANSAS CITV. WE ARE QUOTING SPECIAL PRICES ON COMPLETE LINE OF PAPER. LITHOGRAPH WORK Block and Type Work. Heralds, Dates, Etc. We' Operate Our Plant Day anil Night the Year Arottnd* COMPLETE LINE OF NEW PAPER IN STOCK SAN 3-8HEET LITHOGRAPH, I -SHEET "' " I -2-8 HE ET 16-SHEET BLOCK, 8-8HEET 3 SHEET I -SHEET All Your Work in One Shipment. Voti can Depend on Prompt Shipments. FOR LIFE MOTION PICTURES OF Color, - 15c. Each. - $5 per 1 00. $2.50 per 100. -' 32c. Each. 16c. Each. 6c. Each. - $2 per 100. AGKERMANN-QUIGLEY LITHOGRAPHING CO., 115, 117, 119, 121 WEST 5th ST., KANSAS CITY, MO., SHOW PRINTERS AND LITHOGRAPHERS. MANUFACTURERS OF COUPON THEATRE TICKETS. NEW KNICKERBOCKER 301 YORK OFFICE: THEATRE BUILDING. SPECIAL THIS MONTH ONLY, young, hand raised ParroiB, Kuaranteed io learn to talk, or monoy refunded. African Greyp, $14; Panamas, ill: Mexican Double Yellow Heads, $o.M>; Red Heads and Cubans, %2.'ib; Dwarfrs, $2. Tcrtttmo- nlaK circulars, tree. Uayton Bird Store, Dayton, ". Folldwiko the success achieved hy.-FJor- eace - Roberts, lu "The Strength of tbe Weak,"- at the Lluerty Theatre, New York, the past Spring, Alice M. Smith and Char- lotte Thompson, the authors, have' accepted ao .offer Jroni Gruce .Isahel Colbroo for the Euellah and German rights of tho play. " K r i nr.i, TMflt vAIujiiFono, a » ulay- ■WaH married i hirit'-wcik- lo iseter of) "■■■' wrlgbt, bMaei Je^ Graut. a uou-profctialonul. |a| tjon 1[. E tilUUAK writes ; ' l I closed _ m"Tmrt| »ml) Tfiutj m musical director :Wlth l're.1 Iht.vuiuuO's 'Mlbdoml tilrj' Co. (West- *rn),ln Aurora, III. I have, slh'ued. with tho biiuie attraction for next Benson, opening early lu Amjuat.. Wo will ugaln go to the cofis>t, ttti we did lant acabon. 'ITils cooipunv did an excellent buylnctiu ull aeuson. I wjli mmalu lu Lou U ville, jCy,, my home, alt. Suiu- mel'." .' ■ 3 * .■ iU'n Nauurii, tbe well known advtlu.ee "ecu i. hist tcatun ahead of Geo. .\r. t'obaaV "ttnuulug for 0(D'.l\" la lu tbe Hualtu Iu- tlrniary, Sa\r- Brlubton,' Statou Island, ue- rlouEly III. rile frlei^du can vfalt him oti Slouday, Wednesday o«d -Friday, -lroini 3 to 4 iv. m . . ■;• , ..■■ ■ • ■) ■ loo' LKTTKHUKADM or Envelopes, 20e.; |K»tage, 8e.; half tone, lfic; y-Ms, 'JOo.; IDthB, ::oc. ; cotipouH. Lie, etc. Samples. Jc. Roe, Art Printer, Morrlce, Mich. , ■-. - LKtTlREK AND OFFICE WORKER AT LIBERTY.' Long experience and a hustler; rtre-wtmd look, the part. Peroeniage or salary. Peanut grafters,- never again. Jo|i any place without tickets. Tell nil la drat. Dr. U. H. Kearn, General Delivery, Fairmont, YV. Vs. "" Tium. L. Pinn'h New Rig One Ring Show. Wanted quick, Clrous, Museum and Trained Ani- mal KxpoRltlou, Useful Performers doing 2or more aula*. Muslolauaall lines. Performers who Double Hraas. Acrobats, Contortloniuta, Jugglers and Xerl&i Acis.T'atned Animal Acts, Pll kinds, Lady -with Snakes and good feature for Bide show. Pay spot cash tor small Trained Elephant. State lowest and all you do In drat, and be prepared to Join -on wire. No tickets. You get your inrmey hero. Ad- dresa lioosick Falls, N.Y;, or route In CLIPPER. MAY HOWARD AT LIBERTY FOR SEASON 1906-7, For Farce Comedy, Extravaganza, or Burlesque. CAN FBRNISB ENTIRE PRODUCTION FOR BURLESQUD. . F"OR 8ALE»SO Funny Burlesques, Fl-FI," "One^orBejClroUB^'-Oyrano de R_ubber Neck,^- etc., etc., etc. Bools Including bj HAH.1 Trllbv," __ Y MUKim ana FRED SOI.OBK )\ . "Mu.lu by STR< I J1BBII (i etc., etc. Address BIAtr HO-WARU-MORRIB, 3603 Prairie Aveuije/Olilcagci. WANTED, Ladv MimlciauB (cornet, trombone, note, clarinet, druma) ; flu per week. . 6UBINART, 814 Stebbllie Ave., N. T. 0. H IIJK SHOW MEN— The 3 Eyed Calapookn and -Painting only $45, 'fl Time Organ, $10; floe lo Time Organ, $15. other smir cheap. List rree. wm. NELSON. 8 A'an Norden »t.. No. Cambridge, Mk,b. Hif$ee|iaiteott$. NO'I'KS PKOM TUB PAMAtlAHlKA AKIMAT, Suow.-^We. are dotinr.it big l}U8lnese,j*ud pro uoiv bloy'bg »t lyoodlynpD park, rAn- den, X. J., iicKmulng' Juue 31, and remuin two wnhl 1'ben we go to Loutsvllle. Ky.. for two days. The show bau been Bold,- 'but I* being managed by 1'rof. I'arauliaslka,, wnu Is' now iu bi» t >v rut >■ -third year iireticptlDg » bird and dug circus. There bavo been many tbanges made, and mnrvelous -ttrtctiR added. There arc more tliap one hijbdrcO bead of stock, consisting of dugv, njoiikevn, goJitu, geesu, ponies, pigs and the Uneet eel* lectlou of blrda ever exhibited In Ayierlcn. Kc'fc.11 U«o»„ who opeued -with rulD> "Port Arthur'*- abov.' at New Utleanp, win remalit wltb H /or the Summer. ^ E AflE KttitifcSTKn to poilfy Haniev HmIiI- wln'tbat bis ftitb.er bus died. ],ie «■*« a*- Un"'yu-Lls brotluu 1 . .Jeuse Uattler, general de- livery. Host.omce. Philadelphia, Pa. , It' tMATiVBLouB Hi. Oku writes: "1 opened situ Hale's l-:rcc P|gnf«M, Hay »«, foru f.'-nuoa *jtf thirty wc»'k«, . sad' bit- eHctrk utrt uiuatcaf bug' iMineblog net ' iu the . big dewing card' for ■ (he , aide ahow. We> nave bad Bob circus weather, and an* playing to etinacity'busliieaa. The ahoW.aeenik fv> be- & rWlnner/" , . - ' " , "I . -. i - ' A'.' 8. McSrnOA.N, manager of ntnuRomenU rwttfi VUtWufg itoUway-'Co.; was lu New York Juno '11. . AT LIBERTY by Aug. IS, n young nmn -Jl years of age, for next Season, as Property Man. Sober ami reliable. Ua-n make good. Tleketr Yea, if distance Is boyoud Chicago. Responsible Managers ouiy, address - 0BA & t'ROUSE, MUcliell.S. U. AT liberty, tor bill, or Summer season, 11. 1IL0SUF.K JENNINGS, Leads and Heavies. Age, 90 ; height 5.1b; weight, no, SaL.tlo. Good wardrobe, scrips, bast three seasons with Jere McAullffe. Responsible Managers only. Address 'Jl l MAIN ST., Lewlslon, Me. DR. X w. wiTTMAtv, Huntington, Ind., wants at once, S. aqd D. Soubrette- one that cau pluv piano. Good money and loDg engagement. Aiao Man and Woman Pianist. Will buy or engage man with M. P. Machine. Good bus. Regards to friends. ,. „ ,. MEDICINE MEN— Retiring from buslneBa Win -ell for fi-'.; anirt Mkcich Team, eaoh do sin- gles; Soubrette, good volco aud wadrdrobo. All cliaugo and dress oue week, flenta donhle brass. Strong Coruet, clarionet, Tnlm out] Tromimue wauled. PH. It. W YLL1E, Uulou, Ho. FOR SALE— One hoe Galatea' complete paper statue Mkeleton aud flowers, works with oil, $40; oue Cremation complete, $20: flrst class Cook House Tent and everything to fend 12 people, MO. J. P. LEE, WeatReadlng, Pa. BIONKYl MONEY1I MONBY»!-BIg Act for a good Vaudevi»le Circuit, Summer Parka, etc., by the author or the Bkotoh, which 1b a retlned, musical, aud dramatic comedy, having 4 charac- ters and -a lively plot. Was played at Pastor's Theatre, Memorial Day. Highest testimonials. Address MONEY! MONEY!: MONEY!!! care of N. Y. CLIPPER. FOR SALE— New White Sllkolone Serpentine Dance Drews, $8: Poto Outllt. Silk Dress, Velvet Cloak, 16 effects, $12; Black Art Outtlt, $18; tot of Tricks cheap; a) Colored Dancu Slides, $4; Model bOxytithe Outfit, like new,, $26; Pink stamp for answer and Mat. 'MRS. WM. CARL, WJ Court St., Rochester, N. Y. WANTED, Good All 'Round Sketch Team thai cau put on acts and make them go. Salary low hut sure. All yon do in first. No time to corr. No tickets; boon there. John Francis, Mgr.CIlftou Remedy Co., «m K. William St.. Decatur, ill. Rooms To Rent IN ^??.£ ATRI0AI ' DISTRICT, POR OFFICES, OPPOSITE IIAMMERyTEIN'8. . 2Q8-\y.4Jd Street, New York. Ioiorma UoD Wanted as to the WaeruboutB o! WILLIAM PATTERSON. Husband of JOSEPHINE PATTKHSON, If llvlbg. ANNA MARKLEY IV Allen St., N. Y, City, San Francisco Films AND SLIDES. Feature Films For Sale: Boater Brown, about 740ft., 944,00. Ex-Convict, about 7 IOft .. 643.00. CIirlstuiiLM Sllraole, abou.t 400ft., $21.01'. The Strike, about 410n., 944.00. Ed. Train Robbery, about T4€ft., 9^10.00. Buttle ofYaln River, uboutaOOft., §30.00. Cither of these sent to you for exainluatloo on receipt of $5,00. SEND FOR JONE BARGAIN" LISTS. , One Sellg Polyscope, -with Electric Bur- ner and Rheostat, with (ake-np com- plete, 930.00. Sent for examination on receipt of 5J.00, LATEST SETS OF BONO SLIDES. Alice, Where Art Thou Going. Just a Little Rooking Chair and Von. Oood Old V. H. A. Where the Swaunee River Winds Its Silvery Way. .VII bountifully colored, onlv : $D.OO per set, with music. Alto, 100 seta at $2.(H> per set and op. ALL KINDS Ob' SLIDES MADE TO ORDER. HARSTN & CO., 138 East 14th St. Tel, 3812 Gumercj. 1TEW YORK, N. T. NEVER CLOBF.O. Wanted Quick, for GAIL-DURHAM STOCK CO., EMOI'IONAL LEADING WOMAN: a number one singing and Dancing COMEDIAN, .for leading comedy parts; man for Characters and General Business. Those doing specialties given prefer- ence; none too good for this Company; no boozers; Incompetents, eloBbd -without notice; tickets. Make salary reasonable. Write or wire at once. Address J. roonEY, Cleburne, Texas. AT LIBERTY, SCENIC ARTIST, Owln» lo dlBaiipolmmonl. FIIA«K C. AMOOS, nan Cnlun St., Alleulowo, r« JUNE 16. THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER; 465 WILLIAM A. DILLON'S ATTRACTIONS MAUDE HUMAN CO. REPERTOIRE PEOPLE. AC I IV<. PEOPLE IN AM. LINES MUST BE FIRST CLASS, HE. LIABLE, GOOD DUKSSERS ANP AMHITKHH. Acting People, send Photos. WA NT I P-O R WILLIAM A. DILLON GO. VAUDEVILLE. WANT n> DIFFERENT ACTS. SPONSIBLE PAKTS. PREFER THOSE PLAVINU lit.- LONG SEASON IF O. It. JUNE AGNOTT GO. CAN USE GOOD PLAY8. ALSO HAVE SOME TO LET. NEVER OKKN DONE WEST OF NEW ENOI.AND. Address W. A. DUXOH, 688 Knlokerbooker Bldg- oar" Bhephard. Kew York. B. F. KEITH'S THEATRES AND VAUDEVILLE BOOKING CIRCUIT. Keith's .Theatre. ...... 1 Boston, Mam, Keith's BIJou Theatre Boston, Mass. Keith's Theatre ......Providence, R, I. Keith's Theatre Pawtucket, R. I. Keith's New Theatre Philadelphia, Pa. Keith's Prospect Theatre Cleveland, O. Keith's Theatre Columbus, O. Keith's New Theatre.- Portland, Me. Keith's New Theatre. ....Manchester, N. II. Keith's New Theatre Lowell Mass. Keith's Royal rrlncess Theatre. I/ondon, Eng. Keith A Procter's Union Sq. Theatre.N. V. City Keith & Proctor's 23d St. Theatre. .N. Y. City Kelth-i Proctor's Cith Ave. Theatre.N. Y. City Keith * Proctor's S8th St. Theatre. .N. Y. City Keith & Proctor's 125th St. Theatre.N. Y. City Keith & Proctor's Theatre. .Jersey City, N.J. K. V. Proctor's Theatre Newark, N. 3. V K. Proctor's Theatre.. Troy, N. Y. T F. Proctor's Tneetre Albany, N. Y. Harry Davie;' Grand Opera House Plttsbur&Pa Chase's Theatre Washington, D. C. B St. Jum Bonding, NEW YORK CITY. THEATKE. Er. I, Mtt.SU.4tl DAVID BELASOOpmenV 'THE 8IBL or THE GOLDEN WB8T." PASTOR'S I4tl. St., rid Ave. CONTINUOUS 20 AND 30 CT8. AL. U. WESTON A CO. MR. 4 MRS. BROWNING. BARI.ETTJ5 BHOS. BUCH BROS. TALK) DUO. DAN BARKETT A CO. ARLINGTON A DELHORE. CUNNINOUAH A SUITU. MURRAY, CLAYTON a DREW. THE BBNTONS. ORACE OHILDKItS. O'ROliRKB ,t GILLIAN. HAltRY 1I0LMAN. THE VITAGKAPH. THE SHREWSBURYS (MARCIE and LH.LIB). WAMTED, II LEA FOR SOUBRETTE AND EMOTIONAL LEADS. Must ha.o splendid appearance and wardrobe oive nun or plays you arc up In, State all first letter. Join on wire. CHARLES CLIFFORD, Bjagaag Hon... Kaa.a* City. Mo. ot hi.» oin.. Vaa««Tllia~ U. MBIEEPBLD JR., PRE8. ,TlUa Ifc.at aatraa, MARTIN BECK, GENERAL MANAflBR. All Ajrpllcfitlon. (or Time Mutt he AddrMMfl t» C. E. BRAY, Bixiklni Uantftt, M.JmMc TheMre Bulldlnf, Chicago, 111. Huber's \M n Museum WAHTKD, at all times LIVING PRODIGIES, Trained and rare animals, novelties ot every de> icrlption tor Carlo Halls and Theatre. Address I. B. ANDERSON, Manager, as abore. BERTRAM MILLAR, L . ,U W. SSth ST., NEW YORK. HARRY HOLMAIM IK VAUDEVILLE. BONOS, PARODIES AND STORIES. THE SAGES, HYPNOTISTS, PAUL ALLRN SAGB. Mgr. Back home after Ave years of success in Europe. AXICB ALVA NOVELTY HUBICAL ARTISTE, "THE LADY WITH THE CLARIONET." mum national mini lodge. MEETINSS HELD EACH THURSDAY EVE- ■M AFTER PERFORMANCES II IEBBAGE (14B0EI, lew Tort SHlL St., inr Third At*. ALL FERFORJiEBS INVITED. CHI Brown . Address MM Ashland Block, Chicago. CLARK and GILMORE ■Hi WEST 3»tb St., HEW YORK. . ,_ 59 oerrard St.. londok, w. TAFf VOLTA & ROBERT O'MEERS Artlttta wanting European time write, stating open Mine and terms, Cahic, "AOONIcy LONDON PROF. PERRINO ■ *INO OF ALL LION. TttAINBnS, With Al. F. WhMler'* Ne» Model Show*. ORVILLE and FRANK Are working llila week at the UARI.KM park, Rockrord, ill., and MRS. ORVILLE Is Willi thorn. RANZETTA and LYMAN THE FUNNIEST OF ALL LAUGHING ACTS. Work- ing Btcailj for Western V.mlp. MKrp. Oh, well. Adgle. and Her Lions. Touring EiiBlond (or loc Summer. Address N.Y. OUITElt Olllco, <» Umnliourn St., IV. c. London, fc-lglMiil. N. V. mtdreBS, no E«al Hill St, V. Y. MILL MABEL'S ANIMALS. THE ACT THAT ALWAYS PLEASES. The tiuv little slrl, the bin baooousand uionlccrs and the well trained doge. Most beautiful art hi vaudeville. Most beautiful and graceful per- former. Varied and beautiful costumes. Hand- huug props. Some open Umc tliltt Summer. Per. addres*, 340 8. FRONT ST., PHILA., I'A. Beach Amusement Company, Mineral Wells, Texas, WANTS AT ONCE To hear from reliable Al Repertoire Companies and flrat class NOVELTY Vaudeville Artbds; also g ood Small Baud, for last two weeks In June, all ot Augunt mid September. VEBN LA VERN, Mgr. Boauh Theatre. A few choice concessions to lease. NOTICE. Burlesque Cos, I Repertoire Go. Farce Comely. A Well Known Pantomime Acrobatic Coined}/ Act at Liberty for Next Season. If you want a feature act, this Is the otic. Address NOVELTY ACT, 38 Centre St., Newark, N. t -:- WANTED - :- Rentfrow'sl {Third annual tonrt; Vaudeville People, all Uue*. Prefer tlioac Doubling Hand. Want MiiBlcal Act, Han with Picture Maublue, good Novelty Acts, etc. All do two turns. Musicians for B. and <)„ Leader, Cornet aud Violin, Piano to double and others. State lowest Halary. Pay own hotel. Open July -J. One night -land. Kindly consider aiictu-n negative. Add. OBAtS. II. KfeOOKR, Manager, Box tip, Poitstuivn, Pa. WANTED, Double Btw ind Tuba, Second Violin lo Doubts Alto, Singing and Dancing Team. Other UnulctauH, write. oi'KN JULY II. CU Lit ANE, CHAUE &. WKSTON, 13T0 Broadway, W. V, City WANTED, FOR THIS Emerson Floating Palace Strong comet and Clarionets to strengthen Band. Other MuHlciaus, write. FRANK T. GRIFFITH, Band Leader, Goiconda, III. WANTI PERFORMERS, ALL KINDS horiR Canvas Man, and Mu»lelanH, all liiatrumcutH. Addreas week luno ll.MANAOKlt INTERCITY 8*KWa So. Krainlugbain, Mas?. HUNT STOCK CO. WANTS An Experienced Man for General Business, Preference given to those who do snet'lalUeH. Mnn.jgeiiicutPt.yR tward and traveling expense*. U. H. KILLMAK, HoyueUlty, Mich., June II to la; ChehoyganjJnne in tog). - ALL KIVDS OF RTRfiKT WORK, DR. GUY CLIFFORD, Loavonvorth. Kansas. FILMS CTS. PER FOOT. cts. per FOOT. $27 FOR $35 FOR 1.000 FEET. 1,000 FEET. PIMPIISSIflllPUIIf.oK.r. 1,200.,. $85 LUBIH PASSION M, KS^SSS™ $175 Pi* ..- *'•' Sc - AND "'■■ PKR ■''OUT. Ml US ISII.HDUd DfANV FK.VTUHK I ll.nl* FILMH A8 fOLLOWa I MELIE'H 1MPOD9IBI.B VOYAGE-— KH- CATKIl LUNATICS LIPK OP AMERICAN SOLDIER— —TUB SERENAHK— — BULL FIG1HT— BOI.l) HANK K011BERV-— HOLD IP OF I.F.A1)V IL.I.E COACII—DAYLinilT IIOII BKRV-.-1'O WBOl 8 AND 1M)1 ANS Bid AM18T— — SUBURBANITE— VENDETTA— CHRISTIAN HIARTVR8, ETC. 8EMD FOR MAMMOTH LIST OF FILMS FROM 3c. TO He. FER FOOT. AISO .Slides. Edl.fiir. Kln*toKcope.(ne.v and ...Olid' hand), Cln*ograpli., Optlcraplit, Kt,.. vsrloii. Motion Picture Maclitnp*. Song Ht.reoptlcoai, Mongand Po.e- Slide., Etc., at greatly Reduced Price*. SEND FOB OATAL0QCE OF PICTURE MACHINES, HTKREOPTI- rONS, OXY-I.ITIIK OAS (ll'HTS, CON- DEMMEItS.CONDENSER PROTECTORS REELS. LIMES, UBLATINE, ETC. CARBONS. >.' X Vi, PIH lt», U.&. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES AND FILMS WANTED. 809 Filbert St PHILA., PA. FOR RENT, FILMS, MACHINES, And SONG SLIDES, WITH OR WITHOUT' OPERATORS. PRICES THE LOWEST. HARSTN * CO., 138 East 14th St., Tel. 38!2 Gramerey, NEW YORK, N. Y. ALWAYS OPEN. WANTED. FOR ELECTRIC PARK, (10OD CORNET OR ULAHtONKT, Dance violin, open on wire. 0. V, Bijou Theatre, Montgomery, Ala. Ii'j uan nlay HOFFMAN, iMPieiii'iiui Must be (food Singer and Dauuer. Have just eon- eluded long season with Wataou's OrletitalP. Ad- dress KIIMAN1 HTUART late Stuart and Turneil, uarcorOLIPPKK. PARTNEK WANTED With small capital, to art as Advauue Mao. Must know IiIh buslneBH. Am e We nt ;nttli. New York City. 48 KEY STREET PIANO Al condition. $100; 30x40, round cart rem, n-r-d nip season, ino. c. f. prbscott, RMMMgL u,-. Wanted Quick, Several Circus Acts, Comet, Oarlunei, A to. Mum join on wire. J, A. Aiken, wire. UUNT'tt HHOWn. Houtli Rmtnot, m«.s. It ; Oipskc, N. Y. ( W; Ati-;nnu 10, Pine Plains 1". HOLLAND BUILDING, 1440 Broadway, Corner 40th St. TiUphoiti, 05U-094-9n3 Bryant. Oftbl* Aodrwti, Wllliaoriti. CHICAGO OFFICE, 167 DEARBORN STREET. Special Attention Will Be Olven to Summer Parks and Fairs. BOOKING EXCLUSIVELY THE FOLLOW I N<1 LBADING VAUDEVILLE HOUSKSi P. W. Will tains* Colonlsil, P. «. Williams' Or phcatn, i; Brooklyn. P. O. Williams' Orpheii m, noalon. P. o.;williain • New llronx 1 Tlira trf, fitw York. P. O.WIlIlimi'Alhsmbra, P. (-.Williams' Novelty* P. G. Williams' Gotham. P.O. Williams' B«rg«n Beach, H. Myers* Doric, YonVers. II. JHyers'. Atlantlr City, Henry My ert' Dorle, Camden, N.J. Keeney's, Brooklyn, Morrison'*, Rookaway, Oelmllng^s, Rookaway. later national, Chicago, Hippodrome. Cleveland. t'ook's Hark. Rvansvllle, Manhattan Beaeli, Denver, Colo, u Theatre, Belolt, Wis. est Hide Theatre, .laneavllle.Wlei Rllou West WllmerdiVlneent'SaUtloa. Wlliner to VInrent'a, Heading, WUmer At Vlneent*a, A Hen town, Wetter A Rash, Blnghamtna, WehsrdtHash, Mrhenettady, II. II. Lamkln'a, Toledo, Hammsrateln's Victoria, Hnmmeratela'a Roof Garden, llttinu.erstt'ln's, Phlla. Sheedy'a, Fall River, Sheedy's, Nowpert, Ilnthaway'a, new Bedford, Hatha way 'a, Lowell, II a 1 1 1 a wa y 's, Brockton, BIJou, Lincoln, Neb, i ■ ■ mki.i « Manaloni' Park, St. l*oals, 11. II. Lntnkln'e, Dayton. Cedar Point, Sandnsky, I. C. Misliler, Altoona, Ta. Chester Para, Cincinnati, I. C. Mlshler, Katie's Andltorlum.Lynn, ; Johnstown, Pa. Electric Park, Toledo, O. | Wool worth Hoof Unrden, Rlectrlo Park, Lancaater, Pa. Detroit, Mich. ; Br I tin nla-on-t he-Bay, Forest Park, Ottawa, Can, Little Rock, Ark. IGrand Opera House, . Electric Park. Decatur, III. Cleveland, O. lNewr4avoy,llamllton,€an, Uennett'a, Richmond, Ind. Green's Ourra House, West Hide Park, Cedar Rapid*, In. Mwncle, Ind. Oodfrey'e Theatre, Athletic Park, Grand Rapids, Mich. Ketv Jlrleans, La. Bijou Thentre, UIymplaPark,Newark,0. i Omaha, N«1>. JV, B.— It la Important that artists send their open time to both the How York and Chicago Offices. CIRCUS ACTS, VAUDEVILLE PERFORMERS, Must do Two or lore Ms; MUSICIANS, double B. & 0. or Specialties. Mljiti- lowi-Ht »Hl»rv tlral lillrr. AL. MONIIHKI.I.n, KIlllTH AMI I.AVINK, I10H11AT. KRKD DAILY, HA11RT lUWK. wrllc. .Vliln.. Illinn >LBK lb IIKKII'H Hllvit'h, Vrritii*. Pa. MUSICIANS WANTED On all InatnimrntH, f-r RKNWICK RK.Vt II PARK, ITHAt A, \. Y., I <)\( KRT BAND. Mention lowt-ni Hummer salsry In first' letter, Adilross A. J. STASTNY, (-are of Ithaca Mlreet Railway Company, Ithaca, N. Y. Ladle*' Band considered. H'OR RBGUtrAR S1JASOX OIVIW, SOCBKKri'B, LKAIIS, H. ami 1). HMJUULTtKb. PcHurl w»rilrol»>. i™ Viin llliren HI., V«n Kent, N. Y MUSICIANS and PERFORMERS On iciiotml »i a N'w liars rniiing vi hIimw ii|> wewauLu Hlark PiieodTuiitn andMuskwl Team, als» clarlotiri HiiclCoriici. Wrllc or wire low.-si. Canvas Mlnxtrcl Hiiow. Week stsndH. H. W. WALKKIt A. CO., Princeton, Ind. WANTED FOR THIS 8IIOW THAT H'l'AVM OUT. JOSHUA SIIYIPKIIMS AT ONCE C'umcilv Old Muu fur -losb. wltli tt|ici:lnlly : Heavy Muu In Ih'hhh; lleuvy tVoncii, Soii!»ri!ttc ii lid Old Malt). Tliosn ivltli mh'iIjiIH-m |.rpfernM|. AIm> Mining I'driuH Player. Steady work for right people AdilresH <*. It. It KN< ». I .ITf I Hnniilwiiy. New York. AiV A 1VT 13 E> NORTH BROS., 8TB0NQ FEATOBE SPECIALTY. Also cluver Kouljroltu tn do hoiiii' Juvnullcs. (lliu wll.ll spcclaUy pniffirrcl. Woillfl like In hear from gooil Shier Team. Address NORTH BROS,, OKL AHOM A CITY, OKLAHOMA. AT LIBEBTY AFTEB IUIE 16, ILLUSTRATED MO SIMER TKMIH Will lurnlih slides. Par. ,ngig.m.nt pr.lirnd. Address AL. REESE, ..Care of <>, In KOOd^oiilIltlou. FOR HAM...... l.oniftltN. V Lik-L ■ JiH'ka, HtrliiKi'i-H und Sr-m (toiinlh. f-lfrll- per lotiglh. ih'wIv imliitird. A. St. VAII.. Hparklll. Ilorkliimi iU>.. N, V. VAUDEVILLE NOVELTIES .Add r-CHs J. It. MORlifH^JIO W.jtfMh 8l.. N. V. L*. Al Liberty, Experienced Band and Orchestra liKADKK. lificstu or iraviri. Tliestre MatiaatfrH, write. Would lolu Al MuhIchI Act. Play Vjiilln, tiirnct. Uaridollfi, Otiltar, Hlnger. I'ltOP. W, \\, WATTS, 99 Lyudliunt ot-, H^vCtslor, >'. If. ■OSIO PHIITIIO AID P0BU8IIM KnTAllMHIIBD IR6tt. I'JngriivhiK Hiid Print' iiijf Musi'.*. llnlf-Tonca, cli'., In all lirsncb^n. HungH and music uoin- piihtcil. wrlltcu mikI Dr. rangiHl. Aniogranhlif iiiiihIc prlnllug s sju!- i-liilly. Hcnii Htamn for MiirniileH and i:(ttn< Iiivmi'h. I'm- nnwRHt t'ol- Ini'llnri of aJW ilanrfl for violin, pluno, man- dolln, ate, Hunt pust* paid for :.") cants. FBAKK HAB0IN, Ml sir I'HINTKIl, 14 IMirlHlnplior HI., Nnw Vnrk. ii'iiimni'. r,r,:i'i-H|,riii(f. KIIANK HAItlJINtJ. FILMS -,0,OI)ll FLU 'I'll IIE.VT, lall.tlOU KKK'r. Al, ON RKKI.H Of ABOL'l' 1,(1011 mm, ,.ii). iii i (IP. EDISON EXHIBITION MIIEL With t:ameragra|ili Klre Proof Magn> lines and Take an, roniplftt, #1M». OTHER BARGAINS AT HI West jffg Ml .. Bwf York City. Sketch Team! (Hau arid wife) waDterl llisl Is well tip 111 ttiud- h lut' tniBlness snd ran uliaiiRti orteii. Hold di> single^ and one iiiuhI plsy organ. Htato aalin, wjj.rn yon run Join ami all .Volt do. fiv wesk pitoplc will do. Oilier iiHidul r-urfonnirM, write. NATURE'S REMEOYJO. Phlli, J»a,_ HAZEL HURST OPERA HOUSE. II. A. HOHWKIT/KIl, • - - MANA'IHR, IIA/ia III KM', PA. KiioukIi "aid. A (irst-daHH show town. Voir liooklus for- ltKW-7; v.nu iim« one or throe nltfrmjrs. or weoK stands expei'lally, For time and terms address at»fc. WANTI4B AT ON€B, riHST CLASS Trap Drummer Willi imiia. in week nun twnrtl. No luklr. wlm , JUtiKI'U H'lBEiJ, IwvmimU, (J*. 466 THE OSTEW YORK CLIPPER. ■ June io. IRW YORK CITY. Kt-Wii A Proclor'a I'u lu it Square Theatre iK. F. Itogrr*. rodent manager). — Good limine** ruled here Monde y. June 11. Wlllard Slmms nnd Krflth Coin-ad, In •Things 1 Have Seen in • ■■«- Stage." created round* of applause and mar* of Inughter. Mr. SlmiD- In a clever comedian nod an excellent mimic. ,. Thf Knur Lukens returned. In their wonderful casting net. than which there Is no *uperlor, nml iMr work was as thorough- ly enjoyable as ever, 'iraee Caincrnn ap- peared n, * Rpauhtli sown, nod iben i km m ft in ii bnby dress, returning Infrr In long sklrt-i ro win ninny w.illw singing "Holly iftmiili*.*' Mr. mid Mrs*. Perkins Fisher offered their old favorite.. "The HqHwuy llujise," nod the ipiM, iibrtnoiix humor Indulged In liy Mr. Fisher nnd his wife, proved ytf wBy. Swnii and Itambard caught the fancy. In their MMrlr comedy ncl, The World's Comedy Pour amused,. In ihelr singing and comedy net : Ferrern nnrl li Im musical dog pleased the audience, and ihe canine seemed In thorough- ly enjoy his part of tin? offering. Al. ■" rt-li T.,n kept his nearer* laughing during 1:1- uonolngtie, which tins l>-en much Im- proved of late.. The Zanoras did Nome mri* lew ( knockabont 'cycle work, which made. » Tirana; appeal. Tom Moore was a success us a singer of "coon" nongs. McNamcc Is tho- roughly urtlxtfc lu hi* clay modeling, mid *e- Hired plenty of lunghn ' with his comedy. Leonard Kane danced In a pleasing manner. Laurie Ordway I'lrxi time here) wan id en- joyable i-ho meter comedienne, and mAy lie classed an a flatter! success. The klneto- graph closed the bill. Puraillar Roof Garden (Oscar Ham- mersteln, manager). — Thin Is the second week of the Rummer season here. During the past week the popular resort was filled to Its ca- fioclly ucnrly every night, and Ihe opening illl was of the name cccllcnt calibre as" had been offered by the management In preceding Summer seasons. The bill this week Hats the return engagement of the Fays, whose recent np|iearanre here during the regular season cnused a deal of comment, and -ihelr feats In tbauinatiirsy then, as now. mystllled the patrons of the theatre. Their neaoces are composed of two purl* — one of occult demon- NtratlonH. and tin 1 other what I- known n* second night. In l»oth of which the Kay* are rlever adept". The inalltice of Mondny. Jnnel I. wax well nitendeii. and tin- prognimme con- tained the following •'Xcellenl uctx: I,:iIj,i Self Irini (xecoDd week), expert blcyi'llnl; : litre and I'revo^t, In "Rnuipiy Mnniji-" (Hecond nreek), an Ad which never lire* an Hiidlooce; f'ltff Hfrxflc's ComiHlv ('IrciiK (Mcond week): Ale- ble Mitchell nml her IVnneuBPe Student* (sec- ond week). In 1l!*lr pleitslng niuslcul itel ; Konr Bard rirnn. ixerond weeki, lu marrebniH -ucrobnlli'M; Qrrni nml Werner (iiecoiid we?ki. preaonilug "Riben In Ihe Jungle :" t'olllnri nnd Hart, i-outedv ucrobals (Mecuuil week) : Selma Brant*, tin- . nc<-ompllMhed Juggler i *< -i-d'.Kl week) : Ihe Ciimlllo 'i'rlo ( -'niiiil week i. comedy bnr.tict, and \a\ Tong Kti, llrst o|i[ifiirain.e here, uml iiiinnimci'd as the only Chlueite. baritone lu the world.- . Aftnleiuy of MunIc ((Jllrnore & Tom|>- kln*. rnnnitgerMi. — The third week of the en- gngeitienl nf.J-L II. Kothem and Julia Mar- lowe. Inn repertory of Slmkenpeareiiti char- acters, begun. Monday nlghi. June n. with ihe uiidltorlum of thf theatre alniuKt com- pletely idled villi Hpertntor*. A* our city i hiti l regoor*> who reverence ShukeKpenre'H Idtiy* ii iv ulrendy rnmlllnr with .Ml--. Mnr- owc*r. delightful iwrtraynl of the character of Katlierluu. and Mr. Sotlieru> virile iK'iet'lxailon of lMrtiHilo It is only uecessary to say here thai Ihelrucllng was fully up io the .sliiudnrd of 1 heir pn.it work. The support - Uili ciiiuiiiiny wim iidequaie to the deiuaiiUa. nad the phiy wnw npproprlulely slugeil. .-'The Taming oT the Shrew" Ir to he prcMented Tuesday >md Weduemlay. June 12 and IX . followed oti Jnue H-ld with "The Men-hniit uf Venice.'' On Mondny. June IK, the hist of the four wepks' engagement of Mr. Hutheni olid MIrn Marlowe. "Twelfth Mght.' will l*c nieseiiti'd the flrwl Imlf of the week, nml "Mauilct" the <-mi- I'linlliii; half of Hie week. TIiIn engage- nient also termlnntes the iireitent Heaaau of tnla Iheaire. 'Hie cast or "The Taming »f the Shrew" ■ follows: Haptlntti. William llnrris: Vlniviitlo, ThouuiK Duvls: l.iiceuilA. l-'iPrterlck l#wl»: I'etruclilo, K II. Sol hern : (ireuilo. T. It. Coleman: tlorlnnalo. KdHou It. Miles: blondelln, h'rnnk Itelclier : Trunlo. Kred Krlc: A I'editlit. I'. J. Kelly; Tailor. Malcolm llrnd- li-y; llnberdaHher. Frederick Kaufman ; CSrtt- uilu, How laud Riickslone : Km her Inn. J ul hi Murlowe ; Uluucu, All<*e Harrington : Widow. .Mtlli.eiit Mclaughlin: i.'iihIh; Mr*. Wood- ward..- i. \\ In t ii r In tirovr (Joseph llnrt. innna- gen. --Tills roof garden opcuetl for the *en- mou 'hiesdny evening. June ft. with, a hill lit- chiding vaudeville m-ix iaud "Seeing New York," .1 "uiiudciil sunp mImi. in «U unnps," urrnnced liy Joseph Hurt, (Tlflou I'mwronl unil A. llaldwln Sloatie. lu the llrsl sec- tion wore ; The Ynuiautoto Hnw.. the Six I'rovenules. Snlerno, Sulxsell liros and Mack, una the Pnndv Dixie Mloatrels. In Ihe review I'mf. Duahy IVir^ons, of tlolyoke. cornea to New A'ork in meet, a widow, and his adventures lu various sectlona of Ihe city Introduce Hie suapxhots. A scene ul tho Klai Iron Hulldlng. showing the women's Pklrts blown high by the wiud from ■ fan act In the sluge lloor. wns luirdly lu good ttvtr. thi Monday, Juno II. a second edi- tion, lu live snaps, wns offered, which was secli an improvement uvcr the orlg- iiuil offering Hut the chance* of uh all Suiumei- run ait' excellent. Joe Iti.t Is nil Indefatigable worker, mid during lit'. 1 |kis| week lie hus ellminuted nil su|h.t- I'.uous talk and business, mid cut nut two pongs, xo Hint from si tin to ilnlsh the -kit Is nothing hut "gluger." Al. Leech "showed up" lu much lietler shape lu the second edi- tion, and scored many Iniighs. Clifton Craw- ford was easily Ural "under the wire,'* as Sir Mouliford Kulghl, and captured rounds of Opphtuse lu bis vaudeville turn. Introduced during the action. Carrie lie Mar was a ilrelcRH worker, nud kent everyone buay on and off the stage. Iler apmaHlai were wnrwi.v npplnudcd, her coslumes wen* stun- ning, and sue mny ls> eongratulntMl on dolntr some of Ihe besl work lu the nfferlug. I'lierldiih Slmi)H«m made a great lilt hi her songs. "My IllushlUK hTw*" unit "Miss Daisy ('own." 'rue sivnery wns all good, ami Ihe costumes wen 1 as hands. mi" ns any ever seeti on llrondwny. New vaudeville nets lulro- ihieed II were: The Kdgertons. nerlnlists, and ihe Knilons. lump rollers, who pleased. Salerno ngnlu offered his wonderful Jog- filing act : Splsscll Itros. and Mack rnufied uls of laughter: the Six Provennles excited roumls m* ■pplnilM'. especially the llrelewi little woiiuin who closes the net ; Tlie Dandy Dixie Minstrels lire greatly fnnroved. and came hi for en thus ins He np- lilause. Their offering Is tsmnd lo go now. The cast : I'rof. Ihmhy l^rsous, Al. J.cfch: Kli- Montlford Knight. Clirton Craw- ford : tirace Van Alstyne, Chcrldah Simpson : lieorgi' I'ubst, Tiionms Korluue; Sniggers, .lulin i:. U re una n : .1. Kiley Shannon, Clinrles V. Met 'art by: Daisy Hell. Fletiretlo De Mnr : ■Mar-v Ctvcu. Maud lirey ; Sylvia Stone. Al- leen I'tnvln : Kraai-es 1 'ay ne. Ih>n trice Mc- Key : tierile Dixon. Mnrlou Mills; Varney. A. Hnte«: Keffjnml, Harry l.lnkey : Cabiunn. Wilfred Thoin|Mon : Second Htorv Mnu. I.auls ^lorloii : indly Dn.v, Carrie De Mnr. The garden has been tiistefully decornteiL and ihe Japanese landscape elfis-t wns very lien ti- ll fnl. The lighting iiimI general Idea of deco- railim is also verr effective. ii.-iiiBfo riicntr.' (David Brtura, man- flgeri. -llliincbe lliitcs sliirteil her tlilnv-fir.tf week June II, lu "The lilrl of the liolllen iWewl." Rt*W York llicntre (Klnw ,V l-:rlnnger. r . ,!„..,- (..-,) . "|tu Honor the Mayor" started It i third week June 11. Ke-llli A. 1'roctwr'M '1 " »■■■ i > -lit ir.t Hirr.t llu-utri*. - -rillHK (Winner McKay I. (be citrloonlst. irbaM work In the New York dally newspapers baa won him cnnHldenililc fume, mode, mi Jane 1 1, Ms llrsi vaudeville appearance locally, In ho net Hint was liber- ally applauded, lie begins the specialty hy sketching .in .a h,iitk.«Mii'd two liaijy faces, mnl tliH*i- In- grmlinilly nges liy n (left stroke here unil ibere uiilll they jirogress through TMnom fivtii RTHKirr.-'TIic rWMI Secre- tary" is the. offering for Ihls week, and the house wbm crowded 1L The pluy was pre- oenled wllh care rn to dctsll hihI stage nccca- Hiiri. --., .- l i ! r I wllh a coat headed by 1'aul Mc- Allister snd Beatrice Morgan, ibly anltted by ftobert Hill. Agnes Scott, fieorge Howell, Robert f.owe. IretlO Jewell and other, houoe favorites. The vaudeville offers: Taylor IIolmoM. the Hreat Chick, nnd new motion Rear, inid nave special WKNMt wheel to ehn- trol. CTen- dimmer on .the. bosrd.. It la WOT1CE TO CtmrtESrONDnNT*. oimi-ated by the rlcctrlclaa, fflnMktli Our theatrical corrapondtnt* are Acrrt, M stage through a -MtLcoraM APffBi » ^titled that the ^rfr.iMi. Z^JZ** SlHgr Iliroucil H spccini.cwvcceu uinroiug iu mjmmA ihnt tli* ™/^-i**j n f. - ----■■■"» the ruotllffhi trougV. The switchboard cob- Sfflf ?■ g* credential* nou> htld by trots 10J3J« 16-('. P. lamp*, besides motors, »**» etptrrd on June 1, They are rcqueiited "" lacnnilesceht atoge to return them to this office at once far ■--■- reteicat for J90S~JW7. ' nr.d the various ata^s of lime chiiages to^totler- pictures. "The l-'lrsi Violin" drew packed was greatly Jotere^t- honoea all of the pant week. ingolduge, Theuudleui ed and nuiiised hv ihls work, anil Mr. McKay's sketches «f •'nil- ftnrehll Kind." "Sammy Sneeze" and others, which concluded tile ucl, were also voted defer, Vltili-r BIuck and com- pany gave "A Wesi I'olnl Jlegiilnilon." u well wrJlli-n Hketcb by Mury Haymond Shlpmau Andrews, nnd the interest wok well main- tained throughout. Mloa Black's acting whs highly commendable, and good old wan given by Jiowir N>wlng and Tbomas Wending. Max Will's SIxKophomores nod n Kresbmfln, with Hurry 1*1 leer, sang well, and Pun Shea- iiiiiii and Mnliel De Korrest node their Usual hit. OMti-rs were : \V. C. I'lelds. In his clerer juggling ad: IJIitun Hhaw. Iu dialect work of a high order: Campbell nud Johnson, whose idcycle rldllig Is excellent : the Bold- ens. colored entertainers, and Mods, und .\mi.vvii!:a il*cicy ii. Williams, msnag'r). — A series of operatic revlvalH cm luangu- ini-'d on Momlay, 11, wlrh Sinllb and l>e Koven.'s "Itobln Hood" as ibe Urst we#k's offering, it Ih the first time Hiat. this opera hdslieeu presented In Harlem at prices such oh those tliat prevail at the Alunmhro. A different opera will be presented each week. There will. be. tnatlsee-s on- Tuesday. Thurs- day and Saturday, Instead of every day, with a different cam for each opera.. The opera com puny Is under the management of Milton and Sargent Aborn. and mo*t of the original costumes und scenery .ire. used lu this pro- duction. The production drew pack"! houses II. h nil afternoon and evening, and all in dlcfltloh* pnlnt to u successful Summer sen- w .iu. Among those who were prominent- uod Mme. Knrsy. with llielr novelty, '•'(Tie Myro- scored successes were: flnrold Illuke. Camp- I J 111 I II 1 1 '1 llj. I 'i. i 1 !■ .11 1. 1, .III !■ j_ . -^ i: llmif. t kj f 1 I lj ill i I d I A DIIHU ^. ' , ill .. llutn rir..in I.* phone." 'Ihe motion, pictures continue! (irund Upera, Ifuone (John II. Springer, m.umgeri.- Nell Twotney again hranehed out as i drainuilM uii June |j uu which date local playgoers saw for the ili-st time his new four act rural comedy drama, '^rbe Post* master"* Daughter," wnlub then received Its llrsi iiroditcUon on any stage. Toe t>ie rhe- J _ 'ry few vacant seats, and ail who bell Itouald, Agues Stone, Meta cir-nn, Slnnton ileck, Karl Stall, Ylvla Brewster, W. II. May, Maurtre Hageman nnd F.tbel I 'it fie Houston. llt'KTiu k skamon's Mt'str II mi, (Ren llprtig, mannget). — This house closed for (be ken-on 10, and reports are that tbe paat sea- son 1ms been, a profitable one. It will re- open early Id August. Gotham tSnlliran & Krnus. managers).— This house closed it for tbe Summer. Busi- ness for tbe pa>st season was beyond expec- tation. Pakk TjiR.vrat: opened 11, presenting the aire onu ,,-,j *r»» huphi ^i-l* *p, ivltnesaed the play seemed favorably Im- pressed by If, if genuine applause counts for anything. Mr. Twooiey was forced to make a speech, and he was brief and happy In the seiertluu of bis remarkH. He has written a _, play that does not lay the usual stress upon Brltt-Nelson fight pictures only, the energetic snd resourceful villain und the hounded hem nud heroine, and there Is provided very little of the high sounding and artificial dialogue of melodrama, lu fact, pretly Utile love scenes and bits of sentiment, with Ihe usual complement of hu- morous InrldentH. Illl out most of Uu- time between curlainn, and although the nellon lags ii trifle here nnd there, the story Is well written and Interesting. In the comedy sections .rf the play .Mr. Twumey showed In the proOwrloau 'De^pltVFhe^vaVmVeatber" skill In his work, and much genuine mirth "The i'earl of Haror" drew large houses week wns the result. The scenes of the play ure ending E I- . '".." " m! >JI Maine village aud In New |,t xa Park.— Big business is being done iork^ t By, and Its story tells of how Irma here with "The fireat Train Robbery." "A ■ Trl|i to the Moon." the Dragon's mui. meeting of the Actors' Society of America was held June 7, at Lyric Hall. There wns quite a large attendance. William Conrtieigb, president of tbe socle tv, wns absent,- owing ro.the fact that be Is filling n professions! engagement In Chicago. . » i » RHODR IHLA1TD. Woonoocket.— Tbe Woonsotket i, Wrm House (Josh E. Ogden,. manager, ,-ios*n r ! the season with Nance O'Nell, io '-GuaJlu • June C. Miss O'Nell was at her ben inJ ibe production well deserved the exeribm biialuess It received. The theatre will rV mnln closed until August, when u win oen under Its new management. ^ M Hoaq Un Tiiuxnii nv. b. \, e matla ger).— Bill for week of II; The A wS. Us, Bert Baker.. Chester B. Johnstone ihs BartiertR. nnd moving pictures. The 'com pany last week drew well. Terry and Fim.'r were very well received. On the wbolp Thl present teason la opening much better "thaa Inst >ear. B • - Hl-b THRATiia (Jas. Conklln, manager)-, Tbe closing week, lim, will be taken by ibe New \ork Specialty Co. limine-., la-u welk was very good. In*i wt-tk MEW JERSEY. Brooklyn.— At the Orpbeum (Percy n. Williams, manager) '*Fra Dlavolo" Is pre- sented June ii- iu, by the Orpbeum Opera Co.. wllh a specially selected cast. Judging from the advance sale of seati, business will lie big. Pavto.n'.s IS. S. Allen, manager!.— "The TJttlo Julnbiier" Is this week's offering. The In rau comedy whole strength of the stock company Ts seen jr*jamf*!!r-sid Fairyland Theatre .M.li- vllle * Shulthelser, managers) buslneis last week was very good. Bill for week of Jua 4 : Swlcarda, Hodges and Hodges, Delly and AuBtln. Miller and Hunter, Nnt Gill Don. zetta Troupe, and Robin. Family aiie, who played Hie leading female role, Irniii. was shooting the chutes. M unity's Animal Shaw nnd Hie ojwn air circus over the lagoon, where every week new nets are present'*!. Major Crawford -and Moie. Louie, with their lion acts, nnd Mme. MorelH, with Iter leop- ards and jaguars, furnish plenty of exclte- meni ni ihe Muudv Animal Show. I>i:r.i]||.a.\p. — The Itoyul Itulinn Hand, composed of sevenly-lwo musicians, will soon open a long engagement. The utlraciltms now opeu Im-lude: '■Creation." "The Knd of Ihe World." "Hell Gate." tbe airships, "Swllierhind." Infant Incubators, and a free hlpnotlrnuie which Incl tides a baud of Mnki Indians "The Fall of San Francisco" will be opened within a short time. The Xlngnra Hnnhers an- making n hit with their high wire ne i on the beach. RiomirK's Anjuai. Abkna.— Heiulrkksteii's trained- Hgers are provhrg io Ih* one of ihe n»ost entertaining ucis here, and Galllard's Ilous are also n big feature. Snessardy's bears. Iu nn act .which Includes manv n«w fent urea, are iroving a capital addition 'to tbe Heimore, Metn Mnynnrd, Ittcbnrd Carroll. Wilfred North and Theodore Krlebus, all of whom were elected for three years. Ti;i: (iini, 1'atsv closed its 'engagement at the Snvoy Theatn* suddenly June i), The hotiae theu closed for tbe season. . Maitji: AnA>.ts snld farewell at Ibe Rmp're Theatre Saturday night. June ft. dosing her tlilrty-otie weeks'- run In "Peter-Pan." Miss Adams will return to this house In the same jilny next nncemher. SfcMRBRs OP- the American Medical Asso- cintlou nttended the performance of "The tiovprnor's Son." ftl tbe Aerial Gardens, ev- ening of June 8. IlcttTio &. Mr amos are to have o roof gar- den on Hie roof- of tbe Metronolls Theatre. Ii I* lo be called Old Keldelherg In the Air. The olcbos will be decorated to resemble as closely as possible the historic spots of the old ensile. Tiik ■fiilinHIJI oFFirn of the Harry Von TIl7.er Music Co., on West Twenty-eighth Street, was gutted hy Are June 12. H > OHIO. pletely won Hie hearts of ull.hj- her fruok Huiohtun Kuali I -a it k —The ran nml iho saug a pretty song, entitled -|'nder (hi Parasol," with splendid enVct, aud was given A nuiulier of floral offerings ai the end or the third net. Air. Twoniey played the \u\rt of Arthur In a iiiunly and synipHlhetli: wuy, nud I'YIIx lluuev gol plenty of tun mil of me role of II. -l I'erklus. a lyplml "rulie." Mr. Haney's song and dance cnnglit the house, and lie grew tlied rescinding to encores. 1'^lwlu Mordant, as a discarded li.nue of I nun's, guve a most prnlscwnrlbv perfornt- uuce,.unu "Twectle" Uiincnu. us UlIIIc. Smith, u promising village yonugs|er, was very well liked. The others, gnve good Hid. Itobart W. Alexander, under whose direction Ibe play Is produced, hns glveu if u good stnglng. The cost: Irma Itartletl, Uniru Jacohy Oeane : l-'nnule HiHlge. ilr.ice Cumpbell | Mrs. Boanl- muii. .MiiIm'I siuuiiiu : Samnnfbn Willis. Funny Cnrew ii'rmil: .lolin Ilartleti, Burr Carnlb: Ariluir niiiirdmuu. Nell Twomer: George Boardmun, -lack W. Ilendrlx' Jed Huckens. b^lwln Mordimi : llcz I'erklns. I-Vllr Hauey : Serb I'ursim. Waif red Wllsou : limik John- soii. Frank M. Alien: HIHIe Smllli, "Tweedle" Duncuu: Andrew Carrln^lon. T. A. Bur- roiigb ; Waller Franklin, h*. P. Wulson ; Mrs. Waller Franklin, Uieauor llnlddit: Henry itlre, Paul Kunwliou; Mr .-. Klugdnut are drawing large cmwds. t-hlqiilta. the midget, Is . tbe feature of the Pike. Pawnee Bill's Wild We*t Show, which will upeu for the sen sun Thurs- day. Juno 14. will lie located on the slle of Ihe Hoer Wtir spectacle. Among the mnnv other features ure n new mechanical device, entitled "Hapjiyluud." aud Professor Lewis' collection of snakes. . . IlKMUfltsov's. ioxkv Ist.AMi. — Bill week of June ii : Wentworth and Vesta, McCren nud l\mle. Heriina und H rock way. ihe Great h'rederlck. the Four Sawatlas. Yorke I'nmedv I'oi i r. Hrlstol's Ponies. Alexis aud Schall, itenler nud Uaadlrr. Johnnie Carroll. Musi- cal Ihit-ln;. famous dm tui Opera Trio. Four- teen Black Hussars, and Klssett ami Scott. YininnHtowii. — At Idora Tark Casino Theatre < K. Stanley, manager), week of June in. the vnudevllle embraced: Richards, foot juggler: Blamphiu nnd Ilehr, In* comedy: Clarice Templet on. vocalist ; St. John and Le l-'evre, aud Aldo Amour, bnr comedians. The hill Is highly satisfactory, and drawing well. John ('. Welh'i- nod his hand was engaged for Sunday, lu, nnd rendered nn excellent programme.. Avos Pahk (Jos. W. Wess. manager). — Manager Wess engaged the Kilties for tbe current week, nnd purronage Is very good. Notk. — Comedian Jnhu Price Is borne, greeting bis many friends. KRW YORK MTV JOTTINGS. I'OURtkhn of the chorus girls of "ills llouor. the Mayor," Co., now plnylug.i'.; ihe New York Theatre, gave what they called a New Kngluud dove luncheon. Thursday after- noon, Juue it, lu the npartmeuts of Catherine Tauner. AH the girls present are unlives of New Kuglnud. and nil the food served was sent In the individual members from their Jlenry Rice, ' nmlve I owns nlong the rock-hound coast. These viands consisted of fresh and salt ' Kdvfhe Raymond; John, Alliert Rowland. .PuNior'a Theatre tTouy Pnslor, tuann- halibut stenks, lobsiers, Hams, oysters, mus- ixrl.—'lhe usiinl good attendnnce wan seen gles. hrowu hrcad and Boston beans, Cobas- here Monthly, June II. Al. II. Weslou and net punch, Modford rum nod genuine Maine iilnijuiny. Iu "Tbe .New Heporfer." were quite applejack. The packages of food began ar- ILLINOIS. Decatur.— At Dreamland Park Theatre ii F. f liven, manager), the bill for June 2 nud week : Scott and Wllnon, Cnston und Harvey, Yvette. Harry Steel, Hlimt rated snags nnd moving pictures. (noes' Band played nfternoou nud evening fl, to immense crowds. C. W. Cessna comes II, whb his airship, "While Kagie." for an Indefinite en- gagement. Notkk, — Sigtrled aril Rosenthal assemble Ibeir vaudeville nnd moving picture teot here, nnd will open the season tl, 7. at Charleston, 111. Then to. Casey.. III., for tbe opening of s uew amuaement park. A. Slu- rried Is treaatirer Jake Rosenthal general msnager. George Noel, stage manager, and Rollln Mallory advauce man. a suctress and created bus of fuu and quuuh lies nf o|iplaitse. -Mr nud Mrs. Browning offered "doing Info Vaudeville." which made a hit. and I hey were liberally rewarded. Tim Gnriclle Bros, were seen In their coinedv skating, mill the crazy, antics of Hie twain were provocative of. explosions of merriment. lug Wednesday afternoon, by express, aud the lust contribution wus a barrel of russet apples from Maine. Amoug the girls present were; Ociu Thompsou. Marlon Whltuev, Isabel Plunkltl, Jessie Cnrr, Helen Turner. Kill-ore Mnnsflekl, IMIn Ilernnrd, Catherine "anner. Rose Bird. Mnrlnn Alexander, Klilv i ■» CONNECTICUT. Ihe Huch Bros present ihI l very Interesting l'nrks. Bessie Fenuell. Grace Andrews nud ncrohnilc liaiiiiiclnu net. The Yallo Pun, Fuio lienu nnveliy dnncers. were a great success. I>nn Hiirrctt and eompnny. In "A Y'lslt to the Widow," kepi every one. In good humor dur< Ing llielr slay. Arlington and Ueluiore came lu for rounds of applause In their turn, nnd scored merrily. George W. Cuuuliighaui and Geneva Smllli, lu "The Shoplifter," huve n uul(|ue offerlug. which pleased. Murray, I'laytuii nud Hmr presented a travesty on "The Ijidy of Lyons," Incidental to Iheir net. which Is full of loughs. Eiwood and Maggie Bent tin iruo success In "TTie Profes- sor and the Maid," Grace Cblldera and her dog. "Pol." formed n very pleasing net. O'Rnurke and I'lllhui did some, good stuglug nnd dpnclug. nud Harry llolmnn offered some good parodies. The vltngraph closed ihe hill. \ i In ii tie dncdcii etc Tlienlrr (Sam S. & Lee Shuhert, malingers). — Henry K. IMxey. hi "Tbe Man on the Hoi." hognit bis iblrd week June II. cumIiio u Washington. I). C, nnd theatres or the sam" name In Indianapolis. Memphis nnd Balti- more. He wiih twice married; his second wife, who wuk Marguerite Logan, of Lout* vtlle, Ky.. surviving him. lie hud tnru brothers engaged In coal mining lu Kentucky, nud a sister In Kurt Wayne. StriNitR RK.H.-OMM, well known on ihe operatic stage .-is n bins singer, died on Thurs- day. June 7. tit his home, C3 Greene Avenue. Brooklyn, N. V., after an illness of six months. . Ills private name was John Clark, and he was born lu Ireland about llfty-alnc yeurs ago. When n boy he came to this coun- try wltb his paieois and settled In Brooklyn. While employed a»: u reporter on tbe Brooklyn A'ao/e he was a member of the choir of Grace Episcopal Church. When eighteen years old he was seat, to Italy nod spent over ti year in a musical college lu Mlhiu. For eight years be sang la the Itoyul Opera Company, tiuder f he direction if Meplesoa, and subsequently joined tbe Gilbert and Sullivan Opera Com- pany, with which be made a tour through this '■oiuitry. Mr. Clark was a member of Hie Sietsou Company, in Boston, for ten years. HI health caused bltn to give up bis regular professional work about thirteen years mm. He gave most ol his time after that to train log choirs aud choruses. In Brooklyn and lu (*>ncerr Hinging-. His last venture wns lie Millard Opera Company, of which lJiiira Mil Inrd wns ihe star. He wrote many urMHes on musical subjects nud wns a composer of some reputation, j Mnu. IlKMtv Dazian, wife of the well known theatrical costumer. died at ber borne. I4U West Forty-fourth Street. New York City, on Thursday, June 7, from brain fever. Mrs. Bazlan waa Kmtnn Berg, whose parent* were prominent In theatrical affairs In con- nection wltb stage costuming. Her parents died when she was very young, and while still hi her teens she was married lo Heury Dazlau. Only recently they celebrated their silver wedding. Mrs. Dazlau was highly cul- tivated, especially In artistic matters, and it was her coslumc designs tbai have been seen In some of the greatest singe spectacle* presented here. Iurerment was In Woodlawu Cemeterv. Gi:oitun Zcno, ct (be Zeno, Jordan and nee or S. The eompnny left for Springfield Zeno iroiipe of gytnnoslB. whose name In urter ibe performance, where tbev played In prlvnte life was George Walsh, died on April a tent during tbe evening. ui». from interlv fever, at Klerksdorf, Smith Ppi.i's iLouia K. KHfiy manager).— This Africa. He waa a native of Saginaw, Mich . cool nnd plensnnt resort was well patronized and wns twenty years of age. Ever since he was twelve years of age br L ~ during tbe past week, the presentation, "The Ohnrlty Ball." being greatly enjoyed. "Ca- mllle' 'and "Sherlock Holmes" are announced for this week. ♦-*♦ UTAH. Sail Lake City.— At tbe New Grand Theatre UL J. Rlddell. manager) "in ibe Hands of tbe Ce»r" did good business week of June :l. bad been In the show business with Xv II. Zeno. Hh mother, a sister and a brother survive him. Loins A. Giiary, an actor, died from to berculosls on May 21), nt Phcenli, Arizona. His only rotative is Mamie Geary, a sister, whose address Is unknown. Caas. F. Berger, mnnnger of the Dorrls Opera House. Pborulx. Arli.. who Informs us of the death of Mr. Geary, wonld like to have Information con- cerning the address of Mamie Geary. I'rof. 1). Clikton Price, who Is said to UTRie (ffm. Glnney, manager). — Tbe Lyric have Introduced tlie first minstrel company to Slock Co., In "An American Girl", and "For St. 1,oi)Ir, Mo., died In that city on June ... Her Children's Sake," ptnyed to good houses nfter an Illness of several years. He was born week of .1. j a xew York City In lift and mudled for ORfiiei-H (P. G. McLean, manager).— the stage, Kvenlunlly ho drlfted.to St. ldOO» The Orplieuni Slock Co. did good business and became a teacher of music there, week of 4, lu "Alabama." Kddif. Fox, a comedlnn, of tbe team oi Casino Pahk iWm, Glnney. manager).— Kddle nnd Laura Fox, died at Benson, Arl- Ziiins Trnvesly Co. playetl "The Mascot," to sona, on Mny SO, from gastritis and pnrnly- EishI business, week of Ji. sis. nfter an Illness of over a year. Mr. I"* ♦~^«. . was born .In -Jersey City. N. J., on June L;. MISSISSIPPI. 1SB0. and entered the profeaslon In 18i.>. . His first partner was George Fielding, the Jsok.on. — The Livingston Pnrk Stock £•& JKro" ^?*SHj??«fS^r Co,, with Seth Peel, manage? and leading tho »™«'n» abows. and during bis «ree. man. Is showing ulKbilv at the I ivnmtnn pl"*»ed ■ In most of the leading vaudevf in Rrk tUaffl'nStS 1 Tl mfiSBm h«JV«- In tbe United States mff^Si extending fhl-ougl. the Summer season with wll> i ^SS l ?h* nd ? SW'&JS^B change of bill (wire a week. Good com pany "" wlw " "• Uterment was in Benson, Arl and fair attendance. This week. "The Rim- zo V?' on W*^' * u, „ie» Alice ■iwny .Tn> m p» ,„„ -Teu N, gl ,,» ,. a Bnr rfBj™* £&"«•£& gj&^ were found dead In o room tn the Ho ,p ! Iloom." *-*-«. "WISCONSIN. Kxchauae, F.Idon, la., on the mornlog of June 0. Both had been shot, and the lndlenllon> were that Grlndell bod killed bis wife n»'i then committed suicide, as a. revolver wa-; found clasped In his hand. Tlie remain*; iw Mr. Grlndell were seut to Plallsvllle, " H ■ to th" home of lits parents, and Mrs. t.rur Ran Claire — -At the Grand 10. I>. Moon, manager! ' rncle si Uasklm" June fl. I'moir iWm. Armond. ainnag eel. —People for week af'4: Delia Watson, the Waltons, .. Win. Almond, the MedalloQ Trio, Hdw. Gray dell's were sent to the home or her parent-) nnd company, and Jno. Harrington played In Hamilton. 0. , „ ., to packed houses. D. T. Outxnr.Li. and bis wife, Alice Duti-. Notr— I'Biupbeii Bros.' odvance car, No, Imtli members of Angell's Comedians, were 1, was here over Sundijr. found dead in u rooui ai KUbm, In., «" lu * JUNE 16. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 467 .....mini: 'if Jill'** *»■ 'to" 1 I,H ' 1 ,,wu ""°ll nul1 " Xn... WM* .11.1 liptadrll had killMl i . .Hi. and ttau «immlll«4 wilrlrto. «« a ro- vnlvcr wan'fomid cfom*d In Ilia l"i»«- ruM -ls ASTliciNV Kuils. a ilnisii Inn. Willi «.» In' I lie orrhmtrH nf tbo Metrwollfan The- J,™ Bnirilo: N. V.. In till! .-.ii'b. illi.il .m June il In Hint i-IUr. agM "-IgMr'TO ycara. lie k wurvlvtil bv four .on.. Anotner win. tue mte ji^rnli A. 'Knhn, wns far many years an or- ji,.- rn Irailir at linrfulo th.atreti. gitdtr U< ttttt. C A. Pkimiimi. glass blower, jollied Lis wiliiiiiu I*. tI"iK' Wonderland and Musuem ;,[ Norfolk. Vil, June i». TUB ViXUM IlOHIXSOS ClIlCLS Is I lie Iairel MUvmMl seeking fame. It Is now [raveling through Southern Iowa, aod nan tiiel wllh phenomenal business. It opened ^i \del In May. and Is now linl-lilng its iiftti v-eek Pred Buchanan, owner: C. W. Bu- chanan, manager; James Scgrlat. assistant innhnper. and Everlst Hayes, pre** repre- sentative, are among the directors of ton en- ici-prlxr. lc .» one of Die largest; wagon shows on llie roHd. having tuenry-one irMPW sixty-four head of horses, anil a well Piinl|>nod menagerie. Including an elephant, camel*, lions, bear* iiurt monkeys. Tin: Tiiolll'V Cut Trio report business splendid with (he Great Wallace Shows, and niai they are doing well. i;ru[i.,r: Ablinuton write*: "1 Iieg lit In- form you that the ttrnt of Arlington k Davis. caterers to Barnum & Bailey, was dissolved liv mutual connent June t>. The business will be continued by mo." Faun A. Hoikjhon passed through New Yurie J tiuc It, en route to Ills home at Col- lingwood. Can., where lie will spend the Sum- mer. yilKt: Kuu.NKr. bareback rider. Is with Mmkuy'B Kuropeuu Circus. Tin: Foiikfaci.u-Ski.i.s' baseball team, nn- dcr the management of liarry ti. I-amkln, I jiii- up this season as follows: Jacob*, t. f . ; Cornnila. 2d b. : Launder, s. s. : La Mar, r. (. ; Fisher, .">d b. : Kgener, c: Bung. 1st b. : La Van. r. f. : He Boil en. p. : Slayley. p. : Con- nors, p. The learn la ready to play any circus nine. Fkom Cummins' will Wi:kt. — Wc wUii to notify the friends of Hilly Vogt that since. he opened with the Cummins Wild West, hn has not been able lo do his work. We left hint at the Mercy Hospital, Springfield, Mass- very 111 with, we believe, sum* 1 kind of kidney li-nublci Ills friends connected with 111' 1 show raised quite a -sun, which wc left wilb hltn, am! we arc going lo send liliu more as soon as collected. This, however, may not last long, as bis ' Illness, wo Oar. may be pro- longed. If a*ny of his old friends wish in correspond with, or assist him, letters will roach blm, at Mercy Hospital, Springfield, Mas*. Jack Cousins, equestrian manager of Frank A. Uubblns' Shows, will soon intro- duce some new riding acts. Km Kumxr has closed In Advance of Cole Bros." tolled Snow*, and Is resting in De- troit, Mich. Tilt: Sensational Hoists arc this season one. of the strong features of the Ureal Wal- lace show. The press pronounces the act to be finished and artistic. ItuKTKU of the side show with the Jones Ktiormons It. It. Shows: Al. Anderson, man- user kwI orator: <». Burkhart, leclurer. I'unch and magic: Mrs. C. Burkhart, mind render: ■!■'. Mexican". Hon act: tieorglu ' Colored Minstrels. Chief K1 Ko Zulu, cat ortdiestra. 'Mr. add Mrs. Blckel, comedy liox- i hi; act: Ltzzette. soakc cbitrmer: Miss Oc- taria. song and dance: II. Burkhart. feinatc im(>ersonalor : colored band of nine pieces; It. Slarr, dour keeper; C. I-klwards, J. -Mc- Hihlc and Bill Smith, ticket sellers. Tim ttKX't lit; Oar troupe of acrlaiisls anil ncrobais, Wm. X. Marie. Hurry and Walter, rrpurt luaking a big hit with Harris' Nickel 1'late Shows. In Chit-ago. R.'.upi am) ItAijxiN are oi mute wilb the I'lti-epangh & Sella Bros.' Shows. Sthaihut Talk rabsi John Kubixsus's '\\:s Bin Snows. — it is slniuge that ihe dra- tuatic jmiwrs ami kJiow folk ao fret|iirutly get ■laies mixed rvganllug age. 'ownership and niaimgement nf the John Itiiblusun Circus. iteceully. an ili-m went tie rounds giving it n:aii n niiicd Itagerx as once a partner In Die raterprisc ; also: Ibiil l he present owner, John I' Uubln^ou. wus sevcuty years of age, nnd his Ron. ihe present manager, John U. lioblnwiu. forty years old. Kurtqcr that the aiov siaried in 18*H1. No mau nameni Uogers was ever partner. The writer evidently was thlnkltig uf f'liurles Jtogers, of the old time SpauldliiK & Itogers Clrcux. Tlicre have only lieen two real partners In this business. The l.rxt was (J. N. KIdrvd, and tlie other the well known Mr l.u'.f (Wvem^r ltoblnson's pres- ent iige is slx'.y-thm'. nnrt his win Is llilrty- four. ■■Cncle" John Ilobinsoii. who rounded Hie show in ls_M (tills )>e)ng ItKcigbty-flfHt year), rc-llred from active mauugemeiil in 18.*iK. when Hie (iovernor look charge. I'nclc John died hi 1SN«. Tlw n«vei-nor Is Ihe IVait of th« rlrcua world. Whlle'lbcre'iitv perliajis older abowmen in point uf sge. he Is by nil ovAi.n Bhos." Show. — When we plsyed t'barlesluD, 'fenn.. some louglls from the mdunialiis came In' to "cut her down." A close watch was kept on them. ami they wen; prevented from doing say harm 'till night, when Un-y succeeded In cut- ting ntte. of [he ibsin guy ropes, letting the pole- fall in. The rnnvmt men drtin ihe men away after n short tight, lit which one of Hie toughs was killed. The man 'who did ihe deed left for parts unknown, and Harry Mc- l'onald. one of the proprietor*, was arrested for Ihe crime, ami Ihe show atlaclted for SlU.OOu. At the hearing Mr. McDonnld was released, only lo be rearre^led ou the ssrac charge, lie was tried Iwfore a Jusiiee. who w-as ii retail re of the mnn killed, and hound over .under $o.OUO Isind. As it was clearly a case of "hold up and shake down." Mr. McDttnnld concluded lo give no bond, bat had bis lawyers lusiUun a writ of habeas corpus, and Ihn trial im at uuce la*gmt. Tin- ease litis time was heurd by Judge- H. C. James, who passed in h verdict of "not gullly." The court room whs packed at Ihe time, i, mi cheers arose when the verdbd ma giveu. The baud whrou was niauued at oiice and advertised the town for n perfurniami* that nlghi. At tlighl the tcul was packed to capacity. XtiTEK mull Joyce's old Time Country Cir- cus. .1. K, Joyce, proprietor). — We are n»w on the finish of Ihe second week on* the road, and have la-en doing a pueuoniepn.' business at every aland, in mnny eitses turning people away, the tent being' too small lo iircoromo- . date the vast crowds. The verdlei la ntws.ya the aanie, '"I'be liest nnd neatest wagon aho'w on the mad-" -»*■»■ aan^wtvano mtnsirei fvi Ca ItOHKN, wire 'wizards, wish to cor- reet the statement that one uf them had died. They canceled the Cincinnati engage- ment owing to the death of Tred La Bose's father. ■.ItJtltv" JIli.i.nx. pianist, retelvetl a bene- fit at the Novelty Theatre, Brooklyn, June -'. and drslrea to thank the performers and friends who m'ndc 11 a stlccess. A'odht $8U0 was realized. ■Iaiies Biiaov writes : "The following \w«- pte were Inliinted In the Hmtpberrv Hush, st chltllmthe. ti.. Mny :tl : Memlten of W. U. Ha sit be tries. No. 101 : b". Clayiaxil. J. Kcmciy. I: c. 1*0111. K. Want K. Wcuger, II. Mindmk. II. i.lbson, li. Robinson, i;. Hoblnsoli: K. Swcpson, J. Hall, ii. Claypool. Chas. Hunter, A \„ niehle. Wm. Sou lit. 0. Campbell. "John llogaii. Snm Uerjer, JainL-s Brady, Jack Ivy. eiecirtcni Mrs. James Brady, little Mary Brady, Ivy signed for a new ihPBtre nt Jackson that Del mar add the wm Sbjtera." - --- Blm.a and ILathono, who closed a succexs- ful season with the American Burlesquers, wltl spend the Summer at their home In St. James, I,. I. Tub Kins-Nurh ntet with great success at Haninn's I'dlui, Toronto, (int., Can., week of May 21, mid also al ihe International, Ni- agara Falls, N- V.. week of June 4, with Athletic l\irk, Buffalo. N. Y.. to follow. Mu. Ral'KKtt, of Itackett & Ilaanrd, In- forms us that be has refused all offers of engagement' for their act for the Summer, ana be has accepted a isisitlon as saxaphone Tun IftUUEffl (Bob and Nelilel Inform lis .bo: \Viiirt:iu:.tt» am. tiik tJHlKBans Sik- Ihat ihev have Joined Arnolds Comedian*. In Tans, who appeared week el June 4 at the North Ihtkola, which opened 'the tenting MajeHlr, Chicago, write us that they hsve season Mav 1U. to good business and pleasant m« of the- prettiest and elevrreit three acts weather. Tick Qlu BtftitlH.r trachea xi* that tina b*»on #rn Mn some time. They ererr week, and It mnre thart' Welcome. Bos- have the circuit to follow, with plenty of the ter of tlje company U as follo%s: Imk Ar- nold, proprleror and manager ; Anna Arnold. lh« Dallevs (Bob and Nettle), BerT Wiring. Kdi Skngen. Otlo Ulnae, ljilng and llane. W- S. nt:rrB«MBW». who contrnla vaude- ville theatres In Kalamaaoo. Battle Creek, Jackson and Hint. wrlle» ns follows: "The season for polite vaudeville In Michigan will be over by about June 10. My Jackson and h'llnt houses are now flowed, and Ihe other two (owns will folttnv >uli by the mhldln of the month. Arcordbis In iny plans the Btjou. in Kalamazoo.' will tie enlarged to n sealing i-apadlv of nine hundred people. The Bnltle Creek bouse will be entirely remodeled, with a l-omplete new set of chairs, ■r angy ind electrical Improvmentk. Leases linVe been re nt Jackson that will ■at lug c hundred iieople ■ stage ■jr-xRO, daiiona for the big acts tn go Art Raatern time. Son nga Tom « r hONNKLLV's Mis- llisll li of |H; RC| BUM** lOKAt. Ml.v* sin>:i.s Blllr l in line, manager: Bohhy l>n Hue, Suwhi He Hue, Master John Lamhcri, Waller Hear a. Out-go Adams. Fred lllll, John Uiip. Harvey Dunn.' Haymoude ' SI. Clair, lleorv Tyler. Frank Itaartley. Frtil. Ilardy. Frank Hraham. Lorln Fa.tjersoii. :ddle ApnlegHic, John Lc*. Hrorgc Murray HrtiKLH.— ThU comYufnr. under tbf, personal William Stearns. Harry Frank. In inanagfrnenl hf .IiicVwV sinker, ojleiied their arid IV II. Hurt! July l I wilt hove Ipibp* for tw« new hatpea whlcirwlll give me six weeks of hVstking for the coming i-wwiji I have Jim dosed a con- tract to manage a Summer vaudeville thea- tre, lornted at South Haven, Mich., which Is called the Coney Island or Chb-Hio. on ac- count' of the big excursions running from fliat clfy *o the betrV during the Summer. As there nee new vaudeville theatres build- tdg in Lansing and Bay city It will give . every lown in the State of Michigan or any soloist with Cacl I Kuuges Concert Band, at murtrtance a goed. first elaaa vaudeville the- regular Summer aeitwm early this month, and met whh their utaat suitcss. mHWM Si"ker bus surrounded Tommy Douiu-lty with tin- tiest comnant of hhuk face tierfonneN in the history «f this old and reliable organi- sation. This season the company piny week atntins exclusively. In Ihe leading parks In New Kuglntitl. Following b the roster: Tommv fiiinnelly. Jack V. Stoker. Norman Stanler. Salon l»e Miller. .Inch H. Kearns, Jos. McAmlliii. Charles I vera. Frank Brown, Arthur Bantu. Norman Hants, Frank Bant a. Harry Von Bell. ft. It. IMHenger. Jnnwa Fin- ning, C. K. I'erry. John Lynch. J. N. Fam-lier; Fred CnminK V. XlcAwley. J. tlonohue, L A. Cliirknon and i.eorge Hart. TllK THUCK 1»i:i.ovs. Kdille. Tolla and Myrtle, write from Hutchinson. Knu.. that ifler spending a successful Winter lu the itrln rati or: tlrorge Mun Frank. In advanri . pnigrammer. We closed our forty ulnth week June lb at Wlnrtunr, VI., and the S. «, O. sign was out four nights nf our closing week, and thus ttiilshlng a most, prosperous season for this company. After a two weeks' lay off we open our next settdon's tour at Bellow* Falls. Yl.. on June ■ •JS, hooked solid for foiiy-clght weeks. W« will carry a much larger and stronger com- pauv, malting a sprelal feature of our con- cert i. .mil. which we claim to lie the llnest on the read lo-day, inir new wardrohe will In- the nuiai I'blhornle ever placed on a min- strel llrsl part, backeil up with our new Hrst pad Bet, ''Trie Hrfnten nf Flowers," and we carrv Jipc'* 1 scenery for every one of our olio acta, which will inimU-i' seven. All our pcoitle nre already under com met. wblcii wilt moke our show eouipleie from the atari. mill thus wltl make us one of Hie foremost South, (lire opened on' ihe ttfrkaaa middle of mliisiret c.mpiinles now In eilsien «... ■- - ' * .. . i. . . .-- . -.1.1. . .. .. I'm. Hi ,m. ii Win il* I I l.i,, \l n II 1 1 the Blsmark tbtrdens, Chicago, In order that his wife (Miss Ha/unit may have a mucii needed - real, as the lenni has worked very steadily for the past few years, both In this country and in Kut-ope. They arc already- booked for n fourth tour la Ureat Britain, commencing Aug. If), HK'T. Woon anu Stum;, comedy musical act, were with the Bijou Minstrels weeks of May 'JS and June 4, at Ihe big carnival, Bayonue, n: J. Mns. RicAiiiH) in Conwo and Baby Aurora are plnylng the Western vaudeville house;. Mrs. Cornyo will leave for Chicago In Aug- ust, to place Baby Aurora In a dramatic comjiany. to piay child roles. IjILLIAN FllANKIilN closld'll VCfy HUCCCSfltlll Kenson with the Miss New York Jr. Co. at Indianapolis. May -7. Her singing numbers, ahe writes, were among the hlla or (be show. She opens a ten wneka' engagement oa'Die Middle Wettt circuit In parka, opening at Sioux City, la., June 3, with Omaha, Neb., to follow. Tin; OtiinixAi. Bowcgf Boys' giAttTt-xra have signed with Mr. Clark again for next season, after playing nine week* of park work this Summer, over the Orpheitni circuit-- WbUM ami WsMX wrlie: "We are In our tiixth week with the Li Blnnclie Ot|ibeum Co., in Minnesota; inectlnc with most gratifjylng siiccess at every performance. ..Mrs. Welsz's •Klectrkal Creallo'n.' a novelty -we Introduce hi our ad, crcntea a sensallou. Master Ferd, and Miss Onlda. our son and daughter, are the luatiii-es, und well deserve the ap- (iluubc received nightly. We'vvllI remain m iho North and Wear " for the remainder of Hie Summer season." Nat Haines hats' closed his vaudeville sea- son, .tnd will resume work In September. He will make u short trip lo Europe, and then go lu the Catskills. Notks max tiii; Mksskmjkii Tiikatbb, orry._ I'H.--The sensoir at litis bouse closeil and the outlook for the coining year la considered good by Ihe local managers." Notks fmuji Bkacii &. Bowkhs' .\Iinsi uki.m. — For next "afAtton the ahow will \* far *a- prrlar. larger nnd sironger than ever. The hnnil will be. the lai-Rcst'and liUOst uniformed minstrel bqjid tlutl ever was carried by any minstrel comimny. Wi> will have new lltlm- graphlc pujier, new tlrst part, m Miry all new. - coshtmet».-'« , t<'. .1. H. Smith, the ituinn ger. will do nil in his power to make this the greatest show on the road. XOTKS FIlOM THK RUtW MINSTBKI.S. — Wc opened our season at the Bayonue, N. J.. Carnival, for twit -weeks. We have a grand tlrst pari and four big Beta In the olio. Weber, the juggler. Ward Bros., singers anil wooden shim dimcers : Wood nnd Stone, mu- sical act, and the' Blfou Comedy Knur, slng- kll! ■ Wesl chi'ii'U of Summer theatres, with ihe Olesoo Hi bin circuit lo follow, mid arc booked until the middle of tlrliiber. Jamkh Cabnox was Initialed Into Lodge No. "j;i. Buffalo Lodge or l-;iks. night of June It. After Ihe meeting Mr. Carson was given a biiiuiiet. .lu-mis am> SAintKi. have closed their vaude- ville seasiai. and have signed with the Cin- cinnati Ai iii-rim ni Co. Mark ami I.AI*ra Bavis report meellitg with big success In their neat Herman sing- ing, vodlhig and comedy act, "Hans, the Urorenr Uov." Week or June i tiiey were at ijbeilpoi Pjrk, Wtlmlngtoa. Bel., and open June 11 at Koltjwood Park. Italllniore, wltb other giant work to follow. IIi.aiu anu McNi i.tv. the Koiitherti btaek face couiedlias. are spending tmir weeks In the Black Hills. Irntti tishUig, i.nd combining lillsllK'SM V. 1th pll'lliill''. bnut Bv;ai-u, Mass.. No'tk, The follow- ing nre milieu ring at Wonderland I'litk, week of June 11: Lnrseit Stslers, trapeze act : I'rnf. Bllyck's seals. Lielmore and Oiieldtt, reri'b act: Fred A. Bennett, high stilt act ; riinrlte. tilldc for life from (ho top of chutes ; Sadie Knowlton. riding down lite chutes. The itendldtv arrangisl rhciis. In celt tee nf park, * Bell- ing and comedy act. We will play parka ^ through Pennsylvania. Everything U gonig )* uuder' the management of Fred A well. mm. ' . IIiiWAiui Tim'kston, magician, sends news PAtli. Sams.ii salts for F.nrope June Id, of Ida Imineusely aucccssful tour of the after lining successful engagements. He la booked to rriitrn tu Hh>7. Haiibv CniOnrn Ui.a>kv writes: "Next season I shall manage personally my former partner. Bert MrUnrvcy. In a unique ningln|; and dnneirtg net. which will la* absolutely Impossible fn eqiial, as be stitnds'iilone In'tni: Impersonating field, and no motley will he. spared In-placing him properly'. 1 Changes of wardrobe will lie- made during the act, and I lIihII feature hi- wonderful (oe dancing." Norn rang Tua Joun I* Silmvax fn.— Ituslness has hern good' Everywhere. Booked u|i to the latter pari of June. The natter Is: Frank Hall.' manager : John I.. Siilllvau.'ChaH. iKId) Culler, Sullivan's sparring purtner: Carl Mattson. heitvy weight iMM : Joe Cardo. '"the Inst Jaw man: the Heeds, glole performers: Beuueiie and I leaver, novetty trirfe piano : tllniirhe Heed, serpentine dancer; the Foijr Marveloua 'Cowlen.' Kuropeati v elty aerial gymnimta. feaiorlug llltlo four- June C, with a moving pieture and vaudeville rear M,irgnerllc Cowlos, Ihe ygtingest T. M. .i at nrs Sopncl-r, fat open a show. Charles V. Trimble, the manager, is A . in the world. „t Wild wood X J M Ju Bii-eudy booking for next season, and desires Hr.Narco. the great Spanish ctowu, has ' all mnnngers lo know that lie Is booking dl- joined the Van Aukena, to produce their new rect and In conjunction with no other houses He desires the best shows, and guarantee* aatlsfaclory business. The past scaison, wns the. best In the history of this house, anil many managers arc rei]iiestbig return dales. The Messenger wilt Im> overhauled during the Summer, and everything done to Insure com- fort for rhe performers. A new specially drup -bad been added to the scenery equip- ment. Btoiwx AM* Wii.mot write: "We nppinsl ni the llnppylmid. Winnipeg, ('mi., week of May St. Our act was n big lilt, and we wen held over u second week. The 'Hapiiylnnd' Is oi- Hie order of While City, ami business big when ihe weather penults II. Wi act. Tin: Mautvnk Sisixiis open ihelr third engagement at Memnbls.' Teuu.. on June 'JT>. Manaukr Fbitz BnANtJ. nf Uiu-a. N. Y., wrltew that Forest Park. In that elty. opened May ^8. to the largest business of any open- ing week of previous years, aod that- he Is nss-urcd of a very'sticceaafttl season- ' -Korea t Park Is an Ideal Mpot. with • Its nnlurul scenery, and will appeal strongly - to tli> pleasure seeking public Manager Brand, at a large expense, tins' . renovated the' theatre, making it one of the flneat In the Slate. Among Ihe peoplt- wlio opened the week of Mii.V '-*?* were: The tninrlmx Johnsons. Ver- noU Sisters. KoIhtIk and Uabtton, comedy Lliwis. ihe Herman i-omedlan, cl'iseil a veil* Kiit-cessftil senson In musical comedy May I'll, and opened In Detroit, Midi.. Mny 'ja. ni lh» rrvstal Tbeatn-. where his act was well received. After a week In Canton. (I.. he will leave for New I'nrk. lo spend a few weeks at boiue. He Has some parks booked around New York.- owning .liinr', before. beginning rehearsing for next season, IjKuxabo Pjiillith writes':' "1 have opened a elrcult, ptnvlrtg two nights In ejieh town. bf^lnniiiN- si Mecbuiilcsville. and playing Keltuyloi-ville. Sandy Hill. Furl Kdward. Hara- loga. lilrns Falls ami other towns, offering people six nud eight weeks. Wardrobe for my I. If act Is lielnit rushed for relienrsals, alien- ing June 18." Tub la Zki.ls. aerlallsts. have just closed a very iins-esNfiil season. ' ami have signed for Ihe Summer under the niniiagemenf of "da new thelitn- ... .8. na an rati h vaudeville feature. They have added several Mr feaiures lo Ihelr act. und wilt have a new electric nnlsli to present it Wlldwood. KMMleTT ami Kaxk. after closing four weeks hi Block burlesque, In Philadelphia, open ihelr park work nt llollywisid Park. Baltimore. Mil., for two weeks, Junn II and IS. with other parks to follow. Their Her- man .-bloody net Is a mirre**. tliey Inform us. TUB Mi kuwl Wolkks i Ben M. and Mamb" openetl al the Family Tht-nlre. l-Utsi Si. I.util>. 111., Monday. June 1. In llielr new comedy musical act, "The lluls* and the Maid.'' »nd scoriil a success. ' After the llrsl performance ihev received seventl good offer*. Al tlteii.it- clusion or their act they *t*rt« etiteiialned ay the KnttSl. Louis Fagles. Aerie No. ."il.'i, ami Kpenl a idea Mini evening. TltK Val.mk.inm. aerial 'cvellsls and light wire performer*, write: "We arrived In Bos hm, from France. May :m. anil will rest for Ihe Summer in Bosioii. Our act has ham slgneil for one of ihe Weslern burlesi|iie wheel shows for the Wliiler. We have one of llu- aUWUpml aerial slack and fight wire arts In Ihe World. Thin Is our tlrst visit, lb tub. coiitilry. aod wc are the originators or every- thing we do." Tut: F. mi* i hi: ciiutit ■*" removed Its New Vot-k ofBrew r.. Hie Knickerbocker Theaire Building. M. M. 'Phelse Is In i-liarge. F.l». If. I.KMTKIl writes; "Zena Kelfe, Iho elerer ten-veHi' old child, who has Just rlosril ii pi-osperoiis thirty weeks' season in vaude- ville, on (he Kellh elreull. lias Jilsl Iiwii liHltded her (hue oil the same circuit fur neil srnsiiii. tweniy-elght weeks, commencing Sepl. :i. She will piny a preliminary season or I wo weeks ill Keith's providence, rnmineiicllig ■lair .'to. She Is now carrying a trained pony In thegct. whieli nmki'H li'tuie of thaairongcst now tn Iho vniitlevtllH flrld: The press and managers through Urn couniry hare voted her one of ihe cleverest children now Is'foru Ihe piihlli'j'* .Mack IK ANU M.UK ope I their Summer work nl Iiaylon. iv. May -^T. with their Irian comedy act, "My Son Tommy," which, ihev write." was a big success, closing ihe olio, week of June 1. at the New Crvslnl Theatre, Toledo, O. II whs Hie opening week of John Aiuinon*' new house. Thev will lake a vara tlnn with Mr. nnd Mrs. It. M. Hull. Week of .lillio IS Ibev Wilt play the Lyceum Theatre. Washlitglou, H IV, with Allsnllc Clly. N. J. : Wilmington; Bel,, nnd other Knstern lime to follow. Hop II TUC, of Bob and BerlliH 11. vile, writes - '■We c!osed a sensim of sUh-en weeks wilb Campbell A lliirnc*' Mainly Puree t'<>.. Mh.v lit. und Have signed with llidu for forty weeks next Hi-nsoti.- This should tell lis own story. We nre (winked for twelve weeks. eomtiietielUK June IK, mer Pllmnier's l-Utslern liaik cir cull. So tt Is easy lo see Dial we Hre doing an act thai the managers and iKHiptc desire. We are resting al mir Hummer home. Brent- wood" Cottage. Holly Beach, N. J., for iluee weeks, ii ltd arn having a apleuiHd time fishing and erubblng." Fuiui anu Anmk Pliurv, while playing al lbs Main Street Theatre. Peoria, 111., week or Mny y«, received n tetegvani from ihelr home in Alliiiillc City. N. J.. Informing lliein Hum Mrs. I'cIoI'h father nnd sister were vary Fitk Woi.ii- BnotiiKBH. nro doing tvrll tin |j „„',! ,,,',1 expected to live. .Mrs. Pel « it inirled from here to Brandon, Can., to open the now boxing acl : Thofflas Ityan. tenor: Mlltnn Auditorium there." PfCBi.ta ami Oiiukx Jitat closed with Cos- ? rove's Slock Co., as the special vaudeville eaturc, nud go on Hie I-'lyun circuit, of phrks for the Summer, In a singing act, also feat- uring their wooden shoe dancing. Tub Missi:s ItAYMONn and SoirroNlA, fe- male athletes, arc playing Hollywood Park, Baltimore, for two weeks. They have signed wilb the High Hollers Burlesque. Co., for ne.tt season. Fiiaxk Mcnrn; am, Jack ft, Maukb Hall. HOithrette. and Hiighea and Burns. edinedlans. Our iiri'hesi.rn. wbU'b Is led hv Thomns Humes, 1ms provi'd lo tie worthy of inenHoii. Will axu Mav IUjxo write ■ "We closed a successful season lit the middle West, week of May 21, at (ialesbiirg. III.: opened our park'work at'Boslou. Mhs3.. wenk of June 4. mid are looked solid until September, when we 'return West again." Tilt: Wl1.sn.v ntms.. formerly the Wilson Trio. Herman comedy act. have__Iaiug.it form us that they closed with the Yankee borne and fnrm Iff alnywoorl. III. The Wllaon ,™ t ii., - Kpnucrtv Hoodie (ilrls Co., June J. at. Philadelphia. Bros, wltl work donliV with the soma ait. ||,^,,'v ' vVsinir ami after a very pleasaut and sticcessful tBMMp Joe It. Wilson anil Frank 11. Wilson, the |f| . H '\' )nru ii,y \t, V , . T ^.ifli' mill i,'rt..b ^ it ml l.i.i'A rvniin I ,s Mlimrjl \\" I 1 u,n. If v-j ,c ,. , n luki' , in I in, I f. .riL- i n i; ' r 1 1 J i" I li I of forty-one weeks, and have bmm to Mineral Springs. Cooueaiitvllle, Ph., for two weeks. They iire tiooked for ihe Sumnier on the J. A. Blake circuit of parka, opening June IS -ii Worcesler. Mass.. and have signed for next season with Harry Williams, of Pittsburg, I'll., to produce both ttrHt part and burlesques, Kowt.v IIakkh will give Ihe first iierform- niice of his farcical sketch. "The Bill Poster." by Porter' UmctiKin Browne, on Juno 18. Mr. Baker will lie assisted by Cus tnglls. Tin: MAitvKiJjt s Bakxari'k ttico. anil Ha- zel) have just Ihiisheil seven weeks hk the special vaudeville feature of the Fenberg SUK>k Co.. which closed Its season June £ ut' Newark. N. .1. They have booked somr gisnl, time for parks, nnd next season will in- ._ featured wit li a show In Pennsylvania ami culled Ihe triMdie. West. 1 i ■ Nicihixo Park. Jersey Shore. Pa., opened la nt week to line business, with the following acts: StuUmau and Crawford, In "The Oroeery Boy;" Kurlglit hikI Kiirlglit, Master John it'Ony. -Mellock and Knox, pave Cald- well, moving pictures, witlflHitvolo. In a "Loop the Loop,*' us an oiiistde attraction. Hko. W. Umil will s|K>nd the week of June 'J, - , at his home lu Buffalo. N. Y.. after a lour of Ihe West und ^i lie Pacific coast, having played the Kohl k f'asfle. Bijou. Nash. Sullivan & Considlue. Ilmplrc and AfHttutod circuits Ihrottgh Ciillfoi-ntu ; Ihe Crystal, of Colorado: Jackson's Middle West. Amnions and the Sun nud Murray circuits, lie will Wilson Bros., are now oa the Hopkins 'circuit. Ci.AL'in: Ki;i.ly *m> (TbAIM (JinsoN cloned a twelve weeks' Pinagement wilb Ihe Miss New York .\r', Co.. playing principal roles and lining their specialty In the olla. They are taking a rest tit Mr. Kelly's country -home, ncar'Ownsso. Mieh.. until next Fall, when Ihev kIki'I ptnving dales again, biHiked solid lo iici. 1. llHff. Hi Ty»f Wa»u. "the Merry Minstrel," fn engaged as. a' loeelnl feature al Hfatfrli! Park. San Anioulu. Tex., for three weeks, with the Albert Taylor Stock t'o. Bi-atNii ihe eugagi'tncul of the Misses Buy- niond and Sorlorila; at llolleywood I'nrk. Bal- timore. l-:dlth Sorlotila's llllle daiichiei*. Kdna. made her debut lit one of F.d. l-mvcry's plays. Too .Many HghleM,** and wis presenied wilb some very handsome presents by Mr. and Mrs l/iwery. Jennh* (Jernnl. Mrs. tjoel- U-i. i.H Claire and West, «nd l^ilile Bernard. Ii.wt vi;s anu Knwixs write: "We are lay- ing off it! Terre Hatilc. Ind- wbfff we are building a house which will be open to all friends In the profession who visit Terre Haute. We closed on the Amnions elreull Mav 2(1. and "pen June Hi at Jopthi, "tin., on the Hopkins circuit, for five weeks, and are booked solid l« (Jet. Keith elreull. nud will rest until vho gel* well, ul their home. Jacksonville, III. 'I'm: siic.i.i.iifi- Park Family 'PiiKATut:. at \Yllinliigton. Bel., .fames I-'. Ilehry. 'manager, ojienrd for the Sumnier season on Berorntlon Da v. tm\ business, wilb Die following and Wl hie. Little Snyder, Coiilln, the Van Dyke Sis- ming, moving pictures, and stia-k com nn nv. In the comedy, "Too •t •■•( work with his former nuriner, John Williams, He will return iibool Aug. t. Burton and . ' .1 I 1 I.. .11.. ...... ..r. 1,.., I ...,.1 i ,,-, neit season. Jam. K. linuusoN. harllone vocalist, wrlies Ibat he has just closed h very successful sen- son with John W. Vflgrl'M Big City Mlmdrels. and Is resting In (Tevelnnd. 0. lie will open with the above cNiupativ al Columbus, ().. tilt: hitler purl of July, for nls second season with Mr. Vogel. B.irtM:v Wij.lia.ms reporls big success for Ihe New MoiKirdi 'Phealre. al Latvtou. okla. 'J'be exeeotlve stalY Is: C. II. Murkeson. ninu- nger: Barney Wtllluniii. Hinusenieiit director ; Cordon Klderhm. musical director; John Mur- phy, master of props. Ai.bkut lustHM.Tn.v. In his singing nnd eccentric dam-lug aci. hits closed n. successful season with the Cradoe- Neville Co.. and In on Brookes Iwnin their season Aug. 11. and are hooked in 'b" West until the laller pari of Mari-h. .-oviTlng Ihe Orphcimi. Kohl & f'astle' Hopkins* and Anderson circuit*. Mr. Iltir- Ion is spending ihr Kuuinier nionthsiit his now home at 'Fair Haven. N. J., which la be- coming "null •■ a location for vaudeville per- formeni. Tiik 'Cvri.ixn Zamiras. kiioi-kahonl eiini- edv 'cyellsls. o|ti>neil on Hie Kellh clrrult May 28, nppesi-ltig tnsl week n the I'nlfui Sini,ii-e. New York i 'My. They have replaced ibj* wcesien unrlght. wlileb siiptsiMed Hie iblrtt- fiiof I udder, on whb*n ih* , V ride down. Iwo high, on a un|cyc|e. nhh one of iibkel plated tubing, wlih-h looks niiu-li neater, 'lli-v hsve signed i-outrnefs for next seHStin with the i.us Sun circuit, meeting with big Hiiccess, Ale* I^iivIICk Kenrx-Snnil< IIi;:ils and LxwiSj comedy acrobats, have signed with Ceo. Adams' Puutouilme Co.. lo do their specially and iibiy -parts. They will play the Ohio circuit, opening at Fairyland Park, Paterson, N, J. he'wrltes. MARoAhrrr KiiKnitiAX. who cloaed a verv successful season of forty-two weeks with the Merry Maidens, at the Standard Theatre, St. Louis, Mo., Juno 2, will play a few weeks I ii the piiriii. lltTil.T Si*KXci:a clused his tlflU aeusou wllh the Merry Maidens Burlesque. June -. at the Slandard Theatre. St. Louis, Mo. Tub team of Santoro and Mar low report Hntuv I lei. ms l« located for the Summer at Wonderland. Milwaukee, where he Is pre- senilug 'i high chins mnglc and tllualnna at the Arrndln.' ' * 7 'Marid i,k Bi.iNcur. Iiiih fully recovered fmlb ft fall ou Muv 3K. nml will *resimn*'lier "Slide for' Life." com me nflin; June 11, nt Wilder laud P»ik. ItidlnunpiiMw 1ml. l-'RANCia Woon* "Tlie Mnn ' Whh llu* Hoops," finished the Kellh circuit Juiia II. Much Married. There Is a concert band of eighteen pieces and no orchestra. if. IS Wkvuicii. rduiiflger of the luf-i- national Four, tufonns us IbHt Ihe iniarlctte ndillllous has slgm-d with Ihe iwi Dane Minstrels for the Summer and Winter *.en*oii. doing solos lu the liivt part and Ihelr act In Ihn olio, which has met with great success. Owjxu In failing health. Frank Comnr was citiupeili-rl in cancel all his vaudeville dales with l tie Weslern Vaudeville Manager^ As- siii-Ialbm and Wm. Morris; ami go to ihfl inolinliiliii In Itilllsti rolnnitila. He Is now al JIOMHlaud. managing the l*ulaee Music Hall. Nkwcli, and Niiilo. afler closing a pros- pennis se»i«ftii hisf- week. Ill Pastor's. New York, will play four weeks of parks for Frank Melville. They will sail, week of Jtllv Hi, fur Kn.lMiid. and from ihere to Cape Town. South Africa, where ibey open nl the Um- pire. Aug. ^7. for six week*, to Is* followed In- a similar engagement at JiiliHtineahiirg. after which iliey will return home by way of London und Paris.' - KnniK I.vmost. iniisbiil ciperl, has closed wllh Hie Ik-lla Prlngle Co., and I* wllh 111* wHe nt Syracuse, .N. Y. CAT'i S. Kbitii writes that he Is geltlttjt along nii'-iv or the Sullivan A Consulinc rl reull , 1h foagh l he Northwest , doing h Is Hebrew net. He has six more weeks ih rough California utter thai he will return Musi, to Join the Myrkle-Hurder <'».. Hanicm. llAVKS AVn"N*KWTO,\ closed !n Chicago with Harry IlnstingH' Hlark Crook Jr. Co., «n June 2, and opened June |0 nt T'leetrle Park, IvHiisas I'll v. Mo., wllh hew Moines and |iMvenm>ri. la., to follow-. They wltl return Kasi the latter part of July. llomiK ami Ilovi.K (the Colden West l»iio| rejiort nvoling with big success In Montana Willi their one act cmneilv. by Wiilier Heed. eiiHHH "Mhi-v Anil's Hndlile,* 4 'I'liey ni-e booked snl Id on the Novelty elreull, opening !□ Heiit-er. Sepi. 17. Tin: .loii.vsox*. I.l//.le and Bed. write: "After vloalmt a verv successful season wllh ihe Myrtle-Harder (*„.. i->siern. m nre now enjoring our vscallnn at Bench Hnven. N*. .1., suiting around ItMrnegat Kay In our eighteen font CHlNiat, 'Jim.**' Fiiaxkliv A. ItgiioKS. xong Illustrator, opened at Point Urn tint Park Theatre, Dun- kirk. .V. Y.. May Ul. for fbe season. Lan V. ItiMMW- write'" ; "Ihave iieen takliLg a r"h.i n| my huino here, and will re- Kiuue lujl work In parks, 'opening ut Toledo. (».. Julie IH.' My- ai'li 'Livluaky's Troubles." has I sen u big stn-eess, nud should prove lo be much IrHMY the coining season. I have added Home new KtorfeH nnd original (Nirodles. and will work under my Ruine rdu lllle, 'Our Hebrew t'oualu." " meeting wltb the best of success since doing nnd opened on the Herman elrnttt June 11. . their get straight, nml Have lost au Hue Ibis for the Snowier neuion. He wilt appear In HarMiw am* Kaxh Jna| eloscd a successful year ao far. They are booked solid until a new comedy let next seakon, atmeged for senbou t,Bt»;iigh in* West, and are booked uilld him by Cha.*? Law Ling. in Caitcrn parka. August tier oldest sister last April. They left for home May HI, and worn compelled lo cancel hI! ihelr puck I line 'I'liey Mi-re in c)i ni Sptliigbi-ook Park lasi week. Her fallier Is much heller, bill her sister Is still, very III. Wkavlii ami LAJintnir tin- hi their sixih "We imvf; week at ihe lions Piirlllon, I'liicliiuatl, U. cillc consl, nud reporl meeilug wllh great success In I Mir remit le their new pmdiiciloiL "Aeruss the Coiillnenl." They have signed coiilnii'ts lo remain Ihern mull Jul), thru bfien at AHanilr CHy Aug. I, for the re mu hide r uf the sensou. ItAll II Annul!, Mi;.. S'dTli.—C. H. I.llldall opened up a big lent. Willi a moving plelure show, irisi week, right lu the bean or the lown. In big business, lie will also' atbl vnilde vllle ultnicllons, will) n weekly change of hill. Cham. W. McM.hu in, I lie lliiffnlii iigi'iil. writes us Mini be bus tieeu ill ful* some time, and, in coit sequence, unable to answer lb" inn n r recent Idlers sent III response to 111. receul nil. lu ihbi paper. He Is now mil v it covered ami nl Ills desk again, Ml'. MeMallriii wishes II uuderslood thai In spite of reeotil n-porls. he Is silll lessee nml sob- innunger of ihe Temple Then l re, nl Buffalo. N. Y. ii'Nkii.i.'h Ma.ilstii' Mixstiiklm have Just rlnawi a very mu ssftil wason. Several new ml electrical spplluiiees are lieing ibleti lo ihe acl, which. Manager O'Neill writes, will make ll one of Ihe blggesl Mini cost Ileal nets In vaudeville. Tliey wtl.l open llihir sensou cHi'ly In Sepieiivlier. Tiik l.\ Ukllk Tiiio, coni|sisird of Win. Fuller, late basso of lite Troubadour Four, and Ihe Kaufman Bros., have jolueil hnnd-i hi an acl Introducing, they Inform us. livo pod live novelties. Their success at tdol'il Piiri,- Yoiingsiiiwii.' I»„ we.-k of Mny *-'«, wiutbiiIcI Ihe niiinui.eineni ihere In retaining the U'-t for n secoiid week. V.-.x MiiTilgws. imp diunimer. Is npendih-; n few weeks at his home, Hanllnglofi, W. Vs. Tiik ll|KAT SaxtKi.i. heglus n six weoic-. engagement over the' Kinplm elreult, openlm: nl Atchison, Kan., week June IM. (iKi.AlloMA Ctrv Nori:. The Umpire AmitHemeal I'o. opened their li<-,inl iTnl vsaile vllle I belli i e In Hk1el)OUI>i C||y. Smiibiv. Mn<- 'J7. wilb ii|l|H>sillf; eeremoliles. the Mayor illl'l a i-epri'Ki'filullve audience being present. 'I'he leremoitles were opi-m-d wll h spiH*eiies. fol • lowed Willi one m the strongest vaudeville bills ever brought lo Oklahoma I'll/. IV Finplre bus » sealing i-iipin-lty of «.»**. wltli balr-niiy, reih-hiu mom for Indies, cloak nib I leleiihone b'SiCi for pa Irons, and Is wstteil wllii Immlaonie opera rlwlra. The waUs are beuullfully frescoed by artists brought (nan Chicago, nnd Hie from Is one bbi/e of frosted elecirlc llgtils. The singe Is eipilp|S'd wtMi modern stipl lances. Ilri* proof si-enery. hii-I with live nimble door exits. Wllh an a*be*l«~ drop .'in 1 - 1 1 r r and :lliloni»lle llre'exllngillslier-. I. has iiinforiieil in every mpi Ire mom of the building mid lire ordinances »( the die. Abe I-'elfctisteln Is resident manager : Arnold Fel terisfeln. aislslaiil niiiungiT ; Ub-hard t.lgUi. itnge luamiger : Ylnnle Ci'lfniaii. musics! 41 redress. iiksIsIisI kf n ii»rps of nsslslnnl- Tlie iniiiiHgemeiii leufiered Hie performers .j-i-! house stun* a Imtupiei at the ThrcndgHI Iloh-I afler the opening performarti-e. whb-h whs en joieil by »tl. The Kmplre Tlieali*. Al'hMu. Kan., nii'iiber of Hie laindsoine Iheatres helhg bull i by Ihe Kinplre AmiiK<*inenl Co.. \v,i o|H- inongl. to lakr a (htnte j ft « Bttnra-r Home on the Conntctlcnt River, at OLD HYflTIC, Conn. <0 Rooms, B*rni, Boat Homes, Uvai, Drive*; best or condition. Dock, Oyster Beds, M Acre* 1b Park and Drive*. An Idaal Upntleinan'a Reildenee. Part> buy 1 Mr together. Kvfrr ronr*lv»ble ronvenl- enre, ln< lucllag (.a- Plant. Wind Mill, ere., air. At luailj . on onnar tAO.OOO; will sell for 917,000 an. I lake mortgage. Photographs. O. W. 8AMMI8, : 401 Omham Ave., Brooklyn, W. V. WANTED, And often WITH HPRCIALTY. One bill a week and no matinee*. Addres* wiili all particular!), 11. A. LA MilTTE, Woodstock: Elec tric Ht., Woodblock, Ont ., Can. OJEE. tie mw rum 1111m. The latest itiusloir. A lurty entering and leafing n revolving globe in full view of her audience. A'J' LlnRRTY for parki, theatrca, clr, AddreRH FBBIl H. DW.'KKR 1U) ftth Ave., N, Y." For Hummer Ktaek and Coming Neaaon, Woa.n for Leads and Juveniles, In for Heavies and General Bosiaeu, lai for Juveniles and General Business, 01 her Repertoire Psnple with aped all lea, write, Slate age, heiirht, weight and low***, salary Id Brut, ipiier. 0o<>d wardrobe indi-peii S iible. Can use Man with Moving Met on* MachitlJ With IjiT Mlmn and Song Slide'-. ell ARI.F.S KING, Mgr. King DrarnaHc o>., White Hpringn, Fla. STONE HILL GARDEN STOCK CO. people for Permanent stock lu all linen. Man to -log lUwurated t*0Dg<> ami Part*. Write i|iiiek. Stare all. Hure salary. Long aetwon. PrUIW nRAVK, PeorlaJH, WANTED, SEA BREEZE PAVILION (tare, itfe. between both places,, SISTI'.H TRAMS imd MlNOI.K WOMEN: four weeks; lowcwl aalar?; rreeadtDfmlon.tniUHOB. -Addreaa4AMRS REAUHON, I'BBino Theatre, Ontario Reach, New York. Laarnad by any man or 007 at borne; imail oosL bend to-day So. iiamp for particular and proof. 0. A. Bmltb. Box 0. tMO Enoiville Ave.. Peoria. Dl. A good BLAt.'KI ACKCOMKMAN, canplay liaojn' Wanted, 10 hear from it good MuHlnil Team; miisj be able to make good Tor one week. IIooxith save utamps. 1 paj all yon are worth. Write all in Hat letter; no UckeiH. w&iiit-d. good Colored Per- former-, for mv No. 2 company. DIL HAMMONinEast Palestine , Ohio. WANTED. Al BARITONE PLATER AMD TUBA. Must join on wire. Mate loweat. Wire or write. TltKODORK HTOl T, iLoralQ.O.^lT-lO; jjaaaaaataV P.. VH& iniRME^IHT for GENTRY BROS.' SHOWS. AddreK-E.t.JttXKS. uandmast it, Roiunev, W. Ya„ J"qb 14; Derllu, l'a., la; MwyeraflalB, Pa., 16; Cumberland, Mil., in; I'rii-iimrg, Md.. 1*1; Keyaer, W. Va. 20; Thomas, W. Va., 21: ItoraoOB, Va., WANTED QUICK, First Class Trap Drummer t'or ROOK WOOD PARK OROUKSTRA. Must play hell* and be up In concert music, MiibtHtuv all wpaaon im SEIT. •.•:.. alfl a week. OTTO YABflKR,ClLv Jloiel, Shamokln, Pa. MISS Ai LErGLOVER ingenues'and Tight* juvenile. iiotul wardrobe fur Htnffcand Birecl. AdrimA OKN. OKMYKRY, Cincinnati. 0. MV A N T E D, SKETCH TEAM. Woman mmt bo good Singer Htid Dancer. Man good 11 ]■', One that can but iiDuetaand make flicm go; M0R.R., HUT NOT i'OK AMATEURS, fjo for Single Turn*. Mil* I ■•hange for week. In oanvas. Ih.ao Playing Organ nrefetred Write i|iitck MODERN REMEDY CO., Tracy City, Tern). t:nn plane a llrat clans Leaner or Top Mount or ai •uiee. not over 110 pennd*. wlih a good, lint clasn Art that 1b booked up aolld for 9 months. Would be willing to give amateur a trial. Per. address, DUFF 1 N RED CAY TROUPE, So. ? 3fl K_Roert_St ^Heading, Pn. PERCE B. BENTONWflfTSTO BUY a 00 or :ort. COMBINATION Bl.KEl'INU AND Dl.v INO CAR, with not lean than eight atate rooraa. Muhi have steel wheels, ihipb M.C. U. iDHticciion, and tie In flue condition, Paycanli. State full par- ilonlara and where car ran lie eecn. Addrew I'AWNEK. oKH.. week ism. iIIIIST. AT LIBERTY, Uioat'on preferred. Can Join on wire. JOHN P . KLgQN, a o iBronson at., Kenoah a, Win. WANTED QUICK, Al NOVELTYAGT. CHANGE Ki.r week tiDi! won 10 Acih.. Tills Itt no Mfrt. Show. t;arrr pikno. HiDt KPTftl». wrll«. Adorer W KI.I.IXdTOX HR OS.. ln low pitch, on rack to set on table, ISO; 20 Al. Chimes on floor rack, tw; 3* Al. chimes on I). D. floor rark,!88; 43 Deep Ai.Chlmeson twoD. D. floor racks, also iwo 4 on. Xylophone* on floor raCrTt with resonators, used bv anjeatic Musical Pour, good bargain for four act; U Bar 8teei Marimbaphooe on table rack, 120; 20BarChro- inaiir Bass steel Marimba on noor rack, for ar- fompsnlment. f-->; 20 BarStepl Mnrlmba oo floor rack, t?;>\ ?r. Mar Hieel Marimba on floorraek, $3.S; 2H ocf. Rosewood Xyotophone on floorraek with resonators, f40; 3 oet. Heavy Rose. Xyo'ophone on frames (chromatlci, $V>', r. Tap Bella on tloor rack, |M: 8 Rattlei*, fie: 12 Strap sieigh Rolls, %*l, 1 Set, 22 bar .1 octave Rosewood Marimba phone, deep tone, f^: :: oet. Rosewood Marimba, %\2U; x Reai Bami>oo Bella on floor rack-, too; 8 Coin', to; 8 four In hand Hells, $12; 20 Swlao Hand Belln, Wi 2 Oct. Chromatic Metal Ramboo Cblmov £20; ; Cathedral Chimes in frame for hand orfe, \1b\V* ban 2 octaves Chromatic Orchestra Bells on frame*, 116; 2.1 bars 2 octave* Chro. Orchestra Bells In case, *20. 1 'All tlte above lostrntnenla are In good order, and almost as good as new. Sent v.. 0. II., snbjert 10 examination, to responsible panles. - WANTED QUICK, LEADER, PIANIST WHO < A\ THANHPOSK. Iadr ncaHOD. One mtlfoee a week. MOflt-Joln on wire. Prepay lelearnnii. Aridrew . l ." LOBNE El.w YN, Hlrhmond, V. l)„ Canada, Wanted, 111 JULY 4 aid 5, IH lOBJllT, WLtlOi.l. Write nanlenlan, price per day, etc., at once. NKWH KKP11BI.10AN. Iloharl, olcla. Wantod Quiok, Dramatic People and Musicians 'Of all kloda, Agenu Bona canvat Man and good White Cook. Car Show. Married people. Pay own hotel. Men must double Band. Good salary for good people. FRKD IIARPRR, m Rait High St., Jeffersoa City, Mo. In a lte)iertolre Co. of arjinowleilged repntatlon. Kverything coiuplote. Heady to open for Summer or regular Reason. A sure Investment for a lad; orgentlcrnauofaveriigehuslneiHablllty, Good rea- son for selling. All cor. strictly confldentlal. Add. INVKSTMRNT. care of Billboard. Cincinnati. O. WAITS FOR IHTBIM Opening in Aug., Rep. People in all lines, except Agent. Tell all In flnt. We pay board. Addieau IVAN KERKHOFF, Hgr., |V" 1018 N. 2isi .si.. Sooth Omaha, Neb. Fred E.Ben den Helen HI. Benden AV LIBERTY for Fall anil Winter Season. VJoilu and piano for on'lie»tra, Alto in band, Musical Glasses, Violin, Starr Bells, Xylophone Solon, Songs, with Harp. Sober and reliable. Reliable Managers adareee ■THE BENDENS," East KlmwtQDi New Hampwhlre AT LIBERTY, FRANK L. LAMBERT, AGENT, Four years with Kinney Komedy Ko. Can loin at once. NAPOLKON, OHIO. Wanted, Tom People* Man for Phlneas and Legree, Geo. Harris and St. Clalr.HaleyandSkegH.Geo.ShelM.MarkK.EliTiaaud Ophelia, Toppey , ana a child for rvu. Those double hand and roocert preferred. Mv-iri-m-. colored people for cake walk. Cau tiae good amateura Slate yonr lowest salary and address J. J. LaVaux "" 'lain St., Toleilo, Ohio. Wanin *in;ill ball^tm' WANT! STETSON S II Lady ro do Fllra and doulile Marie. Can uae few mure while musician,. Addreaa by teller only, ■.RON IVAUHBrnv, Manager, 214 W. tin SI., New Tort. WANTED, FOR JONES FRONTIER EXHIBITION, Troupe or Arabian AcroBafs, Rough Itidcr*. Gond Shooilng Act, Flrr Claas Side Show, Opener, Cornet I'layor, Ughi Man, Tmin Loader. Salem Nadj All Mnllv Ambark, write or wire afldrc-* if at liberty. -. A0GU9TDB JONES, CatWelsbnrg, Kv.. June II; Minefield, w. va., June 18; Eri-toi, Tenn., June 20. THI iM KbciTan FOR SAL. and Pony Show, LM Shetland ponleD, eight, pony drill, several jpony ai'tc, troupe of educated doga, miniature cages and harneas, lenta, OOft. luggage. Will buy sleeper. Have ready to shin Top, aoxuo. Price, vor.v cheap. J. ACQUSTOS J0NB8, Jones' Koormoua Frontier F,xblbllloii, itlnetleld, w. v»., June lft; Bristol, Tenn., Juue acv > - WANTED, TO JOIN AT 0\C E, riFtSIWBWflHKH Must be well up in acts. Musical act.' Sketch Team who do singles. Sllear Acta wbo change ofton, and good Piano Player. Other performers, write. Addreas . ! , . A. BA1LK V , Frostburg, Md. WANTED, MAX FOR .Gffl'FJUL BUSINESS AND PROrs. Must play good line of parts. State > alary. Send programs, addrcsi 11. G. AIJ.RN, Manager Hoyt Comodv Co., Keokuk, la. I1F.S. BI/„, (>.. MAN FOIl HF.AVVl miiHt dimtde br«,.m u.; ai.oa l,,dyroroontorrft.b or trap,. J. GltiKNE, l'a". Laip, Vlnn., care of Shim Enienalner*. . HIT t. ' OF TUB NEW YORK THEATRE WISTARIA ROOf GARDEN Voekkel | Maafl DANDY DIXIE M INSTREL ^ ASK THOSE WHO SAW IT "DANDY DARKIES" "DANCING DAMSELS" BEST AUr-STAB REQRO VAUDEVILLE, SONG, DANCE, aWSTREL SHOW EVER SEEN. ADAPTED FOB A 1.-'1IMTK ACT •r • J-llour Hlnatrel Varletr Mioiv NOW ON NEW YORK THEATRE ROOF THaWTO ATJ.AJHTIC CITY. «AR ATUUA. AKBUaV PARK. XKWPDRT, MAN- HATTAN BEACH, and "OI1F.AM CITY," PITTSBUHO. ONLY A FEW OPEN DATES THIS SDintK. FALL AND WINTER TIME BOOKED SOLID ■'.-:■ UNTU. BAY 80, 1MT. SUMMER FALL WINTER SPRING For time and terms nddresa: VOELCKEL & NOLAN, . .-, 186 West 44th Street, N. V. City. Owner- of the "DAM DIXIE MINSTRELS" ,. ' ' and the ilM PATTI TROUBADOURS Oook Iros. Want Two Good Actors For Ten Nights. HiM do some good Specialties. Don't want musicians. No more band. J. M. Bl'BBY, Monntnin Crove, Mo. Oood Fakir, and mutt tranapose. state toveat for Summer. F. K. SPOOSER DRAMATIC CO., Pine Bluer. Art FILMS FOR SALE Have a tmaHor of flue Reels ready for use: good stork: sent subject to examination. 'JO.cooft. small and large anhjecta, 4r. foot and up. No wvrnoitt atotik. ■■'• at r- of song ^liclen l.">c. a slider .7 f{. F. v, a i.i.ot. ;o Onnstopher tit., N. Y. ■WANTED. REPERTOIRE PEOPLE AM. LINKS. Hammer Mark, Immedlalelj. II. L. BIIWBRS, Hlaeatte I'ark, Ml, Vernon, O. AT LIBEHH, NAT E. SOLOMONS, MUSICAL. DIR. 1PIANO). Opera, Musics. Ooinedv, Vaadeville or Repertoire. Composer, Arrangor. Addrean 249 WBST llltli HT., New York City. Ciilliane, Cbaee & Weston's BOOKING BXCIIAKOB, 138M:i!0 IIROADWAV. SEW YORK. Shown booked rl|bt from practjeal experience. Ilave the exclusive looking or over a»the,lres ID Ine liest one nlghl atanil. In tne U. 8. and Caa. PI>Y8 TO LET ON ROYALTY. BEST OR1UIVAI, 8 K ETC M K S, SONGS AND AM. VAUDEVILLE ACTS WRITTKS TO ORDRK. PRIORS R10HT. SPARMNi; A HDUK,Playirrl»hta.Hainmoml,Ind WAITED, rOE LOWi&Y BB03.' SHOW, Talking and Singing 01own."Mnai do turn In COn- ftert, Alao Trap Toam, man and wife preferred, Lownt in -rat. (;ko. u.l,0WKfiY,ar. per Route, COWDOYS WANTED. Also Cowboy Band, 10 pieces. Dozen Bronchos; 3 or 3 to Buck. All Summer engagement and you get your money. Write quick, telling what you do and what you have. Joe Casey, please write. Address MANAGER WILD WEST, Care of CLIPPER. I QUIC .'route who appreciate good treatment. Small salary, tuityougetlt. Fay your own. Will advance fares if we know you. Don't mi«repre«ent or rloaed on the snot. For halanre of Summer and regular reason. Play Dallas, Houston, Oalvraton, San Antonio and New Orleans. Al Leading Man, Fraoriorjui leading Woman, Heavy Man, Character Man and Woman, Siaier Team for apecJalile* and part* iw.i good Snpriaitr Tcople; chaDge niithtly. Slnginjr and l)ancing Comedian. The atrave mmi he iigm up to the minute, fienerai Business Nan and Woman. Prererem-e given those who do Speelanie. Open inly 1*. All other nwfal people, write. I may place you. Make yonr salary what yon expert io get, not what you want. N. B.— Effle Francis. Dorothy Vaughn, Riuwll Hampton, \v. s. Hammer, Frederick leoralne, Brnce Oontiuoe and Gertrude Phelps, please write. Address IVI. IVI. IRM^IIM, Natohaz, IVIli PROPERTY MAN. AND CARPENTER WHO CAN PUT BRASS. CARPENTER AND PROPERTY MEN WHO CAN PUT BITS. WANTED FOR SALE Wanted, Bucking Mule, or Donkey. GUS HILL, 1358 Broadway, New York. ALL KINDS OF SCENERY AND COSTUMES. Special Engagement by Messrs. Thompson & Dundy, W, H. CONWAY AND HIS TROUPE OF MULES Positively the Only Aggtegatloi ot Educated Males In the World. A Real Novelty. A Oeclded Hi i. These animals are trained to a remarkable degree of Intelligence • waltzing, dancing two step and many other original tricks, closing their art with the famoo* nun. lary drill. Fifth week at UN Park, Coney Inland, N. Y. Addreas care of N. Y. CI.IPPKK. I Oth SEASON. lOth SEASON. BLACKBURN APPLIANCE COMPANY WANTED (tftlcK. good all-around comedian, must sing and dance; all-around Sketch Team, man and wife; Singing and Dancing Snubrette; Novelty Act that can change. Mnat he able to Join on wire. No lickew to .strangers. Must beaober, etc. state lowest; we pay all. Canvas show; stop hotels. Don't ask for fancy salary: we don't pav in promise*, but money. Play big towns, aa don r t misrepresent; Bhow never doses. Write or wire. DR. LEON BLACKBURN, Belott, Kansas. CRESCENT COMEDY CO. Want Repertoire People IN ALL LIIMI State all. Join on wire. A. BERGMAN, PorllaiKl, lad. for GUY'S SUMMER SHOW lUSICIAKS, TO DOUBLE STAOE; REPERTOIRE PEOPLE, WITH SPE- CIALTIES; PIARO PLAYER, DOUBLE BAND. obbencastle. inp. MORTON & MILLERS MOVING PICTURE SHOW, 1VAIVTED, Lady to Sing Illustrated 8ongs, also Live Agent. Stale lowest Summer salary: management pays all. Musi join on wire. L. J. MORTON, *20 Fed em I St.. Alli>ghf>t.)-, Pa. >. >%. HAWKIIwS, Mfg. of GYMNASTIC APPARATUS, To 335 £. 46th St., N. Y. Formerly of IIS E. 131). St. WESTERN DRAMATIC AGENCY. Manager- wanting reliable people In all branch?** of the theatrical profession, write. Odlce open (nnu 10 to 10. Desk room for Managers. 127 \& Salle St., near Marllnon. Chicago. III. (tixperienced <'horus i.;ri- farnlahed.j A. it. O'DAY, Booking Agent . WHY DO YOU NOT COME BACK TO ME. LOVE ? New Ballad. Beautiful wnlU chorus captures everybody. Send 25c. for copy, to FinESIDE MUSIC CO., Box 17fi, Wllklnaburg Station, Desk A, Pittsburg, Pa. Professional Copy for stamp and late program. r^OllrTTIiTrS. T3" A aaa. - ! 1 PreaeorioR two distinct acts combined, Itttro- L/ 5J ITi All \J ^XUXTLO 1 t duclng Singing, Uanclng, Whiatllng Soliw, Ihtl VKUS\TII.F. NAGEL & ADAMS NOVKLTY AND COMKPY DUO. •i g Sol tatlonaaod Comedy Acrobatic Juggling. NAOEL & ADAMS. mi 8. Chaatrr 81., Balto., Md. BEOROE LE MAIRE and LE MAIRE. ■'An F..I i.onlin.ij M.brpw < (imrcl y Act. 1 All Aiteata or III E. 11T 81.,' M. V. AT 1.1BK RTV FOR NRXT 8KA8OK, A OOOll L1VK ACT. Toil, 1.0TTA avaup. ^^ — — ahd I - nss. "J tl.lKHiHH ■ ^an» rreaeoiloir cnniedy, Slnglnir, Dancing and Music, Intro. Hiring HABTKB H VI.AND, llu- Tonni""" Damn Mnnlpulator In Hie World. lionic Ail.lrcw, 2t OSIIOKNK 8T, IMnhury, «"»• wanted, A HEAVYWEIGHT COMEDIAN Bl'ST WF.IIIH 2.'«lb OR OVER. APH.Y JOHN OBIEVR8, care of Ewpirf cirnili oracw, KnioRwiwIiPr TliMirf Hide., N.w vora, JUNE 16. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 469 JUJ "In the Good Old United States 99 Words by ROGER LEWIS. OOOD WORDS In Alabama or In Montana, In IlllnoH or up In Mala*. In lHlnn«M»tA or Nurth, Dakota, Or In any ttato yon name: IN THE WOOD OLD In Pennsylvania or tfew*lls.*.pahlr*, Oat to Frisco*. Oolsen Gate, If you'rt* Irish, Dutch, or r»knt> Til ID OLD Beatad eiu„ — lldrt. In preparation by the American Trannpara-ncr Co., Chicago, r hf>y will treat vou all ill* same ■SITED STATES. Music by HARRY H. MI NCER. A STIRRING MARCH SONG Perlorneer. ualng thin aong (ell u< It I. f- ••■• <•«■ •*.■•• e„l. ml .l»ny. hrlne. them reu.ated rnrnrx. It'. ■ .are KlaMiX Don - * fall •« ..ad fur • nrni',... tonal easy of thla aong ana our oilier l,tl«, Orchea trn and band arrangementa now road,. TUBE THOMPSON MUSIO OO.. 18B WeabnesH Av< Ohloago, r-MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES—, FROM THE $50,000,000 ST. LOUIS WORLD'S FAIR We Bought the Greil St. Louli Exposition, end oiler ,oii all kinds of Sopplle. It Verj Lea Prlcae NEW STRIP TICKETS 15,000,000 Tickets, printed for us it Ibe KiposftloD that bivo Cf vet been osad; pal up 2.0W to • roll; cnnnecatlTel* numbered. Denom- inations: le, lie, 2Sc, 60c Rod Complimentary, Different color*. Price per thousand. In small quantities 15c. Id Iota of 60,000 12c INCANDESCENT LAMPS VSS*£8i Vt These lamps came from the Expoalon, sad were used, bat are tested sad sre serviceable. Thev are elirbt candle power, IN to 110 Toltstre; put up 850 lo a, barrel, price each 0c In small quantities, each 6o 100,000 same as above, brand new, la (all esse lots, each.. 10c fiO.OOO new, 16 candle power lamps, eseh lie 25.000 iDcandescent Lamps, used, natural colors, rub*, . KTCrn, amber and opal.* Are tested and sre serviceable. * Price each , ion 20.000 lame as above, brand new, price each 20c 5,000 HARDWOOD FOLDING CHAIRS made of seaaooed hardwood, wltb the best malleable Iron fttclnsr-.; simple In. construction. Strong, durable tod comrortable. Will sot warp; are far aoperlor to any otber make; brind oew. Price, lb doien lota $6.00 SPECIAL PRICE ON LARGE QUANTITIES I ilftH IINirODMC FOR BANDS, HELP. ETC. I f WW UnirUKoTlO Kshkl.Sl.flO b;q« «orgc, tS.OO Write for oar Special 600-page Ostslofrae No. J 678. it contains a com- plete Hat of all kinds ot Electrical Bappl.es, general amusement material sneb aa you are conrtantly pare basing. .We bave for sale Fire Hose, all kinds of Fi re-fight Inn Apparatus, Electrical Supplies, Flies. Bunting, Furniture, Household Goods, Commissary Supplies, Plumbing Material. Machinery, and lo fact everything " under the sun." We are constantly baying material at Sheriffs* and Receivers' Sales* CHICACO HOUSE WRECKINC CO., 35th & Iron Streets, CHICAGO "PATTERSON.' KNOWN EVERYWHERE. 0T I 20 z-l»V IB.TO 00 I 21 I 18 8.00 89 i 22 z 10 6.26 8(1 z 23 I 24 6.60 40 I 24 I 21 7.60 PROFESSIONAL CASH WITH ORDER' 12 I 20 z 22. 14 z 21 I 20. 16 z 22 z 24. 18 z 28 z 26. 40 z 28 z 26. "ATLAS." IRONCLAD. :::::::::: »iS! 10.00 10.00 ll.O For Particulars and. Illustration.!, Reqneat Catalogue. THE BELBER TRUNK AND BAG CO.. 162 Columbia Atenoe. PHILADELPHIA. FA a. GET MARRIED^ MACHINE HAS PROVED A WINNER. ORDER NOW. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. W. S. ZIMMERMAN, S E. 14th St.. W. V. WANTED AT ALL TIMES, VAUDEVILLE ACTS — — AND— p- BURLESQUE WOMEN. CHA8. II. WALDRON, Palace Theatre, Bolton. Nasi. WIGS WILLIAM HEFNER WI« CO. LRADIFIU WIO MAKERS. Largest stock In America. Wigs made to order. Full line of paints, powders and cold cream. Send for catalogue "O," to either place. 124 WEST 36th St., N. Y. ;[(Jhlcago Opera House Block. CNcage, SONG-POEMS A ND MUSI POPULAR MUSIC PUB. CO., Suite (,14, PUBLISHED OST ROYALTY. wrlle Music to your words, Introduce and popularize. Send In «SS. No. no Dearborn Hi., Chicago, Horse and Pony Plumes For Show PHrades. Horse and Pony Act*, Advertising Pur- poses, etc.. Send for price lint- Manufactured by N. SCHABMKS, 41-2-014 Metropolitan Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1VD OPElVIlVGr, lil VJilllATOItS MAMMOTH PAVILION THEATRE, MONDAY, JUNE 4, I»0«. WANTED, all kinds of Feature Acts. No Act loo large for this house. Lew Ilcarn. send addreaB. HVaVLAKKna, Proprietor. 810 f ERS. Hole Manager. ~~~' TOUVOESTOBXJ^E^: PAINTS, ETC, And till Latest and Moil Popular Stylo In Ladles Hair Drilling. A. M. BITCH & CO., 119 N. Ninth Street, . - . . '. Philadelphia WIGS SHOES FOR STA0E, STREET AND EVENIHO. EXCLUSIVE STYLES AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED'. Short Vamp and Stag. Laeta always ou hand. Mall orders Oiled. Kit guaranteed. WILLIAM BERNSTEIN, Tel. lies Madison Snuarc. &oo Sixth Ave., near 81st St., N. T ALL COLORED SLIPPERS MADE TO ORDER IN 24 HOURS. PIT Ml? aft flfl Wi S & T01i P ee MakefS| * VAM affab %m V foot I PAINT and POWDER Mt KICKER'S THEATRE, Chicago, III. Telephone— Central, 604. Bend for Cstalofm HAVE YOUR MUSIC PUBLISHED ON ROYALTY fiend us a good poem, a good melody or a complete work. Wo have no favorite writers. All nave equal chance. All letters answered promptly. PIONEER .1IU8IC PUBLISHING COMPANY, aO0 Manhattan Bids*., CHICAGO. WANTED, VAUDEVILLE ACTS To know that Raymond'* Authentic Vaudeville Directory only cohIs *i per year, ltit.-lt.diog monthly rinppiemcntH. No act should lie without It. TIIF, RAYMOND CO., IB3 La Hallo Si ,, Chlcnga. 111. FILMS Moving Picture Paper WBWK/tttUM&aEtiKMmaat UKIOS MUBIO 00 M 719 Sycamore fit, Clacirmatl,©. Of tli»- liopemltiMe kind tire only sold here, vis. : lv.Mii-. lIlCTffriiph. VilUKraph And Molten'. likewise niiM'lilDes. If you want tho hext mnrhlnp. buy u Power's (sDMnwmh : the next Lust. J'lilisDu's Exhibition Model. Afler that, ii grub In luo dark., M.qd that'K the trtilb. Of course, wc setl: every make of machine and Him. but we tell you of tbe besf. then It's up to you. • ■ ^ The best Calcium Light Oiitrlr. Is the' Oxy- llthe. and there la no next bout In t bis. line. We. ire I'biladelphU HgentR for. .Ihi'jrfore' golnc, and you will always iind them here In stock. ■ ';' \t vou place the order wltb M, we, make shipment from Btock : you rjon'tbttve to wulf until we order It from tbe works. It's h, case of "Johnnv-on-fbe-Spot." Hnd our nsV InmerK tell W we give them better uervlre- tliHQ all others. A HEW M0RG of thoae tine reels of about 1.000 feet each of jrood film are left. We will close them out at $">.'•- i>u each. A PROPKSSIONAL BONO HTBREOPTI- C'ON. with a Model B OjtylMhp'OuIDi. with Lamp and- Compound, everything brand'newr for J7U.W. Very tine. * " A NBW SET of BrUt-Nelson Imp., on n reel, reafly to. run with the Opllgraph, com- bined with Stcreoptlcon, Lamp and RbcD- stat, HtHMiii. A PROFESSIONAL SONtJ STI5REOPT!- CON'. with best Acetylene Oulfit und Lamp. S1.5.U0. Illafsafll aPtsC" Clinill ICC clDbl ' Batons, Oune, Rolling Globes, Hoops, uUullLf HA I %UKI'l_|P2laaaWlrewa!l.e^■l , ArparatuH, Rooan Axep. RWmpfor VVVUsohllll VVI ■ aw-lssstsv catalog and list. Edw. Van w T nk. Cinclnnatl.O. MACHIf» BM. WE OAK 8ATB TOV js TO SO PER 0K1TT BOU VE!f IR POSTAL CAJUW. i*0 SBBJEOTfl. 006JCOFOUTAII BOYBliTT 0O, . 2H K. lit 8U. P Iliad I'.ptia, Pa J. HENRY ROWLEY, Th " trit * i CMtnB "' "• ff - J5 > *" " r » wt 1 *"* *»w v* " « ' *l Aluo Mnnneer Bijou Theatre. Patemon, N. J THIS Is tbe only EXCLUSIVE store of its kind In this city. Wc don't Bell spectacles or eyeglasses, toy engines or mouth organs. but eoDt.De ourselves to ttm sale of Motion ricture and Stereoptlcon Muclilnes, Films, Slides and General Supplies. HACHIHE.8 AND FILM" WANTED Bat Good Ones Only. LEWIS M. SWA AB rvi Wnslilnglnii St , opp. Adams House, lliwlon, Mass. KHTAULISIIKU IN l«o. 338 Sprace St.. PHILADELPHIA. PA. MAGICAL Apparatus. Best duality. TOST A COMPANY, Ml Filbert Hi.. (Ea'Ablldhed WO), Philadelphia, 49* Large Catalogue for Stamp. And make yon a triune- Xtjoa ha« a PI.AY. SKETCB. PHOTO, ACT, SONG or BOOK thai is wortli anytbiaft*, yoa alioiild copyrltrlit it. Don't take chances when you can secare our mt*- Icesaloraall cost. Seadfor our 5PIC1AI OfflER TO INVINIORS t>«(ore applying, for a patent, it will pay you. HAWbiHjK on patents tent InTE. Weadrlself patenta- ble or not, FREE. We Incorporats STOCK COMPANIES. Small feet, CvDBIlllll*. W0RMELLE A VAN MATER, CNorlae Cwrri^il t S.IMS Ba iK« WASWH5IOS.0 C iar Lasaii. St., cmcAao. in. SCHOOL AMElllCA'S BEST ASD GREATEST Endorse! by Pre,R and Putille. 6,mo referencea Irotn all partrtof the 1 world. The Only school Kndoraea In Chleago. WW WINUid. {Dn-to-date lo every dVtaiii. Bnck, Jig, Skirt, Navel Cake Walk, Klocotion, Hlngiwfir and Rag Time Song*, Vaudeville Acta, BketcheB, Dramatic Art. ENOAQEUKNTb SECUREU. NO KAILl'RKP. PHOK. P. J.J.IDC.E, IflH Francei Lee and otben. Clrcmiare Free. GRAND OPERA HOUSE, lendorie PROF. RIDOE aa the only Actor and Professional Dancing T^arher In ('htcafro. FRED J. W1LDMAN, Theatrical Agent. Small and Leading Parts Coached. 127 I.* Salle St., near Madison, Chicago, III. WnrrwinuM DO VOU KNOW IKUl LOOiUNAL Tbat tte BAL PROFESSIONAL TRUNK It FIBRE I mi (It '^v.. ....... atdontalder That the BAI>Pror«filoaa! TiaDk tatM TRUNKS) i*A'*'l??,' 1 l»O"0M"nuHoneartht Se,n« torCata- i>iiio"0." in w. as ah, a, i. Do You WANT MILITARY GOODS? SAND OK1F0R14B, ARHT or NATT SUITS, rim OUM8 and KODIPHCNT Ot F.VF.RI OtSORIFTIOR. From OoTeromeot Aactlon. No matter wbat roa -want In that -line I ran mpplj 1C New or eecond hand. Send lor oatalozua B. B. ABKAIMMS, 9zi Koo-h Kt.. riillailalplila, Pa. FILMS FOR RENT • THE INTEROCEAN FILM EXCHANGE, OLD INTER- OCEAN BLDO.. Dearborn and Maill.on St. , ( lilca«o. Dazian's Theatrical Emporium : HOW AT 142-144 W. 44th ST. (Near Broadway), NEW YORK. THEATRICAL COSTUMES AND SUPPLIES, I'.VBHY REQUISITE; FOR TUB STAflK. SF.HII FOR riTAI.IHIMt. SAN FRANCISCO DISASTER Iiectnre on Ban Kraoclaco Fire ami KBrthmiakc, with Hlldea.rrom uegAtlvea mado hy our own nhntoE rapher, then on the 1'acltlo Const. Tito Loeiure preaonta tho facia conneetett with this iliaaaler in h ■tfwl feat in imRiirpiiiiied, and tho siideaare worthy o( tlto high reputation wlikh ourhouNO liai achieved, and will HicailfaHtiy mutntidu. Price. ao colored, ir> plain, with lecture, * 18. Send rtspnnit with order, t'trcularn dnm xlptlve of net, auit conlalnlng llHtof additional alldea mailed on appllc- tlon. Moving Picture Films, luuft. Panoramic View or Itulmt, »iu; IftofL. Camp Lire at lledigufH, $l\i beware of cheap aildea. W. B. MO0RK, Mar. stcreoptlcon and Film KvcbaoKe, IDS Franklin St.. (.hlcam. .•r-ifc VAN FLBETp aopaw «T WEST 28th STREET, NEW YORK. SAN FRANCISCO BOOKS. 18 PAOES AND COVF.lt. I IOO .... SS.BO 16 PAOES AND COVKIl, BEAUTIFULLY ll.l.lsllllIBI} api/K-VDIIlL Y WIlM'TKw. FINKI.Y PniNTED ON OOOD PAI'KII, SAMPLE, 10c. ioo .... aao.oso soo .... 10.00 I.OOO ... 10 OaaaaH with ardor. HENNECAN A CO., Cincinnati. O. TBU OREAT ENOI.ISH VAUDEVILLB PArER, 4bi AND THatATRE PtKVIKW, 3tx*a.xs. 1], luileflulte. "Don Thurtie" fC. 8. Sulllvau, uigr.) — Uonson. Me.. 13, Mllo 1-i. Patten 10. Ashland 10. Fawcett'a Slock l George Fawcett, mgr. )— St. Foul. Minn., 17. Indefinite. Farnmn Stock (Win Fariiuoi. m«r.) — CleTelaud, O. 11. indefinite. Fischer Tlientre Stock (R. O. Welch, mgr.)— Denver. Colo.. 10-Julr 20. Fulton Bros.' Stock— Lincoln, Netir., 11, Indefi- nite. Fuller Stock— Montreal. Can., Indefinite. Frawley Stock— Utlca. N. Y„ 11-10. Qpoflwla. N. C— Denver. (Mo., 11-10. Glfford-Haerlmj— Cas-vllle, Win., 11-10. Oln-er. Yaugban, Stock— Detroit, Ulcb., 11, In- dean lie. Qlaser, Vauahan, Stock — Coiuuibus, 0„ 11, tndefl- Iille. Glnnlvan Drnmntlc (F. H. Olnnlran. mgr.)— Deshler. O.. 11-10. Hamilton. Maud (Bray bam A tanolnt, mgr*.) — North Pcrrliburg. Vt.. 11-18. Orwell 14-10. Hui.: Stock iM. A. Hnnt. mgr.) — Bojue City, Midi.. Il-Kl, Chelnygau 18-2.1. Hillmiin, Ma*. Stork (Knif«t ScbnaheL mgr.)— Bnekme Beach. Ya.. 11. Indetlitite. Hemlcmni Slock Of. J. ft H. It. Henderson, uianO— West HitkHi. In.. 11-lft. Hunter- Brad fori! Players — liar I ford. Conn.. 11- .':.-. 14. Hunter Bradford Stock— Springfield, Mara.. 11, indefinite. Hartford Si.M't (David Hartford, mgr.)— Oleve- laud. U., 11. bideilulte. Herald Soiiore Ktuek (Bitter ft I'mnliuwe. nigra.) — Waraaw. N. Y- 11-10, Canamluigua 18 2-1. Hera Stork (K. C. Hen:, mgr.)— Cleveland. O, 11. IndrOiilte. Huhlen Bnut.' Slock— Detroit, Mich., n. Indefi- ulte. Hurrlo-I'nrkliisnti Stock (Kubt, H. Harris, mgr.) — Uiillmt. Tpexler B& I.uuergaii. I.f'K*r £ Mortimer Snow Slock — Mo:n- uhlit, 'IVitu.,. il, ludefliilli'. "Lluu and tlir Mmtie." Kn«tern (Henry B. Har- t\*. ingr.)— N. Y. i'lty 11-30. "Mum And Ilia. Mouse. " Wi-xtern (Henry B. Har- ris, uigr.)— Clilcagu. 111., 11. (iKleOulte. "I.lttle OutcHM" (lliuikH ft McVltty, tugra.) — Moitiren). Can.. 11-10. Myrkle Hnnler Hlock, Kaatern (W. H. Harder, i:ik'i . i — I'ort Hiinm. Mh'U.. 11-July 11. Uyrkle-llarder Slnck. Soutberu (Latlaiora ft Leigh, mgrx.)— Keukuk. la.. II-B. Marie Stock iToui Mtirks. uigr.)— Calumet, Midi., ll-lil. Marquette 18-83. Uatllce Stock 1W. B. Matttve, mgr.)— St. TltomaK. Out.. II. ItideOlilte. iiili.-r StM-k (Full Maker; ut Y„ ll-IU. laidlow. Vt.. IH-L McCnlltuu Sleek iW. B. McOallutn, mgr.)— Fort- laud. Me., 11, Indefinite. Moore Stock (J. H. Moore. iLgr.)— Rucbeeler, N. Y., 11, liuleOulte. "Aly Wlfe'a Fuudly" (W. MeGowaii. mgr.)— St I'mil. MIhii.. ID. LiieUOeld 11. Wab|. Ferucbl, mgr.) — Kuox- vllle, Temi.. 11. IndeUuKe. frliuile Stock (Joliiinle Fr Ingle, mgr.) — Tacoma, Wni-h., 11. Indefinite. Fhl|>|M. Cltsi!*. It. (Win. Motrin, mgr.)— Burllug- lou, la., 11. IndeOlilte. Fark Drawallr (C. W. Farb. mgr.)— Fltcalrn, Fa., 11-10, Kltllnnliu! 1K-23. 'Trlure Cbnp" (W. N. Lawrence, mgr.) — Chi- cago. 111.. 11-83. '•I'omiuaster'n Duuiliter"— N. Y. Cllr H-10. Hubh- Then Ire (U. D. Hews*, mgr.)— Tonopah, Nev., 11-24. Heutf row's Jollv I'uthfliuk'ra (J. N, Reutfruw. mgr.)— SlirevciHirt. LaV. 1(1-10. Bunkle. (\irlnne. Stm-k (M. Rnnkle. mgr.) — Dur- ham. N. C. 11, Indefinite. '•Rip Van Winkle." W. A. Kller'a (.loe Becker, niKr.l— Walla YYalln. Wa-di.. 11. Milton. Ore.. 12, Weston 13. Athena 14. Feudlelun IS. L* ilrand 10. ruli.ii IN. linker Cliy 1». Iluhtlngton 211. Wiener, Ida.. 21. But hern. K. II.. niul Julia Marlowe (Ubarlea Fru)>* man. nutr.l — N. V. CftV 11-23. rStandluit, ilny. (.Vinetly | l.urkctt ft- SlandlaR, uigrs. i — Washhigiou. D. C. 11. Imlellnlte. Southwell, Mar>»rle (Don J. DorrU. mgr.) — Fine IMnlu*. N. Y„ 13, Tlvoll 14. C?alm 13. Bwaln Tbenlre (Mnek Swain, mgr.)— Seattle, Wash.. II. Indefinite. Koiilheni. Chaimeey (Roland A. Oatmrn, mgr.) — WIIiuIiikIoo. N. I'.. Il-llt. BlHter's Conieillato— flreenHlMro. N. C. 11-111, •'Seuiil'n Itetenxi'" (llliv S rjinley, mgr*«.) — lto«- well. N. M.. 13. 14. Hagertnan 13. Arte* I a 10, CarlRbad IS. IVcn*i. Tev., ID. Tyler. Odette. Btwk (Clarence T. Bnykln, mgr. ) — Wn Mi tug Ion. I). C. 11. Indefinite. Tucker. Klbel. Stock (Mack Rru*.. utgra.)— Salt Lake City 1 1, Indefinite. Teiiiin-st Pramatle (.1, 1«. Tcw|te*tt, mgr.) — Slicp- enlntnwn, \V. Vo.. 11-10. •Ttrth" (Lawmiee ft R«r»e, iugra.1— Wiv»lstock. N. It.. 13, 14. St. Juki! 13-17, Dlyhy. X. ft.. IP. Annapolis 1!i, Mhldleloii 20. KoiitTllli- 21. ' : ' ■ i . . n Ml Mn-i.l'.-" if. s. Frlmnwe. mgr.I — Llraiul ltapldn. Wla.. HI. t.n Ctviste 83. Van Dyke A Kalwi (F. Mack, uigr.)— Daren- purl. la.. 11-30. Vale. I^mlse. Stork (Travera Vale, mgr.)— Sj"- i-iitc. K. Y.. II 10. Koi-lie*tler 18. Indeflulte. Vallauiout St mk M.yuan A. Fray, mgr.) — Wll* llaumwrt, Fa.. II. luilcfiulle. Warren, Rebecca, Stock— lndlanajwlla, Jud., 11, Indefinite. WtuiiliiKcr llroa.' Own (Frank Wlmilnm-r. uiur.) — KacaiialM, Mich.. 11-17. Nh|»emhn; IS 23. Warner Comedy (Hcti IL Warner, Bigx. )— Uc- Oregur, la.. II, Indefinite. White Druiuatlc (Cbas. Y. Wbyte, mgy.)— Fort K-olt, Kan.. 10-10. Wovdward Stock (Wowlward A Burgeu, mgra.) — Kansas City. Mo., Hi. Indefinite. Wullace Theatre (buulnsky Bros., mgr*.)~Bock Island. III.. 11. ludeflnlie. "When Wutueu l.-.ve'' (Spin ft Natbaoaou Amuse. Co.. tnirs.)— Sydney, N. S.. 13, Antfguolib 14. Flctou 1.". Jugglus Mine 10, Sprlnghijl IS, Hai-kvllle 10. Oxford 20, Truro 21, New alas- itow 22. WettUilk- 23. "Weary Willie Walker" (Spltx ft NaLLanwm Amuse. Co., cngrs.)— Fort Fairfield, Me., 13. Caribou 14. 'Irand Falla, N. B.. IS. Woodstock 10. Frederic ton 18, Chatham Ik, Suaae* 20, St. John 21-23. Young, K.lwln, Slock— Norwich. Conn., 11-10. MCISICAL. Auorn 0|*ra (Milton ft Sargent Aboro, mgra.)— Hilton. X. J.. 11. Indefinite. Aliijinlir.i (ipera i Milton ft Sargent Ahorn, tagra.) — N. Y. City 11-30. "Alcayde" (J. K. Hackett, mgr.)— Chicago, HI., 24. indefinite. Butler's iJidles' Military Band (J. L. Spaku, mgr.) — Galveston, Tex.. 10-Sept. 12. Butler. Helen May, and her Band (Helen May Butler, director.)— Mnskugee, lnd. Ter., 1010, Fort Sontt. Kau.. 17-23. "Bejrtar Prince" Oi«tra (F. A. Wade, mgr.) — Fort Worth. Tex.. 11. Indefinite. Carle. Richard (Clin*. .Marks, gen. mgr.) — Bonton. Mass., 11, Indefinite. Cohan. George M. (Sam H. Hirrla, mgr.)— S. Y. City 11. Indefinite. Casino Oiiera (Uravea ft Adde, mxra.) — Birming- ham, Ala.. 10 10. Sheffield 17-23. Chamberlain uiul Ida Band — Bingham ton, N. Y., It, Indeflulte. Caitadlnn Juldlee Slugera <\V. T. Cary, mgr.) — Franklin. Minn.. II. Indefinite. Conway's Ithaca Baud — Cincinnati. O., 11-10 Duss and bis Band (Frederick Pblnney, mgr.)— Montreal. Can.. 11-16. Syracuse, N. Y., 10-22. Fisher's Oiwra (John C Flsber. mgr.)— Balti- more. Mil.. 11 10. Fischer's Military Band (Cbas. M. Flacber, mgr.) —New Orleans, La., 10, itsleflnlte. ' Falrmon'E Boston Concert Rand (Wm. R. Kern, mgr.)— Atlantic City. N. J.. 11-Sept. 6. "Olneerhreail Man" (Brader ft Peters, mgra.) — Chicago. III.. 11-10. Herald Square Opera (Frank T. Kiotilng, mgr.) — Wheeling. W. V*.. 11. Indefinite. "His Honor tbe Mayor" (Wm. Raymond Sill, mgr.)— N. Y. City 11. Indefinite. Imperial Opera (Harrison ft Turner, mgra.) — Aa- l.ury Park. N. J.. 11. Imlefinlte. Innls il:. 1 .■)- Band — Cincinnati, O.. I7-July 7. Kendull Mimical— Portland. Ore.. 10. ludeflnlte. Klltlea Hand (T. P. J. Power, mgr. ) — lMaa|B> town. O.. 11-10. I'ltislmrg, Pa.. 17 30. Liberal I'm Baud— Wash luaton. D. C-.ll, Indefinite. Mny, KiIlei I Charles Frobman, mgr. ) — Luudou, Kng.. 11. ludeftnlte. Mdssiai Opera I W. C. Maasan, mgr. ) — Boston. Musk., ll, Inrlelliille. "Man from Now" (Henry W. Savage, mgr.) — Boston. Mass., II. Indefinite. Orphetini 0i>era (Mfliuu ft Sargent Ahorn, mgri.) — Rrtmklya. N. Y., 11-30. Folliinl l.llllpnihn Ujiera (Jowpli A. Muller, mgr.) — Nelson, B. C. Can., 1110. Cabjary. Alia., 1H23. ixal ft___ Baltimore, Mil.. 11-Sept. 10. Stewart Opera— Rochester, N. Y.. 11, Indefinite. San FraticMiAi Dpera (Rnswll & Drew, mgrs.)— Seattle. Wnsh.. 111. ludellnlte. Blafer ami lits Brooklm Murine Band — Brighton Reach, N. Y„ 11. Indefinite. •■Social Whirl" (Sbolert Broa., mgra.)— N. Y. City 11. mdefinlte. • ,»tudeut Kim;" (Henry W. Savage, mgr.) — Chi- cago, ill.. 11. Indefinite. Templeton. Fay (Klaw ft Kriauger, mgra.) — Chl- nigo. HI.. II. ludemillr. "Tourists" (Shulvrt Bros,, mgra.) — Boston, Mass.. II. liiiieOnlte. - • "Three llrace*"' (Lyman B. Glover, mgr.) — Chi- cago. HI.. II. Indefinite. *■ empire" (M. H. Singer, mgr.)— Obkago, III., 11. Indefinite. Wills" Mimical (John B. Wllla, mgr.)— Mobile, Ala.. 11-July 1. Welter 1 *. John C. Military Bind— Flttaburg. Pa,, 11-10. Tene Haute, lnd.. 17-23. iiLKl.IXJll, AMI YAVDRVILLG. Rowery Burleaqiter* (Joe Hurtlg. mgr.)— Balti- more. M'!.. 11-10. Lyceum Tlu-utre Hnrlosijiie (Cbaa. K. TaTlor, mgr.I — Washluglnn. D. C. 11. IndeOulte. Sullivan, John L. (Frank Hall, nuir. I — Nhju-niluir. Ml.li., 11-13. Calumet 14. ir.TUke Linden 10. 1T. Haneock 18-20. Kscauaba 22, 23. Vuuo's Vaudeville (Wm. H. Vauo. mgr.)— Sarin Hock, Cumi., 11-10. 1IIVMHI I ,H, Bryant's — Cincinnati. U., 10-10. Bijou (J. W. Nelson, uigr.)— I.aucaiter, Pa., II- HI. Duuiont'a— Pittsburg, Pa.. 1 1 Id. Donnelly's. Tommy Uuck W. Stokes, mgr.) — Rut- laud. Vt.. 11-10. Hitrkiie** & Fox's (Roy K. Fox, mgr.) — Feslua, Mo., 11-13. Sle. Genevieve 14 10. St. Marya 18- 2U. TENT SHOWS. Barnuni ft Bailey's— Brlilguiwrt, Conn., 13, New Haveu 14. Hartford 19, S|irlugfielil, Mass., 10, lloslou 1-2::. ButTalo Bill's Wild West, Col. W. F. Cody (Fred B. Hutcliinaoti. mgr.) — Vienna, Austria, 11-14. Bouheur Bros.— HavlUnd, Kin., 13. Biirch & Helss"— lllllslwro. Ore., 13, ludepetul- euce 14, Cor wills Id, l*LaiK>u Hi, Brownavllle IS. Stivertou 10. Campbell llroa.'— New Rlcbmuml. Wis., 12. Cum- berland 13, ttice i.ukt- 14. CblptKwa Falls IS, Kau Claire 10. Wabasha, Mluu.. 18. Cole Bros.'— Femlirooke. Onl., IS, lUleyburg 10- 18. Cuniuilus' Wild Weal— Manchester, N. H.. 13. lliirerblll. Miss.. 15, Portsmouth, N. H.. 10, I'ortliiml. Me.. 18. Forcpuinib >V Sells llnw."— Peru. Iml.. 13, Lafa- yette 11. Kxukakee, 111.. IS. Shreutor 10. Feurla IS. Onrllugluu. la.. 10, Muscallue 20. Rock Is- IuihI, III.. 21. Sterling 22. Clinton, la., 23. Gndliuar Hnm. '— Slaseton, S Dak.. 18. Moulevl- deo. Minn.. I. Mlllhatik. S. Dak.. 20, Walipetou, rieu. Mh.;i.. 10. Millhnuk. S. Dak.. 20, Wahpe- luii. N. link.. 21. Jones'. J. A.— CnlletlsUirg, Ky„ Ha, Bluefiebl, W. Vu.. 18, llrlstol, Tenn., 2U. KciitteilVs Wild Weal (W. II. Kennedy, mgr.) — Boston. Mass., Il-Ang. 4. Lowery Bros."— Fine Drove. I'n., 13. Tremout 14, .Miuersrlllo IS. St. Clair 18, Fort Carbon in. Coal Dale 20, Idinsford 21. Mi-lDourn's — Dwn. la., 13, t.ealer 14. [.arcbrrooil 13. Valley Springs, S. Dak., 10. Mackay's. Andrew— Canton. 0., 11-10. Pawnee lulls wild West— Brighton Bench, N. Y., 14. Indefinite. RliiKllng Urns.'— Sharon. Pa.. 13. New Castle 14, Warren. IL. IS. MnusoeM 10, Oolumtiua 18, Marian 11), Lltua 20, Muucle, lnd., 21. Fort Waym- 22. Toledo. ().. 23. RoliltiNou'fl. John— Onialia. Nebr- 17. IMhltlus'. Frauk A. -Bratlleboro, Vt., 13. Bel- lows Falls 14. Newiwrt. N. H.. IS. Claremont 111. White It Ivor Jnui-tktii. VI., 18. Frankllu KaUa. N. 11.. Hi. Silver's. Itcrl-Truftml, Midi., 13. Sand Lake 14, llrnve 10. Oraut 10. Stnrrett's, Howard S.— Tarry town. R. Y.. 13, D>dtb's Ferry 14-10. Washburn ft li' Alma's— Wealerly, H. I., 13. 14. Pawtueket IS. 10. Wounswkct 18, ID, HHrord, Mass., 20. 21. Mnrllxiru 22, 23. Wallace's. H. R — ('Union, la.. 11, Marauokeln 12. Cedar Rapid* 13, Dubuque 14. Waterloo IS, Welwter an HI. Wheeler's. Al. F.—fl airliner. Me.. 13. MISflLI A\K01 S. P^slock'a Animal Arena (Frank C. Boatock, Bgr.) - l '.hip* Island. N. Y., 11, Imlefiulte. Hartou Bros.' Illusion Show (Mult Barton, mgr.) — Sclirttectnilv. S. T., UJnly 4, CrulksliNiik— Wlniervllle. Me., 14. Ashland IS, 10. Cooke iSiiurslv-HlcksvilK?. N. Y.. 11-ltl. llayea' Mnrlug Plctutes (Frauk A. Moore, mgr.) — Yoiiutfslown. X. V., 11 -lit. Marti'* specially Oft, (Al. Maria, mgr.)— Tops- Reltl. Me.. 13. Prluretun 14. RohMostOD 13. Markle's Siiunv Votilh-Carrolltaii, Ky.-rlA Mnill- • ■ ii. Iml., Iff, West Point. Ky.. 10. CUtverport 15. llan-esvllle ID. IMwers. Mr. antl Mrs. (F. J. Powers. anft» ) M* iHttitas. Vn.. 11-10. Pai"'» "Lost Dsys of Pompeii"— Cluelunatl, O,, n-m Parker. C. W., Amusemeut Co. (Cramer A Tyler, HHtrs.l Jiwtleu Cliy. Kau.. 11-10. Famahasika ^ulmal Show— Camden, .NVJ., 11-23. Uayuiund. U. S. (Jack Weal, mgr.)— Manito- woc. Wis., 11-13. ltapp. Mr. ami lln>. (Auttistua 1U|*|>, mgr.) — Fro- gress. Iial., 11-10. Beveiigula (Waller O. Mack, uigr.)— Upper Suu- ihjskv. v.. 11-10, N. Ualllniore 13-23. Bonthera -Ocloruous (U> P. Sbarpe. mgr.)— El- bridge, N. Y., 13, BaldwlDsvIlle 14. NOTICB TO CORRESPONDENTS. Our theatrical corre»ppnd«nti are hereby notified that the credential! now held by them expired on June 1. They are requested io return them to thit office at once, for renewal for JSW-JW7. <■» MASSACHUSETTS. Boaton. — Tbe outdoor amusemeot eeasoa In tbl oow under way. Tbe piece hua caught on In a decided way, and business ban more tbau surpassed expeclatlon. Richard GoldeD and Julia Sao- dersou bead the excellent company. Alfred Hlckmau uud Vera Mlchelauu ore recent ad- ditions. Tbe eneageuueiit Is limited. Thejio.nt (Jno. U. Scboeffel. munager). — - "Tbe Alan from Now," wltb Htfrry Bulger. enters upoo tbe (bird week of its all Sum- mer engagement 11. Two-thirds bouses ruled last week. Colonial (Cuss. Frobman. Rich k Harris, managers). — Rlcbard Carle, In "Tbe Mayor of Toklo." Is uow in bis second week of good business. Tbe engagement Is Indefinite. Castle S(jua.HK (Boston Stage Society, managers).— Tbe Summer opera season be- gaii at tblg buuse last week, under the direc- tion of V'- C, Musson. The company, which Is n capable one, presented "Tue Mikado." Io large audiences. J. K. Murray. Clara Lime nud Josephine liartlett received ova- tions. "II Trovutore" till* week, with "The Chimes of Normandy*' to follow. KuftHK (Boston Amusemeut Co., mana- gers) — The Kmplre Slock Co. will end Its season here this week, with "A Midsummer Night's Hn'oui." "The 1'i'Evnte Secretary" pleated >tihh1 sized houses laxl week. Percy U, iVIllhims. uf New York, has wciired it five years' lease of the bourte. untl will o{h;u it Kept. "{. prPFentiiig vaudeville twice dally. It will he renamed ibe Urpheuui. ttowmiix SOfAitK (O. II. Lotbiop, ninun- ger). — "lu the Shadow «f the ttaioam** Is the nirreut card, pn-xvnled by the I^>ihrop Stock Co., with Charlotte lluut leudlug. "Down hy ibe Sea" held profitable attention last week. ■ 'iVit NlghlH In a Kar Ibmai" IS. Keith's (B. h\ Keith, mausger). — Judging from the list, thin week's show should prove one of the most Interesting of the bvusou. The l-'udoHos, Id i\ new programme of clas- sical und popular uiiihIc. bead n bill which Includes: Horn re (■oldlu, "Hie king's tuu- glclau :" Hulolse and the Amorus Sisters, Tltues nud Keiulngtou, Walter C. Kelly. Har- per. Uesuioud nua Burns, Hd. Kdestiis. Hurry Kvuns, Hurt u and LuiTeriy. 1'rodi.rhk and Kariu, Mile. Obester uud her dog. Miles uud Rickard. and new motion plcturefi. Palace IC, II. Yt'atdroa. manager). — Man- ager \Vuliliint*K stock burles)|tie compuuy con- tiuues tu giilu In well deM-rved popularity. Two new skits are offered litis week, and Intervening vaudeville preseuis: Cnldwpll and YVeutworrh. Vnu nud Hurdett. Blouclie Ijitell. nud McMillan. Sully auil Sneddon. LvrKtM ((*. It. Ratcheller. mauuger). — .The new stuck company Is now llrmly est ah- i'^'ied and meeting with much favor.' "The New Judge" and "Klue Dodo" are the bur- levipie vehicles tills week, with specluhles by t'hurley Kartell. "Boslou's favorite;" Horry Lu Marr, b'obauaou uud Corey, Kelley and Kclsey. Marshal) and King, and others. Acs i in 4 Hto.vk'h Mchtiv-t (A. B. White, lURitngeri. — A capital hot weather bill Is pro- vided by Col. White this week. In curio ball are: Psycho, the electric marvel; Barbeiin Brass Baud and Orchestra, Magical Hitters, Trlxle uud her pythons, free peep show. Punch sud Judy, and tbe big snake. Iu tbe theatre; The Minstrel Maids, fifty-second week, Intro- ducing Ida Campbell, Dorothy Norton, IMLi itanuey. Lulu heeley, Minnie Burke, Pearl Hudson, llrui-e Howard. Clara Steele. Lottie Hlauchard. C'bas. Clark, Lew Morgau. Ueu. Havard, John Mauley. Juuies Maxwell, and Mussey and Kramer. Cook uud Hull, the Du- crows. Violet tlleasou and Jumes Rlcbard. This resort always crowded. Walkeu's Mi'SEtrM II*. B. Walker, maoa- gen. — Albert IMmout, the feutherwelght boxer, is h feature lu tbe curio ball Ibis week, giving bug punching exhibitions. Others are; Aubolt Parker, who has u fuc ftiuiile of the Crucltlxlun ou his hack, cluiuied to be the result of :i stroke of llghtulug. uad Ruugoou, strong m:iu. in the tlicutre: Hartford & Davis' Burleique Co. Olio — Henry 'V. Wulte, trick vlollulnt : Hartford uud Davis, Blanche Savoy. Flora De Leon, I'eurl Arnold. Lulu Campbell, iii.il ibe bioscope. Business con- tinues good. NicKKLonxox p\*. U, Wolffe, manager). — ■ During the |>q»t fortnight the sonbrettes eon- vi'utlon has been it slruug drawing curd in tbe curio hall. New features are oiiered tbifi week, uiul Hie stage show Is furnished hy Wolffe's Hnrlesi|iiers. WuNLinti.AN-Li Pauk [r, C. Thompson, iuqd- ager). — fllg crowds couiliiue. Amuug tlip newest concessions sre: "Deatreut to Hell Hate." "Iaivp's Jotiruey." nud the Infuul lu- cubaturs. 'Hie Salem Cadet Hand is provluj; a very strong aitrucilou on the esplenade. Nuiil'Mht:uA I'auk (Carl Alherte, muua- fer). — Pur week commencing 11, Tbomus. j. tyuu aud Mary Rlchlleld, lu "Mug Hag fie^ty'H Reception," head a llue vaudeville 111 In the big opeu air theatre. Besuah and Miller. Honey JoIiuhou, Ibe Marcels, La Rex aud the komogrnph ure utliur sitting curds. Pauauov Pahk Hjco. a. Dodge, inauagun. — The mvoud season of this uiummotli South shore resort will o|s>u Snttinluy. lit. "Hades to Paradise" aud Luverk* I,aue" are two principal new attractions. A free open nlr vnilderllle circus Is' also ineiitloned. Xiitkh. — Ihtrnuui ft Itolley's Circus opens here IS, for a week's engagement Pro- prietor Lntliropaud Stage Director Hunt, of the Ilowilolu Square. Imve sailed for Kurnpe. The Kmplre ADiilsemeDt Co., Tints. V, Cunningham, manager, has ojienei] oOlces- at i:t Concord Pipiare. this cliy. The company has n vnilderllle show now touring Vermont, ou Hie HarlH*r rlrrull, wllh New York Slate to follow .Sarah llemhanll gave I wo performances at the Itosiou Theatre latt Sflhirilnv, to a good sIjihI niidlenre. "C«- uillle" was presented In the afternoon, nud a composite hill in the evenlug "Ilap" Ward and Ills wife are al Ihelr home hi Revere for Ibe Summer. They will open nt the Globe In August. In a new comedy. "The Nerve Doctor." Josepbloe Rartlett. of the Castle Square Opera Co.. Is receiving uiurli attention from her many Huston friend*. Theatrical Slaw KinployeV Colon, No. 11. will give a vaudeville abow al the Hub Theatre, Sunday evening. IT. SprlugOeld — At thp Court Square (D. O. Utlmoro, manager; "What Happened to "BARRELS" OF MONEY IN EDISON COIN- SLOT MACHINES Amusement parlors and penny arcades are the greatest money makers Start one now and reap a fortune. Edison Coin-Slot Machines draw the crowd and the pennies. Run automatically by electricity, and require prac- tically no attention. Write for full particulars to NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CO., 64 Lakeside Avenue, Orange, N. J. Jones" was presented by the Hunter-Brad- ford Co., to falrlY good returns. Henry Kol- ker was capital In tbe leading role. Julia Booth, a winsome maiden, full of vivacity, aud Samuel Reed, as tbe professor, were worthy of special mention. "Trilby" week of June 11. Pom's (J. C. Crlddle, resident manager). — roll's Own Stock Co. tried its hand at melodrama, with "Tennes?ee's Pardner." 4-tt, aod did well. William McKey added to bis laurels. Ruth Blake wan n capital adven- ture**. Mary Stockwell won excellent a» a mount alueer'K daughter. "Camllle" 1 1-1 G. Vacation Notks. — Col. Cummins' Wild West exhibited at Hampden Park. June 4. the tent being taxed to its capacity. Some of the feature acts were : Annie Schaeffer's riding. Imperial Female Zouaves, and tbe Im- perial Cossacks. The management report good business along the line Al. Itus- sell has been granted a vaudeville license for Fountain Purk, Great Bnrrtuijton Among those who will enjoy the Berkshire nlr this Summer are Terry McGovern and a party of New Yorkers, woo are to have a cottage at I'outoosuc Lake Barnum ft Baltey'a Circus will spread its canvas on Ilumpdi-u P:irk. Juue IU One of the the- atrical events of the seasou was Sarah Bern- hardt'!* appearance. In "Camllle." under can- vas, at tbe Coliseum field, June 8 J. II, Tebbetis. last Reason manager of the Em- pire Theatre. PltUileld. uud Abbott Lsw.- retice have been engaged to run tbe Theatre nt Pnni-oosnc Luke. Pit (afield, for the Sum- mer seasou Tattle Oary, of Krvlng, U to be with the Faderte Ladles ()r- chenlra ns a Summer feature, nt Keith's Itiisiim bouse The many friend* of Jawe* Mullen, formerly pianlxl at tbe New Clluiore Theatre, and 11 well known soug writer, are glad to learn that he Is slowly re- covering fi-iim an atlnck of paralysis, with which he has lteei> confined to n ItrooUlyn hos- pital . .Mini rice Rootn. of New York, wilt furnish the attractions for Bruokxlde I'm k. orange, ax hp has done In season* past Albert Hackett. of the Fnrepaugh Stock Co., Cincinnati, who wns tnkeu down with typhoid fever early In tbe Spring. Is now wlib bin parents In tills city, recuperating Cbas. M. Htckford has been engaged us dim-tor of the Springfield Brass Band. II r: Hlckford needs little Introduction to the public, hav- ing played wllh tie Boston Festival orcbea- tru, he»tde many bauds and other musical or- ganizations iliruiigh New Kngland Uarunni k Ha Hoy k advertising cor. No. It. reached this city Dfl Friday, and did Hie final work before (he engagement John MI. Fee has returned to his home la t'hh'tiliee. Mr. Fee appeared wllh the Poll Stock here, Inst week. In ."Tetiuessee'a Pard- ner." Joseph ItoudnbiiHh, of Williams burg. Pa., with Col. Cummins' Wild West, le/'i (he abow In Ibis city. 4. aud enlisted, thr.iiiirri the local recmlilug station, lu (be regulur army. Ih* was seut tn Fort Slucum. Mr. fUudiihush furnicilv served In the Philip- pines. ... .Mary Stockwell. of the Poll Stock. received a visit from her mother, Mrs. Kthel rlritndou. hi-t week Tbe Hunter-Brad- ford Stock will be usslsted by Clarence llan- dyi-ihle. T. M. fltmler. Itoberl Oher and Fran- ces Gaunt Ibis week, in 'Tri lby." "Worcealer. — At the Worcester Theatre (J. F. Hock, resident manager) Mrs. Leslie Curler, lu "Zazo," played June 8. This house' will probably remain closed until the opening of -the next season. l'jMNKL.i.N Soi'akh (J. P. Burke, resident inunnger). — Week of 11 the Frankliu Square Stock Co. will hi- seen In '"The Crust of So- clely." Last week the cuaipuny played "The I'hrislhiu." Week of 18, "Nlobe." For ex- tremely warm weather, business was good week of 4. I'aili; TMi'viiik (Alf. T. Wlltou, manager). — Week of 11 the Carlton-Moore Slock Co. will lie seeu lu "A Wife's Slu." Last week "East Lyuue" aud "Uncle Tom'n C'ublu" were tbe altructinuK. Pod's (Chns. W. Fonda, resident mana- ger).— Week uf 1), "O'Brien, the Contrac- tor." by Pull's Own Stock Co. Lust week the <-ompany uppeared In "Hamlet" and "Jim the Peumau." Business Is erowlug. Lakh I Wot. Con. St. By Co., managers). — Week of II oue of J. W. Gorman's com- panies wilt furaish amusement In the Rustle Theatre. Wiiitk Cut (K. H. Blgelow, mnouger). — Week of 11 special attractions will he Will II. Hill and Congo and Leo. The usual per- manent attractions are doing good business. I'lNCHcssr I'.umc (Jas. P. tuples, mana- cer>. — Week or 11, vaudeville In ibe Rustic Theatre. "7-aia," June 9. dosed (bo season at tba Opera House, playing to capacity Mountain Park Casino (Louis Peih>j Pr manager).— Tbe Casino Stock Co. will L B , n ' rehearsals 11. and will open the maaoau the Casino 18. with the production of "Thi Strollers." There will be a change of hth weekly, and musical comedies and cumi. opera will be produced. ■ — ' ' •-' ■ Sew Bedford — At Hathawnv's fj \t Hathaway, tuauager) tbe Summer'stwit eaaat uanv presented "The Little Minister," io tuZd bualness. week of June 4. Week of 11 -u Men Sow." ' Savoy (W. H. Shine, manager).— sueuard'a moving pictures are doing good business Notes. — Rohbins' Circus did good buslae-i here. In spite of a severe rain storm Barnum & Bailey 28. The city is we'll cov- ered wltb paper for the big show. North AdmikK. — At tbe Richmond (Wm P. Mende. manager) Mrs. Leslie Carter la "Zaza," June 11, will close the theatrical W soo at tbls house. Tbe sale has been large Notes.— Robert Costello, who has been stage mnnager of a theatre at Niagara Fail< N. V., has returned to his home in this clij* to spend the Summer The bund oo£ certs nt Valley Park, each Sunday, are well a 1 tended. Larvreuee. — At the Colonial (Al. Havue-i BM&fafler) "Tbe Cowboy und the Lady' Slr.jed to exceptionally good busluess week "of uue 4. "Blue Jenns" ll-lfi. Taunton. — Frank A. Rohbins' Circus, June '2, did nood business, afteruoou and eveulug, In spite of unfavorable weuther. <■ I 3IICUIGAN. Detroit.— At the Tetuple (J. H. Moore, manager) the bill week of June 11: Alien and Daltou, Post and Russell. Cuius dugs, Sahel Johusou, Cliuserelu Troupe, lrviug Jom-s, Kdward's ik-hiwl Bo.vr aud (Hrls, Pal- frey aod Hoeller, nnd the k^luograph. LvcRi'ii iK. 1). Stulr. manager). — Vauguan Uttavr and cumpuuy drew fair bouses, iu "When We Were TweutV'oae." Same com- pany, iu "Theltaa," lli-lti. Wiutnbv (K. D. Stair, manager).— Hoidera Stock. Co., lu "Nobody's Claim," had fair busluess coiislderiug the seasou. "A Mon- tana UuUaw" 10-lb". Avkxi'k (Campbell ft Drew. mauaKers).— The Avenue Clrls drew fulr houses lust week. Sunday, IO, executive stan* beuelil. Cktstai. (J. J. Nasb, mauugerj.— Fair hill and well tilled houses. BUI week of 11 : Veo- let-te and tjld, Karle Sisters. Frank Harcourl, Millard Bros., Klisha Hoblasuu, Ausod Scblr- liurr, ami klnoih-uuic. Knlatnoaoo — At the BIJou (W. S. But- terfield. manager^ busiuesi Is good. Bill week of .June 11 ; Budd Bros., James Duua, Heleu Blaine, I'ule and Cleuieus, Three Bar- ueya, liurney Clsler, aud clinetoscupe. Fuiueau succeeds Perkins as stage manager. Casino P.vhk (Balrd & Hakeu, managers). — Tbe season opeued :!, tu two big houses, but bad weather since resulted In light busi- ness. ilAOExnECK's Shows come 9. Notk. — Another place of amusement Is In course uf coustrucllou. and Is hoped to be ready for opeulug July 4. The uame ot tbe new house will be the Wouderlund. Mr- Cormlck. Steele & McCormlck ure at tbe head of the enterprise. The building will have an men da In the front part, kavlug every kind of slut machines, aud a small stage, with au- ditorium, seutiug two hundred iu the rear. Muring pictures aud lliuslruted songs will be presented every half hour, for which an admission of five cents wilt be charged. Fall Ithcr. — At the Savoy (Al. Haynes, luatiuKcri the lliintlugtuu Stock Co. ure- Ke-nled "Dr. Bill," last week. Mr. Vau Wll- /.el. in the leadiug role, und his associates. Rave Ibe piece n clever Interpretation, and Ik bouses ruled. "Moths" 11-1(1. Siikkdv'k (C. K. Cook, mauagcr).— Tbe J. Prank Burke Co. j_'hvc an artistic produc- tion of "The Shadow Behind the Throne," to good buKluvRR, lust week. "The Power of Ibe Cross*' 11-16. Nickklodeun' (1). R. BufDutou. mnnsger). —Week or 11 : Harback and Harris. Cora lOvelyu. Major Kngllsh, and NIckelscoue. Uuslueas Is good. Notbs. — ^Iiarvey L. Walklns, represent Ins llarnuin ft Bailey's Circus,- nan in town Inst week, mnklns; arrnngi'tneuis for tbe anpesr- nnce uf ibe snow here June lib Wm. II. Barwall joins the .1. Frank Burke Stock Co. IS BIJou Washlmrne joined tbe Hunt- ington Stock Co. i:isi week, aud met wllh popular ojijirovul Miner, Ilnyden aud llernrd. of the BffiKj Stock Vo.. were the re- cipients o many lloriil offerings lust week. — ■ ■■ * Lowell. — The llathnway Thenlre cloRed unexpectedly Juue H, It lielun; the lnut of (be hoiixes to end Hie season. The itnrks are en- Joy'bg. good patronuge, considering Ihe rainy iveutlier. Alt give hand courertH Sunduys. and nil of the out door niuiisemonlR are ea- tertnlulng; gotid business during the week. 1.VKEV1EW Thkathk will opeu '2r», wllh "A Trip to Chinatown." Coi,. Ct'MMiNs' Wild West, direction \Ynlter L. Main, will spread Ha einvus 11. Kuma. — The ilrst heralds nf the Haruum & Pulley Show were yosied (J. annuuucluB the tamri npitenraure here July 7 PhlII|ipotenux'!» "Pointing of Hie Civil Wur," direct fou of Drrln R. (irimu, und Wm. S. I'rltlln. lecturer, were viewed by many people ul tbe State Armuty May UU-Juue 5. ■ ♦ ■ Holyoke.- At (he Opera House (Lawlor Bros., managers Mrs. Leslie Carter, In Bay City — At the BIJou (J. D. Plliuore, mauiiKer) bill week of Juue 4 Includes: Herbert B. Cbeslsy uud company, the Karlr Slsiers, Orgerlla Arnold, Marvelous Itoitseli, Charles Roche, aud new motion pictures. Cood business ruled. Wen 0:0. Bbaimi Casino (L. W. Itirbanls. luuuitger). — Tbla resort opened the season to big business 3, with the following sir.mg bin ■ Gelger and Walters, lu a musical nov- elty ; Herbert and Rogers, dancers ; 1 red Wycuoff and company, lu "Plain Folks; the Marvelous Le Pages, novelty Jumpers: I-tta Fyvle Deueh, Australiuu coutraltu. and the kfnetoscope. Week of 11* Broomstick Witches bead the hill. Notes. — Carl Hngenbeck's Shows pleased hlg crowds nt two performances 4 IM* North has been appointed advertising ami ex- ctirsluu agent for Wenoua Beach, this city, aud Riverside Park, Saginaw. ■ — ■ a ' Croud Rttplda. — Al. Rnmona Theatre than. Delemnier, manager) attroctiuus tor week of June 1(1 are: Five Musical Byron*, Hnppv Jack (Jarducr. Georgia I-ewls, «»■ Curt h v a tid Wolcott, Bedford aud " '"- Chester, aud World and Klustou. (JODt-'imv'S (C'bas. (lodfroy, mnungeri.— Allractlons for week of 10: Josephine Po** Crlfh'n Sisters. Shannon and Straw. £■"■ mers nod Winters, and Wlllard aud Hughes ■ ' Battle Creek.— At the BIJou (W- s Butterfleld. mnnager) the attendauce con- tinues good, the house Mug no especially cool one. Bill Tor week June 4: Budd Ilr.iv. Clifford Wllklas, James A. Uunn. Louis Boja • bowser. Margaret Shauuou. the 'Ihree lirtgi- nal Uuiueys. uud tbe Cllncioscope. ■*-•-• MAIIVUMJ. Baltimore, — The season of niuaral coni- eu>. at Hie ljrrlc tBcrobard Ulrlch. ■«* iter), has proved very successful, .ami « he extended for anolher week. ,"H' ,r0 ; !! \L will be repeated for three nlghis hgi " ■» June 11, and "The Silver Slll>l>er' will 1* Been the remaluder of the week. _. HlTETT (W. L. Rnllnnf, nianaireri.— " e Howerv Burlesquers open 11. rinsing m« regular Beason. which hits been one "ft*" 1 " praaserlly. The Runaway (Jlrls closed .»■ * lesttmonial will he giveu Manager BaHani £ Kuai.Titir> I'aiik (Frederick C Sf !'' r J er. manager). — Virginia Karle. L". *• '%• Dal^y Harcourt, Wills and Ilaaaon. _ uud r.o. nnd Nettle AInaae constitute tbe hill for »■ current week. Attfndnnce was large 1 ■» week, and all Indications are eocourag'UK the new management. Fiitu J. Ireland, manager of Enlgm«relle# arrived June a, from Kagland. June 16. the istEnsr OHIO. I Clnulnnall* — Undoubted!; many of those wb» during Ihc pant week, have tRcepted dl- nlnnmx from tlic different college of music nod dm ma Mr ex | ires* I on h*re — Hnd there ar* nrrtrlv a dozen, for Cincinnati Is a i-entre of RirMtctir ThPepInn Interest — will seek for fame And fortune on the stHce o>r concert platform. Nn Inland i It v has a larger Dumber of Insti- tution* dedicated to thoae arts. Three classes ntdimted from the College of Musk-, at Music .lull 7- Kmmn Reiser and Mnlhllde Hliie- blog were given post-graduate diplomat). Alma Mnrks. Flora Schwartz. Ada C. Zellerand Au- rrlla Weller. .ill of Cincinnati, gained diplo- mas- Certificates were fsuiiod tu Helen nnnvn. Minnie L. Rrtigeernan, Angelu M. Da- vid.vin. Mllliin Krelmer. Margaret A. Buck, FphtI 10. Quitman, Margaret Itoycr. Corlnne Mclnharter and Marlon Tleman, all of Cln- t'lnatl. Emery W. Hobaon, of radii can, Ky. ; Nance B. Martin, .Salem, III.; Louise W. Church, Norwood, O. : Klsle Dlioil, Hiirkesrllle. Ky. ; William K. (irlelicl. New- port, Ky. : Klixabclh Leake, KnosvUle, Venn.; Mabel Motf. Princeton. Ky. : Florence Brooks, Victoria, Mexico, and Edna Brorlcn, Buck- land. O. The Metropolitan College of Mimic !■ ** Harvard School of Kxpreaslon hold their commencement exercises at Nonan's i , u mum, tit. Jiisa Mannheltncr's School of Kxpreusion has laaued diplomas to Flor- ence (Jove, Klyrlu, O. ; Corlnne SlelnhHrter, Pearl Quitman, Marlon Tlernau. Ituae Schloss, Margaret Itoyer, Matllde Stucbtrg, Margaret Buck and Anrella Welter. Cosby Im.anh (L. T. Anderson, manager). — AouKement Director Oeorge W. Knjrle- hreth has arranged to sidetrack ra-udcriHe for a week, and Bryant's Minstrels open -Inn* 10. Burt i:. Melliurn and .totin ('arlmcll will be lirst enda: D'Arcy t'ampbell.of Primrose's force*. Interlocutor, and the Kennedy Bros., ppdPatiil duncern. on the Neconcr enda. Kddy Koran, Ton Mcfirall. Frank Mitchell, Frank Combs, Kdniond Bal*. James K. Kmerson, Percy Reed. George Van. Henry l* Bellvllle. William Brlnkman, Frank Scott, Koliert Carl flntl Charles Forrester arc listed as burnt cork performers. The Kagles took W.liOO tickets for tbelr big day, 9. Last week's storms rather cut Into the runs, but busi- ness averaged big. Mamie Vesta Telia was the bit of last week's vaudeville bill, to which Edwin Camp, Cartmell and Reed, Stelnert and Thomson, and the Lafayctte- Lamont Troupe were contributors. ■1mm Park i I. M. Martin, manager). — The Chester Park Opera Co. will commence the season at the opera house 17. putting on "The Rounders." with Blanche Rae Kdwards, Clara Palmer, Kdna Rernlnc, Sylvester Corn- ish. James McKlheru, Thomas, Ince. t'hnrles Fulton, .latnea Boyle and Sam Mylie In the cast. "The Belle of New York" follows 2i. In the vaudeville theatre, 1(1, Lnba De Sa- rema and her performing bull and other ani- mal-. Jeanne Brooks, "the. girl with the smile;*' Sa Va"n nod McBrlen, nod Cook and Steven * will appear, l^ast week laiKlnecs wan s-ood. Saona's Impersonation (if Presi- dent MrKlnlcy w:in Htartlfng. Tbe Buntbiark Quartette, Hatch Brolhera. and Mllu.Vagges were otbtr cards. Director Zem-li, of lite *'hesler Mllitory Band. Is arranging catchy programme*. The bathing heart. Is now open. 1,1'Di.ow 1,aimh>,\ [,l. J. Weaver, manager). • — Lionel I*egare, the man who defies all the laws of gravitation, will come- 10,' and show on his own spiral tower. Amusement Dlree- lor William K Clark Iihk llstod for the Rustic TboHlrc: Prof. Fink's Coontown CI reus, Marin ilnik. liank ttnd Lottie Whltcomb, the Ureal Itlcardo, and Arminla. tbe Venus, and james I . Burke, In comedy acrobatics. Business last week was very good. Tiik Z«hi (Walter C. Draper, secretary).— Patrick Conway's Ithaca Band begins. Hie laxt week of a mont successful engagement Id, and luneK and bis Rand follows 17. Joseph Siliwenkp was the ndriVd soloist last week. Norwood Circus < ,;:ays of Ponpell." which opens 11. for two weeks. Tbe spectacle cornea here from New York, and moves on to till a teu weeks' engagement at Chicago. Frank (lakes Rose, general stage director of thv Pain spectacles, arrived lu advance, to direct tbe final rehearsnls. KchinltHe's Band has been engaged for the Cincinnati run. SrwMEn Ciut. — "Tlie Creation" is la be MdEi.'rt 11. at itie Auditorium, by the Omar Lhrctitt Voice Si in ml Nearly a dozen or Mrs. William Mt-Alpln's pupils wll «" to New York when she openH heV vacalluu sturto of dramatic and vocal art Stira MH'Donrtld, whu Is lo star In her own melo- drama, "Adrift In New York." will be handled by Cincinnati people. The I*. Menger AmiiKenient Co. will flnanre the tour, to he d I re*- 1 Inn of C. K. Broadwell .of this city. tiertmde Beryl' Dalian and Miiry Love Akels, graduate pupils of Albino Uorno, gave it recital at the traeon 4. when they were assisted by 1-lureni-e llHrdeuian. Joso Manen and Frances FlsUcr J . R Cas*i Is leHder of the vaudeville or- Hnatn al Chester Park, and now there's a rumor that Walnut Hills mar have a new theatre Hazel T. Cairns, Kmellc Bern- helm. (iiiKsle I loft and Wll helm tun Perrnz were In the cast of "Friar Bacon Hnd Friar Bungay," the old lvllwibeihan comedy recently put on by the unlversllv senlora Man- ager Joho II. HttV'lln lias gone Fust, to bo away until I be aetmbn opena. .... .Charles I,. Do rmi; ex-member of the lpglslnture, and one "t Cincinnati's must hrlllinnr newsimper men, Is now press agent for Chester I*Hrk. • " ■ — — ■ cirieinnil — At the opers House (Hurry D. Kline, manager! "An Amerlnm Citizen" la the second wech's offering of the It. C. Ilerz Stock Vo. In "The Dictator" litis excellent n*mpHny made Its Inltinl bow week of June 4. to splendid houses. Weather permitting. Ihls strong lompany Is bntind to have a lung nnd Hicccstiful Summer nin. Hera Stock Co. week of 16. Kuclid Ave. Gardkns (Max Faetken- heiier, manager). — The Wlllhini Fnrniiin Stock Co. will give "Pygmalion and (ialutea" and "The Merchant of Venice" week 11. "In- gnmrtr" drew well last week. Farnuni Stock Co week IS. LrcKPH (Ceo. M- T«wld. manaeerL — "The Ironmaster," week of 11, by the David Hart- ford Stock Co. "The Holy City," by the same i-ompiifly. hHfl good receipt h week of 4. i'OUkkum (SI. Y. Trostler, manager).— "A irlp to Chinatown" week of 11. "A Temper- ance Town" week of 4. Kciriis ill. A. Dunlels, manager).— Bill wepk of if includes: Ring and Sargennt. Be- dinl and Arthur, SlHinlev and Wilson. Clark's dogs and potter*, Doherly Slslers. John and Bertha t;iee*nn nnd Fied lloiillhnn, Brazil ■nd Brazil and Rerfle Fowler. Lt:.\A Pakk (JI. Klwood Saulshury, innna- S en.— The Norrlns. high dlrers, and Ll- eratl's Band are the special features here week n. This is Ideal we.ither for Luna I ark. and the place Is crowded everv night. Notts, — Frank P. Speilmnn organised the Lincoln Park Amusement Co. recently, for the purpose of nn|iilrlng Srenle Park, nnd making H over lnl» n taip'dnr Summer gar- den. A hiiinig I) workmen hnve l,eeu on the Job but two weeks, splendid progress has been made, nnd Manager Speilmnn nnnonnces that the park will he opened soon. Luna Park xnd Kite! Id Beach can cater lu the riaat Knd patronage, and Ltumiu Park to the ir.\- ill. (.'nlllua. manager). — The garden opened it« scaaon week of 4, with many Improvements. The opening bill Included: Routin and THIaon, Marie Hpclow, and Howard and Under. SGvCM, — Rlngllng Bros.' Circus appear*! here 18 fndlanola Park re-engaged the Millard Bros, for week of 11 The enter- tainment at tbe Shrlneis' conclave, 7, was furnlsfaed by Robert Rogers, Harry ttbunk, and Huffman and Ciranvltle, who bad a very clever song and dance act Bobert Rog- ers it mi IiAtilse Mackintosh, who were mem* Ikts of the Vaughn (Jlaser Stock Co., which closed at the 1 ireat Southern last week, have entered vaudeville, nnd will produce 4 vaudeville act at Olenlangy Park week of lu. Akroti. — At Lakeuldc Casino (Harry A. Hawn. manager) a very good bill, wltb Cole and Coleman as strong features, had crowded houses week of June 4. BUI for week of II: FJutelle Wordette and company. Bud Farnum Trio, Will II. Fields. Don and Mao C-ordon, La Moyne Ulslcra, and Arnwcln pic- tures. Notim. — Mackay'a Hnropenn Circus did fairly well at '.milt and 1 1 111 Park week of 4 OuBgenhelm and Frank, of Youngs- town, purehnaed tbe Colonial Tbealre, of this rltr, 4. from M. Rela, of New York. Uly S. lUll will continue as local manager. * ■■■■ — ■ Snnriaaky. — At Cedar Total Pleasure Re- port (<;*?■>. A. Roeckllng, manager) tbe sea- son opened June n. with a larse attendance throughout the opening week. The vaudeville priiKi-smu-* consisted of Slgnorina Bellone, Rer^erc g*lstera, Kmmona, Emerson nml KmmoDB, and Kosso'ii Concert Band. injur Rros. k FoRBFAuuH'ti L'ntcus played to capacity June «i. »»*-»> NEW JKftNEV. Newark.— l'roctor's (K. F". Proctor, man- ager) Is the only bouse remaining open through tbe Summer, and excellent ventila- tion ndds to the comfort of large audlem-ea. The return engagement of Delia Fox Is the feature of tbe current hill, while the appear- ance of Julius Sfeger. iissMert by Jlllle Ilerne, Forrest Robinson and Tony Pearl, forms rt plcsslnjc novelty. Smith and Camp- bell, Lemal/e Bros.. Wiiliu WeHton, Llllle Bender. Duryca nod Mortimer, and Ben Beyer comitlele un entertalniug list. iii.iMi-n: Pakk til. Wefers, manager).— This iclr-ct. resort Is reaping the iH-nebts of broad management, and with the Aborn Opera Co.. Is attracting large and well pleased audiences. ■■The Pirates of Pen- xance" received good attention week of June 4, and "Said Pasha" promises welt this week. •■BoL'tacclo" week of 18. t'alcedo, "the king of tbe wire." was a strong feature of the epen alrtdiow week of -I. and Prof. Williams, tbe ncronsut. is making ascensions tills week. Hi,KCTRtc Pakk (C. A. Dtinlap, manager). — This big pleasure spot opened wltb a Targe crowd, and holds its accustomed popularity. Several new features have been added to those established laat season. Tbe eruption of Vesuvius Is very realistic, and attracts the tuo:*t attention. The vaudeville IheBtr'j la well patronized, and ihe current hill names: C-oforth and Doyle, the Arlington Corned v Four, .fotde Antonette. W. S. Whittle, and Merrltt and RozcKa. IliM.Hit>»; Pakk (W. Tballa, manager). — The opening weeks here bring fairly good audiences, nnd. with Olive Swan, equestri- enne, and the balloonlats giving exhibitions, the Heasnn romlsea good results. NoTfss. — Marlborough Hardy la again aa- Koclnled wltli the management of Electric Park, und \V. McKiemnn Is this season' look- ing after the press work Leon Kvana, of Waldmanu's. la In tbe box office at Olym- pic Park. ,+.. ...- H ■- Atlantic Clly — At the Savov (Fred K. Moore, manager) "The Toast of the Town" drew a large audience June 4. Brandon Courtney Stock Co. bad good patronage for the rest of the week. Yorxe's Pifen Tiieatrk (W. E. Shackel- ford, manager!.— Sarah Bernhardt attracted a large Hiidlence ti. Tbe vaudeville bill on (he other days of the week did well. For week of 11 : Tbe Sbarplies. Flake and Mr-. Iionotigh. Rose De Hnven Sexletie, Brlnda- mour. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Barry. Klinore Henry, l.»- Duraml Trio, kloetograph. fiitVKHNATon's t Sydney Fern, manager). — Excellent linslness prevailed during the past week. Billed for week of 1 1 : Monte Mlro Troupe. Kaufman SSIsters. Mario and Aldo, Mrs. Leslie C. Kvana and company Alvln Brotliei-s. Cnrdnar and tinlden, the Bart Urns, Iho Kveretts. Blake and Vhhh, Bhe Family. Three Jscksons, Franklin and Toodles, aiid Four Shannons. StkkI'I.kchasb Pikb ftillen W. Clements, inwniigert. — Big hualneaa. Rill tor week of 1 1 : Irene I .n'tonr. Bates Trio, MMIershlp Sisters, ll.'ithnway Indian tableau. Shields aud Clilt. Golden Hnd Hughes, Ed. Mora, and vltfgrwph. ■ — ■■■■♦ < o union. —Ai Woodlynn? Park (II. D. Le Cain, manager) the second week was signal- ized by h good vaudeville bill and Increased attendance, excepting tbe nights when In- clement weather made a performinc** impos- sible. The Mil last week Included : Reese Leroy, Blanche Irftwrerice. ' Hie Noles. R. Thomas Miller. Jack and Rcrthn Rich, Tanna, Lorn and Payne, and moving pictures. Notes.— Manager Taylor, of the Camden Theatre, Is recuperating In Maryland, at his Stimmpr cottage on fhe Chesapeake Bart McCue Is awdxtlng Manager Le Cato, at Woodlynnc, in the bookings for that re- son. »»» Francis Wilhox.' tbe comedian, whose "Mfe of Eugene Field" and "RenUKHan of Jmeph .lefferson." bare attracted widespread attention. h.ia tried his hand 7 at- stage lltem- ture, in a comedy, called "Llltl-* Iwlly Waters." This piece, his first effort na a playwright, will be pinlnced early next sea- snn by hlnw & Erlangpr. a contract to this effect havlhg been consummated. "Little I)n||j Waters" Is a musical play. The leu-ale of the scenes u In New York. The hook Is Mild to He strong In Its character drawing, and contains many noveltlea. It. W. Markh, manager and proprietor Marks Btw.' Co.. w,i* n CmitTr caller last week. He hau lieen In lh" city securing playt* ml iieopie for th*» next fcen«w»n, which openo In New York State Aug. jo. Marks Bros. had four compnnle** out laat seaarui. nnd the profipeclfi are that they will hare five on the road next season. The scenic equipment will lie fh*» Iwst we have ever bad. Twentv-two npecltt llthogriphH are being made for us, and will be reauy for the opening In Auguat Clipper PMt QHia In nnlrr to avoid inlntrtkca nnd to Inanre the prompt delivery of Iho letters nlwertlPfo In tai* Hat, m\ envelope i » 1 n. I ml > nddreiaed atuat he ■ cot for rai-h letter, nad a wrltietr oriffer fnr the letter, almied vfflh- the fall name and nddreaa aad the line of baalaeaa ftillovrert. hy the aender, •mtint nlaa lie caclnsrd. Pleaise meiitloa the dote (or imt- her) of the i.i.ifpr.g In which tie lcttera ami for were Mdvertlacm^ LAD IBs' LIST. A vin ir. Lottie l-'li-her, Alluale .\nleii, Bell Klix-h. Kh,ra Arm. l.'iiM l-'l'ii ],i M l- » * J ■ ■ ■ FarlBgloti. Neraila Conner, Kvelyn <4oimIwIii. Irene ilarTkv. Mrs. liamy, Lillian Uaylor. V. M. Unrrlty Mm Ouray. I.tlllnu UihmIwIii. aiusle uoni.oi. Kitty l.ulver RcMlrlce itep, i.,m-i- Ttlhrrt, Bessie la>T5 Knllierliic Harl. Hmlle Hart. Mrs. J. ft Hnnt, taranMae llehl. I.IIIUu Itolst, IMta llNll. I' i Mi: lit* llmlley. May lln'ii\ I.Mrtil i:.-, ii-i.. Mary llou>b»n, Mrs. Deatlb HltlUlMII CO.. Mamlr (Mkt. Hrlbfll Mlltlrel llattinuti)-. Hellc Hayties. PeatH.* leimtrj.3-1. Jennk' ii-mne. VI Jewell. H'len Jefleixm M«. J JontMn, Rulli JaqurH, Aildlc Jermoii. Irene kcene. l-or-ilne Kcvley. Hiiael Kirk. Lowell a hi'invr. Urata :..!■■ i ■:-! ,-i' Nlua Lu Conda. Pauline l*e, Ireis" Li*. Lulu !.cwlw. "Cjfprlee LiiKi-nrte Kenlili Aluw. Mile. Aitiela, Mile. .\ilfii; •- Aiiii'1 Atimw Kntberlue I'riiiiiiHTii, Him- Hl-ict. M«i:i|e llunatt Kh,a 0. I.ii.i.l-lcv Slelhi Un I'kfi-. J«hle Bvriws SI ■ ream Kc.v.nil. t.fireu.i Parr/, Margaret Ueliugiil Mailcllnr I'-owitcn, Rae Hu-'klej. I-Maa llrooks. Jn-nne Helmont, Mora Brvniian, Un. H. R. Benl ley. Irene Bernard, Kauny Buckley, BAan LmNIwIu FloMle Bn<-i>ke. Jeanne Bru-lle/. Maniatei Besiii. Anrta Brlfilit. r-illb BcHKgnnl MIsoM L'jh-1, Kathryn BrUtoI. Je»sle Biirfje»s Mrs.A.C Onsets. — ClvlfiUUMl. Aructte Colby, Allle CHldweil. Anna ensile SlKb-ra Corey, May Cunningham. Zella Ca tier, CcIp-Uo uiher. Dnttls Conrad. Krtltb (. hJiiln ■, Mile. Chambers. Beita Clarence- Sisters i i ■"-, Annie t'orbln. Mildred ■;. - » I ..-.. ■ . illadya Cl.ivtn]-., Resale Clnvt'-O; Venma H Ctikk Mi>. J. h Dorr. Mftrgarct liaienport Millie I>rew Elaine M, Piiprre, Minnie Dm til; Little Dale. Ihaiilhi Dupree. Muliln Iw Veral. Row Dtnide. Uitts Di-r.-nid, Kranklc !>■ i a ' i-. > BnrliarH i'.'il i. A oh It* Duffer. Kthrt l"v-*ni'u:-l. Vers nupn>. Maud (' l>e urignau Lewis, Ida l^nln KnUiWe 1 .1 v I \-a • I ■ ■ : . Luclle Lnwmi'.v. haai h i.'.nii*. llutihle l^irala** rhyllla i.- May. '■'.■ ■■■■ Li.ivrcnci* lto-r-ltM Loi-khart. Mal>el l*w>on. MIm T L-iRne. Allie < UnN, UerrtiMlt* I.- Maw, Belle I i Diliir. Alllllc I* M-tr. Bnl-t- IjH-kharl. Matwl IjiMhtt Kranfck MclvlH". S .MnrrlM^u, Mae .Manning. IWIMi Montagia*. .il.i'id i Bertha Dfhtew. Mary KLMcY-i-r, Man iMitrty ttl^ters I.Mi>t!Di, Pauline DunliKin Noulne Mor^Hii, Kltly Dnoi-nn. Lu IlrMiiebe iJln-aHs. MImmJ, I -:l lie. Jllllu I'.vcrnll LuilllnC, I'lttolt. I'nuMoe r.VHiw. Mrn.M.K V'-u , k Webtc ft-her, l,l<^Je l.-h-.-r SUtiTS 1. ■■..■■■■! Mile. (ContnrttiinM I ■■ !n-,'. Mile. Forwherg. Uelfrld I'enner. Kfelyn Mathews, Z-.ii McLau'iDllo, Blrtlk- .Mlllmrn, ilrscc Mvrkin. IMIsh Meredltli. Magffle H Sanaa. Mrs. <<■■ r Mack. Mr-. It H Harhta, May A Mlllon. \Mn Muiklo MtaxUra Mel villi Vcma May MfAd-am M'—W ftEliTLEMB.V!* LIST. Am^deu. ri.Mr-lc ,Ki':i> ft. Molei-k Hei'aHtllki V. 1. AniMtmaK MnrC Hru-.p tt OofM-r DeNevre, Uiy M Melnxe. Kdlth Niiri)i*n l,ii, ill:.: Miinati. Kvelyu .Nr,ir;ii', KIIH Mi 'bolts SlHPr* .Nelb-u. Pearl Oth-er,' Marlon tl'nrVu, Kittle Ulctta. MIm l-uerp<. Julia Painter, Catbryn It. l'ottrr. im If leder. Violet I'kKfinle Z ■» D tartar l'ln:en.e Potter Mrn.iiiu Price. Mn.ll.M. CldlHvmd. I. ['in,, Mil ;, in Qui no. ■ Mr*, tin V. Itimucll. Myrtle llt-ii.'*. Mote. Itumrtwll, vlrtlie Mablc hutln-rfoni. Itutnley, Lulu Urn,'. Julie lilrera Mil ifi-l Rarkl Iffe Mrp. N. It. Rlcfcanlaon, Mr- R. H Itanlstim, /*r-1nt.i Kick. Mra. A. I.. Reiki. Klei nor Kiijtn-uud. KilltU rpaaar, Mae Sbarfi, J esse Slerrl, '■-- ■,-,. m»"H|'.:. Ida hauler. Mra, C. ssbavv. Mae fi-encer, Atlanta Kmlttl. M.iMt? W|waig. Hilda blilllvan. Mra. ^.nlhrrn HnCI, ?iarr .-Hab-ri. 8ln>UR ! il. Mm. Hi, Rliioe, Marrlan M.l'lalr Marie R nl'iw, ttlwlya HHtny, Blam-Iie ^iiilt. I'iiirie M. Tu«. Mme. Tiemont, (Irace Tlwrmtyke. LUIi-in v. Tnlyor. Frata Tnylnr Twin* T-'flnr. RmniH Tre May lie. Mi-- V ii. Viu Bu<-ren. Uha Vwne. Nrllle Van SluddlfonL Krau \lrlMH. MUa V*rney VlvlanA V.--.-T Klhel WYiik .Marcaret Wlltnir, Rrrtlta Winter. Mb B. Wlilte. 'e-l- I) WiMlon. Klorenc Wll km. Belle Venn-. Krtaa WIIIIaiiK-. (.rKlll.it I L' WlilliM-r. Llllle \Vel\elhaUIII. Mm. K. Walker. Mae WllliHlu. Hitr Wilton. Belle WolHi. Allee Vraacr. Narna i 1 1 . Anna Zellar, Klo .'■ -■ !i Jo*> Andrews K. C AuxelL J: S. Allen OelmanCu Amid \ Uiiiiu Allenloif -t.Krr.1 .'•i.i|,i. Jiick AapaMt, JHck Auilrewa. C Athley. Alya .\lderoni Kifllk- .\cllitoii. V. U. Ab.v, J. H, A'lnnis, S. aMb.1 Kml Arnold. HarryC, Pi i aaa aa. Ilaa. Iktyle, Fratn-la J Hootli, Clar. K. Itarry D ADolly bfUMl Herryt*. Iktiwta. BenilltiK Illnl. tleo. A. ft Llztle Handy, (Jen Ball**y. ttliver D liaker. Mrrnn Mrher. W. ir. I.h :;,,;'. J H C. I >:. l Hir.i'in^ii'M, Sidney Bonotte I'rof. C, (.'. Mopitinalj Bell Hoy Ot, HmwiT, Walt 3 l.n 'I'lWs. H. K. Barr. Andy rU*-e*tMi Dr Alrla Rniwn. Joe Bennln-fton A.B Bichcii, r --t-.il*> Ile-xlry, i:, tl Minder, Kay Drown, H. A. IfJarban ItiiriM*-., Jin? Lataia. V. M. heverly A DknTera Tntla. Chfth DHL rVl Dtyan Krank D. Berry JtrMettefk Parlell. Harry Rnrkp; (in-. H B*>r«t. Hot^by D-IIIEl.1. CIJMH. Iti>1«-ell. Clar. D llron-er Wall. A I-ittlii-re. Nr*l Inwtwk-k K. M. P'te-j. W. H. IlubH. Harry Byrne. J. : If. TA*. Paid, itr. A. T. Boric. T. Berlin tip, Trln Hlnatiiii.. Hoht- l>M. DU-lj Bntlor. AL I^biHint. Harry l,(i .i,ii Alvln Berry D. ADallr l.citi-teHi. H. V hI ley ifc Mndl«oo nealty MarilnO. Brwler. tlnrrr Nwhutfaa. Slibiey Bnrry * W.m.I for. I I'nrke. J. V.A Nellettai p- 'kin. A. J. t*r""k , « r*. 'Ma*. pen ft Bicliirdfl BoWDian, I-'n-l KuMklrk. Fred Helta, i, ;,ii. 3. Calceil-) Juan Cliitdwlck. J. D. 'arney. CM Ubrwts, c»irl K. LTiirer. Wm. U'llon ADirrow Oiikt*. 4 I oi!**t..n, W«i. J. (.Ir.j rrnii, J. Clt*«-*nl. *'l.iy I'llnl, lie,.. L'laTk, SriDi l»ll>y family L'liiiiilt-.'L-lNln. H. XV Cllflon, If. II. anil, Fred (■iMeka, A. M. Clemen 1 *, Jhh.D. L'uimoily. Jaa.K Umaaj, w. M. CHltonl & Hull d'lin lly. Our, T. Hurry Coulte.-, rnm (.'ju-ii-.'H ,; •1 '.in-. 'ti Craine, L' in; A t.'ran* fi.lfnl.Hii CliaxK (.11;! in h Ailaiua Chipi i, Hiirry Cliff.. pi, Nat r. Carr, Clifton. Ilon-Hrd . rti** Coltuin <& Nllilo nrar. Bra C«ll. Mum lie F Culllna, HIinMic. Oakler. M. S. CtirtHlo. .- »' fWar K. Celi-t. Wni. Oin'i'M Com. Cm. tMfjr.i (>>1lar. Itoy " iriMt Jan. J. triirta, Dave K. Chanitiera. f I " ■-• : ■ rd Chllda, (-.-.. i; Cralc, Hi li, W Cardie, Jimmy ( ' -i 1 1 * ■ ; i , Iv-nny Ca ra il OTe J«*htl V Cunke. M. Crahttee, itrft. pale, Ktir-t rVdierty. 1^?" J. Deare-4. W,iM. II I> Wolfe ChaaR Ih-Wolte t:iia».l( Dupree. U' LIW«y Dravr-'. Widl.K rtivi-. ];K";,|. nirkKiu. D. K. Dalrymiile Wll, IV-asnn. \:<\ II. Dal leva. Tbe Dlllton. Jne Piol!,.. Haek I', Midi. Afilli. Hfl|.lilo>, l-'xlly. I lii. Iijrr.' llarrr iCnrnetf f ■ - 1 . : j j . , i Carl J'tHhi ft i.- Bart liinaond. J*a> Braiie. Hiini Wmliiu. arthnr Ikaiuelly. J. II, HiiM-aii. C. M. pirn ml Till) Iknp, loliu Bavla. Jnrk Daly, -in- L. Detittiu. Ilerltert tiMni-el, Frkak |li'd|N?r. (-, A. Weimar — iMajr. I>f.fo, Join, IH-tercfiiix Jack UHBer.' Kreil ;IP-H',i.i l M;' ' i :t;r.n- ,la*-k Drt-t-i-M. M. Ditiielcn st.'J-. i. nutnii ±t*-« i - i-ay TltiHpe DalL Hurry [»ur id-ili Taylor l'.l|l>dt-i it S", T j : Hi t. f-r-ri ■ | Jm. K. KUPif OhiHHthaj i:- vm- II. J. Kuan. J-** ItaaWH. Del^iR. KlKWf.rtli \Pnrt l-.lnK.ii.htrf \V,C. rHitrfiti.il>.. TUe De l^s-t D. K-mrrMMi. Frank Kvana, Artbar Btmmlm. Via. KnKllaa k tlnndy i ■- ■= i . r - : « - 1 • . r,i, ■ Kuifrfin Kil. M. Karl «c Wllwm KI-.ke,.K. D. r.-ikc. i"ii>. II. I'aller, Hurry I'll lean. P. fax. At. II. l-'rlcdm-tn. Geo. I'otrler. Frank !■'■"-(.■ r'i I., Kautkiwr Kre I I' --j Wm. I. I 'Ink. Fred II. I . -n', Julea Phatd. V. A. 1'alit. Cine Irlike. Wm. I-Vrrrtl Br(w. I'lfl-b Jlt.i.pr llarrr Npy, J«. I»rr»>jter, (.lias. '' -Mi. P. fm »1 bare. A. For, KiMlr Peru. Harry S. I'rcnilt. Fr«it Phiilkner. lira Flake. Frnl Frunk. Hia*. L. f:-i'PP. r Cutiirlf.r Win- ner" ***». Pk-oil. F. A. Drbnora poi, llirry I'ntlon. Wm. In I mm ILL. |h*r-ey. itwtrir;*- i;ili-. K«J. B. Dnrllnar. S. F. llnrrey, filenaF. De N'nyer. «rael-* t*. B-lwapl. etevnol'la fien Rf».li->tH J.B'CIyrulon, vTill Doyle, Tom 'Gltilleretti, Dan tiaanoui, The tlalllnierr. Artb. Craj, Jamea A. tiotaa, UilM liRCilnrr It.C. Jr (Hi-ale:-, VMlftliu tialvlu. Jolui M. tlanbav. \V. S. (iantlner Will ft, C'alilln';. Fred ti-traoa. X. X. (Iirman. Bert i,-.i >;■!. Hurt tdtn*ervtly T.tny Htuhh*. D.-.K.B. tiMVMiit, Bert 0, liolilm. Uw. V. Brulian, .lolin II i.riidni'i, Harry tirltren. Prrry (lilliU.i.l. H. tl l.H- O. -Sillll uattev ft rftaaM Uitikn, (larland tllldiiy ,', Fox (talatK, (h>on:U tltirt'Hi'a Mlmt. ilraeey. Hiirry (in rtiicl* ii, ii.ll-.it> WttlAl Uieefie, Fit* I 0. lilnlmetti-, Kin- Hylanrla. Fred Ilarriwia. C. II. llnrrla, Airred Harvey & UBKe atarfe t'«> IhniMin. .loltiiT, ](,.,-. ,1'. i'-'l- L- HtnTUPl * De Irfiin Hanaon. Jtdin 1' Hafrla. dr,', K, ll,il'.;i"i >ten.A. Henry. Frank 4. Holmen. Fran- -fb illHi'iiyi [I hurt— W. Dli-k lluttiird. Sum Itailey Frank J, I in we. Krtw-l lliuvanl. Hilly llowanl Win. Jr. linii.ll'iit. Mr. I (anna. J. llHinmuniL J. H llernert. MaaW, i Mu-ictiui Hurrlsr-i. Tbe li-iinllu. Win. l!.i; ... .: '" JtMlA lloi-wtlz. CIm* IHkbIiik. >te». Ilodmai.. Arthur IIoujii. Cliiia.A. Ili.-'hu'i- HJi-rf ili.ri'liirfhin J.W ltMllba--k k EwarHt Hall, .vlti'.t ijanann ft Pieiv lilll. P. r\ Illrkey, Will II llnllirtwav Jokn Hntrr .*v Morton llollluter. Frank R. HuNlhuiH. I: ■- ,, Itntc-i. J. R. H-*atb. T. K. Hunter, Harry Uiillen. .Iiill Jonea. Wi ' .ICIIlilllJ'* Reufrew Jonea. P. -I. ■Irmlanil. Atf. .Imnw. Arthur JoiieM, J. Anjj. J-ilmanu. Ht-lel Jantra, Arlluu- hane, -lubii K. Kamey-., The i-ii'i, .i in Mauri Kiltknl.l Billy Keeley. nllle Kelley A Keh-ey Kane. Jokn K. Kni-iii'fUt. Chin.. ht-iihall. Wm. Knlll. M, Kelly A NlHrtl Kelly ,'v Vloletlf Kelly. Cium. 4. luetej. (HI If KiiIh*. Jolui K. Keller. IfDtilH Keiilmly Da*«A Kohter. J. H, i.Mi'ii. Fn*<| Kfllk. J. W. Kent, Hllllr Keeley. dllle Kaleta. J. Kraiin. fimnt Kaleta. J. Ke-di-r. Hurry Keiiaey *. Weal fall K'i]d. K. K. t.iaaa, Jlaiiala l.r-'i'r. AllMTt ! Inden, Frank Lav. ten, 11. J. I^pM. Krank Lure, •jraitt I. Mil'. J.l". LaiiK. Al, It. I^wla. Krtifar |j-n-n-iite. .U (1 Lmi* A. Liw- IJyial. i:.:. tli'irer-, Frank Line. UmU-rt Ikaal. CluMe M. li't-mln, Slcrr Hiiyai-vut It Unvmaii, C J, Clark Ife. i', i"k ltii«era. Rnhert l.i'aii-ln, Sieve KatiMilT, I. U*auder, Mr. ft Ititaartt Xur.K. Mra. Ben ltalmai 1'mfL.tC. laytuit Ciirn.Co. Kml. 0, V. lee, A. V.- Hnth. Wm. Lnajr, t-Mirani |:k.. a. t;. Ive. it .. i > W. Minou, Henry U>riaa, Ten ^ylvea|->r I.Mrrli>. J. I.. k U tan- It f Barn, o tl. M. rklma-k A' It lee Mur|iby. Nleli. aiarTunl k Mtoia- .\iar-lt.ilL Jaik M-flmi, 11. M Iti-bell k Ward Miady. O. M«eks, Ttie Klienuan -kFnller Mllimi. Walt. V >,iuiel]. tiieal Miller. J. D, Smith A Arada Morrow, it.ii'iA >, ■■.i^M.'.n,'' a. Metrlll. Sam I). kUerrv, J. W. Maxey I'rof.lLt n>i1ntii lit- Han Frank Sully. Wm Mi i'i-II 0. W, M-t-ntrmii*. t,. It. M irry. l'n-t -tlieiHii-tlHiu. Melville, i ,-i.iV l.<-l, P. Ifle.l M-iitli. II. It. y,. HILieii .Un. N|,.-rke'- PrrtlW" Mi-Kec Hairy !■ Sirven-.. Bulnuv Martin, A. ihlarTnrd. F. Mt.rrla. M. f S|.rii»a-t i-u. J. MimteMym. Joe Ft-hn-iter. F. J. MHoy, it. It, imhiiuhi. WaMet Mount, Jilt Na*ni, k'rutik W Mhi'ii, Walter >■■■!-■■■! Net Mebols. Mllly Makttilya. W. Vi-i-'n iii. J. D. Mum. w. P. Niina. .". W. Arm rpi. Jue Newman, J. D. Newtnau t'lar.D nrvlHe.-tr. T. Ihnii, FraneU ■■,■.-■.. Mi. riirlni. Wm. Hia-I. Hemy raklf-f, t'lniir. i'Ik-11. llarr>- lyt-niiriw. left tliiel. ll.-iii.v pickiinl. A. K PriMaly, Carl IV. ISn't'- Jenil I ll-.Hl.'-. t. '-. Slntnia, ttllliinl Sleln Krrtt'i. It. Smutilb. tK*"- ••■.Iiwaria. Kent SkKIi. Harry rM-Uei'l, Onklry PnlSK, Thru. >V I a in I'l i» - ll-irlletd HllluiOV, I'lril. KiitM** Sullivan. Frunk lUffel Trl-ii bhib*. Hi.!--. W St-brodo. M'allt-r r-raer*. Paul A. Savllle. II. It hl'l-Hltl-rlll. Willi-* P. Slnrrel. I "inf. rplatw. it. t. Ktewart*. itwAi siiilli, K. It- Hhartir, W. It. Sbllier- r.nlln %r ,,|,| 'il.i II. M.' litter i\ Hart well .■i.H-r. II. II. Powell Knah ll- I'iiIIim-L KrnealK I'ljor, Wni. K. pi-nliaw-.i — (Jintfleri I'olmer/. Jiitrtl. piia-i-ra. niin ll, Plk-her. Kml It . ...ler-K-ii. Al. Petri, Billy Phuc'm Nadrlat j -j.-i i. J. I- Park. Hen. W. I'l I... IL'.I IV. II ■rbi'. W. K. (Jkrenk PaltprM.li, Ven Iteo.A. f\ Pinven, Win, Pilgrim * MWhaj Plei-<-e, Harry I -el in <& Krrtta I -id ten Hlldwlii PI«*l|M Kim. A. I'imI-iiii. liillt-ir I'lilltinaikH A lU-jii.i riilllllH A ll.lilllltirr Parr. AIIh-M (jiiJhIiii Ph.-. ft llwkly Qulllrr. It. li .' I A. M. IVelbe. t Bah Wbltney * B'-ll ItryiHiM*. Max Wlute. Fred C. ItHwp, l^-Minrd WrfRta-r Win, K-ini-ikf DnvldJ Wll' Itnai-h, J. Wliitaoian All llewland Jltnmle Wat win. ltay, I. iii.n, -un ■ ]ni ' Kuasell. F. t. Willie, ~ llelu. All-Til. .Y. IIMfr Tom L. WliceliT. H. Itch;, John H. WhmIh. It. f*. «aia. Il.»liii-r Waobtmrn. MMi L. A. Werin ,V JikIbp lilley. •'Aw. J. Wlireln-. Whim llimii. Cliaii. • Weal. Jolii III*'* Truman II Wllann. Jark Phrre. PrarJltfiika-HL 4. ».. i William-* HerlA 1'irre. Wni. | Mrirardana J. II -WiTHfe b ilonl'i Ijimar. Fmt iilntnauf, J. II. Wkltikr Fi.inkL Lmraii'le. 0«r3r. liiiaaHL ml. Wolf.-. I^w Lllltlirldp* llrtv lioili. )Vl-v. w..,i:<*i . Wlllnir U Pearl. \<-*U- |;|.-*. Jdtn II. /. l.-nk,--. M l^tronl, Cli.— >.F llunnliiB Klk. /arami-i. K. It. 1-ii:t,'. Mnalr.j Clllef Viainu. f|. W. UiiRler, Frrd I'ray. II. ,hhu Frunk l.en-la, Sam I llfp-l. f>t-a In /loitn.-r. I lave Lane. Bklnti Itiiawl!. K. It. Zal.li-r. J. La Pearl Wa-aley | Itea- h. Hilly /armw- Trio Lip, Ham W. Ill*-p»en, M. Znne I'lar. H. Rpaa, Jolm IM MITKi; AT IIBAP Of LINT. iMitiln-*. V»vV pahak -!••-. ft . Mie'Mr.l. \- '■■.'■•■ !-iici>-. iHyiaiad. I f lM ilhtT. them p'nyder, Dii'l Htiiilh. M-urlH rl|iroil. .1. R. Mruatt A I t.H ',;'!'■ hi-arle-*. Aiibur Si. I'lulr llajaei. Mati H. HfhwaCer tlen.*-; Tinier, Fbyil Tin 'in, Mr. * Mr--. Harry TntH Clnk" tilt He. T. t>. Teniiey, K. Tal*-. Una TlntrU-r. Pb 1 1 il Tern* Wlll.int II Tnitollo. -- Teuhro-.tn-. Jas. Tllua. F. J. Trofidlii, ilrertl TIii.iiij.ioo llarry Tbehar, M. II. Taylor. II. W. TlmmiMin. Win. rat-alteld. Knlliy Tale. Harry IVIirr, i'l. il I'lUiPr, Mai V'MTiIelli'. h-r:mk Vaanail. Vh-lnr Viil-iio.. T...i >ia, K. il. Vnrptll't. Dr. ', i I in ■ k Mirnli.i' Wood, ftny M ml. liarilner Wayne. Fail WnUv. Thar, 4. Wr*loii. IbJntd p. Waliilil. i, ,i:,'M Waller-. Hilly WHiMler. \. A. witiier*. iii'-b Whit Hi-. W. K. lVianlaanl. Heo. Waylmm. .Veil Wrimini AiFralik Weight, liana* WINon. i-h.i". WuleHniry K.M. W M er laM T , tl. S. Jr. U'lllanl. Frnt W , — ,-. l^nrU 1. Uakettetd Frank Win, -."I , ■ '■ BASEBALL NATIONAL LEAGUE. POI.O CiROIIJVOS. With rmrtmjITI, Smmr% ll. M, la. with m. i. m IS. .I„n. ll. h, in. U'llh PITTNIII'llll, .Inn. I" IU. In. '41, racing: BBOORLYN JOCKEY CLUB. GRAVBSBND JVttK T-4.1. L 1. 1. R, 34U St Fmr. Oalolum 8aa aad „ i«' TO sell you anotherbottlc— that's why every CI.UB COCK- TAIL is perfect. Don't confuse CI.UR-tlic original bottled cock- tails with ordinary kinds. CLUB COCKTAILS arc for the connoisseur, mixed by measure from the finest liquor— then aged in wood. Just strain through crocked ice and serve. Seven varieties; each one dclicinus^of nil Rood rto- ccrs and dealers. G. r. HKUBLEIN t BR0„ Sole Props, Hartford Hew York London tio.ooo.oOj;=(r^ 4 n PANDlNSTRUMENT$l*«»>---d IWera ira-le.! in f ■ni'lher tnal-p, wa tiavall lor 7»*i -jbf-Ip. Krarrthlnif f*ir lauida. Ourc*Uto-f ajj| b*r jnttln ll«t fre" oo rrajueat. FMWK HQLTOM fc CO Otlaia Bid a.. CHICKttO SONS 'UNNf SONd KlfS fvefeaD^neJeeHnOWX I., ■-.-, ' - „, prn 7,-"r t'rrn catalog nt j *ri, minnirl lokn. .t". MK 803SITER. 22S • MM',(l",'it..l'> l '"0? WILL ROSSIlfciV* 90°o.fl00 i ABIUP SIZP. II M frt Hl,i« ^ ff-tprti-ai-n |b,O0*)lm«al(->ilartl"li>*. r >,»oiiAllf-.I.TO'inlHTl'ra;-.ip..rInrir» eent nr, Aiiptninl, Hontlil; I'limroii*. I.YON & HEALY, lifiAtfimi SI,. MMM iljridi Lira til ituale flMNWi tt'riU twt^. HOW DOES YOUR •Y KITIUQE PAT? THE FAMOUS CRACKER JACK r^'.lti'ii hu IL cjinnnt hnonji] tinnalihli., ami oar ft and 10c. niicltii{tt Hi** I""'?. "air orKrelirowa rnlltiiR «k« li'Htlc fre*. COOK REMEDY CO., 1111 Miionlc Tempte,Ch)ciflO,IH.,U.8.A. 472 •ram asTErw tore: clipper. JTTN116. tun i nun, it am rn r. cum b run, 12 am ni rr. EDISON Films and Projecting Kinetoscopes Eillbltiu Kohl Kiiilotcopi, SI 15.00. Ualnnil VnM Klutoscon, $75.00. . 1HK TBss BKCOUKIZED ITi»'0»Klll TUBOUQHOUT THal WOBLB. our latest; heaolinbr, - LIFE OF A COWBOY nrii cowboys and Indians nrii nCHL BRONCHO8 - 8TACE COACH nCHL I STIRRING WESTERN DRAMA IN MOTION PICTURES, SYNOPSIS OF SCENES Tbe "Big Horn" Saloon — Meeting between Hero and Villain — Entrance of English Tour- ists' — Initiating tbe Tenderfeet— -Collect Ion for Salvation Arm; Lassie — Arrival at the Banco — Cowboy Sport s.^Trlck Riding, Throwing Lariat, Wrestling — Departure of Stage Coacb from Ranch — Attack by Indians — Running Fight (3 scenes) — Capture Stage Coacb and Ab- duction of Girl — Indians Escaping and Covering Trail — Arrival Wounded Stage Driver at Ranch — Cowboys In Pursuit— The Fight— Thrilling Rescue of Girl from Madly Galloping Barat — Reunion Hero and Heroine— Death of Villain. Ho. dSd9. Code VAVABaBUR. Length, l.OOOfl. Clait A. •100,00 OUR LATEST COMEDY HIT. THE TERRIBLE KIDS BBND FOR ILI.U8TRATED DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR No. 283. No. e»t6, Cade YAl LTAUE. Length, 1100ft. Cla,. A. IU0.UO. .OUR LATEST NOVELTY THREE AMERICAN BEAUTIES An AMERICAN BKAI IV H08R dleiolvee Into ft bait picture of ft beoutlf.il AMERICAN (ilKL. .*]»<» dluDlvei Intunn AMERICAN FLAG Wftvlug to the Ij. r.u, which tn turn dl.eolre.' Into ft .tar-llt hurkgrouftd, Ihe «tar», after much ■unnoftuvcrlng, •pelllng.lhr word "GOOD NIGHT." HAND COLORED. No. 6*40 Coda VAl UEVILLK, HAND COLORED. Length oofi. Cla.. A ,17.30. SAN FRANCISCO DISASTER THIRTEEN SELECTED SUBJECTS, ' Intensely Interesting--Photograpbically Perfect. — XaTC 500 LETTER HEADS SIZE, 8*xll, 'POINTED COMPLETE. TOQ ETHER WITH HALFTONE PLATE from Photo You Furnish, All For $3.25. Original and Special Design* to order. Send for samples. Remember we make Half Tone Plates, BUe, 3x8 inches, for 75c, KNOXVILLE ENBRAVINB CO., 31.1 MAY ST., KSUXVILLE, TESS OPERA CHAIR BARGAINS Btst Grades of NEW of Rich Styles Nioe Lot* SECONDS Low Coat Get Pick by Quick Call Sample Lines of AXX at Salei Rooms AMERICAN SEATING COMPANY 19 V»V.»s* 18th Str.ot Mow York City. (ID LOWEST PRICES. Our 1906 STREET- MEN'S CATALOGUE l< now rasdy lor distribu- tion. Writs lor It to- day. You c t nnol (fiord to bt without • copy. SOe.n.rlOO. "•«•<""•• LEVIN BROS., SS; 30-37 K. SIXTH STREET, TBRRE BACTE, IKD. CROSs^r. ■V FAMOUS .THE.YV.ORlDaOVER THEATRICAL PRINTING & ENGRAVING Stationery. Tlcketi, Contracts, Cards, etc Book of Cuts, 20c Stage Money 15c Trick Cards 5c Set of 12 Pictorial POST CARDS 16c. THE BDISON FILMS Art* unl vcraall y admitted to be aaperlor to all other*, thus ret I f> I u g sar original {redaction. We have bt>«ii t-oiupelleil to work our plant overtime to supply the •maaad, balifuaraatee toitilp anyauU all ordera tlie lame day aar*cetv«d. Any ■eieotlon of aobjeela may be Joined together. Every Alan le provided with an EDISON AlVNOllaOBIIKNT, plainly deteriblng aid Jdentlfylaa; each Kaaaaad greatly adding toil Every dim _j and Ideal' Intaicat and value of the pictures. lend far Latest Catalog* and Illustrated Circular*. EDISON MANUFACTURING CO., MAIN OFFICE and FACTORY. ORANGE, If. J. CftloftfeTft Office, 1104 Wabaan Avenae. New York Offlar, :il Union Iquttrr. Cable Address Zymotic, New York. OFFICE FOR DNITUlr KINGDOM : 20 CLRRKKNWELL KOAD, LONDON, E. C, ENGLAND. arillMQ AOMifa. THKKINETOOtiAt'H CO., ■ • (IE. 21st 8L, New York. BEalallHH ntJMTB. pKTER BACIflAI.UPI, IIO7 Fillmore SI., Beo Francisco,' Csl. HlH I'llltK AND REPERTOIRE, Belle Gold's Successful Western Comedy Drama, A COLORADO WAIF, PHILADELPHIA Beached beat fay tie New Jersey Central HADING SYSTEM mm a-iai mm un ai w gg Fut Time Rock Bailaat Sapfh iMaJaq Bcrvtee STATIONS Itf HEW YORK: Foot Watt syl St. Po ctUosry St.,N . R . RED. WHITE. TENTS. SCHNEIDER TENT CB. St YEARS' EXPERIENCE. DETROIT . . MIOH J. L. KEI.I.KY, Mar. RLUE. BLACK. Fall I. In* of IMiillnj, t.HKAT SU18HETTE LEAD, For uartl'nlar. apply A. W. CROSS, SItt-3111 1431 D'tva)'. »™ York. EXPERIENCED STAGE DIRECTOR Fur reOoetl Burlesque Hnime lit lanre city. Want strlcllv sober, relluble man. Cue capable of direct- ing Chorus. MarolieM, Afterpieces: In ran, lake.t'otirc charge of.ttie Btage as Managing Director. One wttb experience of burlesque. Change weekly. Nu wluc rooms. Can otTer long, pleasant engage- ueDttocauahio nun. seaaou oiiena early in Augunu Addreits with full particulan, reference, last engagement unl ru'iiirv exprLrtcil. Amo want uu good looking, well shaped Chorus Olrla that can sing. Addrcm J. E. JAC'KttON, Rgr. New Family Tbeatre, Sttonx Oil*, Iowa. IVIed. Performers, KKETCIl TKANN, MUSICAL TEAMS, COMEDIAN am) NOVELTY ACTS, 8Utetw.ary.auil .uurtljuluatouce. JOHN KAUAN, 611 Smith St., ocheuerwdy, N. Y. WANTED, FOR WANTED, Beach & Bowers' Famous Minstrels, 10 SPKCIALTY ACI^S, lltus Singer for middle, t Soug and Dance Tvaiiia, Singers thai can Ming, mv,,- llaud-bell Player, ^irongUnrtlcjil Team to double In nr»t pan: peoptt' duiibllng tirasc given pruferentu, mm we will carry the anas. inlu«t rel hand on the road, tell all, with loweMiieriiif, tlrnt letter. Opera lioune iiiiiutigt i - wantlna u lioune filler t'oiuiiiiinlcate at once. ItKACll A UOWKRS' MISSTBKIJ, Heaver Dam, Win. , J. B. SMITH, Manager.' | PLAYS For Stuck CoapuUs, (or Reptrtolre Coapiiln, lor Aiiturt. LAHQEHT 1SSOHTUKNT IN TUK WORLD. Book, for borne annua. aeDt, Kegro Plajs, Paper, Scenery, Mrs. Jarlej'i Wal Worka. Cata- logue Free! Free! Freel SAnt'EL. FKKNCII, IT W. «M St., K.w Yark. Partner Wanted wSSSL^L PopulalUm, lW),l«o. ExpfiiHef .-iuhII. Experience neceiwiry. Andrea* ProQta aure. only tbot«e meaalug buHlnpH8 need apir>, Will lease Theatre Advertising Program Privileges, guaranteeing to tarnish fine, attractive Programs, printed on good quality book paper. PROGRAM PUBLISHERS, 11 A'll.Af BANK BI.DI.., CIVCINHATI, OHIO. AT LIBERTY FOR COMING SEASON, E. C, DARNOLD. ACENT. BLAINE DARNOLD, JUVENILES. Both are sober, reliable, experienced and worker*. Al wardrobe. State your limit and what Ton bave, when and where you open, joint oralngle. Address HI1NT0N, WKST va. IPaaz-trxer Wanted T>y GEORGE E. PIERCE, COMEDIAIS, OP THE TEAM Off LAMBERT AND PIERCE, An this act dissolves after veet of Jul, s, 'OS. Address, wees of June 18, D0F.NEY PARK, ALLESTOWN, PA. Per, addrew, llD EAST Hla ST., g. Y. CITY, ACADEMY HOTFL WANTED For Jeavons' Big Stock Co., DRAMATIC PEOPLE IK AU LINES. Those doing specialties preferred. Also 0OOD HUSTIINO AGENT woo la not afraid of paste. Week stands. One allow a daj. Salary mu-.r be reasonable, as It is positively sure. Canute good sober CA1SYAS B033. All must Join on wire. State all particulars nrst letter. LonarengaHemeut'io tte right people. Boozers, keep off. Address . JEAVONS Bid STOCK CO., Appollo Fa WANTED AT ONCE, FIRST CLASS LEADING JUVENILE WOMAN, One that li Versatile and capable of doing Alternating Leads. Salary must lie low. Patty muit !>? joung and good looking. Engagement laats entire Summer and poaslblv Winter. Also want to bear from Feature Vaudeville ActB at all times. Stock People with specialties; write. The Berger, Greae Stock Co., Ugn. Traction ParkTneatre, Albuquerque, New Mexico. WANTED, BEST REPERTOIRE PEOPLE .FOR Kempton Komedy Kotnpany Regular aeasoo o-jens near Denver, July 3. Leading Han with ability, wardrobe and appearance - Competent Stage Director, Heavy Man, Singing and Dancing Comedian. Character Meo who do upe dallies, Property Man who plays parts and specialty, Pl-ture Machine Han with up to date Ulan. Vaudeville Act to plnv part-, tar.st change often; Pianist, Advance Agent who can play i few pain if necessary, Diere" uhild who does specialty, Singing and Dancing Soubrt-tte, Woman Tor Geo. Bit. who does specialty. Long season. Sare salary. Management nays board. Address, with full particulars, programs, pnotoa, etc., L. A. KEMPTON, Colonial Hotel, Denver, Colo. Charles Archer and George and Pansy Stanley, write. wa f n o t r ed - RIGGS' WILD WEST, Band of six to ten people, abvo Musicians to strengthen Cowboy Band, Rough Riders, cavalrymen' Indian-, Circus Act!-, none too good: Ulders, Tnmlilera, Hinging Clowns, Musical Teatu, Boas Hostlet. LtOBa Canvas Man, Working Men, Punch Man, dolug Knee Figures and Marionettes, Team, second ISIpftf. and Snake-; otner Side Show People. Want ngi-nl, experienced with tent show. Those who wrote tie fore, write again. State all. Must join on wire. BOOKING BEST PARKS AND PAIRS, WEEK Tit POUR WKEK STANDS. RIGOB AMl'SEMEST CO., Mncoln Park, Cleveland, Ohio. WANTED, for J. BUS. SMITH'S MURRAY COMEDY COMPANY, Tall, Handsome Leading Man, S. and l>. Soubrette, Comedian with Strong Specialties, Tall Heavy Man, Character Woman thai can handle some Heavies, Specialties thai are a feature, Strung Musical Art that can double parts, Good Sister Team, and a rail Acting Company, ir you are not strictly rir-t class, -uv c stamps. Also waut :t or 4 Good Plays with printing. Open Aug. 20, in Springtiield, Ohio, "' " lie f*"" p,ajlng the Middle States. Address, J. Rts. SMITH, isu S. Mulberry St., tf imcie, Ind, BRIND AMOUR ORIGINAL JAIL BREAKER. The only man that ever escaped from a seated PAPER BAG without damaging It. : Address WM. MORRIS. Management BKNJ. J. QREEKK, 3M Unas. Ave., Boatoq. AA/v^lVTED, C. W. PARK BIG DRAMATIC CO, Summer and Winter engagement, Good Woman Tor Heavies and some Leads; also Man for Heavies. Must be good people. Address C. W. PARK, Mgr. C. \V Park Dramatic Co., Pltca.ro, Pa., week Jane 11; Ktttannlug, Pa., week June'iH. YANDYKE=EATONCO. \l r IVT I ■ ,, a» lor Laadl, Haavlea, Charntl. r. and OaBerol Uuiln.K, *' »aVa™ M • Comedian with Sperlalllea, Plftal.t and Agent. REHEARSALS JULY 16. OPEN 22. ^ Write P. MACK, Dftrenport, Iowft. WANTIO IMMEOIATKLY, MILES ORTON SOUTHERN SHQW Side Show People who doable In Concert; also good, useful Circus People In all branches. WIN par a good salary for good sober, reliable Boss Canvas Man. Can also place Bill Posters for the advance, and Ticket sellers and one good CanJv Butcher, or will rent stands and banner privilege, , '-". Irving. Capt. Latiip and Billy Mitchell, wire. Address NOKUAN ORTO.S, Gate City, Va. WiWM, BELIABLE PHOFESSIOHALS, SSffi JSSSHtS SSttfti? gtatfl, Shoe Dealers, Hardware Men, General Merchandise Dealers, etc. Outfit consist* ofau assort- neat of designs, put nplu convenient shape to carry, tamper day can easily be made by. giving the business a few honra of jour time each day. BUTLER MFG. CO., Cincinnati, O. t JUNE 16. THE KEW YORK CLIPPER. 473 IF YOU'RE DOING wm CAST YOUR EYE OVER THIS LIST AND FEAST; SONGS FOR PRODUCTION OR TO FIT ANY ACT ON THE VAUDEVILLE STAOE. EACH AND EVERT ONE IS NOW A GREAT BIG SUCCESS. Will You Love Me In DecembeCMay BILL SIMMONS ISongs-'IKIotherTSing S MILE ON ME ROCIY ROAD to DDBLIH TAKEIHEARTAfiAl ONLY A MESSAGE FROM HOWE, SWEET HOME LOVE™ WORLD In My Merry Oldsmobile The Trolley Lineffor Mine Let's Vt 2 Sun Shines COON AND NOVELTY SONGS: 01 THE IS ROSY. CCPID CAPTAIN ARMY I Could r Love a Soldier The Girl I L ¥ T Bostontown Friends r Good Md True BROTHER MASONS in i GOOD WORLD" ALL LET US KNOW WHAT STYLE YOU USE-WHETHER BALLADS, WALTZ, COMIC, COON, NOVELTY, SOUBRETTE, MARCH, ETC., AND WE'LL TAKE COOD CARE OF YOU. --Professional Copies aid Orchestratloni I* Beeojntied Performers, or these Sending Up-to-Da'e Prog rams — IMP ITMARK «fc SONS, Publshers, WITMARK BUILDING, 144-146 W. 37th STREET, NEW YORK. LOOK FOR THE BEE HIVE CLOCK TOWER. 474 THE NJSTW YORK CLIPPER. June ]:; "it; ■■ IT'S ALL TO THE CANDY 'rMB BIGGEST MONBY MAKBR FOR PARK MANAGERS AND CONCESSION MEN Hundreds or hustlers made hundreds of dollars last season from oar wonderful ma- chine, bat the field wss not one-tenth coTsred. Wake up and get In Hot — It's the biggest hit ox all— s money coiner from the Orst minute. It's tbs EMPIRE CANDY FLOSS MACHINE. It turns a pound of sugar into 80 nickel bigs of candy In 8 minutes, while the crowd looks on* and they ahell oat their nickels as fast as yon can. sack the candy. Miuy BUPIBB machines are taking In from $60 to $126 dally. A dead sure proposition for Parks, Besorta, Summer Gardens, Circuses. Race Tracks, Carnivals, Street Corners, Show Windows or wherever there are crowds of people. Operated by hand or power. No gts or electricity required. So candy maker needed. Anyone can ran It The BUPIBB makes a better candy, and makes It more rapidly than any machine you erer saw. It Is of perfect mechanical construction, very aim pie, will not get oat of order, bat is Johnny on the spot at all times. We guarantee the construction, and yon can depend on 80 bags In 8 ml nates — and It's nearly ALL PROFIT. The BUPIBB CANDY FL038 UACHINB la folly covered by patents. We will pro- tect all purchasers and prosecute all Infringers. Don't be fooled by cheap Imitations. SEND TO-DAY FOR PARTICULARS and get la Us* with tbi irlnrur. Sold outright, without restriction u to where It •hill he Bled PRICES! BAND POWBB HACBINB, with Ou Attachment I1W.00 BAND OR 1'OWER MACHINE, with Ou A t tartrate nt tod tjulppei with Kite- trie Motor and Attachment*, complata 300.00 Thli machine a-j b. operated by hand or bj electric motor. Qasolln. Gene- rator for tlthar of the abort machlnaa 1100 1Ml>HtlVISt Caih with order. It detlred, either machine will be shipped C. 0. D., with priillige of eXHnlUtloa, on receipt of $26.00 WHITE FOB CATALOGUE AND FCLL INFOBUATION. EMPIRE CANDY FLOSS MACHINE CO., FI8HER BLDC.. CHICAGO, ILL. NEGRESCOU HAIR CO., 162 State St.. Chicago, T Oar specialty Is false fir your money at one ball the price ethers ask for the sane goods, Perfect satisfaction guaranteed or yoar money back. On receipt of $1.00 deposit] wo will send goods C. 0. D., sotjeet to ex- amination, Remembor the Name and CATAXOG FREE. NEGRESCOU HAIR CO., 163 State St., Chicago, 5th Floor. TO?»iiM q«M'«-/&aCH IC Affl O gj DEPILATORY POWDER The treatment of superfluous hair Is something that requires the greatest nicety and care. X. BAZIN'B DEPILATORY POWDEK Is the result or much study of the cause of and problem of destroying these i rowtha with- out Injury to the aurrounHae skin or leaving- s scar or the slightest deform- ation. X. BAZIN'B DBPILATOllY POWDER It absolutely safe and de- stroys tlie hair without pain, a simple, dainty way of effecting; s cure. Bend to Department "C" (or our little pamphlet on toe subject, "FOB UEAUT r Y'B BAKE) " iiALL *fe BUcitEL, Proprietors and Manufacturers of SOZODONP, 215 Washington Btreet, New Tors. For sale est all Brat class dros atorea or seat by mail In sealed paekasjres for BOo. Att..u..i DOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOPLI AND SHOWMEN War handle rocky good* wben yon ceo handle goods that will aell theeuelvee. Electric Celt, from 91 per doe. up, Large rarlety to aelect from. Bleetrlc Jail 15c. doi. : Bleetrlc Insoles, 8714c. doe. palm. Soap, 12.10 froea; Fine lledl. cal Batterlea. Send 75c. for Sample No. 14 B.B eip prepaid Leteetout. Ooe third cash required. Trial order will coDTlnee. Largest Hanuf.cto.rera of Blee trie Belt, ud Appliance, la Mi. Established 1678. Lecture and price lit! "**■ THE ELEOTBICAL SFPLUHOB 00.. BnrllngtoB, Kan. MUSIC PRINTING LOW PRICED OTTO ZIMMERMAN^' THE MURRAY CO., CIFfSUS CANVASES, Pole* and Slakes, SEATS, FUre. etc iiTDrnkMBi show Finmaoa. flora aid lAnma for stair >aibs. M tor HDD'S F1TIKT CIROTS LIOHTa, ■ .aw. Wasslagtoa St, CfflOadO, ILL. SHOW TENTS For Circuses, mid West Shorn, Black Testa, Cudr Tope, Flags, Eldd a Baker Lights, etc Bead for 10 pace price Hot of eeeond head page price Hot of - Tenia BAKER A LOCKWOOD ktrO. CO., 7tb end Wyandotte, Kinase City, Mo. United State* Tent and Arnlng to., Ronilolpb and Onion Street*, CHICAQO, 111. CIRCUS CANVA8E8. ■LACK TESTS Our Specialty. SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS. GOSS CO. **%&MM? M.R.KUHKELY cfl, r-mrmmMmmm MANUFACTURER OF SHOW CANVASSES B Large Stock son. and Under- Bow and second Band. Write THE CHARLES P. BIEDKR TUT ABO aWSIJIG CO.. Snaoeaaora to the T. W. Noble Co., Tent Daft. Detroit Bag; and ktfg. Oo„ Detroit, Mich. PATBE Cinematograph Go., 42 EAST 23rd STREET, MEW YORK. 35 RANDOLPH STREET, CHICAGO. A Detective's Trip 'Round the World llaftd FBKT. *.-*». 4. 7 6. A detective's life Is full of ops and downs, and many exciting Incidents sre faithfully portrayed In this excellent film, which shows a detective's pureult, 'round the world, -t a fraudulent bankrupt. We give a short synopsis of the different pictures which will unfold the wnolo story. The flight In disguise. The detective misses the train. At the Sues Canal Scenes on the banks. A narrow escape. Bankrupt drags the detective. False arrest of the detective. Festival In Calcutta. Brilliant procession of elephants etc Bombay pagoda. Close pursuit and another ndrrow escape on horseback. Chased on an elephant In an opium smokers' den. Visions of the bankrupt and his Snrsuer. in Yokohama. Hissed by a hair's breadth. Flight to America. The etectke Is foiled again through getting mixed up with a procession of citizens advocating tie election of their delegate. The detective Is captured by Indiana bound to a tre« and badly wounded, Rescue by the bankrupt. Pursuer and pursue'] become friends. Bankrupt eaves detective's life, and the latter tears up his war- rant. Leaving New York harbor for borne. A friend in need. Unexpected part- nership. THE HOLIDAY ,.,',?• A manufacturer, whose workmen are on strike, sends, for safety, his three chil- dren to his brother, a '.armor. The children are received with great enthusiasm by their uncle. His joy Is short, however, as the little tyrants disturb the household's peace by their many frivolous tricks. When at last they torment the animals In the yard, they are returned to their parents, with the request to send Instead the strikers who would not give so much trouble to the farmer's property. This film is well acted, and comic from beginning to end. ESCAPED FROM THE CAGE %T large chimpanzee takes He frightens everybody around the place, and finally takes for the woods. A merry chase ensues, and the monkey has the best of bis pursuers, who cannot follow him so easily. The ape finally gets to a restaurant, chases the customers away and gets bold of a bottle with wine. This causes bis arrest while falling asleep, and the trainer locks him safely back Into his cage. Very comic, and a aure hit at any performance. THREE CENTS LEEKS %!% A workman Is sent by his wife to buy for three cents leeks, to give strength and taste to the soup she Is preparing for bis dinner. On hla way to and from the vegetable Bland he enters several refreshment places, and soon leeks and soup are forgotten. When be finally arrives borne, hardly able to walk, and the leeks In a terrible condition, the Impatient cook gives him a warm welcome, but the Intoxicated husband throws the dishes through the window, and finally also the soup which caused all this trouble. THE TROUBLE OF A FIREMAN 311 FEET. 937.32. A fireman Is taking bis dinner at his sweetheart's, who Is a cook In a fashionable mansion. Unfortunately the lovers are surprised by the madam, and accidentally the fireman Is taken away by the washerwoman In a large tablecloth, In which he had hidden. The washerwoman, not suspecting the fireman, Is quite astonished at the weight of her package, and throwing the bundle down the stairs, puts It, with help of an assistant, on her little wagon, to bring It to the laundry. This, however, is done with many difficulties. At the works the bundle Is thrown Into a large kettle full of hot water. This proves too much for the fireman. He stood the kicking and jolting patiently, but the warm water caused him to Identify himself, and at his sudden appearance out of the tub every washerwoman Sees in horror from the place. PATHE FILMS ARE THE BEST. While a lion timer Is busy presenting bis beasts, advantage of being unobserved and escapes from his cage. I MAHLER BROS 517 and 519 SIXTH AVE. LEADIHC THEATR ICAL UNDERWEAR HOUSE OF AMERICA, SPECIALTY OUTFITTERS TO TAB PB0FES8I0I. SEW AID HlifitilD ASSOBTIESTS H ALL OUR DBP1BTMEST8, Cloa.s.Juits, Waists, Millinery, Gloves and Muslin Underwear. Shoe Dept. Originator, of our Famous Short Tamp Shoes lor Stage and street wear. Estimates Creel, given on Complete Stock*. Up to Date style*. Lowest Caab Prices foe Desirable Footwear. Quantity orders. „ „ SPECIAL MAKE-UP BOXE8, Made from the verj beat tin, are black enameled. Espe- cially made for professional use, having stray with com- partments for Grease Paints, Powders, ftA rt Comb and Brash, Wigs, Etc., Etc. Has MHO. *■ with two leva. St.... V «*■*•*»• double action lock,' i two keys, at.... Our COLD CREAM, expressly prepared for the The- atrical Profession, gusranteed to be absolutely pore and never become rancid In any climate. Put up In pound Screw Top rin Cans st 45c., half pound at SB*. IAMPI.XS OF CRKAM SENT FREE. All mail orders must be accompanied by money older. Hone sent 0. 0. D. Oar flew Theatrical Catalosjos Mat fire* ape* request. Winslows Skates BO TBARS ;AOC, BEIT TO-DAY. are Deed Eiclualre- 17 Or tie Beet alula We lave tie Largest and Best Equipped Work, la the World for Hating I C E> ROLLER SKATES YOU CAN MAKE MONEY BY RUNNING A ROLLER SKATING RINK. Tat. laerea.lnc popularity of Holler Skating; aas opened a I.rg.r Bald tauta ever before for tbls pepalar amaj.ra.at. BBSO FOB CaXIXOQDB. gee, T,l » Cal llliittratal WIHSLQW'S LATEST MODEL WOMEN'S RINK SKATE, WITH "WEB" STEEl ROLLS. Balers of lee and Roller Blatee ' PEERLESS COIN OPERATED - GDLD MED AL--& HIGHEST-AWARDS '. '■; ['■ ' BLiFFALa'l3DI,ST.LDUIS.|'30'^RDRTLANOI30S, Hcj ROTHScENGELHARDT 2-E-47th st.n.v. City JUNE 16. THE 3STEW YORK CLIPPER. 475 IHILO ROII ISLE AFTER TIT GIB i HIT IN THE AIR ABOUT HURT r L PROF. COPY FREE TO THOSE WE KNOW. OTHERS SEND LATE PROGRAM. ORCHESTRATIONS, 10c. EA. PAUL DRESSER'S LAST BALLAD HIT. * Songs Marked * ARE ILLUSTRATED. SET OF 16 S. $5 PER SET. SEND FOR COMPLETE LIST. WALTZ ME, BILL THE ORIGINAL "WALTZ ME" SONG III KEEPWARH SPOT IN MY HEART JOS. W. STEM & CO. 34 EAST 21 ST., N. Y. CHICAGO OFFICE . . GRAND OP. H. BLDB, OEARIE -HOUSE? HITS 34 EAST 21 ST., N. Y. CHICAGO OFFICE ■ • GRAND OP. H. BLDG. 476 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. June ie>. S. LUBIN J life mimmmimmmi films $ P IIMS3 A EHS WEDDING OF THE BUD KING I QUEEN These pictures are GUARANTEED ORIGINAL. THE CRURCH SCENE IS AB- SOLUTELY EXCLUSIVE. The pictures are beautiful in photography and first class in every respect. BE WARE OF CHEAP IMITATIONS A\ I) FAKES. OURS ARE GUARANTEED THE ONLY AND EXCLUSIVE ORIGINAL FILMS OF THE WEDDING CEREMONIES OF THE KING OF SPAIN WITH PRINCESS ENA OF BATTENBERG. ■ONEY REFUNDED IF FILMS ARE NOT AS REPRESENTED. LENGTH, 425 FEET. PRICE, S63.75. VENCEANCE IS MINE, U'tXZ^rJLJSttsxXi 450ft. $49.50 A FRESH BATH, OR THE TRIPPER TRIPPED, v.,,,™., 130ft. 14.30 ME AND MY TWO PALS, £ Stt 322." a,M w,4h 3 1 0ft. 34. 1 BLACKMAILING THE MOTOISTS, onnft _„ ftft An excelling funny picture full of Uf«. ■sUUIl. aGaCiUU THE OLYMPIC GAMES AT ATHENS, GREECE, . Whcr« the Americana oul claused all ottoe.- nations of (he world. OUR FILMS ARE GUARANTEED ORIGINALS. THE ONLY ONES TAKEN AT ATHENS, GREECE. WE HAVE 4,000 FEET TO SELECT FROM. San Francisco Earthquake. EVERY FILI 6UA1AHTEED 0BI8IHAL. OUE FILES ARD HO OTHERS ABE SHOW! AT KEITH'S THEATRES. No. 6. PAN. FROM NOB HILL 7. PAN. OF CHINATOWN .... 8. PAN. OF ST. FRANCIS HOTEL • 9. THIEVES IN CAMP, Golden Gate Park 10. REFUGEES IN GOLDEN CATE PARK • 1 1. FUN AMONG THE REFUGEES - 12. PAN. SAN FRANCISCO IN FIRE AND SMOKE 13. FIRST TROLLEY AFTER THE EARTHQUAKE 14. DOOMED CITY, Showing Falling Houses IB. REFUGEES ON MARKET STREET 18. WATERFRONT REFUGEE8 LEAVING 8AN FRANCISCO ■ ■ 17. ARRIVAL OF REFUGEES AT OAKLAND - 18. FEEDING CHINESE 19. PAN. FROM TELEGRAPH HILL 20. EFFECT OF EARTHQUAKE 21. PAN. OF MARKET STREET BEFORE THE FIRE 400ft. 22. COINC TO THE FIRE, Showing Chief Sullivan, 1 Who Was Killed During the Earthquake. • 120ft. FirvlVUS 11 ©B1VTS FX«R FOOT. KM ALSO 100 SLIDES NOW READY. ►+< I 25ft. 66ft. 70ft. 68ft. IBOft. 70ft. 200ft. 90ft. IBOft. IBOft. lOOft. 140ft. 40ft. 8Bft. 76ft. All Our Films Class A. Price, II Cents Per Foot. Oar Beautifully Illustrated Catalogues Free of Charge. VITAGRAPH 12 Cents Ptf Foot. The Prospectors A Drama of the Gold Fields. 12 GREAT SCENES. Off forlho Koothtlla -MlnLnR for fluid— A Lucky Strike— Dividing the Hunt -False Partners— The R«hbory-Tiic Wife'B Oath of Vengeance— On the Trull of the Assassins— Treachery— TUe Ueglnlu g of Die Knd-Rctrilnitlon-Ttro Ycara Later— Vengeance. Nothing More Powerfully Dramatic Ever Produced. A BRET HARTE NOVEL IN VITAGRAPH PICTURES. PuOtogr.pcy Perfect. Scenery Superb. Aotioa Thrilling. - - 770 Feet. ANOTHER WINNER! LOVE versus TITLE Or, An Up-to-Daie Elopement. The pleasing novelty film — full of originality— replete will, laughable, Ingenious, exciting effects. Splendid Photography. Unlquo situations. GOOD ALL THE WAY THROUGH. Uengtla.. - - 73Q Feet. SPtOIALl A trip over lltu Uti<-ky MmmtwlnH, passing through the Maok Canyon around the ranioui Hair- pin Curve and liv the Qovornmont IrrlRatlon camp. The scenery la gratuity magnificent, showing towering cltns, roaring torrents, tuunols, bridges and many wonderful and Inspir- ing vlaiiiH ol ploluresquo loveliness. SOLD IN 200, 400, 600 AND 800 FEET LENGTHS. WHITE FOR MOW DESCRIPTIVE! CIRCULAR. THE VITAGRAPH COMPANY OF AMERICA, 116 NASSAU ST., NEW YORK. TELEPHONE, WO* JOHN. CABLE ADDRESS, "VITAVRAPH." BELLING AGENTS, KLEINS OPTICAL CO., CHARLES VHBAN TRADING CO., Ltd., 9» Stat. St., Chicago, 111., . 48 Rupert St., Londan, Kng. FILMS FOR RENT CHICAGO HEADQUARTERS FOR PICTURE MACHINES 51 Dsirltra St., OHIOMB. FILMS FOR RENT IF YOU WANT COOD FILM THAT IS IN CON- DITION TO USE AFTER YOU GET IT LET US SEND IT TO YOU. UTIONILFILMREnTINGGO. M H. Claurk St., Clllt AOO, ILL. MOVING PICTURE FILMS F-OR .. HALE'S TOURS, TROLLIES, TRIP TO CALIFORNIA, ETC. We have received several consignments of touting films from Europe, among them a number of subjects never before shown In this country. The assortment of each particular subject now In hand 1b limited. These films Include sucb subjects as : A TRIP THROUGH IRELAND — A TRIP THROUGH SOUTH OF TRANCE — A TRIP THROUGH SPAIN-A TRIP THROUGH THE TROPZCS-A TRIP FROM NICE TO MONTE CARLO. So long as our stock of these subjects lasts, we will be pleased to demonstrate them in our dark room, to sucb of our customers as may be In Chicago. Among subjects which are familiar In this country, we have the following on hand in quantities ; these are made by the Pat he Cinematograph Company, of Paris, and we control them exclusively for the United States: "A TRIP THROUGH CEYLON" (Short length) showing a railroad run cad the flgbt between t snake and a mongoose, length, Ills FEET. "MT. VESUVIUS." TIiIb showB the railroad running along the mountain, and Includes in eruption ■ '"" re "" r.i !■■■; 11 ;rh ij. ; jv. be added, of Mt. Vesuvius. It ts a short length (213 feet), selected from the longer fllm, called olograph fllm, "Eruption of Vesuvius,' 7D feet, can Trip Through Italy." The Bl( "ENGADIN IN SWITZERLAND," 344ft. "MT. PILATE IN SWITZERLAND," 508ft. "ACROSS THE ALPS," 164ft. We have a number of Interesting short aims, running about 100 feet la length, taken In various cities. These do not show tracks, but have been found to be ex- tremely Interesting when used In connection with track pictures. Among the short subjects we have the following: "TOKIO IN JAPAN," "CANTON IN CHINA." "LOURDES IN FRANCE," "AGRA IN INDIA." All of the foreign Alms specified are sold at 15c. per foot, and will toe shipped C. O. n., with the privilege of examination In the express office, but without privi- lege of trial. The films mentioned above cannot be rented. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES FOR TOUR WORK. Price of the Edison Exhibition Model Klnetoscope, with Klelne attachment and special lens to give a picture 12x0 leet, at 27 feet distance, without takcup device or atereoptlcon attachment, {115.00. At STATE ST. I Opposnt Masonic ftHiU CHICAGO* ILEu In Tirk iddreu,;i27.136 W. 321 IT. OATiLOGDG fill. DRAMATIC. VAUDEVILLE. CIRCUS. Coprrltfit, 1S08, br tie Frank Qawa roNIrtiiit Companr (Limited). Founded by FRANK OUEEN, 1863. NEW YORK, JUNE 23, 1906. VOLUME LIV.-Ne. 18. Price, 10 Centi. 478 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. JTISE23. ^55 Clipper's Anecdotes, Personalities and Comments, CONCEKNI.NO STIGS FOLK and Sometimes OTIEBS BT J OSEPHINE OHO. Borne American comedians have remarked that their English brothers, Id the same line of stage work, frequently resort to mechanical means for humor and wit. That Is, Instead of always depending on the humor of the tines to get the laugh, they often make use of properties or funny effects In costume. That this ruse usually gains Its end was amusingly Illustrated by an Incident related by Van Benisaler Wheeler, the popular auger. Be took an English friend, who wot visiting New York, the rounds of the the- atres, especially to those at which comedians were holding forth. After seeing severs! plays and musical comedies with his guest, and noticing that though amused, the Englishman never laughed really heartily, Wheeler asked him If he did not thoroughly enjoy the comedy of fha actors. "Well, rawther," waa tbe answer, with slight enthusiasm, "but they're none of them nearly so funny as Arthur Roberts, at borne, don't cher know." Roberta is one of Bog- land's representative comedians. "But didn't you think Francis Wilson great?" asked Wheeler. "Yes, be's very droll," assented the Eng- lishman, "but he's not balf so funny as Ar- thur Roberts." "And Eddie Foy," continued tbe singer, "don't you think he's one of tbe funniest comedians on the stage?" "Well, he'a quite odd and entertaining In bis funny way, and I like to see bim smile," agreed tbe Brltlsber, "hut really now, ha never can be half so fuDny as Arthur Eoberts, don't cher know." "But you must see that Frank Daniels Is about one of tbe very funniest in the busi- ness," persisted Wheeler. "Indeed, he's quite too awfully amusing," said tbe Englishman, "but to my thinking be can't come up to Arthur Roberts," "Will you kindly tell me," said Wbeeler, "what there Is about your Arthur Roberts that so far exceeds our comedians." At this the Englishman began to laugh Immoderately, as If recalling something Im- mensely amusing, and between laughs he gasped, "Well, you must know— ha 1 ha ! that every time— ha! ba 1 Arthur Roberts comes on the stage— ha I ba I he wears a different hatl" * Speaking of hats as fun makers, If one renlly wants to lough heartily, he ahould go lo see W. C. Fields, the eccentric Juggler, In his ridiculously amusing manipulation, of hots. Ho uses several different hats In sev- eral different funny ways. It Is not the bat that gets tbe laughs, though those which he uses are all queer specimens of bead-gear, hut the inimitably amusing and dexterous way bo has la handling them. Knack X. Conlan tells another "Irish con- ductor" story tbot should have been coupled with the other, printed not long ago. As was the case with the other tnlc, the Irishman was suspected of not turning In all the money paid him for transportation, and a man from the oDlce wns detailed to watch him for a trip or two. Whether from forget- rulneoi or rush of business, the nickel paid by the company's man was not rung up. That wob all the evidence needed, so tbe In- spector arose to get off the car. raeBlng through the door he tendered the conductor a fare. "Why," exclaimed that Individual, "sure an' you paid me onct." "I know," assented the Inspector, "but fMs nickel Is for the compnny — I'm an Inspector." And Dennis knew what his name was. ♦ Eugene Sanger, the clever stage director, tells nn Irish story that Illustrates one of tbe cunnlug ways In which an Irishman can "backwater," when cornered. A laborer, named Dnn, was laid off bis job one day, and, Idly sitting on the doorstep of the tenement In which be dwelt, he was noticed by a neighbor to be busily writing on a piece of brown paper; with a stubby pencil. "An" what do you be doln', DanT asked Mrs. Uoollgfln, approaching him with curi- osity. "Doln'," said Dan, "Olme puttln' down a list of tbo min in the neighborhood that I can lick." Mrs. Hooligan glanced over Dan's shoulder, and down about the middle of the crooked column, sbe spied the name of her own blessed Hike. "An* you con lick lvery wan of 'em you've got down there?" queried she, with a steely glint In ber eye. "Ivery waul" declared Dan, as she de- parted to her doorway across the narrow street. A few minutes Inter a broad shouldered representative of tbe Celtic race camo over to hliu and opened a conversation on tbe weather. Then, changing the subject, the burly one said : "My old woman ses ye hev a list of the mln ye kin Hok, an' that olme there wl' tho others." "Yea kin luk at the list an" sco yurself there," said Dan. "Now," said Hooligan, looking omlnouBly down from bis height upon the little Dnn, "s'pose I haul off au' hit ye a good wan fer tbntr "Ob," until Dnn, In mollfylng manner, "in (hat case, sure I'd scratch ycr name from mo list." Krincls D. McGinn, who plnyed Stanlon, la tbo recent production of "Lincoln," so splendidly, asked a riddle at the Lambs' Clob, not long ago. "When Is an actor not an actor?" was his query. "We of the profession," replied one of the group, "ought to know, but really I, for one, can't answer you. Now, Mr. Bones, yon tell us, 'when an actor Is not an actor.' " "Nine times out of ten," said McGinn seri- ously. And the laugh went around, 9 Ed. Naftzger, who Is rusticating, with his rod and gun, somewhere In Michigan, sends a story on a friend of his, now a peaceful II AIIIIV DEISTS (Diets), Whose death, on May 4, we recorded recently, was burled, under tbe auspices of the Elks and the Ragles, at Rosedale Cemetery, Los Angeles, Cat. Mr. Ooldle, of Gilbert snd Goldie, and Manager Hush Bronson were among the pallbearers. Many floral pieces from friends In and out of the profession were laid on tbe grave. Mrs. Deets received messages of condolence from various parts of the States. The couple bad been napplly mated for fifteen years, having met while playing with tbe "Two Old Croc-Tea" Co. Tbe above cut Is reproduced from tbe last picture taken of the deceased. resident of a town In that State, bat who formerly wrestled for a living as advance agent for a road show. In one town he gave & young lady a com- plimentary ticket for a performance, writing on the hack of It, "account of kindness." When it was offered at the door the man- ager turned It over curiously, then to the young woman who bad presented it, sail : "And what kind of kindness, may I ask, was tendered to the young man who gave you this pass?" The girl blushed and finally stammered: "I don't like to tell yon, Sir." "I must know, Miss, or the ticket can't be honored," Insisted the manager, putting on a very serious air. "Well, Sir," murmured the girl. In great confusion, "he — be bugged me." She got In all right, but tbe manager wrote ahead to the young agent, saying: "See here, whenever you give a girl a ticket for a hug, Just put on it, 'account of press,' and be sure to underscore the 'press.' " t Otto Hill, Of tbe Hill Stock Co., organized In bis home town last season, and the week previous to his opening, asked tbe manager of tbe company ploying that time to an- nounce bis bill, and to emphasise the fact that "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" would be the first play on the list. When time came for the announcement, tbe stage manager, not wishing to appear In the suit he had on at the time, sent out a stage band In front of the curtain to make tho an- nouncement, having rehearsed him In bis short Bpecch. The stage hand, however, got a trifle mixed, and diffidently announced to bis fellow-townsmen that : "Otto 11111 and Doctor Somebody was going to have a show next Thursday night." 4«» MRS. JEAN 11KEGANT, Whose picture appenrs on the front page of this Issue, was born In Denver. Col,, a little over eighteen Tenrs ago. and when two years of nge her parents settled In Council Bluffs. In., where tier father, Peter Lewis, has be- come a well known real estate dealer. Mrs. Oregon t. In spite of the fact that she la onlv forty-one and one-half laches in height, and weighs only forty pounds, carries her- self like a little queen. Nature has endowed her with personnl charms rarely seen In "little people," for she Is not only pretty of face, but possesses a figure, which for pro- portions would causo many of her big sisters to envy ber. Besides tbese natural endow- ments tills little lady Is bright, Intelligent, vivacious and witty, and possesses conversa- tional powers above those of the average per- son. When she decided to enter the show business her beauty and talents soon won for her a place In the front rank, and ber popu- furl t v bis Increased with each season. It was In the line of her work thnt she first met her husband, to whom she was married on Christmas Pay. 11)05, notice of which ap- peared In American and European papers. Jenn Hregnnt, the well known European tnld- f'et comedian, in a native of Germany, and i little taller than his tlay wife, lie came to this countrv a few years ago, and bis career here bos been marked with well de- served success. Like his wife be Is bright nnil intelligent, Bpeaks five lnngungcs fluent- ly, and together they form tbo smallest and most talented couple In tbe world. Tbey are now entering vaudeville with a new sketch, written expressly for them by Herbert Hall Winslow. They are under the management of Richard PI trot, the well known "globe trotter," who has looked nfter Mr. Bregent's hooklug for a number of years. Thnt this little couple In their new sketch will be la demand tliero Is no doubt, the fact that Man- ager Butt, of the l'aiace Theatre. London. ling., during, bis recent stay In New York, tried to secure them for that house, being proof that tbe demand for them will not be confined solely to the United States. 4~«-» James McCusick. of the team of St. Reno and Cuslek, has beca very III since May 13, at the St. Josephs Hospital, Denver, Col, suffering with peritonitis. Ellen Terry's Jnbllee, Tbe crown of happiness, success snd an artistic career, was, metaphorically speaking, S laced upon Ellen Terry's brow at the won- crful Jubilee matinee benefit June 12, whea not tbe least successful item was tbe $30,000 result of the efforts of her friends on and off tbe stage. For thirty-six hours people stood la line at old Drury Lano Theatre, snd at that hun- dreds were unable to gain admission. Tho midnight before tbe performance Miss Terry herself appeared before the line, and was LTeeted with tbe wildest enthusiasm, and many ran to chake her hands. She smiled upon all and kissed ber band to them. Nearly every actor and actress of promi- nence In London took part la the programme, which lasted over five hours. Lady Cook, formerly an American, paid $306 for tbe last boi unsold. Every aisle and the passageways in the rear were crowded, and It is doubtful If the historic old playhouse ever held a larger or more enthusiastic audience. Upon Miss Terry's entrance as Beatrice, In tbe first act of "Much Ado About Nothing." she waa greeted wltb every demonstration conceivable, which nearly broke her down completely. Tears filled her eyes, and It was some momenta before sbe could go on. Show- ers of flowers fell upon ber from sll parts of tbe bouse at tbe conclusion. Lady Ban- croft addressed the audience at the close of the programme, and In conclusion said : "It Is a happy, not a mournful occasion, for Miss Terry Is not going to leave us. She Is still nble to defy Father Time." Miss Terry, In reply to this statement of her not leaving tbe stage, said : "Not Just yet." Miss Terry was disclosed, after Lady Bancroft's Bpeech, as the draperies parted, enthroned under a golden bust of Shakespeare, surrounded by her entire family and all her associates. Dur- ing ber speech she said : "I particularly de- sire to thank my friend, Signers Da Be, who has come all tbe way from Florence merely to honor me." and the two great stars em- braced. Arthur \V. Plnero announced from the footlights that the proceeds were nearly £0,000. The orchestra then played "Auld Lung Syne," In which tbe audience Joined. The curtain was raised many times In re- sponse to the persistent demands. It was on this same stage that Henry Irving, ber old co-star, made his final London appearance only a comparatively short time ago. * »» A Itare Find. A find In tbe line of pre-Shskespearesn playa was recently made In Ireland, on an estate. Seventeen volumes In all were taken to Sotbeby, Wilkinson A Hodge, of London, who pronounced upon their genuineness. Tbey wtll be sold at tbe above mentioned rooms June 30. They are very valuable, both historically and histrionically, as giv- ing an earlier and clearer idea of conditions of literary development In England than Shakespeare gives. They Include : "The Trial of Treasure," 1576, of which only four other copies ere recognized; a 1577 edition of "King Daryns," unrecorded In Lowndes ; s rare edition of John Bale's morality play, "John the Evangelist," printed by John Waley : "Lusty Juventus ; "Aplus and Vir- ginia," 157(5 ; ''Octavla," a rare first edition ; r 'Jacob and Esau," 1568: "A Nice Wanton," of which only two copies are known ; "Wealth and Health,' 1 and "Impatient Poverty." In the same Bale are Included other rare Items, Including a fine copy of the first folio edition of Shakespeare's plays, John Knox's "Book of Common Order, In Gaelic, 1567, of which only two or three perfect copies are known, and several Interesting poems and letters In autograph of Robert Burns, Nelson docu- ments and Byronlana. • i s New Sbnbert Theatre. That the Shuberta will next season have a theatre In Springfield, Mass., seems to be an assured fact. Andrew and George A. Whit- ney, real estate owners In that city, are ne- gotiating with tbe above firm to that end, balcony, matinee and olght will be a feature. Gem Tbiath. Peak's Island (C V7. T. Oodlng, manager). — The advance sale for the opening of this resort, which will occur 18, was enormous. All the old favorites of past seasons will appear In "Tbe Frisky Mrs. Johnson" 18-23. Tbe personnel of the com- pany follows : Robert Connesa and Jane Ken- nark, leads; Susan Van Dueen, Frank Syl- vester, Helen Strickland, Frank Jameson, Josephine Sherwood, Eddie Polsnd, Charles Lothian, James Devlne, Bertram Yost, Lucy Cabeen, Gilbert Ely, stage director, and Jaa, DLx, assistant ; Fred Robinson, stage car- penter ; Maurice Woodbury, electrician and properties ; Elmer E. Swart, scenic artist ; Walter Locke, treasurer; Geo. E. Brown, as- sistant manager; Stephen Bogret, press IWPLAJCA. ■ ■dlanaipolli,— At tbo Park Theatrr (Dickson ft Talbott, managers) the Eeber Warren Stock Co. appeared In "The Wife Jcne 14-16. "Romeo and Juliet" week . 18. Business still holds good. l Wondbbund.— War Air Ship, Castellali,. and Volo, and Marie La Blanche were ' features week of 11. The weather was co<> snd wet, which cut down attendance m- tcrlally. Whits Cm.— Drummond, In bis nerllon slide, waa tbe feature week of |£ and haw nesa was fair. Fairba.nk. — Spencer Kelly filled a retui- engagement, and Rudolph Koster and n ■ Falrhank Orchestra did well week of V Maude Rockwell will appear week of 18 Norn. — Forepangb-Sells Bros.' c I -■■ drew capacity business, at both perforn on ccs, 11 Feast and Furies week of "~ WIXLIAM GROSS, Whose picture appears above. Is one of the foremost German comedians In vaudeville. Heretofore Mr. Gross has been Identified with Russell and O'Neill, but is now working alone, having closed with Russell and O'Neill tbe early part of May. General Manager Chris. O. Brown, of the International circuit, baa booked bim for a tour of bis theatres, begin- ning June 4. Next season Mr. Gross will be leading comedian with Harry Hastings' Bur- lesouers. agent The Bostonla Ladlea' Orchestra fur- nish tbe music. Riyebtox Pabk ( D. B. Smith, resident manager).— Gorman's vaudeville circuit furn- ishes the talent here as in former seasons. Col. Ccmmisb' Wild West appears 18. ♦ '» DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Washlnartsai. — At tbe Columbia Theatre (Luckett A Standing, managers) this week the Standing Stock, In "Joseph Entangled." Last week the stock presented "The Idlers," to good business, academy or Music (J. W. Lyons, mana- ger). — Last week, tbe second of the supple- mentary season, Ernest Hogan, In "Bufus Evanavllle. — At Oak Summit Park bleu ager Gallahsn offered a list of beadllners (■ week of June 10 to good crowds. Tbe li Included : Lenore and St. Claire, By. Grer ■way, Prett Reed, Clarence Slaters, Fish- and Johnson, and the popular klnodromc Cook's Pass (Harry Lawrence, suuaeei — Phenomenal business. Bill week of lu i , eluded : Gaston and Harvey, Sisters Batii. elor, Laura Davis, Madame Emmy, the g- Le Compt and the kinetoecope. Prof Obi reive. In the Battle of the Sea of Japan h the free attraction. Notes.— Tbe Elks' week of "Good Cheer commences June 18, and will last until The Clnclnnatus Amusement Co. will gUv thelr famous "FeaBt and Furies," The sbV.> Includes two fire companies, a salvage con' ambulance corps, two battalions of artllletV policemen, clowns end grotesque comedian military bands snd orchestras. Other attrac- tions are : Mile. Lerla, menage act : the Six Flying Banvards, Mme. Helene Gerard Pekln Zouaves, Bounding Gordons, Clclo's Brooklyn Marine Band, Abdalloh Ben llr\- madl, the Imperial Troupe of dancing aero- bats, Royal Operatic Ballet. Sbeck Bros Mons. Van Cleve and his trained mule ami the Tsggart Family. Free street panda will also be given Colonel Jack Poppo of the Bijou, Is spending the Summer here' and recently added to his already good repu- tation by umpiring a baseball game betwc*"- the local doctors and lawyers, and appearing on the diamond heavily armed with police clubs aud six-shooters. His costume also at- tracted some attention, being made for a man of possibly one hundred pounds, and wor? by the colonel at his weight of about two hundred The Wrlgnt Exposition Co. completed a most successful opening week of 9 The Ohio Amusement Co. Is preparing a building on Main Street, to run here aurlnr tbe Summer. La Fayette. — At tbe Family the bill week of June 11 Included: Ed. Moon, Armstrong and Verne, De Vere and De Vere. Bill week of 18 ; Clarence Sisters, PreBton Reed and Abbott and Weaver. Note. — There have been some chsnges made lately In the staff at the Family The- atre. It now Includes : Phillip Rosbrugh, manager; David Maurice, treasurer; John K. Smith, stage manager: Joe Sullivan, elec- trician; Felix Rice, pianist; Laura McDow- ell, singer of illustrated songs. «■» OHIO. Mansfield. — At Lake Park Casino (E. It. Endly, manager) the Orphlum Stock Co. closed a successful three weeks' run here June 10. Tbe bill, commencing 11, and for two weeks, will be: Ferdinand Grahame anil company, with Lillian Dean, In repertory The company Includes : The Cottas, Crla James, musical Juggler; Al. Leyburn, novelty dancer, and the Wheelers, sketch team. Obpbidu (Gub Sun & O. G. Murray, man- agers). — Week of 11 good business snd an excellent bill, consisting of: Prof. George Ebel, musical dlreceor; tbe Lamonts, music and singing ; Miss Hamilton, character ; Harry Wheeler, and Ames and Feathers, comedy acrobats. BUI for week of 18: Tbe Bootblack Quartette, Love and Rolas, Tot Young and others. Notes.— Selbel Brothers' Dog and Pony Show gave two shows 11, to pleased audi- ences Rlngilng Bros.' Circus 18 Prof. Leon's Teat Vaudeville Show 18 and week. . it ■ ■ nnyton. — At the Odeon Theatre (James Marnell, manager) for week of Jane 18: Kastle Sisters, Illustrated pictures, and mov- ing pictures. Faibview Park Casino (Elmer Redelle, manager). — Week of 18, Barlow's Minstrels. Business at this theatre has been very good. Lake Side Pabsk (Jas. Kirk, manager).— Week of 18, Sbepp Dog and Pony Show. Hamilton.— At Liodenwald Park (John Foster, manager) the voudevtlle bill week of June 10 proved a good drawing card. Inness' Band will be here for matinee and night la July. Gbano Family Theatre (Ward & Mc- Carthy, managers).— Large houses and good vaudeville sketches. The San Francisco earthquake pictures drew large crowds last week. A CORNER IN HAMMER STEIN'S ROOF GARDEN. The above picture shows a corner of Hammerstein's Roof Garden. The gentleman with tbe moustache Is Harry Mock, tbe genial superintendent of the Roof Garden ; tbe one In the centre Is Aaron Kessler, private secretary to Oscar Hauunersteln, and the one on the right Is James Rice, of Rice and X'revost. the mirth proroker In "Bumpty Bumps." The trio nre seated at a table, waiting for the waiter. Cosh oet on.— The Electric Theatre Co. is doing a nice business with moving pictures, and Is planning to put on vaudeville The Van Amusement Co. opened a vaudeville and picture shaw. which wl! run all Sum- mer. ...Tbe Coshocton Agriculture Co. baa opened its fine park to the public for the season. No outside privileges so far Tbe Sixth Street Theatre la booking dates for next season. 4* a VIRGINIA. and they may also build one In Fitchburg. These gentlemen bad a long conference with Lee Shubert In bis office June 12, and tbe outlook Is pleasing for the Independents. i> MAINE. rortinud. — At the Jefferson (Cahn & Grant, managers) tbe Bartley McCullum Summer Stock Co. Is being especially well favored here, both In point of attendance and appreclnllon. Meritorious work Is being done Lv this capable company of players. The play, June 11-10, wnB "Esmeralda." The Governor of Kentucky" 18-23. Portland (J. E. Moore, manager). — This house presented an entertaining bill, beaded by Ludian, tbe band-cuff expert, to fine busi- ness, 11-10. The bill 18-23: Ludlan (second week), Mabel Bardlne and company. Swan end Bambnrd, John E. Hazard, Mfllersblp Sis- ters and Lillian Bender. Cape Theatre, Cape Cottage Park (B. V. Pbelan, manager). — This Summer theatre opened Its season 10, continuing 18-23, wltb "In Mlzzoura," the company being greeted at the opening performances by large and highly f iiens ed audiences, who welcomed many of nst season's favorites back to this resort Tbe company as made up Includes : Lester Louergnn, Alice Treat Hunt. Horry J. In* frsm. J. A. Nunn, Ernest Stone. Antoinette erry, Bernlce Walters. Helen Davldge. Ray- mond L. Bond and Wytey Blrach. L/.ster Ijoncrgan Is stage director, and Unl Donobue, assistant: W. B. Nichols, scenic artist: Jas. Iilanchard, head usher; Frank Perry, tickets ; G. J. Foley, stage carpenter. Frank W. Stlm- son and orchestra (local) furnish tbe music, as last season. Half hourly concerts on the Rastas," held over, to crowded audiences. Lyceum Theatre (Eugene Kernan, mana- ger).— This week, Tilly Taylor's Female Mln- Btrela and the Lyceum Stock. Last week tho stock presented a pleasing bill, to excellent business. Luna Pabk (George E. Gill, manager).— This week tbe Navassau Ladles Band of forty people In tbe shell, and Ella Zulllar, high wire walker, on the hippodrome stage. Last week. Pbllllploo's Band, In the great shell ; tbe Hcrzog Camnraa, head balancers, on the hippodrome stage, and Lincoln Beacbey, In Knabenshue's Airship No. 2, attracted im- mense crowds. Beacbey, In bis airship, made a remarkably successful flight from tho park to the city — four miles — sailed around tbe Washington Monument, thence to the White House, whore he gracefully alighted, and -.ras entertained by the president's family ; thence he again took night, and went direct to the Capitol building, over Pennsylvania Avenue, took s few circles around the great dome of the Capitol building, sad alighted oo the plaza In front; there be was greeted by s large number of both houses of Congress, lunched with Interested members, after which be ngiln ascended, and returned to the park, after one of bis most successful attempts. «•» Nagel and .Adams have returned from tbe West, and will appear In New York City shortly. Tbey report being very successfat In the West, where their act more than mada good. Mr. Nagel has looked up some new ac- robatic Juggling tricks, which never fall to meet with approval. Be Is now turning dip- flaps and Jugwllnc at the same time. They open In New Tork week of June 25, at Tony Pastor's Theatre. Norfolk. — At Ocean View Casino (Otto Wells, local manager) hualn?Bs for week of June 11 was exceptionally good. People booked for week of 18 : Jack Norwortb, Louise Dres- ser, the Three Keatons, the Military Octette and Girl wltb tbe Baton, and the Farleys. Bijou (Abb Smith, manager). — In addi- tion to the regular stock, people week of 18 are: Ward Bros., Young Bisters, and May Alvln. Business Is good., AcWD (Wllkerson A Mansle, managers),— People week of 18: Wallace Sheldon, Lucille MayGeld, Diamond and West, and Crane, LoDg and Crane. Business Is good. Auditorium (J. M. Barton, manager) — People week of 16: Johnson end Bentz, Sul- livan and Adams, Sisters Willis, and Cleo- dorla and Legrand. Cbas. Rents closes at this house 23, going to Ocean City for the Summer season. Out Johnson, will take his place as stock comedian. Manhattan (Crlnnlan Bros., managers). — There will be no change In the bill for ■Bant of IS tbe people booked for week of 11 bold log over. Business Is good. 4 i * Cms. W. Bbmneb, manager of Ye Colo nial Stock Co.. writes: "I am now maklnp arrangements for tbe opening of tbe second ocaaon of the above company. Last season the show made a fine reputation everywhere It appeared, and I bave booked a return date In every town where we have played, whlcii goes to show that the managers were plen?e - • »" . .<'' Pidyouovtr. MttrSkalter'?, 'A — < 7* «.- «^ -» f mm » « _ — - — ; , r ; : ij/«/« ^oTiirorr top. A visit lb /funofys Menagerie _zmpJy rewarded by witnessing seemingly impossible /eAfe of znimnltr&intnd fopAlfss MorcM. 430 THE 2STEW YORK CLIPPER. June 23. The Tillage 'Cut-Dp' Strenuous Career and Sad Finish of a Practical Joker. Another BIOGRAPH Hit L*ngth, B7Bft. Til* Village "Cut-t p"—)ili fulfil nliovf- lrf«-i hi. Jokea on lite Country Folki atll th.y rlsvi lu revolt. Tl i I tie Mill Poml. 1 hfj cafrh him otter on csel1l-.g ehoae ami dock him Lrfitest BaTo-vertlets t "23," Or THE SKIDDOO BROS. IN SOCIETY ... 47011 < LYHPIiH GA5ES AT ATHEHS, atont .... 1,000ft, THE LOST 1ES OF KDTTON (A Screaming Chase) • • 256ft. ERUPTION OF IT. VESUVIUS (Genuine) ■ - 345ft. A NAVAL ENGAGEMENT (Comedy) 225ft 8PBCIAL, t (11IH(I\T Jc Cfi.'S WOM-WllL "LIFE «F CHRIST" 2,145lt. AMERICAN MUT0SC0PE& BIOGRAPH GO,, II E. I4th S*., NEW YORK. KI.l.lVF. OPTICAL C«„ C'hlrago, Hptflnl Selling Agento. PACIFIC COAST BHArlCIa'l Mill W. Pleo St., Lee Angelel. AND LOWEST PRICES, 30c. per 100. Our 1906 STREET- MEN'S CATALOGUE Is now ready for dislrlLu- tlon. Writ! (or It to- day. You cinnot afford to bt without • copy. Mailed free LEVIN BROS., 30*1 N. 81XTU STREET, TKRRK HAUTE, IKD. PS1 We Work lor Iht CLIPPER. Why: Not Tor You' CriLMtcAL Engraving Co. !tt tro Caa Strict .,-;."::,-..- MrwYf-m Tell He Your Foot Troubles It will eue your HIND I will ease your FEET. No matter what your ailment Is, I will advise you free (under private cover) regarding trie proper treatment. Your trouble may be simply au enlarged great Joint; It may have developed Into a bunion, and the toe* may overlap. If so, AOIIFELDT'S (patent) "PERFECTION' ' TOE SI'RINU will correct the trouble and Rive you permanent relief. Sent on approval. Money re- funded if not as represented. You may havepalna In the feet, ankle or lnBtep due to long stand- ing or a Bpraln, strain, etc., and been treated for rheumatism, wlit-rea^ the arch had begun to break down with a tendency toward "FLAT FOOT." fl YOU NEED MY INSTEP ARCH SUPPORTER to ulve you Immediate relief from pain. Send an liiipri-fwlon »f foot »»*en bv riibMiiK vase hue or cold cream over sole of root and stepping on a niece of roN paper, or outline by pacing foot on ' paper and tracing around with lead pencil. OR ACTRESS. i prof tin Ion to (fiti lliatliii ■ i AUtll I. J l-1'll >■. I I., tin tOfc. Boni. for my bi>imtif ully Illustrated honk «*plB.lnli'« n»Hbt«J, •Iio plrtur-., HHH M nlnti nclon rtclrl'.i''** lift tan" lir'flilio rfTU teiil llifuu.h r,!,'u.";i.„-n..H„l FllKK. aj,i«,. Ilenrj Olckion School if Acli.s. IN natal Hal. ChlcJ« SONG "IUMNY 80N0" BITS rrotw.looolooplo.rHEE tor oord or reoont pro- trooi. Froo c»:»:og ot 8kaya,Diln.tr*l lakes, etc. (ILL ROSSlrtfl. 225 WuHn|t»riSt„Chltig» WILL ROSSiTER'S UMEISIUIUMPtllU BOOKS MANUSCRIPT PLAYS FjM 144 LA SALLE SI V^§- BLOOD POISON FOR MOREJHAN TWENTY YEARS wo have made the cure of Wood roloon a ■pecUltr. Wood I'olson rurmaucntly Cured. Vou c»n bo Ircalcd at home uaucr same euaranly. Capital |M)0,000. We solicit Hie moat obaUlialo came. It jou Have ex- hausted the old methods of treatment and ■till have aelica and Baden, Hums r o ljl aa In Mouttl.SorcTluoal.Wlnplea.Colilier-Colored Boots, Were ou »lij part of the body, Hair or Ejcbrows falling out, write for proofa of ouroa. 100-bage Hook Free. COOK REMEDY CO., 1 1 1 1 M atonic Templa.Chlcago, III. .U.S.A. „«& .«£& IraprcKslou of Imprenston showing Impression of Perfect Foot broken down an U "Flat Foot." Send for rirciilarri, giving fnJl particulars. M. ACHFELDT, Foot Specialist, 163 Weat 23d St,, N.Y. Dopt. E. I. UNIFORMS BAJD, MILITARY, MIKSTrtEL OUTFIT! CARNIVAL COS., USHERS And All Outers Slit Iw CUtlM. IeiIIh III Wi.lt. Special Attention Glvti fie Profuilct Western Uniform Go. ' >B.\NDlNSTRlME^5ia*-a-" cheap. Ei ■ala Urt fr*e en request FB^^^CjjTOt^k^C^ Qm»aBlda.,CHIC>OQ SAVE HALF THE TROUBLE OF SHAVING BY USING EUX-E-SIS. This old English preparation Is a de* llcate demulcent cream which quickly softens the hardest beard and makes shaving a pleasure. It la a treasure for travelers. None genuine without signature of AIMEE LLOYD In red Ink on label. Bold l>y best druggist, 40c. a tube; Extra Large, T6e. SEND FOR BOOKLET. PARK & TILFORD, 017 BROADWAY, W. Y. IMPORT AGENTS FUR I.". 8. MANUFACTURED BY ' AIMZE LLOYD &. CO., London, England. CJIRCTITIITITC MAY B E OFFERED YOU TO OUDO I I I U I LO INCREASE DEALERS' PROFITS ■W* INSIST ON HAVING THE GENUINE •*■ CUSHION BUTTON HOSE 1 ' CUPPORTER June 23. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 481 I *•" I barry c. THOMPSON and CARTER annie IN A REVI8KD EDITION OF - THKIR OWN ACT, "MY WIFE'S BROTHER" ADDRESS CARE OF CUPPER OFFICE. IBERT WANTED, MUSICIANS -for- Uncle Josh Perkins -AND- Uncle Josh Spruceby 8. COMPANIES. 8. Pttno Platen to Doable Baud: Trombones, cor- nets, Baritone*, Tubas, Clarionets, Alto; Double Orchestra and Stage; Trap Drummer*. Actors that double in Band, state lowest salary flrwt tetter. Tay roar own. Ljatck to HANKS & FRAZRE, jjlfl tribune Hulldtcg, Chicago, 111. Wanted, Good Dutch Comedian Must dance; and Good JiKKTUH TRAM; also Goad ■ri'BA pi.aYKR. State lowest salary In nrst letter. Address POD POTEBS, Baa OUlro, Mich. Would lite to tiear from Billy Travis. WANTED, FOR STETSON'S UNCLE TOM'S CABIN, ruder canvas, Tubs and Trombone for B. iind 0.; also Orchestra Leader, Woman Tor Ophelia, with .blldforEva June 22, Hlcksvllle, I. I.; June 23, meenpoint; June 'i:>, souilioid. L. I. Address GRANT LUCK, MaPiger. 30 Cents In stamps brings you, prepaid, 100 Beat Profes- ionai Cards to Introduce my new Engraver Type Process. F. W, HORSE. Show Printer, 1MB. E. 23d St., Chicago, 111. 1.WTED, MUSICIANS. Double Bass and Tuba; Baritone, double Viola; Alto, double Second violin; Trombone, B. and 0., and Second violin; Tromimne. wire, quick. VIOLA WILSON S TOCK CO.. Watertowp, K. V. Medicine Performers. Versatile People. Salary no limit. Season's work. Good people, write quick. Omega Trio, where are war I want you quick. Address DR. ELTON. Sedalia, Mo. WANTED, ADVA1VCE FOR THE [ISENBJIRTH-HENDER80N FLOATING THEATRE. HujtpMte. Address MANCHESTER, 0. BEST WISHES TO THOSE WHO WISH I- UK 1. 1,. AND THOSE WHO DllVT, VAUDEVILLE, OPERA and STOCK CO. AT ALRDOME, EI Puo, Tax. CRAWFORD fe RICH, ■ Managers Wanted, Cohan & 8aiherla.ad'a "KING OP TRAMPH CO'H," (Eastern and Weatcrn), Man for Comedy Trump, one wllh a strung Specialty (moslcal act preferred). Man for Gen- teel Heavlea. Juvenile man to double Old Man (bit). Ingenue with singing Specially. Property man to play small part Preference to those doubling In Band. Muatclauc, Tnba player, Trom- bone. Also Trap Drummer to doub'c brass to Band, clarinet or Tuba preferred. Season opens Ang. b. For Sale, two sels of Band uniforms. OVe. COHAN, ;s Plymouth Place, Chicago, 111. FOR SALE, NEW SOUTHERN MELODRAHn. Has been given a try out. New special paper. ?(ew dye trunk Bcenery. Full* copyrighted. Address W. ft WARE, Plttatleld, III. cooTffi7infin"»., Man to Play Calliope, Double small part on stage. Othergood ACTORS That do specialty. N'O PARADES. ■ J^M. BUSBY, Aurora, Mo. WANTED. SINGLE NOVELTY HAN. One who does Traps, Ban, etc. Must change Tor ite. Be snre and give telegraph week. Olherswrl address 0. TANA. Fullou, 111. AT LIBERTY, BUSINESS HANiGEB Who can route you through new terriiory at dollar prices. J. W. LEIGH, 426 Gold St., Brooklyn, X. Y. LE4DEB (B, and 0.) AT LIBEBTY Park or road. Responsible people write par- ticulars to VIOLINIST, laa Prospect Ave-, Buffalo. N'. Y. CHA8. SHELDON ROE WrltH ORIGINAL MONOLOGUES and SKETCHES- Sa'.lslactlon KU.raDleed. Hello nub, HOMER, .V V. PIANIST WANTED. One doubling brass preferred. Long season near X. Y. QOUKE COMEDY 4XL, Huntington, L, I.~ AT LIBERTY OH ACCOUNT DISAPPOINTMENT, A) Singing and Talking B. F. Comedian; put on acts and mike them go. All around Med. Performers. IIOCX. Ticket, yea. JESS ADAMS, Moundvllle, Mo. WANTED, MEDICINE PERFORMERS ALL MNRS. SINOLEandlKICBUi. PIANO PLAYERS. STATU ALL IN KIK8T, AMD LOWEST. Sleaily If Jim wake aooil. OR. SCOTT. TOLA, Kg. 0. V. LADIES' COLONIAL OBCHESTBA DESIRS8 L'NUAGEMKNTB. ANY NFMI1KR PIECES. « MONTHS PRESENT PLACE. MARIE E. RUBER, "707 Oxf ord SI.. Pllllaoelpllla, P.. ; WANTED, SINGLE WOMAN. Change for a week and play ntauo. straight vaudeville CHA8. J. PKRRY, Olenfletd, Lewi- Co., N. V. AT LIBERTY. LADY PIANIST AND VOCALIST, exporltuced. Address MUSICIAN, cire Gen. Del., La Crosse, Wis. SINGERS! Wou'd you like to feel the whole house shake with applause? Then sing the great march song, Hurrah for the Fourth «f July Prof, copy and oreli.on receiptor late progr. and lot. post. LEADERS : March orchestrations, lee. puetage. ARNT A. AAlfNE, W4 4lli Ave., Brooklyn, $. Y. THE STAB FAMILY THEATRE CIRCUIT. Wanted, at All Tints, Performers. Break your Jumps 30 miles from Pltlarjurg, ra. 10c. Jump between encli house. H 91. A. HLHIUKKRKV. Mgr. STAR THSATRE, Monwsen, Pa. MAVAORHS OP REP. td.'s, AT l.IUEHTV. THE GREAT CARMEN, Hoop Roller, Clubs and Triple Baton Juggler. Three distinct arts, strung enough to feature, Introducing a new and novel finish Tor each act. Per address MM AMSTERDAM AVE.. New York City. Wanted, Performers FOR TENT SHOW ; chaDge for one week; Black Face, Magician, Musical Act, etc Wanted to buy small trained animal?, illusions and magic acts. Frank Peak, where are ynu r COL. II. BOWMAN. Fort Lawn, 8. C. A GREAT OPPORTUNITY. WANTED, PARTY wllh email amount of capi- tal, lo take half interest in Farce Comedy. Small east, booked solid. Fine line of paper. To act as Mauager and Treasurer- Handle vournwn (turner. Only reliable partywanled. Address "MANAflF.R" care Cullianc, Chace A Weston, i;vw-i3io Broad- way, N. Y. City. KENNEDY PLAYERS WANT PEOPLE FOR REPERTOIRE, PIANIST. ,4 weeks) Stale lowest. Long season. Address BEN LKW IS, aicubcuvllle, Ohio. YOUNG MAN. 21, Would like position with traveling company for coming season as Carpenter or Assistant Car- penter. Wilting to Join union. Do small Mis. THOMAS tfDlNN. Gen. Del., Llvermore Falls. Mc. A FEW OF THE LEADING FEATURES WITH THE 4 PAW & SELLS BROS.' UNITED SHOW S DUNEDIN TROUPE 5 World's Famous Artistic 'Cyclists. PEARL FOREPAUGH, FRED WELCOME OSCAR LOWANDE, World's I'll a lit plus. >nnii>r.aull Uiil.i. MOB. I.OWASIIK FAMILY TALLY HO ALT. AT LIBERTY. FOR SEASON OF 0607, SLATER and FINCH (A feature act gorgeously dressed for each night In the week). Both will play small parte. Per. add., Care of MRS. K. E. SLATKR. with w. A. Flint Co., Vinccnncs, md. WANTED », Character. ALICE COLLISSON L.ra.1,, Heavlea. HOTEL ROYAL, MOIIILE, ALA. WANTED, BY GOOD, SOBER. RELIABLE, EXPERIENCED Chorus Man and Chorus Girl. Both have good Btrong voices and specially of Singing Illustrated Songs. Can furnish photn. Wanted to be booked for coming season In mu- sical corned? or hurleaquo. Address JOHN K I, KIN, care Of MISS INEZ TKRRV, Teacher of Piano and vocal, 315 North Senate Ave., Indianapolis, lnd. WANTED Jones' Frontier Exhibition. Cowboys, Rough Riders, Shooting Act, Midway Dancers, Troupe of Tumblers, Cornel Player. .1. AUGUSTUS JONBB, Bristol, Tenn. Al LIBEBTY, WILL H. KENT, For balance of Summer, uwhtg to company i-Ios- lug, Juveuiles, Light Comedy. ReajioiiHlMc Mgrs. only. Address K3i> Snpcrlur si., Applci-m. Wl^. "FOOLS OF FORTUNE" Melodrama of lutcune human tnterewt. by owc» Ihtvls. Booked solid; >>eautlfiil pa|ier; line scenic production; "mall amount «f stuck can bus' mired. Address JOHN P. (/DINN, Kdnral tonal ABUrMMM Company, ;ti w. aiat hi., or Mr. in i.i,-, [toutti V, Bible House, New York. AT LIBERT V. FRANCES LORINC, SOUBRKTTES, JUVENILES. WARREN CATTERLIN UttBfl (STA(JE UlRKUTOR). Per. add., 020 West Knd Place, St. l^dls. Mo. DWARF JOE DAVIE8, AT LIBERTY AFTER SEPT. 16. COMEUIAS. LECTURER and PARTS. AdilresH, until Hept. 16, "A TRIP TO THE MOON," Luna Park. Coney Island, N. Y. AT LIBERTY, Al VIOLINIST LOCATE OR TRAVEL. Addre-s R. S. PATRICK, Box ;», St. Peterahnrg. Kla. FILMS 5.000ft. FILM, FOR SALE. Ill Al ORDER, CHEAP. \Vc will iiuy noon Mhi] or exchange fnr above. JON'EB .( UEUUCK, IMS'. U»y SI.. Balllinorc. Md. AT LIBERTY, CHARACTERS AND OEM. BIZ. AMI I.I1TLE OIRL PART8, SINUINi; AND LANCirasPECIAL- TIES. RIO FEATURE. Write or win.'. BELLE IIENUERSON. flen. Ilel., Helena, Mont. MATSUIVIOTA'S rAIOVS lAPAIESE TBODPE. Til. Utile Krllntv "n III, II If ll l.iolrlrl . Josoph La Flour, Novelty, Whlrhrlnd, Acrobald: SeiiHallon. The 3 De Boliens, FHKNCH AC'HOBATN, At Liberty !)■<■■ I. NEW COMKl'V AIT. KIN 1811 IS ONK. WM. TESSIER, iiKin mini m., TRAPEKK AND 1VHIE, BAKER, MM and IttlMft, A TRIO ilh At'KOU.V Tit I, A I Oil I.IIII.KYKIIS. BILL HARDDIC, THE IUOSLII0 BOB. THE 3 CORELUS, C0BEDT rEATDBES. ALEXlDEl VVOLKOWSKY'S Enaslan Singers aid Dancers, THE CLIFTON SISTERS Singers and Character Dancers. I : TheCORNELLAFAMILY America's ramsns Acrobats. NETTIE CARROLL, QUEEN OF THE WIRE. THE FLYING LA VANS THE WORLD'S HOST VIIIVKMIM AKRIAI. OTIIIKASTS. IMOKIl TIIK Hllll',tT10\ OF WM.E. (BUD) GORMAN KCll'KHTIIIAN t>] It I ;i lit It. FRED ZOBEDIE, Tin' liicomparahlc Itmul UmIhii'ti-, nllh Ilia HLIDti KOR l.lr'l''.. liihn-I.IX ,sri:R and lliWWMlll-Maiiii c'omedr crcalnr. Illsli Silimil Etiitenlrleniie. 1SVAU1IEVII.LE NEXT ll'INTKII. .l"k LOUIS I'ISITIS. null MOIIHIS. wmTHE JEUNETS marie Anton atn, llrntl and lliinil ItnluiHiTf. FRED ECENER, WgmW OlOWS OH EABTH, BARTO and RALDON Tht Greatest o! All lovclty Equilibrists. DOLLAR TROUPE, EUHOPE'8 GREATEST ACBOBATS.' mat ami P.\UJ,\E klllli Eccentric Comedy Sketch ami Drum Solos, LEW NICHOLS, AHEAl OLOWK. : x THE 4 PAW BASE BALL CLUB CHALLENGES Any ham on earth (New York Giants preferred), HoOraw, take nollce, Add. H. O. LAMKIN, Mgr. SPARLING & BURR, VAUDKVUjLE PL.AVWRIGHTK, Prlcea rl«lit. Hnmmnnd, lnd. Our luteal sout mtttm, "DOWN BY THK UKBP BLUE: HEA." SL-nd ror Prof. Copy. NOTICE, ACROBATS. Waal a First Class Middle Mount. Must lie a Hood Around Worker. Weight 1& to MO. Mnst tip up lo the tlmuK. Address wllh full par- ticulars and etc. Rare chance TO AN ARTIST. H. ARTRI33E, Pout Otike, riilladel p hla. P a . \A/A1VTED. MUSICIANS, QUICK. R oan engagement. I . J. MHO, Bciiiltl)! , Minn. lATIIlMIIiTlDS. tX 1ST AVE., Cedar RapKa, 1%. W A M T E D, EAST LYNNE PEOPLE those doubling hrasg preferred. Han, wiiu Bmali cast Rcrlpt, lo manage rttage ; good leader and niu- qiclana write. Tellatlaiid lowest flrsr letter; do He. LtBta. L-iiiB season to right people. Address quick AL. VALARDR, Charlevoix, Charlevoix Co., Mleh' I^or Sale, sort. Round Top with SON. Middle Piece, with Slakes, Ropen, Centre Pules and SetofHuenerj, all complete, for itWeaah. Will run this aeasoti nicely. Can shin ,|tilek. Muat Bell at once. ELBA B. WKIOHT. Madella, Minn., 18 and week; Butler Held, Ml uu., '25 ami wtq-k. WANTED, FOR LOWERY BROS? SHOW, Single Traps, Wire Contort lo Dial, Talking and sinning Clown. Can place Comet. Address MBtg. B. LOWERY. M per Route. WANTED, PIANO PLAYER To open June ii: Sight Header. DAN BARRY, Mgr. DKWRV MUSIC HALL. Utlca, N. Y. Man and Woman (or Juveniles (Han and wife preferred). Address WILL REYNOLDS, Wheatland, lnd. Eirttuulaifi, UONHKCK'K (.OLDEN MASCOT AILHOADSUOWo. Per route lU CLIPPER. ALBEBT 8. HWABD, ffi SSMS St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Estimates furnished for pro- duetionx, stocking of new housea, repainting, etc. Open Tor flrst rlasssto^lt engagement next season. Cars Four Al Hotel Cars Tor Sale; easy terms. All liave "eel wliceh; sled range in kitchen ; dishes and linen complete. J. M, THRNKIt, 'JW_Sou_lli Clark Si., Clllcagn. 111. GUY BROTHERS' MINSTRELS WAST MUSIOIANS, SINOKRS, .SPKCIALTIE8, UOMBIIIAN8. a»a I.IBKRTY ST., a|irliigHelil, Ma.«. At liberty for Next Season, Gertrude Roberts, COMKDIKNNtl or KH0TIONA1. I.KAI1S. one nlere onlv. Aitdreaa RIVERVIKW COTTAHK, Uerrlmaeporl. Ma... AHIERS AND YOUNT, COMEDY ACROBATS, Can ne engaged for Carnivals, Street Fairs and Fourth of Jill)' Celchratloos. por full particulars address 346 MAIN ST.. Dubuque, la. WANTED, TOP. Aliou, I0XTO. FOR »AI,K-» I.eimlliH, 7 lllili, Jaeka anrl Hlrlnircre: ,:,.M per. YAll.'K ENTBRTAINERH. I>|MI||III. S. Y. AT LIBERTY, TROMBONE For luure, "i eh. or Oner. Home. Mull only. EARI, NBLHON. Molirnl CIIJ, III. O. A. HAWKINS, Mfr.of Gytiioasilc Apparatus, *rt K.44ttiKt„ N.Y. formerly or 119 K. Mtli St. Horizontal bars, leap, lug hoards and liars, barrels, ero^o^, globeM, w- S INI^A ["K : E S . Choice lot of Pythons, Bulls and Pino Snake* at the lowest prices. Broke to handle. J. HOPK, Ni>. :i& X. Bill St.. Philadelphia, Pa. fABTHUtQ Mint (t « t " 1 IIH y->ur uiaiiiia'-rlpt. Wir UHlUntO Iflllt arrange and publish. onun'nncHQ Pioneer Mam Puh. i'». ,iur.) oUHU YVimO. ;04 Maiiliatlan Bldg., Chicago, III. FOR SALE, COMPLETE MEDICINE SHOW OUTFIT: Side Wall and leot. Organs, Lttrhti". stereoptieon, Medtclnei. Cheap. Perfect con- dit lon. Addresa Rooro HA. iw: B roa dway, N'. Y. CABBIE M. SCOTT, EXPONENT (IF PHYHIOAL fULTORK, AT LIBERTY HKAHON ■'W-l. 109 H, ORKENB ST, Ballllnoie, Utl. PERFORMERS TAKE NOTICE WRITE AT ONCE! THREE L'S RE-UNITED!! STRONGER THAN EVER Direction of LOVERICH, LUBEL8KI, and LEVY. Good Acts Wanted at all times. CONTRACTS GUARANTEED, and we will give TWELVE CONSECUTIVE WEEKS OR L0N6ER. A'ldii'in nil ('(imniti nil ut Inn to Honking ?ln.nngf r, ARCHIE LEVY, NOVELTY THEATRE, OAKLAND, CAL. CORNER'S ORANGEADE The biggest money maker In the drink line that ynu rati Iinmllc. On* $MM pmtlt (•■ everr pound. OellcloitH, rerresliuig, lienlMirui, pine, coiiriirms to Purr- bioil laws nf all Hiali-M. The bent and 1110*1 popular drink for parks, iHlr-<, « Hi'ihi"* or »uiy piarc whern p^tiplr have a thlmL It Ih mi tffiod Hiat the Hale of one glass mean* neverul more Ui the Mamc parly. lit, maki'H 4>\ gHlloiiH ol the bfxt drink -l». Addrexa CAItK OKfM.IPPF.lt, N. Y.nty SING "MY MOTHER'S SONGS.' "Tin* Ureal H"ine Song." Tuni-hi** a rhord in ••verv heart rfiiteiiibcrlng lnnno and moiltcr. " (.'bitrarnTi-iir Hari'tt and Two step. Yuu Ihi-ni ami call gel lliem by SSffS* SOBllBKR'i' MUSIC PUB. CflL, AlfMTOttlUH BLBII., CIIICWII, ILL. WANTED, FOR OLD HOME WEEK AND STREET FAIR AT PUTTSBURGH, N. Y., JULY 2 TO 7, SHOWS, FERRIS WHEEL, SCENIC RAILWAY, RAZ/LE DAZZLE OPEN AIR AnitAfTlfiNS. IHINUKHKHLVHOP ALL KINDH'Ki I, (ST. /.KN'O ASH UKUK'i, WRITK. iw.wj people lo draw rrou, Addreai F. hfcWIS BKOWNh. Ataerioau H«u«t, I'laitHburgh, N.JT. 482 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. ' June 23. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER - ■» THE FUNK QUEEN PUBLISHING CO. (Limit*. fROPKUTOaS. ALBERT J. BOBIE,. Editorial and BufliKEan bIanaqu. SATURDAY, .1UNE 23, )!HIC. RATES: AdTtrtliementu— %iSU per Iscli, tlnjli col- AdTertlaemeDU set with border, 10 per cent, extra. SUBBCHIPT10N. One jeer, la advance, 14; all mentUn, $2; three montus, ft. foreign poeUfe Artrt. Biorle eoiilce will be lent, postpaid, on re- ceipt ot 111 cents. Oar Ternu Are OoBO. THB CMWEK l» leeued erer- Wednesday morning. Tie, laiit four (eurerttslnj) pegee 00 TO PRESS on Saturday «t 11 »• «. and the other psge» on UONDAI sod TDBBDAV. The form* Closloaj rrewtlr, Ta«e- d.y, at Id o'clock A. M. Please remit by eipreee, money order, check, p 0. order or registered letter. All cash SB- closed with letter to «t the rtok of tender. Addmi AM Coanmoolcotiono to '1 UE HEW VORK CLIPPER. 47 West 28th Street, New To* lUflltcrei OttileAdirtu, "AOTBOiMl." THE WESTERN BUREAU ot TBI CilPPSB !• located at Boom GO,, Asbland Block, Chicago, WllMnv P. Bryan, manat/tr and correspondent, where advertise- ments and eubacrlptlone are received at our regular rates. THE tONDON BUREAU Located at 48 Crattbourns St., London, W. C, John B. Carney, manager and correspondent, where advertisements and subscriptions ara received at our regular ratea. THt CXttMCB' CAN Bl OBTAIMBD, WHOLB- sai.c and bbtail, at our agents, Brentano's n'ewa depot, 3T Avenue do 1'Opera, Parla, Pnuce; M. Ullentual; Frederick Strasse 101 (Terminus Hotel), Berlin, N. W., Ger- many: Diamond News Co., »7 Prado, Ha- vana ; Manila Book and Stationery Co., J28 Bacolta, Manila, P. I. ; Albert a Son, 18T- 139 King St., Sydney, Australia, THE MEW VOBK CLIPPER pnbllebe" only one edition, und tLel la doted from New York. , QUEBI ES ANSW ERED. No itepiiei by Mall o r Tele.Yr.-pB. ADMtKSSKS OB WIlBRBABttUTB MOT QIVBK. All in quest or such hbould wbitb to TUOBB WHOM THKS BBEK, IN ClUOlf THB CLIPPER Pysx Ort'ics. All lxttibb will BE ADVEUT1HEU ONE WKBK uNtY. Ir THB BOOTS OF ANT THEATRICAL COUPANT IB BOUOHT, BBFEB TO OUH LIHP Or ROOTBB ON ANOTHER PAOB. WB CAMNOT BBND IO0TBB BI AIA1L OB TBLEU BAPH. DRAMATIC. T N. T., Spoknne. — We have no knowl- edge of tU<* present wherea limits of the pnrty. Address ii letter In our raw. and we will ad- vertise It In Tiih CLii'i'Kii letter list. MnH. P. C. 8., Sweetwater, W. T„ Wit slil.J.it on. A. W. 8., Comanche, C. R. K« Cleveland, N. P., Knstun. and _ „ _ D. .11., PkOrtllx.— See answer to T. IS. T., RMMftM Plat, Syracuse. — Make appllrn- thin to i In- 1 Llprnriau of Congress, .Washing- tt-Tu, I» C Copyright performances are un- necessary In tile United State*. ma»i.aiii-:t. New York. — I. We never reply to queries concerning the reliability of auy one. -. It In belter. .1. We hove uo knowl- ftiire of niiv Kinii theatre. R J. II.. Baltimore.— The rang was Intro- duced faff Andrew Mark. i .1. W.. Pittsburg.— l, Address tlie Enter- prise .Music Supply Co.. 40 West Twenty- eighth Si reel. New Yurk city. 2. Addrt-ns llowlev * Co.. -II Weal Tweuty-elgbtU Street, New Ytirk City. 1*. A. I... 101 Heuo.— Addrens W'lllla Wood- ward Jt Co.. 48 West Twenty-eighth Street, New Vork City. _ . C. A. C. foinrell.--.. .Wm. H. West died l-'eh. l.'i, 11102. at Ihi' Palmer House, CblraKO. 1*. The Primrose & Wi'al jubilee performance iMViirreil Murdi «, 1H1MI, nt the Mndlsun S.iuurc t.nrnVn. New Y«rk City. ((. A'. H., Worcester.— '11 in letter has LUC beeu clalnitil. . Makuahrt. Philadelphia. — A ran Iw rltflit, ux soiih'H ure IiuhkIiI -mtrlijlit by uiaungers fur their nrudiiftlnuH. N. l\ ii., Pessetidon. — Address the huler- urixu MuVIe Supply Co.. 40 West Twenty- eighth Street. New York City. V. ft V.. Wiihlilnpiuu,— W> cuu uot give you (he Information, nor do we believe you van obtain It luywhere. C. T„ Hexrilh-.— Apply to auy dealer In aitlstH' supplies. C. V. U.. Selintthllonke. — The i»arty blmaelf will answer your query. ' S. I*. . Ikiaton. — We linve uo ineann of knowing whtit l 1 Is pinna ure for next .sensou. W. H, ti., New Vork.— She la rMttB* for the Suuinicr. Address her In rare «f the Bin- plie Theatre. New York City. M. C., Toruutu. — Letter Is atlll lu this "Batch," New York.— Trow Unaluess Di- rectory. llAMKUALL. C. II. P., St. I'nnl. — B In rlttltt. With t'vn taeu uii the bawn, the runner ooupylun; third Lu.-v n-as entitled to hold to It until he hml legullr lunrbwl the next, or hoiue plnte. As he did not do *.■,. lie i-oiild return to third liaae ami hold h. providing be had not hi tlie meauttme been touched with the hull. The uriii i-Hiniliiii frmn aecnucl base enidd have beeu put oat even If Mtaudlng on thud base. C. W. D- Portland— 1. No. 1!. If ground riilci: were in force, a« you any, alluwllig the runner tinly lu*o haaes. he should have bet " atupned .hi third, even If the ball was thrown wide. However. If the ball was atopped or bundled bv nn out alder, It bad to be returned and momentarily held by the pitcher. w bile ata urilior I n h Is posit Ion, l>efore It ui me Into Miny nfralu. The runner should have retornetl in third luiae under the ground roles. :t. All he can uiiike wltliaut helug j.nt out. P. 'W. L.. Pittsburg.— A ltif»es. As Crook- ivn won the second nud last game of the aeries. It makes no difference whether ot uot rain caused a post pouemeat of the third fame, for even If li bud beeu plaved, and ■Ittftburg hail acoretl n victory, .Y had no chaace to win. CAHIIM, p, H. II. . Brooklyn— It all depends upon whutber the game waa played where, "bouse rules'' govern. If It was not, then tberegu-, tar mk'H govern, and B wtna, at no meld can be added to a player's score until he takes n trick. . , "W.," ('oncord. — The deck having been raised with the dlacnrd the dealer tins Bo re- dre's. His hand la tnu\ aud can not pnrtfrl- paie In any further play In the hand la which the error occurred. J. A. A KB W. D.. New York.— J. A. Is tight on both questions. «■♦ OCR I.O.N DON LKTTKK. FttOlt HDI OWN COKRKSPONbSNT, Hent to Sigurd lhaeu. at Cbiiatlaula, signed by some thirty actot-H, airthora Bad critic*. The'naitfes Included those of William Archer, Clipper liiirt'iin. 48 irniiliourne Street, Lelceatter Sqaare, London, W. V. JtJSK fl. After n- brief run 'The Lion and the Moiiae" was wltlidrnwn from the Dttke of York's lost night. To-day the merouei'M of the eompauy are sdillng fur New York, aud If that city la renched next Snturday afler- nouu the players will appear that ereuiug lu tbelr old parts In the aame play, Dow in Ha twenty-ninth week, at the Lyceum. The play was loo American to pleaae English au- diences. Thi> opening was antlafactory, and since the buslneas has been of aufSctept slfe to keep the play on. the boards of the local house for some weeks, but as the production waa n t u complete success . Mr. Pifebman made the beat' move In taking the play off. Por Mr. Frohmun's last priHitictlon at that house thlH seoaou, and which lias been called by il^t gentleman' u dramatic festival, he will revive "The Marriage of Kitty." with Marie Tempest and Kills .lelfreya In their original parts, and "Pantaloon." Albert Che- valier uuil Puullne Chase lading seen in the two principal characters of fbe little play. This will be Mis* Jeffreys' Drst appearance In London since her long American tour, and Mr. ChevnHer's first appearnce In uu acting part In a play sluce he made hla snecess lu coster songs many yours ago. He was former- ly one of the comedlana at. Toole's Theatre, in this city. Late last week Mr. Pmbtnan urradged for four afternoon recitals by Yvette (Jnllbcrt aud Albert Chevalier, at the Duke of York's. The tlrst wus given yester- day, nud the retnalnlug three recitals will be jxlven on the I2lh, Kith and' loth of the month Mine. Oullbert sings Preach and English sobs*, and Mr. Chevalier contributes u number or songs and recitations from hla repertory. The nunae was tilled at yester- day's matluee. ' It Is announced that Cyril Maude will close IiIh present sea* seeu In BJornstjerue HJorsim's "Beyond Human' Power." Tlie central figure of this piece, which Mrs. Campbell portrays. Is n hed-rldde» woman. She dnes not leave her couch through two acts, hut she Is, Inter In the play, prayed over. Is made to dunce, aud this superhuman effort Is followed by her death. Mr. Prohmnn announces that he will short- ly present Hutu St, Denis lu n aeries of matinee performances at one of his West End theatres. The Hindu Itbada dances of Miss Si. Denis, each one letting a story. are said to have mude a hit lu New York a few weeks ago. On Friday, the occasion of the funeral of Hen r Ik isheii, u telegram, expressing sym- pathy lo the loss of tbe great playwright, was Oscar Asche. Janet Acburch, P. It- Benson, Mm. Patrick Campbell, Stewart Headlun, Laorer.ce. Irving. J. Huntley McCarthy, Eliz- abeth Roblos, Bernard Show. Ellen Terry, Beerbohm 'live and J. E. Vedrenoe. "The Lonely Millionaires'' was replaced Inst Saturday night nt the Addphi by a re- vlvpl of, "The Taming of tbe SbreW.**, Mr Affche and Miss Hrn.*tob. as Petruciilo and Katharine, received excellent support from a well-chosen company Hint Included several players who appeared with them when tb<* lomedy was first revived by Otbo Stuart,, at the Adelpht. "Matt, of Merrymooth," la tbe name af a piny, by 1: M. Dlx and Mrs. E. H. Suther- land, which bos beea secured by Fred Terrv und Julia Nellsua for production next seasau. Monday last was a Bank Holiday, and tbe music hulls were packed, to the doors on that occasion, but the remaining nights of the wet*k there were plenty of vacant seats, and even In the halls that have for the pa^t mouth or two been -Ring "house full" signs, nt. every performance. All are offering good shows. Everhnrt sends me a few lines, under date of tieuoa. imiv, May HO: ".ln*r a line. or two to say nil Is going Ql K. I am now In Sunny Italy, nud expect to play the month of June here. I go to Florence. Rome. Naples and Venice, Just the places I have always waated lo visit. I opened here Sunday, aud as the hoops are quite Dew In this country. 1 met with extraordinary success. During the last few days I have had to refuse a lot of work on account of lieing booked up solid. I only had June open, and Intended to go to Eng- lond, but In order to "beat" the railroad com- panies, I booked the month right on my way to Lucerne, with the exception of Venice, sod I am only going there for two days. The manager of tbe theatre here opens one la Venice on June t!8. and be was so anxious that I should play at the opening ■that lie offered me a good prlct* for two duy-f, and the fares and half baggage, so I a ui going just to see Venice. I had the time of my life In >fice — went to Monte Carlo often and had a couple of bets. Won a little and lost, but had a high time. This Is the country to see new sights. Had 1 known before It was ao grsnd In this part of the country I would hnve visited here toug.agu. 1 went fishing one day. and tbe fellow who took us out in the boat couldn't speak nnythlog but Italian and a little French. After we ttsbed for three hours, and never got a hit*?. I said, 'Muriio Buroo fisho In this part." and lie said. 'no good flsho,' but in French he said he knew where there was plenty of fishing. I asked him how far It was from here, und he said 'nine days on a steamer.' That put the laugh 'on me. 1 and I told him to row us back to Kenoa, 'I've got my money's worth." Wheu I got to the theatre I was 'handed' another laugh. Thev told roe the matlneeacommenied at 1-4.30 o'clock, and that 1 was on at 18.4!) o'clock, and on the bills they had Everhart on nt 22.40 o'clock every cveulug. Their counting from one to twenty-four was new to me." Alf. Holt reports meeting with great suc- ceaa on bis ooenlug at Bradford last week. Bradford audiences are said to be cold ones, hut Mr Holt did not find them that way. This wek linds the mimic nt the Empire Pal- ace, Leeds, with the Palace, Hull, to follow. A post card from the Brlttons, under date of Leipzig, June 1. says: "We opened at Hie Krystnil, and met with great success. We are topping the bill, but our heads remain the same Hire as before." After June l r > ther leave for Russia. Clnquevalli completes to-night a brilliantly Bucceasful aeawio at the Hippodrome. lie will go on the Moss & Stoll tour, opening at tlie Empire Palnce, Birmingham, ou Mon- day nexr. Norton and Russell are nt the Empire. Bristol, current week. Their novelty mimical net met with Instant favor on Monday, and during tbe week they have easily been one of the hits of the show. Next week the Bed- ford Palace, Camden Town, will he played by the duo. The brat performance of the new ballet nt tbe Athambra will be given next Monday. As stuted last week, It Is ou the classical order, anil was --written and arranged by Charles, Wilson' from a scenario by Mrs. Hiyeg-Kltcbie, ami composed by Francois Thome. The novelty Is entitled "L'Amour." and the action of the' ballet, which Is divided Into three tab- leaux, takes place during the period imme- diately preceding the fall of the Assyrian Empire. The principal dancers will be Mrfrla Bordln and Knrka Vfrnl, aud Elfrlda Curt I, who husflrruuged the various dances. Edith Stack, Julia Reeve. Rosle Dean, Giovani RokkI. Amndeo Siintml aud Henri Frelll are In Ihe new bullet. Manager Ooree Scott, the popular and energetic lietid of the I^lrester Square home of ballet, has urninged for the presence of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Lam* worth at the premier of "L* Amour." The first performance Is one that will he long re- nicu.lH*red, aud an event In tbe history of the Alhambni. Frank Martin. Inte of Martin and Qulgg. Is slowly recovering from his recent mishap. He baa beeu out of the hospital for some weeks, but still his shoulder gels stiffened up If It Is uot constantly exercised. The acci- dent hns put aside for the moment his plaus for the future. A tip-ton show is Hint offered by the Tlvnll management Hits week, and I w.is very much surprised that Ihe house was uot bolter tilled on the evening or my visit. Edle KIuk. comedienne, nud the Anurlos, musical I'umodluUH. wen. 1 ou early, and 1 missed them. Pred Russell, the ventrPoquist, scored with his ilgu-e. Coster Joe. Will Evnns was slated for the itfib nlnce on the hill, but he did not appear. The some may be said of Vesta Vh'torla. who was out or the programme beciuise of Illness. Madge Vincent, n recent recruit lo Hie halts from Daly's, has a good voice mid pleasing appearance, ami she won favor, fins Eten. he of coster saug fume, appeared In a song sceuu. entitled "The L'n- cuiployi'd Question," und made a hit. Torn Pay und coih|>auy. In "The Yorkshire Lmi lu Loudon." kept his nudleiiee laughing fratu the starr to the finish, (leorge Bastow. comedian, made guird with two character songs. Il.-irrv Tate. In his famous "Plan- ing sketch, was the same favorite nhd la ashing hit ns ever. Edith Helena, the American soprano, raised the audience lo tin I it- a high ill trii of excitement with her wonderful top nolo*. Job a Ford, who Is hilled ou the programme as Amer- ica's Champion Dancer," scored heavily. Wheu Mr. Ford was here before he roiivlnt—d the local music hull treipieniers that there wan something new In the line of steps, nnd this time he duplicated his former BWlMN threefold, I am sure. Victoria Monks, always n big favorite at this house, wing two new songi and one of her old favorites. Hhe Is weiirlua; some new and gorgeous costumes. (leorge Robev. "Prime .\finlsler of Mirth," did hla net. so familiar to Americans who have seen the clever comedians ou thin side, nnd la making Hie same big sized hit. A capital act wna done by Hoody and Wright, Australian eotulqiies, who have been seen in America. Rlllle (ionld. Arnold De Blere, Burt Sbepard, Mr, Jennings anil Lew Fields were among the Americans 1 untlred. in the audience. Hlllv McClnin and Mile. Cordelia top the hill nt Her Majesty's, Walsall, this week, Their new act Is a winner, and deserving of the many nice things said about It la local dramatic publications. Rose Stub! Is making such a hit at the Palace, In James Forbes' .little play. "The Chorus Lady." that 1 cannot let the follow- ing g<. bv without repetition, ft appeared In The Daily BJq/HM : "Thla sketch, The Chorus Lady." to which I have already made reference, bad one earnest spectator the other nvcnlng. la no lesa a personage than Mr. PInero. He watched the pi ere with ab- sorbing Inlercat, and la aald to have added Miss Stab) lo his Ifst of •possilillJ.tK'i.' , Mr. PInero had to listen, to one Hoc which must lmvi pleased lilm Immensely. I could get a ulav from Mr. PInero BBJ day,' say's 'The Chorus Lady." As a matter of fact the sketch Is to be expanded Into a four act play, which will first lie pnsluced at tbe Hudson Theatre, New York, by Henry B. Harris, and will then be brought over here, ft is without niiv sort of doubt the must-'llve' aud moat striking bit of actuality the amsle lull stage has given us. Miss Stahl, the *B»>rnliurdt of the vaudeville stag*',' as one critic describes her. Is a recruit from the legitimate stuge. She has played nil ill*- Shokespearean rotes, i.inl appeared In all Sarah']} great parts — Tosco. Camtlle and the rest — nnd left tbe theatre for the vaudeville bouses because she paw greater possibilities In the latter. Mr. Butt has extended her engagement at .tbe Palace." Despite her really phenomenal achievement Miss Stahl is the aame uncon- cerned little lady. The .Musical Johnstons will open next Monday at the Athambra, for three weeks, and on July 23 will start three more weeks at the same house. They finish to-nlghr n fortnight's stay at the Tower, ftlack|MMil, where they have been going very strung. Aniniin aud Hartley send me word from Belfest that they were obliged to sail for the Stales early this week, owing tn serlons illness In Miss Hartley's family. They were on tbe Moss & Stoll four, nnd had several more weeks lu play. The Empire. Liverpool, the onlv oue-a- nlght hall in that city, bas fallen into' line with Its rivals, and will, In the future, give two performances a nlghf. The adoption of this plan means the loss or suspension of the liquor license, but I understand that Moss A- Stoll expect the license to lie renewed should they revert to the one-a-nlght policy. Carrie Laurie's Juveniles open tbe show nt the Oxford this week, aud ihe youngsters are very clever entertainers. Their show re- flects gre.it credit on Mhis Laurie, who Is re- sponsible for the singing, dancing add comedy business displayed. Billle Barlow, comedi- enne, und Sam Mayo, comedian, are "tip- toppers." Harriet Vernon has an excellent voice, which sbe uses to advantage In two soogs, tbe second being of the catchy kind, and the audience called tier three times before tbe curtain. Madge Vincent's act Is referred to lu tbe Tlvolt write up. ■ King and Benson, vocal comediaus — Americans, by the way —arc simply great, judging from the -ap- plause they receive. Their singing and foolery are Just what an Oxford gathering wants. Drawee, Hambo and Frisco are billed as original comedy jugglers, and the descrip- tion lits the offering to a dot. Mr. Drawee, In a neat get-np. juggles various articles In a fun I [less manner, and Is assisted all the while by Hambo. his dark faced assistant, whose comedy Is nut overdone. Frisco, Mr. Drawee's beautiful canine, helps out wonderfully In making the act one of the best of Its kind seen on the vnudevllle stage. Millie Llndou, In her song seena, "In Barcelona Town." Is an old actpialniance from the Palace, and the act bns been reviewed many times In this letter. A first rate funny man Is Don Craw- ley. His pntter and songs are quite up to the ruork. The first appearance in England of Mnyme (iebrue may be marked down as a success in big letters. Miss flehrue's bill- ing, "America's Favorite Comedieune," is, perhaps, all right, but It Is Injurious to any- one making bis of her debut In tills coun- try. When an English nndlence seen this billing too much is expected, nnd the plaver is working under dllUcultles. Kill .Miss Oelirue won out, and at the finish of her dauce the "brnvu" period was reached. Joe Peterman's "King oi Sahura" Is Is-tag worke-t Into shaia 1 , nud In another week ought to be In faultless shape. Will Van Allen, n tramp musician, scored heavily with hla act. Vest a Victoria did not aptienr at this bouse, for the same reason that she was nbseat from tlie Tlvoll bill, sickness. An exceeding!* clever lady ventriloquist deputized for M'lss Vic- toria. The Horghettl Troupe of acrobats closed the show. Burt Earle. the bnnjolst, who hns been at the Empire. Leicester. Square, for the post six months, is preparing a new net. which he hopes to produce shortly. It will be In the shape of a humorous musical monologue. Willie fiardner, the "Iwv," who dunces ou roller und Ice skntes, Is nt ihe (llvmpla. Liver- pool, current week. Although following such acts as Putil Conchas. Mr. Ciarduer ■ writes me thut he Is getting along all right. "Ross nnd Lewis treated the audience Inst evening to a lively tea minutes of what Is, with commendable eaudor. described on tlie menu ns tomfoolery. The fooling, and tbe dunelng by Ross is, without a doubt, smart. Needless to say the pair arc Amerlcuus." So spenks a provincial journal. An extraordinary Incident occurred ot the Colchester Hippodrome last Monday. While the show was proceeding, an attendant rushed up to tl(e mnmiger. exclaiming; 'There's a bullock In the gallery." 'Hie manager found the statement correct, and considerable time elapsed Is'fore some drovers ejected the In- truder. Arnold Dp Blere. the magician, came to town early lu the week from a continental tour. He ltottoms Hie bill at the Theatre Royal. Dublin, the week commencing June 11. Some twelve thousand pounds has been spent by tJeorge Adney Puvne upon, the Can- terbury and Paragon mualc halls, to fulfill l.ii:nhiii County Council requirements. Hat still I understand, Huil body bus served Mr. Payne with a notice which will practically mean reconstructing Hie Canterbury. Barton and Ashley, la tbelr ' laughable Rtcll. "Canal Boat Sal." tup tbe bill ut the Lyceum this week. As a comedian Mr. Bnr- tou Is one of tin- best l have seen lu that line of work, aud he keeps doing alt the lime. And so does .Miss Ashley, who lends valuable usslHtnuce to Mr. Barton. The night 1 flaw them nt the Lyceum thev were ou the singe fully thirty minutes. Leip/lg. the card and coin manipulator, who was obliged lu cancel all Ids work some mouths ago because of rheumatism. Is our and about, but Is still unable to rake up his bookings, one day he feels hlm-cif again, but as foon as the damp weather sets In he Is hardly able to walk. Successfully lopplug the bill at the Aher- deeu Palace nreseut week Is Knin Klton. who bus u way of his own lu juggling and break- lug plates. I-ergnsou uud Mm-k are on the .-nine bill. ■lust hack from Poutvpool Is Hare Devil Sehreyei. At that place ou Moudnv nnd lueridiiv the daring rtrhreyvr appeared he- fore rue largest crowds that have ever as- sembled at an outdoor park In this country. The gathering was eo large on Ihe second day of the fele that Ihe committee nmrie ."chreyer sign u contract to appear next June, the contract stipulating first clnsa transpor- tation from the Stafea and return. Scbrever inlended to return to New Vork luiuiedlntelv after the Pontypoo! engagement, but has bee ii offered big inuncemeuts lo remain In Kna> land for the August Bunk Holiday, to dive nt t armartl-en. South Wules. where he made his first dive In this country Inst AnglHt, In the meantime he will go to Paris earlv next week to see If it Is possible to nrwuge for o few performances in H, P French capi- tal, tbe police strenuously object to dan- gerous performances lu thut city, aud that Ik the nue obstacle that has prevented Scbrever from appearing lu Paris before Sailing for America to-day are .- Baker and Lynn. Reg im Baker, and Kelly oud Reno. 1II1I aud Vth taker closed nt the Pavilion last .Saturday night, a ulne weeks' star. This week Ihey nre at the Pavilion, Xewcn'sHe-ou'- Tyne. and next week toe Queen's Lvtdti Jordau aud Harvey are ouce more enfer- tilDlug the Pavilion patrons with fi rp » . dies and patter. *^ BABY'S AWFUL ECZEMA- Skin Poelod OflT Ht-nd. and Fuc«— >; n . tlured Toi-tiire«-Cur-rt by t hr tilth oin Renietllea. "I can trulhfally say that jnat two rakes of Cnticnra Bom and two bottles of Cnlieiiru Resolvent sorprtiWl me, aa the ekin was ptH- ing. eti; my baby's hands nod face, and he waa sntfehng awful. When tbe eczema ftisj appeared he was very healthy, but as soon as he woh covered with it lie lost ti,.., u rapidly. , But bb soon as I commenced to u-" the Cutictuu Kumedies he Htarted to uitud. I keep on using the Cuticnrn. Roup, as I (hiuk it ii* an indispensable article around the bouse. As. my baby weighs tUitv-s -.!■:", pounds atari is poly seventeen months old, you can imagine the torture heecdtired. Mv neighbors cap. vouch for tbis statement u being correct. Mrs. Alfa. Weeks Jr., 3fiH North Water St., Newbnrgb, X. Y , &.|ji 7, 1905." OUR CHICAGO LETTER. raou our ows corbesi-ondent. Western Unrenii of tbe New York Clipper. Room "ill, Ashland Block, ChleaKo. BuainetiH at all theatres waa very good last week. Attractions next week are: "The Lion and tbe Mouse," Illinois ; "Tbe Heir m tbe Hoorati," Powers': "The Alcayde." lirand Opera House ; "Brown of Hurvard," (;»-- rick; "Sweet Nell," Chicago Opera House; "The Clansman," McVIcker'n ; "Forty-iitv .Minutes from Broadway." Colonial J "Sapbo. ' Columbus; "Tbe Wagea of Sin," Bijou; -The St;ident King." , which is a great bhuiiii. St'idebaker: vaudeville at tbe Uajestk- tnid Olympic, and burlesque at the Polly aud Tt'Otadcro. Eusou's Theatre closed for Hie aeanon Hi. White City. Rlvervlew, Hjun SoucI and the Chutes will offer their usual special ilea. Illinois Theatm: (Will J. Davis, mana- ger). — AH Chicago aeeuis to be going to ste "The Liou and the iMouse," which wTll eater upon Its fourth week Sunday, IT. All lu- dlcattous point to a loug ruu. The cast h a well balanced one. nnd U headed by Arthur Byron and CJertrudo Coghlon. Poweus" Tubatio: (l-inrry J. Powers, mau- ager). — "The Heir to the Hoorah" enters upon the last week of Its ruu here Sunday. 17. Guy Bates Post. Jane Peyton, Nora O'Brleu and the rest of the deter players will return lo New York at the conclusion of the engagement. "Am Told lu the Hilts" comes for four weeks cummeucliig u-t. Colonial TmUTB* (George W. Lederer. manager;. — "Forly-Uve Mluntes from Broad- way" Starts, on the eighth week of tbe cur- rent engagement Sundny, IT, uud the twenty- tlrst In Chicago fbln season. llKANli Opkka Hoi'SFi (Harry Askin, mana- ger). — The first of (he new offerings will ib- Iiear with the production of tlie uew comic opera. "The Alcayde," which opeus Sundav. IT. In this work two new authors will be Introduced In Frederick Barry, who wrote the music, nnd George Stevens Jr.. who fur- nished the libretto. This production Is under Ihe direction of James. K. Ilacketr. .IiiIIhu Mitchell will stage this opera, lu the east are: Thumns Q. Seuhrooke. l-mgeue- t'owles. Van Reusullaer Wheeler, Ritchie Ling. Wil- liam Burrexa, Kdward Heron. Ivy Clvde. Alice Hngeuinu, >T;-ibe! Baker and Wlulfrnl Ploivnce, who will be supplemented hr a large chorus, "Tbe Prince Chop" proved a strong dniwlug card the past four weeks. S-rroKUAKEa Tiiratsk (It. K. Ilnrmerer. manager). — The .Student King" begins' fi* fifth week Monday. 18. This iiroducilou has been nleaalug large crowds, uud bas Unary established Itself as the best light opera pro- duction Chicago has seeu In a long tiiae. Raymond Hitchcock aud'LIna Aharlumell c»u- tlnue to please capacity houses at every nlglit jKTformam-e. "The Student King" Is here for an indefinite run. GAiutiCK TliKAniK f Herbert C. Puce, man- aged. — "Brown of Harvard" opened what promises to be n very successful eugagnnent last Suudny night. 10. The cast Includes: Henry Woodruff. Karle Brown. J. Heron Mil- ler, Roliert Stowe GUI, Theodore l-'rlelms. Dame! Pennell. Richard Rldgely, Prank Wll- lard. T. C, Wright, Kate Leutec,. Laura Hope Crews. Kathenne Calhoun nnd Rftwl Martin. .McViCKKti'.H Tmkatkk (Geo. C. Warren, manager). — Commencing Mouday night, lis. Mnuoger Warren presents "The Clnusumu." A very strong coni|tany of players has been engaged. Including: Charles Johnson, Samuel Hymuus, John B. Hymcr, Geo. B. Jackson. A. II, Simmons, Franklin Ailing, Joseph Woodhuru, Mrs. Charles it, Craig. Joseph Wheelock Sr.. Nellie Claire. Ruth Hart, Al- berta [,ef, Virginia Dare, Austin Webb aud Marry Woods. "The Gingerbread Mas' played to <*ood business here for the three weeks of Its run. Ciiu'ai:o Oi'Kii.v House (Lviann R. Glover, mnuuger for Kohl & Castle).— Nellie Stewart. an Australian stur, who bus been hailed lu the West as an actress of remarkable jtowtr, will he Introduced in this public Monday lilglll. IS. when "Sweet .Veil" will ho played. Miss Siewnrl Is the wife of George Mangrove, o manager, whose ovlileveiuetils lu Loudon and Australia place him In -Hie front rank of producers, A siierlnl orcliestrn will play IB* lucldeutul music. "The Three Graces" closed a successful engagement Sunday. IT. GlIKAT NoKTIIKUN TilEATKK t Fled C. PlxTtS. manager).— Williams and Walker, with their company. In "Abyssinia," have done such a large business Hint people have beeu turned away at every performance. This will be the ulTcrlug hero until further uollre. MA.IKBTIL' TlIKATKK .(Wlllhiid Kirk. IU0U3- fer fur Kohl It Castle).— Billed for week of S : Kddle Pov. the Pour Emperors of .Music the Hazardous Globe. Frederick lluwley and company. Leah Russell, Una Clayton and com- pany, Irene Praukllu, McParlaml and Mur- ray, Hedrls and Preseott. Hy. Green way. Tipple nnd Kllmetit, Mnry Mu lining, uud Lmlluii aud llousou. ili.YUi'.i' Tukatbh (Abe Jacobs, niauuijer for Kohl ft Castlei.— Bill week or 18: The Majestic Musical Four, Ward aud Cumin, Keno. Welsh and Melrose. Mr. mid Mrs. Al- fred Keleey, George Austin Moore, Willmd Newell aud compnnv, Charles Ledcuar. TrfjBB nud Dnnlel. Mildred Flora. Tvler and James, Gon/alez Bros., .Sully and Phelps, ItaiH" SteUIng. and Reno nnd Azorn, Cof.t-Mni;s Tiikatbk (Weber Bros., moni- ?ersi. — "Suplin" hna lieen selected as the bill or Anne Sutherland nud her company dur- ing the week of IT. The leading male rlu-r- ncter will lie Interpreted by Wllllnm Jes*v. a member of the slock eompauy which was here Inst Summer. Lnst week "Madcap Vicky" wns the attraction. "Under Two Flags" M nnd week. Bijoi; Thbatiik (William Roche, malin- ger).— Selma Hermann's stock company w.ll open lt« Summer c*igngemerit lo-uiormw, Sim- day. IT, playing "The Wngea of Sla." TIB play Is snld to contain tunnv thrilling inci- dents. Miss Hermann is to be supported bf a well rhosen company. The production his l-.eeii cnrefullv made. "Queen of tbir Hl«l>- way" 21 and week. This house ,nns been closed for two weeks. Pt-:oi'i.B*s Tiieatbk (Joseph Pilgrim, mnn- nger). — Believing farce comedy to be the liest hot weather entertnluuieut. "A MrI« Off" will be offered by the People's Slw* Co. week of 16. "Mv Frleod from India was last week's otlracilou. aud drew p"" 1 houses. Week after next this playhouse close* tor the Summer. June 23. THE 3^EW YORK CLIPPER. 483 FOLLT TitflATnis (.Tobn B. Fenneasey, man- ager).— The attraction billed fof weekof 17 is the Bowery Beauties, presenting two lively travesties, giving the entire company of tblfty-flTo people- opportunities to display their abilities. 'The "circaf Carroll" 1m a' prominent member of thla 'organ Illation. Tho- olio part of the programme contains sumo Parting vaudeville acts, Including Glorlcller, Murrv J. Simons, Honan and Kearney, and the Manlo Trio;' TnoCAiTEBn' Thfatrk (I. M. Welngurten, manager); — Mile. Do -Leon baa been engaged for another week"; she will give her eccentric dunce. Batlllrfg NelKuti has also been held orer for abother week. The Trocaderd Stock Co headed by Nat clelds. will be «*en for the flrst time In a' new burlesque, entitled "A «lrl from China," IntriHliicIng several pretty musical numbers and dance*. Whitr City (Paul I). Ilowse, gcnerul man- ncwi.— The unseasonable weather, week of 11; did not ktfep the crowds from thla park. All conceilstofis were' well patronized, and the whirl went' on uninterruptedly; Kyrl 1 and bis band will anpenr Sunday. 17. The big free open air hippodrome will be a feature. Cameron's alldc for life bns been am-h a bit that he will be retained. Will J. Dickey will also be heard. RivEBViBW Park (William M. Johnson, manager). — This" park will offer, on Sunday. IT, an attraction of Interest In the United State* (J-nwmment Indian Band, under the dlrertlnn of Urn Wiley. It will remain for two weeks. Throughout the day (lie United Tilrnera, of Chicago/ will .told! their annual picnic. Toe programme will Include held sports and. "athletics. "The Fall of I he Golden H-ile." a fireworks spectacle, wilt In* given Tuesday night, ID. This new spectacle will cover ten acres of ground, ami will em- ploy ncarlv live hundred people, including a torn pi etc tire brigade. sa.vs Sorci Park (Leonard Wplf, mana- ger). — Tin; afternoon arid evening concerts Slvcn by Slgnur flreste VesHella and his Banda .quia, have drawn large crowds, and the com- fortable beats on Ibe lawn have been well nTled. The arrival, direct from the Royal Musical Inetlhite in Home, of'jtevruteeu new soloists, for this band, now gives the organi- sation a round score of aololsts. The dusky {'oung* bride and groom In the lgorotte VII- age. receive routta. attention*. Chutes,-— The Chules-bnvliig offered a seli- miion In Klter, lljn mermaid, now announces ii pony hlppwlrome. New leetcrlng' boards have been installed In the children's play- ground. They climb six feet and then demend by a numlwrof unexpected movements, Klter. appears and disappears In the middle of the lake, but nothing boa been learned as to how* fine-gets into the water or how she leaves It. Cukk Stukkt MrsfiUM (Louis M. Hedges, manager). — A fine hill of vaudeville la an- nounced for week of 17. As iiHiiaf the ciirlo hall fcattires will he the very beat available. IjONOom Dime Mi'HKi'M (William J. Swee- ney, manager). — Curio hall features next week include: Shcuron, strong man; Rime. Whenton, In second sight ; the Nomeland daiit and others. In the theatre will be Been: P.iiillnc Ray, I-acondn. Beatrice Ilmn- -'"■V, George Shennun, and thu Midway dancers A»TKitMATir. — William Ncwklrk w ec w J g d C. K. 1 'Draper ns manager of the Majestic Theatre, thm city, 10. K. F. Carrulhers, general manager of the inlerstnte circuit, waa a caller Friday. Mr. ' farm I hers tins several big" novelty nets booked for the- com- ing season, na well as many of the latest European Hcnsallons. The season Just closed has been thfl best In Ibe history of the above (ompany. ...The New Richmond. Hotel, one of the most popular theatrical' hotels In ibis city, has been recently remodeled, and ia now thoroughly modernized. The' New Richmond has one hundred and fifty rooms', which A. J. Flynn, the proprietor, baa fur- nished in first class style Frederick Ackermao, treasurer of the Olympic Theatre, returned from a two weeks* vacation Mon- day. 11. Mr. Ackerman'a Summer home Is at' 'Oconomowoc. Wis The words and music of "Go; Chicago," filled the Coltlsoum" Friday evening. 1T>. when Director Well and his bond eaterlnlned the students and fiiculty of University of Chicago Oo Saturday, 1*3. Walter PamrnsHi and his symphony or- chestra will open the Beason at Ruvlnlu Tark. wbrre. thev will play two concerfs dally, at :t and 8.30 p, m. Alexander Sfls- Iav6ky. viollnlaf : George Rarrere. 11 anils it ; Leo shults, violoncellist, and S. Tllkln. trom- bonist, are soloists with Mr. Daoiroscb. +• » MASSACniSETTS. Run ton. — The principal event In loeal amusement 'circles the current, week Is the Barnntn tc Bailey Circus, which returns to the Hunting Avenue grounds after an absence of. three years. The. new hills for the week • are:— Tim Chime* of Normandy." at the Castle Sotin re. ; "Ten Nights in a Bar Room," at Ihe Bowdoln ' Square, and' new faces at Keith's, the Palace, the Lyceum and the Summer gardens and beach resorts. The con- tinued attractions arc:' "The Tourists," at the M.ije*tic: Harry Bulger, lu "The Man from Now," at the Trembnt, and Richard Carle, In "The Mayor of Toklo," at the Cu- lonlal. As Bunker Hill Day, 17. falls on Sunday, 'It will be observed ;is a general holt- day on' -Monday. IS. Good average business prevailed Inst week. Majkstk- (A. L. Wilbur, mannger). — With a holiday matinee, 18. —The Tourists" be- gins Us third and final week. Tile piece la a decided hit, und played In large houses at every performance. The house will be dark during the Rummer. Trkmokt (John B. Scboeffcl. manager).— The "Man from Now," with Harry Bulger and the excellent support log company, eon- llnnex the attraction here, with every Indi- cation of a successful Summer run. Colonial (Chas. Frohman, Rich & Harris, mnmigei-si.— Richard Carle, In "The Mnydr of Toklo." enters upon the third week of un indefinite engagement IS. Business has been good. - ■ - •- Cahtlk Sqcare (Boston Stage Society, manager*!,— For the third week or the opera season, the slock .company presents "The Chimes' of Normandy," following last week's presentations of "II Trovatore." "Carmen" week of 23. Empire. — The Empire Slock Co. concluded Its s>nnon at this house 'with "A Midsummer Night's Dream," 1«. Percy O. Williams now controls (he house, and will reopen It Sept. 3 as a vaudeville house, renaming it the Orphenm. Bliin (Stair & Wilbur, managers). — This house la announced to reopen ■ *J5. for a Sum- mer season of Rtock, under the direction of John Craig. He will bo supported by an efficient company. Including a number- of favorites from the former Umpire Co, "The Middleman" will l»e Ihe opening hill. Bownoor So.t:AfiK |nEON (W. H. Wolffc, manager).— A Hebrew cunvcnllon is the unique attrac- tion in the curio hull for 18 and week. The other cards are: Veronica Bros., musical act, and Sidney Ross, who meets all comers on the wrestling mat. Stage' show: 'May Col- lins, In Illustrated songs, and also relating her experiences In the 'Frisco disaster; Helen Jewell, a nlnger of exceptional merit: the Pretty Pinks Rurlcsqucrs, and moving pictures. The house has recently been tho- roughly renovated, and is now one of tho cosiest If Its kind In the city. PaitAuoN Park (Geo. A. Dodge, manager). — -The second season of this resort began, last Saturday. Among the many new feat- ures arc: Hades to Paradise. Lover's Lune, Pike's I'e.'ik, Kthlopla und the fun factory. Tliu hill In the open air circus ' for wek of 18 Includes: linstock'* trained animals. Will Hill, wire walker; Waiting's trained horses, and Johnson, Daven|»ort and Igtna 18, with a first class vaudeville hill In the large, covered audito- rium. The cards:' Cooper and Robinson, l.s Peal-Is, Rurke/s' musical dogs. Newell and Nlbto, Mr. and Mrs. Mm McGrecvy, Joe Flynn and the komagrupb. UtXiNtnroN Park tJ. T. Bensou, manager!. — Tbe fifth season vlalnn of Frank Morris, and did excellent business. Charles Phillips, press represen 1 tatlve,' tintl assistants. Including Orrln Dowd, extended every courtesy to the press. Lakkvirw 1'aiik (J. J. Flynn. manager) will open the Summer season with "A Trip to Chinatown," A The park attractions are enjoying hlg pntronngc. CANMim; £,akk Park (N, II. Troctlon Co., managers). — Bond cmicerls are tbe special feature, ard drew excellent business. Tho amusement a Include 'ndler roaster;' circle swing, merry go 'rounds, arcade, roller skat- ing, and all do well, Mkntiom. — Sevcrln De Deyn was In town on huslheait Itf Alvance Car No. 1, of the Barnitni & Bnlley forces, was In town Id, billing the Kpeclal realures for the show's nppcarimce here July 7.... The IjOwcII Mu- sicians" A'x*<»ciatlon held Its annual outing )it Mountuln Kock, I^akeview Park, H, and it was a aucc"s» in every way. RoHCoe' Mc- Dunlels was director of the united bands. ...."..Jack Cbagnon relurned home to paw tucket. AR. 1„ last week, for a short rest: Mr. Chagnon will again be a member of tho Academy of MiuHt: Stock. Co. next season: ....The Knfghls of Columbus carnival will he held A'eek ot"2T t , and the bills announce several excellent novelty acts. *■ ■■ ■■ ■ Kull Hlver.— At the Sat-oy f Al. Haynea, manager) Ibe Huntington Stock Co. pre- sented "Moths** last week, to good returns. The play was excellently costumed, and staged. Kugenle llnyden had a role which fitted her to a nicely. Harry S: HfldtteM Slayed his character In rt forceful manner, essle Ralph and Bijou Wssbbnrne won new laurels. Tills week, "For Fair Virginia." with Alexander Yon Mltzel In tbe leading role. StiKKnVa (C. K. Cook, manager). — "Thu Power of the' Cross" waa splendidly pre- sented I nat week by the J.' Frank Burke'Co., to gnori business. Kthcl Elder, leading lady, now fully recovered from her recent Illness, was given a royal reception at every per- formance. ' Gil stave Gauss, Bert. Walter and Ann Singleton were worthy of mention. Week of IS, "A Royal Slave." NtcKKLoiimtN (D. It Bufflntoo, manager). —Week of 18: Fred Johnston, Hilton. Flo- rente Glhb. Will und May Reno and Nickel- scone. Business Ik good. Notks.. — Alexander Von Mltzel, leading man of the Huntington. Stock Co., goes with Blanche Walsh as leadlmr man In "The Krcutzer Souata," which opena In September. Advertising car No. '2, of Barnum ft Bailey's CI reus, reached thla city 14, and covered the ellf with paper." The circus ap- pears here '.''' A. L. Abbott, the popular manager of car No. 2, waa entertained by frlentls last week Calm & Grant, fhe well known theatrical firm, hare secured Ihe coniPil of Ihi* Suvuy Then I re, nnd IiiiVp con- polhlnted rlif resident mnungershlp with Hint of the Arndcmy of Music, nnd made Fred Mason ihe nmnnjrcr of both theatres, and he will assume his double duties Sept. 1...... Kverett Aldridi. formerly »f the J. Frank Buike Co., hds Joined tbe Bennett & Muuitoa Co., lu the caiskiils, for tho remainder of tbe Summer season. rP.NNHYI.VANIA. Kprlnffflelil, — At Court Square Theatre (D. o. OlWm manager) the Hunter -Brad- ford stock Co." chose "Trilby" to entertain Its rtiuHonces with last ,wcek, nnd made' no mistake. Tbe production was well handled by the company, and was superbly staged. Henry Kolker's Svcngall was a remarkable bit if acting. Julia Booth, as Trilby, was capital, wild . no mistake wur made In catt- ing Frances Gaunt as lltllle's mother, and Ida Lewis as Mme. Vlnard. "Because She Loved Mini So" June 18*41, 1'nf.i's (J. C (.'riddle, resident munngei^ — The house company tried "Camllle" last week, and did as well M eiuecled. William McKcv waa seen ns MoiiHlcur Duval, and 'did himself credit. M«ry StockWell and Marry Burktr.trdr pbtved CitmllU- and'Armnnd Du- val, n^iH-ctlvely. und Piula Gloy seems des- tined to tic a great favorite. "Uncle Dudley" week of 18. TlfK kVknt of the past week was Surah ternhnrdt's engagement, hi "Camllle." under canvas, which drew a fair slxed uudleiuo lo tbe Collaeum Field. The production was ev ceiient throughout, aud will be remembered by those preoent. .It.Nr iKiiNoa. — Suturduy, 1(1, wns Barnum & Bnlley's day here Lucler'it Minstrels pitched Ibelr lent In Indian Orchard hist week, and each performance was weir attend- ed.. ... .Tlic^Alubama colored tiVupe was at Ivquot l*nrk hist week-. .Busth Itevere Trio. Miles anil RnymOnd. Brown and Wright' the Luclera, Rustic llomco and moving pic- tnrcK inadc up the bill for Brmikslde Park, Orange, Inst week Mr. nnd Mrs, Chas. I-). Kysiis entertained Mrs. Leslie Carter at their new home In Chlcopee Fulla Inst Sun- day, It Incidentally being Mrs. Carter k birth- day. Others In ibe pnrly were Miss Mumo and Tunis K.' I>enn. Mrs. Kvans formerly played the maid wlrh Mrs. Carter, In "Zasa. * At the close of the season Mra. Oftar will en Kilirr new Summer home at Great Nec-i, !■ 1..- Tip- body of a man was found early Tuesday morning on the Boston and Maine It. It. tracks, supposed to he' "Re of the men with Barnum it Bailey's Circus, which exhibited nt Holy-ike .hi Mbit- day, aud would have passed over this road early Tuesday morning on thefr way to Waierbury, Conn. Cilrns and papers found on bis person hear the name of (leo. Dugiiay. Tbe prospects nf a new Ibenlrc being limit here In the near future arc brighter than ever. (ieo. A. Whitney Interviewed New York mnnngers the |mat week, and found litem favorable- to the enterprise. The loca- tion choneti Is one of , the best In the cily, being centrally located on Worthlngton Street, opposite the Cost Office, and Just far enough awny 1mm Ihe main street to avoid the noise. It Is owned by the Whitney In- terests. Alreadv a number of men Ktaad iciitfy to subscribe for stock, one half of which will he inken by Mr. Whitney and bis father Klalo Payne, of the Western "College Widow" Co., Ik st her home In thla city. ;.",. .A. W". Dingwall, Ihe well known theatrical manager, slopped over In thin city on Wcdneaday. He Is enjoying an autumo- bllc trip through New Fnglunu. — ■ -■ — - ; ■■- I.j'iin. — At the Relay Theatre, Nahant, (Charles W. 'Shea fe. manager) the Summer season opened .Tune 17, and wilt continue, until ufter I, iil-Hir Day. Indications polnl to big buslncft!}. The MR week of 1? Includes ■ The Vldettes, .lames HenneKHpy, Rrothera Burnettp, Frank Trovers anil company, tho Bradford*, and Shenfc's moving pictures. OonMAN'H StiMMKtt Tiikathk, Salem Wil- lows (Michael Doyle, manager). — This the- atre opened Monday. IS. and Is connected with the .1. W. Oorman circuit. It la to be under tbe management of Alderman Michael ******* ******* ************ ! NOTICE TO I * t {Ojir, correspondents are requested lo* Ihave ALL letters and communications J intended for publication In THE J CL1 PPEB dated JULY 7, at this office f + not later than . » | SATDHDAY BOBNIKG, IONE 30. j Ibivle. the i=nnie aa last season. The 'attrac- tion la Matt Ott's musical comedy, "The Belle of Bostnn." ■NtrfBa. — The Barnum ft Bailey Clrcua la billed to uppnir In thlK city July ft, nnd fhe triwii » now covered with elrcim paper Fred Mower Is now enjoying hlu unnual va- cation nt his borne In this city, after a sue- cesfiful season on the road Willie <:uk- welt Is wtoge manager at Ihe Relay Theatre this Summer The Baas I'olnt, Nahant, Then I re. -of Ihs[ aenaon. has beca transformed Into u roller Kkallng rink. New Bedford.— At Ilatbaway'a (J. M. Hathaway, mnnacer) the Hathaway Slock Co. presented "Aa a Man Sows" week of June 11, to good bualness. "Naughty Kehccca" I8 2:i. Savoy (W. II. Hhlno.manager). — Shepard'a movlnj; plcfnrea, wilb two-'-hanBea of pic- tures each week, are doing good Mdpna Niitbs. — Slanley Wood has Jolneil tho or- chestra at llntha-wiiy's, as drummer., Arthur CMnlr and Alice flur.cn, of the Halro Stock Co.. are spending a few days In town. Baby F.ddy. at llalhawoya, week of 11. waa the hit of the hill. In lier part nttd specialty Mncoln Turk Is drawing well. North AdntnM.— Ai Ihe Richmond f Win. P. Meade, managef) Mra. Js'tille Carter, In "Zatn." had a large honae .Inne 11, at ad- vanced price*, and pleased Immensely. I^eab Kobler, violinist, n local young lady, and HolHirt t'utnnm. hum soloist, of New York' f'tty. gave ii concert at this house 10, and pleaaea a large uiidlencc Notkh. — ITiill>p I Iii r rift, contracting agent for the iliirgrcnves Virata, wns in thla city last work, making urruhgemcntH for tbe ap- pearance of tbe snow here June 2H. He re- ports tmslneiH good all along the line Marshall Murray and Harry Ogden. who have heen with Finn's t'lrcna, have left that or- ganization aud returned to llielr homes In Ihla cllv William Hodge, n vlollnlat of this city, h-rt for hprlngfleld lust week lo Join tlte Barnum ft Bailey Shown, — ■'■ ■ • ' ■ Lawrence. — At tho Colonial Theatre (Al. Hayhen. manager) ttlc Wright Httatlngton' Stock f'o. played "Blue Jeans" to big homes week of June 11. "Hr, BUI' 18.23. PhllnilelMbln — i hrrc Htv. numrrnua MMI m the ait concerning the man«Kemrut of tbn nie«"tuut sire..i Theaire rofh+it aeri- son. The fact'thnt Nixon ft /Lmmcrman will have by ne«f seaftbn ibe IMwln Forreat The- atre, to be hunt at Broad find Walnut Street?, has given color lo Hie stimtcfttlbn that that firm will dispose of It* lease of ihe Chnattiut. Representatives of the Cochrau eatate, which owmt.the Chestnut, and Nixon ft /.Innuornmn themselves, aro reticent about tlte mutter. Approprlaiq cerentoolea will mark Ibe brniuntc (,r grouinl on June til for the Up ♦ »» WEST VIRGINIA. wrteeiinir — At the Wheeling Park (Ceo. A McLaughlin, men:tRer) owlug to the ralor weather Inst week hunlnean wan not so goon. The management Is hustling; to gel every- thing lu Hhnpe m that vaudeville can ho givi-ii la the ffiKlan lit Hie near fnlure. Concv Iai,ANn I'ahk (II. W. Itogera. ninn- ngert. — Baalneaa waa fair for we#kof II. wHti tbe Herald Ktiuaro Opera *.'«., In repertoire. The same company will hold thu buaidu fur pnotber week. # Manager ti. &,■ WcgefuMh, at Uiuciiater and l-'nlrtaottnt Avenues. • *(^|a Is tin Hrat pluv- hniiae to he creeled lu West Philadelphia, which haa prncthally doubled In. ixipulaMon during the joist ten years. Thcle ban Iwea inore tluiii ten thousand hoaxes built In that section since. MMiH. nnd the house will Imve u popuiarlon of more than 250.000 to draw from. Mayor Weaver wU| flip the' first sltovclfui of earth wllh a sliver Hpade, an uddrraa will he delivered by Mr. Wegefurth, und a luncheon will be'setved. The" tliciitrfl will' ho the largest In this rlty, exceeding la hcatlnii capacity (lie big; Aeatlcniy of Mualr, 'Ibe plana oy An-hllro Carl P. Iterger mv vide, for a HtrttctPrO of the r<.|onini denlifii; with exterior farudca. of hrlck and terra cnfla. It will tnva a frontage of 19R feef. nnd a depth of 170. and with the orcbcat,ra and two gnlleiles. will have a uniting rn- parity of 4,2(Hi. The coat will be *2(*O,t)0l). Kkith'k til. T. .Ionian, mnnagor).-*-Vlr- glnln Marl ami her JohnnlcM. niftl Harry Davehport are thn hlg loiter fealnrea week of June 1H. other n<*rfnrmers nre : Tho orphens Comedy Koitr, Argj-rtf Kaairon, Jas. KJernnn and compaoy, Harry Kvans, .WlkMfk Helolae'anrt Amnhn siHtern, Mr. mul Mi>. 1'erklns Klsber, Mills and Morris. ■flroHrB Ne- ville and company, Mtlea aud Hlrkara, and the TbiTe Selumns: Big crowds hint week. Hunt; (O. W. Itlfe, manager).— The stock htirlcsotie company 1* a strong drawing; card, and will be continued intlellnllely, Vaudevlllo mnniiers week of 18 : Tbe Mitchell (JradyCo., the Adder Trio, Dale ami Itossl, MJm Daven- port, and muring pictures. Lvrai'U (J. t). Jernion, manager) .— Tlio Brooklyn Benutlea 17-23. The olio names; \Ml\c Ollaon.- Kanny Rverelt, the Cain sts- lers, and Bruns and llondrUks. 4ioiHl natron- age waa bestoweil last week on tho Big Seu- xatlon Burlesquers, TaoTAiirno (I'red Willaon, manager). — Tho New liurlesuue Co. 17-23. The vnudevllU : Bennett and Sterling, Hllev nnd Murgan, Stuart aiid Wooley, Prank Blley, and Klllolt, Blair and Kllinii. l-'lne hualness was dono last' week by tl|c Vugahond Burleaqiiers. Willow QBrm pAitK-tK, H.LIncolu, man- ager!. — Walter Pryorand bis 1 hand began a three weeks' engngemeoL 17, auc»i;edlng Waller Dainroaeh and bla New York Sym- phony Orchestra, which drew Immense crowda ever since the o|o>nlrig of this reaort on Stay •JoV The Trip to the Alps, the flying machine nnfl (he other amusement features ore doing line luisInrKK. Woodsim; Pahk. — Wheelock'a Indian Band, with other amuaement featureu, arc drawing thousands. Wiiith City (II. M. Auchy, manager).— Big crowds are vUlflng this raanrt dally. The Royal Venetian Bnnd coiitlniu'M as the musical featurv. WAKiiiNimiN Park (Win. J. Thompson, manager). — This park, which Is The only river resort open, la drawing 11k iihiiuI trig n'on-dtt. The Itninau Imperial Badd la giv- ing enncerta dally. -and the amuaeuient feat- ures continue to be well patronized. Notkn. — llarrv Davis opened, on June 12. (he KCf-ond of bla moving picture lUcatrea at No. ttOft Market Street. If has n moat ot- tractive appearance, the front being built of art marble and metal wllh hundred* *>f elpe- trie lights. The location ih one of the heat lu tnwn, and Judged from the hlg crowd*' that have heen In utlcndam-e all week,, the venture should prove very prnlltuhle. Mr. DbvIh* other house nt Klghlll and Market Streets Ik ulap doln;j big ImalnoHa. Alteiu- tloos are also la:lng made, to No. 12^7 ('bent- nut Sireet. and the northwest corner of nth and .Market StreelH, which will also hti uti- lized' by Mr. Davis for the aame purpose John Hi'khardt. will iincceed Morrla s. Hchles- singer as general manager of Blaney's Arch Streel Theatnt nexL season. Max Korhlnh will be the business managei- of the Hume home .John Ince, Rleanor cainn and Virginia Hennlngrt, of the KnrepAiigtt Stock, will Join the theatrical colony nt WIMwood HiIh Summer.- .Manager Is. KaunTmnn.of tM (ilrnrd and Korepoueh'a, will aphnd his vacation In an automobile tour through llto New Kngland Stntea : William W. Unlet, or (he anme theatres, will devote his time to yachting at Cane May during tlio Summer. ...... Herbert M, Slieley, n well known newa- naper man, and ntilbor nf "Tho Ilouuly I>or- lor." had the degree df Master of Art« con- ferred upon him by Villa Nova Col lege, last week, . . . .Tho Philadelphia Ojiernllc Society, romposed of leading choir Hlugera, U making preparations to produce, next scuhou, Lhasa operas: 'Taunt. 'The Bohemian Olrl," "Cavullcrtu lliisllcnna" and "I Puglluccl." ■ .■■■■■..- e ■ — I'ltt-l.nrK — At tho Nixon (Thoa. K Kirk Jr.. monager) the Nixon Theatro began u iw« weeks' engagement of "Itohln I lis id," June IS. Tli'i next Mil will lie "The Serenade." Tho company Includes ttffy pnonle. The hoimn has in'1'i! made very cool and airy for the Summer season; and nveryiblag now points to a Hiiccesaful engagement. I.itaf week "Thn C'laiismun" cloaed In engagement, und bunl- neaa was fair. (iitAMi (Harry Davla, manager). — This week'a hill Includes: Claude I'llllugwuter and eonipuny. In Ills original ono act farce, "A Strenuous Proposal, with six playera In the' cant! Klgbt Allison*, Ben Welch, einlrl and Kessner, John nnd Bertha Oteason und V red HortMban, Stanley and WJIaoq, Diamond and Smith, Nlblo and Itlley, Clarke's dogs and ponies, Uracil and Brazil, Hahy Owed and conifuny. Alpha Trio, and the cinematograph. Lasl week's bill played to cnpacltv hilHlaeaa all week. Next week the new stock company will prcaenL a half hour act at each perform- ance during the Summer season, and a change of programme will lie made eneh week. Iana.— The Klltlea are furnlahlng the mu- sic this week, and the high diving Norlna, In a programme of halr-ralaliig aerial ncro- bat lea, 'appear In the open- lluHlneHa con- tinues to Is; good, and this Ik one of the most popular placca of amusement In tlio city. Dkkaiu City. — Holcomlc'a Band hn» Iwen re-engaged for another week, and the hippo- drome siicceaa continue* for another week. Baslneas la very grstd. Kbsitywooii. — Mayers gave a concert Hun- day afternoon and evening, 17. and during ihe week tho Herald Snuare Opera Co., In "A Trip lo India," will entertain. HouTttfckx. — The usual concerts wer« given afleinon and evening. I*. and a good vaude- ville entertainment for tbe week. Calhoun. — Sunday, (he Pan-American MId- atr/ls nnd the Herald Sqnnro Opera Co. ap- peared. CiAKWoon. — A comer! Sunday afternoon and evening. I* local hand, and vaudeville daring' (tie week. ' WRH Vikw Pahk.— The Grand Army Band gave a concert Sunday, 17, and during the week the Butler Broa. will give their during loon for life Into the lake. '.Note,— II. W. Williams Jr.. manager nf Ibe Acnderav of Mualc. left on last Thttrndiy morning, with his wife ami son. for Rurrnl'i, N. V., on an auln trip. He expected to re- turn home on Tuesday morning. » ■ -i g .i --H Erie.— At Waldnmeer (Thoa. Maloney, managen large huaineari waa Ihe ordi>r for the vreek.oi June 11, wltii .Vaudeville, by,, Kckeln and Warner, Topa and Topay, Short and Shorty. Tom tlillcn, and C. B. Uwtoti and Ihiuubtcrs. Bill 1R and week: Thn 1/ivettrf, T.ee White, Baby Owen and com- pany, Johp A. HarihnuUt and tiallughcr and r'ouR Milk Crrrk (H. T. Koater, mana- ger).— l p ur"1o and werk large hualucaa dally, with Hi), llayea, iho (treat Austlna. Cole and Coleman, Camllle Pcraonl, Mct'une and roller aXattng. Bill IT nnd week : T.u Adelln, Tom M,oon\ Bud I'liinum Trio, tho (Jordoas. Dan and Mav. and Will I'lclds. NiiTK.— William KurtlH, with bla trained dogs, has Jnst clhsed n very prospcrnua aea< (■on, nnd win tuko a Summer vacation at bis Ituiue horu. Ilnrrlnlmra-. — At Paxlaiig Park (Kellt M. t>av1aV manager) tuialneaa cnntlnue* large. Prof. John* Kellev, aeronaut, waa the big feature Week of June IS, when he hud thn mlHfortune to lose a ballnpii by lire. A new one was received a few days later, and tho engagement renewed.. Tlio attractions nw- lag the week of 111 will Include: Selhlnl tin! (irovlnl, J. It. AdatUM, Hurry Baker and othera. Notks.— Manager 1'ellx Davla, of Paxtang Park, had as Ida gnenta at a dinner, Ii. Ihe newHiinper men of this city I/red C. Chnuncey, or the Chaiimey-Klelfer Company, has pnrchiiMCd the N. Apfell aeenlc aluolo lu this city M. II, Wrlah. general mum- ser of Drenuihind Park, Wolfe'a I,uke, Cham- brratHirg, Pa., waa here 13, aeau'lng attrac- tion », - ...i. — i ,t i ■ .1- i. ■ 1. an raster.— At Ihe ttonf Harden (Chan. M. Howell, malinger) the current ntlrartlons Include: Snyder and Buckley, l*ena Thurhor anil her "Four 1 Blucklilrda." Walt en* 'nnd Prouty, Orlelta aud Tayh»r, tho Ttinukan, Ben Mnyer, and moving pictures. ■ Hoi.kv HratNUN Pahk. — Miimlu Klemlng ami comimny will siart a four weeka' en- gagement June \s, with "Yankee lleua" ns iho opening attraction. i ■• ; ■ Altnniin.- At Lakemnnt Park Tbentra (O. C. Hartley, manager) the atlendHto'e wha fair week nf June II with: Nellie Nice, tho Kiltie Trio. Mr. 1 and. Mrs. Hal Mtrhllcld. Task and Howard. Billy I linen and the Bar- tewa. BUI week of 18: Marie 1,e Boy, Hill and Itlch.inls. Cardowiilc Sisters, John P. Chirk and rho Be Ana;. Tkxah Bill's Wilm Win Snow was bera 11 Ki, nnd did big hitslnoHa, ■ - ; — ■ »■■■ ■ -■■ — wiiiinnisjM.ri,- -,\i ' Viiihuiinni park Pa- vilion ih. A. Pray, manager) tho Vullahinnt Stock Co. plenseil eiithiwlnstlr nudlnncea In "Sweet tMover," Juue I Mil. "Thn power of thn Preaa" JI-1B, "The Cowboy and Iho Lady" lH-jo, "Turned Up" 21-2'l, "MIhi Ilohba" 2fi-27, "The Cllmbera'* 2H-:M). Notk.— Mrs. 1,i'Hllc carter, In In," la due at the Lycoming Opem IIuiikq L'.'l. — '■■ ' ■ ^— * — m m Knaloii. -Ihiand Park CiihIiio (D, 11, He- tJttlte,; manager! did ennrninun hiiHlneas dur- ing fhe piiat week, evidencing Iho popularity of fiiiH Suramrr park. The current. wi>ek'H bill Include*: Site HlmtnouM and Tomaiy Har- ris, Joint T' Huh Ron nnd MnhM Drew, .inrk Syrnonda, Ihe Alavveloua St. Julian, Murphy und Andrew*, and Plene and Opp. Col am bin. Humor has It that Nixon & Zimmerman Will honk th" Columbia Opera House thla aeaann, allli .loliu n. Blsalager, the lesbi'c of Ihe houae, mh manager. nnnaoni. Pnrflniid.— At the Helllg (Calvin llelllg, manager) the Kendall Mualcnl Co. opened a Bummer (jeusnn June 10, In "The Ttoiindera." to S. It. ()., and gave aallsfuctlon. "Siilrt Paaha" will he prcaanted J7, and' "The Tele- phone filer 21. The Royal Hawaiian Band did good busluPBH 7-0. ' RAKKR (Oeo, f,. Baker, manager), — Tho Baker Thcnlre Co. Hiirpasiieri all previous irrvrdM of stock or roan companlea at. this tlicalre week of Jtine ;i In "Thn Klernal CHy." In reaponse to the approval, Niimn offering ll-irt. -The Man from the Ooldon Wejit" was put on 10, to two good audience*, nun will agiHn hn Ihe nltraetlou 14-10. "When Wi Wore Twenty-one" 17. I*Tiiit! (Keating A Flood, manager*).— Tha Lyric Stm-k Co.. preaentlug "Brought lo Jim- tire," week of 11. Htaii (.lames II, Mrrlcknon, manager). — Tin; star Slock Co., preBcnUng "lloter Fllih- Mam." week of 11. (iiiANh (Jamea II, Hlikkunp, manager). — Itiilioll.. lterl l^ivy, Danny Mann and com- pany. Mr. nnd Mrs. I/ukwoial, Clifford and <>rtli. Harold II»ir. and 'Iraiidlacnp*. Pantaukk (John U. Johnson, manager), — Tecluiu 'J'avern Quartette, the t treat Helen, Hiizrillit Trio, I/ii Tttaka, Sterna mid Jones, Jean Wilson, aiifl bingrnph. VliYt/.'H Ntiw Tiikathk (Thomas Booney, manager). — Kvallm; Allen, Alice I VI mar, JcHHfe Hlewat't. Mac N. Vernon, Bariiny Mil- lally, Marie Dlllard, Ilnby Itttth, La Bolsette llooney and Porresipr, Kranres Ktmcr, Jonea and Bavi'lle, .Icaaie Oantler, (llanels Walden. Virginia Vernon, Viola i,co, lmruta Cordcro and R. Thompson, Oakh (R. II, IMedlamlnr, manager).— A, highly mtccnKarul opeplug of |bo Summer aen- win Imie occurred Juue (I, not leaa than ten tlioiiajiful peojiln being In tluc grounds, una tlila Hgtiip would have been fni' egotrttm Siiiulny, 10, but for the iinfortuiuito fallurn of Ihe electric power, which rerhiccit very largely the Iraitsporlallon capacity of tbo O. W. P. h By. Company. Among the many IttnrlwQH offnred tit litis resort ure: Tho Chulea, Mn/e, Laughing (inllery, Bninnlng Ihe Htimpri, Boiler Coaaler, "Ye Old ,%Illl" Kat/eiijnmiiler CmhIIo, Htile'M Tour of thb World. Box Ball Alleya, BiiKrhall Automatic Otilleries, Penny Arcade, t\\t\\\\ Whirl Plying Machine, Dancing Pavilion, Skating Illrik, Japiiiifae Kxhlhtr of Life SI/.« Carved [figures, iho Uregg CiirowacI, nod D'Uibutio'a Royal Italian Band. N0TKK- — Burch & Kolas* ClrciiH nn alx perforaiii'PM, tlhder Ita own ctinvaa. 7-11, (ft fahly good hiisiticHH Ora, Pollard and Hull gave n full ahml nitfunil pyriiaconlc re- prodncflon or (ho Sun Franclaco disilater, l.'t- 17, at Ihe Lowla & Clark fair Oroiinds It Is nnnounred that Charles Hweenev, of Spokane, Wash., will build a grand opera hoiiae at Thirteenth and Morrison Streets, which will ban u seating capacity of three thrtuaund people. It Ih to be under fhe mati- agemcul nt John F. Cordray. and will he nil Independent hon»« in every aenne of the term; * ■ > niioitoiA. Atfniifn, -- r.,nf Jie Leon Park (.lake Wells, president i Is more attractive thai] ever before. An ostrich farm has been added to th* oilier yitntetloiiH. All lire receiving most libera! patronage. Casino Malta Wells, manager).— The Wet h> Diinni'-llaflaii Phiycra prpaenfed "(ilorlana." week of June 11, to capacity hiiHtncKs. Llttlo . Chip and Mary Marble were given nn ova* tlou. "The Night of Hie Foiirlli" will he pre- sented by the Halite company IM-2'I. Htaii i J. H. ThouipNrui, muhugftri,— A cb>vrr hill drow phasing returns 1 1-1*1. The bill In, eluded: Louise I'memm, Jennie Delmnr, Mar* tyne Sisters, Chas. Llndb-v, Unm Francis, Lee Kdmoiids, Florence Moore, Bell and Belli I.'idlow Allen, Violet Lnvlne, Wm. '/,. Rozcra, Mne Kenna, 1,-oi-inf FltKgernld, Kitty La Wnlfe, Slelln Meek, nnd moving pictured. ■*►♦-• Pm> InutiN was tniten to Hie Hnbnemnnn Iloapltnl on Juno r>, to undergo a aurglcat operation, whlrh waa aiicceflafnlly performed there, Hnd Mlaa Irwin la oat of nil danger. May . Irwin, her alutvi', has tjgva uliuuBt con* bluntly witu licr- \ 484 THE N3TW YORK CLIPPER June 23. THEATRE. It. I. IUt.Blt.ll>. DAVID BSLASCO IB > pl»T Of '« 67 DAVID BKLASOO. 'TUttU Of TBIOOLDES Witt." PASTOR'S PRINCESS PAULINE. DIXON, BOWERS ant DIXON. THE FOUR SU1.LYS. MARSHALL. MCKPHr. WHITMAN A CO. LA CENTRE * U RUE. ALVIN BROS. JULIET WOOD AND COMPANY. THE STLVF.ST0R8. SID BAXTER. OSBORN A WALLACE. THE VITAORAPH. INMAN WAKEFIELD &, CO., Eitra Attraction. • CcV*.c tecuvvS. ':i wire. JOHN i >SM AN, Newark, O. Week uf in, Haraiiton, o. _^^ WANTED QUICK, FIRST CLASS E F. Must he well up lit Acta. Sketch Team who do single*; Mnsica Team; silent Acm who change 'of eu, and Piano Player. Eat and Bleep at hotc s. Team %20 ami expenses; single* Jl'Jand expenai », Address A. BAILEY. Midland. Allegany Co., Md, WANTED UVIt'K, FOR HEED'S BIB KIT GABSON CO., Under Canvas, Al Orchestra Leader to double Baritone or Trombone. Mum join on wire. Sure (•alary, good acroiuinodutloun, long reason. Ticket to dettervli.fr, capable man. Wtiie or wire, care J ED SPAR lis, Century Hldg„ Kansas CUy, Ho. WANTED, For Computet No. 2, ALL 'ROUND DANCING CO- MEDIAN to 'feature, aino PIANIST that does spc- clalUe*. b ■■n\\ most be able to earn your own salary limit. Address W. I\ QALLA0I1ER, Mgi. AWNfTn couipHny, Duluth, Minn. Jim Walker, write me. . for sale:, 1 Palace Arch, l Wood, care on back; l Street Drop, 1 Cut Wood, I Out Tree, 2,(00 sheet* Faust Fatter. Wanted, Young Mau to take half interest in Moving I'll 1 ! i,i o Show. Address R. P. SMITH, - .7» v, i_ V1 ^ ^.Clarksburg. W. Va. CANES AND WHIPS. iuunenae assortment of canes, Knives, Flaaa Goods, Jewelry, Jap Parasols, umbrella*. Faucy Whips, etc. ILEVkl.WU CANE CO. Catalogue free. Cleveland. O hio. run EVEHYBODV. uig profits; Dealer* and Agent**, write fur whole- naif* catalog id the iaiost Pu/jdea. Novel tlei> and Pocket Trlcka. UNIVERSAL SUPPLY CO., Ul l* Salle St., Chicago. Established 1890. MUSEMT g WANTED, People It All Lines of the Med. Business; Al Sketch Team thai dances and Nov- elty People. Write quirk. DR.1.0, liAUnHMAN, Ih'ai.muut, Athetw oo., OhlOj WANTED AT ONCE," FM THE ISLAND CASINO. ORASP LKIK1E, MICH., A MAN FOR 11ANO THAT CAN iIUCIILF RTAOE. OrilKRS WRITE. r. N. ROi»T, Manairer. AT LIMKHTV FOR REP. QH STOCK. »R RKP. OK SI ■DE S1N0IN0. DANClNll.LinitT COMEDIAN. Care of Manhattan Hotel, Syrncuw, K. T. LEADER, VIOLIN AND E-FLAT CORNET AT LI BETTY for balance of Hunni-T am) votnlag ■ i ■«■). ri. bahnkv osBORN, care of s. K. Em- mons, Coney Wand, N. Y. BURLESQUE MANAGERS NOTICE. Itmi BIS 14 OIRL ACT, vhlek kas played last 18 MONTHB In VAUDEVILLE. I tain bad ttaorongta buuieu szperleice, tin reliable ud I bard worker, do not imoks or drink. I CARRY AH EXTRA HEAVY SET OP SCENERY, km « good LEADING LADY and my own JtOSICAL DIBECTOR, an Al ■AH, lobar aa raysell, It la my daalre to place tna big act wltb a GOOD BURLESQUE OOIPANY and act aa company manager. Am tkonragnly capibla and willing to gnarantaa results, Tbe barder Ike work tka better; can stand 18 konro a day and not complain. Let me bear from yon for 1906 and '07. Addreaa BPBLB8QUB, caw ot CLIPPEH. PALACE THEATRE, Sydney (I. S. W.) Australia. RARR1E SKIffNER. ... Manager WILL RENT OR SHARE WITH FIRST CLASS Repertoire Companies (VAUDEVILLE OB COMEDY), Bnslneu Booming, gpl.ndld Proipecf far Good Allractlou.. CmbU, "PALATIAL." S ycln.y. Special code can La item At CL1PPKR Olrfco. WANTED, MANAGER With capital, to Book and Manage Colored Com- pany of twenty-five people,, carrying ..nt dais Baud and Mrrnesira, presenting it Mngiial Cooi- eily In two acts; High Clasa Vaudeville aa peclat feature. Arm bo ready for engagement* * rift., Septeuiber. Travel as hotel or car show. A) peo- ple with ua are thoroughly competent ant. . jJI- able. None but reapontilbie managera need ap- ply. For full purtlcularr, addrean JONES and tiTRANDER, a:> Lowell St., Manchester, N. H. N. B.— Can get good booking in the- N. E. Slates an d Canada. Lent Calvert, send your p er, address J TJ ~ FEATURED I PALACE - LONDON A o, H, HAHRAS, Personal Mgr. N M.8. BBNTHAM. ELTINGE PROFESSIONALS. When l took "Original" Leary lo the Photograph- era, to get hta "Plil/, 1 ' he -aid lo me: "I don't see what you want my picture for,'' a woman In 11— once told mo, "I had a face like an ape," r., Urooklyu, N. Y. AT LIBERTY FOH SUMMER AND NEXT SEASOST" B.S.B0YER ' PIANIST, LfiADKK, AHRANGFH. Addreaa URN. W.U., Madison, \\\a. B Clarionet, Trap Druinnier, ltarltone. Slide Trom- bone. The l>e*l pfi.ple tii'cd apply. Uoas hoitlor, dog and muukev man. Alhprt Roaemann and Tomy Moody, write. Frank ttneppard wanu Frank JoneH to write. For further particular adUri'»i SE1BEL BROS., Watertowu. Wla. CONTRACTS LKTTKK nt'ADK, RNVF.1.0PR9. TICKETS, I'ASSKS, (.'Aims. Klc. Wrllr for Samplrt. Webb Pig. C o.. -Hr.8 IM tr born at.. Cblcngo. 111. UfllllTCn Voiwk Ijtdi™ ilil-iS jcars), >l- If Mil I kll Ha tructlvo frHinri'8, wfU formed bi. iuoiicIb for pruiip picinrri, in flrock and Roman I'oHiunM'H. Applr In wiitlnjr, .rarliiR aac, lirlRlii, a/el|ftil and rot'a!,iirenit,ut.H, to 1'MVKKSALAHTCO., 10 K. HIH»l.,Ngw Vort. FOR SALE, II REELS FOR MUTOSCOPES, 16 BOPNII TOP F.D1S0N PnoNOnRAPHS.CHBAP FOU CAHH. W. A. ANDLAPRR. Eleclrlp Pftrk-, teajgg Clly, Mo. AT LIBERTY. DUTCH COMEDIAN FOR MEDICINE SHOW. FRIENDS V.R1TE TLARKSCK BEREilDS UI.Bcoa, Mln> i. Wanted at Once, A NO. I PIANIST FOR SKAMJK. KHI'lllL THKATRl:, ASIITAI1UIJI 1IAKHOH, U. MILS. N. R. FULKV. OPEN FOR JULY 4. BALLOON ASCENSION, 1IK.U 1IIVK, Sl.ini: FOR LIFE, f.ADT BAG PDXVIIKKH, CHILD CONTORTIONIST, EIr., Elc. itLLUE ROBINSON, 014 KV 31., Loulirllk', K.y. • GEO. MELIES "STAR" FILMS • A DESPERATE CRIME LENGTH, I.OOO FEET. PRICE, 8120. WRITE FOR COMPLETE DESCRIPTION. II GOOD SENSATIONAL SUBJECT. WILL KEEP ANY AUDIENCE BOUND IN INTENSE EMOTION. 12 CENTS "STAR* FILM8 ARE WITHOUT A RIVAL. ir GASTON MELIES, 204 East 38th St, Hew York, ft ELE1NE OPTICAL 00., 52 Slate St., Chicago. ^ WANTED, FOR Raymond A Poore'S "TEN HIQHTS IN A BAR H001," PEOPLE J> ALL LINES. MnslclanB for Band and Orcheatra, Band and Stage, Singing and Dancing Soubrette to play parts. Show openi in Angus! . Stop at hotel. All people must be sober, ladles ami gentlemen and drees well on and off. JACK PQORE, Flalmvell, Mich, THE MLEY OPERA HOUSE, BLOCK MUNGY, PA., FonrStore Rooma on flrat floor. Opera honaeoc- cupieaall of second floor, S0xT5ft.;»catlng capacity 600. Cause, advanced age. 81, and falling health. Will sel l cheap. C. MQ7.USV. n mfSmSim WANTS Character Woman, Men for Juvenile, Characteraud Eccentric Comedv, witrt Specialties. Those who double hand preferred. Abo a few more Musicians for Concert Band and Orchestra, OrcheKtrn Piano who doublet* band. Long Beanon. Call about Aug. b>. Toll all you can do In first letter. All will be answered. No tickets. Address W.H. VAN CLF.VK, Manager, Oakland, Neb. •9oe AT LIBERTY, -^ PWARD I. JIITCBELL, HEAVIES and CHAB ACTEB. Addreas, 1730 S. Bropd Street, Philadelphia, Pa. "BARGAIN. Who want.i Four Fine Reels Film* Good subjects. Taken Tor debt. NO USE FOR THEM. Abont thousand feet on each reel; «M ml. Take one oral). Hurry up. This bargain will net er occur again. Will send list of subjects. F. A. VAN HUSAN, Attorney, 111 C*m Ave, Detroit, Hlch. A No. I Baritone Player FOR band, to donble orchestra or stage. W. G. DICKEY, Mgr.. Terry's Cnele Tom's Cabin Co.. Maquoketa, Iowa WANTED AT ONCE, Man kIio Thoroughly lluderstaads Setting lip and Running a Crystal or Mirror Maze. Also wanted good SPIELERS. Apply CRESCENT PARK, RlvennJe, R. I. WANTED, MUSICIANS Double Band; Comedian, R. Drum, Advance. OODEN'S Kir VAN WINKLE CO., WAUPACA. WIS. (jilliane. Cbaee & Weston's BOOKING EXCHANGE. 1308-1370 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Shows booked right from practical experience. Have the exclusive booking of over *joo theatres lu the best one night Ktands in tie l\ 8. and Can. PLAYS TO LET ON ROYALTY. S6.50 SPECIAL ENGRAVED WINDOW CARDS Per 1,000 Printed oai 4-ply catrd board, slit* 11x14 Imlin, HOY AL PRINTING CO., 41ft Oaarborn St., Cbtcajrn, HI. Burton iStock Co. WANTS TO LEASE OH BUT Tent, ready to put no; alao Seats, Light n, and comulnailon Car. MubIcihus to double stage, Actors to double Baud. Full particular* quick. S. K. LESTER, Mgr., Veedersburg. ltid. WANTED QUICK, usicians TO double Stage. PIANO PLAYEIt to double Braaa. ODY SUMM K R SH O W, Seymour , Ind. WANTED, FON MAJESTIC VAUDEVILLE Troupe of performing Dog*, Monkeys, etc. Three nighta. Long 1 *ea*on. Name loweat salary flrtt letter. Address HARRY BR ADHD BY, AJ-Tro i'nrk, Albany, K. Y. AAnOFor Uase, Sale cr Storage. J . JR BC jlm Ropalr? and AUrrarlon. Made VnllU 55fl. Scenery Car lor Sale.' K. J. CAR WOBKS. Pa.ajlr, N. J. PLAYS JlArge List of New Profe^ionat and Amateur I'lays, Vaudeville Sketch- fs, Minstrel Books, operettas, Mn- !4ical Pierea. Special Entertainments, Recitations, lHaloguPH, Speakers, Drills, etc. r*ialogue I-Tee. T. 9. DJEN1SON, Publlaher, l>ept K, Chicago. III. WANTED, MUSICIANS who double In orchestra, a B-flai Cornet Player to lead band And double first violin In orchestra, a Leader for Orchestra who can play brass in band, Oood, Useful People for Repertoire; preference given to those who do specialties. Aerial Artists, Acrobats, Gymnasts, Athletes. Leapers, Tumbler-., Clowns, Contort ioniats, Special Acts, Novelty Acta, Lady Artists, etc.; an A No. l Advance Agent, mnst be a hustler, and -trie tit sober, reliable and industrious, who can post bills If need be; a Flrsr Class Sketch Team; must do single and double specialties. Want Man with Lunette, Galatea, Electric Theatre, Pictnre Machine Outfit or will buy name. A steady engagement and a long season to the right people. Send full partleulara and lowest salary in flrst lette.. Must be ready to Join on receipt or wire. Management pays board and traveling expenses, wire or write Dnckiaxe, sask, C«nadu, June 21; Rosthern, Sasi, 23; Lougbam, Sask, 23; Raddlson, Sank, 25; North Brattieford, Sask, 26; Lloydminater, Alberta, Canada, 27; Vermillion, Alberta, 28; Vegrevllie, Alberta, 29; Forr*agkatcheo~ wan, Alberta, so; Edmonton, Alberta, Jnly 2, 3, 4, s. IrCoPhee's Company. C. S. Primrose's Attractions, "UNCLE SI. HASKIIMS" AND "A PRINCE OF SWEDEN," FOCR COMPANIES (TWO OF EACH). Open In August; close in June— that's the answer. People In mil lines. Men for "SI." mu;t do strong specialties. STAUE DIRECTORS, HEAVY AND LEADING MEN, SOL'BRETTES AND LEAD- ING LADIES. Prefer ones that do specialties. All men mait doable braan. PIANO PLAYERS, MANAGERS, AND AGENTS. Salary low, but sure. Permanent address, Q. m. PRIMROSK, La Orooae, ^A/^^»ol1^Bi^>. MITCHELLS ALL STAR PLAYERS ED. YV. COOK, lrfwaee. WANTED— Stage Director, who understands his bustnesK thoroughly ; Young Emotional Lending Lady. leading .Man, Comedian and Souhrette, must do up-to-date Hoe of specialties ; t'hnracter Man and Woman, Juvenile Ladv and Second business, Heavy Man, and Mau wllh Moving Picture and Illustrated Song Outfit; one that can play good line of parts. POSITIVELY ONLY EXPERIENCED AND RELIABLE PEOPLE ENGAGED. I DO NOT FEATVRK ANY PAHTIC ULAR PERSON WITH THIS SHOW. Wardrobe must be the best; this Is absolutely essential. No round top or roped trunks allowed with this attraction; everything must be of the first calibre. This show la backed by unlimited capital and playing only the very best city time, opening Aug. 6. Rehearsals Julv '2:i, at Albany, N. V Send photos, which I will return. Addreaa all communica- tions to B. r.tAN'K MITCHELL, Business Manager, Paterson, N. J. REPERTOIRE PEOPLE FOR 3 WILLIAM A. DILLON'S ATTRACTIONS 3 MAUDE HILLMAN CO. JUNE AGNOTT STOCK. WILLIAM DILLON COMEDY CO. Would lllce to hear from Rellahle Repertoire people In all lineB. TWO LEADING MEN, TWO GOOD SOUBRElTES with saeclalty, and others (VAUDEVILLE), and four good Teams. Man and Woman, each to plav responsible parts : also Big Feitnre Acts. Those who wrote before, wrlre again: Call or write. WILLIAM A. IMU.ON, Room taa, Knickerbocker Bidg., New York. WANTED, WANTED, JUNG f, AND LATER, Farce Comedy, Minstrel and Repertoire Cos. OR ANY GOOD ATTRACTIONS WITH BAND AND PAPER. tiaod percentage to good Co.. For Open Air Theatre. .IAS. F. HACKEY, Wilmington, Del. AT LIBERTY FOR NEXT SEASON. RICHY W. CRAIG The Musical Comedian. THE MAN WITH THE GOODS. 33» Third Avenue, New York Clly, N. X. AL F.Wheeler's £Z Shows "\V A "V I 1 ITfw I'eopl)- wllh Two or More Acts, especially tboae Plaviug Brass. Strong B-nat ■» J*-»-' M.MUMF% cornet and Versatile People for Ring aud iJoneeri l»ow salary; you get U. Pleaaant company, good accoinmodallons, long season. WANTED TO BUT. 17 SOMERSAULT ELEPHANTS. ROUTE: Piuafleld, M.-., .lime 21; llartland, Me., 22; Newport, Me., 23; Corrlna, Me., 25; Dexter.Me., ■:■;: Dover, Me., 21. ANCELL'S COMEDIANS Wants for this seaaou and regular season commencing middle of August, Oood Comedian wltb ape- elaltlea, Al Leading Woman and Man- Other useful people, write, None but Drat class, sober and reliable people need anawer thl«<. Company playH In Pavilion Theatre till middle of AiiguaL I pa.v board. Prefer married people. Addreaa J. 8, A\GEbL, Lancaster, Mo., week of June 18; Memphis, Mo., week of June '25. WANTED QUICK, 8TUTT3 SOUTHERN OO. SUMMER STOCK, OOOD COMEDIAN WITH SPECIALTIES, GEN. BUS. MAN aud WOMAN WITH SPEClALTIESJJ||OtIierri doing specialties, write. LAWRENCE PETERSON, Mgr. Baton Rouge, La-, . Wants drat class Stock people In all lines. Two bills a week. Winter and Summer. State all and send photo DM letter. Alao want sensational outdoor attractions for July 4. Address WILL F. CONLOrV, Mftr., Doling Park, Springfield, Mo. WANT MUSICIANS B. A O. S KETCH T EAM. CUANOK FOR 3 NIGHTS. NAMg LOWEST. JOIN AT OKCK. AGENT WANTED. "'■' f.fmul uf work. Salary small lint .„re. Will Iniy "BABY" PIANO. ADDRESS J. U. SWAFKURD, MOR. JACKSON BROS.' SHOWS, BRATTLEIIORO. ^T. ^JS^thSSFSiSS CN1TFft aH0W "' CIRCUS, MUSEIM AND TRAINED ANIMAL EXPO- RITION. WANTED AT ONCE, cinrlowl, Trap Drums and oilier Miulclan*; Useful Ferformen dolun Lior moreturU!,;Arrol>at«,AerlalAcL.,elc. WaKon show, lodging and lirealfast at hotela. Stale very lowest id nrst, aDd be urepared lo Jolo no leletfram. No time to eorrespoud. Make It low. Tdii get jour mouer. Will ouj a small troupe of doits. Will par siwtcaali foraTralned Elepliaol. Routt: Futestport, N. T., June B; Fort Leydea, N. Y., June -a, or petmanent addrrss, Hooelei Falls, »■ > • JtTNE2B. THE ISTEW YOEK CLIPPER: 485 TABLE OP CONTENTS. — ■ ■ P«e. Uhw CUpper'a Anecdotea, Etc 478 sSamSi. mm *n FJ& Terry*. JnbUe* 4T8 A Bare Find 9 Vew BMri Theatre 478 a Oorwr in Hammers teln's Roof Garden — Sketch 478 William Gross — Sketch 478 Peat are* of the Weekly Show — Illustrations. . 47f» Queries Answered 482 Our London I-etter 482 Our Chicago Letter 482 On the fkfad , . . .. « 486. 4M pic Vaudeville Alliance 4M Latest Jf Telegraph 485 Vniidevllle Route Llat 485, 488 New York City 4mi Music •ml Son* 487 World of Players 488 Deaths in the Profession 480 MhrfllHWi 4I>1 Mr the Tents 4fll Vaudeville anil Ml turret 491 THEATRICAL O0RBE8PONDKNCB. Milne - 478 District of Colombia 478 Indiana ' 478,48" 55 478 Virginia 478> Canada 480,487 Colorado **»> Oklahoma 480 Vermont 480 Massachusetts 483 West Virginia 483 pennaylvanla 48.1 Oregon m fi Georgia 4K* Ohio 484 Connecticut 4B4 New York State 48ft New Jersey 4M Rhode Islnnd 4B.1 Maryland 480 Nebraska 480 Iowa 480 480 480 48A 4M 487 487 487 487 4B7 487 487 487 480 LATEST BY TEL EGRAPH. SAN FRANCISCO TELEGRAM. Orphkcm. — Bill, for tbe week of Juae 17 : The KtiiiHmon Troupe, Norn Rayes, Willie Zfnjuwrmsun, Bert and Bertha f,rnnt. Karho'a raDtomlme Troupe, Frank and Bob, Probst, and tbe new Orpbeum motion pic- tnrta. N'otepj. — A. P. McCreery, 4be well known capitalist, has decided to erect one of the tine fit theatres In the United States at Eighth aid Market Streets. Mr. McCreery has been considering the rebuilding project ever since the lila fire, nod has derided to go ahead with the work of rebuilding. He announces thai 'the new McCreery Theatre will be most complete and thoroughly equipped. It will be' of tbe clnss A variety, a steel frame, re- enforced cement, modern structure, tire and earthquake proof, fitted up with the latest improvements and Inventions In theatre con- b* ruction and stage mechanism. Tbe new house will be known as the .McCreery The- atre. Howell & Dodge, the theatrical man- niters, whe purchased fh * big tent used by Sarah Bernhardt, announce that they have the canvas ready to put up as soon as tbe McCreery Kite, nt Eighth and Market Streets, cap" be cleared of the debris. Howell A Dodge expect to open July l....I*ulle Mayall was grapted on June 7 an Interlocutory decree of divorce from Herscbel Mayall, formerly of tbe Central Theatre. gjjjjgjjje Rome pit Thla llat la made up •■ atari, »c- ■•jrair »• It la poaalble ta aaake » Hit of v.udrvlllr bonking.. To In. ore lu- ■ rrllon la thla uVparlm.nt the uamr of thr theatre or park, aa well aa thr cll> or torra, MUST arcompaar each booking arat aa. MMHiaua . . . ■ Wuhiuton. Wliean-ln... MUwirl . Kentucky Michigan Tennessee California FROM OTHER POINTS, Sunday'* Business Good «t Parka In thr West. Hot Rain Interfered In . the Kant, the Theatre* Profiting Thereby. Chicago, June 10. — Sunday gave us Ideal nark weather, and the theatres also did well at night Three changes occur down Town this week. "Tbe Alcayde" opened Sun- day. at the Grand, and was a hit. . . .Monday orteplngs were : -The Clansman." at McVIck- er'a, and Nellie Stewart, tbe Australian, in "Sweet Xel! of Old Drury," at tbe Chicago Opera House "Brown of Harvard." at the Garrlck. "The Student King," at Stude- liaker's: "Tbe Lion and tbe Mouse," at the JlUnols: "The Heir to the Hoorah," at Pow- eHP: "Forty-five Minutes from Broadway." at the Colonial, and Williams and Walker. at the Great Northern, remain, playing to big nouses Vaudeville was seen at the Ma- jestic and Olympic, and stock burlesque At the Folly and Trocadero The White City, Rlvervlew, Sans Soucl and tbe Cbates drew, the usual crowds afternoon and night. riin.Mui.rim. June 10. — Rainy weather spoiled the attendance at tbe parks, but re- sulted In big crowds at tbe houses that are p til I open Tbe bill at Keith's, wltb Harry Davenport nnd Virginia Earle as head- liners, drew capacity afternoon and night. The stock bill at tbe Bijou drew a crowded house The Brooklyn Beauties had a tilled house at the Lyceum The new burlesque company attracted an over- How bouse at the Trocadero. .. .Mrs. Sal lie It. Nixon, wife of Samuel F. Nixon, of the Drift of Nixon & Zimmerman, died at ber Summer residence. In Atlantic City, 18. Mrs. Nixon was known for ber many charitable acts 'and her death is mourned by a large clrcjp of friends. Boston. June 10.— Bunker Hill Day was observed as u holiday yesterday, and the capacity of the local theatres was tested. A severe easterly storm made the parks nnd beach resorts look deserted. New bills were 1 : Barnum a Bailey's Circus, at the Huntinglou Avenue grounds ; "The Chimes of Normandy." at' tbe Castle Square, and "Ten Mgbts In a Bar. Boom," at the Bowdoln Square, ('tin- tlpiied shown were: "Tbe Tourists," third and final week, at the Majestic; Harry Bul- ger, In "The Man from Now." at tbe Tre wont, and Richard Carle, in "Tbe Mayor of Tokjo." at tbe Colonial. Kansas Citt, June 10. — The very warm weather packed the porks Sunday At Electric Park, Ellery's Band started Its fifth week. Id the open air Dubell was a big bit, nnd in the German village Alsace and Lor rain wen* tbe Iteadllners At Forest Park Ho- Mlti's Royal Italian Rand opened a return engagement j on the lawn, the Five Flying Blcketts. nnd In Hopkins' Theatre Macart's monkeys were tbe features At Fair- mount Park. Reiner's Third Regiment Band reoialDR in tbe theatre, a season of vaudeville wan Inaugurated : tbe headliners were Ken- iiedj. Lutoiir and Cooper. CiyciXKATi, June 19.— An audience of pplcndld size welcomed the Chester Park Opsr-i Co.. in "The Rounders." Sunday night. The company Is much stronger than that of !a*t . Summer Vaudeville and other at- , trr.ctlons drew the usual crushes to Coney Iflanri. Ludlow Lagoon and tbe Zoo. ,Lo(-!KTM.i.r, June 10. — Fontaine Ferry P.irt* was crowded to overflowing Sunday, vaudeville was well patronized by tbecrowds. ■♦•a*- Stptzhak and Crawford, In their new comedy sketch, "A Grocerv Boy." are In Their, third week at Xlppoho Park, Jersey Shore, Pa., where their act Is a success. They are booked solid In Summer parks. AbdalUab Ben HameOI, "Feasl* and Furies." Cin- cinnati, 18-2:i, Acker * Collins, Toledo. O.. 18-2.1. Ailler, Flo. Sans Swicl Park, Chlcajto, 18-23; In- aerwll Park, Des Moloes. la., 24-:KJ. Arteiyo, CHrTslde Park, A-hland. Ky.. 18-23. AdeUa. l.s. Four Mite Park, Erie, Pa., 18-23. AdamH & Mack, Faoilly, Daveoport, la., 18-23. Adams k. White. Steeplecha«e Park. Atlantic Cltj, N. J.. 18-23. Addison ft Livingston. Ornbeam. St. Paul, Mlr.a . 18-2:t; Stantli.nl, Davenport, la.. 2r.-30. Ahernfi, The, Lagoon, Ludlow, Ky.. 18-23. A Learn. Chas. ft Jac. Casino. Pleasure Bay, N. J., 18-2-1 ; Young's. Atlantic City. 2R-30. Ahern ft Baxter. 0. 11.. Shawnee, Okla. Ter.,' 1H-23; Park, Plttahurg. Kan.. 24-30. Alabaau Sluuents, Hanorer Park. Merlden, Conn., 1S-23. Alllsoas (8). O. O. H„ Pittsburg. 18-23. Alpha Ttlo, Keith's. Boston, 18-23: Moore's, Portland. Me., 23-30. Alvin Bros- Pastor's. S. Y. C. 18-23. Al*a, Allre, Mntlenwald Park, Hamilton, o., 18* Allen, I^on ft Rortle. Orpbeum. Cblllleotbe, U., 18-2^1; Urpbeum, Lima, 2^-30. Alrora. OiiTematnr's, Atlantic City, N. J., 18-23. Altxirtus A Millar. Soiithport. Kng., 18-23; Hud- ilersnesl. 2n-30; Illppodrooie, l^indon, July 28- Aldo A Armour. Idora Park, Yoongstown, O., 18-23. Alt>?rt.V!t, Tlie, Dreamland, Coney Island, N. Y„ lfl-23 Alexis ft Schell, Keith's. N. Y. C. 18-23. Allen ft Dalton, Keith's. Clerelaud, 1823; Elec- tric Park, Balto.. 2n-30. Allaire ft Llml, Kvaosvllle, lnd„ 18-23; Indian- apolis, 2.*>-30. Alhene ft La Brant, O. H.. Bedford, lud„ 18-30. Amerlcns Comeily Four, Celeron Park, James- town, N. Y., 18-23. Anwrlc-on Trumpeters (4), Athletic Park, Buffalo, 18-23. American Newsboys' Quartette, Adams Park, Cedar Rapids, In.. 18-23. Amann ft Hartley. Bradford, Fug., 18-23: Blrm- Invhant. 2.1-ao. Anderson ft Reynolds, Sa»oy, Colnrabos, lad., Andersons. The, Crystal. Detroit. 18-23. Appleby, R. J.. Wooderlnnd, DatiTllle, III., 18-23; Decatur. 25-30. Anunle's Benm and Dogs, Lynchburg. Va.. 18-22; RlruilnKlmni, Ala.. £>-3o. Archer ft Crocker, Luke Coopouace, Sootbluittoo, Conn., 18-23; Wildwood Park, Putnam, Mass., 25-30. Armstmog ft Wrue, ilouth Bend, tod.. 18-23. Armstroojrs. Famous (3). Riverside Park, Mon- treal. 18-23 ; Henderson's, Coney Island. N. Y., 2330, Archer ft Crocker, Lake Oon.pouD.ee, Soutblngton, Conn., 18-23; Wildwood Park. Putnam, 25 30. Arnsbenr, Morette. Pabst. Balto., 18-30. Asra, A. W., nivermoiint Park, Lynchburg. Va., A-hley. LIIIIbd, Olentaugy Park, Columbus, O , HA Astalres, The, Young's, Atlautlc City. N. J., 18- Austin Sisters, MuhIc Hall, Brighton Beach, N. Y„ 18-23. Austin, Claude. BIJou. Superior. Wis., 18-23; Unique. Winnipeg, Can., 25-30. Austins, Great, Fatrvlew Park. Dayton. O., 18- 23: BattletletO Park, Gettysburg. 25-30. Bailey ft Fk-kett, Guvernator's, Atlantic City, N. J.. 18-30. Barto ft Lafflerty. Keith's, K. Y. C, 18-23. Bailey & Austin. KmitatiK Ferry Park, Ixinls- vllie, Ky., 18-23. Banks ft Xewtou, Kntplre, Des Moines. la., IS- 23 : K.iniily. Davenport. 23-30. Buby Mtry. BIJou. Ln Crosse. Wis., 18-23. Baxter, Sid, Pastor's, H. Y. C. 18-23. Bnker. Harry, Poxtaag Park. Harrlsbnrg, Pa„ 18-23. Bartelmes, The, Heng Pier, Atlantic City, N. J., 18-23. Barnes ft Levloa. Grand. Victoria, Can., 18-23; Grand, Voncoufer, 23.10. Barr & RfiM, Ort.blum. .SprlngUeW. 0.. 18-23. Unrtellns. The, Ouverna tor's. Atlantic City, N. J., 18-23. Baula Bros, ft Von Dell, Merrjmeetlng Park, Brunswick, Me.. 18-24; Lewlstoa. 25-30. Barnes ft Kdwlos. Orpbeum Park. Webb City, Mo., 17-23; Lyric Park, Muscogee, Ind. Ter.. 25-30. Bander La Velle Trio, lngersoll PL., Des Moines, In., 18-23 ; Sans Soucl Pk„ Chicago, 25-30. Barlows, Breakaway, Intlianola Park, Columbus, O., 18-23. Banks. Charley, Bijou, Marquette. Mich., 18-23. Bachelor Sisters. Chester Park, Cincinnati. 18-23. Bardlne. Mabel. Moore's, Portland, Me., 18-23. Baker, Pete, Sans Soucl Park, Cblcugo. 18-23. Bayes. Nura, Chutes, San Frau., Cut., 18-23. BanvanN, Flying, Feasts ft Furies, Cincinnati, 18-23. Barlow's Rlenhanta, Luna Park, Coney Island, X. Y.. 18-23. Bedlnl ft dog, Henderson's, Coney Island, N. Y., BedlnT ft Arthur, Shea's. BnrTalo, 18-23. Be-n ft Hamilton, Idora Pk., YoilDgstowD, O., 18- 23. | Ben A Richards, Lakemoat Park, Altoona, Pa., 18-23. Beyer, Ben, Proctor's. Albany, N. v., 18-23. Be-Anm, The, l.akemant Pk., Altoonn, Pa.. 18-23. Bender, Lillian, Moore's, Portland, Me., 18-23. Beyer, Ben. Proctor's. Albany, N. Y., 18-23. Bedouin Arabs (8), Ft. Wayne. Ind., 18-23. Bennett ft Sterling. Trocadero, Phlla., 18-23; Hol- lywood Pk.. 25-:tn. Beaiunoiit, Nellie. Proctor's 2nd St., V Y. C, 18- 23. Bcirnnl. Al. ft., ft Matle, A. ft S., Boston. 2.1-10. Berry & Berry, Wonderland, Wichita, Kali.. 18-23. Berger Bros.. Cedar PL. Sandusky. 0.. 18-23. Bell Trio. Unique, Mlnneu polls, Minn., 1M-23 ; Hii- lutb, 35-30. Bersuc's Cirrus, Vlclorla. N. Y. C. 18-23. Hlnney ft Clmpniuii, Colltus' Gardetis. Colutuliiis. O.. 18-23. Blssetl & Winters, Onkwoud Park, Pittsburg. Pa., 18-23. Bison City Trio. Family, Sioux City, lu., 18-23. BLiley, Edgar. A Ct... Pmrior'* 23d St., N. Y. C, 18-23. Bijou Circus. Perlh Amhoy, N. J., 18-23. Blair ft McNulty. Green Front. Dendwoud. S. D., 18-23. Bliitopliin ft llehr. Fulton Heights, Sullsliury, N. C, 1141, Blake Sisters, Trent, Trenton, N. J., 18-23. Black ft Jones, Lancaster, Pa., 18-23. Bluck Illlsstirs, lleislernon's, Coney Island, N. V., 18-23. Barsliils. The, Luna Park, Coney Island. N. Y., 18-23. Bowery Boys' Quurlette, Fontaine Ferry Pork, Louisville. Ky.. 18-23; Kasl Knd Park. Mem- phis, Teun.. 25-30. Bnylnn, Arthur ft Mildred, Keltb's, CleTeland, IS- 23. Bowman, Fred, A. A s., Bosiou. 18-23. Bowers, Walters ft Crocker, Brltlaula-on-llie-Bay, Ottawa. Can., 18-23. Botter, Harry, ft Co., Meyers Lake, Canton, O., 18-23; Itts-k Springs Pk.. K. Liverpool. 23-30. Rostock's Animals. 1'aragon Park, Boston, 18-23. Boulh. Great, limfnui. W. Va., 18-23; Kalrnumitt, 25-:i0. Bottouley Troti[-?, Dominion Park, Montreal. 18- 23 ; Moolmoreiicle Pork, Quebec, 23-30. Boottilack Quartette, Original, Orpbeum. Mansfield. O., 18-23: Rocky Spgs. Pk.. K. Liverpool. 25-50. Bidden-., The, Proctor's. Newark, N. J., 18-23. Bowman. Frank. Buckled, F.lkhsrt, Ind.. 18-23; Oak Summit Pork. Kvannvllle. Ind.. 25-30. Bryant ft Havllle. Steeplechase Pier, Atlantic City, S. J.. 18 23. Brinkley*. Tbe, Ilanorer Park, Merhleo, Conn., 18-23. Brady ft Hamilton. BIJou. Gnleslnirg, 111., 18-23; Olympic, SprlDgfleld, 23-30. Bradforils, The, Belay Beacb, Nsbant. Mass.. 18- 2.1; Palace. Boston, 25-30. Brooks. Harvpy, Wwdlynne Park, Canvlen, N. J., 18-23. Browning. Flora, Oakwnod Park. Plttshnrg, 18-23. Bradley ft Davis, Hanatoga P«rk, Pottslown, Pa., 18 23: Park. Wind Gap. 25-30. Brooks ft Vedder. Brooks' Casino, No. Bearb, N, Y., 18-23; Electric Park, Peekskill. 25-30. Brlttou*. The, Establish Yanls. Moscow, Bus., 28- July 31. Broltst Trio, fluvernator's, Atlantic City, N. J., 18-23. Braatt A Brasll, G. O. II.. Pittsburg, 18-23. flroreu ft Nerarro, Temple, Detroit, 18-23. Brown, Pattl, Goulroy's, Grand Baplda, Mklt., 17-23. Browa. Jack, ft Lillian Wright, Woodlawu Park, Asblaud, Pa., 18-23; Doeny Park. Allentown, 23-30. Butler. Nellie ft Co., Keith's, N. Y. C. 1H-23. Busrh Family, People's, Kxcelsloc Spgs.. Mo.. 18- 23; People's, l^avenwortb. Kan.. 25-30. Btirkcs. Juggllag. Novelty. Fresno. Cat.. 18-23. Burke ft Prime. Crystal, Goshen, Intl.. 18-23. Bnrke'rt Musical Dogs, Boulevard, Medfurd, Mm, 18-23. Burke ft La Bue. Music Hall, Brighltm Beach. N. Y., 18-23. Budwortb ft Wells. Lyric Park. Ft. Smith, Ark.. 18-23; Lyric Park. So. McAllster. 1. T.. 25-30. Burton * Burton, IMuehursI Park. Worcester, Mas*)., 23-30. Bnskirk ft Itlch. Erb'a Casiuu. No. Beach, N, Y., 18-23. Burke, At., Victoria. N. Y. C. 18-23. Bnrkiier. tJreat. Anollo. Numtierg. Ger., 18-30; Amlusaileiir. Bnchnresl , Hung., July 1-31. Buckeye Trln. Park. Ilaunlttal, Mo., 18-30. Byron ft Langdon. Tempi*', Detroit. Mlrh., 18-23; Keith's. Cleveland. 25-30. Casads (2^1. Elite. Davenport, la.. 18-2.1. Carroll A Clarke. Lytic Park. Ft. Hmlth. Ark., 18-23; Forest Park. Little Rock. 25-30. Calilera. Muslr Hall, Hrlgblon Bench. N. Y., 18- 23. Cantownle Sisters. Lnkenioat Park. Altoona, Pa., 18-23. Cnwptiell ft Stock Slaters, Eastllne Pk.. Parla, Tex., 18-23. CaaH-ron ft Flanagan. ItnhlnMHi Park,' Ft. Wayne, Ind.. 18-23; Majestic, Ctib-ago. 25-30. Cameron, Grai-e. Keith's, Boston. 18-23, Campbells. The. BIJou, Winnipeg. Can., 18-2:1; Red River, 25-30. Caprice, Lynn ft Fay, lngersoll Park, Des Muines, U., am Cants, Emma, Keith's, Cleveland, 1823. Camllle Trio. Victoria, N. Y. C. 18-23. Confer A Hurler, Bonhag's Pavilion, No. Bea>-h. N. Y., 18-23; Slee]dechase, Atlantic City, N. J., 25-30. Calne ft Ircster, Music Hall. Brighton Bearh, N. Y., 1823. Caron ft Fanium, Keith's, Clevelaa-I. 18-23. Curie ton ft Terre, Nonuntrega Park, liwlon, 18-23. Cur ml I ton ft Hodges, Gennett, Klchmuiul, lud„ 17-2-1; Cook's Park, Kvanavllle, 24-30. Case, Charlie. Temple, Detroit, 18-23; Hlien'n, Bnfffllo, 23-30. Carleton. AL, Keith's, Boston, 18-21. ChriHtopber, West Knd Park. Munrle, 1ml., 18-23. Cherry ft Bates. Alamedn Park, Butler, Pa., 18-23. Chlldera, Grace, ft Dog, Central Park, Alleni.iwn, Pa., 18-23 ; Tumbling Data Park. Brighton, N. J-. 25-30. Christy, Wayne J., Idle Hour Park, Plttaborg, Kan.. 18-23; Summer Park, Shrevetsirt, Im., •24-.W, Chndwirk Trio, Klectrlc Park. Mootgomery, Ala., 18-2:1; Ponce u> Leon Casino, Atlanta, Ga., 25-30. "Chimney Sweeps," Ramona, Grand Baplda, Mich.. 17-23. Clernioutos, The, Grand, Reno, Nev., 18-23; Oak- land. 25-30. Cleo.li.ru ft Le Grand, Auditorium, Norfolk, Va., 18 2:1. Clark. Billy, Wenona Beach, Bay City, Ulch., 18-23. Cletno ft Cassels, Pekiu, Chicago, 18-23. Clifford A Ortb. Grand, Portland. Ore., 18-21; Astoria, 25-30. Clark. Cbas.. A. ft S.. Boston. 18-23. Clayton, Win., ft Co., Majestic, Chicago. 18-2.1. Clarke, luhn F., Lakewood Park. Altoona, Pa., 18-23. Clark's Dogs ami Ponies, G. O. H., Plttahurg, 18-23. Clark ft Duncuu. Geunetl, Rlchnioiul, hid., 18-23; Park, Muskegon, Midi., 25-30. Corbly ft Burke. Keith's. Boston. 18-23. Cotton, Lola, Orpbeum, Sprluxlleld, U., 18-23. Cowley, J .-I-. H., Huiitingtuu, lud., 18-23. Cogswell. 'Cycling. Touring Mexico. CultoiiK, The, Oiidiliiiii, SprlugOeld. O., 1823- Cowley, Jus. II., Casino Park. Kalamaxoo. Mich., 18-23; Godfrey's. Grand Rapids. 23-.10. Colton ft Darrow, Crvstul. Detroit, 18-23. Conway, W. H., Lima Park, Coney Maud, N. V , 18-23. Collins ft Hurt, Victoria. N. Y. C, 18-23. Coin's Dogs, Sheu's, Buffalo, 18-23. Cooke ft Miss Kothert. Empire Tour, Kng., 18- Jnly 30. Columbia Four, Columbus. O.. 18-2.1; Keltb's, Boxtou. 25-30. Cooper ft Robinson. Boulevard, Medfurd, Mass., 18-23. Crecco Bros.. Carnival, Perth Amboy, N. J., 18-30. Cree. Jessica, Henderson's, Coney Island, N. Y., 1823. Crolne, Long 4 Cralne. Acme, Norfolk, Va., 18 23. '■Creation," Dreamland, Coney Island, N. Y., 18- 23. Curtis, Ned. Orphetmi, Lima, O., 18-23; Grund, Haiulllou, 25-30. Cilttys. Musical (01. Victoria, N. Y. C. 18-23. Cumiulugs ft Tu urn I mi, Luna Park, Jotitistuwn, Ph., 18-23. Cnllen, Jas. II., Moss ft Stall Tour. Kng.. 18- Jilly 31. Cnrtls ft Btisse, Freehody Park, Newport, B. I., 18-23. Cuniiliiglinm & Smith, Forest Park, Palmer, Mass. 25-30. Daly ft O'Brieu, West Side Pk., Maticte, IihL, 18- T.l. Davis ft Walker, Freehody Park, Newport, It. I., 18-23. Davit- , Laura, Chester Pork, Cincinnati, 1823. Davis. Mark ft Laura, Hollywood Pk.. Balto.. 18- 23. Darniody, Plum Island. Newhuryport. Mass., 18- 23; Casino, Salisbury Beach. N II.. 25-.10. Daytelle. Madge, A. ft S., 18-23; Relay, Naliunt, Mass., 25-30. DjiIIoei ft BoliHon. Majestic. Chicago, 18-23. Dnrllnglcn, Albert, Orphlitni, Sprlngflehl, 0„ 18- 23. Davenport. Harry. Keith's, Phlla.. 18-23. Danuvas. I.<*s, Crystal. St. Joseph, Mu„ 18-23; Crystal. Trinidad, Gal., 25-30. Dale, Sue. Ausllii's Pului Garden, Syracuse, N. Y„ 18-23. Daly ft Reno, Henderson's, Coney Islam), X. Y., Daxweil', Aurle, Keith's, N. Y. C, 25-30. Ddbl,' Kalherlne, Fuulaliie Ferry l*nrk, I^iiilsvllle, Ky.. 18-23. De Ontos, The. Spring Grove, Sprioglleld. «., 18- 2.3. Deltons (3). Mush- Hall. Brighton Beacb, N. Y., 18-23. De Wilt, Burns ft Torrance, Tlvoll, Cape Town, S. A.. 18-July It. Devenii. Hubert. Limn Park, Jolinstoirn, I'n.. IK- 23. De Hp ft Iji Due, Dominion Park, Mnnlreul, 18-23; Monlmort-ncl Park, gurlc . 25-3U. Derenda A Green, Moss ft Sloll Tour, Dim., 18- Jaly P. De Monde ft Dlnsmore, BIJou, Oklnboniti, Gkln., 1H- 23; Blfwi. Shawnee, 1. T-. 25-30. De Ouw ft McDonald, Olenlnnuy Park. Columbus, O., 18-23. De Vere ft De Vere, Huntington, lml., 23-30. Denilug. Arthur. Lakeside Park, Akron, ().. 18-23. Delmore ft Darrell, Olentaogy Park, Columlms, O.. !8-2:t. Del-A-Pbone, Peotile'a, Excelsior Springs. M»„ 18-2:1. De Verne. Thelmn. Crystal, Detroit. 18-23. Dellous. The, Brighton Beach, N. Y. ('.. 18-23. De l.iirii. Mite.. ABru Park. Albany. N. V., 18- 23: White City, lllnghanilou. 25-30. De Moths, The, Rlvermoiil Park, l.yiK'hlriirK. Pn.> 18-2:t. Dlerlckx Bros., Sans Soucl Park. Oilcago, 18-23; White City, Chicago, 25-:t0. Dllla ft Templeton. Star. Cripple Creek, Otl., ltt- Zi; Crystal, Trinidad, 25-30. Dlds. Steeple Chase Park, Coney Island, N. Y„ 18-23. Dlxou ft Fields, Park. Muskegon. Mich., 18-23; Sans Sonci Park. Chicago. 23-30. Dixon. Bowers ft Dixon, Pastor's, N. Y. f'., 18- 23. Diamond ft Smith, G. O. II., Pittsburg. 18-23. Diamond A West, Acme. Norfolk. Va., 18-23. Dockray, Will. Farm. Toledo. Ik, 18-23. Downs, T. Nelson. Grand. Sacramento, Cal., 18- 23; Novelty, Htnckton. 25-30. Dorsrh A Russell, Reservoir Park, Richmond, Vs.. 18-23. Don. Emma. Pal., Halifax, Eng., 18-21; W. Hart- lepool. 25-30: Tlv., I^eils, July 2T ; Pal., Newcaslk. ft-H. Donnelly. Joe. Crystal, Detroit. 18-23. Doherty's Poodles, Young's. Atlnnlle City. N. J-. 18 23. Donaldson, Tom P., Tumbling Dam Park, Bridge- ton, X. J.. 18-23. Itonovait ft Arnold. Lincoln Park, Worcester, Mass.. 18-23. Dracula. A.. Star, Seattle, Wash., IN 23; Grand, Victoria, Can.. 25 30. Dumomht, Lea, Proctor's. Newark, N. J., 18-23. Early ft Late, Forest Park, Little Rock, Ark.. 18-23. Karlc. Virginia, ft Co., Keith's, Phlla.. 18-23. Kckel ft Warner, Athletic Pk., Buffalo, 18-23. Kckcrt ft Berg. Ramona. Grand Rapids. Mich.. 17-23. Kmm, Harry. Kiimoua. Orand Rapids, Mich., 17- I'dwards' Sclusrl Boys and Girls, Keith's, Cleve- land. 18-33. BMr, Arthur. F.lyslan Gmve. Titcs**. Arl.. IH- B, Kilwnr<|s ft tllenwiul. Trocadcm. ChlcaKu. 18 211; Alamo Pnrk. Cedrtr Riipids, la., 2530. l.ilim. Mile.. Keith's. N. Y. V., 18-23. Kltlnge. Julian. Palnce, lAUidoti. K»g.. 18-Jllly 31. r Imn. Pete A Allle, Crystal. Trinidad, fill., ' 18- 23; Karl. Pueblo, 23-30. Klton, Sum. Muss ft stall Tour. Ki-g., 18-July 31. Kllswnrlbs (41. Gmnelt, Itlcbmond, Ind., 18-2:1. Knierson, Kildle W., City. Stnntwad, Cou.. 18-23. Knunett ft Kane, Hollywotsl Park. Balto., Mil., 18-23: Wind Gap. Pn.. 25-30. Emperors or Music (4 1. Majestic Chicago. In-23: Olympic, ctilnigu. 25-30. Empire Comedy Four, Moss ft Sloll Tour, Eur, 18-July 31. Kngletou. Nan. A Co.. Wootllnud, Asblaiitl, Pa., 18-23: Brookslde Park. Alhol. Mass.. 25:10. Evans. Harry. Keith's, Pbtln.. 18-23. Elvers. u ro . W.. Park. Pueblo. Col.. 18 30. Fantns (2l, Electric Pnrk. Peekskill. N. V., 18- 23. Falanln, Star. Seattle, Wash.. 1H-2.1. l-'adeMe Gn a lit-stra. Kellh's. Bostmi. 18-23. Furuum. Hud. Trio. 4 Mile Park. Erie. ('■.. 18 23. Fnys. Tlie. Victoria, N. V. C IMS. Furrell, Clltr. AlunusU Pnrk. Biillfr. Pi.. IMS, IVrgiisoi) A- Rtfsiin. Elei'irlc I'nk Ft. Siniih. Ark.. 18-23. Fern. Sydney. Guveniator's. Atlantic Clly, N. i., 18-23. I-Vrgnsnn ft Dupree, Revere Bearb. Boston. 18-23. Fergiinou ft Mack. Birmingham, Rng-, UHO. I'Vrgnsoii ft I'lissmore. Wenmin lh*nch, Bay Cltr. Mich.. 18-33; Blverslde Purk. Uatcluaw. 25-3*1. Ferry. Empire, Oklahoma. Okla.. 18 23. Ferris-Wiley Trio. Grand. Milwaukee. Wis.. 18 23. Ferros and Dog, Victoria. N. Y. C. 25-July 4. l-'lehU ft Ilnnsoii. Pickwick. Sun Diego. Cal., IN- 23; San Bernardino. 25-30. Fisher. Mr. A Mrs. Perkins. Keith's, I'lillu.. IS- 23; G. O. II.. Pltlshurg. 25-:pl. Flnncgnii, Sana toga Pk., IMtlstnwn, Pa.. 18-23; Wi-hIIvii Pk.. CntiHlen. N. J.. 25 :ttl. Fields. Will II.. -I Mile Crefk. Erie. Pa.. 18 23. Flurctle Sisters. Spring Grove, SpringHeld, ()., Mora, Mildred. Olympic, Clilcugu. 18-23; Sans Soucl Purk. Chicago, 25-30. Fly mi, Joe, Boulevanl. Meiirunl, Mass., 18-23. FliHNl Bn>s.. Tcni|)le. Deiroll, 18-23. Fonl Sisters ft Brothers, Temple. Delnill. 18-23. Forrests, Musical. While Cltv, tlilcagii, 1M 23. Fox, Peggy. YiHiug's, Alluallc City. N. J.. IN-23. l'oy. Eddie. Muh-sllc. Chlcagu. IH-23. 1'oiiiliielle, Mysterious. Athletic Pnrk, New Or- leans. Ln,. 18-30. F.mtl Bonl Bros., Luna Pk.. Johnstown. Pa., 18- Frcete Bros., BIJou. Diilnlh. Mian.. 18-23. Franklin. In-tic, Majestic, Chlrugi.. 18-2:1. Frank. .Marvelous ft Bob, Chules. Snu Fran., Cal., 18-23. Freeman ft Watson. Grant!. Hammond. Ind., 18- 23; Tr«H-mlero. (Iilrugo, 25-30. Fruurelll ft 1^'wls, Lakeside Casino, Akruu. IX. 18-23. Frnslul, F. II. . Pnrk. Dubiiipu*. la., 18-23; Park, Kuckford. III.. 2530. Franklin, l.llllnii. Cryslal Purk. Seilalln, .Mo.. 18- 23; Ki-etslor Spgs.. Mo., 23-3(1. Frnnkel. Fanny. Oak Summit Turk, Kvansvlllc, Ind.. 18-23. Francis ft Day. New. Puwlm-ki-l. It. I.. 18 23. Gardner ft Revere, MuJesHr, Cblnigo. 18-23. Gardner ft Sinners, FreeUnly Purk, Newport, It. I., 1823. Gamly, Clark S., Muiiuitai's Pnrk, St. Louis. 18- s Garlelle Rros., llrll latiln -nu-tli«*- Hoy*. Ottawa, Can., 18-23. Gavtnrd, Boniile. East End Purk, Memphis, Tenii., 18 23: Forest Purk. St. I^uils, 25 30. GayhH- ft ifiufT, Whalnm Purk. Plichburg. .Mass., 18-23. Gairilschnildls, Tin-, Luuu Purk, Coney Island, N. Y;. is-Kt. Gavin ft Plnlt, Puxtuug Pnrk, llarrlshurg. Ph., 18 23. Gnrdncr. West ft Sunshine, Guveriin tor's, Alltiutli- Clty. N. J., 1M-23. Gebe*!. Gerlrisle, Kellh's, N. Y. C. 18-23. Geranl, Helene, Feasts ft Furies, tniii-hiiiutl, 18- 23. Gelger ft Walters, Kellh's, N. Y. C, 18-2.1. Gill. Nat, Electric Pk.. Albuiiy, N. Y.. 18-23. Gllllngwsler, t:ianih>, ft Co., (1. O. II., PlttslmrK, 18-23. Gllmnre ft Carroll, Graud, Hiinllngtou, Intl., IK- 23; Grand, Mnrloii, 25-30. Glileu, Turn, Cascade Purk, New Castle, I'n.. 18- 23. Glrard, Marie, lion Tmi. Hall Like, (.'., 18-2.1. Gllllhun ft Perry, West End Park, New Orleans, Li., 18-30. Gerard, Jennie, Freehody Purk, Newisirl, It I., 18-23. Gllmy, Huvnes ft Muulgwrnery, Nnveliy, Fresun, Cal., 18-23 ; Empire, I.«n Alleles, 25-30. Gllkey. Ethel, Allilelic Park, New Orleans, Lu., 18-23. Gleustjii. Juliu ft Berlhu, ft F red Holillbuii, (I. O. II.. Pittsburg, 18-23. "Globe of Death," Keltb's. N. Y. C. 18 23. Glow, Augusta, Chester Pnrk, CliicUinull. IH-23. Golden Gate Quintette, Nuriuubegu Park, Boston, 18-23. Gotiloh. Mr. A Mrs.. Crystal, Trinidad, Col., 18- 21; Earl, Pueblo, 25-30. GoiutaleK Bros., Olyiupli-, Chlcuxo, 18-23. Golilsmlth ft Hoppc, Wotdworth's, Ijtucaster, Pa., 2SII0. Goldln. Horace. Keith's, BtMloti, 18 23. Gordons, Bonndltig, Fensts ft Furies, Cincinnati, 18-23. Gonloii ft Chacon, Ross pk., Hliigbaiulon, N. Y., 18-23. Gordon, Dun ft Mae, Four Mile Creek, Erie, I'n,, 18-23: Olentaligy Park, CoIiiiuIhis, O., 25-30. linlileji A MiiL'lie-. Cent ml Purk. Alleuli.wii. I'n., I8-23; Islmid Purk. Kasloo. 25-30. GMHlwin. Susli*. Tns'udero, N. V. It. IN-23. Gisdiuatis. Musical, Holilnsoii Purk. Ft. Wayne. lud.. 18-23. Grnnl, Bcrr ft Berlhu, Cimi.- Sun r'raii.. fill., 18-23. Greeliway, lly.. Majestic. (Iih-ugo. 18-23. Great Goldln Itiif-itin TruuiH'. Elci-lrlc Pnrk, Ot- tawa. Pun., 18-23; Sobmer Purk. Montreal, 25-30. Grav, Kslelle. Austin's Pulm Garden. Syracimi', .S'. Y.. 18-30. Gray. Eddie, BIJou, Diiluth, Minn., 18 23. Green Urns., Fmully. Unite. Mont.. 18-23. Gross, Wm., Luke View Park, Terre Ilniilc. Ind., 18-23; WoiiihTluiwI. Himvllle. 111.. 25 341. llarrlsnu. I^o F„ Wnverly Park. Lunslrig, Mlili , 18-23; Grmid. Toleilo, O., 25-30. HaiLSr-ii ft Nelson, Henderson's, Coney Islniul, N. Y.. 1823. Hayes ft Wynui', Dreamland, Coney Islnml, N. V., 18.23. Ilaiilen. Jaek, Auslln's Pulm Garden, Syracuse, N. Y„ 18-30, llasly, Clias., Crvwinl. KIwmsI. IihL, 18-23. HumuwiiMl ft Forrester, White City, Sprlindlelil, III.. 18-23; Park. Daiivllls, C3-3U. Hiiyward. Conroy ft Hayward. liiKi-rsoll Park, lies Moines, la., 1823. Driii leu. Virglnln. BIJou. SheUiygnu. Wis.. IN-23. Hull, Lillian, Austin's Pulm Garden, SyriM-nse, N. Y. ihrin. HarlKieh ft Harris. Park. Nknwhcgnii, Me., 18-23. Hnrrls-lteonregiirile ft Co., Pnilnug Park, Harris* hiirg. Pa., IK-23. Haley ft llarly. Star. Moiieiisi-ii. Pn., 18 23. Hurvey ft De Vora, Star, Seattle, Wash.. 18-23. Hart. Willie ft Edith. Farm, Tohslo, IK 23 ; Keith's. Clevelnud, 25-:iO. Hays, Ed. C., .lames town. N. Y., 1823; Yuimgs- town, o.. 25-30. Flarrourt. Frank, BIJou, KulniunnMi, Mich.. IN- 23; Itlbiu. Bnllle Creek. 25-30. Hasty, trhnrlle, Crystal. KlwhesM, Hi, 1- lifini. July 2-7: Royal. Holhoni. fill. Hawley, Freilerlek, ft Co.. Mnjeslle. Chlcoif., IN- 23. Harrlse*. Four DudcIiir, Olentungv Park, l'ek. Ark.. 18-23: San S.Hir| Park. Clilcnv*. 21 -30. llnii.lllon ft Wiley. BIJou. Uk Cn*sse. Wis.. IN 23; Fulunc. Kail Claire, 25-30. Hall, Frank. Avon Park, Young-down, «., 18-23; Meyers Lake. Canton. 21-30. (U-ard, John E., Miwra'a, Portland, Me., 18-23. Harvey A De Vom. Star, Seattle. Wash., 18-23. Ilarconrr, Daisy. Palace, Unidtm, July 0-31. Ilaunhms l-isip, Majestic. Chicago, 18-2.1. Harrington. Daniel J., Kir-*— R. I., 18-23. FreetxMly Pk., Newport, lleuly*. The. Gaverualor's, Atlantic Clly. N. J., IN-23. Henry, Young A tvmllu, Shellpot Purk, Wllmlinr- tmi. Del.. IS-30. Hitisti ft Roger*. Hauionn Pnrk, Grund Huplds, Mich.. 182:1. Ilearn. Tuoi. VHorla. N. Y. C. 18 23. llenild Sipiuiv gourielle, Mnillitalii Purk. Ronu* oke. Va . IN 23. Blvee Mmiul, l.ynvbburg. -.'.".• ltt. MerlsTt ft Willing. Lugoou, Ludlow, Ky., 18 23. Ileitis. "l.nuglilnK Billy." Oxford Ph., Greens- tuirg, Pn., 18-23; Luna Purk, .Inhiistown, Pu., 23 :to. llrwlelles, The. Ah-aanr. Deuver, Cut.. IS -SO. Il-in v a Gruhiim. si. i II,-. i Park, Wilmington, Del.. 1S-23. Hill. Will. Parngoti Purk. Boston. 18-23. Illnmiiu. Ciipl. Sidney, Al Frescu Purk. Paua. 111., 18-23. Illt.ls-ri ft Warren. Park. Iluuulhul. Mo.. IS 23. llillehruilil ft Vlvlnii. Star. Heal lie. Wash.. 18 2:'.. Ilitlycrs (3). Cry. -ml, Toledo. II.. 18 23; oien- tangy Park. Coluuitais. 25-30. Illllbml. nihil, * I'o.. Kellh's. N. Y, C. 18 23. Illlts. Four. Cuutedy. Wenona Ih-nch Casino, ll v City, Midi.. 17-23. lloldhUorihs. 1.1.-, Homey Park. Allenionn. I'm., lS-2:t; Woodbind Park. Aslilaud. 25-30. Iloluieii Bros., PhIii'h. Cliadniuill. IS 23. Howsnl, Phasv, Pris'lia-'s. Alhuny. N. V.. IS 23. Hownrd Bros.. Kmplie *IWr, Kug.. IS. Inly 27. Ilowunl. Geo.. A. it S.. BosIimi. In 23. Howard ft llonurd. Keith's. N. Y. C. 18 23; I'unhin.l. Me., 25-:tO. llornu. Eildle, Crystal. Tohtlu. o„ is 23. llolnu-s. Taylor. IWIor"* 2:hi SI.. N. V. C, IS 23. HolTniniiH. The, Star. Scuttle. Wash.. 18 23. Iluehu. Musical, Ptot-tor's. Alhiiuy. N. Y., 2530. Iblglies ft Wlllanl. I.ukeshh- Casino. Akrnn, 0., .823. Hughe-. VA.. imiierbil. CiUiey Islniul, N.Y., 18 23. llvliitidst.ll. Plliniuer's I'mk No. Adams, Mass., IN 23; Plliuiaer's Park, Palmer. 25.10. . Hyde. Bub ft llertltii, llo>Wh>k Pnrk. No. Adams, Mass.. IN-23; I'oresl Luke Pk.. I'nhuer, 25 in. lUilierlnl Four, Heiiileivon''", Coney |<*liiinl. N. V., 18-23 Imperial Japunese TriuuM-, ClrcUN dun- AllbolT, llsmibrui'k, Ger., IN-30. Iiiiiinn, Wnkelleld, ft IV. Pus I or X N. V. 1!.. IK- 23. Iniiess ft Ryan. Cnslm. Park, Kiiliininnat. Mich., IN-23. Il.i.ii, .iin Purk. Grand Itiiptds, 25 :tu. I u tern nt hum I -I, Pleltai, N. S„ 18 30. Irving, Tom, Auslln's Palm Garden, SvmciiHe, N. Y., I8-.'M>. .luuies A Blehuril. A. ft S., Il.-h.ii. Is 30. Jai-olis ft H.mlel. Iiijii;iini|-.li-, IS 23. Jniiies A Davis, Lyeeuiii, YVasblugloii, |l. (*., IK- 23 .hiiiil-iiii, 1 .'.riii in-, Ai In n Mi- U.i nli n, N, Y. C>, IN-23, Jack. Mr. ft Mrs.. II. II., Elwiaal, hid.. IK-23. Jiiiiseu. It'll, ft Co.. West Slile Park, Miiucle, l mi., 17-SBt! DnytiHi, II., 25 :io, Jennings ft Jewell. Casino, Hi. Joseph, Mo., IN- 23 ; Alnlome. HulHiliison. Kail., 25-30. Jennings ft Renfrew. Grund. Mnrloii. lud., IK- 23; Oak Summit Park, Evansvllle. 25-311. Jennie A Ellsworth, Lyei-iim. lloslou, IK>23. Jim Dandy Girls. Memler-iiii's. Cnucy IsIiiihI. N. Y„ IK23. Johnson. Honey, Mnyttower Grove, Plyuuitilh, Mass.. IN-23. Johnson ft Wells, lis Budavern, BudHiiesL Hun., IN-Jtdy 15. -lulu,.- iii tJ,iv.-n|n>rl ft Uirellu, Puragou Park, HiHt.ni. iH-2:t. Joliiisious. Musical. Tower. Hlai-kiNNil, Kug., 18- 23; Albiiiuhru, Limdoii. .Inlv 2-31. Joluiroii. Satad, Shea's. BnTulo. IN 23. Ioilih. Irving, Shiga's. BulTiilo, 18-23. Johnson ft Rents. Audi toil um. Norfolk, Vs.. IK 23. Jones ft Siitlmi, Puxtuug Pk., Ilnrrlalnirg, Pn.. IH-23. ■Id ril: 'i. Ureal, Tuiiildlub; Dmii Park, Brldgetnu, N. J.. 1823. Jones A Ituviiioiid, Alriloioe. Iliileblu-'un, Knu., IN- 2.1. Knit's linn.. Meyers Luke, Cmiton, II., 18-23; AVihi Park. Y'lrtitigslowu. 25 -3u>, Knin', Lisitinrd. Kellh's, Bosion. IK 23. Karniilx. Brlgliloii Beacb. N. Y.. 18.10. Kniil'miiii Sisters, GtlVi-rnulor's. Atltinile Cllv. V. J . IS 23. Knsini. Acini, Keith's, Phlln.. IN-23. Kiiriin's Piiiiiniiiliiie Co., Clmii-s, Kan Fran.. I'al.. 18 23. Kiirtuu, rims, ft Ada, Polnllisi Park, lluvaiia. ClllMi, IN 23. Keene, Slecple^-huse. Allaidli' Cllv, N. J., IK 23. Kelcy. Mr. ft Mrs. ABreil, Olympic, Chicago, |K- KeMi'e. Kihlle, BIJou. Diilnlli, Minn.. IN-23. Keltlcr, Jim-, ft Co., Idora Pk.. Yiiiingslowo, O., Ken. i. Wulsli A Melrose. Olyiupli- . Chh-ngo. IK-23. Kenton, Domlhy, Stork I'aiin. VVbullnusburg. N. V.. IN-30. Kenlons (.'li, (.'uslmi, Ocean View. Vii,, IH-23; lii -i'ivnIi- Park, iti.-iiti.iii.il. 23-3U. Kennedy A Wl|kens, Hleel Ph-r. Allimllc Clly, N. J.. IK-23. Keith. Frank. Dodge. Neb.. IK-23; Howell, 23.111. Keoiigh, Thtw. J., A Co., Ituiuouu, Grand Kuplds, Midi.. 17-23. ' Klierns ft Cole. Hans Noiiel Turk, Chicago, IN 23; Luke Pnrk, Muski-spm. Mich.. 25-30. Kipp ft Klppi-y, Olympic, (Uih-ugo, 2530. Klta-llainal Jups, Young's, Allniilb* Clly, N. J., Klernan, Jos., ft Co.. Kellh's, Phlla. . IK-23. Klein ft Klein, Oleuluiigy, Park, Ciduiulius, ll„ 18-2.1; Meyers Luke, t'nuloii. 25-30. Kijlgbt Bros., Gotirmy's, Grand Rapids, Midi., 17- Kosiire ft Chuplalu, Grpheum. Lluiu. Ik. 1K2:<; Lakevlew Park, Terre lluule, IihL. 2530. Kobler A Million, IHlt-a. N. V.. IK-2.1; Barthido- mry's, Onlnrbi lleneh, N. Y,, 25-30. Ln Tour, Irene. Steep led ln-e Pier, Allnuili- Clly, N. J.. IK 23. Ln Chile ft West, Siiliulogu I'm k. Pullstowii. Pa.. 18-23; ocean Pier, Sea Isle city, N. J., 25 in. La Muw Briw.. Pna-lnr's, Allmiiy, N. V.. 18-23. Lu Tmir Sisters, G u ye niu tor's, Aliunde Cllv. N. J.. IN-23. La Centra A Lu line. I'tisloi-'s, N'. V. C„ IK-23. l.u Dell->s, FuiitiiHlIc, PorcMi Laki* Purk. Lllilc Bock. Ark., IN23: Air Dome. St. I. -. 25 -SO. I.n Rex, Wou-lerrul, Rlveilou Pnrk. Porllnml. Ale., IK 23. I.niieiister. Tom. I'liielmrsl I'urk, IVorersler, Mass.. IN 23: IHk'oii Park, Wel«lcr. 25 30. Laskey's (Jultllelle. PriH-lor's, Newark, N. J., 18* 9*0, l.aioy Bros.. Avon Park, Yoiiuuslowii, II., 18 23; Park, New i'i-il Pn.. 25 3o. l.u Mont. Ollle. Phil'ldx. Tlieoiiin. Wiish.. 18 21. (.if i.n-ii'-l. .mi. .in Troiipt-, Giallnir'a, Grund Itnii- Ids. Mich.. 1723. I.iimiaiul K I'unlette, Cryalal. Audersoii. did., IN. 23; rr.si.ij. Kokomo. 25 30. Lu T'wkn, Phil.. Piiuliiges. Iiililiighiiiii, Wnsli., 18-23. Lu .leas. Then, ft Cniullle, Alrdiane, Kniporla, Kan.. IN 23. IjiWiMin. Chinese, While Cllv I'nrk, Sprlngltelil, III.. 17 23; Lakevlew Park. Terre lluule. lud., 21 .10. Ln Mm-, Wayne, IllJnit. Calumet, Mich., IH-23; BIJou, Manpietle, 25-30. l.-i Tour, Frnnk, 1'lor.i Pnrk, Yoiuigsiowu, o., 1823. Larliuorp, Irving W., Cliiiliiui|iia Park, WliitLeld, Kim.. 17 30. Liingilon. Hunlle. <>. II. . KIIwishI, liul., 17-23; O. II.. AleiniHlrhl. 23-30. T.nfuyelte Lyric Fmir. Phllllpa, Itlcliuioiul, lud., 18-23; SpringHeld. II., 2530. Lu Belle, Win., Oleiilaiigy Purk. Culmulma, O., |K. 21. Iji Gette. Auditorium, llrunihiii, Mwi., 17 23. i.u Tell Bros., Gas Inn. St. Joseph. Mo., 18 23; People's. Kneelslor Spgs., Mo., 25-3". _ son Park " IN-23, Luwiviiee, A I., lngersoll Des Moines, la.. l-ee, Flhthugli A I 21. Le Barr. Lyric, Muskogee, I. T.. IN-23: Lvrle, Ft. Huillli. Ark.. 25-:in. l^-unurd. Gits, I'na'lor'a 23d St., K. Y. «,'.. 18-23. Ire Boy. Mnrle, Lnkemonl Park, Altoonn. I'm., IK- 2-1. le I'nrk, MayHvllle, Ky.. Ia> I.i- Dent. Great. Kuaon's, CblcHgo, 18-23 ; Kellh'tt, M.-st..n. 25-30. I^uure ft SI. Clair. RucMeii. Klkbarl. IihL, IK 23. I^tadiurdl, AL, Casino I'urk, Knhiiimxoo, Mich., INKi, l.i-.ls, Mile., Feast ft Furies, Clneliillutl, IN-23. Leslie. Geo. W-. Temple, Buffalo. 1823; lulrr* liallwiial. Nlniura Falta, N. V., 25.30. I-e Alar, F.ll t h, Austin's, Palm Gurden. Hyracuie, N. Y.. IS-EL Uwl* A llarr, Cryalal, Klkbarl, Ind., IH-23. 4p6 THE JSTETW YORK .QLIPPaiER. June 23. Le liny, Merle. Lakenion! Park, Altoonn.Pa., 18- Uftaur, Cba*.. Olympic, Chicago, lR-SS; Crjklal, Milwaukee. Wi*.. 2.*:w. , , ,. Lew, Mrs. Ju!i-, ft (>.. Crystal Park, Heilalla, >io.. IMS; I'fonif'H. Kicmkfl Smb.. SMB. LIuiIkbv'* Mlfow, M blurt Clly. Chicago, la-'JJ. Long, More*. BK'iti. liatulh. Mum., IS-IM. l..nnlur-] Bm».. Aintimie, To|«>ka. Kan.. 1R-1U. l,orte i r l . > . Ilresmluuil, Coney Island, N. V., is- Ijfft Luclvr. tHeuUiisj Pk.. Columbus, U„ 25- uiVa r.inf. Karl. Piifi*!. c»i., iW-:to. 1. mi. .M.mhc'h. Portland. My.. la-aa. Lmttt & Cooke. Injun, iin.'iw. ftis.. i"-^t: ' I ilea, .Manitowoc, l!.">-27; Idea, Komi du Lac, 28- Marl'lnnellh- A Sylvester. Chester Park, Clnclu- Mali'*lV: .MuVhal Four. Olympic. Hi leap. 1H-2.1. Marline Brother:*, BfllUi IiOUilon. ■ bug., IB* HO. Martin Rim., Htnferwtft** Ctwar fMM.,l»ft l Males! Ic Trln. Orpheuni. Um Angelm, Cal.. 18-.I0. Mark fc J>»H«I. White City. < : >» ,B «* »•**" , .. Mark, John a Carrie, Phillips, Richmond, inrt.. lH.*Kf; Orpheuni. KprhiKlteld, O., Uo .10. Manser A- Clemenls, Steeplechase, Atlantic Uty, X. J., 18-91. . ..... Mavno. Franklin A Co., Uuveroalor k, Atlantic Clly, N. J.. is-a:i. lllBUi Howard A Nettle, Proctor's, Newark, N. Marshall, the Mystic, Pastor's, N. V. C. 1MB. Mantell's Marionettes, Lagoon, Ludlow. Ky., 18- Martlne, Laura, lllalln. Klinlra. N- Y.. 18-110. MnrcolliiH. The, Steeplechase, Atlantic City, N. J.. MaiKtla Family, Trwluo Circus. Mexico, 18-110. Martini. Keith's, Cleveland, 1H-*!. 1 .- Marco Twins, Alamo l'k.. Cedar Rapids, la., 18- Maxsrilo & Vanellloe, Cleveland. IH-SI. ' Manulujf Trio. Calumet, Chicago, 18-3.1 ! White City, chlcano, ss-ao. ■ ■ Marie, Mile,, Lugoom Ludlow, ky.. 18-JJ. Maxwell, JM.. A. A: «-. Boalnu, 18'JiI. Marcus & Ailell, Henderson* y;, . 18-23. , *Cuuey Island, N. Massey A Kramer. Pirn-burst Park. Worcester, Mass., 18-23; Huulau'a ft., Toronto, Owl, 2..- MarJon A Dcane, Hoaa Lake. Wiwrnoekcl, R. I.. Ma churl, W. H-. & Co.. I'rocloi'a, Allwuy, N. Y., Malfcru* & Tliotuas. I'roclor'a. Albany. N. Y., 18- ■•■[ McWnieis & Tjmoii Co., Temple, Detroit. 18-^1. MuClellaii. Ja»., Bltou. Dullltti. Miiiu.. 18-33. McDowell. Jolm & Alice. Bijou. Kalrauoo. Mk-h., StrKccs (3), OiiTWnator'ti, Atlautlc Clly. N. J-, ] K ■> | .Mil.nlii ' HlatPN. I'liieburat Tark, Worcealer, Mii-s.. lH-*:i. .... ■ « « «a •>■> MrNamiT, WIiIIp Clly. Hlnahnmlmi. N. T.. W-M. McKurltind & Murray. Majesilc CWcago. l*-U- McKlution A Reed. Kaiiilly, DMmporl. Ij-'.^-SJ. McCuiTcr, Barauoo Trio, Urand Hu\>M*, Mich., 18- McNIchol, J. U.. Whlto Clly, BIughamloD, N. Y.. Bl-DnriVld. Kildle, Olentonity Pntk, Culuuiliiw. 0., iteOuSur. Myiea. & Co.. Wchom Beack Casino, M&orK' Mr'l"'^ SSr **+ Boulerard. Mel- ford, Mnhk-. 18-23. ',. . to ..i. McCune A Grant. Sluw. kokouio. , !■*» 18 —1 , rTreuiulaii'l Pk.. Danville. 111.. 2.<-30. MelTlUf ■ * Uonwiy, Oak Park. Kvjiu«vllks Ind.. 18S:t; S|»rlu«lirook Casino, Mo. Bewl, Intl.. 23- MMvllle, Frank, IMM Park, Coiwy Ulaufl, N. Y., Melroy Trio. Oru'hMim. Lima O., 18-23; Luke View Park. Terre Hank-, linl.. 2.*-30 17-^3: Ontario BeacU, Hacbeajer, N. V. -*•■»•• Miller & ldlwnnlM, SnnnyaUlo, Toronto. Cmi., 18- MirViio, KreelHirty Park. MRWpnfLR, Ij. 1S-23. Miuhell A irmla*. Orpheuin. Colnrahns, It*, HHhiSl Br.. (Bill Jt BoW. ImUHnola Fsrk. Co- linUuB. t>.. I8-23: Kalrvlcw Pk.. Dayton. JO- Ml'ljl'ary OHHIr. Cattliw. OMM View. Norfolk, Milton* i Kniser. White City. Blnghamton, N. Y., Mil..* ft BkHtHR. KellliV. Plilla.. W-2JJ. Mlloi-rihlii SUtern. MooreV. IWIIaml, Me,. 18-iI , ICellh'H. M. Y. Cm »* Mill- A.Morrla. Krllk'a. Phlla.. 1H--BJ. Moore, Tom. Kelllia. N. ^- '••• l« -■• . „ , . Morton. Tetnnlo A Morion, ItaHlnaun «. Coney Movue." '& Holta-lii. "palace, r^Hidon. Kn«.. July MiSrK Tlie. l*«T»f** ''"I-. Jj^MMWUtll, Kirn.. IT-SSI Bljnil. knlamawap. Uo-dO. MoiiUiw'ii Cwkalow . Olrnw. Yiwng u. Atlantic M.'&l! l.:i."Tonrln« Auslrla, 18-30; Orpheuji. CarlHknI. Ann.. July 1-31. Mora. Kd., Mteeidecliaw. Atlantic Clly. N. J.. MoncUre., I'Mlth. Aiistlu'a Palui Ourden, Syra- M«w.' &W* Aua'llii. Oiyiiipk- Chkairn. 18-2|{. Morion. Fred W.. Slnr. Crlnde Oreek. Col., 18--jl. Murphy, will tin. i ii i Ot>., Pnatora. N, Y. C, 18- Mnii'liy K Palmer. Brook'a Oaalno. No, Beach. N. Mmidty. 'Tl'ioiMitMrn * Mnnihy. Tnnihlliig Rtiii Park. Pollavllle. Ph.. IMS laUwl Park, .fohtiHtuwii, 25-30. ia.ni Mnrjdiy A Powell. Sprliw tJntTe, Sprlnallelil. O.. )lanV, Clayton A Drew. CnkIwi. No. Reach, N. Murray* Annie. AivUIm'h Palm tianlen. Syracuse, iMiiUHiiey, Bttr. Ua«Vnay*A tirnnd RafjMa, MHi., MulVe"j-.' RM H., »li»u. Superior. Win, 11 J;- :t U Kamaawra The. lama Park. Washington. I>. «m N«ffOMII. Harry. Alnlome. «;J".l«'rl « . .Kbh-- \«^- N,.r|ll.>, UeoMP, A Oh, Kelth-H PhlU.. IRjRk Newell &■ MI'T". Boulevard. Mr.lfm ,I,M^.. . IS . _-t. Newell. Wlllani K C>, Olynune. Chlcaao. IB Al. NIMo ^ RHey. ti. 0. II.. PHlsl'iUK. lh--'». Nt.-e. Kltlln, rVoortUwn Park, l.atrol^ Pn.. t» J-t. NlM-ano Rnw., S|»rl»»t Uiutp. MirlaKtelit, »>.. IH- NoTlii. Hohh.v, Mason. Im Ania-le*. ChI.. 'S;3°; Norworlli. .lack. Castu«. UeHM \ lew. \ji.. IR-W. (laden. Helen, Wotiderlantt, Danville, ill.. 18-3, l»'i!a5oHiT*Ma^ ..ml. Allele Purvis. Alhlel e Pk.. ««"*•«. »«:«"• tin-bens iMumly Vmr, WNbVJMbi.. J™» la n'ltourke & (ilillnm. Paradise Pk.. N. Y. *». l«* OrkdMl H w aa m ow Roys. At hint le Uanlen, N. Y. rktairae, Mart, Keiih's. N. V. «'.. IR-W- Oakamr & Wallace, Paster*. N. »■ *-■ J R ".T:1' Itlaro .latw. Idea, Dahkosli. Wla.. IH-»i WH IfTmlle. Jack. BIJiai. U OlMWe, Wis.. 8-23. Outi-nuli. II. P.. KellbX "* ,t>t, :!l- . V " l Von-i .nven. ItallT. *( Co.. C. II. H-. PMlKbnrB. 18 23. lUm The. I'uik'a Park, ranivtlle. Ind.. IB- y:i: Cheater Pk.. ClnelnnaM. 2- 30. Patlemma. lUmrullni:. Kuioke. JolianniMun-R. S. A., is-;:i': TlvoH. Cape Town. July 1-a.v Paula, The. hlorn Park. VpiniBatewa. «.. 18-J.I. Pariah, trilffal.h- Pk.. Aahliinil, k.v.. 18-ffli Of phei -Maiiadelil. <>■• 25 -311. Pauline, Primes, Pastor's. -V \. \.. W-M.. 1'a^-Mn l.a Trio. A. ft S.. Rtwd»n. tH-2.1. pni»v *( .Mae Fee. tieimetl n. Richmond, I ml.. 1S- ■Si: Ctliimhu-. O.. S4-3H. Paula. The. I*irn Park. YmmiEaluwii. «.. Ifi-J.l. Pnllrev A llwlle. Wiea'a. Uuffaln. 1H-23. Pal Ion * Van, (inveriiaWa. Allauttc Clly. N. J., 18-23. PauMneill A Phiwu. Wlntergiirleii. Berlin, ker.. I'anvali'i, Luna Park. Coney lalnitd. N. Y.. 18- Pek'hi KnuuveB, f t jial a ft Fiirh^, Clnclnnnll. 1S- hwm. La. Boukruhl. Modford. Mas*.. 181';:. 1'riNiml. Camllle. Idem Pk.. Y -31). Plane, (len. L.. Pnrk. Keene. N. II.. 1H-2:J. pcilk-Kollliit; ft ('aiuieii Slaters, Oeenn View. Nor- folk, Vh., 18-23: Rwerrolr Pk., Rlchuioml, Pouller," Cdw., CnaUl, UIwowl, I nil., 2u-30. POHt A JZiiK*ell, Kelth'a. Clerelantl, O.. 18-23; Wevern' Lake Canine,, Canton, 23-30. PolreiM 13). Lincoln Park, Cleveland, 18-23 ; Fair. Kalem, <►.. 2J-30. Potior, Uerth', Auatln'a Palm (ianlen, Syracuse,- N. Y., J«-30, Prolml. Cliulea, San Fran., Cal.. 18-23; Or|iheuuj, i.'jh Anirelea, 23-30. Pride, Billy. TumlilliiK Dam Park, Urldgetou, N. J.. 18-23. Pii'-'-IU it Uriien, Lnkewoo«1, Skuwhegan, Me., 18- 83. Pucka <2lf Yoiing'a. Athiutle City. N. J.. 18-23. tjiiaker Clly Quartette. Electric Pink, Balto., 18- 23 : Pro.rtoKa XM HI.. N. Y. C. 23 So. Qolgg. Maekey ft Nlckeraon. Electric, Alhauy, N. V.. 18-23; Celeron, Jainealown. 23-30. Itnyui'oiit L Cuverly, Proclor'a 23d St.. N. Y. c, (B-23. Hunt ft llanf, Bijou. Ln Cnww. Wis.. 18-23. Ruatiia A Banks. Duchesa, Bilhnm. Bug., 18-23; Pal.. Blackburn, 23-30. * Ray, Kretl, A Co.. Proctor a, Allmuy, N. Y.. 18- Hadlti'H Monkeya, Luna Park, Couoy laUudl, N. Y.. 18-23. lIUYcnacron. Clmrlottc, Tenijile. Detrtdt. 18-23; Lakeside Pk., Akron, O., 23-30. Undo ft lii'i'linaii, KoUIi'm, Hoaton, 18-23. Radrnrd & Vali-nllne. Ilarraafiird Tour. Ktlg., 18- Jnly II; Caia* Tuwn. S. A.. JO-Aug. 31. "lied Haven Cadeta," Freelaaly Park, Newport, It. I,. 18-23. Reno A Atoru. Olympic. Chicago, 18-23. Bedford A Wlncliestor, Hivervlew Park. SHglnaw. Mick., 18-23 : WenniiH Park, Bay Clly. 2ft-3o. neno. Willie ft May. Shccdy'a, Fall River. Maaa., 18-23; Nuliunl, 23 30. Ileklaw, Heckleaa, West Kuil Park, New Orleaus, La.. 23-3t». Reynard, Kd. P.. Mlewwoil Park. Rlrbmnml. Vn., IB-SI: Pmutor'a 2*1 St.. N. Y. C, 23 30. Rellly. J.-iliniiy. llergcn Reach, N. Y . 18-23. Rhlneliurt, Stella, Henrteraon's. - Coney lataiul, N. Y., 18-2:1. Rhode* & Carter. Athinilc Ganlcn. N. Y. C, Rice & ICImer, PnH-tor's, Newark. N. J.. 18-23. Rice ft-Prevoat. Victoria. N. Y. C, 18-23. Rich. Jack &. Uertba, Keith'a. Boa ton. 2S-30. Rlchanla. Spring Lake. Trentuii, N. J.. 18-23. UlliH. .kllln. A Co.. Sheita. Buffalo. - 18.23. Rio Bros. ia},i Hong Lake. WouimoOkct, R. I., 18- 23: Brookahle Park, Athul.. .Mam, 25-30. RoHiwiw- Midget a, Fontaine Ferry Park, I^iulavllle, Ky., 18-23. Howe. May. C. c. if.. Stuushad. Que., 18-2.1; Newport, Vt., 23-30. RikkIc, 'MHrvehiua. Tuiuhllug Run Park, Potla- rllle. Pu-. 18-23. . ibiiij Roaalre & Doreto. kellli's. N. ^. C. 18-23. Rosalrri. The, Rast Knd Park, Meniphls, Tenn., 18-23: West Knd Park, Npw Orleans, 23-30. RaeUift l^wls. Koip.. Burnley. Kng., 18-23; Tlv., ilriniNhy. .23-30; Varieties. Leipxlg, Gev., July 1-28. Rousell. Marvelous, Leavenworth. Kan.. 18-23. Rngera. Will H-. Palaue. l^inloii. Kug.. 18-Jiily Rona'y Slalera. Pi-ock>r'a 23d St.. N. Y. C- 18-23. Ramtaaak Kngllah, San I-niu., Cal.. 18-23. Rohhlns ft Trenniiuin, tiuvernntor a, Atlantic City, S. J., 18-23. Ban Ray L-. Keith'a, N. Y. C, 18-23. Itoyal Operatic Bullet. Feaala A Furlea, Cluciu- nail, H-3B. , D „■ Riis-ifll. I^ilh. Majestic. Chicago. 18-23, Salemu, New York Hoof. N. Y. C., 18-23. Salmon A Cheater, Keith'a. Cleveland. 18-23. Saliera. Proctor's. Albany. N. Y.. 18-23. . Salo, O. K., Alracar fl'Kte, Paris. Ft'.. 18-July 20; Moss Tmir. Kng.. 23-31. Saiituni A Marlow, Orphlum. Portbinoutli, ()., 18-23: Bllou. Wheeling, W, Va.. 23:10. Santell. Oreiit, Bljon. Llneolti, Neh., 18-23; Kast- HnePk.. Part*. Tex.. 23-30. Sawyer. Harry Clinton. Spring drove, Springfield, *'8iui/Fn"nclaco," Dreamland, Coney Island, N. Savoy Quartette. Avon Pk.. YoungHtown. 0., 18- 23; Park. Neweaslle. Pa-. 23-30. Sanders, Dean A Sanders, Lagouu, LlidloW, Ky., BiwMn. Mm Ci-jbtal. Delmlt. 18-23. Subel, J(rse[thlno, Collaeum, l«udon. Kng., 18- Sh'epp'a Dogs A Potilea, iJtkesltle Purk. Daylon, O.. 1S.2.'I. Sears. Ramona Pnrk. tknnd Utiplds. Mich.. 18-30. Seymour & Dupree, Tlvotl. Sydney. N. H. W., 18- Seymours. The. Linn's. Buffalo. 18-23. Serellia, Luha tie. Chester Park. Ciiudtinatl. 18-2.1. Searcy. Ileo.. National, Kmuphh City. Mo., 18-30. Selblnl, Lalla. Vlelurla. N. Y. C, 18-23. Seiiipms. The. Kelllt's. PRk., 18-23; Keith's. Boaton, 23-30. , , . . Seymour & Hill, Music Hall. Brighton Beach. Shields A .tiall'. iJuvenialor'a, Allantlc City, N. J.. IS-23. Sheihlao A Forest, Crystal. Denver, Col., 18-23. Shlrharl, Alison. Crystal. Delhdt. 18-22. Sheldon. Wallace. Acme. Norfolk. V«.. 18-23. Shnk ItroM.. Feusis A Furies. Clnclnnnll. 18-23. Slmriooka. The, Knatllne Park. Dallas, To*.. 18- 23. Shaw. Lillian, Proctor's. Newark. N. J.. 18-23. Slmv. Pete. Sti-eidechnse, Atlantic City, N. J.. 18-aa. Sluingopuvl. Temple. Detroit. 18-23. ; Sleta-rt. Alex. A wife, Luna Park. Coney Island, N. Y.. 18-Sl. SlmniM. Reoulde. I.ci Augelea, Cal., 18-23; Sun plcgo. 23.30. Slrfdoli Bros., Shuilysldo Park, Baltimore, 23-30. Sloan, Blanclie. IdlcwUd Park, Richmond. Va.. 18- Teal, Raymond, Fontaine Ferry Park, Loulevllle, Thonie. Mr. ft Mrs. Harry, Fllctthuw. MafiB., 18- 23; Wooiisucket, R. L, RWWl Tlmralon, Ureal. 8haiitflial, China. 18-JO; Cal- cutta, ln'i.. July 1 31. Thomas. (Jeorge. Star, Atlanta. 8-23. While. Kd. B. A Bulla. Oakland Park. Plttahurg. 18-23. White, Stuart, A Co.. IiigersoU Park, Des Moines, la.. IB-23. Whipple, Waldo. Plnehurat Pk., Worcester, Mass., Wllllelcy A Bull, Ciislno. Burgen Beach, N. Y., 18- 23. Wilson. Jnek A Co., Mualc Hall, Brighton Beach, N. Y., 18-23. Wills & Hasson. Keith's. Boston, 18-23. Simon's Pk.. Muneie, 23-30. Wllaoii. Crace, Sipc, Kokouio. Ind.. 18-23; Wilson Trio. Forest Park. St. Louis. 18-23. WiaMnniu, Allen. White City, Chicago, 18-23; Nlnewah Pk., Peru, 1ml.. 23-30. Winter. Winona. Pnirtw's Newark. N. J.. 1R-23. Wilkes. Mattle, Mosa A Stoll Tour, Kng., 18-July KL Plttuhurg, 18-23; Smlrl A KessiH-r, G. O. I Keith's. Cleveland. 23-30. Smiths, Musical, Orpheuoi. St. Paul. Minn.. 18-23. Smith A Baker, Caaeade Pk., Newcastle. Pa., 18- Stidlii. Peter J.. Main St.. Penrlu. 111.. 18-30. Smith. Hay. White City. Cliii-ago. IB-Si. Snvdev A Buckley. - Woolwrniu's. latnvaater. Pa-, 18-St. SoitHU-s & Liiw, tkivernnlor'a, Atlnnlie Oily, N. 3., SaUlHHill Piiul. Preetnr's 2*1 Si.. N. Y. C. 18-23. S|ns.k MliiMrela, Victoria, N. Y. t:.. 18-23, Simigne A Mack. ». II.. Newcastle, Ind., 18-23; Slpe'a, KokmiHi. 23-31*. Siohierl A Thomas. Lnkeshie Park. Dayton. O.. 18-SI; Park. C'dumhus, 23-30. Stanley k Aiken, BIJimi. Applelon. Wis.. 18-23; nil. .1), Maihvrtle, JWW, Slitpioloii A Clianey, Oilmen ill, 0.. 18-23; hlle. Pa.. 23:io. Stunley ft Wilson. (!.- O. D„ I'ttkluirg, 18-23; Temple. Detndl, 33-30, Steelv, Ihitv A Om?, Ingeranll Park, Dcs Moines, la.*, 18-23. m , Stanton ft Modsmi, Keith's. Beaton, 18-23. Stanton. Ilerliert R.. Inman'H, Coney Island. N. V. 18-23; Hrh'a, N*n. Ileneli. 23-30. Stuart & Raymond. White City, Syracuse, EC Y.. 18-311. Shdxmau ft Crawford. Nippon Park, .Tcraey Shore. Sleaer. lullus, A Co., Proctor's 23d St., N. Y. C Slatiler ft Lismard. Keith'a. N. Y. C... 18-23. Slovens, Edwin, Shea's. Buffalo. 18-23. KtlitsiHi-A Merliai. Pristor's. Newnvk, N- J.. I8-2 U . Stuart A Weoley Troradero. Pldla.. 18-23. Shtarl A La.Vardn. Pnrk. Wheeling. W. Va.. 18- Stewart. Mr. ft Mrs. Col.. Bijou. La Crowe. Wis., m.'':t Park. Plttsharg. IS-23. Lake Park, (intiirli), Oil is -j 31. 18- WlMlnms A Stevena, Bijciu, Ewiinaha, Mich 23. Wilson A Morim, Athinilc Uanlen, N. Y. C. 18- 23. Williams A Pullman, Pavilion, Inmdhpiolt, N. \., 18-23: Casino, Ontario Reach, 23-30. Winter & Hughes. Lrikmide Pk.. Akron. 0., 18* 23: Spring drove l'k.. StirlngDcld. 23-30. WiKlctte. Kstelle. & Co,, Oleiitaiigy -Park, Coltim- hits, O., IS-23 World A Kingston. Weuotm Reach. Buy City, Mk-h., IH-Si: Riverside Park. Saginaw. 25-30. Woodward's Seals, Victoria, N. Y. C 1H-23. Wtsul. Franela. Mrumliegii Park. Boston, 18-23. Wood. Juliet, A Co.. Ilwkir'a, N. Y. C 18-SI. Wolf A Zndellu. Spring drove Pk., Springfield, 0.. 18-23: Lakeside Park. Akron. 2ri-30. Wolthic'x Stallions. Paragon Park. Boston, 18-23. WmsKonl & Miirlhoio. Harter. Wahash. Ind., 18- 23; Oyatal. .Toledo, O., 23-3II. Woodwurtl. V. P., Ulen Haven Park, Rochester, N. Y„ 18-23. Wolff's Leaping Hounds. I.umi Park, Coney 1s- laml, N. V., IK-SI. Wvekoff, Preil. A Co., Lake Park, Muskegon, Mich., 18-23: Caaluo Park. Kulama&oo, 23-30. Wv^iiM, Leo, Musical. Beach, Key Port, N. J., 18-23. Yeaaer. Edward C, Crysial Park. SeilallH. Mo., 18 23. Yeartun, Llllle. Austin's Palm Garden, Syracuse, N. Y., 18-30. Yeager &. Yeager, Paloce, Loinkm, Kng.. 18-July 31. Young America Quintette. -Henderson's, Coney Is- land. N. Y.. 18-23. -Voting & Ln Dell, Sliver Lake Park, White Plains, N. Y., 18-23. Young Slaters. BIJoti, Norfolk. Va.. 18-23. Young. Tot. Orpliium. Mansfield. 0., 18-23. Youngs & Brooks, Renwlck Park. Ithaca, N. Y.. 18-23. ZimoniH, 'Cycling, CHalno, No. Beach, N. Y. G„ 18-30. Zswl A: Vernon, Shea's, Buffalo. 18-23. Zara & Stetson, Henderson'*, Coney Island, N. Y.. 1S23. KarelleH, Tlte, Atlantic tlarden, N. Y. C. 18-23. Emu, .Ionian & Zeno, Filll* Clrcua, Cape Town, S. A., IK-Julv 14. Zhniiit-itimii. Al. & PcHtl. Wallace Pk., Piidiicah, Ky.. 18. 23. Zimmerman, Willy. Clinics, San Fran., Cal., 18- 23. KiskH A King. San Fran., 23-28. Zoiilxndske's. The. Lyric. Ft. Smith. Ark., 18-23; Lvrlr. So. McAllaier. I. .T„ 23-30. Ziitlln. EliiL, Luna Park, Washington, D.O.. 18-2:1. ON thl: It Oil). Cedar Itiipldn. — At (jreenc'a Uperu Mouse (Will S. Collier, munngen the two weeks uC Itrat class vaudeville cloned IV. The tiftn an- iiuul aeaalun of Ibc Iowa Calliollc Temper- unce Union waa held 5. luwa Statu Bankers* twentieth anoual convention, 13, 14.< Scml- CeutennlHl Industrial meeting. 13. Manager Collier left 15, for New York City, to book uttructlona for next season. Pbopi.k'8 i Vic Hugo, munager). — The aca- mjii cloaed IT. with these people the Inst week : Sells aud Wells, ltuckwuy and Conway, Wlltluiu Mausaey, Buy W. Fay, flfid the bio- Km ph. Mitnager Hugo bus charge of the vaudeville theutro at Alumo Pnrk, Ai;dito»il'M IT, A. Ilerkcblle, muuuger). — lowu Stutc llaukers' nutuiHl bumjuct, 13, of which 7 J.j partook. Semi-Centenulal Jubilee Chorua Concert 14, 2U0 voices, K, A. Len, director, Mui-lun Ureeu and Jennie Tlmteber Uenc-li. of Chleitgo, aololata, aecoui- jitinlcd by Agne^ Koubtt, pianist, aud Jacob Schmldt'a Orvbutru. S. It. O.. over 2,3110 paid admissions. Seml-Cctitennhil mllltury and fraternal ball 15. Alamo I'auk |0. K. Burton, mnnnger).— Tliis l>eautlful und much needed resort wim foruinliy opened 11 with 3,000 people pres- ent. Appropriate uddreasea by I'reBtdeut Wheeler, Mayor Connor and Vice President Crosby, from the vaudeville stuge, were fol- lowed by tbls excellent bill, which continued all week : Do Mora and Urazetta, Lottie Munro, Fernandez and Muy, the Nellos, the Alamos-ope und Schmidt's oreheatrn.. Other attractions: Uuoen Marvin's temple of palm- istry, shoot the chutes. Ferris wheel, merry- go-'round, roller akntlng rink, dunclng pu- villon, shooting galleries, etc., with an im- mense roller couster, or rlgurc 8, und other features to follow boon. Tim Walmce Ciiiciih, 13. parade und pc?r- fui'uiunce, was the best ever given here by Mr. Wallace. The aide show has never been. excelled here. FOHKt'AUyH-SHM.S BlOW.' ClltCUS 1s dllC 2o. Notes. — Advance car >'o. U, Foropuiigli- Sells Bros.,' Chas. Atkins, raunucer, was here 10, 11 iCar No. J of tlte Wallace Shows, In rhariie. of Manager lluas,v, was here G V. H. Siurgls' creation, "Volcano l>ustructlun of St. Pierre,*' moving plrturps, with Prof. Milliard, muglrliui, were at the lot at First Street and Second Avenue, West, 14-1(1...;. Two colored men. former employes of the Wallace Shows, who hkd wruppeil themselves. In canvas under a wagon on a flat car, were pulled with the canvas under the wheels of the moving train, about ten mtles from here, the morning of 13. A rupc atluchcd to the canriia Inn! become wrapped around an ■\y.\o. Fred Walker, who had been nsslsfunt cook, was found dead, and Jones, recently one of the canvus men, lost both legs, and. with Walker's body, was taken to Olln for attention. The men had not been In the emnloy of Mr. Wallace aince June 7,,..The city's seml-,:entenulal week, June 10-lti, was ituroprhitely celebrated with a day eueh Tor entire]], civic and his- torical, women's and educational, industrial. Kohetnian-Amerlean, fraternal and mllltury meetings, celebrations unri parades. Among tin 1 bands were : Kouba's, Kublcck's, fit l Mm', [fane Plain, Western, Lisbon and Stoic University Military Band. Two Tlo- hetnliin plays were given 14, "Nasi Finland'' ("The ltrnggart>-"» In c. S. I'. S. Hull, and "Clzt Zlnto, Nebolazl" ("Thou Shalt Not Steal"). In 81. Josoph'a Hall, both to «i- purlly t-mwds, by home litlenl. There were liurse races ut Ihe Driving Pnrk, 13, 13, 14, and Imaebalt, at Athletic Turk, 14, 15, 10. ln the frate'.'nul putude, Klks Lodge, .-'31, was represented by an old stage conch, con- taining Us officers, and the first aud the present mayors of Cedar Rapids, Druthers I. N. .Whit tain, 18&0, and A. 11. Connor, 1000. Tbt! lodge' kept open house, for visiting I-Mks 15 At Will Uossltcr's music depart- ment, In the Denceke Store. 11-14, the hoe burltonc voice of Will J. Dickey, of Chicago, whs often heard by delighted crowds. He opens 17. for two weeks, at the White City. Chicago, with La Hosaier's Bund. C. H. Aditnis, a former resident of this clly. and Mat-ton. wits here 1(1, 11. He Is Mccrt'titiy ol the Cusmoptditan Shows aud Wild West, which exhibited at Dubuque, II- IH The Codtir Itaplds Angles won three games of baseball, 10. 1] and 12, ut Oetwela. Muynard and West Union. . , ringer, of the Crescent Theatre, Is hack at this old Mummer punt, selling tickets at t,he Buscbnll Park The Mimd Danhi Novelty Co. was organized here week ul ;i. will) a capital of live Ihousund dollars the object being to give eotertitlnment at Atliletlc Park for the remainder of the sea- aon Among the stockholders are: J. ,\| Leveci|ue nnd Henry Hlehtor, two weli known newspaper men: John It. Cefaler Maude Daniels and others. It Is the Inten- tion to open the season 24 Archie M Cox, general mnnnger of Athletic Park, bus resigned his position, und gone to Salt Luke city, where he will ncHitme the management ut the new Grand Theatre. .... .Mr. Allison representing Saui S. A ua Shubert t'o.. Ltd' was « Crescent City visitor week of JO. . litis Lehmnun Jr. applied to the Civil dk. trkc Court for n receiver to be dppoinied for Athletic Park 1-1. Mr. Lehmunn was formerly president ut the Athletic Park Amusement Co., Ltd., aud Is a big stock- holder of the company. «» » WASHINGTON. Seattle.— At the Grand Opera House Russell A Drew, lessees) the Snn Kiiiii- tlsco Open Co., In "The Wedding Day." wna enthusiastically received by crowded Iiouko<; June 4 and week. "The Nightingales" II and week. "Princess Chin" IS and week. tifUTTUl (John Cort, manager).— The Mack Swain Co., In "The Helle of Rk-hiuoml," :t and week, did excellent business. The llovnl Hawaiian Band, In concert, l.l-i:i: the Mink Swain Co., 14-lti, tn "The World;" Mink Swalu Co., In repertory, 18 and week. Tlllltti Avkmij; (Itnssell & Drew, tutiiia- gers). — The Ayleswortli Co., in "Slaves of the Orient," u and week, hud big attendance The Aylesworth Co., In "Midnight in China- town," 10 and week ; "The Toilers" 17 aud week. St a it OS. J. Donellan, mnnuger). — New nt- trm-tions 11 and week: Kllsworth and Burt Kdmii'd Wtildumnn, Three Musical KtftaaH. Peter Duosworth, Falunlo, Bert Levy and moving pictures. ■ OiU'Hkum (T. J. Consldlne. manager).— New attractions -week of 11: Bessie Neilson, Simpson and Walton. Kmclie Walt. Broad- way Trio, Coyne und Tingling, Truccy Mc- Dermott, and moving pictures. Pastaoks (Alex I'ahtnges, munuger).— New attractions week of 11 : Prof. limit 1 ,'* Dog and Monkey Circus, McChmd and Mel- vii.c. Grace Huntington and couiiihuv, Jeanette Mandevllle, Hert Goff, Arthur Kl- well. .mil moving pictures. SriiAvn (Muse lioldsmlth, mamiReri.— New attractions week of 11 ; The Cliffords, NftiUno Fletcher and Urace Hall. (lAIBCX i I 1 ' inl Kllchln, manager ). — New Httraettous 11 and week: Marie and Dollie Clemens. Mihiu Seymour und Annie Richards. Thai. i a (MUK Goldsmith, munacer).— New aftrtictlons 11 and week: Horeuce Klllott. Jean Lee und (ilndys Clarke. Noti:.— Bert Done! tan, who whs manager of the Lyceum Theatre. San Francisco, at thn time of the disaster, Is visiting relatives hi this city. ■■♦ ' ■ ' Tm-oniii. - ,\t the Tuenmu Theatre (Chas. II. Herald, manager), June 10. "The Parish Priest." presented by the Brandon Plavets. with Raymond Alton as leading man. Same company hII week of 11. In repertory. Royal Hawaiian Band, Captain H. Bcrgcr, director. 'JiiANO (I>. B. Worley, innDager). — Week beglntitiig 11 : Armslt'on« und Holly. Ann Hamilton and company, Mack und Tate, the llofftmius, l''rank Itownan, In Illustrated sont;, and (.•raudlscotie. lOxcellent luislness. SrAtt (II. m. Owens, munnger). — June in, matinee and night, Allen Stock Co., pri-seui- fng "Kidnapped." Week beginning II. "The Lime Kiln." William V. Mong, who jolnrd the company 11, will play the leading rolr. Other principals : Vernu Kelton, Charles Klnc. lafrlu Kelley nnd Kthel Roberts. Charles Dale Is the villain. Hood business roles. Crystal t W. J. Tlmmons, managev).— Week beginning 11 : Four t.corjtCK and Bobby Boyle, F. II. Stumneld, To|wy Turvy Trio. Mickey Fee ley, Tom Lit Rose, In Illustrated uong, and motion pictures. 4i> WISCONSIN. Keokuk,— At the Cusino (Dodge A Reeves, manager*) the Myrkle-Hurder Stuck < o. Is in Hit! third week of ti .font weeks" en- gagement, and is drawing good und well pleased houses nightly. Joii.v ItoHi.vsu.v's Cibcuh exhibited here lo good buulness S, aud guve excellent sut- lafactlou. Snpplciitentnl List — Ueeelred Too Lille for Cluaalflenllon. Aiik-eM's CoiuetlUiiH (.1. S. Aiitfell. ragr.) — LiiU- eiiKler. Mil. la-Si. Memphis Uo-HO. Cuhmilm' Wihl West— Kllsworth, Me.. 21. Ksat- nnrl lL fla—ilfUlail SIiowm iinit VIM West (H. Snyder, uejt. iiiKi-. i— Charles Clly, la., 1S-1TLS, Austin, Minn.. HA4W. Cosiuo|iolitiiu Aniiisiunent Co. (J. 11. Autteiboii, ceu. injir.) — .huleuemleiit'e. In. 18-i:i. liiirnrL'HVi-s' Clrcus—tJIens Falls. N. V.. 21. Sara- ti>KH 22, Scht'iiectwtly SII. Mi'i-hiinlcavllle 2>*>, North Ailtiius. Musk.. I'll. Creoiitleltl 27. Hulyoks 29. ClileoiH'e Fillla 211. Northampton 30, Marka Hiiih. (Joe Marks, inur, > — St. John, Que., Cuii„< 1H-2:L Momitv'x, J. A., Pnvillun Show — Aililistai, N. Y., 22, Campbell 23, Siivoiia 2,"). HhIU 20. Osninii Stock (John Osimin. uigr.) — Hh mil ton, 0., 24-Jul.v T. "I'ncle Tihii's Cabin." Muii.v's — Stanhope. N. J., 20. Umuehvllle 21, Fruiiklln Fiiriuiee 22. Hut*- I'ttslown 23. U'li-hhitton -T-. Newton 20, Ox- fonl 27, Dover 2S. 4 i > LOUISIANA. N«w OrlciuiM.— At Athletic Park (Alh- U'tlc Park Aitiusemeut Co.,- Ltd.. lesseesl the management reports good business week of June K). The change of bill look place as usual mi Jlondny night, and was applauded by a large sized and uppreelultvo. audience. Cluyton, Jenkins Htid Jasper scored ihe'r usual hit, for the second week, while the new- comers, Holan and Lenhnrr. Ziuupii and KthH Cilkey, Avete well received, the last named icspondlnK tu muny rem Ms at each iicrfonu. itnce. The bill for week of is Enehidw: Dolun and Lenharr and three oilier nets. The management hnve luiiugurated the free aamlsslon to the grounds, which draws large crowds. wwt Kxn (Tom Winston, mnnnger I. — Immense crowds visited this popular hike resort week of It), and « good vaudeville lull, together with Fisher's Hand nnd (he kino- drome •> tided to the pH-uaitre. Count He Ruiz and Brother und bona* and Lone*, the 1 1 old a vers, repealed their previous week's triumphs, while lite Frederick Fumilv and MUvrfinkce. — Very little is doing In Ihe amusement line at present. Wonderland has lieou offering excellent attrnctlous, bur the weather bus been against Manager Whaling. Davidson. — Tin; Bruwn-Baker Stock t.'n. continues (o find great favor and have packed houses at every performance. "Dntof the Fold." was put on last, week, aud scored a decided hit. Ward Bilker, violinist, is being beard In solo work between the acts, and U proving Immensely popular. "The Little Min- ister" week of -June IS, followed week of 23 by "Mr. names of New Yufk." liuoi: (John It. Pierce, resident manugen. — Tlte liouso closed Id, with James Kyrte Mact'tirdy. In "'The O.d Clothes Man." Tim closing week was up to the best of the sea- son, 'Air, MncUurdv and Kale Woods Klskft both being warm favorites In tbls clly, hav- ing been with the Tbanhausci' Stock Co. ful- some yours. Chystai,, — Munuger 1>\ B. Winter offers Iho Herald Square Comedy Four, Adonis Tiiybm, Hall Sisters, unci tin; CJIbsons, week of IS. Business continues excellent. Notes. — The Hagouhoek Show Is billed for 18, HI Rlngllug Bros, come .Monday. July 2 The Star uud Urand Themtrex closed Sunday, 10 Chaunlng Pollock'* new play. "Clothes," will have lis premier lit ihe Davidson Theutre, July 2, by the Brown- Baker Stock Co. Mr, Pollock will arrive In Milwaukee June li.1, to superintend re- hearsals. In tllQ event of "Clothes" being a success, It Is understood It will be a vehlchi for Annie Russell next season. u-fo-lk, Va„ St. John" & I.e 1'evre. Knrk Sprbms Park. F. LiveriMwl. Ik. IH-St) Lakesltle Park, Oautoii. •J."» 30. St. Julian. M.. talnntl Park. KtiHtou. Pa.. 18-2J ; Lakr-vlew Park, Mldilletown. Conn.. 25*30. Sully & Pliel!"*. Oljuiplf. Chleuiw, 18-23. SidllvHii & Ailunif. Audttorhini, Norfolk IS 23. Sully Famiiy. Pastor's. N. Y. C, 1H-2:I. Summer* &- ■ Winter*. Oedfroy s. tlrmul Rnpiils. Writ., 17 23. Swan A llamlmnl. Mwuv'a. Pnrllsnd. Me.. 18-33. Swor A We-.thmok. HI.H»u. Superior. Wla.. IS-23: ■mvu. wtntihH-c fan.. 2J-;m. Sylvester, Lswretne A II rave, Piialor s, N. \. I .. Svimioda. Jack. I'srk, Laston. Pa.. IS-yj; Park, Alieiiltwu. 2^-30. ___, SvlvKii A O'Neal. SteepK-hane. llriiiBeporl, Conn., ' 18-23; S«vln eck. New Haven.- 2ft-:iO. • Tiiauarl Family. Feasts anil Furlea, Cincinnati, IS-23. Timn. Billy. Cr.VHlal. Aiuler-oa. lnd„ IS-23. Tnvler. it--. i Urmiil, Marlnt. Ind.. IN-23. TnVlna. Onliulo Heaeh, X. Y„ IS-23; Haiihtit's PC. Toronto, Osu., 25-30. Ti-aae A Daniel*. Olympic, Chlcapt. 18-23. TctuilK Trio. Umpire. Atchison. Kan.. IS-23. Templet ou, Clarke, Bellevue Park- Toledo, 0,, IT-30. WrJKhi'a Drainatlc (K. K. Wrlahu .ngr.)— Slade- Lavlne and- Leonard were cordially received .. Mhm., 18-23. ButterfleM '2 _ . for their clever work. The I'errls wheel ami W.iitlihnrti A D'Aliua's Animal Show — Sonlh FraialiiKh'iUi. klaiw.. 22. 23, l'ltclihurg 25, 20, Clinton 27. 28, Altlcboro 2«. 30, Yomnf, Iklwln, Stock — Daubury, Coun., 18-23. 4 ■ ♦ MAHYLAND. other novelties continue lo good bualutisi.. Bill for week of IT Includes: (illllhiiu and Perry, and Anna Frnnkltn. The Frederick lujnlly and Lavlne und Leonard will be the hold overs. The klnodromo will show new slides. Notes,— Professor Km lie Jastram, the well known solo violinist, was married here, week of 10, to Ih'flha Adtilph (non-prores.shmalt Many lelpgNiniK of congruiulniloits from pro- ipNKlonnl friends througtiotil Mie country were recolved by the groom Kd. H. Fnlloii. of the Hilton Bros., has entlinrketl In the hotel busliiesx. und Ik now the manager of the Her- mania House, of Mils clly ... .J. K. l^yacano, Iho owner of Old Heidelberg and other at- tractions ut Athletic Park, has returned Kan Clnlrc At the Crund (C. P, Mnon. mutineer t "Cnde SI llasklim," June it, came to splendid business, both matinee ami even- ing. Third closed the season ut (he Hrnnd. Cmqi'K (Wm. Armond, inunagcr).— Peuph; lor 11 nnd week: Delia Wnlson, Musical needs, Wm. Armond, Freeze Brothers, tba Carnellas. and Prof. Harrluglon. Puckcd houses ruled. NotEs.— Campbell Bros.' Circus cornea lft Hagcnbeck's Animal Shows 211. I-n CroMHt! At tlic Hijou (Al. Schuhi-rg, niHuager), hill for week of June 11 : Chsiley Harris, Lewis and Lessington. Mile. Aline, Mounts and Del Mar. and Jack O'Toole. Bind- nets was good. Bill week of June IS: Ham- ilton und Wiley, Rant -and Kuaf, Mr. nnd Mrs. Cal Stewart, Baby Alary, and Jack U'Xoole. ♦ *» KANSAS. nnllimort*. — The Lyric (Beruhnrd t'lrlih, nMMffri dosed lis very prosperous Sum- iner season HI, as did (be Cayety i W. L, H:tl- Inuf mnnagerl, leaving the city without it theatre open fur several weeks tn come, The llr«i year »f Hie latter -house proved even more successful than whs expected. L.i,ttrj'itic I'auk (SehunherKcr A Irwin, manngera. — The current bill Includes: 'J,"he cjuaker City Quartette. Doherty Slaters, Jucobs' Dtigs. Camel II and Kddy. und Mlllan mtteh benefitted In health, and reports good !>ref. ntislnpRs wob very good last week fle- '» splie the ttnfnvomble weather. a » > NEBRASKA. KreiutMil. — Sells-Kioto Circus came to fair business June ft Pattersun-Bromard Caiulrul Co. week of IS. business fount Pete Laliorinte. of tre„- eent nnd Tulanf Thentre fame, has relumed from Marshall. Tex., ami run be found as-nlu holding the turnstile at the Baseball Pnrk, 1V. ,U V, P .I 11 ! lB ,. tt l','i: fflvorlte President \\. Ij. lehnult and Manager T. J. Cannon, of the -[iro|HHtnl new White City Amusement Co., are preparlnjr plans for their new enterprise ou Uelarle Bldge Tteasurer George Bar- WleliHn At the CrawfordlE. L. Mart- Hug, umnauer) "The Two Vagaluuids" was preMMiteil b'v the high school, to large audi- ences, June 14. 10. Buoii Autmijit; (C. 13, Oleson. maimgor*. —Bui for week ending 17: Demon* and Dlnsmore, Hie Closes, Kurrell Spencer and the. Bljougruph, Wi)XtiK«L.\XO I'AUK TllBATIlB (J. T. KUttlft miuiagerl. — The, Chusc-CIcments Co., In "A True Kentucklun," week of 111. The faiuoiH Itlckett l-'nmlly (neriallsts) la the free at- traction in the purk. ' ■ ' — ■ l.onvetuvnrtli. — At. Ihe People's Summer Theatre (M, J. CttntilnghAin. mnnagerl bus!- nefts cnnllnties BidendhL Hill week of Jitna 17; Cook nnd Ontn, the Mozarta, Reckless Itomnl, Dcleplione, eongs and pictures. Anna Johnston baa. been engaged by Guy Standing for bis stork company at the Co- lumbia Theatre, Washington, D. C. June 23. T$t& NI&W YORli: CLIPPER. 487 MINNESOTA. .UliiiicnpollN. — At tlio Metropolitan Opera House 1 1*. N, Seott, manager) Ferris Stock < \> In "An American Cltlxen," drew fnlr bouses .lime 30 and week, "Dorothy Ver- non, of Hnddon Hall,'' IT and week ; Ker- rla Stock Co., In "At Pluey Ridge," 2i and BiJoU ui'kka Hours (T. L. Hhvf, ninrisi- ^ii ■-■■,Ah Told In tlie Hills" had good busi- ness 10 and week. Thin theatre closed Sun- day eveuiug, 17, for the Summer, " liYrEi'M it. C\ Sneers, uinnager). — "Monte Crlsto" wns well received 10 and week. "By Illght nf Sword" IT and week, "Christo- pher' Jr." hnvlng been canceled. "At the Rainbow's lmd" will be repeated 24 and Unique (John Elliott, manager).— Illli for ' ]0 and week: Tbe Freexe Bros., Bell Trio, Mnsi.nl Reeds, the Gurnellas, Irene Little, Herman La Flenr, In illustrated songs. Busi- ness flu' 1 11 aud week. \Vundbiu.asi> Park. — Special features for 17 and week: The Four Alvluos, Boman ring! 1 ; and Leniunt's Animal Show. Dulutb.— At the Bijou (Joe Maltland, manager) the usual Inrge business ruled last week, The Campbells, In ii musical act, pleased- Clnud Austin, comedy juggler, wan Suud. and Swor and Wearbiook, slnscrs and aucers. had to respond to encores. Morey Limit Illustrated singer, gave "Tin; Bell of the Hall-'' Vnrdamau Wllhelma Francis Co., Id "The Hold Up," pave a good performance. Bill IS and we?k: The Medallion Trio, Eddie Gray and company, Fdward Kcllie, the Wul- toos, Morey Long, .las. McCiellau, Mojor A. LaughllD. and the pictures. Metropolitan iW. II. Longstreet, mana- Ser). — Mahnra-s Minstrels and Vaudeville Co. ad good business I), 10. Savoy (H. U. lladlleld. manager), — Busi- ness was fairly good for the past week. NnTM. — Thu City Council amendment to the circus license ordlnace placed on Its fli-wt reading, provides that circuses charging an ndtutssion of more than twenty-five cents shall pay ?BO0 dollars, those charging '£* cents and under must pay $100 a day. The amendment does not effect dog, monkey and pony shows The White City Is climbing up. Tnore is n large number of men em- ployed on the grounds, leveling hills of sand and chopping down trees ana under brush, to gel ibe place ready by July 1. i St, I'anl. — At ihe Grand Opera House (Theodore L. Havg, manager) the George Fawcett Co., Id "Friends, will open the Summer season of several weeks, beginning June IT. The house has been undergoing acme repairs, und 12, an electrician fell from the scaffolding, and It 'wan at tlrst thought was fatally Injured, but he has progressed favorably and wilt recover. Tup accident was wholly the fault of the Injured person. Okphrum (Charles Frerek, manager).— Business continued big week of 11. There wilt be the sumo bill week of 18, with the addition of the Musical Smiths. i:\Ei-jjiK (A. Welnhnhser, manager). — Busi- ness was good week of 11. The Nelsons will close IT, but otherwise nil the others will hold over week of 18. Mention. — Work progresses favorably on the Auditorium, and on the New Orpheuw. The girders are almost all put in place In tbe former'; a ml* It Is an-lmmense structure. It look* now a» if It will be completed in time for the Baengerfest in August. The Or- pbeutn will be one of the prettiest ''theatres In the city, when completed. The walls are; well up. und the color of the brick is rich. The entrance ou the corner of St. refer and Fifth Streets will be a feature of the struc- ture. «>» ALABAMA. Mobile.— At Monroe Park Theatre (M. A. McDrrmoti, malinger) the Summer season opeueu June 11, with Wills* Musical Comedy Co., for nn Indefinite slay. It is probable that the company will combine with other performers and put on opera. Tbe opening bill was "In Atlantic City." Rill for latter part of week. "Two Old Cronies." Notes. — Three thousand dollars or more were expended by t lit; Mobile Light and Kail- road Co., on I lie alterations at the house. The capacity Is now said to he twelve hun- dred Many attractions have been lidded at Monroe Park. Professor Musehet, of New Orleans, has just installed n $5.0(10 merry go ''round, and Is enjoying big business.-... . 'ine Arcade, the home of the slot machines, Is In charge of Frank M. (Buck) Taylor, of this city, a well known electrician The Mon- roe Park Theatre orchestra is under the di- rection of Alliert Kiisi. leader of the Tulane Theatre. New Orleans. This Is his Recond sca>- son at Monroe Park The merchants of Muhitv this season subscribed a sunldeiit sum -to give two Slimmer night concerts each week. The first concert was given T, by the First Infantry' Baud, under (he direction of lhtulel S. Drago. -♦+♦- - TEXAS. Dalian.— At the lasino at Lake Cliff (Frouk (J. Parry, manager) the playhouse tit tli in new Summer resort was formally opened June 10 by the American Opera' Co.. presenting "The Geisha," This company is booked for the entire Summer, and Judging from the opening bill, they will prove u great success. Cycle Pahk Thkatuk (C. A. McAdain, manager), — Hiirrls-Pnrklnsou Slock Co. con- tinues to draw large crowds to this popular resort. Houston — At Highland Park Theatre i Harry Van De Mark, business manuger) tbe Ibert Taylor Repertory ■ Co. closed June 10. after u week of most excellent business. Tbe Fouctscn Family of acrobats, Oeorge and Dolly Milton, and Seymour's trained dogs were the attractions 1 1-17. and proved good, Judging by the Immense crowds nightly. ■■■ SanoekmixP Ham,.— Leo La reman and his Yiddish comedians, 10. il, crowded the house. ilicnt.AMi Pahk (T. II. Keenau. mana- ger).— The park continues to draw Immense crowds with Its numerous attractions. Ad- mission Is free. ' Notem, — W. If. Colby and his musical fam- ily, Summering here, are having a glorious time tarpon fishing, at Morgan's Point, but may, at the end ni the month, return North. Kthel WeRt, singer and dancer, formerly at the Crown Theatre, Fort Worth, Is rusti- cating here, in search of health. ♦*♦ INDIANA. Frmiltforf.— At the Bllnn (Lnugebrake & H afford, managers) the bill week of June 18 includes: Morion and Williams. Froslul. Blanche Fnyne. Helen Cohee. Coffer and Grant, and tbe Hllnnoscope. Big houses for week of 11. CtiYHTAi, (Chan. Welsh, manager).— -Hill week of 18: Warren and Howard, the Great Paul. Joiln Miller, I* Martella. Cutis, nnd 1'iiiiU' Welsh, nnd the klnodrome. Packed bouses week nf 11. «*» „^_«_- CANADA. witim, »<•«.-. At the BIJou Theatre (Nosh & liijrruws, proprietors) good business rules. Following for week of June 11 : Armando Bros., the Bisters Mcrrltt. Kdlth Douibey and company. Geo. Clark. "Goto, Allan Doone and Edna Keely, and moving pictures. t'xtgt-i: (Nnsh & Burrows) moving pic- tures and illustrated uougs. Business Is Eood. MlSSOIItl. IvnunUH City — At the Audllorluiu The- atre (Woodward & BurgeH* Amusement Co. manager*! the Woodward Slock Co. gave very Hue performances of "The Little Minister." last week, to good business. Kvn Lung wnt excellent In the part of Babble. Mr. Morrison nnd Mr. Fnrren also deserve special mention Tbe company will close Ms seusou thin week, also the house. The original booking wus for four weeks, hut it has been derided to cut out one week nod open a week earlier In August. HLWTHC Pahk (Sam Beujnmln, manager i. — Nllery's Band continues to be the bk< magnet. On the lawn Heckles* Bussell, lu ids hl^ii bicycle dive, wbb the attraction. In the (ici-mon Village tbe acts last week were: Maud Itockweli, soprano; Banks and Newton, singers -and dancers; Confine and Lawrence, ---*-- mT#im *r? M ■ ■ ■ ■ unslde down duncers, and Utile TpmIc Mar- TS .NO X SAF jE uliall. In her song. Tills week Kllery's Baud continues, and on the lawn the Dew Bells lu their high wire act. will he u feature. In the German Village the new nets will he: Alsafe aud Loralne, Uobiscti and Childress, the Lockhort Sisters, nud Mohler and Baxter. Foiineht Pahk il.lovd Brown, umuager). — ltoyol Hungarian Band held over for their Aral week. On the lawu, liie Nelson Fumilv clever acrobatic stunt, wos well received. In Hopkins' Theatre the bill was: Adair nnd Dflhn. lu ii wire acl ; A I. Wightman, cluv modeler: Hay ward, Conrov and llaywurd, lu singing, dancing nnd tnlklug act: Al. Law- rence, monologlst : Sieelv, Doty and Coe, musical comedians, This week Hound'* Italian Band opens. On tiie lawn, the Pick- ett Family, hi their aerial act. In Hop- klus' Theatre the newcomers will be Mucuil'i aogs and monkeys, the Avon Comedy Four, DUon Brothers nnd the Vivians. Faihmoijxt Pahk (Ben Kosenthal, maaa- Ber).— Hcl tier's Military Hand continues. In the theatre, "The Ballet Dancer" was given last week. «-»+ KK STUCK Y. If Postal Moaey Order, Check or Draft is sent and is stolen from tbe nmil, a duplit'nte cauba oh uiuod aud there will bo no loss of money, but there will be a toss ol time, which may be of tbe utmost importance. Wo will guarantee all pprsoua against loss in sendiuKumeihittanceti IF Till, LtiTTERS IN WHICH T1IKT ARK SENT IKE PROPERLY RE»ISTERE1K NEW YORK CLIPPER, ALBERT J. BORIS, Manager TF.NNKSSLi:. I.ouiNviiie. — At Fontaine Ferrv Park (Win. Keicbmun, mimoger) Mile. Vallerlb, whoite daring work lu u cage of lion* aud tigers, wan a flpeclal free Attraction week ol ■Tune 10, attracted immense rrowds to wit- ness her thrilling performance. The regular vaudeville bill was unusually good, and ull the a. -is received apulaus**. The ttoaairex In- troduced several new nnd dltllcult reunites on the slark wire, nnd uiude a decided hit. Frlauger'M Bnnd was retained for the second week, und proved popular. The new faces week of IT: Rohsow Midgets and Cbarltn Rossow. Bailey und Austin Co., Bowery News- boys' Quartette, Katherlne Dnhl, and the klno- drome. Jockuy Club Pahk proved a popular place, week of 10. where "Feasts and Furlea" uttMeted large audlenees at every perform- auce. Nutb. — Iloblnfon's Amusement Co. nnd Struct Fair drew big crowds during "Home Cuming Week," HUO. All the attractions were well patronized. by the visiting "home comers." f ■ Pndacali. — At the Casino (Wm. Mnlonei manuger) huslness last week was very good. Tbe attractions were: Collins and I.a Belle, Cotrelly aud Von Uofre, and Woods and Woods. 4i» MICHIGAN. Detroit — .\t Temple Theatre (J. II. Moore, manager), a tine bill and full houses. Week or 18: The Four Fords, Charlea Case, McWutters aud Tyson, Brown and Nevaro, Flood Bros., Charlotte ItnvenBcroft, Sbitugo- pnvi and the klnetograpli. Lyckl'm (K. D. Stair, manager). — Vaughn dinner and -couipuuy the first bulf of the week, In "Thelmu, aud the last half in "Prince Karl," pmyed to excellent bindnesK. Tbe season for thltt liou^e closes this week. Wjiitxkv (E. I). Stair, manager). — The Holden company, in,- "A Montana Outlaw," drew good houses. Week of 17, "The Black Flug. ,F Crystal (J. J. Nnsh, monnger).— An ex- ceptionally good bill played to crowded houses. Week of 18: Collon and burrow, the Andersons, Tiielinn Ue Verne, M. Sinniiels, .loc Donnelly, Anson Schlrhart and the kino- drome. - . ftriiml Rnpliln. — At the Uuuiotin Tlien- tre (Lou Delemater, manager) the vamii>-. ville attractions for week of June 17 In- clude: The Chimney Sweep, from "The Isle of Spice;" Kckert and Hcrg, Harry I'M- son. Herbert nod Rogers, and Thos. J. Keogh and company. (ininvRiiY's I'avii.ion (Chas. (iodfroy, man- ager). — Attrartiuns for week of 17 luclude: l'uttl Brown, Josephine Coles, Kinglet- Bros,, s,ri i'j.-.v.'I i -■ L.in.tim Troupe, I'Mdy Mullnuey, und Sumuiei'H and Winters. Buttle Creek.— At the BIJou (W. S. But- terMcld. manager) the rinsing bill for the season, week of .Tune 11: Figaro, novelty juggler: Clifford Wllkins. illustrated Bong ; Zui'u and eomimny, comedy sketch ; Orrgerlte Arnold, churucter songs; Flurette Sisters nud clinetnscope pictures. The Bijou will be closed nhuut two months. ItiNci.iNii Bttos.' Ctitcus has advance paper up. ■ '■ — » — ' KaluniBKuu,— At the Bijou (W. B, Ifut- terlleld, munager) businoKH cuutiuueu llrst cliiSH. Bill week of June 18 offeru : John and Alice McDowell, Cole nud Clemens, Tem- pest mid Sunshine, O. H. Roberts und his dogs, Frank tlurcourt, tiurney Cisler and I'llnclosfiipc, with San Franelseo tire tllms. Cahi.vo I'atik (Bnlrd & Duken, raatiugern). — Business lni« been light, L-outlniioiis Win- ter wen titer being tbe cause. IIaohnukck'h Show drew two large nudl- etices 1). SiiK'innw. — At .leffcrs' (Sum Marks, man- ager i the Maple Stock Co. played at this house for I wo weeks, to excellent business Scusoii closed .lime 11). Rivr.itHiiif? Pahk Casino n." This sulig is destined to become as popular lis "Stay In Your Own Rack Yard," by Hie same writer. Dorotliy Russell writes that she Is nieettlng with great success singing "Hello I AH Right, Good-Lye," und "On the ltocky Boud to Dub- lin." The Serenade Ouarlette is featuring "Sally Ann" oluug with other Wltmark pub- lications. H. P. Grlbboii. Lasso . of "Our Goblin" Co., and Wtu. Gulplu, Include lu their repertory such songs of good fellow- ship as "Fill the Htelus." "Here's to (he Nut Brown Ale," und other Wltmark songs. "When Broadway Meets Fifth Ave- nue Is- bringing success to Smile Hart and Lizzie Fnrrefl. It Is ulso being lukuu up by other prominent vocalists. Welner and Gould are llrni believers In songs which pro- duce merriment and luughter. "Nothing Like That In Our Family," "Something Must Have Struck Her Wrong," and "Graft t Graft! Graft!" ttre their prime favorites. Wlinia Carlton slugs a triad of good songs, "There's Nothing New to Say," "Moon Lyes," and "Take Me to Your Heart Again." Rfmici; Rti'l'tjNos. — Maud Rockwell Is tin* usually successful with the lteiulck publica- tions. Iter husband, Chris. Brown. Is lbs manager of the International circuit of the* aires, comprising seven ty-une lu ull- The Kimick publications ure to be featured and programmed over the entire circuit by ar- rangement with Homer Howard, of the Chi- cago Reinlck ufuYes. Walter Gumble Is now In charge of Die band und orchestra depart- ment of the New York offices of Jerome II. Btralek h Co. Walter Is a brother of fhtt genial Muse Gumble, Ihe well kuowu inaus- Iter of tbe professional department. Maria l/UHTiit: has received much praise for Iter clever rendlthm nf the great nallad success, * "When the Mocking Birds Are Singing In ths All persons pre cautioned ngalnst in- closing money with, letters tn.ua, UNLESS THE LETTERS ARE REGISTERED. Wo are iu receipt cf complnintH from many who have lost money by sauriing it through the mail, which demonstrates that that method ofmahiug remiltaueed Wild Wood," Bonnie Gaylord has introduced Wllliuins nod Vnn Almyue's novelty son", "("ueyeuoc." and states Hint It is the MA sung she has ever used. J. Bernard Dyllyn has Introduced "Cheyenne" In "The Karl und tbe (Hi)." insisted by u big chorus, dressed In true cowboy style, presenting n ve*v pic- turvatpie iipp«urai)cc. J. H. Kemlck ft Co. have purchased from Johu T. Hall: "Mur- muring Waters,", Concert Walties, "Idle Heiirs," a novelette, and "Drenm of the Yloleu." Al. Butler, known profesolooullv nn the "Old Wlsnrd," la another mem- ber of the staff. Tom Kelly, song lllus- tmtor. Is iniiig the new mocking bird song with more than ordinary succesi. Tlie Cler- nionts, with the Hcuneit-Mnulloii Co.. are using "In lieur Old Georgia." "In the Shads of the Old Apple Tree." nud the new mock- lug bird song, with slides, and report great success. Abble Mitchell has returned from London, Fails und Berlin, where she wna very successful lu the music IirIIh. Her must successful song HM "Mimdy Lou." Tha Mound Cltv Oimrtette Imve Just returned from a successful Western trip In vaudeville, and state tint the mocking bird song Wus a big favorite, timet Cunieiou. In Australia, saug all "American'' songs, und was a great favorite. Wiij. Hiishitkk writes that Ids "fltmtiy nougs' Ktili go marching lueirllv along at the herid of thf 'make good procession." Some of the best acts In the West are using hits from the "Sunny Song*" catalogue. The magnetic novelty xong, "If the Mliu In the Moou Were n Coon" proves a strong attrac- tion for such performers us Ferguson and Pnssmore. Wiugna Winters, ihe Vnughiief^. Fay. Coley and Fay, t:urrlo Scott, Cook nnd Stuiiheris, the MiCurvers, McfX-e and Collins, Fraukle Campbell, aud In ulso u feature num- ber with Havcrly'M Mln»irels ami the Night Owls Burlesq ue Co, Kllznbeih iMurrny re- iwrts ill Be lhuk In n Minnie, But f Got to Go N'inv." as being the biggest hit with her in years. It Is til»o u hit number In the Black Fsttl company, Crollua and St. Alvu, or "Secret Service Sum" Co., und with Billy Beard. "Farewell, My Anuubelle, M Is sttil one of the lending favurlti-x with the pronil- ueut band ami orchestra leaders, and tbo song Illustrators titiil it easy for four und nvc encores ever* hIiow. "in Afler Years, Wheji l Am Old." Is now being used ns u coruet and trombone solo In ihe leading Chi- cago theatres. On May 1 the professional othceu nf the Rossi ter House will he moved to the Grand Opera House Building. VWW TUB F. B. IlAVlf.ANIi l p irn. Co.— Joseph Smith nnd Annie Carter. In a letter to F. U. Hnvilund. wrute that "longing for lou" aud "Keep on the Snuuy Side'' are the two song hits of their uel. KiikIIsIi and Gaudy have added "College Lire" nnd "Keep on the Sunny Side" to tjarlr art, and report liervte Allen ruiitlnue lo especisllv feature "Scissors to Grind" and "Mv Ptwly Rose." The tlrst named they have had on steadily for over a yeur, and write the Boston pub- lisher that they have yet to tlnd any worthy substitute. Gordon and Chacon, colored en- tertalurrs, continue lo hnve great snrcess with "On Yo' Way." ami have lately added to their repertory. "Good-bye, Mister Green- back." JuIIh Ilcitsmaii. principal soprano With A. II. Wood hull's Lid Lifters Co., Intro- dtiifd "Good-bye, Mister Greenback," nt tha Lyceum. Boston. The song was a greot hit with her, nnd she will continue Its use dur- ing her Summer park engagement*. The Klpibnll Bros., now lu Cidlfnruta. are using : "My Dusky Hose." "On Yo Way." "Good- bye. Mister Greouback." nud "Ltwly I.011." "Hey, Mister Joshua," contlnuex to be » great Rube song favurfte. Among the nets using the sonx are: St. Johu and LeFevre. the Blnlto Uuartetle, Juniper nud HHycs, nnd Marlon Clevelahd. ilA.Mir.T»N Hit. 1., the Australian baritone, Is ibe happy posscssur of n voice which Is heard to grout udvniitmce lu "Beyuml tha Gates of rnnidhie," which he Is ni preseut feuturiilg ut the ljindou lllppodioine. Sl'ABa-Jo'h IlAxn, whleh hiiH beeu very nuc- ressful pln.ving nt lending Summer resorts for 11 few wfltanm put, is negi.Gntlng for au early date lu one of ihe prominent amuse- uieut plufe-j. Noii:m iiioii '"I'iii; HoiTHi; Mbuhuoiim."— Tbe Musical Slmiisous slate In a letter just received by Iaui Kdwards that the two num- bers: "Somebody's Sweetheart I Wnnt To Be" and "If u Girl I.Ike You I ^ veil a Boy Like Me." ure the blgttest hltH they ever hud iu their net. The Irving Trio. . with Sam Hevere'a ('•>., report success with "Soun-bodv's Sweetheart I Want to Be." In Buffalo, re- cently, they huil lit repeat the chorus over ami over again. Georgle Mack, who has Just closed very successful sensuu starrlug lu "Tracked Around tbe World," nnd stun* next season lu n new pluv under the msiiiieement of Al. 11 Woods, railed last week, mid remarket! that the 1'Mwurds'- compositions are more In de- maud now thnu they evef were. Georgia Cnlue, late slnr of •'The Karl and the Girl" Co.. opened her vaudeville bookings with three songs front "The House Melodious." namely: "I'll Do Anything In the World For ion," "Welcome To Our City" nnd "You Cuu I Give Your Heart To Somebody Blue, and sun Hold Hamh Willi Me." the latter being one of the most novel duets ever wrll- teu. Stuart Burnes put on "I'll Do Anything Id the World For Yon," the- latter part yf hj* engagement at llainmerMteln'R, nnd It proved to he a big applause winner. Thi* song 1* not 11 Summer song, hut an all-yeur 'round song. iMrotliy, Uuoaell reports "In n Little l.nuoe With >on" one of the biggest tippluusu winners she hns ever sung. Notkm laoM Ufa KKinr.— Trainer ami Ihile, with the Parisian Belles Cu., ure fea- turing "l'nl of Mine," uud the new march eong. "GiHHl-hye. Glory." Mr. Trainer Is scoring 11 hit with "The Hull Frog nnd ihu ( iHiu, ns t\Mg number In Ihe (Wat purl ■rog ami the Cooti," Hie latest rhnruiierlHtle hit, from the hoiitm of l«u great Huctess with these two songs. Rose rawer Is singing "Keep n Little Cosy Corner in Your Henri for Me" mid "Keen ou tl.e Sunny Side," with a chorus «f thirty girls. lu the "Neighborly Neighbors" Co. Han.sou mid Wltlhims aw using Oiree songs from the f,,^!* ." /ST"''*!? 11 ." ^ W b l. . ,,,u ■ ful ' House or Hiivlhiiid— "Keep on Ihe Sunny iV '5 : *J!P .' tat J*: uC '"file .Wizard of "When Muse, Willi His Nose, Leads thu Bund " Miss Lyon has reheitrsed "Sturllghi," nnd will iikc It ut one of ihe priucipul New York ihculres. Dave -1/ewls and cutupauy are singing- '"I Waul Somebody to Love" aud "When Mose, With Ills Nose, I^uds the J. ihe PetchliiK ttrms. ure uslug "Keeh on the Sunny Sld», ,r "Starlight" and "Ju« a Little Roi-klug Chair and You." The Spook Minstrels ure singing "Just a Little Hurkiug Clinlr and Yon" nnd "Keep vti the Sunny Hide." They write us theso two soug hit! from Ilaiilund's nre the besL they ever used. From G. W. .Sktciirm,, Boston. — Chas, (Sandy) chapman has Identlnetl himself with the Geo. W. Selchcll Pub, Co. He Is tilling a, two weeks' eugugemvoi ut the Howard, •lugliig. as a feature song, "My Home In the, Old Buy State." He Is ulso singing "I Wouldn't Change Yon. Sweetheart, for A New Girl Now," nnd "The Girl You Leave Behind." Mr. Chapmun will also lutioducu two new songs, published by SetebelP— "Dnu't Let the Old Folks Know" and "Mary from Tlpperary." Mr. Chupmun will be. IdeutlUcu With Mr. Setcheil. thlH coping Summer, and Is preparing an act with which he will enter vaudeville at the opening of next season. Fftoii the: Htuisn of s-j-i;hn & Co. — Jast A. Klernnn, comudiun, Appeared lu & now vaudeville act, by James llorun, recently. Mr. Klernnil is supported by LIMIuu Kraft; Mr. Kelly and Mlns Itltchle, und Is feutnrlug "By the Light ur the Honey mono" and "Young Antelope." Bert Merket, one of the principal members of Sophie Bruudt'a "Mud- cup I'rlticess" Co., lu slnglug u new Oriental number, entitled "A-le-xu-ll-d-r-iu," Wrilleil by Solmuu aud 1a>w1Iz, the comimsers of "Ontario." "A-l-e-x-n-u-d-rl-a" htm cimglit on lu good shnpe, and Is one uf the hits of the piece. Tlddlewluks und Dugiiu will feat- ure two Mnrk Stem uutuliers, ''Since Father Went to Work" uud "Indians Along Broad- way." "I'm Up In the Air About Mary" Is tbo novel title of 11 new nunc, hy Monroe II, Ito- senfeld. Lottie Glisun, who Is fust recovering her health, will prolmbly be given Hint honor, and her rendition of this number is sure to be an event lu the song world. "I'm Dp In the Air About Mary" Is the imdlHpulcd lilt of the seusuu already, Judging from pvofi's- slotial oplulous. lieu. W. Reynolds, Hinging comedlnii, has been auuexed to Hie profeu- •louul stun* of the "House of lilts,' 7 His preseut repertory ol 1 souks Include: "Let Me Write Whut I Never Dared to T"ll," "Since Father Went to Work," "Mllu," uud "Jin Up In Ihe Air About. M&ry." In cuunecliun with the latter sung, Mr. Reynolds promises to spring a great surprise ut one or lbs Brooklyn Theatres, where he lu euguged to appear shorlly. i-iiuM thk New Yohk Muhii' I'uii, Houne. — I.olllc (illnoii. "Hie little magnet," hua ™in- tneuced her regular lour. Sim was a revela- tion to Ihe theatrical world lu New York when she made her reappearance at Ted -Marks' concert. Mlsa Gllsou is singing twu fKiug* published by the New York Music Pub- lishing House-— "Since Nellie Went Awny" and "Deur Old Dixie," Herbert II. Taylor's latest uuccesscn. Mrs. Murk Murphy, one or the few vocalists who really kuow how to deliver a ballad, Is making ti lilt with "Good Hyo. My Soldier Lud." Turn Moore, the cuou ahimti'r*. Is making one or the lilts or his act with the big coon song, "Fu re well, Ho Long, Good Bye." It Is oho uf Ihose rough coon songs, the story dealing with an "urgumeiit." Mr. Moore slugs this song with line effect. Kitty O'Brien, of Duly uud O'Brien, write* that tin: hit or her uct Is "Slug Mo a Wong of Ireland," by Herbert Ii. Taylor. Lionel K. Luwreuce, with his "Rlallo Girls," Is also among the natrons of thu New York Music Publishing llouse. "Kntev, Dear," a little song, one of his vonug ladles wing, was one of the main features of tlie act. "I Love You for Yourself Alone" U ulso to.be added to the net. It Is a high clsss number, by Norton and O'Hara. Notuk fhoh Wai.tmi Jatoiih. Boston— "My Dusky Rojte." a companion song lo "By tbe Watermelon Vine (Llndy Lou>, was re- cently a special ' feature ut tbreo Boston theatres - -the Boston, Globe 11ml Miiji'stu-. The suum couipoxer's latest success, "Good- bye, Mister Greenback," Is belu« sung lu Ims- ton. at Ihe Howard, by Bessie Komi, with Vio- let Mascutle's Howard Burlesque r« ; ulso nt Austin A Htoue's, hy the Alahiiuiu (.'omudy Four. It Is amusing and bus u strong nulu of melaocboly runulng throughout "My Dusky Hose" Is being snug hv Uhei mnn Cnates. Mr. ('ostes bus featured this song (onllououidy for over six mouths, nod will contiune Its use this Summer. Leon and "The Bull Frog ami tlie i CharurteiiHlh Feist; In sncceWully "feuturtil iiy' the.'foi Hoollsiui' Co.; Btrwur Fulk. Truju, JSff lory Bros. Brooks nnd llulllduy, Tom Nuwn Co.. Froxellc :iuO Merilt. Grnce Dcun, John- aun ami Wells, Phil. Adunis. with slam Bryants compmiy: Columbia Quurieite, War- uei'nnd Ijikewwid. Ghicp Drlftiurn. with "Thu Goldeul rook" Co.; Fngllsh nnd Gundy, ,leh- Llbbl;. Bloudell, NylvlH ReiK-lier, Helen He Nanrle Kitty Roth, Truus-Atlnnllu Four aud inany others. . . i't-iHUAVfi no new inuilc publishing house C\er met wllh such hiHlnuliiueous iwpulurliv f? iVflr w !'. ,cli ft "altlmuro llrm. the ArthuV IL Miller Music 1Mb. Co.. linn galued through When \o* CjolheslVeiir Out." it proves be- yot.d iliHibi hat they udopled 11 wiunlug jw lev. In which they propos* to pSESS hothiug hut hits of extraordinary merit Kwry .mo who bus bimg it roporls nn abuiid- nuce of encores. R. Il-liudley. ut the Smart Bet to., writes: "During the dmhI season I nave MMf ,aa«w go«"» »ud Fuy : Air and Malm WIIhou. fteutrlee Lane, Fuinm O'NelL Laikius and Patterson. Martha Pulley. Blllv Ker.Miudii. llownnl and Cumeroli. Frederick end 1 ■iijil, Howunl and Karl, lm|N-rlsl Quur- telle, Muster Wllkle Colllus. Ihe Hoofs, ]M Way, Ilavdeii and Hayes, Clara 1'urner, Billy Furrell and Williams und Moure. * "i«£ ^■' l - 1 \ , , t ;|;* l '» l '! ,l ' f l»iblliiher l ofHt. Louis, lnlnKliiHiijr "Will Yuu Always Ufa Me l, 'I hut Same Old WuyV" and "Honey, Won't ion Ut Me Hi. Your Only MmT rtwrts nod Hiicccus with these songs. He also Imlils imtiiy llntterltig letters /roiu prominent ulngers who ure feat 11 ring his songs, main- Inllllllic thai eueli Moug lu a skelrh for Itself, riie il.-niiiiiil for his songs uru very eucuiir- nglng. inn) Ihe ludb-ulloiiK ure llmi ho bus the real urtlcle. I.v w llMJA I'kaciikh." Jubn B. towllx (Hwlfty> hriu u new Summer wait* sonic that In being lukuu up like hoi cakes, It ]* posi- vely a nuvelty. The followlsjc ate tStu Il : Gertie Reynolds aud Twlrlle (JlrNee, I'lauk Mnyne. Jack JJefnimey, M.i.hnn Nor- iiiuii, Helen Bush. Ida Crlpl and Minn K«lt- ner. who sinus this ulghMy. with braHs baud uccompanlment, with greul sucreus, Cham. Ii. iiA.Li.i-i Notkm. -Or all Ihe sungS being advertised mill featured In the muuv drninutle nnd musical |ui|w-rs, there 1h on'u thnl seems to Imve gone iiheud or all ulhers-- "Ihe Belle of the Boll," lu which a story Is lolit, nnd Is weilded tu> the most cnlchy wait/. melody he hus writ leu in many yeurs. It Is being Hung throiiglniiit the conuiry by pruml- nenl singers, who ure pleased lo gut 11 -one to rnnfoi gnisl wilh lu their act or nets with- out nny ol her persuasion. That Is why Harris always has a hli. mid It In sure to any "Tim Belle uf tlie Ball" will be Ihe Summer hullmt lilt Of Ihe whole rouulry, as It will bu sung, wlil«Hcil ami lildyed everywhere. Yuu will henr the ineiiiilv where'er you go. nud wm lmjulry yuu will he told It Is "The Belle or the Hall.'' HnrrK new big ballad hit. Mum, Slti|siffNky's greiitSHL successes huvo i.eeu und are wllh such songs as "Thu Last Rose or Summer," "Dreaming, I/jvn, or You," and other popular songs tliat nevur fall lo score, nt the ssmn time not overlook- ing an opening number from some nperu, Just to show what she am do In the Hue of operatic work. Her rendition of "Dreaming, liovc, or Yofi." by Chfls. K. Harris, nielved an ovstlon nt (lie Olympic Theatre, Chicago, both from the press and puhllc. .loil.v CoMjr am. S. KltiiNimRu have reeelveit from their Kiirupeun representative, Rudolph Aronsoti. eonlrurta for an Amerlcnn lour of Li-oticnvnllo, H iinpoRer-cimditcloi-. and the ori-hettiru of sltiyflve niuslclnns from the Sralu 'fiieutrc. al Milan. Italy. He will give an entire opera and in isrellu neons uumbeni. without costume or scenerv, nud will bring eight singers to aid him. The lour will uppu In New York on Oct. 8, at Carnegie Hall. ■♦»» C. S, PrimuijHk wrlles Hint Ills "L'mie SI Hnskliis" Co. No. I closed Its season ut Reeds- burg. Wis., Snttii-dny. June 'j',\. nfler 11 se'i- son of forty-three weeks, mid will open n»nl'i early In August. Mr. Primrose win huvo four. companies out next season, two "Uncle SI HanklnH" and ta'o "A Prince of Sweden" compunles. rf 488 THE 2SrarW YORK CLIPPER.' June 23. Ot or Id of Players. xoti:s moH nra dcma musical comi:dy i'ii.— We closed lb* burlesque teuton of the Star Theatre, Tmeta, Kan., on .May 27, and play«-d ;i nerlivi of fine night stand* en route lo PrinidiiH, Col,, where we opened June -4 lit tin- »"\v Rltar. Park, fur Summer stock. The nfmitm night wan qm in be renipmtiered . The Htlendainc numbered doae to 0.000 l*enple. Tin- people of Trinidad Hre very iMiiinisiasfi, im-r the park, and from 11m* hij- pearuuee *>r tbf crowd* that gather nluhr.lv I hero KPfins ni> dmibl lltiit I bey will CHUMH In heartily support I lie venture. There arc ;il least n do;:eii mining rnmpK wllhtn a ra- dius nf six ml tea, all connected with Trinidad by Hemic llnex. tn dmw from. bealden Trlnl- dm) Nm-ir. Tlic foal ore m the park u lira large, ii'r.v theatre, wbbh easily neata 1.800 people. Thf stage la.^ixTH. Il'itcd up with who. new meaery and the. latest electric ap- pliance^. The Ihearre la nlso provided with a good, seven plei*e orchcslrn. Tin' open, air tenlure hftfl been Mme Morion Uljem, who Makes an' eighty fool dive Into a raw fool tank of water, vdth her cloth- ing In a nuiKS of lluinea. The concessions consist nf i In; German village, made tuneful li.v Hughes' band; Utiles lonr of the world, tltr eruption ( ,f Mi. Vesuvius «nd moving pliiure., «»f Ike 'Prlem afcuwder, Ik* haunted house, miniature railroad, Japanese tea gar- den ami trl-wcrkly hnsehnll games. Dwflela Ai .Ma hone are lessees and rantiugers of (lie Murk. The .business slafT riiuslbts of: Hoy *'t. Pattlela, president nnd ceneral —BMW Claude Mahone. vice, president and "— niiinn-jer; .1. F. Itaulrhi. Kocretnry liter: It It, Lewis, »nslKtant see treasurer; Ituy t". lttiekmnn. prewt represents live; Win. Lnvoli, i;on.-ral ngent : Billy Walker, ;tn|ierlii(eiidetlt nf galea ; Frank Cur- ler, chief electrician; Mrs. t.oldlo Curter, In charge nf tea garden* : fteorri* Bead. In charge of the hmnled hoinc. On the stage we have Allen t'tirtlK, -sluge director; Kd- ward ifMalley. musical lUKetar; Walter lllmnan. carpenter. Percy Srholler. property Iran: 1.1-m -Moliler. cleclrh-lnti ; LMly Burns, flyman : Mr*. Fraud.-. Ilarrix. wardrolie mis lies... The npeiihi-T hill was "New Vork ("Jlrl." ;i nurdral lini let , I rata Stniit*; Pouty. Gfwn I»e Vau^h. The maiiasrement has hefn mo-tt kind nml tlio'i'jliltul lii ereeltng, twenty-live tents In one earner »f Ike park, where all of the pr*rfnrw>m bare ehtabliahed eoar little bneae*. T. II. Winnktt Is restfuf; u Tew weeks at Nl.irara I'alK, after i-njiiylng the nilneral hallMal >'t Clemens. Ulrfc. UkLli I.f.iiv h;i:: been enpiKMl as Irniriiui: holy lor I be Summer neatiou of stock ul (he 'I'healie l'*rauealx. Monlreal. Canada. Mis* I will orok-iMy heioealcd whh titw of the Cbkago itfvi'k i-oiupauhti next r-fasnn. Apom-M KUPMW. »lraia»lh: trtth* of The Xrir V'irl; 'I'itnrt.. was married Jane IK, to .lane Cowl, al Ike residence of ihe bride's hi i her. l:iversM" I'rivi and Niiiety-ilflh Street. They will ajM ml the Sniuuier lii Tori Kali*, L. I. I'TtAM'Ks Ai«ii IV, BTAaic., for a number of * year* l return 1 of Ike I miry initio Comedy Ci».. was i.iairied' to Ida Baurh-hter, a uoti- pro(es!,lonal. of UeUevdle, til., on June 14, Mr. Kv-iul* h; uow chief uhlpphiB clerk with the St. l.oiils J'rlulers' Sllpplv Co. JhMwra M. W'r.ncit tins signed contracts wilh Ceeetla looftiis and Maurice Karkon. to appear at his mush- ha'l nexL tieasoo, Wil- liam Mnrn-ss will also be a member. Rkkkih WvvNr. will prubahly appear next hftAKon In t,omlon. I :■;!:;., in one of lieorgc !■>!- wardes' prmlne t Inns. AxNin KnaHKUi will njpea the new Astor 'I'lnatre. New York. In the Fall, appearluc as ('ink. lu "A Midsummer Night's Dream. W'n. II. Cavvn will exploit a lomedy, en- I It led "The rrlei* uf Money," next August, at Ihe Kavoy Theatre, New York. The offcr- has |j; ■'' f»nr arts, and l« Uy Alfred Malm. "Tnr. I'mvi'i: OK Twin A" will have Its New York hea ring al the Urnadway Tliealre Oct. t. Uosi: Mki.vim.i:, In "SN llopklna," closed her tour at Ihe htlou Theatre, PllUburg, I'a.. Saliirday, June 9. "|t.\HR.\it.Cs Mu.ionV* lias lieen selecLed un the HUe for UHlan KmarelTla play for next season, l'anl M. I 'otter will write the play, which will 1m- founded on "T.a llonheur Men- dames." hy Francois de Orols».et. oitniN Jok.vsox. Ilerkert Kelccy. Kfllc Shannon. Horoihy Donnelly and Oracc Kil- kins will appear In Henry B. Harris* pro- iliiilloii of Cbark-s Klein's new play next John Patten writes ; "We closed the most cuceensfiil season fa the bistnry of thin show June 2, at Owen Sound, Can., completing fifty-three consecutive weeks. We opened our season at f.lttle Falls. N. Y.. May 2U, goIn~ from New York State Into Massa' cbuBetta, thence to Nova Hcotla, Cape Bre- ton, rYlurc Kdwai-d Island. New Brunswick. Prortace ai Quebec. Ontario. .Michigan. Wln- consln, MlnneHotn. North and South Dakota, Northwest Territories, Brlrish t.'olutnhla, ^iiHhliigl.on. Uregon. California, New Mexico, Old Mexico, Arizonii. Colorado, Kanaatf, Mis- Hour). Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Canada. Wfj have very few open dates for next ecn- «od. <',, ||. Terry, of Patten & Perry, has? re- tired from allow huslne**, nod Intends to "P'*a a i-unfei-tlouery and tobacco alore at- kn home in Old Town, Me." AUWB Ijk Courskv ban signed with Kl- mer Walters' "A Millionaire Tramp" Co.,' ior next season. ■ , Mamion luan, who for the paHt two yeara watt leading lady of "The Wizard of thj C'>-. will fill the name poaltlon next Hea- Roa with "The Rogers Brothers In Ireland" Pai'l Habtland opened the season with AI. W. Fremont's Stock Co., at the Casino Theatre, Nashville, Teno., May 28. G. Waltks Thompson and Fannie E. Johnson, late of "A Struggle for Gold" Co., playing the Southwest, will appear In muBlcal comedy next season, under Henry Savage's management. Kosk Fi.ynn, an actrcsM, was married at Si. IkjuIs. Mo., on June fi, to Frank W. Harts- horne. a non-professional. Notks raamt wrwiM A Thompson's "Strug- gle for Gold" Co. — We closed a very auc- <-easfiil Reason at Ashland, Neb. The play nod company received the best of recommen- dations from both presa and pu bile, _0. Wal Notks froh Bradshaw's PtAtpas. — We are In Southern Illinois, playing only the larger towns and cities, and meeting with unvarying success. In (net, our success has far exceeded our most sanguine expectations. The general verdict everywhere we have played has been that our company Is the xtrongetit and best that has ever appeared under canvas, and our repertory of bills is a surprise In all cities. They did not expect such nigh class dramas and society plays un- der canvas. Manager Wilson haa surrounded our leading lady. Henrietta Wilson, with a cast of cflpable people. Miss Wilson Is doing very fine work In a line of Important leadx. and Is making an enviable reputation for datlons from itutli press and public. <;. Wal- ana is making an enviame reputation i oi- ler Thompson and bin wife, Fannie E. John- herself. Our tent is the best equipped and _ aUTliC COMPOSED AAD AJtRA-IOFn for any instrument or Bomber of liutniaerirr •oDXi, words and mnslo, Hatches, etc. 8enaitam«* OHAJB. L. LEWIS, 438 Richmond KjBBBfjfc WANTED, Versatile Med. Performers akpo A VADQHM* B1U CI. Y ADVERTlStSo'sHOW s.andD.Sonbr.nes, Sketch learns (»ingi«»nd d»iibles>: one must fake organ or piano; hutch irish, B.F. Comedians; dancers preferred Lh n ' oolot. All and loweBt silary, first letter akpr a VAPCiHS, Hensselacr, Jasper Co., |nd. R hob, will atiend the Summer at Marshalltown. la., and Chicago. Oulna Marlon and Arthur J. Woods are visiting Miss Marlon's rela- tives nt Aurora, III., and Mack Sad All), May Treat Rella and Sam Waldon went to Chi- cago. John Sutherland Joined Reed's "Kit Caraon" Co. ; Merrill Romlne joined a stock company at Topeka, Kan., and Ira Mosea went home to Clay Center, Kan. The aeason £■111 whd ine nogers uroth^ra in Ireland.' went home (o Clay Center, han. The season in * u CJ j il ,M Ilald • 1lfl8 u charming per-' -opened at Aledo. III., on Aug. 3, and after a Honalily, and a mezzo-soprano ecllent quality. V. A. VtttNKv, who for the past, fifteen yearn has been In repertory throughout the West and Northwest, has retired from the profession, to accept the management of the advertising and circulating department of ine j\e/c Zioniiuton, n n evening dally, of ."organ town, W. Va., under the ronnageroent of H. Burton Keyes. UKK CorAiNs, of Philadelphia, who next nil MbaafiM .? 0w>n wM1 ,c > ■■*" ■ manager for Dorla on Aug. *i, at Sanducky, O. n '' "*™ Itnny. was In the city recently, making ar- Mav A. Bell Mabks » •rei-ri- and "'"^metitH for the appearance of his star J'rlsed with a gift from ienreLntV 25 th . p ,/ ?nhn ft «™nt flrcnlt In New Kog- writer. He sent her a life s II llK.b4.nill- 1:111(1 kl tuu ir..»n.. ...Ill . r. I. AH j.I.n«« n , n - .■,■!.. I ■ I ..' laitd. Miss Hovcy will open her seaaon at Newport It. 1., Aug. 10, and Is booked nolfd to April 1, her tour extending an far West as Taoktan. s. D. Miss Hovev Is ■ product of the Northwest, where she has been for a number of Hcasona In concert. She Is, Mr. lolling wrltea, the possessor of a lyric so- KErnr*" °. f . Kre * r brilliancy, range and flex blllty and baa aad the advantage of Hiudy with emineut masters, both at home and abroad. Miss Ilovey will be seen next season in three pluys, which have been writ- en especially for her, and will be oupported tty a strong company. Special aceoerv and paper la now being made J ATTRAi-nuNs under the direction of A. H. Woods for next wuson will be: Louise Bea- ron. in H new play : HUle Fay. In "Tlie Belle of Ayeniie A ;" Blckel. Watson and Wrolhe. u Ij.m. Diek and Harry :"• Chits. T. Aldrlch. n ,i » rt ' t , Service Sara ;" "Secrets of the £ 0, r.V T&K llenrr Kre y •" "Holed OIT the I urf wllh Georglc Muck : "The Gambler of Ike West, with .1. R, Milteru ; "Chinatown i,l 1 1 " 1 rIU '*l., wlHl irarr y fields; "Queen of the White Smtbo. "L'^allen bv the Wavslde." ■Herthu, the Sewing Machine Clrl." "Queen "f the Highbinders." ■■Lured from Home." confessions of u Wife" and "The Crooked Path. N'OTIIS VROM THE LVCEL'M STOCK ClL— This company closed a season of twentv-nne weeks at Gouverneur, N. Y.. June 'J. ' Rex IjWfHc Klngdiin returned to New York CMy. I hlr llurvey and Kllren Moiitford joined the Maude Hlllman Wot* Co. ; Arthur I,. Hefty, ;,*!'•. Al P | J n,wr a ' l(l Edna Clymer Jolued the \lola Wilson Co.; Kdwurd S. Lewis, Fan- nie Lxrwhi aod Joe Wulcott Joined the "Mr rnoad, Hogan." Co. ; iteeee Kcnvon and Mav Tempeal Joined the atask at Syracuse, anrl K Arthur Richardson went to his home In Watertowii. N. Y. NoTKK raOM THH NlTA PtUBt, Co.— "The Lily of the Valley." a. Iteautlful play, which wns written for Miss Pearl, has proved a success. The roster of company remains the same as when we opcn.'d— Sam Allen, man- ager ; W. T. Miller, business manager ; WTC. Areimltl. «tuge director nud leading man: Tim Hassln. heavy; Jumes McDonald, char- acters ; Harry Richmond, It. L. Newman, J. W. Malllo. Alle Dally, light comedy ; Mr. Minrlon. uiiisIch! director: Gertrude WellH, heavy; Jennie Hnsson. eha meter; Bessie WH- lueins, Klsle MeDoncld and Nlta Pearl. Mitchki.i/s All Star Tlaykks Notes,— Kd. W . Cook, basilicas representative last sea- son of Ihe above players, hiia leased the title and booking*; of Charlotte Mitchell for the j sea- r.on of l!)0il-7, and will open rbe sen son Aug. (I. at CatafclU. N. Y. He wrltea: "I am pre- paring to make 'Romany Rye' a big feature for my Tuesday nlgbl hill, for which I have secured sole rights." J. C. Cinri'EN, after a thirty-two weeks' engagement ay musical director wllh "Hooli- gan s Trnublcii." hua Joined the Hawthorne Ihentre Co.. nml the company will go lu slock at Pap's Auditorium, Clearlnke, la. Kd. R. WhklAn has been engaged by KJI- niy & Brltton lo manage their play, "The Lowltoy Girl." next season. (Jkohiu; Si:i.imin writes: "After closing a sixteen weeks' engagement with Ihe Crudoc tour of the Southwestern States closed ou June 'J, in Nebraska, Managers Woods and Thompson having dlsaolved partnership. The MklnottkHj Claude and Adelaide, closed a. successful mason wltb HImmeleln'a Imperials, at Scranton, Pa., and signed with the same company for next season, at* lead- ing comedian and soubrette, respectively, and for second business. They are spending tlie Summer at their cottage on Spring Lake. Mich., and will open for their third season ■- O. was agreeably aur- .1. Ba-ssett, song size oil painting of her character, "The Girl from the North- west." in wblch she has made a hit. He la ut work on a new Hong which May A. Bell Marks will feature next aeason. -Mvn.v Collinh has received the tlrst three acts of a new four act French military play, being written for her hy Frederick H. Wilson. Jamks Pubvik, who recently closed his sea- son as Jack Wynn. in Melville B. Raymond's most complete Summer outfit on the road, having a seating capacity of 1.200. and Is brilliantly lighted with electricity. We have played to the full capacity of the tent al- most every night since opening. We have a good uniformed band and orchestra. Our roster Is ; U. F. Bradshaw, Mrs. 11. F. Brad- shaw, T. Ross Wilson. Henrietta Wilson. Mollle Bennett, Lillian Watts, Theodore Glen- coe, Frederic S. Gordon, Kdwln U Patterson, Kd. Tillman, Frank (Red) Rheburg, Geo. V. Miles. C. A. Lawrence, E. H. Smalley, Shelby Yokum. C. E. Taylor. Otto McPhersin. Ernest Rice, Perry Allison, Fred Sallee, Wm. Bishop, "Old Snort" and his mascot trio. Little Babe Bradshaw. Lola Wilson and Howard Wilson. Ed. Sampson la our advance representative, and Ed. Is there with tbe goods. Our spe- cialty list Includes tbe Rhebnrgs. "The man In white" appears regularly, and we look forward to a long, prosperous and pleasant season. Rohtkb anp Notch mom the May Stew- art Co. — J. K. Cllnp, manager ; Edwin B. Franks, business representative: Prof. Car- sey, musical director: Wm. F. Pfarr. stage manager ; Roy L. Thompson, assistant stage manager : Geo. Cornell, master of properties: May Stewart. Archibald Ilotebkfss. lillmour Brown, Win. F.— Pfarr, Chris. Holmes. Ray Thompson, Earnest Shields. Lou Jackson, Ed- ward Zietz. John Rarne. Wm. Jordon, Mrs. Jane Svlv^ater, Clayton Whltson, Lobs Fisher and Lottie Carsey. The tour began WANTJCD-A First Class Medicine Lectori who thoroughly understands business and one who looks part. Good piano player, also veraar e medicine performers who can change for 3 day » n .i week stands in opera houses. Good dressers on and off. State all you do and salary tlrst letter No boozers or kickera. Ger man Herb Co., Reno Nev .MAGICIAN' REQUIRES LADY ASSIST ANT. STAP" "»■"»■''» — — ADDRESS • STAGE EXPERIENCE NOT HKCBWARV tESS MEPHISTO, CARE OP CLIPPER MKUKY-ClO-ROl NI>, run by hand m power; nice condition. Price $60. P. JOHNSov M Jetreraon Ave.. Pawtucket, R. 1. * Busier Brown" Co., la resting at tbe home at Wnxahnchle. Tex., June 20. The repertory list, when Includes: "As You Like It," "Ingomar, "The "Li: Ci, i>:*." a four act comic opera, by M. Michel Carre, with monbi bv Charles Silver, was laiccrss fully produced at the Opera Continue. 1'arls. -I uue 7. cVun. M\> o»: has been engaged hy Charles Frobiuaii, to appear under ills management Mil In Kt*gta«d irt-.il America. Wlnlftvd Kmery, bis wife, will appear wllh him. Tiii'M.v:* .1. Ki:-.«iH. who recently under- weni an operallon for cancer, lu the German llo. mini. Chicago, bj lu Colon. Mich., aud Is hnprotiiu: lb- exjtei-^ to net again June If. ut Kaumna Park. Graml Ruplds. .li:Kr*:i:K«.N Ou An«»:lis will In all proba- bility (■■■ uuiler l-'rauk McKee's managemt'Ot nesi M-asnit. his ami met with ihe BmhertM harlag rxnlmi TuWNNKMt Walsh sailed last ww*k for Europe, where he will btoj four lunnths. Mmc. Saisui BKiiNHAKtif VIM «S«In obliged |o plnv iii'iler l tent nt Uprlnglleld. Mass.. .lime s. owlii;: io ihe fad that Iter manage. lii-- : -i i van unable to uhtitlu it booltlug for her nt Ihe I'otirl Sqiiate Theatre. N'nTl- ll»iM I'IKHS. So 1'iak.— We are hulitiliig a new euera house at Pierre. It. will be I he lii>l opeiM house 111 South Oa- kniti The aiidlloilnui Is 7','fl. tOlu. wide, and Ike sfaer has a ."-If!, opening There will be leu ilre^i-lug rooms, and over .1,0011 (.e :«»... \iinW VlO'Jl TUB Itl-oNPIN F: I4MM SHOWS. —We are playtm: Wr.-lom Kansas, to it very pjml bii-liiei-:'.. ami evety oue U happy. We i-bwe i >nr canvas Ktn»w Sepl 1. and open onr Wlnler eotnpativ Sept. Li. Our bookings an* i nming in finely. Since mir rmm o|>etilng we have in- 1 several coiapaiiles. nml nil re. port bwmI haalORw Mrs. Kleanor Blondln I'-IIV.'!. II!. Hie middle of June lo vltdt her pan ul* nml for :> mudi needed rest al Lewi::- tmi. Ida. J:i;. Skvtes. »ar nauedlnn. lenvea lit Jitli I. bo- a vKit to nearer. Col 1MB Mnl .tie, •■{ I»e :i Mulm-i.. lii sioi'mg a big bit In his work. Tin- company remains the ci.n-in\ ximi mii ni urn wire iliot Kcii- weri are to imdr sixih wi-K of nnemw wiiit tie l.llllna I yon:. Srn-k C'u 'l*hr cnrnptiny ■ •inn i>m inHilJniie « i)y;i(;emeiil n( CortJUUa Park. Coriiiiiia, Mich . .inii* '..'."i liri.n lini.ii In •;peiidlug the Summer at t 'I'lion. N V . nolll she commences rehears- als for her i;eeond season wllh -Tlie. Ham Tn-." CiiAiti.oTTr .MrrriitiLL has leased the title of Mhehe'l's All Slur PI a vera to Kd W. Cook for ihe season of likllt-7. II. Frank .Mitchell will act as general innmigor for Mr. cook, with iieadipinrieis al Pnterson, N. J. lli'Miv Rosi'.Mu;iii;. uumitgeror Ihe Metrop- olis 'rival re. New York, will sail for Kiiroiw Jane 1*1. with blswlle. Nevllk. Oa, in eomudlan. I Joined Horace fbidleys production. "Pcmplatfon of Iteglne,' to do the !l B bt comedy Irish |atrt for eight weeks. 'Then I Joined the King Stock, In Terru Haute. Ind., us comedian. I am now wllh the North Bros.' Corucdtnus, doing com- ply and specialties, playing tbe Brelnfg cir- cuit of parka through Indiana, Illinois and Michigan.*' Norm khom tiiij HttEAT Bathokd Co.^ We oproed our Summer season ut Waukesha. Wis., June 4, tu good business. The com* puny M-ored n decided success. Border of the company: II. S. Raymond, manager: Jack lloskhis. loislnesa tuantigcr ; Joe Angell, mu- sical director; Seward Morgan. Frank Ait' drewj. Harry Troth*. Dorothy Leonard. Jcanctle Booth. Angrlla Booth and Casslo HUH with J. If. West, agent. We carry a four piece urelieatra. under ihe direction or Jul! Auccil. Nutks fhom the Livini;-; [iim; Stock CO. --Vie opened Jnw 17 a Snniiucr reason, al the Main Street Theatre. Peoria, 111,, with a new scenic producili.u of "The Charity Ball." This I ben I re. which recently closed the sea- sun with vaudeville, bus been remodeled, the singe enlarged, u new drop curtain Installed, and a lurge enitipniciit of acenerv prepared specially for this eniziigeinent. The seaaou will extciid in Aug. 1U high class plavs being produced each week. Manager F. U. Living- stone b rings with Mm bin full ronipanv. which has concluded lis regular season at De- troll. Mich , aud a brief supplementary sea- son at Toledo, n. The members are: Vail IV Vernon. Frank M. Readlck, Richard St. tram. Frank Beamish. Coletla Power, Bits Knight. Mtllle Freeman. May Randolph. Walter I'oulter. Clyde Benson. James Rennle. Jack Hittsfoi-ri, Robert Prefttou. Fninkle Readlck. Helen Johnson and F, H. Living- stone, manager nml tduge dl rector : II. S. Livingstone. biiNlness manager: Lionel Bs> i»iot;|e and Clareiicc Sklrvln, ■vrole arllsts. Notks rtatii IttW Hill's Atthactuisk — One ,»f ihe big features M Mr. Mill's enter- prises next season will be the big, new pro- duction .if "McFndden's Flats." No one who Is familiar wllh this crenlesi of alt Itox office successes would recngnlfce It In Its new drew. livery piece of scenery and the costumes are new. also i lie memhers of easl will he new. As n token of P.steem In ihe public and man- agers In general. Mr. Mill lias uri-tired som-* of the best known |teitp|e In the musical comedy and vaudeville profession. The en- Ore season bus hrca looked In onlv ihe lai-ge eltfes, and no doiibl this company 'will prove. •* In the w'umiuh past, to be (he real show of Ms kind. The famous Kaqntman bullet will be one of the features. A chorus of tweedy girls will he carried, and a number of English dancing girls are members of what Mr. Mill claims Is the best Hinging and dancing chorus ou earth. 1Ii:nuv Fm:v. Irninn comedian. a,wrcnce Demlng. director; Bessie Haw- thorne, Mae Le> Roy, Clara Belle Spnnln. Lottie Glyndon, Loren Sterling, Arthur Mor- rison and Ijcslle Burbaak. with Jack C. Crtp- pen, musical director. Specialties are given by Bessie Hawthorne, Loren Sterling. Dcm- hiK and Hawthorne, and Leslie Burbank. William .Iekkersus and bis wife, Chris- tie Mac-Donald, sailed June 14 for Europe, and will spend much of the Summer In Paris. "Capb Con Folks" will he presenred by Llebler & Co., at Ihe Boston Theatre. Boston, Aug. ^7. Cathkkink Coi'ntiks will be In the com- panv supporting Lillian Russell next season. JuHv Lawkencb Toole, tbe veteran Eng- lish comedian, has been III some time, and Is now reported to Ite dying. He was born C.*'ln London In ISM. KoRHBK ItoSEHTHO.Y ANO GEHTKUOK El.LIOTT wlll appear at the New Amsterdam Theatre, New York, next October, under Klaw & Er- lnnger'd manacement. In G. B. Shaw's live act drama. "Ciesar and Cleopatra." Mai!<;akkt Ii.i.i.vuton sailed June 15 for America, but will return to London next sea- son to appear In a new play of Michael Mor- ton's. Helkn Kloiiehu, soprano, will study under Joan de Reszke. Lauha 1>avis has signed with P. J. Ken- nedy for next season. "Agamemnon," the Greek play, by Aeschv- lus. was given Id the Stadium, at Harvard College, Jane US, by Harvard students, to an enthusiastic audience of three thousand five hundred people. Consi'blo Bailbt will probablv atar next season under the management of Heber Mhc- Donuld, In a new play, by Charming Pollock. K. S. Wn.LARn has secured the American rights for Michael Morton's "Colonel New- come," and will present here next season. Florence C. Taylor, who laielv Instituted suit ngalnst her father. It. C Taylor, theatre Merchant of Venice" and "Romeo and Juliet. Notes from the Bkbuer-Grose Stock Co., In permanent stock at Alhnnuerque. New Mex --Baliv Lucille, the child featured with ihls company, was the recipient of many handsoaie and valuable presents on June 9. being her eleventh birthday. She received a handsome life size doll from the members of Ibe company, and Individual presents from both -Hie company and outsiders. She has made a lasting Impression upon the theatre- goers there, and, as 77ie afftwhlf Citizen, on June ft. said : "Her uunces and songs are by far the cleverest ever seen In Albuquerque. ' Harrt Buob, a well known manager and agent, mourns the loaa of his father, who died at his home at W'llllamsport. Pa.. June 15, In the seventy-fifth year of his ago, J. L. Aton, on May 18, closed a season of forty-three weeks as advance of Kllroy & Brltton's "An Aristocratic Tramp" Co., and las signed for next senson with the same show. Hi: i Mil*' it Conriko has engaged Thlla Platchfnger. soprano of Ihe Royal Opera House, Berlin. Ger.. for the Metropolitan Opera House. She will be heard In Wag- nerian roles and some others. WANTED, for Cainellu Oil Concert Co., Sketcii Teams and others, write. Drnnks? NO nt u N. LA VERB, Henderson , Knox Co., 1 11. FOR SALE. MODERN OPERA HOCSe" Northern Ohio. Good show town; population >>on* Beating capacity, 4W. Steam heat, electric llffbi' clry water, complete set of new scenerv r.not $6,500. Price, $4,500 to qnlck buyer. GEO. M. SMITH, Court Bouse. Warren, Ohio. ACJEIfTS-Legltlmate substitute for Slot Ma- chines; patented; sells at ?lght for $1. Good fer rltory open. Particulars G1SHA CO., Anderson Ind EIGHT FARCES COMPLETE, FDNNY MAGIC ACT. eight Mooologues, 12 Sketch^ Gags, Parodies, 12 Feature Acts. Minstrel stun' songs, ere, all 'lb cents. E.P.COxrak,s23&n' PARISIE.V ROSE CLOTH-Ruh on cheeks' It increases beanry. His your duty to appear n> yoor beat and a tonch of color at times is a leclri. mate and valnabic aid. It is harmless. Gives net. rectly natural tint. Cloth lastsseverslmonthB Seat sealed lu plain envelope, 10c., 3 for 25c. Biker Agents wanted. Parislen li.Co., Box 662, N Y CUv" DODGERS, Heralds, and all kinds of small Stuff. PRESS SHOW PRINTERY Johnsonhnrg, Penna. THEATRICAL HOTELS B OARDING HOUSES. PALACE IiOTKI*. 101 N. Olark St., OhlcafO. enxopean, $8 per week: with private bath, $T. rorktth tett, too. H. B. HUMPHRET, Prop. MONEY! MONEY:: MONEY in^irw right.) Big Act for good Vaudeville Circuit. Sum- mer earks, etc., by the author of the sketch a re- fined musical, and dramatic comedy, 4 characters lively plot; played at Pastor's Theatre, Memorial Par; highest testimonials. MONEY, care CLIPPRH SKETCHES, Travesties, Rnrlesnuca. etc written to order. Only beat original work fur- nished to prof. Jos. Kershaw, ftffl Bnttonwnod St .Fhllailelpbis, Pa. INDIAN Head Fortune Tellers, $|&; Lnnnettsp "•''and $60: Galatea Statues, $15; Organ-. $& to $50 - Blajk Arts, Ventriloquist Figures, Wax Figures, etc' buLlose stamp. W. H. J. SHAW, Victoria. Mo SHAW COMEDY COMPANY WANTS PIANO PLAYER AND MUSICIANS who doable B and 0.; also Repertoire and Specialty people. State ir you double band; lent show: week et»nd"' pay own. G.M. BROWN, Mgr., Lewfaton, Me. TRAFALGAR, 116-117 E. It, N.Y., HI. Keith 'I, Acad.' of Mnslc, Dewey. Booms 60c.. T6c, $1, jlM dij; $a.w to $b week. W.D.liJLx^lGAN.Prop. I Wabash k Madison, CHICAGO, I O. 0. V&aghan, Prop. Strictly 1 American Flan. $8-16 single Vaudeville patronage invited. HOTEL ST. DENIS, 136-138 West Market St, Indianapolis, Ind. Convenient lo all theatres. Best Llttl e Hotel In Indianapolis. Actors' Rates. wiur." of Worcester, Mass.. to recover 33li.OH(i on ii note, baa won her ease. SiiitEWsurav, Mass., will nave an open ulr tbentre In another month. It will be man- fged by Francis H. BIgelow. and will cost $1,000. Vaudeville, musical, comedy and minstrel jwrformances will be given there. Belle Golp has been re tlve book. iM>8tnge 8 cents. Free on npplliAilon at L. I. It. n. ticket olllces. 130 Bondway: ftl.t Sixth Ave.: l>5 nth Ave.: 574 Cohimhiis Ave., and HI Vicst li.lU St.. New York, or mailed SJHSfrL ot P»stnge bjr HOW AUD H. SMIIH. (Jen'l I'nsscoRor Ast.. L I R It.. 2113 Fifth Ave, N. v. t'ltj. SLEEPING CAR WANTED. WILL BEIT OB PUBCHASE. Adllress D. O. 91.. ROOM 000, TIMES mjlI.DIMJ, Kew Vork CUT- WANTED AT ONCE. FOR THE SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS. Performers and Musicians, Band and Orchestra. Under canvas. JOE HALL, Gardner, Msss. 1906 AT LIBERTY, 1907 The Yankee Character ComedlaBa, GENE FOXCROFT--CLEHENS " OHIDV OLI1 HAD) and S1NRINC BBBE. Mgrs. Sluelcal romedv. Farce, or Burlesque Co. Address J. <;. FOXUROFT, Fhlladelphls, P». JUNE 23. THE NE¥ YORK CLIPPER: 4W B. F. KEITH'S THEATRES AND VAUDEVILLE BOOKING CIRCUIT. Keith'* Theatre BoBton, Mass. Krlth'a BIJou Theatre Boston, Mass. KKK Theatre Providence, R. I. KHth's Theatre Pawtueket, R. I. Kc b's New Theatre Philadelphia. Pa. Kelih'9 Prospect Theatre Cleveland, 0. Keith's Theatre Columbus, 0. Keith's New Theatre Portland, Me. Keith's New Theatre Manchester. N. H. Krlth's New Theatre Lowell Mass. Kpirh's Royal Princess Theatre. London, Kng. Keith I Proctor's Union So. Thcatre.N. Y. Citj K A Proctor'B 23d St. Theatre. .N. Y. City K & rroctor's 5th Ave. Theatre. .N. Y. City Bijou Theatre A 1 toons, Pa. Kernan's Maryland Theatre.. Baltimore, Md. Shea's Theatre. Buffalo, N. » Shea's Theatre Toronto, Can. Cook Opera House Rochester, N. Y. Temple Theatre. Detroit, Mich. S. /.. Poll's Theatre Worcester, Mass. 8. /.. Poll's Theatre Springfield, Mass. 8. 7,. Poll's Theatre Hartford, Cona. K. 'A. Poll's Theatre New Haven, Conn. S. z. Poll's Theatre Bridgeport, Conn. S. 7.. Poll's Theatre Waterbury, Conn. S. Z. Poll's Theatre Wllkes-Barre, Pa. S. Z. Poll's Theatre Scran too. Pa. Savoy Theatre Fall River, Mass. Colonial Theatre Lawrence, Mass. Kmptre Theatre Paterson, N. J. Empire Theatre. Hoboken, N. J. Valentine Theatre Toledo, O. Trent Theatre Trenton, N. J. The Grand Wheeling;. W. Va. Henderson's Music Hall Coney Island Krith & Tractor's 58th St. Theatre. .N.Y. City Keith A Proctor's 125th St. Theatre.N.Y. City Keith A Proctor'B Theatre. .Jersey City, N. J. v f Proctor's Theatre Newark, N.J. F F. Proctor's Theatre Troy, N. Y. F* F Proctor's Tbeetre Albany, N. Y. Harry Davis* Grand Opera House Pittsburg.Pa cbBFe's Theatre Washington, D. C. Grand Opera House Byracuae, N. Y. Also Booking for 20 Parka and Seashore Resorts. Performers will benefit themselves by keeping; this office Informed of fhelr ronfe and open time. B. F. KEITH'S BOOKING OFFICES, St. James Building, S. K. HODODON, Booking M.nag.r, Rooms 833 to 838 St. J>m« Bnlldlag, NEW YORK C1TV. WE WILt SOON TRANSFKR TO A NEW ACT, WRITTEN BY FRANK BORT, "The Hebrew Conductor." PRESENTED BY L.E BUI RE AND LE MAIRE. FOR RENT, FILMS, MACHINES And SONG SLIDES, WITH OR WITHOUT OPERATORS. PRICES THE LOWEST. HARSTN * CO., 138 East 14th St., Tel. 38 12 Gramercy. NEW YORK. 1ST. Y. ALWAYS OPEN. SPACES FOR IE Ice Cream Cones, Souvenir, Wire Worker, National Photo Machine, Dart Game, Knife Board, OR ANYTHING ELSE THAT LOOKS GOOD. I_. PADULA, Brighton Beach Beard WhIIc, Coney Island, N. Y. "PARKWAY AMUSEMENTS." MUSICIANS Hare Place* for First Clau MUSICIANS for Hummer Enpagemtmt at tin- Sea- Mhor«. Tlionr doubling preferred. Write, ktntlnc terms, to J. N. ROBINSON. Box .163, Wilmington, Del. IN ORDER TO INTRODUCE LIQUIDERMA The Perfect Liquid Rouge POWDERMA ( The Perfect j Pace Powder ' FOR Wc will send, pontage prepaid, a 50c. A C- Box of Powderma ana a sou. Bottle stUCi "t Uquldcrma. Address Derma Co., (Inc.), 5 K. 17tli St., N. Y. WANTED, GOOD MEDICINE PERFORMERS, SKETCH TEAMS, COMF.MANS, ORGAN PLAYER, OPERATOR WITH COMPLETE PICTURE OUTFIT. Slate salary tint letter. Address . . BROWNLEF. * KEEU'S CAR SHOW, __^ Verona , Pa. VIOLINIST and PIANIST Desire Summer Engagement, Pbore or mountains. Both professionals; strictly Al; absolutely temperate, targe ttlirarvof muatc. Addr ess BO X :jik, Lebanon. Pa. ITOTICBr "A; RARE OCCURRENCE." (COPYRIGHTED.) A t pmcdlctiu, In one act, '1 m. 1 r. Stroug dra- matic situations. Can be used as a curtain Raiser or Tor Vaudeville. Feature part for IrOad- iniz Man. For aalo outright. Address OKO. A. LAPRKtVCE, 1gT W. 40th »L. X. Y. WANTED, FOR ELECTRIC PARK 'CELLO To double Cor lirt. Clarionet or Alto. CD., Allegheny Hotel. Warren, Pa. flood Rep. People, write In. 50 Ceils for a Book of 10 Sketches; S Acts for I male 1 female; ■"> acta for J males. Honev order or •£ rent n tamps. Address RKRNARli KI-INd. Pl ay w r l g H .sa Jay Si., Brooklyn, N. Y. Sketrhfs written toordet. Wanted at Once, Sketch Teams, Sister Teams and Single Women; nond voices. Beware of knockers. PALACE MCSlf OAHDEX, Sch*iu>ctudy . S. Y., MR.S. W it. W.OStH HIS B. Prop RENTFROW'S BIG CO. Wa.« at Out*. VAUDEVILLE PEKFORMEIIS Idnnrde bandl, MUSICIANS: Leader iind oilier.. Slate salary ; pay own. Box llo, Pott.lowu, Pa. EDISON UNIVERSAL KINKT.l- SCOPE, ELECTRIC ISO EDISON UNIVERSAL K1NLTOSCOPK, CALCIUM »« EDISON UNIVERSAL CALCIUM and MODEL II OX V LITHE CIAS OI.'I'FIT ISO EDISON EXHIBITION KINKTOSC0PE, ELECTRIC »;."> EDISON EXHIBITION CALCIUM and MODEL B OXY OUTFIT SHIS SELIG POLYSCOPE, ELECTRIC and CALCIUM *6S 1 . 1 HIV CINEOGRAPH, 1900, ELECTRICanrt £AL*~IUM $67. SO DISSOLVING STERE0PTICON8 and OP- TIORArH, CAIAUM IS. OR SAME WITH OXV LITHE I. As OUTFIT and DISSOLVER IIIM EDISON EXHIHITION KINETOSUOPE, ELECTRIC (^10 TAKE CP) $SU OPTIGRAPH M. P. MACHINES and LENS «l" OPTIGRAPH NO. 0, SPECIAL (REGULAR 145) M3.M LOWER ATTACHMENT FOR OPTIGRAPH Vi H8 SUN RIVAL LIGHT .10 (M BRIGHT WHITE LIGHT.... »I3.73 OXY LITHE OUTFIT (CANADIAN) *I0 EDISON M. P.LENS »4.tlll MOVINE PICTURE LENS H SONG STEREOFTICON. REX. « ELECTRIC (41.30 SONG STERBOPTICON, REX * CAL- CIUM IB $100 DISSOLVING STEREOFTI- CON CALCIUM,, JETS and DIS- SOLVER m ILLUSTRATE!) SONGS (Neiv). TER SET » ILLUSTRATED SONGS (8. H.) PER SET >llo V. POSE AND SERPENTINE SLIDES, COL- ORED, EACH SO SIO NICKELED ADJUSTABLE TABLE, LEGS, ETC »T.fl( REEL, 10 INCH, ami REEL IIOX, LOCK and KEY »1.50 MANY OTHER BARGAINS AND REDUCTIONS FILMS If ■• ■■» AT r,c . TO He. PER FOOT, HI MS INCLUDING MAN Y FK\H 111-; I I la IH FILMS AS FOLLOWS, MELIE'S IMPOSSIBLE VOYAGE— «ES CAPE1I LUNATICS LIFE OF AMERICAN SOLDIER TIN". SERENADE—— —BULL FIGHT— HOLD DANK ROIIBERY— HOLD UP OF LEADVILLK COACH— DAYLIGHT HOB- NERY — COWBOYS AND INDIANS BIG AMIST SUBURBANITE—. VENDETTA— PASSION PLAY-ELOPEMENT-CHRI8TIA N MARTYRS, ETC. Nearly 100 MllijecU io Keatare Films. SEND FOR MAMMOTH LIST OF FILMS FROM 3c. fo 8c. PER FOOT. SEND FOR CATALOGUE OF PICTURE MACHINES, STEREOPTI- CONS, OXY-I.ITHE GAS OUFITS. CON- DB«SERS, CONDENSER PROTECTORS, REELS. LIMES, GELATINE. ETC. CARBONS X < Vi, PER IIMI. $4.'». MOTION PICTURE MACHINES AND FILMS WANTED. 809 Filbert St., . PHILA., PA. AT LIBERTY, A. C. WEST, AGE1VT. Aridrni TIIU'AVDA. PA. 1VOTICB. A Hand to Ilsnd and It lleatl to (lead Balancer AT LIUFJITY. Would like to Join a trnnrt- as partner. Weight 97 noundti. OBOROR C1IAKUON NKAC. 01 Tentb St., Norwico, Couu. WC ARE QUOTING SPECIAL PRICES ON COMPLETE LINE OF PAPER. LITHOGRAPH WORK Block and Type Work. Heralds, Dates, Etc. All Your Work in One Shipment. We Operate Oar Plant Day and Sight i In 1 Year Vinuud. You can Doprnd on Prompt Hlitpmetit*. COMPLETE LINE OF NEW PAPER IN STOCK FOR LIFE MOTION PICTURES OF SAN FRANCISCO DISASTER. 15c. Each. - $5 per 100. -$2.50 per 100. - 32c Each. - - 16c Each. - 6c Each. 3-SHEET LITHOGRAPH, I -SHEET " " 1-2-SHEET " " 16-SHEET BLOCK, I Color, 8-8HEET " I 3-8HEET " I I -SHEET " I .1 $2 per 100. ACKERMANN-QU1GLEY LITHOGRAPHING CO., 115, 117, 119, 121 WEST 5th ST., KANSAS CITY, MO., SHOW PRINTERS AND LITHOGRAPHERS. MANUFACTURERS OF COUPON THEATRE TICKETS. NEW YORK OFFICE: 301 KNICKERBOCKER THEATRE gUILDIMQ. WANTED, AOTS, Gotham Amusement Co., COATSVtMiE, PA. 1). A. HOWARD, TMR. 0. B- YOUN«, M(tr. SlnRlnc. Dancing Sketcli TcauiH, pk-ntynr duuWeB and slnglCH, Irlwli and Mai Comedian*. 8ou- brcttes, etc. We are now open for Hie Hummer under canvas, with plenty of money behind u» to p ay for go od people. Wanted Qulolc, Must. Doiiide Miagc or It. ami 0- Parties with Wagon or Medidne Show iiperleuirc preferred. AddrcHB MORROW'S VAVII.IOH8I.OW8. Addlfion, N. V.. Zi; Campbell iti. Savona as. Hath •&. WAM'KI), HINULK OR DOUDMfi JAPANESE NOVELTY ACT SEASON 4U f/BBKS. OPKNS IN AUG. Mate salary and all particulars In MiM letter. Send photos, etc., whlrli will be rcmrncd. Addrenn (i. HARRIS F.I.DON, Alexandria, Ind. AT LIBERTY, LEW STRONG, All 'Round C0MK1>IAN.*t«ek, Rep., or tine Ml'.' III. SoN;r and reliable, ifnlck xtudy; apcrlalttcs. Mw, sure waiary. A'liln 1 -- niall to Ueu. Del.; wires, rare Cily Hotel, Halve^ton, Indian*. Opera House Fair Dates, BRANDON, MANITOBA. July 28 to Aug. 4. Iirnmntic and other vompaiitea tor almve and later dates, alwi Vaudeville and Novi-Hy AcIh Tor iinmedlalv lime. Write AVRBS \ YWI.K. Ifops. and Mgrs., Auditiirium Theatre, trnii|ue Theatre, Opera lion g. Brandos!, Man. CIRCUS SCATS, POI.KS, KTAKKS.WIl.ll WK6T CANOPY, IITIIKR HHtiW PRril'KRTY. PKAKI. VAN, Nnrllivllle. N. Y. Nantucket Comedy Four AT LIBERTY AFTER AUG. 15, 1906, with something new In lire quartette tine; bound to please any audience; wo make all other* fade. Only good manager* write. II. RUSH 81IORTMAN, Manager, WO Washington Street, Newark, N. J. At Liberty, One Pti«-i- Attraction!) Only, tale, Ussraeters and Corned?, Db*U'«-t and Acrobalii . Address care of NUNLKYr), Kniilh Keaeb, Staton iBiatid New York. \i LADY GONETTIST WANTED. BnMSle HnrnrlPa Lady On:h»«tn«, tin. Tlfl W. Main St., Oklalioma illy, tikla . WANTED QUICK, Piano Player doing Specialty, working In SjetJ. A good Performer that plays Piano. You don' i need to be a wonder, (live lowest iiulck. MflR. TKNTHIIOW. Ureal Hind, Pa. MUSICIAN WANTED. SOLO Al.Tf): oue whn ran play first Violin or 'Cello, fiteidy position. Apply to C. II. KICHTKR, I/JCk Uvx 0-J f«4, Ifa'.h, N. Y. THE ACT WHICH HIS EUTEHTIIHED R0T1LTT. MARSHALL'S HAT DANCING FLOATING SAILING CUT-UP JUGGLING MARSHALL, THE MYSTIC, "and HIS HATS." And 111. clahralari >'K« Irl.k.ran lt« .aitn at Pa.lnr'N, 11,1. mafe, aC4.HI ati'l ll.llt FILMS .-.ii.iiciii I ki : r Til III'. vr. aO.miU KKKT, A I, ON ItKKI.N 111" AIH11 'I' 1,0011 KKKT, ,-Hl.llll II', EDISON EXHIBITION MEL Vlth t'niii«tra|(rapli Fire Proof Maf(a- Xlnoa nnriT(il,H up, nmijil.'lf, $00. OTHER BARGAINS AT PALE Y'S, «Wii«l JMII1 HI., N.w York Oily. WAIT TED, MILES 0I!T(!\ SO. SHOWS, Side Show People who Double In Concert Immediately. Muei l>n iimiIvL' Jdlniin rcfitlnt af wli«. fuller UihmI, llacriil OIKVIIH PKuri.K In Hlrcri«llii!ii Slum-. Quod. Siihcr, llnllalili' IIOSS IIANVAH MAN WANTKI) IMMKIMATKI.V. I':„i alai, I'lnur (IikhI Hll.l. I'OSTKIt for llii- AilvaniT. IVANTOnn ■ Minn L'ANIiV IIIITC1IKI1, nr will la" Manila ami llannar rrlvllrz,!. Hilly MlrWiHI, Jim Irvltin anil J. flcitrfii' Hriiwn. wilt,- nr win:. Adilrc.a NORMAN' OIlTllN. Toma dmk, Va. MII.BH (IIITIIN HIII1WH, Tnma Crunk, Va, MUSICAL NOVELTIES. Hcnd for'JH-pago llttis. catalog. Htarup for reply. Twenty yearn' experience. K. R. BTHKBT, Inventor and Maker, ■& Brook St., Ilsrtforrl. AT JMnBKRTF *T Al leader. Violin, I'lanu. Cornet. Holier aud ro- li.ih.'. Ttrkctar Yea. State your llui't. Aildn-.i I.KA1IP.R. Mllfnr-1. <••■» Wanted, Lady Violinist Hplcmllil rtHlHrv,prmiaimnt poHlUot), with liidlea' iii - tii'.iiii . Prefer Kinger or WhixUer. Add ■"<- PIANIHT. IW-'J Indiana Ave,, Chicago. ■"■ WANTED AT ON€K, flood Comerilitti hiuI Medlrlm* Pi>op|i>. Htslo lo»- cxt salarr. June 17 to 'tb, Columbia, Motiror- , I. WANTED, PIANIST Will) IXlt'lll.KX IIIIARH, CLEVER SPECIALTY WOMAN WANTED AT ONCE, I'llll HOIVIBERC'S PARK THEATRE, Sketch Teams, Sister Acts, Novelty Acts, Single Ladies, And any olln-r ArU ■ullabli* for Park Theatre. Write 11 1 once In JOHNNY IIOWAHI1, Man*H«r, Mninliorfc'H Park. HonhvII1« V, O,, _ _ Ualtlinoi •% Co., Mrf. Ukf A. SITED, Al HKKTCH TKA.H Ttuit can i'haiiBi! for une wei'-k. Mn«r do one etri. gle and onu noutilc each uluhl. Work In ai-tM. Thone Hmt 'tnuce preferred. Hnlary. wind vnu are wnrib. Th-kefa If required. AdWSjH €OY A N1» HA I.L, Novelty l.'u.. liorln. Mu . Wanted, Agent who nan ami will rami i.lll... HINUKIIH anil MI'HICIANM. Alan LL1V MURK OULHAHE, CHASE & WESTON, l;lLi.-l;iri) Broadway, R«w York C.'lly. WANT QUIOK. (riowii.d'otncdiiiii, Contortiniiliti. One t.ndy Per. rurmi-r. Htnte all. AddrcHH Wl 1,1,1 AM TIM). JJoliiiiir. lu-biware. THE SHREWSBU«YS (MARGIE and LILLIEi. 4$0 #E£E 'NEW* YORK CL±PJ?EJR. June 23. HKW YORK CITY. KHiii A l'ru*>l«r'H ( n ion Squure Theatre (K, F. lingers, resident manager l. —A capacity audience uiiH un bond, at ImkIi Iwrfonnani-PH Monday, .Time 18, la wHdi'hk the till! headed by liulien Milliard rind com- pany, la his offering, "Ah n Mnn Sown." The playlet found favor hpre last Foil, nnd tools u li'in liold upon the audience at it* repell- (lun' Tlic Olobe at .Dentil. somewhat toned down t>y tin- fir** nutlinrliles, enterialiu-d : Hoy L. Itayre, I In' unctuous comedian, was cordially greeted flfi*r n lone nlmMw-e, nnd enterlulneu pleasingly : Nellie Butler nnd company »'er» well received, nnd Indications point to n successful vaudeville act: Htan- lf,v and Leonard Hirst tlmi> here) pleased In their turn nnd won many recalls : Me.rrl Osborno appeared In a very enjoyable uct, nnd created n ninMt favorable 'hnpretislon ; llownrd and Howurd lield the slug* for a longer period tlimi their schedule, but the audience insisted over unit over on. Willi* fnvorltfg it will) another of his Inughnblo Hebrew parodies;, (layer nnd Wallers, In the iiini. *'ln the iHireers of Italy." proved a most potent attraction; fieri rude richest, (lie dainty charadcr crrfoeillemie, proved n de- lightful itriiulslfion, and went very well : Alexis nnd Schell. Ihe bnmt v pair, kept laughter very busy during their nonsensical turn, mid jellied aiuld ftitnuslastlc applause : Mile. F.dn.'i whistled herself Into luvor In n very entertaining mnnner; Burto mid I*uf- ferty, the dunciug couple, were fnvonibly re- ceived, nnd worked well. The klneiogrnph closed the hill. Academy of Music (Ollmore & Tomp- kins, wumgent- — '•'• n. Mottoern ami Julia Mnr;owc apnea red as Hhylock and Portln, In "The Merchant of Venice." Jnue 1-1, to mi audience which tilled the big house, nnd which wax thoroughly appreciative. The pro- d'lciion tim on a par with its pri*dcce«nors. Tiie MUt: Duke of Venice, William Harris; PrlneV of 'MoriM.ru, THumus Havis; Antonio, T. 1,. Coleman : Bassaiilo, Frederick Lewis; Snhuiio. Allium 1'. Peltier; Saimino. John Taylor- Orntlnno, Fred Krlc: Lorenzo, Kdrfon ft. Mile*:- Sbylock. K II. Rot hern : Tubal. Frank rtflcber: Lnnneelot tjohlio, Kowlnnd Btickolone: did UobUo, Malcolm Brady ; l.'>uiuinl'>, Unrrv Smith: Hal (baser. I'. J. Kelly: Servant to Antonio. Wlliner Dame; Portia. Julia Marlowe: Xanana* Alice liar- rlnKtoii; Jessica; -MlUIceiit McLaughlin. Mon- day. In. the two stars appeared in their beautiful nnd artistic production of "Twelfth Night,'* to a very large house, repeating . tbelr sucrepses of last Fall up town. The cast : 'Onlim, Fiederlck Lewis, Sebastian, Fred Ktir: Antonio. William [Inrrjs ; A Sen Captain, Oeorge Aiken ;• Valentine, Tiioiiirix Unvln; Carlo. P, J. Kelly: Kir Toby Belch, liowiitiid ItuckHto'ip : Kir Andrew AiiKeibe^k, Mnli'olm Jhadley ; Malvollo, K. II. Mittheru : I-'nblnn, 'I'. I,. Coleman: rente, a clown, Frank Ilelcher: A I'rle-Kt. I^ilson It. UtfcMi (ill via. Alice Harrington ; Vloln, Julia Marlowe ; Murla. Mllllcent McLaughlin. "Twelfth Nlcht" wll he n-tulned n» tile bill until 20: ■■Ilnmlet" l'1-^H. which eloKea the mum for I be Htnrn. ranciiiilen their eiigiincmeiit under t'hurlcH I'roliuuin'tt management, mid closes lb" 'canon at the Academy. ■ wlHtnrlu Grave (Joncph Hart, mono- sen. — A good nlzed andleme whs on hand Dune 18, when the til! I here wiik changed to Home exleiit. Swl Wnyhnrn'n "Hnin-fieii'iH" was ime of I1ie new features. Its rlrsl New >ork priiseiilntlmi lulnir slgnnllnetl *on the ulwivj dale. The am, which Is bended hy v Ni'vii' Aym.ir, Is n very effective nnaujr aud ;liini'lnu mualier, arrnagcil in Mr. Wiivlnini's clinriicli'i'lwtle iiHUiner, anil the foiiru*cenes jiivKeiiied aroused sincere expir^slons of Miprovnl. TIil* lirst wene In n irufk show* !ng a toy shop, with eight glrlH In fan- timtlc rwUnnet, The dunce aud - u m»in leridereJ hy Mum Aynmr'were worthy, of Ihe )i|i|iliiiix> *{lvcn tliem, nnd the scene then ( h.imjeit to "in Dreamland." which In turn Kiivi- way to "In Iceland." botli prettily arranged aad enlivened by the excellent work of tin- girls. " 'Way Down Yon- der In tlu> ''urn Field." which ended Ihe offering, Kbowed a corn Held with sliicka of the yellow fdalkn. and a background of clouds, A lltiiuderatorin Is ihcn depicted, and Ihe rain falls while the gh-ls, ulnd In oilskin*, King and dnnce while (he rain droos nailer on them. The net came tiixt on the hill, hut it was strong enough to hold everyone In the imilieni'e to ihe close, and there na mnrlted l'avtir sholvji It. The Drift. American appear- nnce of Work nud (Kver occurred .Tube IK, iiiul the teutii brought to light sonie excep- tloiiully fine feuin In tumbling, one or the teaih doeo a double Komcrsniill Troin Ihesboul' ders of |be Oilier In Ihe ground, nnd the work tUioughoill was glll-edgeil. The Sllue- Krettos, renin I'kable In Ihelr line, were given Htorina of applause for Ihelr nnl-of-the-or- dlli'iiv feu ts, and the nd scored a big hit. The fe.-lts done by I hew performers on Ihelr hands, la leaps from Ihe tables to chairs and hack again, are exceedingly line. The Six Proveniilcf, llw big act of bicycle riding, were appliiided vlgoronaly. and Kalermi'a Juggling was a lil^r Uttoeewt Carrie De Mar's spe- (Infty of dol> luipcrnotiatioij. Introduced In "Seeing New York." was clever In n nro- lioonceil degree, ami the dlfferetil hnllallous «he gave, uoiably the one of the parrot, were capital. Clifton Crawford's fipeflalty Also Rcori'd big. "Seeing -New York" Is now In Mm ihlnl week. I'oslor'N i'bi-ntre (1'ony I'aslor, llimui- geri --The rnln of Mouduv. .lime IK, proved ii boon to ilils liouse, aud a cnnncltv audi- enee aioil;iuded the bill, which afforded at least two uoveliles. Prim-ess I\rillne. a dainty little singing coiuedlenne. made her American debui. and was warmly received. hi lug li'li-oditced '>> Tony I'ustor. The little wnmau Is vIvaeloiiH. pleuslug In appearance nnd iiiaimvr. gets fid) value out of her songs, ■i ml dances gracefully. A good, calchy song Is all Dial Is required to iniike ihe offering n b audience with n sueeesslna of hiuglis, aud won on'. .Marshall, the mystic, juggled bis bats an well, If not better than before be' went abroad. Murphy, Whlliaan and company made their llrst metropolitan appearance In their new rum) offering. "Old Friends," which Ihcy style "The 'Shore Aerea' of Vaudeville." The Utile offering hits everything to commend It, us h abounds in humor and pathos, aud is welt acted. There Is little donhl of lis sn ■■- cess, others were: Lit Centra and I.u Hue, the Alvln RrtHLi Ihe Svlvesters. Osborne nnd Wallace, and Kid Itaxler and Hbiuebe South- Wick. The vltagi'fllib closed the show. Allnnllf (in rile n (W. Kramer's Sour, manii'_ , eisi.--ltliodes and Carter, coined v nerobuls: the Original Messenger Hoya' Trio, Wilson nnd Morun, in "Their First Quarrel :" the /nretles. gymnasts ; l.orlnne .iamlaon, operatic siiprnuii, and Die nmvlng pictures nie the attractions lor HiU week. Mclnsi'o lln'iilrr fDnvld Itehisco, mnti- ngert, — Hlatiche Kates entered her thirty- Kecoiid week .Iitne IS. In -The IJIrl of lb» llnldeii West." Ilerenfler Hie cnrlnln will vise nt S.ITi limtead of K i\ m., as heretofore. New York ThfMitre t Klaw & Krlanger, mnttagers:. — "Ills Honor, the Mayor." began it-- loill'lh week Join- IK. Ac rial (litnleriM (Klaw & l^rlnnicrr. mnn- nyrrst.- Ilm M. Cohnii opened ids third week June is, In "The (lovernor's Son." I.yrle Tlienire (Sam S. .V I Shubert, peim".,.!^! Henry VL Disey started his f-oiMi week June IS, lu "The Muu on the U»ox." liviiii a- I'rwrfor'H Twenty-third Street Tliciiti-c. - JuIIiih Sieger nnide IiIh lirst New York vaudeville appearance at tltta house on June IK. hi n one net iday. by Wll- ll 4 Steeli, eiilltleil "The Firth ComDiaud- -menl," and the audience wum ho luipresscd uiiii I lie act, which, in really far above the jivcr.ik,-!'. that Mr. Ktc^tr and his line com- pany were given curtain call after curtain call. Mr. Kteell Itaa written A little story that grips one from the start, nnd never lets go. its treatment being clever nnd Hh plot strong. Itrlefly, It leils of how Alice Whii Itron, erniidchild of Stephen Wln- thmp, .timis In n w.inderlr.g mush-Inn tha father she had thought dead, and of how this tm her, cast off years ago by Alice's grand- father. Is taken to the old nmn's heart. For- rest lloblnson played the elderly millionaire with line effect, and Julie llerne did ea- peelally good work as Alice. Mr. Sieger was worthy of the nuirkeil favor shown him, and he sang h's- mm witu lu very good voice. Tony I'eirl, the harpist, scored a success aa one of the two wandering players. The acting whs unusually clever for a vnudevl'le skit, mid the audience, ipiick to realize the ex- M Il»*ncc of the performance, showed their ap- proval In the wnrmest applause. Cnrl llertr, the famous Illusionist, marked on 18 his re- turn to America after an nhsenee of severnl jenrn, nnd he enme hack with a budget of hlg lentiires In bin line. His lieAvllv ulliMl sensa- tion Is "Helehfl'/ar's niaeklinnrd." which cre- ated a line Impression. .Mr. Hertz places n blank blackboard on the stage, and only partly covers It wllli a piece of cnrdlstndT. (Juesrlons are then usked him by people In the nudleuce. and the answer appears on the board vrhen the card Is removed, 'fills was voted ft very good feature, but others, such m> "The Ilrldni Chamber" and n hit of hypno- tism, were more spectacular, and were given lo the most warmly expressed favor. Mr. Heft* has a most Interesting act, and one wlili li holda nhsurbed attention. Paul Spa- dim! Ihe clever Juggler, gave Ills nel, with nil lis excellent fen lure*, nnd won ihereby a distinct success, and l-Mgar Hlxley and com- pany, lu "The Kuclintitod Tree, captured '-ujrlm In plenty. Nellie Heaumont nnd corn- ally superintended every detail. Several hun- dred men are needed for Its producliuu, aud, lake It .Hi In all, It In one of ihe most real- istic, Itiierestlng mid Instructive spec- luelm ever given In open ulr. Mark A. f.tif sell- er. I-iwienci 1 .Mursioo :iLd Henry Myera un? concerni-d In the producilon. "Creation." 'The Fud of Ihe World" and "PhnraohH Daughter," the Mokl Indians and ihe Mldgec City are popuhir nttrsctions. The free vaude- ville bill week of 18 Includes: 'Die lilac!: Mmk. kauaii Bkunmaiiikt made what wan UKATIIS IX Tin; I'UtircsstnN termed her farewell apiwarancea In this city i evenings of June 13. EL a( the l.yrlr The- IJiltiiuuiI U, L>ohn. litre, with matinee lit. Henry K. Dlxey ami Kduuiid D. Lyons. H,.- vtieran actur u .. company, in -The Man on the Box. resting k nown lor n(8 work ' , (l shakea K-aii..,' « i'" for the three performances. At the even- and character porta, died on tSvnSE J,',',"* Ing performance she appeared In he title ]«, at the N>w york HnapltaL after a * h rofc of the second act of "Hamlet : m ni?M . following a stroke of apop eJ T K , , as Zornya^ In the fourth net of "Iji he suffered on Thnrsdnv. June iV sit i . Sorelere;" In the title role of the see- who was horn In Kd'lnburgh. ScoiIoiTj s> ond act of "I/AlBion. and aa Gilbert*. Feb. », IMSt. made his %l opiiran ltiisT«M-K 7 H Ammai. Arena i-ontinues to mree occnaions, ami many were ummie m ins nrst part of any importance st th» n.. I»e very, popular. The animal acts Include; obtain admittance ; Indeed, at the final per- dee Tnearre. In 18(14, and In 1870 he \„,V, lijiiiaid'a lions, StKuanrily and his la-ars, formunce the lobby was crowded to Its nt- Identified with the stock iimiDanv Zr ,! and llendrlckson with bis tigers. Among the most with disappointed applicants for admis- Theatre Hoyol, Kdinburgb. He then «•« V* dlnburgh. He tfien riUt and llendrlckson with bis tigers. . trainers who win the most admiration from slon. After the tatl perfoimance W. b. Coo- W |in J. L. Toole, Ip a tonr, durhnr ulT i the audiences sue Ilenilrlckson, Jeonescu and nor and Lee Shubert tendered a banquet to he played the Judge In "WI K and (w ' Mile. Marcelle. Mate. Bernhardt nt the Cafe Des BeouX-Arti Then follnwed an engagement win. .i' Lv.va PAUL— "The .Mountain Torrent" Is and presented her with a gold loving cap. company at the Alexander Theatre uJ expected to be ready for the opening within twelve Inches high. Mine. Bernhardt sailed pool, aud when Wilkle Collin* 1 "Mbw f'»n : was llrst produced at the tilobe TtMtv* l2! don :-°_ u . APHI. IS. 1870, Mr Lyons npp^j l-ater be became «i a|{( _ "few weeks. "The Uftflt Train Bobbery Mundv's animal timw, "A Trip to the Moon," anil the open nlr circus are pennuuent feat- ures, which attract throng*. The freevaude vllle week of 18 Includes: Pete Barlow's ele- phauta, Jtamn's monkeys, Alex. Slehert and wife, eipieetrlniii : Francois Keunabnl nud bis clowns. \\\ II. Conwnv's mules, the Iturslnls, acrobat s : the tJaudscbinitis, acrobats; WnifT's leajilng boniids. and Pascatel, aerial coiitorilonlst. Frank- Mc-iviile Is equeatrlflD director. A novelty nt Mundy's aalmal show Ib t'apt. Itlcardo's bear, which rides a pony. HitifiiiTdK BkacH Park. — The Pawnee BUI Wild West and Far F.ast Show Is an unusual entertainment. It opened Inst Tliuratlny. to n big crowd. The work of Weoono, the woman, marksman ; of MIsb Llllie, on norae 1st lyt d!i luutiou, ihe pol .. oisso throwing, the gnat lieadwood stage couch rubbery, artillery evolutions, the Moun- tain Mead musanerc. the Mexican contra dnnce on horseback all hold-attention. Bm- resentntlves of the various nations nnd mtn riders with their chnracterlstle games and for Knrope June W. HAFfYhAND, tlie new resort at South „ BeQch.. S L, will he opened June .'in. ro as Captalu Manuel. says Mnnager Albert Hergenbam. Klrtlfy's nianager at ihe Globe, and then uvZLavTC spectncle. 'The Carnival of Venice," will be Christmas pantomime at the Theflir* u. » . tGe principal attraction .... Bristol. In 187«. The following s« Z- i.i:w FiKi.im returned from Kurope June if. and nuuounced ihat he bad secured the American rights of "The Orchid," an Eng- lish iiendcttl comedy, n part of which be would probably use In hla opening bill at the Herald Square Theatre, In the late Sum- mer. JACOB taiim Yeturned, June 17, from Znrnpe, biliigbig "Pareliere," Ihe success of the (tomedie Francalse: Sardou's "La Piste" and n French comic opera. Lena Ashwell will tour the molted Stales next season iu found him with wbaV wafKwn T? Tg "t.aste • company, tin Aug. :»». 1877. be 'o, iwared In the Lyceum company, iu toJSL Buschrnnnn. in the first prodnciloa of -5E Dead Secret." Mr. Lyons' lirst Amni! appearance was made lu February lSl when he appeared as AInslle. lu "Uean Brodle." '-*— '« *»•- —■ '— '". "" Brodle." Later in the same season he ,j a £5 a detective In "The Mystery of a ifflS Cab." In October, 1888. be played ,/,: old Stor Theatre. New York Cliv.l£u«. _ in "A Midsummer Khjbl'a Dream • >? h 2 wit and Un' big scenes of chasing nnd her London success, "The Shtilnmlte," and next season be played uncle Joe Parker hi iVDchlng a boraethlef, of the burning by In- Mr. Shubert also made the (IdbI arrange- "Tincle Joe." In "Friends," however " wliii flans of a trnpper's cabin, the Mobage ere- men|s for K. H. Hothern and Julia Marlowe was produced In UHKL Mr. Lyons' work *t „..n,..i ii... ry..u.« miimin ftiiii-w n t >.i mmh it. I — A m in thuii. ■■_,, UI ,.,,■■ ,■ 'Inns «Jtto won him his greatest snecesu m o that time, and established his repntatlo i Unong the later playa lu which he £e Hew lork successes were: Doctor Pagan- techer. In "Dick \ enables;*' Butter Scot.i n "Tbrilhy r Vladimir Warschawsk/ in ■% pauy In ".My Busy Day," were well liked, and pastimes add to the Interest of the entertain- Taylor Holmes recited and told his several mem, In which Pawnee- Bill himself is a lead- atorles to plenty of npplause. Mr. Holmes lag factor. The uiunugem'ent has decided That xpress, fancy and expert to appear in London lu their repertory. Hans ' irro Won him his greatest success Ki>. >». McUuwr.i.i,, Philip Kobeson and to that time, and established his reuniatiui Peter Hice have lakcu a lease of the Lion Among the later plays Iu which he mi/iL Palace Itoof, to opeu June ^5. They will -New 1'ork play strong vaudeville bills. A number of prominent ueadlinera have been booked. In' lurnoy; i maimir vvarscliawsky la "Th* CoufRR, Kknuth aku Patsy, a new music Story of Rodlon :" Simon Podburv in publlsLing llrm, gave a, bouse warming at "Heartsease:" William McWIdrteri in* ■•! their offices, 111) West Fortieth Street, June Coat of Many Colors;" Nero in "Qim Is one of the best single entertainers now l'L'foiv tli« public, ltayinoud and Caverly. "The Real (ierinnna," were great laugh gi*ti lef*. and Ous Leonard, ihe add magical ran* k!c!;] a, In nu net corispletioits for novelty and cleverness', wn;i rXceltenf. The Three Honays repejtti'd llielr recent New York success, qiio motion ]>ietifres coutlnue, I'll ill (It si- Hoof (iiirdcn (Oscar Il.'lin- nie*sti'lii.»nmtitiH*srj .- — The third w*eek of the present Summer sensoli here Iwgan nusplcloii.- - .- lv Monday. June. IS, when the nt tendance nt liotb the uiailnee In the theatre in the after- noon, iitul.nl night upon the roof. *was fully up to rhe Victoria standard. The manage- ment bus nut found It necessary lo make com- plete ehntigex hi the hills every week, as the current bill contains the names of live nets which began llielr third cniiRccntlve week here- 18. They are: It Ice and Prevost, In "Ihnapty Rumps;" lterxnc's Comedy Cirnri, with the hluhly trained ihiiiIcs : Collins ami Hart, comedy ncri'ltuta; the Cnmlllc Trio, comedy bar act. aud-Lalla Selblnl, bicyclist. The Fnyy. in tuiiul rending tests, an* beading tin? hill for this, their second nud lust week here. New nets this week are: Capl. Wood- ward's seals and sea lions, the Six Musical CuHys, accomplished miiRlclans; the Spook MJiisirets, finite, a novelty, and a well con- ceived acl : Tom Ileum, who Is earning fame ns "The l*aKy Juggler." nud Ihe Sharp Bros., slturoTs iiud dancers, CtfNliHk (Kant K. & Lee Shubert, mana- gers).— "The Social Whirl" began Its eleventh week June is Lycrnm Theatre (Daniel Ffohmnn, manager!. — "The Uou and Ibe Mouse" en- tered Its thlr'y-flrst week June 18. Kdmund Itreest',' Illchard llenuett. Waller Allen and Ahirguei-ite SI. Joint appeared In their orig- inal roles on that date. Unrleni. — At the West Knd (fteorge A. Rlumenlhnl, manager) Jacob A. Adler, the Yiddish actor, began -n brief cngagetnunl June IS, to a good slKtsI audleiiie. He will present ~ reijertory of -plays. It Ir nnuotiuced as on Saturdavs three shows each day will lie fjVca by Pawnee Hill In Ihe big arena. The tours are :t and "> o'doi-k In the afternoon. and 8 o'clock lu The evening. Ferari's Wild Atiini:il Kingdom Is another feature of the resort. JJHJHRWI Kkacii Mi-sic IlAI.L. — The lilll for week of June 17 Includes: Ceorgle Calue, usslsLfd bv llnrry B. Lester and company; the ' Transatlantic Four, Jack V^Uson nud company, ihe Three Deltona, Seymour anil HIM, '("aiders. Slaters Austin. Cans. Burke and race I.:i Hue, and tlie klnetdscope. ifANiiA'tTAS ItKAt'M will be opened again next Thursday, with "Suberbau Day." K. K. Klce Is to manage Ihe thealre, and will offer a vaudeville ahow lliere on Thursday and Friday, which will include : Ned Nye, MIg- uon, Arthur IX'iigoc. Kddle Clark, Charles tiiiycr and Olivette Haines. Buss nnd his baud will lM>gln their concerts at the theatre Saturday afternoon. Pain's new lire specta- cle, ''The Krnpliou of Vesuvius," will Ik 1 dis- closed on Snturduy ulght. Tlie Jnnaiiese Tea ibinlen, Ctmterno'n Bund, and ihe ltoyiil Hun- gurluu Cypsy Orchestra will k' other feat- ures. IlKNIiKltSiiX'K, CnSFY TSLANU. — The bll! week of 1R Includes: Kara and Stetson, Im- perial Four, Stella Ithtnchart, Toledo Troupe Jessfcu free, Marcus and Ardelle. Bedlna and dog, Hanson and Nelson, Fourteen Black Hussars. Voung American Quintette, Martin liros., tlie Jim Dandy Olrls, led hy Misses Wiifdiburu and Flynn : Daly nnd Keno, Mor- ton, Temnle and Morton. Start.— Hal Clarendon, a popular member of tlie Spooner Stock Co., Is a most encr- Setlc manner of the n>m]inny. Mr. Clnreu- on has secured the Casino at Bergen Beach, and has engaged a talented company that Is to npjM'iir during the Summer. He will pro- duce uinny ]Kipulur melodrnmns. 14 Wji..:.i.\.m Gillkttk arrived June IU from England. Mny Vobe arrived on the same date. A Ave Cburch Alliance will give the next reception June SI, ut S p. ii. The programme will Include : Lamii Burt, Mrs. M. W. Bell, Mrs. Margaret Hubbard am J. Palmer Coll'us, ivlyri Totten, and Irene Ackerman, chair- man. At a regular meeting of The White Bats of America, held June 1 i, the folluwlog were elected: President, It. C. Mudge : vice presi- wis -Hi -the Actors' Fund plot nt Branmm dent. -Geo, W. Monroe; secretury, Johu K. Cemetery. <*^iBreeu Burk ; treasurer, Harry C. Hayes; trustees, — Le ciair, Geo. K. Delmure, Colle Im- Bcxjamix Howard, lately a meml*r of Itoliicklng Girt," committed sulcld- left hishouie, VadlH;" Quince. In Nat Goodwin's produc- tion of -A Midsummer Night's firen-, OMSI ; t;ncie Mat. in "The Moaev Makers ' Duncan Blulr. In "The Proud Uinl.*- at tiie AT St. tHKVsosT.ms Ciiafki., Seventh Manhattan Theatre, and Benjamin Smith in tmot .ii. il Thirty-ninth Street, the Actors' Edwin Arden's "Zorab," first seen in h. - lork nt Prwlor's Fifth Avenue Theairv 2 Aug. 1-t lam. During the past maaa he an peured In several other productions with Uw Vroetor Stm-k Co.. at the Fifth Avenue The- alre. Oue daughter and one son siirvin* him. Funeml services were held on Tnes- dav June 1ft. nt Campbell's nndertablug A. tabllshinent on Twenty-third Street Burial titta; .itaplaln. C. T. Aidrlch ; note rat, It. Shields ; nip rat, C. Lorellu "The IB _ guard rai, 11. June IS, by taking poison. || t „, J Siiltivnn ; prop rat, Frank Gurdiuer; nectur 208 West F.lghtv-eighth Street earlv In r L rat, Juule McCree; Jest rat, Uobhy Gaylor. morning, having Instructed the Janitor i. «►** have his trunk placed in his room, as in CALIFORNIA, l.oa Anarelea. — At the Mason Opera House (IL C. Wyatt, ninuager) "Fiddle-Dee-Dee," by the Ham- James Comedy Co., closed a very successful week June lu, and owing to pliuilc ueinaua, is oelng run a second week, lor four nights. Beginning 15, "Holty Tolty" will be pie>enied. Bklakcu (John H. Blackwood, manager). — "Jnue, '" by me s»iock company, BttMB to goisl busluess week ending ID, Tbe stock com- pany pteseuts "Soimers of Fortune" 11-10, "A Stranger In a Strange Laud" 18-j;j, placed In his room, as lie wished to pack It prior to going to rhlla- delphlu, where be was to reheorae for r ue«- prpftuctlou. He appeared In good spirits iu fact, was heard singing shortly before be left. -A Utile Inter he was- found by Pnir-.l man Ilirkey lying on n bench In front or tbe Soldiers and Sailors' Mounmeot lu Itlrersid-- Drive. By his Ride was a liottle half filled with poisonous tablets. lie was knowu to be of n cheerful and happy disposition, aiul no. reason Is known for his act. His brollier George Howard, formerly oue of the pi-lncl- pals in "The Rollicking Girl." survives him. bnKr>F.RicK L. I'uwKit, playwright, actor. ^SSS-KS^o^-SS^ *± KB 1^X&^±r7i«»! NEIV YORK CITY JOTTINGS. THRATnES cwsbu abe: TJie Kolckcrl>ock?r, MiinhnMiiii. Iit.iini, Wltllili'k Hj .Ii.il' Webi-rV lib (nsl AKritn «wm iM'lor lo Ills j,,,,,.,. Ua ||, IlliSw, ilni-rl.-k. iironilwny. New war hi l.oml.111 mi July «. Momlny. Tiiw- prit^, Kniplrt, Iwlv's. Xuvov, Mndlwnl On niul nnwHdiiy Mr. Aill.'r nuiirars hi; Mnm »3Sf, HetKS Siiimre IMUMlun. S hi iu': til "I' in \ i.ii' i'i i.l nf Vim f<« ' urn i K. __. ' . . __.'.. _ ., . ■ . M .i... Shylock, iu "Tlie Merchniit of- Venfce," and Thursday and Friday night and Saturday inathiee he will give his own play, "The 8l ranger." Snturday night. "King Lear." This Is the only engogemeiit he has ever played lu Harlem supported hy n Yiddish eomimuy. His work ott the opening day was reinarkably clever. Kkitii Ik I'm a -tiih's one Huniiukp and TWJJVTV-FIKTFI STIlKKT Tlll'.ATIlK. — "Irfflll, the Forsaken," is ihe nltradlon for this week, nud tbe usual packed house gave' evi- dence of pleasure on 18. The nadlenca showed lltolr nprovnl of the iilayers' efforts by freipient n|>plaitse, Beatrice Morgan, ns Lenh, won well merited appiiivul. Others who cnuirlhiitetl n full share loward Ihe suc- cess were IV.ul McAllister. Dudley Hawley. Messrs. Ncrltm ami Ciiintulngs, and Mlssc Liberty, Crand "iht;i House. Murray Hill, Fourleenih Street, Colonial, American, Proc- tor's Fifth Aveuue, Proctor's Flfty-elgbth Street, Third Avenue, Yorkvllle, Irving ITace, Ihaliu, Circle, Mlner'H Klghth Avenue. Miner's llowery, Dewey. London und Huber's Museum. Ai'hcistcs 'I'iiiimas returned from Carls Jnue 11, mid will lake up his residence again tut this side. Ills new pluy. contracted tor FeiYuroh lTaW wee*k: Ui\'a^ni extrava^'nza, by Charles l-'nduunn, Is nenrly completed, -lihiwinhn ■:'•■. s„ll* ltr,« JMWfcU H JS£ and he has two more on which he Is worklqg ngei").— "Tbe Olrl 1 Left Behind Me" drew \iey week ending 10. "A Conteuted Woman," by the stock company, Ji-io, Underlined, "The Sign of the Cross/' ouan'i. oi'kha House (Clarence Drown, niuungerj. — "i*ost in a Big Ciiy," by the stock company, drew the usual chentel week euiling in. The Hilton Slock Co. presents '■yueen. of Hie Cuuvlcis" ll-io, "Secret Ser- vice Sam" 11K5L . imii'im:i"\i (Martin Beck, general manager). — Features 11 and week: juanlta Allen and company, presenting "Car Two,. Stateroom one;" uin (iui'don, Hroihers Damtn, Busso'u guartette, Clifford aud Burke, Burt and Bertha tjraut, -.Moshei- Bros., and motion pic- tures. ' IJniqUH (Hentz & Znllee, proprietors). — Features 11 and week: Zarrow, Fra viola and Uvaj, trick 'cyclists; Itomaiue and Fltcb, sketch: (iarza, equilibrist; Unique Players, preseutlog "Sopbena," aud motion pictures. Xbw JSTAit (j. K. WilsoB. manager ).- — one for Diisllu Farnuni und oue for l.unr- Bttra D'Orsny. Thk Manhattan Tiikatiir, |t Is an- nounced, will be under the management of Win. A. Brady next season. It was gener- ally understood that ihe building was to be torn flown shnrtlv, but the McAdoo Tunnel llhrwHlha ;"' Soils Bros., Mexican ' sere- nade rs : Perllta,' dnucer, and burlesque, "Up Against the Iteul Thing." FlMCltKK's (A. K. Flsclier, manager). — Features 11 and week: Jim Diamond, rume- iliiiu ; inotlou pictures, nnd Fischer's com- pany. In "Tlie (ilrl from Venice.* ' Hnrt'iiKiKs (T. Jeff Wh.te, manager). — "I, O. I'.," which has met with such unusual home In Chicago, forty-one years of age. ()u Dec. ID last he was operated upou for can- cer, bis tongue being completely removed, together with several glands in the throat. He quickly rallied from the operation, hut receurly the eaucer was seen to return, and he gradually grew weaker until the end came, the cancer was attributed to excessive smek- lug. Mr." Power was at one time leadiiit- man for Margaret Mather, nnd also supjKirtcit Kathryn Ostermnu in a sketch, and aiipeuriii In "Hello, Bill," which be staged for J. J. Itosenthnl. He did some excellent work at the Hush Temple of Music. Chicago, of which organization he was for some jenrs a valued member, and an excellent stage director His career covered a period of twenty vears! His stepfather is ticorge Ober, wlio.' Willi bis mother, survives him. Fiuxk Wbkhtek a member of ihe adver- tising staff of Manhattan Beach. N. V.. was run down by nn auto-trnck at Sixth Avenue nnd Twenty-ninth Street. New York, on the mortilug i-t June IS, und died almost in- stantly. He was forty-five years old. aud Mved at Cornwall Landing. The front wheel* struck him nnd then crushed his skull. Kd- ward Ilollernn. driver of tlie truck, which belonged to tbe New York Transportation '*o.. was arrested shortly after, when he was making n dellverv. Mas. Alexander MfcEcn. formerly One- vleve Sawtelle. daughter of J. L. Sawtelle. here, and "liolilu Hood" packisl ihem In ■1 every periorniHiii'e during the past week. "Fra Dluvolo," wllli n well select wl cast, drew out a crowded house IS. Tlie cast lli- eliuW: IlnlK-it Wilke, Arthur Wooley, \V. Martin Clie^smiiu. Le l(or Harrv, l^rankle Wilson. Annie Meyer. Ceorge C. Ogle. William Wolf. Oerlrude ItulIedKe, (Maud Llghtner. Yioh'l Hnckelt anil Clara (iroff. The o|iera was well preseutwl. press representative. Mkyeii H. ItiMBKiHt linn purchased the pfaajarty, 140 to cm West Forty-fourth Street, ami will erect thereon a theatre under Ihe new lire law, it Isdng the llrst theulrc to come under that bend, providing for :i Iwelve fool passageway around It. It will he iuluul.it In style, and will cost approxi- mately fuKo.oOO. It will seat l.-luo, and the slage will be of the duplex order. It will be Madeline Kowe, Illustrated sang; Prince, liglitulug change performer; Kelly aud Au- nelte, motion pictures and stock company, presenting "A Ked Hot Stove." KWMIH (Hilly Hanks, resident manager). — Features U aud week: Herold, strong man; I jura Banks, Illustrated songs; Ger- ald Clayton and company, sketch team ; Elmer LlBsendeu, mouologlst ; Crouch and ICirhurds, bnnjolsts; Kiuplre Block Co., pre- senting -Dog Wanted," and cinematograph. appeared Lynne." "The Marble Heart,'" "Tlie Banker's iHiiighter." "Tbe Ticket of Leave Man" auu "Under Southern Skies." Her last public up jieuranre was eight years ago, when sbe was playing In "Dangers of a Creat City." anil was compelled lo retire from rhe stage, owlug to 111 health. Bkrt Wakii. a balloonist, with Noegle'i Amusement Co., wag killed at Monroe, $. D. June 12, while making an ascension. The llrnoklyii. — At the Orphetttn I Percy ti. WIMlutui, nuiiiager) a double lilll is presented here lor the current week. "Cnvallerla Itus- llcaim" nnd "II. M. S. Pinafore* are the (■Items selecled. J, K. Murray and t'lnra I, mie bend the cast in the llrst named opem. and Lucille Situuders Is tbe leading member lu "Fiuufni'i'." The eon»|iiiny also Includes: Joseph Fredericks, Horace Wright, Harry Farter, F. ,1- McCarthy, Minnie Jarhenu. Kr nest I'Mxher nnd Itcnslc Olhson. The chorus Is enhirned for this occtislon. Druami.anp. — "Sna Francisco," which opened on Saturduv, June HI. Is a most am- bitious production. It Is educational In that II tells the history of the Paclllc coast from orchestra the llrst time Ii was trodden by the foot of "' while men. This |<* represented as. the cur- tain rob'es by the out post of tlie Spaniards who lind marched Northward. These are fol- lowed hy the black robed holy fathers, who established mlns'-nis along ihe coast, facing the dangers of 1.:e redskins. This Is. In turn, followed hy the llrst arrival of the hardy miners, who have wandered toward ihe set- 1 1 ni: sun In search m gold. These scenes nre followed bv Inrcer ntliiltur camps, where Hie miner Ir seen both nt work and at play ; the necnmpnnvliig gamblers, Chinamen und ne- groes nuikliig rounplciions characters lu the tdiiy. Then follows the great Isiom of '-lil nrogramme, and was stare malinger. Maurice Levi ami his orchestra furnished the music, nnd Lafayette, disguised as Mr. I^evt. led ihe Oenaro and Bailey opeiu'd the Mil, which included ; James J. Morton, Kddlo Leonnrd, Truly Shiittuck. Henry I'. Dlxev, Lewis nud Hyan, Andrew Mack, the Six Pro- veaunh'* ilutstllv furnished by Joe Unit, lo 111! a vienncjl lllanche King. Ran and l->n- Idti. (leorge Cohan. Clnrlce Vance. Peter F. Dnllev and conipanv, De Wolf Hopper, ami the Knipire t'lty tjiinrletle. U-e llarrlsou, who officiated as announcer. Introduced Mr. lioldeu. who npm'areil greatly movifl. He said: "All ihnt lliere Is to say Is thank yon. from the Iwitom of my heart. I lhank every one who 1ms h;id a hand lu making ihls'fiffalr Onkland.— At the Macdouough (Chas. P. I mil. manager! HUeford's Slock Co.. In "Aiv You a Mn&on" drew well week eudlnx June It). "The Ited t.'ross Nurse" was the bill ll-li. "A Human Klnve" follows Liiikbty ( H. W. Bishop, mflnnger).— Bishop* Stock Co, drew capacity houses week ending 10 "Are You a Mason V wns Hie hill to IT. "How Baxter Butted In" tol- lowe. Ihhu i PAR (Will L. tlreenbaum. maon- B*?r»-— nw luoru Opera Co.. In "The Chimes or Normandy, drew excellent houses week ending 10. "The Mascot" 1 1 aud week OSS' i." "" 1 ! 1 : ^imager).— Features Dm. ... primitive machinery has been changed for timueic'-c smelling mills, nnd tlie hut of glory, und when at the very highest plti. Its prosperity conies Us destruction hy earth- intake, which Is vividly iwrtrnyed. Incidents arc shown such ns really occurred, taken from photograph* which have lieen skllfutly repiiluied, Afler thin scene of devastation, Hie city, such ns II will Is*. Is shown as fincv paints It iu most gorgeous hues. This stu- pendous producilon is the work nf Henry Lee, the well kuutvu uclor, who has person* success, .\t a Hme like litis I realize ]? Q u «l n'e:tk: Brent Hayes, Morris. Pope and the istverty of lauininge. I know that It Miller. MM und Itmnier. presenting "Uive Is more bhssed to nlve thou to receive, and As ion Like It: Bolhwell. Browne und com- be kindness >iml generosity of my friends p»n.v. la "Cleopatra Up io Dale," and the — •'!. Business is to R. It. u TV tTouy Lubelskl. imiungerl.— At- , V'S. i"* 1 , week: Zoln Sisters, Sam have done so. I nm going lo return to Hip R!3!I" p &t»L "Mcpherson. Louis Bales. Kate the miner has given plnce to the mansions of mokes me ihlnk Hint this Is a pretty good olograph. 1 the nabob. Then San Francisco Is seeu In lis profession iiHrr all. I shall use tills money .JY' 11 ; 1 - 71 . glorv.mul when at ihe verv highest pinnacle of In trying t«» regain my health, and when 1 trrn tons ]. Lose Me, Hope King. Mllllo Bros., and the latest "nov- elty motion pictures.- Business Is boomlua «-«-• H CitAiit.KR A. BiuKLow will be In Anna he cltv last week. They left June l!i Held'* support next season, lu her new uiav ... Belgrade Lakes, where Mr. Judah will Viola Ai.i.ks will offer a revival of "Cytii- l>iit in u mouth's Ushlng before leavlug for belltie" next season, at ibe Astur Theatre tiaratogn. New York. ' stsee, well -Is-ca-ise "You Con' Ch-Mii-v." I thank yon very much, M^naurr A. JriiAit, of Ihe (Irand Opera House, Kansns City. Mo., and his wife were In tbe for In musical productions, died In New York City on June 11. lie wns a native of Albany. N. Y.. nud began Ids stage work In that ehy an an amateur, singing In local productions <•( "Peter Stuyveaant" and "Tlie Buccaueers." which operas ho wrote, and In which be took the principal parts. Later be joined Ihe one feBSlon. and wns seen to advantage in "The Ameer."' "The Highwayman," nud wllh Frank Daniels, In "The Idol's Kye" and "The Wiz- ard of the Nile." He was understudy 1" Frank Daniels. More recentlv he was with l'niila ICdwards, aud wns about lo Join "The Student King" Co. when he died. He Is sur- vived by his wife, who la bIbo In tbe pro- fession. * Rmn H. nAinn, nn aclor. died at hl« home In Port Henry. N. Y.. on May :n». from Hnglit's disease, aged llfty-one yean*. He was born In Toronto. Can.. In law. and M* lieen ou the stage over twentv years. Mr. rtftlri appeared In support of Booth. Barrett. Uob.toit aud Crane, Joseph Murphy. R. A- McDowell. John T. Hinds, Ada Gray. Ade- lalde Nellson and many othpr noted stars, raf ten years he had his own company, trnvellag through Cnnada nnd the United Htnle. He had been III for the pant two years, nnd far six months before his. death he wns confined to hi* house. He la Biirvlved by bla wife and live children. 1'itAVK W. Sckrerer a well known ad- vance manager aud agent, died Iu New oc JTOHI23. THE NEW ITXmK CLIPPER. 191 ip«ns, Ihl. June «. after a brief lltneas, it i he ii«mc of tils mother-in-law. Mrs. J. reltx, former proprietress of ihe Clipper House, on 'I ulsne Avenue. Mr. Scbeerer was thlrty-slx vesrs of age. and a°m e few year* ago watt mnr- ried If Ancle ntley." n vocalist, who was at Ma bedside »t the time or his death. Many KlMfflMM of condolence from the profpsstao throughout the country were, received by the wlilow. Int'-rrornl was In the St. Louis Ceme- tef* New Orleans. Rillv HrltAJiP, of tho vaudeville team of Strand and Htrand (Billy and .Nettle), died nt Chicago, III., on June 14, after an Illness „( sk months. Hla wife survives blin. miscellaneous, ['ii MVitA, Mich., Notbs, — Puluiyru i'urk (formerly Bailey's) m reopened Saturday, lune 2, under tbc management of Frank L. Itcdncr, uf Detroit, Sunday, 3, being the bl"gcst day In the history of tlie nark, which Is situated on the Toledo and Western ear line, four mill's from Adrian, Mich., on the Hrihon Itlver. All kinds of outdoor amuse- ments are placed, afao boating, bathing, line baseball grounds, restaurant*, etc. A tine theatre, with the Itcdner Stock Co., present- ioc dramas, with vaudeville between acts, picture machine and' Illustrated souk*, with a change of hill every Sunilay. Hosier of company: Shcrldnn Holme*, Harry Shermau, .l»hn Cost lean, Kd. llurf, Yankee 1'lm, Frank lbrtner, Nellie Thomas, Lot lie llogers, Hazel Simon, Cm mil Thomas, Kred Sawyer, stage director. Tlie stage la well stocked with new scenery, and Ihe theatre hus u sent I tig cn- Iuicltv of four hundred and fifty, nnd Is well Hilcd with electricity. There will be extra a timet inns ou Sundays, including u halloou ascension and parachute drop, by Miss ltusn : hlr'i dire, bv Prof. SImonds ; boat racing and bull game. 'This Is the only place of amuse- ment during the Summer for the Adrian people, and they- are certainly taking advant- age of It. Dick Uphsbli. Is cm route with Talbot's "Fighting the Flames" Co. jfeflH KlIOM THK J'OSIW COMKOY Co. — We nre now playing through the Northern part uf New "York, and doing a satisfactory busl- tea*, We arc. headed tor our. old stumping ground, Canada- .We have got a- new baby upright nluuv. anil it makes u gisal drawing curd for us. Our roster Is ns Follows : ('has. S Fonda. Madame Fonda, ('has. D. Terry, BHIle KaiTell, 'Hock Nero, Billlc Swift, Mrs. Alta- Brown, and Utile "Dun," oiu* mascot, thick Nero Is giving our free exhibition In front of canvas, and Is proving all O. K. Kvcrvbudy In well, and will be glad when we re,trh the other sld Bkliablk stop at our camp every week. This .will make our fifth season in I'anada. THK AM IKK Co., recently Incorporated with ST.dOU. Hi Ituffalo. Includes: Moe Mark, rilny" II. ' MrXoughlon, Tliomas O'Brien, .ulchael Shea and Win. W. fierce. They will run the shows known as "Tours of the World." Under tbc Cents. "Happy JACK 1 ' Slitos, Ihirnum's original cowboy, writes from Havana: "The cut of the liarmiin letter head of ISSS. in last week's Ci.ii't-Kit. brings to mind my tlrst night. We o[H*ned (be la:-t of March, (bat year, with a Congress of Nations, uud the original Wild West us a drawing feature. I was en- gaged at (Jrceley, Col., at that (line a great cattle centre, to produce life ou the plains, with real cowboys and genuine Indiana. 1 had never been closer to an audience than a fair ground, but having two weeks' re- hearsal at Bridgeport, before coming to ,\. Y. CHy, and n week In the garden, 1 fancied' I could catch anything from a rat to au ele- Cliani. The opening night showed a packed ouse. Mr. Ifitrnitm made Ills pantomimic •speech. His partners Mr. Bailey and Mr. Huicblnsou, and Frank Hyatt und Bill Smith, were anxious about my part of tbo firogramine. 1 was supposed to ciitcli a girl n front of the reserved seals utter a general tight Willi cowboys and Indians. I felt that my lasso whs. heavy, and uiy horse seemed to iir tumbling. Tlie hell rang, the gate flew open. Home one yelled 'go on, Sutton,' and I weur, but I saw abotit.twenly girls and horses. 1 was swinging the rope around iny bend, but could not let go. As 1 passed the hack gate someone spoke In a thundering voice, 'throw that rope.' That brought m* to my .senses. I threw, and by more good luck than science, caught the girl and got out hs faat as possible. They alt gave mo ihe laugh, but I made good in 1883 and JS8I with the same nets." itosTBii ok titu Coxjuxv* Wild West Cab. No. :•. — B. ,f. Ijiyden, car manager; W O'Brien, boss bill poster; Kobert Beat- son, lit bus; Juke Baker, programme*; Frank Carter, banners: Frank Wlrlch, I*wls Snow, W, Kotiscr, Kd. Johnsoin, Coo. Harding, Kid Harris, Kd. Walcb, Bert Dickson uud Jack O'Loary. Notks from Finn's Big Shows. — After four weeks in Vermont, we are now In New York Stale, and still doing a record business. Our last Friday night's move being twenty- three miles of bandy rond, wc did not expect to.be Hide to allow the next Sumrduy after noon, but our business munnger, Al. Occutt, got everything over the road in record time, and It. Brcimnii, our Ihmjs. canvas man, hud everything mi and in readiness by noon, and we gave | sbuw to a lam audience We have added to our big show (logo, the trained pig. hi it looping the gap lu an automobile. Our side show, under the management of It. Cordon, is packing thcin both afternoon nnd night. We have two new features lu the side show, » seventeen foot snake and six monkeys. Our concert, under Sylvester Ncwuihii's care, Is doing u liue.buslncHs, As a fenlnrc of (he concert, Ihe Leonard Sla- lers are very miccesaftil. Mr. Finn, our mull- «ger. whs Riven a surprise lust week, when the company presented him with two ponies and n swell rig for his personal use. FftKti Salmon. inuolcnl comedian, is doing concert turn lind clown With Al. F. Wheeler'a New Model Circus, now touring the New Kug- land Sinies. Seii ttunARH closed rs lithographer on Car No. 1, Uoblnson Lircttt, June 3D, William Oilman, contracting agent of (aiiipbell Bros.' Shows, has taken charge of the opposition work at Kiiu Claire, Wis., and J lilppewu Falls, and these two. towns are billed. as big ns paper iin)iitiuuHnco of same. It. L. Met- calfe Is !!•■ nuinnger, and Ted Sparks Is tho exclusive booking agent. Vaudeville wilt be played altogether In the (icruiali Village. Mu'mi; am' Mack did not work at Polut Gratiot l*ii rk, lhinklrk. N. Y.. on account of cool weather, and the theaire hus closed. Week ol June IS they were to work at the Lyceum Theatre, Washington. I>. ('., but as Mauugcr Taylor was not sure of the theatre being open, en account of warm went her, their date was canceled. They will go from Cleveland to Philadelphia to rill some Kastcru lime. Caickdo sailed for Kngland June lti, for a short visit to bis family. He will till a few engugements. Jack ISlttiin reports a successful season In Cuba with the Tasuinulan lady acrobats. Will II. Fox will art-Ivc in New York June S. He Intends to 1111 In time during bis stay in this country. Lull Tiiibs fell and broke two of her rlba recently while standing on it cbulr, cleaning u window. Tut: Thiilb Maucavs (Amy, Tansy and Ninaj were nt Ureumlnnd, Coney Island. week of June 11, with Newark, Bayou m- und Brighton Beach Mnsle Hall to follow. Halijv ami If aim v, "Tlie Merry I'alr." In- form us that while playing lakeside l'ark, Dayton, O., week of Jane :t, they were euter- tuliied on Thursday evening by Tom and Fmnk Austin' (of the Tossing Austins) at the home of their parents lu that city. The Austins arc rehearsing for their big act, which goes out early In August, and will be known as the Four Tossing Austins. Oscar Johns, the genial stage manager at Lakeside, also gave a swell little spread on Friday night after the show, nt which everyono hud a good time until the wee snm' hours. Tut: Bi'iiton Bell Binukus, who have fin- ished their I'acltlc coast lour and arc now In Arizona on their way KmbI. write: "We put iin our show for two weeks nt Klyslan drove, Tuscun, and were a big success. TiHJ Old 11 i; Li. mil k has Ihmm) our constant com- panion for over fifteen years without a lueak. We are booked throughout Texas, Arkuusns and on Soutli into Virginia." Will B. Wiikklku ami Ban Uisskll have purchused tbc Crystal Theatre, Snlldn, CoL, and for the present will continue giving vaudeville shown. They will put In a per- maneiil company for the production uf high class, comedies, Fi.kmbn ami Millku, the English- A incr- leans, are now In their eighth week ou the J. K. Jackson circuit, and have ilvc mure weeks to follow. They go to Chtrago to play the parks for the Summer. They expect to sail for Kugluud about the first week la Oc- tober M.\i>i;u Milton bus just completed a sketch, "Foxy Father." lu which she, wllh her hns- isiud, Kdward Currau, and Dorothy Horsey, will lour the Kastern parks this Summer. Katie Bakky, who suiled Saturday,' June 0, for London, will probably return to this country in the Fall, to begin another season lu the vaudeville houses. Counwull and Fiianz, Vycllsis. hove dis- continued partnership. Cogswell has a new purtner. and the act will be known as the. Vvcllng Cogswells. They are booked In the principal theatres of Mexico until Dee. 1. - Bbacciiamp writes: "I have lieen very successful this season, as 1 have lost only two weeks since January, and my net Is going good everywhere. I have return da lea jit most or the houses In which 1 pluycd. My closing trick, a toward somersault over six chairs, makes a good ihihdi." Fiiank Caiiky informs ns that he Is meet- ing with success presenting his new Juggling act, and is hooked 'till August. Ills drum major work was well received In Hie Elks parade, at Lansing, Mich., June 7. WlllLK playing at the BIJmi Theatre, Phpui, •).. II. A. Valpu, of the Vntpos, was taken down with rheumatic gout, ami has been confined to his lied ever since. Tho at- tending physician snys It will lie several ■weeks Jjeforr he will lie able to resume duty. Tlie tenm had to cancel a number of good dates in conscipteuce. Millakii Bitox.. "cycling eoinlnues, recently pluycd u three weeks' engagement at Indian- ola Bark, Columbus, 0.. and were royally eiitertalued by Lawyer Harvey, at the Ohio Club, of CoiuinluiR. Thk Kiss-suns, licud balancers and eotii- Mbrlsts. played week of June 11 nt (Jnrllot l'ark, Dunkirk, N. Y-. and are nt Athletic Bark. Buffalo, N. Y.. week of 1H. Tiik TuXsis Trio repnrt success over the Empire circuit, closing a six weeks* engage- ment at thu Empire. Atchison. Kan., week of 'June 17. The act was held over at the Empire, Oklahoma City, a second week, ou account of the big hit they lundn there. A-rritrK Stitaht and the Kenley Sisleri played Onk Summit l'ark. Kvaiiavllle, Itid., week of June 3," meeting with big success in their new "fnahioii plutc Hinging, dancing and tnlklng act." The act was highly com- mented on bv management, press and public. Though prnctlcnlly a new team, they are fast becoming favorably known, nnd their time Is lieing rapidly filled. _ . IIaiivky ami Uv. Voba write : "He liuve ls?en on the Sullivan & Cnnsldine circuit for the last five weehs. and If you 'have the goods' they eerlwlhly treat you well; Mr. A'elsona. manager of the Family Theatre, made up n party which included Harry Jol- aon. Mr. Draculn, Mr. Wheelwk and bis corn- puny. Com Beach Turner and the Dancing Kids, and we took a trip to one of the largest, copper mines in the world. While 11K)U feet below tb« cHrth. Mr. Neisona tagged the tllle pege of THK Cliutku, of May I'll, to nw of the supporting hcams of tlie mine, and it will give a sort of bome-llko feeling for perform- ers who will in future Inspect the original mine, to And Thl Olii Ueliahll even be- teath tho earth." Ernest A. I'nnvK.vctlKlt has Joined Story s Canva-s Theatre, us contracting agenl. The show Is touring New Hampshire. Vermont and Maine. Mr. Brovenrher writes, to ca- pacity business. Following Is Ihe roster: V. S. Btory. proprietor and munagcr: Ernest A. Provencber. contracting agent, with two Assistant*: Wm. A. Mnek. Rtnge mnnnger; Bert I'Rtterson. pmps; Ed. Hall, (siss can- vn -i Uiimi : Hoy Unit, boss clnitididlers : the Whiles, novelty act; C»l. ttwrrUrtfe. high wire walkerlli the Itunifi. eeentrle romedlnus, and n luind or twenty nleccM. under the di- rictloa of Al. Bmirey. Tin: Oi.n Kuliaiilr is nlwavs welcomed. V»;va M. Conway Is s|M?ndlug the Summer At bee tome at Troy, Kansas, Harry FnAsx, who has dcen In ndvimcQ of Be Hue Bros.' (final Mlmdrels for the pnst iblrty-slx weeks, closed for Hie present San- son at Keene, N ll.. June 2. and has signed lo art In the same capacity for next nettson, Which oiiCttH at Bellows Falls. ■ Vt., June 35. Jom.v Hikch. "the nmn wBh tho Data," sails for London, Kng.. Jdne 1(1. for a trip through Knglnnd, Irelnnd nnd France, return- lug In September. RllHTKR OK THK NEW N'OVELTT TTIKATHK, Fresno, Cal. : J. 1 Id win Veino. mnnuger: A. Herman, electrician: Kd. BNikcslcy. I)1hjiIki : Matt Kuurup, stage mnunger : tiny Nelson, property man: Walter rnghc, doorkeeper; Kd. Barber, bead usher; Manuel Klimpel and Archie L. Fasset, nsslstnni tishei'N. This is one of the llnest vaudeville Hieatres tu the San Joaquin Valley, and Ih plnyhig to S. It. O. business nightly, we are informed. May Wilson reports Miicresa singing thu latest songs at the Dewey Musk- Hall, L'tlcu, F.uiHt: Mack, comedian, Is no longer with the Bijou Coined v Four. From now on ne will work with bis wife, Miunle (IrauvIUe. The leuni will be known as Granville und Mack. Korru ami Ivu-rn have Jttst llnlsbcd a re- turn engagement at Atlantic CHy, compris- ing six weeks, and open or. I'limtner's park circuit June :!3. Tt:u (Ialiihaitii will be ahead of the Pon- uellv & llatllnld Magnificent Minstrels. Cajjillo ami roOAt contortionists and eoulllbrlsts. played Lagtaai l'ark last week, ami arc now on the Sun circuit, with the Jackson circuit to follow. Ttinv report great success with their net. After these eiigugo- ments Ihcy snli fur Europe, for an Indeiliilte period. t.'Ani. IIkkt/. uioiirits Ihe loss of his father, who died in South America May -, during Mr. Herlu's visit home. Uiris llul.iJBKj of -Uleuson and Holmes, Is nt Mi. Clemens, Mich., taking a course of mineral baths for a severe attack of rheu- matism. She nays: "They are helping me greatly, and I aspect to mum to my home and husband. Thomas 1'. (tlensoit, nbont Jul v 1. In the meantime I would be pleased, to hear from professional friends." Tim La Tou« Sistkhh, while playing Buck Uoe Beach. Vn., Introduced their little sister, Babv Mercedes, nineteen mouths' old, In their net, and they lit happy to say: "She took the house by atoi'm. She was dancing and laughing from start to finish, refusing tu allow 'the ctlrtnln to go down." Thk Missks Stutrok am* Nixon Inform us that they have acquired h chicken ranch at Spnomn, Cal., and are giving their atten- tion to the same this season. IVy fell only a very slight shock of the recent terrible earthquake. No d:imuge was dottc them, otlicc than a gocsl shaking up, and causing a HCti- slck feeling for the whole day. Mti. AXD Mna. Tbo I!. (joonwt.N have Just closed four verv successful weeks at High- land Park. Staunton, Vn., nnd lake t)u< rond with the Snnford Vaudeville Co., for (lie rest uf the Summer season. H.uutv IIakkr. musical performer, has Just finished twenty weeks for the Western Vaude- ville Managers' Association, throuch Ihe mld- dle West, rind Is tsiokeil over Ihe Melville circuit of parks, presenting Ids novelty musi- cal act. Scott ami Johnson are playing ilm New England eircult of isirks. and reiairt meellng wllh sneceKs In their Hcrobailc singing und dancing act. Titos. J. Mack, formerly of ihe learn of liugau and Mack, will open at Chicago, week of Julv 1, doing a single hlaekrace act, with six we'eki; In follow In Hie Northwest. Next season he will do comedy In the llrst part and afterpiece with Duncan Clark's Female Minstrels, with which show .Mr. Muck has been Identified for three yenre. Knw.inu C. YEAflKit, tenor singer, reports making a big auccess singing llhiKtrnted songH «t Crystal Tark, Setliflln, Mo., where he will he Indefinitely. Kn.wm anp Wbhstkii will put on n new act this season In parks, Introducing many new tricks on the wheel. • Aokkr ASti Collin's, In their expert rlM and pistol shooting net. report making u lilf. They iiso ten rllles In their net. M. A. Acker breaks ten balls in four seconds, also shoots ;i hii! I off Miss Collins' bend nnd one off his own bead Hi one shot. This Is one of the most sensational feats uf marksmanship ever done by anyone. Thk ZixijAitr Tfcnrnt, singers and linncers, will own at Henderson's, Coney Island, on July ± This act Is an enlargement of Ihe Zlngarl Trio, und will consist of eight Mo- nte. The act is entitled "Life In n (ftp*? t'Binp," and Introduces Vortll selections from grand opera, violin solos and Ulpsy dances, accompanied by mandolins nnd guitars. Alex- ander llevnn i- the producer, Maxkislui and Vaxhilmhj Inform as that Ihev have one of llio most novel and expert shooting ads before the public, also that tliev iiuide one of the biggest bits of arty shooting act that ever played lti lierinuuy nnd France. Tluy have been doing well since coining to this country. Caul F. BnTICK writes: "After nn eigh- teen weeks' engagement with Hhe Cornell Stock Co., I closed to open fur the Hummer season at Kennywisul I'nrk, lit Isbtirg, where I have I teen engaged to innnagc Ihe '<>rotto or Visions.' which consists of Hie most up- to-date collection of Illusions and mystic 'le- nt Ions ever presented In I'lllsburg. The lirtitto Is the feature show of the park, and employs fen people. Owing to the fact that 1 whs recently made h member of B. P. O. K., :V27>, ot Ann Arbor, Mich, (my home), I have been accorded n royal reception mi several occasions by both I'ltlsburg uud other Klks. This Is the only park in Ihe city which Is open on Sunday, und fifty thousand visitors Is not an uncommon sight. Mr. McSwlg< gun. the amusement inunagrr. Is now In New ViTk, conferring with Thompson &, liinidy, lo place the thrilling spectacle, 'Thu Trnln Hold-up,' which Is now at Luna l'ark. At present we huvc for free at I ructions Tin- uiont's Minstrels and Ncrllln's Band. Week after next we expect to have comic opera and the 'Hold-up.' " Hklkn MYltTLi; bus gone to Hudson, hid., to settle the estate .eft to her by her father, Jiimes Sablns, who died nn April Ml, Hhe will then rejoin her partner, F.tldle Krafft, to till their vaudeville engagements tbroiiub Hie Middle West. Thk Mcsical Bcsskllh write: "The teams of the Musical KiiskHIk and Brandon anil Harvey have Joined bands, and arc organ- izing and booking u big city kIiow. The show Is one of the ts?st of lis kind, and muny new features will he Introduced. It Is a vaude- ville attraction, ou the style of an extrnvn- gnnza. Mr. Brandon Is an old producer, and ns he will have good talent, there Is no rea- son whv this attraction will not be one of t tu* best, fine of the most pleasing acts will lie the Musical ItussellK. playing tlie largest and best novelties used in tills kind of an act. Another good net will Is; Ihe Kelt tiers, "xjiert singers, dancers and fumimkers. Floreeln rrtlice, belter known »s the Little I'rlnceHs, of tbc Four I'rinces. will 1m- h card fur Ibo show. Brandon nnd Harvey, character change hihI eccentric dancers. B u m fe Lewis will he our miirtleal directress, and moving ph-lnrca and lllnsiratetl songs will he added to Hi!. Me bill. One of (he tlrst free attrac- tions playing open houses will l«- I'rof. Win. llavls, who will do a slide far lire with bis teeth, from Ihe top Of the opera house to the ground, before each performance. Carl .Liita-mi will be the htiHlneim manager nnd contracting agent for Brandon & Russell's |!lg C|tj Show.'' Ani:ii takimi Hielr friends. Barker mid Barker, fmm Htmklrk lo MufTalo lu their au lomolille, Hlewart nnd nnymond continued their trip to Syracuse, N. ¥., opening at While City. Mon.vik Kmkkald will return to New Ymk, Ironi LngUmi Jul; itt. JOK K. KKI.lv AMI VlRtllMA KKI.SY HIT ill their fourth week as producers at the Ly- ceum Theatre. Boston. They have produced "The Beer Trust Stat" and -Tlie Windy Boys froni ling l)ad." The following people were In the efts*: Bob Van Oaten, tlrnre Celeste, Harry M Mntr. Kelly and Kelsy, Harry Koler, Frank. Cuban, Louis Powers. Pearl Held. Marshall and King. Marlon Blake, und the Misses Miller. Une. Prlngle. Uobinwon. Hail. Burns, Ulch and, the llratit Hlsters, nnd its an extra attraction, Chas. Farrell and Butiunnnn and Corey. For the week of Juno IH Mr. Kelly pnmlueCH the two hurlewiut**, "A I»lamottd Pnlacc" nnd "The Count of Slonte Carlo." ,t.\s. II. Caiishn lias closed wllh Ihe Alia- xhi* Beauties, T. W. l>lnklns' tiurlesijue show, and In nt home for the Hummer. BouuY I»: Ili-i-:, of He Hue lima.' Ideal Minstrels, was a Cliithii caller Tuesday, June I 'J. He had lust arrived In the city ou n business trip, concerning next season's tour, which opens June -."■. at Bellows Falls, VI. Next seiiMjii'i: tour Is booked solid for forty-eight weeks, and will cover a territory of ten Stales. Everything will l>e entirely new. Including paper. coalumeM, scenery, etc. Below Is n coniplPle roster: Ho line Bros., sole owners iiiul .managers ; Billy He Hue, Bobby He Kite. Lawln He Hue. Hill and Adams, acnibntlc c omit) lies ; the Hreut Dtntii, expotieiit uf pbynlcrtl culture : Foster, .(ho human cornel and Imitator of birds: Four Dancing Marvels, Leon Stamford, wire net; the Ideal tjurirtcllc, Walter Hearn, Kugllsh lenor; Kuymoml St. Clnlr, tenor; Hubert Fru- zelle, barf lone: Frank (Jraham. basso, and Muster John Liiiiilwrl, Juvenile soprano. 'Ilili solo hnnd Includes: Kdwnrd Applcgate. lArln I'nitrivon. Jim I'nrkman. Wm. (!.' Jaeksoh. John Lee. Chas. Arcltdale. John Lune. Hub- ert Frn*clle, (ieorge Murray, William Stearns and Lnwin l»e lltie, with Bobby He Hue, di- rector. Next season will find llariv Frank, general agent, ten days ahead or tlie sbuw, and A. J. Cordon, ns second mail, will Is; live dnvs abend. We idul mean lo hold ihe record of presenting Ibc cleanest mid most up to date show or lis kind, billed with iwenty-elght styles of roue colored pictorial advertising, from u half sheet to a twenty* foiir sheet stnhd. mid the result of our two bUHillnjt agents and line of swell paper gels us S. R. (i. business. STUU'KLANti AM* Dl KKS1U itv, musical team, while doing their turn Hi the olto.at the La Fayette Tlieiit.ro, Buffalo, N. V., Friday even- ing. June X, were presented wllh a bountiful Hum I horse shoe by Hie members or the K. If, I'.. L'ichI No. :i; who attended In a led v. 'l!|ie lloral piece \v»t« four feet high, and com- posed of over twelve dozen roses anil cnrmi- Hons. Till: Mrsii'Ai. Aiiams opened last week on Hie Frank Melville nark circuit nt Butler, Pa., for n fourteen weeks' engajienteni. Then they go on the Western vaudeville circuit for John Mnrdock und Mr. Sternanl for n niitii- lri>r of weeks. The ucl Is a novelty, ami Is receiving much favorable eoiiimciii. Bii.t.v Uaht Is iirodncing burlesipie at the TrocaUeio Theatre, Phlbuleiphln, and will re- main (here null! July I. IlKNimrrTK Maiikstkin. Hie «elehraled coii- icrt planlste. Is Unfailing n new musical ex Irtmiganxa, which Is to be produced In Hid principal vaudeville houses next season. .1. W. Davidson and La ven In Fit ''-Allen are to be 'featured. The cumuany will comprise twi'lve people. llKNitv anp ttitAHAju Just closed four weeks' work In ItiilHinore, at Klmdy Side and llolley Woial Park, and opened, IH, nt Shell- pot Park, Wilmington. I'd. Winona Wintkii continues her splendid success In vaudeville, so much so Hint her iniiniiger has refused several big offers for bur appearance on Broadway uekt season. She bad the "trv out" of her life week of June 4, at llutTulo. when 'Manager Shea nut her down on the bill to follow Kobeil Bill- iard and company, lu "As n Man Hows," at 10.20, and bee success was so complete I hat she' iccetvc.il hearty cutigtalulnlioiis Trniii Mr. Billiard, himself. Till' HowKltv I tins' (>t autkttk fSlieiwood, Fox, Faulkner ami IVcki, after a pleasant ittul auci via* fnl season of forty oile Wef'ks with Clark's Hnnaway (Mi-Ik Co., open their Hi|»iiiic<)- engagcmenls al Foiitnlne Ferry Park,' Louisville. Ky., with tbo Hopkins and Kohl & Castle cln-ultK or pHi'ks to follow, lejalnlng Clark's Kunawny (ilrls Aug. \l\t, for seiuton or tsiiiii iiT. Mrni'iiv, Thompson ami MirtifHv report, mt-ellng villi grnil siktcss with ihch new ni-i. cr, rilled "Matrimonial Wars," uf the While city Park. They sav that the ad Is a scream tram start to ilnish. ,\.\[n;i!Kos, "The .Male Mclhii," Is In bis fourth week playing In Michigan, and reports meeting with success. He will "pen bis p»rk work .through Ohio at (Meiiiaiigy Park, Co- lumbus, ().. June 24. ('has. llAtintK anp wii'i; are spending a lew week* !n WlscoiiNln, Tiny open at Cedar Point, Snnd'.tsky, (»., July 1.1, then piny 'Hurry Hawn's circuit, commencing at More. Park, XMUgatsnrfc July tlt\. AiiSsiiKiio anu Moiik'itk report scoring 1'iine a lilt wllh their singing, daliclug anil Instrumental specialty. Tliey opened I heir nark work ill Hollvwood Park, Baltimore, M<1., week of June ll, and ore hooked solid for the remainder of the season. Vksta TiLi.KV stilled for London June 15, and win Present a version ot thu Ainnrlcnii "Johnnie" on Hie Hnglhdi slHge. She states that she hopes la reiuru In two years. She will iippcar at the Tlvoll nnd (fxford, Lon- don, .during the Hummer. Lew HorKHTAUKit wilt open IiIh season July li'l, wllh an euthelv new production. Jaui:h F. C'timLKV. formerlv Booker nnd Cm-May, Hie '■Walking Delegates," will here- afte:- m.rk alone. ILh: M.iiiTi:LL and ills Four High School Hoys, ate rehearsing ;i new singing and dinn- ing net Tor next season. They will have a Mirpnse for (he pat runs of Hie. llrst class viimlevtlle hiioes, Mr. Marti-ll writes, Thk Maim:<> Twins have been very success- ful on liiclr Wesiern four. They are plnvlng Ihe parks, and will Is- lu ''litcig" In July, i'lielr llrplieilin circuit dales commence at S:in I-'i-iiik-Imco, ,IiiI> I'll. They will return to New York lu March, 1!"I7. John J, .Mi;;:imm'k. whose hcnilipinrlcrs are In Chicago. Is lo be secretary of the hooking department *4 Ihe new vaudeville merger. Amuikw A. Anpkksos' writes: "I have signed com nicln for twenty years wllh tlie Culiunbla AmuHetiietlt Co.. to play the Fast- en! fhows at my new hiirlrstpic and exlrsva- gnnKti ihentre itlu* (Jnyetyj. which Is Ik- Ins erected nt Loulnvllle, Ky. This theatre will tipeii Its season on Aug. 2,(1. with Hie best line of burlesfpie allractloiis." tJiiouot; Waiimui. who recently opened at Coney iKinnd, cinclnnntl. *>., fa Isiokcd ii[i solid till Hec 10, when he closex at Denver, Col. II. llATHAW.ll. who opened Hi Klen|ileihani! Pier, Atlnulle Cliy, N. J.. June II, met with xo much Hiiccexs thai be wiih held over with Kd. Mora anil the Males Musical Trio for the Sunday concert. CfcomilA A Ki;i.i't;v, after several years of intlreincnt. will loin blinds with Lydla Marie. Ma.h.ii cahckh Nowak, tin- tlnle-i conie- dlun In Hie world, wlto bus I u with J. Herberi Muck's World Beaters Co. the paid fmir mi'Hmoiis, has signed wllh Nixon Ac /Am merman for next senMon. Max BituriKK and Kaiuk Vkppkii Inform us that i ii.-lr new net Is culled "Not Yet, But Soon." They produced tlie act for the Hrat time nt tin* Family Theatre, Cloversville, N. Y.. with ptt si results. Hkii. II.. If Ait urn wrltt'H us that he fa meei- line wllb sncceHs In bfa new Hinging. hilkliiK and nct-obiiflc daliclug mt. mid fa Itimlfcd solid until September. He sails for Aus- tralia in (iftober. Mahoaiht Wi:ht (Mrs. John F. Coleman) will be known hcreuftur as Margaret West Culeiuaiii . „ NOTKB FROM THK CnLt'MBfA AMfHKMUNT Co. — AHerntions are now being made In thu Standard Theatre. Cincinnati, playing this cfimiuuiy's attraction^ exclusively. Tlie en- tire balcouy and gallery have liecn torn out and reconstructed. When completed this limine will tie the handsomest burlesipie the- aire In Cincinnati, imri the seating capacity will be Increased about 4tK), Alterations am also being made In the Hajfutlb Theatre, Knnsns City, a gallery added, Increasing I be capacity GOO more, The dressing rooms have, also been entirely reconstructed, nnd addi- tional ones ndded. ArrnngementH have also been made whereby (leo. Batcbeilor, of the Lyceum Theatre. Boat on, will lower thfa tbe- atre to the ground Hour and Increase (lie ca- nnellv over IJIHI people. Tlie West minuter Theatre, or Providence, Is being berniUlled, and when the season opens will be tliu lines t hni-letupie theatre In New Fngland. ('has. Wuhlron, of the Palace Theatre, Boston, lias hisi secured a site nn- a new bnrles<]iie the- atre In that city, and the plans show that same will have u capnclty of l.illo personi. All the above theatres piny the Columbia Amusement Co.'s and the Kastern Circuit Co.'s ntlrnelluns exclusively. Tin: Vai.aimins, French aerial 'cyclists and light wire porfiirmersv who have faiuked the Snutiner nn Hie l-histeru park clrculls. inform us that they had Intended to lav off all Sum- mer! but received siielrn templing .offer that they accepted II. They claim (tint (hey nn* doing more aerial 'cyclfat work on tlie slack and Hghi wire than any other two wire nets before the public, .un! they wish lo say Ibfa Is nol .a one mini net, for they faith Work In ihelr net nnd carry no assistants. CLK.Mo Haiiihh. the tliilntal Impersonal or, recently with Williams and Walker's "Abyti sinla" Co.. will, with Miss Cassels, it'litvu to vaudeville. Thk MtsicAL Mi-Cri.Loriius have opened ihe Slur Family Theaire circuit of ten cent hoaxes, lu Hie Mnnoiignhela Vallev, luivlii'; three weeks and three more houses under con- st ruction. Have been opened since last Hc- [ober. and business Is Hue. Ciiak, Li:m:oAii, wllh comedy boiind,lag rope, Is met with big success nt the Mrtjeuth- Tlu-nim Chicago, week or June ll. Week of IS he Is nt the Olympic, wllb oilier good Hate to follow. TliK Hbkat KixN'Xkrh. assisted hv Mile. Kins-Net's, head halnncers mid ei|tilllbilsiN, leave for Murope early hi October. Tin; Stkin-Khhtto Tuoick returned lo America last week, ami comineuceil ihelr eu gagemfnt un llio New York Itoof tlarileti June IS. Chas. Hcuhkm arrlveil from Kitglnnd Juno HI. and will Join (leo. Brown lo do a blnglug and talking art- Tun Kiicmi: Tiikatih:, Asblnliuln Harbor. f>„ according lo reports. Is doing » record bicnkltig business, Lester Howard has re- placed John Fay us stage illrerior. New people for week or June 1H were: Acker ami Calllna. Hie Le .Movne Sisters, MHIv Pbelaii and Is-sler Howard. HviiK AND UHATII wrlle; "After ll Iwo years' tour of the principal Wesiern viiude vllle circuits with our speciaciibir novelty cumtsly singing act, entitled 'A Load of lliiy,' we me coining Fast. We have on gaged Alice Walsh, operatic soprano, bile of 'Tlie Tenderfoot' Co., to strengthen und en large the net. and we now have one nl ihe heat high class singing acts in vaudeville. Our voices nre power! til and harmonious. the mimic effei'is are spectacular and nenuti fnl, the costumes nio lu-si Hon uiotiev can buy, mid a iiilllliiry ftitulr with home eleclrlc and scenic noveliles that will uiake nn mi die nee sit up and lake notice. Wo open on the Morris fl nl Munition's Park, Si. Louis, July 1, wllh Hie rest or the clrculi to rolbtw." TliK BltoApWAV Combiiy Fni'u rinsed at Milwaukee, \Yfa., Sunday, June u, nfler a mar long season wllb Row bind A Clifford's "Old ClutlM'H Man" Co. Arthur B. I dining, ntiitinger of Hie ipinrtelte, will lie lu New York nest were, and after a short rest will reorganize a new four and work the pufk-* idittl August. Then be will stall for Chicago In Jolh the -Hid ('lollies Man" Co. The ad proved a big success, ami lie hopes to gel ipiml men Tot ncxl sensou, as It Includes forlv two weeks. CLAiiiii: ami Tujirt.B dose June Hi, lifter a very hiiccfssrul seasoii of forty weeks on Hie Bijou, Western Viliuh-vllle Assoclallon und Nash clrculls, Thk mi sm'al act of Brown Bros, and Hop. kins will hereafter be known ui ■Brown Brn-i. und Hue Kenley. Mr. Kenley fa a good mu- sician, ns well as a clever comedian, nnd will he unite un acipilslfiou to Hie Brown Bios.' net. Lkslik a\i> Wili.iamh have Join I'd bamls, nfler ii seiui ration of three years, nreseullni' Ihelr black face singing anil talking couiedv act. They piny Hie parks thfa Siiuuncr. ivltli ihe leading Western circuits lo follow, Waltkii 11. CiiAl'lN. who fa In his twcirth week Willi (lie Itoyai Comedy ('•»., unit l« meeting with great success, Is booked solid mil ll Hee. 82. Ftta Vii'toima, contortionist and acrobn', recently closed a siiccessful season with T, W. Hlnltlns' Yankee Boodle Hlrls Co, Lkah liAxnHirr, who has ri'coveied suf- liclciiily froili an opeialloii for appeiidiclt hi to leave ibc hospital til. Columbus, O., In going to her lather's home, Lear Wheeling. W. \ji., lo slay until fully recovered. Liu S-ilvlnm a.m. Lillian Kkki.kv, who ebnad ten weeks at the Palace Theaire. Hum- Ion, Miiss., Juii" '!■'>. Mr. Stevens as Hinge dliector nnd pi'odmiM', and Miss Kit ley play lug parfs, opened wllb their specialty 1!», on Ihe \v, |. Pllinmer park ' luvisij M. i.diiAliiiu;, bar iierfto'iiier, who recently cl(.:;ed wllh the Cole Bros.' Circus. U pluy'iig Si'iiiuier park ilaleii Ih rough flu* Nllddle West. Ma.naukii Nick NoirrnN. of Hyile & Hub- man's. Brooklyn, Is spending lib vnciiilon on his farm ul Ml. Clemens, Mich. Mr. Marian has been successful im a manager und per- forinei' for iiboul tweiilv years, 'lilt- Mill a ii linos, are filling engage nieiils at Hie park resorts In ihe Southern Stales, most, nil jeiiiia ilulra, Tlu-lr dloraipn will be greatly Improved for Hie regular sea- son. They tire now at Lakeside park Casino, Augusta, Ca., with At Inula, (in,, to follow. llAhliY Wkht hus Joined haud:« with ller- iiniit Austin. They iilaved Hie Lyceum The- atre week of June t i-lu, and nn* booked nt Lenl's .Music \\ n i\. Cotiey Island, June '_','.. iin-;.) ani> Mack, "the original Man and a flair," arc In their eighth week (hrnugh Peiiiisylviiala. Tbev open al Ihe Olympic. Chicago June 23, with eleven weeks' hooklng-i lo follow. Tiik Acmk Tnin (Bell, Llndley and llelh will close an engagement ..i twelvi! weeks at Ihe Slur Thehlre, AHuitla. Ha.. June SK. They open ihelr Summer |mi rk I'ligaHt'iiieiifs nt. Oxford Lake Park, Annfalon. Ala., luue 'J,*>, with Columbia, K. C. : Hyalt Park, mid nlbur good litMiklngs to follow. O'Oki.L AMi 1 1 ah i report lltcr<[|ijg with great success In Ihelr new couisdv ncrobiitb- net. They are In Helena. Mont., until Julv II. then they go to Ihelr l/iieen Lake leune nt Hfaltle. Wash. Ma.\aukii 0. A. Smith writes fmm Ifm-er bill, Mass., Hull lie fa again lu possession or Hip Hem Tlieillie there, ami will reopen It on Lahni- liny. Ill fiWilJtri! A.M» Wkllh Wllte Hull I lie v are filling live highly successful weeks on Hie Chas. K. Hodklns circuit. Their new act lias proven nn excellent veblcb- Or these tn!'!:ikr< no difference wli^i. you wouder. Makes tut ilide i.-ii'.- where you roam, You don't hove to stop and jwDdir For a plnre to rail your home. When they ask, ''Where wen* yon born, lad?" Speak right up, he proud to say That your nome*K the land of Uncle Ram, The Rood old V. 8. A. Cop,rloht.d 1906, by ft B. HAVIUNO PUB. CO., N. Y. Eighteen slides Just ready, made by Scott ft Van Altena-t— the best they bave er**r done. I'rlre, $fi..iO ■ per aet.'. ft M By JACK DIUHLANE and THEODORE HORSR. Able then atari ft to play — piny* oil day: Tohen ihen say*. "Sound your A. lilp hoo-roy ! Meyer yelK "I wani to play — let us ploy I'lDot'ble : oh. Hint's grand I" Tlit-u they'll start la to blow (not their dough). Sweet stialns that we all know, elrm, 7.wei, drel, go. They ploy Oy, Oy. Mozaletoff. When .Mn«e with his hand leads the band. Copyrighted 1906, by F. B. HAVIUNO PUB. CO., N. Y. THE BEST COIIIC MARCH SONG PUBLISHED. E! WALTZ so* a. By JACK DHI«LA\E and THEODORE HORSE.' Kwn on tbf sunny sldp Ana let dull rare phss you by : Just figure out, you're a long time dead — Don't start to worry or High. Weep and you weep alone ; Don I give up bop« 'till you're tried, Don't Join the rrowds Thnt walk under dorkx-louds. But keep on the sunny side. Copyrighted 1906, by F. B. HAVIUNO PUB. CO., N. Y. if you use this song, send for a lot of our chorus circulars. All you can use, without coat. Express pre- paid by ms. "Oh! What a Night to Spoon" By PRANK REI1-LY ami THEODORE MORSE. Oli, what a nlgbt to spoon. Oh. what a lovely moon ' Cuddle up. IVarl. like a good little girl — Honest and truly, my heart's In a whirl. I'd Jusl llkf lo fondle you, , creep In my arms, now do; It'» the time, it's the place For a great big embrace, (spoken, say Kid), Oli, what a night to spoon. Copyrighted 1906, by F. B. HAVIUNO PUB. CO., N. Y. SAT, KID, THIS IS A PIPPIN! "CROCODILE ISLE" NOVELTY NUMBER. By JACK DRIftLANEand THEODORE MORSE. Writer of "Wj* In n Cocoa n ul Tree." Don't go awav snd leave roe. Whv don't ytui star and spoon? „ If you should go. 'twould grlere me; Stnv 'Death the sllv'ry moon. I like your styllsb manner — Linger a little while; I've got a tale to tell you, 'Boot what? (Spoken), 'Bout Crocodile Isle. Copyrighted 1906, by F. B. HAVIUNO PUB. CO., N. Y. Thla la the boat animal long on the market to-day. "COLLEGE LIFE" csohg) By HENRY PRANTZRN. Father and mother pay all the bills. And we hnvp All tbe fun Of the friendly rivalry of college life — Hooray ! We have to figure an awful lot, To tell them what we've done With the money that we spend for college life. Copyrighted 1906, by F. B. HAVIUNO PUB. CO.. N. Y. MAKES A SWELL BIO NUMBER. Our Band and Orchestra Glob Is a "Hummer." Over 10,000 satisfied subscribers. Once ■ member always a member. Twelve of oar Big Bong Hits during the year for SI. 00. If yon subscribe now we will give you as a pre- mium three extra numbers, making a total of fifteen numbers, all for $1.00, either for Band or for Orchestra. An exceptionally good collection of music now on hand. Subscribe now and get this lot--* THE BEST WE EVER HAD. "I'LL ALWAYS WEAR YOUR IMAGE IN MY HEART." By A I.. BRYAN mid THEODORE MORSE, I'll always wear your Image In my heart, Though oceans wide keep us apart. I send you back your picture. Hut your fare I can't forget, I'm.' i ;i always wear your Image in my heart. Copyrighted 1906, by F. B. HAVILAND PUB, CO., N. Y. Aa Pretty a Kong aa Can Be. » "Starlight By ED. MADDEN and THEODORE MORSE. iio.nl night, my Starlight, heart of my heart ; You'll be my startirlgbr, tho' we're far npart. And when you're lonely, my heart's dellgbt, Dream of your true love, good night, Starlight. Copyrighted 1906, by F. B. HAVIUNO PUB. CO., N. Y. The Heal Maul. Hit, with Ore*! Slid*.. "Inst a Little Rocking Chair and Ton" BALLAD OR BIG NUMBER. By JACK DRHLANE and THEODORE MOHS£, 1 don't want a little cosy corner. 1 don't want a hammock built for two ; 1 don't want a palm tree, tall and sbady, I don't want a little birch canoe; 1 Just want a place close by the flresldp, In tbe twilight, when the day Is thro'— ■ 1 just want two tilings in all thla wide, wide world Just a little rocking chair and you. Copyrighted 1906, by F. B. HAVIUNO PUB. CO., N. Y. 18 BEAUTIFUL SLIDES BY STEREOPTICON A FILM v'x CHANGE. PRICE $& PER SET. "IWantSomebody To Love." By HARRY KELLY, I want somebody to love me all of Ibe time, I want somebody to call me, "Baby Mine;" 1 will be tender and loving, true to my dore. May be folly, 'taln't no Jolly. 'Cause 1 want somebody to love. • Copyrighted 1906, by F. B. HAVIUNO PUB. CO., N. Y. The Beat Coon Song on the Market To-Day, FOUR SUPERB SONGS WITH SLIDE". •3.00 PER SET. "JUST A LITTLE ROCKING CHAIR AND YOU." 18 Slides "THE GOOD OLD U. S. 1" ■ 18 Slides "STARLIGHT" • ■ 18 Slides "DADDY'S LITTLE GIRL" • 18 Slides A few Self of the following In stock. Price, SU.r.U per act* All In perfect condition, is Slide* to each, "SHE WAITS BY THE DEEP BLUE SEA." "GOOD-BYE, SIS." "PLEASE COME AND PLAY IN MY YARD." For farther aortic. I. rs regarding all.e. write for our alide letter, orcliof ratlun-. for on> of the above. In any key to .alt your voice, ore ready. Profeiiloa.l eopie. and orchestration, sent open reqnet. LITE PROGRAMMES MUST ACCOMPANY YOUR LETTER. NO CARDS. NO HHA\( II OFFICES ANYWHERE. F. B. HAVILAND PUB. CO., 125 WEST 37th ST., IV. Y., COR. B'WAY and 37th ST. HOLLAND BUILDING, 1440 Broadway, Corner 40th St Talapnon*., B53-954-0AS Bryant. Vavble Andrea., Wlllmorrla. CHICAGO OFFICE. 167 DEARBORN STREET. Special Attention will Be Given to Summer Parka and Fairs. BOOKING EXCLUSIVELY THE FOLLOWING LEADING VAUDEVILLE HOUSES, p. O. William.' Colanlnl, P. O. William** Orpheniu, Brooklyn. P. G. William*' Orpheum, Bo.ion. P. G. W I Ilia in w' New Broni Ilanimerateln'* Victoria, Hammer-ate 1 11'a Hoof Gnrdaa., Hanimerateln'a. Phllk. Sh«e Vincent'*, 11 tailing, Wlluier «J» Vincent*., AUentown, Weber St Hush, lllnghnraloa, Weber o. Rnah, Schenectady, H. H.'Lamkln'a, Toledo, H. H. Lamktn'a, Dayton, I. C.MIahler, Altoona, Pa. I. C. Mlahler, Jobnatawa, Pa. Wool worth Roar Garden, Lancaater, Pn. Brlttanla-on-t he-Bay, Ottawa, Can. Grand Opern Honae, Decatur, 111. NewSavoy,llaii.llton,Can. Green'* Opera Honae, Cedar Rapid*, la. Godfrey'* Theatre, Grand Haplda, Mich. Blion Theatre, Omaha, Neb. The Two Celebrated "AERONAUTS" STEVENS 9 LEVEE (AMRKIUA) (PRANCR) Onan (or a limited amount of high rla*. engagement* for long or abort balloon voyage*. We aae ga* only. Addrea* Box M, Medleon Su., Sew York City. 27 WEEKS IN CUBA. TASMANIA.. TROUPE A WOI In straight At'rolmlL' Work, will arrive hi Sew York, Saturday. Juno 23, per SS. Ksperaira. Some Lota hi*'' i" "■» »■"' s "l"- JA< ' K "I'lTon, w.r., noi k. mr. hi., i»«r i.rk. PEOPLE REPERTOIRE ALL LINES. ('•pn'1.11; VKBSATn.K I.KAlllKd WOMAN. Cnn'l lu'looitOiicl. L.IDK .ng.KCiiloiil. Slalf nil Bratl.ltfr H. D. RTJOKER. Topeka. Kai. SHIELDS 1 PARK P0SIN6 | OUTFITS, SLIDES Vi.w tjotare Dftlmrl In lh«' IHhiihiuiI llroiw, Kadluui Ihtnce, 4 Seiwolw, etc. These Blroiin FBATI'RB ^\* ilrSonir n »ki'n>; '* BiIIIIhui I'.ilnliil »w terms. a. mass BT8MAR, 41. E. l&th St., N. Y. The Big March Song Hit of the Season, "Rosabelle." FBEE PnlaltioDtl Copies to Performers inclosing Programs. JOHN SHOHAKBH, Professional Manager. RAW PFlfaT "The Tie That Binds '"-Two Scenes," "Canoeing by Moonlight," "APet In a BWfT ahaafl, (juded Cage," " Cblldliood," "I'd Like to Get Acquainted," "Skiddoo, Sklddoo, Skiddoo," "Mammv's Hush Song/' "Hush-a-Bye-Baby," "Tlsthe Rose He Gave Be," "The Queen uf Hearts," "Bary (ireen," "What Makes You Cry r" "Roa-el," "A Lover's Forgiveness," » I'Dreamof Thee," "The Love That Was Hllnd," "Dear Heart," "Love Me Hard," " When We Sailed fromSan Fram-lscii," -If I should Wander Hack Again To-night," "Gentle All ene." "May My Heart Always Beat True," " I Could Hear the Old Stream Flowing," " Here Comes a Bubble " (automobile song). MIEJI^Vir/IVEJ MUSIC I*XJB. CO., SB West 18th St., Now York. Primrose's $«■ Minstrels, CEO. H. PRIMROSE, Proprietor. REHEARSALS COMMENCE WEDNESDAY, June «0, at the PLAINFIELU THEATRE, PialnOeld, N.J. Seanou opens June 3d at MANHATTAN UK ACM, N. Y. Wanted, Singers, Dancers and Musicians. Address all communications to X". «T. Dunne, Manager, lata BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. HARGREAVES' BIG R. R. SHOWS, Sensational « round or Aerial Bar Act. comedy Acrobatic Act, for But show. Also Sister Team or Lady, Boy Puncher for Sldi Show. TUOS. HARCREAVES. Addretw as per route: Olens KalK N- Y.; June 21; Saratoga 22, ScheneL-lad? 2a, Mechanlrsvllle <£U\ North Adams, Mass., 28; QreenfleUl B, Bolyoke 29, Cblcopee Fulls, 29, Northampton. Juue 30. HAPPYLAND PARK, SOUTH BEACH, STATES ISLAM, H. Y. BRIM OPENING SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1906. WASTED— High Class Act* of all kinds suitable for lailv audience. Address ALBERT HEROENUAN, Manager. \VM. A. STANLEY, Amusement IHreclor. •R3S3& MITCHELL'S Jttk PLAYERS r»^»i**W Tlie line and Looking., of "Hllcbell's All Slar Pl.jera" snd all Opera llou»e conlracu oads Ur »« will be tilled. ThU t»liow Ii backed br a avodicate and nothing will be npared In the Hue of scenery, iwtper, and playa. to make thta the bent repertoire attraction on the road. People In all linen 1W recreated to write. Addres. all i ommunlcaUonH to U. Frank Mitchell, (ien'l Bus. Mar., as per oilier a-1. In thla IMue. ResocclfuIlT, El). W. COOK, Lease and Manager Mitchell's All Star Plajers, Season IMS-.- N. B.-«ant At stage llireclor, mu.l Ihoroughlj nnderaland tils bnslnew and attend to It. WW good Opening Bill, »nh plenty of paper. Alice Paint llrowne, what have toui "WANTINO TO MBEAf* P-f*OIVI" PARKS OR BUMMER STUCK COMPANIES. BIG DRAWING CARD. The GREENE FoAJHILY. V&mESSS&mtWPJ&SSlSSZU Bri «'". K "«l Acts). High OlM MnilCBl SMClallii". ci-TAI.ENThIH'F.lin,K-«. TH11HK I1AK1) TO BKAT-LudJ VIOLIN SOLOIST LadrTRAl' llRCUMtK. Udy HASIST-A WINNER KVF.RVWIIKRK. And A No. 1 toMKDUN, Ecccnlflc and Black Fart Specialties. Producer of One Ail Comcdlea. IYe» we make Bood). Regard* w I riendn. Addren LEW PISTEL, Manager, Atlantic CltF, H.J. JUNE 23. THE 2STETW YORK tSTJlPPER. '493 iTP! onrai "WHEN NIGHT BRINGS OUT THE STAR 17 tt "WHEN SIGHT BRINGS OUT THE STARS.' (VAN CAMP) 99 CHORUS: Tlio* I'm prowlng sad of late, Be It love ur be It rale, 1 will wait down at the ban. When night brings unt the stars. Vi jiuranUe to please yon mil you audiences, Band 10c, tor Orchestrations, Ho tree copies, aSK IVIV I— '*<■ 1UILT0NJ "YOU'LL HAVE TO ASK MY PA" And I hasten down the lane W lien the twilight shadows wane, And nij heart for him doth yearn As I long for his return. My iiesri In yonrs. hit loving Joe, 1 cannot say you uiv; I love you and will truly luve Forever and a day. And ero our nuptial tsuid* are Bcaled, bv sacred rigin of law, One utile lask vim mint perform! You'll have iu aak mv pa, J. J. HAMILTON PUB. CO., Colorado 8prlng«, Colo. QUICK-WAN TED RUSH. EMPIRE STOCK CO. Good Repertoire People. SI NO I NO AND DANCING SO I BRETT F. TO BK PRATDRP.D, Leading WotDau and Man, Character Man and Woman, Good Sister Team, Comedian with speclaltv. State lowest saUrv. Pay your own. Semi program and photo; same returned. Join quick. Other useful people Wanted. Address J. I). BRIGHT, Box 10S, Station K, Atlanta. Ga. COLORED PERFORMERS WANTED ■ ••••■ f 0R Rice & Donley's Big Minstrel Carnival, SINGERS, DANCERS, MUSICIANS (All Instrument* ler B. and 0.), SPECIALTY ACTS, TRICK BICYCLE RIDER. DRUM MAJOR with the Goods. At B. end 0. LEADER. With Library ot Music; Good STAGE MANAGER. State lowest salary In first letter. Preferenre to those doubling brass. None but experienced people need answer. Tickets advanced from Chicago or points equal distance. SHOW IMM JULY a. Kehearssla July 1, at Fort Worth. Show goes to Canada (kfanllobai, at once. Following write : Al. Hoyd HI Dive Ferrell, Rastas, who was with Potter A Rice In 1S03. Address w. H. RICE, care of Texas pts Co., Fort Worth, Teias. MUSICIANS FOR SCOUTS RKYKSilK CO., Slide and Clarionet for B. and 0. EXPERIENCED AGENT. Address JOS. J. CONI.ET, aa Per Rome. BLDRBDGB, AIEAKI-N .Ss CO., GENERAL THEATRICAL EXCHANGE executive OFFICE: 740 Knickerbocker Theatre Building, TELEPHONE CONNECTIONS. NEW YORK C1TV, BOOKING and REPRESENTING THEATRES. TOURS CONDUCTED. STAGING and PRODUCING Pl.A VS. SPECIAL. PRESS WORK FOR PRODUCTIONS. Also DRAMATIC and VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS. ITS ARRANOI Expert TYPEWRITING and MIMEOGRAPHING at Reasonable Rates, FRANK H. F.LDREDGE, Manager. CH&RLES W. MF.AKIN, Assistant Manager. \*V A M T E. D QUICK, Wallack's Theatre Co. No. 1 Al LEADING MAN, LEADING WOMAN, HEAVY MAN. SECOND BUS. WOMAN, GEN. BUS. MAN and WOMAN, COMEDIAN. Those doing specialties preferred. PIANO PLAYEK. AUENT. You rau-u make good. Slate all in flrat letter. Pay own. Summer salary until Aug. 15. SHOW OPENS JOLY 2. Beroady w> Join on wire. Address Dl'BINSKY BROS.. Lincoln, Neb. P. S-J Tnls company waa out 46 weeks last seuson. No. 2 Show opens Auk. 12. Send permauent tddires when writing. FOR FALAN^E^r^SUMMER AND REGULAR SEASON, Good Versatile, experienced Repertoire Comedian. Must do good Specialties. Can also use other good useful Rep. People. Must Join by July 1. Address fttOR. hurm-: stock COMPANY, No. 1013 Central Aveuue, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1VTE ROSE STOCK CO., leading Lady, Soubrette, Comedian, Juvenile Man, Ingenue Woman, Duion Stage carpenter and Property Man (Property Man 10 do bibs), Specialty People that can change their acts. A'l musi have modern wardrobe on and off stage. Send photos and program roes; same will be returned. Do not misrepresent or ask unreasonable salaries if you mean business, w weeks. Tickets to those lkno<~ No telegrams. JOS. 8. SKIRBOLL, Taretituin. Pa. ANTED, FOR "A STRUGGLE FOR GOLD" CO., Al heavy man, Irish comedian who can double at might old man in nrat act, woman for Irish biddy, ingenue womau, etc. People who do specialties preferred. Men must ALL double band. Season opens Aug. l,at Burlington, Wis. FOR "THE PEOPLE'S PLAYERS,'' leading mail and woman, sonbreiie and comedian with spe- cialties, pianist. Three night stands. Open about July 20. Address all mail to WOODS A MOCK SAli AIM, Sheridan, III., a; Laeon, III., 25-27. James T. Kelly, B. S. Boyer, H. J. Stnbe, An Robinson, U. S. Harper, please write. SAM HOOD, "TMK JOY INCUBATOR," The Biggest lilt of any Monologlat thai ever played the West, would like to bear from manager* who want the Heal i.oulU, Addreaa SAM HOOD, Gen. Del., Florence, Ala. Tippel M Kilment, NOVELTY, COMEDY, MUSICAL ARTISTS, AT LIBERTY coming seaaon for Burlesijue, Musical or Farce Comedy, etc. Only the best solicited and offers invited. Address CHICAGO, ILL., week June Is, care of Majestic Theatre. Wanted, OleuriiAet and Tr-Cajp I>jri*jtra**iejr >'or B. and 0., Leader of Orchestra, Violin, double Cornel, who can arrange and furnish music. Also Contortionist who does Traps, Perch, etc., and Versatile Vaudeville and Repertoire people, show and live Iu tents, healthy and comfortable, during hot weather. Best treatment, sure salary. Long season lo reliable people. I pay all after Jolnlug. Three-day stands, average six shows a week, eveutugR. state loweBt salary aud full particulars flrsi letter. Kickers, Boozers, Disorgnii- zers, keep away. .__ N. B.-Good exclusive privileges for sale, three lo MO people to work to nightly. No urafrs. Grand Porks, Nor, Dak., June 25 lo 27. M ,sur,».i..Hi K i. H ii.. BILLY BENNKTT'S BIO NKW SHOWN. Stodciart {Stool* Co. WARTS FOB SUSSES AID IEIT 8BA80I, A I Heavy Man, Singing Soubrette. Pleased to hear from sober, reliable people In all lines for neit season. Make salary reasonable. W. L. STEWART, Waverly Park, Unslng, Midi. MVTED, SOUBRETTE. with Specialties LEADING WOMAN. For balance of Summer and next season. Join at once. State lowest (pay own) and full particulars. oilier people, write. WN. C. WILD, Mgr. Wild J Rich's Players, Wllllamsport, Pa. to i-e't, VERSATILE NACEL and ADAMS, NOVELTY and COMEDY DUO. For Burlesque, Farce Comedy or Kep. June », Ton) Pallor's. FILMS AND MACHINE BAROA1NS are always here — not Iu the common, nctvpted meaning nf the word, but (.KN'tUNK ItAROAINS— good goods nt little prices. It Is cheaper Iu the end lo nay a fair price for au nrtlele. We don't offer nuy Dim for three cents, be- muse we cannot do so conscientiously, out for sit and seven rents we can give you the same, and better, thou others ask eight aud nine cents for. PATHFS PASSION PLAY, brand new, never used. 20 subjects, 1!,000 feet, on reels, ready for use, $*J4U.OO. THE WANDER IN'f) JEW. Christmas Angel. Providence of the Waves, Life nf Moses, Christian Martyrs, Drought of Fishes, Sub- urbanite, Man the Lifeboat, Wanted, a Dog; Seven Ages, Cowboys and Indlaos, IcuI-t of the Household. The Deserter, Chicken Thief. Train Robbery, Beauty Show. .The Sleep- walker, Creusot's Metallurgy, colored: Drama In the Air, Firebug. Metamorphosis of u But- terfly, colored ; Ixwt Child, Country Court- ship, Mystery of the Jewel Casket, Dream of the Racetrack Fiend, Hun License, colored: Off for the Holidays, Everybody works but Father, sod many others, EVERY ONfi ORIGINAL, no dupes, all at 7c. per fool. One Reel. nO feet brand NEW San Fran- cisco Film, Rlogrnph subjects, $60.00. One Reel, OfiO feet brand new Imp. Krltt- Nelsuu Fight ; never used, S&Ti.OO. SPKCIAI— IldisoD's Exhibition 11*00 Model, brand new. with Power's Tokeup, 1,000 feet of Film, on a reel ; Electric Iximp niia Power's Rheostat, nnd two sets of Soug Slides and a Screeu. $175.00. EDISON'S UNIVERSAL 11HM1 MODEL, with Electric Lamp. Itbeoslnt and l.oOu feet of Kllm. with Screen and two sets of Sung Slides. fl.'IO.OO. EDISON'S -118 MACHINE. Exhibition Model, with Electric Lamp and Rheostat, and l.liou feet of Film. Iwo sets of Song Slides and Screen, $100,041. WE CARRY at all times the largest slock of Condensers. Limes. Carbons, (lelotlne and .sVnenil Supplies, to say nothing of looses and Rheostats, found anywhere, and make shipment on the day order is received. OXYLITHK OUTFITS, Orone, OxyllMie, Eiher aud Oasollue, the latter sold la Ave gal. cans only. Kdlson's "Parsifal." like new. 1.075 feet, on two reels, cost $33.1. 7"», our price, $lf>0. Bradwar. He* Xetk citr. COMING KVI5JVTS I1V THIS BARNUM & BAILEY (Annual) ROUTE BOOK WILL BE OF SPECIAL INTEREST TO ALL. 1 would tte pleased to hear from unynue who ciiu coulrlhuie a good story on Clrcui life lu early .lays, also very nuxious in receive pluitm of old circus meu, wlih brief sketches uf their lives. Those most desired wi.ulil be: l,evl J. North, Seth H. Howe, L. B. Lent, Jobu Robinson, Jan. E. Cooper. Jerry Mutilr, Hynlt Frost, Isaac A. Van Atnhurgb, t>. .1. Ferguson. John Lake. Jna. E. Kelly. " . Hulley, I.i-wl.- E. Jones, John Nathans, aud onv photos uf the old timers, which will he returned after ■its have been made. CIIAHI.r.M AMDHKM*. Pnlillnher, en lour with BARNUM A 1IAILKY. or to my permanent address. 4:U IKU'ULAS HOULEVAUD. Chlcngo, III. Adflni Furepaiigh, Dan lilt WANTED, FOR Mabel Paige Company, Young,. Clever, Hood linking JCVKNILK WOMAN for Second Business Willi cxcelleiil Wrirdrote, Also Ootid NTAUF, DI11KCTUH who ihoroitglilv uiitlersiands his business, dan offer long pleasani season. Address IIRNH.V K. WIl.LAltO, Jacksonville, Via. M" A X TK l>, for Our Kow. 2 and 9 I ompaiiic*, LECTURERS THAT CAN GET THE MONEY. Salary 26 per cent, m all sales; Twu Al Sketch Teams, singers and daucers, M do doubles and singles and change Tor week; good Single Performers write; also good Piano Plater that double* stage. Salary no limit to good performers. Board Iu hotels. Au-. <|iilck. Tickets, yea. CHAKKIN BROS., Props., Box 2U1, Uunigoiuery, W. Va, P. S.-O'llarii and Watson, Frank Clayton, Bob (fucen, wiile. WANTED AT ALL TIMES, VAUDEVILLE ACTS BURLESQUE WOMEN. l HAS. II. WALDHUN, Palac. Tli.alr., Bo.tou, M.BS. ' THE ALDEANS Jne IEDV BAR ACT. oi»eiw time, jrTJ:r_.Y o. FIKST CLAHN OISIF.IIY Ai'l' FOK III HI.FHill'K UK TIIKATHrS. Aildreaa IIEVK.1IK. Hill sio, \. Clark si,, t lilt Alio, ILL. Pacific Coast Amusement Co.* SULLIVAN and CONSIDINE. UWU1DK anil uperatlug an First UIium Vaudeville Then! re. Fast, Northwest ami West. «ww /%, l.aT'Tr^'aO T* »' »" •""«•■ F1KMI UI.ASS AI.-I.S OF ALU KINDS VW ^^.A^L A JVLV« that rati deliver the irooilH. SOLE 80OKINU AflKNTH: Al.. OKKKN. Fillnllv Theulle. IU.MI. St., Mew Vor> Cllji: CIIAS. H KAY, aa American llanK llnilil. HcalUe, nasi,.; CIIHIS. o. IIKUWN, m s. Murk si.. cIiIcibo: akl'UIF. I.KV'l , 111 Gddr St., Han Franclaeu, Cal. 9-9999191 -s- WANTED - :- For SIDE SHOW AND CONCERT, Kir. I I In.s M1MTRK TRAM, .ill Hl( Al, ACT anil any Hood HINUINfJ and DANCINfl A< I a, M.n ur Hi, ii. in. Al«> WANTJED. BAND UF 111 1'IKl KM, Hliltr ur Culuinl. Lananeaiun, eiHHl walary and li..t rruvellnn arruinmodatloa.* Aililir.a KIIANK SIUHKIN, Haa.,,r Hid. Mliuvv, CUMMINS' WILD WEST, Uulncy Hou.u, Bo.top. Maas. AT UBBRTY I0OOO7, BILLYA. F/VL.I-S, BLACK FACE MONOLOQIST AND SONG WRITER. Invites OfTeni from Mlnt>tr«l, Uurleaqua anil Vaudeville. Per. add., Hi ALI.KN ST., Horliesfer, N, V. Regard* to Jamea II. <'a.vley, l.e v 1 1 1 and Km 1», and Klaleher Ninllh, vrrlla. jVOTICU TO AIAXACERS. BEN ti^ Q r££Z&ZX* tu h Motorcycle Mishap." Now oh the Proctor Circuit, Open on Keith Circuit July ISO- NotibilngMi badlv. Hack from Hie West Hiin-e March 12, niierv I closed with the Filer Show, arter a season of ' . woekt. tfpeuitl at Atlantic (lardeii March Vi, ibeii I'hlladelpliln, I llniidliiLShuw iwt.weuks New York, Tony Pastor's, Paierson, Ailaiitlc Uarden, B>llh'« Huston, I'rocfor's Trov, Casino, l.yoehhurg; I'rocloc's lluverstruw, Allautlc (lardeu two weeks. Newark and this week at Proctor's Albany. * For iliuu and terms address SUTIIKRI.ANO A KMUIIKliT, SI. James Rldg,, Nnw V-,i .. S-S.H ACTORS' SOCIETY OF AMERICA Members of the Society are requested to make sure that their correct addresses are on Die; efco Photos. Send In U. S. P.xpren* Stub*. W. D. STUNK, Secretary, 114 West eJtli Htriwi, New York, LADIES' TAILOR AND FURRIER. FIT 6UARANTEED. PRICES MODERATE. FURS REPAIRED AND STORED. N. Mil. I. Kit, Wear Cook'. Fl.n, 411 K. 14lli HI., New York. THE DANCING VIOLINIST (WSfiAn) "OHKATBHT MI'SICAI. HL'HFHIHK IN VAUOKVILLK ." At I.itieriy next seuson for vaudeville or company. Add. 4.'.: West 4Hlh Street, N. Y, Clly. ,1 COLUMBUf), OHIO, . Will o,eD for seaaon of eighteen week, on Hunila;, May 13, with IIIUI1 UI.AB8 VAUUF.VILLK. Tkle la the Oneat theatre Id any nark Iu America, and will nlav the very heit lu vaudeville. Id AT LIBERTY FOB. NKXT SKASIIV, A UIHID LIVK ACT. r and I ■ ■■' r«» ■UMNBfUl ■ mlm Frenentlnir cnieilv. HIiiRlnir. DanrlnKan.IMii.U-. Iiilrorlii.-lliir MASTF.I1 IIYLAND, the Yn.m.'-v.i lialon Maulpmalor In Ibe V/urld. Hume A.ldreaa, 2S OHHOHNK ST., Iianl.nry, I'oim. QUVERHATOR'S MAMMOTH THEATRE, "untic cm, NE w wnw. r.AUKl.V Proprietor. W AXTKD--AII kil.il. i.r Fralnre A.'IS. MID 1'EltS, Jlununer. I Iimi larae for thin (mime. Adore. H all to SHI FKKN, ManaKlT. SONG- POEMS •f*l i ii.\h Miittii' i>rn sjta. AND I'UPItl.AR IMC Pl'B. CO, MUSIC PI II1.IMIKI) ON ROYALTY. We write Music to your worth., Introtluee 'Mil popularise. Bend In MS". , Hnll. 1114, No. 1)9 Dearborn St., Chicago. WIGS u » WILLIAM IIKPXKH WIG CO. IeKADIMO WIO MAKKHS, largest stock In America. Wigs made to order. Pull line of p-lv*, powders auO mid cream. Send for catalogue "0," to either place. m WKSTBtXh St., N. Y,,|Cblca|oUpe» Uubh Blouk, UUcagrh 494 THE NpEW YORK CLIPPER. June 23. gj flu Road. All Routes nlniil Hmoh I * Not Later Tlmn ' Mitntltty. s - DRAMATIC. Adler. Jittnt ». Y. Cltr lS-3o; AileMnrth stock— Seattle, Wimh., 17, ludellntie. "Ah Tohl in lis* Hilts" (Win. F. Mann, mgr.)— CMeaaw. HI-, a l -July SI. DUm-lic lliilrs (Uuvld JJcIhbcu, nisr.) — N. Y. City IN. imlclliillc. Fmrtf Stock iKdwhl Ilarrie, mgr.) — Sedatta, Mo., 17-a::. HprlngtlPld ^4-Jillr 7. By rmi Stock— Kpokmic. Wnali., lX-Aitg. !H. Ilrnwn-Ilakcr Stock— Milwaukee, Win.. 18, lmh-11- nlte. •■Brown of Harnird" (Henry Miller, mgr.)— Chicago, III.. IK. hidi'thillc. "Blinker's Child" (Hurry Sliuutiou, mgr.) — Wnu- tuiun, w\*.. :io. Carter,- Mrs. l-e*llp (Dmlil Keluwo, tngr.)— Wil- llamsport. I'm.. 2:t. ClmsP-Llrftcr 'Jtieatre If Hen V. Clin*'. nu;r.)~- Sjirlnilllehl. Mo., IS -;t, Pittsburg, Kau., '44- ■liiiy H. CHlir»i-nhr Stock (.Smith A Fredericks, mgr*.) — Hacriinipiitn, Csl., IH-*»it. an. Cornell Stuck (W. K. Cornell, iniir.)— Du Bols, I'ti.. 1* no. Curmtl Comedy (I'm Carroll, mgr.) — tiraflou, W. V.i.. IS.JB. Chicago Stock (Chili. II. RossKntn, nmr.) — Hiiult Stp. Marie. Midi.. IS. ImleHnHe. C b —hw stock iw. c. Uanauni. Mgr.) — Kutport, Mp.,-UI-2». (TiiIiiIh SS-a7. MaehbtH 2X-30. Craven. Until I Hurry I,. Heck, mgr.) — Hope, N. put.. IH-23. Aiieln S."»!H). "rinii«iiinn" (tin. II. liu'iinini. mgr.)— Chicano. III.. 17-23. DI.M-V. Ifom-y K. (W. N. Lawrence, uijjr.) — N. Y. ciiv in, tmlettiilie. F.lwm. l»nnie. Dramatic — Slnnstead, Que, Cuil, lS-llli, Shorhr»oki- 21-23. Fleming, .Mamie lW. II. Oraccy. mgr.)— Lau- essler. Pa.. lH-Jtily II. - Farnum Stork (Wm. Farnuru, mgr.) — Cleveland, (i.. 18, Indefinite. Kawcell Stock (Hem-go Kawcelt, tugr.) — St. Pnul, Minn.. IK, Imleilnlle. Fischer Tlirntrr Slock lit. U. Welch, mgr.)— Dou- rer. Colo.. 17-Jiily 2H. ■ . 1 Ferrl* Slm'k Wick ram, mgr.)— MlnncuiinllB, Minn.. IT. Iiidellnllo. > Fnltnii Bros. Slock — Lincoln. Nebr.. IS. Imtetiulte. ' Fuller Stuck — Montreal. Can.. 1H. Indefinite. Ulasrr. Yiiughan, Slock— Detroit, Mich.. 17, In- •leilnilo. UIiikm', Vmntliiui, Slock— Columbus, 0., 18, In- ilPliiillp. Greene. Fronds. Dramatic — Laomi, Wis., 2'1, -l. Till I up I h hi W 2." :>o. II1111I Ml«K*k i.M. A. Hunt, mgr.)— HtfMffffUh Mk-h.. IK-33, Ali'i-iiH SEMMh "' HiiiiUT-BrH'll'iinl l'luyorM— Mnrirciril, Conn., 18- Jnly 14. llinilcr-llriitiruril Stouk— Sprliiiillelil, AUtm., 18, InilpllnHp. HtTi.lt! Smmi-p Slix-k (BIMn- & I'"»tih|iiiwp. inj;rH.) — I'l-riy. N. Y., 18-SB, HitiltM Pdliil 2ri-:i(l. HlllniHii, Miiy (KrnpHl SoIiiimIh-I. niftr. ) — Buckroe BTHPll. Vrt., \b. IJKlclli'.M.'. Ilartfml si«-k HVtW liHriforil, in«r.)— Uicvc- IiiihI. IK, IK, liiilPllnlit'. Itolllrwwtii-Mi Twins (la-w (Hinimiii. liiftr.l— Shrpvi'imt'l. I.11., 17 2.1. llillwpHltill. Tpi., 2-l-:tl>: Ilprn Stm-k lit. U. Jler*. Itigr.) — Clpveliiml, ()-, Hi. Irnleniillp. Il.'lih'ii Bnw, Ultn'k— Dt'trylt. Mk-li., 18, linlHI- iiHc. : , lltiwurd Ihii-Hlt (liiMi. B. Ilua-Miil, tunr.)— hioux t.'lly. In.. 17. Imlptliilip. Iliiwilmrm* Nlwk— IJU-iir l.akp, It».. lK-3lt. Hurrii* I'iiikliisflit Slink (liolrt. H. HurrlH, ugr.) - -nnll«H. Tp\.. IK-24. llplr In ll(P IIm'thIi" (TIip Klrkp- 1 .11 Slirllp tu., limn.. )— Chk'Hiii.. III.. 18. InrtPtlnllp. JiifLsun Bnw. Kliitw (J. li. Hliiffoi'rt, mnr.l— Brlluwb l-'nlli, VI., 18-2H, lllnwlulp, N. 11., 22- Kiiott. M'BH'IU' iKwifly, Klilpmun & Co., iimr*.)— (Jldi-p Buy. N. S., 21, Syilm-y 22, 23. KpiiiipiIv I'liivpr* (Bpii l.ewb, ingr. )— Hteuhoii- villi*. 11.. 18. Inly 7. ' ' . Ki'VKlfinp rtriiiimlk'. I Mux A. Ariuihl, uv^v. 1 — Slciilniilim. Me.. 18-2.1. KliiuttlPi'-lliiMHplI (K. B. Kii«M»ll. inpr.)— -Dlinn, III.. Id-Si, ■ ., t l.yiTimi Uweity (K- II. Mi-Kvny. iiiRr.l— North Y»Miiilhnr«. Mp.. 21. Oiikltnnl 22, DpiIpI' 23, Ih.vpr 2,'-27. (iiilironl 28 311. Uvliiuilmtp Sloi-k IF. H. Mvlligstoiw, niftr.) — mirli. Ml-. 18-Aiib. 2H. ta l.nttpruiiii Know Slock — .Mi>]tipbltt, Trnn., 18, lit- ili'llnllp. Mlllmi -LyoiiH Sl:m. MMrkx Sdwk (T Mtirk-s. nwr.l — Miiniuplte. Mich.. IK 23, Hiilnlh. Minn.. 2."i -30. Mtihi'i- Kl«-k 1 Mill Mnliisr, mgr.)— L-wllow, Vt., JS-2;;, Fnlr Haven 2S-ilH. Wiilth-p K4«ek (WhhI B. Maltlce, niBC.)— St. TtiomtiK, Otit., IK.Iiitlpniilte. MH'iillnin Sloi-k tW. II. McCiilkim. infir.)— Fori- IiiimI. Mp.. IK. IntleilnllP. MpFIipp's. 'A. l>.— DupklnkP, Hunk.. I'll".. 21, HiwMii'in 22. UuiKljiim 23. Itiiil'lPwtH 2-"'. N'irlh n«rllPriiril 2U. Mnyiliiiliistpr, AllH., 27. Vw- llllllon 28. VegPl'Vllle 21). FiU'l SiihVntcliPWiiii 3D. Wwiv Slwk (.1. II. MiMire, msr.)— ItnebcMli'l', N. V., IK, ImlPllllltP. Mln will Urns. Dramiith-— New Caulk', I'm.. 2,i-3H. . "My WIIp'k Family" (W- MpHiwhu. msr.l — KIpvpIIi, Slliin.t 2d, Tiiwur 21, Bly 22. Two Hftrhnni 23, hiiliitli 21, Clraittet 25, Superior. Wla., 2«, AkIiIiiuiI 27, lronwooil, Mleh,. 28. llpsst'iijer 211. Nrw KnulMiMl J'ltiyprN (Ili'iiylmm & T.iumiIiiI, mgrs.) --(■Hrllnmo. X. Y.. 18 2-1. Jliwwnii 2r. 30 Kin-Hi Brim.' I^UHPillinis— Oklahoma City, Okln., I H 23, OHMM 8|.-.-k (.lolin Hsiiuin. mgr.)— Newark, n., 1'iiyl.m MniM VX S. I'liylou. msr,)— Koulli M» Alwlrr. IikI. Ter., 18-30. 1'niP.p. Mnlf'l llleiiry F. Wlllanl, mgr.)— Jnek- si.nvllle.FlH., I*. Iiutrtlnlir. . IMiPltiu 8 k IK. V. FIipUii. mgr.)— I'orlliinii, Me.. 1H. IhiIpHiiIIp. , m M riilnps. CIiiim. K. (Win. Morris, BiBi'O— BurlliiR- Imii. In., IK, liiOi-lliille. i>nuiii-i:p|ixi'i.«- if. h. Fenieiil. mgr.)— MffaUn, IJil.. IS. lllllPlllltlP. . .. IVriiPhl ilppwiip (C- H. IVrmhl. mgr.)— Umw vllle. Tpiim.. Ik. i inle H nil i*. , „, l'rhicie 8h..k 1.1'ilniiilp Frlngle. uiicr.)— Ihi'ihmh, Pmk DriimiiHi: (C W. Fark, mgr.)— MttllliiliW. Fa 18-23 Ktii.lp Tlii'iiire («. U. HtMh mgr.)— ToitoiMih, Rp'olr'iV.wV "lolly FhIIiIIiiiIpih (.T. N. Reftlfrow, mar.l-SMii Aiileiiln. Tpx., 17-23. tliutkte, CiirlmiP. Sl'»k i.M. Ilniiklp. riiRf.)— Hnr- hum. N. C. IS, liulptlnile. , _ . ••HIli Vim Winkle." W. A. Kller'n (.loe Bdkpr. iniir.l— Htiiillnulitti. Hip.. 2o. Winner, liln., 21. Xiiniw 211. BiiIkp 27, Shiwlmiie 30. Knllierii, K. II.. nn.l -Tidla U«rlmrr (Cmtrlw Froh- ■■1.111. HBr.l— X. V. Fliy 18-23. Blpwart. Nellie (tJi-orgp MucRrorc, mgr.)— Uil- niM 111.. 18. ilKlPllnllP. ■ EIhiiiIIiir. Hoy. Ci-iitrdy ll.ui-ketl A Mauillug, niBi-H.i- Wiinhliiaiim. I). C. 18, liiilPllnlle. BivhIii Theiiiri' I -Mark Swalii, iiiRr.l— Spatllr. Wash.. 18. liiik'lltiUi-. . „. .__., tlewiirt. May (J. K- CWlR m»r.)--ftasah"rt; e. Tpx.. 20, Fiitih 21, Tprrell 22, l.nH'iivillp 24, Hniphur Sprliu:-< 2.'i. lillmpr 20. p'ld'/ .1. C. Slm'k (I.iiwipiipp Felrraen, mgr.) — Hut. .11 UntKt; I.H.. IK-Si'pl. I. , %111 •'KnnilV Upvpiiui'" 1 111"' A I'PlUey. iiiRra.)-— Mill- I ,11.1. Tpx.. 211. Ills SprlliRH 21 Colorailo 22. SwppIw liter 23. Merkel Sfi, AIiIIpiip 2H, llnlnl T*'Tm , «-i.t t 'ni'iiinii'llp I.I. I- TeiiiiH'al, mgr.)— B"oitu- l...". Mil.. 18 23. •Tlnh" ll.uwiviivp A; Khi-Ip, iiignO— \armoii1li. N. S . Fan.. 20. KpiKvIHp 21. Tnim 22. 23. ••n^'lp'st "HiMklni*" WS, S. IMlmno-P, lnjir:l— l.n l-rinw. Wtv„ 23. •'I ih-Ip Timo's ChIiIii," SteiMinV dlraiil I.ih-p. Uttf 1 I'.hi -Ip(!Vi'*hi. N. V-. 21. HleksvlUe 2S, iin^iimtri 23. Sniiililiuhl 2.1, MiillUiH-k 2(1, HlverhPii.) 2T. SmilliiiniiHiin 28 ■■FiipIp T.nn's Cal.lii. ' SimveN -KiiHspell. Mmil., 2l> 1 V»a IHIte H l"«»1»n l'-'- M«ek. mgr.l— Hnveiiport, I In . 'IS 311, YiiIp. l.iuil-p. Slfli-k (Tmvlsi Vale, mgr.)— Butties- » i"i . X. Y . IK, Imli'ltitlle. ■'VHUgp UlfCVt** VBtayliaiu & Luitfiut, uiflio.) — KllKubellilowrj. N. Y., 2d. Keenrllle 21, WL rionnkl, VI.. 22, Wirllnirnp 23, Bristol 2f'. Vfnl* HoBfurtl 2il, Mnni-iiratiT 27. Soulh I^inilooilerry 28, Jainaka 21), Ni'ivfnrte 30. Vallamnnt S1oi;k (l.jinnii A. Fray, mgr.) — Wli- [|.:u;-;i..i t, Fa., 18. fiirletinile. Warren, Bp1h'ii-«, Rltivlf iKilward It: Hiiller, mgr.) — liiiMnriipnlU, Intl., 18, IlidenDlie. I WIMIanla ami Walker (N. B. Biymoilil, mgr.)— Oh(e.iK.i. III., 17, HiilerjiiHe. ' W '■ Vflniiingi'L' Br*w.' rivii iFrunk Win 11 Inge r. mgr.)— Ihh|ieriiliig. Mlcli..'lH-23, oUiMntic 24-.luly 1. Wnrner (Jnniniy (Hpii R. Warner, mni'-l — Sic* Urpg'H-. In., 18, ImlPtliiltc. WkIIhi-p Thi'Hlrp iHiililiwky Bros., mu;is.)— Rock lalmi'l. III.. 18, linlPtl-iite: WiHHlwiinl Shirk (WiMMlwHi'it Sc Rurgeau, mgru.)— • KmiHiiH City, Mo., IK. Imlellnlte. MtHIUAL. AUirn npeni fMlllon k Kurgeut Ahorn, mgrs.)— 1 [ : 1 1 . ■ 1 1 . N. J., )8, iiiflpllnlle. AlliHitilirn Opera (Mlllon ft Sargent Alarm, mRta.) — N. Y. City 1K-30. ■ "Alniydp" (.1. K. llatkcll, lUKr.)— Clllcugo, III., 17. ImlPllllltP. Butler. Helen May. iitid her Bnml (.1. I,. Mimhn, ittgr.l— Fort Hiiitl. Kan.. 17-23, lula M 3tl. "Beggiir Prince" Uppru (I'. A. Wade, mgr.) — Fort Worth.. 'Pes.. 18; iieletiiille. Oi'le. Rklninl (Chun. Markrt, geii. mgr.)— BohIod, Muss., ]K, liiileOnltp. t *."'-! (leu. M. (Sum II. Hurrlu. mgr.)— N. Y. City 18. Iiitlelliilte. CmmIiio Opera (Uiare-i tt A tide, nigra.)— SbeDlpli), AM,. 17-23. Clw-nliprliilii and Ida Band— Hliighnmton, N. V., 18. InilellnltP. <;miinllaii .hihlli-e riliigpra (W. T. Cary, mgr.) — Franklin, .Minn.. 18. Jnilctl-ille. Hum anil Ills Hand (Frederlek I'lilnney, niRr.> — SvracuKC, N. Y., 18-22, Maalinttiiii Bracl) 23- 20. Fischer's Military Itiiinl (Clias. M- Fludier, mgr.) — New OrlPiinc IjI.c 17. iink'Hliile. Falrm-iirs HohIiiii Concert Band' (Win. R. Kern, iiigrO—AMiinHf* City. N.J.-. 18-Sepl. 8. Herald SiinaiP Ow-rn (Fratik T. Klnlxlug, mgr.) — Wheeling. W. V:i.. 18. Iiiileltnllc. "Ills Honor Hie M»y«r" (Win. Rayiuoml Kill. mgr.)— N. Y. City 18, liiileHnlte. Iiimk-iIhI O'l'ia (liiirvlami A Turner, nigra.)— As* Iniry Park, N. .1., 18, iiiiletlnltp. I1111IK ami liia Bnml— Cincinnati, O., 17-Jnly 7. KIMtra Riml (T. V. J. I'over, mgv.)— Pittsburg. Pa.. 17-30. Kendall Hnnk-nl— Fortlaml. Ore., 17. liidertnlle. May. Kilnn ((tliHrlea Frulimiui, mgr.) — Looilon, Rng.. 18, IndellnllP. ••Mini .from Now" (Henry W. Savage, mgr.) — Bnslou. MaKs., IK. Indetililtc. Orplipiim s-liil Whirl** IKInibHl Bros., iiirib.)— N, Y. I'lly IK. InitPllnlle. "Slndt'iil Kli-K" (Henry \V. Savage, iiiKr.l— Chl- iago. HI.. tK. lndeUiiltis , „, Tenirdet'in. Fay (Klaw ft Frliingpi-, nigra.) — Chl- <-agn.. III., 18. lndPllnlle. "TiHirlnls" (Shuliert Bron„ mgrs.) — Boslon, Mncn.. "Hmldre" (M. H. Sliiccr. mgr.)— Ublcago, lit, IK, linlplliiltp. Welipr'a, J0I111 C Mllllni-v Baixl— Terre Hnulr, hid.. 17-23. •SprhititlHit, HI.. 24 30. ' Wllla Mn-»kal Uimn B. VVHIb, mgr.)— Mot>llr, Ala;. I8.lnly 1. hi hi,i:m4V 1: ami VAUDAVIUjU. noriiniii'u (.Vwmopolitiins— Portlntnl. Mp.'. I8-2H. .InrkHiii Hito.' Vaadi-vtlle (J. II. Swafford. mgr.) — BpIIowh Falli*. VI.. 18-20, Braltielmro 21-23, lirepiilipld 2.*i-27. , .. Kulllv-in'K. John I.. (Frank Hall, mgr.)— Hancock, Mich.. 18-20, Ksomaini 22. 23. M1NSTIII.TLS. Ilomiplly's. Tommy |.Tack W. Stnkr«. mgr.)— • BrnnKwIrk. Me.. 18 23. l-ewblon 2, r f30. Harknens A: FoxV I Roy F.. Ftu, mgr.)— St, Mary'*. Mo.. IS 20. t JohnnonV. Cnl (Doh .Inlinwni. mgr. I— Mimret*- Ihm-o, Tpnn.. 20, Illxon 21. Wnverly 22, Hiint- lMi;lnii 23, Mi-Kniuli' -■'. Fnlon City 2*1, HIpIs- n.iin Kv.. 27. Miutln, Tpiiii.. 28, M*yUphl, Ky., 20. Ftillon 30. -vjurv shows. Banuim I Balley'K— Biwlim.' Musi:., IMS, FmwJ ileiicp, K. I.. 2."i. 2d. Newport 27. New Bedford. Mtn-Hi, 38, Fall River '20. RrnrklaU 30. RiilTalo BIM'a Wild Went. Cnl. Wm. V. 0(ro> • (Fred II. Hiitihlnsou, mgr.l -.Bud I [teat, ilun- cary. 1H-2I. .MUkoh-i 23. Knaaa 2*1. Fngvar 27. Mimkai-s 28. Nylregyhm-n 20, Dehrcewn SW and afternoon July 1. Bekcupmihn 2. Ssrnlra 3. Szpgi'il 4, Nagy-Kiklmla ft, Nngy Becakerek II. FiiiicsovH 7, T rW » r» 8. Bm-cli & HpIsk*— WnniUiiirn. Ore.. 20. Hoo-1 Itttpr St, The nallns 22. Heppiier 23. nnnbrur 1ln»>.'— riirioit. Kan.. 20. |. «... .... Cole Bnia.'— Uwveohursl. Out.. Can., 21, Orlllla l.injSvllie, Ky., 211. I^ehanoti 27, Anhland I'nwcii.,. Mr. nml Mix. (F. J. I'owcm, mgr.)— Rlkhorn, W. Va., 1848. Rapn. Mr. and Mr. (Auguatuti Happ. mgr.)— Canuiiack. Intl., 18-23: - " Ititvmoiiil, • n. K.— Ochkiwlt, Win.. 17-iMi, Neemih IMH. Bordink ■HHlure/Q: t 18-23;' Yr*l»iiill. MK-ti.. gg" Illi; VALDMVn.l.K ALL1AMCU. vertisers, l"a, (Jen. S.— Kl Reno. Okla., SBI\ Furl Reno 211, (.'4 linnet 27. lieiiry 28. Foreimudi A- Sella Broa.' -Miimi'iiHiip, In., 20. Itwk lHlmiil, III.. 21, Sterling 22. Clinton. In., Uullmar Bros.'— Millhank. S. Dak.. 211. Wali|iPton. S Hiik., 21, Fersns ft IN, Minn., 22. Brnluenl 23. Ailkin S3. " * Ki wlv'a Wild Weal (W. H. Keniieily. mgr.)— Boaton. Mnaa.. IS-Aiig. 4. . „ ' • ■ l.ueky Hill's— Shelton. Neh.. 20. fillihoii 21. he»r- iipv 22. S3, PIpiiJiiinloii 2... RnvPiinn 20. KMfc- vllle 27. Hindus 28. Dimnehrog 211. HI. Paol .10. I,mvpry Bhm. (Hop. It. lanveiy, mgr.l- Coal OalP, l'-i 20 l.misfnril 21. Sitnunll Hill 22. NesqilL*- hon'tiiR 23. Fraekvlllp 25. OllbplMn 20. M.'Ib'.inii-lKdl Hniilds. S. Duk., 20, Kgan 21, Flaiidrean 22, Klktmi 23. UiHUirV. Andrew -MbukIHiiii. O., 22, 23 No- varre 2.1, Iteaeli I'lly 2tl. Slrnahnrg 27, Canal IHiVi-r 2S, New Plillailelpliln 20. 30. Pawnev HIIFk Wild West — Bilghtnn Renrh. H. Y., IK. Imlellnllp. , , . _. RliiRlliig Bros.' -I.hna. O.. 20. Miniclp. lnd., .'1, Foil Wayne 22, Tolwhi. O.. 2.'l. RoMiiMm's, Jnlin— Cresloii. Ih.. 20. Miiryvlllp, Mo 21, Ah-lilstin. Kan.. 22, Camei-otl. Mo.. 23. BnMrtwt*, Frank A.— Uvonlo, K. II., B», Fl.y- inmilh 21. WpIU River 22. I.lltlelon 23, Vm Bmdi 2.%. Um-Hatpr 20. Kli.i'i'ptl'.-. Ilow:inl S. -While Plnllis. N. V. 2*1, PlPiiaiintvlllc 21, Mount Klsco 22, Crolon on- Sllver'a, Bcii— Halley. Mich., SO, Casluovtii 21, WaVhtaini A- TvAlva'a— MIH011I. Miibh., 21. Miirl- WollaeeX it *K.— Onnrll Bliiffs. In.. 20, Ppntoon 91. llia»ni' 22. KMoro 23. .,..,, WliPPlei'M. Al. K.— Pltlallehl. Me.. 21, Hart land S-lXrwiiort 2:1. fnrlnim 2.'.. Hexler 20, Dover MIS(IOI.I.ANF,OFH. Bmrioefc'n Annul Arm (Frank c. Bnstock, mgr.) -Coney Island, N. V., IS. Indellnlte. Barkool Amuwniienl Co. Ik. O. Bnrkoot, mgr.) Mnnnl Vi>rnon, O., 18-33, Ballon Hi-os.' Illusion Show (Malt Hnrton. mgr.) — Seheiipetndy. N. V.. IS .Inly -I. CmlUshniik ItoHll.ni. Mp.. 20. 21. Qar Hmii -'■ Cooke CouiiHly- llimtlnglon, K, i., 18-2.1, North- Hetn'r-l-idKoi, Moving Ph'tnre nn.l ,"«»""* J^. &■ ]— t'lttveliinil. *>-. 20, Tnlt'ilti 27, A»htamilH -V, Sati.lnsky 20, ColnmhiiH 30. II. Ian' Kdson Moving Pl.tniP hihI Concert Lo.. N" »__(;«,r"etowii. O.. 21. Wiilerloo 2... Allnntn 2«. Moiii'.t Sterlliuj 27. New Holla mt 28, Weater- jolly KfhH'iiiits *,8. II. nmllrr. J^*!r*Sf ta,H * ton. 1VI., 1823, AmiHimlK Mil.. M- Ml. Martx's Hiwlaltr Co. (At. Maria. nigr.V-Joi.ea. Iwit*. Me.. 2», Joiiesporl 21, Chei-ryneld 22. CM* MnrkVa Sunny S011II1— Mount Vernon, I111I., 23, Fnlotitown. Ky.. 20. Slinivni-elown. 111.. 2,, Cilspyvllle. Kv, 28. Fnltor*.iii-ltroiiiara1 Cnnilvnl Co. — Frennuit. Nehr , 18-''!1. Pain's --Lust P-iys of PoiupoU"— Chiehiunll. O, 1'nrkeV. C W.. Anmspnienl O". (Crnmpr & Tyler, nmrs.l— MnrysvIHe, Kim., 18-23, IIIhwhIUm '•!•'■ IMuiahiiblka Autinal Show— Cmuilwi, N. J., 18-2.3, Cimst to CiiiiNt Clrt-nlt Formed. The olllrliil iinnonniement Wttl mode hist week of 11 i-oiuhlutilloa of viimli'vlllc Inturesls which affects Hie nirtimgera nod iierlornicrs Ihi-oitghmrt Hie cullrc roimiry. ' MiiniiRTr* who Hftvc slK»etl the new tigrce- mect jtmirnnleL' iirolei-llou to one nnolbcr ol teritorlHl right*, «nd the Btlimlnllon In nmdc Hint 00 fnillicr luvubluu of clilea ure to be mude. The nrindMli sfgntog ihc ogiwioent were: B. P. Keith. K r. Proctor, Chnrlei K, Kohl, lieorge Camie, .MoItIk Meycrleld, K K. Alhee, Martin He*k, Ucovgc Mfddleion uiid Frank Tale. They- represeiti, respectively. Hie Ketih k Froclor Amusement -rti., Hie Kohl & UMtlu AmitneniL'nt Co.. tlie Huynmrket 'I he- ntre. or Chtcaso : 'the Vortety Amusement ( u:, or (lilcago; the Olympic Theatre, Clilcngo; I In? CiiIiiiiiMh Thentre Co., UH I'oltiinlim I'be* litre, Die Hon roe Thtmtre, the Mnjestlo The- iitre; FhieiiKo: Hie Orpheiiiii Circuit Co.. 'of CnllfiiriHa: the Oi-pheum TJieiitrcs of C11IJ- i'ortilii. New OrleoiiK, lien ver. Oilmhn. SI. Paul, MlnnoHpiiIlK ■ uufl tin* Fur West. There WW jilnu reptCHPiiieti lit the conference, H, A. I'oN, JaineM It. Moore, of Helroll. »nil Rodiealer; Michael Kln>a. of Boffiilo nml Tonnito; Harry liavls, of I'lttNliiirg; Jtnnrs K, Moore, of I'oi'l- lantl: P- II. L'huac, vl Wiwhhigton, and varl- ullh olher lesseen, owners and iiinoiigeis. Aasiininee la imiile the performer that (here will he no attempt made to disturb the file mil lest relitllrma heUverjn the malinger and the player, nod ilml no cutting down of siihii'les Is lonleiiii. lined. Tlie combination, It la slated. Is dimply to iinilcrt the dlrTerent manogerB eonierrJoi!, noil It U KHIUM out Unit the perfonner will be bMo to Ixnik, lu many liiKtatices, ntoul two yeara of coiitiou- oils work,' with the coat of travel and tiuns- liortiitloti greatly inlnlrnf^ed. The new iiriiiiigeiiipnt goes tnlo effect Sept. 1 next, mid performers will he ■hooked thtoiiKu the newly created United Booking Offices of America. In Ihe Kast Kdward .1'. Alhr'e will be Hie geuernl inimager of the New York booking oitii-e, ohd he will relHlu IiIh position as geiiernlinoiniger of the' II. r. Keith thenii'ca ns well us geiienil toiinnger or Hie newly fonnerl Keith iV Pinclor AonisC- meiit l'«. In the West Miutln Heck will be the mannger of [he Chicago hooking olflee, retaining iiIko bis (H.sltion iih geuernl niiinit- Ker of the Orplicum clveillt for Mr. Moyerfeld. The roll list of iheiitres which will he opera tetl under the new agreement, follows; Keith's Theatre. Huston. Mawf. Keilb's llllou Tlu'illie. Hostnn. UlH Kellli's Tlientre. Providence. It. I. Kellh's Tin-Hire, l'nwlnekel. It. I. Keith's New Theiilte. I'lillndelphlii, Fa. Keith's I'ioK|nvt Tbeolie, Cleveland, O. Keith's TtiPiitre, Foluinlms, II. Keith's New Theatre, Portland, Me. Keilb's New Theatre, Mnnehester. N. H. Kellh's New Theatre. Lowell, Mans. Keith's Iloyal Vttmxm Then t re, Ixiudou, Ku, Keith & Proctor's Union Square Theatre, New York City. Keith *, Proctor's --Irt Street Theatre, New York City. Keith &. Praetor's Fifth Avenue Theatre, New York City. Keith & lTortor'a oSth Street Theatre, New York City.. Keith Si. Proctor's F.'oth Street Theatre, New York Oily. Keith & Proctor's Theatre, Jersey City, K. i. r*. K. Proctor's Theatre, Newark, N. J. !■'. F. Proctor's TtiPiitre, Troy, N. Y. F. F. Proctor's Theatre, Albany. N. V. Harry Darts' tirand Opera House, Pltts- hiirg, Pn. Chase's Thealre. Waslilnglon, P. ('. llnind iiperii House, Syrucit.se, N. Y. p.ljou Thfiitre. Altoonn, Pa. Kprnnn's Mnry]iind ■Phenlre, RaUimote.Md. Shen's Tlie:i1rr, Riiffliio. N. Y, Shea's Tlientre. Tdronln, Canada. Conk/a Opera Hoiihp. ltoehesler, N. Y. Temple Thealre, Tetrott. Mich. S. 7i. Poll's Theatre, Worcester. Mass. S. 'A. Poll's Theatre, Sjiilimllpld, >Inss. S. 'A. Poll's Theatre, Hartford, t'ono. S. '/,. Poll's Theatre, New Haven, Cono. S. 'A. Poll's Theatre, Hiidgejsn-t, Conn. S. /. Polls Theatre, WHterhnry. Conn. S. /,. 1'oll's Theatre, WlHtes-Barre, Pi. S. 'A. Poll's Then t re. Serariloa. Pa. Savov Theatre. Fall Hlvrr, Mans. CoIoiiIhI Thealre. Lawrence, Matifi. Tieut Thealre. Trenton, N..L ' ■ Kmplre Theatre, Pntrraoii, N. .1. Kmulro Theatre, HohokPii, N. J. The I {rand. Wheeling. W. \'n. Ileiidei-soli'n Music I lull. Coney Island.. Celeron Park, .lauiestown. N. Y. Valentine Theatre, Toledo. 0. Klct-lrlt- Pink, Itiililnmiv, Md. (M-plieum Tliealre, San FranriBCO. Orphelim Theatre, I>ok A"(tele». Orpheum Theatre, New Orleans. Orpbenm Theatre, Kftusas City. Ovphemn Thentre, Driiwr. Mnlesllt- Theatre, S11U Antonio. Tex. Majestic Tliealre. Iliaislon. Tex. Pomtnlon Theatrf. Winnipeg. Can. Rllou Thenli-e. MvunsvUle. lnd. Itlimi Theali'P. Unbuqiie, lit. Orpheum Thealre; Mlnnenpolls. Orpheum Thealte. St. Paul, Orpheum Tliealre, Omaha. orpheum Thealre, Snlt Lake City. Majestic Tliealre, L*hl«B0. Chleilgo Opera IftHlHP* Chicago. Olvmplc Theatre. Chicago, Hiivmarket Theatre, rhleiigo. Cnhiintiln ThpHtiT. St. Louis. Columbia Theatre. Cincinnati. Orund Opera House, Indlanapolia. Hopkins Theatre, (.onlavllle. tirand Tlipalre, Meiiiphls. Majestic Theatre, Little Rock, Ark. Majestic Theatre, Hlrmlnuham. Ala. MhIohILc Thenlre. Hot Hpvlngs, Ark. Malestlc Theatre, Oallas. Tex. Mnlesile Thealre. I'Mrt Worlh, Tpx. Crvstul Theatre. Hollaml. Mich. tirand Opera House, Spriiigtield, O. Park ThPiHre. Vineeniies. lnd. Ln Croa,iL', La Crosae. Win. Kingston Mlues, Illinois. Vrtudeile Thentre. Ilnyton, O. Ilusou's Theatre, Chicago, III. Cnrrlek Tlientre. Hiirllogton, la. People's Theatre. Cedar Rftplda, Iowa. Orand Theatre, Mnrloii. lnd. Lvrlc Theatre. Teire Hnule. lnd. (iVnhii OfM-ra House. Free-port. III. JelVers Thealre. Saginaw. Mich. Ilijoo Tlieatie, Onhkosh. Wis. IHJ011 Theatre. Kenosha, Win, idea Theatre. Miinllownc. Wis. Vnlipie Thealre. Shcbnygati. \Wa, Idea 'Ilieuln'. Food dtt l»ai', Wis. Temple Theatre. Fori Wayne. Inrl. Crvsfal Theatre. Milwaukee. Wis tirand Opera House. Orand Rapids, Mich. Itljnii Tliealre. lies Molties, la. Main Street Theatre, Peoria, HI. Hiioit Theatre. Qulney. 111. OMiaett Theatre. Richmond, lnd. llijou Theatre. IVcalnr. HI. Calomel Thentre, South Clilengo. \a\ Salle Thealre. Keokuk. In. Wensi's "Pbeativ. Peorlfl. HI. Oiiletv Theatre. Sprliiglleld, 111. t'rvsl'nl Thentre. Rock Istnnil, III. Lyric Thentre. Lincoln, Neh. Itlimi Thentre, Manpiette. Mich. Bijou Theatre, Green BHy, VVIs. TUB ISSt K OP THE ft oXjIppqx Dated JUI-V' 7 a wu.i. nk ftMMMMM*' ^v&Me reopened with a com- pany headed by John Fay Palmer Kkitii'S (II. A.' Daniels, manager!. — rim week of is Includes: Kmma Canis, Uu Fd wards' Schoolljoys and Schoolgirls, rancii and Farnum, Martini, Arthur and Mildred Hnyhin, Post and * Russell. Salmon und Ches- ter, and Allen und Dalton. LtiNA PAMC (Klwood Siilslatry, mauagen — Splendid crowds arc Hocking lo Luiui nightly, and good hills prevail. Nonas. — Prank P. Spcfhuao's Lincoln Park opens 11, for tlie season. . . .-. :H. H. Stair baa re-leased the Cleveland Theatre for a lerm of year*. He la pnltlng In a new singe. 1 ■ ■ -, . ■ floors and new seals, beaidca giving the house a thorough overhauling. • ■■*■ ■ i — YonntrNtmvii. — At "tdo'fa •Park Caslnn Theatre [K. Stanley, manager) bill week nt Johc 17 Includes: Frank [jl Tour, Joe Keit- ler and company, tho Paula, Camlle Penoai nud Beau and Hamilton. Avo.v Park (Jos, W, Wens, manager*.— The Klllles closed their week a engagement 16. Week of 17, vaudeville. NOTBH, — Harry Arlington, the popular and well known press agent, has charge of the Ingersoll Amusement Co.'s enterprises at Idnra Park this- season. Donald Mae- Cornuick. J lie seven font, two inch dnim ma- jor,' with the Klltlcu, greeted old friends hero during. hW engagement at Avon m. f, Oilggenhelm and the Frank Rnis, have par chased the Colonial Theatre at Akron, mid Mr. Oiiggouholm will look after ihe maaaee- ineut of both the Colonial and Park. Akron — At Lakesldo Casino (Harrv A. Hawti, manager) Will H. Fields and a strong bill pleased hlg- houses week of June 11. Ar- thur Hemlng heads the bill for week nf 18, with Hughes and Wllllnrd, Richards, ihe Oreat; the 'Musical Toys. Frattcelll and Lewis, and Arnweln's pictures. Notkm.— Jim. L. Kerr, of Ihe M. Rels cir- cuit, was In Akron 14, consnmailng the sulc of tho Colonial Theatre to (Juggenhelai & Frank, of Youngslnwn T. h. Alliaiigh, of the Orand, Yoiingstnwn. was here ir,.... 'I'exas Hill's Wild West Show comets to Gautt and Hill Purk week 'of 25.- ■ MiirltiKltelil. — At Spring Grove Park Ca- sino (Tom, Powell, -manager) the Ureal Bar- tow Minstrels did gnod business week of Juno 10. Rill Tor week of 17 : The Tuseano Bros., ■Ihe Flurette Sisters. Harry Clinton Sjuwer, Murphy and Powell, nud the r> Onzosi. ORpfHUH (Has Sun. manager). — Bill for wi»ek of 18 : The Cottons. In mental telepa- thy ; Barr and Kvans. Lvsier and Cook, Al- beit Darlington,- and new pictures. »i » CONNECTICUT. I'levetfinil. — At Hip Opera. House (Harrv |>. Kline, ma'iagerl "An American Citizen.' py the Van Btoek Co., had good houses week llnrifoni. — At Parsons' (H. C. Parsons, manager) "The Amazons" had a tine pre- sciilation nt the handa of Ihe Hooter-Brad- ford Plnyet-H during the past week, business being in excess of any previous week staff) Ihe opening or the) kpuhoil "The Little Min- ister. ' with Julia Dean In the title role, week of June IS; "A Night Off" 23-W. HA'trmRD Ockba llorsn (H. II. Jennings, mitnager). — The engngement of the Wesley- WaPon VniiilPVltle Co. for week of IS gives promise of being highly creditable. Fred Walton findLotilw Wesley an the headlines. Roland Went and compnny, Frank Maynp and cnmiiany, .1. Francis I'ooley and hh girls, 'ieorge and Harrington, Mallle Lnckett, Harry and Fllil.vn Kraton, and Lo Qua. I'oi.i's (LoiiIh Hi Kelhy, roanager).— "Ca- mille" and "Sherlock Holmes" were produced, lo interesfed aitdlences of good proportions, during the past week, i For week-or IS, "Resm rectlon." Siieeialtles are Incldeutul hetweeu the. nets. Li:na Pauk, sltmtled on Ihe Charter Oak Park grounds, four miles smith of Hartford, and accessible hv steam and electric service, lata be opened (o the public TX A Ann array of ultracllons are announced, Including senile railway and ball' room, dally hand cnniprts and extensive decide displays. "The Pike embodies numerous attractive fpalnres— phnio gallery, snake charmers, temple of mirth, circle swing. , penny arcade, KpitIs wheel, fortune, tellers, glass blowers, Japanese lea loom, streets of India, the old mill, fatal wedding, palace, of fun,, miniature raihv.iv, pony' rlrc.uti, mnnitnolb cnroiisel, San Fran- cisco disusler, rifle gallery, archery show, free outdoor nltraeftyns nflernooii mid evpnlnc. Tiih IUhnum k BAILKT Show did aa enorinoiiM husliiesa 15. giving probalily b" 1 best, exhibition ever seen In Mils city, the. Bleat lent tielng completely Hlled aflemo'm Hiitl ■(•venlng. Dan S\ Klsrhel, the popMlar presa ageni. took good euro of the new* paper men, relnillng funoy slorlen ot hie long elrctia experience. Brhlscnort.— At Poll's (E. B. Mitchell, manager) week of June 11 saw big business with tlie -Poll Stock Co. - The production waa "Hazel Klrke." The offering week of IR ™ "Christopher Jr." . Siu'ru'a (K. C Smith, manager).— n» house iseloRcduutll the latter 'part of Atigm. .1. when It will h* opened with DockuHiders Min- strels. The house will he renovated and un- proved during the Summer months. ... Notks.— The Darniim & Bailey L Tens did hlg huslness here III. The paid adinlsslons for both performances aggregated ^H.n(' (| .- • ■ ■ During ihe ufternoon orJII eleven of (he «■ titchos were Initiated Into the order «,f ''"r.' ; ". Manager Kdward C. Smith, ot fcnilt M Tliealre, wns kicked by a pet horse a' a» home In ihla cltv. 11. nud severely injiifa. The eair of Mr. Smith's right leg was inin. and hut for his c'' Govern h rninp. at Pontoosuc Lake. n«i »' ■ making the Ktnney Hotel, PUtalleld, th« r heud(]uaitcis. June 23. TETJE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. 495 rOD'VE BUT THE ACT! . WFVE 00T THE SQNB II LIT'S TOT "EM TOBETHfR!!! TELL ME Another "JuatTell Them That Von Saw Me." I'M THINKING" ('BOUT YOU HONEY, ALL THE TIME). Juil "(he" Hong fur Koubreltea, Singing nud Do in inn Suei In HI. ». U " (THIT YOU LOVE ME). Tlie I'nllUi! Waltl Hong o>f fits Sriiun, li in town call itml seeua. lfnot, teiid for these three ulg "Applause Winner*** IMMEDIATELY. Knclmte nosing* Mud programme. Plaiilata nml attigeni alwaya la attendant ■ . OjOT AS. wifcssT SBth STREKT, al' (Max Hurtle, mannger).— Tlio Nelll Slock Co. brought Its brief, but wie- cesstul. season to a close week of 11. with mi eitrenndy clever IntorpretiGlou of "The Dls- trlct Attorney," to good business. Jnnies Nelll und Edylhe Chapman NclM made 11 host of ndmlrers during tbelr abort stay here. Tlie Louise Vale Slocli Co. begins an engage- ment ut ibis bouse la, opening wit b ^TlW Iron- master." Charles Carver, n great local favor- ite, Is leadlug man. . * Cuok Oi'kua llorsu (J. H. Moore, niana- -erj —The Moore Stock Co.. In "There and jack," amused large omwdfl week of 1 L "Tbe Uoutiie Hrler Bush" la-UIL Bakbii (.1. If. 'Moor**, manager).— Ibe Tlvoll Musical Cuinody Co. brought a most brilltnnt sciihou 1o a close week of 11, dur- ing vhlfh Soiisn'a"Ki<:apltnii" was given ii most, excellent rendering. I'Mltu Mlllwnrd nml .luck Henderson scored heavily In rou- ttL'iiiJil roles. Tbe coiuimuy left HI for «■• liiliv Park, X. .1., where-it beglbs a lenglliy stay. On 18 tbe .Tohu C. Flslier OiM*ra Co. begins a two weeks' engagement, opening with "Florodora." Oxtaiiio ltHACH I'xaK (.TnmeH t.lnury,, nmuseuieut director). —The torrid weathei' drives siilTei'Iiig humanity here In thousands. Kalph Johnson and bis striking act is prov- ing a m-ent drawing card. The Lowes also tome In for a Inrge slmre of npplnuse. Fire- works are now being given, twice weekly, and will be continued fur tbe reuittlnder of tbe li great nmguet. uud InRt week's bill wus a good oue. KIM IK and week : Our Bd wards" Postal Telegraph Movs, Orent Moxiirio. .1. Aldrlcb Llbbey and Katliryn Troyer, V. P. Woodward, and lto:ittl)]o and Stevens. Rtu Rhrkxk Tahk (ll. R. Wilson, monn- ger). — As the picnic sphsou Ik opening, this pleasure spot In dally becoming more pupu- hir. No new. acta are ann ounced. Albany.— At Haruiauus Bleecker Hall (H. H. .Incobs. manager) tlie Snuimer stock, under tbe leadership of Melbourne MacDowell. is dolug verv well. "IteMirreerlon" was pro- duced J u tie 11-14, to good business. 51rs. Leslie Carter played 15. ]«. In "Xnu," to ex- cepllouullv lur»> audiences, at advanced prices. The Smuiuer stock will resume 1H uad week, In "Auiouy arid Cleo|»fftra." PitocTon's (Iloward Cruhain, resident mnn- agen.— Tbeulregoers enjoyed u big bill here IT-HI, beaded by Dr. Clark, In -The Qtote of Death," and the LohIk KJnna, Orace Otro- ner Co. Ooud business all week. Dili 18 and, week: Su-tievn; Cbns. noward. Kred Hay nud company, rten Beyer. La MViIm lima., Malvern and ThonuiK W. II. Mnclmr, and coinpuny. In ■ new sketch by Will U. Cressy, eniltleil '■Tlie .Man from MueyX" HMttttlc I'ark (II. A. Ferve, jnnnfl iT e r )- — Ureal crowds come to this truly delight- ful spot. Meirvgo-roHUds, shoot (lie elinles, diiui'lng pavilion, and numerous other feat- ures Interesl the peonle. At the rustic thea- tre, which Is crowded nfterooun nod evening, tbe bill this week Includes : Newell and MMo. Meback, ibc Miichellfi, Una Kdwnrds, Postal Telegra|>h Hoys, tlio ltio Pros, and the mo- tion plelures. A change or bill weekly. At,-Tuo PlKK Is addlug new features. This week will Include: The Klbre-Ilnker Troupe, Heed Hroa., Lorenzo and Ladue, and the Wlzzard Hnm. Hot wentlier drives proplo to enjoy Its uinny attractions, nnd the pnik is doing well. ..... Notk.— Win. S. Corliss, a tiatlve of this cltv. died In New York on Wednesday. H. IN wits Iniried «.' In the Hnral Cemetery here, lllti fame us n comedian started In rbls ciiy. ..!■ ■ ' — ' ■ — Vi Ion.— At the Majeslle (Wllmer ft Vin- cent, uifinagcrsr the Krnwley HIpcK to. w drawing big. nnd will remain over niinlner week. In "Tlie Chni'lty Ilnll" nud "Mrs. Dane R Defence." . i]i:nu:i'M (Wllmer & Vincent, innnngarti) —The Drnmntle Club (lonnl) drew big 11. Hkwry Mphih lUi.r, (David Dnrry. malin- ger).— ThlB week: Kolller nml Marlon, Auim Howard. Illnncbe ]>eeatret. Margaret Cole- tiinii. Leonard nnd Buckley. Corn Dacey. Wenn le Silverman nnd May Joyce. . Vtica Pauk (Donohoe ft Serum, niann- Si-rs).— Itynn's Orebestin, dancing and Snu- nv eoneerta. Ki;.mmit Park (P. O. Paker. manngerl.— Knth's Oivlieslrn. dniulng and concerts. Lorn Cecil nnd n den of leopards, nnd Dolly Mar- tin nnd Hie klnetogrnpu are booked Tor week of July 2. Niitr.— Rome. N. V„ new opera, hmw la Icing subscribed for at. ene dollar a slinre. Troy At Proctor's (William H. nrnbom, resident malinger) tlie Fifth Avenue Dra- matic couijMiiv drew kood houses Inst, we'.-k. mil for .lime 18 and week, "The Brlxluu Burglary." M1 LYcru» (Bnrn» Olllnm, manager).— Tbe stock couipnuv bad fulr luialueHH Inst wvk. Tbe Ibcutr. 1 wna temporal lly closKd Hi. ■■■■> ■ Jnmeilown. — Celorou Theatre (J. J. Newnrk. — At Proctor's (K. I-\ Proctor, mmiuger) anollier noveltv beads tlie bill here tblri week. May Vubes nud compuny umke tlielr first npiicarame here Iu n laughable skit. Tbe Three Dunjonds. Stluson aud Mel- ton. Lackey's Quintet. Lilllun Shaw, Ulce and l\ liner, Kd. nud Nertle Masse, and tbe Dol- dens complete a well selected prograuiui'J. ICxrelleut arrangements for ventilation keep this bouse cool and business Is brisk. Olympic Pahk (H. Wefcn, muuager).— The Aboru Opera Co. Is again commanding popular .'ttlentlon, and tlie conscientious work of tbe singers is well appreciated. Sev- erul new singers Jolued tbe compnuy last week, notnblv Rdllh llrndfonl. fraui "Th** Pearl and the. Pumpkin;" Luuru Moore, who appears as Flunietta, aud Carrie Godfrey, who appeared ben laBt' season. "Boccaccio" ia glveu this week, uud "Olivette" la nn- lLuuucod for next week. Rlkctkic Pauk (C. A. Dimlnp, manager). — The warm weather la bringing good busi- ness here. "The Eruption of Vesuvius" 1h the realistic feature which is most Interest- ing. The vaudeville Bhow Is well patron- ized, nnd this week exploits: The Three Madcaps. Sam Soda, Christie aud Willis, Itlclinrd W. Craig. Nellie Sylvester nnd Wentwortli nnd Vestn. Tbe followlug will be. tlie features/of thfc blll ; week of i!3: The Aluslv'itl Goldens, the Juggling Bnnuoua, Ileni'v Prey mid' Irene Lee nild her Candy Kids. Hillsidt! Pauk (W. A. Timlin, manager). — The Hippodrome aud Wild West Show con- tinue to be the principal attractions. Olive Swan, the enneutrlenne and headline act, was severely Injured last week by the sud- den bolting of a fractious horse, which dushed through n fence nnd throw her to the ground, Injuring one of her hips. At Inn tip City.— At the Suvoy Theatre (Fred K. Moore, manager) "The. Aleayde" received lis lirst prewntatlon here June 1^. nnd for three pi'r forum n res lilglily pleased guod honsos. It jumped to Chicago !"►. for a Sninuier rnu. The Humes, In splrllnnl-- ism exiswHl. drew fair houses 15. HI. Com- ing: "Mftm'wlle Champagne" week of IK. Ym:xii'n Pikk TllCATRK (W. K. ShiKkel- fiu-U. mauager).— Vaudeville still draws lug. Dill for week of IK: Klta llnuza Troniie, the Asiulres, Doherty's poodles. Le Clair nnd Hart, the Two Pinks, Priinkl.vn Mayne nnd company. Peggy Fox nud kinetograpb. STKKl'l.KCiiASE PlKti (Giles W. Clements, manager). — Excellent business. BUI for ■week of ]«,:. Pele Shaw, Mnsscy nnd Clem- ents. Bubv Tweed. Adams and white, Kecuc, the MareeMoa, Ed. Mora, Irene La Tour and vltagrapb. Guvkhnatoii's (HydiiPv Fern, manafier), — The Mine good buslneas continues. An- nounced for week of IS: The Vnnon. Knuf- iiinu Sisters, Alvorn. Gardner. West and Sun- tdil lie. Kohblns and Ti-emnnn, Bailey and Pickett, Three McKees, Simiers and Ijiii. tbe Ilnrtellns, Hrnbnt Trio, tbe llealeys, Pal ton nnd Vnn, Shields and Onll, Two Hays, aud I,a Tour Sinters, •— ■ Camden.— At Woodlynne Park (H. D. I*' 0a.«.. umnugeri the people are getting good shows, the management Is commended, ana} Die park Is lielug talked about. Those who appeared here lust week were: Dllks and Dllks. Kittle Hoffmnn. l^rette. It. Thomas Miller, Kennedy and Wyble, Ader Trio, and Ilarrv TMiillbert. Jus. McCool. of Diimoni s Ailii-.ii't'Is, has lieen secured to feature this week's bill, which also Includes: Antrim nnd Peters, Jordan and Meekln. MrDevItt and Knlly, Harry Brooks. P. II. Smith, and Miller und [''ortlner. Prof. Panuiliiislkn s Dog and Bird Circus Is one of the attractions berv In the grove. Tony Baker, of Dock- si7idee'j< Minstrels. Is looking after the stage for Manager Le Cnto. . *V* llllimi-: IHLAND. Iu order tu uvolil mUluki>n unil tu InNure tin- prompt di-li\* •>> ut tin- letter* uilverllMed In thin 1Ik(, iiu euvelo|>« iilulnly addreNseil must lift ■ent fur rtteh letter, aud n written urder for the letter, Mltfned with thu full unine Mud udilreHH nud the Hue of buKlneim fulluwed by the neudvr, uniMt hIku he enclosed. Please 1 meutluii the date (or num- ber) of tin- ( I.li'l'IK In which the leltem aeut for were ndverllNed. LADIES' LIST. riiiiiklyii Xeflllr Ma-kay. Ida B. "lij, KuHn-iliif MucDomilil. mail, ftale IBtW Gordon. Ituby alapfc. Carrie Ruiijn?. IncR Mrtlren»ej*, iiurolu. U-iui l'elln Gouilwhi. Irene Muiilfnit, Miss Uiiray 1. Ill lau M.ibvtin Kliilliu Slilnej Mi'4'i..v. Hc-sle Kiln MhsuIi. Nt-llle Gordon. MMI.-I- Kllnbelh Miii- 4 Don dUU-s. Helen Gurrltj- Kislei-s Nrouiiiti lUto>le (lllluirl. Onte NeilMin, May orev. luiilit'rlne .Wlon ImhIh-IIu Univin. wit mini. Priu- tilhuore, "*•* He.) Tlielmii SI UlIK'll Minielliie Gaylonl. Uonnle iVNVll. Kmniu (irei-ii. MiiU'l I 'it ul I, \liitoje llitiisoil, I'iiMIkoii. June Marie |.Te.) 1'nwerw. Ireiiu unl, MhikIc renin, Vidii Hunter: • I'ryor, Almti Mrs. Harry E. I'lilnney. F-¥i>l.vu nariiilt.ni. l-almer, Alice Hulnli H. JVnrv. Xlia lloline-', Mary IVile -Mi- t.nuls Hi- 1 1'i'ii, Mabel Kom*UiiI». Thlw Ilntliuwav Alice i-'ncneli, KstlitT ili-liv Hhilili.'il '■ Ihltti'T. MiiIh-1 Hill, Sii'llii ltlcluivonil Mrs. J M.thle Keiuhigloii. r. Nettle Miiyiiie HllITlH, Illim-ll. I'MNtT Mrs. Ohas. W. holier Kuilieilu Ratahn, Slaadr Uaawy HMrM Jbiiliiiwiiy AlHV lliiii^ey, l.lllliia H«-ury. Atln »«.i.itliio & llel.' r.i-lllitnil. Marl- Hi-tetuird, Jnll Handle. Nellie Ci>iiiirx':la Nellie cuiiiit, ante CiKtl.c jMru'ie-rlt CTlirlelDii BepO». Hffle (Mgr. (nsMtlo. Ad«cii Curew. Mnylie CtMik. Coryiu-e Ciiri'W Jennet te Oin-iill. Dot Otrurll. lnira Oinimlns, Wiivn Onte. Mrs. C. Cute, H mw Ih Cnllit>uii, Smlie Crultliion, Mrs. .1. II. Curey, \lny Clin.inl, itfaw M. S liavls. M. jiniiiiiil Fmitkle Ih'l'/.irt". Hiitllc ut. Misses Den Lmn M i ■ Ct Mn Hum Do I'ntv . Mbtilc. M Dwtght, Mrs- I>uvi[|. Anette Ue Went. M :.■! I'll Li- Hatia. Vletortn iml.,it. flelb De Lisle. Maude Diirbyclle, , Lno & Fny Dnvls. Plnreuci' liwlgtit, Mrs. Dunn. Mnitil Iii>iiii]ils«iii Iteln Dnvls. Julia Di- Lisle. Mae Klliett, Miss M. Knrl. Virginia IH-'ore>l ilam, DnvctiiiiTl. larl M. D.ioli-I-. I'mi.l; Kllte Ci>iH- Ely. J. I'riiik Kiiniii', Cieil l.tirl, Ijph i.\i-i.-i|t j.Li, four Hiaperiiix ot Miifle. 1-Vnr K|iter. Mint tunnel, Kiikvue KIM* T. II. Kums i". U>Hlle Kinle, IM \v.: ft Ktaoa Trio Kilwanh Albert i:ihvtHHl I'rliK-v us. K. V. I- 1 W. llnniierelt. Eglerli . Hhknt. Or Flt»pfltrUrk Lllltnn lite, l-'uuoy Jirknai Allcell JeriiHiii. ! mm ■•■■ Keai, Mull Uiinlmll. Minute Kurcy Vlralnli Keller, Aliiin< Kyle. Klliel i-.iii.'t-v. Eva V.. Kesner. Jru l.avulle Misters lei>lle. Klsn Uthaate, Hulli Lnviiiin ManvN LtiYnmi Mrs. KM l.ii Pierre Hriie.* l,c-wK Pearl l.htli. Ma>lge liiim. Murgurlla fjiwreiin' Mrs.J bcyuuiii elaneil ItM-k, Mailellne l.ninonl, Jennie Ia- Hoy, I'nnsy l^itebnul Sliders Leone. Mn, Itublil MeAilnais. Mario: Monroe. Pen] all Sii-veiii liDMMrtl. Ksilier HellT ; ii-ili Jennie Unwell, M. :v l;i>ilre. N'elllf M ttamtl K-tils't- pjHurdnaa. tt'iMfiiiond IUyiiul.li. Until Meffnit. Mnrgle ta«rhun*r. it*»Ue Sl.i'lnlr. Ilattle Siewnrt. Hnttle St. L'hilr, Amhev (Strl Smart. .iiMnlnet lyder. Llzxle Sliellnm, Mrs. w. II. Steele, rterlrutie Mm ley Gerirmi Mmw. tlledys Kin mn. Mm. >iiinu iiiuoi'iie Kinllli. Kva Teat Ivey Tiiylnr. UM.R.P Tunwr. (Jtaru V ii ilifll sin. Doriilliy B. Vernon. I.ulit \ i-nii-. Nellie Vnn Wilt Miss A Vnlilnre ]li«-le t'MgnnS Evelyn Wen. May Wiii.iT rxJIy B. Wnl-li, Evelyn Kln>« Plelit. J, Kuger Fng«. Tlioi. I'.inl. Dun lev. K.ink Perns. Wiley Plvk A "■•!'■) ii.i.i ii it- 1. Pax, Mte I'oy. Preii H. Fooler Oes. I. ratitiH. ivik Fluted-', l-'ruiik Far A Wife, Frank Pavur. t:.i Fiwnian. \V. W Itr-lt-r. A- I'.inl ,\ ileliril" PhjWlNt Clai-.K. I'nllcr. Harry 1 lei-.tiiili-ic (Ml. )'olllinl Xeldlniter. Mr NiImiii llaintltn Nels'iu Henry I* Newiunil. s J. berry. J. 11 NHImiii. Prank Nea^tlo, .in!.:. NeUsi. 1*. h. Nurlli Bmih". Niiinitrtli. Jui'k ■el. Demy tl'Siilllvim W.I' I'Dounell K. -I. urville. Harry OrtHiit-y. I'ell\ u'Mnll-y. T. K. O'lll'len, flms. iLllvlell. (I. err, rati Una, Prufe I'l'lligle Anli v t: I'rteitv Clareiiiv Puller. Ii. K. P11 Hen. Jului Crlnale, a. C. I'letietl. Siiiunel i'niiiiiiii, i). s. holler, JuM'iiii Puiti-r, II. II. I'erry. .bio. II. pi.wers lliitviir-l l'i.llm-k. I£ni K. l*rof. (In la-uU lleiny C, i|u|o. lk-11 |jir\itiult'. (iHcm LufMyeile, I.. Liiwretice A Hiirr'iotlot LiusIi-a. Wall l> LrMet Itlehunl llelimaii. K. I. lU-rdon, Mat Grael, Al. Grunt. CHIT W lii.nt.io ttHawwt DfiuatU, Kruiik l.mvejt. K. I..' Lewis. Kniniiel Cllner. .link l^iwery, E.I. Grant. «'iht- l :. 11 1 mu IIi-s Attolj. LeipxIiftT, Null 1 Gnrslile Jns. K.|l«ii»Um, Jiiiues (Irlltlu, Hurry 1: Lee, ' Gardarr HnrryS Gulntio, l^un-y Grain. Cltrr Iji l*»r. GalKiiiai. A. P. '"ours Pin l.llllliliillt, Hoaier E. irn, Tlios.Ll K..-<1 l*i-k..n»v. An, I" I'Mli.i In ad 1*1 I'.'i-ii w ll:nrlt lulk. J. IVrUiis. S. Li. Perry Hurry C, . , Jolin II. Polk. Jus. D. Uneen *llii Mg and tblrleauth iH-rforuiance of the Albee Ahnout. Albert Sioek Co., the week of IK, hood 1 10 tilgut was Aekenmin. observed. Souvenirs were given, and every Eddie one living at 1.11a of any street obtained free Auierlrnn^Tnini. aduilsslou. . a — WuoiiNouket. — At Iloag Lake Thentre (W. II Xye, innnngep the nlll.fur.WMk^ot Ethel H. Moivllle Kugenlii m . Fremont Utile Melleiiry. D.n.itliy I'lilrehllils, Knincln v\ niton, uruee .l..s«-|iIihieMr»(ire. FI.uti Wnllaee. Fietila. Pnnny .Miller tillm belli Dnrotlty Kltiiiilrlrk. I M»>*. Viola Wrotlie, >trs. Ethel H.'MeVelgli. Grace Weslerlrsi Mr*. Fowler. M;>vliell Mnrke, Doruiliy Wrlghl Mrs. J-. I .'unburn. .Muiiluaue. W tin. Mrs, I, Helfrlctl Berllin Wnlten AdflnLl l'.,viir Mcl^iiinell Mnrtlui Mnrgiterlte Sisters Young. In Pronklyn Lottie Mnnltcai. Anno Zutapii, Mlstt ■ Murks. Mut tie fJKVri.K-MllVN MST. A'tilUW. Joe Becker, Cllas. A Uuiiis, Jesu Urnuk". Max «.«. Ted !•:. 1 1 rut* l Hurvey Br i: with the showing thus fur this season, und '- antlclimles »u even better year tliiiti IflRt Sim:. — The Imperial Udlea flrcliestra, whicli Is nsslK-Uiig materially In drnwlug the business this season. Is mude up as fid lows 1: Ll/zle A. Otto, dlreetrens, piano: Lisle B. CoombK, violin; Ethel M. Ooss. clar onet ; Pauline It. Peckbatu. cornet, nnd llertlue C. Mnrali. driiiim Washburn & D Alma s Animal Sho w IS. lb. ^ Newport, — The Newport Opera House hns closed for the season. HHEIIPY'S I-IIKKIIOHY PAUK TtllUTIH (OH Fi. Cook, mnungert opens for the season June IK, Willi tbe Bed Unveti Cadels. Mlrnuo. Dan .1. Hurrlngtou. Garden and Sounners, Jennie Glrnrd. ftnvls and Wnlker. iluitla and Dasse'ft tralued terriers, ami the camergmpb. I^o Sboole's Orehwtra is re-engoged. Bahnum tt Bailbv's ciHctis Is billed for Citmm'ixr' Wild Wr.ar baa paper out for Notk.'— Uecefl Byrne i» spending a vaca- tion at his home In N'ewruort. Uexky W. SavauK sailed for Europe June JioVuiu'ii. 'Fred ; Clny. iesejili [12, Duniea, Will J. .Cllflou, Joa. D. K. ivl word V. II. Will Blis'in, Jotiti 0. bailey. Oliver Hunan Joe Boyle. Krnnk Hut Tdiiiiii) Burke. John c, prcium in. Matt. 11. Print W. A. Bartow ft Wll- NOll'S Mlnst. Berry (,'lnuil 0. lUinelll Wm. piTiiard, Nut Bradfords. The Hilling II. 11. lllttOll Mr. Li'iiriuiii, Kalpl , Fj1. Bert I Clias.E ('< iintir. -Ins. .1. Ernest Cmmm Cant, w E.I. W. Cl.lll|llMu.|M-r. Harry fAraiil AHefcruc Cnuiclier W. F. Cnriw-s. Ito-irilman S. Crosby. J. I-'. Cliiipiuiiii Itov K Cuswell. J. II. CluimtiHu. .Cms. K. Carroll A Baker Curtis Urnui.Co 'Aiuaer. Kllsworh Cnllins. James l'w, K. 0. 11(1.1171-, A, Dt-liiuir, Homey luiM-li. .lolm P. Deelv. Ben Dinvson, lliillry.1 Donnelly, .1. P. D|ll<-Jl|.tTl. Jllllll Drnke, U-muinl pnatfBtu lark i-urr.v, rrmk 1,. Dlllnnir. Clms. I'll If) 1 1 J. Briui- llrengle. Geo.D. i'lmmpton, Jack Colennui. II, lliiml Harry Olicu, A. il. Centi..-", Pat trnver. Win. leiiu-iwi (if* Clark, II. 0. utnam. 'irei (■arneltl A Eddy _ _ Chirk. W. .\i; Hie Wolfe. Dh-k siuyii Dolly Ki-ennfu Lionel J Iteluerl. Mik- Itliey. W.Praak liotlney A* KellngK Hojee. Bar I* Hlelitirilx Great IHrkrotle Hnrry hynn, it. II. lingers. WU1 5t. 1'1,'hllS, til-, J. - vw«. CllfTiiM 111. IKI.I-IIIA, .1,,,,. V4,*.l, J",, no. » RACING. CONEY ISLAND JOCKEY CLUB. Slit'opMlietuI I4ti>^, JUNK 4t-Jt)LV 111. LL H. R..J4UJ , _8t HtTh _ " A laKKPI. NAN ANiVhIXPIiAVN. WIiiG will. vnn do wlih us' Aililri's- W. F. HI' ItKKI.I., :i |u S. SU-lc»er. U nUUim re, Mil. 1MXJH KUH J«AI.K- High Diving Ihig'uuil Nat. Lailder, fjn; :t ilm- rirortiouuds, flu i-hi'Ii; Silver Terrier, tiiiiti leg worker. *iu; Blue Terrier, rnuit leg worker. (-Jo. Muni -.-II .|nlt-k. II. IHOKINHoN, Vim Wren Ave.. SI. Loiiis. Mn. U ANTKII'HIothl KiUlawlTnuLs'liiiw to .nine to Newport, Ferry Co., I'u. Main line Peiiu. It, H., •a miles West of Km rlstuirg, ra. N. .1 H. V. It B. basils ii-ruiliut* here, Wallur L. Mnlit'n last aliotv haru. Turned iwopia uvny. iipt-a iitgoii)ery, Bar Mmphy * Puluier MeC.illillii. Hi) Nelioti, Arthur SllH-kWI-ll Edwnnl VMM. HelnliNnl Ktiimiil: ll.l'nsl Simoks Mlusl. Milly. Lew Mn eft 1111. 11 W.l", s.iiier nhr, it. ■M'tie)!, l-'ruiik SldllC), Geo. Mnl>li|..li.-.il Ci ■ Kaaipselle Jock Storv. P. H. Sailtli. Atisel Stanton lferb.lt S[-cinvr, Waller Milly, -lolm Shay. ('lias. I. Slants. I'lill M.ge, Paul A. Slteaii .tWutreii SllOiOl, It '.--:■ 1 1 Scot l, Prank pe/irle*. Arilmr MeveiiMiu. J. Weill ey Hliuw. Pele S111IH1. Tony Mewnrl. GhI. Sweet i'ilul. Ja«. G'lnn.) Stein. Eretl-i t. CI.I.H, II. Kliellila, Frank SI. Duae Fri. Sl'i-rinnii .I'-.'in Schiller. I i-o I* I la ley, Ciiia f. Serogttle. Jao.M Slnittoii Wnller Pinion. 1-, .I'M' I. fttaalry N..-m.nt Mtnnlev Hubert Stvvtns, Jtw. Ii. AT I.IHKltTV (Jimliiaie StciioKrnplier ami Buokkeuper, tlrsl i-Ikkh Helnplnuiu Player: ulao Giritlioite SloiioRrnidier, Ai Tmp Dm nil lie r, ib-slrea to Iu. -nte In goon (own. both bud Hirer venrs' e.i- pnrleueeiui mail an uiualelniiH. Ileal references. Address Dnvid Uronks.OHru tl.C II. «.. iHllltfi*, III. WAMPIl, AT tUVfic, CDMCIHAN, llHUAN I'LAVKH, SKETCH TEAM, other lisvlill people, for Died. I'.-, siniealt lutiiHi: loin oa wire, sine money; no llumlo dicker, AI.KXANHKK MlLI.KIt, lliiiTh'tlsyillo, Noide Co, Dlilo. WAIWTKI), Tor Hie Oregon iml.an HuUh ine Show. Mmliclne Leeiiirer mid I'erfonui-ra, -kcieii tennis l Inil eitu -Ing mid tliilicB, do singlua mid work In sets; nIho II. r\, Dutch, J rial • coruedluna 1 'in' t-huuge ufleii. 1T1 fi'i I'lice glveu performers doubling Innss: liuly pluiuj pluyi-r, miiu with pic- lino uiucbiue and Huns. Tell all in tlrsl Idler. I pay eximnstia ufter juiuing, Atliln-ss _H._ElOnKNHKltGi:i{, KM Dili Street, Cairo, 111. fHADDOTON A (ireeholjs. Perronuer-i Waiih d llliliieiliiilcly forTouy. Stiell Co. Musi diiutdu la hl-asH, HiiIIIh-ihIs. liiHi/ers, coiiulerfells, belcher*, nave slumps. MiikI posDirely tie lu.llui ami geUlln I man nnd si reel iipiieiuulice IM-I rhiss. The iilmvo lo he lived up In or walk home. Wire. Add. ' Jack ihwinfi, I'Hiace Theul>e,'Syraeiine, N. V. TOOTH POWDER It will not tarnish gold work nor scralcli the enumel. A perfect dentifrice— the one for you. Auk your dentiat. Kmllh, II. .Sled, A. I* Mmw. Arllnirl!. Twill". It O. Tlldeii, Mil. C Tern*. WlllunlH Tlmiiny. -lolm 'l.iM'h'.i-liil, C, A, Tell. Geo. M. Taylor I'niiii C I'eiiMv. )■:. Torpcy, Wm. Tinner i'rnnk J. Tlinniiinou Jus./. Toll).'. T. 0. TiiH-ltetirt, W.ll Tiiorul.ai, J. .1. Tlnirucr, I'lill II Thelitis Hns. Tipliel, It. II. TTllltipS'rll, Virgil I.. Traak, Hold. Tntali l.iitiuiio Tlior. M. ■[■ii-l-.r. Hill K. Term wiliurd Tiiriihi. Hen Tuvkir, II. W. Tnll/. G. Taylor, llnrry *l lialelu-r. Gen. '1 ll(llll|.Ulll, Dell. This, K. J. \erne. Dr. J. II. Veelette ft Ubl Vletor Pllb. IV Vilitluuie VI lie 1 tiw.iriL llnrry WitrlhlnKloti Jnc IVeiili'li llertoii iVftliim, Fied U' Gl LIST, m THE INITW YORK CLIPPER. June 23. THE PIANO TREE W izard at the Piano • ■ Vide Manager JL mitated by Many Choosers •■-' • • Li egitimate in His Method • • • • Jul ucky to Be Alive • • \ • ■'• • XI ave Never Been a Dead One with the Public Jt unny and Clean Monologue and Make-up O riginator of the Comedy Trick Playing Piano Act ■ Vide-Fact JnLhilarating from Start to Finish - - - Vide-Fact ABEIVES HOME JUNE 23, '08. Can Be Engaged lor VAUDEVILLE, FARCE COMEDY or Between Acts DRAMATIC, Commencing Aug. 6, '06, or later. I CAN ALSO OFFER MANAGERS THE SERVICES OF MISS MONNIE EMERALD, ENGLAND'S DAINTY 1.1TTLK SERIO AND EXPERT STEP DANCER. A PRETTY GIRL, WARDROBE FIRST CLASS, AND AN ARTISTE. FOR OPEN TIME ADDRESS WILL H. FOX, 14 West 29th Street, New York City. I AH AOTHOBI.ED TO BOOK THE IOST 8EI8ATI0RAL ACT ROW II EDBOFE. Oswald Stoll Vide-Fact Vide-Fact Vide-Fact - Vide-Fact Vide-Fact TWO GOOD JUVENILE MEN Capable of Playing Borne Leads. i>- GOOD CHARACTER MAN Capable of Directing. TWO GOOD ALL 'ROUND COMEDIANS With Specialties. Sereral Feature VAUDEVILLE ACTS, GOOD SISTER TEAM That Does Musical Act, Play Parte and Doable la Band. Smidb Is always long to the right people, Comnmntcate with DICK P. SUTTON, Butte, Mont. LEADER, B. and 0., Baritone double Viola, Tutu* tlminlc String, Buss, Clarionet, Mole, Bass Singer for Billads, Union Electrician double Kauri, Snujr Book Man double Band. Other MuslrUns and Minstrel Teople, writ*. W« dn not pay hoard. Show opens Aug. 10. All communications to FRKD D. FOWLER, Mjtr.. l arc of Nankcvllle'a AUrsotion?, MH Broadway, N. Y. City. MINNELLI BROS.' BIOGBST AND BUST DRAMATIC COMPANY UNDER CANVAS ON EARTH, -TSSSZ— MINA GENNELL. TIip Big Tent Ton Small. Packed from Centre Pole to Hide Wall. WANT OUIOK, YOUNG, FINE LOOKING JUVENILE MAN AND JUVENILE WOMAN, with Spr. laities preferred. Must be good. People In alt linen, write. Do not iii'sropreaenL Ltiwest Summer salary In first letter. Same as working Tor a Nallonal Bank. We never close. Got Uie reputation. ilculnc the tuone; . NEW CASTLE, Pa., week June Jl. I v-v AN UP TO DATE MUSICAL COMEDY, Must be of the sunup; kind, and have au Ai line of paper, wiih riglit to plav tu Peon., Ohio, and iv Va. REFERENCE, lilTTLKR CO. NAT. BANK. Address BOB J. HUNTINU, (Mice. IK E. Wayne St., Butler. Pa.; after July 16, (Jen. Del., Sorautou, Pa. u rafters keep oft this. Regards to all friends. Girl From Texas cWANTEJI Ilerolr Leading Man, Man fbr Irish Comedy, Man for I'lilnnumn, Com, dp Old Nan, Character. Herond Heavy Man for Light Comedy, Woman for Old Maid. Only «.*' tor* thntdoublo lira*,, wanted. State lowe-t salary first letter, aa you will get II. Addreva BENDER «Si lllltSt II FIELD. < arr of Ulllln Printing Co., BOS W««t 43d Street, New York. I I WANT PEOPLE TO JOIN ON WIRE FOR THE FINEST EQUIPPED PAVILION THEATRE IN THE SOUTH. Mop at hotels. Pay own. Elevated dressing room*, rileiiliv Uglif*. Plav cities otilv. Al AGENT Mint itnocratandfl advancing a can* a^ show. BOSH CANVAS MAN, STAGE CAltPENTKK. SCENIC ARTIS1 that will do props. CHARACTER WOMEN. JUVENILE WOMEN, SPECIALTY SOUHRETTK. Character Man, Two Oe.n. Bus. Men, Comedian, Skc-ich Team, sister Trauu People in all liner., write. State both Slimmer and regular season Halary. Musi Join on wire. EbSALL A BAKER, Andersop, S. C. WANTED, TO SUPPORT "" HELEN AUBREY, U1 nglng and Dannlng Soubrctto, Contcdlau, and V eke* silence, polite negative. State towem mi v 'JO. FIERCE, and Singl weel July (leuerat Business Man with Speotaitles. »t nwu) Drat letter. RehearuV neat chlcagOi DAVIS, Box 19*, Jacksonville, Pla, J. C. DEACAN, IIST and SIS* II. Clark St., Chicago. III. Musical Bells AND Musical Specialties As oaed by leading Artists everywhere. Send for our new illustrated Catalogue. A few tiargsins in second hand or used instrument*. 16 Aluminum Chimes, low pitch, on rack » set on table, 1&0; 20 Al. Chimes on floor racr, *W; 2T Al. Chimes on P. D. floor rack, MS; 43 Deep AL Chimes on two It. I>. floor racks, also two 4 oct. Xylophones on floor racks with resonators, used by Majestic Musical Pour, good bargain lor four act: Ift Bar Steel Marlmbaphone on table rack, J20; 20 Bar Chro- matic Bass Steel Marimba on floor nek, tor ac- companiment, $; r -j; 29 Bar Steel Marimba on floor rack, $36: 37 Bar Steel Marimba on floor rack, J36; 2% oct. Rosewood Xyolophone on floor rack with resonators, fto; 3 oct. Heavy Rose. Xyolophone on frames (chromatic), $15; 15 Tap Bells on floor rack. |36; 8 Rattles, 110; 12 Strap Sleigh Bells, lw; 1 set, 32 bar 3 octave Rosewood Manmbaphonc, deep tone, $25; 3 oct. Rosewood Marimba, $125; 20 Rest Bamboo Bells on floor rack, MO: 6 Coins, 18; 8 lour In hand Bells, |I2: 20 Swlrw Hand Rells, $411: 2 oet. ChromaUc Metal Bamboo Chimes, $20; 8 Cathedral chlmeB In frame for bsod use, $7»; 25 ban 2 octaves Chromatic Orchestra Bells on frames, lis; 25 bars 2 octaves Chro. Orchestra Bells In case, $20. AU the above Instruments are In good order, andaimostasgoodas new. Sent C. O.D., subject to examination, to responsible parties. 6 WEIL. 77-81 WOOSTER ST. (Bit. Spring and Broom.), Ntw Vera HAVE VOU BEEN THE NEW 1. 1 1 IN? IP HOT, SKY I) FOB SAMPLES. LATEST SHADES, FINEST FINISH, HEAVT QUALITY, YARN DYED. The best Satin made for wear and appearance. Also a full line of lower priced SATINS in all FI L.LVI S FOR SALE OR RENT. Dealers In all new and np to date subjects write and obtain my quotation on an; film yon desire before purchasing stereopt icons, Moving Pic- tures, Supplies, etc. L. HETZ, 902 E. 28d St.. N. T. 0. "Tell It To Me" EZRA KEWDAIX'S 3d BOOK. AU NEW -JUST OUT. For Ml. on all trains and newsstands, or by mall, SSe. Address EZRA kkkdall, •0 Sooth Tin At... at. Vernon, H. T. MOVING PICTURE PRINTING. RENNEGAN & CO., Cincinnati, Stereoscopic Views. 1 5 Pictures to the Set; Per Set, $ 1 .50 All Interesting, clean, and original. Also ITS dif- ferent SAJ. FRANCISCO KIRK and EARTHQUAKE STEREOS., OUR OWN ORIGINAL NEGATIVES. For Machines used In Arcades. Parka, etc. Send (or list. RALPH J. GOLSEN, . W and 74 Wabash Ave., Chicago. SCENERY The Tiffin Scenic Company, T1FFIK.OHIO. HIGH GLASS MAGICAL APPARATUS At moderate prices. Large stock, Immense variety, illustrated Catalogue Free. New Mam- moth Catalogue Just lsened, ate. Jnst out. list of new books on Magic and new list of bargains In tricks A. ROTERBERa, 170 Ontario St.. Chicago. GOWNS FOR THE STAGE, SLIGHTLY TJSED. Also STREET GOWNS. We have on hand a large assortment of slightly worn Evening Gowns, Dinner, ReceptionandTea Gowns. These robes arc perfect In every respect, and are especially suitable for wear In HIGH CLASS DRA- MATIC PRODUCTIONS, we have a full line of Sea! Skin Costa and Furs of all kinds. MRS. U. STARR, 307 South State St., CHICAGO FUTURES. Fntnre Husb. or Wife Photos for Palmists, Fairs, Parks, etc., $2.00 per l.ooo; $l.3f> per soo, postpaid, samples, 10c. CABINET PHOTOS, for selling or adv. pur- poses, $20.00 per 1,000; $2.50 per 100, copied from your photo. Samples, 10c. CA RBON A STCIMO, 3U1 J N. Broad St.. Phlla., Pa. HERE'S THE SONO YOU WANT TO PUT AND SING, AND SING, AND SING. 'IFYOU LOVE ME, TELL ME SO." IT WILL DELIGHT YOU. 25c. T. NIK LP, Qleason' Tean. WIGS a. SUINDBELM, 118 w. 28th Bt, N. V. Tbe up-to- date THEATRICAL WIG MAKER. Send atamp foe new Price List Just out. sum i ruia, is sun m n. . class ■ mis, 11 «nrs m ft EDISOIV Films and Projecting Kinetoscopes Eiillltloi Moiil Klietoteope, i I i 5,00. Uelrersal Mcdt! jhflaaj e, 175.00. ABB THB BECOQRIZED STAHDARDS THBOIOUOI'T THE SOIL,, _ OUR UfA/mS'T HBADLIKER, LIFE OF A COWBOY nril cowboys and Indians nrai nCHL BRONCHOS - STAGE COACH nCHL A STIRRING WESTERN DRAMA IN MOTION PICTURES. SYNOPSIS OF SCENES: The "Big Hirn" Saloon — Meeting between Hero and Villain — Entrance of English Tour- ists — initiating the Tcnderfeet— Collection for Salvation Army Lassie^ — Arrival at the Ranch —Cowboy Sports, Trick Riding, Throwing Lariat, Wrestling— Departure of Stage Coach from Ranch — Attack by Indians — Bunnlng right (3 scenes)— Capture Stage Coach and Ab- duction of Girl— Indians Escaping and Covering Trail — Arrival Wounded Stage Drlrer at Ranch — Cowbovo In Pursuit— The Fight — Thrilling Rescue of Girl from Madly Galloping Horse— Reunion Hero and Heroine— Death of Villain. No. 6359, Code VAVASSECR. Length, l.OOOft. Clan A. 1160.00 OUR LATEST COMEDY NIT, THE TERRIBLE KIDS SEND FOB ILLU8TRATKD DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR No. =83. Ha. SH45, C#dn VAVLTAQE. Length, 600ft. Clan A. IBO.00. i ) OUR LATEST NOVELTY THREE AMERICAN .BEAUTIES An AMERICAN BEAITY ROSE dissolves Into a bust pletarv of a beaatlfnl AMERICAN GIRL, who dissolves Into an AMERICAN FLAG waving to the breeze. which In turn dissolves! Into a itar-llt background, the atari, after much inanoetaverlng, spelling the ward "GOOD NIGHT.** KAND COLORED. HAND COLORED. No. 6440, Code VAUDEVILLE. Length 60ft. Class A 917.90. SAN FRANCISCO DISASTER THIBTEEN SELECTED SUBJECTS. THB EDISON ^ I ^M S Are universally admitted to be superior lo all others, thus verifying oar original prediction. Wo have been compelled to work oar plant overtime to •apply th* — iaran.ee to ship snysnrj all orders the same day as re * *f v*»rl. Any demand, bat gni selection of aabflecta may be Joined together. EDISON ANNOUNCEMENT, ~' greatly adding to the Interest y as received. Any . Every flint Is provided with an plainly describing and identifying each scene and st and value of the pictures. ■end for Latest Catalogs and Illustrated Circulars. EDISON MANUFACTURING CO., HAIH OFFICE and FACTORY, ORANGE, X. J. Cfalvago Office. 304 Wabuh Aveaie. New Torlc Office, 31 Union Sqnnre, Cable Address Zrmotlc, New Tori. OFFICE FOB UNITED KINGDOM: 115 CLERKENWEU, BOAD, LONDON, E. C, ENGLAND. ACI.LfSO ifiCWTfi- THE KINETOGRAPH CO., • • 41 E. 21st St., New lor,. nuuiHUJO. PETER BACIGALUPI, 1107 Fillmore St, «an Franclaco, Ctl. SEND UsS YOUR MANUSCRIPT OF SONG POEMS, ORIGINAL MELODIES, Or COMPLETE WORKS, Now Is the time to have them publtkihed. Alt letters answered promptly. PIONEER MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., Room TQa, Manhattan Bldg., CHICAGO, ILL. NOTICE. The "Savoy" Theatre HAMILTON, CANADA, Now being built on ,h* site of the old STAR THEATRE, will open Season .bont the .frond week of Sept., 1006. D, votprl to HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE. J. G. APPLETON. Bookec Eiclnjlvely by WM. HORHIS, Vaudeville Agent, Hew York City «od Chicijo. POP CORN BRAPSHAW CO. HIGHEST SHADE OROVK. Br the sack, ton or carload, — — v «, -^ Aim 5 and 10c. paoktgti. 78 Park Place, New York. 1.IVTED, Circus Acts of All Kinds, TOP MOUNTER TOR BROTHER ACT. Will Buy Oood Troupe of Trained Ponies, OHA8. SPARKS, ColHnwood. O. WIGS TOTJPEES, GREASE PAINTS, ETC. And the Ut.,1 and Moat Popular Style, la Ladlaa Hair Ortulot. A. 31. BUCK & CO., US W. WUtfc Str— t, -...■■ ThU»n«l>nl» SAVE YOURSELF FROM DEATH ffv , WS-E v v,, u , B ;L"m R< ^o P ?^•FT IR fnS ; ■? .^ I, ^ 1 ia S*»*S!* matron,, and can 1m atuolted lutfni'J J" jour room. _» /^KT rRICL.,3. Usedl.jthcProre.slonttiroujtiout tbe United States. Address THE PERFECT SAFETY WINDOW GUARD, No* Ml Flatlroa BaMUIg, Newrorl. June 23. THU'CSTEW SYOEK CLIPPER. 497 Takes Pleasure in Presenting his Latest Heart Story Love Ballad, Entitled SOMEWHERE SOMEWHERE. Words £ Music by CHAS. K. HARRIS. i Si K « r — Shin- lug on the fields and gold-en hills, ■ . Would she love me and still hold me dear?. ^^^^E^ f ^^ ^_ E^E^^gzii^^^ Somewhere near the shadows slow - Iy fail - tag, Would she then forget those cm-el words spoken, Crecp-ing o'er the si - lent vales and When my jeal-ous rage caused her to rills,. fear?. rr n ; j-jJlj^. \ * _li_£g ^p^ Ofttimes Ofttlmes I find my heart is long - ing, I think she knows I'm longing, *=*= Just to press her dear sweet lips to mine, .... Knows that she could ease my aching heart, . .'.-. -V-+- =3= -g-. Ca- ress her with burning love and kiss • es, Would she say, "Forgive me, oh my dar - ling, ADDRESS ALL CIBiai'SIl ATIO.V8 TO (MEYER COHEN, IWIsr.) Pronounced by famous Sing- ers and well known Musical Critics as "Mr. Harris' mas- terpieoe," and so positive is Mr. Harris that it will sweep the country as no ballad of his ever has, that he has in- serted in this issue of THE CLIPPER the song complete, both words and music, for your judgement. The only way to convince yourself that this ballad is different from any song of its kind issued in the past fifty years, is to play it over carefully and hear the music Then read the beautiful heart story whioh 1b wedded to a soul stirring melody and, if you have a soul for the beau- tiful, you will have to ac- knowledge that it is the bal- lad hit of the Century. Don't take Mr. Harris' word for it, but be your own judge, and if the Song meets with your approval, learn and sing it. If it doesn't, there is no harm done, just "pass it up." This song will need no fake "booming," as it speaks for itself; in fact, will speak so loudly that in a few months it will be sung, hummed, whistled and played throughout the world, as all his famous heart story bal- lads have in the past. Tour audiences will be the best judge, and when you hear their heartfelt and genuine applause after the first verse of this great song, you will then have to acknowledge the fact that "HARRIS" is the one real heart story love ballad writer left to us in America. Special attention is oalled to Quartette Singers as a special arrangement of the chorus has been made for their use, whioh is a "beauty." Full orchestra- tions in any key to fit any voice, free of charge. This page answers for a profes- sional copy. Afcer you have sung this beautiful ballad, write to Mr. Harris person- ally and he will advertise your name in connection with "Somewhere" in all the prominent Dramatio and Musical Papers. There is no .doubt that this song will * 1 [surely make you famous if you sing it. If you are play- [ing or "laying off" in New I York, oall up to the office } where competent pianists ; are always ready and willing to teach you any song upon the Harris Catalogue. It playing Chicago, the same treatment will be acoorded you there as at headquarters. 31 WEST THIBTY-FIRST STBEET, NEW YOBK, N. Y.II CHICAGO OFFICE. Grand Opera House Bldg. (JOE M. HARRIS, Mgr.) 498 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. June 2:i MAHLER BROS. 517 and 519 SIXTH AVE. LEADING THEATR ICAL UNDERWEAR HOUSE OF AMERICA. IHGULTT OCTFITTEBS TO THE PROMOS, ffiff AID DliKLD ISSORIIESTS I ill OH DEPABTIE5T8. Cloaks, Salts, Waists, Millinery, Gloves and Muslin Uidemar. . OL A . IIahA Originators or onr SuIlOS UflDf. Vamp Shoes fori B ¥ll«« Willi wear. Xsliaatsi : I quantity orders. Oomplete Stocks. Up I Lowirt Cub Pries* Hw D titrable Originators of our P Shoes (or stage and street freely given _ on Hade from the very bwt tin, are black enameled, ftrpe dally made tor professional uie.haTing a tray with oom- r art menu for Ore ut Paints, Powders, r^ rf\ — . Comb and Braih, Win, «W., Kto. Has MUA doable MM Look, with two ksys, St.... W*V* Our cold cream, expressly prepared for the Th* attlcal Profcuion, guaranteed to be absolutely pan and never become resold In any climate. Pat up u pond Sorsw Top Tin Oene et *Se.| bell pound at SI*. IAMPLKB OF CREAM SEBT FBII. All null orders mait be Moompuled by money order, lone sent 0. 0. D. o«r v • w Tasa u-iesJ Catalog*** sent fire* mp«m reqweit. (-MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES— i FROM THE $50,010,000 ST. LOUIS WORLD'S FAIR Wa Bought the Great St. Louis Exposition, and oflsryou all Mnda ol Suppllee at Very Law Prlceo NEW STRIP TICKETS 15,000,000 Ticket!, printed for M et the Exposition that bare oever beea nsed; pal Dp 2,000 to a roll; coEiecatirely numbered, Denom- inations: 2c, 16c, Mo, Mo and Complimentary. Different colors. Prloe per thousand, In small quantities 15c. In lots of 60.800 19e INCANDESCENT LAMPS EgTESi W Tbeso lamps oame from tho Bxposlon, and were used, bat are tested and ere serviceable. They are eight candle power, 10Q to 110 voltajre; pat ap 350 in a barrel, price each 5o Id email qneotltiea, each Oe 100,000 aame aa above, brand new. Id fall case lote, each. . lOc 00,000 new, 16 caodle power lamps, eaoh He 25,000 Inoandeacont Lampe, used, natural colore, ruby. 20,000 flame aa above, brand new, price each 20c 5,000 HARDWOOD FOLDING CHAIRS made of seasoned hardwood, with tbe beat malleable iron flttlofs; simple In construction. Strong, durable and comfortable. Will not warp; are far superior tu any other make; brand new. Prloe, In doieo lota 90.00 SPECIAL PRICE ON LARGE QUANTITIES I a^oflofa IINICADMC FOR BANDS. HELP. ETC. I a V W UnirUnrno Kabkl, |1.00 Blue Serge, 05.00 Write for onr Special DOO-page Oatalogne No. J 678, It contains a com- plete Hat or all kinds of Electrical Supplies, general amusement material such ae yon are constantly purchasing, We bare for aale Fire Hose, all kinds of FIre-flghtIng Apparatus, Electrical Supplies, Flags. Bunting, Furniture, Household Goods, Commissary Supplies, Plumbing Material, Machinery, and In fact everything "under tbe sun." We are coustuntly buy tug material at Bberlffs' and Reeelvere* Hales. CHICAGO HOUSE WRECKING CO., 3Pfh A Iron Streets, CHICACO I DO YOU USE ACETYLENE? IP SO WE WANT TO SEND TOU A SAMPLE BURNER. We know we hare the best burner ever made for use In a stereopttoon or Moving Picture Machine; also for Lighting Tbeatree, Medicine Gamps and Olroojee. Address Room 18, Enclosing lOe. for Sample. WM. M. CRANE COMPANY, 1131-33 Broadway, New York. Moving Picture Paper SAN FRANClicO FILMS. DONALDSON LITHO. CO.. NEWPORT, KY. FILMS. FILMS. FILMS. PARK MANAGERS that wish Oral clam Moving Picture Service, with Machine and Operator (or with out), Moving Picture and Blereopttcon BuppileH of all kinds, write for particulars and Hat of Film Rental. P. J. HOWARD, (64 Washington St., opp, Adams House, Boston, Uaaa. ESTABLISHED IN 1690. FILMS FOR RENT THE INTER-OCEAN FILM EXCHANGE, OLD INTER-OCEAN HLDQ, D, utb.ni and Kadlson Sta., Chic.,;.. SAN FRANCISCO BOOKS. 10 PAGES AND COVER. UK*l'TIPt:LLV ll.Ll SI RATED. SPLENDIDLY WHITTEi. FINELY PRINTED ON GOOD PAPER. (AMPLE, 10c. SO 00.00 IB.OO a.asr-1 with order. HENNECAN & CO., Cincinnati, O. THE BLENIO FIREPROOFING GO. OF NEW YORK. Operates In conjunct Ion wits* THE MAX FIREPROOFING CO., OF CHICAGO. TUB ADVANTAGE TO OUR PATRONS IB EVIDENT. MINIATURE RAILROAD CO., 74 SSOUSJAY, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. 00LO HEDA1 OrECMlT FOB MHKB, BUSSES BB80BT8, Be. Haalhm, Capacity, as Toaui. Earning 81,000 laa 81a Day.. WITH PBOPBB C4BE TOJ, LAST 25 TBS. OAQVEY LOCOMOTIVE WORKS ORAND PRIZE and GOLD MEDAL REOET1D AT WORLD'S FAIR, ST. LOWS. SHOES FOR STAOK, STREET AND EVENINO. E-CI.OSIVE STYLES AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. Snort A.m. ... St.,. Lasts always on band. Mall order, tilled. Fit guaranteed. WILLIAM BERNSTEIN, Tel. tea Madison Souare. aw Sixth Ave., near ant St., N. T. ALL COLORE!) SLIPPERS MADE TO ORDER IN U HOURS. Spangles, {LOO Per Pound. 2,00 ISO . 8.00 fights, pair,... Plaited an Tights, pair. Beat Silt Tights,) Inch cotton tops,) Oair. Thigh and Hip Paddings. Gold and Sliver Trimmings. Send Deposit with order. THE BOSTON REGALIA CO., 887 Washington St., Boston, Mass, BED. WHITE. TENTS. SCHNEIDER TENT CO, SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE. DETROIT . - MIOH J. L. KELLE Y Hf r. BLUE. BLACK. TH1 MTJRBAT 00, CIRCUS CANVASES, Poles laid S tAt c i , SEAT S, Fla p. Etc. ■lacs TaBrr. wcif how riirnitg. rtoBTJ ajtd linna ros stribt patu. A«ax» tor HDD'S PATENT 01BOTI UMTS. * >m. WartUurtoa St. OMIOAtO, ILL. SHOW TENTS For Clreuee, Wild West Shows, Black Teats, Candf Tops, Flags, Kldd <■ Baker UfhU. etc Seal (or i« page pric e list of second but Tentj. BAPI6B 4 LOCKWOOD MTQ. 00, Tt. aa. WTtrjdotte. r,»a»s Cut. Me. United States Tent and Awals, Co., Randolph and Onion Streets, CHICAGO, III. CIRCU8 CANVA8E8. ■LACK TESTS O.T Sii.claltr. ■IDE SHOW PAINTINGS. ^sasfflBtaj M.R.KUHKELY MANUFACTURER OF SHOW CANVASSES I Large Stock sort, and Under dkajamfp Mew and SMond Hand. Writ, TUB CHARLES P. SIEDER TBsTT AMD AWNING CO., ■MMasora to the T. W. Noble Oo^ Tsui Dstt, Dstroll Bag art Mf«. Co., Detroit, Mleh. CALL rtDwuTrheamoan RESTAURANT •ra sixth a vs., BeUSSttaanamhSla., MEW YORK C ITT. Bestof Food, Perreot- It Cooked, Dellclotulj BerTed. Trices rea ■unable. Special Din Ing Boom lor ladlee %€mmm®m \^NTWLO0aUTSM LMrned t>j any man or boy at Dome; mull coat. Bend to-d»y to. ■ tamp for panic man and proof. 0. 1. Smith. Box 0. SMO Knorrllle A»e..Peoria. IU. PIT WIT J& f* fl Wi S & Tonpee Makers, * VAl A VB VVl PAINT and POWDER M.VIOKEeVS TUBATKE, OklMaar*, IU. ralapaiM CealtrJ, 000. lead tm Ostltsna. PATHE Cinematograph Co., 42 EAST 23rd STREET, 35 RARDOLPH STREET, NEW TORI. CHICAGO. IN PREPARATION The Wedding of King Alphonse XIII of Spain. THE RAJAH'S CASKET. PARTLY COLORED. 557ft. $88.84 TheRaJata'B Caeketle very closely jfoarded, but a vizard manages to disappear with it. Tbe Rajah summons another wizard, who, after ehowlng a rielon of tlic casket being taken through tbe air on the back of a dragon, leads the Rajah through the country and over tbe mountains to a ca ve.wtiere It has been carried. The Rajah here witnesses a serleioi beautiful scenes, tbe stalactites being transformed into gorgeously dressed women who dance before blm, and while they are dancing many beautiful changes are made in tbe colors of their dresses. Tbe Rajab Is so pleased et the recoverj of the casket that he presents each of tbe dancers with a string of pearls. . . I FETCH THE BREAD. 377ft. $45.24 A workingman'e family Is ready to take their dinner, when a friend and bis wife call on them. They are asked to stay, and as there Is not enough bread for flee peo- will return efresbmenr. Uguor store and finally llse to return at pie, the boat U willing to fetch some bread. Be assures hlswj as quick as possible, but cannot resist entering a bar room Once tasted the liquor he cannot resist temptation, and he en] In sight. In the meantime his wife and friends are waiting for'l his friend decides to go for the bread, and also he Btarts with the once. He starts with the beet Intentions, but after having tried one glaas he follows ble friend*! example, and enters In his turn all tne bars on hie way. Finally the two friends meet In a beer garded and celebrate their meeting with another glass. Then they start forborne, which Is very difficult for them, and arriving at last at home they are welcomed by their wives In a very unpleasant, but well deserved manner. THE ANGLER'S DREAM. 131ft. $15.72 A yonng man prepares his bait for tbe flsblng in lbs morning and goeB then to sleep. Soon he.dreams of bis good luck, and watches bis line and pulls out one fish after the other. Finally there is a very hard pull, and he tries his very best to get the line in. Bnt his surprise 1b great when he is suddenly awakened by his wife, whom he had caught with his hook. She does not know about her husband's dream, and administers him a severe thrashing for the disturbance. THE RIDERLESS BICYCLE. 196ft $23.52 Two clowns give us a very amusing exhibition of their bicycle, which they have trained to perform dances and to Jump over obstacles without being mounted by any person. PATHE FILMS ARE THE BEST. ADELE FRED { IN AN ELECTRICAL- MUSICAL TOE-DANCING NOVELTY 1 "Wonderfully clever child act that would do credit to grown up performers." WEEK OF JUSK 18-94, Young's Pier, Atlantic City, N.J, Permanent address Care ol N. V. CI.1PPKK. THE 401 162 STATE ST. : CHICAGO StA FLOOR. THEATRICAL WIGS. Our specialty Is value for your money- at one half the price others ask for the same gooda. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed or your money ba»k. On receipt or 11.00 de- posit we will send goods C. O. D., subject to examination. Remember the Name and the Place. CATALOG FREE. ORKSOOU HA MB STATE BT„ CHICAGO, 5th FLO OR. THE GREAT ENOLIBH VAUDEVILLE PAPEr7 CO., ■B THEATRE REVIEW. * rand, London, IV. C? . 8s. Sta. PER YEA It Single Column In. Ii FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTIONS, PROFESSIONAL ADVERTISEMENTS. 2. Od. S ' '"' NEW YORK CORIIESPONDENT AND REP., IDA CAIII.E, OFFICE, 70S ST. flJ.ES BLUU., wll. advertisement, will be received. Copies od. die. , «.■■,■■, nvm ..hm ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, PREPARED PALMS, FLA8S. JAPANESE LANTERNS, PAPER NOVELTIES FOR STAGE AND LOOBY USE. Mtt to beaoUTj tne atage or lobby. Send lor catalogue and price list MCORATI VE PLAST CO., 710 Broadway, ».w r.rk. Th. kl.d >h.t am. lb. a»o».y. Call or writs. F. 8. ZUUfERHAlt, 5 E. UthSt., * HliSIC GOUPOSEBS* POUTERS ^r&raKs^.^ lira mnio oo, tu sjoam. at, ouotutau, o. JUNE 13. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 499 i Stcctssfil Stun. 611 SicmssM Smsm. HICKMAN - BESSEY For Engagements and ALL Cm' TUB. HAVE PLATED TO MORE BUSINESS TEAM ANT POPULAR PRIOE SHOW IN THE WE8T, \A#UV 9 BECAUSE WE PLAT ALL ROYALTY BILLS. 1 WW n ▼ r BECAUSE ALL SPECIAL SCENERY FROH THE DROP CURTAIN BACK. ' EVERY PLAY A COMPLETE PRODUCTION. HAVE B0UOHT SIX COMPLETE PRODUCTIONS FOR COMIKO SEASON. WANTED, TWO MORE FEATURE PLAYS with Paper, Al HEAVY MAN with Wardrobe and Experience, - , Al SPECIALTY TEAM (Han and .Woman); Both moat Play Parts. Other Useful People, write. Want Al Pianist. Plays address HICKMAN-BESSEY CO., 63 Ashland Boulevard, Chicago, III. For Time, J. F. JERSEY, care of Grand Opera Houac-, omimwa, Iowa. JAKE MOTIEY EXHIBITING HOW TO MAKE MONEY WITH EDISON COIN-SLOT MACHINES. Start a penny arcade and amusement parlor. Edison Coin-Slot Machines fascinate and attract the crowd and bring them to your place cften. Get in line now and make a fortune. Write to-day for par- ticulars. NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CO., 64 Lakeside Avenue, Orange, N. J. "rr> w IT'S ALL TO THE CANDY THJ5 BIGGEST MOIVKY MAKER FOR PARK MANAGERS AND CONCESSION MEN i El) PEERLESS COIN DPERATED GOLD MEDAL & HIGHEST AWARDS v BUFFA_LO : I9DI,ST,LOU1SI90^.PORTLANDI305, 'ri<5 " RQTH&ENGELHARDT W. B.MOORE /MANAGERS EL ECTBIC LiS&j ■ErsassEiSD id®a 106 FRA HT CHICAGO iSTRATE I- PARK ROW BUILDING. N.Y. A_l ,.,,*« I F, Sets. SQUARE INCH- rt ' CUtS HALF-TONE PROCESS CO. Att.iu.ni DOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOPLE AND SNOWMEN Why handle rocky foods when 70a can handle goods that will Nil themieiTes. Electric Belt* from $1 per doe. np. Large Tsrlety to select from. Electric Jan 76c. dog. ; Electric Insoles, 87 He. do*, pairs. Soap, $2.10 gross ; Fie© Medi- cal Batteries. Send 7Sc. for Sample No. 14 ELB^eip. prepaid. Latest oat. On* thlial9Mn required. Trial order will convince. Largest Manufacturers of Elec- tric Belts and Appliances in D. 8. A. Established 1876. Lecture and price list •» THE ELECTRICAL APPLIAHCE CO., BMling.on, to BRONX LOTS »«» "«<» NEW YORK CITY $SSO Upwards on HEAR BRONX ASD PKLII AH PARKWAY. GEORGE RIO, ..S, Representing HUDSON P. ROSE COMPANY. Easy T For farther panic alar 3 apply to 31 W. 42d St., N.Y. City. PLAYS For Stock Coopuln, for Repertoire Compailts, (or Aaatters. LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE WORLD. Boots for kome amuse- ment, Negro Plays, Paper, Scenery, Mrs. Jarley's Wax Works. Cata- logue Freel Fre e! Fr eel SAMUEL, FRENCH, IT W. >U St., Hew York. Partner Wanted s^IfS.. Population, 160,000, Expenses small. Profits sure. Only those meaning business need apply. Experience necessary. Address P 0. BOX 818, Fairfield, Conn. II JURIS 60IN8 TO EUROPE To apply for lowest rates at PATJL TAUBIG'B EX0HA50E OFFICE, 1M East 14th St., New Tork, German Sa?lngi Bank Bonding, Telephone, ao» Orameroy. Cable ad- dreis, Bletesi «. All printed matter and Inf. tree. STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO EUROPE Lfr, E S Apply for lowest rate* and full particulars to RAYMOND «fc WHlTCO.nB CO., 33 Union Square West, New York. Send acrnt stomp for Travelers Condensed Oeild*. WHY DO YOU NOT GOME BACK TO ME, LOVE 7 New Balled. Beautiful waits chorus captures everybody. Send 25c. for copy, to n m FIRESIDE MUSIC CO.. Box 175, Wllklnsburg BUtlon, Desk A, Pittsburg, PA, ProfegBlonal Copy for stamp and late program. 5 I PSPCQRI. IMS YANKAUER & CO., i*» MANUFACTURERS, AT 156 WEST B'WAY, M. J. WHOLESALE. HAVE YOUR MUSIC PUBLISHED BY US. Send ns a good poem, a good melody or a complete work, We nave DO favorite writers. All get etjnal treatment and consideration. All letters answered promptly. PlOmCBR MUSIC PUBftilSmiSO COMPANY, TOO lnb.lliB Bldf ., CHICAOO. Illfid CDC Ollnni ICC c,ub> . • ,Mm , 0nI1 ". Rolling Globes. Hoops. UUuuLl.nO -\M g"|*l_l I" .Nwaa^'lrewalkers' Apparatus Roman Axes. Btampfor ww WBB^sasE«B "•' ■ akslBeV Catalog end list Bdw.VenWeo*.CInolane1i.O. WK 0AB BATI TOD B TO M FIB OUT SOUVENIR MMIAL CARDS, ISO SCBJEOTS. OOSMOPOLITAI MO YILTT 00., tM B. Ith Be, rTUlaaslptua, Pi I Hundreds or hustlers mad* hundred* of dollars list lesson from our wonderful ma- chine, but the Held was not one-tenth coTsred. Wake up and get la Ha* — It's the blgxesl hit or All — a money coiner from the Out minute. It'* th* EMPIRE GUNDY FLOSS MACHINE. It turns t pound of anger Into 10 nickel bags of candy In I minutes, while the crow. looks on. and they shell out their nlckela M fast aj you can lack the candy. Many SUnnis machines sre taking In (rum 100 to 1125 dally. A dead sura proposition for Parks, Resorts, Summer Gardens, Circuses. Race Tracks, Carnivals, Street Corners, Show Window! or wherever there an crowda ot people Operated by band or power. Ha gas or electricity rtaulred No candy maker needed. Anyone can run It The UMPIRE make, a better candy, and makes It mors rapidly than any machine yon ever saw. It U of perfect mechanical construction, very simple, will not gat out of order, but la Johnny on the spot at all times. Wa guarantee toe construction, and yon can depend on 80 baga In 8 mlnut.s— and It's nearly ALL PROFIT. The UMPIRE CANDT FLOSS MACHINE Is fully covered by patents. Wa will pro- tect all purchasers and prosecuts all Infringers. Don't ba fooled by cheep Imitations, SEND TO-DAY FOR PARTICULARS and gat In Una with the winner. Sold outright, without reatrictloea aa t» whale II shall ha use* PRICES! BAND POWER MACHINE, with Qea Attachment flM.Of BAND OR POWER MACHINE, with Oss Attachment and equipped with Elec- trie Motor and Attachments, complete 30O.Ot This machine n-y ba operated by hand or by electric motor. Oeaollae Ueaa- ratal for either ot the sbovs machines Il.tO TBRMSi Cash with order. If desired, either machine will be shipped C. 0. D., with privilege of elimination, on receipt of 120.00 WRITE FOB CATALOGUE AND FULL INFORMATION. EMPIRE CANDY FLOSS MACHINE CO., FISHER BLOC, CHICAGO, ILL. FRANCIS X. HENNBS8Y. Irish Onion Piper, Scotch Highland Piper and Violinist (Musician). Permanent uddrcHs, Military Hall, 183 Bowery, New York, or your Agent. P. 8.— The Irish Union Pipes Is a rare Instru- ment, and a valuable business attraction. PHILADELPHIA Reached best by the New Jersey Central READING SYSTEM 1RADI ST1ST HOPS. iSO Of TBI HOTJB Faust Time Rock Bsdlssst BHBBperb Paiilng Service; STATION* IN NEW YORK. Foof W«it *jii St, Fool mxftySf.y.K. Fill HlglMl AHinst, ILLUSIONS, TBIOKS, Me. •rand Bad of oentvy. fatly Illustrate*, book CAT A- LOODE, Be, tree by meu, Oatalogue of parlor trlcka tree atARTIHIA A CO.. Mtrs., «S3 8Uth AT...B. T. VHCAVniCSL PRINTING & ENGRAVING Stationer,, Tickets, Conlracls.Cards.etc Book of Cuts, 20c sinse Money 15c Trick Cards 5c get of 12 Pictorial POST UA1IDS 15c. van fleit, IjsTT 47 WEST 28tb STHEKT, MEW YORK. TAYLOR TRUNKS. 0. A. TAYLOR TRUNK WORKS, M E. Randolph St., CHICAGO; 1S1 W. Sltli at,, NEW TORE. Write tor New Catalogue. "PATTEHSOI,." *^ ^* ^^ "^" "^ ^^ " KNOWN IVllRYWBHIHss. ,. PBOFMBIONAI S . i x i.-::::::::::::: S3 CA,H tS « i -" -- It [si 18::::::.::::::: IS wi™ ISsbbS It I 21 I 20 555 ORDER' 10 I 24 I SI "AT1A8." IRONCLAD. :■.:::::•.:: « 10.00 10" li i 21 i 2B . t.l* ------- 40 I 28 I 20 ll.CS For Particulars and Illnetratlona, Request Catalogue. TBI BBLBETB TBDNC AND BAO CO.. 182 Columbia Arenas, PHILADELPHIA, PA CENTRAL TRUNKS. !«lu..|T.oO; 2Sln.,|S.H); I01n.,»».B0; BOIn., -.00. ., 110.50; 401m, S12.BO. Circus Trunks,24lUlH, . Lltbo Trunks, «2Hi28HH2. Inside, 110.00. 17.50*. b'IH Tranka. SOxsSllB, Inside, |12.uv. anlmd on receipt of 18.00, baK, C. 0. a, eicept over BOO mile., then remit. whole amooat, lIllONa A CO., CBNTBAL TBPNB: FACT : FACTORT, Est 1S64, B.W.cor. 7th and Arch Bta.Phlla. Dazian's Theatrical Emporium NOW AT 142-144 W. 44th ST. (Near Broadway), NEW YORK. THEATRICAL COSTUMES AND SUPPLIES, EVERY HK11TJIH1TK FOR TUB BTAOB. SEND FOR CATALUOUB. THE PIANOVA COMPANY MANUFACTURERS OF SELF PLAYING PIANOS WITH OR WITHOUT BLOT ATTACDMBNT8. WRITH FOB CATAI/OGUB AND PBICB LIST, wlln> " J * ou " 11T-12B CTPHBSB ATB„ NBW TOBg CITY. T 1TYKTR.Y ROWTsTCY TkettTieil Cietniier, 1M ff. .1, Ken hrl J, JCLEtflAl H)U w» *Ua * | Alw M .„. Mr B iiq U Theatre. Fatsrion, N. J. For Show Parade*. Horse and Pony Acts, Advertising Pur- poses, dr.. Send for price Hat. Manufactured liv- id', sell AKUIIS, 612-014 Metropolitan Ave., Ilruoklya, N. Y. ML WfiFFWIIlNAI °° VOIJ KNOW ITvUltONWIAs. ThsUheBAL PltOPEBSlOSALTRnKK la HBRI Inside __ . .- aidouuide? That the BAL Professional Trunk Is the TRUNKS jl^tandeironiaitmiiihon.earttt^ndforoaia. mr.auim.L 500 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. June 23 8. LUBIN I life wotioFpicTiiiiE wAciJiNYsl films I P I?I£ICT I original! WEDDING OF THE ■ KINGmdQUEENofSPAIN These pictures are GUARANTEED ORIGINAL FILMS OF THE WEDDING CEREMONIES OF THE KING OF SPAIN WITH PRINCESS ENA OF BATTENBERG. THE CRURCH SCENE IS ABSOLUTELY EXCLUSIVE. The pictures are beautiful in photography and first class in every respect MONEY REFUNDED IF NOT AS REPRESENTED. 425ft. $63.75 450ft. $49.50 UCUriCAIUr>C IC UIUC A ptcton. '»» «' ei»i««m*n-., VCNVKANWB IS mlllC., .ni««.ehlng.h,.»atlralmor.l A FRESH BATH, OR THE TRIPPER TRIPPED, v«r«i.»j ME AND MY TWO PALS, i7ZHZZ l ?' aim - lt * BLACKMAILING THE MOTORISTS, onnft 00 M Am .icrcdlng funny plctmr. tall of lift. aCUUTT. aC aS ■ \J\J THE OLYMPIC GAMES AT ATHENS, GREECE, Whrre the Aniritui oalrlamed all othpr nation, of like world. WE HAVE 4,000 FEET TO SELECT FROM. lie. PER FOOT. 130ft. 31 Oft. 14.30 34.10 Our 1906 "MARVEL" EXPOSITION MODEL is acknowledged to be the most perfect MOVING PICTURE MACHINE. Our improvements are of such great importance that nobody will buy any other make of Moving Picture Machines after having seen our I906 EXPOSITION MODEL. THE HIGHEST GRADE AND MOST COMPLETE OUTFIT. This outfit Complete, INCLUDING TOP AND BOTTOM TAKE-UP DEVICE, ELECTRIC LAMP, FIREPROOF ADJUSTABLE RHEOSTAT for direct or alternating current, ALSO CALCIUM LIGHT LAMP. FIREPROOF FILM BOXES for Top and Bottom Rewinder S20 EXTRA. San Francisco Earthquake. RTEEY Fill BUiB AHTEED OBIGHAL. OUB FILMS AID 10 ARE SHOWN AT KEITH'S THEATRES. No. 6. PAN. FROM NOB HILL .7. PAN. OF CHINATOWN .... 8. PAN. OF 8T. FRANCI8 HOTEL • 9. THIEVES IN CAMP, Golden Gate Park 10. REFUCEE8 IN COLDEN GATE PARK - 11. FUN AMONG THE REFUGEES - 12. PAN. SAN FRANCISCO IN FIRE AND SMOKE 13. FIR8T TROLLEY AFTER THE EARTHQUAKE 14. DOOMED CITY, Showing Falling Houses IB. REFUGEES ON MARKET STREET 16. WATERFRONT REFUCEE8 LEAVINC SAN FRANCISCO 17. ARRIVAL OF REFUGEES AT OAKLAND - 18. FEEDINC CHINESE 10. PAN. FROM TELEGRAPH HILL ... 50. EFFECT OF EARTHQUAKE - 51. PAN. OF MARKET STREET BEFORE THE FIRE S3. COINC TO THE FIRE, Showing Chief Sullivan, Who Was Killed During the Earthquake. OTHERS 1 26ft. 66ft. 70ft. 66ft. 180ft. 70ft. 200ft. 90ft. 180ft. I BOft. 1 00ft. 140ft. 40ft. 86ft. 76ft. 400ft, I soft. FITvAIS 11 CBNTS PER FOOT. ►M ALSO 100 SLIDES NOW READY. >\< All Our Films Class A. Price, II Cents Per Foot. Our Beautifully Illustrated Catalogues Free of Charge. I VITAGRAPH 12 Cents a Foot. THE NEW COMIC NOVELTY ALL ABOARD! OR FUNNY EPISODES IN A STREET GAR. 50 GREAT BIO LAUGHS. Tito Corned v Conductor, the Hebrew and the old transfer, the Boy with the ting of egga and the Dude who sltnon tlietu (Oh, what a surprise! Mho Gouty old Gent, the Touch Girl and the Pretty Girl, the Stout L»dy and the Thin Man who otters her a seal (fix Inchon wide.) All these comical folko nintte the two Pickpockets who steal a diamond pin. (tut of one cur into another, In at the back and out at the front, down the street. Into and through car after car, frightening and isloiilxhliig the pasftetigere, dashing, Jumping, scrambling, colliding, "butting In" and "hutting" out again. The greatest, funniest, wildest chase you have ever seen. JUST OECT THI ii_rvi THE AUDIENCE WILL DO THE REST. LENGTH, THE PROSPECTORS A Drama of the Gold Fields. ONE BIC SENSATIONAL HIT. LENOTM, - - - 77Q RESET. Love versus Title THE ORIGINAL, UNIQUE ELOPEMENT AND MARRIAGE IN A SPEEDING AUTOMOBILE. LENOTM, - - - 78Q FEET . SPEOIAL R. R. PANORAMAS P*OR MALE'S TOURS. WRITE 1-OH CATALOGUE. THE VITA6RAPH COMPANY OF AMERICA, 118 NASSAU ST., NEW YORK. TELEPHONE, HJO* JOHN. CABLE ADDRESS, BELLING AGENTS, K LEI IF. OPTICAL CO.. »» Stmt. St., OklCSf «, III., VITAGRAPH.' CHARLES URBAN TRADI.VO CO., 48 Rnpprt St., London, En§. Ltd., FILMS FOR RENT CHICAGO HEADQUARTERS FOR PICTURE MACHINES 69 ■MTitri 81., OIICASJ. FILMS FOR RENT IF YOU WANT GOOD FILM THAT IS IN CON- DITION TO USE AFTER YOU GET IT LET US SEND IT TO YOU. ffflULFILMWO. M n. OUt* St.. CHICAGO, ILL. MOVING PICTURE fflACeiniS ■•l AND .|. FILMS. WE 3AKVFACTURE STEREOPTICONS, MAGIC LANTERNS, ELECTRIC AND LIME LIGHT BURNERS And Other Accessories, WE ARE OE1KRAL BELLISO AQESTS FOR The Power Cameragraph Edison Kinetoscope BIOGRAPH FI1VM8 VITAGRAPH FlAV&fS MBWES P^ir^VIS PATHB FMJLVMS BDISOX FI1VMS All Films at 12 Cents Per Foot Exoept Edison Class A, Which Are 15 Cents. LATEST SUBJECTS ALWAYS IN STOCK. Kleine Lenses for Picture Machines Cover the Whole Range of Practical Projection. KlWCpbcofCp. M STATE ST. I Opposite Masonic Ttwu CHICAGO* ILL. In Ttrk Address, 117.111 W. 33d ST. [01TALMDI FBK DRAMATIC. VAUDEVILLE. CIRCUS. Copyright, 1906, bj the Trial Queen KMIttdnt Compuj (Limited). Foundod by FRANK QUEEN, 1863. NEW YORK, JUNE 30, 1906. VOLUME LIV.-No. IS Price, 10 Centi. 502 THE INEW YORK CLIPPER. June 30 Anecdotes, Personalities and Comments, CONCEUUNO STAGE FOLK and Sometimes OTHERS BI J OSEPHINE GEO. Arthur Carlton, manager of the Bootblack Quartette, who played a recent engagement at Cheater Park, Cincinnati, sends an ac- count of a near-raid upon their entertaining act. The quartette waa In rehearsal upon the stage one morning, and one of the new men on the private force of park protectors at that popular nmusement place waa strolling near. All at once bis official eye caught sight of an Illicit game going on between the "bootblack s." They were breaking the law by shooting "craps," and not only that, but were being encouraged by the stage hands and others, who seemed deeply Interested In the wicked game. Hurrying down the pavilion steps, be made a rush for reinforcements from outside, for lie evidently concluded be could not enforce the law without help, and four would be too many for one officer to handle. A moment later he returned to the scene, followed by the officers whose aid he had procured to capture the gang of newsboys who were openly snooting craps on the stage of the pavilion, and actually alngtng at the same time. The older men on the force quickly realized the mistake that the new man had made, and walked slowly down the aisle to within a few feet of the orches- tra, which, was accompanying the rehearsal of the act. There they stopped In laughing expectancy. Not so the new man, who rushed up and declared the four singers under nrrest for gambling. For an Instant the members of the quartette were a trifle alarmed; then, as the truth of the matter came upon them, they all burst Into laughter, that enraged the policeman until bis mis- take was explained to blm, at which be cooled down a trifle. However, he did not stop to ace the rest of the rehearsal. Raymond ft. Raymond, the dancing pianist, who does some clever buck and wing dancing to music of his own performing, wns amused, not long ago, In overbearing a short con- versation between some street boys. He Btood near as the oae of the group who could read wns telling the others what waa on the half- sheets, exploiting the Kennedy Comedy Co., at 1'ittston, Ts. One of the bills, stating the prices of their entertainment, added : "Get the vaudeville habit." By mistake the boy read to the others: "Get the valuable habit." "Gee I" exclaimed one of the little fellows, "I wonder wot sort o" hoblt that la." "It muat coat a lot," said another. "Wot do you s'nosc It Is, Bill?" asked ho of the big boy who had done the rending for them. "Don't know, unless It Is the whiskey habit," was his reply. A few weeks ago Ralph Parlctte, that droll Ohio liumorlst, found himself booked to speak before the same audience with 8am Jones, the' cvsngelist. it also devolved upon Tarlctte to Introduce Jones, and during his speech directed, In his Inimitable way, two or three of bis quaint quips at the preacher. When the other roBo to speak and ac- knowledge the humorous Introduction, he got "back" at the humorist In Ms own quaint way. "Ladles and gentlemen," he said, "I ad- mire the young mnn who Just now Intro- duced me. lie's a frank young man, an honest young man." Then, frowning a trifle, he continued: "lie is not a double faced young man, for, if he were, be might be wearing the other face Instead of the one be now has on." A few weeks ago, when the "Hooligan's Troubles" Co. was playing Valparaiso, Ind.. "Ad" Aulgcr addressed a diminutive native, who wns following the baud in the parade. "What was the lust baud show here, boy?" he cBked. '■Stetson's 'Uncle Tom's Cabin,* " came the answer. "Did they have a very big house?" con- tinued A ultter, "Now!" drawled the boy, "It was Jes a little dinky bouse— they hauled It on a dray." 9 The manager of the Jewell Kellcy Stock Co. recently placed an advertisement for a little girl, tea to fifteen years old, for parts nnd specialties. Replies to bucIi "adB ,f nre received from all sorts of aspirants, who think Hint If they are eligible In even one requirement, they stand a chance of getting the engagement. The writer of the following ion kl compete for the place in Mr. Kelley's company lu but one way — ago limit — which wns mentioned In the advertisement, but that did not deter her from trying for It : "I seen In Nkw York Clipi'kh, (It reads) where you want a girl im 15 colored and a inn tu re. 1 'lease state wnges nnd terms." (Signed). As Kelley's is an "nil white" show, nnd psehewa nn amateur, the application remains un rub we red. * Tales of the blunders of beginners on the stage were being told the other evening, by a party of actors. Frank Keennn, whose Intent great success tins been his wonderful character work ns the "sheriff," In "The Girl of the Golden West," tella how one of the great tragedians abruptly went up In his lines. The muse wns n laughable Interrup- tion by an "extrn" man, who had been sent on the Btagc la a hurry, In place of the usual player. The scene was In the lest act of "Mac- beth," and the "messenger" who played the part was nowhere to be fonnd. The stage manager bad only a minute to prepare some one for the scene, and la the emergency Bent on a "super,*' who stood In the wings, aftet rehearsing him but twice In the speech. The man mumbled the speech, but It served as the cue to the tragedian's next line. "As 1 stood my watch," began the "mes- senger" for that one performance only, "I portance, added, "I suppose you've heard of It" The pride of a certain theatrical boot- maker in bis work was amusingly shown, not long ago, In a conversation be bad with an actress who went to bis place to be measured for a pair of stage slippers. From his state- ment It would Beem that even life might de- most daring In hit career, hs is now perform- ing la England. At the Olympla Theatre, Newcaatle-on-Tyne, one half of his enormous chute structure was erected outside of the building, towering far above the roofa of the neighboring houses, at a height of out hundred feet, while the lower half of the long run-way extended through a small opening near the roof at one end of the building, continuing In and across the big stage, sus- pended from the roof and extending abruptly over the heads of the musicians In the or- chestra, some 45 feet above the main floor, allowing juat enough space for the rider to come through In his terrific flight under the proscenium arch. A small tank of water was placed under the ground floor at the farthest end of the long building, a distance of 105 feet from the lower end of the chute His flight through space from the chute to the tank la made between two long rowa of elec- tric lights, and the total distance covered from the time he leaves bis 'cycle until be strikes the water Is, approximately, 135 feet. At the conclusion of his Newcastle engage- ment Scbreyer goes to Pontypooi, South Wales, thence to Paris and a few other con- tinental cities to fulfill engagements (return- ing: there again next year), after which be will proceed to America In July, to fill a series of engagements In fairs and parks. ♦♦♦ COLORADO. looked towards Blrnam, and, anon, methought the wood began to move." "Liar and slave 1" exclaimed the Macbeth of the company, in furious voice, at which the frightened super, In reproachful and apologetic tones, replied, as he backed off the stage : "Welt, that's what the stage manager told me to Bay." * . The great Importance of small people, In small towns and out of the way places, Is proverbial. They have the delusion that everybody knows who and what they arc, and about all their small affairs. It Is often laughable. This was being dis- cussed at one of the clubs, the other day, when Jlmtnle Powerj, the comedian, related an Incident of the previous day that Illus- trated the truth of what the group of club men were miking. He and some friends were a long distance from the metropolis, in an automobile. It was long past lunch hour, and the tourists were hungry. They finally whirled up to a farm house, nnd the comedian volunteered to find out whether or not the party could get Borucihlng to eat there. At bis knock the door was opened by a woman, to whom he made known the need of the party. "Can we get Bomelhlng to eat here?" he asked, "Well. I don't know," faltered the woman, "my husband has gone to Philadelphia," then Irrelevantly, but with n supreme seuse of Im- ♦ •■»■ Denver. — At Elltch's Gardens I Mary Elltch- Long, proprietor) the Bellows Stock Co. pre- sented "The Little Princess," before large houses, last week. Week of June 18, "Old Heidelberg." Week of 25, "Mrs. LefflngweU'a Boots." Manhattan Beach (W. E. Hall, mana- ger). — "San Toy" proved a very popular at- traction last week, the AugUBtlo Daly Co., under the direction of J. C. Dull, having made a great hit with the tbeatregolng public. Week of 25, "The Runaway Girl." Cobtis (A. R. Pelton, manager). — Busi- ness was fair last week, "Her tatal Love" proving a good business getter. Week of 24, "Her Only Crime." Empire (J. E. Clifford, manager). — The burlesquers from Fischer's Theatre, San Fran- cisco, who are filling a nine weeks' engage- ment at this house, are drawing the best houses In its history. Noveltt (Henry Lubelskl, manager). — Fine business ruled last week, with the fol- M A V WALSH, Who Is pictured above, was featured In the production of "BuBter Brown," and her specialty was the hit of the show. She also played the title role In "The Seminary Girl," her specialty again being one of the applaube winners of the piece. Miss Walsh has Just re- turned from a brief trip abroad, and Intends to enter vaudeville, to remain for an Indefinite period. She Intends to confine herself to "conversation" songB. pend on the efficacy or value of wearing his shoes. After going Into elaborate details concerning them, he enumerated the names of some of the great stars who went to him for their foot-gear. In conclusion be said : "And Fanny Davenport — for her I made hundreds of shoes ; then she went to a firm on Sixth Avenue — and she is now dead !" lowing bill : Williams and Thompson, rro r L. J. Home and pets, Inez snd Ady, Gecr ■" W. Evers. Dolly and Blanche Richards, Sari Fink, snd pictures. * ™* Cbtstal (0. I. Adams, manager) *n bill last week was good, and Included : Rahii E. Cummlngs and company. Mean? and An derson, Pete and Allle Elmo, Sheridan am 1 Forest, and pictures. Notbs.— Both Elltch's Gardens and Mni> hattan Beach will assist In the entertain ment of the International League of r-. Clubs at the annual meeting here In August It. L. Griffin, press agent for Manhattan onv Col. Eaton, of Elltch's, state that press dt< ■ will be observed at each of these popui.,- resorts. In addition Manhattan Beach gn> • 1100 toward the entertainment fund.. The Kioto Sella Circus was here June 18. ]'»' and turned hundreds sway. A great 1 provement was noticeable over last year' show Libera tl's Band commence, 24 - two weeks' engagement st Manhattan Bear. < i> Dill llestrictina Posters. The Board of Aldermen of New York Cli> on June ID, passed an ordinance reatrlcttil- the display of pictures, posters, and *'■..-., bills on billboards. The ordinance Is entlil- I "An act to prevent the public display of hi decent pictures or prints as advertisement tending to Incite to acts of Immorality •■■ crime, and imposes flnea ranging from Sin to *lOO, or Imprisonment for ten days, »- both, for violations. The ordinance, as ;i| proved by the Mayor, Is, In part, as follows . "No person shall put, paste, print, null, maintain, or display upon any billboard, fence, building, frame, or structure, and In any manner expose to public view as an ad- vertisement of any show, play, or perform- ance, any Indecent print of any picture or cut tending to represent the doings of any criminal act * • * tending to deprave the morals of Individuals or shocking to f .■■ sense of decency, or tending to Incite the mind to acts of Immorality or crime, or in familiarize and accustom the mind of young persona with the same." This bill rescinds the ordinance passed Oct 17, 1905. 4i » Stella Rbinbhabt, last season with Gen. M, Cohan's "Running for Office" Co., pre- sented her dancing specialty at Henderson's, Coney Island, N. Y., week of June 18-23. AUG. M. SCHREYER, Professionally known as "Dare Devil" Schrey- or, Is a aatlve of Pennsylvania, about tblrtv years of age, and as a boy was fond of all kinds of athletics. He early began endeavor- ing to accomplish daring feats, which few others, because, of the accompanying danger, would attempt. Becoming proficient as a bicyclist, he conceived the Idea of shooting a chute on his wheel and diving into a pool of water. The daring of this feat won htm his title of "Dare Devil," and bis act was in demand at all of the large fairs and ont of door exhibitions In the United States and Canada. Iu spite of hla hazardous perform- once, he has had few accidents. Once, at PhllRdeipbla, he dived at night, carrying n bucket of red fire on hla back. The flames scorched him, nnd caused a movement of bis body which threw him head over heels across the chute, where he contrived to lodge, the breaking of some small bones of hla left hand and the bruising of his body being the extent of bis Injuries. His bicycle wns a complete wreck. Again, at the Winnipeg Fair, la 11)03, the strong wind blew bun off of his "line." and he made an Inaccurate dive, with the result that he did not strike the water properly, and broke three ribs. A feat of aa entirelv different description was per- formed by'Schreyer at Washington, in 1898, To advertise a New York newspaper, be as- cended tu the top of a chimney 105 feet high, and rigged up a roller track, and there, In Right of thousands of people, rode a mile In otl% si-conds. His most recent feat, the THE FOt'R SENSATIONAL* B01SES. The above flashlight picture wns taken at the Orpheum Theatre, San Francisco, re- cently destroyed by tire. The Holses thta season are one of the big features "with the Great Wallace Show, and arc arranging a European tour of the principal music halls of the Old World, for season of lOOu-07. A UNIQUE QUILT. Mrs. H. P. Butler, an old time friend nnd admirer of theatrical folk, has completed what she believes Is the only autograph quilt In America, nnd perhaps In the world. Mrs. Butler conceived the Idea of the quilt four years ago, and immediately began sending re- quests for autograohs to men and women prominent In stage life ; also of noted men, In public life, beginning with that of President Roosevelt, which adorns the centre of one of the squares In the published picture. Mrs. Butler has succeeded in collecting over three hundred autographs, each upon silk strips of different colors, and In but tbree Instance* were the autographs refused. The silk pieces were mailed, with stamps for return poBtagc. so that completion of the quilt entailed a cost of from $12.00 to $20.00. Sir Henry Irving and Ellen Terry wrote on the same piece of pink Bilk. There are several of the autograph* very precious to Mrs. Butler, particularly those of Joseph Jefferson and his family, and J. II. Btoddart The former was kind enough to obtain the signatures of bis family, with hla own, and Mr. StoddarL who was playing In "The Bonnie Briar BuBh," added thU quotation from the play: ''Suffer Little Children to Come Unto Me; So Said the Great Master." Of the men famous In public life, Mrs. Butler received autographs from AdmlralB Dewey and Schley, George Francis Train, Mark Twain, Nicholas Murray Butler. Sir Thomas Llpton, Win. Travers Jerome Rev. Dr. Houghton, of "The Little Church Around the Corner;" Beth Low, John Wannamaker, and many others. The autographs of the theatrical profession Include those of Chas. Frohman, Frank McKce, Daniel Fronman, Wm. A. Brady. David Belasco, Klaw & Erlanger, Oscar Hnmmerstcln, Tony Pastor, Hurtig ft Seamon, Henry W. Savage, Maude Adams, E 8. Wlllard, H. C. Bamabee. Mra. Gilbert. "Aunt" Louisa Eldrldge, bam Bernard, Fred'k De Belleville, Kyrle Bellew, William Bramwpn, Amelia Bingham, Maxlne Elliott, Mrs. Flake, N. C. C.oodwln, Grace George, Joseph Haworth. Chas. Haw trey, Edward Harrlgan, Robert Hllllard, De Wolf Hopper, Raymond Hitchcork. Virginia Harned, J. K. Hackett, Annie Irish, May Irwin, Elsie Jan 1b. Herbert Kelcey, Ho- ward Morgan. Jessie Mlllward, Wilton Lackaye. Ezra Kendall, Harry Kellar, Clara Llpmnii. Itobert Loralne, Mary Mannerlng, R, B. Mantell, Louis Mann, Andrew Mack, E. H. Sothern. Julia Marlowe. Helenc Modjesku, Henry Miller, Wm. Norrls, Chauneey Olcott, E-lita Procter Otis, James O'Neill, James Powers, Geo. Primrose, Lew Dockstader, Annie Russell, May Rob-son. HoRerB Bros., Adele Ritchie, Stuart Itobson, Chas. Rlchman, Otis Skinner, Effle Shannon, John Phillip Soubs. Jerome Sykee, flelene Mora, Denmsn Thompson, Fay Templeton, the Colin a Family, Marie Tempest. Francis Wilson, David Werfleld. Joe Webber, Frank Worthing. Blanche Vaieh, Marshall P. Wilder. Fredtrlck Warde. Mra. Annie Yeamans, Maclyn Ar- buckle. Edwin Arden, Margaret Anglln, Viola Allen, Fritz Williams, Nat Wills, Joe welch. Gus Williams, Geo. Thatcher, Willis P. Swentnam, Thos. Seabrooke, Christie McDonaM Josle Sadler. Fred Stone, Rose Stahl, Rsy L. Royce, Thos. Ryan, Mary Ritcafleld, McKf Ilankin. Reed Family, Sam Ryan, Chas. Ross, Russell Bros., Franklyn Roberts, Milton and Dolly Nobles. Mary Norman, nurr Mcintosh. Mclntyre and Heath, Geogre Monroe, Tim Murphy. Marlon Manola, Eva Mudge, Robt. McWade. Sadie Martlnot, Wm. H. MacDonnbl Melbourne McDowell, Nellie McHenry. the Four MortonB, Dave Montgomery, William Norrls. Mr. and Mrs. Felix Morris. Gretchen Lyons. Tom Lewis, Wright Lorlmer, Katherlnc Kidder, John Kerncil. Louis James, Alice Johnson, Laura Hope Crews, Harrv Harwcoc. Mine. Schumann Helnk. Joe Hart, Carrie De Mar, Pauline Hall. Nat Haines, will H. Fox. Geo. Fuller Golden. Jan. Glenroy, Louise Gunning. Harry Gllfoll. Geo. K. Fortesque, BIJ-v.i f ernandez, Mabel Fenton, Jameaon Lee Finney, Wm. Favcrsham, narry Fisher, Lew Fields. Geo. Evans. Robert Erteson, Rffle Ellaler, Frank Daniels Camilla D'Arville, Henry Dlxey. JNfc. DodBon Arnold Daly, Phoebe Davis. Dan Daly. Jeff De Angells, Minnie Dupree, Job" Drew, Lionel narrymore. Marie Dressier, Willie Collier, W. F. Cody (Buffalo Bill), Mrs. Leslh- Carter, wm.H. Crane, the Colby Family, Dan Collyer, Wm. Courtletgb. JesBle Busley, Frank Rostock. WM Bergere, JohnBtor* Bennett, Dlgbj Bell, Henry Clay Bamabee. Geo. * ■ Boniface, Marie Bates. Florence Bindley, and scores of other well known profession^ Mrs. kWiilj; jHM j Mfl to show this quilt to any one* who calls upon her at b»r home, 140 West Ninety-third Street, New York City. She la Justly proud oilier work, and feels amply repaid for the time, abor and money spent upon It *** FfflrUR6S op me W66KLY MOW™»™™*™*rPRICIf/lRD§. Rtf L. ffoyct in one of hi* FeprtsenUtii FF Proctor & B.FKeith in their original novelty r 7he he ih&? binds" SO/16 OFTHG/ITTRacriom AT TH6 K61Tti*PJlOCrOM C/MON SQ.TH€/irRe . 504 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. June 30 MINIATURE RAILROAD CO., 7* BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. FOB PABRB, BDHHEB BES0BT8, Etc. Il.allng Capacity, »S Ton*. Buying tl.500 IB SIX DftTI. WITH PBOFEB OABB WILL LAST 25 TBfl. OAOWET LOCOMOTIVE WOB1U GRAND PRIZE and OOLD MEDAL RECEIVED AT WORLD'S PAIR, 8T. LOUIS. BED. WHITE. TENTS. SCHNEIDER TENT CO. HO YEARS- EXPERIENCE. DETROIT - - MIOH J. t. KELLEY, Mgr. BLUE. BLACK. THE MTJSEAY 00., Clt^US CANVA8E8, Pole* turd Stakes, SEATS. FUd. Etc BUUKTIkHTK. 01U(. BllOtV f AlMTUUIkniOlf* ASS BANKERS 'OR STREET PAIRS. A«UI for KIDD'S PATENT 01ROTB LIMITS w* ai w. WMtimioa St.. obioaoo, ill SHOW TENTS For Clreisee, Wild Went Snow., Black Tenta Candy Tom Flag,, Kldd A Biker Lights etc. ■mi far IS page price Hit of second hand Vast*. BAKBR A LOCKWOOD MFG. CO Ttli and Wyandotte. Kanma ntt,. Mo United Htnte. Tent and Awning Co., Randolph and Onion Street*, CHICAGO, III. CIRCUS CANVASES.! ■ l.\< K Ti:.\TN Our Sii<- in NlW JUHSkV." Ii"i> or ■liore, 04 paifci, jj ll.utt'Hi h H*« *f f.itiTi Itfjic*. 36 1'iC". IS •■•«»* trattnni. Send for iliem to C. M. nifRT. C*n,Pa.«. Aeeni, 143 Llbertv SI., New York Cltv, New Jersey Central OPEN FOR JULY 4 BALLOON ASCENSION, 111LLIE ROBINSON, 614 Kj SU, Louisville, Ey. m < r J / \^: 10D B IB LE-I •OK&ffiifi At the great recreation cen- tres of the nation, where pleas- ure and enjoyment are the only aim.and where naturally the best of everything is in demand, the preference is always for MURAD CIGARETTES The Murad possesses the full flavor of the rarest Turkish tobacco, smooth and mild from perfect blending. The Murad has a distinctive deli- cacy of flavor that immediately appeals, and an exquisite full- ness that never tires. 10 for 15 cents 5. ANARGYROS, Manufacturer 111 Fifth Avenue, New York m ;'.":.- 1 t td Sss P®5®§^ UNITED STATES i PATENTS . AND FOREIGN Y AND * JMDE-MARKS And make yon a fortune. Ifyoa have a PLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO, ACT, SONG or BOOK that la worth anything, yon should copyright It. Don't take chances when you can secure onrserr- Icesatnmall cost. Sendfor our SPttlAL OfFER TO INVENTORS before »PPlylrjjr for a patent, ft Wm pay you. wBttffflk on Patents sent f Ml. We advise If patenta- ble or not, FREE. We Incorporate STOCK COMPANIES. Small fees. Consult us. W0RMELLE & VAN MATER, MADAger*, Cdi.mbie Coorriokt A Pateat C>. lac, WASHINGTON, D.C I.WH1TES0N, pUtlllnla. CHICAGO.ILL. *t>Efi9*o ^*" ~-5i „otj ogflaaS" pi 1 A3' e~%* Lai lltfsli Stlkolliif Tlgliti, Sil.00; Wonted Tlulita, $4,011; Cotton Tights, S i .00. Silk 1 iKhti, froi" SM.OlV up) HlilrtM to match, all iiui price i.» ttfzhte; Pumpi KA cental Oalt- era, $i.on : Bltaatle Supporters, Si .00; Cloth Supporters, »1> rents) Send fur catalogue and iampl-i of tlehts free. Positively a de- posit required. SatlBfaoUoa guaran- teed or monoy refunded. SPIUERBROS., 88 Woodlilno Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.;New York Oilico. Lincoln Bldg., 1 Union Sq. ISIllcollne Tl Tlalits, $«.! St.OO; Silk*: Slilrls to ma aa tlslits; Pv ers, ^l.OOt $1.60; Cloth f Send for cat of tights fre posit require teed or money r 86 Woodbine Sti Yi.rk' Oilier. LI] FLASH LIKE THE GENUINE Daj or night. Solid gold mounting. Yon can own a diamond equal In biilllanoj to Any genuine atone at orje thirtieth the cost. BARODA DIAMONDS stand acid test . and export elimination. We Seo them nrst and then pay. Patent rlntr Toeaanre included for two cent atamna, THE BAAODA OO., Dapl. *, 03-71 Wabash At*., Chtemgo, 111. Suarantee tliom. ataloguo free. Flu Magical Apnntis, 1LLU8IOII8, TBIOU, Bo. ornsd Xnd 01 oenturj, Mb lUoalnteiL BOOK cata- LOUl'I, Ho., tree br mat. -atalognof Parlor tnen In, MAKTIBIA A 00.. " AH BUt» AT.., B. I, After Shaving MENNEN'SI BORATED TALCUM TOILET POWDER I tan A insist that /our barber ! use it also. It Is Anti- septic, and will prevent bny of the skin diseases often contracted. A positive relief for Sunburn, Chafing, and all afflic- tions of the skin. Removes all odor of perspiration. Qet Mennen'A — the original. Sold every wheie or mailed for 15 cents. Sample frit. Try Minnrn'i Yiottl (Borated) Talcum. GERHARD MENNEN CO. Newark, N. 1. Get the Habit. Go to DIIOH SQUABE, 14th Street, near Bro.dw.r. 279 Broadway, near Clumbers, 47 OorUtndt SI., near Greenwich. 1261a St., corner Third In. HKV VORK CITY. . t jj i .i' i ia a n ! ■ J.. T .TI I . 1 -Q. r-; U Will I f" liFaiJICNS WcWoAIci Ui! ClIPPW.Wrfy.Nor rbRYou' WRITE-rOH PlTJCfTS CI ' MICAL ENGRAVING CO. FOR SALE, One 38 Size ADMIRAL SLIT. And Hat to match. Aa good as new. §13.50. Suitable tor naval play. DAVID STERN- BERG, 251 S. Clark St., Chicago, III. WASHINGTON. Seattle At the Grand Opera House (Bussell A Drew, leaseea) the San Francisco Opera Co. bad an Immensely successful en- gagement, la "The Nightingale," Jane 11 and week, and will continue- In the same opera until 20, by popular request "The Masconte" 20-23, Henrietta Croiman, In "Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary," 25-27; the San Francisco Opera Co., In "Princess Chic," 28-30. Sbattle (John Cort, manager). — The Royal Hawaiian Band. 11-13, bad good bouses. The Mack Swain Co., in ,T The World," drew well 14-18. Dark until 24. when the Frawley Co. comes for a six weeks' engagement, opening In "The Wife." Thibd AvrNur; (Russell A Drew, mana- gers). — The Arleswortb Co., In "Midnight In Chinatown," 10 and week, had big houses. "The Toilers" 17, "A Straggle for Gold" 24. Stab (B. J. Donellan, manager). — Week of 18, new attractions: Bert Lery, Dracula, Peter Daosworth, Armstrong and Holly, Thomas Weadock and company, and moving pictures. Orphbok (T. J. Coneldine, manager).— Week of 18. new people: Hlldebrandt and Vi- vian, Ella May, Tracey McDermott, Cora Beach Turner, Berger Bros, and moving pic- tures. Pantaorb' (Alex. Pantaees, manager).— Week of 16, new people: The Operatic Trio. Mills and Emery, Hazel Trio, Williams and Davis, Zareldo, Arthur Elwell and moving pictures. 8tba.no (Mose Goldsmith, manager) . — Week of 18, new people : The Miller Sisters, Daisy Williams, and Essie Green. Gaiett (Fred Bitchte, manager).— Week of 13, new people: Dorothy Ralph, Louise Thatcher, and Mabel Lancaster. Thalia (Mose Goldsmith, manager) . — Week of 18, new people: Ethelyn, Myrtle Vane, and Carrie Little. Note. — Manager John Cort left on a hur- ried buslneas trip to New York City thtB week. Tacoms. — At the Tacoma Theatre (Chas. H. Herald, manager) June 17, matinee and night, the Brandon Players presented "Vir- ginia." The Royal Hawaiian Band. Captain H. Berger, director, 18, matinee and night; the Brandon Players. In "Virginia," 18-21, find "The Banker's Daughter" 22, 23. The San Francisco Opera Co.. composed of players who appeared at the Tlvoll, will come for three jrerformances — 25, "The Nightingale ;" 28, "The Mascot;" 27. "The Wedding Day." Nat C. Goodwin will appear 28, in "The Genius." The Brandon Players, who were engaged for one week's performances, have scored such a success that Manager Herald has secured the services of the company for ten more weeks. For the past two weeks they have been producing a new play every night Grand Theatre (Dean B. Worley, mana- ger). — Week beglnnlnglS : Eduard Waldmarjn and company. Pan! Dickey, Three Keltons, Kelcey Sisters, West and Benton, Frank Towan, in Illustrated song, and Grandfscope. Good houses rale. Stab Thbatbb (H. M. Owens, manager). — Week beginning 18 the Allen Stock Co. pre- sented "Guilty Without Crime," Verna Fel- ton and William Mong is the leading roles. Good business rules. Crystal Theatre (W. J. Tlmmons, mana- ger). — Week beginning 18 : Katherlne Marlon, Fletcher and Nolan, Jesnette Monitor, Anna Scofleld, Simpson and Walton, Thomas Ro- selle. In Illustrated song; Bob Fitzslmmons, fighting kangaroo ; motion pictures. Penny Arcade. — The Filipino Midgets were exhibited week of 18, admission being ten cents. $1 I MAINS. Portland. — The Gem Theatre, Peak's Island (C. W. T. Godlng, manager) opened June 18, the stock presenting "The Frisky Mrs. Johnson" during the week, to large and highly pleased patronage. At the opening the friends of the players, all of whom are extremely popular from past associations, planned a floral reception, extending the com- pliments also to the Bostonla Ladies' Or- chestra, the event affording much pleasure to all, Jane Kennark, Robert Conness, Ed- ward Poland and others were made to feel "at home once more," The stock will pre- sent, during week of 25, "Kindred Souls." Capi Theatre, Cape Cottage Park (E. V. Phelan, manager). — Excellent business and delighted patrons seems to sum up the situa- tion for the first week's record at this resort far out by the sea. The company presented "In Missouri," 10-23, most com menu ably, the performances being enhanced very much by the pleasure offered of greeting favorites of past seasons. The stock s offering for 25 and week will be "David Garrick." Jefferson (Cabn & Grant, managers). — "The Governor of Kentucky" was the play selected for production by the Bartley Mc- Cullum Summer Stock Co., 18-23, and a view of the pleased audiences in attendance would lead one to Infer that no play or company could prove more satisfying to the patrons. Ida Adair joined as leading lady 18. Other new members joining are Peter Lang and Eu- gene Frazler. "The Silver KIng , '25. Portland (Jan. E. Moore, manager). — This house will remain open throughout the Summer, contrary to Its usual custom. Last week, Ludlan, "the handcuff king," packed tbe house on several occasions, In a special challenge box trick, all efforts of local box builders falling to confine htm. Swan and Bambard were also favorites on the bill. Due 25: Ludlan (third week), Al. Phillips and company, Columbia Comedy Four, Alpha Trio, Gertrude Gebest, and the Four Rianos. Rivbrton Park (D. B. Smith, resident man- ager). — J. W. Gorman's Cosmopolitans opened this resort 18, to very good patronage, which Increased to larger proportions on the warm afternoons. This being an open air theatre, a crowd Is assured In fine weather, which proved lacking the first of the week. Concerts by the orchestra are a dally feature. Note. — Col. Cummins' Wild West had good business 18, despite mud and rain. * i » OKLAHOMA. Oklahoma City. — At the Bijou Air Dome (Lfissarre & Co., managers) week of June 17 tbe bill was : Two Close Brothers, Jack Benson, Geo. Searcy. Prof. Win. Phelps. Chester McMonde and Mildred Dlnsmore, and Bljougraph. Fine Sunday business. Eupirb Theatre (A. Feltensteln, mana- ger). — Week of 17 opened with Ferry, Win- ning and Evans, the De Forrest*, Dick Light, Cole and Bean, and tbe klnodrome. Diliiar Garden (SInopoulo A Mar re, man- agers). — North Bros.' Comedians continue to draw. Week of 17 the repertory was "Our American Cousin," "The Bells," "The Bowery Detective" and "East Lynne." Business was good. m »s Tub unusually long and successful sea- son of Cyril Scott, In "The Prince Chap," covering a period of forty-four weeks. Is closed, and the company returned to New York June 10. On Sept 30 Mr. Scott will sail tor Europe, and while there, will wit- ness a performance of Connor A Canby'a London production of "The Prince Chap." Next Beason Walter N. Lawrence will again star Mr. Scott in "The Prince Chap," and the season following be will appear In a new vehicle. Samuel Claggett manager of the company, has left for the Adirondack^ to recuperate, after the ardous duties of the long and successful season, Thb Mozzihi Thbatbi, Messina. Sicily, was destroyed by Are June 18, the flames also destroying the roof ot St John's Church. MINT (OvtittO CANOY t COAItO /"' CKHNM V fIVE CENTS "u oi»cr reallyV DELIGHTFUL JUST RIGHT AFTER DINNER Try Them! i.^-^o.KV hood aend us ten cents for a tam^e packet. Any jobber will supply stora- keepen with CxIleUta. * v ^ FRANK H. FLEER k COMPANY, Ine PluUadelphla, lULA., and Toronto, Oaiiada. THE EVER FRESH "LITHOLIN" Waterproofed Linen Collars and Cuffs. The; look exactly like other linen. No matter how much yon perspire, they never wilt. When soiled you can clean them in a jiffy with a damp cloth. Made in all the up-to-date styles. At collar shops or of us. Collars 25 cents. Cuffs' 50 cents. THE IMPROVED ton Garter WORN ALL OVER THE WORLD REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES OFFERED YOU The Rant It on evoty ntU I , r. CUSHION BUTTON CLASP tin nit tola. Ln- Nmr Slip,, Tun nor Uafiatm Suzpte P.lr, 611k Me., Cotton «C Malted on receipt of price. EVERT PAIR «V WARRANTED CEO. FROST CO., ■•lira Boiton, Him., U.S.A. ALWAYS EASY cavfff/LLi/smrfji.s'- ^.LMffMPl/ff.CO. ^U no*- eetallotnors. U 703 «nt tna bwt, boy a "BOMON — if joawni hsTo SDother nuke, we o*t« It tor MR ehesp. EVCTTthlBtr for otuicjj. Ourc»l*logtjnl t»> ■Kin list frss on muses*. raajnj holtoh a co., oruws siAf, erilcAjiJ. BLACK TENT TIME. Have follonlng need and neir Blaca Tents in stock-: 23168, 12*38, 19H8, 20H0, 21I«8, HMJ 18164, 19X64, 26140, 21160, 2M80, 40JS0; also Crs.ll and Spring Motor Pl.nos, Folding Organs, «'>■»: phones, 12 mahogany top, wire leg Lonch Loin"" Stools, i.ooo Folding Ohalre. Send Tor Free Bam;"" BooxleL B. H. Armbrnster, Springfield, lUlnma. June 30. THE 3STE"W YOBK CLIPPER. 1 505 Rubber Necks, Don't Read This. WHO JUGGLES TO PERFECTION. IT THE LIMIT. Yoa'll wonder what I do— '•Why," Everything New. Vacant for the Coming Hea»on. Maiingera uiih the "Donah" « ho tuny %vnnl to know can liavt* all iint H.-itiar*. Address W'86 CARLIP.C.FORP BD., WEWT GREEN, LONDON, jf. ENGLAND. P. H.-it'n nil right if yon want me. "AND" II I- all right If ymidon'l want tile. Don't "write" hut "cable" In mm I « hiiii«e my lit I ml. Erbe's Casino Palace. NORTH BEACH, LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK. r'REl). KRBE, Stole Proprietor. | WM. H. STANLEV, Manager. WANTED, Novelty Acts to-- write for open time and aiming their LOWEST SALARY; utlicr tirst-class acts also wrlle. No lime to dieter. All Qinllamln Engaged lor.lhls Company will Pliaie Report at BENTON HARBOR. Michigan. MONDAY, JULY 23, 1906. Acknowledge this Call AT ONCE. Andreas HILLSDALE, Michigan, Ztf Good MUSICIAN*. DEEP BASK for Chorus, One Good TENOR SOLOIST, Strong BARITONE for Chorus or Solo. Two strong BLACK PACE ACTS. CO.MKl.iV PIL'HICAIi ACT, Strong DANCING ACT. Thoie Doubling Brsvas preferred. SANTORP B. RICA BY, Manager, Hillsdale, Michigan. DEPILATORY POWDER The treatment of superfluous hair la something that requires the greatest nicety and care. X. BAZIN'3 DEPILATORY POWDER Is the result of I, much study of the cause of and problem of destroying these growths with- I 1 out Injury to the surrounding skin or leaving a scar or the slightest tie form- ation. X. BAZIN'S DEPILATORY P0WD13R Is absolutely safe and de- stroys the hair without pain, a simple, dainty way of effecting Send to Department "C for our little pamphlet on the subject. cure. 'FOB BEAUTY'S bAKS. HALL A RUCKEL, proprietors and Manufacturers of BOZODONT, 215 Washington Street, New York. For aale at all first class drng stores or aent by mall In sealed packages for 50c, WANTED, Actors and Actresses For Hlgh-claa* Stack and Repertoire; eLio. First-class Agent and Vandnvllli Acts. All one and two week, stands In the largest Eastern cities. Join any time before July IV. Season of l'i weeks. Address C M. iKAM, :-ituit . St. Mario, Midi., week Juno M ; Marquette, Mich., week July 2. Tippel §§ Kliment, HOVELTY, COMEDY, MUSICAL ARTISTS, AT LIBERTY coming neaaou for Bnrleaijue, Musical or Farce Comedy, etc. Only the bent solicited and offers invited. Address R l «• CLARK ST.. Chicago, III. CUMMINS' WILD WEST, 1 COMEDY MULE HURDLE RIDER. AND OTHER CIRCUS ACTS. Address WALTER L, MAIN, Qnlney Bouse, Boston, Man«. TINNEY'S BAND, WITH THEGREAT COLE BROS. SHOWS, Cornels, Alius and Drains. Good salHrv, good treatment and long season guaranteed to sober men. Address C. U.TINNKY, Sirattiroy, Ont.,ao; Port Huron, Mich., July 1-2. BRADSHAW S PLAYERS ViHnl a Strung Character and Heavy Women lor real of Summer an" regular season, for » strong lino or Blgn Class llraraa* and Comedies. Also a Juvenile and Llgbl Comedian Other Repertoire People, write Those Doubling Band and Specialties. Can place strong Trombone ror B. and O. The best Is oonc fro good. Management nays atl. Stop at hotels. People who can staud prosperity and pro- fessional treatment address J. ROSS WILSON. Mgr. Bradshaw's Players, Casey, Illinois. BUflT MSi'S BIG DRAMATIC AND VAUDEVILLE CO., 8TRA, BAND AN.D ORCHI Wants Versatile Leading Woman, Woman for characters, men In ail lines, for balance of season and neit Season. People doubling Brass or doing Specialties given preference. Only sober, reliable people wanted. Can use Circus musicians In Out. tllve fuiypartlculars. Photo, lowest salary. We Dsv all. The stills, write. We never close. Addrena p., .11. moouos, wrue. ei BCH.T I.Mson. Long Pine, Nebraska, July *-a 4 L.II [RTY, -Nellie Il.ISH. DUTCH, TRAHIP, BLACK- PACK or LIGHT CUHKDV HOIlBRBTTF.il. .71 VESILEfl • nil < 'HAH iCTKKs. W. ao*At" Parta and single anil Itouble Specialties. Have the wardrobe, experience and ability Responsible Managers ol Farce comedies, liraume and llu'lesiiue Cos., slate salary, address II. II. BLACKBURBi, Ho. 3WU Flflh Ave., Hontll Altooua, Fenna. The kind that get th. money. Call or writ*. F. S. ZIMMERMAN, 3 fc . 1 1 1 h bt . . ,\ . V * GEO. MELIES "STAR" FILMS • A DESPERATE CRIME LENGTH, 1,000 FEET. PRICE, 9120.00. 1 Very Seasatioaal Sabj ect. Will Keep Any Audience Bo nod In Intense Emotion. JUST OUT: A RED HOT COMIC HIT, IN FOUR SCENES. LENGTH, 3B0ft. PRICE, 842.00. Entirely DiHerent Irom Anything Heretoloro Prodncad, with Raw ideas and Hew Oomody Situations. 12 CENT8 "STAR" FILMS ARE WITHOUT A RIVAL. W/ SASTON BELIES, 204 East 38th St, New York, g KLEINE OPTICAL CO., 52 State St., Chicago. ^T ELTINGE J u *• FEATURED I PALACE - LONDON A o, h. HARMS, Personal Mgr. N M.8.BENTHAIW. SALE, THE 1H0ZLEY OPERA HOUSE, BLOCK MUNCY, PA„ Tour Store Room* on llrat Hour. Opera house oe- cuplesall of second iloor.-'fOs".'.^; scaling 'capacity ooo. Cause, advanced age, m, and railing iieaith. wTJIaett cheap. c. mo/L BV. "WANTED, FOR E. 6. SMITH'S COLOSSAL SHOWS, Siugiug and Talking Clown who mil dbiiule Alio or TroiuiK.ue, Alio or Trombone who . Auk Ynnk .Vewcll— -he ain't mud at in-'. He iputiidlrfo ma tin si* I'M who want the goods ami willing to pay ror shuic. ad. CLARK ROSS, J ' DKAMATlCMIItKOU. rilling lu iia an- of ^. Y. -:-lVAKrTET3 -t- Musicians and Actors for "UNCLE SI HOLLER," (■KATtltlMJ SAM J. BURTON. Playing Ully time only. . I'ornuiH, AlUtH, IHiiiiiiiu! Au-wi.1 -iiilrk. KAMI . Mnvlvv B. ami ci., I'mnn I'larcr to thiiil.lr Kami, liilm, Clailoimln, Tnniihoiio iiitii's, At.Tiiu.s nun duuitli- iluml, Hiair wihtiy Hrtd niter. I*a> yiMir .mvii 1.1, P. Mi i/o K Suite hk:. £» Ia iSalto 81., Chicago. AUownuia l*l« kanl mi y lltiud ■alaa— a.miaa..i_a.jiijaj.li>>jii>__ M ai^ii>>>>lfji^^ THE LATEvST SONG OUT, ■ M "The Castle On The Rhine trMtl)KK*NHlNAI.S SKNU hUH KKKK CUPVj. MsM .1. ('. HAH I'KVs ri;i\, ;i7 ImiayntlA N(rH*.t, Hlintnn, Ph. 2D SEASON. 5 2D WEEK. WILLIAM TRIPLETT'S STERLING STOCK CO. sufportimo miss SYLVIA SUMMERS. WANTED, fur aeiinoii or :>ii wnukn, ruiniiuTii'iiig Imimultaii'ly, (Jen! Itiinine-*'* Man {i-ii|iiiiilu of ImavlCH), UiJU'l IlimiiieHa Woman, Cotitfillaii, Honliri-lH: full do njk ; cUIi1««i, Ageflf , I'lauiBl. Ahlllty, appearani-f, exiiericnue, wardrniw IHI'KltATIVK. Wrlti- In dolall. Ivmilomi jilniio. Phautfil io \mhv rroiu Itlec, Wlll«, Montn, McMlllnti, Cornru, Kott. Ibiln-ilH and ul liorn who haw- lu-rii wiili iih bt'forn. Addres" U'lLMAM TltlPLhlT, Ali«rd.iMii,Hu. Hak., -Milt** July 7. MUSICAL NOVELTIES and M, PICTURE MACHINE Wanted at Once. stale make, roudlllon, and price. Huvo st*t of Ileagon'ti Itattles and Piano llsrn for Hale or iradc. Pianist aud Bpoclalty People wuuted. McVlCKKR'S STOCK CO., C. M. llalloii, Mgr., i.ti Crosse, WIh, WASTED, FOR "OLE OLSON" COMPANY, Woumu ror Irish Character. Young Girl Tor Hon- i.rcttc part, Comedy old Van. Ah must do snu- i:taltlCM. Also want Leading Heavy Man, Union Property Man to ptay part, and a Piano Player. KKOIUIK CONWAY, P. 0. n . x i^j, WcKlvllle, Cloucvntcr Co., N. J. Piano Player Must ho Al, soiier and rellahle. reader or a good fakir. We carry our owu piano (no organ). Bs ready to Join al oiu-c. Wrlle or wire Iowchi, etc. MOm-.RN REMEDY CO.. OatW, W. Va._ CANBB XHTjW WHIPS. iDimenao assortment of Canes. Knives, Flash Ooodii, Jewelry, Jap Parasols, Ombrel las. Fancy Whips, etc CLEVELAND CANE CO.. Catalogue free. C levelan d. Dhlo. GONTRAGTS Lwrrtsa hbadm, envelohhs. tickets, CASHES, CARDS, Etc. Write (or Samples. Webb P ig. Co.. Ur.8 Oesrrs.r n St.. Chicago . III. WANTED, PARTNER WITH PICTURE MACHINE Reliable and a gentleman, to Join Two Ladles In HUHlcsl A<*t fur aiuall town-, C. A. II., 36 Pembroke si ., Tonmto, uniarlo, Canada. WANrED. B. F. COMEDIAN, Dutch aud ttilenl Aets. Join on wire. Jim. Kay, J. W. Brane, wrlle. *ay, mm on. C. W, LUSTER . Mnckloil. N. V . At Liberty (or Any Show .hat Pays Salary, A I Trapeze, RiDgh, wirv and Contortion. Can uiutogc for one week; also work In acts. Address JOHN ZKLVARNO.-w W U'kf>on Ave..To ronlo.Can. Wantedjoniig Lady Cornettist To Join eomcdlaii In iiiii»ir»i act. (loud amateur wl'l do. SIM WILLIAMS. Lawr ene e. Mflrh_. "Mn'nMMS Pi«BP«r NuHJr, Piib. 0. fine.) | oUnli rUtlo, i<>msniiauauBiEiXKr TIME, JXTZjiTaT £ FIRST CLASS UIIMKIIY At.'T Kill IIIJIII.KSI|IK llll 'I 'HKATI1KS. Aililres. IIHVKKK mil SK, IV. Clark Ml.. IIIKAI/II, II. J. Joe Wanted, (or Lewis' Stock Co., c™. PEOPLE IN ALL LINES OF DRAMATIC WORK. A No. 1 Heavy Man, llrst cIuah Piano Player who tan liumlle ripm-lalllCM, (rood Cliarmiter Man: aln« Man for Pro[m. who ran do small parta. All people iiiiihi ho hTRlCTI.Y HOKKR and rollaiilo and havn good wardrobe on and oil. tint and »l«ep al hoiulrt. I pay all. I prefer iieopln doing Hpeeialtlos. TirKniH' If I know you. htlrbiiry, N T ebr., June •», w, SO; Aloxaudrla, Nobr., Julys, n, H Hrunlng, Ncbr., July 5, t, 7; HclvldiTc, Nebr., July it, Hi, 11. Permanent addrcKM, Orafloii, Nf:braMka. Adilr«as XV. v. I.RWIH, .M«nugi>r kii-I Ownir. ■ WANTED. Season 1906-'07, For one or the Moh( lluputablc ONKMUHT STAND Allmt-lloiiM loiiriligMlilille Wunleru Tenllory : Ynnnff TlmnHnnnl AprrMB Tu0 P* rl ,H K K"mi one. and mi ainbitloiinyouiig wmimii .•aiK-mai,. IVUUK bmUllUQal atirCBlfa HhIi fierauir un n favnrllc In one sen^ou. A splendi-l oppottiiulty. llANDHOMIi YOIINO LKAUINO MAN: OKS'KRAL ACI'Olt, ait mniHiiiilty taloutod iiihii Io play two Girlrt— eliaraeter old man and handsome young f.viwy, imm double: Hluglng and Ihuivlng, Light or ceeiitrli'. Coinudlaii, strong xpcclaltv; Singing ami Dan ring Hoiibretb', miorig Hpclalfy ; L'levcr Woman Mimical Director (Piano); Agent of known abllliy. Hfiinon opviim Aug, -jo. Stale ago, wriglil, height, experience, aalary, and attdmw photograph. Addiewa IIALTdN POWKLL, Box WO, Keokuk, la. Cen'l Business Woman Caiiahif or plnyine Heavy or .luvonlle, Hlutn all. LORNE ELWYN, Shevbrooke, P. Q„ Can. SUE BLANCHARD, At Liberty for Season 1006-7, VUIl DHANA, MimiCAI. CII.MKUV. Hllltl.KHUdK, VAI/DKVII.I.K. I.KADS, I1KAVIKH, UltAKI) DAHKS. lMIFAIDIKMI. ((IM'UAl.TII. 1X11 111, I: Vllll'K llll AI.11I. AiIiIi-cshTIIK CIIICAIItl IIOTKI,, ITI^Out'lls Stieet, Deliver. Ciil'ilBilii. Fred L.. Dexter WANTS A good capable, all 'round Oiiiipdlan for a parlner who can put on net" and mako 'hem go. Mntr 1m mStr and reliable, have HQaniblllon above tankH and not want to run Mm iiiatiagor'n hIihw for hliu. Can place yon wIMi 'ompanv that | am with al prcHUMl time fiuy xncotid itnaNfdii. PrcKCtil [mrinn arid I lorn four weeks aud three day* 1 worg In over Ihrwe jtwi. AtlrlrcsM (Jare of WALTON, 1M Main Si., Aiintlerdam, S. Y. WANTED, for the FRANK A. BOBBINS SHOWS, GtROXJIVjO act BV TIIKKK UK UORK rUlll'LH. Ultsl be Bt|UAL In llll! ImsL Alsn bus In 'lale BURTON TKAB. Apply as net ruule. UlAMi A. ItollBIva, Oea'l Mgr. 506 THE ISTETW YOEK CLIPPER. JUNE'30. THENEV7yO^KCLIPPEB THE FRANK ( KEEN PUBLISHING CO. (United. FB0PB1ET0B8-. ALBERT J.BORLE, Editorial and BcbiAbss Managm, SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1906. RATE Si A«T«rtl»«neiit» — 12.60 per Inch, alalia col- Una. . AlTertlaementB iet with bordar, 10 pw tint titrt. .. . gCBSCBIPTIOIf. One year, Id advance, $4 ; six month*, $2 1 three mouths, f 1. Foreign Dofltaga extra. Bugle copies will be Bent, postpaid, on rs- ctlot of 10 cent*. Oar Termi are OftBla. i sale amd BBTAit,, at our agmts, Brsntano'a news depot, 87 Avenue do I'Opera, Paris, France: M. Llllenthal, Frederick: Strasse 101 (Terminus Hotel), Berlin, N. W., Ger- many; Diamond News Co., (17 Prado, Ha- vana ; Manila Book end Stationery Co., 128 Uicolta, Manila, I'. I.: Albeit A Boo, 187- 1SII King St., Sydney, Australia. THE N F. W YORK CMPPHB pnbltskiea only one «dUlun, ana that Is dated At om Wesr. Yorle. QUERI ES ANSW ERED. No Replies hy Mall or Tel-graph. ADDKB88RB OR WUBHEAB0UT8 NOT OIVBK. Al f. IN gi'EST Orf StJCH flli'JU J.D WRIT1 TO TIHJHB WHOM TUB? RRBE. IN C.VB1 OF TUB CLIPPKB Post Qvwicr. WlMM Wlti* KB ADVERTISED ONB WEEK ONLY. IP TUB BOBTB OF ANT THEATRICAL COUPAlfT IS BOUOHT, BBBUB TO OUR LIST OP ItOUTBS ON ANOTHER PAOB. WB CANNOT BIND 10DTIS BI HAIL OB T1LB0BAPH. PBAHATIO. L. Mm Kastou. — W*» btnv no knowledge or Ibe present wherenbouts of the party. Ad- dress u letter In our care aud we will adver- tise It In Thr i.'t.iri'PK letter list. K, A. O., Chicago. «*. O. 1'. H.. Chicago, A. .T. P.. Brunt ford, A. Mi, New York, J. J, W., Chicago, U it., ItrlHtol, «. O., fete, '•anxious'" <,i. iv.. Tivnton, W. B,, Boston, and Mkh. K. M„ Indliiuopolls.— See answer to 'w'.'ti. S.. Philadelphia.— Address Win. A. Uradv. New York Theatre Building, New York Cltr, wit limit mum hbbbbM thB piuy I'linunt be loitall.v preaauled. . 3. 13, C, (.real Harrington. — Tbe company hat* closed aud we do not know where the party ran bt? addressed. |<\ \Y. M., KorL Keogb. — AddreaB party lu care of tloorge II. Cuban's Co., New Auister- dani Theatre, New York City. . "IjVN.n."— \Ve have no record of the abow uluvlug Nashua tm that date. \V. K, Detroit,— Watch our route list each week. C. Id, H„ Now York.— \V> do not know the present whercabouta uf thi* party. T. \V., Detroit. — Party m unknown to us. "Tkaueov." — 1. Yoh, the party rBuka nriimij,' the best, ti. Yes. H. 0. V. 'B., Pltisburg. — We have no moans dC knowing the luteutluus of the mm Irs. Watch The Ci.ii'Pkh coIbbbpb efttft wu P. J, It, Hew Cnatle.— 1. There 1h, A na- tural history will give you tin* difference. J. Qulv i in- iiiaUtigeiuent of the Barnuiu & Ballev Clwna nm tinnwer your qneatlou. .1. Write to Mm for the desired Information, 4. Party etui lie uddrussed through this oil) re. P. S. 0. — Without rei-omiiienilliiB any In iiurtliMiiar. we ii^fer you. to Franklya Surxent, hmpli-e Theatre Utilldlug. New- York Wry. Is. .1. S., Hrldgenort. — We publlRbed u lint of State, county and district fairs In Tub Cuithr dated Jm 2, UtOtl. "DnooKiaXN Pkukohmkb. " — Adiirens Dick Kltisiierald, J8 Ann Stivet, New York Clry. H. M. .1.. -New York.— We have no knowl- edge of any such llrm. n Asr.ii vi.i.. 1'. 11., Irfcoula. — 1. We inunot Hny oh lo whether or not ''Yuu wiw the Imby (baseball) " when It was huru, but we ran hhv ihui the first club MritiUilKPil, nnd ao neknuwledgwl by nil utllclal records, was the old Knickerbocker, nl (lila city, the orlir.naini- of tbe present I'liiin' of baRchall. It was orfrnnlcnl atid Klayed Ha Drat game lu 1H.'. 2. Wc never eard of a plldwr named Hill l'nber. nor can we ilnd any record of hint. There was once unite a tinted pltrbev hi thin vicinity named tbarlev Pnbi.tv -Biio idteheil fur ihe Utilous, • >i MorrlHunla, mmi lsiiri in 1870, Inclaalve. ;». You are soaiewlial mixed about lite Hay- makers, as they were not orgmttxed until lute lu 1M15, or earty In 1800. A. The Na- iluiiiil I.eaftut' was (tie oulcome of the old pnifessloiiiil auMoi-lallon. which was nlarted Itr N 1.. Yuuiig durluR the U'liiler of 1870-71. ft We dn not agree with you abnttl tbe old Atlautlcs, uf Ili(H.klyii. "In-tng the bnhy that mm tlie Mr blue ami guve ihe Icrrouh (In a night I pu the aailoiifil Kiiiiie." They played a proniltient pari In tlie early dayR of thn Kaiue, llul then- were n nuiuher of other rlttbi tu'Rntil/ctl and playing laill hefove tbe Atlnn- tlcs cninu Into exlutence. OAUDB. J. P. S.. McCInsky.— B. .ounls four far the run. the 7, 8. ,"i aud U, formiug a setjiience. II. and II.. Iluncock. — No one but the dealer ben the privilege of giving. *i. B, I-.. Kerry.— A. was fight lu couutiug for ibe jiK-k he tnr&ed. MISCELLANEOUS. P. F„ .New York.— Write to the secretary of any of the leading Jockey clubs la tkls Tlclolty. i h OI;lt CHIf.AfJO I/RTTEH. PBOU UUII UW.V CORKKaPuNDENT. Wentern Bureau of tbe >*•« York Clipper, Hootd fiU4, Anhland Block, Chloaso. In spite of lucletnviit weather, all theatres did good hiMlneas during the paat week. There were two new productiouu, and both of them have won favor. Nellie Stewart, the Aus- tralian actreBs, at the Chicago Opera Hhnae, has also found favor. The music of "Tbe ai cnyde," tbe new opera at the Grand Opera Houae, has come in for blgb praise, wiille "The ClanaOHiD," which received it h Chicago premier at Mrvicker's, Monday, has catiaed much disriiKHlon. Of the old friends that hold over, "Tbe Mod and tbe Mouae."at the Illinois, and "Brown of Harvard, at tbe Uarrlck, aeein tn have nettled down to record breaking runs, wiille "Ifoirty-Hve Minutes from Hroadway" la still proving a potent attrac- tion at flu- Colonial. Tin- parka are all doing banner bit^dnefut, Ii.riNfjiH Thratiif. (Will J. Davits tuaua- ger). — "Tbe Lion and the Mouse" continues to pack Hie bouse nt every perfornlance, and has nettled down to a long and prosperous run. Tin* company la strong and well se- lected, and nothing Is being left undone that can posalhlv conduce to Hiiccesa. ri.wKi:.s' Thkatbb (Harry J. J'owers, tnan- nger). — "The .Heir to the Hoorab" closed a successful fugageiuent '2'A, and save place to Will J. Block's production of "As Told lu the Hills," which opens for a four weeks' run 24. The company Is beaded by Kdwln Arden. aud the play la a dramatization of Marnb Kills Hyatt's widely read story of tbe ha me title. Colonial TiiEATttfi (George W. T,ederer, manager). — "Forty-five Minutes from Broad- way" allows no signs of ubatlog interest, but continues to attract 'large audiences nt every performance. Houveulr taw are now being presented to all the lad lea In the audi- ences. Guano Oprha Houhb {Harry Aakln, man- Hgeri. — "The Alcnyde," tlie ucw opera, writ- ten by Messrs. Barry and Htevens, staged by Julian Mitchell, anil under the direction of .lames. K. ITackett, was produced Sunday, 17, with a cast Including Thomas ij, Heubrtiuke and Ivy Clyde. Tue music has received high praise from all the critics, while MIsh Clyde has eatight the town ou account of the beauty of both her features and her voice. STi'Di:n.\Kr.i; TllKATHB I It. !■',. Iliinuever, tuauiiger). — Tbe annoiincemeut was made a few dayr ago that tbe run of "The Student King" would terminate Halurdoy, June .10. Tbe production nan pleased large audiences nt every performance, aud bus been praised widely as huvlug, iiinobg otber things, the lh-st singing cburus in the city. Ituymond llhtmcoi-k, ihe stiii- of the piece, and Una Aljiiruaucll, prima donna, have added greatly ti> their local reputations. Gaarick Tkkithb (Herbert C. Puce, man- ager,. — Ileury Woodruff. In "Brown of Har- vard," \h proving one of Ihe most successful attractions this thentre has bad In many moons. The theatre In packed lit every per- formance, aud the merry college play, rendered ns It Is by u capable com puny, pleased immensely. Judging from tbe success of rhe first two weeks of the run Ihe piece will continue to attract guod business llit'.mgliout the Summer. 4 ..■McVckkr's TfllMTM (George C. Warren, iiiouogpri. — "The Clansman" received Its Chi- cago iircjwlrrc Monday. 18. afier u wonder- ful advertising c&mpalgu. nnd caused unu-u discussion. The result has been a tremendous Hefty. The result has been a tremendous business, will) the probable sequel of au all Hummer run. Chicago opera House (Lyman B. Glover, manager for Kohl & Castlef.— Tlie Australian actress, Nellie Stewart, and her company of players from the Antipodes, opened Monday, 18, In "Swcpi Nell, of Old Drury." The en- gagement has begun with every ludlcatlon of success. Iter production of ihe 1'unl Hester play Ih lavish in the extreme. Miss Stew- art's atay Is unlimited, and It Is probable that when the public tli-ea of "Swee-t Nell" she will offer oilier plays in ber repertory. GRHAT NORTHRRN TllKATIIB (Fred C Klsjrts. manager). — Williams and Walker continue lo attract capacity houses with Abyssinia," and people are continually turned away. They will remain indefinitely. Majrstic Tiiratiir (William Kirk, mana- ger for. Kohl & Castle). —Billed for the week of 8.1- are: "The Magic Cap," Claude Gllllhg- watei- and company. Kule f oudou, Ward aud Curruii, Allan Shaw, I.ee Mai-tynex nod Niel- sen. Mzxle Kvnns aud Harry Mills, Cameron and Kln|a%guu. I> Van Brothers, Lenore and St. Claire, De Hollls and Velora, King 'Kol- llus, Coyne Itrotiiers, oinl the klnodrome, Oi.vMi'ir TllRATHR tAlie Jacobs, mannger for Kohl * Custle). — Billed for jveek-of 38 arc: Kddle Foy, White aad Stuart, Four l?m- perors of Music, Pierce aud Ooalyn, Welch, Mealy und Moatrose, Una Clayton aad com- pany, Phyllis Allen, Qulgg aud Mack, White- head and Orlerson, Abbott and Weaver, Lmbt und Ijiiisar. Dorothy Rue, Klppy, the juggler, and the kluodrome. Coi,i;mhus Tiiratrr (Weber Bros., mana- gers). — "Sapho" bus bceu the bill for the week of 17, with Anne Sutherland and Wil- liam .lossey In the leading roles. For the week of '24. "Under Two Flags" is announced. This ,wUI he tbe lost week of the stock com- Sdtiy. and tbo house wilt remain dark for the uiutnei-. liuiH' TiiRATiiK(Wllllnm Rocbe, manager). — The second week of the Selma Herman Slock Co. will commence 24, when the hilt will be changed to "The Queen of the High- way." Friday matinee nud night, -i>. special performances of "Camilla." will be given, Tlie compnuv has caught on well, and a Hiiccensful season Is prophesied. Kou.v Tiiuathe (John B. Fonncssv, mana- ger).— The Bowery Beauties btive attrncled well week of 17. For. the week of 24 the Liberty Girls la announced. Titot'AUKno TiiKaVTKK i I. M. Welngarten, tuuunser. — This house baa beeu crowded dur- ing l lie past week. Untiling Nelson will remain for one more week, starting '24, as will also "The Girl hi Hlue, In her eccentric dunce. White City (Paul D. House, general man- ager). — Crowds con 1 Inn? to throng this popu- lar amusement resort, attracted largely by the free open air hippodrome. The week starting 24 Is the lust of Kyrl and his hand. A new feature was added j;t, In the lgorrote Village, The Palu fireworks spcelnrle will he opened July '2. ItiVKitviKW Park (W. M. Johnson, mana- ger*. — The new fireworks spectacle, "The Fall of the Golden Gate." Is definitely an- nouueed for product km 2.1. It is a combina- tion of llreworks and "lighting the flames," inn! covers mi area of leu ucres. The IJ, s. Government Indian Hand Is (he musical nt- t ruction. S.\Ns Sot'ct Pauk 1 Leonard Wolf, mno'l- ger), — Ainnug the numerous new features au- nouueed for - v -< nnd week nre Klght Bedouin Arabs, said to he the greatest tumblers In the world. The Uandn ituntn linn received splen- did additional iiresllge by the arrival of seventeen soloists, direct from Uonie. All the many amusement devices nre proving •popular. Chi'itk. — Three Italian ftolblatn nre hilled to make their American debut '24. reinforcing Parti's Bund. The band will also reuder, during (he week Of '24, a new eoinpnsltlou, entitled "Klier's Dive,'* In honor of tha Chutes mermaid. This young woman con- tinues to prove a potent and mystifying at- traction. lUviNiA Pauk (J. J, Murdock, manager). — Thla popular resort Joins the Hat of Bum- mer parks 3BK the Slimmer concert season being started by Walter Damroach, with the New York Symphony Orchestra. Dainroseh will stay at Ravlnla for six weeks, and will he followed for n four weeks' season, by the Theodore Tbomns Orchestra. Monday. gG, will be the first - vmpLmiy uight. and Tues- day afternoon will be' the first Wagner con- cert. Tuesday evening Courlland Palmer, planlnt. will make bis Initial Chicago appear- ance. Concerts will be given every after- noon and evening, with s special children'* programme Tburitdav afternoon. Clark Stbrft Mcsbum (Louis M. Hedges, manager). — Fine bills are announced for both the vaudeville theatre and tbe curio ball for the week of 24. London imn: MrsrrM (William J. Swee- ney, manager). — Tbe bills In bqtn curie hull and theatre are well up to tbe average, und are attracting well. Good programmes nre nnnounced for week of 24. Aftrhmatji. — After a most auccessful nea- non with stock burlesque Manager Sid J. Ru- f>.on has closed his house, and many Improve- uientH will be made. Manager Euaon baa mode arrangements with the Columbiu Amusement Co. to play all of their attrac- . Ions. The season opeus In August F. II. Buck Is ugain'flctlog as assistant man- tiger nt Itavlnla Park Arthur Stuart nnd Ifaxel Keeley, of the act known as "Ar- thur Sinart and the Keelew Sisters," were married In Chicago Tuesday, Jane IP. Tbe net remains unchaaged and will shortly be seen In the Kast, under the direction of Myers A Keller The Garrlck Theatre will be completely redecorated before the opening of the next regular season At the last regular, meeting of the Actors' Church Alliance of America, Chicago Chap- ter, (he following officers were elected for the ensuing year : Hon. President. Right He v. C. P. Anderson ; president. Rev. W. W. Wilson; first vice president. Harry J. Powers ; second vice president, C. C. Curtta ; treasurer, Donnla Robertson; sec- retary, Ellen M. Sanders; council: church —Rev. J. S. Htoae. D. D. ; Rev. W, B. Thorp, Rev. J. V. Blake. W. Wright; sla'ge — Messrs. Laurence Dunbar and Otis L. Colhurn. B. Agnes Lane and Sibyl Farrar. . . . la celebration of Harvard-Yale boat race day, Thursday, '28, the management of the Gar- rlck has announced a gala performance of "Brown of Harvard," to which every Harvard man In the city tins heen bidden, nud at which souvenir nutographed photogrnphs of Henry Woodruff will be presented to every lady In tbe audience Rnm P. Gerson, man- ager of the New Theatre, was married Tuesday, June ID Catharine Cnl- houu, a prominent, member of the "Brown of Harvard'' Co.. at tbe Garrlck. has been out of the bill during the week of .lime 17, on account of serious Illness. She will resume her role, which lo the Interim has hH'ii played by Sarah Pndden, Sunday, 24 The People's Theatre closes Its season 24, aud will be followed by tbe Sludebaker and tbe Columbus, ;i(). Other enrly closings are also rumored It w unofficially announced that rhe title of the net) musical piece at tbe La Suite will be "Tlie Time, the Place nnd tne Girl." The Plat/finer, it new weekly piibllcn- llon devoted to Ihe Sbubert interests, will moke Its nppearance the first week In July. It will be circulated free, of charge At Bismarck Garden carl Runge and his hand nre offering splendid programmes for '24 and week. The regular eveniug and Sunday afternoon concerts are very popular At the Coliseum 22, Well's Band celebrated '■I'tilversliy Nlghi." nnd played a programme of college selections. ■■ 41 » OHH LONDON I.KTTKH. FROM OUtt 0W.\ CORHESVONHEXT. Clipper Bureau, 48 l.'ranboarnr Street, I.elccsler "siiuui-e. London. \V. C, June 1G. The eveul of the week, in fact, of the sea- son, In' the local dramatic world was ihe Ellen Terry Jubilee commemoration at Drury l.niie ou Tuesday afternoon, June 12. AH the. thousands of enthusiasts who flocked to Ihe theatre were not able to And places there, hut those early comers who spent twelve to thirty hours In patient waiting before a slngel Item of the performance began, can, now that the vigil Is over and tha great dramatic event Is over, rest tbeir weary limbs aud treasure up the recollection of linvlug been present at (his almost unique function. How the night In tbe street passed soaie of them hnrdly know, for they slept soundly, lu sidle of their surroundings. Tbe illustrations of the people made homeless In San Francisco by (be earthquake represent exactly wbui wus to be seen lu u covered yard and under a colouade near the theatre. Women aud girls, men and boys rested on cbuirs and stools, some lying and sitting ou hard pavement, while others, better pro- vided for tbe night, lay upon beups of rugs, with pillows under their heads, sleeping calm- ly, it was sight well worth seeing, and 1 did not begrudge the few hours sleep I lost In viewing the strange spectacle. The performance, which began at 12.30, conBist- ed of the! following : Overture, conducted hy J. XL Glover ; MlnBtrel Concert Party, by Loudon's leading comedians.; ' recita- tion, Lewis Waller; "School for Scandal." dinner and picture scene, the cast in- cluding: Charles Wyudbaui, Arthur Bour- chler. Edward Terry, Cyril Maude. George Alexander aud Ben Da vies ; recital lou, Ma- dame Duse: tableaux vlvauts, song, SIguor Caruso : "Much Ado About Nothing" (act 1), with the following aclors and actresses: Fred Terry. 11. B. Irving, .1. Forbes Rob- ertson, II. Beerbohin Tree, Hermann Vezln, Henry -Neville. Edmund Gwenu, Norman Forbes, Oscar Asdic, Lawrence Irving, Marlon Terry, Ellen Terry, .Minnie Terry, Kate Terry. Olive Terry. Beatrice Terry, Mabel Terry Lewis, Edith Terry, Lucy Terry Lewis, Kate Terry Glclgud, Janet Terry Glclgud, nnd othor members of the Terry family; Pas De Deux, Mile. Adeline Genee; scene from "The Beauty of Bath," scene from "I* Murtage Force." by Moliere. with M- Coquelln and M. J. Coouelln In the principal parts; Madaiuc Melba. In the mad scene from "Lucia dl Lammermoor;" "Trial hy Jury," with tbe following cast: Rutland Harrington, Cuiirtlce Pounds. Harry Lvtiou, Walter Pussiuore, W. S. Gilbert and Ruth Viuceut; Captnln Robert Murahnll was the foreman of the jury of authors, which in- cluded Francis Barnard, Alfred Calmour, Comyns for,-. Haddon Chambers, Arthur Connn Doyle. -Sydney Grundy, Cosmo Hamll- tnu, Henry Humlllou, Owen Hall, Anthonv Hope, Cecil Raleigh. Brandon Thomas uud Bernard Shaw; reel tit thin, Mrs. Patrick Cumphell ; song. Harry Fragson ; sung, George Graves ; tbe performance closing with a grand reception scene. At the close Miss Terry spoke a few words lo 1-ady Ban- croft, as her friend of tunny years, and onc-.> her manager. Then, approuchlng nearer to the uudlence, she told them she never felt before that language wns given to conceal, nut to reveal what we feel. After thanking Mr. Collins, the committee, and others, Miss Terry ridded. "There are also tbe great players from other coitutrles who hnve come here to-day." uud she turned to M. Comielln. who slood on her left, and shook bis hand. "To Slgnorn Duae I owe much. She has come nil the way from Flo- rence Just Id stand here nt my side;*' and, inilie overcome. Miss Terry turned to kiss Klgtiora Duse, retalnlug her band almost to tbe eud of the proceedings. Then Miss Terry said a few Words about the public. Though I stood here ua long as the pyramids have stood there! J couid never sa? what thli day has beeu to me. 1 have tbe heart to wonder at all that you have done for me, but not the toogue to praise you. 1 will" doc say good-bye. ■ It la one of my chief Joy» to-day that I need not say good-bye Jo«t yet, but can still speak to you as one who la atill among yon on tbe nctlve list. Still In your service. If yon please." After everybody had joined In singing , "For Auld i.nug Hyne,™.Mr. l'Inero, as tbe chair man of the executive com- mittee, auDQaoced, that the receipts closely approached six thousand pounds. Thursday night Mr. Plncro's successful play, "His House In .Order," celebrated Its one hundredth aud tncfeth performance at the St. James, where crowded bouse* con- tinue to' be tbe unvarying rule. George Alex- ander .has Just assigned the provincial and the entire American nnd Canadian rights In Stephen Phillips' poetical drama, "Paolo and Franceses," to H. B. Irving, who Intends to give'rhe piece a prominent place lu his reper- tory during his forthcoming tour. M. Antolne. the late actor-manager of tbe Theatre Antolne, la as n player to take his leave of tbe Paris stage lu London. The oddity bf the farewell is accounted for by M. Antolne being precluded by the virtue of his office from again acting In France." con- sequent upon his official appointment by the Stale as director of the Odeon. He will be seen with his own company In a series of performances at the Royalty In July. This evening, or the Imperlnl, Martin Har- vey concludes bis season. I^ist Thursday afternoon he gave a special performance of Charles Hennnn'a successful, "A Cigarette Maker's Romance." It wns largely at- tended, and Mr. Harvey's capable perform- ance was thoroughly appreciated by those present. Tbe Imperial will pass Into tbe hands of tbe painters and decorators on Mon- day next, and cleaned throughout. This will be In preparation for a season, which Is an- nounced to commence early in September by a welt known actor- manage r.- "The Fasclating Mr. vonderveldt" reached its fiftieth performance at the Garrlck on Friday, of last week, and on tbe Saturday following "The Girl Behind the Counter," at WyndhamV, passed the name post. A season of opera In English wilt be given at tbe Lyric bv the Moody- Manners Company, commencing- on July 21. Tbe repertory will Include "Eugene Onegln." "Faust," "Tbe Huguenots." "Martha. "Tbe Marriage of Figaro." "\\ Trnvnlore," "Lohengrin." "Tann- hanser" and others. In support, of Mr. Man- ners aud Fanny Moody the names of the fol- lowing singers nre given: Madame De Vere, Mile. De Lussun, Joseph O'Mnra, Mr. James and Charles Magrath. Mr. Frohroan has nrranged for Elleo Terry lo make n farewell tour of the States upon ber season at Ills Majesty'n next Fall. Tne tour Is to be of four months' duration, and during it Miss Terry will appear In a new play, as well as In various plnya com- prised in Iter repertory. Otbo Stuart baa decided to make Comyns Cnrr's poetical ploy of "Tristram, and Iseult" bis Autumn production in the Adelpbl early In September. When the play Is seen at tbe Adelpbl Hie part of laeult will be taken by Lily Braytoa, Oscar Ascbe appearing as King Mark. June a brought with It the three hundredth anniversary of the birth of Pierre Cornellle. who shares with Racine the distinction of being a founder of French clossic tragedy. Just as Moliere divides with Beaumnrcbais the bourn- of originating Fivnch comedy. Charles Frobmnu has added to bis strong hold on tbe lsmenttt was closed to tbe public. "Tbe Revue" has not been a success uuontiallv so the management thought It heat to wttn- LIMB RAW AS PIEC E OF BEEF. Suffered For Three Years With Itehlar Humor-Cra tier Nawarh, V. S. S Man Cured by Catlcara. * "I. suffered with humor tor about tliree yeara bit and on. I finely saw a doctor and b.6 guve me remedits that did me no good, 9 j I tried Cnticnra when my limb below the knee to the ankle was as raw 4s a piece of beet, All I naed was the Cnti- cnra Soap, and tbe Ointmfent. I batted with Ootionrs Soap every day, and used about fix or seven boxes or Catlcara Oint- ment I was thoroughly carud of tbe ho., mor in three weeks, and haven't been dJ f-icted with.it sinoe. I use no other Soio tbaa Outicara now. H. J. Myers, TJ, S N U. 8. S. Newmk, flew Yor k, Jolj 8, 1905." ' draw tbe show that waa expected to put the Coliseum upon a paying basis. Accordiojr to preseut arrangements the house will be re opened on August Bank Holiday, when an American production of an elaborate attn*.- ter will be done. Kor the Christmas attrac- tlon, tbe pantomime, "Cinderella." Is pronj Ised. The career 01" the beautiful house has Indeed been a varied one, and I. for one would be pleased to see success come to ita doors. Another beautiful vaudeville house la the West Knd came to grief lost Saturday night 1 mean the Lyceum, which commenced Iti career as a vaudeville palace eighteen r more months ago, uuder the management of Thomas Barrastord, aud Which for the past iew weekB baa 'been part of the McNaugtitea tour. It la likely that In the Autumn the bouse will return to Its old form of enter- talument, the drama. Negotiations to that effect have beeu opened, but It Is too earl* yet to consider the matter settled. Count Hollander, one of the directors of the Palace, died eurly In tbe week. Alfreil Butt, the present manager of tbe bouse has heen selecred by the oilier directors uf: the I'alacc to take the place of the late direciur The promotlou Is indeed a great one for the youthful manager, who will continue n tbe position of manager as well as director La Belle Atalanta. who met with tumti success in the States last season with her disrobing act. Is obliged, owing to a slight Indisposition, to jtostpone her return engage- ment at tbe I'avlllon from June l'.'i ro July •• Hugo Morris, nrother of William Harris. tbe agent, is said lo be lu town. His bciog here, I am told, Is for business. M. A. Shay. who has been in London for a fortnight' leaves fur New York oa Wednesday of next week. , Since "Dron/a," the talking head, opened at tbe Hippodrome Mime weeks back, other acts ou the siitne order have put lu an ap- pearance. The latest Is called "Mltka." The first named beod goes to New York to play Hammersteln's lu the near future. It would . not surprise me to hear of some of the others going over "yonder" aud .getting tbe tint whack at the New York audiences. Joe Roberta, of Roberts, Hoyes and Kober!* now ou the Moss & Hioii tour, was In Umdou yesterday for a few hours ou business. The versatile singers and darners opened verv successfully at Kradford last week, and they are doing eveu better or tbe Bordestev Palact- Blriuiiigiiutn. this week. It. H. and K. were booked to play the t.'ollseum in October, ilie. dote'beinga return one, nod as all perforaiert Iktoked to play thut bouse hare bad their bookings called on' because of tbe present financial condition of the bouse, they natur- ally thought they would lose the montht work, as did others. However, this Is not to be. They have received word from Mr. Htoll that tbe Coliseum time has been transferred to tbe Hippodrome. Tbls must mean that tbe act Is well liked. • -■ A clever young lady soon to visit America is Mabel Sinclair, a ventriloquist, who is golug very strong ai tbe Pavilion. Her work is clean and effective, and as u- novelty she will surely score on rite Keifh elrcult. She opens at Keith's: Philadelphia house on Sept. U. Miss Sinclair deputized for Vesta Vic- toria nt the Oxford several nights last week. The Onlaws have returned to England after a nine months* successful American tour. They will rest fonr weeks at Aix-If-.* Bains, then tour the Rngllsh provinces for twenty-two week*. On Jan 1:8-1007. they again tour the Slates for forty-two weeks. i-.lia Shields >1» <- predated by the Alhambra audiences. Ou Mondav the house was crowded from floor to culling with one of the most dlstingulphft audiences that has ever assembled In a I-uii- don theatre. Seeu In the boxes and stall*: Mr. and Mrs. Wbltelsw Held, .Mr. end Mr*. Nicholas lungwort h, Princess Hatzfeldi, Baroness Cederstrora (Mme. I*attl), Lsdv Cnssel, Mrs. Ronalds, Mrs. Ritchie, Lord aud Lady Cheylesmore, Lord KJItnorey, Mrs. Brad- ley Martin, Mrs. Baring, Mm. Henry Sturgls Lady New Borough, Colonel Howard, Mr*. Carlisle, Mr. Marshall Kox. Mrs. Reginald llonalds. Lord Athlumney and others. Man- ager (ieorge Scott handled his distinguished gueats In u very able manner, and he wns congratulated on every hand. Booker and Narbls, who have been .a tbji country for years, are making new friends with a sketch they have lately launched, entitled "The Society Bursjlar." Barton and ABMey nre substituting for Clnrk and . Hamilton, at the Empire, >p* Cross, current week. It Is needles* for me to add that they have scored, and heavily, too. To-morrow John and Aun celebrate the tenth annlveraary of their marrlnge. Mr. and Mrs. Ceorge Chlrgwln are giving a dinner party In honor of the occasion. Znrmo, who Is ns well known In America as he Is In this count rv. Is thinking or pay- ing a visit to the States, after an absence of eight years. He plaved three seasons wINi the Tony Pastor road' show, besides appear- ig In the best vaudeville bouses. Zarmo irils mo that he has never reased practicing "I'"" 6 he returned from Ills llflt trip to America, and has now the Juggling game down m ■ fine point. . H. Arnold, who lately managed the Ly- ceum Tor Mr. Barrasford, has been appoint'*" geueral advertising manager for the r.ni- plre and Olympic, Liverpool. . . II K. Snto and wife are now safely InndM In Paris, where tbe former opens on July, ■■ nt the Alcaiftr d'Rte. for twenty day*. ,,?r * nld urifliu croiaed the Atlantic on the MB* vessel. June 80. THE 3SrEW YORK CLIPPER. 507 On Jul; 2 Toledo and Price, who ire still doing more thin nicely nt the ~ on the Mr*s A Stoll tour, at me Empire, Fariuon Pabk (deo. A. Dude! mans'iter) Glasgow. lMlnburgh. .Not tin sham. Binning- — In tbe free ana air circus ibis mrt : ViV" ham, Liverpool «u*ytclle \VIN..n and Be- mouville, and Sheafe's moving pictures. GnRMAN'H MU1IWKK TUKATBt-:. SHlfltn Wll- lows I Michael Doyle, mnnngcr). — The am- ■ton's business started In line, and the ntnsi- nmcdy presented by Mr. Kormsn's com Nobusibl.ia Pabk (Carl Alberte, manager). CH| r B 22? prr;eentcjl by The Tenjl Troupe. Irene La Tour anTher pau >; ffiS "tlafoctlon. g, "Zazn," Donovan and Arnold, Alf nnd °*J** ,,,il , for , '. ne ,R rracr ibe Wilson, and the Fred Fay compnny are Notrh.— Ilnle s Tours. . . . . .. .1 . i_ .i ,.i _ ____ ,' LT7 * * . _ . Bt'H lining ikpAu^html ■ ■* I the cards In the big open air theatre this "!£ '*!"* week. Vaudeville was offered last week, to *"!5ili for two years. Kelly, of Kelly and Reno, is very ill In ibis city. They bave been obliged to cancel some time on the continent because of Mr. Kelly's Illness. Phil and Nettle Peters nre In town. They sail for South Africa to-day- week, on the Kenllwortb Castle. The others sailing the same day are: The Naples. Imn l'aulton. Rose Sylvester, and Hurdgedon'a grotto. Luxixutox Park U. T, Benson, manager). —J. W. Gorman's capable opera company will present "Olivette" here this week, la the rustic theatre. During the pu*t week "Mr. Planet, from Mars," pleased big crowds. Harm — £ A. Hills, of this city, will man- age PoderewskTs next lour of America, be- ginning In October Col. Frank P. Stone, or Austin A Stone's Museum, lias the sym- pathy uf his manv friends In the profession. resent week, .'ours, showing pictures, are helnt* presented at Hnsa Point, Nahant, tinder the management of Macurda APrlchett, A building representing a palace car is used. I'lHattnr*. -At the Nlxph (TbOS. F. Klrke Jr.. mnritiger) -itoliln lluod" began lu second neck June 2R. lM*t weeVa business wns very giHul. and the management was pleased wlih Die Urat Inlrmluctlon of. light opera.' For week of July U, "Tho Her eh one. " Okaxi» (Harry Davis, nianiiger). — This Anoiher comedy h week Mannger Davis Introduces hla riejvly orgunlxufl stock rompiiny, in a one act play by Cecil Ralelgb. entitled "The Spy." The cant Includes: Cbas. Abbe. Mnrlar. Hnlloti, Goo, S, Probert, Minna I'hllltps, Alice Ottlo and Osciir Mnglo. They should prove a big success, ns tbey weie all fitvorUm In the old slhck company. Others, on th^ bill are; North AtlnuiH.—Hoosac Vallev Park (J. SS t,,tM-k ci»mpnny. Others on the bill are: A, niake, mannger> will uip*'n the season June Kmtna Cams, lledlnl and Arthur, Haiay Da Muttnews aud Ashley opened at the Palace on the death of his wlfc, which occurred last last Monday. Their act, quite a novelty, was wee*, in nils city Peiru Horeriz of not -thoroughly gnwped at first by> the Palace the Florcnt Troupe of acrobats, and Olga nudleuces. hut after the Hrst few perform- Ui Mont, of the Carmen high wire Met of . with a strong vntidevUle show. The park has been put*ln excellent shape, and a nlpst Hiiccessful season Is anticipated. There will lie many special attractions each week. In- cluding bnliy shows, fireworks, band cunccrts and Japanese lantern Illuminations. Horns. — The Hargreave Circus will unfold Id: tents here 20. The circus bus been widely advertised In the surrounding- towns with an excellent line of paper, and big rowds arc expected to see the perform anccs. ere married -lu '1'he local Aerie of Hagles will hold . ances the business and material were changed Barnura A Bailey's Circus, wl around, and- now M. and A. are one of the Boston 23 The "pop" concert* at Sym" monster Held day In this clty'July 4, One of most mousing and applauded acts on the bill, phony Hall will end 30 Maud Mllston, the feutures of the day will be u ulx-rotind phony Hall n Tlllle Cohen the features of the sparring exhibit Ion fiovern a TVny" Mi McUovern Is _ .'oniuosiic I.fllte. In Pitt afield, Mass., where he hau hired a cottage. between and Johnny Bnrdlok. Summering at Pot ' Ken* Bedford. — At Uatbaway's Theatre Charles Lolby Is In London restiDg. The Tlille Coheu imd Frank Hod Grace Oiabnm ■crying off" of thiwc tsxiked for the Coliseum are recent additions to the Pnluce Theatre Is responsible for Colby and May vacationing, stock company John Craig <» endeavor- The Kame applies to Manulng's Entertainers, Ing to secure Mlllan Lawrence us leading and others. lady for his stock company at the The Richmond Theatre closes to-ulcbt to Hugh P. McXally's "Dainty Dairy Maids," a undergo a process of redecoratloo. It will novel singing and dancing act, haa been (J. M. Ilalbaway. manager) llathawaya be reopened on August Bank Holiday. booked over the Keith 4 Proctor circuit. Summer Stock Co. prcsenttil "Naughty Re- Rose Ktabl* ,? l, , , ' , ' et4Ii . u nH « bcon 8 « P*** ■ ■ becca" week of June 18, lo excellent business. !T»l27*£L« h« 1£ n »,«. h "^ e ( n ««8ement Sprln K neld.— At the Court Stpiure The- Week of 25, "The Young Wife," ?L1 "l-Jh i'i. ^ i JJ ,r i 01 °"fi ed «,J«coiid atrc (D. O. Gllmore. manager) the Hunter- BAWH Tiikatrk (W. II. Shine, manager). Iked sketches C hal e^er Un .mt nn'^f »™ nf » r(1 -^W nrndc merry with the laugh. -The moving pictures are Iftttructlng; good inea «MCM Iliac nas ever been putoo'at a producing farce, "Because She Loved Him business. So," iaBt week, .lul'a r Loadon house. .._ Booth, as the jeahum Notek. — Rose Tiffany, of Hutlmway's wife, and Henry Kolker as her husband, wen; Stock Co., cloues her engagement for the fully eijual to the parts. Frances liRiint's Summer XL aud will rest for a few weeks, pleasing personality is winning her many T. Arthur McOownn. scenic artlat and Boston.— An event of Interest the current "lends, and Wallace Kddlnger was up to stage manager, of Halt-away'* Theatre, and BIASSACHCSETTS. his usual standard. June i'." .._ played Stock Compnny, was well received. Mary Stnckwell. as .Winifred, was vlvacloua and pleasing. Sidney Irvine created u most fa* voraie Impression, while Paula t'loy added to her local popularity. "AH the Comforts of Home" June 23. Notks.— Bump & Bailey's Circus vlHlted oar city 10. and, In spite of having no parade, and Its being rainy, gave bra performances to arge audiences. The show Itself proved week Is the reopening of the (Hobo, on Moti- rinv. hy John Craig, for « Summer season of stock. "Carmen" Is presented by the RMm company at the Castle Square, and "East Lynne" Is the Bowdoln Square UilL The en- gagement of "The Tourists" has been extend- ed at the Majestic, and othet boldorers it re : "The Man fi*ora Now,"' at the Tremont, and "The Mayor of Tokto," at the Colonial. Bnsl- nt'-s was generally good last week at the housed sboivs and Summer parks, and Bar- nuiD and Bailey's CH'ciik broxe all attend- ance records ut the Huntington Avenue grounds. Majkstic (A. L. Wilbur, manager).— So «» that the press agenls had -told of, and the great bus been the success of "The Tourists" whole programme was well received. The here during the past three weeks that the *""•* * h o w ( ' an ' p '" for Its share of the pat- engagement has been extended for an Indeli- lonnge Hargreaves" Circus Is to Is? In nite period.. The music Is catchy, the cast Is t'hlcopec 21) The theatre at Forest Lake, excellent, and the scenery and costumea are Palmer, will open Its season 2."». with I,«n- spit-mild. casters Vaudeville Co. This Is the onlv Tkksiunt (Juo. B. Scuueffel, manager).— pleasure park Hie New York, New Haven and Harry Bulger, lu "The Man from Now," is H ur I{ ord . People will operate In the vicinity in the tifth week of his engagement at this of this idty-thl* season J, T. Hendricks house. The piece has proved to he a very nBS oeeo chosen manager of the Berkshire pleasing Summer production, and It Is safe amusement park. Pltisneld, which opens 25. lo say the engagement will extend well Into • ■ 1 he name of George Dugiiay, the man August wno ■** found dead at Clilcopcc .Tuncllon, Colonial (Chas. Frobmnn. Itlch & Harris, L-\, a i;i iea ,P* on tbe payroll of Bariium & managers).— ThJa Is the fourth and final Bailey s Circus. He joined the circus about "My Friend from India" Happy Devoll, properly man, for many yearri at tne same house, have closed; their engage- venport. .Miles , and IMckards, Jessica "Crcb, Six Gllusorottts, Tnylor-Farrel Trio. Stan- ley and Leonard. Howard and Howard, Ithodes nud Carter, the Three Matinee Mltldi, iiiul the clueiniiuigraph. t^iat week's bill idayed io capuclty biiHlness, and proved to be an excellent entertHluuietil. Li;na. — Tbe Kilties Band reaialua for an- olher week. They «ro onn-uf iho most, popu- lar urganlsatloua visiting Pittsburg', aud the. management decide*! to rcmlu them for an- other week In the open Iho High Diving Norins prcHcnt their daring act, mf fHrJttM Cur. — Hippodrome noveWes of iho most thrilling kind hold forth hi Dream City's circus rings ihls week. Tlio Metro- politan Band, of New York, will furnish Hie musical feasts. This organization has some of the best soloUts In the muslcul world. In- cluding Lllliim Plckcrt, a corncttlst of ramc. Wednesday night, as nn extra attraction, it grand display of llreworks. Business con- tinues to be very good, Kknxywooii.— KlreliR'a 'Fourteenth negl* ment Band gave tin excellent concert Sun- day afternoon and evening. Tbo Herald SiitiHie Mp'prn Co. continues for niiothcr week, aud will iinwoiit "The Mascot." HitHTitKBN.— Siliiday, Horprefn'K Band and vocalists. All week: "Dlda," the marvelous vncnllstM. All week: 'Dldn," the marvelous Il- lusion; flic Musical Adams, Deveuu. cartisin- 1st: Pliitllsinc Bros., comedians and singers. Calhoun. — Sunday afternoon and ovenlng. Pom's i*J. C. Crlddle, resident manager), nien't"," and" will be at" tW'par'k for""tJip*'reflt "tfts lamous 'Baud, and several talented — "Uncle Dudley," ns played by the Poll of the Summer narnum A Ballejrs fir- ,^l?„ .Cummins; Wild West July 14. cus 28. . . Tan n ton,— At Habbatla Park (Jos. ,T. Flynn. manager) Hie Season opens week of June 25. with "The Belle of New York." TAi.AQ|iRiiA Pa uk (K. A. Harrington, man< nger). — For week of 25, "The Country Cir- cus." Holynke, — At Mountain Park Casino (1*. IX Pelllssler, manager) the season opened June 1S, with the production of "The HI roll- ers." by the Casino Stock Co., which scored n big hit, and the company proved I1nctf to be (lie strongest ever appearing at the park. The principals are: Ada Meade, I-Immet f*en« nun, Cnrrct Mujnr. Wllllnm Prlnglc, (ieoi-glu Harvey, .lesne I'almcr and tact Leslie. "The Idol's Kyc" 25. ' ******* w*w*Vw* *****+**•*** t aiiiTinr rn I OAkwnoit.— Rmidny nfternoon and evening, Mayers Brnddoek Bund and vocallMts. All week : Fttser Trio, Cherry and Bates, comedy bicyclists" Hie Prynrs, miiHlcal sketch, and Cliff Fa rndl. comenlsu. Wbht Vimw,— Holcnmho'R PltlHburg Band, In concerts, dally. On Thursday evening, Juno 28, a Japanese Msypnle- dance. ' ■ - '- i i _ Lnnennter.— At the Roof aarden {Chas. M. Howell, manager) the current attractions Include: tfeurgo Kvaun, '"IHie Boner Itny ;" lie Hoy and Lcvauloii. (.oldsmlth and lloppe, James aud Lucia tJoopcr, Paul Le Croix, and the rive Itumauns. Uoi.'kv Hrainim Park:— The Mamie Flem- ing i'o. presented "Ynukvc Hens" and "Car- incu," to fair hutdncNs, notwithhhibdlug con- HnnotiH rainy weitlisr. lfl-2:i. "Down Kast F«dkii," J5-^t; "Why He Divorced Her" 28- 3V, week of the engagement of Richard Carle, In "The Mayor of Toklo," ajid also tbe last week of the Summer season at this bouse. "The Mayor" has enjoyed tine business. Globe (Stair A Wilbur, managers). — John Craig, supported by bis stock company, be- gins a Summer engagement ab this house on .Monday afternoon, 2u, opening with "The Middleman." The company includes: Thomas Muclamlc, James L. Seclcv. William Hum- phrey, William II. Uvarts. Frederic Nalllvan, Kenrlck Hull, Jos. Sullivan, Arthur Butler, Vfta. Mason, Mary Young, Mary Sanders, Knte Ryan. Jennie Kendrlck, Cordelia .Mac- Donald and lOthel Daggett. For week of July 2, "A Night Off." 1'anti.k S Faill River.— At the Savoy (Al. HHyues, nmuagcr) the Huntington Stock Co. bus es- tablished Itself tinuiv lu (he public favor, and Is doing good business. "For Fair Vlr- NOTICE TO i CORRESPONDENTS Altoonn — At Lukemont I'ark (O. C. Hart- ley, manager) business Is picking up rapidly ]^ us the season advances. The nights huvo jt. been uliitost too c*h>1 in draw large crowds. i These ■ !0ar correspondents are requested to X \ haTO ALL tetters and commuBtcatloni * intended tor publication in TBfiJ "'M.IPPPn dalad ItftiV 7 al this afflea T Hl " t:ulue, manugcr) business t^inllnues to In (UbirrEUaaiOu JUUX /, at lUlS Omcea ^ %v *\\m, ultlmugli thn ■ extremely storms ''not latef than - ' W(,,1,hor ftlf! ! ,lls ' 1VC ' k WI,H a disturbing ele "Ol are: t.laudla Albright, Mary Carr/lngton and Slave" last a-eek, to excellent business, Bowdoin SgrjARR (<;. [■;. Lotbrop, mana- Jer|. — "rJast I^ynne" "Is the offering of the ■otlirop Stm-k Co. this week, t^harlotte Hunt returns to the cast, and will he seen In tbe dual role of Lady Isabel and Madame Vina, "Tea Nights lu a Bar Room" was a good drawing card last week, " the Streets." KtiTH's (B. I\ Keith, manager).— Hue hills here, bring good patronage, and loverx of vaudeville appreciate the managerial effort lo Era vide the .best material obtainable. A endllner this week Is ftobert Hllllard and • ampnny. In the playlet. "As a Wan Sows." Tbe surrounding show includes : The Thine ' Scldoms. Jas. P. Kelly and Annie O'Brien. Htunrt Barnes, Carou und Herbert, Fields and U'onley, Young American Quintet, Alexis and Schall, John and Bertha Rich, Lu Dent, Las- surd Bros., new motion picture)*, and the Fa- dettes Woman's Orchestra, in a new pro- gram of popular music. Palack (C. H. Wuldron. manager). — Stock , burlesque still continues In favor. The com- Eany, beaded by FranK (Irnhaiu und Johu ■ lack, Is seen tills week' In two new bur- lesmien, "A Saintly Sinner" und "Away Up Yeast." The olio offers McKeevcr und San- dry, the Grahams, the BradCords, Morton and Dcane. and the Havdott Bros. Lvcbvu (0. H. Batcheller, manager). — The Summer season of stock burlesque at tbla bouse came to a conclusion last Saturday ntgbt. During the next two months many Improvements will Iw made. The regular "wheel" seuson here begins early In August. Alhtin & Stoxk'h Miistxsi (A. B. White. manager). — "Down on the Old Plantation," an act presented by a big company of colored cnmedliins, singers and dancers, Is tbe curio hall feature this week. Others are: The Lewis Quarletie, Topp's Orchestra, Trixle. snake charmer; Punch and Judy, and Ibc Monkey Circus. Stage show : The Minstrel Muldi ' .; g«oi ftlula" was given an excellent presentation ast week. Alexander Von Mttael, Harry lladtleld. Hugcnle Hsycten. Bijou Washburn? deserving raentlmi. Kvelyn McVeigh, u clever child actress, alwi Hcorc*! heavily. This week, "Naughty Rebecca." SiiKKOY's (f. R. Cook, manager). —The .h Frank Burke Stock Co. presented "The Royal Slave" last week, to excellent business. Mr. Burke, In the title role, was excellent. W, K, Barwald, Bert Walter and Ann Slngletoii were worthy of mention. "Jim, the I'ou- man." lift. NicKKi^nrov (D. B. Bufflnton, manager). — Week of W : Walsh and Thome, Fred Burns, Violet (Jleason, Thomas Wilbur, and Next week, VtJIrl lof Nickelscope. Busfnesa Is good. Notbs.— Julius Cahn, of the firm of Cahn & Grant, was In town bust. week, looking after his Interests In the show business here. fiimlave Oauss, a member of the J. Frank Burke Stock Co.. underwent an opera* tlnn for appendicitis last week. Mr, OausS Is now convalescing Fenley and Burke were In town the paHt. week, visiting rela- tives Barnum & Bailey's Circus shows here 21). jSATORDAYfflOBMe.JDNE At************************* 30.| hese attrai'tlons pleased week of June 18: Marie Le Koy, vocalist: Bel] and Richards, In comedy mimical net ; t'nrdowille Sisters, in singing and dancing ; 'John V. Clark, In story and song: tbe Be- Anns, comedy acrobats, add the KdgertonH, traticze performers, as the om|- slde attraction. Week of 20-: Harry Baker, James R. Adams. Btssott and Winters. Harris- Reaiiregarde iind company, Gavin, Piatt and Peaches, and Waldorf and Mende/. in r» (D. 1st my past wck was a disturbing ment. The current week's bill Includes: D« monloand Belle, comedians : King aud Blunge, In "A Lead Pipe Cinch;" Adams and While, muslcul act; (loldcn and Hughes, black faro comedlnns, and ICd. and Reriba Holland, In The Clown and I ha Boll.'" FKIVNSVLVANIA. «■» KBW YOHK STATIQ. pro- Lowell.— The spedaf event of the week is the Knights of Columbus circus and hip- podrome, at Huntington Hall grounds. 23-.'M), under the direction of Prof. Wnlbertl. The features will Include: Torclll's educated Ponies, assisted by Mme. D'Oslai and. August 'rauk WHImetl: I'rof. Frederick's trick ponr, "IK»n." and Prof. Walberll's trained horse; "Dahl." ! LAKtMKw Tiieatrr (J. ,T, Fly tin. mana- ger). — This Summer theatre opens tbo sea- son '27), with "A Trip in Chinatown." The cast Includes: Will Phllbrtck, Thomas Cart- ton. Al. Cameron, James It. Williams. Frank Nelson, Victor De Lacy, Phlllls Caning ton; Ktbel Smllh, Mdlth Forrest, Kster Wal lace, Bsslc Barton, and a good sised chorus. Mr. Phllbrlck will direct the stage, und Prof. William Hand will direct the orchestra. Ralph A. Ward will be treasurer riiiindc-iphiti. Of the numerous Jrds for new tbeutrCH lu this city, lv least, have emerged beyond Ihe paper stage, (i round wus broken last week for tne Wm. Penn Theatre, at LaUcnsler and Falrmouut Avenues, and estimates will he invited next week for Ihe Hdwlu Forrest Theatre, ut Broad and Walnut Streets. In addition to these, npxt seuson will mark the opening of the new ficrmiin Theatre, ut Franklin Street and (Jlrard Avenue, These three playhouses will bring the totul up to Iwentv-elght nmust- mnnt ywituies In this city, exclusive of the Academy of Mush-. In addition to these there is the probability of another tbentra adjoining the Lyric, at Broiid und Cherry Streets, and a vaudeville bouse uptown. The succession of rainy days last week playd havoc wllb iho nllendHiice at *in parks, hut ._ ; open. Kkitii'k iVl. T. Jordan, manager).— Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew, who tiro great local favorites, head n line bill week of Jiiup 'J"p,' Tbey will appear In the nlaylet. "When Two Hearts Are Won." other features are: The Fight Alliums, Nnlipl Johnson, J tick Wllaon nnd comiMiuy, the (ileesons und Fred llonlh han, Irvun and Bamlaird, Pnlfrcv und Hoefler, t-'harlea Howard, Olger and Walters. Ml|e. Kfimi. thn Cagnoux. Barlo und Lnfferty. fart 1 snd Jordan, and ihe klnetograph. Iliislneni Duffnln — At the Stur Theatre (P. P. Cor- nell, manager) Jcstde Boastclle and company produced, week of June 25, "The Little. Min- ister." "Camilla" was capably given. Hhiu'h,— The roster for week of 25 In- cludes: Toby Claude, W. J. O'Hearn, In "A Romance of Klliarney;'* Charlie Case, Zs- xelle and Vesaon, Oos l^dwurds* Sirbool Boys and Olrls, and Delpblno and Delmora. Lakatkttb (v.. m. Bngg, manager). — Thn Summer stock company has a change of bill, snd there npptar Munim and Hoey, Barrett and Harlowe, Tiny Both, and new moving pictures. Business Is fairly good. Atiilhtii: Park (It. II. Machroom, muna- gen. — In the theatre week of US are: Trans- atlantic Four, Smith and -Raker, the Mnzutis and Lee White. The Donasettu l'rouoe of resulted in hlg palrnnHgc at the four housea ««' ^0 ^ a,,, "Piwar out «f doors BusJomh Is that are open - picking up, and is destined to bo good as tbo days grow wurraer. season. CANoniB Lake Park (S. H. Traction -Co.* managers). — All of the amusements are en- joying good business, especially the arcadej under the dlrecLion of f*co. W. Can: v. Band ... Introducing Ida (tompbell, Dorothy concerts and moving pictures will be the feat' Norton, Delia Rauncy. Minnie Burke, Cora urea of the current week. Kvelyn, i ; race Howard, Clara Steele. Pearl Notks.— Barnum A Bnlley's Circus comeit Hudson. latttle Blanchnrd, Chas. Clark. Billy July diaries Mack Is In charge of tho _ . tlm olio-will Include: Hughes and Ilu- sleton. «olllnn und Kelly, Kdna - Iiavciiport, nnd Aleenii and Hamilton. The Frldnv ulght amateur shows still ronutne In pupi'lurlly. LvcKiisr (John 11. .lermon. manager),— - of the bouse, und represent Mr, Viynn this The French Cslely <>lrla Zfr'M. They will be seen In the (:wo burlesques, "A Dress Re- hearsal" Hnd "Waldorf Asiorla." The olio includes : The Cain Sisters. Cnnley and Col- lins, Mackic und Muck, and Clum Hendricks. Tho Brooklyn BeautlPs played to fair re- turns lust week. Tiiocaokro (Fred Wlllsoo, manHger).— Tbe Albany — At llarmnnus Bleecker Hail (II. It. .Tuc.ibH, mnnager) Melbourne MacDowell nnd his cotiipany cloaed his Summer season with "Antony and Cleopatra." Fair business ruled during the week. Tbe management an- nounces that this -house will remain closed until the middle of August. Pimrrna's (Howard (iraham, resident man- ager i.— Vuudavlllu continues to draw warm or the canaclty order last "week. weather theatregoers, who seem well sutls- Bijnt) (0. W. Rife, manager). — The slock ib'd with 1he excellent hill offered. Most In burlesque comptinv continues to he the mag- favor during the week of July 1ft were: Sa- net that Is uttracllog big crowds. For week hem, W. II. Macart and compnny, and the La Maze Bros, Big audiences attended. Mice- trie rsns make this theulre very comfortable, For June 23 nud week : Paul Spadnnl. Taylor Holmes, Stiiisou und Mertoo, Flood Bros., Ourmnn und Weal, Musical Ifiiehn, and "Met- EorhPRter girl, rsplered her with only two days' notice, and scored an emphatic hit She will contlnuu with the company after Its inrni engagement. Altimiigh t*een hero many times before, "Plorodorn" ban In,Nt none nf its churms, sod In the hands of, sm;u dn entirely satlafautory . company, nothing but meritorious performances ciffl be (he. re- sult. Untrue R. "tssck and Agnes Ffhlev also deserve mention. "The Silver hllpper and "Son Toy" 93, OnTAiIo BkAl-II I'AtiK (James Clancy, amusenicnt director).— -The patronage Is tine. Il&lph Johnson enmindesbts two weeks* en- gagement '24. The Catiimars StNters, ,and Foster nod his dog, Mike, amused grimily Inst "week. , . . tlLHN Havkn I'ahk (R. K. Wilson, mana- ger 1. — Always tho same ut this populsr re- sort — tlii'iuiccil. At tho open sir thfrttrd lust week, tins Edwards and bin Telegraph Boys' net nmde it hlg hit. Week of »' Ronttlno und Stevens, the Snlkards, tho La SaIIs Twin Slaters, and Vulvcuo Urns. Xr.A Brkbxk Park (B. r;. WHson. maan- Rer> -This park always bss Its large quota of nlensitrc fleckers. , ' C.VS1M) TllKAtKU (Fred II Cecil, m«hi- ger). -Week of I'.l; Stevens and Boyd. Flor- ence l'o«. cJnm Beaugardls, Morris Michael- son, and 1/igiic. H«li*n.— At the Mnjestlc Theatre fWllmer A Viilcent. Utllhllgcrs) the Majestic Stock Co. drew well lust week, and wIlLreinulu over In "Prince Kmi" and "Cn plain Swift." ' DnwKr Mcsit? ljAi.t, iIjhvM Barry, msaa- gnr).^-'H)ls week. Ityan nnd Collins, Flo Wal- lace, Miiv l''oster, lllighes nnd Burns, Booth Sldters, itlauehe I»e Cotret, Anna Howard nnd Thomas dearus. Hfinnr Park (T. A. Bitker, inn hhhci i , • - Ryan's- Orchestra, with dancing and Sunday concerts. Htica Pahk (Scram & Donnhue, niana- Sers). — JIuUi'h Orchestra, with dancing and uaday coticmis. , . Notks.— Tho work on the new t.arrlek The- atre Is progressing rapidly The warm weather lu ilruwlng hlg crowds at. tho parks. ,i • • '■ i ■■ — ■ Rltnlrn — At Rmick's dten Park (Henry Taylor, man tiger) "The J, Illy nt Kllhirney ' wns sitiiir to packed houses hist week, clever stage effects hiuI >*|ieetaltles adding much to the value of Ihe entertainment. This week, "Tho Siltton of Morocco." Riai.To (R W. McCnhncll, roauager).—* People f»r week of June :!fi: Spauldlns an* Ditpree, l.enminl and Bnstfdo, Lnura Mar- Here. Smile Brnnd. May .Nellson, .lames D. Prnitdlove, and Rlallowoiie and Illustrated which. Business continues good. lOldrldgc Park (Kiioch Little, manager), — Special entertainments, -ingelner .with the regular attractions" here, drew large crowd* last week. Cnncciis hy llager's Itund promise to he one of the festuien ti tbo soil sou. ■■ ' I . pi" iiitntiin niton. —At tbo Stone Opera House (J, P..K. Chirk, manager) Mrs. Leslie Carter, lu "Zaxn," dellghtPd n largo uiidleucn .funs al. WitltK Ciry (Win. Kendal, manager).— Iliiuie, Cnlu and Hoey. Milton nnd Kelsrr. Joe McNIcbol and his dog, .Tip; Klllott and NefT, and McNamec appeared IS-'-'JI, »o tre- monduiw business, giving excellent satisfac- tion. Ross Pauk (.1. P. K. Clark, manager). — BHtv Johnson nnd his Creole Belles appeared 1K-21I. to packed iiudlences, plcaaing Im- mensely. JnineihuviL- -At the Cnloron Theulre (J. J, Witters, manager i one of the ls»st hills of the senson was presented week of June IS. The following appeared: Henry and Francis, In "Thn Janitor:" (jtilnian and Mark, la '.'The Traveling Deullst; 1 ' Ida O'Diiy, Amerlcns Comedy Four, aud the six (Blnsereltes, acru- hats. Bustness good, , ,■' Noti!.— Barnum & Bailey's Circus will ap- pear at Warren Sept. 7. i ■ ■ Troy.— At Proctor's (Wllllaro H. Orsham, resident uuiiiflgeri the hill for June iM) and week In "Burn Thome," LvrrjUM.- -This theatre will reopen July '2 with Hie Iklnu Archer Crawford Stock Co., lu "Cnmllle," — .. ■ a Auburn. ---At Island Park, Ownsco Lake (.las. A. HenneHsy, manager) the opera com- pany appeared '" "f'llvette" week of Juno II, to excelloiit blislness. "Patjtfnce" 18-^11, "Siild Pashn" I!fl-:in\ The company Includeu* l^bletle Ward, nrlrau donna; iilllo SHllnger. characters: Odette Bordeaux. Florence Bo- Oiler, Kiiihryil Ilyun, Harry Thompson, I ( *r«p< els Carrier, ciuik HoKklus, Phil Briiu»o|i, ilorhert Salinger, Jack Cltiire, r^e C»rean, Hraltb, musical director. In the chorus : Mioses Mofi-nlf, Smith, Siitliriiund, Irving. Henlny, Caaptr, Ray, Haylor, Itoff. Curtis una Hosklns, Messrs. aim riot I. Tarconor. Dtt> gon. lOverett nnd Montfomery. An orchestra of eight pieces supplies the music. *-»+ — ; — IMHTIWrT Oie t OI,tMIUA. U'fishlntttoii. -Al Ihe Oolumbln Theatre fLtii-kelt A Standing, miiungersi thla week, itr Stock Cn., In "Pink Bomlios." Last week iho Columbhi Stock t.'o. presented ihe HliinillnL' Storl ropolltitn Opera Trio. A1.-T110 Park (Max Rosen, manager).— (freal t.'rowds come to this resort daily snd nlghlly. Special features this week : Prof, Parks, on (hi! high wire; Mile, Do Ijocs, con- tortionist; Frank Flthvn, tho Nohreus, aud tne diving horses. 'Mosiiph Untangled," to full houses and great snllxfti.-lh.il lpei'a House, take* IiTm pluce. Henry l;. Warner Is tho presa representative. TBNNBS8HM, Hall. Fred Bon-man, -las. Mnxwefl. and the Belfonls, Riley aud Morgan, Cotes Trio, Vio- let tilcuson. und Jume.s and Richard. Air cooling devices make this house a popular hot weather resort. Xickklohkiix (\V. H. WollTe, maunger). — in the curio hall week of St! Itov Robinson, wire walker: Halbromu and Beatrice, and a boy magtclsu. In Hie new auditorium are Helen JpwpH'r Bright Light Burlcxquers. the olio including: Mary Collins, Dolllc Clifford, IWtha Carey. Annie Ross, Kthel WMIIamx, Kittle Ormond. Howard aod Howard, snd the bioscope. The bouse record for attend- ance was broken on Bunker HIM Day, 18. \v.M,Ki;n's Mubkum (L. B. Walker, mana- ger). — The Sunny South Merrymakers at- tracted mtirh attention In the carlo hnll las^ week, and hold over 2.v:tO. Others : Run- goon, strong iunn ; Prince AI]ihoaao, tattooed man, and others. The Klghr Bine BtrdR Bur- lexque Co. bold forth lu the theatre. W0XDEBI.AXD Pabk (F. C. Tliompson, inn li- nger). — This new resort continues to draw Immense crowds,- and with fair weather a nrnst prosperous season should resalt. Fim Ingersol roller -muster, nt Lnkevlew Park* that Is meeting with big success. Innocent Maids 'jft-.'f<». The vaudeville acta noelieater. — At the Lyceum Theatre i.\i will include: Adams snd tiporgo Bisters, K Wolff, mutmgpr) the Stewart Opera Co.. Boyce Bros., Denton and lieruson, Billy In "Fatanltsa," did Immense business week of — At the Franklyn Square Burke, resident manager), Woreenler. Theatre (J. F. week of June -T», "Engaged." preceded by the curtain raiser, "'On the Verge," the latter a one act playlet, hy F/dwHrd ft. Mawson. lead* Ing man of the Franklin Square Stock Co, I*«Ht week thlf* compsny produced "\lobe" Id a creditable manner, to full* business. Poli'k (Chas. W. FnndH, resident mana- ger). — Week of '27>, Drat three dsys, "For- given :*' last three days. "Othello"' will be produced by Poll's Own Stock Co. Lakh (War. Con. St. Ry. Co,, managers). —Week of 2o. "Mr. Planet, from Mars," will be the attraction In the rustic theatre. White Citv (F. II. Blgclotr. mnnoger).— Week of i"» : Lee W. Sehuvler. the Marlins. comedy wire acrobats; Bending Honda, and the usual permanent nltrntilmia. Hmdnestl' excellent. Pfsrsasatri Pauk (.las. P. Caiden. mana- ger). — Week of '2o: Print 'h moving pictures, Hart. Frank Itlley and Mae Taylor. The new hurlesoue Co. did profitably Inst week. \Vim.ow UftovK Pauk (Jl^. II. Lincoln, mau- nger),— Walter Pryor, with his liaod, has lieen a twtent drawing card at thlB resort, and continue* until July 7. The umusement features arc being well patronized. WoortsiDB Pakk.— Wheclock's Indian Band continues as the musical attraction. May Hoey will Ik- the sololxt the current week. The Temple of Mirth ami Hale's Toiirs of the World continue us the main amusement feat- ures. Whitr Cm (II. M. Auchy, manager).— Patronage continues good, all tbe attractions June IH. The nroductloT) was excellent. Kdnu Fasset aud Alice Fshimlrn scored heavily in the lending roles. Fredarlck Knights, the new tenor, proved a vsluable nddlMou to this most excellent compaTly. "(flrone-tllroflii" an. NATioN'At, (Max Huiilg, manager |. — Tlio I^uilse Vale Stock <*•. hnd 11 rousing recep- tion on Its opening. 18, In "The Ironmaster." Business wus large throughout the week. I«oiiIhp Vale and Charl** Carver, Iwth great local favorites, in the leads, were well east, and the en 1 ire support was excellent. "Rosu- daln" as. Cook OMU Housk {.T. H. Moore, insnu- far). — The Moore Stock Co,, In "The Bonnie Ir' lenortlng satisfactory returns. The music la Brier Bush," did commendable work week of still furnished by the Royal Venetian Band. 18, crowded houses being the result. Henry WAMHih'oTo.f Pabk (W. 1. Thompson, man- Shumcr deserves great praise, "!/>st River ' ngeri.—RIg crowds continue to wend their way aft. t*i this nojaalsr river resort. The Roman Im- Bakhh (J. if. Moore, manager),-— The nerlal Baud continues to give dolly eaweffa John C, Fisher Opera Co. begnti'a Two weeks' to appreciative audiences. engJiKemcnt 1», presenting "FliWKlora" In Notkh, — Mottle Chonle has been engaged n most pra I He worthy manner. The -nttend- - leading lady for the Standard Stock for nncc was large and. appreciative. Owing to Jeanne ap.d Bliarwqrlh, Wlbton-De Mooyllle next sessiiu. *.. .The Hill Piffliuig Sign" Co", Illness, the p'rirna ilorins. Kija Knyder, was [is iratnea animau, Princess irixic, tho company, Frances Ueyt and tympany, Jack purchased, last week, the buslaejw of, tb« tiuabR lo apisynr, ttud f Ucrltudi) MUllDgtou, a Mei»|ihlM, — At Hopkins' Kast Km! Park (A. B. Morrison, manager) the utleudtincn week of June 17, has been very satisfactory lo thn inHiiauement. New attractions are added to ihe lawn and crowds prnvall. The programme In the. pavilion Ineiuded: How- ard and Bland, as hPadliiiers ; Pierce and Roslyn, Allan Snuw. Bonnie (Jsylord, ths Ro- sslres, and the klnodrmne. FaiIiyi.amj I'AftK (K. F. Slngleloa. mana- ger). — "Tlu' Lttst Paradise** was Ihe bill of- fered by Ihe Snow Stock Co. week of 17. The performance gave satisfaction In every rpH|iect. and 'lie attendance wns most en- roiiraglng to the miiusgement. The 'iiitdnnr attractions have been completed, nnd large crowds are seen patronizing tho various amusements. "A Ollded Fool" 2D. Knoxvlllr.— At Chllhowee I'ark Theatre ft*. I». Pertfchti mnnnner) Rusiness with thn I.'oruchl-dypsene Co. Is flue, notwlthatandlhg much ruiiiy wenUier. Tlie bills for this week nre: "The Turn ut the Dice" and "A Ken- tucky Colonel." with specialties hy Wntaoq Brewer and llarrlgnn and Olles. Akkna.— Ilssg's Show came June 18, 10, (o capacity business, uud tbe performance pleased, .^ so&v wm& -jsaew yoek clipper. June so. f Oalolum flu loving Picture Outfit wllti simple sod explicit jQitrarUoiii. Tht Field l« Lars*, coiopriitnf tbf TeguUrtbeHre »nd lecture circuit, »]« local flelda In Cbtircb«8, Public rctoou. Lodftei iuJOcac ml Public .OMfacrlofa. NotiilLB affords 1. titer opportunities for S,*,VW Our Outfit CMpifsn the O. P. OO.'t model. RUM calcium: cab outfit, th. greatest candle power .ths safest and mosteoonomloaljua-matUftB outfit ever Invented. Wifaes sale*. JUriopUeai, Uoilac Plcturi mm, .tun. sLrssm trntartalnxnents. Absolutely tee l»te*t lllmt s,ud Tlews on the market, Jnclndlna ■Jl subject* for the pnblic'i enjoyment. — I •ntsrtslnrvMnt lupDly catalogue aad ••■CIAL OP FIR (oily expltlni everyiLlD|\ i 'pMJieiww., wi Dn.tr,- it., hit itn. Ma* AN AERIAL "AD" It a Winner nay time. It is a lo to l shot. Fur Clrcu* Itaj.sta of July, Carnival or Fair Week, nr an v BIO UA V joo have Id your city. "GET IN LINE EARLY, •> so an to get the benefit or ail uir; DAYS. I recommend No. 3 outfit as the best size, con- puta of (ae per enn i fifi. Kite, i.ooofu I.ioeo Line, and one BIU BANNKK, axief t., with your "ad" on. PRICK, II V TKRM.H, oue-rhlrd Willi order. Hal. C O. D. Head for puoto and information too agenu wam»d>. ailah J. < osy \t * 401 HYLtfuu Ave., Chicago, 111. Write for Sample* and Prices. THE DONALDSON LITHO CO., NEWPOIIT. KV. WILL ROSSfTEfi'S SONG 90 - 100 "■JilBMY MN8" HITS Vtv4M.Loo.icoplr.FRKE «w oud or r*oon, pro- |ne. r'le. e.Ulog-Jor »).,,, nln.trel ioke*. Me. tVlLu ROSEITER, 226 *aaMv«saM.,Cr:lcMC LAsoti sim Ram 1« AT LIBERTY FOR NEXT SEASON, Irlsti or itoiiftb Characters referred. One N.rIiI or One PK-o. MARIE LOZAY Per ndilresH -.tl3d Prairie ATO.. Chlrngp. 111. ORCHESTRA 1EADEBS AND PHOFESSIQHALS l saw the play "lUno Jeana" once, veais ago, and about all 1 ran rsmemner about It la, "saw, damn you, saw." Now when I see » hayseed fid- dler flitng ami "Leary'n Alley-way" for Hie guuff to waltz by, 1 think of "Blue Jeans." Send for a "profcaa" r*opy, and a good orcheai radon, and then "aaw, damn youi Hair.*'! I OH AS^ H. COLE S, M iddi eumn , COUP. ffiSlEST ^vs^ssrji XlJlUKyunirJiii Agent*, write for whole- tale catalog of the latent Puzzle*. Novelties* and Pot^et Trlcltrt. UNIVERSAL SUPPLY CO., 122 U Salle Si., (, , hlcago : _R^ahU«lied_lH>i). HANA6EBS DESIBIBG A TALEHTED •IUVENII.K LADY, versaille, competent and too- j'ougbly t rallied, with some experience, can In* nulled, If they are reliable, by adarejwitjR BKtllNSER,vaieofULIPPKn . Wanted, Young Lady Who Can Slog TO JOIN RRCOflNI/ED PKHFORIHEK. Consider good Amateur, Alno COMEDIAN to I'hauge for week. Addrens FRANK 0. LRAF. Itrave. Pa., Mftr., l,oaf Comedy Oo. DWARF JOE OAVIE8, AT LIBERTY AFTKH SEPT. I«. COMHUIAN. I.KCTURKR and PARTS. Address, unUI (sept. IS. "A TRir TO THK MOON," l.une Park, Coney inland, N. Y. ,_ Ladies' Wardrobist. SUgativ Worn GOWNS tor tbe Stage end Street. rJiabllatied 1181. Mre. A. PEOK, 117 uiqo island Ave.. Oalcago, ni. AinOFoi Lease, Sale or Storage. I . H SC ▼Salt''; Mrs rii<1 Alteration, Matir. VflllV S5tt. Scenery Car lor III*. 1». J. CAR WOItKS , Pe.u tlc, N. J. Wanted at Once, Lad; Corsettlit For nni-i -ii uci or reputation. Immediate to- dt-uDiic enganenieiii. -send photos witu particu- lar.. F. BROOKS. « W. .sin Street, ¥. T. City, care of Conn's, J. C. DEAGAN, iu! aafl »is» n. Cleric St., chit.|». m. Musical Bells ' ANT> Musical Specialties A* naed by leading Attlsta erefywlieTC, Bend for our new IllDStrated catalugue. A few barg*iusin aeconl MM or used loatrmnenfa. 1A Alnininoio Clitmea, lor pitch, on rack to «ei on table, $f>u; 20 Al. chimes on floor rack, f flo; «7 Al. Oliimea on D. D. door rack, tt*; 43 Deep Al. chime* on two D. D. floor racka, alao two 4 oct. XylophoceA on floor racka with resonators, used by Majestic Musical Four, good bargain for four act; la Bar Steel Marlmbsphone on table rack, |2u; at> Bar Chro- matic Sua Steel Marimba on floor rack, for ac- companiment, f ,ig ; 2C Bar Steel Marimba on .floor rack, $ay Si Bar Steel Marimba on floor rack, 135: 2s oct. RoRewood Xyolopbone on floor rack with resonator*, $40; 3 oct ile-avy Rose. Xyolophone on fr*me* (chromatic), $1:.; 16 Tap Bells on floor rack, i?.i: « Rattles, $ifl; 12 Strap Sielpti Bella, 122; 1 aeL, 22 bar R octave RoHewood Marimbaphone, deep rone. {36- 3 oct. Roaewood Marlmtta, $12A; 20 Real Bamboo Bells on Door rack, 160; 8 Golnn.SS: 6 roar In haad Bells, $12: 20 Swiss Hand Bella, WO; 2 oct. Chroniatic Metal Bamboo Chlmea, f-W; e Cathedral Chimes in frame for band nj<>, t"t>; 2fi bars 2 octaves Chromatic Orchestra Belle on frames, US: £> liars 2 octave* Cnro. Orchestra Bella in rase, $20. ■ All tbe above instruments are IB good order, and almost as good as new. Sent C. O. [>., subject to examination, to responsible parties. Just Full of Ideas A SMALL ROOM IK THE BIO HOV8E REMICK'S, 46 W. 28th St. BCD. ROSE wrltna ACTS TOR RELIABLE PEOPLE. LOOK ub. P»rodle», 4 AbMlBte Kaoclf out, on the vrrj lAteirt hlti, PALACE THEATRE, Sydney (R.8.V.) Australia. HARKIE 8KINNIR, . • ■ Ituuxer WILL RENT OR SHARE WITH FIRST CLASS Repertoire Companies (VAUDEVILLE OB COIEDY). Basinet* Booming. SpUkdtd 1'roipeCt far Good Att rartlom. Cable. "PALA.T1A1V* Hydaey. Spe-rl»l code can be seen at t UPPER Ofllce. Physician AT I— II :f»T"v. 8TRONC OFFICE WORKER. Ocrmsu. Beglerrred 11. D. In Mlriilgan, IlimoL , WIM'ODfliQ. ITrcentage only. CltleR alld hlio:: t muQapon only, stare all In flrsr. 1KRHAN SOHWAU, M. II., Oeu. Del.. Chicago, ROW DOES TOUR CANDY PRMLEGE PAT? THE FAMOUS CRACKER JACK Packed to it cannot become nosajabie, and our 6 snd loo. package candies will greatly lnoroase its value. Inform a* whore yon bold a roDcei.Lon SOd WB WlU sejid eamples and prloes. SuXOKHBOi BfiOB. * BOUfBD, MS SO. PEORIA ST., CHICAGO. f » "Tell It To Me EZRA KENC ALL'S 3d BOOK. ALL NEW- JTlJBT OUT. For aale on all iraliis and neve ML « by BUI, Use. Addreu EZIIA KMICDALL. so laatb TtU Av/e., Mt. V.rnon, IT. T. MOVING PICTURE PRINTING. HENNEOAN ft CO., Clnolmiutl. WANTS BAM) and ORCHKBTKA l.KADEH, MUSICIANS WHO ni*l nLE. Thank those who answered my last ad. Too husy to write each oho per»onallT. Addrea*. ORD. NRh HARRY LINDLEY CO., Under Btablo Management, Waot* immediately, an entire company except Comedian, Harry Undley; Soubrelte, Mystic; Piatilsi, Ktbel La- tyoreaa; Characters, Luella Lindley; Juvenile Man. Kual i>e Aft. 10. Leading Lady. Must inv<- fair wardrobe. Others must hostile to study six plays. Intemperate people, Ignore this My play, "The Cutaways," no* been purchased by the eminent HQtrens Nav Bell Mark* for tbe circuit, Can dispose) of rights tor original play "The Son*' tor and Hi- Typewriter," and oilier*. Summer ou Great Lake-'*. Wo open new stock theatre erected for Harry Lindley on the coast thla Winter. W. Marab, write. HARRY IINDI.BV CO.. * Little Current, Ontario, Canada. Culbane, to & Weston's , ..... BOOKING EXCHANGE. ISCS-iaTO BROADWAY, NFW YORK. Shows booked right from practical experience. 'Have the exclusive booking of over 200 theatres •In tbe beat one night stand* In the D. S. and Can. PUYS TO LET ON ROYALTY. 500 LETTER HEADS SIZE, 8'aXll, PRINTED COMPLETE, TOGETHER WITH HALFTONEPLUTE From Photo Ton Furnish, All For $3-25. Original and Special Designs to order. Bend for samples. Remember we make Half Tone Plates, Size, 3x3 Inches, for 7 Be , KPfOXVILLE ENGRAVING CO., 31» MAY ST., KHUHryiLLK. TEHS. HIGH GLASS MAGICAL APPARATUS At moderate prices. Large stock, Immense variety. Illustrated Catalogue Free. New Mam- moth Catalogue Juet Issued, 20c. Just out, Hat of new books oa Magic and new Ha;; of bargains In tricks A. ROTERBERG, 116 Ontario St., Chicago. GOWNS F s°T R A cSi E SLIGHTLY USED. Also STREET GOWNS. We have on hand a large assortment of slightly worn Evening Gowns.Dlnoer, Reception and Tea Gowns. These robes are perfect in every respect, and are especially bik table for wear in HIGH CLASS DRA- MATIC PRODUCTIONS. We have a fall line of Seal Skin Costa and Furs of all kinds. MRS. H. STARR, 367 South State St., CHICAGO MUTOSCOPES FOR SALE. I nave twenty Wood cabinet Mutoecopes. Jnst tbe thing for Carnival Men, for Bale at 126 each. Guar- anteed Id first claea condition. Get yonr pictures and cbaogei direct from tbe Mutoacope Company. Qolck action la fleceaaery If you want tbe bnncb. Addreaa "MlTOSCOPES ,•• Hatwfclae Bide;.. E. nth St., Mew Vorat. . IN ORDER TO INTRODUCE LIQUIOERMA { J!^"{^ POWDERHA Tb» Perfect Pace Powder ' FOR We will send, postage prepaid, t da 60c. I! _ iiaidenna. Addi Oerroo Co., (inc.), 5 E. 17th St,, N. Y. 0% §M jst. Box of Powdertna am oC 9Ci of LifLUiderma. Addres* We carry a swell line of SILVERWARE, JEWELRY, WATCHES, and NOVELTIES al prices that are rtgni. Headquarter* for Theatrical Jewelry. Write for illttBinited catalogue, sent free. Theold reliable B. (1. DHER & CO., M Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. I906--PARK S0HD--I9O6 MY DAINTY MARA PH0FKS9I0NAL COPIES NOW READY. W. I. LEGGKTT CO., BSS B. Sawyer Ave., Chicago, III. FUTURES. Pntnre Hu*b. or Wife Photos for Palmists, Fairs, Parka, etc., $2M per l.ooo; f 1.35 per 600, postpaid. Samples, loc. CABINET PHOTOS, for Helling or fid v. per- poses, $20.oo per i,ooo; K2£0 per loo, copied from your photo. Samples. 10c. CARBON A BTDPIO, Ml. N. Broad St., Plilla., Pa. WANTED, Strong Singing Team. MAN AND WIFIC. Muat be young, attrac- tive, good wardrobe and not afrold of work. Also want, OltCllEXTKA OK 4 or 5 PIECES ;ind ONE TIANO PLAYER. GOOD BAL- IA)ON PEOPLE, write. Send pbotoa. Add. CA1T. W. D. AMBNTH INDEPENDENT SHOWS. Muscatine. la., BMl K Madison July 1-T. FOB SALE, EMPIRE FLOSS M1GIE, With Gas and Gnsollne Attachments, $65.00 caBh.. If you want It, answer quirk. Guar- anteed ?ania as new. Address "FLOSS." 12 N. Cheater St., Baltimore, Md. Nice Outfit for Medicine Show .iox60 Top, Wall, Pole*, Stake*, Seats, Stage, 3 loxlji Tents with floors, Cook House, complete; Lights, Stake ruUer.tJvery tiling. Write for price. DR. JOHN E. l'OVE, Mohctly , Mo. Great Discovery, Expert* can not detcctit from gen- _ nine diamond. Cost* but one tenth. In brilliancy and cut It has no equal Setting solid gold. Write for Illustrated catalogue. ROVE A CO., Uept. 0-858 Dearborn St., Chicago. ZAMBEZI GEM AT LIDBHTV FOR \1.\T SEASON, SAM B. -WILSON, JUVENILES and LIGHT COXIEDY. Addme care VKItNON. 810 Vine St.. Pblla. O. A. HAWKINS, Mfr. of Gymnast I c Apparat lis, 335 E. 46th St., N.Y. formerly of 118 K. 1st it St. Horizontal bar*, leap, lug boards and bars, barrels, crowtes, globe a, etc- IM A K Choice lot of Pythons, Bulla and Pine Snakes a the lowest prices. Broke to handle. J. HOPE, No. 3ft X. flih St., Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED, MEDICINE FERFORMERS IN ALL Lines. ThOM that Fake Organ preferred. Good treatment and sure salary. Write or wire. JrOLlFTON REMEDY CO., Plerron, Bond Co., III. WANTED, BOY, NOT OVER 15; SIN6, Play Instrument or do some good Specialty. One that waatkiloaaipraferTed. Address O. B., Box 143, Togus, Maine. •uu i ran. 15 obits rn n. cuss b ran, 12 nm ru n. EDISON Films and Projecting Kinetoscopes Eitjl.itioi Modal Klitloicopi, {1 15.00. Ualtsrsal Model Kliitoscopi, 175.00. AB t TBS HECOUtflZHD STAXDABOS I UBOLGHOrT THK WuHLU OUR LATEST HEADUNEH, LIFE OF A COWBOY nril COWBOYS AND INDIANS nril lltHL BRONCHOS - STAGE COACH nCHL k STIRRING WESTERN DRAMA IN NOTION PICTURES. SYNOPSIS OF SCENES: The "Big H rn" Saloon — Meeting between Hero and Villain — Entrance of English Tour- Ists— Initiating the Tenderfeet — Collection for Salvation Army Lassie — Arrival at the Ranch —Cowboy Sports, Trick Riding, Throwing Lnriat, Wrestling— Departure of Stage Coach from Ranch — Attack by Indians— Running Fight (3 scenes)— Capture Stage Coach and Ab- duction of Olrl — Indians Escaping and Covering Trail— Arrival Wounded Stage Driver at Ranch— Cowboys in Pursuit— The Fight— Thrilling Rescue of Girl from Madly Galloping Horse — Reunion Hero and Heroine— Death of Villain. Ho. 6»S9, Code VAVASSKl'Il. Length, 1,000ft. Clan A. S1SO.00 OUR LATEST COMEDY HIT, THE TERRIBLE KIDS SEND FOR 1LLCSTRATED DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR No. 283. No. 61143, Code VAULTAGE. Length, 600ft. Claea A. $90.00. OUR LATEST NOVELTY THREE AMERICAN .BEAUTIES An AMERICA* BEAUTY ROSE dlaaolvea Into a boat plctar* of a beautiful AJfKRJCAN tilHL. uhu riiniolv*-* Into an AMERICAN FLAG waving to th« breeie, which In tarn dlaaolvea* Into a star-lit hnekgroand, the star*, after math manoeaverlng. spelling the word* "GOOD .M CI.ERKENWELL ROAD, LONDON. E. C, ENGLAND. RETIIMQ ICrBTfl. THE KINETOOKAfH CO., - - 41 E. 21st St., New YorL OLllLIHO aVblllO. jn*>n I-»«" 5"S On lb* Road. . . . Jig Clipper Po-l OBw .. S10 1 llli ISM. AmBWfllflit Co SIB iunl bj T,l«r,pfc ftofl Vi'idM. BOOH' Mm 600. M0 *,* York Cltj }U Miscriiuiosi ;;; vafrr tbe T.ot, ail WorM of Plijert fill Dcatb* la Ibe Profwlon 514 yirdrrlllo and Mlnlnt 014, 515 THEATRICAL OORBESPONDKNCI!. Color,*, ^"jMg W.iblnfton 004 Ml,!",, lOl Oklibomi $04 M,i,iobn«»lti fOJ taaMj JSJ New York St,t* 507 DUtrlct of Colnmbli 507 .v.v.v.'.'. '..".v. v.'.'.'.'. - .!.'.;; 518 518 ; 618 AUbiml 518 InoltM JJJ N>» linrj «!» KMtM» J » Mlfblpn JIB C»«t.U. $!! We«l VltflnU Bit Ornon JJJ Mloonrl ;l» Ion ■•! J North Carolina MO JllIBfMM 010 WIMoniln 010 noMKik-tit oto l«Dl»lin» 010 This / gj Illinois si; Vlrjlnl, •{} V,mta,t Oil L4TEST BY TEL EQRAPH. GOLDEN r.ATP. GLEANINGS. <* Mktine Rome Dst leatowo. Pi.. 8S-SO; 1Kb Ward, Wil ml ngton, Del., July 2-7. Bin Francisco, June 26. — At the Or- phean! tbe bill for week of 24 Includes : fiif Gordon, Dawn Bros., Kaufman Troupe, Kama's Pantomime Troupe, Bert and Berthn Grant, Rlcbard Clarke and company, Mto Allen and company, and Orpheum motion pictures. , Sotk. — The new Columbia Theatre, which Is .to be erected at Van Nera Avenue and Geary Street, will be among tbe first class A structures to be built Id San Francisco sluce The fire. Plans and specifications are already <. Hecilerson's. Coney Is- land, N. Y., 25-JaIy 7. Armlnta A Burke, Olentacgy Park, Calumtms. 0., 24-30. Artlnctou A Behton. Atlantic Garden, S. Y. C, 25-30. Armond. Grace, Crystal Park, Omaha, Neb,, 25- 30; Lincoln, July 1-7. Arthur A Mildred Boylan Ho., Temple, Detroit, Am, a'. W., Mountain Park Casino, Roanoke, Vs., 25-30. Atlanta Trio, Acme, Norfolk, Va., 25-30. Atlantis San Francisco. Cal.. 25-30. Austin, Clnude. Unique, Winnipeg. Can. 25-30. Austins. Tossing, Battletord Park. Oeitystiurg, Pn.. 2--30; Mnrlon. lod.. July 2-7. Baker A Metre, Keith's, N. Y. C. 25-30. Baker, W. C. Crystal, Toledo, O.. 25-30. Bailey A Flcketl. OuTemator's, Atlantic City, N. J.. 25 30. Baldwins, Jan, Wonderland, Indianapolis, 25-30. Bailey A Austin. F-ast End Park. Memphis, Tenn., 25-30. Baker, Harry. Lakeroont Park, Altoona, Pa. .25-30. Banks A Newton, Family, Darecport, la.. 25-30. Barnes ft Leonla, Grand. Vancouter. Can., 25-30. Barnes & Edwins, Lyric Park, Muskogee, I. T., 25-30: Lyric Park, Ft. Smith, Ark., Joly 2-7. Bann, Will, Rouse's PL, N. Y.. 2.1-30. Barnes, Paul. Proctor'a, Newark, N. J., 25-30. Barrett A Harlowe, Shea's. BntTalo, 25-30. Bsrtelll Troupe. Sohmer Park. Montreal. 25-30. Bates, Louie W.. San Jose. Cal.. 25-30; Empire, Santa Out. July 2-7. „ Banta Bros. A Von Dell. Park, Lewlston. Me., 25- 30; Rlverton Park, Ponland, July 2-7. Baader-l-a Velle Trio, Sans Soucl Part. Chicago. 23-30. BirloWa Elephants, Luna Park, Coney Island, N. Y., 25-30. Barlow A Kane. Orpheum, Springfield. 0.. 25-30, Barto A Latfeny. Koltb's, Pblla.. 25-30. Bnnks, Charley. Escanaba, Mlcb., 25-30. Banootis. Jiijrgllng, Electric Park. Newark, N. J., 25-30. Barnes, Stnart, Keith's, Boston. 25-30. Baker. Harry. Lakemoot Park, Altoona, Pa., 2K- 30. Berry A Berry, Fontaine Ferry Park, Loulsrllle Ky., 25-30. Bedml A Arthor. G. 0. B., Pittsburg, 25-30, Beaty A Price, Wonderland Park, Danville, III., 24-30; Wblte City Park. Springfield, July 1-7. Bennett A Sterling, Hollywood Park, Balto., 25- Bei"A Richards. Oakfonl Park. Orunabura;. Pa, 23-30; Calhoun Park, Pittsburg, July 2-7. Bell Trio. Bijou, Dulntb, Minn., 25-30; Happy- land. Winnipeg, Can., July 2-7 _ — Be-Anos, The. Ookford Park, Oreensborg, Pa.. 25- man," at McVlcker'a; "Brown of Harvard," at the- Garrlck; "The Lion and the Mouse," at the -Illinois; "Forty-five Minute* from Broadway," at the Colonial; "The Student King," at tbe Studebaker: "Abyssinia," at the Great Northern ; Anne Sutherland, at tbe Columbus; Selma Herman, at tbe Bijou: burlesque at the Folly and Trocadero, and vaudeville at tbe Majestic and Olympic. .. Wblte City, Sam Soucl. Chutes and River- view drew crowds The weather Is good. Kansas City, June 20. — All of the parks enjoyed big Sundny business At Electric Park Elery's Baud remained over for Its fifth and last- week Dubell was tbe feature •in the lawn, and Bonnie Cruz was the head- liner In the German Village At Forreat Park Rosatl's Band remains over, but was conducted by Slgnor Decarlo, owing to tbe death of Rosa 1 1. The Four Dunbars were tbe lawn attractions, and in Hopkins' Theatre the Le Brim Trio were tbe feature At Falrmouht Park Helner's Military Band and high diving by Vol Jean were rbe attractions. Cincinnati, June 26. — Tbe Chester Park Opera Co. put on "The Belle of New York," to great" crowds Multitudes attended tbe vaudeville theatres at Coney Island and Lud- low. Lagoon Tbe concerts by Innes' Band drew crushes, and tbe races and dog and pony show were an added attraction. tibmaviLLE, June 26. — Fontaine Ferry Fork Pavilion was crowded Sunday, to wit- ness a good bill, notwithstanding the fact •that the "lid la on" tight here. No/rER prom Gobdon A Bennctt's "A Roy- al Slave" Co. (F-ost).— Manager Col. C. W. Roberts writes: "We opened our season In Indiana July 24, last year, and closed In Stratford, Canids, June 8, a season of forty- eli consecutive weeks of phenomenal success, not one losing week. This means a nice sum 'Hi the right side of the ledger for this pop- ular firm. Our company scattered as fol- Iqws: J, H. Taylor. Wllllamsport. Pa.: Mr. an*. Mrs. Alfred Rowland (Marie Van Tas- sel), Detroit, Mlcb.; Barbara Swager, Chi- cago, 111. : Phil. Jean Barnard, Florence Young, Col. Roberts and Frank J. Lea, New York; Alan Stanchfletd, Ann Arbor, Mich.; J'lmer McKinney, York, Pa., and Chan. New- aptn, Raleigh. N. C. Of this company the following people have been engaged for next season, vis - Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rowland, Barbara Swager, Flo Young, Phil. Jean Bar- nard, Frank J. Lea. Alan Stnnchfleld and Col. Roberts. Our vacation will be a short oar. as Gordon A Bennett are always 'early birds."* > G. Bprt Rodkkt and wins (Vane Cal* vert), who have been spending tbe past three months visiting Mr. Rodnev'R parents at Unity. HI., bare gone to Keokuk, la. While at Unity Mrs. Rodney was presented with a house and lot by her father-in-law, of which lb*, U very proud. Belford, Al. G. A Mule. A. A S.. Boston, 25-30; Tbayer'a Puric. Amsterdam, N. Y.. July 2-7. Bennetts, Musical, Farm, Toledo, O.. 25-30. Bennett. Mabel. Family, Paterson, N. J., 25-30. Beyer, Ben, Brlttanla On Bay, Ottawa. Can., 25- 30. _ Bergere, Valerie. A Co.. Ingersoll Park, Dea Moines. la.. 25-30. _ „ _ Bergere Sisters. Henderson's, Coney Island, N. Y., July 2-7. Berne's Circus. Victoria. N. Y. O., 25-30. Uinncy A Chapman, Shafer'a Garden. Columbus, 0.. 25-80. BIssett A Winter, Laketnnnt Park, Altoona, Pa., Bison City Trio, Crystal Park. Omaha. Neb., 25- 30. BIJou Circus. Carnival, Perth Amboy, N. J., 25-30. Blair A McNnlty, flreeo Front, Deadwood. S. D., 25-July 7. Bloswm, Nat, Alrdome, Oklahoma, Oklo.. 25-30; BJJou. Shawnee. July 1-7. Blamnliln A Hebr, Casino, Wrlghtsvllle Beach, Wilmington. N. 0.. 25-30; Fulton Heights Park, Salisbury, July 2-7. Black Hussars, Henderson's, Coney Island, N. Y., 25-30. Black A Leslie. Family. Sioux City, la.. 2530; Crystal, Omaha, Neb., Joly 2-7. Bowman, Fred. A. A S., Boston. 25-30. Bowery Newsboys' Quartette, East End Park. Memphis, Tenn., 25-30; Forest Park, St. I-onls, Joly 2-7. Bolter. Barry. A Co., Rock Springs Park, B. Liverpool. (>., 25-30; Mora Park, Yoongstown. Boylan. Arthur A Mildred, Temple, Detroit. Mich., 25-30: Shea's. Buffalo, N. Y-, July 2-7. Booth, Great. Falrmount, W. Va., 25-30. Bowman. Frank, Oak Summit Park, Evanavllle, lr.il.. 25-30. Rottmutey Troupe. Altro Park, Albany, N. Y.. 25-30. Borslnls The, Luna Park, Coney Island, N. Y-, 25-30. Bootblack Qnnrtetle. Original. Rocky Sprlugs Park, R. Liverpool. O.. 25-30; Oleoiangy Park, Col ambits, July 2-7. Rowers. Walters A Crocker, Riverside Part, Mon- treal. Cao., 25-30. Brlen. Harry, Freebody Park, Newport. R. 1., 25-30. Bryant A Savllle, Domey Park. Allentown, Pa., July 2-7. Britdy A Hamilton. Olympic, Rpringfield. HI., 25- 30. Brooks A Vrdder. Park, Peeksklll, N, Y., 25-30. Bradley A Davis, Park, Wind Gap. Pa.. 25-30. Bradfords, Tbe. Palace, Boston, 25-30; Wblte City, Worcester, Mass., July 2-7. Brooks, F. A.. Pt. Oratktt Park, Dunkirk. N. T., 25-30. Brittons, The, Establish Yards, Moscow, Has., 2A-Jaly 31. Brown A Delores, O. O. H., Plttshnrg, 25-30; Keith's, phlla.. July 2-7. Brub-t Trio, Ouvernator's. Atlantic City. N. J., 26-30. Brlnkleya, Tbe, Wild-rood Park, Putnam. Oaao., 25-30. Brludamaor, Freebody Park. Newport, R. I., 2*>- 30. Brown, Jack, A Lillian Wright, Dome? Park, At* Bradley A Davis, Park, Wind Oap. Pa.. 25 "ark. Camden. N. J.. Jr*" * Auditorium i. Juggling. Empire. 0ras7. San Diego, Joly 2-7. Woodlyne Park, Camden, Burke Slaters. Auditorium, Norfo'. >«. Audit (orfolk, Va.. 25 ... Buries, Juggling. Empire, Los Anceles, Cal., 25- 23-30. O'J . 1IIILUU, Mil Uimu, JD'J .' I . Bnrke. Al., Ycrkrllle Oaaloo Roof, N. Y. C , 25-30. Burke's Musical Doga, Boulevard, Medford. SI«v„ 25-30. Bach Bros.. Benderson's. Coney Island, N. Y.. 23- 30; Keith's, Bout on. July 2 7. RiK-knef, Anollo, Nnrnben. Ger.. 25-30; Amha^a- rienr. Bucharest Ron,, July 2-31. Burgee. F. Daly. Pastor's N. Y. C., 25-3U. Burton A Burton, Plneburat Perk. Woriveler, Mass. 25-30; Beacon Park. Weltster, July 2-7- Bu-»h. Frank, Proctor's 23d St., N. Y. C. 25-30. Buieh Fsmlly, People's. I^avenwnrtb, Kan., 26- .30; Alrdome, Huteblnion, July 2-7. Rnrworih & iVeIN, J.yrle Park, So. McAllster. 1. T., 25-30; Empire, Oktabonu, Okla.. July 2-7. Bnrke & Dempsey. Morrl*oa's Rockaway Beach, N. Y.. 25-30. Bnckner. Great, Apollo. Nurnberg, tier.. 25-30 ; ArubasMdeur. Bnetiaresl, Hun . July 2-31. Butler, Alex.. Empire. Si. Paul, 25-30. Byron A I-angtlon, Keith's. Cleveland, 25-30; Shea's, Buffalo, July 2-7. Byers 4 Herman. Temple, Detroit. 25-30. r-urr A Jordan, Keltk's. Phlla.. 23-30, Canton. Albert, Fair, Plattsburg, N. Y.. 30-July 7. Caaad A De Verne. Coney Island, Cincinnati. O., 24-30 ; Spring Orate Park. Springfield. July 1-7. Casads (2m, BIJou, flalesburg. Ml., 25-30. Cams. Erama. d. O. II.. Pittsburg. 25-30. Carroll A Clarke, Forest Park, Little Rock, Ark., 25-30. Cardownle Sisters, Cascade Park. New Castle, Pa., 25-30. Cameron A Flanagan, MaJ— tic. Chicago, 25-30; Bijou. UnMlog. Mlrh.. July 2-7. Cnniernn, Grace, Proctor's 23d St., N. Y. C, 26- 30, Camphells. Tbe. Red River. Minn.. 25-30. Campbell A Johnson, Temple. Detroit. 25-30. Paprlre, Lynn A Fay. lnger*oll Park. Des Moines, fa.. 24-31) : Park. Kansas Pity, Mo., July 1-7. Camllle Trio, Vlrtorla, N. Y. C, 25-30. Carroll A Clarke, Forest Park. Little Rock, Ark., 25-30: Mnnuhw'n Part, St. Louis July 2 7. Canter A Bartlet, Steeplechase, Atlantic City, S. J., 25-30: Ouvernator's, Atlantic City, July 2-7. Caron A Herbert, Keith's Boston. 25-30; Keith's Pblla.. July 2-7. Cfirson A Willard. Keith's, boston. 25-30; Keith's, Phlla.. Joly 2-7. Canon A Willard, Forest Park. St. U«:s. 24-30 ; Fontaine Kerry Park, Ijoulsville, July 1-7. Carrollton A Hodges, Cook'H Park, F.vnnsvllle, Ind., 24-30; Cliester Park. Cincinnati. July 2-7. Case, Charlie. Rhea's, Buffalo, ?.v:tO; Keith's Cleveland, July 2-7. Chameroys The. Fnolalne Ferry Park, IrfiDlstllle, 24-30. Cherry A Bates, Oakwood Park. Pittsburg. 23-30. Chllders. Grace. Keith's. N. Y. C, July 2-7. Cliftdfflck Trio. Ponce De I^on, Atlanta. Oa., 25- 30; BIJou, Birmingham, Ala.. July 2-7. Christy, Wayne 0., Summer Park, Shreveport, la., 24-30. Catblers. Grace, ft Dog, Tumbling Dam Park, Brldgetnn. N. J.. Mli Kellh's N. Y. 0., July 2-7. Chick. John A Gertrude, White City. Blnghamton, N. Y.. July 2 7. Clermonti". 'l~he. Oakland. Cal., 25-30. Clifford A Ortb, Astoria. Ore., 26-30. Clark, Cha»., A. ft S.. Boxlon. 25.30. Clayton. Una A Co., Olympic. Chicago, 20-30. Clevdorla. Auditorium, Norfolk. Va.. 25-30. Clinton A Melrose, Relay Park, Nahant, Mats., 25-30. larke ft Park, Grand Rapid*. July L - Clarke, Richard A Co.. Cbntes San Fran., Cal., 26-30. Claude, Toby. Shea's. Buffalo. 25-30. Calwey, Jas. H-, Oodfroy's Grand Rapids, Mlcb.. 24-30. Coyne Bros. Majestic. Chicago, 25 30. Coph Trio. A. A S., Boston. 25-30. Condon. Knte, Majestic, Chicago, 25-30. Columbia Four. Keith'-*, Boston, 25-30; Keith's, Pblla., July 2-7. Covrpcr, Jlmmte. Ross Point, BInghamiOD, N. Y.. 25-30: Casino. Blngbamton. July 2-7. Columbia Comedy Four. Moore'-. Portland, Me., 25-30. Collins A Hart. Victoria. N. Y. C, 25-30. Coin's Dogs. Proctor's. Newark, N. J.. 25-30. Cooke A Mi«* Rolbert, Mom A Sioll Tour, Eng- land. Coates Sunflower Co., Olentaogy Park, Columbus, O.. 25-30. Cogswells, Cycling, Touring Mexico. Coogan. Allen, Family. Paterson, N. J . 25-30. Conroy. John A Mamie, Oakford Park, Greenshurg, Pa.. 25-30. Ccsrlilan. Ro«* A Oo., Proctor's, Newark, N. J., 25 30. Cree, Jessies, fl. 0. H., Plttshnrg, 26-30. Crawfon) A Raleigh, Monett, Mo., 25 30: Aurora, July 2-7. Craco Bros' Carnival, Perth Amboy. N. J., 26-30. Cunningham. Wn., Pt. Gratiot Park, Dunkirk, N. Y.. 25-30. Curtis. Ned. Grand, Hamilton. 0„ 25-30; Phil- lips. Richmond, Ind.. July 2-7. Cnltys, Musical (0), Victoria. N. Y. C, 2S-30. Ciintilngbam A Smith, Forest Lake, Palmer, Mass, 25-30. Culleo. Jn«., H., Moss A Stoll Tour. England. Cummlngs A Tbornlnn. Junctlou Park, Beaver Falls, 26-30. Daly A O'Brien. O. 0. II., Elwnod, Ind.. 26-3*1; Alexandria, July 2-7. Davis Mark A Laura. Park, Wind Gap, Pa.. 26-30. Davenport, Harry, G. O. H., Plttttburg, 25-30. Dannndy, Casino. .Salisbury Beach, N. H.. 25-30. Dnytelle, Madge. Relay Park, Nahant, Mass., 26- 30. Dacoh Bros., Chutes. San Fran., Cal.. 25-30. Dab A Reno, Pastor's, N. Y. C, 25-30. Danovas. Les, Crystal, Denver. Col.. 25-30; Crys- tal, Pueblo, July 2-7. Dale, Rue. Austin's Palm Garden, Syraeuse, N. Y., 26-SO. Docwell. Aorle, Kellh's N. Y. 0., 26-30; Kellh's. Boston, July 2-7. Dabl. Kntberlne. East End Pork, Memphis, Tenn., 23-30. Delphlno A Delmora. Shea's, Buffalo. 25-30. De Witt, Burns & Torrance, Tlvoll, Cane Town, K. A., 25-July 14. Deveou. Huliert. Southern Park. Pittsburg. 2.1-30. ivreriiia ft Oreeo, Moi« A HlolI Tour. Knglaii'l, 25-July 14. De Mutbs, Tbe, Mountain Park, Kottaoke, Va., 25-30. De Vere A De Vere, H=ntingtou, Intl., 25-30; Peru, July 2-7. De Monde h Dlnsmore. BIJou. Alrdome, Shawnfe. 1. T., 24-30: Lyric Park. Joplln, Mo.. July 2-7. De Laceys, Tbe. Runiooa, Grand Rapids, Mlcb., De Renin A La Due, Monlmorency Park. Quebec, Can., 25-30. Delmore ft !.ee, Freebody Pork, Newport, R. L. 25-30. Delmore A Darrell, IdWa Park, Youngstowo, O., 24-30; O. 0. IL, Pittsburg. July 2-7. De Cos Harry, Spring Grove Purk, Spriogfleld, O.. 25-30. De Lora, Mile. White City. Blngbamton. N. Y.. 25-30; Tnmbllug Run Park. Potlsvllle, Pa., July De Mont, Robert. Trio, Ingersoll Park, Dea Moines, la.. 25-30. De Aeries. L., Chester Park. Cincinnati. 2430. Dfinlng, Arthur, Spring Grove Park. Sprlogneld. 0-. 25-30. De War's Cats A Dogs, Freebody Park. Newport. R. I.. 25-30; Lincoln Park, New Bedford, July De'van Bros., Majestic. Chicago. 25-30. Dervln. J. T.. Crvntnl, Omaha. Neb.. 24-30. De llollls A Valoru, Majestic, Chicago, 2530; Olympic, Chlrago. July 2-7. Dlerlckx Bros.. White City Park. Chicago, 24-30; Fontaine Ferry Park, IxutlNvllle, July 2-7. Dixon A Field*, Godtroy's, Grand Haplds, Midi., 25-30. DDIa A TeraplHoo. Crystal, Trinidad. Col.. 24-30. Dmion. Madeline, Orphetim, Mnnsnehl, O.. 23-30. Dlton Bros.. Forest Part. Rt. l.mi-. 25-30. Diion ft Fields, San Honcl Perk. Chicago, July 1-7. DllkK A Dilks, Central Part. Allentowo, Pa.. 23- 30; Rewall's Pt.. Cape May. N. J., July 2-7. Diana. Farm. Toledo, 6.. 25-30. niamotid A Smith. Keith's Cleveland. O., 25-30. Don. Emma. W. Hartlepool, Eng.. il.io; Tlvidl. Trffd*. July 2-7: Palace. Newcaatle. ft-14 ; Pat- ace. Glasgow, Soot.. 10-21 ; Hipp., Llverprwl, Eng.. 23-26. Dockray. Will, Farm, Toledo, O., 24-M. Dnnar, Joe A Nellie. Pastor's, N. Y. i'„, 25-30. Downs. T. Nelwn. Novelty. Rtockton. Cal., 26-30; Novelty. FreKno. July 2-7. Don A Thompi«on, Paslor's, N. Y. 0., 26-30. Domino Rnnge. }*. Morrison's, Roogaway Beach, N. Y. C, 25-30. Doyle A Granger, Whit* City, Chicago, 26-flfl. Donovan A Arnold, Norumbefa Park, Boston, 85- 30. Drew. Mr. ft Mrs. Sidney, Keith's Pblla., 25-30. Dracula. A., Grand, Victoria, B. 0., 24-30; Grand, Vauci-uver, July 2-7. Dun I Mrs (4), Forest Tark, Kansaa Olty, Mo, 24- 30; White City. Chicago, July 2-Ang. 31. Dunn. Jas.. Crystal. Detroit, 25-30. Earl A Flyno, Electric Park, Kanaas City, Mo., 25. July 7. Enrle A Bnrtram, Steeplechase Island. Bridgeport, Ooon., 25-30. Eckel ft Warner. Renwick Park. Ithaca, N. Y., 23-30. Edesins Keltbs. N. Y. C. 26-30. iUlwanlH. (Lis. Mbea's. Buffaiu. 25-30. Fttwardo & Gleowood, Alamo Park, Cedar Rapid*, la., 23-KO. Edna. Mil-.. Keith's, Phlla., 25-30. Eddy, Arthur. Kiysean Grove, Tucwin. Aria., 25- luly It. Edsoo. Marry, Temple, DetMit. 25-30, Eltlnte. Julian. Palace. I^ndon. Eng.. 25-Jnly 31. Elmo. Pete ft Allie, Earl. Pueblti. Cnl , 25-30; Crrsinl. Denter. Col., July l!-7. Elton, Sam. Mom A Stoll Tntir. Fug.. 25-July .11. Kl wood Co., Falr.vliin.l. Paterwm, N. J.. 26 30. i;ilswortbs Four. Cooey Islanl, Cincinnati. 24-30. Ellxivortb. Mr. ft Mrs. Harry, Coney laland, Cin- cinnati, 24-30. Emerson, Eddie M., Clement, Sberbrooke, Can., 2530. Emmy, Mme., A Pets, Chester Park, Cincinnati, 21-30. Framons, Emerson A Emmons, Chester Park. Clo- dnnatl. 24-3U. Emmett A Kane. Park, Wind dap. Pa.. 25-Hu. Erai>erors of MiHlr 141. Illynipio. Cbloapo. 26-30: Fontaine Ferry Park, l .r.ii-i ii:«*. Ky.. July 2 7. nmemoii At Omega, Fairyland. Palersoo. N. J., 26-30. Empire Comedy Four, Moss ft Stoll Tom*. Eng., sn-Jnly 31. English Roar-buds. The, Novelty. Snti Jose, Cal., 25-30; Wigwam. San FronelwD, July 2 7. Engleiot), Nan, A 0> . Brookilde Tart. Alb'd, Msss.. 25-30: Park, No. Adams July 2-7. F*terhrooks, The. Iloag Lake. Wisuisorket, R. I., 25-30. KrwlD, Jark, Crystal, Detroit, 25-30. Evans A Mills. Majestic. Chicago, 25-3U. Krers, Geo. XV.. Park. l*neldH, Col., 25 July 2. Evelyn .Hhlcrs. Henilerann's. t.'.«iey Island, N. Y., 25-30. Faileile Orchestra, Kellh's. B., 25-30. Fields * Hinwn, San Bernardino. Cal., 26-3u; Empire, Ij>s Angelef*. July 2-7, Flnnegati, Wnodlyti Park. L'aiuden. N. J.. 25-30; Hollywood Park, Camden. N. J.. July 2-7. riaber ft Johnson, Fnn^l Park. Kansas Cliy, Mo., 25-30; Majestic. Chicagu. July 2-7. Field- A W.illev. Keith's Rottou, 25-30. Flora. Mildred. Maas Soucl Pnrk. Cbiragp, 26-30; Wonderlnnd. Milwaukee. Wl*.. July 2-7. Piemen A Miller, Towana Psrk, Des Moines, la., 25-30. Floods Tbe. Ontario Reach. N. Y., 26-30. Flood Bros.. Praetor's Albany, N. Y-. 25-30. Fox A Hughes, Riverside Park, Boise. Ida.. 25- July 7. Fov. Eddie, A Co., Olympic. Chicago, 26-30. Fontluelle. Mysterious Athletic Pork, New ur- leans. La., 25-.'M>; Forest Park, Little Rock, Ark.. July 2-7. Fonti-Bonl RrtM., Stailhern Pnrk. Pittsburg, 25-30. Fox ft Ward. Nanghrlght, N. C. 25-30. Fmlo ft Dare, luger*0ll Park, Des Moines, la., ■&4B, Freeze Urn- . HIJou. Dulutli, Mlnu., 25-30; BIJou, Superior. Wl*.. July 2-7. Frey, Henry. Electric Park. Newark. N. J.. 23-30. Froslo. Clsisle, BIJou., Oklahoma, Okla., 25-30; BIJou, Shawnee. July 2-7. Freeman ft Wutxon. •rrocadero. Chicago, 25-311 ; Alamo. Cedar Rapids, la., Jnly 2-7. Frasrr Trio, Oakwood Park. Pittsburg. 26 30. Froslnl, F. G., Park. Rockfurd. HI.. 26-30. Frankfort. Milton. Acme, Norfolk. Va.. 25-30. Franklin. Lillian. Eicelnior S|**.. Mo., 26-30, Frlltle's Dogs, Family, Paterson, N. J.. 25-30. Gardner % M widens Park. Rnyimne, N. J., 25-30. Gardner ft Stoddard, Freelidly Park, Newport. II. L. 26-30. Gandy, Clark C, Crystal Park, Sedalla, Mo., 25- 30. Gaitdsrhmllts, The, Luna Park, Coney Island, N. Y.. 25-30. Garrlty Sisters, Henderson's, Coney Islaml, N. Y., 25-30. narnrltas Tbe, KIJou. Dulutli. Minn., 25-30. (iartelle Bros., Chutes, San Fran.. Cal., June 2-7. Osylord, Rounle, Fore»i Park, St. I^sils, 25 .Hi. Oagiinux. The. Kcllli's. Pblla.. 25-3t». Oovin A Piatt, Lakemoot Park. Altoona, Pa., 25- 30. nelger A Walters. Keith's, Phlla.. 25 30. nehest, Gertniilc. More's Portlnntl, Me., 2r>-30. George, Clinrbilte, HeiHlersou's, Cnnry Islaml. N. Y., 26 30. Glllcu, Torn. Juncllou Pork, New Bright Pa., 25- 30. Ollliiigwaier. Claude, ft Co.. Majestic, Cub-ago, 26-30. , „ (lilt. Nat, Glen Haven Park. Rochester, N. Y., 26-30. Clllioore A Carroll. Grand, Marlon, Ind., 25-30 Bucklin's, Elkhart. July 2-7. Gliroy, Haynett ft Moni^itoery. Empire, Los An- geles CuL. 25-30; Empire, Han Diego, July 2 7. Gllky. Ethel, IWisnce. 0- 26-30. (lllllban A Perry, Wesl Kml Park. New Orleons 30; Duchess, Balham. Jnly 2-7; Royal, Bol* horn, 0-14; Pal., GUHgOW. Scot., )0 -I. Balleu A Hayes, Forest Park, Kansaa City, Mo., 25-30. Harland A Rolllaon, Bteeplecbaso Island, Bridge- port, Conn., 25-30. Harvey, KUIe. Fairyland. Paterson. N. J., 23-30. Hamilton A Wiley, Unique. Kan Claire, Wlv, 2.'.- 30; Unique, Minneapolis, Minn., July 2-7. Hall. Frank. Meyers l-ake, Canlon. O.. 25 3d. Hays, Ed. C. Idora.Park. Yonngstown, O.. lam Harconrt. Frnnk. BIJou. Battle Creek, Mich., 1!S- 30; Ilijim l.iin-.iig. Jnly U-7. llavcmaii'* AnlmnN. Frntnlne Ferry Park. l.oul»- Vllle. 24-30. Hearn. Tom. Victoria, N. Y. C., 26-30. Herald Square Qiunctte. Klvermouut. Lynchburg. Va., 25-30; Ocean View CmoIihi, Norfolk, July Helns "Laughing Billy," i.nnn Park, Johnitown, Pa.. 25-30. Herliert. Carl, Prudor's. Newark. N. J., tf-am Ilr'riieri ft Vnnce. MHiiliinu's Park. SI. Umla. -4- 30: «v., , h'- park, Kvntisrllle. 1ml.. July 27. Henry. Voting A Conlln. Shellpot Park. Wllmlut;- ioii. Del.. 25 Jnly 7. Ilewleltes The, Alcataf, Denver. Col., 25-July 7. HpiiiiihiiS Mttsb'nl. Carnival, I'nii-tevllh-, 11., 25- :W: Riverside Park. Sagluan. Mich.. July 2 7. Hermnnys Cats a Dogs Proctor's 23d St., N. V. C, 25-;ii». Hlnraan, Capt. Sidney, Lagoon, Lndlow. Ky., 25- Jnly 7. Hllllanl. RohL. A Co., Keith's Boston, 25-30. Ill"-ers (X). Oleatangy Park. CiiIiiiiiIhh. O., 25- H. . j. Fml. Fair. Kdlna. M«., July 2 7. ' """ * III" Murray K.. Forest Pnrk. Kansas City, Mo., 26-SO. HI..--.. A Warr.ii. Park. Molierly. Mo., 2.1 3u; White Cltv. Springtleld. 111.. July 2 7. Hlllebrsnd ft Vivian, Grand, Taroma, Wash., 23- ;hi. I Inld* worths Tbe. Wootllnn.l Purk, A»bland, Pa., 25-:iO. H»ll>ru»ks .Mifli-sl. Revere Beach, Mass., 25-30. Howard. Hen.. Relay. Nahant. Ma**.. 26-.'U>. Howard Br»M., Empire Timr. Eug., 2". July 27. Ilnniinl, Chun., Keith's. Phlla.. 25 3o. Ilonnhl A Nonh. Temple. Detroit. 23-30. Hnwunl ft llowanl. O. 0. II., PHUhnrg. 26 30. liny I, Fraud's *('«., Piiieliur-'t. Worcester, Ma>*i., 25 30. Hnnl.'V A Lc-lle, tji-lfrov'-*. Urand Kaiilds, Mich., 25 an. Holmes. Taylor. Pr«i.tor's. Atliany. N, V. 25 3D. Hnraen A I.ewN. conr-y Island. Wheeling. \V. Vs., 26-30; Idlewlld Park. Newark. O., July 2 7. Huston A 'Dallas Henderson's, Coney Island, N. V.. July 2 7. Hnssev. Geo. W , Renwick Park, llhaca, N. Y., 25-30. Iliirhn, Musl.nl. Proclor's. Allwny. 26-3i>. Iliuiiilfoid. John T.. Oileon. Dnytmi, lit, 26-30. lhtegel Rnw., Orplieiiiu, Sprlngllelil, O.. 26-3II. Hylnuds |.l|. Iloosb'k Park. No- Adams. Mass, 25 :W; Berkshire Pnrk, Pltlsnrld. July 2 7. Hyde ft llealb. Slar. Ilaniillisl. Mo., 25 3(1; Man- iilnn'x Park. Hi. 1,nuls Jnly 2 7. Utile. Bob A Rerihs, lloosl.-k Park, No. Adams. Mans.. 25 30; Berkshire Park, Pllt*Acli|, July IniKrlal Japanese Guards 4'lrcus Curly, AlthiHT. (isnabriM-li. (ler., asVava, ItiteriiBllonsl Four. Plcloii, Can., 25-Jnlf 7. ItiiieHs A Itran, Rninonn Park, Grand Rapids, Mh'h., 26 30; RlTersble Park, Saginaw. July Irving. Tom. AnMhVs Palm flanlea, Syrinwe, N. V.. 2630. James ,V Hl.liiiriU, A. \ S-. Hn«ldn. 2'fHO. Jacidis A Siinlel, lnillona|»olts, Ind., 25-30; To- ledo, 41., July 2 7. Jscnies. AMierl, A Pro., Coney Island. Cincinnati, 26 :«•- Jneksisi ft Houn, Boulevard. Mrdfonl, Mass., 26- 30. Jackson Famllv. Mia liakip Park, Montreal. 25-:itl. Jack. Mr. A Mr- , Sprlug Orore Park, Sprlio; Oehl. (I.. 26 :m. Jau-eii, llerr A Co., Dsyion, O., 25 30; Spring- ltel.1. July 2-7. Jerome, Kltuer. MteiH»lrcba<«e Inland. Bridgeport, Coaii.. 25 30. Ji'iiuliigM A Jewell, Alnloini*. Hutch Ihuii, Kan., 2n- 30; Alrdome, KutiNirfa, July 2-7. Jennings ft Rearm*. Oak Summit Park, Kvaui- vllle. Ind., 25 30; Spring Brook Park, So. Bend, July 2-7. Jctturr A Ella-worth. Plneburat Park, Worcester, Mass.. 25-30 : Pastor's. N. V. O.. July 2-7. Johnston, Ralph, Sobiner Park. Montreal, 26 30. Johnson. Honey, Boulevard, Medford, Mass., 25- 30, M .Li.. i. in, Great, Dean's Park, Cartersvllle, Va.. J." :tu. Jolinsoti A Wells. A« Builnvcrn, llndapesl. Iluu., Joliiiuou.' Davenisirl A I/Mlella, Hoag Lake. Wihui* MM-ket. IL I.. 26-:i(i. Johiisions. Miisli-ul, Tower. BlackiKsd, Eng., 26- .in: Alhnnthra. Nuul'm. Fjig.. July I 31. .loliii-nii. SnUd, Kellh's Phllfl.. 26 .'HI. fin ii Hal Trio, hasskan 23.1 Si.. N. V. O., 26 30. Junes, Irving. Kellh's. iVvclaud, 25-30. Jiiiu-s, l.'niiii. Crystal. Tolcilo, (>., 25-3ii. Junes A Stern. Pniiiuges', Settllle, Wash., 25-311. Kates Bros.. Avon Pnrk. YomigxtoWli. l>.. 26-30; Moek HprlngH Park. K. LIverpisil. July 2 7. Kkiirmnii Troujie, Cliiites. Hun Frnn., Cat.. 26-30. Keiu/iiiiiii Sisters, Iter kali In* Park, I'lttmltM. Hal B-an, la.. ;-3o. Cllnseretlls The. G. O. H.. Hlllllgll. 26-30. Gleawn. Vlolel. A. A S.. Hoslon. 26-:tO. Uli-nsnn. John A. Berlha, A Fred llntdllinn, Kellh's. Pblla.. 26-:tO. Gladstone. Ida, . Elecirle Park, Newark, N. J., 25-30. Cottlobb, Mr. ft Mrs.. Karl. Iliehln, i" ■-. ■ l , 25 30; I'rvsliil, 'lr In. I. Cd , Joly 2 7. Oolilen Riuoilaii Tmuiie. Hobmer Park. Montreal. 2530; Monlinorenole Pnrk, Oiiel-:m. (lo^rnon. Cliff, ('hiites. San Fran., Cnl.. 26-30. Gordon A Chacon, Park. Erie, Pa.. 25 30. Carrion, Don A Mae. oletilnngy Park. Coiiiudtus, 0.. 26-:t0; Idora Park. YiHiugHlnwti. July 2-7. Ooldiii A Hughe-, Island Pork. KaMoii, Pa., 26- 3fl; Gtoventvllle, N. V., July 2-7. (lorman ft Weal. Proctor's, Albany. N. Y„ 25-30. (Inldsmltb A Hopue, Woulwortli's, uaaaWatfT, Pau, 26-30; Steeplcohaw, Atlantic City, N. J.. July 2-7. Ooldens, Musical. Electric Pnrk, Newark. N. .!., 26-30. Grant. Bert A Berlha, Cbntes, San Fran., Cat., 25 30. Gross. Wm., Park, Danville, 111.. MB) Park. Springfield, July 2-7. . Gray's Marionettes. Lakewood Park, Skowbegao, Me.. 26-30; Riverside Park. Bangor, July 2 7. Green. Harry, Family, Pnlcrson. N. J-. 25-30. Gray A Graham, Pastor's, ft, Y. C. 25-30. Gray, Eatelle. Ausllu'a Palm. Garden, Syraeuse. N. V , 2&-30. IUII, Blllr. A. A S.. Roslon, 25-3(1. Harcnnrt. Daisy, Palace, London, l-iig., July HI, Hamilton, Ann, Vancourer, Can., 25-30 ; Victoria, July 2 7. norlford. David M., ft Co., Keltli'a. Clevelaml. 25-30. Hammond A Forrester, Park, Danville, ML. 26-30. Hathaway, Belie. Pastor's N. V. C. 25-30. Hasty. Charlie, Barter's Wabash, Ind.. 25-JH). Hathaway A Seigel. Knit* Hms-1. Chicago. 26 30. Harris. Renureganle, A Co., l.ak**DKinl Park, Al* tor.m. Pa.. 25-30. Haydeti A Hayes, Casino, Onlnrlo Reach, N. Y., 2530. Hall, Lillian. AoMln's Palm Garden, Syracuse. N. V.. 26-.-W1. Hanlen, Jack, Airstln'n Pnlm Gnrden, Syracuse, N. V., 25-30. Hawkins l#w, Ingersoll Park, Des Moines, Is., 26-:to. Harrison, l^-o F.. Grand. Toledo. (>., 25-3o. HarrlMui. Minnie, Young's Pier, Atlantic City, N. J.. 25-30. Hanvey A Doane, Idle Hoar Park, IMII>burg. Kan., 25-30. Hart, Willie A Edith, Keith's, Oreland. 25-30; ivitron Park, Jamestown, N. V . Jnly 2-7. Harmon A Nelson, Electric Park. Balto., Jnly 2-7. H acker-! .cater Trio. Morrison's, Rockaway Reach, N. Y„ mm, Harris, Reauregarde A (V, lakemont Park, Al- toona. I'n , 25-30. Haymao A Franklin, Empire, Islington, Eng., 25> Karon's Pantomime Co., Cltules, San I'rau., Cal.. 26-30. Kastrou. Argyo, Kellh's N. Y. ft, 25 -»». Karnala, Hrlghlon Bea>*li, N. Y.. 25 .Inly 7. Klernaa, Jss. A., Keith's N. V. C. 25 :tu. Keiiion, Dumtliy, sinck Farm, Wballoii'dmry, N, Y.. 25-Jnly 7. KenueM, I'rancnis, Liitm Park, Coney Island, N. V., 25-30. Keolons i:t), Reservoir Park, Hlchiuonil. Va., 26- :m. Kelly A O'Brleu, Kelth'H, HohIiui. 25-30. Keiiroti ft He Ganuo, Klcclrlc Park. Baltimore, 26-30. I ..ii h Frank ft, Howell. Nel>„ 26-30. KhertiN ft Ode. Lute .Michigan Park. Muskegon. Mich., 25 30; Rulilnson Park, Fi. Wayue. lud.. King, Mr. A Mrs Ham, Caslini, Wlwellng, W. Vs., 24.10. King A IIm-i,,;,, b'anilly. Ptli-rsou, N. J., 26-311. King A Wlllluais, Crydul, Delroll. 26-30. Klp|i A Klppy. Olyiiiidc, l!|i|i-ag>j. 26 Mi MaJ.n- lie. Chicapi. July 2-7. Kiln llsimnl Japs, Hender»s»n a H, I'miry Inland, N. v., 1Mb, Kiltie Trio. Luna Park, Johnstown. Pn.. 25 :*o. Kimball Bros., llcuileriuiii's. Coney InIbihI. N. V., 25-30. Kliisous Heiidcrw-ii'M. f'.itiey Island, N. V.. 26-30. Klein A Cllflirti, While City Park. Illnghamloii, N. Y.. Jnly 2 7. Klein A Klein. Meyer's Lake. Coulon, II.. 26 30; Farm, Tolwln, d.. July 2 7. Klelsl, I'ii.iI. ItHiiinlin. Ormnl Rapids Mh'h , 2-1- 30; Siirlng Rrook Park. So. llMid. I ml., July Kuelxger, I#«, Psnlageit*. Portland,. Ore, 25- July 7. Rosure A Chaplain, Lake View Pnrk. Terre Haute, Ind., 26-30. Ktipia- ft Ko|.|ie, Hlghlawl Lute. Wliistcd. Cosa., 25-:i0; Ib'Oili. R>e- N. Y.. July 27. Holder A Mnrlou, hnrllndf.ui:iyV, Oularlo Ileaeb, Cbarlolts at Y., 25 -""' Kuril- I , July La Tour. Irene. NnmmtK-gn Park, Bmitou, 25 3«. I. i Clair ft West, llreaii Pkr. Sea Me Clly, ft. J.. 25 Jnly 7. I* Mar. Wnvi.e. HIJou. Mari|iwtle. Mlcb., 26-3(1. I.uni i A Pattlellf, Crystal, Kokonm. Ind.. 25- .11 cryslnl, i.-.* , iM«|.ri. July 2-7. L» Zur A La /nr. (ilyinple, Chicago, 25 30. Lane. Arthur. Mnuhatlnii. Norfolk. Va., 26 3d. LuticaHler, Tom, F'lrest i.uW, Palmer, Man*., 26.10. I. n I'omiiu'. Inn.', Allaiille Gnnlen, N.Y.c , 26 W. l.nmU-ri A Pierce. VVoit.llawl Park, Ashland I'n , 25-30; Lake Nlpniuc I'tbrldge. Ma-s., July 2-7/ La Dclles, Paiitastir, Ale Hr>nu>, Hi. laaK 25-31-. I.iiws< t [i. (ThliH-se. |. .ike View Park. Terre Hai/e, Ind.. 25-30. LniiKdons. 'i .;.. Cryslnl, Marlon, Ind., 25-3i't. LNllna, Mile., Iliiiiternon's, c.mry Ixland. f. Y.. 26-:mi. Mrlmnre, Irving W., Chanlniupta Pnrk. Wln*>ld, Kan., 26-:«l. La Jess. Thro. A Camllle, Cryslnl Pnrk, Sedalls, Mo., 26-110. hitmen Sisters, Wonderland Pnrk, Revere Beach, Mass.. 26-30. La Salle Twins, Glen Haven Park, lbs-healer, N. Y-. 25-30. La Rrnn Grand Opera Trio, Forest Park, Kan-ns Clly. Mo.. 25-30. Ln Nrdo Bros.. Riverside Park, Montrenl. Can., 26 30. j.ancdon. Hnrdle, O. H.. Alevandrlo. Ind., 25-3"; si{#. Knkomo, July 2-7. La Croix, Paul. Roof Garden, Lancaster, Ua,« 26-30. 510 tfHE NEW YORK CLIPPER. June 30 1..«l"T Brtw.. Park, Sfnii-lli 1 . Pa.. 25-30 lafayetli- Lvrin Fmir, rtiiriiurtMrt. O.. I!fl-.t0. Ln Toll nro».. I'i-')|>IpV. Li.-rNlor S(«n., Mo.. 23- n»: Crjalal Park ifeualla. Jul; XT. Lava1]e«-». S:t To**liiE, Owaiia I'ark. Dm MnliiM, Ik.. S5H<»; BIjoU. U i'nw. Wi-., July 2-7, Leonard, ■ tin-. Whiir Lily. UtnH. -O.. J-ilv 2 7. L" Clair, Jnhn. BrittMuU I'ark, Ottawa, Can., July 2-7- I*degar. Clin*.. L'rjalal. Milwaukee. Win.. 83-30. L«\ Irene IB . U lie IMlk. Srlvnia. N. J.. 23-30. tv Uriii, Cmi. Kelt..'*, Uonlon. 2J -3U ; Keith's. N. Y. C July 37. l.r Mar, i;}]li, July 1-7- I* Hoy. Marie, Aribn I'ark, Mtruta-. ft* I.^wls * QmIi. Trocailrrw. Chicago. 25 UO . 1-eT.v. Mrs*. Jules, & Co.. People 1 *, Kicelal,if S|*jm.. Mo., 23:H». .... Leonard k Drake, Cook"* I'ark. K*|.ui«Me. Ind., 21-30: Cluster l'^rk. Cincinnati, JilJf IT. Llid.a*'K Uonkcva. While LIU. Oilcapi. 25- July 7. • Lore ft Hallaa, Lollbia Ganleii, (Juiumhua. U.. 2530. IllhiplfW Latiru, QlMtf rlt*«eli. Man*., pW IxjiiK Morer, Bijou. Duluth. Minn.. 25-30. LUmbard Br*».. LTjsial Part, SHallH. Mo.. 23-30. Lorette. H. M., Hteol l'lcr, Atlinilc City, N. J., Lucy t i.ueler. Olympic Chicago, July 2-7. « Lace « Luce. Earl, l'uclito. Col., 25-30; CrjBtal, Qui Denver. Col.. July 2-7. Si*) LrfiHer. Mr. * Wra. Fred, Ulcutangy I'nrk, Oolnm- bus, 0., 25-30. .|.udun. llttaatrj. Portland. ■% 25 30, Lyric Comedy Four, Orpkeuui, bprinKthjIil. O., 2^* 30. Liater & Cooke, Idea- Fowl 1>ii Lac. Wl* . •»-■«>; Idea. Oaliltoau. July 2-4: BIJou. Ajn/lclon 3-7. Ljitell A Batterworlh. O-odfroy'a, Graud Haploa, Marline, Kd'lt! Sock'ly Qm Uockfwtil, 111., 25- 110; Kenoaba, Wl».. July 2-7. , Marllere. Lanra. Rlallo. X. Y.. 25-20. MnWviiH. The, Maphnllaji. Norfolk. \a.. **■ MnrlluoBrothera. Kuiulre, Loudon. .Km.. « -• 0. JIhih-Ih. A Vajwllluv, BuiYuto. N. V.. K^ M Injwtlc Trio. Orpbouiu. Los Anijclfs. La!;, 26-JO. Cbutrs. Han Vmn.. July 2-7. a _ ._ „ Mardo Trio. White City, Chicago. 2j30; Joreit I'ark. Katn*aa Clly. Mo., July 2-7. ... Hack, Jobn ft Carrie, MiHIlpa. Uk'UuKrwI. Ind., 2-1-3U; Lacoon. Ludlow. Ky.. July 2-7. Mrtonrte Slatcra (3). Boalerard. Mwlforfl, Mabs., • Ma*lcCa|i. Tbe." Majcatl.-, Ctilnujo. 25-30. ilarlluettle ft S.vlreater, Lakv I'ark. gH ajplWrJM i Midi.. 25 30; Hnmup* I'ark. CnOil Raplda. Ilareo Iwlnu. Rotky Hptfi. I'«rk. ■■! Llren"»l. O.. fulj 2-7. Wtreetm. Neraro ft M ua ff fc r>fBa*«% J*M* X. J.. 25-W; I'nicior'K. Albany. X. J.. July -'• Macbnow, Victoria. X. Y. C 25-30. v Mtwo ft Fox, Heuderbon'a, Coufey ban*, N. Y., Marlon ft Once, Oawy IkIuuiI. Cluelniiall, 24-30. \| jsv.t'I Jatt.. A. ft *■ BoHloii. :■.■■ ManulPB Trln. White Clly. Chlt-ajo. 25-30. SlfeBNTja Kratuer. Hunlon'a l't., Toronto. Cab.. HauH'a Dog* A Mookeys, Choles, S«b Fran., MaUnw M«l«l«'(3). Hwiderswi'a. a.uey lalaml, MixWajj Hlaterfi. Freel*Kly I'ark, Newport. U. Mcl'lellai.. Ja«.: BIJmi. IJullitu. Mluu.. »••». McDonald ft Hugbea. CmmIiio I'ark, halamaioo, McNaineV^Anautk- Lily, M. J-. 25-30; l'r«tor-a. Mt^SuSr£* ote. Casliai I'ark. Kalamaiou. Mich., MlUer ft Kdwanln, Sunuysldc. Toronto; Can., 25- Mltcbell & Brrmiilm:. OrpheiiBi. Lima. *>■■ 23-30; Coney l*!uud, Clucluimli. July 1-7. toii.'n. jf.vao: LukeMde I'ark. Akmn. July J *■ Mile;'* nichard., U. «>■ II.. fj'»^«- »».. Mlllrr^hlit SNieru. hrllln*. X. Y. O.. -o-3». KvlluV. 1'hlla.. July 2-I- Mllla ft Morrl*. I'roctw'a 23!-. -'^30 Mooter ft HolUiln. Palace. I-owtou, Ha*. July Ha5f£ Ifai »•]"«. KalaitiNiwo. Mick.. 25-30; alMMBNP*K cirtalikO t*fB% Yuuhk's l'ler. Allan- lit! rily. X. J.. 2-VJnly 7. _ _• MaaaftlrT U. Touring Aiintrta. 25-30; Or ( dieuia, MM. Am-.. Jnlr t»l. Mltrmi . l*oul"e. rroctorH 2Jil bl., N. ». L., .j- M Moore. Fr*M. Sl|te'».. Kokyiuu. Toil.. 25 30. HUllii ^ Mnrrh. Solimt-r Park, Montreal. -.< ■»'■ Mf-d'-T. """'Ii. A i».tlii*»t Pajni Uanlru. Syraciwe. Moon. Ld", UniiHl, Marlon. lud.. 25 30; olynijtk-. Muniliv. I1iiioi|".o*i A Mliriiby. Inlairl Park. Joluih- toV'il. IM.. 25 30; Avotidaln Park, Wllibmnc. Mundic A PaliniT. Hrrmk'n. Km, Beach. S. Y.. MMtlllllH IBI. Fairyland. Palersou. X. J.. 25 -30. Murrav. Lln«l..» k Drew. KWtrlc I'ark. Newark. N. j„ 25 30; Built ■ Xo. Bea.b. X. \., July MfltTtV. Beo I,., Pnluiit'. Winnipeg Can.. 2530; Mlliev/'llwi I... Hnhiiie. WM a bg W. C""-. 2r.30; Cryatal. I>clmlt. Mich-. July 3-7. Narnwar Bunil. l.uim Park. WartilnEtiui. 1». 0.. 2.S-3U. Naxel ft JadMK, l'aKtar> u X. T. t: ; . '--\;*>- Xtciiiyllir Hilly. A«-me. .Norf.dk. \h.. »*»• NotIuk ft ArmdO. Korkawaj Bcacb. X. Y.. if. Newell A MM... Kahylawl. Iltfimi, N. J-. 2ff3ti. Mblii ft Hller. iMetilHbvy Park, i;o1uiuIhik, O.. 2.".-3r. Kim Klllle. OMMak Park. XewvaMIe, !»«.. 23- Xorlou. A!.. C.NllroyV «raiid lUplild. Mleb- ^5- 3*i. North. Kobhy. Mastiti H. II., 1^* Atujelea, Lai.. Ogdeo. Helen. Amu>fiiieol Park. Unrntur, III., 2-1-30: While Clly Park. S]»rlw;neld. July. 1-7. O'llcam. W. J.. SUwT- BuOalo. 2.''-3i>. O'I.biikIiIIu A t'obeiT. Keith'*, X. Y. O., 2.'.»0; KellkV. Boatoa. July 2 7. Oiirl. Adete Pnrrlt., Viilley. Syracnw, N. Y.. it- . (m'lbiiuk ft Blancliettc Founlaln Park. Oml Bar- rliitctmi Mm., 23-30: lllsliliiiHl Ijiki*. WlnsiH. Omit . July 3-7. tuv" '"" Family. H1>hi. XiMjilelon, WIk.. 24-30; BJaak Ureen Bay. July 2-7. nnfmili. It- P.. K-llhV, X. Y. C. 3ft.no. liven. lUhy, ft *'••.. HlrmlnpliHtH. Ala., 2r-30; Kleeirlc Park. MoiilBOiaerv. July 2 7. Oaars. The. Fliealer Park, rinrliuilill. 0.. 2l-3ti; I'etlar Point. SHUduaky. July 2-7. l'ntterMUi*. Btnuirtlng. Kmiilre, JpUluuertliurg. 8. A., 23-30: Tirol I. Cane Town. July 1-25. Paplnta. Fnreat I'ark. HI. 1-oiiIh, 25-311. PaulUie. Prlureas. Pnat«ir**, K. Y. C. 23-30. Pall/ ft MncKee. iWmntms. O.. 24-30. l'aaiabnvlka. Prof.. Stieutor. III., 30; Boulder. Col.. July 4 : Waterloo, id.. 7. ParUti. Oroheiim. MinitUeM, ().. 25-30; Ori>bcutu, PortitmauiU. July 2-7- Paullneili ft I'luii". winiPLKnrii-11. Berllu, Usr . 23 July III Varlele. CarlhNd. 1031. I'atelien ft Cllftoo, l'««torV. X. Y. C. 25-30. 1'iify E::i,, Forest Park, bt, Louis, 33-30, -» Palfrey ft Hoefkr, Kcllb's Phlla., 2.1 3d. Peru ft Wllaon, Wtat Knd Park, New Orleans, July 2 7, ■ Pernon i, Carallle, Mp|it*k t*ake. Cnulon, O.. 24- 30; Lakealde Park, Akron. July 2-7. Pbvlini 13), Triwj|(l*ro, LHMtah 24-30. Plilltlpa, Moiiflaire. BIJou. Alnloon-. WlrblU. Kan.. 25-30; BI>ju, ftlrdoiue, Okla. City. OMa-, .liilv 1-7. PliltllilN. A!.. A LVt, Moore'x. I'nrllxml. Me.. 25-30. Plecolo Mldaela. Kreebmly Park. New|«rt. It. I., 23-30; Wooltrorth. l-anc.islcr. Pa.. July 2-7. Plcrec ft Riralyn. Dlytnplc. Llilcago, 25 3". I'leri-f ft ()p|i, Park. Brldgeton. N. J.. 25-30; S|trliiK Luke park. Trenton. July 2-7. PlrUa-oQlfl. Tbe, Mcyer'a l^ike; Ctulou. *).. 25-311. Plxlry, Manilf, Pi. Lratlot I'ark. Dunkirk, X. Y., 25-3». Pterrew. l-'uro-l Park. KuiiM* Llty.'Mo., 25-3'». Platla, lieo. I... Ponialu Park. Ureal Bairlnitou, Hoik, 25-30; Uaniiden, July 2-7. _,. l'ulrem 1.3). Street Fair. Hnlerb. 0,. 24-30. Polk, Collin* ft Carmen Slaten, New York K«o(. K. Y. OL 23-rty. Poiiltler, Kd., CryKtal. Kltrnoil. Ind., 25 30; Bar- ter O. II., Wntainh, July 2-7. Pottt ft ltu--i-H, Mcyer'a Lnke, Canlou, O.. 24 30. Potlrr, Uertlc. Auatln'a Palm Harden, Hyrtcuae, N. Y.. 25-30. ! PruieanlPM (0), XVw York Itoof. N. Y. a. 25 30. ProbMt, Onibenui. Log Angelea. Cal.. 25 July 7. Pulley'»i Dixie OrarlnaleB; I-ake Com pounce, liiKlun. Conn.. 2&-30; Casino. Bye Beach, N. Y.. July 2-7. • ". "" Pyke ft Curley. Ideal. Ilobokeu, N. J, 25-30. Pureiiii ft Orben, Riverside Park, Bantor, Me., 25-30. Quaker City Qujriette, Proctor's 2;td 81., N. Y. a, am. uigK ft Mack, Olympic, Chicago, 25-30. ,ulnlan A Mack, Farm, Toledo, O.. 25-30. Wuiff. Mnrkey ft NJckenon, Celeron Park, Jsinra- tovrn, X. V., 25-30: Aton Park, Yooosstown, July 1-7. layMH ft Carerly. Keith's, N. Y. C. 25-30. Bav A Taylor, Boston, Maas., 25-30; Lowell. July 2-7. Uu,. T. W., Fanilly. Patorson, X. J.. 23-30. Hasina ft Banks, Palace. Black bum, Kng.. 25-30. Riivenncrurt, Cbsrlotle, LakeoMe Park, Akron, U.. 25*»0. Kaffin'a Monkeys. Luna Park, (*ooey lalaud, X. Y.. 25-30. Itado ft RertmsD, Prch'lor's, Xewsrk. N. J., 25-30. Radfonl ft Valentliu', Bnrranford Tour. Lnflaud. 20-July 7: Cape Town. H. A.., lO-Aiut. 16. It io, Dorothy, OlysDjilc, fJttrngn, 2G-:iO. ReeilK. MuHlcal, Bijou. Duliitb. MIud.. 25-30. "Red Itutpn CudetH," Heodcraou's, Coney Island, N. Y., 25-30. Beklaw. ICecktesa, We^t Knd Park. New Orleans, 24 -July T. Reno, Will ft May. Relay Park, Nabant, Mass., 35-Jilly 7. ' Itene. Mite., Atlanlh' Uardeo. N. Y*. C, 25-30. Qeftford ft Wln^heHler, Wenoaa Park, Bay Clly, Mlcb-. 23 30. RetHw, Tlie. Midway Park. Mhhlleton. X. Y.. 25- :»>; -tSanutoga Park. Poltalowo. Pa.. July 2-7. Rejusvd, [■>!. P., Proctor's 23d 81.. N. Y. (.".. 25- 30. Uellly, Johnnie. Iiihumi'k Caalnu, Cyney IxlHud, X. Y., 25-30; 8aeandaKa Park, Olorersf Hie, July llbodeM ft Carter. II. O. H-, Pltlxbura;. 25-30. RIhooh (4), Moored. I'Drtland. Me., 2-V30, KkT ft PrcTOHt. Victoria. N. Y. C-. 25-30. inner. Ipit. fiMbrii, x. Y- c 25-30. lilley ft Morgan. A. ft S., KokIou, 25 -Ml. Rlvi broh., ■ Wooderlsud I'ark. Hererc Beach, Ma-.-.. J/. :;■■-■. Itlo Brr*. 131, Bntukihle Park. Atlol. Ma»x.. 25- 30; Dorney Park. Alteiilowii. Pa.. July 2-7. Rich. Jaek ft. Berths, Keith's, Boston, 25-30; Kcilh'H. X. V. C Jub 2 7. Itlcfa, .Miinv I.aiini, Temple. Detroit, 25-30. Bokyiia. Mr. A Mm.. " WiuhlUKtnu, Spokane, W:..|i.. 25-30 ;l'aailly. Bulle. Mon.. July 2-7. Ii-jf-nnv Mltkctv, V.nt-l Friil I'nrk. Memphis, Teuu.. 35-30; Olympk-. ciilcago. July 2-7. ltofltlluo &)-Klat Purk. Slmn Clly. la.. July 1-7. ltojiv, Kay L.. Kellh'a. Clereland, 25-80. Romiiihi. Mine., Fontaine Ferry Park, J.ouUTilh', 25 :tu. Itiwalre*. The, West Bud' Park, New Orleaoa, 84- July 7. 11"-- ft t«wlb, TItuII. Critnaby. Luff., 25-3U; Vniletleu, 1,1'iiJ-lB, Ler.. July 2-23. liowe. May C. Newport. Vt.. 25-30. Roltlnsun A (hlelle. Novelty, Deurer. Col.. 25-30. Kokerx, Will H., Palace, Loudou, Kng., 25-July 28. Bo*-* LI). MorrtMiu'K, Itoelutway Beach, N. Y.. 23-30. Ktijt* Bnw.. Trocudem, Phlla.. 23 30. ■■rkamf ft Conway, Ruclne. Wis.. 87-20; Fond rtu i.ar. 30July 1 1 OUkmh. 2-5. Riif-ell ft Held. Forest Park, Mill* Rock. Ark.. 35-30; Kleclrlc Park, Kauaaa City, Mo.. July Ryan 'ft KkhfleM, Houleranl, Miilfonl, Mass., 25- 30. Knleriitf. New York Itoor. N. Y. C. 25-30. S«tny yuartetle. Xew Castle, Pa., 25-30. Salo, 0. K.. Alcazar, D'Kte. Paris. Fr.. 85-July 2fl. Haunden*. Flurvnce. Karm. Toledu. O.. 25-30. Haute), Lreal. Katil Line Park, Parla, Tex., 25- 30; Pnrk. Tcxarkaiis. July -2-7. Salmon ft Chester, Avon Park, Yooonlown. 0.. 31-30; Olentaiujy Park. Cotumbua. July 2-7. Sadleiw. Tlie. Uitn\. BurTalo. X. Y.. 25*30; Ca- Hltm. omnrlo. Beach. July 2-7. Hawaiian Troupe. ItlrcrNlde I'ark. Montreal, 25-3iirt>, Harry. Kiiiimun, liraml Rapids, Mich., 2~>- ;at, Keriim ft lieagle, Cntuli|Ue, Spokane. Wash., 25- July 7. belMnl. l.i-.ir. Vk-lnrU. N. Y. C . 23 30. Si'l.loi,:,. lli«. Kelth'K. BoHlon, 2Ti-3i>. Shurroektt, 'llu'. Plantar Blnn*. Mu.. 21-30. ShannoiiH (4). I'tiiin lalaud, Xewliutyport, M«*«.. 25 30. Slilrleya. Mimical, Pickwick. San Diego, Cal., 25- 30. Slii'nn;iti ft Kulli'i". Idnrn Park, Younghlowu, (>., 24 -SO. Slmrp Brw.. Vlrlorln. X. Y. C. 25 30. Shori ft Shorty, Rpjiwick Pork, Ithaca, X. Y.. 2:. 3ii. Shaw. I.IIHhii. PmHorV Newark, X. J.. 85-30. WW, Alhiu. Miij.-U.'. llhleagu. 25-30. ShnyiH'. AI-. Pomt Keller. Milwaukee, 25-30; liraiHl. Clilcapt. July 2-7. Stun*. llcmiMr. Snn ni--j.ii, (Jul.. 23-30. SIiiiiiik, WlllanJ. Temple. Detroit. 25-30. Shlilmi Urns., shadyside Park, Baltimore. 25- July 7. Slelfert. Alex, and wife. Luna Park. Coney Is- land. X. Y., 23-30. Sutlrl ft KevKiier. Keith'*. Clereiand, 35-30. Smith ft linker. Athlcth- Park, Buffalo. 35-30. Sp-irtoni. Paul. Proctor's. Albany. X. Y.. 23-30. SpnulillnK ft Hupiice, Onk tlrove Park. Warerly. X. Y.. 2.*i30; r.u-ii!,i Purk. Knlitmasoo. Mluu., July 2-7. S|a K >k MlnKlrelK. Victoria. X. Y. 0.. 23-UO. Spmguo ft M in k . Slpe'M. Kokunm. lud., 25-30 ; tViwllnjtV UmanHport, July 8-7. StiK-kluu, .iHck. Manlmltuii. Norfolk, Va., 23-30. Sleluerl ft TbomaK. Park, Columbus, 0.. 25-30- Slspleton ft Chauey. Society Circus. F.rle, Pa., 35- 30. SlHiiton A Mialrna. Keltta'x. X. Y. C. 8ft -3«. * Sti'lu Krrellu Troupe, Xew York Roof, X. Y. 0., 33 30. Stereiw, Kt|IIi-, Ky.. Si.'tO; Kant Kud Park. Memphis, Teuu.. July 2 7. T»l. Veteran. Sy.-aniorf. III.. lUft, Tciuulcion, Clarice, Belleruc Park, Toledo. O.. 24-ao. Teuley. Klincr. Pastor's. X. Y. C 25-30. Tetijl Troupe, Norumbega Park, Boston, 25-30. TeiHrkaiia ft Wslby. (1. O. II.. Pittsburg, 25-30; Troeadero, Phlla., July 2-7. Thume, Mr. ft Mrs. Hany. Iloag Lake. Woon- sucket, R. L, 20-30; Kreebodj Park, Newport, Jnly 2-7. Ttoriie ft Holdsworfb, Lake Minequa Park, Pueblo, Col.. 25-July 15. Tltreikeld ft Wicke, Orphcum, Lima, O., 25-30. Thurston, Ureal, Sbnaghal, China, 25-;t0; Cal- cutta. India; July !-:ceiit Oardena. Refere. Mass., ■MB: Salisbury Bench. Newburypori. July 2-7. Vat-daman. Bijou. Winnipeg, Can., 25-30. VMM. Tony ft Fki., Pastor's, N. Y. C. 25-30. Vcoletle ft Old, Bijou. Bay City. Mich.. 25-30. Vedmars. The, Atlantic Cardeil. N. Y. C, 20-30 Vnit Zei'ne. Mine. Fairyland, Paterson, X. J., 25- 30. ■ Vokw, May. Proch.r's 23.1 St.. N". Y. C. 25 30. Ward A Curraii. Majestic. Chicago. 25-30. Walters ft Ualeo, Crystal. Detroit. 33 80. Waller ft Maglll, White City. Biughaailou. X. Y., 25-30. Warren ft Bnarkway. Sprluebrook Casino. So. Bend, Ind.. 25-30; Luke Michigan, Mlcb., July 1-7. WayburnV Rain Dears, New York R*+ OREGON. Wilkes. Mattie. Moot ft Sloll Tour. Kng.. 25-30. Williams ft Pullman. Casino, Ontario Beach, X. Y.. 25-July 7. Wttam Jaek. ft Co.. Kelth'x. Phlla., 25 30. Willurd ft Hnghes, Spring Crose Park, Kpriiijr- iieH, 0., 80-30; PalrTlcw Park, 1 Dayton, Jufy Wilson ft De MunWlIe, Relay, Xabaut, Mass.. 23- 3V. Wordrtle. l>iHti- p ft Co., Raiuona, Untnd Ranlds Mien... 25 30. World ft Kingston, RoTersldrj Park, Snglnaw, Wolf -ft JtHdeila! Lakeside PArfc. Akron, 0„ 20-30; Four Mile Park, Krle. Pa.. July 2-7. Woutlfunl & Marlboro. Cryatal. Toledo. O.. 25-30. Wulft's Leunlng Hounds, Luna Park, Coney Island, ' N\ Y., 25-30. WyclorT. Fred ft Co.. OHtet Park. Kalamasoo, Mlcb.. 2330: Pastor's, N. Y. C.. July 2-7. Ynniuuiutu Bnw.. Furui. Toleilo, O., 25-30. Yearton. Lililc. Austin's PhIui Garden, Syracuse, x. Y t 35-:;u. Yeager ft Yeager, Palace, Mnilnn, Eng., 20-July Yeaaer. 1-^iward C. Crystal Park, Sedalts, Mo., 25 July 7. Young. Tot, Chliikolhe, O.. 25-3(1; Portsmuuth. Jnly 2-7. Young ft MeMlh... Proctor's 23d St,, X.Y.O.. 35-30. Yttungs ft Bnwks. Valley. Syracuse, N. y., 25-30 Yoiiug ,\l.« Dell, BonhBg'a ChsIuo. Xo. Beach. N. V.. -"> ■> " Zaael ft Vennm, Shea's. Buffalo. 35-30. ZnnorHH, 'Cycling, Brook's. Stt. Beach, N. Y,, Zeno, Jordan ft '£mo, Fillls Circus, Cais? Town, S. A., 35-Jnly 14. Zlnii's Traresty Co., .Utabtia Park. Ogdeu, V., Ziitirufrnian. Al. ft lVarl, 0. H., Bnlford, Ind-, Zoellers CD, Alliiutlc Oanlen. X. V. C.. 85-3(1. Znnhnulakl's, The. Lyric, So. McAllster. I. T., 25- 30; Kmplrc. Oklabuma. Okla.. July" 8-7. O.N I Hi; ROAD. 'inn isnpiilrnienlnl l.lat — Itct-flvril l.nli- Cur i hissltU-tiliuii. Alton ft Amlersou's Show — Wobdstoek, Out.. Can.. July 3. Plymouth. Midi.. 4, Carsoiirlll« 0. Bad Aie tt. Bay Clly 7. Ausllu. Lauion ft Austin Shows — Annapolis. Mil., 35-28. Kartport 20, 30. Cosmopolitan Slmws hikI Wild West (B. Surder. M. nurr.'i — Austin. Minn., 25-,'Hi. Mason Clly. V. Jnly 2-7. CoHiinpolltau AiuiM'iueid CS>. U. R. Andrews, sen. ■isr.l -Cedar Falls, la.. 25-r.o. Finn's. Tlins, I... rimrt—Xnhirul Bridge, N. Y.. 30. narrlsriilp July 2. Jayillle 3. 'ink. Stock- llHllfux. N. S., 25-3(1. Giillinsr Bnts*. Cirrus— JuuiL^lowii, N. Dak.. 30, Carrhigmn July 2. Cumin ;i. Rugby 4, Derlla t.skv 5. I.ulotji tl. Irfttigik-u 7. Hual'i. Silver Plnte Sbuw- -Lenox. Hml, ^g, Oieahlre 20, Adam- 30. Blacklnton July 2. - liner-Ocean Coiufdy (Lapoltil A Webster, nwrs.) — Waierlmry. Vt.. July ML Myrkle-Hanler Slock. Southern iLatlmore ft r^lgh. uurrs.) — Champaign. III.. 25-Jttiy 32. Macmillan's Player* (Don Maemltlan, nurr.l — loin. Kan.. 23-July 7. Xew Knulkml Ployers illnivhHui ft t^polnt, mgrs.l —Norfolk. X. V.. July 2-4. Brighton 5-7. Parker. C. W„ Aintiseimnit Co. (Oramer ft Trier. mere.) — Illawalha. Kau- 25-30, SaTanoab, Mo., July 2-7. Rnyinoud (Jack Harklns. ntgr.> — ClIotoiiTlik', Wis.. 35-27, Slinwano 28 30. Merrill Jul* 8-7. Setls-Plwlo Shown— Salt Lake City, P.. July 2. Tultle. Claire iW. W. l.a;-t;;t mgr. 1— Souih l-nndnnilprry. VI.. 25-27. South Deerftelrt, Mass., 2S-30, Warreo Jtity 8 1, Suffleld, CVun., 5 7, rurtlnnd— Al Ibe Uellig M'alvin Uelllg iuAiiijgcn (be Kendal! MiihIchI Cu. \>\a od "Maid Pasha." .lime 17, which wan wltosawd by two ffood sized audience*. Tbe compaDT did good biisine*.* week «f Hi. In "The Itouudera." "The Telephone Girl" 24. The (-ompauy will move to the Kmplre 82. 23, to make way for Ilenrieita CroamaD, -who win be Been al the Helllg on lliose dates. In three perfurmaoces of "Mary, Mary, Qullc Contrary." . Kurrsn (Milton Vt. Seninttti. mnunfrer). — Tbe house Is dark, without any annoiiDce- trietn for the future, except B. 23. when the theatre will be occupied by ihe Kendall Mu- sical Co , which will then present three per- foraancea ol "The Telephone fln mtcgn (Ota i fc Baker, mantiaer).— The Raker Theatre t'o. had two packed houses June 17, to wltneaa "When We Were Twenty one." The company did extremely large busluesfj week of 10, In which the offering waa "Tbe Man from the Golden West" 10, 14-10". and "The Eternal City" 11-13. The htthlDesH of "Tbe Eternal City" wan the beat In the history of the house. "Madame Sans Gene" 341, "Hip Van Winkle" July 1. Liunu I -lames II. lirrlrksoii, manaiier). — Hugh J. llmraet t. the lloffmims, Herbert Mitchell. Stiih and Siltb. Long and Mitchell, Harold Huff, and Grandtscope. I.inic (Keating ft Flood, managers). — The Lyric Stock Co. week of June 18, presenting •The Serpent's Ktlng." Si'AK (James H. -Errlcktton, manager). — The Slur Stock Co. week of June 18, present- ing "A tlood Xafured Man." t'eiTz'ti (Thomas Kooney, manager). — Kvallnc Allen, Allle Deltnar, Jessie Stewart, Mae X. Vernon. Barney Mulnlly. Marie Dll- lard, Buby Ruth, La Bolnette, Rooney and Forrester. Frances Elmer, Jones and Ravelle, Jessie (iatitlcr, Glssela Walden, Virginia Vernon. Viola Lee. Doreta Cordcro, K. Thomp- son and the' Ureal Xesnah. 'I'm: (Uk> is, H. Kriedla title r, maoagcr). — The house has done extremely large busi- ness, altbotiah tbe weather has not been unite favorable. Xotis. — Tenoymtn'M comedy. "Tbe Forest- ers: Robin Hood and Msld Marion." will he given an open air, twilight presentation by members of the Oregon branch of .the As- sociation of Collcgiule Aluninrc 22, for tbe benefit of a fund to endow a acbolarship at the University of Oregon. MI.1r*r;SOTA. SI. Pawl.— At ihe Crand Omm u... (Theodore L. Hays, mauMetiTh? 'rs. uud the Lorkharl. Sisters, singers and dancers. This week: Dill and Ward, Bonnie Crux, Dandy and Wilson, and Marie I,r Clair. An especial feature has been added every Wednesday night, when water sports are given In the ualatorluro. - . Forest Park (Lloyd Brown, manager). — (iood business keens up. Rosatl's Royal Italian Rand began Us second engagement of the season last Sunday, and duplicated Its former success. Nellie Turn wall, operatic soprano. Is soloist wlrb tbe band. On the lawn the Five Flylnir Pickets. In their big aerial acl, scored a nit. In Hopkins' The- aire the vundevilte bill constated of: Mc- Cart's Monkeys, the Avon Comedy Four, In Ihelr skH,"The Xew Teacher;" Dickson Bros,. grotesque musical comedian*; the A'lvlans. rifle and plmol experts,' and the Rader Bros., character singers. This week : Lc Brim Grand opera Trio. Ibe Pierces. Hallen nod Hayes, and Fisher and Johnson. Friday night will be known as amateur night throughout tbe season. Fairmucnt Park (Ben Rosenthal, mana- ger}. — The crowds this season far surpass those nf last, and everything |H>llits to a money making Summer engagement. Helner's .Military Bund continues. In the theatre vaudeville was sittuttltuted last week, In place of burlesque, and tbe t-tmhgc was for tbe better, as (bit attendance Increased. The acts were : Kennedy. Lu Tour and Cuoper, Harry Rogers and Edward Russell. ('■i.i.'M-uniMis. — Manager Lclimuu hH» r* turned from a trip to San Francisco, and re- ports tltut ibe Orphenm's business at tu'c cb tiles there Is ImmenH' Manager Mrighiim. of the Gillls, loft last week for Now York Work Is Being rapidly piiahed on Ibe new Sbubert Theaire: tbe brfck work on tbe stage Is prm-tically finished, and the placing of the sleel girders In Ibe aucti'u- rlum Is under wny rJells-Forepattgli Circus July P Waller Wllmofs Wild West Carnival will glv*. exhibitions at Elm- ridge race track July 3. <>» IOWA. Cednr Itnitlils. — At Alamo Purk (G. K. Burl on. niKnager), thin good bill pleased week of June 18; Tlie Marco Twins. L>c (lol- lis and Valorn. Mab-oni and Shevctl, Orvillc and Frunk. l. F. Fox. «:. A. Gcurhari. W. I. Nolan, Zwickey. X. M. Rrlgham, Royul Male Quar- lelte. Robert son Concert Co., Midland Concert t'o.. Wilbur Concert, Emily Waterman, Mrs. Fuller Hwlfr. Geo. II. Belts. J. W. Hawirlh, and moving pictures. a Dunne. - At the Aries Opera House ( Wiley ft Klrbv. managers), week of June IV the Hoffman vaudeville t'o. plaved to HDod bii-sluess. Ht popular prices. ...". .Tbe Wal- lace Circus. 22. drew well The Patter- sou-Bralnard Carnival Co, Is here week of «■•■, Bill posters convention, held re- cently In this clly, wan well im tended. 1 tele- sates were glren a recepilou by Managers Wiley ft Klrhy. " Krnknk. — At the Casino (Reores ft Hodge managers) the Myi-klc-Hardcr Slock t o. el'ise) a KUccessfnl four weeks' encaue- a-a-rfaiSL"'' 1 - ni"" r wwk of -5' ««"-teur en- lertalnmenlfl will oirctipy the boards. Vsude- i.» wH i,„ bc , ln « l i?urHted week of July 2. with a hill IncIudTng: Lew Wells. Lagarre nod l-axarre. Howard and Linden. Alton Hohprt.«nn, and Hie blogrnph. XOK T1I CAIXO LIXA. Clinrloue.— At the Auditorium (W. A. Peters, lessee and mauagerl— 'ITie W A Dulutl.. At the Jlc(roi»Hlau ,«• n r.„.ie«tie«t. nanagorl -\Vhj Vomer, Siu'- hM gooj busluew June 111, 17. "|fi wii.-. l-IJ ' h" M. tlie Mtlonal Slock (V, •'.-, *""■ Bmou (Joe MRltlHntf. raaiiHcer, x ... bill tins ««. k , IncludlDJ : SSSmJ^JS pin ud baloo juggler? jiorVj ? linj ?X ," luatrated aong; tbe Medallion Trio th. \u " torn., lo a Chinese noveliv' a™'- l2i„," H Kollie, In -Odda and Knds ?• WnrTSS eompanj. preientioir "His Laat MHlvb" ,7,J moving uktures. For 25 and w«k: Wi'J. Bros., the Garnellas. Morey uZ \,.S'', Keetla. the Bell Trio, Jas SkClellan ,., moving pictures. "**"* ""> — . ' ■ » . WISCONSIN. >lllnank.c.-."T|,e Utile NhMn'a presented by the BroB:n-Bakei- Stock Co .! the Davidson Theatre, last wkS,,; ",' he Al standard of lhl» excellent "Aiuilm tlou. Kdijn Kvelya and J«me« D,i -km .£," prliivlpHl honors. Albert Br»» D ""l," u tall. "Mr. Barnes of Xew York" . TS for production week commeoclw a* and «ln fifes' 1 bT LlMM "« »'"'oA , » n.T pta"! .,?'\ s 't' M Manager K. B. Wlaier mm Wo.sc hU arawn week ,.r 3.-,, with ihe foil™ lug bill: Ttae Ureal Weslln. t'lui. Sedi„r' Armstroug aud Verne, .id Kotria jS ' ke^^vir^^^';;-;, four performaneea. A trntipf „r IIl n< loo J? focmers .toi-ccI heavily. Tbe Jordan h>m P lli H . - N "'- 1 "- A '"'. — Btwlneas waa r.lr l.., ur'* 1U " !S Werc ■" Sm£ r«,' Whitk Cat.— Season due lo oneu K.i,, r ^^feu'r^XwKL: IckHuunSr^S ':'■' "5 5" M " '» ". oi.uiiiz iintH, on (irand Avpnuo i.n,_».- Second and Third Stre"t°. Tbe „«.», will be on ho slyle of the Majestic, lo -hi™.,, 3%R&S5 s ?„e , k ' c co. re,,rcM ■"" l " "* ,., \fS" ,:,alr * — At the Unique (Win. Ar- uiond. manager) hill f„ r Juno 1R and we'k VTi^. x", 1 " 1 /■''« | ng'"n. Delia Watson. Mil. Chail'ej "»: ri." d,l ,f , ' l r, 1 ' 1 ?'"■• Arm " ai » l " , cnaiie.v Harris. IJood business rules. Th. B3Egg L ■* " ,s l """ ic »»« refnralsbe;! srslS^s W " h " " <*";>*% of scenery, nnrt la- staled the house w lb a Mm of tank S. kln , B " T?, " nd I" ' 8 " 111 for the Stimme; ^i"?':, Campbell Bros.' circus, ML to hlg business Hale's hire Fighters 37.. . . Uagenbcck s Shows 30. *. » COSIKECTICUT. Ilnrlforil — 1'araona- Theatre (II. C. I'.r- f.V. .?;. IN *•» Ikmi crowded nlghllr wm csm itae admirable presentation of -Th. mLmi Mlnslc r,- ,u "" "-'• »» l**t n ,,!'■, "f 1 '■<•>"•>•* Handyslde, aa I^ril tintoul tleseivo special mention for deter work. A night DC week -of June -jr.. The Mh.';r vs ° r , '""; Hunler-Bradfonl riarera Is ■rh"" m h e "- ul - "«■ Present mason their re- celpta being more limn double of any or* vlous season. ''•VI™™'. ™ 1 *'''""'"'! '" II. Jcnnlnga, ! I'i """fJ-T-*, 11 ""■'llwil vaudeville bill na. prescnltHi during the past weak, and lb. bni SSunnT* '" shu,v ™ ,lle "■*•■ * "" I'liLl's (Louis E. Kllby, iuan.gerl.— To. fii . "i'JH"" 1 ^ I s I'fovtar very popular, and ■»« rwefJIUi l of attractive playiare blglily cuniomndil lie. "The Wife" Is bjokisl for till, neck. Between each act pleasing specialties are given. ■ * .,.. J ' l;J i} l*Ar.K opened ausplclouslv Saturday. — i. coward of fourteen tbousand people »ere in attendance. The Sundav audience ei- t ceded cveo tbe opening day, aud lb. nutner- . ""««"■>"" are greatly enjoyed. Nearly oiiu hundred attractive features are present- i'l,. «**>** opening at noon and closing at IlrldHeport— Colls Theaire IE. B. Jlll- cliell, onmigeri the I'oll Slock Co.. In 'Th. Cowboy and the Udy," week of June 25. nnranbauKAH. Island Kleoree Itaruiouil. iniinuccr).— Karle & Barlram's Merrvmuker... Including Walsh and Willis, comedians: Wla- nlc Mrwurr, rontnHlo; liirlc and Bartlrli. cotnedlaos: Ilnrlund and Itolllsoo. musical act. ami Elmer Jerome, singing and dancing comedian. LOUISIANA. New Orlenii. — At the Wesl Kail iT«B tuustoti. manager) Immense business ruled dining week of June 17. anil thniisand. ■ilghlly applauded Usher's i-uirrrl R«ud. the kfnodrome and a high class, vaaderHl. 1,1 II. wlih- Anna Kmnklln aa Ibe heldllnrr IT,.. l...u«,.M_ . .. .... I _..,.-_. n. ». i.uiiin.i! and I'erry. aud Anna F no remain over for a second week. Athietic Park (A. B. Leopold, rn-elver. ...anager), — The big Casino was closed ow- ing week of 17, but wfll be thrown open **, with the Maud Daniel Novelty Co. as the at- trncllon Enlr business ruled during th. post week, when the vltagranh. Ibe Dlvlag Arnlilnn horses, and Arraand Ceaate's Con- tort Band pleased. The aide shot... Includ- ing lours of the world. Old Heidelberg, nanny wonderland, figure eight, circle swing. «»« nllicr iimiisemenls, were liberally palnwlied .Ni.rfcK. — Oround was broken ll>. for fa. beautiful winter Concert Garden, lo ba caou- l)lcd by T, i>. Brooke anil tiU Calaga Coo.« June 30. THE NEW YORK CBIPPEH. &U Band. The garden will be opposite the new tbcitre on llarronns Street, .the litter to be occuoled bv the Sbubertt It la trior. ihar. llkelr that Slgnor Panola, the Tctemu thoatiloml maimer. Fill WM the n»Mge- tnent of Athletle Para (or the remainder of fteacaion".. . -HiMtllOir -J. V. McStet will inn "or New .Vort (JarUg the .week. In Notes from the E21EBS03 Floating Palace, formerly Swallow & Uarkle'a. — We are now well on our way -toward the Ulssla- alppl. We arc producing an elaborate mrenlc production uf the [anmu* pantomime, ■■Humpty-Dumptv," with the well known clown; James Bonne!!!, In Ibe title role. We re doing a floe bilRlneaa, and our fbow I. Sin. axd Mm. Da™ Pims (Mre. Prew The show ha* done some of the biggest bnsl- Jjgjj RlUPBg |&Mfc JgM-M n.i ' V iiliilmn 'ollOWt and owner : Jan: i Mrs. Rniersou. ... the Three jSVeston,s, rbllllps and Hamilton, The Iluutlugtou Sisters Nellie Montrose, the Three Cerrays, I-.. Dunbar. ilynsy Meredith, rink White, and liny Cnrray. The following musicians compost* our baud and orchestra : Frank Orlfllth. "Bob" Williams, George M. Bundy. Verge Charles. CD. Slover, waiter If erected, it will be at Audubon following la our rosier: It. ■ pure one of the most fashionable districts ger and owner: James Bonnelll, stage msna- 1D the upper part of the city. ger; Mrs. Rraeragu. treasurer; the Mllmar*, id iu»7 "ki* •*- ^ . «.„. n'Mtrin. PI, no unrt Hamilton. h Worth. — At Luke Como (Saul S. Har- rtn manager) DM Carlos and bis lions were 55 feature. weA atJS._ The P^maneht oilt- Ride- attractions continue to 'help swell the Falkensteln.-Krank A. Bailey, E. N. Pound. C. M. Treadway, Tom Morris, Alonao Cope and Al. Phillips. Ever; one od board la well flt Wm«: Ce ciW (Jake Swarlt. manager).— The National Stork Co.. if iWgw^Jflg of 18. attracted large crowds to the White Bose Theatre. Outside attractions also drew well. and happy. jib Great Fnr.scEt.t., Standard (Frank De Beque. manager).-*- Cooeland and Copeland presented their orlgl- W here ne will t niT comedy burlesque. "The Prto™, H celte aud P. W Piiteel " week of 18. The olio: Copeland and Copeland, Minnie Wardell. Mile rfVtelle. Fannie Woods. Fay Delmar. Pearl Gllmore, Juanita, Lulu De flar. Etta Maultby, Frank (${£$£, O. L. Burrlll and Lulu Lawton. "BtfSlI (Geo. B. Holland man- acer).— People 18 and week: Dixon and Mil* 3 Minnie Rav, Thelma Holmes, Lamobt nros aSm May, Pauline Rodgers, Maud Grav'son. win. McCain and May Wheeler. Business Is booming. Galveston. — At Electric M, (pave Weta. manager) "The Beggar Prince Opera. Co closed a successful two weeks engage- ment June HI. The Rentfrow Stock Co. com : menced o' week's engagement li, aired audience. ■17- TnR'G'aRAT niilll. mind reader and hypnotist, bat- signed Thomas ft Tlghe for the coming season, to gu in advance of his big, show. Mr. Tbjbe la at Barton. Vt., '"" remain for the Summer;- Prw* Magoon hare a cottage nnd steam lannrb at Crystal Lake. Manager Ma goon dife>s a strong company. this sepsob, and, outside of Prescelle'a wonderfitl work, ban soiae great feature acts. The ■•how is being l>ooked solid over the Cabn & Grant circuit, Seawns opens .Sept. 1. at Attltboro. Maw. special printing, by Allen, Empire and Walker Show Print Co. Under tjl tents. Next week's .*au© ofTHB ILHfFKR will contain OlorlJ of Player $. Newtom Daew. who went to Pbcenlx, Arln , from Chicaso, Mar '.'(>. as n member of the fWga Stock) Cu., has been unable to work, fliid ons been conOned to bts room ronsraiitly aluce-hls arfirol. It will be many weeks be- fore be will be able to resume bla profession- al duties, and he wtsbrs to hear from hla friends - a.nf.w ribu, known a« Kldredge, Meakln k Company, general theatrical exctuioge, has been Institute^], with executire office,* located In the KoJckerborker Theatre Building, with the object of consolidating the various heeds of the theatrical boslaeRa under one head. Ibe different departments Include: Bureaus for booking end representing theatres In one night standi throughout the united States and Canada ; the conducting of ronrt from Saw York for* people of reputation; the singing and .producing of plays ; special press work for productions also for vaudeville people, nnd theatrical typewriting and mlojeogriipli- Ing. Frank M. Kldredge and Chae. W. Mea- l-in 'have both had extensive experience la hnodllng tlrst class attractions. The Qrm hax secured thoronghly reliable and compe- tent lieutenants lb the various departments named, and each and every detail will receive the most minute attention. Nick CnxwAY, who has closed A successful Reasoit with Andrew Muck's company. Is bpending the Summer nt Hotchklssvllle, Conn. IioriSE GiTKNiNt), the singer, tnouros the ih. June 1(». She la well" known In opcr- Moot.. June 13, In honor of the tint JP; atlc circles, and was musical director for weary of their n»«""«« e - "«£ 'SflSd the Wilbur Opera Co., also baa directed la of the Mlsaoula Stock to. wrt pwj«{i ™ many of the urn diss vnudevllle houses. the P'«ntV, rw *JT P l^H ! i!S? SSfibSi Tiir Hi-rsoH Thfatrk. New lork, wl 1 mimeroua. The house and lawn •*je..*"*'^ owaAuITw-liM^irlB. by Henry fully decorated with lilacs ami snowballs. '---■wiled by Charles l?rohmaa JAnka T. l*owitkri will appear neat sea - cohtrollrd by son under the Hhubert banner. In an W; — , — ._ ..!"... Blue Moon, Arthur Jones, prcwi "PaKTTT PBwiT," Is now j.- Frances Avmet- .Mathews, who recently pur- chased Was. A. Rrady'B Interest In It. She Is now negotiating for a London and -Psrls production. Mhk. MAkCELLA 8i;mmiicii recently signed a coutract to appear nt thirty concerts In tbe United Shires next ssasun. Rt'OGIFKO l.r.iNr'.v,- i,.i will appear In Ibis couutrv next, seaBou under the direction of Rudolph Aranson. when his. opafa, "Tba Youth of Figaro." *lll have its tlrst perform- ance on nny stage. The words me by Sardou. 1'ari.otta Niu.si>.N will be starred next senson in "The Three of L's," a new comedy, bv Rachel Crotnera, under the management of Walter N, laawrence. _ ' W. c. Cusnobs. of the Cnonors Stock Co., writes- "This Is the tenth week of the cotu- paay through Mnlne, New Brnn»wlck scd painted In light oil Nova Scotia. Our business has been very KevAtl"i good. We have several return dates to play the avi Id Maine In the month of July. Our Sutn ilsii miialrnl comedy. "Tim _ which has enjoyed u long run at tbe Lytic Thi-atrc. lioadon. NiSA Flaisid has Joined tbe Perttchl- Gv&tcne Co., to da soubretton nnd Ingeouei, at Augusta, On., for tbe Summer. H. B. Cableton, who closed with the Iua May Co:, to Join the Ilrcnnan Stock Co., writes that he at seriously ill at his home, lu Paw tucket. It. 1.. and has bad to close with the ilrcnnan Stock. _ ■ *• „_ NrtTRi* fiiom van Viola Wilson Btfi HKPMKTdRT Btt i as could be lecured In theatre^, and roster of company remains the same as when the productions are all high elass. The t>peu- we started out last April, and Includes: F.ta \ UK |K»rformaiice was "Caste," nud the cloa- Scott, Marie flower, lOninin IVTilttle, Mario | U g hill u fur«-e comedy. The company Murrav. W. C. Counors. J. J. O'Donnell, haudled the prwluctlons of the week wall. Nick Juriels, l'ete Murray. Charles III, J. P. diinoustrntlnp teraatillty. They were never Clark, Frank Broedbent. Kd. Itarnstead and m , a here before uttder oauvas. The com- Charles I'^se. We are to lay off two weeks, puny ha* exevllcnt booking*. The rpmor : and'then atnrt onr regular aeasou about tin V F,ewls Rrown, manager; Thurston. F. middle of August." - Uwlc. lrcrtvurtr ; Ftutik 1". 'Hall, atngenli- CiiA«j*cr.v TiLcurr will be seen next svasbn rector: Floyd Itmwn. electrician; Ada. Col- in a new play, from the pen of Theodore jins. Jessie tirlnwold. Kdnn W. Clymer.-Una Burt Savre, entitled "Rlleen Asthore." ltrowu. W. Oscnr MncWntlert, A. I., flelby. Dordtiit Tksnant Is spending her voca- John \v. Knne, I.. It. Trunball. Chan. ft. tlon In Lexington. Kv. She will appear next fisrtraAn, n. R Wnlght, lender of orchestra, spasou lu "The stolen Story." and. Carl M. iisvenport, leader of-baud. Lri.ii tii.ASEB will nptwar next season In a \v« A. Mack reports meeting with snccesri dramatization of "The llouse qf a Thousand W lt!t Storv's Canvas TbeHtrc t:o„ playing CsDdli.>s." through New Ilompslilre nud Vermont. ■fauna N. LAwbiwick has secured the dra.- Tilu turu of "The Ttogers Unithers in mntle rights from Cyras Townm-nd llrady. lo Irelnud" will nuiimeiice Aug. 27. Kdwln J. hid -*to)T. "Richard, the Itrnien," and I>1- rohn I* ungnKcd as manager, and II. A. Ueentnr,— At Prenmlond Park (J. F- al | f timed out an musse. The Denver en- »u the st C.lven, monagerl the NOrth Bros.' tumeav KOgen , eD t f two days was the record break- '■ Co,. In. repertory. June 17 aud weekend fair * r p lo ^ ^ mVii hutory. The -welcome business. ('. \V. Cessna's airship was on - exiilbltion at the same time, but the profn- l^ed asienalon wns uot satisfactory Ju.the management, and h compromise Bettletnent waB to»de on tbe contract price. Nonw.— Talbot's "Flghtlnk the Flimes" Co blll*d for 17, i-ame to gTref at St. Louis, and did not get here Manager J. K filven of Power's tirand, left for New tots: IS to* book attractions for the coming season. .Manager A. Hlgfrled, of the Rljou, uow out with n tent show, was here 1.. He reports big business IB.iwhV. «nB«»lll Casey. JIL. the centre of the new oil tlelds. where the show wns billed for two days, and remained Ihe whole week Tbe Spring- held fill) Amusement Park Company, with a capital stock of sr.o.nuft. was granted a llceuie to Incorporate June H by the secretary of state. The Incorporators are; II. J* Bfe- nig. William A. Couthway, 11. L- Wiggins, *; A. Fish, William II. Van ValkenbuK, Joseph Zlmmerm&n aud P. II. fllblln, who holds $40,001) worth of stock In the corpora- tion The object «f the company Is (ooper- «te the White City, an amusement resort which has recently been opened east or Springfield. ■»*>♦ — VIRGINIA. home" this show received was of the most substantial order. The show grounds In Den- ver were In the heart uf town, almost In- dependent of the street car lines, and barely lorae enough for *he big top and side shows, from her perilous position she continued her so the stalls, rook tent, etc.. were placed n, near by. In couswiuence of Hie close prox- imity of the circus to thousand" of residents, the big top was filled to overflowing at all four exhlbltlous, nud the side shows never before did such n- packed ull day bnsluess. At Colorado Springs, the real prince of India, the Mnbnrnjnh of floekwnr now ou blH travels out here, was a visitor, with hla wilte, guests of the Antlers hot*! management. It was Ws first j oppor- tunily to see a real up-to-date American cir- cus, and though the menagerie did not Inter- est him dwell, as the animals are mostly from bis native clime, the sowdiisl depart- ment was so Joyous o uovelty. wrtb the clowus and acrobats, swiftly moving changes and splendid band music, that now he wants to biiv oue to take home with him. At Cripple Creek and Pueblo the sIiow'k uttend- IHl was even lurger thuu last year. Ihe _ Daily tftnr^Toumol, at I'oeblo. puh-hasea six opens In Kansus City, thousand children's tickets, at regular prices, -Theatre, Sent. 2. *Thi performance an nsual. Her knee was badly sprained, aud the small bone dislocated, and ihe doctor advised complete rest to set It right again, hut, with historical nud Indomi- table conrace and determination of the In- dian race, die continues her pftrformDncra as If nofhlug had hanponed, and though as yet she cannot bend her knee very well, she goes through her pnrt as usual with the exception of a slight limp." AitTiii'K C. Aiatox, through Sanger & Jor- dan, has leased from Charles Fronuian "The Freedom of Niiznnne." to he used next season !<>■ Jane Corcoran for her starring tour. ',Mi-s ( orcornn hns heeu extremely HUccesafiil pverj-wlicre the past two seasons, us the star of t "Pretty Peggy.'' The part a»f Su- zanne aiiou'd fit her To o nicety. Mr. Alston bus secured the unrestricted right h for Ihe L'uUcd States and Canada. The route was booked from September to Feb. 1. The tour at tbe Willi* Wood „ following week the nnd gave they to the papers javeiille read- Broadway. Tienver. will be played, then over era. Tills is the first rime In circuit history peter McCort's nnd John Cort's circuits, to where a newspaper bought out nn entire cir- ogden. Soil Lake, Portland, Seattle, thence cus exhibition for one afternoon, .. buck, via Spokane, Butte, etc.. to 'Omaha. TrtK TunEn Dm Obkaiis are with the t.ari From this txilnt a lour of the larger Texas Hagenherk Greater Showa, Mrs. De (Jreau In ' Norfolk.— At the Ocean View Casino (Otto Wells, local manager) good* MilBP was the rule, ot -this house for week of June tUe b b i„ t.nllet. and the Three De flreaus a« a feature tif the grand concert. Tbe show Is dotnir a tremendous business everywhere. Thk Rivabus have Joined Starretl « So- eletv Shows, doing their revolving ladder act nud' double tmpexe. Cha». Hopper, siuglng and talking clowu, Is wllb the KhlT»tl Show, mukiug his third season with Ibis attraction. Notts khom IlAnnRKAVKs" Citrus.— \Ve are playing to standing room all along the line Chas. O'Brien, the principal down, has them, all going. He. Ixas twentj ' clowns, and no innter what O'Brien Is doing ha can tell nny one that . return. - So tJ hey work great At Whitehall. R. V.. O'Brien was presented with a charm made of Ivory, by Frank Blair, mayor of Whitehall. ALUFDT P. SMITH is retfuperutlog at bis home at Hartford, Conn:, from iT broken knee, which he received while doing the high lump from the Are and flame building of the cummins' Wild West inhibition. Ft-KTciiER Smith is now In his ninth week with the Frank A. RobbJns Circus, playing the big fotir-and-B-hoif octave steflm piano, built expressly for Ibis show, and selling Blde*how tickets. John O Rum won, monager of the John Roblnsou Circus, left June 23 for Tampo^ ward Peple. author of "The Prince chap, will dramatize II with the vIpw of Henry K. IHicv nppenrlug in thp title role. 'Frank Pixi.f.r returned last week from Japan. He brought with bint his new piece, "The Oreat Mogul," lo which Huatnv Luders will put the innslc. Wif. A. BBAliT AND JOSRPH llABT Will UCtt season star Cllflud Crawford; la a three art musical farce, by Mr. Hart and Mr. Craw- ford, entllled '*A Sign of the Times."- Notes fbom Maxam & Siumts' cowy.- mans. -—We optnetl onr flit miner season under tent, at Kenyun. Minn., May 14, with the following people: J. W. Bights, uinnagcr ; Pauline Sights treasurer; W. K. Maxadi, business manager ; F. C. Priest.- stage mnun- eer : li. Iluyke, loader nf baud aud orchrfitra i B. li. Sights, sfagB carpenter: Geo, Fnlr- rhlltls. boss rniivus mini; A, DotiMop, Qco. Fnlrchlld. Ulcliard Furne, fl, 0. Oarueld, H. Hnvke. J.'T. MrKlovem. Jay Ojvutt, Itiilph Marlon Oah.ni. Id I lit- Osborn, F. C Prleat, Constance Priest, Charles Petty. U. L. BlghtH. Marie sighia, Pnttlliip Sights, Rrndst Tiilslr, Kitty Fnye" Yrtnnaf.*n.-^l. Vonni W. K. Msxrnn and J. W. Sights. We carry n UOft. routid toji. with a I.ofl. middle, a cook add dining tent, and ten living tents. )Ve have had more rain this Hummer than for six years past, and yet the show has feasts- good, lit spite of the weather. We are putting In Die Rummer on the Chicago, Urest Western Hall- way, and are the tlrst repertory compnny, under canvas. Hut bus ever ployed lids, lor- rMory. (': a- ■ v rjvi.r Jbboiib, who for the past Iwo D'Arey m ngiut. tlie orgaulintlon will numlier about one bundrtHl people. Mkhhbh. CollAX ft IIaRuIh have signed a contract with Ueo, Mtddletnn. to wrlto this firm nn American play, which will bo pro- duced'by theiu in h>brunry uext. ■-'vs ciniKiMiii.i, h:i« returned lo the stage, after nn absence of two 'yearn. Now left the stage 'to complete her atudies Hoe Is Mrs. Thomas t'. King in private life, and sings In church under tiint uuuie. T -Noma pbom RowrjiMrt** Ci.irronb'H 'At- tbacthinh.— With the closing of "ThK'Dld Clotlies Muu" Co., at Milwaukee, terialuate* the senson of ull the mini Bltraerionn con- trolled by this firm. With one exception all ii.ive hnrt profitable experiences, And will' he sent out next senson lu new scenic garb. In addition to thou* already exploited three new shows will luku the road, viz. ; "The Pbnu- linn Detective," "lliorils and Orshge Bios. boiiih" nnd "i'he l>owuwiird Path." Tlie first j-..!in--l will have, tho most eluborate. scattl'.' and ehVtrlcnl cuulpnicnt of nny show tour- ing the "circuit," boW,* s ■■adrtl. sffhle nielcHlramii. with Illusion effecrs, carrying a chorus, and n novel embellishment of n llvs Itoir, the latter .being rarrlet] for nn illusion effect ulone. "Thoros aud Orange Ulussonin" Isoxliected to prove suother "Iiura Thome," IiaVlrtg the draft df the isipular novel to n*s slst from Ihe box olllce stand point. A cofti- plate fe'Tiilc cr|iil|inn'nt will be provided, atii a imwerfi;! cast. Jnmes Kvrlo MncCurdy wik the recipient oP must nattering atten- tion during' ihe •Mllwauke engagement vt Th' 1 0|d (Jolhes .Muu," and uiuaeroufi gfith- The Welle Dnnne-Harlan Comedy Co. wns booked for week of -if,, presenting "Tlie Night of tbe Fourth" and •'Olorlana.' Ruou (Abb. Smith, manager). — There will be no change In the bill at this house for week of 25, people who ployed week ot IS holding over. Buslues Is good. ■ AcMi: iWllkersoo & Man7le, maoogersl.— Nmw people for week of 2r>: Bill/ Nasmyth, ciatidliie Randolph, Franrls and Inishnn. -the Atlanta Trio, and Milton Frank toil. Busi- ness 19 good. - x __ . ALDiTORiUH (J. M. Barton, manager).— People who. play this house week -of 2B: Guy Johnson. Cleodorla, May Pierce, Irene Sullivan, Bark Sisters, and moving pictures. Business good. . Manhattan (Crlnnlam Bros., managers). — People at this house week of 25: Jack Stockton, May Harvey, tbe Madderna, Ar- thur I.ane, Minnie Putterson. Leo Florence and Emma Wallace. Business Is good. •--»♦ VERMONT. Itles^wlllhe made, thence to New Orleans, seasons pas iiceo'lefldtdg infinite with Frank erlngs were held'lu his honor, Mr. Ma ileumtils. '^Mhitirii nnil hi t ho Stir rur tint i> „i i, '(., .. ii. ..,..,, , ii,. ,. ■• i „■., i,,..rr i,iir,»,i ■...,!.... r .. .. . .. ■ ..... . i. . ,,,.,..*.«.. Meinplil-,. ^ihmhi, and In the Spring Fastem cities. Mr. AUtou has signed a (en years' confroct with Mint Corcoran. Thos, II, Winkrtt writes: "Tbe> Wlnnett Dflnlels/lu "Sergpa'nt Bfuc,** lias beetf ldhn*d to Charles Frohman by ber manager, Mr. I ill I Ingham, to t-rtNiU- one of the princlitul parts in the forthcoming production of "The "-llerloll __ _^rly i*rl Of Aiignst. Previous to the liegliinliig of rclienr- suls Miss Jerome U spending a few weeks « Progri'sslye Fmergency Iture'an still continues cheTub?' "whlcli" qneWa. Vhe Qril-TtM The nire for u New York run (he earl] with her parents, Mr. nud Mrs. R, II. Burton, a', their new home In Fair Itnveu, N. J. NirTKR BHOU TUB ■t.'AHTI.H'; St>UAS« ' STAK Co. — This attraction will npen a Bnnimer stasan. under cadvaH, about July 2, with having for years been the comedian of the TbunlinuMcr Hlonk Co., at the Academy. Katit Wnoils, ri-iic will ret ii.u to Ihe east uf ths utuvi'. as will . Ihtttny Dougherty slid "Kid'' Mhnrkey, ftivhiK their |iirh clnss Istxlug et- lilliltlou lu the fourth act Arthur running, lute innnager 'if ihe Hrm.dwny Comedy Four, Hill orgniilXi* n new "four." wlilcb will hn carried ami ploy irnrts and do n Nueclalty. The IVopIe's Them re stack will close Juno 24. the majority of the tuembers luivlng re- signed for the coming season. Philip Hosrn- ihnl has hfrri retained as legal advls*>r of tho BnrllBKton.— The Strong Theatre (Cabn & Grant, managers) 1^ dark. Booked for carnival week: "Side Tracked" June 27-20, "The Real Widow Brown" 28. 1tti$ce1laitgoti$, Notes from TitE C. W, Pahkfb Auusb- ment CoitPATtt. — 'lTils company opened Ha season at Kllsworth, Knn„ May 28, and bos had phenomenal business at thla and all stands since, viz : Oreat Bend, Junction Cltv nnd Mnrysville, Kan. The unlucky "13" seemB to be our lucky number, n* we have thirteen cars aod thirteen pieces lu the band. This company carries four free attractions, ten pay shows, nnd thirteen concessions. The free acts are : I»a Petite FaiiBtlaua, who loops the big Bteel loop on a hollow wooden hall j Vnlere and Clark, double trapexe ; and Rimer Vnlere doing a large bnsluess all fever trie United States and Canada. We make a special feat- ure of getting out priming for all plays that mr.y be secured through onr bureau, and In many cases scenery, properties, etc. We are routing and booking combinations, and 'fur- nish: talent for managers. George w. Wlnnett U my business representative, and I nni still general director, assisted by able lieutenant*." Tub .Si'mmki stock at the l.yuenm The- atre, Boston, closed for the segsrtn Saturday nlgbt, June 211. The house stayed open, one week later (bis year than last. Thar follow- ing people were In the cast the Inst week : Joe K. Kelly and Virginia Kelsy. Jealne and Kllsworth. Madison Bros., Harper, Dv-onond and Hlllsrd, .Bouotman and Corey, Harry Row, Pearl Reld, Ix>uis Powers, Frank Co- ban. Harry I,amarr, Marshall and King. Marlon Hlnke, the Urnbt Sister* Peinze and Burn*. Fisher and Wlltxle, the Misses Robin- son, Hall Sisters, llarrle, (Ireen, Rich, and Agnes and Tessle Snow. The owning and the e'ngngeme'ot of' the" company does not upe'nH "oVr" Won d "sesaon" May li'V'MaoY closing burlesques, "irncle Punier aud "The -'- " ■■ * - -" L **- »-■■-—■— --*. ** — ■- ir.i Fin to neeotlflte for the transportation of Count of Monte Carlo," were produced nnd the 'circus lo Cuba for o tour of that country staged by Jup K. Kelly. All big oumberH were •his Winter. Business Is big In the flest put on by Marlon Blake. Big buslueas occurred " Mvmik La Ft.EUii Is making a big hit wllb Uuuker Hill Day. her" flying ring act, with the Golden Gate * Harm from Jas. A. Morrow's Paviliom Snows.— This aggregation Is now tourliig the State of Pennsylvania, and although rain |ia« visited our route nnd remained with us for over three weeks, we have had H. 11. v. and turn-away business, and tbe prosiiects look favorable for u successful season. This is without a doubt one of the neatest small outfits on the road. We carry twenty-four Head of fine stock, eight baggage wagons, two passeager wagons, ami Manager Mor- row's private team. In advance we use a two-horse wagon, highly decorated, and three men. The roster: Jas. A Morrow, proprietor and manager: Oeo. B. Beckley, contracting agent; L J. Deane, bill poster; Nrwfc regarding the Gus Hill attractions. — Next aenson win wltne** the famous Smart Set .Co. In a new entertainment, entitled "The Black Politician." S. H. Ihldley will piny the stellar role, and his associates will Include the greatest gathering of i;thloplau entertaluers the stage has seen since the famous "Black America" organization, pro- jected by the lute Nnt Salisbury. To .idd to ihe singing qualities of the show Mr. Hill has engnged tbe celebrated Jubilee Singers, from Tilrikogec, Ala., aud tbe Alabama Choral Society of fortv voices. Walter B. Moore will mauage the tour. Mr. Hill has received tbe manuscript of "Around the Clock," the new attraction which he Is to produce eArly lu ScptumLer. M. U. Hoekert, the general stage mnniger, Is at present experimenting with the mechnnlcnl tricks and devices which ara tu he a pnrt of the production. The llluinl- i.ated floating aerial garden Is to be the prin- cipal scone, In which llltchle's London Pan- tomime Co. will appear. The Gay N«w York (.'o. begins Its next tour early In August. The company will include: Harry Emerson, l'J- wnrd if. Adama. Jos. PettlngUI, Kdwurd Brennan, Jos. P. WHIard, Charles Foremab, . Harry Bwhele, I.I 11 la □ Hoerleln, Florence „ sIp for baud and orcliesiro. We have not elements, Lillian Omega, Bessie Bartelt. Nellie wltli the grand orchestration. Crnmer and missed n single performance so for, and ail Johnstone, Ifelene I.nwton, Agnea Colton Tyler, managers, and Hal Wayts, In charge, are "happy as the bird" , n p MQT A .. nnd i large eiHinia. Harry Ymt will be tho The executive staff : Boy M. Cramer and II. Xotk* ruou Al K WHBRi*n » Nbw modr'. business mnnnger. Mr. Hill bai engaged for S Tyler lesseeF i and managers; Harry H. StioWH.— We have just llnlshed our eighth rMt Beaaon's tour of "McFaddeo^s Flats " nu entire new oatflt, In o new repertory of 'firm for another year, ns well as represent- — Is lOOrpU feet l( Bdd ing the Central Htutes Theatre Co., the pur- pose of which Is to purt'haHp and turning" ihentrcs in this vicinity, capitalized nt oua hundred thousand dollars. NOTKH t'HO)f Tin: OHI'IIBUH HTiiCS Co.-- We- closed trtir drst season at Couiieaut, O., April 22, with the following people : Frank Holland, EUv.-a.id Doyle. Joe Rttiley, Itobcrc F-niffson, Hurry Hodges, Morris ttuaith, Joe hlttpatrlck. Dnllus Melvln, Itlehard llrantley. Wot, Lennox, llnrrv Arzo, Marguerite f)uu- wolde, Nora Lennox, Marie Freck and Jose- phine Bond, in, ..I after a brief lay off opened our second season May li, at Man-.- lose until Aug. Tt. field, O., with the following caat: Frank Hol- WlMUiR M. Batkh has secured the rights | nrH ]. Kdward Hoyle, Arthur I'Imttcrtoii, John to 1-klwurd KIstier'H "Ingratltuue," which will \m> very elaborately profliiced, with an Important cu»t,_lu November. playn. Gur uew cimvas m iu»*i->. ,r«. >wu will 'seat H.Oflrt people. Kvery play will bo a complete production in every respect. Tho following people' have been endflged. Halph Borneo, leads; Kted HI. Alva, heavies; Wot. H. Frear. comedian, and victor Muustcr. light comedy nnd Rpeclnlty. We will alto carry a good baud and orchestra, Wm. J. Itrlggs Is solo proprietor and manager, with II. S. Brlggs in advance. Tub Htiikl xTucjudi Stock Co., oow piny- lag In Its third month at the Grand The- Salt Lake City. 6- reports good buslnesa. Clever Clarkj slock wire. Irnping the cap on a bicycle. The pay shows ,, are: The moving oicture show. Cramer and Martin Quick lithographer and ' programmer . Tyler, manngeri;. the beautiful Tyrolean Geo. Provoncbey, treasurer- K Alps, H. ft .Market, manager; the Nellls Show, J. L. Lucas, manager: Wild Animal Circus. Jerry Bnrnes. manager ; Kntzenjam- mer Costle. Morley Iloloson, manager: Fool- ish House, Ed. Ashley, manager ; Penny Vaudeville. L William*, manager: Ferris Wheel, Bert Brown, mnnnger; Mechanical Shooting Gallery, J. P. Hutchinson, mana- ger: tbe big, three-horse-abreost cnrry-us-all. Foils Morrow. Hcket'ogeutriKn Travers, superintendent; Wm. Burke. Hghln; Tom Granger,, boss host- ler- Fred Fingers, properties; La Thuuma, the Two Lindsays, Dan Murdoch, Cohurn and (Jrennche. Ilalanclng Stevens the Two Davenports. Kent to. Foils, nhd Prof. Irwin s Dog and Monkey Circus. Arthur Davenport u rwi nan. Jos. v ,d ten high class musicians furnish the mu- [Urry Beechele, Shields, general agei vance agent ; Or. Tl. Dick" A. Fulton: ad- week of the prespnt seosoo. and business has - Merkel, press repre- been the heat ever enjoyed by the New Mode). company surgeon: M. E. Four States have been visited In this short uu >. "." Y"L'_. «_* „,„, nnd njQny bt( Jumps made over all sentatlve and Wagoner, secretary and - treasurer; Prof Fred Nelklrk. muslcnl director: F.d. Lloyd, manager of concessions; Lee H. Barnes, ratis- ler of transportation : Jesse M. Shnnt. chief announcer; Morlev Boloson. chief eiectrlclnn ; Frank Nelson, chief engineer; Oaty Orler, steward. This comuanr l« making mostly "maiden towns." We are In Missouri for the Fonrth of July week, and expect great things. Notes fbom Point Gratiot Amuhf.mrnt CO., Geo. W. Mlddlelon. general manager, Dunkirk, N. Y.— This Is a beautiful place, lo- rated on iJlke Frle. between ButTolo nnd hrle. with elegaut grounds, grove etc. We have the Inrgeat thenlre In tbe Rtste (the Uostook building at the Pan- American), run seat over live thousand people, and w? have all kinds of concessions on the grounds— merry -go- round, ocean ware, shooting gallery, lutighlne gallery. Ire cream, canes, plane nnd knife racks,' football gnme, number rack, mlnlatnre railroad, etc. We are getting excursion trains from Buffalo. Jameslowo. Bradford, Brocton. Fredonla. and a boat from Buffalo three times a week. kinds nf roods, still our stock Is as frpsh as nt the opening day, being under the watch- ful eye of veterinary, "Doc." W. H. Mur- doch Geo. Wood Is superintendent, nnd all visiting showman conrede that we have the owlftesr handled show of Its site they havo ever seen. Assistant Manager Adam Gilles- pie has entirely recovered from his recent lilacs.*, and Ik agnln on deck, nnd as busy as ii b<*e Our' performance this season Is fully up lo the New Model standard, and we have yet to receive our flrst adverse criti- cism, while "the best one ring show we have ever seen" Is heard on oil sides, nnd "come agnln" Is the parting word at all stands. W. A. Turner, trap drummer, jolued nt Hallo- well. Me. __ ' Ni>trn from tub Onttt Aiton & ASURB- RON' Show. Thos. Alton & C. R. Anderson. sole owners and managers.— This show 1« carrying twelve cars and oueued the season May IK, at Plica. N. Y. It showed New York and Pennsylvania for three weeks, and theu went Into Canada for four weeks, going out through Michigan on Its way to tbe to nut. The Bunch De Vers Trio, Dixon and Fields, John Price. Doll* Theobald, James Pnrvh. Howard Powers, Francln llunaun, White City Quartette, nnd the Wuher Bron. The open- ing will occur on Sept. ], Charles Allen has returned to the forces of Gus Hill. He will manage the tour at "Happy Hoollgnn's Trip Around the World.'' Waller M. Leslie hns been engaged by Mr. Hill to pilot "Me- Fadden's Flats" next .season. Mai.tik Ffaly will star next season, un- der the management of Jobn Curt, In Martha Morton's new comedv, "The Illusion of Bea- trice." Rue:? Tkrrt will make a farewell tour of America next season, under the management of Charles Probtnan. JORgPlt M. lUtTRK hns purchased "Homes" from Llebler ft Co., the price named being VHUMO. William H. Ciiakk will open his next sen- son nt Ibe Savoy Theatre, New York, lu "Tbe Price of Money," a four act ploy, by Alfred Stilro. Khen Pmmtox was freed, June 13, In Bos- ton, by the graud jury, of a vbarge of mur- derous assault on Capt. George Martin, (lit Jury returning "do bill." Mafkiuriiitk Fiiam-f. will be sbarred during next aeasou. In "Nettie, the Newsglrl," under Ihe management ot Rice fc Conley. The compnny Is booked solid on Ihe Stair & Hav* llu circuit. ]',i) Laupson recently sold his oew mu- sical drama to Fastern managers, who will produce the piny with nu all slur cast and cltv time. U Is said to be one of the live- liest aod bent plays booked for (lie r'ojulng season. Mr. Lsinpson will take out it new melodrama, arranged for a special cast, and carrv the new play through the Northwest tu the coast, plnylng one and three nights' time. NOTGH ft'JlOM THU BaHTLRT MCCOLI.LU Stock, playing Jefferson Theatre. Portland, Me., presented "The Goveruor of Kentucky," wee* uf June 18, to big builneas. The com- pany, connlstlug of Ma Adair, Minnie Knd- cllffc, Leslie Bingham, Belle Gaffney, Mary Mann. FUlott Dexter, Geo. Usher, Chas. Blanchnrd. Walter llurtou, Peter Long, Ho- gene Fnuder, 'do«, Oolden, Ivor I/twrh*, has made urn- of the biggest drnmatir successr* of any stock, nnd all ploys ore produced under the personal direction nf Hartley Me- Cut turn. NoitMAx HiLi'AKn, who has been plnylng leading bUKiliCMa xucremfully with the Wood- ward Stock Co., of Kansas City, during the p&st season, has been engaged la the sards capacity with the Myrtle h Harder Slock Co., Fnsfern, for next season. Nellie tlup- per la also engaged for chnmctera. NOTKH Hi'iM TUB IlRKAUi SgUARR STmCK Co. — (in leaving (laletou, Pa., Monday, June II, when nenr Falkland, the englue suddeuly left the track and we w*>rn detained about use hour, missing our connections at Hor- nellsvllle, N Y. We opened at Wnrsnw. to crtpflrlty, and broke ail repertory records. On Saturday night, during a pouring rain, ws turned tlit-m sway. "Tracy, the Outlaw,*' «ii given at the linn I performance. Maua- r Kiiiiffiiinu ot om-e booked the show for _ return dote. We are Imoked for the Sum- mer In Northern New York. Mr, Knnaliaffe has coropieleil his new melodrama. "The King nf Crime." All are well nud always ready for Tiir Ot.n Itri.tABi.K ger M vile, Hohert Fmerson, Hitrrv Hodgex, Dullf.s Mctvlu, Iilcbnrd Brantley, Wm, Well, Wm. I/tntiox, Charlie Dowd, Florence Ilnckney, Marie Freck, Nora l^iiuox and .fosephlne Bond. All i: iv well nnd ltappy, and the second senson gives promise of a brilliant future for tbls company. NftTKH Mi HWIfRI.V. SltlpMA.V k Crt.'R AT- TUAL-rioNS. — The sua-ess attending Bosellt* Knott, lu "When Knighthood Was lu Flower." and (he guarantees offered her fur return dates, warrant n continuance of the tour until Aug. \h. Nest year Mitis Knott will lie Beta In a near play, ny Mrs. Charles A. Do- remits, entltlnl ''The tnataasi of Devonshire." KlMNL'iH X. IBii'H uiiiiiuniieH that Adelaide Thurston will appear next season In-a uew four act comedy drama, entitled "The lllrl from Out West," by Pauline Phelps nod Mnrlon Short, million of "Sweet Clover" uud "At Cosy Corners." if will bo ft magnificent production, villi mi excellent supporting com- pany. i;. W. lii rut. writes: "I have been for the past senson grnerol agent for Harry Shan- non's lavish production, "Thn llankor'H Child.' which has plnyed the Western territory all »e.,i- Migqairi K K mmmwuM the \M Ulo nteoe, by Kldnnlge. Meutlu * Co. Nrgotis- fypera House, nf Del Hlo, Tax., writes: "Del Itlu has a population of 7,000. It In a H'f town. Hltunted on the Southern Pncldc Halt- mad. 17'1 mtlesi west of Snn Antonio, the best idiow town In West Texas. Taw then- lre has n seating capacity of K00, aod tho furniture and fixtures are nil new." v. J. W. Ii'H reports tbe death vt hi* mother June 1(1, Id Nt* York, lions are now pendlnv with n well knowu foreign star for the title role. Wkioiit fa-iBlMKH will produce "The Wild Dm-k" next season, under the runungvmeut of Wm. A. Brady. t . Tiikki:s* Mii.i.r.n Kotmk Inforum us thnt she will lie starred ue\i srnsou nnder lbs mhnagement of Dnbltuky Hru&, lu mucro* Lolltnn produirtloui, . „ „ ___ fc— „. 612 *H3E ^SHEW YORK G3LIPPEH/ June 80, All 5ong[sof All Publishers Open to All on Day of Issue MUSIC PUBLISHERS' EXCHANGE .) ,.-f\S-;oV^«. 43 WEST 28th STREET. N. Y. "TE3..2?* irihc Music Publishers of Hew York and the Country at Large have Tiled Their Feature Hits at THE EXCHANGE FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF" THE PROFESSION. EVERY COURTESY EXTENDED TO CALLERS. ALLEN MAY, jjggggggg Prof»»slonal Departtwnt. ■ " nui'T 1 Feist's Big Hit! We Teach It! "iHi^i Palpable H«.f ' The Waltz Bong Supreme, "! NEVER LOVED ANOTHER GIRL Ml LOVE YOU/ 1 JOHN FRdNKLlN MUSIC CO., NEW YORK AND BOSTON. Don"-? Overlook JIMMIE MULLEN'S >: Best Ballad. 1W0 LITTLE GIRLS LOVED ONE v ' LITTLE BOY. WORDS BY AI» BRYAR. THE HOST OMOINAL CHILI) BALLAD, EYfcK • .WRITTEN. . PUBLISHED BY P. J. HOWLEY, 41 West 281h St., New York. Fred. FiBOher's Big V Hit," "IF THE MAN IN TEE 100N WERE A COON." ProrestOnal Copies and orcnestr.tloni. in any tej , FREE. WILL ROSSITER, >ll'Wulillt|t.li Street, Chicago, ,-OH-. CONN & FISCHER, . 31 W. iuih scrfrt, • " Now York. » IN THE GOOD OLD. UNITED STATES. <,IU. A I PATRIOTIC /MARCH SOSG BY - ~ ' HAHKVH.'MINlCER. ' -SsrF? TOBL1SIISB BV . . THOMPSON MUSIC CO.. 275 Wahash Ave., Chicago, III. "since ; NELLIE WENT! AWAY PUBLISHED BY THE lew York Music PnbllshJng Co., Aflftgt Mt Broadwiy, Hrw York. JJ "DEAR OLD MOTHER" "ROSEBUD" har<: " suNr '' "YOU'RE THE OIRL I LOVE THE BEST" "I'VE NT DETECTIVES OH YOUR TRACK", "IN A ROSE HARDEN" "SWEET IRISH KATE" TTR0 MUSIC CO., 266 SIXTH AVE., NEW YORK CITY. LEVEEN'S LAUGH LOOSENER A MATHEMATICAL. NOVELTY (THAT JWM PULL FREIGHT) A SCREAM WITH EVERY AUDIENCE LEVEEN MUSIC PUB. CO., II W. H8.lt St. "Hello If THE GREAT SUMMER HIT WILLIS WOODWARD & CO., HAMILTON S. GORDON, 1M1-51 BROADWAY. "ON A SUMMER (WALTZ) DAY" (SOMA) Ask Len Spencer for a Professional Copy of "FANCY LITTLE NANCY" THE HEW EHaUBH SOI BRETTE SOIIO FROM OCO. Ml. KREY, 42 W, 28th St., H. Y. it MORPHY 9) W "The Man Who Sings to Beat the Band 1906 DRAWING ATTRACTION 1906 FURNISHING ABSOLUTELY FREE EHTIRE LIKE OF SUPERB ADVERTISING III MT QUANTITY. Eight Sheet Block Stands, Threat Sheet Block Stands, Five Cotor One Sheet Lithographs, Two Color! Quarter Sheet Window Cards (two styles,) Large Photographs for Window Purposes, 1 1x14, 16x30, and 20x24. Double and Single Column Half Tone Cuts, specially made for newspaper purposes (eight different styles). WARNING -- MANAGERS - WARNING. An unprincipled party, unworthy of the profession, has PIRATED my title and Is trading on the fruits of my advertising, at Nantaeket Uoaoh, Boston, MnaeachusettB, Don't be deceived by false misrepresentation I have no competitor!," and will demonstrate my ability, accompanied by: any military band . from twenty to one hundred pieces, singing against any vocalist on earth, before a competent committee of judges for One Thouiand Dollars (Sl.OOO). ' ' ' ALLEN WAY, The Pioneer Song Illuatrator, . ■*• anting tue&oiig Hits repreieated to ■ ■■■\- TUB Music Publishers* Exchange. «»-can Finwisa modern combined . • •Picture and Stereoptlcon ;;.' Machine. ALL LATEST MLlin AUD SHOES. Under the Manag-emeui of LKN. 'SPENCER. -r 1111IB! YDVIIXKD THK (IWIHittATIIPV OF THE MUSIC PUBLISHERS' EXCHANGE. TUrougli It* medium you o an, »t wru.il cohL place your publications to (lie beet julvmnnjic ijefnre f lie leu'd. rift ultiCfta wt ttuu great ■fwrnnttj «ud the country at largf, ' ■ ' * - '. CA.LI. OKHHlTt TOIt r*01*L PABHOUIiAKS. Mcrph, selected many of his songs (root those listed in the . MUSIC PUBLISHERS' EXCHAN8E. 48 -West 28th Btreet, . . "New York. it The Man Who Sings to Beat the Band. )> Ada Jones Recording the Sosgi Fepulsrlied by *■ MUSIC PUBLISHERS' EXCHANGE .- -for- ... »;f TUIor Ttlklflg IieUit Co., '„ , litlenal Pa.nograph Co., Columbia Phcnograprj (tow f Dntnrnl Tilkttc Iichln* Co., American Becerd Co., Leeds- Cattlo So., International Hecora Co. 3 B. 4»d ST.; z±x «i»IVI, NEW YOIIK, HeailquArtnrs for Victor (iomlii. 4 METROPOLIS 4 •FlIiLIAH 0. WOOD, First Tenor ; *HARHY A. E LLIS, Second Tenor ; *W1LUU E HALLETT, First Buss ; * WW. loDOHALO, Second Bui, +«..!<• of Do.k.taa>r'a Mltutnla. A Permanent N. Y. Sieging Organization: FU1.RII6 THE LOil SOKG SUCCESSES. Listed at (lie MUSIC PUBLISHERS' EXCHANGE, Under the Mana|eauU of L.EIM. SF»BC IMCER A teir open dales In July aid Augmt rordtib and Lodge Outings, Rtc. "»-"» »*• Tuanks to managers for Haltering offers THK HOME IITEBARY BUREAU Coinedv Acta, Sketches, Monologues sod Fatter, Ljrlc Composition *ntl Revision. Acts Orlttctficd. IHmpliiiUM »Od atreugt-ierjiHl «t Hoflerate t. LBff. SPENOtR,,Mgr. SHORTHAND M) TYPE- WRITING BUREAU Correspondence, MlmcoffriiphliiKtCopjiiig, titer. «ry OrmBtrucUon Md all linen ofTbeairlc*. Work performed witli owtiiew, koourapy nod despntcti. work called tor and gmmi - „ WBJ, ttUBEUKB, ILgr* 43 West 28th Street, :w YORK. K»Y AND IDEAS. COMEDY BUREAU ™ , ..nla). The ID8I0 FDBMSBEB8' EXCBAHOE MukcB * specialty of popularizing the conga of »a- thorn and compoaers. write tor partlcularaat once. ■*" To ttie Prolessioo. MUSIC PUBLISHERS 1 EXCHANGE Places Its offices, mnslo rooms and pianists at your entire disposal, thus enabling you to obtain all that Is newest, latest and best In the music line. Save time, patienoe, carfare, stamps and shoe leather. Every cour- tesy will be extended to you. OALL MOW. JUNE 80. THE 3STETW YORK CLIPPER* 513 SECOHD BOCCE88FUL SEASON SEASON 19064 BROKE RECORDS OPFEBS TIIK URKATKST HIOPEIITOIUI-: ORUANIXATION EN TOUR. | PROOUOING ^l_l- P30-yA«-T"V PLAYS | I FHHKB axi. city time season irxxwn, wait. THE INTERNATIQHAI. STOCK COMPANY, PllESEN TING aCBMC MELODRAMATIC PHOIH'CTIONH C (IHPLBTE IN EVERY DETAIL. R E THE FATAL WEDDING. HOBODT'g DARLING. A BACK FOR I.IKE. MK AMD MOTHER. SPECIAL SCENERY I want k Nor.lty Vaadevlllo Act to Fcatur. and th« following propl, i Heavy Hll And Wmm, Character Man mil Woman. Comedian. O.H. Bui* M»n, Carpenter and child Iter Part, and Specialty. I WMt ACTORS. ■ I pay (he SALARY. Flrat Claaa Stage Director wanted nnlek. Addreta IIARRI« WWBEHB INTE RNATIONAL THEATRE. IHupMl gall.. A MIDMOHT ESCAPE, SO WEDDING BK1.LH FOR HEI1. A BOY FROM TIIR WEST. A tomilPPEV MARRIAGE, PiPE( IAL PICTORIAL PRINTING SIX WEEKS'. STOCK AT INTERNATIONAL THEATRE. NIAOARA FALLS, N. Y„ OPENING JULY L W SPECIAL VAUDRVI LLB B. F. KEITH'S THEATRES AND VAUDEVILLE BOOKING CIRCUIT. Bijou Theatre Altoona, Pa. Kernan's Maryland Theatre.. Baltimore. Ud. Sbea's Tbeatre Buffalo, N . 1. Shea's Theatre Toronto, Can. Cook Opera House Rochester. N. T. Temple Theatre. Detroit, Mich. S. Z. Foil's Theatre Worcester, Maes. Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. . . .Providence, R, I. . ..Pawtucket, B. I. ..Philadelphia, Pa. Keith's Theatre. Keith's Bijou Theatre. Keith's Theatre. Keith's Theatre Keith's New Theatre.. Keith's Prospect Theatre Cleveland, O. Keith's Theatre Columbus, O. Keith's New Theatre Portland, Me. Keith's New Theatre Manchester, N. H. Keith's New Theatre Lowell Mass. Keith's Rojal Princess Tbeatre. London, Eng. Keith & Proctor's Union Bo, Theatre.N. Y. City Keith & Proctor's 23d St Theatre. .N, Y. City Keith 4 Proctor's 5th Ave. Theatre. ,N. Y. City Keith & Proctor's 58th St. Theatre. .N.Y.Ctty Keith ft Proctor's 125th St. Theatre.N. Y. City ■*"-, N.J. 8. 7.. roll's Theatre Springfield, Mass. 8. Z. Poll's Tbeatre Hartford, Conn. S. Z. Poll's Theatre New Haven, Conn. 8. Z. Poll's Theatre, 8. Z. Toll's Theatre. . S. Z. Poll's Theatre.. . 8- Z. Poll's Tbeatre. . Savoy Theatre Colonial Theatre..... Empire Tbeatre. Empire Theatre. . . . . Bridgeport, Conn. . . . .Waterbury, Conn, Wilkes- Barre, Pa. Scran ton, Pa. , . . .Fall River, Mass. Lawrence, Maes. Paterson, N. J. Uoboken, N. J, Valentine Theatre Toledo, O. Treat Theatre Trenton, N. J. The Grand •. Wheeling, W. Va. Henderson's Music Hall Coney Island Keith ft Proctor's Theatre. .Jersey City* __ Y. F. Proctor's Theatre.. ... ..Newark, N. J. F. K. Proctor's Theatre Troy, N. Y. F. F. Proctor's Theatre Albany, N. Y. Harry Davis' Grand Opera House Plttsburg,Pa Chase's Theatre Washington, D. C. Grand Opera House Syracuse, N. Y. Ala* Booking; for ZO Parka and Seashore Roaorta. Performers will benefit themselves hy keeping this office Informed of their rente and open time*' B. F. KEITH'S BOOKING OFFICES, SI. Jamas Bidding, S. K. MODODON, Booking Mlakna»B*r. Room. «33 to «»8 St. Jame. Bnlldlag, NEW YORK CITY. HUSICUIS AID ACTORS WAITED, For BEECHER & STANLEY'!) BIO SHOW, One night stands. Tuba, to double stage : Trombone, for stage and orchestra ; Cornet and Baritone, either stage or orchestra ; Good .Black Face Comedian and Man for Heavies, double drums. Address quick. WALTER J. McDONALD, Per address, Abilene. Kan. Al VIOLINIST AT LIBERTY For .BURLESQUE or MUSICAL COMEDY, for ..coming season. Sober and Reliable. Also Lady for Chorus. Address W. T.. 1*750 North Front St., Philadelphia. Pa. WAITED. 1ST liHE" PEOPEE. Isabel Barbare Hare, Corney, wltb child; Lord 'Kit. Severn Dill, Rlcbard Hare, Joyce, with) child. Salary tow. Also other useful people. Summer seaHon. Call at once. MR. WALTERS. Room 235 Knickerbocker Bldg., 110 West 3l>th St.. N. Y. C. _^__^_ AT LIBERTY, AL. COR R ELL, Anything cast for. Double Brass, Height. Bft. llln. : Weight, lUOlb. Appearance, ward- robe, ability, sobriety. A del rest* CKNTREV*r.LE, Iowa. WANTED (To Join July 3, Near N. Y. City), Musical Act (single preferred). Comedian, Juggler and People all lines. Do two turns. Prefer those doubling band. Leader nod Piano Player, double Slide, Barltune. Tuba or Cor- net. State salary. Pay own. One night stand. Add. RENTFROW'B BIG CO.. g •. I Box 440. Pottstown, Pa. WANTED, For Harrington's Pavilion Theatre. All People engaged for tbe above show oust report in XBDBB HAUTE, by APRIL 16. Can place a few more All Around Rep. Peo- ple and Musicians that double B. A O. Ac- knowledge call: E. A. HARRINGTON. ' No. 822 Main Street. Terre Haute, Ind. O r rif lTIi««; are gutting big money V J. nnafeiTl by rmvlng good, original acts. Why don't you V I write original songs, monologues, sketches, dramus, comedies, etc., to order. Lowest rates. Best original mate- rial, BOB WAIT. SOU Walnut St., Phlla. TRICK and FANCY SKATERS WANTED. PREFER LADIES. Address W. H. UOUDIESKH, Manager Nashville Skating Rink. Nashville. Tenn. FOR SALE, TENT, Complete. Great Bargain; SOtt. Bound Top, 40ft. Middle Pieces. In excel- lent condition. Can be Hcen erected cor. Brook Ave aadI58th Bt.. Bronx, N. Y.Olty. «. P. OUN- BAR. Room 308. 29 West 42d St., N. V. NOVELTY ABTOIOBIIE, BifiSE steal Instrutnenta for Musical Act, $1M. Machine alone crated $76, Is foot power and practical. oth*>r musical instruments rorsiie. Stamp for list, A. T- HOBVBT, 18a Oreenwloh St.", N. V. City. V O © A lm I 8 T S WASTED, to Coach for Vaudeville Musical Companies. Oily Appearances Arranged. Call FOtSJEiTEB, 1147 Broadway. Wanted. BAND PEOPLE, All kinds of Aerial People, Trap Jugglers, and Wire Walker*, fore. 0. Spangier's Great Western K a 1 [road Show*., Gcttyaijurg, I'enna. WANTED, Quick, ALTO OR BARITONE, double second nddlc. J. II. SWAKF KBP, Turner's Mils, M»iu>. BARGAIN, $200 But. EDISON HAUI1IN t and H,ncort. splendid Hill. OEO.H.TllOMAa, 400 Bedford Ave., BrooltlTn. N.Y SOUBRETTE WANTED AT ONCE. Send photop, (all particular!), lowest .alary. EMPIRE AMI!»E>.KM' At-800!ATI0N, Boim.K.T Wanted, Performer, for led. Show ■Ml play ntiibg- Instrument,. Nor>« bft to* heat vrltc. DUO RAY, Detroit, Midi., Gen. Del. P. s.-ciiris, wiierc arc your SA/ A Must pl.y Nome clmracters. MAY H1LLHAN STOCK CO.. Buekroi! Heicli, Va. _■ OPEN FOR JULY 4 AMU LATER DATES, C. W. WILLIAMS, FAMOUS AKROMOLT, AND HIS Bid AIR SHIP AMERICA A big attraction. Hpeakqalck. Add. 3313 Jamaica Ave., Richmond Hill, L. 1. MUSICAL TEAM. TWO LADY SINGERS and DANCERS ONE MAGICIAN. ONE DUTCH .11.1 IRISH COMEDIANS, Team. PICTURE MACHINE TEAM. ONE ADVANCE AGENT. Apply .o p RM |. flA DRJS0||, 116 Hirer St.. Troy, N. V. STATE TERMS. The Following Animal, i 1 PAIR NYLGHAUS. StJSO. 1 RUSSIAN BEAR. S6S. 1 FEMALE CAMEL, J110. 1 BABY CAMEL, 1100. 1 FILL GROWN BLACK HIANED LION, tl.OOO. 1 KOI R YEAR OLD MALE LION.S1UO. Address V7ALTER L. MAIN, qulucy Hoiiae, Bostou. Mas... WANTED TO LOCATE. A utt.slclan, Royal (Munich) Conservatory pupil, 35 yean of age, desires location In a live town in Middle Weat or South. Am experienced Band, Orchestra and Chorus Conductor. Capable Super- visor of Public School Music. Weaver or Nor- mal systems. Play Carnet and strictly first otasa Viollniat. Win donate xervlcei to band secur- ing me position as leader in theatre or music In public bc hoc is. Address If. M. C, P. O. Box 'JO, West Point, N.Y. EITCEELL'S ALL STAR PL AYEBS, KD. IV. COOK, It«ue«. Fully protected by law. Address all further com- inuEfcatlouri to B. FRANK MlTt'llELL, (.encral Manager. Buoalo, N. Y. Respectfully, EL). W. COOK, Leasee, cure CUPPER, _• WANTED QUICK, I F. Mubi he well up la Acts. Sketch Team who do Singles; Mu»lcal Team; Silent Acts who change often, and Piano Player. Eat aud sleep at notes. Team (20 and expenses; singles (12 and expense*. ' - ireaa A. BAfLEV. Midland. Allegany Co., Md. PIANIST WANTED IMMEDIATE EHOAOEHEHf Summer .alary. TOM II. WALSH, Hot.l Berwick, Rutland. V t. W A NT8D. Will bay V«ntrlI.M|iiUt Flaurea. Hong Slide., not too old, and good Vlln. Waat? SimkI Silent Act for strongest Pled. Show ri the Baat. Address DOC BARRT SOLOMAft SHOWS, H p. !V'H BUD- I (jet.vb 10. 'Qi-a-'esofcomeriy, clever- ■ iiess und i arodv j e ciiMt. Ai per copy, ■ JAMBS MADIHOA', ].] 1404 Tlijrd A^cnjie J _hewJj>rk_ : _B LEADING LADY, . JUVENILE WOMAN. Long beason. Useful People, write. Slate age, height, weight. Hcnd programmes, Most join on wire. TOMFIUNKUN NYK. PI. Worth. Texas. WANTED, lor LEON'S BI6 VAUDEVILLE SHOW Under uau vhb. two more Versatile Sketch Teams, Strong II. K. Comedian, to put on big acta; also Man to do magic, must have several restore acu>. I want none but sober, experienced people that can chaigc often; prefer those who double in band. Ii. I. Menkeuilller and Chs, 'fenny, write. Address PKOP. E LEON. Ilari'lcld, 0. Great Hande.fl Ad, lllistratei, "Dida," Paper Bag Ka:ape. "Aga," Latest Packing Box Escs^e, Fitkt! MarkHinunshtp, Bosco Act, Lightning A rtJett »nd •jntt'.ers; all .vi uerjts. qPAKKR NOV. CO.. *££> N- 4th St., I'h*'a'l»lrhh. Wasted, All Kinds of Good Med, People; Also Novell. Acts. HiiHt uliaugeroruiio waek. Slate all wl!h roar lowest. A4anj.H BD. HENDBItHON, Norwich. Mu.fceiiBnm 1>'-."I''". FOR SALE, 3 L sOor. oiaoittio maAUiraoii, NEW. OTHER MUSICAL SKVKI.IIti, VUKAP. BERT IIOZA, Soalli Bend, Ud: WANTED, BARREL JUMPER Tbatc.n Tumble. State affe, height, and weight. Art IXKiacd. (lOOI. AHATKVR" write. Ad.lres. BCI1KBVELI.O. O.n. Del., clwland. 0. WANTED, Al SKETCH TEAM. Other good med. people, write. L. U. CARl't NTEU , Warrea, Pa. novmG picture bargains Miles Bros.' Summer Clearance Sale No. I. Ad. will appaar bat one Don't cl.lay If yon ...nt lb. good.. Shlppwl Olt reealpt of ord.r with ii.Otlt hafanr. (;. o* n.i wltli prlvllaga of .i.mln.lkn at rrpreii om.n. Uetl'_S8:i— Life Uoat ProvMHlon, I70fl.. Al Treloar. World'. Champion Atbleto, I>8(t..,!« .. A Klu, 33ft., «t. •»..'. Hat He of the Ya In, WMt., 4j ....... BKck Hand, UTitltt ., ft Bad .(Ji'Irf, slti., Ht Buolnr Hill, 70ft., ii Boi of lluylcr'a, C8ft., (a. . Chicken Thief, 758>t„ (i . *c. . 4e. . 3c. . 4c. . 0c. ..«c, . • Be. .: 3C 4c. Chicken Thief. 7C8ft.. fti : . . ;; Ureuu uf a Racetrack Flecd,' ll'Jllft.. sj). , Different Hair Dresners'! bund eulored), 180ft., (a 7c, Dlffereot Hair Dresser* (hHDd colored); 180ft.. ISr .r. ,„, l'rauin on a Train, ueOf t.. - llree. 15:1ft : Delhi Cnmp Itall - way, latlla, 7571. : Cork Fighters Philippine!!. 25ft : Huw Old Is Ann, »l»fl.— Olllft.. « I Heel No. HID— Looking Down Kant lilvi-r. 140ft; Jack itagg. and Dnm Itatu, lil.'.ft :'New York Push Carta, lllllft. : Through White Horse Raplda. 47ft : t'lilit Allanl Shooting White Horse Ititjiids. 54ft. ; An Awful Mlitiike, iTifi . : Love at Silly, 28ft— «2l)ft, lit I SAN PBAWCI80O EARTHOUAKK FILMS. Almoat N«W aat too. I»e»r Foot« No. 341— Length, MMt.— Market St., from si. Cur, four duyn before earthquake. No. J«2— Ijeiigth, 48WI.— Down Market ML, from Hightb St. to Ferry. No. ,(4:; --Length, :iB Port 8t„- 8. V. No. «44— IrfDgth, Msri.— Turk and (*ougb HU., OlntliL'H Line- Dough and McAHIhIit Sth, Ninth and .Market HI ft,, OjipoHite i'ltv Hull, Dynamiting Pruger'a Iti'.ir. store, at Joucu and Market Sth., Al Ilucban HI. and Ooldcn tlate Ave., The Bread Line at Turk and KUhnoro HIh., Plercp Itudolpb. Klllniore and Wdy HtH. No. :>4." — length, 740ft. — Circle Panorama made from Hacratnento and Van Neita . Avex.. Showing Sob lllll, From Noli Hill |.nnklng Huulb. l-'rutn Nob 111]! Looking North, Krom Mawn and JuckHun Hlu., Showing Kiilrmout Hotel ; Hall or Juh- ,.; Ure, North Beach— Terry Telegraph lllll : •At Broadwav and Mtockton HtH., Look- 'log Down Broadway: At Kearney and Sutler Km.. Lookliiu Mouth ; Linda Vlvta Camp at I'rubldfo. No. .140— Length, 180ft.— Hefugeea Leaving City with their goodn at Ferry Bldg. ; lit) <]ti,,hti:ig at City Hall. Mo, .*Mt,__T^p.,(t 1 . ii,'.»ft.— Cooklog HcdJHI rn Middle of Geary St. No. iuv — Li'iijttn. 44Mt. — Front of Ht. Car Coming ni> Market St. Mu; 350— Length, 070(1. — MkadoM ML, Four- teeDth to Scveatb mih. ; Market HI. to Ferry. Fillmore Ht. Hayea and lillla. Xo. liTn—Longtli, 9W»t.— M^Hrk«'8C.":lCIWlHl'. to nftb; Fifth St. to Market, down to Ferry. ; ■ Address all orders to MILES B F 10 E. 14th 8T. No. S3B0— Length. Ittft,—- looking Down Murket Mt,, tint Hundav afternoon After tho itn*; Tuklog China from Hani 1 merit 11 f t-ulna of Sing Fut'H frifHMJDO.OU Chi- neiif Klll|i{)|-ilim, on iMipfjnl Ht. No. 3MO— U'tigth, iiiuft. — t'linip Scene In JefferHon H.j. No. &5Q-* Length, IHOTL— Fan. Refugee Camp, .InfferMon S11. I'aik. -No. ;i^i(f< — Length. Ullllfl.— 'Krlwri* , Ho.hi, 'I'tIhIh of Conking, in tbe Htreeta. No. TTTff UNth nir.rt. — For Men Work- ing Only, 11 ,"<'. Dinner, ftirnlahed by Mr-, w. II. Crocker, No. .-(L'Hit— Length, nun. — iiujipy Family uf llefugBci. * No. ;i-jlmi— LiMigtli. 7t)ft.— Felling a Dunger- oiik Steeple of St. Ihroilnlck'N Church. No. :i;H 10— Length, 7,,fl,— KefUgeea Uettlng Ordotw for Clothing: and Htipnlie ilHUt — Length. 1 17d. — Dial t'li'lhlne to Itefugi'ifri, Irlhutlag JUJit-iaenglh, TtMKL— Kcfugec Hchool Children In I'ark Itecelvlng Inatructlona (rnro Hinging Teacher. No. ;iH;.n--i.eni.ni, L'WJfL— Through Refugee rump, "Model City," on Auto. No. .HMO— Length. IJfffL— — Length, 2fM»rt.— Through Refugea Ciitnp, No, 'A, on Automobile. NEW YORK. WIL.D & RICH'S PLAYERS, I MIKIl IAIVVAS, WANT VERSATILE LEADING WOMAN AND SOUBRETTE. iVIth SpcclalUea for tul.8an.nier and regular Heaaou. wire loweat tpay oaui. Muttt Join at once. ottur people. Dramatic, Specialty, etc., write. WM. O. WILD, TOW AND A, PA. WANTED, REPERTOIRE PEOPLE K.uoelall AMI AL.L. LINES. 1, VKItKATILK LKADIHO VVIIIIAV. WANT ni.'kll'IAMs roil BAND D UHtllKSTRA. CaD't ho loo ICMMl. I^ilia (ItiaaKcment. Kllllc Nil orst lettlT. H. ». RtrOKER. Tonefc*. Kan. • ■ Wanted at Once, to Join Big Novelty Act, COMEDY ACROBAT OB CONTORTIONIST. Acrobat rati be good tutuliicr and do bumi*, CoutorlioolMt niuat bo forward Icr norker. One that i-iii'do cotnctlv preferred. Addre«K«nly with full partluuiara. ADOIIKHM IIKA1ILI!VKIl,.'Vn.MI W«it Il-Kli at.. A. V.flty. Repertoire Peopl LKADINIi MAN. QITICK: sl«o ALL KINDH W KKI-. l>KOI>l,K. WHO 110 HPRCIALTIKS, flliirrii write. Vatulfvlllo Act., Ht»|tcCnr|ipnli'r«. Ktc. ...,•,.,., „ „ . ... w. A. DILLON, tins KdkkiTlKiitlipr lliillillnK. New Vork. W»M, Medicine Performm, Teflt Slow. I LADY PIABI8T AT LIBEin, 8t»te #hatyou do. Week alands. No hoozen, " etittrsera or tiendH tolerated, 'Addrea-e J, w, turner, tt Ueyvis Uourt, Uhlvavu, 111. I Brwkljo, N. Y Kxperlenced In Vaiide'llle, Dramatic or Operattc work. Aihlreuk OIESKI.KU, m llaiii'mrg Avt., 514 THE NEW YOEH CI/IPPER. June go NEW YORK CITY. Keith * Proctor's Union sqta&re Theatre US. K Rogers, resident manager). — An interesting event occurred here matinee of June 20, as Richard I*, uutcault, the clever cartoonist nod OMttME of the Boater Brown Scturen, made bis local vaudeville debut, r. Ontraiilt ban *.ome good talk about Binder and Tig? botti of whom be sketches In baby. hood and childhood, but rhe general impres- Slon wan ibit not enough pictures were rawc. The work war done easily and clever- It, and The art wan entertaining, to) win Stevens, asristen by Miss Marshall, offered his skit, "A Nlgbt Out." This wan a developed version of M* former monologue, and la the bands of Mr. Stevens It was a pronounced success. Tony Wilson and Helolse did some excellent and rapid acrobatic work on the horizontal liar.*. .Ids. a. Klernan and com- pany, In "The Taming or the Beast." nil worked bard and scored n number of laughs through, tbelr Individual efforts, but the ma- terial supplied them la far from good. Btnn- toa and Modcaa gave their ever pleasing eketcb, "For Reform," In wblch they scored tbelr uriibI l>lg success. Raymond and ('overly returned in Home new talk, and the Mine bur- lesque operatic flnbih. Auric Dagwell met with a warm reception, and her pleasing, re- Ailed act went, seemingly better than ever. Argyo Kastron (local debut), a Creek vio- linist, played with much expression, but seemed needless at times. Her technique Is good, and she was warmly applauded. Other* were: Baker and Menp, in an athletic novelty act : O'Laiighlln and Cohen, In song and dance; "Alexander," the phenomenal so- ptano; the Mlllershlp Sisters, singers and wooden sboe dancers, and V.<\. Esles, equili- brist. The klnetograph cloned the bill. Haillson Hiitiare Hoof (Jarden (Henry Plncus, mRDBger). — The Hummer Hat of ele- vated amusements had a recruit on June 2ft, when this well known roof garden began Its 11»)U Reason, with tbe Unit New York pro- duction of "Manuelle Champagne," styled "a musical bubble. In two buttles." Tbe book and lyrics are by Edgar Allan Woolf, and tbe music is by Cosslim Freeborn, the produc- tion being singed by Lionel Lawrence. It was originally produced at the Savoy Thea- tre, Atlantic city, N. J., on June 114. As for Its plot, there fa little to try the brain of the auditor, the hunt fur a novelty, insti- gated by Fuller Hplce, an American theatrical manager, serving &n the ground work of the story. Its musical equipment Is tbe most worthy portion of the entertainment. Mr. J'reeuorn carrying off tbe honors for a niiml.rT of lively and -tuneful numbers, of wblch "Somewhere" and "Olorlana," a sprightly "coon" song, were the best. The book can.be whipped Into better ahoiie, and later . performance* will probably see an Im- provement In It. Home cbauges lu tin* com- pany ore advisable too. Maud Fulton, as a maid of talkative bent, was Hie most effective member of the cast, and her one song, "Could 1 Fascinate Yoti," wos sunn delightfully, ituil won several, hrarty encores for her. The per- formance was almost over when It whs Inter- rupted by the shooting of Stanford White, by Harry Thnw. Lionel Lawn-nee iitteuipted to quell the panic which followed, and or- dered the chorus girls on tbe xtnge to ra*» tlnne dancing rmJ I lie muslclaus to play. Several people fainted, bill the audience quickly i-tileted down, uml wos dismissed in an orderly manner. The cbri :' Fuller Spice, Harry Short; (Jiisibvus Hicks, K. Fowler: Jack McAllister, Arthur Stanford; Henri I.n Tour, Alfred Hudson Jr.: Miimxeiip Cliam- ijagije, Viola He Costa ; Violet Htuvvesunt, MaVide Karl : Mr. no Hicks, Hylvln' Starr; Bessie Louelv, Ida Crlspl ; Mabel Chatterton, Maud Fulton; Hlehelle. Alberta Davis: Percy Yale, Harry Hudson : Walter Harvard, Frank McCullougli : I'lillllp Cornell, Fred J. Osab; Martin Brown. Fred Woodward; Prlbce Towue, Walter Llebmann ; .George Carlisle, Whiter I'fiscni : Head Walter ai Maxim's, Edward t Hies ; a, Burglar, Fred ,1. (hrnli; u (iendarme, James* K. Ludwlg ; I*ansy Love- Joy, Alice Chase ; Bluucfi Armour, Jen'. Andrl- ctta: Myrtle (traneer, F,dua lllxon: Winnie lievWug. Alice llobitis'in : Mnzlc Huyler, May nollins: Dolly Lakefmnt. KlhY White: loua Lott, Sadie Ktuertnu; Tiny Thutuyoii, lues Marcelle. ParailUe Roof Harden (Oscar Ham- nieratejn, uunager). — Machuow, the Knssleii Jlaol, whose height Is eatd to be over nine eel, la the leading feature here this week, beginning at the Monday raailnee, June 2!i, what 1h expecied will lie a long eneugement. This wan Macbnov's American debut. He was Introduced by bis manager, after which be made u lour of the theatre, shaking the bands of ninny in the audience. Mnchnow does not attempt any form of specialty, and did not utter a word on Monday, as he speaks i>ply tbe Ilusslau language. During Mm tour of the theatre un Monday, while In the llrst balcony, be shook the hand of tin occupant In tbe second balcony. There Is an excellent bill bere ihls week, consisting la tbe mala of well known performers who nave bod tbelr engagements extended from week to Week, consequently their efforts must meet with the approval of the patrons. The list comprises: 'hie Six Musical Cutty* (second week), miiRlral experts; Itlce and Prevost (fourth week). In "Bumpty Bumps;" LnJIa Selbinl (fourth week), bicyclist: Collins and Hart (fourth week), comedy acrobats; the) Carollle Trio i fourth week), comedy bar act ; Berznr'M Comedy Cirrus (fourth week), with the* trained ponies and unrldnble donker ; the s jio ok M Jnst rc-ls i second week ) , Tom Ilearn. "The urn Juggler" (second weekl, and the Sharp Bros., sluglng and dancing act. Business continues to be excellent. Aeademr of Music (Gil more & Tomp- kins, managers!. — K. H. Sothern and Julia Marlowe closed ihelr four weeks* engage* iiici.i June -.'i. giving "Hamlet" for the four final performance*. The house wns crowd- ed tu lis capacity 21, and the same dignified performance foe which these stars are uolcd, wns given. T. 1>. Coleman appeared as Pn- loulns, giving a careful performance of the Kart. Hesldes the stars, Fred Krlc. Frederick .ewK Rowland llnckatone and Alice Har- rington ute entitled to special mention. Tbe chhI : . (.'laudius, Fniuk llelcher: Hamlet, 10. II. Sutbera : Folonlns. T. L. OaHMM : I.aer- te»*, Fred Brie: Horatio, Frederick I>w1s ; Osrlc, V. J. Kelly; Ilosencrantz, Titos. Davis; liiilldehstern. John Taylor; a Priest, tleorge Alkeu: Mim-eMiiH, lOdsoti It. Miles; llermirtlo, 1'. J. Kelly: Franelaco. ltoli At no; Iteyiuildo, Harry Smith : Flrnt Flayer. Malcolm Brad- ley : Second l'hi.ver, K. It. Bennett; First t 'ravedlgger. Itmvlnml llucbstone ; Secoud •Urovefllggcr. Fn-derlck Kaufman: Oliost, Wll- llnin Harris: Forilnhras, Thomns rMson; Ocr- irilde, Alice Harrington; Ophelia, Jitlln Mar- lowe : Player Queen. Mllttccui Mclmugbllu. The house closed for I lie season 211. WIMnria i-i row (Joseph Hart, mana- Itert. — "Heelug New York" opeued ll« fourth Hiiei't-ssful week June lift, with u splendid au- dience In nltemhinci'. In Ihe vniidevllle sec- tion I hose holding over successfully were: The Six ProveiinlrK. tbe wonderful bicyclists (fourth Weekv; the (ireat Stela-Krettos (sec- ond week). Salerno. Ihe marvelous Juggler (fourth week), uud Ned Wuyburn's "ttnln- TVears" (secuiul weekl. Polk. Kn! litis and the Carmeii Hltden. appt-nred ou this date, re- placing "t'euernl Sbox." n supposeiBy nnto- ■nntlt- llgure. which refused to perform to Ihe HnHs'iirilon of tlie munngement. Chinultn, tbe female midget, wns among the tittrar- ti.sns which berkonrd tbe multlindc lo the '•conserve of coolth," MfW York Theatre (Klaw & Krlonger. mantigersl. — "Ills Honor the Mayor" entered 1 1-. Ilflh week Jitue as. Aerlul (Snriiens ( Klow & Frlanger, man* alters). — ileonre M. coimn liegitn bis fourth week In "The llovortior's Sou" June *Jf>. I.yeeiini Theatre iDnnlel Frobmnn. man- ager). --"The I, Ion and the Mouse" opened Ha thirty-second week June UK, f t -Keith -A Proctor'* Twenty-lblrd street VhcM re^— May Vokes, supported by ■ ius Plxlev. appeared In "The Model Maid. * on June 25, and Hie sketch was /responsible for Diufb enjoyment. Mias Vokcu' work as tht* sluvey wau as funny ua ever, and Mr. l'ixley, a comedian of .real merit, gave her splendid aid. (Jrace Cameron's vocal efforts were worthy tne favor nlie was accorded, and tier f»ong* were well wler-ted. Rd. K. Rey- nard's act, which closed the -first half of tbe programme on Monday afternoon, wuho win- ner from start to finish, and Frank Bunb's clever stories never seemed -to lie funnier. Hermnny's dogs and cars acoredl a tilt, and tne Jossello Trio, aerlollsts, in an act re- plete with sensational feature*, were voted wonders lo their line, l/mlsr- Montrofte and her Aulo i ;: rls offered some pleasing numbers, and were well liked. Harry Young nnd May Melville, in kinging and dancing, abd tbe Quaker City Qnurtelte, four capital singers, complete tbe Hat of performers. Tbe motjon pictures continue. , # . Pastor'* Theatre {Tony Pastor, mana- ger). — Klmer Tenley, "tbe Manhattan Man." Is the principal feature at this popular bouse for the week commencing June 25, and his every word was received with attention, wlitrb resulted In many laughs and much nii- plaii*e ; lion and Thompson reappeared in "Foliating Recruits for Father," and the crazy talk nnd absurd work scored a mnlth>£e of laughs, as usual : Princess Pauline (second weelci Introduced aorae new song-, and )m- r roved upon the Impression made & week iigo. ler pure tic rr/tMancr Is "I'vb Got. 'Em." wlili'h hrM a rather catchy refrain which "the gods" take up with a will : Joe and Nellie Donnr returned after a long absence, and It was Immediately shown that the bablttiea of this house dont forget old frlenda. Their net, "derm Man In." scored a hit. Walter Hclirode and Lizzie Mnlvey were seen In tbe acrobatic and nonsensical net with tbe beer keg from "Babea In Toy Land," and were a great siici-CBs. Belle Hathaway and her ba- boons and monkeys, come In for a Just share of commendation, an .they deserved. Cray and Ornham were a pronounred aurcess. In Ihelr entertalnlug act: Daly nnd Reno proved Qgnlti how clever they nre an acrobats nnd barrol Jnmpera. Others were: Tony and Flo Vernon, in a comedy act; Fatrhen nnd f'llf- ton, In "A Rube In Chinatown :" Max Hitter. in song and dance: Nagel and Adams. In n novelty art, nnd F. Duly Burgess and bis dog, "Flnnegan." Tbe vltagrnph closed the bill, Attn ii tic fJarden (W. Kramer's Sons, malingers). — The Three Zoellers. nerlallKls; the Yedmars, comedy bar act ; Arllngston ami Heist on, singing and dancing specialty ; Leo Si. Rlmo, musical comedian : Irene La Pommp, vocal comedienne; the Alronos, comedy acro- bats ; Mill'. Ilene, transformation dancer, and moving pictures are the attractions for this week. B-rlanco Theatre (Dnvld Belasco, man- ncerh—lllnnche Biites, lu "The (Jlrl of the fiolilen West," storied ber thirty-third week June 25. l-yrlr Theatre (Hnm R. & Lee Shubert, managers).— Henry K. IHxev commenceil Ms llftb week June 25, In "The Mnu on the Bol." Canlno (Sum S. & i>^ Sbiiberl, moha- gersl. — ■The HoHoJ Whirl" entered Its twelfth week June 25, Harlem— At tbe West Knd (Oeorge A. Blntneatlial, manager) Jacob P. Adler nud coiapnny's engagement thus far baa proven n success. Mr. Adler will couclude his en- gajrement on Wednesday evening of this, week, and be sails for London Immediately tnere- nfter. He will offer n change of bill nlghtlv. Mondny, "Uriel Acosta." Ttiesday night the bill Is "Broken Hearts." "Solomou Knos" will he the rinsing bill Wednesday, 27. Tbe dooiund for scats for the last performance exceeds expectation. The house will close after Wednesday, nnd reopens early In Au- gust. Krith ft Patsrron's Oxa Hi:.\mtEi> aso T.WEM'v-Pirrii Mtiu:ut Tubathk.— By popu- lar vote t lie ntlraclloh for this week In "Taming of the Shrew." Beatrice Morgan, n» Hip shrewlKh Katharine, and Paul MeAlllster, os Petruehlo, were equal to the demands made upon them, and were aecorded n warm wel- come. Oliiers who sustained their "repiitn- lloiis were: Robert Lowe, Robert Hill, Wm. Norton, II. Dudley llewley, Julian Reed, Uenrgc Howell. Robert 'dimming* anil Misses Scott, Jewel and Heshoo. The vaudeville offers Stella Beluhnrd and new moiluu pic- tures. Aj.Ramuka (Percy O. Williams, manager). — The third week of opera started June 9L with a large crowd In attendance, nnd a most noteworthy performance was given. The bill Included "Crtvnllerla Rnstlcana" and "H. St. S. Flnnfore," with a most capable cast, and all neremary stage effects. The business, con- sidering the time of Ihe year, has been (treat, proving that people In this locality will pat- ronize any worthy musical attraction. Next week, "Dolly Varden." Mrtropomh Roof Garden will open Satur- day. Jnoe !10. Brooklyn — At the Qrpheiim (Percy (I. Williams, malinger) Omce Orr Meyers ap- pears In tbe title role of "Dolly Varden" this week. Tbe cast Is n large and capable one. Luna Park.— Thompson St Dundy present- ed "The Mountain Torrent" on Saturday. June 2H. It Is u water trip through stage imiiintnliis, canons, casendes and vlllagi'a, a-vt ends In a miniature lake. The struc- ture covers n space' FJO by 4tifl feet. "The Orent Tniin Robbery," Mundy's Animal Show. "The Dragon's Horae," nnd tbe other attrac- tions nre still retaiued. IVte Bnrlow's ele- itlinutK, Aleck Slcbert nnd wife, equestrian*, YViiRTs leaping bounds, Francois KcuuapBl and Ills clowns, tbe Borstals, acrobats ; Raf- Uii'.s monkeys, and tbe tluudscbmltts, acro- bats, nre among tbe features of the free vaudeville show. Dhkamt.ant>. — The Inception, evolution, de- struction. Incineration anil resurrection of Sin Francisco has made a hit, and It has e.lready been viewed by tens of thousands of delighted spectators. The production of Sun ranclHco calls Into requisition a cast of ilod ■ 7ii m _ MB Illusion, "Pnnroah's Daughter." -tells a drn- piTflorjs, loo horses, DO dogs and 7ft full blooded Slotix Indians, RoTtalr's dramatic in i tic story lu most abfioiTilug form. It deals with the people of Kgypt. l.'OO years before the coming of Christ. The Kgyptlans were steeped lu Vice, and plague descended upon the hi ud ; a high priest urlses nnd proclaims deliverance, provided a maiden who Is pare Blind sacrifice herself In the River Nile. A hpiiutlful maiden from the North of the Innd, Lot i), comes forward and offers herself us a Bjicrlilce. She Is accepted, and her farm bound In chains of garlands nnd flowers, she Is thpn cast Into the water of the Nile. The Klague nt once ceases nud tbe river runs armlessly, As n mark of gratitude the. populace eroded, In the Temple of Ises, a Biatuc, and uantetl tbe milk white Illy of the Nile, tbe lotus flower, In honor of the maiden's nnnie, Lola, Ilereupou flic k\ag* began lo prusecuic the Hebrowa by forcing them lo build the pyramids, and ua a further tyranny they Issued the command to their soldiery to destroy nil tbe children of the Jews. It wns at this time thiit Pbtiroah's dnughter, the Princess Thermutbls. began to •grieve for the afflicted mothers whose clili- firrn hud met such nil Inhuman death. Due day Therroutbls, ns she went to bathe with tbe mnldens lu the Nile, was asionlsbed to bear strange sounds coming from Ihe roof of the temple where the statue of l,ni;t stood. I'bnronb s daughter storsl In wondermeut nnd prayer: sundeuly she notices something sirnuge about the marble face of the Lota Blaine. A spirit from heaven transformed tbe tnnaR of marble him life, and Lota spbke to Pltnroab's daughter and showed her wlier* tlie child, Moses, waa bidden In tbe bull- rushes. Moses was thereupon drawn oul ut tht water., and later led . the children of Israel to toe promised land. Creation, the End of the World, the Infant Incubators, tbo Mount Indian Village, the Midget City and the numerous other amusements continue to draw record crowds. Bohtock'm Animal Abkna U doing excel- lent bualnesiH. Herr Henrlcksen'p tigers head the bill, while Hpeasardy'a bears are very popular. HnuiHTON Brach Park. — Pawnee Bill's Hbow bas caught on In unmistakable man- ner. Tbe Russian (.'twsacks, with tbelr re- markable riding : tne cowboys, on tbe bucking broncho", and tbe detachment of the V. H. Cavalry, who go through tbe "monkey drill," give remarkable eiblblrlons of horsemanship, and tbe dramatic pictures portrayed In tbe working out of the stage coach hold up, Custer's I^ist Charge, the Mountain Meadow Massacre, the burning of Trapper Totn's Cabin, and the capture and summary exe- cution of the horse Ihlef are novel and Inter- esting. The other .attractions at Brighton Reach Park, the Ferarl Animal Show, with Its trained eavage beasts and the various at- tractions around the Pike all come In for a big shire of patronage. Manhattan Brach Is now open. At tbe theatre Doss will gtv» dally concerts at 4 and 1) p. Um beginning Sunday, June M. Tbe sololels Include: Bert Brown, cornettlst: Ku- naro with the eupbonhim, and Isa I.ntisb, n harpist. Top Pain fireworks snow. "Vesu- vius," whlcb was hilled to open li.t, but post- poned on account of tbe weather, began auspiciously J.Y Hv.NnpjtHON'H, Cosev Island. — Tbe bill week of 26 includes: Fourteen Black Hus- sars, Three Mntlneo Molls. Three Armstrongs. Charlotte George, Kimhill Bros., JCitobaoiBl .lapahoRc Troupe. CJarritv Sisters, Twelve Red Haven Cadets. Uaeca and Fox, the Klnsoos, Pitch Bros., Kvclvn Sisters. Mile. I.-ithia and the fl'rj Hera. MnmnsoN'N Tmumm, Hockaway Brach, — Tbe bill week of 2T> Includes : The Domino noujfc, Lewis Mpodroine. Majetitfe. Cardeu, Academy of Music, Princess, Kmplre, Daly's. Savoy. Madison Square, Field's, Herald Sfpiare, Criterion. Liberty. Crund Oi»era House, Murray Hill. Fourteenth Street, Coloninl, American. Proctor's Fifth Avenue, Proctor? Fifty-eighth Street, Third Avenue. Yorkvllle, Irving Place, Thalia, Circle, Miner's Eight h Avenue. Miner's Bowery, Dewey, London and H liber's Museum. David Bklauco bas secured tbe Sew thea- tre which will be built by M. It. Hltnberg. In West Forty- fourth Street, and It Is ex- pecied that the house will be ready to open In September, 1SHIT. "Tins Littijs Chrrub" was put In rehears- al at the Criterion Theatre June 23. It will open the house in August, with Hattle Williams as the stnr. IlAtTYi.Axii. the new park at South Be^rh, Stnten Island, will open on Saturday. Jane .10. It covers nbont fifteen acres, has 1 .000 feet of water front, a pier l.fluo Teet long, a board walk I .otto feet loug oud r\o feet wide, nud n number of special features, including n Krnnd court cnpnble of accommodating .10.000 visitors. Anioug tbe amusements of- fered will be Boloesy Klralfy's "A Carnival In Venice," wblch will be given as It was orig- inally produced In London. The auditorium has a stage :i0o feet. In length, and will seat l!.lk)0. There will also be n free vaudeville thentre. a big ball room nnd the usual park shows. Oscnr A. Kruger is president of the amusement company. , | » DBATHS IN THE PROFESSION. Mkr. JoserHiNR c. Ki.t.is.a musiclno, died June 18, at (ialesbrrg. 111., from cancer of the stomach. Tbe deceased bad been In tbe profession for a number of years, and for Bv? seasons bad been plnnlate with Frank (i. Long's company. Later she was with the Ellis Bros'. "A Modern Woodman" Co. and Chas, Ellis' "A Knight of '98" t_'o. On June 5, 1110], she wns married to Walter M. Ellis, who survives ber. The remains were Interred -Mi, in Llnwood Cemetery. Haleaurg. Prank uobUUOi Hah kins, an actor, died May 4, at Peoria, 111., from appendicitis. The deceased, who was bora Oct. ft, 1867, made bis professional debut In 1888. with Pick P. Sutton's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" Co. as Marks, In which character be made a pro- nouueed success. He continued with this compnny for some time. Other companies with which he was luter Identified were: ltoscoe & Swift's, Mason & .Morgan's, and Stetson's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" i*o's. His father and oue daughter survive him. Haiit Pan of tbe team of (iorraand nnd Ford, died nt Stnrk, N. Y.. lo the Adiron* dacks, of consumption, of which be bad been a vtctlm for some years. His partner and lifelong friend, Mr. Uormand. was at his side when the end came. II Ik widow nnd son. Hurry, survive him. Jons KosTRn. the old time clown, who died at the Actors' Home, West New Brighton, 8, L. on May 2fl. miier sneclalty. opening next September. She has .tadfd n number or novel leutures to her net. fucludlttg a medley of nil nations. On-Mg to the death of her father, which occurred In this rouhtry sev- eral weeks ngo. Miss Sabel was obliged to come over to adjust business matters. Dnr- Inarhls stay Mr. Snbel hns l*een commission*?;] to book MMxal big acts for the other side. . Jamrs W. iSiomi'mon called. In tbe Interest of his daughters, the Sisters McConnclI, who are at present pluylng some vaudeville lime lu and around New York this week, at r Frec- Itody I "ark. Newport. It. I. Sext season tbe girls will tw fentnred by J. M. Hoyt. of S. Nrtrwalk. Conn., and the company will be mnnuged by Phil Levy, late of (.'heater tie Vonde Co. The young misses have proved a srrong attraction In the past, and seem to have u very bright future. Fkamcik Mixkosr writes: "It was report- ed that my partner fDollle Elmer) uud I bad dissolved i»rfnerahlu. I wish to state we, huve not, nor have we ever been separ- ated. Our act Is well booked up for the entire Summer." CHARI.KS OlUlIX COWI.KH AMD DOItOTlIT. Ai.nRN, who an* playing tbe Nusb circuit, and meeting with great success, are' booked up solid for the season. Thr* "Colony," at Faibhavex, N. J., Is being added ro daily. Hurry Itlocksora and Annie Unrt. (Ius Hogan, Frank Erans, Mor- rlssey and Kith, Perry Ryan. Capt. rhe-=. Ne'- son, Frank Herbert, nnd many others have invested lu property. Nat M. Wills. Nat Haines, Dan (Jrueey. (lias. L. Walters were also among i1iom> pi-esent last weeek. "Abe" Bennett, of the Atlantic Hotel, Is busy enter- taining tbe visitors. A large delegation re- cently visited Wm. C. cacieran'H hotel at Oceanic to celebrate" Its opening. John F. RttitKt; ami t 'hah. Mack are spending the Summer nt .Centreport, L. I., where are ulso Hlcc and.Bartou, the Dillon Brothers nnd many other professionals. An elaborate celebration is planned for July 4, Including n naval and land parade to be re- viewed by Commodore Cbas. Barton and Capt. John Burbe, Incidental to tbe opening of tad new yacht club's house, A clambake, (Ire- works, boat races and otuer features nre on the programme, to make tbe day one to be re- numbered. Tub following people are at Austin's Palm Harden. Syracuse. N. Y. week of June 25 : liertle Potter. Sue Dale, Edith Le Mar, Llllle Venrtou. Kstelle firay, Lillian Hall; Annie Murray, Kdlth Monctare, Jack Hanlen. Tom Irving, and t lie movTfTg pictures. Business Is good, and Tiif Ci.ipprh Is a welcome vis- itor every week. Thr Mi'sicn, Smiths opened at Happy- land Park. Winnipeg, cnn„ week of May Si, and were held over ti second week, as tbe ocr was a. success. They bad Brandon to follow. and June 12-14 they played for tbe firemen at Le Sueur, Minn. Stklla Mack, who was to open nt tbe Bijou Theatre, Lincoln. Neb., week of June IS, nnd while preparing for her act at the openlug inatlope, received word that her rather was dead, and, with tbe consent of Manager I.. M. Ciorden. left at once for her home at Indianapolis, lad. Wf kavk a notice from St. Iioula, Mo., stating that, us the result of the failure of tbe "Fighting ihe Flames" Co.. the ten Italian musicians or the company ore stranded lu thai city, nud arc tumble, to reach their homes lu New York. (I11.BKRT. WirJ,i8 and Gkrolo are doing operatic duets and trios at Wheeling Park W. Va., wltb stteci'Rg. Tiir Gkgat Kichaiids, at the bend of the Majestic \nudevllle Co., opened at Island Park, Eastou, Pa. lUuuACH asu Harris write: "We are booked until March 4, ifldT. solid. After playing ihe Flynn circuit of parks We go to Pastor's. Now York, then on the «ua Sun circuit for nine weeks with tbe novelty cir- cuit to follow for ten weeks, opening at tbe Novelty Theatre. Denver. From New York we will Jump m Spriuglleld. 0„ Sept :i lafler Pastor's), as the this Sun circuit follows Pastors. Our new net Ih j^lng big, ond ou account of going West we hove been forced to cancel return engagements In the East, but will return luter on and plav them We always welcome The Ou !Iei.iaui.k. end look forwurd to the day it arrives In town " Wii,t-ard hb HuruiKH recently closed a forty weeks' engagement with the Dnluty Paree ( o., and nre now In Summer parks having fust closed a two weeks' engagement tit Heed's Lake, Uruiul Itaplds. Tliev havo ten weeks on the Harry llnwn circuit to follow. They play Lakesjde Park, Akron week of June 38-2^. These ladle* report meeting with success In tbelr act, entitled "I'l-otu firondwny to tbe Bowerv " Mauik I** ItMxciiK Ik pluvihg a reiurn eni.igetnent nt Wootlerland Park. Milwaukee Wis and Is meellng with great success S water ' r ' " n,Kn,, W 'n tiw Johx J. Welch, the man In white and Madeline Far, California noAtoSSl who MURBAY, Clatton and Drew write : "W8 have set back our Kngiuud time until next season, and have signed with Campbell * Drew for their Colonial iiln Co.. for fort v- fonr weeks. We open with the show the second week lu August." OOBTBK A»D .>0TES IlOHl Hapnj Col J ft S^ eon's Big Minstrels.— We openea our isSl season flonday, June 11. at Frank lin W" rlnycd to a packed tent, and tb 8 ow It 2 scream. Uoster: Bob JohnSui, matiaJer* Happy cnl Johnson and I'ete Manu" Jr,,, 1 pal ends; Thomas H. Lynch. Interio?; fc 1 ' Tat Boyle and Tom Snl^g. second ends X er-s: Edw. Tlay, Thos. Amor, Ham ««*■'" Claude Howell and ibe (Ireat f?j££S Ouorierte. The olio Includes : HmwRS &m ! nllh his fuany ditties; the fk2 Do \llbls, 0. T Ramsdell, rooloriloiuf Mooiia ood Hay, In a funny skit- Bovie uL Snlgg buck and wing dancers; ^SF££ ell and his banjo, tbe Col Johosoa toSSZL (Ray, Lynch. SIcKee and Amar? otd L' close with- an all 'round dancing act ti band ond orchestra Includes: a. II ni,.*.,* son. Dick Lynch. C. C. Clutz, Pedro torn.' Ben Noar Alto Oarnes, ««.' RMHnjao fS' Barnutu. Sato Dwyer, Tony itomZ.. inn Harry Campbell. We always welcome ffl Oi.n Unliable, and It Is the only reller 11 the "blaiBB." . ' Ior Thb .Mi iii'ai. Totb, after plavlnir ti,«. coosecutlve weeks In Toronto, Can ot it,, latVa Polat and Snnnyslde Park, opened jf n : IT on the Hawn clrcolt. through Ohio 25 Bark's parks to follof. They have added ih otner big electrical musical novelty u, tbei-J act. In the way of musical portiere, and claim to have one of Ihe Baest stage amS la vaudeville, • "wes Apdale's bbars aso doos are booked solid nntll Nov. 12. at parks nnd fairs *" d , AI - J 5 * 4*5 Mak,k BELFORn have -IBM wltb the Frank A. Bobbins Circus d EnoENR A0AM8. of the Alpha Trio, boon jugglers, writes that while playing Proctm« One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Street The- atre be eutered Into tbe games of the Cath ollc Athletic Lengue, at Pastime Oval and won a silver medal In the running high jum with a jump of five feet three lncn« l ft will enter Into the high and broad jaausat Celtic Park, U I., on Aug K Watse U Mar states that while piayiui- at Marqnette, Mich., she was overcome aha escaping gas. but wos discovered by tbe man ager of the American Hotel before it wan i v., l atP : 5** of JaDe I8 -* 3 - *■ app^red it Bens Thentre. Escanaba. Mich., maklne her eighth week on ibat circuit. ""■■"•fc* °« (Jfo. AVau.aci: writes: "Have beeu in Sccinton, Pa., vlsltjug my fulure partner, Amelia Odgon. for the past two week* ali. rehearsing our new act. Will not start* work until the toll. Have an act which I pZ will make a hit. Itei-eiveTiiR OLD Rbi.iabih every week, ond can hardly wait for ii it- get here." C.f-o. W. OMtBL better fcnowc as Budd Oliver, has Just closed a season of fortyone weeks wlih kushner's Burlesquers, and t | u . csted at Hudson, N. Y. He bas Klgu«.d f y - i.exl season with Fischer ft Maddens Oal«r Girls Co.. to do his dancing specially. Kt>NA DWuw, known In private life as Mrs. Qeo. W. Oliver, is resting at Al. Kanes Summer home at llench Haven. N. J. CAim-i/roN JUtD Ili.[)ii::s. after flelnhlng reven successful weeks on 1be Sullivan i Cnnsldlne circuit, also visiting one week wltb Mr. Horiges' relarlves at Brooklyn. N V opened nt Cedar Point. Sandnskr. 0.. to play ttrn M-iirls' park circuit, and are booked solid until the middle of September, plaviog (he Southwest parks. Mrs. lUl.i-H Fraht. wife of Ralph I-'rary, the Const league basebull player, and profes- sionally known as Ida Clayton, has Jolued bunds with the Ml sees Hodge rs nnd St Clair They will be known as tbe Kentucky Trio. Jack Hpamhno. comediau. who has been III for some time paei, Ik rapidly recovering, and will spepd tbe Summer n't tbe home of bis parents, at flnnanoque. Can. Kijrtis ANn Bi'SSK write: "We, wltb our trained toy terriers, an* rnJoving_ a ibree weeks" vacation at our home lu Erie, Pa, where Mr. Kurtls is Ashing, on Lake Brie. The dogs nre also enjoying ihelr lay-oH. Mr Kurtls Is also training a little fox terrier, l new. adltlon to the iroupe. We have bad a very successful season over tbe Proctor and Keith circuits, and after our vacation will piny the Fastern parks, openlug at f'elenm Park, July 2." Oeo, Oiav writes: "I have taken tbe man- agement of the stage at the BIJon Theatre. Lincoln, Neb., for L. M. C-orrnnn, who opened this house yl\h great success June II. turn- ing people away nt each performance, people ou the opening. bill were: (ieorge Donnelly, Eva Thatcher, Mysterious Fontlnelle, Barry Van Fossen. Drake and Morgnn company, and tbe blograph. 1 remain bere all Summer, and play dates again next season, commencing Oct. 7, doing my singing, talking and car- toon net." La Centra and La Rue, who played Tout Pastor's last Week, met wltb such snecesi tbat they secured a returu date. Mr. ha Cen- tra has added a new feature to tbe act, which Is tbnt of blackening up and making a com- plete rbange of wardrobe in full view of tbe audience. Notes fbom the Empire TrtEATnE, Ashta- bula Harbor, O.— This house Is still being crowded nightly. W. C. Harris, leader of orchestra, and tbe now people for week of June ar» are: Stanley and Le Roy, May Mil- ler, the Pauls, Ray Vaughn, and a new com- edy, "A Girt from Vassar," by LeRter Howard. Deluoiir amo Oneida, wbo are playing ihelr rtfth week at Wonderland Park, Revet* Beach, Mnss., are meeting wllh great suc- cess. From there they go to Keith's Thea- tre. Boston, with Baltimore. Md.. nud the Proctor-Keltb houses to follow. They are booked solid for sixteen weeks, playing all the best vaudeville houses. W. B. BUTTERFJRLD, of Battle Creek, Mich., recently closed a lease with L. T. Denueti, for the City Opera House at Port Huron. Tils makes Ave theatres under his control. and by Julv 1 contracts will be closed for another, which wilt give him six theatres la Michigan for vaudeville. Tbe Battle Creek house closes Its season on June 3D. while 1 1»«* house nt Kahimaxoo will remain open until July 21. On account of the rainy weaihi-r and Intenest of the Summer, business In Bat- tle Creek and Kalamazoo lms continued nul- formly good. Little) Mat Enov, a child dancer of merit, held a reception at the Hnibaway Then ire. New Bedford, Mass., Saturday, June 1(1. Mip Is onlv seven years old. and has been before Ihe public for two years. It Is claimed that she has an extra strong, sweet contralto voli*. ond that next season she will head her owu company, touring the Western Rtates. Lvoss ami Lvonm are 4n their fourth W** ol Sunnysltle l*nrk Theatre'. Toronto, *'!"■■■ doing their specialties, nud Mr. Lyons is singing llhintraled songs. . The Topry Trjnvv Trio hns completed t's fifteen weeks' engagement In California, ava Is now In the Northwest, having play™ •Seattle, Portland and Tacoina. It still bit six weeks more out there. Ihen H pW" ■nt The trio left New York Inst May. * year ago, and has only lost two week** "' that time. Harbv p. MoniEHEAp, late of The White Tigress of Japan" Co.. Iiaa Joined bnnd* with Ceorgln Thomas, who bad been In stis'k ■ the stnr Theatrne. Atlanta. ««.. f< )r ,w " seasons, and the team will be known is Moorehcnil nud TbumoK. Tliey nr>* lnu'k™ solid until September, when tbey Join www & Rush's Oaiety Olrls Co., to play pi""' 1 * nDa do ■ speciilty. Frank Williamson, of Wllllomaon aw Oilbert. wbo had a severe attack »f rb'"; matlc gout, has fnllv recovered after Iukid? the baths at Mt. Clemens, ami will re»n« work June 24, at Ornnd Rapids. Mlrb.. vm Detroit, Mich. ; Chicago and Freeport, m* nnd St. Jo*.piib. Mo., lo follow. _ While Sandrrhon and Bowman v'% S Iky lag at tbe HnvmBrtet. Chicago, w« ,k 1 "i lay 14. tlirv were given a box parly by ">* Avon Come.1v Four, and a banquet at I** 1 * tor's afterward. June 80. THE NEW TQEK CJjIPPEH. 515 Maooir Clins ia slowly recovering Ht ber htme st Bed Bank. N. J- from the cffwtx of an DUiomobltrnp accfuent. wtHch occurred May lid, and in whk-h hup was seriously Injured. nali>tiTin of " gor^ous dress, a green tpI- Y*t {-(.ut elnboratPlr trimmed with: Million nod ■iiaD^U'a. a rauff to mutch, and h two foot h-wdgear, which iimrte then. Hit up and notice. li>t ; vP9k, at the Krlglkon Bench Musk- Hall.' Mr. 'Wilson will dispone of Iris ntifcj-runabont bv drawing, and the holders of ticker- for mw- tire Inmy wutitliig tbc gnsollne inmket. "VifBrlv all the cliunvctt huvo Ml disposed of. ^SxUUaa- vai'hbvii,i,k hills JDl being Jrewtfied at Pmattra Bay. l-ong Itancf. S". ., under Ibe management of F. Bernstein. Chan. K. Tayi.oii and wifk. who will upend tlii' month of July at Atlantic ('try, N. J., writes: "The stook season of live weeks at ta* Lyceum Theatre, Washington, 1). C, wa* • big succeas, dosing Saturday, .Tune .10. I have written and will stage two new bur- lesques for T. W. IHnkins' Alcazar Beauties nett season, enlltled 'Kun on Tinker's Farm' HJid 'Mm. Kelly's LIoteL' The musical num- bers, which win be all new and original, are from the bouse of rlavlland, written by Theo- dore Morse, and staged by ('lady* Sears;" ■THt-'MuLvuv Commit Co. report* doing a Mg business throng*, lilt unlit. The roater Is. Slater nod Klnon, pianist and female Imper- sonator; Will niicdiH, Juggler: ihc leagues, sketch team; Harris and Hart, singing, dancing and sketch team, and .Mr. and .Mm. H. O. Mtllvey. Kittik MtK is meeting with the most ftritlfyJng •AeCBX with her mafia* and danc- ug act over the Melville circuit of parks. H. K. lii.vBPs baa the contract for the elec- tion Of in up-to-date theatre, seating eight hundred and forty-four, at Ant or la. Ore., and Le promises Its completion by Oct. 1. ' jok Kh.ky. comedian, and sword swallower, lms lemnorarlly abandoned the stuge fur tbc I rush. He wrltea: "I hate a large amount of aeenery to paint, and have Just finished a large contract, furnishing the entire srener** for the new opera house at lllilburo. \. i. It will be known hm the FfreineiTs Hall." Boa axd Kv.v ltCUtSUf write: **Wc have •wjoyed our visit In San Francisco, Cnl. Met our dear old friends, and made many new one*. We go to Santa Rosa, Saota Cruz. Santa Rarltara ' and Lbs Angeles, where friends from St. lands an located. We re- turn East with UUh -Uosklns, to open up our ■t-isoii In .Montana;" C\sai> a .vii Dk'V'krnk inform us Hint after resting three weeks tit their home, at Dav- ton, O., thoy opened their piirk time at Conev Island, ciru-Inmiti. week of .dim.' '1\, with Harry llawn's circuit of parks to follow. hi August they will put on their new act, which will have four people, and will he known us i'us::d, IV \ erne and Company, making It one of tbc strongest musical com- edy acts or. the road, "all novelty Instruments, Thb Mkruhth Sisxtna, who Hie return- lug froDi Kurojic Jane .'»), under the exclus Irt mnnugnneirt of c-e«>. Humana, have -i rtiw act and beautiful costumes, but are still uolug their Indian act. which they have pre- Mutcd fa mrtiiy countries. ■ ■ IIENK CuttHMN^ dancer, who recently fin- ished a auccesafnl ceason with Fred Irwin's Big Know. Is 'l-esting; at her home at -Man- chester, X. il. The ixTEit.NATfoSAi. Porn report meepM with the La Barre Mlnstrelw. in Canadian provinces. The r<»mimny Is at Sydney, N. S., week of June 35, and bau been ]>Iaylng to packed Uouscm all through that country. OUt KnosTo upent week of June lit visit- ing old friends, with the Peter Peerlewt rlayers, under canvas, and spent a most en- joyable week. The con>pany Is doing a splendid Iiuhfness. and everybody is happy. "The Malince Girl," who played a most sue- esssfnl engagement at Idle Hour Park, 'Pitts- burg, Kan., week of June IS, Is well booked up for the Mummer. ronuNH CE&fkiS, variety, theatrical and specialty agent; of London. Knglsnd, was In >ew York last week for a brief stay. He Kails for home this week. ■ Rawik )dge. In., has ctowd for the Sum- mer, and we are tignin playing dates. Just clobeii a -tiro weeks engagement at IJxcelslor Sprlugs. Mo., nnd two weeks at Leavenworlh, Knn., for it. .(. i.'unnlnglmm. both new Sum- mer parks, which are doing tremendous biisl- neas. W» «re booked stilld until September." KiAMiaiK Grav la spending her vacation at r Marti Lick. Ind:, and will appear at the Pho?nlx Theatre there, July L*. Jos. J. Fi.v.Sn's VtDDBVIfcU Co. mipenrfil «t Cawndc Park. Oakland, Me., i> rut was credited an being one of the very liesl ahows seen thprc ln~y^an. The following were on the bill: Kckhoa* and Gordon. Harbsch and HarrlH. Chefnlo, Ileby Itonaldson. and mm and r.Uti (Jray. Lcct .»>]» Likmur ure sirendlng a lliree wcoka' vacation Ht their cottage ai Muske- gon Heights. Mti-n. The,v open at Ihe Olym- pic Chicago, week of July 'J. and will piny parks for the Western Vaudevllls Managers' Assotistlon till Sept. 'J, and then niien on the Keith circuit with the Kohl A Castle. Anderi'jn, Konlilris*. Inter-State and Orpheum clrcnlts to follow. ' ■' - Amavn a.vu llARTi.Kr returned to America last week after an eight months' tour In Bnglaml. They brought buck a new sketch which has proved very aucceasful In Kng- land. The management of the tour pre- sented them with Illuminated paintings for dlaptar work. Hattib SRV.Motrn,-nf the Seymour Blstera. 1 ■; in the Gvrmah Hospital, I'hlladeiphls, r«- (ovsrlng from a «urglcal operation for apnea- ditltli, - W4STKn--wi:i>. PEBtoRMKHS In all lines, ft. .1 I>. Comedian, Novelty Acts, and Musical Pco- f'.c given preference. JJnst fake organ. Tent end oielx. SNlary low, von get It. Positively no Mt*- kc ts.German Medicine Co., Mirth Wtsr.tinrkc t'o.tl WANTED- ST BONO MHTURKR and (Ullcc Worker, Tor first class Med. Show. Don't misrepre- sent, tlmt Is tlic cause of this wd. Salary or per cent, niar-ntiore. write ipdck MARRY f, illl.LKR, Mat. Ton-Ko-No Med. t>. No. 11. Whltl. Texas. AT LlliluKTY. ALL 'BOUND SKKTCH TKAM, botrt-nlay piano: also, ImVo ntgli-class K0V|S(. 1'IOTDRK OfTKlT, or will' work In partnership with teem u»vlntr tent niitflt. ORA HA MP, Ms MfrrlsscAvc. 1 t.ikilnn . N . J._ WANTKI) AT 'ojlClC-liwMl'" Ail 'Rouud Cotiiedinn for Med. gliow; oliangc for week. Also good Organ Player. Moncv mire. Join on wire. Tell all lo tlrst. Address DR. ». A. RATMOSP, New Wilmington, Pa. AT UBBRTV, Billy Muan, B. F. Comedian, S. I*. Put on acta antt make tlicjaspcrri giggle. flood Trick Violin. Fake P. or 0. (food straight lec- turer for six years, p. ».— Wlnkarsaod hunkers and female manager)', save 2c. Yes, I worked for the kicks £i vcars ago. Address Hilly Monti, Brldg avllle. Alle gliany0t>.. P*. FOR SALE, J50 Second-hand Opera Chair-*, as good as new. Mnst sell quick. L. J. LIBBING, Ft. Wayne, lnd. : KSiOAQEMBNTS WAVTEI) by a clover Lady and (wo girls, ages 10 and 13; clever dancer-. (W>d reliable mansgers -wanting clever talent, singers aud dancers, for the season. address Miss STAB, care rTol. Ray no. 2U West Ohio St., Indla- napolts, Ind. LA^Y will Sell some handsome Street and Evening Gowns; |6 to tin. Long t'oai. Riding. ba'ilt. Dcsshu, gtw. Mm, 1st apartment. Bsst. STAGE Dancing made easy; taught by null. Perry system. Send 23c. for instructions. Pre<.«iuv A Kam rttr. 3Qfl Ttb St.. B.. Minneapolis, Mi nn. FOR 8AL.B- Merry Go 'Hound, il'crshail. Spillnian A Co. Calilc Machine; all in good order, with side tent, etc. Can be seen running at Leliifthtoti, Pa., for two weeks. 11,900 takes ft. Cost (1,800 some six weeks ag<-« S->ld only on ac- count of Ml hea.lt li. Thomas C. Sites, LMilvhion. pa WANTED, Black-race, Irish, and Dutcli Come- dian: alsoOrgan Player, one who can* cad or fake. Performers must lie aide to change for two weeks. Now this ad. applies to reliable, steady, and sober people, as we never fall to pay salaries at tbc end of each week. Must be good slngTrf In all cases, and able to put on acts. State your lowest salary in flrnt letter. Remember, we slop al good holds. Add. Hartley Med. Co,, 400 Franklin St., Plilla., Pa. TAKE NOTICE, MaaHpersof Parks and Stork Houses. We are at liberty tor some Al up lo date Stock Company wl:h up to date plays snn special- ties, for balance of Hummer. Kitlier guarantee or percent. Quick. Manager KTHF.LDKSMONDCO., AlleRhcney Kurd, Warren, Pa. Wanted, lor week of Julv 2. (lood Act for outside attraction for Park;* also Good Stock People. Write in Tor Summer and Winter. FOR SALL-Ncv,- While Sllkoione Serpentine Dress, |S; idack art ouiflt, $is; pose outfit, silk dres!)', velvet cloak, U elTecis, fi-2; toi of nicks. oheap; x> colored dance sitdos, $4, Knulose stamp for particulars. Mr*. Win. Carl, ;'«4 Court St.. Boclicslcr, S. V. AV ANTED, a strong Tenor or Ibtrltone, Male, sweet singer, one who ran sing. Hours of work. 1 P. Jl. till 11.30 P. M. Kasv for sensible person. Givo age, ytateal) In flrst. Otsidhoiei. %lt uci per week. Reference, anr bank. DAILEY'S RKSTADRANT AND CONCERT SALOON. Plymouth. Pa. TENOR (aong-wrlten w* niri Join skeich team, parlner, trio, or comedy four; read and fake. TENOR, care of J. V. Mur ray, TrBJ.WewTwt. . itraimwt rtit ^tiway mku. t.o., ah *Round Performers. State all In Drat letter. Join on wiry. Sure money and long engagement. TIkkO who fake organ preferred. Address DR. A. J. MILLER, Harriet mvlllc, Nobl e Co.. Ohio . ~ o'mu inwvrni* nu fo n pbi/.k fight, l.HOUft.; also. DRITT-NVLSON PRIZE FIGHT, FOR SA LE (tow), or e£ch»Dge. II A It U AC II ,1 CO., WBi l-'ll hert Street. PtHladeiphia, I'a. _ atiBli- ciV.ni*OrtfeiO AND ARRANGE!) tor any instrnmont or number of Insiromcnts. longs, words »Dd music, skotcbes, eto. Send sump. OHAS. L. LEWIS, 430 Richmond St, Clnclnnftt I, 0. HkOU>GERB, HerHbts, and all kinds of small Mf HtutT. PRESS snOW PRINTKRV, Jphsnoabbrg, Pemm. for mm-:, ti'inck wnt: tib, a ini- CYCLI-: and ONK ItCK FRONT. ■I. ALBItlGHT. Ig j Malu Si.. Jopllll. Mo- Ml RBim FOR A BOOK" OF J« Sketches: ."> Acts for I Male and I Female, ." Acts for '2 Female*. Money order aw •2 cent HtaBDK Address BKItNAUD KLIXG, PlavwrlglH. 3u7 Jay -Street, Ki-ooklyu. X. X. 'SKl-M'CHKS WHITTEN TO OKlHilt. Tub -MAiigiiAsus- ,"l*itclsi.aa aerial cy- cllsts" nnd tight wire gymnasts, write: "\\v Hipcm-ed al Allston, Muss, week of June 11, for J. W. Gorman'a Society Circus, und next Week we lire Ht t'rcricenl Gardens, Hcvere. Mass. W'v are bnokerl up solid for the Sum- mer, and have good Winter bookings to fol- low. We arc producing one of the neatest and strongest ncriat 'cyclist acta before the public. Miss Maripiantl's unkycle riding on the tight wire Is the femore of the net. she being the HrsL woiimu In the world lo do aerial 'cyclist work on the tight wire." CouKK ami Miss ItnTlllsnT continue win the favor of Kiigllsb audience* on the Muss & Sloll four, 'rliey recently sent Tim Ct.ll'PKR «n e!alH»rale net of photographs, In eluding vomi> of tbeiuselvus and their young fcou. lloward- Cooke. TUB Giibat KsKi'ZuKt'., musical Juggler, writes: *'l bad a narrow escape from the earthquake In San Francisco, as I loft there, for Krai He, onlv one day before lr. happened. 1 have jiiHt concluded forty weeks, which were highly successful. Isitlt artlstlcslly mid llunnclsllv. I player! 1 be PhcIHc coast fr»nn lowrr CHllfornln to Hrltlsh Columbia, in- cluding many return dates, ami am now plavlng m return engHgement of ten weeks over the Pautugc circuit, after which 1 will go- lo Chicago. I will- return East with an entirely new nud original act." Tin; Musical Johnstons opened at the AlhunihMi Theatre, London, Kng.. on Mon- day, June II, six works earlier than tbelr urfalnal booking called for. They followed both the big hallels. nud closwl the per- formance, not appei ring until 11. .'Ml P. w. 'I'hev return to Blackpool in August, nud are iKHriied Kolld until Ihelr return lo America at ChrlHimas. dpenlng In Boston, Jan. 14, 1D07. at Keith's Theatre. •Mi;U«AY. Cl-AVION ami Duv will sail for England the latter part of Septeudwr. E.MJUA IIallaah, after working continu- ously for two yeurs. spent a four weeks* va- cation wt Buckrw! Ileach, Va. She opened .1 11 he* IS. at Liinnisin-. Ph., with the Mamie Fleming Summer Stock Co. NOTIIS KIIOM TIIK UtVM IfOBTV Bui VAUPK- VI1.1.H Snow, under oauvas. — We are all ready for business and exiwct a bigger and tietler Mpn.ion tban ever, playing nothing but fairs. Hosier : mm* <«oei». w»le. owner ; Jbseiih Price, manager: Hie Flying Ashleyx, MiwichI Royals. >orton Mlsler*. Lareno llnia.. Oco. UobliiMin. Joe Marthage. Ethel Adams nnd llama Berndt- * Li'L't: and T,i*c*f.. In a high class musical net. after a suecessfid fourteen weeks on the Sullivan & Considlne circuit, are en- route Kant, returning by way of Colorado. They open 011 the Keith circuit Aug. 3*fc\ at Moore a I'emple Theatre, Detroit. ■ AtTKi: n live weeks' lay off on account of severe illness' to Mrs. White, Adams nnd White, musical learn, have resumed work. opsnlng at Stccplccbauc Pier, week of June 18. THEATRICAL HOTELS • s • * 1 .-. * ,.i . 1 -1 B0ARDIH8 MOUSES. PALACE HOTKL. 101 N, OIHk St, UblCAfO. euro pe* ti, SI par waak: with private bath, jt. mrkfah Bath, too. H. B. BCMPBRET, Prop. TRAFALGAR, UB-UT E. 14. N.T., or. Keith's, Acad, of MubIg, Dewey. Rooms wo.. T6&. $1, |U0 d%y : gig to is week. w.D.HAWNlQAlf.Prop. wibssb a Madtson, oiucaoo, O, C. Vsughnn. Prop. SttloUv j American Plan. |s-is single; ft-ia doable. T sudeviiic patronag e Invited. HOTKL ST. DF.N1H, iwim Weal Market St. Indfaruipolls, luil. Convenient to all theatres. Dcbi Ltttlo Hole) In Im1Jana|>ulis. Actors* R»tca._ CLABEHBOH HOTEL SKKSiSJ W B10LEY 4 JjaOfWOR, Props. IV. Cl«.rk SI ., i or. Ontario, C 1 1 leu go. Bates, m, TSiiud f 1 perjlay. t2 m $0 per week. Th« Oarrlok Hotel 10T-1OD S, Tlili -tveiuh St., I'M Ind^lplila- E plan* Booms $1 per day up. Special rates to the profession. Within walking distance or all principal theatres. A. J. KRKlllOl'BR, Manager. HOW TO START IN SHOW UCNISKNg. 'CopTrlghted),.idlfTcrciil iiooks, 10c. All kinds act. MQBPlfK T'S SUHOOI.. 837 N._12th_8t., J^hlla.. P». HOW TO BKCOMI. A CONTORTIoVisT. Front and Hack Bonding, each trick Illustrated JIIHj, lTorphct'a School. 837 N. ISth SL, PhllA., PS joel*s theatrical- housh:, aw west 41 St., near B'way. Joel's *peclals arc: Uiile <*on t'aroe, I5c.,^>c; Speggottl, Iflc.: Pig't* Knuckles and Saurkratit, Dr.; Welsh Rarebits, ttr. Most reasonable and best restaurant In N. Y. town, h grades of Ihe finest beers. Ala-ays crowded with leading show folk and newspaper men. 'book for MieKtcctrlc 8tgbW08I£&£fmM B'wayamUl Si. K.rlt MALK, MODERN OPK1IA HOI SK, Northern Ohio. Cood show lown; rsipntatlou amt; scaling cHpaciry, 4:*. steam heat, electric light, city water, complete set of new scenery. Coat t6.50n. Price. *4.«k> 10 quick buyer. GEO. M. SMITH, Court House, Warren, Ohio. AGlENT8-Legltliiitite substitute for Slot Ma- chines; patented: sells al idghlfnrtl. ('ood ter- ritory open. PartlcularstllsllA CO., Anderson, Ind. PAItISIE\ noSKCLOTII-niii'on cheeks, it increaHpa beauty. It Is your duty to appear at your liest- and a touch of color at limes is a b'gltL male and MtatitUl aid. Ii In harmless, (lives per- fectly natural lint. Cloth lasts several month)'. Sent sealed hi plain envelope. 10c.. *1 Tor -ifn:. rtilver. Agents wanted. i'*h>n;n 0. Co., box tV2, N.V.Cfly. WAN 1'BO, Keperlolrc People, under nutvM den. Itus. Woman, play some Icads,*\Souoreit», sing illiihtrated songs; Character Comedian, do specialties. IkiaM use good Cunvas Man. other people, write. Those- who play brass preferred. Summer salaries. No litres advanced. Slate all in llr^t letter. Send pliom, which will lie relumed. W. j. HBIf-t-S, Met" . Castto Square Star Co., • Pleasant Valley, K^'. FOR SaI.K. M'HITK TOY SILK P001U.KS. Innulrc M KOM) HT., KVANSV1I.LK, ISO. KATHAHINA M. 1MHUSUII. WANTED al once, lo Jnlu 011 wire, All 'Bound Muftlulsi. Those playing organ preferred. Salaty muat. tic low as lis sure wdh ihls Co. I pay lti monej- every week, not In promisiM. Tills Is a good engagement for the riglu man. MANACBB OK CONCKBT CO.. BasM Wearc, N, II. i AT LIBERTY, a.boul Sent: 1, Moving Picture Machine operator, age 'it. llood carpenter, flar itaritonelu band, or trombone In or. For sale- complete Edison's Passion i'lay HIiiw. Will sell or exchange. Will buy S. 11. Slides and Films In good condition. J. i*„ in? (lardeld St.. Ilaalflon, I'n. DR. X. W. WiTTMAA, llacine, wis.. Wants Oood mraigiu Man wlib Spevlatiok. Uhsngo fi-r two weeiu. Man with M. I*. Machine, and Oxt. Ltth. Gas outtlt, KllmS and nlldes. Must do bits in acts, on.v worknrs need apply. l.Ill-<»RM Kits iviki ted immedlaicly. Med. I'erformers who 'baiiBc for week. ft. F. Song and I). Comediunno. Tho«e whoplavorfakeorgati preferred, lioo/.e tlgbters and knockers save stamps. Tickets No. .loin on wire. State- all and lowest tlrst letter. M. E. Woodley, 1W» K. Centre St.. Warsaw, ,-lnd. _. CAAIKRAORAPfl OR Klllsn.S KINK- TOSCOPK WANTED, also Film. I1ABUACH A QR, JIB FillH-rt Street, Pliiladolphla, Ph._ Wa n ted Qulc k, Al TRAP DRUMMER. Hurt ntn Bella at sighti nflaw |»i>rk nmja day. H day. Don'l mtarcpit-sohi Addrdss 'NKI.LlK WAHU 1»ANCK HALL, Lead Cily, Sow h Dakola. Top Tenor at Liberty Kor ijuartettc or Mlnslrcl. 'Dntitt wthe uniess Orst class people. <1ihm| voice, play paUx, iiuikc good rtppearancu. KDMITNO BARRETT, 00 8,b Ave., Newark, Sew Jajaej. WANTBD, KOR ROSSMYN'S BAUD, QOTl'K. Trai^inrum, CoriiefMiio id iWoj-l^staBc. Musicians lliat slug. WIRE llliilon, W. Va. WRITS Caltleilsburg, Ky. IIOl.LV HOSSMYS. No psrade. One «>how h day. WANTED QUICK, Baritone to Double fid. Actors that Voulile Band. TOM U'lBI-KMANN.Tiihui. Ind.Ter. McDonald Stock Co. ' HAMS IjEADMU MAN. Also Wan for Comedies and iieii'-ral Business, wltb Hpecl»Mli'>4. Stale salarv paving own. Add. 0. W. McliONALO, KansKM City. care of A''kfrmaau-i*tiigle.v Prllillng Co. WANTED, OFFICE WOEKER HKI.l.lbllt.ll 'I. II., mil I'lllsl 11,1m -IK". f'O. W)l. J J t'l'ITs, ti> Pmrrn hi., OIiIi-mito. III. NORMA YEAGER AT C1I1RH.1T AI-'TKK JI'LV TMHID POK SI/MSIKI! AMI IVISTKIt SKAMlS. HKJV1KS or i.KS. mm. AUUItKSS CABB OK BBS. IIKI... I.Wdll.S SKII. FRED. El PIcaM 1 wHite ui Hie HAnMON HACK CO ,"13 1 sou street, Wellsville, New York. I TUKATRK. KT. •. HM.Sal.ttl. DAVID BKLABOOprMMU TIIK OIRL OP la.jHuotittt.1 TBBOOI.DHI daWKuamq. w wy.», .. PASTOR'S 14th St., 3d Ave. CONTINUOUS , ill i< itrt .111 rl-S. . i ELMER TENLE Y iTUu-fss I'allllne htioiiini Tlidiupson llcllr lUtliawav'sMoiikc; Dslv and Hrno rati'ben and Cllfion Nagcl aQd Adams Marvelirraph joe.HitdNciiy Ooncr Selirortr wtdMulvrv uruv and tiralmin Tonv and Klo Vernon Ms\ inner K. oaly Itiirgcss Amertean Vltngrnpll CiCM-vvl OI nisk Clan. v.niloTlll. Tk.«tr.,. H. UBVmH!! D Jit 1-KKH.I MARTIN IIKCK, linMiKAI. MANAOBIt. All Alpllciilloiu (r.r Tim. Muat l,' AddraauS to C. K. HIIAV. Itnokln. Mnimifr. Majaatlr Tbntr. Iinllilln.. rhl.-nio. Ill Huber's "r h M useu m WaTthD, at all tlmm LW1NO FboNHK nalaM and rtro animal,, noTeltle, of eery rto- lotlptloa for tiurln Hail, and Tboatro. Addrota J. tl. AUDERSON. Ilantur. at aboT». BERTRAM MILLAR, 47 W.MIll ST.. NBW YOIIK. THE SAGES. II V P.V*,»TI KTS, PAl'l. AI.LKN.SAOK. Jlgr. Dack li orfac alter Bvo t ears of wun-oSs in Kurop o. ALICE ALVA KOVKI.TV 'H «1< Al, AllTISTK. •TIIB I.AI1V WITH TIIK Cl.AKIONCT." Gill Brown Ut-l Aslilund Hlock. Cbleago, .10 CKliK.Vllli HT., I.ONIXIS, W. TAFF V0LTA& ROBERT O'MEERS Arllsls wanting Ktironeati time write, si'iiihgjmcti Mmonnd lerms. Calde. **AGORtMV* lrf.lt IRIN PROF. PERRINO KIN'O Or" ALL MON TRAINKKH, Willi AI. I' Wheeler's N'ew Model Shows Adgle and Her Lions. Touring KngiHiut r«.r Ike siimin.T. Addresi N. Y. tiLll'PKH illllce, jt fuinitoiitu Si., W. C. Loudon, F.n gl ft n d- N. Y. aiinn-ss. W Kast Jtlll St.. N. V. ROSE DARLINGTON tobnry fart, H. J., I nfloflnOc. THE SHREWSBURYS (MARGIE and LILLIE). ORVILLE and FRANK Would like lo work Tor a Kiirhtoiuo. htoW |ie«l seawill. Mini so would MitS. tUtVll.l.K. Adiln'KH TIIKCLIITKIt. Ja M .«..thE BRADYS--""-* PAMTOIL'S AllL 13, WITH WM. MtlKHIS Willi K Til POLLOVV. lirsl: oias-. In vjrluijy of ]'1illiulH|ibla. wir.li »»prii time, wrlie for park eiigagniueni after Julys. 7 davs ami 'J iii-rfonuaiic's. Name lowostllgurc. T. W, C. PARK Kit, I'bliiMbjlpbln P. 0. Wan t kd. For STETS0V8 UflCLE TOB'B CiBIff, I.'tMltrt.'miv.'M, ORUIIKHTHA LKAHKH, alsoTDHA Hud TKOMHONr" for Hand nn-t (irrliostrn. 1 .Iiiiki -jH.SouihHtnpioii, Luig l-lsnd: is>, Kast liampioiij •J.t, Hng Harbor; July •:, lirldgejiamploii Addreas CHANT LUCI-;, Msnagor. WANTHls, aJVKt rflAh. nioNS. Iiurid l.md«T TIKI CIRCUH. Nalural Itrldgc, N. V., Iiiiii; in; lliinlM villc, JuivJ: JHWll1e,,hili:i. WA1VTBD, SINGING, DANCING COMEDIAN AND OTHER MEDICINE PEOPLE. sniiiiT no limit iii good in- Dpi u. .Mm Wa ker, wire. WILLIAM *. IJKNKKAO. Port- Artliur, OBiarlo, Capqtitt. Partner Wanted, $600. SUAIJ. WAirfiN MIOW. Advertiser lias oulili- isvoui. itift. top, sort. M. P.: I'-i lougttts nr seats. All tu'W. Wage and Hreticrj, J.- I.KVKV, is Itradburm Avi-.. Sow York Cliy. BIJOU CIRCUS. J'puncd Mtv Hi, wftli Kxiteidor Carnival Compaii}. tuie Si., Perth Aniboy, New Jersey. JIM DE LANCET, ^ K. V. r-Hui ,li.n. Monoiuglil, K«'i'0iilt1i: Coim-dy ItHiieRx; i- ha 1 1 go for a week. A I liberty itlfcr Juti« :>i. Address sat OAK HT., Muifalo, N. V. TIIOS. SPKNCKIt, Tliealrlcal riog Mnkt^r, - •■ t;u We-l wilt Si.. New York. tamp far prn'' S4. 'IrdfrsproinoMraiteiuled in. BOY OF 12, WEIOH8 25 B, llclBbi. ->ri. (Hit., rMh I- '-m-'iii wiiii traveling en, AjHiis BJ J., oan of Mrni'. Iteks, (|en. Del-, t'tJ.nii. One ICillatm Clilvrr-ul, cntoplel*, II k <• "fv, only |mi.»U. Ullb ulinnl l.iuiilfl. .nr.iiitu,*lH>,mi. ., - . On* ICtllittn Kxrttlilllon, roiliplelo, only JTa.ou. WUh uLmiii i.iiiiu/i.or lllm IUD.01I. Klti,rr «i' IsWaa inatiilne* sont for e»- nmlnallanun rerel|.f of 110.00. N«liMlhiinll«<. nlH.nl 1INM,, *;tn ntt. Tra^vily nl Hesv, about Cmhi.. »*4t.lltl. Kldiiappeil (hi Id, iihoial Jilllfl , *i;».l)l'« K«r»t>i>il l.unatle, al>out tMKi'i., $.!.■>. (»n. JsfjMB, 1(1,(11)1111. tit Ma. per f.n.t, " LATEST SETS OF SONG SLIDES Alt< »■ Whcro Ail Thou liolna;. ' nti .lust « l.lttlo HrnklnK Chair and Ion. Uoml Old P. tl, A. . Whwr tin* M.vonn.n lllver Winds Its hilvrry Way. ALL RKAI'Tin'I.I.V COi.OKKH ONLV L. PI ft SKT, WITH MUSIC. Also, Kill «et* nl 9*4.00 p«r o>( anil up. FOR RENT FILMS, niACIIINKN, i.imI HONIJ s Links,' ulili or ultlinut oprratoni. Trlrrs ttii* lotvesl. H.HSTN & CO., 138 EAST 14th ST., NEW YORK, N. Y. rki,. lisrt ihnlinncv. ■■ ALWAYS OPEN. FILMS 20 REELS From $40.00 UP. KniMir, I'.xiiiiutkin miiiii»:ii.ii,.i- /.INH.V TAKK.HP. .Kl/1«v1'ltl" *N» < AMI HUM IHIINKIIN. KKII.lMTHIil. K 'I'T«FFI1M TfllT. J3L -K"JS a 10 \\ r»t '.-sin >l.. Khiv Voi U City. f'lionn.llti . 11nill.no si|. "W A. X%T T E X>, FOR REPERTOIRE, Two (.>n. Ilio. "di'ii, liol|i to donlils lli-itn-i, on** to rijntlltlx "mii.'U Wnimin for Lt'iutK it ml .IiivxiiIIkh, Wminin for (linnn Itirn. I'coplo doing inerliUHfiH pri'M'i'H.'d. i{riirai«Hl'i July sa. Nbilc till tint infer. Sllcin'o a pidlto nugallvo. AdilroHS OIKKOHIl IIAKillNIi CI'- Moiml * lit mil. III PITTSBURGH FILM EXCHANGE. Films and £ong Slides For Sale or Rent. ' lllllinin, IJilHull^m,, I'Malmrili. AT LIBEBTT, l>>ng itxpcrli'iu-n, sanw, ndisM--. Caii'i-dak If ni'i'tMiarv. N'ii alrald of work, tan Join oil rn- n-lpi of win-. Addrviw NKO hLllON, rarnot Mri*lrlland llolcl, Waco, Tag, LYCEUM COMEDY CO, \v,i ii. RnaM Haiul pi![iplo who iloubto Flagh. Abi" Al IU- li. poo pic In all linos. r,.\pcrlrlii'f siirl J'iI.iIcH- KHMftitilil. Itb bunt Maibtov, .1. Kl*d 1!iir]iciiii-r. vrlla. Adiiniaa Al. Si. XSveutxs, llnilXiiiifVllli'. Ky.. »"i'k SI l.iHinplii'll.illlii, Kj.. FILUS IH 'Slit SUSS, .'/■■i. 'i ,' nun HLock, largi! slid iiiiall Htihjoi.'la, I -Sim. I no. IIIIANII NKW KlllSON KXUIIli'N'iN MA" 'H INK. l.wm fi-i-l Hm; lllm mi rod »ls*..wi. Kmiu Mlidi'H I'-'-. Now llxt. tl. P. i; ALLOT, in t'lirixiopiior hi. H. V, WANTEJj; .'Inn mill Woman for <.tn. Ill/ ., I l»i ' V Man ii mi H. tv 11. H»iihr«-f ti, >u»l Lsoly for liigpnitfn (.noil .IIunIcIhvim tlmt iliinlilf utttgn, *vi Hi- .(..In on wire. .1 UHIKMK. tlritnil lliipld-, Minn. WANtib, TOM PEOPLE Inali Hum wbo dnid'lc Irimi ur otMCftft, iin-ibug Citudy linnlii-r. Agcni wIhi ran use Hi« "« HiMdi- Tom's Cal.ui Co , |Js Ksirt. III. A'T LIBERTY Al TRAP DRUMMER. AddrL-SHCAH. UATIIKWH, lluijliuglou, W'.Yh, KCCKNTJtlC COMK01AN; must bo flngor, It.vlmlv wltb (rood ri'pu'iltloii.'for sitittili In vsud«vill«, Cnli Miss !'. It., 'Jib K, i it h Mtm, Now Vorit. w* »THE NEWTORK CLIPPER. June 30 MANAGERS Don't Fail to See Our Act AGENTS VERSATILI NAGEL # ADAMS AT LIBERTY TOR BURLI PLAT PARTS? YES. iSQUE, FAROE COMEDY, AT fOR PASTOR'S THIS WEEK. VAUDEVILLE Permanent adddrwn, 138 WICKETTFE ST„ Ke/w«rk, N. J. 20™ CENTURY OPTISCOPE CO. BHA1M II, 2 W. 141b Street, NEW YORK. llF.alHtVAHTEItu, 91 DEARBORN STREET, CHIOAQQ. FILMS FOR RENT. I IT. t}T IMPROVED HI6H-GRA0E MOVING PICTURE MACHINES OUR LA I LO I SPECIALTY. It W|l Pay You to Send for Particulars Before Ordering Elsewhere. ROSE SYDELL'S LONDON BELLES, 25 : Chorus Girls : 25 Writ* or call, 17 TILL ARY STREET, Brooklyn, Nav York. W. S. CAMPBELL, Manager. HOLLAND BUILDING, 1440 Broadway, Corner 40th St. TaUphun*., Oft>1)S4-0ftS Bryant. Cable Ac.dr**w, Wlllmorrli. CHICAGO OFFICE, 1QT DEARBORN STREET. Special Attentton Win Be Given to Summer Parks and Fairs. Booking r MAN, WOMAN for Comedy Old Maid with ,spn*l4ltt, flood Ixwkllifr YoimfC WOMAN FOK JOVKNII.K. Prefer two married connlot*. One night Maud*. Par tour own.' mate ALL or don't write. OI'KN HFRK A IK). aL Rend photos. . WILL II. LOt'KR iTHK I.O( KKSi, Mound Oil y % Mo. MUSIOIAIV) I'ermanent -itamMil ;. Theatre; I'luuhi. to double 2d vlnllu; Clarionet, Cornet, Trombone (slide), linn* and Trap Driimtner, Must Ih- HrM. clnRs. Nob Union only. Must" Join on Kcelui of wlr*». Addrew X. T. 2., are of CLirPBR, Netr York. EDISON KINETOSCOPES, $75 AND ALL THE LATEST AND HOST IM- PROVED MOTION PICTURE MACIIINF.S. 1 IN MOTION PK'TI HI) JIACHINF.S. STERKOPTICONS and ACCESSORIES. Rex * Star Stereopticon, $2U ■J- I) WITH ELECTRIC LAMP, nil' /."RHEOSTAT AND SWITCH. NEW AND LATEST SONG SLIDES. $5 Per Set ILLUSTRATING SONUS A SPECIALTY, MOSTllNlyUE, alClil.V COI.OKK1). ) Each.' lateat--Best-Cheapest. OXY-GAS outfits LITHE 0/JI1 AND OXYLITHE FILMS SEND FOR MAMMOTH LIST OF FILMS FROM 3c. to 8c. PER FOOT. FILHFin.s£. S. i. SQN6 SLIDES. S5 PER SET HP. 1 ATAU1GI I'. ON APPLICATION, HKnl'UH lUln.llEEI.S, Hurt..: HARD LIMES, U.l.la. PER VOX. REST 4',ln. CONDENSERS, II; BV MAIL, «l,a>. CARBONS H 1 19, PER 100, |4.95. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES AND FILMS WANTED. 809 Filbert St.. PHILA., Pi. lUIIBttl A Song that tells Its story, "Yon Can't Stop no Irishman," music by Connolly. "Three Little Nigirer Boys," ballad . Kuril sent to Hi"' pro- fession on receipt of postage. Harding's* all-. ■round collection of 200 Jigs, Reels and Country Dunces, arranged for Violin, Piano, Flute or Miiniioiin. Seat to pro* fcsslon for 26 cents. In p i-en s, "When Sehlo- -. . ..... ~ . ««.«« vlnttky Carries the Hod." PRAMJ HAUDING. MukUj Engraving, Print- ing, Publishing undAutogruplilDg. Song Books fomtthert, Katimates and samples, «"'■ JUNE 30. THE NEW YORK CUPPER. 51? X«X TY X* COMING Dan GRACEY and BURNETTE The Original Singers of Coon Songs. AdaB. ;oeantrlo Oomedy Act. R-uill of Action. Will accept Farce Comedy or Burlesque. ' Have good Bnrlrsque to Sell nr Fradnre. (All mine). No Guess. The Real smrt. A Laugh from Start: to finish. Adtlrees FA I II II A VKN , >. .1. THE OLD RILIAI ED. KELLEY, 63 Court St., Boston, Mass. * Nov Boohing for the Season of 1 905 & '6. ,Would Like to Hear from All Up-to-Dale Acts. Eattirn RiprtunliUv. (or the Howard Athenaeum and Bowdoln Square Thulr.. PLENTY OF GOOD ACTS AND OOOD CHORDS OIRI.S FOR BURLESQUE ON HAND AT ALL TIMES. WILL H. DALRYMPLE and CHAS QUAINTANCE PRESENT THE FAMOUS DALRYMPLE COMEDY CO. HUSSAR BAND AND ORCHESTRA. WANTED, People la all lines, Singing nnd Dancing Souhrette, ComedlanR who do real singing and dancing specialties*. Dramatic people do not unve to double brass, oiihmi?!) preference will be given to those who can; but ABILITY to act la required, and nobrletv U an essential' quality. Fay your own board. Tell all la flrpt letter, together with lowest ualary. DAI.RYMPLH & QUAINTANCE. South Bend, Ind. Note. — Could use a good Novelty Act (mimical preferred), double brasn. Winnett's PLAYS, PLAYS, PLAYS, PLAYS FOR STOCK THEATRES, REPERTOIRE COM- PANIES, AND ROAD TOURS. Al»o bougbt, sold, and revised, plays for ama- teur*. Com panted routed ami hooked. Henil for free catalogue. Tempting low rovaltlen. THK EMEH- QENOV BUKKAU.1402 Broadway, New York City. Faoifio Coast Amusement Co., SULLIVAN and CONSIDINE, Owning and operating 30 First Class Vaudeville Theatres East, Northwest and West. wwr jav mxnarvx^'aT'k "> ail times, first class acts of all kinds W .^».-iV X Jl/l'. thai can deliver the goods, SOLE BOOKING AGENTS: AL. ONKEN, Family Tlieslre, lisih St., New YorB City; OHAS. WHAY, n American Bank Build. Seattle, Wash.; CHRIS. 0. BKOWN, e: 8. OlarSBt., Chicago; ARCHIE LEVY, 111 Eddy St., San Francisco, Cal. wanted, HANS HANSON CO. Swede Dialect COMEDIAN to Feature; alio LEADING or JUVENILE LADY wish LITTLE O/IRL, year. old. and DIIISICIANS tliut Can Acl; TRAMP, i CHARACTER OLD MEN anil LIGHT COMEDY PARTS, and MUSICIANS VOR BAND AND OR- CHESTRA. One nlRut ataade. OPEN AUG. 1. Lone, solid engagement to the real people.' It yon drink don't even consider litis. Address . J4S. T. McAXPIN, Clarendon Hotel, cor. Clark and Ontario Sts., Chicago, 111. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, A REPERTOIRE CO. FOR PERMANENT STOCK IN A fiOOI) KANSAS TOWN OP 25,000 POPULATION. Addraea D. FBL/TBNSTRXLV. St. Joaeph, No. EUROPEAN NOVELTY DANCERS, FRED.. -EVA IN THEIR ORIGINAL SKETCH, "A COBBLER'S DREAM." PASTOR'S THEATRE, WEEK OF JULY 2. LOOK US OVER. Immediate time and next season open. JST T 3E3 JO , -i- FOR THE -I- McCORD STOCK CO. klNOINO mill DANCING COMEDIAN anil BOrBKKTTK. Both, must do Btrong Sptcliltlek. JUVENILE MAN with Spttclultle., A No. 1 PIANO I'LAVEK. Mum tlen.it miuI Fake. Oilier useful Repertoire Pvoule, write. Addreea by letter or telegraph, FJIKO P. McCOltli, Manager McCord Stock Co,, Clarence, Mo. WANTED, CHAUNCEY-KEIFFER CO., PKOPM3 IN AU, LINKS, POU KKI'IOltTO IMC ; Sketch Tenras, to play partd. also Feature : Novelty Acts. Kindly stnte age, height. Send p nigra nuues and photos, nnd mention very lowest salary. Address FRWD C1IAUNCEY, Mgr., CIIAUNCEY-KEIFFRR CO., narrlHburg. Pa. KTTE STUART'S COMBINED SHOWS. Wanted to hear from Band of pieces, and Performers in all lines. People who anawered iiwi ad write again, as all mull was lost ID days. NOTIOB-WHI pay cash Tor M. P. Machine and UlackiTop, U0x w«r blgjfer, will. 'FrlHCO Kilma. MiiBt be cheap for cash, and la tlrat clasa condition. Week of Juue 18 tola, Pownoe, III.; June 24 to July 2, Virden, III. Also a few Good Canvas Men' wanted. WANTED, FOR JONES' enormous SHOWS AND HISTORIC WILD WEST, Man jo loud train, Cow how, Ex-Soldiers. Rough Riders, Troupe of Acrobata, Side Show, and Concert People, MualclaiiN, Ground Act*. Address J. AUGUSTUS JONES, Wythevlllc, Va., June »; Clirlatinflburg, 30; Roanoke, July 2; KIkton, 9\ Luraj, 4. For Doe Hudson's Stag Theatre, Ilagerstown, Md. ALSO SKETCH TEAMS, SISTER TRAMS Alt D HINGLK WOMEPf; OOOD VOICKS. We never clone. We have got the reputation. We do onr own booking. ThankR lo frlendii. We have no agent!.. Beware of knockers. Andreas all communications to ^____ POO HUDSON, Mgr., Staff Theatre, Hagorstown, Md. MUSICIANS WANTED. Baritone. Trombone* , Clarinet, Alto and Trap Drummer. Unusually long nnd pleasant s.-a-nn wlih One aecounnodaUons aucl Pullman Wcener. Join i.n lecelutof wire. SUN tlltti 1 IlKlts BIO RAILROAD SHOWS, Ho. U38 Sninmli St., Toledo, Ohio, FILMS Mnrlilncs. Nttreopt Icons and Supplies from "StvimuV UIFFKRI.NTT KlNTM-K A FILM SHOP give universal satisfaction. SPECIAL.— Sit reels .if good fllm. 1.000 feet on each iML mounted and ready for row, 0,000 feet, *l'7r. .in». Rdlson Machine. Electric Lamp, Hheoatnf, Calcium Lamp, Switch and Cord. Telescope Legs, 1.000 feet of Film, 30 Slides, Screen and Wire, $100.00. Power's Machines nnd Rheostata are used In oil first class houses, and we are Phila- delphia Sole Agents. Come In and mi them. You won't buy any other after that The. only rheostat* made of KKUPP Wire, Itn ported. Call and see the New Model B Oiylltbe Outfit, they're better than ever.. .. 40.000 feet of OOOD .lira, in lengths from HO feet, to 800 feet, at 7c per foot, if bought In 1,000 feet lots, $00.00, including a- -Join, reel and tllrns mounted. Slightly used Stereoptleon, fllt.OO. r>0O feet San Francisco film, the bent, with Sim feet miscellaneous film subject!), 1.000 feet on a lOln. reel, ready to run, #lfi.O0. Latent beadllner* for whteh we are Sole rhllndelphtn Agents: YITAGRAPH'H "All AlMinrd," "I/>ve vs. Title" nnd "The Prospectors/' UIOGIIAPH'S "Village Cut-Up," "Skid- don Bros, or No, lia," nnd "The Lost Leg of Mutton " PATHE'S "l Fetch thp Bread, 1 ' "The Angler's Dream" nnd "The Klderleas Bicycle." HEMES "A Desperate Crime," a most sensational subject. EDISON'S 'Terrible Kids." "Winter Straw Ride" nnd "Life of a Cowboy." After you have UBed all the so-railed fire- proof Rlipostats and found them anything but fireproof, then buy a "Power" Rheostnt nnd make good. Don't forget we carry the largest stock of Motion Picture Apparatus, Films, .SiJd/% stei'f opt Icon and Supplies In this city. Orders ill led from stock — no wuiting — and sulpmentK lnvaralbly made on the day order Is received. Thp new FRENCH lkns, one jacket, four TubeR, suit onv distance, for either Motion Pictures or Stereoptleon, $2f>.t>0. MACHINES AND FILMS WANTED, If They Are OootL .LEWIS M. HWAAB A CO,, 338 Spnsee HI., PHILADELPHIA, PA. mmmmmmmmmmBBBs Has Several Thousand Dollars Worth of Fine FILM FOR SALE. Price Gets. Plain, lOcts. Colored HATE HO CHEAP FILMS FOB SALE. PARTIKS Utn Mi KSIIUK I'lllKill »ll* (1IVF..V PltKFEIlKUCK. Theue Fllma have been presented on oar circuit only once. Condition like new, nut as we never rapeat program.., have no farther use for them. Address BOX 41, D'KLVH. K. V. FOR SALE OR RENT. Dealers In all new and up to date ■abjeota write and obtain my quotation on any film jon deslro betore purchiislng Stereopttcons, Moving Pic- tures, Supplies-, etc. L. II KTZ, 803 K. 23d St.. M. Y. 0. DO You WANT fWlUTARY GOODS 7 BANS DNI FORMS, ARMY or NAVY SUITS. TENTS, OUNS and EQUIPMENT OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. From Government Auction, Ho matter what yon want in that line I can ■apply It. New or second hand. Send for catalogue. B. B. ABRAHAMS, 333 Booth BL, Philadelphia, PA. loon. Round Top CunviiH, with ;. middle pleccn; one eon. Plat Oar. AddresH BON WtoH., X» Hnmn.it Kt., Toledo, Ohio. WIGS (I. HIIINDHULM, 118 W. 2«til St., N. V. The up-to- date TUKATUICAL WK1 MAKKIt. Kend stamp for new I'rloe List Just out. BOSTON FILM EXCHANGE. Second Raod Films, Song Slides and Machines llousht, Sold aad KichBDged. MM Washlogtoo SL. Itoom 42. Boston, Mass.. opp. Adams Hoose. 47 WEST 28th 5THEET, HEW YORK. A FEW OF THE LEAOINC FEATURES WITH THE 4PAW& SELLS BROS/ UNITED SHOW PEARL FOREPAUGH. FRED WELCOME OSCAR LOWANDE, World's Champion Nomeraanll Itldrr, Mi; It. I.OWANhft FAMILY TAl.l.Y 110 ACT. MATSUMOTA'S tarn Mina mm . The Little Fellow On Ihe lilgh Ladder. Joseph La Fleur, Novelty, Whirlwind, Acrul>aHn Beusaiion. The 3 De Boliens, FRENCH ACROBATM, A, Liberty Dec. 1. NEW OOMKDV ACT. FINISH IN ONK. WM. TESSIER, HEAD BALANCINO, THAPR7.E AND U IKE. BAKER, DEVOE and HAMMER, A TRIO OF ACR OBATIC Hi (.11 I.IMISKVKK". BILL HARDDIC, THE neSLIK BOB. THE 3 CORELUS, COMEDY FEAT0BE8. ALEXANDER WOLKOWSKH Bnislan Singits aid Dancers. THE CLIFTON SIS I tKS 81ngers and Character Bancorn. 5 OUNEDIN Tnuurt o World's Famoas Arllillc 'Cyclists. NETTIE CARROLL, QUEEN OF THE WIRE. THE FLYING LA VANS THE WORLD'. MOST MAHVELOI'N AERIAL (iVHNAKTH. ALL UNDER THE DIHECTION OK WM.E. (BUD) GORMAN Kit CESTUI AN DIRECTOR. FRED ZOBEDIE, The Incomparable Hand Halanci>r, with Ills NI.IDR FOR LIFE. Jobn-LAilCASTKRano "JUTWUHna Ask LOUIS I'ISI US. Willi MORKIh. ""■THE JEUNETS^'E ACItOHATN, Head and tlnnd tlalancera. FRED EGENER, THE EIFBIOB OF CLOWIS. BARTO and RALDON The Greatest of AU lovelty EquillbrlilB. DOLLAR TROUPE, EOBOFE'8 0BEATE8T ACROBATS. (M«E Hi PAULINE KIDli Eccentric Comedy Sketch and Drum Solas. LEW NICHOLS, A REAL 010 WN. THE UORNELLA FAMILY America's Famous Acrobats. IHE ONLY AND ORIGINAL "3-De GREATJS-3" Ari> an routo with the Oarl IIuttcnhock'M (iruatur Hhowa. Mrn. I>« (ireaui, I'rPinli're In Ballet, 2) :M>e Ort'iiuH. Femnre uf the Concert, Will he at lllierty after Nov. it,. Planned to hear roin all re HpoDBlltle niain.Kern. Addrcnn, IIKNRI M<- GltKAU, Mffr. um pur route llaacnlK'cli'r. Hhow-. TrVAlVTBD, Wor , J.uuilimf Mjih, Jh vt-ulli'-. tjhiir. acler-Man. J.chiImjk hady. will, ifood wardrobe; Cliaruc^cr Woman, HutttlliiK AGKNTrt, Itl.HINfvS* MANAGKR8- Htaii- all tlrnr . tetter. pNoIoh, notln-H. itKllKAltaAl-H jui.ysu.. 0b not i&vmrmtM, WANTED, totn-tiy Trnk Itlcvvllat. Addn<«M all cumiiiiiiilfatloiiH, SIIKIIIIKKT, HUHHKM. A 00., CVnORNTUKVTIIKATRIOAI. KKOIIANdK, 1*74 Nclaoii UldK., Walaut IIIIIh, CINCINNATI, «. LOUIS L. COMSTOCK MUSICAL DIRECTOR iPianoi! Iiivltf-K iiffcrH fur Ni'iiHon 11tlHM)7. Out' I'lccc or Miixlcal f "or ly Preferred. A. I- 1 . of .M., liost.ou. AddifHri enre Mil TJ, MAHl'.li I'd., ]i,in:iiHrtfM'«, urry make; iuu Hiat hack clialrn, [*i Piora'a picture and lire uanceonttlt, In liuliiiirMriKletitireopiii-oii hU Hklrt dance hIIuch, \K>l»,'Ux2i (ilutc glttntt, I hand fuid irkllirhtH. rliei atate;act coit.|ilf>ie;onc l-fvi- latlon otitilt a la Kollur, the molt Hiiupii: and compact in M/, Tlieaiinvf ax » * >-.,t oruanl/i'tj, runilliir to iilublz. Playing tlila woi!k at OoMhon, Ind., city of !.j,o-*. Ifttni. looking for IfarcalnH.doii 'i ovcriooE loin, juiiip to fJoHhoii.riflil ace h awell Htioiv. elecirlr Mgbled.HcatlPki MfU. %i lioiitlll In not im old nij/, aad the manager hi notttrokej hot on ui'-cviint or health am compelled to ,i hi/.. Atiove Ini'liiden xuga and rti:c!ierr t electric llgltte, etc, Hwell dying Imly, a la Rollalro, made me many dollar-. Oatl or mirireiK Dr. Oeo. ¥,. Lfxinc, week of June IB, (ioHbvn, Inn. After that, Wolcottvllle, Ind. "WestOjrjtji X^rfiiiifatio Ageney. Manager<4 wauung reliable people In all branoheHof the tlieatrlcal profcHnion, write. Offlcp upenrfuiu lutoiu, OenK room for tiiHiiaga-iat. n; \m 8nlli> Ht., m-h* Madlnou, t.'hk-ago. III. (Kxpcrlcnucd Olio/ut cage. III. (Kxpcridiicfd Ohu;u the UAL Trunk, if iBUmti) mnat be Keen and tried, logue "(J. 1 *ti'l tor ptiotxigrnphlD cMit* l« W. 4i) HTRKET. H. Y. 518 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. ' ■ ■ - ' ■ ' ''-< -* ! ' ) - ■■■'■■ I — June 30. r<> . oigra.l— KTuihenaradte, N. H.. Can., i:>. Wlndeor 20. Kentvllle 27, Harwich 28. Yar- mo.it I. 21), Wayward UO, Dighy July 2, HL 'ft N, B.. 3-7. Warren Comedy i Urn B. Warner, mgr.) — McGre- gor. ;!■.. EL Indefinite. Wallace Tfieiitrc (Dublonkl Bro«., nigra,) — Buck iiiasti, in., n, tot^flnuo. MVmdwdnl Stock (Woodward A Burgeaa. tflfn.) — Krtn.su Clly, Mo., 23, liidenolte. Wright'* Dnoiiftle IK. K. Wright, ingM— But* terftcld, Mfnn., .2r. :I0. "Weiry Willie Wnlker" (Hidtz A Nn.thab*oo Anuw. Co.. in«r!*.i — Ainlicn*!, N. S., Can., 25, tMMHn N. ft., 2H. Wcsttleld 27, TfUtU, N. Attmami zs. H.. 28. Hprliur Jllll 2B, JoMlWlHWa.no,, Tic- Bapu w Mr. mil Mr*. (Augustus lira July 2, (jlmc Hoy 4. C. Sydney 0. 7. Oilman, in.] 2T> an. Young. Kdwln. Slock— Brewster, N\ Y., 26-27, Mattenwan 28-80. MUSICAL. Almrii Ot»ra (Milton ft Sargent Ahorn. mgra.)— Illllon. X. J., 23. fiiueflnlte. Alhamlira Opera (Milton ft Sargent Ahorn, nigra.) — N. V. City 2.1. IndcfliillC. "Al.ayde*' (J. K. Ilnckett. mgr.)— Chicago, III.. 2.'.. Indefinite. Butler, Helen Mir and ber Baud u Bola, 1'*.. 20HO. Callrornla HtwV (Smith & Frederkka, murH,) — Uacramenio, Cat., 2r»-Mewt. .'10. Chicago- Ktork (Cht». II. RowKara, m|r.)— Sao It 3le Marlr, Mlrri.. 23. indPtlnUe. Cophors otoch (W. 0. Conrwra. mgr) — Cilaia. Me., 20-37, MudtiM 28-3U, Winter Harbor July 2-4. Mlllbridge S-T. Craven, Ruth (Harry L. Beck, mgr.)— Ameta, N. Dak.. 25-iiO. Ontury Stock (XJnrrlwni ft SutherUnd mgra.) — (Jmuillun JnMIm> Kliiuera (W. T. Cary, mge.) — Cttantlie. Ktm.. 24-JuIy 7. Franklin. Minn., 23. IndftlnlK*. Uuw* .ainl lih Band (.Frederick I'Llnney, mar.) — Maiihnltan BenHi, X. Y., 2'i'n. Aslmrj Park, X. J.. ;iO-July U, Albany, N. Y.. 7. Falrmaii'dBoMtoti Ouncort Baud (Win. B. Ki*rn, irwr.i— Allanlk* City. N. J., 23, Indefinite. Fladier'n Mllllnry Band ICU*h, M. FlacUer. mgr.) —New Orleatna, I.u., 23, Inilelliilti*. - Horald Bqnaic Oiwra (I'ntnk T. KltlUlng, mgr.) — IMMHtmrg. I'm., 23, IndeflnllCr. , "ill« Hnunr. tin- Maynr" (Wtu. Raymond Sill, mgr,)— N. Y. City 23, i ml entitle. Imperial Oj«era ((Inrrlmn ft Turner. mgrH.) — Ahbitry P«rk, X. .1., 23. Iwleflnlle. Innk HtiU blx BhikI — Cincinnati, (>.. 23-Julj 7. KllUe* Bund (T. r. J. Power, mgr.)— PltUburg. Pit.. 25-;i0. Wheeling. W. Va.. July 1-7. Kendall Mimical— Portland, Ore.. 24, fndeflntte. I.tla>rHt|> Band — Denver, Urtlu., 24-July 7. May. F^lnn- (Clma. Frohiumi. mgr.) — Luiidon, Kog., 23. liHlellnlle. . "Man trom Now" (lleury w. Savage, mgr.) — Rwlon, MaoH., 23. Indeflnlte. Orpheuni (>|tera (Milton, A Kargent Abom, nigra.) —Brooklyn. N. Y.. 21!, Indefliille. Pollard MlUputlun 0|K>r& (.loaejai A. Muller. mar.) — Kdmoutw. Alta., Can.. 23-^0, MedlcUie Hnt. Akhh., July 2, 3. Mooue Jaw 4, 3. Iteglna >1, 7. Bodan Chan (Wm. Cranston, mgr.) — Winnipeg, Man.. Can.. 25 .Inly 4. Robertson's Clerelaud . Baud — Winnipeg, Man., Can.. 2i-W. . i- . ~ Royal Artillery Baud (Joseph De Vito, m^r.) — Baltimore. Md.. 25-Kept. Hi. Stewart Opera — ttoclienler, N, X., 23, IndeflDlle. Kim FranelMV) Opera iHn-sril St Drew, nigra.) — Seattle. Wnah.. -2S, IrnJetlnlte. Slater and liU Brnukljn Marine Band — Brighton Beaidj,- Coney lalnad. N. Y.. 9a, Indebnlle. "Hm-lal Whirl" (Sliubert BroK., nigra.)— N. y. City 23, Ihdeflnttr. "Student King" (Henry W. Savage, uigr.)— Chi- cago, HI., 23. Indefinite. Trtnuleton. Kay (Klaw ft Krlanger. nigra.) — CbJ- cago. 111.. 23 July Bo. "TiiuHxtjf" (Slmhert Brw., mgra.) — Boaloo, Mhm<.. 23, Indertnlte. "ITnitdn:" (Si/ H. Singer, mgr.)— Chicago, 111., 23, Imjefinlle. - WIIIh Muaival (John B. Wills, mgr.)— Mobile. Ala.. 2-i-.ini v 1. Weber'a John C, Military Band— UprlDgfleM, 111., 24-:i0. Chlcitgn July 1-14. We] Ik. Dunne ft Harlan Musical — Norfolk, Va.. 2»-ao. . BURLESQIE AND VAXIDBVILtfe;. Adania', Oeo. Jl, (A. U SaTllle, mgr.)-— Wheel- IUg. \V. Va.,-J4-:m. Newark. O..- JtHy t-7. Uulety tilru— Philadelphia. Pa.. 25-ao, Innocent Maid*, T. W. Dlh\l ns'— Philadelphia. p«.. mm. Jacktmn Brtm.' VHtidevllle (J.-H. Swafford, mgr.) — (Jrecntleld, Miikh., 25-27. MIN8TRtflLM. BrjantV (ii: W. Knglebretli. mgr.l^Clnclnnatl, ().. 34-10, CMcataf, 111.,-Jnlr I-M. Duimell.v' f , Tommy (Jack w, Stokes, mgr.) — l>wls(mi. Me, 25-80. Hiii-kucxo ft Foi'm (Hay K: Koc, mgr.)— More- hoiise..Mc., 25-27, lllaio 28-»0. Otau July 2-4, Portagevllle 5-7. ■, . j, „ JnkiiMinV , Oil (Bob JobnMOli, nit;r. )— Hk:kuirtii. Kj.. 27. Martin, Teiih., 28, MnyOeld, Ky., 20, Fulloil :m. la Want 1 ' JMatr, N. S-. Can.. 23-IIO. , PriMrute. tiro. H.— Manhattan Beach, N. Y.. oO- Jiib- is, lToe(or' K . fleo. II.— CWar Falls. In., 23.30, Mao- cheater July 2-7. MM* SflOWH. Barnum & Ba I ley V— Newport. It. I.. 27. New Bed- ford. Mhsm., 28, Fall tUver 20. Brockton 30. Wortvwter July 2, FKefabuig :t, Mamheater. N. II., 4: Concord 5,- -Lawrence, Mnxa.. tt, fjowell 7. Bnrralo BIIPh Wild Weal. Col. Win. V. Oofty (Prod U. Hutchlnaon. mgr. f — UugvHr, Hungary 27. No. 2— Mount Sterling. 0., 27. New Holland 28, WeVerrllta 29. Jolly ElhlopiiOs (S, H. Dudley, togr.)— Annaoolla. Md. 23 SO. Wmthliigton, V. C. Jnly 2-7. Mnrta'H SifeclHlly Or. Ml. Maria, mgr.l— Kiln- wottli. Me., 27. 01 la 28. Amberat 20. Beddlng- tonw. i Margie* Sum* Sontk — Kbawneelova, III., 27, Ciueyfllle, Ky.. 28. Parker. C.-W.. Amibaement Co. (Cramer ft Ty- ler, lugr*.)— Hiawatha. Kan.. 2S-:t(t. Patttrflon-Bralnard Carnival Co.— Boooe, la., 25- m 21, Show — LebaooD, Ky., Hupp, mgr.)— Beteturula (Walter C Mack, mgr.)— Ypallaatl, Mich.. 23-30. Detroit July 2 14. Vine, Harry— Aualin, Minn,. 23-30. ! <■ > i— OHIO. Clucinnnll. — UurlCKque muguls tvere thick Ba bee* fa a ruse garden when the timplre circuit held lis dlrerturn" meeting. Rt People's Theatre, June 21, and completed details lor routing attractions: thm are booked to play forty weeks over the circuit. Jobn h. Sulli- Dated JULY WILL BE sued Tuesday, July 3.J TUB FORM ft WILL CLOSE 4 P. M., MONDAY, JULY 31. Diaey. Henry K IW. N. Lawrence, mnr.)— N. Y. City 25. Indefinite. Klleftinl Stock— Oakland. Cal,, 25. Indefinite. FlrmiDg, MBiak- (W. II. Orauey, mgr.) — Lancas- ter. P«. 25-J-jly IA, I- j FawLftl Stock ((jcurfte FaWcett, mgr. )— St. Paul, Miun.. 23. , Indennlte. Karnam Slock (Wni. Farnua, mgr.) — Cleveland, O., 25. Indefinite. Flacher Theatre Slock iJt. (J, Welch, ngr.)— Den- ver, eo. R. Howard, ngr.) — Sioux City. ;*.. 25. Indetlnttc. Holden Bros." Stock— Detroit. Mich., 24. indefl- uite. Ha\tlliiirnc S(>x-k— Clear Lake. la.. 25-30. "Harvard Olrl" (Spite ft NatbntiMiii Amuse. Co., iiijTH.)--Nev|Kirl. Me., 25. Dexter 20, Dover •if, Mtlo 28, Mllllnoket 20. Preot|ue lal« 30, Caribou July 2, Fori Falrfleld 3. Houltoa 4, Wowlatuck. H. Ik, 5. . Frederletoo (I. Cballiam 7. Imoon'o, Bert—Long Pine. N,ebr... July 2-4. ■ Knolt. Dooelle (Sweely, Sblpuian ft Co., nigra.) — Obi riot let own. P. K. I.. 27, Yarmouth, N. S„ 28-UO. St. Jehu, N. B.. July 2-4. Kennedy Players (Ben Lewis, mgr.) — SteuneuTllIe, O., 25-Jtily l r 7 Loaergati-Stiow Block — Memphla, Tenn., 25, IndeD- nlte. . .: , Lyceum Comedy (F. H. McBvoy, mgr.)— Dover, Me., 25-27. Uitllford 28-;K). Millun Lyoiia Stock — Coruuna, Mich., 25, liideB- alte. Llritlgatooe Slock (F. 11. Llvingalone, mgr.) — Peoria. III., 25-Aug. 2(t. Llnrlley'K. Hurry, Summer Tlieatre — Little Cur- rent, til-?., Ciln., July 2-7. "Lion and the Mou*c." Kttftrrn (lleury H. Ilorrh, mgr.)— N. X. City 23. ludeflulb'. "Lion and lire Mouhc." Wealern (Henry B. Harrla, mgr. 1— Chicago. HI.. 25. Indefinite. McAuIirre. Jere, Stock— St. Jobn. N. R., 25-30. Myrkle -Hunler Stock, Kaaterti (W. H. Harder, uur.) — Port Huron. Mk-b., 23-Jnly II. Miuks Stork (Tom Mirks, ui(jr.) — Duluth, Miun., 25:10.. . Mnttlce Slwk (Wiini B. Matllce, aigr.) — St. THumHu. otit.. 25. indefinite. McCullum SttH-k.(W. B. McUuUnm, iiikt, I— l'ort- IhimI. Me.. 25. iMiictiulte Maker Stock. (Pkll- Mailer, mgr.)— Beunlniftou, • VI., 23-|lo, Oiwonta, H, V.. July 2-7. Mwib Stock (J. II. Moore, mgr.)— Rocbeater, N. . Y 25. ludeilulte. . , Mlinielll Brou.' Dtainatk— New Castle, Pa.. SS-30. Mcl'tiee. A. p.— Moyilmliialrr. Alia., Can.. 27. Vermillion 28. Vegesvllle 29. Fort Saakalcoewan :i0, Uilmontun July 2-5. "My Wlfo'H Family" (W. MctJowan, mgr.)— Ash- land. ,Wla...:27, Ironwood. Mich., 2a. neHxemer 2D, Lake l.liiilrn July J. Hancock 8. Calunoet 4. van iictl bis manager. Frank Hall, were tben.. and clvaod wltb the circuit. The wheel ayateni Cohan, Geo.' If. (Spin 11. Harris, mgr.)— N. Y. wus again adopted. Duluth is the furthext point Went. Those present were: President Jgme.s .1. Ruller, St. Ir!n- clpala. Lu N t week's crowds were good, and the uflo all right. Conky IitLAMi t L, T. Anderaou, manager). Bryant'* Mlnstrela wash off tbe burnt cork after, a two weeks' visit, and . In tbe Blkiti Theatre, 34 vaudeville will b«' restored. The Mysterious Jnqueu, Mack and Relgler, Marlon and Grace, C'naad and Dcverne. and Mr. ami Urn, Hurry Kllsworlh, In lltelr plavlel, "ITie Silk Stocking." are on the bill. Cuod crowd* are In evidence, und-u new midnight aerrh-e baa been put on, the aleamer rrlncesa leav- ing tbe Island at lu.xo r. u. CBWrga I'akk (1. M. Jlartln, manager).^ ThR Chester Park Ouci-a tV-~wlll ph4: on ■The Belle of New York" 24. Last week, "The Koundera" played to spendld business. Clara. Palmer, n- Prtacllla. wan the bright siar «f-4he performance, and she wus given. Tulued aid by Jame* Mclvllieltn. Sam Mylle. Kdmi Itemyng und Charlen Fulton, last year's favurltea. FrancU 4. Boyle, the new basso, was In excellent voice, but Blanche Kae Kd- wardes, the new prlum donna, did nut have a role In wblrh ahe could be heard to ad- vHnfage. The chorus was- guml. costumes line, und the staging excellent. In the vaude Tbe current week . Inclutlea : Delmore and Darrell, Bnrry and Johnson, Kd. Hayea, and Sherman and Fuller. Tbe Orent Hardy, on the high wire, performed twice a day week or 17. and proved a good card. Avon-Pahk (Jot. lr. We**, manHcer). — Week of 17 Included: Klverton, Had) Alfa- rabl. Hie Itnppo Hltrtera, Llenblngs. Lewis and Hennlnga, and Coatea ahd Sunflower. The bill was an excellent one, and highly satis- fied. I'jr current week : Salmon and Chea- ter, Carr and Llnd. Zlnnell and Uoutclle, Yates BroH.. and Ma Dell and Corbley. The attendance ' able. Notek. — "Feaat and Furies" will lie pre CALIFORNIA, ,., Lo '! te g * — A t M* 90 " Opera Boa* lit C. Wyatl. manager) "Holty Toltv" ht the Harry James Comedy Co.. U io he ( « n tlnued uiiolher week, commencing .tune tn A double hill la to be presented 25 and week Whirligig" and " 'Way. Up Kast." Tbe company is playing; to good business at everv performance. ' Bklahcu (Jobn II. Blackwood, manager i — "Soldiers of Fortune,'* as wesented k? iui Bros., and Ma Dell and Corbley. The stock company, drew well week endlnr ik mce Is good when the weather Is favar- —a Stranger In a Strange Lund" )g •nl Fireworks display 2)1 and 20. JJelaaco management is making extensive ore _.ja>— "Feaat and Furies will I»e pre- panitlona for a presentation of "The HmVi nenteil here July 2H-28. under, the auspices of of Maryland," with Amelia Uardoer In 7h. the Elks, and It bids fair \v Ik a big success, leading role. . ^aruner in the Hen fireet'ts Woodland I*erfotmers pre- Morosco's Bubpamc (Oliver Uman sented three Shnkesnearean plays in open managerl.— "A Contented Woman" "as or* air. June 22. 23. under the auaplccs of tie sented by the stock company, drew well M Mahoning Golf Club, and prove* one of the ending 111. "Tlie Slpn of the Cross- ^1? social events of the season ..Mafntgcr Ai. j n w ffl c li all the uicmbcrs of the raoawai liaugh has closed a cuntrkrt with Prof. Ctaia. will apoear. "Tennessee's Purdner" ■•■; iJiiam. OFEkA IIuusk (Clarence Drown ma UiigerL— "Queen, of .the Convlcta." bv the June 22, 23. under the auaplrcs of the sented b .Mahoning Golf Club, and proved one social events of the season liaugh h:u< closed a cnntrki l/elbmiui. to supply the music for tbe (irand next season... Senator Frank Bell was Hpeelally engaged by Manager Stanley for UlrlcE Stock "TOo, ariajTaf U _ZXu5 " week of 17. andjils^htack fa«_st.ie(£ajt5 week ending 10. "Secret Service Sam - * 1, scored a big lilt. Mr. Bell lias been engaged and week. "At the World's Mam for a. return engagement for week of Jnly 8, (jbpiikoai (Martin Beck, general manager i much to tbe delight of patrons of Idora Park. —Features 28 and week: Julia mid Karl Helnrleli. Linden Ueckwtth. Majestic Trio Four Soils Brothers, Cliff Qortkt/ Hrother^ 'j.imm. Mtii Allen and company, in Clevelnnd. — At the KuclM Ave. (hardens (Mag Faetkenheuer, munnger) the William Knrnum Stock Co. will present "Virglnlut" week of June 25. "The laady of Lyons," 18 Two. Staleroom One." and motion pletnrr* usiQtrg (Henlx ft Zallee. proprlciorKt.— 2.'L testetl the capacity of the Gardens at Features IS aod week : Dale and Carn>g ei'.ch performance. Mr. Farnum Is so Ira- singing and talking: Vera ItaDadall, gcac and menseij- popular hero that it Is too bad for dance; AHda O'Dette. illustrated song: Joe l-'netkenheuer that he cuonut run Farnum'a uarxn. Jumper; Jack Golden, comedian; compHhy fur the entire season. I'ntque-o-scope, aind Unlijue Players, present- Coi,inki;» (Harry D. Kline, manager). — I fig "A Family Slew." "A Stranger In a Strange Land" Is the offer- Fischer's (A.. E. Fischer, manager* — ing by (he It. C. Hera Stock Co. 25-30. "A Features IS and week: Charlotte Hill, xrlo- Nlght tiff" drew splendid crowds 18-2T>, tbe phone soloist: motion pictures, and Fischer* first week of the Coliseum under Ibe manage- All Star Comedy Co., presenting "Our Neigh- n«ent nf Mr. Kline. bors" Wive*.*' Keith's 111. A. Daniels, manager). — Bill Uotcukism (T. Jess While, manager).— week of 2." Includes: David M. Hurlford and "I. O. V.," after a three weeks' successful villa theatre. 24" ' fiie"new "bill "wlii lienrti- '*ompany. Four Fordt*. Byron and Langdoo, run. has la?en supplanted by "The Beauty vlved lay Mme Kmmv «nd her m»t does Kern K«7 T *- Hoyce, Diamond and Smith. Smlrl und Shop," with Kolb and Dill In the leading *■_• . »L _ *.. J .. .. ' . .«*•*. * L-...U..U.. larln,. Innru — H>l IVIIHa linri l.",l II ■• fntaw ..«n»«.n^..l— IC Melrose, .the Oiavs, the (ireat Martvnne, Kmmona. -Ktaerson and Kmmons, and L. De Aerlen. l^ist week's show wua gisid. Ultra Davis, the Butchcler Sisters, and Hie Brothers Ulosa aided Lulu De Sarema in amusing the crowds. Z*ri (Walter C. Draiier. secretary).— In- nls and hia baud began the second of a three weeks' engagement 24. Herman Bellstedt re- ceived a tremendous welcome Thome from old admirers. He proved to be greater than ever Mi» cornet virtuoso. Vaclav Jlskra won new honors as a string bass master. Miss Listc- mann. makes her first appearance as a soloist 24. Crowds were large and enthusiastic. Nonwoop Campus. — Despite uncertain weather the merit of Pain's "Last Davs of Pompeii'' drew crowds last week that grew lo Immense proportions as the laat days of ibe engagement wore on, Tbe Flylng'Dor- dons and ltossl Brothers appeared In the olio. Kessner, Irving Jones, and Willie und Hdlth llarf. Lisa Park (I'lwood Salshnry. manager). — I'hillfnini and Bund. Alhas and Htnateur :'»la will lw Hie chief attractions week of 25. With (he Hdvent of better weatber Luna Will Ire jammed even- night. Lincoln I'ahk i Frank Spellman, mana- gert. — Druko's trained sheep and dogs, Cll- vetles, hnr performers: Harden and Lalonde. roles, commencing 18. C'iNEOiiRii'H ■ ( I. A. Browne, managerl.— Km tit res is and week: Johnnie Wood, com- pdlnn; Merle Stanton, ballad 1st : Madeline Howe, lllus'trated song: Flo Morrlsson, tnn- nologlst and comedienne ; Dale and Cralge, sketch: motion pictures, and farce enmedv, entitled "Dissection." Xkw Stab < J. K. Wilson, manager).— Features IS and week: Musical extmva- IIamHL"h Duo. nod Col. klgg'a Wild West ganxa. "The Land of Chrysanthemums:" Mr- Show are the features week of 25. >»S pictures, Kmma Usbome, songs; the Notes. — Ionise MarcelM. of the Hera Stock Three Morris, boxing and lifting; Kieanor Co.. is in Charity Hospital. A benefit will Whipple, Illustrated songs, and comedietta. be tendered hue at the Coliseum 28. "In Gay Paree." KiiriHK (Hilly Banks, resident mnnagrri.* Dayton. — At Falrvlew Park Casino (Hl- nicr ItedeHe, manager), week of June 24: Uerr Jansen and company, deft demonstra- lors of deceptive dexterity; Tuscano Bros., - Roman haltle-axe Jugglers : Flutette Slsleis, Snk^^n? ™ "■ l ° Cn,e{ « for a tcn sing-rs and daneera; Millard Bros., 'cycle »eilKK HtanU. ^nnilnneu. :iml Hnrrv-""' RcSfHSn Chat.— John .T. Kyitu has made legal transfer of the Olympic Theatre to the Olympic Theatre Co.. and $S.~>.(l(H) Is tbe awe named In Ibe papers. The Olvmplc will open nbout Sept. I, and it is understood that the scale of prices will run from 15 to 35 •erlls .Henry Kllswnriii stopped here a day. c/i rtinte to Oberammergau, his fifth visit to. that famous Bavarian village... Sol Stephan has gone Kast to meet Loren/ Ha- genbeck in New Yorkj That will preface au- utber arrival of animals at the Zoo.: Viola Hopkins, of "It Happened in Nordland." Is- here. .... .Jose Marien and wife are to Summer In Antwerp. . .....Clara Zumsteln Moore W going to Chautauqua IJntfor comiqiies, gfltal Harry: Clinton Sawyer, come- dian und mimic. The Barlow Minstrels showed to big business at this bouse last week. \..\kk Side Pakk (Jas. K-lrk. manager). — Week of June 24 : Lu Auto Ctrl, La Mures, In musical comedy, and Barney First, "The Social Huy." A very auiuslng feature at Ihis theatre Is amateur nlghl. given every Friday night. It has been a great drawing card. Toledo,— At the Casino Theatre (OMo- Klfvcs, manager) "What Happened to Jones," as .presented by the Vaughn (jtaaer .. Stock Co., June 17 aud week, was warmly the direction of Mrs. William McAlpln, the received by good crowds. "All on Account Carnival of -Nations. was given at tbe Scot- of Kllza" 24 and week. tlsh Itlto Cathedral. I'ls* Bierich, Lily Brett, Fabm TllMlTl (Joe Pearlsline, manager). Ivu D. Poore. Mlrd Johnstone. K, P. H. — The bill 17 and week was up to the stand- Btiraltain. May Porlo. Zltla Swo|S', WilliHm ard. fnir crowds attending. For 24 and — Features 18 itiid week: i.uniti Banks, pic- ture balludfst: tbe Gregsons, singers and dancers: the Four Musical Sblrleys. IteonmV Sims, cartoonist and comedian: i-lnenmt^- grnph, and Kmplre Stock Co., In "Under the Gas IMpea." -Notb.— The cloalng event of the year's mu- Elcul season is the recltul by OHe Chew, vl«. itnist, assiHted by Pekc Storck, under Ibe di- rection of Leu !■:. Bebymer. a " ■■■ Oakland. — At the Macdonoitgb (Chas. P. Hull, manager) the Klliford Stock Co.. in "The Red cross Ntirae," did a booming biisi- liess June 11-17. "A Human .Slave" Is (he lilll 18-24. "Tbe Lighthouse Bobbery" fol- lows. Liukbty (II. W. Bishop, manageri.— Bishop's Stock Co.. In "Are Von a Mason?" drew rapacity houses week ending 17. Blstiop's company. In "How Baxter Butted In." 18-24. "Mlspah" to follow. .IbOAA I'AnK TLiEArm: (Will L. Oreenb,ium. manager).-^— The Idora Opera Co.. lu "The Mascotte," bas proved a veritable mascot. Tbe same opera to 24. "Olivette" Is under- lined. BWL (Kd, Homan, manager).— Featurei Alester. Ind. ... Talge. Mattel (Hviiry F. Wllbird, mgr.)— Jack- sonville, fli.. 25, lnrtedulle. pens-lil-llvpaeue (0. I). Perueht, nigr.) — Kuo-;- , Twin FalU 7. "Real Widow Brown"-- Burlington. VI.. *2*. St-ea. Thiix. T. — Richmond, Ind., 23-30, M uncle July 2-7. - ■ ■ • Steniirt, Nellie (liemfre Musgrore, mgr.)— Chi- cago, ill., 25, tmtcthilte. * Flundlng. iluy. Cometly (Luekett & Standing, nigrs.t— Washlnaton. 1>. C, 20, indeflnlte. Hwaiu ThenlM 1 (Mack Swtiln, mgr.) — Seattle, SVni-h., 2.*i, IiiiIlIImii.-. Sluttx, J. 0.. StoL'k (Lawrence Peter»ou, mgr.)— baton Itoilge, La., 25-Seitt. 1. Southern. Chaiineey I,. iRolnnd A. O»borne, mgr.) — Aaheville, K. 0., 2.1, liideUnlte. Klerllug Htm (Wm. Triplet!, i«r.) — Aberdeen, H. B.ik.. 2,'.jmy 7. "Seoul's Itevetijn*" (Itlee ft Onnley, mgrs.) — ItHlrd. Tex., 27. Cisco 2H, Kastlanil 2P. etrawn :iU. Tbiirber July 2, Mineral Wells :i. Wealher- fonl 4. ft, Sort It Kort Wruih U, Bridgeport 7. "S|tle>Trackwt"— Mnrllngton. Vt.. 27 stal 211. "S'. in:v MiHilli" (J. C. Rockwell, ni«r. ) — Ikmton, Mm--.. -'■. linleUnllc. Tucker. Klliel. Slm-k (.Mark Bros., tugrs.)— Salt Uke Cily. 0.. 2o, Indenuitc. "Ttali" (Irfiwremv & Karle. nigra.) — AullK^uiihe. S. «.. Can.. 2-1. North Sydney 2H, HjiIiipt 27, lilaii* Hiiy 28, <;is«piw 2n. Shubeiucndle ilo. " Incle Tom's Cabin." Stetson's (Urant Luce, mgr.) — Rlverhead. N. Y., 2T. SoUtliMuiitisi 2D. "fncle Tom's Cabin," Murry's^ — Oiford, - N. J., 27. Dover 28. "Cart* Tom's Cabin." Couiiu'n — Mnnett. Mo-. "IO. lUigers. Ark., July 2. Lowell :t. Pettlgrew 4. Van It'll, in .*., Howe. Ind. Ter., tl, roskahoma 7. Van Dyke A HaTlaa (F. Mick, mgr.) — DaveniHirt, In.. 2b-:ti>. Vale. Ixxiice, Stock (Travern Vale, nir.) — Rocbea- ter. N. Y., 2,1. Ivihilllltr. Vailnnvtiii Stock (Lytson A. Pray, mgr.) — Wlt- 1Iiiiiik|mwI. pa., 2. r i, ImU'tlulle. "Vlltnp* flmei-r" (llrayliaui A Liisilnt. incrs.)-- MniH'besler, Vl.. ST, South Uiudnnderry 2S. Jn* lunlen 21). Nen-fniie HO' WllUatna aiMl Wnlker ( M. II. Raymond, mgr.l — .Chleatto. III.. 23. ImlethiHe. WiiminKvr Bros." ilwn (Prank Wluulnger, mgr.) - (Iladslone, Mick.. 24-July 1. ".When Wvuuu Love" (Spin a NaUiuiwa Amusfi Itnplila 27. RenldJI 2N. Msckiutosh 20. Aila ;H>, 81. Vlmont Ji;l>- 2, Ode BrtM 1 .— I'aliueratoii. Out.. Can.. 27, Be lit r 2R. Woodstock 2u, Slmtliroy *J0, Port Huron mi. h . July 1 Ctisiuo|»Utan Slu>w and Wild West (H.' Murder, gen. iiIkc. i — Austin. Minn., 2.1-^(1. F.ly's. Ceo. ft.— Calumet, Okla.. 27. Henry 28. ForepttuKb A Sells Bnis.— Cedar Raiilds, la., 25, Mnrshnlltown Sit. Wat erf own 27. Fort Dodge 28, Mason City 20.. Ailslln, Minn.. S«. New rlamp. ,i - ; — ---- ,--- . , . ton. la.. Julv 2. Rocbester, Minn., .i. Wlnoua Mae (.ot;dnn, Mr. und Mrs. Fred Lucler, Mblu ' Tasblug- and Riley, nud tbe Three Hill vers. Columbus — At (Henliingy Park (W. W. Prosser. manager) the bill scored a great lilt, wllh the large houses which braved (he DM wer.ther diaiug week of June 18. The bill included:' Wm. U Bell. 1 Lillian AAhley. Ksielle Word** tie aud company, (Merrill, and Welt. Kle(t) ami Klein, the Four Dancing Harrises. nnd-He Onxa and Mi'Donald. Blfl tor week o( 24: Alfrtid Anderson, Armlntu and Burke, Cos Lot; StinOower Co., Don and Hamilton — At Lindenwald Park (John Foster, manager) week of June 17 : The Jug- gling Dcpoht ns, Kelsey Moore, Violet Hart. Alice Alva and the Wllltird Vros. Weeks of 24, ;in. and July 1 and 7, the Osmun stack Co. wll! uj.pear in i-epertojy. Among their been engaged as' leading lady at ibe Liberty. plays will he "Passion s Slave." "The Ocnllc- -""V Biniriar." "lir. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." ' laria und company, presenting "The Queen of the Air;" V. R. McPhcrson. IHtawtraW songs: Wanda'a educated dogs, and tbe pro- Jectoscope. Business is good. Notim.— H. XV. Bishop, of tbe Liberty, has gone to New York Kalberine Oray hai BaraNio, tvis., T», Freeport, HI.. 8. Washlug- •ion. la.. 7. Orirtnaii's — Lowell, Mass., 2S-'Hi. HarsreHves*— lireeiiuelo. Mm*.. 27. Holyoke 28, 'Chd-unoo Falls 2D. NorUismpton ;I0. Ilngpiilieck'a. Curl— ICail Claire. Wis.. 20. Kiiinedy'H Wild West ( Vf. H. Kennedy, mgr.) — Itoitlon. Mil-' . 2r>-Aag. 4. Lucky Hill's— Rock vllle. Nelir., 27, Boelua 28. Daunebrog St Si. Paul M, Mnckuv'a, Audrew— Slrasbuiit, O.. 27, Canal Do* rer *J8. New 'Plillattelplda 20. SO. HrlbMl rue's— While, s. Duk.. 2.">, Toronto 2«t, Clear Lake 27. Onty 28. Marietta, Mlnu., 20. ltevllbi :io. Pawnee Hill's Wild West— Brighton Beach. Corny Island, N. Y.. 2.", Indertnlte. Rlngllntt Bms.'— Petndt, Midi., 2-1. Jackson 2ti, South BeiHl. Ind., 27. Jollet, III.. 28, Aurora 20. lluckfonl Ma, MHwHiikce, Wla., July 2, MadlsiHi H. I.u Crosse 4, Red Wing, Minn., 8, Minneapolis a, St. Paul 7. Bobbins*. Prank A.— St. Jiwtnshury, Vt.. 27. Lyn* ihHirlilo 28. Barlou 2U, Newpntt m, Hardwick July 2, UuiTlsvllle S. SI. Albans 4. Silver's, llvrt— Havenua, Midi., 27, CoopeKvllle 28. Berlin 2M. I.anwnt 90. Htnrrett's. Ilowanl S.— Pevksklll. rt Y., 37, Cold* sprliiv 2S. Mntteawflii 20. Fisbklll HO. Texas Hills Wild West— Akron, O.. 23-30. V.islil-.uni & !>' Alma's— Cllutoi). Mass., 27, 28, Allleborn 20. :m». Wallace's. R. K. — (.'rlniiell, ia., 2.*>. Oskalnosa 2fl. Morning Sim 27. Monmouth, HI., 28, Vermont 20. Wiittc Hall ;iu. Wheeler. Al. I.— Dover. Me. 27. MISCKLLA^BOrs. Bostock'a Animal Arena (Frank C. Bostock, mgr.) — Ooney Island, K. V., 2D, Indellnlte. Barton Bros.' Illusion Show (Matt Barton, mgr.) — Schenectady. .\. Y., -Jo-July 4. . Cooke Pomedy — Nnrlli]iorL N. V.. 23-lH). Criil kaha uk— Mill Inocki'L Me.. US. La Orange 20, pmrrwn'f Floating Palace [It. Fjiiersrm, mtr.i— NNWUM u., -N. I -iiiniiu-i-iT. Up,, 20, ttrny's Point :tn, Cats* niranleau July 'J. 1 telier- l^dson Movlim Flclnres und Concert Co., Ha. 1— Toledo. O.. 27, Ashtabula 2s, 8nddtisky 21), Oilunibua :>0, Cincinnati July 6, Rochestef, Ind.. <>. Bvansvllb- 7. li^K-i-t-Jbvu ilo tins rktura aw) Ooacert Qv,, man Burglar,' Ci-am! Family Tiikatb*-- Is still doing Its usual good business, nud Is putting on tlrst class vaudeville performers. nitODE ISLAND. (iinion — At Park Theatre (L. B. Cool, uuiiiiigeri i-apucity hunts ruled week of June IS, the hill proving the most potent combina- tion shown this season. For 24 and week: Post nnri Kusscll. Hie Five riroscoflU. SI. and moving pictures. Collins UAkin:.** (11. CnHlns, manager). — Rusiness wus good during week of 18. The bill Intiiidctl: Leo Lunu. Stelnurt and Thomas, and Blnncy and Clmpman. . Bill for week of 20: Marty Feuilc, tbe Troubadours, hIkI Love und Itolliin. XoTta. — Ulngllng Bros.' Circus showed tiere 18. to capacity ut both performances. ..Itingliug Bros.' basettall team played! n gHiae here with the (cum of the local i:k>, 17. It was for the benerlt of Ueo. I,conard, a furmer clown, and about s*uu was turned over lo him . . Vidoriu Bodino. a tKirelwck rider wllh Ulngllng Bros." Circus, was left here, at the iM-otesdint Hospitnl, suffering with an attack of typhoid fever Patrick Conway's Ithaca Bund entertulnud. large crowds at ludlanolu Park 17. The Burlow Duo gHve two pcrrormnnces each day during ... the week, and drew good crowds. Heed Bros. '*" h * re ' "'umliltins. T«m Moore. Wolf and urn engaged for week of 1!T. Lee Hen nick /<"deiia, Uoniten and lillotison, and Arn- and Bert Brown, uf the Crsud Opera House, " have opened » distrlhuHng com|ianv. and am hilling Collins' Cardcn, Little Bai-arls and Svliii iter's Harden Fntuk \\\ Cooke, man- ager or "My Wife's Family" Co., Is spending the off season ut his bone here, and nas en- gaged as adverllslug agent for Olvntungy Park Ollle xoung and Brother, and Stanley Dawson, who are wlfb the RingMng Bros.' Clrcas. spent tnauv m tileasant liour with their relatives and old friends during , their stay herv. .... .Cltniie* BrHgg. who was eoanriied with the High Street Theatre dur- ing the past season, will la? advance agent for the "My Wife's Family" Co;, next season. i ■ ■ Vonngatonn. — At Idora Park (E. Stan- ley, mnnagert giaid pnrronage enjoyed the hill, wiil.'h ■included: Jos. It. Kettler. Then- do re ItiKk and Hessle Morton, preaenilog "A Iliiral Sulistltute," ii new one net sket'ii, written l»y Mr, Keillor, und receiving lis Initial lwrformanee here; the act la a clever one, and wns nblv presented and took well. Senator Frunk Bell, Bean and Hamilton, Camllle rersoni, and ihe raulls did veil, Wonnioekel At (he Baftf I-ake Tk* nlre iff. B. Xye, manager) the programme for week of June 25 Includes: Johnson, Davenport and Lodplht. In The Pas* Ball Players and the Farmer:" Mr. and M' - Harry Thome. Beth Stone, the Ksterbrmihs .. and moving plat ores. Kelly and Hartleii. John and Lefevre. the Schubert -(juartetle, Threi* Rl« Brothers, Alta Yolo, and Marin" and Klein and Klein. und Deane proved good drawing cards last Bijou (Thomas & Potts, managers). — week. Vaudeville. Illustrated Kings and motion pit- Note.— Washburn & D'Alma's Animal hftfiw tures continue to show siitlsfMctory business, wet wltb approval, and did good business is. Ami-iii can* Co.\ci:kt Oardi:\ (l-Tiink V\ts- 10. ter. nwnHgerl. — Free vnudcvllle keeps tbls resort packed nightly. Newport SUcedy's Freebody Park TV- lfc __ .. . ,. . . ., . ._ . atre opened for tbe season June 18, Mne Coe, (he Mallard BroK. and the Three Troubadour*. Oiipimi'm Kins Son. manager!.— Bill for week of 2o : Lyric Comedy Four, Barlow and Kane. Ilnegel Bios., Mile. Adair, and new pictures. . ■ a ■■ - Santtnsky.— -At Cednr Point Pleasure He- Rorl U»eo. A. Boerkllng. manager) the at- tendance, week or June 17. contTuneti on the I nr reuse. Mnck and Hlllott. comedlnus: Ll7- zle Xi'lleu. Irtck plnulsi ; Berger Bros., acro- bats, mid look ami Stevens, comedlnns, eom- liosed tit* vaudeville bill. •»» Tt(E TnrATBE of Ants, Barcelona, Spain, was destroyed by Ore .June 11, injuring Mobile. _a- the Monroe Park Tbeatn (M. A. alcDertnott. manager) the second week by tho Wills Musical Comedy i"o. "P 1 * " to good tiuslnewi June 18. -Tim bill for tw lirst half nf the week was "Sweet Wj* The bill for latter half of week t* ■"* Cborus Girt." W. 8. Wills sang riiirtng j« week "The Havana Limited," « pretiy wain snug, ci imposed by C. W. (Buss, of ' nls ,V j, in compliment to Ihe Molille and »hl«» i«»* road Comoanv. Mr. Wills used coined m lerns In the cborus, and was clad In regn-a- lion uniform. ,„,. Notes.— The mutowope roniinties <",""'" large crowds! o Monroe Park nightly, neiore Ibe theatre The Hying bun*" lin " 1 ,„ Joying large |ni trounce. Nearly fmir '«" sand rode Sunday, if 1** Lyric HI* ntre Is going n rnpldlv ; Ihe walla are m*rv complcied, while the ateel girders «"' """ being plared In position, and there k**'3 pronpert that Hie house will be ready i«f bustucsa early In September. JUNE 30. THE TSTEW YORK CLIPPER. 519 INDIANA. Indianapolis — At 'the Park Theatre (Dickson * Talbott, managers! the Rebecca Warren 8tock Co. appeared In "Romeo and Juliet" week of June 18. to -bij business. Faibbank. — Maude Rockw*H and the Fair- Lank Orchestra scored heavily week of 18. Patrick' Conway's Band 2.1. • J -- Wosdcb land.— Belle Cordon. Sheet's Dog and Pony Snow. O Kiira'a Japanese acro- bats, aod Castellane and Yolo .drew big busi- dOas 18- • ■ ' '"' : -■'•'■ * - .Write Citt. — George Connell and the Hermans appeared at tola resort 18. Busi- ness waa good ■ Sorts.-— Hector Fuller, dramatic editor of The intiianupoiiM tffios, baa aerered bU eon- oertlon with tbe paper, and will go to New- York to' engage In tbe newspaper business. Ammons and Du Bola, of tbe Crystal circuit, have leased a new theatre, now In course of construction, on South Illinois Street, by Valney T. Malott. Tbe theatre will be called the Crystal, and will beat first class modern fireproof construct loo." eeatfna; about 1 600. Reese Trobrldge will be local mana- ger. He nnnounefs the house wilt be readv fate In September: the policy will be cou- Tlcuuus vmidi'vilk' at popular prices. — -<> I »■ — ■ Evanavllle. — At 'Cook's rark (Harrv Laiirance. manager), fn spite of cold and rainy weather, continues to draw good crowds. "The House of Trouble.'* carousel, penny arcade, roll-a-way end theatre are doing their share. Fine, attractions are offered every week. The lie: of vaudeville Included for week of June IT : Mme; Rtnmv and bet pets, LVDeArlen, Scott and Wilson, the Ozavs. the Two Racketts, Andy Rice, and the klnetoscope. Mme. Binmy and her pets made such a decided hit, the week of 10, thai her engagement waa extended. Oak Summit Park offered a good list of attractions week of 17, and good crowds attended every show. The attractions In- cluded : Fannie Frankel, Master Slater, War- ren and Brockway, Gordon Eldrld, Melville aod Conway, and tbe kinodrome, >*OTRB. — The new TVells Bijou Is begin- ning to take the stupe of a big building, and wllf undoubtedly he one of tm handsomest theatre* In this section The Clnclnnatua .Amusement Co., In giving the "Feast and Furies," for the benefit of the Elks, had very bad weather to open with, but tbe onea who did brave Hie storms were rewarded. One performance was given In a hard rain Fvausville Is to have a Chautauqua, July 4- 18. and great Interest is being manifested. V 17. Archer has Charge, and as this la tbe first attempt nt anything of this sort here, people are eagerly looking forward to It. ■. ■ < -i » Frankfort.— At the HI Inn (Langebrake & Hufford. managers) the State Music Teach- er** Association June 2G-2U. Tbe 1)111 lu- eludes: Louis Ebel, pianist; Pretro fJberadl, Tenor; fllldegard Huffman Hiijw, soprano; Henry Holden Kuss, pianist: Clarence Dick- inson, pipe organ; Sybil Sainmls, soprano; Leon Mnrx, violinist; Harold Henry, pianist; Jobn Miller, tenor; Julie Hive King, pianist; Berrlck Von Norden, "tenor: Theodore Van Yorx, tenor; Bruno Stemdel, 'cello; Franz Itte. violinist, and Marlon Oreen, basso can- lame. Crystal (J no. H. Ammons. general roann- ger). — Week of 2?n Howard Potfton, Berrlaa and Mnckln, Joau Miller. <.'aylor and Jeffer- -on. uud citas. nnd Jennie Welsh. Packed bouses week of 18. MICH 10 AN. Detroit.— At the' Temple Theatre (J. U. Moore, manager) a first class bill plHyot to standing room unly. Week of June 1*5 : Wll- lard Slam*, Howard jinU North, Byers and Hermann, Arthur and Mildred Boyluo. Camp- bell and Johnson, Mme. Latin ttfch, Stanley end Wilson. Harry Kdson and klneroerapb. WSIIHU [K. 1). Stair, manager i .— Crowded houses all tbe week. The Tlolden Co., In "The Denver Kxpreas," 2fl. ' CHTst.il (J. J. Xish, "manager,.— Walt. -ra and Bates, Lyater and Cooke. King and Wil- liams, James Dunn. Jack Erwln, Anson Scbtr- ' hart and the klnodroae. - - • Ms ■ . ■ a> ■ — Bay City — At the Bijou {J. D. Pllmcre. numuger) the Millard Bros., Casey and Craney, Beach and Beach, In "The Irish Fortune Teller ;" the Great McRobej, Charles Roche, and the hlogroph drew large audiences week of June 16. ' .-,* Wewo^a Beach Casino (U *ff. Richards. manager).— The followlng'blll was prteented week of 17 : My lea McCarthy end company, .in "Tbe Race Tout's Dream;" Billy Clark, the Four Comedy Hilla", RedfOTd and Wln- < neater, Ferguson and Tassmore, and the klnetoscope. Fair business ruled. Notes. — Heiman A. Schroeder, formerly of this city, and known on tbe stage as M. A. Sheldon, died 10, at Bt. Louis, Mo. Be played in Krouman'e companies. Battle (reek.— At the Bijou : Beach and Beach, Vinton add Clayton, O. H. Roberts and dogs, the De Monoes and Muz- zlemnn's educated pigs. * Casino Pahk (BoTrd &. Daken, managers). — Business' continues light, owing to unfa- vorable weather, as tbe show Is good. Week of 2-1 Includes: Fred Wyckoff and company, Mltrliell and Love, Lucy and Lucter, and Mc- Donald aod Hughes. p. -- — , Urand Rapid*.— At the Ramopa Theatre i'I.uii lu- I.amaler, manager) vaudeville at- tractions week of June 24 are: The Four Alvlnes. the De Lucys. Janes and Ryan, the Musical KlelstR. Harry Sears, and Rstella Wordette and company. ' (JouKHoT's Pavilion (Chan. Rod fro v, mao- hk-i'i — Attractions for week of 24 are: Dixon uud Field, Howley and Leslie, Lydell ami Rntterwortb, .11, Norton, and Wllllnauoa and Gilbert. ■ » e CANADA. Wgm P ost Office. In Virdrr t«» tavald mlitftltre and tu luaore tbe prompt delivery «f the letter* odTertlaed In "this Hot, aaa • nVeiopt- plainly addrealaed juuit h« ■•>»C to* each 'letter, and * T frvltteaa ord*r for the letter, alartted wltV tfo fall name and addreaa end tbe line *>t baalaaeaa followed by tbe aeader, maat.alao be eneloaed. rtrsir moDilna the date' (or man- lier) of the CLIPPER In which the letter* aeaat for were advertised* LADIES' LIST. Atfaertoa. ArtMf Fietnont. Irfttllc Mlfmon. Helen Anderson.— At the Crystal Theatre (W. W. McF,weu. manager) week ending Juue 83; Billy Tamm. In "Tlie Dancing Mau ;" I-Jdward Hart, Mile. Bessie and 'company. Ferne Shlmer, la illustrated songs: Lo-mmint and Pnulette. and tbe klnodrome attracted large audiences. e* I m:\v jlhsi: v. Newark.— At Proctor's (F. F. Proctor, manager) distinctive bills overcome the draw- back of warm weather, and large attendance continues. "Henry.' Mars' artistic impersona- tions head ; the current bill, "wltli van Al- atyne and Henry. Lillian Shaw, and Coin's dogs featured. Paul Barnes, Mareena, JMa- varo and Mareena, Rado and Bertram, and Herbert are Included In the Interesting list. An excellent bill pleased large houses week of June 18, particularly the Laaky-Ro-lfe Quin- tette, Winona Winter, and Three Diamonds. Oi.rMric Pabk (C, Wafers, manager).— The uewedmers in tbe Aborn Opera Co. were appreciated last week, each receiving due approbation. The opera of "Boccaccio" fatlsfled large audiences. "Olivette," (he current week, is receiving tbe same careful rendering, with good results, "The Black Hussar" Is announced for July* 2-T: Elkctmc Pabk (C. A. Dimlnp, manager). — nretta i ■ Hi ::i. ijvt. <;rcv Kaiberlne tirky. MAry I win Susie dlranl Kilter* Henry, Ms) Dfii-ti.nv, Veils Iloirlwuori, Nellie Hall 81Mers Hall. Viola Heasllna, Klste Hermaou, Adelaide Hawthorn Mnnel Hall, GKirgv Hall. Qeorgle Harlln. Bf-airlet UonllnB". Jeanette Hatbawiy MrsU lioward- Suiltlj. I*it Holmes, .Mrs. u Hnves. ftertie Ileum Mrs. 1'oui [Iuwte4l, 3a«Hi> huiightoii, ' Qlailyii Hunt. Alperloe Hunter. :L Rtitaltelh Itxlliawoy Alice Hoyle, Diirolti; Irvine, (ii.idi- Dinillam Clara IC Jer.Hlitijs. Jeimle Montreal.— At tbe Theatre Francals (F. W. I.e Clair, manager) the Fuller Stock Co. cdntlnitrs to du good business despite the warm 'weather/. "The Fiemj nirl" week of Jfine" 17, "Child Slaves of 'New Vbrk";i4-ni>. Dominion Park '. W. Beasley, Wm. T. Kelly, and Seymour's comedy doga. ■ ■ » WEST YIlK.iMA. 1 1 1, i, l>- -'.■!! ". Leslie I i|uil Vera I)olon->. Mtllle. Karl. Virginia Kllwood, Mae Kweln. Mile. t Contort ion.) rilinore, Maliel ; Evans Co.Lesll*! FincrDon. ' t • ' Florence Kvans, .1 ■■■*'. - Klh »..rc surer* }:*irl»-. Ji..rrtjV FmmerHO.n Mai-y Fltklnn. Once ? Florlne, Mile, l^ter, NpHle Fair. CordfiltiO. Forbes, Marlon Flake. Mrs. O. T PnaawaB, BpIIit FnSter. Mable Puller Mrw.W.n F. urine, Miss FlneeeMld. Eva Flnlora. Sibyl Jewell. II rii Jcrmou. Irene Kelly. Julia Kenton. Dorotby Keaoedr. Mrs. Wnlr King, Vera Klare, t\stherlu keen. Marie Nil. Lei Cnarlotli Lorelaiul Fnnilly Quint r.iilnriuii Miss A l ijt lui: Carrol Llijole, I.voti Lytle, Ethel Lvwls. Isabel p, t**ter, Nina I. -i.e. MNh B. i.hIiv. i-Vlna Llmlley, I.ueilu Lnwreace. Mrs. II. K l.ee. Oeorpfa I.:1MII, ll:lU- I.D1!. i. Mats) feouunl; tlrarc l.ii -Murr. MruiOt l.lvlll){>t01l. I.;-' Me Al.t-l Martin. BlaiK-helWrOIti, Jeunl" Mnory, Stells , Mbran, Pauline Mrnwn, Rllan Muore, 01 are Meek. Anna Morrlxon, Josephine Mnurer. Row Moiiltnti. Bes«e Mltcliell, Rose Mulilillifl. Alia Mnorl, famllle Miller. Kdltli I Meredith 1'virli' Kltrhell Mr«. F Msrlon, Delia Monroe. bVniili Ulllerao. ' Ma.lcllo* Mnrcllle, KMtenin Neiivltle.;Miae. Nlemeyer Kubj ^or^h, HaV Nlemerer, Mermlna Overinu- Walker. Ada O'NVIl. Miss Olta, PrlDceui I inni, Anna t'omern.v, Annl* I'otneroy, lola Perle *Dlamont Inter. Adele I'lunkett, nstell Reere^. A'l.tirf Illngle, Gerirn.l Rehan. Adrletia Heed. Maude Hotli. Msrlon ltowe. Hay i:i:iii.-i'.v Hi r«..R«sp rttein*-. Cecil SulilWil Mr-. W Starr. Svlrla Stuart, Knuuni MJo^mxi i'iiulluf ^oii : v ,■ ,, Clara Thorker, ((oldie 'llieku, Mme. Traiib. Mrs. A. Tlinnias. -SiHie rhfra, I. ni i Tn-e. laoe Thnniloil Clars Tnrfnp. I.ltiie Webb, Drirotby Wood. 01 tf! MBm Dara Wycberty. • Mnrjjnret Ware. Helen Woo«1sbor|»e. Kffle Cardncr. Da*c Ctbl.ler. Wm. Ut.alvJ. Wm. l|rmcl«>li. MoCi*. l.oui- ii,.i\ii itro*. Mrwlette. Hob Hume. Dick Uarirj. B-rt . Ilolaie*. Cba*. HutrjlnaoD. Fred fi. Hefron. Tlxv*,J. litrrKi|i Bros. Hcrl-erl. aioaa. Hnrenicn.1 J. II, UnrrR J«*. M. llllllard. W. K Bastaas, The Hvliml. J. J. RermabM flre.it Itiixron a Dnlli* 11c1::h. ffn. Rsnle) . M. R. Uetbert. Dr. 1-e* (2c, > Hlllianl Harrj Hoaan, Hrae-ti Hollnml. .Moiitpuncry Halrht. <). ii lleaton, J, X Hater)}-, Totu llearn. x. Wenlertoii Mr*, ■ ' 'Praiik H. Whestjii, Imu Wlmlou, Mae Wilson. Arlone ITeat, Madeline Wallace, Do- rotby D. Wade, Vera Wilmn .Slwcrs Tsle, Aonle York, Julia UKVTLKttESf'S LIST. Adair. Kdnla Arcuer. Mr. A Mrs. San A*h, Ralph Ailsms, Andy Amy. Wo. .Alert, Lew .Mac nti, A. Arnold. J. P. Coasei'a t'M- C'unror, Tlio«. (.'a r roll, lou Clifton, H. H, Creed, Mr. a Mrs. ruixi. Carvel ('lareaco Clockeniicrg Wm Convey, E, H. AaJhwra ArielJ Cllvetie MrlTlin ArmMtrofiK. Wm. I'dwarl Allnn. Kmt M. Ausllu.. Fred 1( A)lo*>. Jack Clark, fleo. DcIUMI — Cl-ltfif. Drew, Carrull Doyle, l-ihvurl I-'Imore, ,TtKN. K^tert.rooks The Keersan, Clate Kills, Harrv T. Klsenlinrtli ft IlenderHon Elwyn, I»me Kehliii l'rof.J.T. f-^khort.'FrPil Kvam Trio Kvain, Tnl hlueriou, Juek F.knrdt. John D. r^ilgertoiH. ■ The Isrretlo Troniie I-^terruok Freil ! ..m ■ KdAJoale l.iirl & WIlHOll Fulton, Mr. Flake, H. U. Malay Kenn. K. J'oa. Roy K. Faust, 'led K. Fields, W. C. Fcnberg Stock Co. Feuton. Murk I'o*. J; 0- 1'ox, Mldw FrnnclKCO. I.DI-. I'lske, Fred Krttbll T.I.nclJO Pletcber, fleo. Wilier. Den J liTplI", I'rank ''lood. P. .Am>ell, 1.. E. .' Cnhtll Fmuk Ajinlninte, Itoy Crollnn, Oluis, II Aif|iiettf Jorac^ Cortea, II. Alert, lew ' ' Craig, Cbas. I, Boyfl, Harry T. Oulllngtun Wnt, Hathrlck. B. It. I'Mnw, Wm. H. Kurch, Cbas. H. Csllnbnn. Mr. ltrlggx, Billy Clmriwhk Jot.U llellolalre Ben|. CtMt, Rddle Hover. Ciiss. W (.'nrmwly. .Inn.!' Peiio, Ix, Jonen K The (JrtatDe I^oag, II. flalfin, Jaa. a. Brcwnl-e ft Dillon, W. A. Goodfrlend. Reed De Rue, Wm. I Oscar L. Burton ftDealoki Davenport Wmll Oordlnler. KnriC Brandt. ITdwunl Deonco ft |(iillIfoy!e. lamm Itettrd. G. K. Klllott niont. Irvlu K. Brl-tol, W. M. Douoghue, J. W. Ratli. Karl IteardiMii (JcoL lie Koln. tJreac -teller, K. K. Reeson. Day, Edatmid Itiallaauer. Dr. Alrln Dev, yrank I Mlward Black. Arthur Devlin, J. M. 'flaurnee l.i-wi.i. Bill. Lucky Dunawfleld D.H Oaylonl; A. K. Bennett. Mark IMIIu ft dracey, W. H. Hrewer, >l , >. Templcton tHIbert. II. F. Hllielow Frsnkll Drake, I^cmaril flieene. t„ I„ ItOKtlck Harry X IhnWvw ft t'lennan John L Rerkel. Chun. ' Caples 'loodfaart. a. ' Ifa-llclHlr BenJ. Hrownrl-Ijre, Harry Dennett. Jack Rlane. Joe f.owmiu. M, b Broth ClarencK R:irtelnii-R, The Rlngtiiim. J. W. ltras. Cut. Drown 0. Will Black, Chas. Barlow ft Wll- w>n Mlnnt. Reattr. Mari.U Biinh-Uerere Trio Ffaogere. rdan RIStnTl. n. Brook", Herert Clark. Harry forming Dog' Clark, AM CurtU A Adioii Cillle, Artie th iiim'Hk'. Mwreoee Donnelly Jhh. B Uol. Chas. |>>jrty, Alf. DrOrronrid Juhu Deaaore. Ton DudaoD, J. £. May. Fred Morton. Walter Marshall. Bert ' Murray. Mr. MurtJIHIC, ' Harry MhIIIicwa. J, •:. Mpselr. M. a. : J.lcCrrany.T. R. HrOna Bemad Mark*. Olnrencf MeXar^v. Franklin Urland, Chas. Reed's (lice — * Artlata It.ijni.nul. "W. U lU'MrM.111. Cliaa. ltlley, \V. F. Radltil, Jerotue Rtiwlfy ft tiu.v Raymond, H. M. til.*|ill0lbtl Raid. Al. Ritdd. Jiw K..-e. Juik Martell, Ollter i Renfrew Kdirnrd Mcrrt.'nd. INllicrt. Mick . Harry l*. Rofen. Frank MI"keU, ileo, (Rtak. 4Mawr iioe. Olaf It. no. Deiniv Melroae, 1 WIIoon'Rose. Wm. J. Rockircll. J. C. iii«™, H. fcibesk, Frtstrk-k Murray, Tom Met aft 1 1. Cba*. Mario. John Mflttaaige, At.- \lnrl-lo. Win II. Mnrtlndell. Rd. MIlMn. Walt, V. Morrell, Frank Melnnl. R. HlK. C t.. Morflawl. A. H. Mortini.tr Frtil MaiirnnH, The .MtirrlKun, 'iho*. Meyrow Fraiiktl Shelly OnrrcttO. Mmou ft Iturdur Sylvan ft i i'Nt/il Sarrwiy, ntllvri Smith. Frniik A Strieker, Wiu. Mew iris, MUhIc SsnndiT*, Ianw Solomon Ahribain Soiheru Co., (Iiatui. l..tM]tr Hockey Harry (..Mark. An.lrr-w Suilih. R. II. nearn, W. Moaber. Dnuah- sully Co.. Henry. Hi nm ft Moslior Daulrl (Mxr. Hntl, Geo. F. iMiirooitlt. Jsck f>berldan. I'lill He iiiliM* JnuJr Marlmi ft Dean Salbbury, Mr. ft ilnihea Chns. O llferrla. Loul* Halady, ISeo. V Hall. Cnn« Mature Wartl B Mrs. flu.. Mien, dco. W. fomer. Oini* Movli-. M. A. .Scliiurlcr. |jv W Miller, Ham *MH>tnro, Holu Hefe'ron. Tom H M»<*oy, Bertie Buyiler. Bud Mi-Wallers ft ISclilltonye Nick MK« T.VMf>n Nhwnrii, Jean M'haw, W. J. Mi. i, ii. 'II. Ueortic Mlfltetnnn. T. Marshall Hen. ' Mrllermittl Hat Mill- U. 11. Mai hews ft Harrl) Minting. — Mnl.iiii'v. Hilly McFiirliuie Tlitis .M..Jr.-rv. Jack Mvern. Alt. .MorrlK. I.n»n Mellow. Cba. . Mack ft RHoit linlatend. A. J. M f imelli. Joe li.irrH. i>*j. K. nekton, Wally Hittdliil. II. llHTtlOll. J.PIlU Herbert. II. Ityde. Robt. D. llnnard, Seas, F, Harris fleo. R. Howe, Rrneat Itnlfttlt A l>(iu H.llldJV. Geo. Hurrls, Frtnk llrrumniid Blllle llerterr. Rert Miller, R. C. Hnlicc. -Intifi llatnllloii, Mn tiler Irwin, .Ivlm M Her, Burke ft McDonald lij-.iMfT. llorer F Irwin. -Ibck S, Ireland. Fred J liiccrwll, J.v, i Irelnuil Freil J Janes, J. Ana- .It-wen, Jor> •Ikcnlts asonlell .Miriniiii, 4'.ir. J. -T -r-v f; A. .'iiinp", Arthur Jordan , Joaenn -Lines. Urn. XV. • hincahi, Burt W Kinmkin. ues i Keuneity ft Wllklns Kubel'r, Chas. Kellnm. I^e J. Kulll. M. J. Kellehcr, M.J. Knul. N'-l- lih-mjr. R. Keiifmnil. R. D. K lens m vs. The Kellar, I'nif. H Koliler, Otto Kellen Jl Hart Rnne, den, Kelly. Tlios. T. Klkey. BdWsrd Kendall, Kara Kober. W. KucMer Clias.H Kflmy ftltrltTim Kelly, Hioi. J. Kennedy. Tonj KclleyA Vloletle KeiniMlv, Mr. Knrlsnu Hrent Kejiny. J. C. Ki+kr, A. R. Knliler, Gea. M, Keiidjth', Herliet (iRrlen. Jam Klmbull ft iPstloii, U. I,. - Donovan llawla ft Vau Ulnadon, Itexh.l Kiiiifiiuii Kane. Joseph M Potter. Henry H. Kassle, Mr. -Trouty Clar. T. l.nfayette tlreat I'tttler. H. B. Mm MOCHI. I.cno Mark. R. R. MrPheiTMrti Mul Mam ft AlAi Mayne. Kraak Mi '.ii!t. I . V : i MrAniy. I>. "Mack. lUn F. M.l..-, Three Nnwo. FrankW, Sorrla.A ■•*, , tlda-c'x Circus Norlw, Wm n* w!n:i. Billy a N-wHI ft NIM.i' .Vfwnl.it->!|. ■ ■ Mnrrla Hrrecker. N. J Nil le. Fred Nrlaon, I'Jirle Meweyer Julli Dtlell, J. (1, ti'Ijiiigtillii MaJ. (I'Brlen. Neil Ott, fh-o A. (i:iv,t. ioi. Ci'ri:ir;i AWntwn riclMM'nwerk Mr. fUinlcruna, Mr. 1, Rich. It. sm-.it-.. rVrn Kwenluiitu Willi* Stumors, wart, J Kotnera, Mnrllti clmx, .lea. SuHiTlnr. ,liii>h Slifinird Shtni'v Miprniiin. Iliiii . Milllvnii. t)mi njitei' ft BurkU'y AFIlhuru Rwralnam, i.om!i-inl Bros. I.uena Bros. I^WIh. Andy 1.1 SMt Co. I. ii Belle Trio I. It VotklOtt. , — I..-0: itr, K. D. l.lndNey. Rayu. :,i.:i . 1 1 . Henry !.••■ Prof II. vi . I* Rov, Mr. ft Mm. It. R. l.i-e. I All (I. l.owman Clar. ,1 i.r*i« Rnrl Vf. U'wIh, Ottritr I^lKbtiu. Harry Maka ft King Lynn, He* i.* Rarr. Gen I>e. Htirry W. Locke ft Adams T,afiretle Great Llesn, Wm. liiwrle, Jsn. I.QTlne. Arthur i* Ror & Lnmnlon %jeo, Louts I'. ■ I arklb", John Lawrence, Pete I,o been ft Cro-rt l.ii il-i'.y ft Cbult Lurcilu. Gird Lie* ell tii, flit). I.tiwanle. Dhi-ih 1 Lnfayclle. L. I/>yil, Ohaa. 1 ninplieliner, Mai I.c-,-1- Nul I Mii'11-.ter, Tom Low ray Uroa. 1 uimJinrne MumIc Co. T.nv p*. The I.;.'*"- 1 ft ' ':■;-* I^wIn, Andy l.lwn, Wm. I^e*. Tbe Lanaley. Fred l.ii brew. I'nul L ". Rue, II. B. l-M'ilfv ArthurR Manoro; — HMM, Fred Mack ft Armour Minto, Tom ferry, John H. i'owrm. Wm. . I'atier'ion, Al. ■ I'rlce, Harry l\ I'.iU, ColHna ft' I'm.im.'i. Slutr- IVarl, Billy I'ulmer, L-w I'unty. It F. t'roro. (Ireut (JiiKilcr) I'liyden, F. K. . IVrry, Jack leuiwy. (i.Alt.i. Cowley, Wm. I't-'ot, F.ftAmilv rnlii. Clnlirlel I'crle ftDliununl 1'rrlle. Chan. PH Amer. Elec Carnivj) Co. I'lerii', F. Marlon I'allon. O. L. 1'rokon. ChaK.lt I'urtfllos. The I'otrerw. Hurry Pattermn, Ham 1'rtee Q ft Josli Parklnwn. W. (liilaley, MM, Uululati. Dan Rose, John KlIHM-ll ft Raymoml Rnynanl, Rd. KniiiotT. Israel IIpiWk. The Riley. Frank Royal. Harry Willi- I*. HuilllflH ft .11 llllll'l'l Hlimt. .1. M. Mi.TJirlll, I i , I 1} 'llrliu. H.-nJ IViniih'Hii) JaaLf Tiainatiari Gen. II Tenn«y, R. 'rnrner. Frank.!. Trtriinrc*. Play fawem, d.ivi.i Tinner, (I. II. Towtwnd. C. A. THIVI'M, Miiiil.'i TltnrnliHi, Jn<«. "'aytor. Tel. Teel, Geo. M. Taylur, Itnliih Tburlwr. 1'hll II 'llior. M. TIkiiiiiim ft I'syn Tally, (lur 'IV"wier. Win. Taylor, W. II. Lrnrer. tin Veriinn, Carl Vevet, flntn. \iii, Wotnly Vim. Hilly 1L "ii)iuihii, riiim.r. Viniiiu. Waller Vnlno, Hurry Wlavitt. It— n WnlierH,' JtnVH WIsBln, H. L. \\.inl, Jolili U. Wllllsma Frcilli Weston, wmia Wliilleld, Dm. M'lieiau Chrln M'ltnoii. Tinn I,, walker, . C. Ltirciie,? Walxhl, G. F. WlkolT, Mr. ftMrs,Wlll Wuldn, Win M'iknn ft Fntoii Wo lab t. ffattts HM.Oeltl, ll"o. Wculey, lAntin WllwHJ, Cliln, H Wumlal.tr, Win, Waldron, Jue Wallers. Cb. Waldorf ft Al elide?. Ward, C. W. WiiHiiltiirn IjmW Whicbrsier V..U Wlcka. Qajawti Wurdu, Alt. Work ft Owen Wnllx, A Hi. C. Wlckx. John Will!. in Dure Whitley ft Hell Wllllaino. Gin Wilson ft in. ii Wackevcii Rtajpai Wlillney, Mr. or Mrs. li. A. w.inncii aiu.Cj. WIImiii M.ii D. Wnddcll, Knil Wnrlil. .loltn W. u'niiuii, Fred Wlntera, Hhl WHIIutiif. IJ tck Wokel'M-, Munt. Whltealilc, W'ilMli. Walker Wrlidit, Mr inter Dr. SJmrly Wortlilnatdii. CIl.lM. Wllaoii. Geti. X Wells, i;. I'llnv Yniilitc, IbiiierM Karifiw. Dick Zlnniicniinii WR Z<-h, Jolly firepiie, C. M. Hontsii. R. (lesslny Droa. (Ileoror JnriuJ.a ttoMAn AMiirny 'iiltore, Harry ■ ii itr.-i, n'alt. Cuodwlii. Sat Ollhaereliy Tony f'ojiten, «{«,. F. ilrCve. J. GorrVin ft Bf-nnelt GRiney, Woi. Flair ft IVachea Gnlna, r, i !■-..■ "Wrav, I'. Grey. TkmU\ flnliien. Jui-k nolns. fias Gray. i'hHii[> (Glnes Jack Gracey, W, N. Qordfa, L. B, Hl.liur.lt, II. II. Kdhln I'.imctK- Ryan Co., ' Daniel (Marl Rosa. (lout. B. Ii.nir-M.-iH. Chna. IhibliiNin F,na*me itiiam ft Holluiiil Howe. Harry Hire. W. 1L Raynrs, Jn|>n A . ItorTcrly, Ja», 11 Hosell. W.GHu. It ij-itminl ft Itayinflml naaaaiatrl ftMay Howe, Harry Rollins, Ii.ilf.n lUwIn, Will SICK NOTICB AT IIKAD OF LIST. KOH NA.1IPLKS. LATEST SHADES, FINEST FINISH, HEAVY QUALITY, YARN DYED. T'ie ln'.f MHaj itiadu fur wear and uiiuearaiii'a, AImu n full llii.- of lower |irlueil SATIN.H In all •diadeH. FILMS. FILMS. FILMS. 4U,UIU fi»et of Kilni Tor Kith' ctirii.it, ffiitiin 1 and Hliorl HUhJf.'ls; I'osi'aud Sri|mut(t|e HIlilfH, SV« per alidi', the kswt made uouili', Lsaarare aud Hong Hiiiles. from IAb, tu Wi, por slidti. (iniiipleic set of Hau PranvlHco hlsaftcr/IHtw. one Lut.iu Movlutr naQsTf Head, Siri.uu, Send lit ruronr imi - Kuln lists. U. h , II VLLJb i!U.,_90W K. fiTth Ht., (Jlilt'sgo, 111. ~' WAM'ni) m KK, Ktilt Delke's Concert Cp., (Joiiicdlan that ran rlianue for wcuh. Stab' lowmt aalarj ; pay ;t. Nu tatwy MalitrlL-H, guua irtHittnoiii, money mire. Addnos KRNKof II. JOflNMJM, care of .lulinsou's 'Jticutre Co., Tripoli, la., JtiimiM, -jamidiiO; Htuunur, July 'A :t, aissl 4. BIS OPPORTUHITY-Fortj Foot Track Merry- OO-'KODNI), 24 Ilunaa and 4 (IharioiH, run by eld-irk- motor; Wit. Round Tern, KNTIBKLyNKlv; Ml. Platform around manhlnu. Kvi-'iyililiig lu Al Cundltlon. Now running in the must popular sum- mer park hi Worcester, Haia, Can he rented or bought (ititrJfrht Ufa low llgitre. Address UKOHUK O. I'KAHOK.Nn. It uciient Ht., WoRtsslsr, Haas. At Ijlwrty, A Real Sketch leam who has, can, ami will dnllver iha auods, Lady, planu player: Kent., id I comedy, lint Ilutcli. Malui v must [)(• rlnlit. Ohnngf ulti-ri. C'liy Med. Co. a prufciTcij, TW-knta, Hrihtin. utf.i, shnwanuHwifr quick, Uliettpuuijulcimil littt niritiiya, tio. Addrtsa TIlKllKi.MAlW.+JUHniltliHt.. Hclii'iuM-iiulv.N.i'. CHASE-CLEMENTS CO. " m W ANT S~ Al (leu. Hum. Man wltT strnng H, crliilty. Ollinr CsitrtH 1'iHiph-, writ n. Htiti.niii iirm ictii-r, (.'aii't usu whiakoy. Mil-! lulu lit asana. Wrlltt or win*. Mgr-.ln okliilii.iniuUKl Khiimii* »uih1iichii time, II. P. OLKMKNTH, MOIL. fV»it H.:ult. Khiiwh. ~ AT IJIIKlUI FHH HI'MMKH, . JNO.W.ROST, NOVELTY JUGGLER. ZZZ 701 MADIHDNNT.. ratiUill, Ohio. BASEBALL NATIONAL LEAGUE. :t»OJL,o CROI :^IJS4. With llr.ii.kly i>, July ■., II, I, *. AMERICAN LEAGUE. AMERICAN LEAGUE PARK. With Bmluii, Juna PT». !i«, *». RACING. COHEY ISLAND JOCKEY CLUB, S»liiM3i>ali«.*(.c! Ho.??', .11 Mi .l-.H'I.V .0. Ik I. S. B., Mlh SI. Voiry. 520 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER June 80. RE8PECTFULLY CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO THIS IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: 11/ f" Realize that you cannot afford to begin another season without the very Best Material, by the very Best Writers. WW Ei We guarantee our material to be the Best, and that the Best Writers in the Country write exclusively for us! FOR INSTANCE: THERE IB NO BETTER BAT.T.AT) THAN ■V4HBIB> AMU WOOD THERE IS BUT ONE SUMMER MARCH SONG ON THE MARKET, AND THAT ONE IS ALICE, WHERE ART THOU GOING? THERE IS UNO NOVELTY SONG QUITE SO GOOD AS WHY DON'T YOU TRY? THERE IS BUT ONE COWBOY LOVE SONG AND THAT ONE IS CHEYENNE THERE IS BUT ONE RECOGNIZED COMIC SONG, AND THAT ONE IS THE POOR OLD MAN THEN WK HAVE FOR YOUR PERSONAL USE WALTZ SONGS 4i)KR«A\ NUMRERS novelty songs cowboy songs stein songs sourrette songs juvenile songs CONSISTING o F" SPANISH NUMBERS ORIENTAL NUMBERS CONVERSATIONAL SONGS INDIAN SONGS LOVE SONGS KID SONGS FLOWER SONGS .JAPANESE NUMBERS INCIDENTAL NUMBERS COMIC SONGS COON SONGS MARCH SONGS TRAMP SONGS IRISH SONGS PROP IN AMP HEAR THEM, AND WHEN YOU MAKE TOUR SELECTION, THE SONO IS FOR YOUR PERSONAL USE. NOTICE TO REPERTOIRE AND STOCK COMPANIES. SLIDES READY ROR TME FOLLOWING SONOS: WHEN THE MOCKING BIRDS ARE SING ING IN THE WIL0W0OD. DEAR OLD DIME LAND. ALICE WHERE ART THOU GOING WHY DONT YOU TRY ? WE PARTED BY THE RIVER, GRACE AND I. fiOOO BYE MAG6IE DOYLE. CHEYENNf. YOU TELL ME YOUR DREAM. ATOP OUR ]VE\A/ IB ALL A P, READY AUGUST 1. OUR PRODUCE JACK MAflKW, RS '\AflUL. STAGE YOUR NUMBERS FOR YOU. BILLY KENT, HARRY MoCONNEJLL. OUR PIANISTS WILL PUT HUNDREDS OF MANUSCRIPTS FOR YOU UNTIL YOU FIND THE RIGHT ONE. GEORGE BOTSFORP, WWI. McKENIMA, J. W. WINNE, ALBERT CUMBLE. ITE PROFESSIONAL 'DEPARTMENT. WHEN IN r m r a r n m - H0MER H0WAM * ,lL TAKE m 0F m l when n etd hit cail at the remick builoinb, LnltAuU BRAND OPERA H0U8E BLDfl., B7 CLARK ST. I IN ULj IlUl 1 1 WITHERELL STREET. JEROME H. REMICK AND COMPANY, •» JUNE 30. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 521 THE PAYMASTER — *—* — UNQUESTIONABLY THE CLIMAX OF A LONG 8ERIE8 OF BIOCRAPH HIT8. •-•ngth, SI art. THE HERO. It la generally conceded that "The Paymaster" is to Motion Picture productions what '-Shore Acrea la to toe stage, Taken In a beautifully picturesque New England mill town, and enacted by a troupe of well known and very high class actors. It leaves nothing: to be desired In the wav ofreallsm. 8ome of the great scenes: The Birthday Fete ; the Heroine at Work In a Worfett Still (the real thing! ; Robbery of the Pay Itoll ; Blot of the Mill Hands; Burial M wtjaoaej by Moonlight : THE DOG DETECTIVE, and. finally, THE ORBAT RESCnBjB' THE K*~ for moving plc|ltt 3B MILL DAil, the moat thrilling and realistic stunt ever done latest IVoveltiessi THE TILLAGE CDT-DP (the Finish of a Practical Joker) ■ 57511 "23," Or TEE SKIDDOO BEOS. IH SOCIETY ■ ■ - 1,000ft THE LOST LEG OF IUTT0H (1 Screaming Chase) ■ . 256ft ERUPTION OF IT. VESUVIUS (Genuine) 345ft. k RIVAL EHG16EIERT (Comedy) 225ft. SI»KC1AJU t Gaumont's New LIFE OF CHRIST - 2,145ft. AMERICAN MUTOSCOPE & BIOGRAPH CO., faVth S*., NEW YORK. KI.EI5E OPTICAL CO., Chicago. Special Belling Agents. PACIFIC COAST BKAXCHi SSS3 W. Plea St., Lo. Angeles. SEND US YOUR MANUSCRIPT OF SONG POEMS, ORIGINAL MELODIES. Or COMPLETE WORKS, Sow It the tjjtattt) have the in imMlahed. All letter* aniw'red promptly. PIONEER MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., Boom TS9, Manhattan Bldg., CHICAGO, ILL. THE 1906 STTMMEB WALTZ SONG, 'ON A WARM SUMMER NIGHT' FEEE Prolnsflional Copies to Performers inclosing Progrimi. JOHN St'HOMAKEll, Profeilional IHniger. IAD DPiTiV- "Waiting.'' "My Sweetheart la a Soldier Boy," "That Crow Black Nigger nun Dliaui . * Mine," "Jesus Died for Me," "Old Litx Is Dead," "Mary, Darling," "She Wanted to Be a Singer," "The Golden Club," "The Same Old Story," "Life's Song," "Out Automobile," "Memories of Thee," "We All Love the Girls," "Moonbeams," "Old Maid's Bong," "The Stately Hemlock Tree," "Meta," ".My Mother's Wrinkled Hands " "Golden Rod," "When the Summer Days Are Over, Maggie, Darling," "Maud," "If We Should Meet;" "A Scene Id tie Park," "Dear Old Jersey.* JM[E>l^VIt,lVE> MUSIC PUB, CO., SS Wast 88th St., Now York SHOES FOB STAGE, STREET AND EYKNTNQ. EXCLUSIVE 8TTLS8 AID WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. Short a amp and Stag. Lasts always on hand. Mall orders ailed. Fit guaranteed. WILLIAM BERN8TKI*, Tel. tea Madison square. an sixth Ave., near n« st, ■, i. ALL COLORED SLIPPERS MADE TO ORDER IN H HOURS. PLAYS For Stock CcmpaolM, for Reiirtdn Coaiuln, for Aaism. LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE WORLD. Books for home amuse- ment, Negro Plays, Paper, Scenery, Mrs. parley's Wax works. Cata- logue Freel Fre e! Fr ee! SAMUEL FRENCH, IT W. 93d Bt., Haw York. STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO EUROPE ££» Apply tar lowest rates and fall parllealarti to HATMOlTD ii WHITCOJIB CO., U U n Ion fiqo.ro West, Se vr York. Bend Scent stmmp for Tr» Tel t?r» Ooadenaao. GoJd- , CnjAQ • MV Mf-THCD C CnwrC " "The Great Hone Hong." Touches a chord In Oiavt JHI lUUiriDn O QUP,UO. e . er , bean remembering homo and mother. Another i.RJiIIP 1 WrDTf 1 .. T9 PlTPvAT TFD " Characteristic March and Two-Step. You Great One: ***« UsUUliAII inLVflLlLH, 8n0 aid have them and can get them bj KglST SCHDBERT MUSIC PUB. CD., ADDIMIUl BLDG., ILL FUNK & If Os PAINT a H.VlCKKrvs TUBATBB. Calceare. III. rslsooone— Central. 90S. Ssai saw CaUHgws JUGGLERS SUPPLIES- Olabs, Batoi Wlrewalkers 1 Catalog and ' na, anas. Rolling Olohes, Hoops, i' Apparatus, Bo man Azaa. Stamp for lilt. Edw. V»D WfCt ClCClDQJ.U.0. %4£ RmiTc«iiauir THE PERFECT TRUNK. IraWLanvORIlWli TUG HAL PROFESSIONAL TRUNK la the coming ■i , „ trunk; yoa will use it sooner or later. Your money TRUNK& hacairaoipleased. Send^caulo™ jg.» 4-IT7 IT'S ALL TO THE CANDY THJ5 BIGGEST MONEY MAKER ■■ FOR PARK MANAGERS AND CONCESSION MEN Hundred! of Hustlers mads hundreds of dollars last season from oar wonderful ma- chine, but the field was not ont-tentb oorered. Wake up and get la Una — It's the biggest bit of all— a coney colter front the lint m Inula. It's the EMPIRE CANDY FLOSS MACHINE. It tnms a posad of sugar Into SO nickel Dan of candy Is S minute*, wlille tit crowd looks on, and they shell out their nickels as fast as /on can sack the candy. Many BUFIBB machine* are taking In from 180 to 1128 dally. A dead sure proposition for Parks, Resorts, Summer Gardens, Circuses, Baca Tracks, Carnivals Strstt Cornsrt, show Windows or wherever then an crowds of people Operated by hand} or power. No gaa or electricity required. Ho oudy mater needed. Anyone can run It. Ths empire makes a better candy, and makes It more rapidly than any machine yon ever saw. It la of perfect mechanical construction, very simple, will not get out of order, but Is Johnny on the snot at all times We guarantee the construction, and yon can depend on to bags In 8 minutes— and It's nearly ALL PROFIT. The BMPIHB CANDY FLOSS MACHINE la fully covered by .patents. We will pro- tect all purchsscra and prosecute all Infringers. Don't be fooled by cheap Imitations. SEND TO-DAY FOR PARTICULARS and get In Urn with tie winner Bold ont right, without restrictions ea to where II shall be used PRIOESi BAND POWBB MACHINE, with Gas Attachment 1180,00 BAND OR POWBB MACHINE, with Ou Attachment sad equipped with Elec- tric Motor and Attachments, complete 900.09 This machine i. y be operated by hand or by electric motor. Gasolins Ossa- rator for elthsr of the abort machines 11.09 Cash with order It desired, either machine will be shipped C. O. D., with privilege of siaml nation, on receipt of 125,00 WBITB FOB CATALOQUB AND FULL INFORMATION. EMPIRE CANDY FLOSS MACHINE CO,, FI8HER BLDC., CHICAGO, ILL. mi n KANSAS CITY. WE ARE QUOTING SPECIAL PRICES ON COMPLETE LINE OF PAPER. LITHOGRAPH WORK Dlock and Type Work. Heralds, Dates, Etc. All Your Work in One Shipment. We Operate Oar Plant Day and Night the Year Around. Yoa can Depend on Prompt Shipments. COMPLETE LINE OF NEW PAPER IN STOCK FOR LIFE MOTION PICTURES OF SAN FRANCISCO DISASTER. 3-8HEET LITHOGRAPH, 15c. Each. I-8HEET u " .--._- $3 per 100. I-2-8HEET " " ..... -$2.50 per 100. I6-8HEET BLOCK, I Color, 32c Each. 8-SHEET " I " 16c. Each. 3-8HEET " I " ...... 6c. Each. I -SHEET I $2 per 1 00. ACKERMANN-QUIGLEY LITHOGRAPHING CO., 115, 117, 119, 121 WEST 5th ST., KANSAS CITY, MO., SHOW PRINTERS AND LITHOGRAPHERS. MANUFACTURERS OF COUPON THEATRE TICKET8. INECW YORK OFFICE: 301 KNICKERBOCKER THEATRE BUILDING. I Spangles, JLOO Per Pound. Cotton Tights, pair. Worsted Tights, pair. ..$1.00 2,00 Plaited 811k Tlgtita, pair il.w Best Bilk Titrate, 1 goa 9 Inch cotton tops, i *" vg OaLT, Thigh and Hip Fiddlngi. Gold and Silver TrlnimjEgs. Send Deposit with order. TUB BOSTON BKOALIA CO., 887 Washington St., Boston, Mass. M. 8TRAS8MAN ATTOBNBT, tot Broadway. New Tort City WIGS TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, ETC. Aid Ik. Latest and Mod Popular ttylM la Ladlse Hair OrtMl.a, A. M. BtCH & CO., 119 W. Mtetk sHrwwt, .... FUladoIpkla J TTErTRT "ROWLEY TiMfriMl 0"""". <*• ff - **• ■•■ '«* J. aVMIIVI AV WliEll, All0 Btnlg , r Bilm „„,„, Fttmn N . , For Bhow Parades, Horse and Pony Acta, Advertising Pur- poses, etc.. Bend for price list. Msnufactured by M. 80UAEMBB, Htm Metropolitan Ave., ilrooklyn, N. Y. 522 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Juki no. MOVING PICTURE t Picture ] ROOF $l44. NOW K,r EUROPEAN Model PATHE NO. 2 We With to Notify Our Customers and Friends, That We have Suspended the Sale of the Moving Picture Machine, PATHE EXHIBITION MODEL wl Tr AOA » NE8 THIS MODEL HAVING MOT COME UP TO OUR EXPECTATIONS, Wl HAVE CANCELLED ALL STANDING ORDERS WITH THE MANUFACTURER WHICH lg THE LEADING MOVING) PICTURE. MACHINE IN EUROPE AND IN SOUTH AMERICA. WHITE POE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. MARRIAGE OF PRINCESS ENA AND THE KING QF SPAIN PATHE NEW YORK: 42 E. 231 St. ■ 1 FEET FILMS ARE PHOTOGRAPHICALLY MNER AND STEADIER THAN AHY OTHER FILMS t CINE CHICAGO: '9 35 Randolph St, MAHLER BROS. 517 and 519 SIXTH AVE. LEADING THEATR ICAL UNDERWEAR HOUSE OF AMERICA. INCULTT 0UTFITTEE8 TO TU PR0FE88M HEW ISD IfiUSSD A880BTIR9T8 H All OUB DEPUHEm Cloaks, Suits, Waists, Millinery, Gloves aid Muslin Underwear Shoe Dept. Orlfuuton of our luou Hurt Vtmp 8hoM for Btaff* and 8 tr eel wear. Eittmatos flew given on Quantity orders. Complete Stocks. Up to Date Style*. -'— bla Lowail Cuh Prices for Daalrabla Footwoa-r. SPECIAL MAKE-UP BOXM_ Hide from the very beat tin, are blaok enameled. Espe- cially made for professional oae, oaTtng a tray with com- partment*, for Greaae Painia, Powders, Domband „ Brash, Win, Etc., Etc doable teflon look, with two iters, a;. 39c. Our COLD CREAM, expressly prepared for the The atrlcal Profeuion, guaranteed to be absolutely para sod never become ranold In any climate. Put op In ponsJ screw Top Tin Cam at *3c . i half pound at »5c. I AMPLER OF CRK AM SEBfT FREE. All mall ordera muit be accompanied by money order None lent 0. O. D. Oau stew Theatrical Catalofjmt Nat Ira* apia raqaast. r-MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES— i FROM TIE $50,000,000 ST, LOUIS WORLD'S Fill Wi Bought the Great SI. Louis Exposition, and oiler you all triads of Supplies at Very Low Prices NEW STRIP TICKETS 15,000,000 Tlcketi, printed for oae at tbe Exposition that have never been need; pal op 2,000 to a roll; onnaecntlvely numbered. Denom- inations: 2c, 16c, 35o, 60o and Complimentary. Different colors. Price per thoosand, In small quantities ISo. la Iota of M.OOO lSe INCANDESCENT LAMPS ¥5S°£gillfll Theso lamps camo from the Bxpoalon, and were need, bot are tested and sre serrloeable. They are elgbt candle power, 100 to 110 voltage; put up 250 In a barrel, price each 0a Id small quantities, each Oc 100,000 time aa above, brand new. In full case lota, each- - 1 Oc .10,000 new, IS candle power lamps, each- lie M5.0O0 Inoandescent Limps, need, natural colors, rub». . green, amber and opal. Are tested and are serviceable. 1 Price eacb 10c 20,000 same aa above, brand new, price each Buc 5,000 HARDWOOD FOLDING CHAIRS made of seaaooed hardwood, with the best malleable Iron fitting*; simple la construction. Strong, durable and oomfortable. Will not warp; are far superior to any other make; brand nsw. Price, In dosen Iota 96.00 SPECIAL PRICE ON LARGE QUANTITIES I y OOO UNI FOR MS Kahkl, gl.GU Bine Serge, S5.00 Write for our special 801-page Catalogue No. J 678. It contains a com- plete Hit of all kloda of Electrical Supplies, general amusement material snob as you are constantly purchaatng. We have for lale Fire Hoic, all kinds of Fire-fighting Apparatus', Electrical Supplies. Flag's, Bunting. Furniture, Household floods, Commissary Supplies, Plumbing; Material, Machinery, and In fact everything "under the inn." We are constantly baying material at Hherlffa' and ReeeTvere' Boles* CHICAGO HOUSE WRECKIMC CO.. 35th A Iron Streets, CHICAGO NEORESCOU HAIR C 10* STATE ST. CHICAGO Oth FLOOR. TEBATfilCAL WI6S. Ourapeclalty la valne for your money at one naif the price others ask for the e»me goods. Perfect satisfaction aaaranteed or your money back. On receipt of ftl.OO depaalt we will aend goodaC. O.D., subject to ti« ml nation. Remember the Name and the Plaoe. CATALOG FREE. NECRESCOU HAIR CO., 168 STATE BT„ CHICAGO. 5th FLO OR. ACETYLENEBURNXR. ' The CRESCENT BURNERS. WE CAN HELP YOU. your >ortraiH+iia sizeend srylo. 31.00 LETTERHEADS HEPALDS I 24 I 21...,^.. .^.. ...... T.JO nil PR0FES8IONAI 6.66 «*•» 12 I 20 x 22. 14 i 21 I 28. 10 X 22 I 24. 18 X 28 I 28. 40 x 28 x 28. IBONCLAIX JB.OO D.80 10.00 10.W 11C5 ...... _F5 r Pxrtlralar. ud ILlMtr.llona, Reoue.t CUlogue, „_,. „, WMSBj rEDME AMP EH CO„ leTcoloilbul Aresu, PHILAPBLTBIA. PA CENTRAL TRUNKS. JS'fe'LWv**"-. »•■«>: 80l».,»».80i Slln.. M0.60 : 401n., 812.50. ClrTranxs,24«i.*.JJ; .. »10. i. Lit! inside, » 15.0}. Km Bill Trunto, 80x28x15, Inside. 612.00. Lltho Tronli. 42HxM),xl3. InslJe, »•»•"* 81II0NB 4 CO., CEKTHAL TBTJNg FACTOE^, Est 1864 aW.coi 7tl »nl Arch S"- ' ""^ M£ mOFESSIONAX TRUNKS, YOU tCIMO'^ TIM tnoBii PROFESSIONAL TBTOK U rlBRf.^JjJ .Ldontaldot TlattOeBAL Prore»lonslTr=: i w JlLuit ud nrasiMt tnuU on eanb I Send to. .»»• siu'U" u« w. wu St. > '• JUNE 80. THE NEW YORK CUPPER. 523 WA N T E D THAT USED IK ANT HANKER, SHAPE OR FORK, THE SONG it 99 TO WRITE US AT ONCE FOR A COPY AND ORCHESTRATION OF if H STARS T H STRIPES AND YOU 11 Words by GEO. J. GREEN and EDW. P. KORAN. Manic by JUSTIN WHEELER. BY FAR THE BE8T MARCH BALLAD OF IT8 KIND WRITTEN SINCE THE ONE MENTIONED ABOVE. READ THIS OMORUS AND BK OONVINOKD : For the stars and the stripes and you, sweetheart, And so Is Old C lory too. I've been called and I must go j I go with the boys In blue, It's time dear to part—Cood-bye, Sweetheart, I must do my share you know You are near to me, you are dear to me, Your soldier will be true, For the stars and the stripes and you. Pa IMDnDTMIT Til II I IIOTDATCn OfllJP OlaJPCDQ slides are now eeins made by de witt c. wheeler for this sons and will very . 0. — I m rUn I fill I IU ILLUO.lif.lLU OUHU 0lllUl.no — shortly be beady, they will make your audience sn up m i ell , ss.oo per set. FREES- -Profeiaioial Ctplei and Orcnsstratloni. to R«c gnlierj Performers or thoie Sending Dp-to-Dato Pretrial- -NO CARDS, M. WITMARK cfe SONS, Publishers. WITMARK BUIIDINC, 144-146 W. 37th STREET, NEW YORK. LOOK FOR THE BEE HIVE CLOCK TOWER. MONEY EXHIBITING MOTION PICTURES maze a fortune with edison coin-slot machines. If you want to accumulate wealth quickly, start a penny arcade and amusement parlor. Edison Coin-Slot Machines fascinate and draw the crowd and the pennies. Run automatically by electricity. Write to ui to-day for full information. NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CO., 64 Lakeside Avenue, Orange, N. J. PEERLESS COIN DPERATED GOLD MEDAL & HIGHEST AWARDS BUFFALO ISQI.ST.LQUIS ISO-r.PORTLAND I9D5. fl t> < ROTH MNGELHMT 2-E-37 T -i! Bt. N."yVGit y WANTED,for MILDRED & ROUCLERE IN THE FLIGHT OF PEISCESS IRIS, TWO 600D NOVELTY ACTS AND SINGLE SPECIALTY TO WORK IN ONE, CAN ALSO USE REFINED SKETCH TEAM. SEASON OPENS OCT, 15. Address, by letter only, JOHN M. b ICKEY, Manager Mildred A Rouclere, Room file, No. 1402 Broadway, N. Y. City. Efi fill; eons TO EUROPE To apply for lowest rates at PAUL f AUSIQ'S EXCHAKGE OFFICE, 104 East 14th St., New Tore, German Sarin gi Bat k Building. Telephone, 30W OramercT. Cable ad- dress, siaaesla:. All printed matter and inf. free. SAVE YOURSELF FROM DEATH Rr"««£ v Bay a ROPE fire ESi'APE; It can be carried Is a trunk, and can be attached Instantly In your mora, so FEKT. PRICE. *A Used by the ProfeBsioa throughout tbe United States. Address THE PElt FECr SAFETY WINDOW Ol'ARD, No. 007 Flatlron Bntldlng, New York, WHY DO YOU NOT GOME BACK TO ME, LOVE ? New Ballad _ FIRESIDE MDBIC CO-. _ Professional Copy for stamp and late program. Beautiful waits chorus captures everybody. Send 25c. for copy, to Box 175, Wilklnsburg Station, Desk A, PlttibLrg, Pa. WIGS WILLIAM HEFNER WIG CO., LE.VDISO WIO MAKERS. Largest stock In America. wigs made to order. Foil line of palnta. powders and cold cream. Send for catalogue "C," to either place. 1M WEsrscth St.. N. Y.£Cnlcago Opera Home Block, ChJcago. HAVE YOUR MUSIC PUBLISHED BY US. Send ns a good poem, a good melody or a complete) work, We nave no favorite writers. All get equal treatment anil consulerailon. All letters answered promptly. PIOREBR MUSIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, 7M> «linh»ttan Bldf ., CHICAGO. Soubrette FROM ORIGINAL DESIGNS, M0.O0 .ltd Im.OO. Send for band colored plates and measnrement card, staling color preferred. WOLFF, FORDING A CO.. 65 Eliot St., BoMon, Ian. GUVERNATOR'S MAMMOTH THEATRE, ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY. W *■'■■■■ ill klm i, Proprl de of Feat RID FERlf, Manager. No act too large for this house. Address all to BIO FERN, Manager. II LOWEST PRICES. 30c. per lOO. Our 1906 STREET- MEN'S CATALOGUE It now reidy tor dlstrlbu- tion. Wrllt lor It lo- dty. You cannot afford to bo without • copy. Nallod free. LEVIN BROS., HM3 M. SIXTH BTOBBT. TKRRE HAPTB, WD. iEST. 18S6 ) CROSs^- r*rtOUS - THE WORLD OVER THEATRICAL PRINTING & ENGRAVING Stationery, Tickets, Contract*. Cards. etc Book of Cuts. 20c Stage Money 15c Trick Cards 5c Set of 12 Pictorial POST CARDS 16c. .UNIFORMS BAM, KILITABT. HIKSTREL OUTFIT! aMITAl COS., IS3E6S And All Other. Sell fir UTJLK. ttittoi DM lute. Special Atleitlu Clvti (It Pr»feiil« Western Uniform Go. ' 2>4 a. cum »t. cHicAae CYLIMDER PIIKO ORGANS. New and second band, salt- able for Street Bbows, Merry Go 'Round, Shooting Galleries and Skating Rlnka. CYLINDER MARKING A SPECIALTY, G. Ml A, fl First St., New Tork. JUST OUT, 124 PAfiE ILLUSTRATED MAGIC CATALOGUE, 26c ; SCF. CATAL., tic. None free. Only N. K. Agent for Mahatma. 10c w D. LKHOY. 10.1 Court St.. Boston. Slum. BLOOD POISON FOR MORE.THAN TWENTY YEARS we have made the cure of Blood Poison a specialty. Blood Poison Permanently Cured. You can be treated at home tmuer wme guaranty, capital IMO.OW. We solicit the mont obstinate canes. If you hare ex- hausted the old methods of treatment and still have aches and palnn, Mucus Patches In Mouth,BoreThioat,l*lmplcn, Copper-Colored Spou, L'lceri on any part of the body. Hair or Eyebrows falling out, write fwi proof* of cures, loo-page Book Free. COOK REMEDY CO., 1111 MatoilcTtmpli. Chicago, HL.U.g.A, FILMS. FILMS. FILMS. PARK MANAGERS that wish first class Moving Picture Servlcr, with Machine and Operator (or with out), Moving Picture and SUreoptlcon Supplier or all kinds, write Tor |.itrtli:ul«rn anil list of Filn Rental. P. J. dOWAltl), Ui Washington St , upp. Adanm Iloime, Huston, Mass. ESTABLISHED IN IBM. FILMS FOR RENT THE INTER-OCEAN FILE EXCHANGE, OLD INTER-OCEAN BUM* D.»rb.r» and HI .ill.on ma.. Chle.g.. SAN FRANCISCO BCSKS. IS PAGES AND COVER. UEAl'TIFLLLY II.Ll HTRATEO. SPLENDIDLY WRITTEN:. KltlKLV POINTED OH GOOD PAPER. SAMPLE, lOa. I.OOO IO.OO IB.OO with erdaar. HENNECAN ACQ., Cincinnati, O. THE THE CHEAT ENGLISH VAUDKVILL.B FAPEIt. cw. 40 1 Strand, Ijondon, *W". O. FOREIGN SI HSdllPTIIIVS a*. «d, PER YEAR PROFESSIONAL, ADVERTISE JIENTS, - Sla. 0,1., Kln.l.. C.ilunin Inili NKW YORK CORRKSPUNDEh'T ASH REP.. IDA CARLE, OJFIUK, TO« ST, JAMHS 1IL1HI., Where HflvertliemeDU will be received. (Joplex on file. DaziaiV onum NOW AT 142-144 W, 44th ST. (Hear Broadway), NEW YORK. THEATRICAL COSTUMES AND SUPPLIES, EVERY UEIU'IBITE FOR THE STAGE, IK.fB FOR C ATALOOl'E. THE PIANOVA COMPANY UANTJFACTDREB8 OF SELF PLAYING PIANOS WITT! OB WITHOUT 8LOT ATTACHMENTS. WniTB roil CATALOGUE AND PBIO LIST. 117-125 CTI'tlESB AVB„ NEW YORK CITT. WANTED, for CLEMENT STOCK CO. REPERTOIRE PEOPLE, ALL LINES. Poaittvelr ratiBt foe al,lc to act. Thoae doing flpcclaltle. preferred. Ixjng aeaaon to right people. Pull parllcolarti first letter. Manage™ In New England lend open time. H llllllE JENKINS. 04 N.l.im Ar... Sur.tcga SprluKI, It. Y. COLUMBTJ3, OHIO, 0LENTAN6Y PI. THEATRE AND MB GARDEN, 1 Will open for season of elRhteen weeka on Sunday. May IS. with man UI.ASS VADUKVILLE. Tttli Is the finest theatre In any park In America, and will play the very beat la vaudeville. ~" .*-_,,„,„ THE BAL PROFESSIONAL TRUNK IttOITNSRjNAJ. HmidDotumiK.nntllBllU/tltANTKKUI.rltimalc.r. nwiaivnn. Ill.ll.ht In weliht. Thli l> lliotrunk thaktlHteepIr f TklllaJl/C , tbeothermanufacturcranieiHirifr.SL.ii'l furc.talo.'u,; 514 THE NJHW YORK OIaTPPER. June 30 S. LUBIN ! life wotToVpict ui haghiwYsIfilms I p fll?H!J* SSD WEDDING OF THE USD KINGand QUEEN orSPAIM These pictures are GUARANTEED ORIGINAL FILMS OF THE WEDDING CEREMONIES OF THE KING OF SPAIN WITH PRINCESS ENA OF RATTENBERG. THE CRURCH SCENE IS ABSOLUTELY EXCLUSIVE. The pictures are beautiful in photography and first class in every respect MONEY REFUNDED IF NOT AS REPRESENTED. 425ft. $5 1 .00 VENGEANCE 18 MINE, tJXS^&SSSasSi 450ft. 849.50 A FRESH BATH, OR THE TRIPPER TRIPPED, y»r«MiT ME AND MY TWO PAL8, : T& ?££" a,m wlu ' 130ft. 310ft. 14.30 34.10 BLACKMAILING THE MOTORISTS, Am fxrerdlng fanny plctmrs full of lite. 200ft. 22.00 THE OLYMPIC GAMES AT ATHENS, GREECE, V, here the Americana outrlnif d all ether nation, of tho world. WE HAVE 4,000 FEET TO SELECT FROM, lie PER TOOT. Our 1906 "MARVEL" EXPOSITION MODEL is acknowledged to be the most perfect MOVING PICTURE MACHINE. Our improvements are of such great importance that nobody will buy any other make of Moving Picture Machines after having seen our I so EXPOSITION MOP THE HIGHEST GRADE AWD HOST COMPLETE OUTFIT. u. This outfit Complete, INCLUDING TOP AND BOTTOM TAKE-UP DEVICE, ELECTRIC LAMP, FIREPROOF ADJUSTABLE RHEOSTAT for direct or alternating current, ALSO CALCIUM LIGHT LAMP. FIREPROOF FILM BOXES for Top and Bottom Rewinder $20 EXTRA. E7EBT FLU 8D AB A5TEED OBISIH AL. No. 6. PAN. FROM NOB HILL 1 26ft. 7. PAN. OP CHINATOWN .... 66ft> 8. PAN. OP ST. FRANCIS HOTEL • 70ft. 9. THIEVES IN CAMP, Golden Cate Park • 65ft. 10. REFUGEES IN GOLDEN CATE PARK • iSOft. 11. FUN AMONG THE REFUGEES ... 70ft. 18. PAN. 8AN FRANCISCO IN FIRE AND SMOKE 200ft. 13. FIR8T TROLLEY AFTER THE EARTHQUAKE 90ft. 1 4. DOOMED CITY, Showing Falling Houses c 1 soft. IB. REFUGEES ON MARKET STREET • - :') ISOft. 18. WATERFRONT REFUGEES LEAVINC SAN ' FRANCI8CO - - 100ft. 17. ARRIVAL OF REFUGEES AT OAKLAND • 140ft. 18. FEEDINC CHINESE 40ft. 10. PAN. FROM TELECRAPH HILL - - - 85ft. 00. EFFECT OF EARTHQUAKE - • • - 75ft. 21. PAN. OF MARKET 8TREET BEFORE THE FIRE 400ft. 22. GOING TO THE FIRE, Showing Chief Sullivan, Kffes Was Killed During the Earthquake. - 120ft. PIl^MS 11 CBKTS PBK FOOT. HA ALSO 100 SLIDES NOW READY. >*K All Our Films Class A. Price, 11 Cents Per Foot. Our Beautifully Illustrated Catalogues Free of Charge. VITAGRAPi 12 Coots a Foot. THE NEW COMIC NOVELTY ALL ABOARD! OR FUNNY EPISODES IN A STREET GAR. 50 GREAT BIO UAVOU9. The Comedy Conductor, the Hebrew sad the old transfer, the Boy with toe bagof ejrgi and the Dude who e Its on them (Oh, what aanrpriiei), the Gouty old Gent, the Tough, Girlind the Pretty Girl, the Stout Lady and the Thin Man who offers her a seat (six inches wide.) All these comical folks chase the two Pickpockets who steal a diamond pin. Out of one car Into another, in at the back and ont at the front, down tbe street, into and through car after car, friglileQinft and astonishing the passengers, dashing, lumping, scrambling, colliding, "butting In" and "buttlng"out again. Tbe greatest, funniest, wildest chase you have ever Been. l-r TtHBE FILM JUST Ol THE AUDIE.YCE WILL DO THE REST, LENGTH, RESECT. The Prospectors A Drama of the Gold Fields. ONE BIC SENSATIONAL HIT. LENGTH, - - - 770 FEET- LOVE versus TITLE The Original, Unique Elopement aid Marriage Id i Speeding Aulomoblle, LEIMOTH, - - 720 FEET. SAN FRANGISGO EARTHQUAKE 1000 Feet of GENUINE Films. Universally Acknowledged by Exhibitor*, Dealer, and tlo Publio to be the ONLY 'Frlioo Picture*. SOLD IIM ANT UKNOTM. 9PCOIAL R. R. PANORAMAS FOR HALE'S TOURS. WRITE roil CATALOGUE. THE YITABRAPH GOMPArlY OF AMERICA, lie NASSAU ST., NEW YORK. TELEPHONE, ,v,l» DEEKHAN, CABLE ADDRESS, "VITAORAPH." SELilNQ AOENTS: KLEINS OPTICAL CO., tH4IU.ES T ta B«ata St,, Chicago, 111 . , «» Km URBAN TRADING CO., I tpert St., Leadoa, Eeg. FILMS FOR RENT CHICAGO HEADQUARTERS FOR PICTURE MACHINES I n Btuttn st, nuiia. FILMS FOR RENT IF YOU WANT GOOD FILM THAT 18 IN CON* DITION TO U8E AFTER YOU GET IT LET US SEND IT TO YOU. MTIOIML FILM RENTIHG 60. •I N. Clark St., CHICAGO, ILL. MOVING s l-i A NO -i- FILMS. WE BAITOVACITRB STEREOPTIGONS, MAGIC LANTERNS ELECTRIC AND LIME LIGHT BURNERS And Other Accessories, WE ABE CHUBBAL SBLLIHQ AOESTS ma The Power Cameragraph Edison Kinetoscope BIOGRAPH IMrvIVIS VITAGRAPH EMT/LVIS PATHB5 FIX/LVIS EDISON PIJvMS AU FHnu at 12 Cents Per Foot Except Edison Class A, Which Are 15 Cents. LATEST SUBJECTS ALWAYS IN STOCK. Kleine Lenses for Picture Machines Cover the Whole Range of Practical Projection. 52 STATE ST. I Opposite Masonic TfcWU CHICAGO. ILL. | _Itw Tsrk IMrtM, 127-121 W. 33d ST. omLoenn fbce. Scanned from microfilm from the collection of Q. David Bowers Coordinated by the Media History Digital Library www.mediahistoryproject.org Funded by Q. David Bowers and Kathryn Fuller- Seeley